boldly yearning in the final frontier
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I'd love to see your take on A and K from the alphabet prompts for Chakotay! Thank you <3
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
chakotay shows affection in his own subtle ways. he's not the type to be overt with it - he thinks a lot of the affection he shows should be private and meant for you only. in public, he'll smile at you, or walk a little extra closely in the corridors, or always sit next to you in the mess hall. maybe hold your hand during tense moments or kiss your forehead during a harrowing sickbay visit.
privacy is where chakotay's affection really shines through. definitely gets a lot more physically touchy - but honestly, it's the things he says that really show his love. chakotay is a lot more willing to say sappy stuff in the privacy of his quarters. he likes to think he doesn't really have a way with words, but this man will tell you things that will make it difficult to work with him the next day and not start blushing.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
soft, at first. like a caress. it's kinda rare for chakotay's kisses to be rushed and harsh and out of control. his kisses are very precise and sure with the same gentleness he carries every single day. definitely likes to take his time - he thinks kisses are more effective as a slowburn than an immediate explosion. of course, there will be moments where you both just need that physical connection and things get harsher. but chakotay prefers his kisses to be something gentle.
he obviously enjoys kissing your lips, but honestly? his favorite might be your hands. he loves holding them in bed, bringing them up to his lips and kissing the back of your hand as you fall asleep. he loves grabbing them when you're in the middle of something - exhausted and overworked - and kissing your fingers to get you to quit for the night. he loves when your curve your hand against his cheek, so he can turn and press a kiss against your palm. chakotay isn't picky when it comes to being kissed - he's been hit too much in his life recently to have special favorites (he does. kiss his tattoo when he's just about to fall asleep. he'll still somehow feel it in the morning.)
prompt list (closed)
#star trek headcanons#star trek x reader#chakotay x reader#this is so long i told yall im so chakotaypilled
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S for Seven of Nine ? (Thanks for being like the only blog that still writes for her :) )
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
when seven gets protective, she doesn't really realize that she's being protective. for everybody else, it's a purely emotional response that comes about when you love someone and are worried for their safety. for seven, it's more framed as "ensuring the continuation of her collective" or something like that - and that attitude comes about more and more the longer you two are together. so does the emotions that seven feels, which she eventually has to face and conquer because a protective seven can sometimes be a controlling seven.
as for being protected, she never even considered it. seven doesn't have much experience with others caring for her safety - when you first start showing your protective side towards her, it's more confusing than anything. even when you explain that you care for her and want to make sure she's safe, her walls come up a little.
protectiveness is a vulnerability that seven has yet to fully show. but with you, it begins to feel natural. seven understands that she wants you safe and alive - and suddenly, this unfamiliar feeling comes naturally.
prompt list (accepting!)
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gently holds hand out for long headcanon requests
#the little drabble prompts are fun but i like having a longer piece to work on here and there#and my own ideas aren't sparking inspiration rn#so send me requests for longer form hcs!
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L for archer, trip, and/or malcolm please?
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
JONATHAN generally pretty good with kids. he might try too hard when he first meets them, but jon tends to revert to talking to them like they're adults and that really gets kids to like him. when it comes to kids he might have with you, i think he might struggle a bit at first. ideally, yes, he would take a step back from starfleet to devote time to his new family. but something would always pull him back in. around his own children, he'd be very eager to imbue them with his own sense of curiosity and drive.
TRIP very good with kids. trip is easy to joke around with, and kids usually think he's a lot of fun to hang out with. he also knows how to talk to them and how they generally think. with you and his kids, trip would be inseparable with them - and yes, he wants multiple. if it were safe enough, he might even drag them into engineering with them. trip might be a little annoyed if none of them share his affinity for engineering, but he's the most ride-or-die dad. you never have to worry about shouldering a lot of the parenting responsibility with trip.
MALCOLM his skills in child-rearing will leave a lot to be desired. malcolm didn't experience a lot of warm fatherly affection growing up, so he'd struggle to give it, at first. it's difficult to fully push down his walls, even with you and his child. but he'll come around eventually - it's his duty as a father to be there for his kid in every aspect. but don't let malcolm babysit. the only child he enjoys being around is his own. he doesn't have a ton of patience with other people's kids.
prompt list (accepting!)
