#wifi problems when i tried to post today
morganthefae · 1 year
Day 8: OTP
Characters, Ashura, Yasha
Warnings: Character death, non-explicit references to being burned.
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golbrocklovely · 2 months
let me tell you some fun things that happened to me on my day off.
first off i went to the mall. one of my favorite stores is going out of business, and while i don't need more clothes, when they are 30-50% off…. yes i do.
also the way i basically burn thru jeans bc of my thighs rubbing together………… yall i could write a thesis on why companies need to double line their jeans on the inner thigh for plus size individuals.
anyway, i go there, and i'm not expecting them to have my size. i'm a 20/2x-3x. i've played this game before and always lose. however, i go there and all they have left, basically, is my size and 00s.
god smiled upon me today…. but then decided to throw a curveball for shits and gigs.
come to find out, after looking around and picking the stuff i wanted, their wifi was down and thus the card reader wouldn't work. that's annoying, but hey, the mall has an atm in it. i'll just go downstairs, get money out, come back up and pay. not a problem.
yes, a problem. the atm that was there is no longer there. there now isn't any in the mall at all.
well, thankfully my mom was gracious enough to give me money (she was in the car waiting for me bc we had a bunch of errands to run). so i had to go all the way back upstairs, out the front entrance, to her car, get her money, walk all the way back into the mall, go to the store and then buy my clothes.
i got two shirts, a pair of leggings, and three pairs of pants (one being a pair of cargo pants that I've been dying to get since my last pair ripped)….. $82 yall. that's all i spent. an absolute fucking STEAL.
tried everything on at home, and they all mostly fit. the one pair of jeans was a midrise which was my fault on getting, but it does fit. i just have to wear a baggy shirt to feel comfy. the other two pairs fit however a zipper is busted on one of them. that's fine. i'll fix it later since i'm not exactly wearing these pants anytime soon since it's nice out anymore
i stopped inside of zumiez… they had snc's merch. i'll make a whole separate post about that interaction lol
leave the mall, drive to family dollar. get some stuff that we need for the laundry room and the pups. my dogs go thru bones like their lives depend on it. but now they will be good for a while. also i FINALLY was able to buy a curvy barbie which i've wanted since they started making them all the way back when i was in college or hs. then we went to goodwill and dropped off some clothes. i ran into goodwill and looked at cds. i got some absolute classics:
no strings attached by nsync
believe by cher
the immaculate collection by madonna
and then i got some dvds:
an unopened box set of the first season of glee (i'm dying)
barbie pegasus
spectacular (that weird knock off camp rock movie made by nickelodeon)
overall 8.5/10 day lol
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voxuli · 3 months
ALRIGHT today I am gonna talk about a thing that I know TOO MUCH ABOUT which is pentagram city's INFRASTRUCTURE.
By infrastructure here, I primarily mean two things as they pertain to Vox; data infrastructure and power.
First of all, Vox absolutely has control of the power infrastructure in Pentagram City. All of it. I mean this in the sense of the electrical company is definitely a subsidiary of his; it's probably not a fact you have to dig too hard to find. And this is solely because what he does in Stayed Gone is force a cascading blackout.
This is, um, a thing that companies usually try to avoid happening with the power grid! There are plenty of defenses that are built into our modern day equipment to prevent this from happening, because when it does it can also damage the equipment and it's just a mess for everyone. If Vox had anything less than absolute control over the power of Pentagram City, there would be a bunch of pissy engineers working day and night just to spite him to ensure he didn't have this capability.
Unfortunately for them--he does. Which does technically mean that if you live in Pentagram City, he can have your power cut off. (The exception here is of course the Hotel, which is shown at the end of Stayed Gone to not be connected to the larger grid of Pentagram City.) This isn't one of his preferred solutions, I think, because I think he tries to stay hands off on the grid where possible.
Vox made a huge push to get all of Pentagram City wired up as soon as VoxTek became successful enough to do so. As always, his "supporting the people" act really also benefits himself--the power grid is his own private highway, and he can go wherever there's power (there are some caveats to this that I'll touch on in a later post).
Secondly, there's a lot of data infrastructure that is installed alongside the power infrastructure. VoxTek unabashedly collects every byte of data it can from its users. Every VoxTek phone is a listening device waiting to be used, every device has backdoors built in. Everything that goes through a device of theirs goes into the VoxTek ssrvers.
Does this mean Vox knows everything? Definitely not. That's far too much information for any one man to process, even one who's more computer than organic at this point. Vox only investigates if there's something he thinks he has reason to.
The problem here is that currently his media empire relies a lot on... Well, the use of the radio band. Most (if not all) of VoxTek devices rely on radio in some way to communicate, especially with the rise of wifi. Which means that if Alastor feels like it, he can override or interfere with the majority of the Vees' broadcasts or data collection.... Something that bothers Vox very, very much.
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smithvewor · 2 years
Renesas usb 3.0 driver
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#Renesas usb 3.0 driver drivers#
#Renesas usb 3.0 driver update#
#Renesas usb 3.0 driver Pc#
This usb 3.0 chip wasn't working from the beginning, so I am starting beeing slightly frustated as this is never (ever?) working. I had this malfunctions above with every OS I tried (WIN7 32 / 64bit, WIN8.1 64). Sometimes it just worked directly after applying a new driver, but after a reboot it just wasn't working again.
#Renesas usb 3.0 driver Pc#
(therefore i think) files could't be "found" on the attached volume when they should be copied on the pc and so on. corrupted file system after trying to use a storage complete system hang/freeze when connected a device / tried to do file operations with it
#Renesas usb 3.0 driver update#
On July 27th I upgraded to Win 10 from Win 7, and Win 10 did update the driver at that time.
#Renesas usb 3.0 driver drivers#
The driver is 6-212 Th2Release 151029-1700 (Microsoft) and is the current release. Found 100 drivers for Windows 8 64-bit, Windows 7, Windows 7 64-bit, Windows Vista, Windows Vista 64-bit, Windows XP, Windows XP 64-bit, Windows Server 2008 R2. Please note you may have to register before you can post. Renesas Electronics USB 3. Most of the time it does not reappear in the device manager hence I could not use the USB 3.0 port. Guide to updating usb 3.0 drivers & firmware Hello, welcome to ASUS Republic of Gamers Official Forum. Renesas USB 3.0 drivers for Windows 7 64bit. filesystem detected as RAW (it is NTFS everytime) I have a Renesas USB 3.0 Extensible Host Controller 1.0 (Microsoft). For any one with a NEC/Renesas USB 3.0 Issue there are two solutions not yet available from Asus. i also tried every driver on win 7 32 / 64, with latest firmware for uPD720200 controller. I allready tried this you submitted (which is unfortunately displayed as after installing, whats wrong here?), with the last firmware (3034 for uPD720200) as well as the firmware before with all (other) RENESAS drivers available (i guess - found here Station-Drivers - Renesas/Nec). Faulty or marginal Power Supply Units can be responsible for all sorts of unusual problems like this but if you're having difficulty tracking down the culprit, it'd be worth taking the PC to your local computer store and asking them to diagnose whats wrong. There's something else going on with your build to cause these problems and the fact that your replacement board behaves exactly the same way only confirms this for me. I now have a PCIe USB 3.0 adapter card in my PC and its working fine with the latest drivers. I'd had problems with my onboard USB on an older board and a wifi dongle that wouldn't work reliably but a cheap NEC USB 2.0 adapter card fixed things and got it all working as it should be. 168.6MB - Freeware - Audio chipsets from Realtek are used in motherboards from many different manufacturers. So you've received a brand new board but there's no customer service - how did you get the new board then? How do you explain that some people are having no problems at all with their same model board? The people behind this USB 3.0 hardware used to be known as NEC and they established a reputation for the best quality USB 2.0 add-on PCI cards. More Realtek High Definition Audio Driver. I'm fierce about Intel, there is no custumer service, I tell it to all my contacts about the very poor Intel service! Today I've received a brand-new DH67CF board, but it does have the same problem as before.
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loiswolf · 2 years
Day 37 July 7 Truro - Montague Prince Edward Island 101kms
First I have to apologise for my late blog yesterday. It just wouldn’t post.
Yesterday it poured rain, today was perfect sunshine! It was a beautiful day to ride. I had considered missing Prince Edward Island if it was going to rain, but on checking the forecast I decided to go there. There was also the problem of getting off the other end. Bicycles are not permitted on the big bridge that goes back to the mainland. I googled it last night and discovered that there is a shuttle service that takes bikes over to the mainland. Perfect!
Most of my stuff had still not dried out this morning. It did matter because the weather was so warm I was able to wear sandals and lighter clothing. I didn’t leave until almost 9am because I was on a messenger call with Rod. I still forget to ride on the correct side of the road but obviously I correct that mistake pretty quickly.
I find the signs and roads here a lot more user friendly than the UK. I was able to cycle out of Truro easily then take the 4. It was a lovely road. Mostly quiet and had plenty of pretty houses to look at.
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Google maps said today was mostly flat but I know better than to believe that. Especially when there is something called Mount Thom right in the middle of your route.
There was nothing really steep and the ride was extremely enjoyable.
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Although at the top of the mountain I was convinced Shirley had a flat tyre as there was a constant bumping sensation. I stopped to check and found that both tyres were a little soft but not actually flat. I put some air in both ( that never hurts) and continued on. It must have been the road which looked completely smooth but had invisible bumps. How could I doubt Shirley like that?
I was hoping for somewhere to stop but none of the small towns had anything much. Just more cute houses
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Making good time I reached a big roundabout just before Pictou where I finally stopped for a break after doing 65kms.
Tim Hortons was my choice again mainly because of the wifi. Unfortunately it took me nearly half and hour to get the wifi to connect ( I’m getting to be an expert at all the possible things to fiddle with to get wifi…and mobile data) Then I tried to post yesterday’s blog for the 4th and 5th time. I finally succeeded by leaving out the photos. 😠.
I had a sneaky feeling I had stayed too long and I was right. It was only 6kms to the ferry terminal from my lunch stop but I found I had just missed the ferry and there wasn’t another for almost and hour. 😠😠.
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Of course the ferry was late and took 75minutes to get to PEI. I managed to find useful things to do. There was wifi on the ferry and I was able to look for tomorrow night’s accommodation. There were not a lot of options unfortunately. I think I’m going to have to find some other way to find accommodation.
Once I disembarked on the other side I had another 28kms. It was a lovely road and PEI is very beautiful. The road was straight but hilly and eventually made it into town a lot later than usual. I thought this church was pretty
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I was getting pretty hungry so I stopped at a bakery. The shelves were empty but the girl took me out the back to get some bread, shortbread biscuits and molasses cookies ( these turned out to have sultanas in them so I’m leaving them at my BNB.) It was just as well I stopped because it was after 6pm when I arrived here. It’s a little out of town so it was too late to go back into town by the time I’d unpacked and showered….and vegged out a bit. Bread, apple and biscuits for dinner tonight!!
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clownkiwi · 6 years
me: ralsei and lancer are my fave deltarune boys!!!!!!
my friend: hmmm... ralsei. ralsei..... hmmmmm.....
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flightfoot · 3 years
If anyone wants to read a fanfic focusing on Alya’s problems and feelings, centered around her as a person, I HIGHLY recommend “can you keep a secret?” by euphorickiri. 
It starts off looking like it’s mostly just gonna be interested in shipping Alyadrien (which it DOES do very effectively), with early chapters having a good portion of the plot be driven by Alya suspecting that Adrien’s Chat Noir and wanting to spend more time with him, find out more about him in order to become sure of it.
But even then, even as early as chapter 1, you get to see that there’s more going in with Alya than you’d normally see in such a fic. That she can’t get herself to post to the Ladyblog after the Lady Wifi business, that people at school are treating her differently after being akumatized, along with going over her current issues with her friends and family, things that are shown and develop more and more as the series goes on.
In chapter 1:
Nino was her closest friend besides Marinette. They bonded quickly over their mutual love for comic books and have only grown closer since then. Often when Alya felt like she couldn’t talk to Marinette, Nino was always there to lend an ear. This was happening a lot more recently than she wanted to admit. She didn’t know exactly what was going on, but Alya wasn’t stupid. Marinette was hiding something from her. Something big. She showed up to school half-asleep most of the time and when asked to hang out she came up with every excuse in the book to avoid going. There were even certain times she would just disappear without telling anyone. It seemed like it was taking a huge toll on her and Alya didn’t want to add to that burden. So she plastered a smile on her face for her best friend and supported her in any way she could. Still, she couldn’t help but be suspicious about what was going on.
She hated how much Lady Wifi took over her life. She pretended not to see the dirty looks people sent her, ignoring how hurt she felt. Nino was right. They weren’t themselves when they were akumatized. But that didn’t mean everyone sympathized with akuma victims. And she was no exception. Even Chloe was wary around her now. Chloe . The most fearsome person at school. So Alya preferred not to talk about it at all. It was just something else she had to deal with.
She wasn’t weak. She wasn’t . She could handle herself.
And with chapter two, it starts laying the foundation of her family situation.
“What do you guys want?” Alya asked tiredly.
“Breakfast,” Ella replied. “Can you make chocolate chip pancakes again?”
