#willie ortega
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littlecloud19-blog · 3 months ago
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Showing off your hobbies to your (ghost) crush
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mercer-brekker-castiel · 2 years ago
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So I did a very silly thing with the Barbie selfie generator today
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legolasghosty · 16 days ago
Another Stray
WELL BECAUSE THIS AU WASN'T COMPLICATED ENOUGH, here's another random thing my brain added to it! More for the JatP on Ice AU (except there's no ice in this one sorry).
TW for referenced/implied past character death (very minor but it's there).
Willie fumbles around for his house key as he clambers out of the car in the dingy glow of the light above the garage door. Any hope that their siblings had gone to bed is dashed by the TV glow seeping through the living room blinds. Fuego always turns it off once there aren’t any minors lurking around, claiming it rots his teeth. 
But no voices respond to his soft call when he steps inside. 
“Carly? Jaden?” Willie tries again, a bit louder. A creeping fear - one that is becoming more familiar with every passing week since the crash - steals up his arms, heading for his rib cage. Where are they?!
Willie checks the living room, then the kitchen. No one. Not even Fuego, whose car is still parked out on the street.
“Will, there you are!”
As if the thought had summoned him, Fuego appears at Willie’s side from the dining room, jacket pulled over his shoulders. Willie lets out a tiny sigh of relief.
“You’d better get out here,” Fuego continues without giving Willie room to speak. “She’s not letting me close, you always were better with these things.”
The chill in Willie’s body turns to solid ice. Carly. “What happened?!” they demand as they hurry past the coach and into the dining room. The back door is open and the porch light shows the outlines of both of Willie’s siblings crouched on the grass.
“Willie shush!” Jaden hisses as Willie stumbles on the steps.
“You’re going to scare her!” Carly agrees, throwing out a hand as if to stop him from coming closer.
Wait. What? Who?
“Scare who?” Willie manages, head spinning from the emotional whiplash at the end of a long day.
Jaden shushes him again and points. Now that Willie is outside (and not panicking), he can make out a small shadow standing in the grass a few feet from his siblings. They catch pointed ears, glassy eyes, and the flick of a long, fluffy tail before the reality of the situation sets in.
Willie has privately been calling her Cassandra, or Cassie for short, for the past couple of weeks the stray cat has been lurking around their backyard. And look, they know you’re not supposed to feed strays. Or leave food out where raccoons and squirrels can get it. But he could only be so strong against an exhausted stray sweetheart huddled up against the house to get out of the rare Los Angeles rain they’ve been getting. And he’s been trying to clean out all the junk in the garage and there just happened to be an old bag of cat food. So maybe Willie had put a bit out when he could be sure Cassie was the only one who would get it.
“Is she okay?” Willie murmurs, joining his siblings in the grass.
Carly shakes her head, holding out a bowl of water toward the tired tortoiseshell. “I think she’s pregnant,” she whispers.
Willie bites their lower lip to keep from swearing. He glances back over his shoulder to see Fuego standing on the step. The retired skater shrugs helplessly.
“We have to help her,” Jaden mumbles, fingers finding Willie’s wrist. When Willie turns to face him, his eyes are wide and glistening. “She’s like us.”
Carly shakes her head. “No, cause she’s a mom without a home. We’re the kids without a home.”
Willie figures there’s some rule about not taking in stray animals. Frankly, he can’t bring himself to care. They’re all going to be home for each other, at least if he has anything to say about it. “Stay here for a second,” he tells his siblings.
Fuego steps aside to let Willie rush inside and retrieve the cat food from the garage. He pours a bit into a plastic bowl and returns to the yard.
“Here Cassie,” they call softly, crouching down and shaking the bowl so the kibbles rattle around.
The cat’s ears flick in his direction and Willie leans a bit further out to set the bowl down. 
“Where did that come from?” Carly asks.
“You named her?!” Jaden cries.
“The garage, and… yeah kinda?” Willie admits. “I mean it’s just a filler. I didn’t think she’d… actually stick around.”
Cassandra does seem interested in sticking around though, at least long enough to try the food she’s sniffing at. She’s a bit further into the light now. Willie can see what his siblings must have seen before: a heavy, rounded belly.
“We should get her to a vet,” Willie mumbles, half to himself. “Make sure she’s healthy and stuff.”
“Are they going to take her away?” Jaden questions, voice much smaller than his 11 years.
Willie shakes his head quickly. “Absolutely not. Unless she has another family. But I doubt it.”
Carly reaches out a hand and Cassandra backs up for a moment, then sniffs at it. Carly giggles. Willie is pretty sure he hasn’t heard that sound since the crash.
