#winterironshield bang
WIS RB 2020 - 8th team posting
TITLE: This is a Gift (It Comes with a Price)
AUTHOR: @aurumacadicus
ARTIST: @saganarojanaolt
RELATIONSHIPS/CHARACTERS: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers, James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
MAIN TAGS: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Magic, Fairy Tale Curses, Kidnapping, Riddles, Implied/Referenced Torture, Near Death Experiences, True Love's Kiss, Identity Porn
SUMMARY: Steve and Bucky are cursed to only spend their nights together; if Bucky is seen by Steve, he has to return to Hydra, as per his curse. One fateful day, Steve is tricked into seeing Bucky, so Bucky returns to Hydra. Steve is not going to take his husband being stolen from him lying down, so he goes on an adventure to free Bucky, where he meets a man with red and gold armor who offers to help him.
LINK TO ART: Fairy Tale
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striving-artist · 5 years
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On The Wire
When Natasha gets a phone call from an old acquaintance, it’s a race against time to stop a catastrophe.
My gift to the absolutely phenomenal @sierranovembr​ for this year’s WinterIronShield Bang. Her work is always poignant and layered and heart-wrenching, and this one goes above and beyond. And she absolutely enables my angsty little heart. 
Go! Read!
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My artwork for WinterIronShield Bang with my lovely partner @roe-sesandthorns
She wrote a lovely story, Let Me Keep What’s Mine
When Tony finally finds his boyfriend of three months after a week of radio silence, he’s expecting everything but the fact that James was a victim of a mugging gone wrong, causing him to lose his memory of the past five years. He has no memory of Tony at all, nothing other than what he might have seen in the tabloids and believes he’s still in love with his childhood friend (and ex-boyfriend Steve). Steve: who is actually an amazing, heart-stoppingly gorgeous guy whom Tony is finding it so, so hard to hate but stands at the risk of falling for instead.
If it weren’t killing him every minute, Tony would think he’s caught up in the plot of a spanish telenovela.
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hazeinart · 5 years
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The Inexhaustible Variety of Life by @rinnwrites
“ Tony Stark and Pepper Potts are American theatre royalty. Their success as a producer/director duo is unmatched, especially when paired with the creative genius of Bucky Barnes. The three of them have proven an unstoppable force, but a messy falling out between Bucky and Tony has kept them from collaborating again. When Bucky needs the perfect team to bring his rendition of The Great Gatsby to life, he tries to set aside old drama to recreate the magic, but it might take Broadway newcomer Steve Rogers to step into the lead role and bring them together again. “
I am really tired but this is a masterpiece and I want you all guys to read this! This is an amazing piece which is different than a lot of the WinterIronShield I have ever read! And it is a great different!!! <3 Another good read for Valentines Day!!!
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acastleintheair · 5 years
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Small Town Boy
My contribution for @bill-longbow’s amazing fic for the @winterironshieldbang ! The fic starts out with Tony on a train platform and I guess that imagery stuck with me.
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chaosdraws · 5 years
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A whistle of a thrown knife was the only warning he got, but Tony summoned the armor, which deflected the blade before it even reached its target.  The armor pieced itself together around him.  He caught his helmet as it flew towards him and tucked it under one arm. 
“If you haven’t guessed it by now, I can make it clearer.  I am the Iron Knight.”
Art for The First Captain, the Iron Knight, and the Winter Sorcerer by Haunted_Frost for the @winterironshieldbang
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menatiera · 5 years
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Full picture embedded in the fic!
Chapters: 1/1 Wordcount: 5K Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers & Tony Stark Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Angels & Demons, Pre-Slash, Fallen Angels, Demons, Demon!Steve Rogers, Fallen!Bucky Barnes, Angel!Tony Stark, King of Hell Steve Rogers, look this is basically the setup of this universe, it will be a series, Enemies to Lovers, Enemies to Friends, reluctant alliance, it'll be a long way to each characters to reach their peak gay, they'll get there eventually just not in this fic, Hopeful Ending, hints of past mistreatment, Steve acting like he's tough and bad but he's a softie, Steve Rogers POV, implied abuse/torture that never happens Series: Part 1 of Falling to your place Summary:
"The angel looked around with obvious disdain on their expression, until their gaze fell upon the throne. Their face fell and their eyes darkened, and anger radiated from them in sickening waves, almost like in sync with the uproar their presence got out of the crowd.
Bucky yelped, and Steve gripped his hair. The situation was tense enough without his newest demon to make it worse.
"An unwanted visit from an upper cousin, what a surprise," Steve said, his voice sharp as a cut. The murmurs from the rows of demons fell silent immediately. They knew better than to try to talk over their King. "What do you want?"
Steve didn't expect any of the events to happen, but he had no complains.
Our entry to the 2019 Winterironshield Bang! Fic by @menatiera (me) and gorgeous artwork by the talented @lilianox7! 
Full picture embedded in the fic!
Guys please welcome this fic and praise Lilia because she deserves it, her artwork is magnificent and she had been absolutely patient with me and my difficulties during this Bang.