Alya ran a hand over her face and looked over at her alarm clock, relieved she had a decent amount of time to get herself and her sisters ready for school. Her parents worked during the day so it became Alya’s responsibility to look after the twins. Make sure they get to school, pick them up from school, feed them, dress them - everything. It could be draining, and as much as she loved her sisters, they were still kids who acted out and refused to cooperate at the worst times. But if she didn’t look after them, no one else would. Her parents, especially her mom, were too engrossed in their work. The one time Nora did come home to visit, Ella and Etta didn't know who she was. That’s how long she’s been gone.
So, this was Alya’s burden to carry. Alone.
“You guys have to eat something other than pancakes every morning,” Alya scolded, reaching for her phone. “I’ll make oatmeal with some fruit instead.”
As the story goes on, Alya’s family situation with her parents fighting and using her as a go-between while pretending everything’s alright, with herself being her younger sisters’ rock, becomes a bigger part of the story and necessary background to the emotional struggle Alya goes through, informing a lot of her character and why her thought process is the way it is.
The rest of the day consisted of Alya trying to get Marinette to speak with occasional assistance from Nino and Adrien. Nothing worked. The only person able to get a reaction out of her was Juleka. The other teen waved passing their table during lunchtime and Marinette waved back. And as worried as she was, Alya couldn’t help but be a little annoyed. There have been days where all Alya wanted to do was yell at anyone who dared to approach her. But she never took it out on Marinette or anyone else. But here they were, the situations revered, and Marinette wouldn’t even look at her . What made Juleka the exception?
No one wants you.
Alya pushed her tray of food away, her appetite gone.
She almost pulled her hair out when Miss Bustier told everyone to sit with their partners during their last class of the day and Marinette bolted out of her seat. Alya tried to hide her irritation when she saw Marinette and Juleka talking out of the corner of her eye as if everything was normal.
“Remember your projects are due tomorrow! I’m giving you the entire class period today to finish up,” Miss Bustier announced. “I’m very excited to see your presentations!”
Adrien slid into Marinette’s empty seat. “We need to find a couple more pictures for the poster but other than that we’re good.”
“I agree.” Alya glared when Marinette laughed at something Juleka said, not paying attention to his words. “We should do that.”
Oh? So quick to replace me? She tensed up as her own words mocked her.
Marinette rested her head on Juleka’s shoulder. Don’t worry, you’ll always be my number 1 partner. You’re irreplaceable.
Wrong. You’re disposable .
Alya’s feelings and emotions are validated by the narrative, even though she has the wrong idea about Marinette replacing her. 
Lady Wifi plays a big role in the story as well, since she’s not actually gone, and serves as a kind of embodiment of Alya’s negative emotions and worst impulses, as well as a looming threat. The tension between her and Alya helps accentuate the emotional heart of the story.
Alya also gets to disagree and talk things out with Ladybug and Master Fu, when she doesn’t agree on their handling of situations, though with them not being demonized in the process either. 
Just... if you want to read a fic focused around Alya’s problems and emotions, but that treats everyone else well too, that gives her a lot of agency and also a lot of support, I HIGHLY recommend this fic.
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avaantares · 2 years
Hey! After seeing posts about it from you for a while, I wanted to check out tgcf, but I wasn’t sure what exactly it is other than cool vibes. Could you give me a little direction please?
Hi, Anon! Sorry if this reply is late; I'm not sure when your Ask came in, as I've had very spotty internet access while traveling, but today I'm on a train that has some form of wifi (though Tumblr still isn't loading completely, so I really hope this posts properly...).
What it is:
Tian Guan Ci Fu, or Heaven Official's Blessing, is a Chinese danmei (M/M romance) novel by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu, the same author who wrote Mo Dao Zu Shi, on which the popular Chinese drama The Untamed is based. (You have doubtless seen that on my blog, as it's another of my obsessions!)
The story follows Xie Lian, a royal prince who, in his youth, ascended to immortal godhood because of his profound skill with the sword. However, he later fell into disgrace and was banished from heaven, abandoned by his allies, and divested of his spiritual power, vanishing into obscurity for centuries.
Eight hundred years later, Xie Lian unexpectedly regains his godly status, throwing the heavens into chaos. Anxious to pacify his fellow gods, he accepts missions to solve problems in the mortal realm -- but the assignments bring him into conflict with other powerful gods and repeatedly entangle him with heaven's greatest enemy, the Ghost King Hua Cheng.
The secrets and conspiracies Xie Lian begins to uncover are inextricably linked to events in his own past, forcing him to confront the fear and guilt he's tried to bury for hundreds of years. On the path to exposing the truth, he makes friends, makes enemies, shakes the foundations of heaven itself, falls in love, and… collects a lot of garbage. (It's his day job. No, seriously.)
Why I like it:
The novel (technically, novels; the story spans five volumes) ranges from light comedy to painful angst to soft romance to some extremely dark moments (trigger warnings may apply), so there's something for every mood. Xie Lian's 800 years of backstory provide plenty of room for twisty plot threads and mystery. The characters are engaging, as well: Xie Lian poses as a warm, fluffy cinnamon roll, but is secretly a tortured charcoal briquette who could actually kill you (my favorite kind of character!), while Hua Cheng can and will murder you with a sideways glance, but is in fact a closeted Cinnabon. The supporting cast is also a lot of fun.
Another plus is that the romance isn't the entire plot -- the story stands on its own merit, while the relationship progresses almost incidentally along the way, making it feel more natural. The romance is essential to the plot and guides characters' choices throughout the story, but it doesn't feel forced in a "NOW KISS" sort of way.
(I just realized that this entire description is probably incomprehensible outside of Tumblr. What would we do without the cinnamon roll analogy? LOL)
Ways to experience the story:
TGCF is currently being released in English by Seven Seas Entertainment. The first two volumes are out now (available in paperback or e-book from your book retailer of choice, or from many public libraries).
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There is also an absolutely GORGEOUS manhua (comic), which would be my top recommendation for anyone who is interested in the story but doesn't want to commit to reading five books. It's more complete than the donghua (below) but a faster read than the novels -- plus you get to look at STARember's stunning artwork! The official English translation is free to read on the Bilibili mobile app and website, though you have the option to support it financially (and unlock new chapters faster) if you want to. (Note: The manhua is still in progress, currently updating on a biweekly schedule.)
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As mentioned above, there's also a donghua (animated series). The first season, which covers volume 1 of the book, is available on Netflix in many regions, and a second season is slated for release later this year. The animation is very pretty; however, I will caution that the donghua tends to gloss over (or just leave out) some important story elements, so while it's a decent introduction, it's not necessarily the best iteration of the story.
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Finally, there is a live-action drama slated to come out… sometime within the next year (I don't think there's an official release date yet), so if you try the story and like it, watch out for [what we assume will be titled in English] Eternal Faith!
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I hope that answered your questions! Feel free to hit me up if you have more.
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mikauzoran · 3 years
Posting Schedule Sneak Peek
Hi guys! If you’ve been following along with my The Plan(TM) re: WIPs... Huh. Now that I look at it, it doesn’t look like I’ve made much progress. ^.^; But I’ve been posting regularly, and most of it has been stuff that wasn’t on the The Plan.
In fact, I’ve come here today to tell you about what projects you can look forward to from me in the coming month, and none of them are on The Plan. Funny how inspiration works.
Right now, I’m working on a multichapter story inspired by prompts that your fellow Tumblr users sent in. It’s called I’m Learning to Love (Walking Away from Things). It’s a Love Square story, and here’s the summary:
“Thank you, but I don’t think there’s anything you can do for me,” Chat Noir replied glumly. “Your partner isn’t the one with the problem; it’s the guy behind the mask who needs you.”
A long, heavy silence stretched between them.
“What’s his name?”
Chat blinked, turning to stare incredulously at his partner. “What?”
“The guy who needs me…what’s his name?”
When Ladybug learns her partner’s identity, she finds herself doing everything she can on both sides of the mask to support Adrien and help him live his best life.
Chapter One is up right now, and the next chapter will be published on Sunday, 09/19/2021. There will be five chapters total.
Next up is what I’m calling my “Love Squared” series. Each of the four stories stands alone as its own thing and doesn’t have anything to do with the others. The reason why I’m grouping them in a series is because I wrote them for the Miraculous Fanworks Discord server’s Sprint September event.
On Saturday, 09/25/2021, I’ll be posting Piano for Four Hands (Adrienette) - Marinette thought she would be stuck in the friend-zone with Adrien forever, so she’s caught off guard when he makes the first move.
Saturday, 10/02/2021 - Crash Course in Empathy (Ladrien) - When Ladybug crashes into Adrien’s window, the last thing she expects is to end up comforting him, striking up a friendship, and inviting herself back in the future. Neither Adrien nor Ladybug could be happier with how the evening turns out.
Saturday, 10/09/2021 - The Most Pointless Argument (Lady Noir) - Ladybug and Chat Noir are trying to pick new heroes, and each only has one candidate. Ladybug wants Adrien while Chat Noir is vehement that Marinette is the only correct choice. Ladybug tries to dissuade her partner by bad-mouthing Marinette while Chat Noir similarly disparages Adrien. Identities do not emerge intact, and their feelings for one another do not remain secret.
Saturday, 10/16/2021 - Bright Spot in the Dark (Marichat) - When Adrien learns his father’s secret, he goes to Marinette as Chat Noir for help and solace. He never imagined that his heart would lead him exactly where he needed to be.
After that, on Saturday, 10/23/2021, I have an as-of-yet-unnamed Adrienette piece. It’s currently titled PRPR Adrienette DJ WiFi Wedding. XD As you can guess, it takes place at Nino and Alya’s wedding. There’s been a misunderstanding between Adrien and Marinette. Adrien thinks she doesn’t have feelings for him and never did. Meanwhile, Marinette thinks that Adrien has moved on and she’s missed her chance. They talk things out. 
Hopefully, by the time I get ready to post it, it will have a proper name and summary. ^.^; It’s just something I wrote spur of the moment one day and haven’t gotten around to cleaning up yet. ^.^; I hope people will enjoy it, though.
Also on the horizon is my Marichat May story which I’m really looking forward to and a Lady Noir/Adrienette piece that I’m trying to get up the motivation to complete. I’m, like, almost four thousand words in. ^.^; If you look on The Plan(TM), it’s the one labeled “Plagg and Wayzz Prompt”.
Anyway. I hope you guys are excited for some of these stories. Leave me a comment and let me know which ones look most interesting. What are you excited to read? ^.^
Take care, guys!
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miraculouswolf99 · 4 years
Shadow Fox
"Good morning, Adrien," Lyon greeted, walking up to the model outside the school.
"Hello, Lyon," Adrien smiled at his Greek friend.
"You waiting for someone," Lyon asked him.
"Would I sound too much like Cat Noir if I said you," Adrien smirked.
"Cat Noir's got nothing on you, Sunshine Boy," Lyon snickered.
"Ironic," Adrien thought.
"Hello, boys," Vallia approached them. "You two flirting with each other again?"
"Maybe," Adrien smirked.
"It's so obvious as well," Lyon shook his head. "How is it that so many people in this school still think Adrien is straight?"
"You were the one that pointed out their lack of common sense when we first got here, brother of mine," Vallia says.
"Oh, right," Lyon accepted her logic.
"At least Marinette was already dating Luka when you two started flirting in public like this," Vallia said.
"I was so blind to her crush," Adrien sighed. "I must have looked so insensitive to her."
"Adrien, crushes are pretty much a blind spot to all guys," Lyon tells him. "I know some girls back home had crushes on me that Vallia had to point out for me."
"It's true," Vallia giggled. "You can't exactly be rich, good-looking, and not expect people to get a crush on you."
"Celebrity crushes are the worst," Lyon shook his head.
"Don't I know it," Adrien out his head in his hands.
"Awe, poor kitty," Lyon playfully patted his head.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, wolfie," Adrien slapped his hand away lightly.
"You are so lucky that I don't have archery practice today," Lyon playfully glared. "Otherwise, you'd know the exact consequences of calling me wolfie."
"Oh, I almost forgot," Vallia says. "Have you guys seen the latest post on the Ladyblog?"
"Vallia, you know I do not care for blogs," Lyon reminds her. "Most people with blogs like that believe that it gives them actual rights as 'real' reporters. Please, most blogs are basically just wannabe reporters throwing around their opinions."
"You never hold back when stating your own opinion, do you," Adrien asked.
"Why should I," Lyon raised an eyebrow. "Free speech exists for a reason."
"Point made," Adrien shrugged.
"Take a look," Vallia showed them her phone.
New Lead On the Identity Of Ladybug was plastered as the lead story on Alya's blog. Adrien and Lyon looked at each other before returning to the story. It was some theory story that seemed to be more like a conspiracy theory as she compared old photos of Hippolyta, Joan of Arch, and some statue that she seemed to us an app to add ladybug style armor to as a basis for her theory that the current Ladybug was also a heroic person under the mask. She was guessing volunteer workers, teaching assistants, and any other female teenager that liked to help people.
"I thought Ladybug told her months ago to stop trying to find her identity," Lyon did not like what he was seeing.
"Did being akumatized into Lady Wifi not teach her anything," Adrien pinched the bridge of his nose.
"From what you guys told us, that was more Chloe's fault," Vallia reminds. "Yet Chloe didn't even have a reason until Alya went a little too far when she thought that brat of all people was Ladybug."
"May the gods help that girl," Lyon shook his head. "I have never been so happy that there is no god or goddess of blogs."
"Hephaestus is the god of technology," Vallia reminded.
"But a blog on its own is not technology," Lyon countered. "It may be created with technology, but that is not part of his domain. The internet is a thing all on its own."