“Jay,” Willie whispers, “go inside and grab that big Costco box from the other day, I think it’s still by the recycle.”
Jaden nods and darts off. Willie inches over as the cat starts nuzzling carefully at Carly’s fingers. 
It takes a fair amount of coaxing and cat food, but the three of them manage to lure their little friend into the cardboard box. Willie lifts it and takes her to their car, murmuring quietly the whole time in an attempt to keep both the feline and himself calm. Carly googles a nearby 24 hour vet clinic as she takes the front seat and Jaden supplies Cassie with food in the back.
If Willie is totally honest, they can barely remember the rest of the night. But by the end of it, they have a couple of prescriptions, a can of chicken wet food, and a very pregnant cat exploring the garage.
Thank goodness he doesn’t have work in the morning.
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shortnfuckinsweet · 2 days ago
I love LGBTQIA+ rep in media! 🌈
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jatp-scrapbook · 2 years ago
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the boys messing around in their shared apartment, taken by a smiling bobby
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phantomwriter95 · 4 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Julie and The Phantoms (TV 2020) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alex Mercer/Willie (Julie and The Phantoms), Reggie Peters/Bobby Shaw | Trevor Wilson, Julie Molina/Luke Patterson, Flynn Taylor/Carrie Wilson Characters: Alex Mercer (Julie and The Phantoms), Willie (Julie and The Phantoms), Luke Patterson (Julie and The Phantoms), Reggie Peters (Julie and The Phantoms), Bobby Shaw | Trevor Wilson, Carrie Wilson, Flynn Taylor, Caleb Covington, Carlos Molina, Ray Molina, Rose Molina Additional Tags: Bobby Shaw is Not Trevor Wilson, Everyone Is Alive, Good Caleb Covington Series: Part 3 of Julie and the Lifeguards Summary:
It's summer time at the Hollywood Pool Club, the gang is all here, and love is in the air! Time for the highly anticipated Willex meet-cute!
Part three of a collection of fics from my alive AU where Sunset Curve + Willie work at the HPC, the country club owned by the (not evil, just eccentric) Caleb Covington, and where Julie and Flynn spend their time during the summer break. Fics will be cute, fluff filled stories featuring various couples: Juke, Willex, Boggie, and Flarrie.
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hopeurokays · 9 months ago
i don't think i'll ever get over jatp
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magggg202 · 11 months ago
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ginervacade · 2 years ago
Did I ever say on here that I have a plot for a whole second season of JatP? ( I know we all do but I actually wrote mine out)
If this gets like 4 notes I’ll break down the episodes
Update: THIS IS UP
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dying-roses13 · 11 months ago
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believe me no one wishes more then me that e couldve have continued our series. we had hoped that netflix wouldve given us a shot.
and then he says heres to keeping the music playing and the memories alive so idk i feel like its a rejection of all the s2 rumors
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deadtheatremag · 4 months ago
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every time I see new DEATH BECOMES HER content I have a combination of pride and envy because I literally bullied Broadway into making it into a musical years ago
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titansandcurses · 1 year ago
i was just struck with the realization that since cheyenne jackson AND booboo stewart are in jatp and they were both also in the descendants movies with dove cameron, that probably means dove watched the show. do yall think she was unwell about it too or is that just an us thing
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puppeteeroftheworld · 2 years ago
Tim Burton is stubborn when casting actors, but once he has found the perfect actors he sticks with them. e.g. Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Sweeney Todd in Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland, Edward Scissorhands in Edward Scissorhands, Victor Van Dort in Corpse Bride, etc.
Now that Jenna Ortega is expected to play Lydia’s daughter in Beetlejuice 2 after the immense success of Wednesday, I believe Tim saw something in Jenna, something similar to what he saw in Johnny. The most apparent traits they have in common include both Jenna and Johnny being outstanding actors, as well as being sharp-featured.
Really hope Jenna will get to play more of Tim’s characters in the future!
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jatp-scrapbook · 1 year ago
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willie’s phone after a skateboard accident
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phantomwriter95 · 2 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Julie and The Phantoms (TV 2020) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Julie Molina/Luke Patterson, Reggie Peters/Bobby Shaw | Trevor Wilson, Flynn Taylor/Carrie Wilson, Alex Mercer/Willie (Julie and The Phantoms) Characters: Julie Molina, Luke Patterson (Julie and The Phantoms), Reggie Peters (Julie and The Phantoms), Flynn Taylor, Alex Mercer (Julie and The Phantoms), Willie (Julie and The Phantoms), Bobby Shaw | Trevor Wilson, Carlos Molina, Ray Molina, Rose Molina, Carrie Wilson, Caleb Covington Additional Tags: Bobby Shaw is Not Trevor Wilson, Everyone Is Alive, Good Caleb Covington Series: Part 2 of Julie and the Lifeguards Summary:
It's summer time at the Hollywood Pool Club, the gang is all here, and love is in the air! Time for a Juke meet-cute round two! Or will it turn into a meet disaster...?
