#willie day
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joeey-dee · 2 years ago
Okay, so since the strike in Hollywood prohibits actors from promoting their work, Stephen is getting a lot of hate for his opinion, and this show is amazing and it would suck for it to get cancelled because of the conditions the union has during the strike, I decided it is up to the fans to take over the promotion:
Go watch it, first Episode of the second season is amazing!
Show Stephen and the cast and crew some love.
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buffyfan145 · 2 years ago
Got caught up with "Heels" and ep 2.3 was so great!!! :D I love they're doing a full women's division now and Willie writing more of the storylines, everything with Crystal and Bobby's relationship as they are so cute, Jack and Ace making up as well as Staci and Thomas coming back home, Debbie being amazing, and the whole thing with Gully. Season 2 has been off to a great start. Also dawned on me that Bobby reminds me so much of Cash Wheeler from FTR!!! :D He's Southern, has a mullet, loves 80s wrestling and using that for his persona, was asking the other wrestlers for relationship advice about Crystal as he likes her so much but it makes him so nervous, and is just such a nice guy. Can't wait to see what the rest of the season is like.
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thedailycharlieday · 1 year ago
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raspberrii-cheesecake · 1 year ago
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dangeroustonight · 1 year ago
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The evil chocolate maker who lives in the walls...
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rollercoasterofshitposts · 1 year ago
Hi my name is Michael Williard Steamboat Walter Mouse and I have mouse ears (that’s how I got my name) that are black and on either side of my head and feel like fuzzy cotton balls and black soulless eyes that consume lost children of the parks and a lot of people tell me I look like Walt Disney (AN: if you don’t know who he is get da hell out of here!). I’m not related to Remy but I wish I was because he’s a major fucking hottie. I drive a steamboat but Im best at whistling. I’m black and white all over. I’m also the most recognizable public figure other than Santa Claus (he’s disgusting), and I like spending my summers in florida where I’m the most important guy there (everyone loves me). I’m a mouse (in case you couldn’t tell) and I literally only wear shorts and shoes and my steamboat hat. All of my clothing is brand-only because i am a billionaire. For example today I was wearing my favorite pair of white shorts (some people say they’re red but they are haterz) and my matching steamboat hat, my full circle black eyeliner, white face paint, my white shoes that come up to my ankles and are very soft and nothing else because I am a mouse. I was driving my steamboat and spinning the wheel. It was sunny and I had the feeling like a movie was about to start, which I was very happy about. Ron DeSantis stared at me. I put my middle finger up at him.
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strawberryqueen00 · 1 year ago
Instead of a probably crappy horror flick we should use this Steamboat Willie situation(and Oswald also public domain since 2023) to create a metatext postmodern sequel to the underrated classic adventure game of Epic Mickey-uh I mean *a new made up name*.
And want to further cover yourself? Make it a commentary of modern disney or something.
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ningvory · 9 months ago
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the way all the male reader smuts are so undeniably gross i might just die…
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4whomittolz · 2 months ago
Ok so if "The Days Have Worn Away" is set 7 years after the main run, we can assume that the four Willis kids range from about, let's say 6-2 years old.
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Also with the 7 year time skip, that puts us in the year 1979.
So then you need to remember:
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Wow, thanks for just ripping my fucking heart out Valve.
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thornescratch · 4 months ago
The utter GLEE and willingness to choose violence that each of these men exhibits as soon as they pick up a tortilla, this team building exercise game was perfect, ten out of ten, no notes.
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ryuubff · 11 months ago
kinda tiny 1.6 sdv spoilers !!
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i got real excited when i thought we could possibly make trouts race each other ... didn't even question the logistics of it all because it's stardew .......
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besides that jia destroyed the competition and is enjoying their new wall decor!
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buffyfan145 · 2 years ago
The full trailer for season 2 of "Heels" is finally out and it looks great!!! :D Jack's dealing with his wife having left and estranged relationship with his brother Ace, Ace is struggling too, Crystal is now an actual wrestler and the DWL are actually adding more female wrestlers, Bobby seems to be now a ref and one of the announcers as well as it exploring more of his and Crystal's relationship, Rooster has a new wrestling persona, there's new cast additions like Emmy Raver Lampman from "Umbrella Academy", and looks like CM Punk is a series regular now too as Ricky. Excited to watch and it's back July 28th.