"Maybe Marinette can help Alya by being the voice of reason," Adrien suggested. "She usually is."
"She shouldn't have to be," Lyon says.
"Alya, Ladybug has repeatedly told you not to look for her identity," they heard their favorite bluenette's voice.
"Speak of the devil," Adrien said. "Or rather, speak of the angel in this case."
"Relax, Marinette," they hear Alya's voice. "It's not like I gave any specific people to look at."
"Alya, you are endangering her family and friends by trying to figure out her identity and putting your 'clues' on the Ladyblog," Marinette says.
"Hawkmoth won't attack her family or friends," Alya waved her off.
The two girls approached the school, consumed by their conversation. They hardly noticed the other three walking up to them.
"What even makes you think that Hawkmoth wouldn't attack her family," Lyon asked. "There doesn't seem to be anything he wouldn't do."
"Hawkmoth did akumatize a baby," Vallia pointed out. "Poor little August."
"Well, Hawkmoth didn't attack Lila," Alya reasoned. "And if he didn't attack Laydybug's best friend, he wouldn't attack the rest of her friends or family."
"Ever consider that Hawkmoth didn't go after her because he knew she was lying," Lyon asked, in his scary calm voice.
"What is your problem with her," Alya glared at him. "What do you have against Lila to accuse her of lying without proof!?!"
"My proof is that she was stupid enough to broadcast her 'friendship' all over Paris on your blog," Lyon crossed his arms. "Anyone that publically says that they are best friends with a superhero is like asking for villains to attack them. It's pretty obvious she is claiming so to get attention."
"How dare you accuse Lila of that," Alya yelled at the Greek, not that he seemed to care. "She would never lie."
"Except that she has," Vallia says. "Pretty much since the day that she got here and every day since then."
The Greek twins then walked away without another word. That was another thing that Adrien liked about them. They took no nonsense from anyone and would tell you if you were doing something, or were about to do something, stupid.
And they certainly took no nonsense from Lila. But they especially did not after she told a lie about Clara Nightingale stealing some of her dance moves from her. It was well known, since Clara's last visit to Paris, that the pop star was very good friends with the twins so they automatically knew that was a lie. And they made their anger very well known. They didn't care if it got them some glares in return, but they always made people know that they believed that Lila is a liar. Which was true, but not everyone knew that.
"You can't say that those two are not blunt," Adrien commented to Marinette.
Marinette giggled in agreement.
The two walked into the school before Alya could go on another of her "defending Lila' rants. They got old very quickly.
It had just been the end of the school day when the Akuma Alarms started to go off. Lyon and Valiia did a disappearing act while Adrien and Marinette both made bad excuses in order to get away from everyone to transform.
"Tikki, spots on."
"Plagg, claws out."
"Frostbite, freeze over."
"Flutter, wings up."
Ladybug, Cat Noir, White Wolf, and Beautifly were soon all heading toward the newest villain that Hawkmoth created.
"What in the name of Zeus," Beautifly swore.
In front of the four heroes was a psychedelic killer clown. With the poofy red and orange jumpsuit, giant black shoes, red and orange clown/Santa hat, and purple skin, he looked like the long lost twin to the Ghost Clown from Scooby Doo. And he was also very unnerving to look at. His weapon seemed to be a giant clown horn.
"I have never liked clowns before, and this is not helping," White Wolf stated.
"You're afraid of clowns," Cat Noir raised an eyebrow under his mask.
"Not afraid of them, I just don't like them," White Wolf corrected. "I find them to be creepy and weird-looking."
"Looking at this guy, I am actually on Wolf's side for this one," Ladybug says. "Not that I am surprised that Hawkmoth made a clown akuma, at all."
"One was bound to show up eventually," Beautifly crossed her arms.
"Lucky us," White Wolf complained.
"I'm guessing he is either a birthday clown who got upset, or maybe a class clown that got in trouble for his jokes, or someone pranked with no sense of humor," Cat Noir guessed.
"Those are actually some really good guesses," Beautifly says.
"Fight enough akumas, you get good at figuring out what type of person they were under the mask," Cat Noir said.
"Good thing they don't have attached glamours like we do with our miraculous," White Wolf says. "That would make things a lot more difficult."
"Chloe's first time as a villain was certainly easy to figure out," Cat Noir said. "All that changed about her was putting her in a Ladybug suit with reversed colors. He was a lot more creative with Stormy Weather and Evillustrator."
"What else can you say about those with purple skin," Ladybug giggled.
"I may like the color, but purple skin is not something I would ever like to have," Beautifly says. "I'd look like a human lavender flower."
"He looks ridiculous I'll give him that," White Wolf looked at the clown.
"I am Jokester," the clown yelled. "If others can't appreciate my sense of humor, I will make them laugh."
"I think Cat Noir may be right about the prankster getting into trouble theory," White Wolf said.
"Finally, someone sees my genius," Cat Noir laughed.
Jokester brought out a cliche clown horn. He aimed it at the heroes.
"Heads up, guys," Beautifly warned.
She used her wings to fly up and out of the way. The other three jump out of range as the clown blown the horn. Out came a sound blast of yellow sound waves. While it missed the heroes, the sound did wash over some civilians that were farther back on the street from them. They all started laughing immediately.
"I am suddenly reminded of the Joker," White Wolf commented.
"Even with all the crime, I still actually have always wanted to go to Gotham," Cat Noir said.
"Don't let him hit you with that sound wave," Ladybug called to them.
"Where's the songbird miraculous when we need it," Beautifly tried to joke.
"We'll see how this plays out, Fly," White Wolf tells her.
They all dodged another sound blast sent their way. White Wolf landed on the roof of a nearby building. He notched an arrow in his bow, letting it fly at the akuma. The clown dodged the arrow, letting it freeze the ground where it hit.
"Anyone want to take a bet on whether the akuma is in the horn or not," Cat Noir calls out, dodging a blast sent his way.
"At least it isn't hidden on a ship like Captain Hardrock's was," Beautifly says.
"Please don't mention her," White Wolf requested. "My ears still have a slight ring to them from her sound cannons."
"Not the quietest akuma we've ever faced," Cat Noir agreed.
"Try and surround him," Ladybug ordered. "He might get confused and not know where to aim the horn."
"Good idea," Cat Noir agreed.
The four separated, going in different directions. White Wolf kept the most distance so that he could properly aim his arrows at the clown. Beautifly stayed off the ground, her wings fluttering so that she could easily fly out of the way. Ladybug and Cat Noir were on opposite sides of the clown, both with their weapons out and ready to strike. Altogether, they formed an X around the akuma.
"You should surrender," Ladybug tried talking to Jokester. "Whatever Hawkmoth is telling you is a lie. He can't offer you anything real."
But the signature butterfly outline appeared over the clown's eyes.
"Do not listen to this teenage heroine," Hawmoths tells the villain in his head. "She only wants to take away your new powers and prevent you from spreading laughter and fun. I can help you spread real fun all throughout Paris while she can not."
"I could not agree more, Hawkmoth," Jokester replied.
He aimed his horn directly at the ground. Beautifly had seen this before when an enemy would aim their weapon right at the ground.
"Get out of the way," she yelled.
She immediately flew up, further off the ground. The three heroes on the ground followed suit by jumping or using their weapons to get onto rooftops. Jokester blew the horn right at the ground. The sound wave came out like a sonic boom as it boomed out in all directions on the ground. A few more dozen people all started to laugh uncontrollably. Jokester shot into the air and started flying just like when Rose was Princess Frangrance doing the same thing with her perfume gun.
"I hate it when we have to chase them," Cat Noir complained. "Can't they ever make it easy for us."
"Trust me, if I had it my way, Hawkmoth's lair would have a giant Las Vegas sign on it with 'come arrest me' spelled out in neon," White Wolf tells him.
"This is why I like having wings," Beautifly giggled.
She took off, flying after him. The rest followed after her. White Wolf aimed another arrow at the clown, firing when they jumped to another roof. But Jokester managed to dodge it and who knows where the arrow landed after that.
"I need to practice my aiming while I am running more often," Wolf said.
"What I would give to be a flying cat," Cat Noir says.
"I will have to look to see if there is a jaquin miraculous," Beautifly giggles.
"A what," Ladybug asked.
The butterfly hero flew faster, getting in front of the clown. She launched her razor flower at him. Jokester was forced to head back to the ground. He landed on a random street somewhere by Le Grand Paris.
"I will make you, heroes, see the joy of laughter," Jokester yells.
"Laughter is overrated," Wolf stated, firing another arrow.
He blew his horn at the arrow, blocking and destroying the arrow. They all then jumped out of the way as the sound blast almost got to them after destroying the arrow.
"Even with four of us, he has us on the ropes," Beautifly says.
"If we end up laughing non-stop, we won't be able to call upon our power or detransform because we wouldn't be able to form words properly," Ladybug said.
"Even separately, the sound wave is too big," Cat Noir noticed. "He needs to be distracted away from us so we can get the akumatized object."
"So we need an allie," Wolf said. "The stag or python miraculous might be able to help us. Or maybe even the songbird."
"Sonic scream, sound shriek, or paralyzing," Beautifly listed the powers of the three miraculous. "Any of those could help us."
Ladybug was about to respond when she saw Alya off to the side. She was on her phone, as usual, most likely filming the fight for the Ladyblog. Her blog had recently opened up to Lyon and Vallia's homeland of Greece because of White Wolf and Beautifly joining the battle against Hawkmoth. Google translate was probably very useful to them.
"I know what to do," Ladybug says. "I'll be right back."
With that, she left. Cat Noir was the first to get what she was doing when he saw that Alya was there as well.
"We better handle the clown gone wild until she gets back," Wolf says.
They separated again, dodging more sound blasts.
Ladybug destransformed into Marinette before she headed into Master Fu's building. She had a feeling that he was expecting her, like always. How he did that was a little creepy, but what did she know about Guardians of the Miraculous.
"Master Fu," she greeted when she came in.
"Come on in, Marinette," Fu says.
"I need the fox miraculous," Marinette tells him. "The illusions it can create will be the best distraction for this akuma."
"Of course," Fu said.
He went over to his phonograph and punched in his code. The miracle box soon rose out of it. He picked up the box and put it in front of her.
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng, pick an ally you can trust to fight alongside you on this mission. Choose wisely; such powers are meant to serve the greater good. Once the mission is over you will retrieve the Miraculous from them," he tells her.
Marinette immediately picked up the foxtail necklace. But then she hesitated when she looked at it.
"Marinette," Wayzz asked, concerned.
"What is it, dear child," Fu asked her.
"You know that I usually give this to Rena Rouge, right," Marinette started.
"Yes. And if I am correct, she is your best friend, Alya, correct," Fu guessed.
"Yes, she is," Marinette didn't even try to lie. "But... you know that Alya also is the creator of the Ladyblog."
"I mean no offense, but blogs are still quite foreign to me," Fu admitted. "But I do understand what you are talking about."
"Alya is a good reporter," Marinette started. "But she sometimes does not know when to let a story go or if a story will have unexpected consequences. Alya has been trying to figure out my identity. She's almost been obsessed with finding it pretty much since Ladybug's first appearance. The search was what started the events that caused her to be akumatized. I have told her to stop, but she hasn't."
"And you are worried that Alya will find your identity if you continue giving her the fox miraculous," Fu guessed.
"No, I'm worried that she will put us in danger when she figures it out," Marinette says. "She keeps saying that the people deserve to know who I am, who all us heroes are, even when that puts us all on Hawkmoth's radar. She's convinced that he won't attack us because a liar has been telling her that she is 'Ladybug's' best friend and she believes her. She thinks that since Hawkmoth had not attacked 'Ladybug's best friend' that he will not attack Ladybug."
"I see," Fu says.
"I have even told her, as Ladybug, to stop looking for my identity," Marinette continued. "Multiple times, I add. But she is still looking. Alya is a great friend, but she tends to listen only when it is something she wants to hear. I am not sure if I can trust her enough with the fox anymore."
"Heroes are not always set in stone, Marinette," Fu tells her. "Not even the ladybug and black cat are only compatible with one person. I trust that if you know when there is a good fit for a temporary hero, then that person will indeed be a good one."
Marinette seemed to calm down after that. But that also slightly made her curious about who else would be compatible with her miraculous. When they did that accidental miraculous swap and she became Lady Noir, she and Mister Bug actually did pretty well. Even if they did not have much practice with the powers that they literally had for less than fifteen minutes.
She quickly left and transformed, jumping over rooftops. She had to think of someone that could be a good match for the fox miraculous. She knew that Alya loved being Rena Rouge, but this was also a chance for her to see that her actions had consequences. To teach her that there are some things that are not worth a story. Also, do not believe everything you hear. That second one was more a jab at Lila than anything else.
The more Ladybug thought about it, the more she was thinking of a personality that would match the fox and its powers. Alya was hard-headed, stubborn, and liked to charge in. That was not the type of personality that would match with subtle illusions and an animal that is known for being sneaky and quiet. A fox should be sneaky, know when to observe before taking action, and should also know what will work best when in the shadows.
And now that she really thought about it, there was one person she knew that would be a far better fit for the fox.
Ladybug landed right near a very familiar boat on the Seine. Her Ladybug luck must have been working because the exact person she needed was right on deck.
"Juleka," Ladybug called, jumping onto the boat.
"L...Ladybug," Juleka stuttered, shocked. "What are you doing here?"
"I need your help," Ladybug stated.
"M...My help," Juleka looked even more shocked. "What can I do? I'm not cut out to be a hero."
