#william riker x you
cornflakesdoesart · 2 months
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Beach episode but the anime kind so nothing really goes wrong and they actually get to relax and they just have some good summer fun!
my piece for @startrekswimsuitspecial 's latest edition!! it's full of fun summery pieces, I highly reccomend getting it!! ! It's free or pay what you want and the proceeds will go to the Palestine Children's Relief Fund!!
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hobbithabits · 2 months
Now when I post my Riker x Julian fic yall better not disappoint me. Make a good showing for our bisexual man whores, I beg you. Don’t care if it’s a rarepair, it’s two slutty bisexuals going at it. What more could you want from a Star Trek fanfiction.
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mrmistopher · 1 month
This has to be one of my favorite speeches I've yet seen in a show. It breaks my heart every time. Star Trek didn't always get as progressive as it wanted (particularly the earlier scenes and ending of this episode) but this scene hit the nail on the head.
Also, Johnathan Frakes, the GOAT? Pan Riker???
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We love you, our trans queen, Soren.
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risingchaos · 3 months
Explanation of pips in Star Trek (TNG onward)
Explanation of the wrist cuffs in Star Trek TOS
This will mostly have pictures of Star Trek: Next Gen because of ease but this is generally applicable to any ST media chronologically after TNG. If I’m remembering correctly it doesn’t really deviate.
So, the way that Star Trek ranks work is based upon the U.S. Navy. I’m going to break this down into five classes and each rank inside it, lowest to highest.
If you just want to know the look and don’t care about any explanation, there is a guide at the end for you. :)
Cadet - Uniform distinction
These are people enrolled in Starfleet. They wear distinctive uniforms to help differentiate them from others. Left is dress uniform, right is regular. The Cadet uniform is almost always an entirely red outfit, also shown in the AOS movies. Also I believe they have lines on their uniforms usually to tell what year they’re in. Think Cadet Uhura from Strange New Worlds (technically ranking works different in this show but the uniform is the same).
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Petty Officer - No pips, CPO wears one empty [x]
Petty Officers wear no pips. This rank really isn’t talked about because almost no one is really featured. It’s comprised of people who are enlisted but didn’t attend the Academy. You see it on some engineers. Within this rank, there’s also a command structure like Chief Petty Officer who wear one empty pip, but it’s difficult to find reliable breakdowns of it. Unfortunately I couldn’t find any clear pictures of a lapel. Miles O’Brian is a Senior Chief Petty Officer.
Ensign - One gold [o]
It’s generally what people are promoted to out of the Academy. Technically they have command but not really. Under this rank is also Acting Ensigns and Ensigns who were promoted for the field. Think Wesley Crusher’s arc.
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This has three ranks within it.
Junior Grade Lieutenant - One empty, one gold [xo]
These are just above Ensigns. They wear one empty pip next to solid gold. Medical personnel are typically Junior Lieutenants out of the Academy due to their extended training. They often have actual responsibilities on the ship. We actually watch Geordi La Forge’s promotions through Lieutenant, as he starts the show as a Junior Lieutenant along with Worf.
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Lieutenant - Two gold [oo]
This is what we see most often interacting with the crew we’re following. They have genuine responsibilities. We see them taking head of teams or working at consoles. They’ve proven themselves to Starfleet. Worf and La Forge are promoted to this in season two, and Tasha Yar was a Lieutenant in season one. Spock is a Lieutenant in the first two seasons of SNW.
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Lieutenant Commander - One empty, two gold [xoo]
These are heads of departments, the one people default to about smaller issues on board, and general senior officers. They are the ones defaulted to for ship’s command, as seen throughout TNG with Data, and are often relied upon by Commanders and the Captain to keep the ship going. Data is a Lieutenant Commander throughout all of TNG, La Forge is promoted in season three. Worf is not promoted until season four of DS9. Deanna is actually a Lieutenant Commander for almost the entire duration of TNG. They are often referred to as “Commander” instead of Lieutenant by officers unless introducing themselves.
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Commander - Three gold [ooo]
Most often called “Number One”, this is the second in command. They are competent, capable, and willing to take lead and help the ship. Commanders are trusted by the crew and the Captain, and are often a yin to the Captain’s yang. The Head Doctor is often a Commander to give them authority, like Dr. Beverly Crusher. William Riker is the iconic Commander in TNG, Spock is Commander in TOS.
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Captain - Four gold [oooo]
We’re all very familiar with Captains. They are as senior as you can get on a ship unless there’s an Admiral on board. Captains are intelligent, confident, and understand what must be done, even if it’s a bad situation. The lives of their crew is in their hands. It comes with a great deal of free will to choose their ship’s path, yet an insane amount of responsibility. Captain Picard of TNG, Captain Kirk of TOS, Captain Janeway of Voyager. We know the names.
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Admiral - Entirely different system
Admiral pips are strange. They do not wear pips on the collar, instead wearing them basically in boxes. It really was not standardized until the end of DS9, I think. The Admirals wear a different uniform to make themselves stand out. Admirals are representative of Starfleet. They make the big choices for the fleet, the life changing ones. They give direct orders if needed and expect respect from all lower officers. They’re incredibly powerful. We don’t get to see much of Admirals in any show, but we know of a few, such as Admiral Picard in Picard, Admiral McCoy in TNG, and Admiral Kirk in the movies.