Part two of a collection of fics from my alive AU where Sunset Curve + Willie work at the HPC, the country club owned by (the not evil, just eccentric) Caleb Covington, and where Julie and Flynn spend their time during the summer break. Fics will be cute, fluff filled stories featuring various couples: Juke, Willex, Boggie, and Flarrie.
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legolasghosty · 9 months ago
Wedding Purrs
OKAY so @michelangelinden (my beloved fiance /p /lh) sent me this post and said WILLEX! And ya know what? He's right. And thus, here we are. Enjoy!
Alex takes in a deep breath, fumbling with the folded paper he’s had in his suit jacket pocket for the last couple of hours. He’s pretty sure today couldn’t get any better, and he knows it wouldn’t ruin it if he ripped the speech he’s been working on for months in half. However, his friends would tease him about it for decades if he messed up his vows at his own wedding.
He carefully unfolds it, his eyes darting between it and the beautiful person in front of him. “Willie Antonio Ortega-Covington,” he begins. “I don’t know what I can say to you today that I haven’t already said, but here goes.”
Willie stands barely a foot away, hands fidgeting with the gauzy blue train that fell like a cape around their shoulders, cheeks barely able to contain his smile. Alex wishes he could grab one of their hands, but with the paper in one hand and the mic in the other, that isn’t happening. Stupid vows.
“We’d be here all day if I tried to list out all the ways you’ve changed me for the better, so here’s the SparkNotes version,” Alex continues. “As my best friend, you helped me have the strength to be myself. You’re the reason I learned to paint and always check all the pockets of my jeans before we do laundry.”
Willie chuckles, biting their lip in a way that makes Alex want to skip to the end of the ceremony. But then he glances over Alex’s shoulder, a flicker of confusion in his eyes. Alex pauses and raises his eyebrows in question. If something is wrong, they’ll figure it out. Together. Behind his soon-to-be-spouse, Alex notices Julie looking around as well, a little more covertly. He tilts his head, trying to figure out what’s going on. Then Julie leans forward to whisper in Willie’s ear.
“There’s a cat,” she hisses, just loud enough for Alex to catch the words too.
“Where?” Willie responds, that flicker of mischief that Alex fell for in middle school appearing in their eyes.
Julie nods toward something past Alex and he can see the exact moment that Willie spies the feline.
“Sorry, I think we need to stop for a second,” Alex says into the mic, turning back to the guests sitting all over the massive lawn of Willie’s childhood home. Mansion. Whatever. “There’s a cat.”
That gets a peal of laughter from their assembled friends and family as Alex hands the microphone to Caleb, who gives him an amused smile. He tucks his vows back into his pocket as he turns to see a little tabby cat scampering across the grass towards them. He can’t resist letting out a little awww at the sight.
Willie had dropped into a crouch as soon as Alex stopped the wedding, so Alex joins him on the ground, attempting to not get grass stains on his light pink suit. The cat scurries closer, eyes fixed on the vines trailing all over the big, white arbor they’re now kneeling under. 
“Hi baby,” Willie murmurs, holding out a hand to the cat.
“Mrow,” the cat responds, its head turning to look at Willie curiously.
Alex holds out a hand too, entranced by the little animal. Caleb steps out of the way, chuckling lightly as he joins Julie and Reggie behind Willie.
“Where did you come from?” Willie asks under his breath.
The cat pads right up to sniff at Willie’s outstretched fingers, drawing an excited giggle from them. It must decide that he’s okay, because it starts headbutting his hand until Willie flips it over to scratch the side of its head.
“I think it likes you,” Alex comments softly, watching his almost-husband stroke the feline’s black and grey fur. 
Willie doesn’t turn to look at him, but they fumble around for his hand with the one that isn’t petting the cat and squeeze gently when their fingers lace together. Alex moves a little closer and moves his free hand closer to the cat. It immediately starts demanding pets from him too, giving a tiny meow of protest when Alex lifts his hand away.
“Think dad would murder me if I got cat hair on my top?” Willie asks.
“It’s your wedding,” Alex points out. “I love the guy but he can deal.”
“I heard that,” Caleb calls from a few steps behind them, clearly amused.
