#whyyyyyy does it have to end
theimprobableone42 · 1 year
Just spent the entire hour and sixteen minutes of the Ted Lasso finale balling my eyes out.
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lemonshark-spin · 8 months
I need a universal remote to pause time in this very moment so that I can take the rest of the year to clean, finish projects, do all my schoolwork and dumb confirmations essays, and then just relax and enjoy the peace for a moment, before resuming my day.
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bistaxx · 2 years
Naur- I'm reading stuff from Twitter and apparently fucking Staxx's computer crashed after the part with the aliens showing up- this man is CURSED sadhkehfskfhrhf-!
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touchlikethesun · 2 years
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omg haha that’s so funny like that’s actually so fucking funny thank you so much for saying this like i love hearing stuff like that it just makes me feel so fucking good about myself 🙃
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Zutara Ship Baiting Moments
Before I start listing off the scenes I need to explain this: The scenes are coded as romantic, they're not explicitly romantic. I'm not saying Zuko and Katara were canonically in love with each other, I'm saying some scenes ended up tropy with romantic undertones.
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"I'll save you from the pirates".
Yeah he's threatening her, but what is this line? Why did he grab her hands while saying that? Why did he get so close to her, even after she was tied? Why wrapping his hand around her? All of this is extra work to the animators. He could have just dangled it in front of her, but instead we got a typical enemies to lovers moment.
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(1th) "Well, aren't you a big girl now".
(2th) "You rise with the moon, I rise with the sun".
Once again he says these lines, that are completely unnecessary, shippy, enemies to lovers. Why? What is it doing here?
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The soft yet exciting music, the shinning crystals, Katara's hand on Zuko's thumb, all speak for themselves. Katara absolutly didn't have to touch Zuko's face like this, they get interrupted. And when she heals she puts the water on the spot, so I'd make sense if they got interrupted. But they didn't, and she didn't even took out the water. Then it won't be shippy.
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This is a perfect example of the "Suggestive Collision" trope. An actual romance trope. And then, of course, the "Please Get Off Me" trope. They're used to create romantic tension. Whyyyyyy?
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Aang is about to sit next to Katara, and then Zuko steals his seat. Katara notices, tucks her hair behind her hair and gives Zuko a glance. Why do that? Why do something that really looks like it's foreshadowing a love triangle? Why do that when it goes by so fast and does nothing? Why animating this? Why writing this?
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"She's not my girlfriend"!
Another typical romance trope, the "She Is Not My Girlfriend". Used for romantic leads/ eventual romantic leads.
What else can I say about this scene? It's very obviously ship baiting. But if you don't think it is, here's a video taken from here with Sokka inserted there. What a beautiful comclusion to a beautiful relationship.
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oklotea · 10 months
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Help me, my dear friend!
Because these two have literally been occupying my mind the moment I found out about simonne's existence, I decided to draw them!!!!!!! As one does.
These two together, specifically Simonne, ARE SO UNDERAPPRECIATED
Well. We know quite a handful of information about them but IT'S NOT ENOUGH FOR ME
Whyyyyyy aren't there more people talking about simonne. She is so awesome. She's extremely politically active, attending the cordeliers club even after marat died, literally funding the publication of his newspapers that would change the hypothetical political tides of France during the revolution and cause big changes for the better, HER DEDICATION TO MARAT IN GENERAL, TO THE POINT OF PROTECTING MARAT'S LIFE FROM LAFAYETTE'S AGENTS MULTIPLE TIMES OVER THE COURSE OF TIME THEY KNEW EACH OTHER, because she truly saw something in him that most people, even to this day, don't see. They understood each other, and not a lot of people can say they understand marat. How she stood by him, even when his chronic illness got worse, and more people were out to get him, their entire relationship is just..... It's just so special to me.
I kind of hate myself more and more by the day because of my chronic illness, aaaand I feel like I'm not worth any dedication from anyone. Because. I feel like i'm just too much to deal with. Too much to take care of. My back pains, constant low energy, and just!!!!!! Never as good as I could be!!!! Aaaahhhh!!!!!! Hahahaha
But the existence of these two. Like. It might sound silly but I feel hopeful knowing they existed. That despite everything horrible that was sent towards marat, despite his illness becoming worse and worse... He was going to be okay at the end, because he had simonne, who was never going to give up on him!!!! Because he was worth the hard work!!!!! And she loved him!!!!!! And he loved her!!!!!! And I won't ever allow anyone to forget them!!!!!! You hear me?!??? Now who wants to be my simonne?!?!!!!?!
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missamyrisa2 · 5 months
I'm sooo obsessed with how everyone does the 3x tickle tease ~ because it's always sooo different, like even five people will say tickle tickle tickle a different way. Sometimes it's very bullying like tickle, tickle, tickle you punk~~
Other times it's overly sweet teasy like tickle tickle tiiiiiickle~ with that little lift at the end~
or maybe they say it almost monotone and repeatedly, like narratively tickle tickle tickle... Tickle tickle tickle ~
And then there's the seductive sensual tiiiickle~~ tickle tickle!