Here is a complete guide to each rank in Starfleet, excluding Cadets and Petty Officers.
Ensign - [o]
Junior Lieutenant - [xo]
Lieutenant - [oo]
Lieutenant Commander - [xoo]
Commander - [ooo]
Captain - [oooo]
Commodore/Rear Admiral (lower half) - [[o]]
Rear Admiral (upper half) - [[oo]]
Vice Admiral - [[ooo]]
Admiral - [[oooo]]
Fleet Admiral - [[ooooo]]
x is an empty pip, o is a gold, and for the Admirals, the double brackets is to indicate that they’re in a box.
Hope this helps you understand ranks in Star Trek better, as it has helped me. Let me know if anything needs clarifying! I have edited this a few times to add more clarifying information.
Thank you to @vvkingofgaybisciutsvv for asking for this! I had a great time putting it together.
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prettyboypistol · 3 months
Accidental Kisses! || TNG Star Trek x Male!Reader
William Riker
You stumbled down the stairs while he was walking up, Willaim lunged to catch you, which knocked your lips together.
"Oh- are you alright, Lieutenant? You took quite a tumble."
You apologize for stumbling into him and kissing him, to which he smiles and waves it off as an accident. After all, there was no harm in it!
Afterwards, he absentmindedly licks his lips and tastes your chapstick, reminding him of the encounter. His cheeks tinge pink- hopefully his feelings still remain a secret
As Worf's assistant and Assistant Chief of Security, Worf expected you to be in peak physical condition- this kiss happens while sparring- he tackled you to the ground, and in the struggle, you two share a rough kiss.
Worf pins you down by the neck and arms, which effectively left you prone. He mumbles "That better have been an accident." You nod frantically and he releases you.
Apologized for getting too rough with you- blaming it on reflex more than actual aggression. You apologize for the kiss, which still haunts his sweetest dreams to this day.
You had no idea what the fuck happened. Suddenly, you were saying "hi" to Data in the rec room, then his hands were on your cheeks as he kissed you with a mountain of electricity tingling behind his lips.
"What? the hell?" You manage to sputter out, Data seemed confused.
"Apologies if I startled you. I was giving you an authentic European greeting from Earth. Did you feel appropriately greeted and our relationship assured?"
"Data- I- first of all, not all of Europe kisses to greet, NEXT OF ALL, THEY KISS THE CHEEKS!"
Geordi La Forge
It was a moment of excitement shared between you two- a project you both had spent countless nights on performed without a hitch in front of the investors. After the meeting, you two were so excited and hugging- it just sorta... happened.
"Oh- oh my god- I'm so sorry." Geordi apologized quickly as he recoiled away from the hug. "It was an accident."
"Yeah- we were just excited, totally an accident on both ends." You respond just as quickly as your cheeks burn up.
Alright, this kiss isn't an accident. He's pissing you off by bothing you during your work, begging for you to entertain him. He wants a human experience! He already looks like one in this form! Do something human!
So, you punched him in the gut, then kiss him roughly- tongue invaded his mouth in a way that made his eyes roll back into his skull at the feeling of being properly paid attention to- even more than expected!
Q finally shut up for a good while as he behaved himself- at the promise of more of those. So, he sat down next to your station and waited patiently for you to be done with our work- then he kissed you!
His kiss was- well, it was Q, what did you expect?
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lady-sci-fi · 3 months
Through the use of "which main Starfleet X do you most want/trust" polls...
The most desired Starfleet senior crew to serve with is
Ship: Enterprise-D
Captain: Benjamin Sisko
First Officer: William Riker
Science Officer: Data
Chief Medical Officer: Beverly Crusher
Chief Engineer: Geordi LaForge
Security Chief: Tuvok
Civilian Morale Officer: Guinan
The least desired Starfleet senior crew to serve with is
Ship: Enterprise NX-01
Captain: Jonathan Archer
First Officer: Jack Ransom
Science Officer: T'Pol
Chief Medical Officer: T'Ana
Chief Engineer: Hemmer/ Pelia
Security Chief: Malcolm Reed
Civilian Morale Officer: Neelix
So, what do we all think of these two crews?
Check out all the full poll results and comments.
Ship/ Captain/ First Officer/ Science/ Medical/ Engineer/ Security/ Morale
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space-helen · 11 months
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Words: 1026
Pairing: Will Riker x Reader
A/N: slightly took this in another way but I hope you enjoy. The title kinda links but I couldn't think of anything else.
Request: The reader is badly injured and riker is rlly worried and realizes he can't live without her so he waits till she's awakes gets emotional and makes a love confession :) - Anon
A loud explosion made you freeze in your tracks. You shared a look with your crew mates, all trying to figure out the best course of action in that split second. Almost naturally the group broke into two, one half running towards the explosion and the other away, to get help and ensure no one else entered the area.
Running you fell into step with William and kept his pace. He gave you a worried glance before instructing the group to split up into pairs inside.
Usually by instinct the two of you would pair up together, but knowing that you were far more experienced than some of the team you decided to team up with someone new. Will did the same.
You searched the corridors of the castle-like structure. Phaser ready to fire you lead the way as the ensign behind you followed. It’d been at least twenty minutes with no luck, not even bumping into any other crewmates as you explored.
That was until you found the main prison area of the structure. As you walked inside a team of Grey, scaly skinned, creatures faced you.