"You are more capable than you think, Juleka," Ladybug pulled out the box. "Juleka Couffaine, this is the miraculous of the fox, which grants the power of illusion. You will use it for the greater good. After the battle is over you must return the miraculous to me. Can I trust you?"
Juleka was a lot of things. She was shy, sweet, kind, had a good head on her shoulders, and had a dream to become a model. She never would have imagined anything like this ever happening to her.
"M...Me," she was beyond shocked at this point. "I...I'm no hero, Ladybug. And... what about Rena Rouge?"
"Rena has... lost my trust," Ladybug admitted. "She has been permanently retired and won't be returning."
"Oh," was all Juleka could say.
"Juleka, there is no bravery without fear," Ladybug tells the shy girl. "Being a hero does not mean being fearless and always jumping into danger without a second thought. It also means being careful and going in with a strategy. You are naturally quiet and observant, a perfect match for the fox miraculous."
"I'm not a hero, Ladybug," Juleka was still reluctant.
"We all have a hero inside of us, Juleka," Ladybug gave her a reassuring smile. "You do not need to be fearless to be a hero."
Juleka looked at the box that Ladybug was offering her again. She wanted to be confident, to be able to stand up to people if she has to, to put herself out there more. Now, she was being given that chance.
"Okay, Ladybug," she took the box and opened the lid.
A ball of light came out, flying around the goth girl. To her credit, she did not stare at the ball of light and exclaim "what is that thing" like Alya did.
"Hello, there," Trixx greeted, not showing how surprised he was at not seeing Alya.
"Rad," Juleka gasped.
"Not easily shook, is she," Trixx asked Ladybug.
"Guess with magical superheroes around, these things are being seen as more normal," Ladybug shrugged.
"Alright, then," Trixx turned back to Juleka. "My name's Trixx, and I will be your kwami."
"Kwami," Juleka was not as informed as Alya had been.
"I'm what gives my holders their powers," Trixx answered. "I am the kwami of illusion. To transform, you say 'Trixx, let's pounce.' Detransform, it's 'let's rest.' To call my power, play your flute, think the illusion you want, and say 'mirage."
Juleka put the necklace on, but she still looked nervous about doing this.
"You'll do great, Juleka," Ladybug smiled at her. "I know you will."
Juleka nodded. "Trixx, let's pounce."
Trixx was pulled into the necklace and Juleka transformed. Ladybug immediately noticed that her hero outfit was a lot different from Alya's.
For starters, her colors are midnight black and dark purple. Her torso was similar to Rena's but was dark purple where it was normally white and black where it would have been orange. But that was where the similarities ended. Over her torso clothing was a black leather jacket with streaks of purple on it. She also wore knee-high black boots that had no heel and matched the dark purple gloves on her hands. Behind her was a real fox tail instead of Rena's fabric one. The same difference was the real fox ears coming out of the top of her head. Her hair remained mostly the same but grew to where the tail started to come out of her. Over her eyes was a dark purple mask. Her flute also changed to purple and black and was strapped to her back.
"Wow," Ladybug gasped. "This might actually come in handy if we ever have another akuma at night to deal with. There would be plenty of shadows that you could blend into."
"This feels so awesome," Juleka looked at her costume.
"So, what will I call you," Ladybug asked.
"My name can be... Shadow Fox," Juleka chooses a hero identity.
"Cool," Ladybug smiled at her.
Meanwhile, back at the battle, the three other heroes were trying their best to keep other civilians from becoming laughing messes. They already had to save Alya three times because of her need to film the fight even when it was a risk to her safety.
"Alya," Beautifly yelled in warning.
Make that four times.
The butterfly hero dived down and picked up the blogger. She just managed to fly out of reach of another sound blast from Jokester. She set Alya down on the roof of a building further from the fight.
"Hey, I need to be closer to the fight," Alya protested where she was put down. "I would never be able to get a proper video from here."
"Your life is not worth a simple video," Beautifly scolded. "Either stay away from the fight or just learn to dodge on your own. We can not keep saving you. It distracts us from defeating the akuma."
"I need this for my blog," Alya continued to protest.
"A blog post is not worth your life," Beautifly snapped at her.
She flew away before Alya could attempt to argue more with her. She saw Cat Noir and White Wolf standing on opposite sides of Jokester, hoping for at least one of them to get a hit in.
"Take this, Mr.Big-Nose," Cat Noir yelled, jumping at him while spinning his staff.
Jokester focused his attention on Cat Noir, raising his horn to make him laugh as well as blast him away. White Wolf fired an arrow when he was distracted. And this one finally met its mark. The arrow hit the horn and ice erupted around it, encasing his hand and the horn at the same time. That lead to the akum only being able to jump out of the way of Cat Noir's strike.
"Finally," Wolf says. "There is no worse feeling to an archer than constantly missing their target."
Cat Noir had to laugh at that, making the wolf hero playfully pout.
"Aw," Cat Noir looked at him. "A pouting wolf. How adorable."
"Call me adorable one more time and I will shove an arrow so far up your..." Wolf started.
"Don't want to be called adorable, then don't pout like that," Beautifly smirked, interrupting him.
"My quiver literally never runs out of arrows, you really want to tempt me," Wolf shakes his bow at them in a threatening manner.
"You're still cute, Wolfie," Cat Noir winked at him.
"Do not make me shoot you, Kitty," Wolf playfully threatened.
"You two are made for each other," Beautifly giggled.
"Am not," the two heroes could not hide their blushes.
"Someone needs to tell that Ladyblogger to take down that LadyNoir ship name," Beautifly giggled again. "Because that is obviously not happening."
Both male heroes were really going red, but their fun moment was ruined by Jokester.
"I will make you laugh if it is the last thing I do," he yelled.
"You'd think a clown would appreciate our senses of humor," Cat Noir commented.
The ice around the horn began to crack.
"Oh for the love of Hades," Wolf swore.
They all shot in different directions when the ice exploded with a sound blast that would have directly hit them.
"Looks like I need to layer on the ice," Wolf notched another arrow.
"Someone call for back-up," Ladybug's voice called.
Not even a second later, a black figure shot at Jokester and hit him with... was that a flute? The clown was knocked right into a nearby wall.
"That was the akuma I just hit, right," the figure asked, her voice telling them that she was female.
The rest of the team got their first real look at Shadow Fox.
"That is most definitely not Rena Rouge," Cat Noir immediately said.
"You can call me Shadow Fox, kitten," Shadow responded.
"This is an interesting development," Wolf commented.
"Indeed, it is," Beautifly agreed.
Alya, who had finally managed to get close to the fight again, was unbelievably shocked, not to mention angry.
"I'm Rena Rouge," she thought, angrily. "I was right here, why would Ladybug give someone else the fox miraculous. She doesn't even look like a fox."
The three did a quick look, up and down, of Shadow Fox. She was certainly a lot more different than Rena Rouge in terms of looks. And the way that she was able to just shoot at Jokester and nail like that meant that she was comfortable with being quiet even when attacking.
"That was a good hit," Wolf complimented. "Probably one of the few that have happened in this fight."
"Uh... thanks," Shadow said.
"I'm more happy about there now being three heroes with dark-colored outfits compared to the two with bright colors," Beautifly remarked. "We outnumber them, now."
"Finally," Cat Noir cheered in agreement.
"I resent both of you," Ladybug pointed at them, playfully glaring as well.
"At least the two of us stand out more," Wolf smirked.
Jokester than started to get up. He noticed that there were now five heroes against him instead of just the three he had been fighting.
"Oh, look," he gave them a creepy smile. "More people to join in my plan of spreading laughter. Goodie."
"This guy is really creepy," Shadow stated.
"See, she agrees with me," Wolf said.
They all dodged another sound blast.
"Okay, time to end this," Ladybug says. "Lucky Charm."
She threw her yo-yo into the air, calling whatever object that was going to appear. It came in a flash of light as usual and then fell into her hands.
"You have got to be kidding me," Beautifly said, looking at the object.
It was one of those ridiculous fake clown flowers. The ones with a small pump at the end of a tube to squirt water out of the flower.
"What in the world am I supposed to do this," Ladybug looked at it.
"You better figure it out quickly," Wolf called out to her.
He was running across rooftops along the street, continuously firing arrows at the demented clown. But none of the arrows met their mark because they were all destroyed by Jokester's sound blast.
"I'll try and give us some more help," Beautifly says. "Nature's Heart."
Her razor flower spun around her, landing on her hand in front of her. Out of the center of the flower appeared a blossom. This one was oddly known my Shadow Fox.
"That's a water lily," she said, making Beautifly look at her. "I grew up near the water, so I have a lot of aqua facts up my sleeves."
"Okay," Beautifly says. "Then I know exactly what this does. And it does make sense. Sound can not move through the water. Everyone out of the way!"
The butterfly hero took the flower and raised it in front of her. Jokester barely had time to look at her when a powerful torrent of water came shooting out of the flower. She loved her ability to call enchanted flowers, even if she never knew what she was going to get.
Jokester shot another sound blast, but the water was too powerful for it. The sound blast was now acting more like a shield as it tried to keep the water at bay. The heroes all stood on different roofs to avoid the torrent.
"I have never loved flowers more than right now," Cat Noir said.
"That's my partner for you," Wolf grinned.
Ladybug looked around, using her Ladybug vision to work out how to use what she had. Shadow Fox was the first to flash in her sight, then the water gun flower, then White Wolf's bow and arrows, and finally Cat Noir. She now had a plan.
"I can't hold this for much longer," Beautifly shouted.
Ladybug quickly made her way over to Shadow Fox.
"When Beautifly stops her attack, that is when you need to call your illusion," she tells her.
"But... what do I even create," Shadow asked, holding her flute tightly.
"Trust in yourself," Ladybug says. "You'll know what to do."
Shadow Fox nodded, holding her flute. Ladybug then went over to White Wolf and Cat Noir to explain their parts of the plan.
It was not long before the water stopped coming out of the lily that Beautifly was holding. She looked at it, frustrated for a second, before having to take off again as a sound blast nearly hit her. When Jokester went to fire his horn again, Shadow Fox put her flute to her lips and played the tune that activated her power.
"Mirage," she whispered, throwing the ball of light.
In a flash, there were many copies of the heroes along the rooftops. And no two groups were in the same positions, so Jokester could not work out which was which based on how they looked.
"NO," Jokester yelled, confused on where to fire.
Having been looking up, at all the copies, Jokester did not notice the flower that Ladybug had managed to sneak in front of him. When he stepped onto the pump, the flower squirted water right into his face, further distracting and confusing him.
Hidden in two different alleyways were Cat Noir and White Wolf as they waited to do their parts. When Jokester had his back to White Wolf as he was trying to blast all the copies while still trying to wipe the water off of his face and out of his eyes. The icy hero came out as quietly as he could, raising his notched arrow. Aiming as carefully as he could, he fired. The arrow sailed through the air, making contact close to the bottom of the horn, freezing it and knocking it out of Jokester's hand.
"My horn," he cried. "I need that to spread laughter."
Ladybug was quick to jump out of her hiding place and use her yo-yo to wrap around his legs and trip the villain.
"Cat Noir, now," Ladybug yelled.
"Cataclysm," the black cat called, his hand bubbling with black energy.
He jumped up, touching the frozen horn with his hand. The horn instantly turned to dust, falling into icy pieces. A black butterfly flew out of the remains.
"No more evil-doing for you, little akuma," Ladybug opened her yo-yo and threw it at the insect. "Time to de-evilize."
Ladybug released the butterfly, the creature now being white. She then threw the fake flower into the air, letting her Miraculous Cure sweep over the city. As the swarm of ladybugs vanished, three of the heroes started beeping because of the timers on their miraculous for using their powers. Ladybug and Shadow Fox were left with four minutes and Beautifly had three left. Cat Noir was probably close to having four minutes left but White Wolf did not use his power so he was not on a timer.
"LADYBUG," Alya shouted, running toward them.
"And... that is our cue to leave," Wolf stated. "I am not getting involved in this."
"Me neither," Beautifly agrees. "I'd rather fight the spirit of one of the furies."
The Greek heroes flew/ jumped away. Cat Noir then looked at Ladybug.
"I don't really know why she is angry, but I'm not getting involved in whatever happened that made her so mad," he tells her.
"Can I come with you," Shadow asked before he could leave. "I can hide and give you the miraculous so that you don't find out who I am."
"I'm cool with that," Cat Noir responded.
The two quickly left as well and Ladybug was left alone with the blogger.
"Yes, Alya," the hero knew that this conversation was going to happen.
"How... How... You replaced me," the Ladyblogger managed to get out. "I was right here, how could you replace me?!?"
"Because, Alya, you have lost my trust," Ladybug stated.
"Lost your trust? But I didn't do anything," Alya protested.
"Really? Because I recall telling you, multiple times, to stop trying to figure out my identity," Ladybug crossed her arms. "And yet you continue to try. I saw your latest blog post. That not only puts me in danger if your theory is even correct, but it also puts innocent girls in danger that anyone thinks could be me."
"The people deserve to know who is protecting them," Alya argued.
"And does that fact that my friends and family will be targeted by Hawkmoth mean nothing to you," Ladybug glared at her.
"Hawkmoth will not attack them," Alya tries to argue.
"And what reason do you have to think that," Ladybug was not going to back down. "Do you have him on speed-dial? Do you have a video of him saying that he would leave them alone? What proof do you have that he will not attack my family and friends?"