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latelierderiot · 6 years
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My (first) art for the @winterironshieldbang, I was paired with the fantastic @striving-artist ♥
It may rip your hearts out, but it’s so SO worth it♥ Go read it, it’s amazing♥♥
The path beneath your feet
A Star fell, and in its wake, Soulmarks appeared. Smaller than a person’s palm, centered over their sternum, and a greater risk than when the Stars gave mankind Guilt, the Marks were to be Humanity’s eternal guides. The gift gave the Stars a way to direct their children. The Stars would watch, and wait to see what a person needed in their life. They waited to see what would bring them the greatest joy, then they could give them a token to find that path and keep them true. *** All three share a Mark.
But Steve and Bucky have each other.
And Tony has Iron Man.
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novarainart · 6 years
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WinterIronShield Bang: Super-Soldier Snuggle
Steve and Bucky making a Tony sandwich while cuddling in bed together.
Experimenting with the arc reactor glow (specifically the reflection off of skin and metal) and Bucky’s facial hair. Bucky’s arm was definitely a labor of love and I’m enjoying how it came out. :3
Ink on printer paper. Digitally colored.
*Not my original characters.
Fic on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/WISBangUltimateCollection/works/13695336
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crystallized-iron · 7 years
WinterIronShield Bang
Just a quick reminder to everyone, the deadline for the @winterironshieldbang is coming up fast!
January 2-4:
3rd Mandatory check-in for Authors and Artists: drafts due – both story & art
(story must reach the minimal 10.000 wordcount)
The last opportunity for Artists to drop out with no penalty.
January 5:
Posting sign-ups open (CET 4PM)
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WIS RB 2020 - 4th team posting
TITLE: Pictures of You (Pictures of Me)
AUTHOR: @aurumacadicus/reioka ARTIST: @343EnderSpark RELATIONSHIPS/CHARACTERS: Steve/Bucky/Tony
RATING: Teen and up
MAIN TAGS: Reincarnation, Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Compliant, Fix-It, Alien Invasion, But Like A Small One, Artist Steve Rogers, Mechanic Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes as Captain America
WARNINGS: Major/Temporary Character Death
SUMMARY: It’s been nearly five decades since the fight with Thanos. Bucky has taken the mantle of Captain America once Sam retired, and leads the current team of Avengers. Twenty-five year-old Grant Bishop-Chavez is a popular fan artist who makes his living off Avengers art, though he favors Bucky, Tony and Steve art the most. Twenty-three year-old Mark Kim is a young mechanic who spends nearly half his income commissioning Grant because every time he sees a piece of his art, he feels like Grant is painting his dreams. Once they realize they both live in New York City, they become fast friends, nearly inseparable. One fateful day, Bucky’s path crosses the young men’s path and feels like he’s seen ghosts from his past.
A/N: So, to be clear, and warning of CHARACTER DEATH: Steve and Tony both die in the final battle, and these are their reincarnated selves. Steve is Grant, and Tony is Mark. It’s still Steve and Tony, just with different names! *cough*And less PTSD.*cough cough*
LINK TO ART: Moodboard!
LINK TO STORY: Pictures of You (Pictures of Me)
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striving-artist · 5 years
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Art for antigrav_vector’s WinterIronShield bang fic, 
Accidental Rescues (and Fateful Decisions)
They create these stunning moments of place that are so engaging, I must have tagged a dozen scenes and moments and visuals that I wanted to draw. These three just ended up being the ones that begged to be done. 
And come on, who can say no to Sentinel/Guide Stuckony stories, right? 
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juuls · 7 years
Started my @winterironshieldbang project tonight and I got 409 words in -- the opening scene! (At least so far.) I brainstormed a few scenes past it, so I’ll say it counts as close enough for my 500 words today. :P I’m excited to have started this story and I’m really excited about the concept I’m using for it! Can’t wait to share it with everyone when the time comes. ^_^ Well that’s all for me for tonight, hopefully I’ll have a chapter of Cross edited for you and posted tomorrow! <3 Nighty night! xoxo
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hazeinart · 5 years
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“One call out to investigate a disturbance at the cemetery changes everything, and maybe, just maybe, gives them all a second chance. Love doesn't stop for anyone or anything, not even death.”
Just our hands (clasped so tight) by @daeshikoba
It’s painfully GOOD! I hope you guys decide to spend your time reading this and I’m going to tell you now that THIS IS TOTALLY WORTH YOUR TIME!
**for some reasons I can’t tag dae so I just linked their tumblr**
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seven-oomen · 7 years
Current wc for the winterironshield bang: 1345, on the right track!
Wrote 1909 words today, doing good!
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chaosdraws · 5 years
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Bucky licked his lips as Steve grabbed a shirt, lifting those glorious arms so he could put it over his head. It felt like some kind of slow-motion movie where the love interest just slowly did some kind of sexy move.
My contribution to this years Winterironshield bang for @ mortenavida's wonderful secret identity au! Featuring, 'I'm a deadly sniper but oh look plants' Bucky, 'I'm too sexy for my shirt' Firefighter Steve, "yep that's my bodyguard Iron man. Def not ke in disguise" Tony.
“I didn’t expect you here,” Steve said as he pulled the (tight -- it was really tight) shirt over his chest. “It’s a nice surprise, though.”
So! Check it 0ut!! A Taste of Ice and Iron mortenavida
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