Seeing no weapons in their hands you lowered yours “We are from-”
Before you could even finish your sentence the young Ensign had let off a shot. Clearly pissing off the creatures.
You looked towards the Ensign dumbfounded as the creatures began to pull their own weapons. A shot fired your way had you diving to the side by instinct to avoid whatever had been fired.  Assessing the damage to the wall you could only assume it was some sort of acid covered projectile.
From your crouching position you tried to get up again to hide behind one of the pillars. As you found your place a shot melted through the pillar into your abdomen.
Yelping with pain you braced yourself on the remainder of the wall as the Ensign ran out of the room.
The sensation felt like a searing through your skin, the pain radiating further and further through your body. You didn’t even notice the hand on your shoulder until you were being dragged to the center of the room to what you could only assume was the leader in this pack.
You were pushed towards the man and fell to your knees. “We meant no harm, we were coming to see-” you tried to mumble out but more people coming into the room caught your attention. Looking towards the entrance The man behind you pulled you up and held you to him, his weapon placed to your head.
“Let go of her.” a loud booming voice came from the door and you instantly knew it was Rikers. “We can talk.”
More people joined Riker and before you could register much more than the people around you a shot had been fired and you were being pushed to the floor. Unfortunately for you everything went dark as your head hit some rubble on the ground.
Seeing your body go limp as soon as it came into contact with the rubble Riker panicked and raised his own phaser. Letting his anger get the best of him he placed some accurate shots on the creatures which had them falling to the ground. A few minutes of fight passed before he could finally rush over to you. Commanding others around him to report back to the Enterprise and get help immediately.
“Y/N?” He was kneeling next to you and gently rolled your body so you were laying on your back. He knew you needed help but he had to get you outside the structure so you could be beamed up. 
Placing his arms under your body he stood slowly and brought you close, protectively, as he began to move his way back outside. “I’ve got you. I’ve got you.” His words were spoken as much for you as they were himself.
He knew you’d be ok but part of him thought about the possibility that you wouldn’t be. He wouldn’t be able to let himself live if you didn’t pull through this. You got close over your time on the ship. He saw you as one of his best friends, someone he couldn’t spend enough time with. You were never a bore to him and he loved the way you smiled about things you were passionate about, loved the way you interacted with others and loved the way you were with him. 
You could feel that there was a pressure and warmth around you as a jostle made you try to open your eyes. You were moving but how, who and why?
Opening your eyes you moved them up the torso of your carrier to see none other than William carrying you, his eyes bloodshot as if he were about to cry.
“Y/N.” he looked down at you before looking back up to see where you were going “Stay awake for me alright?”
The pain ebbed through you “It hurts.”
“I know darling I know.”  he looked into your eyes and could see the pain, it tore his heart in two.
“You’ll be ok. I just need to get you out of here. We’ll be up on the Enterprise in no time.”
You let a small yelp of pain out as the burn wound came into contact with William.
“I’m so sorry.” a tear ran down his cheek as he looked back down at you, he could see you fighting to keep your eyes open.
“Keep them open for me alright? I love you, you can’t sleep yet.” He hadn;t even realised that it’d slipped out. Hoping that you wouldn’t remember.
A second passed as you continued to fight the urge to sleep. You felt the brightness of your surroundings increase and knew you were outside. “I love you too.”  you forced the words out, needing the man to know you felt the same.
He let out a sort of sob as he leant down to place a light kiss to your forehead. Before you could even register what was happening the beams of the enterprise were wrapping around you to beam you up.
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Star Trek: @heyitsaloy  @angel-with-wings-castiel@starfleet-imagines @captainsophiestark@perasperaadastrawriting
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fancoloredglasses · 5 months
Star Trek, part 4: The Next Generation (Making the Federation even more Mary Sue)
[All images are owned by Paramount. Please don’t sue me]
The introduction of the Enterprise-A in Star Trek IV opened up the possibility of new adventures of the USS Enterprise, so when it was announced in 1987 that a new Star Trek television series would be starting, fans were hopeful that the crew of the Enterprise would go from the big screen back to the small screen.
They were very wrong.
(Thanks to Great80sTV)
Star Trek: The Next Generation (or simply TNG) takes place 80 years following the original Enterprise’s five-year missions. Gene Roddenberry is once again at the helm of the show, though he is assisted by Rick Berman, who would become the official showrunner following Roddenberry’s death.
The Federation of the 24th century is, if possible, even more utopian than before, having signed a peace treaty with the Klingon Empire (even if more than a few Klingons aren’t happy about it)
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The latest ship to carry the legendary name, the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) is a Galaxy class starship, capable of longer missions into deep space. Warp technology has progressed far enough that the formula for warp speed had to be amended. Now (according to fan publications) the calculation is to a power of 5 (meaning that Warp 5 would be 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5, or 3,125 times the speed of light. Using my Alpha Centauri example from my review of the original series, it would take about 9 1/2 hours at Warp 5 to reach Alpha Centauri from Earth, a much more reasonable time frame.
In addition to better Warp and defensive technologies, the Enterprise had a new technology known as holodecks, that made life-like imagery that the crew could touch and interact with, as a way to keep the crew from going stir-crazy. And the holodecks never, ever, ever had anything go wrong inside. Nope. Never. Not even once. (excuse me as I stifle several giggles)
Two other things that were different than previous Enterprises.