"Well, Lila is still..." Alya was interrupted.
"Her again," Ladybug shook her head. "I told that girl months ago to stop saying that she knew me and that we're friends. It was annoying then and it's annoying now."
Alya was undeniably shocked.
"But... she said..." Alya was interrupted again.
"Let me make one thing perfectly clear," Ladybug says. "The only way that me, Cat Noir, White Wolf, Beautifly, and any other hero in Paris knows Lila Rossi is when she has either been akumatized, been chased by an akuma, or has been the cause of one. Neither me, nor any other hero, is friends with her and she needs to stop lying by saying that she is."
"You're just saying that to protect her," Alya was in denial at this point.
"This is why you no longer will be given the fox miraculous," Ladybug remains glaring at her. "You are so in denial about the truth unless it suits you and what you believe. You go running head-first into danger, not caring about your safety or how it distracts me and the other heroes when we constantly need to save you. You also only ever publish what gets you more views on your blog. Lila Rossi's video, your theories about who I am, and I noticed that you still have not taken down that story you posted that accuses Cat Noir of stealing the Mona Lisa. That was a villain called Copycat, who was akumatized to look just like Cat Noir. We told everyone that, yet you still have not taken that article down or posted an apology to him."
"But... But... I..." Alya was speechless, for once.
"There is more to being a good journalist than clickbait articles," Ladybug got her yo-yo out again. "Looking for facts is also a big part of being a reporter. Maybe you need to think about that. Bug out."
Ladybug then swung away to retrieve the fox miraculous that Shadow Fox gave to Cat Noir.
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(Accidental 150 Follower Special) IOTA’s Top 10 Best (and By That, I Mean Personal Favorite) Episodes of Miraculous Ladybug
Alright, I already covered what I considered to be the worst Miraculous Ladybug episodes in two parts, and now it’s time to talk about the what I consider to be the best Miraculous Ladybug episodes before I talk about... him...
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I’m only putting one rule in place for this list. I'm going to try and list episodes with good qualities other than “cool-looking Akuma and awesome fight scenes”, and focus on other details like character moments and story.
Other than that, let’s get started.
These are the Top 10 Best Episodes of Miraculous Ladybug (in my personal opinion because your opinion is also valid)
#10: Mr. Pigeon
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While Marinette works on sketching a design for a hat for a fashion contest where the winning design will be worn by Adrien (a rare example where the “Marinette does a thing to impress Adrien” plot actually works), a birdwatcher who loves feeding pigeons in the park is told off by the only police officer in Paris, causing him to get akumatized into the titular Mr. Pigeon, who has control over all of the pigeons in the city.
And by God, does this episode have fun with the concept.
In addition to constantly mimicking pigeon cries, Mr. Pigeon's movements are just so entertaining to watch, only aided by the creative ways he controls the flocks of pigeons.
I'm not kidding when at one point, Mr. Pigeon traps Ladybug and Cat Noir in a cage, and threatens to have his pigeons crap on them unless they hand over their Miraculous. Yeah.
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This is one of the episodes that really set the standards for how outlandish the Akumas in Miraculous Ladybug could get. It kind of reminds me of an episode of the original Ultraman, where the SSSP has to find a way to move an incredibly heavy monster using increasingly abnormal strategies, like inflating it with air so it'll float like a balloon. It's clear it isn't taking itself too seriously, so the audience shouldn't either.
Admittedly, Cat Noir's feather allergy feels shoehorned in, and is only included to increase conflict, and you would think it would come up when Mayura, a bird-themed supervillain appears in the third season. But then again, that's just a minor nitpick.
It's just a really fun episode, and I wish we could see Ladybug and Cat Noir fight Mr. Pigeon again that isn't used for a cheap gag.
#9: The Puppeteer
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After being told by her mom that she can't have a Ladybug doll made by Marinette, young Manon is Akumatized into the Puppeteer. But obviously, you can't have our heroes beating up a five-year-old, so instead, the Puppeteer has the power to exact control over past Akuma victims as long as she has the doll made by Marinette. So Ladybug and Cat Noir have to face off against Lady Wifi, the Evillustrator, and Rogercop, before the Puppeteer gets her hands on the dolls Marinette made of the two heroes and take control of them as well.
It's still kind of funny to think about the fact that of all the Akumas to become a huge threat to Ladybug and Cat Noir, it's a little girl throwing a temper tantrum. And like with “Mr. Pigeon”, the episode has a lot of fun with the concept, best reflected in the voice acting. You can tell that Carrie Keranen is having so much fun this episode with the stuff she says as Lady Wifi.
The fact that someone who was actually a major threat to the heroes with how she was able to easily outsmart them and also came really close to getting their Miraculous is now acting like a little kid using phrases like “super duper sorry” is even more hilarious.
I'm still a little confused as why of all the past villains, it's Evillustrator and Rogercop that get to come back, and I wish they had gotten more to say, but it's still a treat to see Ladybug and Cat Noir fighting four villains at once, especially since this was before “Heroes Day”.
#8: Sapotis
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Hawkmoth akumatizes Alya's little sisters into Sapotis (supposedly based off a folktale, but I can't find anything about it online), who have the power to multiply and easily overwhelm Ladybug and Cat Noir, forcing Ladybug to recruit Alya to become a third hero, Rena Rouge.
I've been a little negative about Alya in the past, but this episode gives her some major character growth. One of the biggest problems I had with her character in Season 1 is how often she tried to figure out Ladybug's identity... despite claiming to be a huge superhero fan, who should know why superheroes keep their identities a secret. Thankfully, this episode mostly puts an end to this idea.
The episode opens with Marinette giving Alya some reasons why Ladybug would keep her identity a secret, and it actually plays into the episode.
Putting aside the stupid Rent-A-Miraculous system introduced in this episode, the idea of keeping secrets and how necessary they can be sometimes is reflected after the battle where Alya is hesitant at first to give up her Miraculous, but eventually concedes and keeps her identity a secret from Marinette (who ironically knows, but that's not important).
Even without that, this episode still has a lot of action with the three heroes fighting their way through an army of Sapotis, with plenty of banter during said action. Hell, at one point, Cat Noir says “gotta catch 'em all”. I don't have a joke here, that's just brilliant.
Out of all the introductory hero episodes, this one easily sticks out among most of them.
(Don’t worry, I’m going to talk about Rena Rouge’s character design in a later post.)
#7: Guitar Villain
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I said before in an earlier post that Jagged Stone is one of my favorite characters in Miraculous Ladybug, so it's obvious that the episode where he gets akumatized would be on this list.
After a disagreement with his manager about trying to mimic the popular singer XY (who ironically lacks a Y chromosome), Jagged is akumatized into Guitar Villain, a rock star with a pet dragon who forces everyone to listen to his Awesome Solo (yes, he names his attacks too) to dance uncontrollably.
Honestly, there's not much I can really say about this episode. It's Ladybug and Cat Noir fighting a rock star who flies around on a goddamn dragon. That's one of the coolest things I've ever seen! Even the way they defeat him (which I won’t give away) is a fun jab at rock stars.
Admittedly, the episode does border on grouchy old man territory sometimes by complaining about how bad today's music is with the way they portray XY as a whiny and egotistical coward, but after watching “Silencer”, you'll be glad everyone hates him.
Overall, it's a rockingly awesome episode.
#6: The Dark Owl
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Mr. Damocles, the principal of Marinette and Adrien's school, is akumatized into the Dark Owl, a corrupted version of his favorite comic book superhero (who would later turn out to be real in the New York special, but I don't want to acknowledge that), who uses his high-tech gadgets to trap Ladybug and Cat Noir, putting them in one of their toughest binds yet.
I'm a huge fan of the Adam West Batman show, so you could probably guess why it's on this list. This episode really feels like an episode of that show with how goofy and over the top everything is. Obviously, this episode has a few Batman references thrown in (even an Incredibles reference at one point), and they're all hilarious.
I just love how complex Dark Owl's traps for Ladybug and Cat Noir are, and the fact that he actually manages to outsmart them at one point. Like seriously, have you ever heard of a death trap that involves drowning someone in whipped cream? That’s totally something you’d see the Joker setting up.
I don't really want to give away the ending (which is why this part is so short), because I think it's a really clever resolution that you should check out for yourself.
#5: Gorizilla
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Hawkmoth akumatizes Adrien's bodyguard into Gorizilla, whose sole purpose is to protect Adrien. His motivation? To see if Adrien is actually Cat Noir or not. So Adrien has to avoid this gigantic gorilla's wrath with Marinette, all while trying to catch a movie his late mother was in.
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See this? This is Adrienette done right. This is the kind of interaction I like when it comes to romance. Marinette and Adrien spend a few scenes with each other avoiding Adrien's crazy fanbase, and Marinette doesn't stammer half of her words. Even when she interacts with Adrien as Ladybug, she still remains confident, and Adrien trusts her judgment when it looks like he might fall. I don't just want Marinette and Adrien to cuddle with each other or declare their love for each other when they get their memories wiped. I want them to interact like human beings before they actually start a relationship, and this episode is a good example of it.
Adrien also gets some good focus with the way he views his relationship with his parents, as does Gabriel with his relationship with his son. Granted, he's taking a pretty huge gamble trying to kill Adrien to see if he's Cat Noir or not as opposed to just... taking off his ring while he sleeps. Can we at least admit he's trying?
I feel they could have done more with the King Kong homage (guess who I'm talking about?), but I can understand there wasn't enough time to focus on that. It's still an important episode to watch for plot and character growth that will barely be acknowledged in later episodes.
#4: Sandboy
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tHe SaNdBoY hAs ChEcKeD iN. nOw NiGhTmArEs CaN bEgIn.
Now that we got that obvious joke out of the way, let's talk about one of the most creative episodes of the show.
Tikki and Plagg, Marinette and Adrien's Kwamis (the magical beings that power their Miraculous) take part in a ritual with the other Kwamis inside Master Fu's Miracle Box to contact Nooroo, Hawkmoth's Kwami, on his birthday and get an idea of where he is. Unfortunately, Hawkmoth chooses to akumatize someone during the ritual, leaving Marinette and Adrien helpless to fight back against Sandboy, an Akuma with the power to make their worst fears come true.
I said before in my worst list when talking about “Ladybug” that there was too much going on for one episode, what with Marinette's expulsion, the attempted Scarletmoth attack, and the fake Ladybug plotlines generally being rushed through. This episode is basically the opposite of that (ironically, they're both the penultimate episodes of their respective seasons).
The Kwami ritual and the Akuma attack are perfectly staged together so one affects the other. Not only do the Kwamis have to risk aborting their ritual to reach Nooroo in order to fight the Akuma, but Marinette and Adrien have to deal without fighting off Sandboy's nightmares on their own. Both plots balance each other out into a well-crafted story.
This is also one of the only episodes in the show where the Akuma of the week isn't the man focus. Here, we don't even see what happens to get the kid akumatized into Sandboy, and instead, Gabriel senses someone with negative emotions and akumatizes the kid offscreen. This works, because it doesn't distract from the main plot too much.
Even Marinette and Adrien's worst fears beautifully contrast each other, with both managing to be unsettling in different ways, even if they both have different tones. While Adrien's worst fear is being imprisoned in his own room (the fear only made worse with Plagg's absence), Marinette's worst fear is... the real star of the episode. Ladies and Gentlemen, I think you all know who I'm talking about.
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You can tell the animators had a field day with animating Nightmare Adrien. Just look at the way he moves around and the faces he makes. It manages to be terrifying and hilarious at the same time. Bryce Papenbrook's performance only makes it better, cementing this as the highlight of the episode.
This episode also does a good job at foreshadowing the main plot for Season 3 with Hawkmoth finding out about the other Kwamis and by extension, more Miraculous.
It's got plot, comedy, good action, and Nightmare Adrien, so how can you turn this episode down?
And no, I'm not talking about Nightmare Ladybug, mainly because I'm tired of all the evil doppelgangers from the worst list.
#3: Startrain
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Yes, believe it or not, I managed to find a Season 3 episode that wasn't complete garbage, and spoiler alert, this isn't the only one.
Marinette and Adrien's class goes on a field trip to London by taking the train, until the driver is akumatized into Startrain, who wants to escape to the one place that hasn't been corrupted by capitalism... SPACE! So Ladybug and Cat Noir have to defeat Startrain while also finding a way to bring everyone on the train back home.
I like how this episode plays with the usual Akuma of the week formula. Unlike every other Akuma they've fought, Cat Noir points out that if they beat Startrain, everyone will die, so they have to be more strategic in their approach. They don't even fight Startrain for most of the episode, as they have to make their way to the front of the train to confront the Akuma. The action in this episode is very creative and really takes advantage of zero gravity, only aided by the design of the futuristic train the episode takes place in.
The new hero introduced, Pegasus (AKA Max, another student in Marinette and Adrien's class), is also really cool, being very intelligent and helping out the heroes progress through the train even before he gets the Horse Miraculous. It makes sense that his intelligence would be used rather than just his powers in this situation.
There are even some good character moments too. For once, Master Fu does something smart and loans the Horse Miraculous (which has the power of teleportation) to Marinette so she can still go on the class trip, trusting her and actually letting her have a life. It was also nice to see Alya stick up for Marinette by keeping Lila from interrupting her nap with Adrien.
This episode is basically like a refreshing glass of water to enjoy during the garbage fire that was Season 3.
(I’m going to talk about Pegasus’ character design later on too, don’t worry)
#2: Silencer
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Lukanette shippers, ASSEMBLE!