#star trek headcanons#star trek x reader#jonathan archer x reader#trip tucker x reader#malcolm reed x reader
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request: I'd like to request a headcannon for the ladies of Star Trek (specifically Voyager and strange new worlds, they are my favorites rn). What would their reactions be to (female) reader being on an away mission and coming back seriously hurt. cw: reader is hurt, mentions of blood and injuries wc: 1,323
CREW: kathryn janeway, b'elanna torres, seven of nine, una chin-riley, la'an noonien-singh, christine chapel, nyota uhura
kathryn has always had a hard time letting her professionalism down. other than in the privacy of the holodeck or her quarters, it was a careful balancing act of maintaining her captain vibe around the crew and being affectionate towards you. there was no better example of this than the away mission that almost killed you. it was bad enough she couldn’t immediately run down to sick bay to see you - to walk in half an hour later acting like her heart wasn’t in her stomach.
at your bedside, she keeps her stern expression up at first. she’s worried, you can tell. you’ve gotten really good at reading her face these days. but her shoulders are still squared and her voice still carries that professional weight. it isn’t until you reach for her hand and squeeze it tight does she seem to relax. you tell her you’re okay - tired but alive - and kathryn’s eyes finally soften into something more familiar. after that day, she learned how to more properly move between the two spaces.
she was still shouting when you and her were transported into sickbay. fear turns to anger more often than b’elanna would like. blind terror naturally morphs into hot rage - one that tom only barely manages to contain so the doctor can work to save your life. a lot of the anger comes from fear, but some of it also splintered from you. if you died because you saved b’elanna’s life, how is she supposed to deal with that? you would’ve left her alone to find out for herself.
today wasn’t the day she’d have to answer that question. b’elanna does try to reel in her rage when she comes to talk to you, but some of it spills over like boiling water. why did you do that? what were you thinking? did you think you loved her more than she loved you or something? that’s when you just bluntly tell her that you’d never let anything happen to her if you can help it. that manages to cap her anger, but she’s still grumpy between careful touches.
concern has been one of the more annoying sensations that seven has had to deal with. an insistent hum in her stomach whenever something dangerous is threatening the ship - a feeling that’s gotten more noticeable the longer she’s been on voyager, and now, since she’s entered a relationship with you. but it’s never been as strong and unpleasant as it was now, on the long walk to sick bay. the captain said you were alive at the time of transport, but what if your condition has changed? what if the doctor is unable to heal your wounds?
you’re the one to point out how obvious her worry was. half-conscious but still able to read seven in a way nobody else can. the light tremble of her fingers, how her breathing has increased, her eyes roaming every inch of your body for additional wounds. it’s all enough to make you croak out an apology - something that puzzles seven. when she asks why you’re apologizing, it’ll take too much effort to explain “i know you and i know you’re very scared and worried and unsure right now and it hurts that i’m the one who caused you to feel like this,” so you just mumble out another apology while holding her hand.
as first officer, una’s first priority is the safety of the crew. as your partner, her first priority is you. failing in both of these is a huge hit to una, and if she weren’t so worried sick when you’re brought into sickbay, she might’ve went to her quarters alone to brood. she was in command. she was supposed to bring you back to enterprise safely. she failed and you could have died.
you try to tell her she’s being a little dramatic. you’re okay and alive (other than a nasty headache), so it all worked out. but una is not that easily placated. she carries a lot of guilt, almost as if she’s the one who struck the blow. holding your hand and smiling and looking at her in that way she loves so much doesn’t do a lot help her get over it. when una makes a mistake, she learns from it. which unfortunately means only assigning you to safe (boring) away missions for a while. maybe you’ll notice eventually - until then, una is content to listen to you complain about being bored at the end of the day instead of reading another report on your recovery.
her goal was to get you back to enterprise unscathed, even at the cost of her own safety. that’s what la’an did best - sacrifice and throw herself into the fray to protect others. but sometimes, even her best isn’t enough. the both of you landed in sickbay anyway, alive but hurt. if la’an had been able to spare you as much pain as possible, it might’ve been worth it. but you were in worst shape than she was. la’an even tried to forgo treatment because she didn’t feel like she deserved it. not when you were laid out on a biobed.
when she came up to talk to you, she had a whole apology planned out. she wasn’t very good at them but she felt like she needed to. when you blinked open your eyes, however, and immediately asked if she was alright, la’an’s carefully crafted apology might as well been blown out the airlock. she didn’t know what to say or how to respond. she doesn’t even answer the question - just squeezes your arm and tells you to focus on getting better. la’an has never truly gotten used to the idea of someone caring about her as much as she cares about them.