(Thanks to April 5, 2063)
Since the Galaxy class was designed to go farther out than was previously possible, crew quarters are large enough to allow the families of the crew to join them on board. Because of this, the saucer section can be detached from the Engineering hull to allow the civilian population to be evacuated in cases of extreme peril.
One other change was in the uniforms.
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(Thanks to The Hollywood Reporter)
Starfleet has replaced the uniform used for over 70 years with an almost “throwback” uniform with the uniform color matching divisions (though red is now operations and gold is now service; but don’t worry, we’ll still call the doomed security personnel “Redshirts”)
You will note that the uniforms are all onesies. This will be changed by Season 2 (along with several minor changes as the series progresses, almost as if whoever designed the uniform didn’t plan for the comfort of the wearer)
Now let’s meet this new crew…
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The Enterprise’s commanding officer is Captain Jean-Luc Picard (played by Sir Patrick Stewart, a Shakespearean actor who had never seen Star Trek before auditioning) Stewart takes the gravitas he learned on stage and brings it to the 24th century, setting the tone of the series to something a bit more thought-provoking and less fist-provoking (just one question: why is a French starship captain talking with a British accent?)
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Picard’s First Officer is Commander William Riker, who tends to be more Kirk-like in his command style. He’s not the type to get into a brawl or anything, but he’s more the smooth-talking type who leads his team when danger presents itself. He tends to lead missions that are away from the ship, preferring the Captain stay within the relative safety of the Enterprise.
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The Second Officer and Chief Navigator is Lt. Commander Data (played by Brent Spiner, who previously was known as recurring character Bob Wheeler on Night Court), an android created by Dr. Noonian Soong capable of independent initiative. Despite rumors to the contrary, Data earned the rank he holds. His journey of learning to be as human as possible often puts him at the center of humorous situations (like when he tried growing a beard) He (and it’s been confirmed that he is male, with all of the plumbing to match) is incapable of showing emotion or using contractions, and often gets so wrapped up in what he’s saying that he has to be cut off by whomever he’s talking to due to not knowing when to stop spouting facts.
Some time during the series (it’s never explained in or out of canon when or how), Data acquired a cat, which he named Spot (despite the fact that the cat had stripes) There were four different “Spots” throughout the series and NONE of them looked alike (plus Spot’s gender changed at least once) Spiner has gone on record saying he hated doing scenes that included Spot, as they always took three times as long to shoot due to the cat not cooperating.
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The Ship’s Counselor and advisor to the Captain is Lt. Commander Counselor Deanna Troi (played by Marina Sirtis), a member of a telepathic race known as Betazoids (she mainly uses her abilities as an empath, preferring not to use telepathy) Troi is actually half-Betazoid. She previously had a relationship with Riker that ended amiably, which comes back into play every now and then.
Her mother Lwoxana (played by Majel Barrett) is infatuated with Picard, much to his chagrin.
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The Chief Helmsman (and eventually Data’s best friend) is Lt. (later Lt. Commander) Geordi La Forge (played by Reading Rainbow host LaVar Burton) La Forge is blind (due to a blind girl wanting a role model on Star Trek and Gene Roddenberry having an ironic sense of humor by making the pilot blind) The object that looks like a banana clip (because that’s what it is!) is a VISOR (Visual Instrument and Sensory Organ Replacement), which is connected to implants on La Forge’s temples that feed his brain sensory data, including infrared and ultraviolet emissions. Starting in Season 2 (following Season 1’s “Chief Engineer of the Week”), La Forge is transferred to Engineering where he remained through the remainder of the series and beyond.
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Lt. Worf (played by Michael Dorn) is the first and (thus far) only Klingon to serve on a Starfleet vessel. He was the last survivor when the Romulans attacked a Klingon outpost when he was a boy. A Starfleet crewman found him and raised him. He is still very much a Klingon warrior, though tempered by Federation ideals.
He serves on the Enterprise as…well, I’m not entirely certain what his duties are at the start of the series other than to be the Token Klingon.
[FUN FACT: The prosthetic Dorn wore in season 1 was stolen after the season ended, so a new one had to be crafted but wasn’t an exact replica, which is why he looks different from Season 2 onward]
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The Chief Medical Officer is Commander Dr. Beverly Crusher (played by Gates McFadden) Unlike Dr. McCoy, she doesn’t have any memorable catchphrases. Her husband was killed under Picard’s command years prior. She and Picard have unresolved romantic tension throughout the series.
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Since families are allowed on the Enterprise, Dr. Crusher is allowed to bring her son Wesley (played by Wil Wheaton, who was previously known for Stand by Me) aboard. Wesley is a child prodigy who…
Look, I’m just gonna say it. I never liked Wesley (though I’ve gotten a lot of respect for Wheaton since he left the series) because he was pretty much a Mary Sue. He knows more about every aspect of the Enterprise than officers who’ve spent years to earn their posts. Despite being a teenager, he refers to the crew as “grown ups” rather than “adults” and (at least in the early parts of the first season) threw tantrums when the people in authority wouldn’t let him get his way.
