#wife and record
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lazylittledragon · 3 months ago
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dndads s1 you're so special to me
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maxedes · 4 months ago
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face of a man who just said he has no doubts max will win the wdc this year (& when sky germany disagreed he offered them a bet hahaha)
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yennao · 7 months ago
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Hey if Deathbit ain’t scorched to hell in 97 I’m gonna be disappointed. I’ll draw that too. Obviously. Asap. Till then, comic Deathbit
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daincrediblegg · 13 days ago
severance season 2 episode 7 can best be summarized as the national dead wife competition and Gemma and Mark who are actual husband and wife are competing for first place
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kirby-the-gorb · 2 months ago
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vero-lynn · 2 months ago
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Imagine your best friend told you to kill your other close friend bcs he's evil and then you find out he's the real problem and just as bad. Not to mention he left you all alone after infecting you with one of the most painful sicknesses AND FORGOT ABOUT YOU.
yeah. I'd crash out too.
Idk I got bored.
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opulentshits · 2 months ago
Had this thought running around in my head.
Sleeper Build Emmrich Volkarin.
Emmrich probably would gain loads of muscle from running around with the Veilguard and Lucanis would make it his job to make sure Emmrich eats enough like an Italian grandmother.
Between eating well because of Lucanis and work out sessions with Taash. Plus running around Thedas with Rook, he’s bound to get quite fit. On top of that, he does enjoy keeping up with his morning stretches and exercises.
After the events of DAV, he returns to teaching and the baby goths are going to notice that their favourite bean pole of a professor is looking more jacked, back muscles peaking through his shirt, his arms looking significantly more veiny through his grave gold. He’s noted to not be wearing his usual vest, when prompted about it, he causally jokes about gaining weight (you know, domestic bliss with a new wife and all) and is getting a new vest tailored.
I imagined my Rook (Lenore Ingellvar) rejoining the Mourn Watchers and becoming a combat instructor after the game, she’s popular with her students because of her younger age and friendly disposition. Most of the students think they have a shot with her because Professor Volkarin is a nerdy bean pole and Professor Ingellvar deserves “a real man”.
Que Emmrich dropping into one of her classes one day and one of the boys, a young noble from House Van Markham maybe, openly challenging Emmrich into hand to hand combat because he thinks Professor Ingellvar is too much of a catch for an old man like Emmrich.
Lenore sweetens the pot by saying that the student who manages to land a single hit on Emmrich gets to sit out on physical conditioning. A total of 10 students step up to the challenge, eager to impress their favourite instructor and an opportunity to also one up the senior watcher.
Emmrich offers to take them 5 at a time. He moves unnaturally fast for a man of his age and manages to take all of them down fairly quickly. Emmrich puts Lil’ Van Markham into a chokehold and the boy forgets to tap out so he knocks out completely.
Save to say the student body learns of the meaning behind his nickname: Emmrich “Vol-carnage” Volkarin
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virtchandmoir · 5 days ago
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tessavirtue17: Framing this one ❤️
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amphitriteswife · 8 months ago
Snv/ror characters and their manhwa kid (my opinion)
Tagging @mizz-sea-nymph @tinyy-tea-cup @monstertreden @nicasdreamer @praisethesuuun @riseofamoonycake @swallowtail-lotus @gabelesimp @justvir @twinklemylittlestar @rukia-writes @bumblebees-knees-threes @chaostroberry1 @meli-mp3 @itz-hellenz
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That’s it. Might make a part 2
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feng-shui71 · 1 month ago
ok but let's be real, why does Wesker look adorable when he kisses Jordan in any way,,,
like, the way you draw him kissing her, your dbd post with the neck kiss?? he's so gentle what,,,
where's this monster I hear about, hm? I only see deprived husband showing affection for wife he doesn't see due to suspiciously tentacle like creature barrier (the entity)
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WHHFYQHFJFJHAJAJAJ oh my god this is so sweet .. no literally.. this compelled me to fill out a kiss chart i found on pinterest
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piratekane · 5 months ago
A post-ep piece from ep. 7 of Agatha All Along, Death's Hand In Mine (aired October 23, 2024) below the cut!