Willie’s cheeks darken a few shades as he lets go of Alex’s hand, first to flip his dad off over his shoulder, then to gently lift the small cat into his arms. Alex places his own hand on their elbow, helping them stand up without dropping the animal or tripping over the flowy fabric of their teal pants. Julie moves forward to adjust the train as well, but Alex is pretty sure it’s mainly an excuse to get a better look at the cat nestled in Willie’s embrace. Which-fair.
“I thought you guys were going to wait a while before looking at adopting a kid,” Luke snarks from behind Alex.
“Chill, it probably has a family around here,” Alex protests, as if he isn’t already trying to remember where the nearest pet store is to his and Willie’s apartment. 
“She’ll probably run away in a few,” Willie agreed a little sadly. “But it’s our wedding, let us live, Patterson.”
Luke starts to say something but gets cut off sharply by what Alex is pretty sure is Carrie smacking him. He doesn’t bother turning around. He’s too busy with his nearly-permanent partner and the way the cat has started purring in their arms.
“She?” he asks, scratching under the feline’s chin.
“Yep, checked when I picked her up,” Willie confirms.
“Wow, you’re just going to assume the cat’s pronouns?” Alex jokes.
Willie giggles and sticks his tongue out at him. Alex retaliates by leaning in to peck him lightly on the lips.
“I love you,” Willie murmurs when Alex pulls back.
“Hey, quit cutting ahead!” Reggie hollered, making everyone laugh.
“Good thing I already did my vows,” Willie says. “Pretty sure her purring would mess with the microphone.”
Sure enough, the cat seems to have no intention of moving from her cozy spot in Willie’s arms. She keeps headbutting his bare bicep whenever he pauses in his stroking for a moment.
“Darn, I still have to get through mine without crying,” Alex replies, giving the kitty one last scritch behind the ears before reaching for the crumpled paper.
“Well you can blame it on your fake cat allergies now if you do,” Willie teases.
“Leave my gaslighting mother out of this,” Alex retorts lightly. 
“Are we going to get this show back on the road or not?” Caleb interrupts as he returns to his place between them.
“Right, sorry,” Alex says, taking the microphone. He skims down the page in his hands before finding his place. “Sorry about that everyone,” he calls to the audience before continuing his vows.
The cat seems content to stay in Willie’s arms, even though both of the soon-to-be-weds cry during Alex’s vows. The stupid piece of paper is torn in a few places by the time he’s done, but Alex manages to make it all the way through. And suddenly Luke is tapping him on the shoulder and handing him a slender, titanium band.
Willie has to shift the cat a little bit to get his left hand free for Alex to slide the ring onto. Caleb reads out the first portion of the script they’d agreed on, but before Alex can echo the words, the feline is clambering out of Willie’s grasp, up his arm, and leaping across the space between them to land on Alex’s shoulder.
Alex lets out a gasp, startled by the weight, but leans forward slightly to give the cat more surface area to stand on. Among a myriad of reactions for their watching guests, the cat sits down primly, nuzzling Alex’s hair and sinking her claws into his shoulder. When Alex’s eyes return to his almost-legally-bound person’s face, he finds them grinning and holding back a laugh.
“Well, that solves that problem I guess,” Alex offers, resisting the urge to shrug.
“Only you, William,” Caleb mutters affectionately under his breath before continuing through the ring exchange.
The kitty stays on Alex’s shoulder all through the rest of the ceremony and purrs right in their ears when they kiss. Alex can’t help but laugh as he walks back down the aisle, Willie’s train rippling in the breeze behind them and their hands clasped together. Thank goodness they did all their pictures before the wedding so they get to go straight into the house for the reception.
“Think I should ditch the train for the reception?” Willie muses once they get back to his old bedroom, where they’d gotten ready that morning. “I mean it’s fun and all, but it’s gonna get tangled on something with all the tables and stuff.”
“That is entirely your call,” Alex answers, leaning in to kiss him again just because he can. “But I’ll help you either way.”
“That is both adorable and entirely unhelpful,” Willie teases, glancing at the full length mirror hanging on the back of the door.
The cat chooses that moment to launch herself off of Alex’s shoulder and onto Willie’s bed, then to the floor. She glances around, then lowers into a crouch and starts stalking toward the gauzy fabric that brushes over the floor.
“I think that’s probably a sign to take it off,” Willie decides, laughing.
Alex is pretty sure his chest is going to explode with how happy he is, but he just nods and helps Willie unhook the clasps at their shoulders and fold the cape-like garment back into the box. The cat loses interest in it after a minute and starts poking around in the closet. 
When everything is straightened and put away, Willie grabs the lapels of Alex’s suit jacket and pulls him close.