That being said, he managed to somehow gain the respect of the crew (especially Captain Picard)
(Thanks again to April 5, 2063)
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Last, but certainly not first, we have Head of Security and Tactical Officer Lt. Tasha Yar (played by Denise Crosby) Yar comes from a colony that had broken down, now ruled by the strongest. At times it seemed like there could be romantic leanings between Yar and Worf (and there WAS a sexual encounter with Data!) however, this never came to fruition as the season 1 finale will explain.
(Thanks to Frustrated Idealist)
It turns out that Denise Crosby had the same issue that Nichelle Nichols had (her role was essentially window dressing), but unlike Nichols, Crosby didn’t have a famous comedian to urge her to stay so she left the series. With Yar’s death, Worf was moved to her position (which really should’ve been the case from the start, given he’s a Klingon)
In addition to Wesley’s field commission and the transfers of Worf and La Forge (oh, and Riker grew a beard), there were two casting changes for season 2.
Backstage tension between Gates McFadden and the show’s head writer (who had gotten more authority as Gene Roddenberry started stepping back) caused McFadden to be fired. In canon, Dr. Crusher was reassigned to Starfleet Medical (though Wesley stayed aboard for some reason)
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Replacing Dr. Crusher is Lt. Commander Dr. Kate Pulaski (played by Diana Maldaur (who had appeared in an episode of the Original Series and was best known for falling down an elevator shaft on LA Law) Dr. Pulaski was far more gruff than Dr. Crusher (more similar to Dr. McCoy, but without the catchphrases), and proved to be unpopular. She was replaced when the writer left and Rick Berman asked McFadden to return for season 3.
Finally, we come to the other Nichelle Nichols story she enjoyed telling.
There was a young black girl who saw Uhura and was amazed there was a black woman on TV who wasn’t a maid (this was the 60s, so that kind of thing was almost unheard of) She would be inspired to become a stand-up comedian, and eventually a popular movie actress. When TNG started, she went to Roddenberry and told him she wanted a role on the show…ANY role!
That little girl’s name?
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Whoopie Goldberg, who was given the role of Guinan, the bartender of the Enterprise’s Ten Forward lounge. Guinan is of a race with cosmic-ish abilities (when the Enterprise is involved in a temporal event that changed history, Guinan was the only one who knew something was amiss)
Also over the course of the series we got interactions with Original Series crew members...
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Admiral McCoy (retired, now over 130 years old)
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Captain Scott (retired, who was suspended in time for over 70 years)
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...and Ambassador Spock (well, Vulcans do live over 200 years)
It’s the interactions between the cast members that sets the series apart from the Original Series, and it truly is an ensemble cast; every cast member is given their chance in the spotlight on a number of episodes (particularly Data (in his quest to try to be more human) and Worf (as he tries to find his place between two cultures))
With the Klingons more-or-less friends, Starfleet needed more recurring alien threats to deal with (the Romulans were still around, but were quiet during the early seasons)
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The Ferengi are a race that personify the absolute worst a capitalist society can be, prioritizing profit above all else (they even codify it in their code of “ethics” known as the Rules of Acquisition) Unfortunately, rather than being the threat they were intended they turned out to be little more than comic relief.
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The Cardassians are a militaristic race bent on conquest (there are certainly a lot of those hanging around in the galaxy, aren’t there?) They tend to be cruel to those they conquer. However, to prevent a war the Federation ceded a number of Federation colony worlds that once belonged to the Cardassians, leaving those who chose to stay to fend for themselves against their new rulers (this may be the first crack in the utopian facade the Federation shows) Many Federation citizens (including a number of Starfleet personnel) formed a resistance group known as the Maquis, who are dedicated to freeing the colonies left to the Cardassians. Both the Federation and the Cardassians treat the group as terrorists.
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Q (a member of the Q Continuum, played by John deLancie) is an omnipotent entity who appears occasionally to attempt to teach the Enterprise (and more importantly Captain Picard) about the fallacies of humanity and the dangers of What Lies Beyond. Many times his antics are played for laughs, but unlike the Ferengi there is always a dangerous undercurrent to Q’s games. Unfortunately, his antics have gotten Q in trouble with his fellow Q, and at one point he had been stripped of his powers and made human for a brief period.
Q is directly responsible for introducing the Federation to the gravest threat to the galaxy…
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The Borg.
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The Borg are humanoid beings that have been enhanced with cybernetics and, due to their hive mind, are able to adapt quickly to dangers (a phaser will down a few Borg, but they will quickly adapt and be able to repel future blasts on that light frequency) Any time they encounter a new species, they assimilate the species and their technology into their Collective.
The series ran for 7 seasons, beginning and ending with Q putting the humanity on trial (with the crew of the Enterprise playing the role of defendant for the entire race) The series laid the groundwork for two spin-off series set in the same era (plus at least one that debuted after 2010, so I won’t be covering it), but those are tales for future reviews.
If you would like to watch the series it’s available on Paramount+, PlutoTV, or behind your favorite paywall. If you would like to see an episode reviewed, please let me know!
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One quick note before I go: I would like to show the tale of the first Meeting of the Generations (which occurred during the filming of Star Trek V), as told by Wil Wheaton.
[DISCLAIMER: This is told entirely from Wheaton’s perspective, and I’m sure William Shatner has a different take on it, but given all the stories about Shatner over the years, I’m inclined to think this is closer to the truth]
(Thanks to Eric Webb)
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novelmonger · 1 year
9 People Tag Game
Tagged by @freenarnian
Last song: "This Time" by P.O.D.