christine had been able to shake her triage nerves a long time ago - it was a requirement for her line of work. until now, it had been a while since her hands shook enough to alter the scans. she’s usually able to keep a good head when it comes to having a reassuring bedside manner. so it makes christine scoff and shake her head that the roles are reversed - you’re comforting her. you’re making light comments to calm her nerves. she should be the one reassuring you.
she tries to keep focus. complete the scans, look them over, and decide on the best course of treatment. but it’s damn hard when you’re breathing through the pain, yet making little jokes to try and make christine smile. part of her wants to call m’benga over and have him finish your treatment - the other part selfishly wants to make you better herself. to hold your face in her hands afterward and finally mirror your smile and tell you that you were going to be okay. though, as christine shakily reaches for a hypospray, that pretty image seems too far off.
after everything that’s happened to her, it’s no surprise that nyota takes personal responsibility for your injuries. it’s a guilt that’s planted as soon as you’re looking up at her from the ground, taut with pain, something in your eyes begging her to stop it somehow. and she couldn’t. nyota thinks back on the away mission a lot in the hours after getting back to the enterprise, wondering how she could have kept you safer.
when she visits you the next day, nyota will try her best to put on a smile and be positive. it’s what you need - you’ve always told her how much her smile brightens your day. and you’ll take her hand and squeeze it and reassure her that you’re alive and okay, but she knows things could've easily gone so much worse. her guilt stews in her belly for days and weeks after the away mission - and nyota promises herself she wouldn’t let you get hurt again.
#star trek headcanons#star trek x reader#la'an x reader#kathryn janeway x reader#b'elanna torres x reader#seven of nine x reader#una chin-riley x reader#christine chapel x reader#nyota uhura x reader
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J for Janeway
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
definitely prone to jealousy. it doesn't come out often - kathryn is very sure of herself in a relationship and doesn't feel threatened easily. but there are situations that might spark it. if you start confiding in someone else, having fun with them, working very closely with them. logically, she knows it's nothing and you'd never do anything to hurt her. but emotionally, kathryn is prone to letting her emotions run away from her.
when she's feeling jealous, she gets colder. she might brush you off or claim she's too busy for dinner. not really meet your eyes or reach for your hand like she usually would. all you have to do is call her out on it and kathryn will come back to her good senses - with a little bit of embarrassment.
prompt list (accepting!)
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I absolutely adore your blog. I was wondering if you could do D, G, and S for Chakotay? He's such an underappreciated character!
Thank you 💕
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
chakotay would definitely like to settle down someday. in the past, there never seemed to be a good time - there were things to do, battles to fight, his home to protect. even now, in the delta quadrant, he's a little hesitant to fully make voyager a place to put down roots. but it's always been in the back of his mind - especially once he starts seeing you.
he would be the best person to build a home with. chakotay takes up a lot of the more hands-on work around the house. repairing things, building new additions, cleaning up messes. he enjoys changing things to meet your wants and needs.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
as his friend, you would've already known that chakotay is a very calm and peaceful person - his thoughtfulness can come off as stoicism to those who don't know him well. but in a relationship, it really amps up. arguments with chakotay rarely escalate because he'll want to sit down and calmly talk through his feelings and find a solution. he never wants you to think he's disregarding your feelings.
chakotay is capable of inflicting physical harm onto others - he's a boxer and an ex-Maquis. but you'd never be able to tell with the way he handles you. all feather-light kisses, careful touches, gently guiding your hands where he wants them. even in more passionate moments, he's careful to keep his strength in check.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
pretty protective, but on the other hand, chakotay is a very big advocate of letting you do what you feel like you need to do. if you're going to take a big risk, of course he'll voice his disagreement and point out ways it can go wrong. but if you're set on it, he'll support and help in any way he can. chakotay isn't the type to try and keep you from doing something dangerous just because it scares the hell out of him. he knows he's the same way.
being protected isn't something he has a lot of experience with. chakotay has an independent streak and might push against attempts at being physically protected, even if he appreciates the thought. find subtle ways to protect him - standing up for him when people talk behind his back or supporting his ideas.
prompt list (accepting!)