“We got married,” they comment softly.
“Yep,” Alex says, the words coming out soft and breathy. “We sure-yeah-we did that.”
Willie giggles and erases the air between them to connect their mouths. Alex wraps one arm around their waist, loving how the cropped top piece of Willie’s outfit lets him run his fingers over warm brown skin, and cups the back of their head with the other. Willie hums and deepens the kiss, easing into Alex’s mouth as their hands trace up his chest to rest on his jaw. Alex lets himself fall, lose himself in kissing his person - his husband - without a spare thought for the people waiting for them on the patio.
Alex eases his fingers up into Willie’s hair, getting a pleased gasp in return. He breaks the kiss for less than a second, tilting his head to get a better angle as they reconnect like a pair of magnets. Willie lets him into his mouth happily, his tongue following Alex’s as it brushes along the line of his teeth. Alex doesn’t protest when Willie’s hands slide down his neck and under his jacket, removing his arm temporarily from around their waist so they can shove the thing off. He’s been sweating in it for over an hour anyways. Willie’s fingers undo the top buttons of his shirt to trace over the curve of Alex’s collarbones. Alex shivers and pulls Willie as close as he can, loathe to allow even a breath of space between their bodies.
“Meow,” the cat protests.
Alex laughs against Willie’s lips and pulls away just enough to see the little kitty pawing at the bedroom door. “I think she got bored of us,” he jokes.
“That’s just homophobic,” Willie returns, smirking. “And on our wedding day too.”
“We should probably go, shouldn’t we,” Alex sighs.
Willie lets out a little huff and presses one more kiss to Alex’s lips. “Yeah probably.”
“Alright, nameless cat, you win,” Alex accepts, shaking his head.
“We should get her to a vet to get checked for a chip and stuff,” Willie comments as they leave the bedroom, the kitty bounding ahead.
“If she sticks around, yeah,” Alex says. “We should ask Julie where she takes Beto.”
Willie nods in agreement as they enter the dining room area, the french doors thrown open to connect the space with the patio to accommodate everyone. Their friends and family are gathered around the area, chatting and drinking sparkling cider and soda out of Caleb’s crystal champagne flutes. Julie and Reggie spot them first and start clapping. Alex is sure his face is turning red as the applause grows and someone (probably Luke) wolf whistles. 
The reception dissolves into a mess of thank yous and well wishes as Alex and Willie try to make the rounds and talk to everyone. Alex catches glimpses of the cat every now and then, ducking under tables and weaving between legs and skirts, always looking excited and curious.
By the time Alex and Willie manage to sit down to eat during the toasts, his feet are starting to ache in his dress shoes and his cheeks are sore from smiling so much. Willie smirks and leans back in his chair, throwing an arm easily around the back of Alex’s as Julie starts giving her toast. Alex scoots his seat a little closer and rests his head on their shoulder as they listen to their family, legal or otherwise, congratulate them. (And tell embarrassing stories because that’s what family is for, right?)
Between toasts, they feed each other bites of chicken and roasted potato. Willie misses one time and smears oil across Alex’s cheek and it takes nearly a minute for them both to stop laughing. While Ray is talking, Alex feels a bump against his leg. He glances down to see the cat staring up at him. He grins and leans back a bit as it jumps up onto his lap. The next bite of chicken Willie spears on their fork goes to the cat’s mouth instead of Alex’s.
The cat has deserted them once more by the time they get dragged over to cut the chocolate strawberry wedding cake Tia Victoria made for them. Alex accidentally gets his revenge on Willie for the potato and paints chocolate icing on their nose. The smirk they both get from Ray afterwards says he definitely caught that one on film. 
They dance around the patio to Lover and Galaxies, twirling each other and sharing conversations too soft for anyone else to hear. Alex watches happily when Caleb steals his spouse away for a song. Then Julie drags him back onto the floor and Carrie is teasing him about losing his jacket and Reggie is teaching him square dance steps for the millionth time. And all the while, a tabby streak is darting through each soft moment, stealing bites of food and charming basically everyone.
And finally, Ray goes outside to pull the car around for them. Willie grabs Alex’s hand and people start cracking glowsticks as the sun vanishes over the horizon and they leave the wedding together.
“Wow,” Willie murmurs as Alex pulls the car out of the driveway.
“Yep,” Alex agrees, squeezing their hand.
“Meow,” says the cat from the backseat, startling them both.
Alex slams on the brakes (there’s a stop sign okay!) and they both turn to look back at the curious stowaway.
“Well…” Alex begins slowly.
“I’ll text Julie for her vet’s name,” Willie finishes, grinning.
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