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hauntingrabbits · 25 days ago
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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 2
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60sfactorygirl · 29 days ago
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Remembering Elsa Martinelli on her birthday!
Elsa Martinelli photographed by Willy Rizzo in Paco Rabanne, 1967.
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darknoverse · 28 days ago
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had so much fun with the scrapbook style :3 it works with the show's style sm too so there's that
i lay do a lot with it for my other ships
also i'll be honest i really really love him btw he's so epic i love monsters who can kick my ass while being equally goofy
bonus unrelated stupid conker and bullseye doodles
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@candyheartedchy @berryshipbasket @radaverse
@bloodhoundini @lficanthaveloveiwantpower
@rexscanonwife @ree3942 @sunflawyer
@self-shipping-crow @mothlessmood
@blubberbuns @silverlining-ships
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folk-enjoyer · 5 months ago
Song of the Day
"Call of the moose" Willy Mitchell, 1980 As you might know, September 30th is Truth and Reconciliation day (more commonly known as Orange Shirt Day), a national day in Canada dedicated to spreading awareness about the legacy of Residential schools on Indigenous people. Instead of just focusing on a song, I also wanted to briefly talk about the history of the sixties scoop and its influence on Indigenous American music and activism.
The process of Residential schooling in Canada existed well before the '60s, but the new processes of the sixties scoop began in 1951. It was a process where the provincial government had the power to take Indigenous children from their homes and communities and put them into the child welfare system. Despite the closing of residential schools, more and more children were being taken away from their families and adopted into middle-class white ones.
Even though Indigenous communities only made up a tiny portion of the total population, 40-70% of the children in these programs would be Aboriginal. In total, 20,000 children would be victims of these policies through the 60s and 70s.
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These adoptions would have disastrous effects on their victims. Not only were sexual and physical abuse common problems but the victims were forcibly stripped of their culture and taught to hate themselves. The community panel report on the sixties scoop writes:
"The homes in which our children are placed ranged from those of caring, well-intentioned individuals, to places of slave labour and physical, emotional and sexual abuse. The violent effects of the most negative of these homes are tragic for its victims. Even the best of these homes are not healthy places for our children. Anglo-Canadian foster parents are not culturally equipped to create an environment in which a positive Aboriginal self-image can develop. In many cases, our children are taught to demean those things about themselves that are Aboriginal. Meanwhile, they are expected to emulate normal child development by imitating the role model behavior of their Anglo-Canadian foster or adoptive parents."
and to this day indigenous children in Canada are still disproportionately represented in foster care. Despite being 5% of the Total Canadian population, Indigenous children make up 53.8% of all children in foster care.
I would like to say that the one good thing that came out of this gruesome and horrible practice of state-sponsored child relocation was that there was a birth of culture from protest music, but there wasn't. In fact, Indigenous music has a long history of being erased and whitewashed from folk history.
From Buffy Saint-Marie pretending to be Indigenous to the systematic denial of first nations people from the Canadian mainstream music scene, the talented artists of the time were forcibly erased.
Which is why this album featuring Willy Mitchell is so important.
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Willy Mitchell and The Desert River Band
This Album was compiled of incredibly rare, unheard folk and rock music of North American indigenous music in the 60s-80s. It is truly, a of a kind historical artifact and a testimony to the importance of archival work to combat cultural genocide. Please give the entire thing a listen if you have time. Call of the Moose is my favorite song on the album, written and performed by Willy Mitchell in the 80s. His Most interesting song might be 'Big Policeman' though, written about his experience of getting shot in the head by the police. He talks about it here:
"He comes there and as soon as I took off running, he had my two friends right there — he could have taken them. They stopped right there on the sidewalk. They watched him shootin’ at me. He missed me twice, and when I got to the tree line, he was on the edge of the road, at the snow bank. That’s where he fell, and the gun went off. But that was it — he took the gun out. He should never have taken that gun out. I spoke to many policemen. And judges, too. I spoke with lawyers about that. They all agreed. He wasn’t supposed to touch that gun. So why did I only get five hundred dollars for that? "
These problems talked about here, forced displacement, cultural assimilation, police violence, child exploitation, and erasure of these crimes, still exist in Canada. And so long as they still exist, it is imperative to keep talking about them. Never let the settler colonial government have peace; never let anyone be comfortable not remembering the depth of exploitation.
Every Child Matters
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