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request: Hi! I was wondering if I could request some sick!reader with caretaker!SNW crew? cw: gn!reader, reader has a cold wc: 983
CREW: chris pike, una chin-riley, la'an noonien-singh, spock, nyota uhura, christine chapel, erica ortegas
chris does not mess around when you get sick. he’ll hit you with the good old-fashioned “tuck-you-into-bed-with-soup” treatment, even if you insist you’re okay. always making sure you’re hydrated, well-fed, and combating that pesky fever. chris can get kind of annoying when you’re sick - you’ll have to hope and pray he’s busy with something else or he’ll be checking in on you constantly. and of course, he gives lots of kisses - mostly on your forehead “to check your temperature” but almost always follows it up with one on your lips. he gets sick right after you. and you better hope you can perfect his soup recipe the first time, or chris will drag himself out of bed to make it himself.
having never gotten a cold before, una tries to be helpful. fetches you water and food, assures you’ve got enough blankets, keeps an eye on your temperature. she’s stubborn as hell about your medicine and is really good at getting you to take it. but that kinda stuff is easy - she’s gotten used to babying junior officers and it’s just like that, only with more kisses and stroking your hair. una might try to drag you out of bed, insisting a walk will make you feel better. she’s good at getting what she wants, but not this time. it always ends with her crawling into bed with you for a good cuddle. and she won’t even use your stuffy nose or whining to tease you once you’re healthy again.
at first, la’an is pretty worried. she kinda ignores that it’s just a cold and thinks it’s something more serious until someone assures her that it’s not. after that, she’s almost…annoyed? mostly at herself for getting so worked up, but also because she finds herself tending to you like a nurse. taking care of your needs, making sure you’re comfortable, shouldering some of the work you’re missing - it’s embarrassing, really. la’an does it anyway. it might feel weird to carefully hand you a bowl of soup or ask if you’ve taken your medicine, but it's also nice to be needed. and really, it’s worth it whenever you’re just about to fall asleep, wheezing through a stuffy nose, and you squeeze her hand as if la’an is the only thing keeping you here. it’s just a cold, she keeps telling herself before squeezing back.
there was a few times when you thought spock might just pick you up and drag you to sickbay himself. he has never understood the human habit of underestimating an illness and attempting to “power through it.” he says it’s illogical, and you counter that it isn’t serious. nothing a few days of sleep can’t fix. spock can recognize when he’s been beaten - you tend to win arguments more than anybody else these days. and so, as captain pike would say, “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” spock assigns himself to help nurse you back to help, fetching anything you might need from him and more. through a raspy voice, you tease him about how much he cares. he’ll negate it by explaining how the ship’s performance has become subpar due to your absence. it’s only logical he stays to tuck you into bed and read to you until you fall asleep against him.
is absolutely there for you the very first time she hears you cough. nyota may actually be a little too enthusiastic in helping you - she tends to throw herself fully into all of her projects, and your cold is not any different. for the first couple days, when she’s not on duty, she’s spending it making sure you’re as comfortable as possible. making a soup her mother used to make when she was sick, or talking about her day so you don’t miss out on what’s been happening around the ship. nyota can be a bit overbearing, but it comes from love. she feels a lot of pride and joy when you’re finally back on duty, and secretly looks forward to the next time you come down with a bug.
you better hope christine doesn’t find out you’ve been avoiding sickbay when you’ve got a cold because she’ll scold you while she nurses you. tells you how reckless and stupid it is to suffer through it when she could’ve helped. she’s right, of course - but it’s easier to tease her. tell her how nice it is that you’ve got your own personal doctor to look after you when you’re sick, and ask if she’ll make any special housecalls. despite how annoyed she is, she’ll just smile and scoff at your lame attempt at a joke. threatens to make you even sicker, maybe then you’ll learn your lesson. christine eventually calms down enough to get you into bed (not in the way you’d like. she blames you for that) and gives you a little kiss on your forehead. just to check for a fever.
no, no, no, erica doesn’t believe in laying around in bed just waiting to get better. in her experience, when she’s had a cold, getting up and moving around it the best remedy. get your blood pumping, remind your body who’s boss. it doesn’t work, and she feels super guilty when you can’t get out of bed the next day. erica starts waiting on you hand and foot after that, trying to keep the mood light. maybe goes a little extra on the affection as a cherry on top. she was only trying to help, but not everybody in the galaxy is as tough as erica ortegas. she’ll lie in bed with you at night, and for a little while, it’s nice to just slow down and offer up her warmth when your fever is pretty bad. then she makes fun of the sick rasp of your voice and she has to apologize again.