Music producer Bob Roth and his son XY hold a contest for young artists to show off their skills, and Kitty Section, a band composed of several recurring characters, decides to enter, with Marinette helping to design their costumes. But as soon as they submit their video, they find out that XY copied their style, naturally pissing the band off.
Marinette and the lead guitarist of Kitty Section, Luka, confront Bob Roth and XY, who threaten to ruin their careers by claiming that they ripped off XY. Seeing Marinette getting threatened is more than enough for Hawkmoth to akumatize Luka into Silencer, who naturally has the power to silence and mimic the voices of others.
I talked about Luka and his relationship with Marinette in an earlier post (specifically the one where Astruc claimed that the fandom growing to like Luka counted as character development), and I said that this was one of the few good episodes this season because of their interactions. This episode basically made me realize how much Luka cares for Marinette, and the episode gives plenty of time to show the two spending time together and growing closer. It's basically everything “Oni-Chan” should have been about, giving some depth to Luka and not portraying him as a crazy person like they did with Kagami in that episode.
Silencer is also one of the more creatively designed villains this season, and has a really creative approach to achieving his goals. While the ability to steal and imitate someone's voice seems mundane compared to control over the weather, or making nightmares come to life, it's used very effectively. Silencer basically tricks the police into arresting Bob Roth while imitating the mayor's voice, and he threatens to make his life a living hell by using the connections to the voices he's stolen. Even with the hand puppet gesture, it's still unsettling to have Silencer speak in all these voices, and it would make for a really interesting horror movie.
Even Ladybug and Cat Noir's interactions are back to their Season 1 levels of enjoyment. Even though Silencer took her voice, Ladybug just makes so many expressions that do a great job at describing her feelings, which naturally plays off Cat Noir's motormouth tendencies. Whenever Cat Noir jokes about Ladybug's condition, he is rightfully called out on it and is reprimanded in some way, my favorite being when Ladybug uses her yo-yo to hit Cat Noir on the head to shut him up. Even putting aside that, they still work well together this episode and really feel like equals. I also love their silent fist bump when Bob Roth is exposed.
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Again, the episode still takes the time to go on about how unoriginal today's musicians are, and how they lack artistic creativity and all that crap. Look, given how ham-fisted the writing in this show can get, are you surprised the commentary isn't subtle?
Even putting aside how much this episode made me appreciate Lukanette, it still has a lot of great moments that aren't even related to the ship itself, which is a real testament to how this show can perfectly balance romance and story when it's done right. Now if only the show could try this much with Adrienette, then people wouldn't hate the main pairing of the show this much.
#1: The Collector
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Taking place immediately after the Season 1 finale, Marinette meets Master Fu and discusses the book she found depicting past Miraculous users. Marinette theorizes that since the book was in the Agreste mansion, Gabriel could be Hawkmoth. And to the surprise of absolutely no one, she's right, and in order to draw off suspicion, Gabriel akumatizes himself into the Collector.
This episode has several good writing decisions for both sides, and the choices the characters make feel natural. Gabriel akumatizing himself is such a smart move, and so is what Marinette and Master Fu do with the book at the end. This episode does a great job setting up future plot threads and establishes Master Fu's character and the mystery associated with him.
The Collector is a visually stunning villain, and his powers are really creative, leading to a great fight with Ladybug and Cat Noir, who use a great strategy to outsmart him. I also love how over the top he is in order to make the heroes believe that he's working for Hawkmoth, all with a devious smile on his face.
This was also the episode that really got me into Miraculous Ladybug as a whole. I checked out the first season on a whim after it was mentioned in a Pan Pizza video, but it was during the hiatus between seasons, and I hadn't really started using Tumblr yet, so it mostly stayed off my radar. When Season 2 started however, I really got invested in the story, and the way this episode turned out was a big reason why. I wondered what it would be like when Adrien finds out his own father is Hawkmoth, and how the story would play out after the reveal.
Despite what it led up to, I still consider “The Collector” to be my favorite episode of Miraculous Ladybug.
Well, now that I talked about that, not it's time to talk about what I consider to be the worst episode of Miraculous Ladybug, “Felix”. God help me...
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kikoqueenofrats · 3 years
New post, will probably just spam the rest of em in today. If I can get the art done quick enough that is heh
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This was Mari's worst nightmare come true;
Well, one of them at least.
The duo were currently hiding inside one of the desktops folders as the internet had randomly cut out whilst they were searching for webpages to visit.
Cel and Mari couldn't see into the outside world anymore so all they could do was wait and take sneaky peeks outside of the folder until the internet turned back on.
Mari jumped down, using the other folders as platforms, after checking on the Internet's progress for the fourth time in the hour the duo had been trapped here.
"Still nothing" Mari sighed before Cel could ask; Cel deflated at that and Mari frowned as they tried to think of a way to lighten up the current mood.
Having an idea they jumped down the rest of the way, sitting down next to the saddened blue stick figure with the biggest smile they could manage to pull on their face.
"Hey! You don't really talk about your game that often, have any nice memories of it?" Mari smiled, Cel deflated even more at that.
Mari cringed, realising a little too late that that probably wasn't the best thing to say.
They were about to change the subject when Cel opened his mouth.
"There was this one time...I was making flower crowns for the girls in our village...Protag came along...but instead of making fun of me like he usually did....he actually took one...yeah it was for his girlfriend but-" "What do you mean usually?" Mari asked, completely forgetting that they were supposed to be making Cel feel better in favor of finding out what Protag had done for Cel to say something like that.
Cel shuffled nervously as his mind fought with itself. On one hand, if he answered Mari truthfully all he would be doing was complain about his past life, he had it good back then didn’t he?...Cel wasn’t sure anymore...on the other, Mari had done so much for him...enough to have gained his trust completely.
Mari wouldn’t yell at him for complaining, they would listen and comfort him if he needed it.
Just like they always did.
Cel let out a breath.
"I...I like flowers...and one of my favorite colours is pink...Protag says that kind of stuff is only for girls...so he kinda...sorta.
..bullied me a lot about it...called me names, said I was, I was one wrong step away from being kicked out of the village completely that I...I was only allowed to stay because, because I was a part of the game...." 
Cel sniffed,trying to prevent his breath from getting stuck in his throat.
Mari's continued to watch Cel, a concerned look in their eye. Underneath that soft look however was a growing anger, it was mostly directed at Protag. However a small part of Mari was frustrated that Cel still seemed to want to go back, even after going through all that.
Mari was about to voice this feeling when Cel began talking again.
"I used to have two friends...both guys...we all bonded over how girly our jobs and interests were, one of them was a seamstress... The other wanted to become a ballet tutor...They-They gave up everything for each other, including me...I used to be mad at them, but I'm not anymore...I understand why they did that...their life was hell" Cel chuckled humorlessly at that before taking a few moments to compose themselves.
"Your life sounds like it was hell as well..." Mari pointed out slowly, still trying to keep their frustration in check.
"It...it was..." Cel whispered out his response, not looking Mari in the eye.
"Then why do you still want to go back?" Mari asked before he could stop himself.
Cels head shot back up at that and Mari flinched in response, expecting Cel to explode at them again.
"I-" Cel started before his mind went blank...he couldn't think up a reason for a few moments, before someone specific popped into his mind.
"I want to see if one is okay..." Cel replied softly, still looking at Mari, but not with the same anger that had been there only moments before.
Mari nodded slowly in response, glad Cel didn't seem to be mad at them anymore but remaining alert as they were still on the touchy subject.
"That's fair...is One another one of your friends?" Mari asked, genuinely curious. Cel shuffled awkwardly in response "Not...really...the only time we've interacted was when he...when he comforted me during the attack...and encouraged me to defend my shop against the two powered sticks before...before going off to rally the other villagers to help him fight the...the bad sticks" Cels voice gave out near the end of his last sentence as he held back the tears that had been building up since Cel had started talking about his old life.
Maris' soft smile turned into a frown at that, without another moment's hesitation they lunged forward and pulled Cel into a hug.
Cel stiffened at the sudden contact but quickly realised what Mari was doing and relaxed into it.
"That guy sounds cool...I hope I get to meet him after we find your game" Mari muttered, Cel chuckled in reply "Yeah...he's pretty cool..." Cel sobbed burying his face into Maris shoulder as tears began running down his cheeks.
The duo stayed like that for a few moments, before Cel slowly pushed away. "Thank you...I needed that" Cel smiled as he wiped away the remaining tears.
"No problem" Mari smiled before looking up "I...should probably take another look" They muttered before standing up and beginning the climb.
Cel nodded in response for a few moments before a sudden surge of confidence caused him to ask a question he had wanted answered ever since he first met Mari.
"Hey Mari!" Cel called up, causing Mari to stop climbing and look down.
"Yeah?" Mari asked curious as to what Cel could want but also worried.
"I've always wondered...how, what...what kind of game were you made in?" Cel asked.
"A stick fight game!" Mari replied before beginning to climb again, making it to the top before Cel called up again.
"Why'd you leave your game?" Cel asked, genuinely curious...a stick fight game involved other sticks usually...why would Mari leave a game like that.
Unless the other sticks kicked them out...
"Because I was bored!" Mari replied slowly, sticking their head out of the folder and looking around.
Cel spluttered, bored? Mari left their game, their home! Because they were bored?!?...
Mari truly was the strangest stick Cel knew.
Cel was about to ask another question before Mari called out.
"Hey! The internet's turned back on! Let's go!" Mari gestured for Cel to climb up and Cel obliged albeit reluctantly as he still wanted his questions answered.
Cel took longer to scale the folder as he wasn't as athletic as Mari was; So Mari ended up having to pull Cel up the rest of the way. They both jumped out of the file, as soon as Cel had made it to the top, and made a beeline for the WiFi icon; Managing to make it out of the computer before the user realised they were even there.
Whilst they traveled through the tube Cel decided to ask Mari about their game another time.
He wanted to focus on finding his game as much as he possibly could at this moment in time.
Mari would probably tell him about their game at a later time.
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hoedameron · 3 years
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but before i go looking in the tags, let’s talk about my latest gifsets!
what a worker bee i was both yesterday and today with prodigal son AND loki <3 never have i created so many gifs in a short amount of time it’s a damn miracle that my photoshop didn’t straight up cough up blood and keel over. alas, us bitches are stronger than that! if this post gets flagged because of the scenes i included....that would just mean that i made the right decision to exclude those scenes ajsdksajkldsa
malcolm stabbing martin
when the episode finally downloaded, i took a peek at the ending before it aired to see how it all ends (just in case it doesn’t get renewed </3). GOSH, was i just in a TIZZY when i saw this happen and i couldn’t tell my dad what i saw because we were straight up watching the show as it aired. anyways, keeping my secret knowledge, i got to work on making this gifset. i missed a huge chunk of the episode bc it took me over TWO hours to make the six gif set. i was really torn on the “artistic” approach aka which scene to gif and which to leave out. because i saw the ending before anything else, i couldn’t play it out loud and i didn’t have my headphones to listen so i was like FREE FORMING THE SUBTITLES. plus the captions weren’t synced up so it was really hard to decipher what was being said :( 
i really thought i would be able to create the set before 9 but i was running into unforeseen issues such as the subtitle problem, which on top of that, like i said earlier, my photoshop is c/racked and janky so....you catch my drift. i was actually going to gif the bisexual moment in the cafe which i think would’ve been MUCH easier but i jumped the gun and wanted to make the gifs of the shocking ending. funny part about that is the shocking part wasn’t even included in my set (malcolm driving the knife into martin) because i felt like the scene was too short...anyways, let’s talk about the positives:
i really do like the coloring of this one. i used a psd that i’ve used before and luckily it’s meant for outdoor scenes with greenery so the gif really popped. sharpening, buddy ole pal, love you sm. the caption was kinda last minute but i hoped to save it with the gradient. cropping was a bitch because for some reason, it takes forever when you’ve made multiple gifs beforehand (cache innit) pero we pulled through! i actually started not saving the psd files to try and save time which is very unusual for me pero i was getting frustrated with photoshop so i was like y’know what....so i just gave up entirely and stopped saving. i do save when i’m taking my time but jeez, it’s a bad habit. i like saving the psd file because i never know if there is a mistake i missed in post and when i go to publish it, it’s blatant and it needs to be fixed. please, save your psd files idc if it takes up space u can just delete them later. IT HELPS !! TRUST ME!!
first & “last” appearance
i actually premade gifs for this gifset! unfortunately, i didn’t realize that three of the five gifs were the wrong size (pictured above) because i flipped the ratio. instead of 268 x 250, i made them 250 x 268. i don’t know HOW i managed to fuck that up but luckily i saved the psd files (wink, wink) so the coloring was still intact. i think i had to restart photoshop or it was getting too late so i picked it back up in the morning. sucks that i had to remake the entire gif from scratch but we will take some wins xx
coloring is the same with the previous gifset (listen....it’s a good coloring) and i actually did have an alternative coloring that was very warm pero i didn’t end up using it. almost melted the two with the “last” appearance of gil but ultimately didn’t go through with it. also i was thinking of using baby malcolm as the first appearance because technically, that IS his first appearance in the show but i was like...just use adult malcolm lol. also i know that scene of dani isn’t the “first” but the first scene she has goes really quick and she is planked by gil so there isn’t much of a solo (even though this scene isn’t much of a solo either pero it’s better than the former). the lighting is weird in this episode and my coloring tried their best :/ i know gifmakers make each gif a diff coloring pero i’m lazy okay and looking to be time effiencent. another slight tangent is that i actually queued the post for the morning but since i woke up to a storm, i was like, i’m here so i’ll publish it myself.