Last movie: The Hobbit (The Cardinal Cut, which is a fan-made version that cuts out almost everything that's not in the book or is just there for fluff like some of the worst action sequences. You can tell where some of the seams are, but overall it's a vast improvement upon that bloated monstrosity, while still keeping in all the parts that are actually good.)
Currently watching: Just finished watching Chuck. Also in the middle of watching Dororo, FMA: Brotherhood, and The Last of Us with my sisters. And I'm watching The Mandalorian with friends.
Currently reading: Martin Chuzzlewit by Charles Dickens, The Man Who Cried I Am by John A. Williams, and Misty of Chincoteague by Marguerite Henry (this is only the top three on my currently-reading list, but we don't want to be here all night)
Last thing researched for writing purposes: Average stay of inmates in Rikers Island which I promptly disregarded but shhh don't tell anyone
Tagging @rainintheevening, @dairogo, @sailforvalinor, @x-i-l-verify, @faeriefully, @catkin-morgs, @nerdychristianfanboy, @authortobenamedlater, and @mrtobenamedlater
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captainsophiestark · 10 months
November Fic Recs!
It’s been an absolutely crazy and busy month, but here are the wonderful fics from the wonderful creators I got to read through it all! Starting this month, I’ve switched to including the author’s summaries of their work instead of a little reviews from me. If you still want to read my thoughts, the links go to my reblogs where all the keysmashing and screaming can be found!
Star Wars
Platonic!Commander Cody x Reader
Friendly Competition by @ghostofskywalker
You challenge Cody to a competition: who can kill the most clankers in this battle. Usually he isn't one for games, but this time he agrees.
Fives x Reader
No Flirting In The Jedi Archives by @ghostofskywalker
When on shore leave, one could usually find Fives in the basement of the Jedi Temple, flirting with the primary caretaker of the Archives (even though he denies it when his brothers ask). Finally, he decides to just ask her out.
Star Trek
William Riker x Reader
Mistake by @space-helen
The reader is badly injured and riker is rlly worried and realizes he can't live without her so he waits till she's awakes gets emotional and makes a love confession
Clark Kent x Reader
In Sickness and In Health by @ro-is-struggling
You're terrified that your boyfriend Clark —the local superhero and most perfect man on the planet— will see you sick, so you forbid him to visit you while you have a cold. However, when he shows up at your door saying he misses you, he proves that your insecurities were unwarranted.
Dick Grayson x Reader
Lovesick by @rebelbluerobin
fluff, sickfic, reader has the flu, established relationship, reader's gender is not mentioned
Benedict Bridgerton x Reader
My Muse by @never--doubt
You have been dreaming of "your muse" for as long as you could remember, moments you swore were memories, but you had always brushed them off, just put the face you saw into your art. Little did you know, your muse was so close...
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whump-or-whatever · 5 days
Who's a character you like whumped?
Welllllll there are many and I like making lists so allow me to just…
The Doctor, Ace McShane and The Master in Doctor Who
Jack O’Neill and Sam Carter in Stargate SG-1
John Shepard, Rodney McKay and Carson Beckett in Stargate Atlantis
Fox Mulder and John Doggett in X-Files
Sam Beckett in Quantum Leap
Helen Magnus, Nikola Tesla and John Watson in Sanctuary
Methos in Highlander
Melinda Gordon and Jim Clancy in Ghost Whisperer
David Starsky and Kenneth Hutchinson in Starsky & Hutch
Jonathan Archer and Malcolm Reed in Star Trek: Enterprise
William Riker and Data in Star Trek: The Next Generation
John Constantine and Zed Martin in Hellblazer/Constantine/Legends of Tomorrow
John Reese in Person of Interest
Edmund Reid, Homer Jackson and Long Susan in Ripper Street
Will Trent in Will Trent
Cal Lightman in Lie To Me
Charles Xavier, Eric Lehnsherr and Logan in X-Men
Aaron Hotchner, Emily Prentiss and Spencer Reid in Criminal Minds
Neal Caffrey and Matthew Keller in White Collar
Mal Reynolds in Firefly
David Sandstrom in ReGenesis
Will Graham in Hannibal
Number Six in The Prisoner
Flynn Carson in The Librarians
John Carter and Mark Greene in ER
Lucifer Morningstar in Lucifer
Ed Mercer and Gordon Malloy in The Orville
Aaaand several others I’m sure.
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agent-troi · 11 months
20 fanfic questions
thanks for the tag @randomfoggytiger!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What’s your total Ao3 words count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The X-Files, Star Trek: TNG, Star Trek: Picard, the Star Trek novel-verse, and I just posted a fic for The West Wing
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Platonic Procreation, Eden, The MSR Files, Mother Knows Best, and Though the Heavens Fall (also I need to mention my current WIP Security Questions bc it's only three kudos away from a tie with fifth place!)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Most of the time! I usually respond to friends/ people I know well, or if someone pointed out something specific in my fic they liked. And I responded to every comment made on my West Wing fic so far bc I want the fandom to notice me😅
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
lol I don’t write many fics with angsty endings (I do like writing angst sometimes but I need things to end happily😅) but I guess this would be Baby Blue, If I Could Only Break the Sky, or When We Were Whole (not sure which one would be the most angsty)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
so many! lol but I wanna single out Coda bc it was my attempt at wrapping up the mytharc and giving Mulder and Scully a happy ending with William (and giving Samantha’s storyline some actual closure lmao) and I think I did a decent job of it🤗
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I did get a hateful comment on a fic not long ago (ironically, it was and still is my most popular fic by almost every metric so someone was clearly jelly lmao) and I’ve had a couple of comments in the past on different fics that weren’t quite hateful but more like critiquing/nitpicking character or writing choices.