Death comes for Lilia, softened at the edges.
No, not Death. Rio. Rio, face rounded in sympathy, so unlike the vision in the tunnels. She smiles and it’s warm, caring. In all the dreams Lilia had about Death, it was never a face she recognized, never a face so open and kind. But as reality leaks away, she thinks: maybe this is a face I’ve seen before. Maybe I’ve been seeing this face my whole life.
“Did you take Alice?”
Alice. Her coven sister. Protector. The Knight of Wands. Lilia hopes she was held, helped. And Rio, that softness still etched across her face, nods silently. Lilia exhales, some of the pressure in her chest easing away.
“And Jen? Teen?” She pauses. “Agatha?”
She doesn’t imagine the slight flinch on Rio’s face. She can see now. Everything. All threads. All motes in the air. All flecks of want in Death’s eyes.
“They will face the road,” Rio finally says. “I will be there if they are ready.”
Lilia hopes—if, if they fail, if the road swallows them whole—that Death is kind to them. That Death comes in a soft green shawl like the one she’s wearing now, a flower in her hand and a warmth in her eyes. They deserve that. Jen. Teen. Even Agatha deserves a moment where the world stops pushing at her. If only she would stop pushing back.
But they are her coven. They are her family. She sacrificed for them, gave them a way forward and stayed behind to seal the path from the danger she could control. And she would do it again. It’s probably why Death comes to her as Rio, a kindness for a kindness. The choice she was always destined to make. All roads led to this Road, led to these people, and for the first time in centuries, she had something worth losing.
They are her coven. Death will not take that away from her.
“I’m ready.” She declares it with a strength that she thinks has always been there, just dampened for so long.
Rio smiles, a slight sharpness in the corners before it’s gone, and offers her hand. “Then let’s walk, witch.”
Witch. She loves the sound of that.
Lilia takes her hand and the world shifts into muted colors that stretch as far as she can see. At the end, something sparkles. She knows that place, the face at the end of the tunnel. Hope blooms in her chest as the picture takes shape. She feels herself running, body shifting as she goes, and it becomes easier. The air tastes sweeter. The sun is shining.
Rio’s hand slips from hers and she feels weightless, but tethered to a moment in time—a first in a long while.
She doesn’t hear the goodbye. Death whispers it still.
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evilminji · 3 months ago
I? Juuuust Realized Something.
Order 66. Verbal. Visual.
......EASILY fucked with, IF you know WHO you are impersonating. After all? What do you ACTUALLY need? Not much! Two components AT MOST.
A holo of the MOST FILMED MAN IN THE GALAXY.... and a RECORDING of said man's voice, giving an ORDER. Specifically? To "Stand Down". Or? "Cancel that Order." Maybe a litany of variations, playing back to back.
Ready to Broadcast.
The plan only WORKED? Because no one saw it coming or knew HOW it was triggered. With the right AI? Of which there are SHIT TONS? You could EASILY match Palpatine's verbal patterns and tone. Take control.
After all? Which of us REALLY looks like the Chancellor you recognize? That melted Sith... or this Holo of when he was pretending? That's RIGHT! The Holo! So CLEARLY, if the HOLO says "that man is a Sith Pretender! Trying to undermine the Republic! Do NOT listen to him! Also go coms silent and regroup at XYZ"
Well, obviously, it MUST be true. After all? They know the Jedi are loyal. THEY are loyal. And that Sith just... mind tricked(?) them? Into attacking the Jedi! Some of whom DIED!
All you have to do, really, is blast it GAR wide and Coruscant wide.
"Stand Down. Stand Down. Stand Down."
Take the Vode and RUN. Since the Senate is out here fuckin APPLAUDING their new Sith overlord. The Crechelings have to be evacuated. The other branches warned.
Maybe be impossible to stop the Fall of the Republic... but the end of the Jedi? Preventable. Kamino can be taken. The Vode can come with, get their chips out. It's not the first time, nor will it be the last, that the Jedi have had to flee to survive. So long as they are together, so long as they trust the Force, they will get through it.