other than that...i didn’t run into any other problem. i was actually hesitant to make the caption that because i wasn’t sure how to really describe the team. i have poor memory so if there was ever an official name, i do not remember it. i did a quick google search pero it turned up nothing. i stuck with “dream team” because, well, that’s what they are. plus i didn’t want to tarnish the gifset with any mentions of p/olice (i was thinking about putting sumn along the lines of ‘the nypd team’) so DREAM TEAM IT IS because it’s true! you cannot have the show without these five! also, i should’ve used quotations on “last” because there is a bunch of talk about a renewal pero...just in case... sorry y’all :/
odinson brothers parallels
this was made in the spur of the moment. i saw that the teaser trailer with shirtless loki dropped in hd, i came A-RUNNING! it was posted like 47 minutes after the fact and i was like...somebody probably already made a gifset of the scene so i was like...gosh, to make the gifset or not all the while i was trying to download the video. trying because again, this was in the middle of a storm so my wifi was acting up and wasn’t at its strongest (whatever that may be). so i was getting frustrated because neither cc nor 4kdownloader was downloading this small one minute clip. that’s when i knew i was gonna be too late to make the loki gifset so i was like whatever ig...
then i had an idea.
i love parallels so luckily it hit me that this paralleled with thor and how his hair got chopped off. so, i knew i had ragnarok downloaded and got to work <3 wasn’t sure what dimensions to use so i went with 268 x 268 to make perfect squares. because the loki scene was short, i could only make three so i was like..okay, i can work with this. three for loki, three for thor, they’re brothers and they share! i wasn’t planning to add subtitles but i had written them down for the plain gifset so i was like alright, we’re going all in. i didn’t take that long to make since again, they’re small gifs and i did have a coloring in mind that i always use for ragnarok (it’s my fave for non-marvel edits as well). there was a slight adjustment to the final loki gif because i realized the gif had that dark fade into the scene which i didn’t know if it was an artistic choice for the show itself or was added for the trailer only (it happens when companies cut a bunch of scenes together and it’s not at all how it actually plays out). i didn’t want to take any chances so i cut those parts out. i know the gifs are short on the loki side pero...that’s just how it is in show business.
thank you so much for listening and hearing me out! i like discussing my work and i try to have pride in them even if the numbers don’t reflect what i hope they would. either way, still learning, still growing, still thinking about buying p.s. like deadass this shit is RIDICULOUS -_- imagine opening up ps and like...it opens up in less than two minutes...shivers
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phobidawg · 4 years
Jacinter for the ask...?
Sorry for the delay, my phone was being a pain in the butt for copy and pasting this (and also I hate typing up lots of stuff on my phone,) and my wifi for my computer has been really funky. These are probably half thought out bc my last remaining half of a brain is feeling dusty today so rip fjksdfds Anyways! Thank you for the ask <3
who makes the bed: Jacin, he’s used to keeping everything neat after boarding in such small quarters as a guard. Winter likes to help him make it though, and she’s prone to throwing pillows at him. 
who wakes up first: Also Jacin, because he’d often work early shifts as a guard. Though sometimes he’ll wake up to find Winter making herself tea in the kitchen with a dreamy look in her eyes, and they’ll just sit together with a mug on the couch, Winter most likely curled up against him. Or if she has a nightmare, whether it be a lingering hallucination, about aimery, levana, or any of the horrors she went through, he wakes up to comfort her. Directly after the events of Winter, this happened pretty often, but they started the get further apart as time went on. 
who has the weird taste in music: I feel like Winter would like lo-fi music, but also the fun pop songs on the radio she can sing along to with Iko. Jacin doesn’t listen to music that often, but sometimes when he’s Extra Broody he’ll listen to heavy metal and hurt his eardrums. Winter just walks in like ???? He’s less broody when Winter’s around though.
who is more protective: They’re both very protective, though Jacin’s wariness and protectiveness of her is more visible. Sometimes if Winter is spending time with Jacin, she’ll get a flash of panic, worrying that it will get back to Levana and she’ll hurt him. Then she’ll remember it’s okay, Levana isn’t a worry, and she can be happy in peace. 
who sings in the shower: Winter, she sings about anything that strikes her fancy, rarely sticking to a pre-written song. Jacin thinks it’s cute, but if her lyrics start veering into worrisome territory (like the songs she used the sing during hallucinations or if the lyrics suggest she’s singing unpleasant things she shouldn’t,) he lightly knocks on the door and has to bring her back to the present. 
who cries during movies: Winter... or at least she’s the only one you can tell is crying. That’s why Jacin likes that movie theaters are so dark, no one notices if a tear accidentally slips out. 
who spends the most while out shopping: Jacin *detests* shopping, though Winter loves it. Jacin loves seeing her smile while she twirls in dresses and tries out new things, and he has to admit- some of them are very flattering. Jacin has no problem splurging once in a while on things that make her happy, so sometimes they end up buying the craziest hats and accessories- platform crocs, a wire/ hat contraption that makes it look as if birds are flying over her head, loose dresses that look like running water,, (so Winter)
who kisses more roughly: Surprisingly (or probably not,) Winter. Jacin is typically gentle as he can be, but Winter, having had to hold back for years, tends to be a little more passionate. 
who is more dominate: Umm Winter? Pretty much same as a above, though really they’re on the same level. They’re just equals in love ig? <3
my rating of the ship from 1-10: Hmm 8/10, I really like the ship and think they’re adorable, though I don’t think about it too much when I’m not reading the book or if I’m not look at tlc posts. I do think they’re perfect for each other and are one of the best canon tlc ships (tied or maybe a little behind Kaider.) Love them!! <33
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littlebarrelboy · 3 years
auld lang syne || Bu
Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and auld lang syne?
takes place: dec. 28
in which Barrel and Su say goodbye...
[tw: discussion of death, literally one of the most bittersweet things i’ve ever rp’d im tearing up as i post this oh my god]
Barrel stood at the train station. Luckily for him, he didn’t have much to pack and it had all fit in this old suitcase that he’d found at Whosits. Most of his clothes and stuff had burned back in the fire in August. He had some new stuff that Shock and Lock had bought him with Anthony’s credit card. He had some Christmas presents. He had things from the Qins. He had the Nintendo Switch that Lock had given him for Christmas.
The one Lock had not gotten to see him open.
That one was actually in his backpack.
His train was theoretically coming in fifteen minutes, but he’d wanted to get here early. The train would take him to a little suburb outside of Cardiff,  Holley Shiftwell  had told him, where he would meet a short, dark-haired woman with bangs named Jane who would escort him to a family. They’re really nice, Holley had reassured him. We’ve been working with them for years — they looked after me when my parents were in Russia.
This was the right decision. Barrel would finish up school in Wales. Barbie and Holley told him the RAS would take care of all the paperwork. Shock said she’d pay for any university he needed, if he decided to go with that. He wouldn’t be anyone’s problem. He could figure out a life for himself.
But he glanced at Su now, and with a pang to his heart, he wondered if this was the right decision.
She was the only one who’d accompanied him to the station. He didn’t know where Mei was, but he’d left her a note. He’d cracked Ting’s door open to say goodbye and she’d jumped up, apologizing over and over about how she’d forgotten and how she could be ready in just a second. But he told her it was no worry. That he could go on his own. Ting-Ting looked tired. She looked like how he felt a lot of the time, like he wanted to cry  but had a hard time figuring out how to start the tears.
That was why he was leaving.
The Qins thought it was social services who stepped in after Ting reported it all to the police, which wasn’t super far from the truth, Holley had said. He could still write to them and text them and play Animal Crossing with Su.
“I’ll send you a Dodo code as soon as I get my wifi set up in Wales,” he told her right now, trying to smile.
SU: The day had come too quick. That’s what Su wanted to tell Barrel when he spoke of Dodo codes and wifi. She didn’t want to think about how they’d have to do that method now instead of the easier, closer local play option. It was less of a hassle, honestly.
Of all things for her to focus on when Barrel spoke, that had to be the silliest. But she would rather think of something silly that could help her return the small, sad smile than the reality of the situation. The reality of their lives now. Lives that would now be lived apart.
Which, really, was the normal for them. Honestly, they’d only become so close within the past year. Only met each other in that time as well. But the tragedies they’ve stood by each other throughout, it made her feel like she’d known him for a lifetime. And now that life was coming to an end. Waiting like this train, ready to whisk Barrel - her friend, someone dear to her - away.
It was selfish to feel this way, she knows, enlight of everything that’s happened to him. It’s why she didn’t say any of this and simply nodded, hands gripped tight together behind her back as she looked at her feet. “You better. I'm going to start setting up a fun New Year’s firework show and I need you to see it.”
This was the right decision. He deserved to leave this pain behind, even if that means leaving Swynlake. And whatever decisions he makes going forward, she’d support him. Because she was his friend, and he deserved a soft epilogue, if you will, after the chaos of his teenage years, his childhood.
“You stay warm too. It’s really cold out today, and going to be even colder tonight,” She fussed, moving closer to fix his jacket, as if doing so would just make it warmer.
At the mention of New Year’s, Barrel remembered something. It hit him with a jolt and he immediately bent to reach for his bag — just as Su reached for his jacket.
“Woops sorry — “ Their foreheads almost collided. Barrel felt his face flush. He looked at Su. She was very near him. She smelled very nice. She was very warm.
He was going to miss her a lot.
That thought also hit him with a jolt.
He knew he was gonna miss Swynlake — miss school and his friends and going to soccer games and working the counter in Whosits. He was going to miss the Qin house and how it always smelled like something yummy and he was going to miss Ting randomly singing and Mei laughing and MuHou telling stories. He was going to miss Su, but it didn’t hit him till right now how much.
She was very pretty.
Also, at one point he’d reached for her hand as it rested on the collar of his jacket. He didn’t realize that till right now.
“I got you a birthday present,” he said. He realized he was still holding her hand and let it go. “It’s in my bag — one second — “
He rifled through his backpack and pulled out a little gift bag from the front pocket. His cheeks felt very warm still. Hadn’t Su said it was cold? It didn’t feel cold.
“You can open it now if you want,” he said, handing her the bag. “I’m sorry for missing your birthday. I got this … well, before everything. I hope you like it.”
He’d picked out the gift because of Animal Crossing, but also because Su liked plants and her magic was plants and Barrel always thought that was so fitting.
SU: “Sorry,” Su also said, the apology mixing with his in the wind at their clumsiness. But she chuckled a little. “My bad.”
His hand at some point came to hold hers. It was big and warm compared to her tiny ones that always struggled to hold any heat. It fit perfectly, she thought. Comfortable and safe. Like that night so long ago when he’d first come to the Qins’ home. Somehow, he’d seemed so small then. Someone she wanted to protect and cradle in her world, inside their home of magic.
When did she have to tilt her head up so high to look at him?
She blinked just as she did so, his words taking a moment to process as his hand left hers and then she was holding a present. “Birthday present…?” She questioned, looking at it a moment longer before realizing - oh yeah. Her birthday. She was going to be seventeen at the start of the new year.
Her face warmed as she smiled down into the bag. Of all things he was worried about…
“Thank you, you didn’t have to…” She started, quickly opening it so he could see her reaction. And she hoped it didn’t disappoint. Honestly, anything Barrel would give her, she would have loved, but something about this necklace… Why did she want to cry? She held it in. Instead, she smiled wide and looked at him. “It’s so pretty, Barrel! I love it!” She said, before throwing herself on him in a hug. Trying to hide those tears. “I promise I’ll always wear it.”
Su hugged him.
His arms fit around her waist, pulling her closer. Truth be told, he was crying a little bit too now, though he didn’t realize she was crying, only that he was crying and he didn’t want Su to see that he was crying.
For a second, he wanted to stay.
He thought about what it would mean to stay. To graduate from Swynlake Secondary. To go to Pride U with the money that Shock had given him. To continue living with the Qins, and sitting for dinner and Sunday morning pancakes. He thought about that for a moment, clinging to a warm, impossible dream.
Because he knew it was impossible. Because it wouldn’t be the life he thought it would. Because Lock was dead and Shock was gone and everything had changed. He didn’t know what that would mean for the future in his head, but Barbie had offered him a way out. A place where Lock and Shock didn’t haunt every corner. A place where his parents had never touched.
For the first time in his life, Barrel saw the possibilities that offered. He had to take it.
He’d just miss Su a lot.
He pulled away to tell her this, to try and say something about how he really wanted that other life — the one where he stayed, the one where he went to Pride U, the one where they got to celebrate her birthday together and eat pancakes — how he wanted that one to happen, but at the same time, he wanted it to never happen, because it was golden, warm, bright, and untouched by reality.
In some pocket universe, it happened and it was very nice over there and he was very happy for that.
He wanted to tell this to Su and he looked down at her, about to, but the words were too complicated and Barrel wasn’t good with words, so somewhere along the line,  they got caught in his throat. He didn’t know how to say what he wanted to say, so instead of saying any of that, he leaned down and pressed his lips to Su's.
It was a short kiss — short and golden and warm and bright.
SU: Stay.
The plea was on the tip of her tongue. Su felt it. Even as she tried to smother it and the rest of the storm in her mind. Don’t leave me in this mess alone. She didn’t feel strong enough. Even as she held onto him now, she felt maybe if she let go, he’d never leave. She could keep him here with her, and then maybe things would go back to normal.