9. Do you write smut?
no absolutely not never ugh
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don’t think I’ve ever written one! But I have ideas for TXF/Star Trek and TXF/SVU crossovers that I might write someday if I ever find the time/energy/inspiration😅
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don’t think so but I hope not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No idea!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! The gang and I have co-written quite a few fics, which can all be found in this collection🤗
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
MSR of course!! But I will always have a soft spot for Riker/Troi and joshdonna is beginning to take up more and more space in my brain lmao
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I have a Riker/Troi amnesia fic that has been sitting in my notes for three years, every chapter either written, partly written, or outlined, but I just can’t make myself sit down and sort it out😫 also I used to start publishing fics before I was certain where I was going with them, and For War Alone is a relic of that (and it has also been sitting there since 2020 lol)
16. What are your writing strengths?
I have been told I’m really good at dialogue, and I choose to take people at their word😅
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I’m addicted to adverbs, also I just love reusing the same words and phrases over and over- one time in a first draft I used the word ‘actually’ four times in a single paragraph!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I love reading that! I feel like it makes the setting and characters and everything seem more realistic, but for writing it I pretty much need to rely on google translate or multilingual moots lol
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I wrote a LotR fic a long time ago! But the first fic in my modern day stretch of fic writing was for the Star Trek novel-verse: Psi-Ops
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Oh gosh this is so hard but I’m gonna say Where A Million Stars Catch Fire bc I put in a lot of time and effort carefully constructing it as a tribute to Mulder’s birthday this year, and I’m really proud of how it ultimately turned out🥰
Tagging @tofuttim @katy-kt-katie @incidental-ao3 @cutemothman @mollybecameanengineer and whoever else who wants to do it!
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stardate2603 · 1 year
Reckless (William Riker x Reader)
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gif belongs to me
Will knew you were used to being on the front lines. Being a Red Shirt you were sent out to explore unknown planets, and terrain, without knowing what you were facing. But you always returned, your skills in combat and training with over a hundred dialects had saved several fights from breaking out and upheld Starfleet protocol. So why did you choose this mission to live life dangerously?
Will recalled the way you rested your chin on your hand, observing him with a small smile, which was common in briefings, but your eyes twinkled with mischief and he believed at first that it was your mind traveling back to the night before. And while your mind had wandered to last night when he surprised you by clocking off early, leading to a night you were sure to remember for decades, it was not the reason for the mischief gleaming in your eyes.
His plan was brilliant on a report. But you knew this species better than he did, having encountered them once before while aboard a different ship long before you met William Riker. So you believed you knew the Starfleet approach would not work on the typically hostile species.
You knew Will would be infuriated that you took such a risk, but the surprise of you leading your team to ignore his orders was too fresh and blinded him to the possibility that you were more experienced than he was, not blinded by the same need to protect yourself as he felt about you, nor did you feel bound to Starfleet protocol as he did. This is why Data remarked more than once that your relationship seemed 'odd'. But it always worked. Until now, it seemed.
"She did what?" Will looked at the group of red shirts that you had kept out of your plan, programming the transporter to only send you to the planet.
"She countered the program, sir."
Will ran his hand down his bearded cheek, ending his five minutes of pacing by sitting at the head of the table. "Has she communicated with the ship since she landed?"
"No, sir. It has been over an hour since she arrived on the planet." A second red shirt stated.
Will upheld his professionalism, although he felt like dragging his hands down his face in an attempt to release his frustration and worry. "Why am I only hearing about this now?"
"She told us to wait, sir." A redshirt sent him a guilty glance, mixed with sympathy. She was dating a lieutenant and could imagine the thoughts running through his head right now. "She didn't want you to stop her from making contact."
"Of course, I would, as you should have." He looked at the team of six who lowered their gazes to the table. "Y/N is a fine member of Starfleet, but this plan was reckless and goes against everything she was trained to do. That's why she kept you on this ship." Will exhaled sharply. "To protect you in case her plan went south."
The door opened and Will looked up at the officer he viewed as an intruder, his eyes fixed in a harsh glare that immediately made the officer regret interrupting. "What?"
"It's L/N, sir. She has made contact with the bridge."
Will stood up and headed to the door before looking at the red shirts. "I understand you feel loyal to her, I do and I am grateful. But in the future, you do not indulge in her recklessness, do I make myself clear?"
The team nodded and Riker left the room, following the hallways to the bridge. "Commander Riker, on the bridge."
Riker approached Date who was speaking to you through the comms. "Anything?"
"She has made contact, Commander."
"Coordinates?" Will asked.
Data proceeded to request your coordinates before turning to look at Riker. "She says they want to meet the Captain."
"Prepare the transporter." Picard stood up from his chair and Riker followed, inwardly sighing in relief as he knew he could witness firsthand if you had been harmed.