All a SI-OC has to do, is drag the Order back from the snapping Jaws of the trap, at the last possible second. To ruin EVERYTHING for Palpatine.
Enjoy your triumph NOW, Sheev. Your Empire is in chaos and your army is GONE. The Light still lives. So that THIS! Neener neener neener~! *rude raspberry noises!*
@legitimatesatanspawn @spidori @babbling-babull @hdgnj @hypewinter @mayfay @lolottes
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t1oui · 3 months ago
forever pushing my "draco malfoy has curly/wavy hair and he straightens it" agenda bc i love using appearance to fuel angst
it's the same thing w my "percy weasley has way curlier hair than his family" headcanon - it's something that makes him stand out. but unlike my percy who comes to embrace his differences, what about draco who tries to hide his?
draco, who has the malfoy hair color but whose hair curls like that of everyone else in the black family. draco, who sees lucius's distaste for his natural hair not looking "malfoy enough" and decides to do something about it. narcissa's hair still curls, but not as much as it did in old pictures of her, because narcissa doesn't do anything she doesn't want to unless she thinks it could benefit her. and distancing herself from her birth family is a benefit.
neither of draco's parents say anything about his hair, but draco sees the smile on his father's face when he straightens it the first time, and so he never stops. no wonder he's known for taking an hour to get ready every morning.
i could expand on this whole thing even more by adding my "draco and narcissa both have flecks of amber in their eyes bc narcissa is a rosier". imagine draco straightening the curls out of his hair and wearing contacts from a young age to keep anyone from seeing anything but malfoy in him. imagine him doing this for years and years, all the way until adulthood, when someone - astoria or blaise or whoever you ship with draco - finally comes along and appreciates how he looks without having to put all that effort in. imagine, over time, the hair-straightening charms and gels and potions and the colored contacts collecting dust in the bathroom cabinet as he finally finds confidence in his appearance.
and imagine narcissa finally taking the charms that turn her curls into waves. imagine her taking off the charms that make the amber flecks in her eyes invisible. imagine draco looking in the mirror and seeing someone who isn't just a malfoy, but a black and a rosier too. seeing someone who isn't just his father's son but his mother's.
and adding even more onto this, luna. luna, whose mother was a rosier and a cousin of naricssa. luna, who has blonde hair and amber-flecked blue eyes that are shaped just like narcissa and draco's, who smiles just like they do when they're alone and not performing for anyone. luna, who's had curly hair like her mum did her whole life. luna and draco, who have known of their relation since they were young, finally seeing their similarities and being unashamed of showing them off.
and to add one more thing, teddy. teddy, whose mother and grandmother didn't get the rosier traits like draco and narcissa did, but whose eyes naturally turn a little more amber when draco's around. whose hair curls just a little bit more whenever he's with the malfoys.
of course there's scorpius too. scorpius, whose hair is just wavy and whose eyes are mostly grey, but who never, ever feels the need to hide it. because even if it's not until scorpius is nearly out of hogwarts that draco is confident with how he looks, draco makes sure his son never feels the shame he did.
i really could go on forever about this, so i might as well end it here.
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ekingston · 2 years ago
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| By Way of Wit | rated M | COMPLETE |
The jury summons arrives on a Friday.
“You have to get yourself disqualified,” Alex says.
Kara frowns. “What about my civic duty?”
Her sister ignores her. She’s on her phone, already finding her an out. “Your occupation should qualify you for an exemption,” she discovers. “It says here, if you’re full-time military, or a firefighter, or a cop—”
Kara holds the letter up for Alex to read. “They didn’t summon Supergirl,” she says. “They summoned Kara Danvers, freelance food critic and full-time reporter.”
In which no one escapes jury duty, not even superheroes and celebrity CEOs, and when Kara Danvers and Lena Luthor end up in sequestration, well—the defense submits that there's more than one type of civic service.
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sodafrog13 · 3 months ago
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at least you still have your head curly fries
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leopardmuffinxo · 5 months ago
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