It might be said because they giggled so sweet or it might be said to coax out their giggles~
Anddddd one of my favorites rarely seen, the conversational tickle back, where the ticklee protests and the tickler says tickle tickle tickle with the intonation of actual conversation~
That's not even getting to the variety of the ~other~ magic words. Ohh yes I'm going thereee~~ it might be coochie coochie coo, or kitchy kitchy koo~ or goochie goochie goo, gitchy gitchy goo (mmmh!) ~ and sometimes it's something original and not even words just like vocables in that same 3x format ~ once I took a widda widda woo as my armpits were being teased and that unique take destroyyyyedddd meee ~
It's likeeee whyyyy does everyone say it different? Why is it usually 3 times? I just want to like hire a massive focus group to tickle people and observe what they say~ or don't say!
Because it's sooo fascinating to me that some people always use it and some people never ever do, and for some it's like only certain circumstances. Like there's a Japanese lady tickler I love and in certain videos she's like a nonstop tease box of that particular onomatopoeia sound (not kocho kocho kocho)~ and in other videos she's completely silent~
but most of alllllll whyyyyyy do these words and that ~tone~ have such power over us?~~
Anyway while trying to find that onomatopoeia I found this thread which is one of those rare threads that both educates and meltsssss~
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oplishin · 1 month
what are your thoughts on patho 2 re race
i don't think you were looking for such a long response but uhhh you're getting one!!!!! smarter people have discussed this better, but i have a lot of feelings.
the good:
the broad strokes of artemy's relationship to his race: everytime i have replayed p2, i find myself surprised by how much artemy's angst resonates with me. he can fit into the broader, white culture of the Town, but that acceptance is always conditional. his friends have this "you're not like them" attitude, or they're just outright racist to him. they hate his people but like him. He's also not accepted by the Kin- he's spent too much time both in the Town and outside of it. the way elders in the community chide him is too real, haha. artemy discovering that the cultural practices he ran away from in his youth actually really, really matter to his identity is a feeling i find uhhh really relatable!!! this aspect of p2 just rings really emotionally true.
i like the way (some of) the racism is written: vlad jr is obsessed with learning about the culture of the Kin, he's even gained some trust with them, but wow, he does not give a shit about them when it comes down to it. they're an object of study to him, artifacts to collect, not actually people. andrey takes the cultural art of twyre tinctures and uses it to make a profit and to get really high. he keeps a dancing herb bride in his bar as entertainment. rubin's deal feels similar, he's learning kin traditions because of his weird weird relationship with isidor, but he hates the people. i like that foreman oyun sells out his culture, and that he hates himself so much for it.
okay. it's only downhill from here.
the bad. there's a lot:
the endings
i think the endings are cynical to the point of being unnuanced and un-interesting. the tragic mulatto trope played as straight as possible to a comically extreme degree. either almost every NPC you've met dies, or you destroy the remnants of your indigenous culture. it's just. i don't know. it wouldn't be very pathologic for this to have an actual magical solution- there isn't a magical solution in real life, the status quo just churns onward, and indigenous bodies and lives are discounted. i don't know. i don't know!
i hate that the game presents the diurnal ending as better than the nocturnal one. this is the part where my faulty memory is troublesome- i may be getting the way the fandom treats the endings mixed up with the way the game does. sorry if that's the case! the diurnal ending is bright, the town you've spent so much time saving is safe at last, all your children and friends are rebuilding their lives in interesting ways that you get to take part in. but it's fucking disgusting! the bodies and lives and culture of indigenous people are utterly discounted. this includes artemy, who's doomed to forever try to fit into white society, to never be able to pass on his cultural traditions, who just has to let himself die. the only person who mourns is a dying Aspity, who was one of the last people to carry on and teach tradition anyways. it's terrible.
i,, honestly do not remember much of the nocturnal ending, and a lot of went over my head when i played it. the majority of people read the nocturnal ending as "the bad ending"- all your friends die. and even though they're all super racist, you care about them, probably.
whyyyyyy are the indigenous characters written Like That????
it is fucking embarrassing that 26/29 of the Bound are white. i cannot believe this did not change with 14 years of hindsight post p1. well, the game did add nara, and she deserves her own paragraph!!!! wow, lucky her!!!!!!!!! the kin are so fucking underrepresented within the major characters. the white characters are given complex, differing perspectives about the nature of government, spirituality, morality and guilt. pathologic 2 writes the Kin as a mystical, esoteric hivemind. the non-diversity in the perspectives within the Kin was always something that bothered me, even when I was 15. They do not feel like a real, breathing living group of people. minority groups are not monoliths. i think the game wants to represent them as a collectivist culture, but is too racist to know that people within collectivist cultures uhhh have opinions about things.
p2's racism is just slightly more subtle than p1's, to the point where my stupid fucking 15 year old self didn't pick up on it as much. but god, it also asks the incredible question "what if racist stereotypes were true? wouldn't that sort of justify mass genocide? isn't the diurnal ending just as valid as the nocturnal ending?"
so much justification for the white characters' racism within the fandom comes from "but the indigenous characters did [x] bad thing! but their culture is misogynist!" which 1) fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you 2) someone made the active choice to write the indigenous characters like this. now why would they do this??