#star trek headcanons#star trek x reader#christoper pike x reader#una chin riley x reader#la'an x reader#spock x reader#nyota uhura x reader#christine chapel x reader#erica ortegas x reader#star trek snw x reader
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I for Chakotay please
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
not very fast. chakotay is a very slowburn kinda guy - he'll take his time feeling out the relationship. make sure everything is right and comfortable before moving onto the next stage. he may wait to say the words, but that doesn't mean he won't feel it or need to fight them back every time he's alone with you. in all likelihood, you might be the one to say it first and chakotay will simply follow your lead. but he won't say it on impulse or if he isn't 100% sure of his feelings.
when he does say it, however, he wants it to be special. a moment to look back on that makes his chest tight and the weight on his shoulders lighter.
prompt list (accepting!)
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I’m trying to get back into writing fics and headcannons do you have any advice?
hi! whenever someone asks for writing advice, i usually start with just writing whatever you want. this is definitely not my first writing blog and one of the worst mistakes i made was forcing myself to write what other people wanted. taking requests i wasn't particularly passionate about. i don't know if you'll be taking requests like i have, but when writing starts to feel like a chore, that's the best way to burn out.
take your time! if you start thinking "it's been so long since i posted something, i need to post something," just ignore it. write at your own pace. even if you go weeks without posting, don't push yourself to write by a deadline.
watch or read about the thing you're writing about. like i've said, i've been falling into a voyager pit this past week and my muse has been super high as a result of it.
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B for Tuvok?
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
having tuvok as a best friend means always having somebody to turn to if you need help. it means being able to talk with someone and they'll offer advice to the best of their ability. it means having a person who will pull you back, make you see things from another angle, and help you fix a problem. tuvok is a good friend because of his vulcan no-nonsense way of things. he always knows what you need before you do.
like most people who befriend a vulcan, it starts with him just kinda tolerating you. putting up with your chaos, insisting his way of doing something is more logical, and butting heads up until you two develop a respect (and maybe affection) with each other.
prompt list (accepting!)
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Q: are requests open?
my pinned post will tell you whether or not requests are open. that usually refers to your own original prompts. for smaller headcanon requests that i write from a prompt list, i usually add on if those specific prompts are closed or accepting when i post it.
Q: what can i request?
this is a headcanon-only blog for reader inserts, meaning i won't be writing actual fics or drabbles. headcanons are just easier for me to write and i don't risk getting writer's block. headcanon requests are something along the lines of "relationship requests for _" or "how would _ react to you getting hurt." this is a reader insert blog, so i won't be writing character x character ships. as of now, i don't write explicit NSFW content, though i might get a little spicy here and there if the prompt calls for it.
Q: who do you write for?
pretty much anybody from TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, and SNW. there may be a few characters i won't write for at all, like dukat. if you want to request somebody who isn't on the main crew, it might be best to just ask. there are some characters i may not automatically put in the crew-wide headcanons. that's mostly just my own personal preference and if i'm able to view them in a romantic way (neelix, quark, tuvok, etc). but if i left someone out and you'd like to read the headcanon for them, you can send in a request! - why don't you write for TOS, DIS, PIC? i haven't watched them / haven't watched in a while / don't want to watch them.
Q: are you going to write my request?
i try to get to every request i receive, but i do delete requests that don't spark my inspiration. in the past, i've made the mistake of forcing myself to write everything i was requested and didn't always enjoy it. that's not to say you can't request more than one thing! just because one request didn't spark my muse, doesn't mean a second one won't.
if there's a question you have that i haven't answered, feel free to send me an ask!
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S / C for pike please? :)
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
chris pike is already fiercely protective of his crew, much less when it comes to you. he tries super hard not to let influence his actions, but this man suffers from heart too big disease and all it takes is a hint of danger before he's jumping to pull you out of harm's way. and chris knows he really shouldn't - he needs to let do your job and takes the risks you signed up for. but his heart guides his actions too often.
he's torn when the tables are turned. on one hand, chris' love for you explodes when you stick up for him or have his back. he loves being able to trust you with his life. but on the other, protecting him means being at risk. it's a double-edged sword that chris is still working on balancing.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
he's a cuddling fiend when it's just you two in his quarters. chris isn't really the type to put his feet up or lie around in bed for very long - cuddling with you is really the only reason he would have to be lazy once in a while. holding you in his arms, his head in your lap, your back against his chest, propped on his lap while he works - chris really isn't that picky. as long as you stick close.
prompt list (accepting!)