A short while later, Picard, Data, Worf, and Will beamed onto the planet and he felt the growing ache in his chest ease when he saw you standing beside the planet's inhabitants. You sent him a small smile as you stepped forward before greeting the Captain, becoming a point of contact between Picard and the Chief of the tribal community.
You approached the man you proudly called yours, as he sat staring at the fire burning wildly, joining him. "You're mad."
"I'm not mad. I was worried."
"You can be mad."
"I'm not mad!" He sighed, glancing at you from the corner of his eyes, trying to remain professional while surrounded by your team, Picard, and the planet's inhabitants who were pleasantly well...pleasant. "What you did was incredibly reckless."
"I knew I could handle it." You shrugged nonchalantly.
"I didn't." Will averted his gaze to the fire. "I didn't know."
"Well, you should have." You smirked, meeting his gaze when he turned his head to look at you. "I'm pretty great."
Will looked away, shaking his head, and felt all his worry fade away as he chuckled. "Yeah, you are." He looked around at the growing group of Starfleet officers on the planet, mingling and learning from the inhabitants who were known for their celebration of love, and knew it wouldn't have been possible without your prior knowledge of the species. "Yeah, you are." He repeated, smiling down at you when you bumped your shoulder with his.
Laughter left your lips when he bumped your shoulder with his and Will smiled over as he admired you for a moment. You sent him a smile, knowing that despite the solitude you had found, he was not comfortable compromising his official position for a kiss that lasted seconds. But your smile and stare said everything you needed and wanted him to know and Will sent you a smile in return knowing that after your shifts, the passion that had been burning brightly for several years, yet to dim, would finally feel succumbed to after hours of upholding your roles on the Enterprise.
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The View - William Riker X Reader
Summary: Riker finds his Partner waiting in Ten Forward.
Word Count: 400+
Rating: SFW
Warning(s): -
Author’s Note: I posted this one earlier today, but it wasn't formatted correctly; a hard thing to do while on my lunch break and on mobile. Reworked it a little and it is still far shorter than I like to offer. But it's something?
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It had been a few hours since you had finished your shift for the day. Without a better idea on how to spend your free time, you eventually wandered into Ten Forward. It hadn't been for nothing, as you enjoyed a drink and some time catching up with fellow crew.
Slowly the group started to depart for the night, but you remained. Making your way over to one of the many large window the bar had. Casting your gaze out upon the stars the ship traversed through, you allowed your mind to wander. You didn't noticed that the First Officer had arrived.
Riker spotted you instantly, and began to pick his way across the room until he stood behind you. He took a chance, slipping an arm around your waist and pulling you back against him.
He couldn't help but chuckle when you startled, spinning around to stare back at just who would dare.
"Will." His name leaving you in a breath. Riker grinned wide down at you, more than amused. He give you but a second before he leans down to steal a quick kiss.
"Why did you you tell me you were back?" You asked once he pulls away. You watch as Riker huffs in annoyance before answering:
"Had to get the de-brief over with. I thought I was never getting to leave."
You hummed softly in amusement; knowing full well that Riker didn't really hate getting to boast of the team successes while planet-side.
"So, now that's over with; anything in mind?" Riker asks, interested in just how you wished to spend your off-hours. Yet his expression falters with confusion as you turn away to look back out at the stars once more.
"I don't know. This is kinda nice." You hadn't really an idea, content enough with just being there with him. Riker gets the idea quickly, settling his arms around your waist and holding you close once more.
A couple minutes pass of just that. The few remaining patrons to the bar think little if they notice at all. Eventually though, Riker grows restless and leans down to speak in your ear.
"You know, the view from my quarters is a lot better."
"You mean more private? I've seen it plenty times before" You scoff, turning your head to looked back up at him.
"Sure. Sure." Riker's smirking now, few things more fun for him than teasing you. He's just lucky you love him for it.
"Alright then Will. What did you have in mind?"
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stonedstarfleet · 5 months
📌 Heya! ✦
Rus ☆ 26
transmasc · they/it/he
demisexual · queer
twitter/instagram/TH: @stonedstarfleet
Here you will find:
Mostly Star Trek (TNG and LWD are the only ones I have completed)
Art (both by myself and commissioned, artists will always be tagged)
Selfship / OC x Cannon
Anthro Stuff
Space Themes
Occasional shit-posts
F/O Info:
Main f/o: Cpt. William T. Riker (ST:TNG + ST: Titan book series)
Inactive: Roronoa Zoro (One Piece)
I don't have too many f/os (for now), and I also don't mind sharing! I hope that you enjoy your stay, live long and prosper. Proship DNI · Any bigotry/homophobia/transphobia will be blocked.
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💙💍♥️ | 🎨: @.garaks-padded-bra
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rp-partnerfinder · 9 months
Looking for RP partners to write the following ships with me on discord! Asterisk on the character I would like to play. Most of these are Star Trek based cause that’s my current jam! Christopher Pike* x Christine Chapel Christopher Pike* x Michael Burnham Christopher Pike* x La’an Noonien Singh Christine Chapel* x Christopher Pike Christine Chapel* x Spock William Riker* x Ro Laren Peter Parker* x Cindy Moon Peter Parker* x Felicia Hardy I’m 21+ and would prefer my partner to also be 21+ as I would love to write smut for all of these relationships! You can reach out by adding me on discord at chrispikes or replying to this post with your discord handle!
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