But that was selfish and untrue, no matter how loud her thoughts were.
Then everything seemed to go silent with a sudden kiss.
Her eyes widened. Her face flushed. She’d never been kissed before. Her first kiss. And it was a kiss goodbye. Despite how bittersweet it was, she felt incredibly warm. And her fingers curled into his coat, pulling him closer into the kiss - only for a few seconds more, it’d feel like it was just them there. She wished that were true.
But with one bold action, she knew one thing: she knew Barrel would be okay. She knew things would be far from easy but - she believed in him. Believed in him and the person she knew he’d grow to be while also staying the kind boy she met in the Swynlake Secondary cafeteria and let into their home. It was the only reason she was able to pull away with the kiss with a warm smile.
“We’re going to be okay. I promise,” She said, smiling while wiping at her tears, the necklace still clutched in her hand. “You’ll always have a home with us too, if you ever want to come back, even for a visit.”
A visit. Yeah, that would be nice. And then this would be less like a goodbye and more like...see you later. Su liked that a lot better. Even if later was...years from now.
He had to go.
Barrel was even more sure of this after kissing Su.
It had been a nice kiss. He liked it a lot. It was a very good first kiss (he didn’t even realize it was his first kiss till right now and now he felt very bubbly and light that Su had been his first kiss). And maybe one day they could kiss again. Maybe one day.
But Barrel had to figure out who he was and what he was going to be that one day. Barrel had spent nearly 18 years of his life defined by Shock and Lock. He loved them. He loved them more than anything — including himself.
He needed to figure out who he was without them. He couldn’t do that in Swynlake, not in the home where his brother died and his sister left, not a few streets down from the burned remains of their house. He had to do that on his own. In Wales, which was not so far away.
He could always visit.
There was a future for Barrel. For maybe the first time in his life, there was a future.
“Thank you for everything, Su,” he said, gently touching her hair. “I don’t know how I would’ve… without you and your sisters. Without you…” His voice trailed off and he reached for her hand to give it another squeeze. “We’ll always have Animal Crossing, at least. I can’t wait to show you my island once I get it looking nice.”
He smiled a little, just as the train started to whistle into the station. A lump formed in his throat and he tried not to count the seconds till it pulled in fully and just enjoy these last moments with Su. 
SU: Su swallowed thickly. Swallowing more tears, not allowing anymore to fall. She had to remind herself this wasn’t truly a goodbye. The world was so small because of phones and the Internet. She could talk to him every night still. Even though it’d hardly ever be the same.
She squeezed his hand back. Go. Live. “You don’t have to thank me for anything. I - we’d  - do it all again,” She smiled, forcing herself to let go of his hand - to let him go. “Remember what I said about turnip exchange! It’s a life changer!”
She laughed at that, but really used it to cover up any sobs that might want to bubble out. She’d be okay. They’d be okay. He’d be okay. That was all that mattered now. She was still suspicious about the story he told them but...it wasn’t her place to ask about social services.
She trusted he knew what he was doing.
She took a step back, glancing up at the train and smiled. It hurt. But if she could distance herself, it’d hurt less and be easier to watch him go. “You better hurry so you can get a good spot and get your luggage put up. I…” She looked at him then to her feet. Then back at him. “Text me when you get there, ‘kay?”
“I will,” said Barrel. His head still spun from the kiss. He’d already picked up his duffle bag. He’d taken a step back from Su, not realizing she’d done the same. The distance between them now could not be closed with an embrace. Soon he’d get on the train and the train would bring him further and further away —
He couldn’t think of it like that. He could still talk to Su. He’d just said he was going to text her, after all. They’d meet on Animal Crossing. He’d text all his friends: JJ, Nemo, Finn, Wilbur, and Tony. Maybe some of them would text back. He’d video call Su and Ting-Ting and Mei and show them his new room and tell Su about his new school and his new town.
But he would also go to a new school. He’d meet new friends who didn’t know about Lock and Shock or his parents. He’d graduate. He’d go to university. He would study animals and he would get a job at any place he could work with them. He would become a zookeeper one day, in the far future, and he would get an apartment of his own where he fed cats behind the building and took them home.
He’d see Shock. He’d see Su and Mei and Ting-Ting. They could come to his apartment and meet his cats and he would learn how to cook so he could make them dinner like they did for him so many times.
One day, maybe, he would even come back to Swynlake.
He didn’t know if that would happen, actually. Or when that would happen. Right now, he couldn’t think of Swynlake without thinking of Lock — and Shock and his parents.
One day, maybe, he would come to this station again and when he stepped off the train, he would smile at the town.
Right now though, his smile was for Su.
“Goodbye Su,” he said, touching her shoulder gently. When he glanced back, stepping on the train, it was for her. He found a good seat by the window, pressing his face against it, waving as the train rolled out of the station. When Su was nothing more than a speck in the distance, when he squinted and couldn’t see the town, Barrel sat back in his seat.
He took a deep breath. His heart hammered, but — he felt light. He felt hopeful. He could see a future for himself, bright and clear.
Barrel closed his eyes and he dreamt of lions.
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inugamibeyi · 3 years
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Finallyyyy I was able to draw my Kemono Jihen oc !  Nota bene : Today, on 02/25/2021, there hasn’t been any information in the manga (I’ve read 49 chapters) about mermaids ! So my oc is only based on the few things I know about the lore and my own imagination. This might explain mistakes about mermaids and Alma !  Now, let’s have fun with her !  -------------------
IEVANOV Alma - Mermaid  28 yo (born on March 11th) - born near Russia   Favorite food : Tonkatsu Not-so-favorite food : cheese (which clashes with Shiki who wonders how you can dislike pizza’s main ingredient)  Udon or Soba ? Doesn’t care as long as it’s tasty  Okay with being on display ? Totally disagrees (has been exploited by a human for 8 years) First thing she did when she arrived at Tokyo : Buy clothes Favorite part of the human culture ? Books (especially whodunits) Least favorite part of the human culture ? Social networks (but mainly due to a fear of being found again by Tachibana. She avoids them as much as possible)
----------------------------------------- Alma is the only female employee from Inugami Detective Office. She’s also Inugami’s first employee, as she’s been there for 6 years (from 22 to 28). She considers that she has a debt towards Inugami as he freed her from the man that was exploiting her powers back in Hokkaido. Alma spent 8 years locked in the pool of a japanese’s millionaire’s mansion, Tachibana Haruto. He used her powers to stay young and healthy, mermaid tears being able to heal wounds, cure disease and stop and even reverse lightly the body’s aging. 
Mermaids powers aren’t very strong compared to other kemonos. They seem to be mainly focused on surviving and escaping. It allows them :  - A sharp vision : Mermaid have perfect eyes. Their sight is precise, they can see without difficulties on wide areas and can even see in the dark.
- A strong stamina and a slower aging : Compared to human, mermaids only needs 3 to 4 hours of sleep per night. Their bodies being used to swimming all day, they can endure longer days of work without feeling tired. Thanks to their healing and regenerating powers, it also appears that mermaid age slower.
- The Sing : Mermaid’s voice were mainly focused on tricking their prey so they can hunt and eat them easier. The song of a mermaid mainly affects persons that feel attraction toward women, but it doesn’t always work (uneffective on asexual person as an exemple) but mermaid can also decides to focus on one person (which Alma tried to do with Tachibana, but it didn’t work). With time, this ability mutated, leaving mermaid able to do many things while using their voice, such as, for exemple, erasing or replacing some memories.
- The wave : Basically, it’s a form of defense that allows mermaid to escape. It’s a big scream that’ll provoc a sound wave, leaving the enemy unable to move, when they simple don’t faint because of the sound. Isn’t deadly but buys time.
 - Healing tears : Mermaid tears contains something (unlike Aya’s thread, nobody can perfectly explain what it is) that is able to heal wounds and prevent bodies from disease. Yet it doesn’t seems all efficient, because what the tears give you seems to be balanced by a shorten lifespan. Alma doesn’t really know how long she’ll be able to live, but she thinks she’ll live for 400 yo without having trouble.
Inugami freed her after hearing the story of a man in Hokkaido that doesn’t age and the other story of a woman who sings her sadness, making whoever hears her voice cry for hours.  Alma being afraid that she’ll have nowhere to go, and most importantly, fearing she’ll be kidnapped again, choosed to stay by Inugami’s side, trying to assist him and help other kemonos. Being at first very naive and curious, about everything, Alma quickly learned how humans’ world works and got used to it. Her curiosity also helped her to adapt very fast, Alma being the kind of person who doesn’t have any trouble to focus and work for a long time (probably thanks to the fact that mermaids have to keep swimming no matter what they do, which helped her to develop a strong stamina and a small need to sleep). She was able to understand quickly the new world she was stepping in and had no problem to blend in. Alma grew up to be less naive and childish, turning into a person who tends to think a lot before acting, making her a good advisor for Inugami. She also tends to be tougher than him, especially on food. She doesn’t want him to eat junkfood all day because he’s too lazy to cook. She’s strongwilled and doesn’t hesitate to scold him on the points she judges important. Even if Inugami thinks she can be annoying, he knows that’s her way to care about them.  When it comes to fighting, Alma’s abilities aren’t the best so what she can’t do with powers, she completes it with training and strenght. Inugami taught her how to shoot and realised her sharp vision would make her a nice sniper. He taught her how to use a longshot gun. When Mihai came, he was able to create her bullets that are effectives against Kemono.  Alma’s relationships are pretty good in the Inugami Detective office. She just doesn’t like the way Shiki tends to ask for pizza almost everyday, despite the fact that she’s cooking for them when she’s in Tokyo. But he is a nice boy and he is smart.  Despite her differences with Akira, she tends to be nice with him, as long as he doesn’t post her face on his social media (which truly makes him sad because he thinks Alma’s pretty face could boost his account). She likes the bubbly side o his personnality, she thinks he lightens the mood. Kabane made her unconfortable at first : this kid just didn’t said anything to her. He was just sitting quietly and watching, and doing the chores. But when Inugami explained her his past, she tried to help him to feel fine at the office, by learning him how to cook since he wanted her to do it. She took a liking in him, seeing a little bit of her younger self in that curious, yet naive young boy.  Mihai... Oh Mihai... Perhaps it’s her worst relationship here. She knows he deserves his place at the office and doesn’t say he’s useless but... He’s just so annoying ! Annoying her, pulling the curls in her hair just to mess with her (”but they’re bouncy” he says)... So she just messes back with him, intentionally turning down the wifi, making some sarcasms... Yet they tend to help each other when they need to (Mihai helping her to create her weapon’s bullets, Alma translating for him documents but also the dialogues for his game and editing some videos for his channel). Guess it’s a “I like you/I hate you” relationship. Then Inugami, or “Kohachi” for her.  She’s the only person who calls him by his first name, both of them being adults and Alma being here for many years now.  Kohachi is Alma’s savior. She’s loyal to him for freeing her from Tachibana. He also the one who offered her a home and a work, leading her to be able to start a new life. He’s also the one who helped her to learn more about mermaids and how to use her powers.  She did everything she could to make sure he understood how thankful she was. She took care of him, she helped him with work, paperwork, she helped him to gain more informations...  With both of them actively helping each other, their relationship sure went fine... Too fine. Were they helping each other because they needed to or because they deeply cared about the other one ? Were they living under the same roof because Alma had nowhere else to go or because both of them wanted her to stay ?  When they were together, they were flustered, yet happy. Flustered by the way people were calling her his wife. The way he thanked her for the food, the way she scolded him for his cigarettes, saying she didn’t want him to have troubles because of a shitty stick. The way they looked at each other, the sweet smell of her hair, the way she had to get on her tiptoes when she wanted to fix his tie... He remembered their few moments of weakness, ending in each other’s arms while the children were heavily sleeping, how they desperately moaned, swallowing their voice in order to remain silent, keeping the night they shared as a secret. And the next day, living as if nothing happened, pretending he stole her shampoo when Kabane noticed how Kohachi smelled like Alma. “ Hey, Kohachi ? - Hm ? - Let’s put an end to that. - ... To what ? - To our secret. - What ? Oh... I thought you were enjoying this... Guess I’m really that bad huh ? “ 
His sarcasm and his dumb playing only earned him a light slap on the arm, as Alma laughed.  “I don’t want it to be a secret anymore, I... I think I like you... - You know you’ll have to deal with Akira putting us on Instagram to “celebrate it” ? - Oh, shit, I haven’t though about... Wait, is that a “yes” ? - What else could it be ?”  As he was trying to light up his cigarette, she smiled while snatching it from him. He knew she was messing with him... Yet he just pulled her closer, his arms around her waist as she was putting hers behind his neck.  It was their first kiss that wasn’t in a hurry, that wasn’t almost stolen while they were sharing their nights together. It felt different. Better.  “ I love you... - Me too. “  They stayed in each other’s arms for a few seconds, now realising what happened.  “ So... We’re a couple ? - Yup. Sounds like you’re stuck with me, young lady. - “Oh no, my crush is liking me back, I wonder how I’ll manage to survive that”. - I just wondered how you didn’t notice before... - I’m gonna break that cigarette, Kohachi. - Wait don’t, it’s expens- “  *snap*  Oh. Oh shit. “ Guyyyys ! They confessed ! They confessed ! - Well... Shit. - Akira ! Don’t post that picture, I swear to god I’ll break that stupid phone !”
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