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relationship headcanons ☆ chakotay x reader wc: 747 gif
slowburn is just his way. once chakotay starts to catch feelings, he’s not the type to jump right into them headfirst - he steps back and waits and lets things evolve naturally. he’ll want to get to know you, become your friend, learn you like the back of his hand before taking the next step and asking you to dinner one day. your comfort and security is his utmost concern, and if he feels like he might put you in an awkward position, he has the willpower to push down his feelings.
prefers to keep the relationship private for the most part. dinner dates in his quarters instead of the mess hall. keeping a professional distance during work shifts. light touches and soft gazes at social gatherings. and it’s not that chakotay doesn’t want to show you off or anything vain like that - he’s just a very private person. more shy than he tends to let on as first officer. when he shows his love, he prefers that you’re the only one who truly sees it. of course, this doesn’t stop him from holding your hand if you’re in sickbay or a quick kiss during emergencies.
chakotay is so good at reading others. he’s very thoughtful and wise and knows how to gauge the mood of others - it’s what makes him a good diplomat. he’ll pick up that you’re feeling low immediately and try his best to fix the problem. but that’s something chakotay tends to struggle with - he wants to fix every problem all the time even if he can’t or it isn’t his place. he’s a caretaker at heart, so be prepared for him to shoulder your burdens. but even so, he’s usually able to predict what you need before you know you need it.
as private and introverted as he is, chakotay is an open book if you sit down to talk something out. he may not always have the right words, but he strongly believes in being honest with the person you love. and he isn’t quick to anger - disagreements or miscommunications rarely, if ever, lead to a genuine argument.
enjoys touching you more than kissing you. yes, chakotay loves holding your face and tilting it and making you sigh against his lips, but touches are what matter the most to him. let him brush or braid your hair. let him rub your shoulders after a long day. take his hand and start playing with it when you talk with him. lean against him in crowded areas. trace his tattoo when you’re lying in bed together. chakotay loves the soft intimacy of everyday touches.
his biggest love language is probably acts of service, though. give this man a task, tell him you love him, and that’s all the motivation he needs. chakotay really thrives when he’s able to serve an ideal he believes in or a person he cares about. if you’re overloaded with work, he drops everything to help you. if you’re exhausted after a long day, don’t worry, he’ll finish the report. once he’s yours, chakotay’s new mission in life is to simply make your burdens lighter.
he’s going to want to share so much of his history and culture with you. one of his biggest regrets is pushing against his culture as a young man, so he wants to make up for it. absolutely loves explaining things and telling stories. it would mean the world to him if you want to listen and engage with it.
it always surprises you just how gentle chakotay can be. he’s a big guy - kinda intimidating, holds an aura about him that proves he was a member of the maquis. he’s definitely shown he’s capable of violence if pushed to it. it’s difficult to remember that when he holds you so tenderly at night. speaks so softly when you’re upset. handles you so carefully if you’re hurt. he’s so patient, even when you start to test it. but chakotay’s never so much as raised his voice in an argument with you.
once he’s with you, he’s solely dedicated to being a good partner. chakotay will always have your back. will always trust you with his life. will always love you no matter what. of course, any good romantic partner would do the same - but with chakotay, it’s different. loyalty and commitment matter so much to him. he’s going to pour so much of his heart into your hands and trust you to hold it for him.
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J for Chakotay please?
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
jealousy is a very rare emotion for chakotay to feel - he just doesn't feel particularly threatened when other people are close to you. but he is human, and therefore still feels jealous every once in a while. particularly when you feel like you can't confide in him like you can with someone else. as if you can't tell him anything that's on you're mind and he wouldn't automatically be there for you.
when he's feeling this way, he can't help but try to get closer to you. not so much invading your spaces or demanding explanations - chakotay would probably have more serious talks with you and plainly tell you that he loves you and he wants to be there for you. he'll always feel a little foolish in the aftermath.
prompt list (accepting!)
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i just posted an alphabet prompt list and it's open for requests!
i know there were some emoji prompts that went unanswered. i really only try to write the requests that inspire me, so i don't feel burnt out. so if i didn't get to yours, i'm sorry! you can always keep sending in requests.
also i've been watching so much voyager these past few days and am extremely chakotay-pilled at the moment so chances are, voyager requests will be filled <3
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i just posted an alphabet prompt list and it's open for requests!
i know there were some emoji prompts that went unanswered. i really only try to write the requests that inspire me, so i don't feel burnt out. so if i didn't get to yours, i'm sorry! you can always keep sending in requests.
also i've been watching so much voyager these past few days and am extremely chakotay-pilled at the moment so chances are, voyager requests will be filled <3
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