the misogyny
god i fucking hate the herb brides. i know that the fandom has tried to reclaim them in interesting ways. i just really cannot. why are these dancers all soft and curvy in the correct ways? why do their clothes fall off to look like they're wearing raggedy skimpy swimsuits? why are gamers soooo horny?? i'm. i cannot! i can't. this game has an asian women fetish. no thanks!
this brings me to the nara thing, which, okay. i'm about to get really mean!!! nara is this demure, docile, exotically sexy lady who's totally cool with giving up her agency artemy and being killed by him because the game has deemed it necessary. sorry, i do not care abotu the diegetic reasons for this. there's a dream sequence where her sexy sillohuette dances in the void. why? this game has a misogyny problem! and a yellow fever problem!! so much of her dialogue is dedicated to "ohhh i'm trying to make you less uncomfortable with this, artemy :(. i'm indifferent i promise :((" she doesn't protest in her death, she just says lore at the player. i'm not happy. i find the attempts to reclaim her in fandom admirable, i'm just. disgusted! by all of it! this game owes me reparations.
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dribs-and-drabbles · 7 months
Dead Friend Forever ep 1
I finally got sucked into watching. And since there's so much speculation around the characters and their actions/motives I thought I'd document my observations as I go. (small comments in brackets are things I've gone back to after the ep ended)
Who did the axe man hit for the guy on his own (Non, right?) to get splashed with blood, because the guy with him (Jin, right?) had already run off, unless it was his own blood from a wound lower down on this body... (So I'm guessing this is the original film that they made with Non years ago...no, wait, if Non was the 'killer' in the mask in the film then why is he running away from another masked person with Jin here? Is this also the film or is this their real experience. Oh ho hooo the mystery thickens...what's real and what's played out for the 'camera' [including for us]?...).
Also, I can't believed I'm watching this ��
I think the only way I'll get through the scary gore bits is to analyse their believability.
Ok, let's go! I like the opening credits music.
It's a good job it's difficult for me to figure out all their names because the things I've seen/read about the show so far mean nothing or very little.
The first believable thing! - no phone signal and no wifi in the middle of nowhere. I used to experience the same thing in the Swedish countryside.
Ok, I see those looks between Fluke and green-shirt-big-money guy...what secret do they have about what's on that external drive... And embroidered shirt guy doesn't know...or does he and he's a good liar?
So green shirt guy, Fluke, Jin, and embroidered shirt guy (Top!) were in this movie? And Non was the 'killer'. And Phee pretends he doesn't know who Non is even though I've seen that he and Non knew-knew each other... The two who don't know Non (for realsies?) is brown jacket guy (White?) and the guy sat opposite Jin.
Wow green shirt guy was quick to jump in to say he had a camera in the house to remake the film - that Phee suggested. SO SUS. Jin and tall guy (Tee!) did NOT like that.
"I don't want him [White] to get involved in what we have done" - What HAVE you done Tee? 👀
Also I love that all this is happening with White in a "Sexy Summer Time" t-shirt on 😂
An asthmatic who smokes 🤦🏽‍♀️ Yeah, he's definitely not going to find his inhaler when he needs it. (Is that Tan?).
Oh what if White isn't the innocent cherub he's made out to be? What if he's manipulating this to get revenge for Non? I've seen people say they want him to be the last girl standing (or whatever the phrase is) but what if he's orchestrating all this?
Whyyyyyy did green shirt guy (Por!) leave the house and go into the woods???
So, interestingly, Tee and Fluke instigated the search for Por, then Phee doled out instructions once they found him... Hmmmm...SUS
Por seems alive and conscious, why is no one asking how it happened? Also, even in his second year, Fluke should know to stay calm so as not to panic the patient more...
Who keeps jump cables in the house and not either in the car or in a garage/outbuilding, especially somewhere like that??!?
Again, they're in a house in the woods. Surely there would be a saw in some kind of garage/workshop? Why are they looking in a kitchen for a knife to cut a tree branch?? WHY IS THE SAW IN THE KITCHEN UNDER THE SINK?! 😂
It's incheresting that White concludes it's an attempted murder 👀 Thus sowing the seed in everyone else's mind...
BOYS, proving that there's a ninth person is NOT the priority here. Getting Por to a hospital is. 🤦🏽‍♀️
Also incheresting are the deleted scenes 👀 HOW COULD POR GO INTO THE WOODS ALONE ESPECIALLY AFTER HE COUNTED NINE PEOPLE?! Also, Tan was not part of the failed re-staging of the film...SUS.
Alright. I'm hooked on the mystery. I should make clear that I in NO WAY want any answers that will spoil the mystery for later in the series. Please and thank you! 🙏🏽 I'm just laying down some thoughts to come back to once more info gets revealed. Comments that don't spoil anything are absolutely welcome though! 😁
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avatarmerida · 2 years
I demand huntlow fluff IMMEDIATELY after that angst post!!!! aghhhh it was so good but illegal to make them so saaaad whyyyyyy
This is exact opposite of angst, I promise. This might be too fluffy, tbh. It's honestly a little embarrassing.
Willow was simply minding her own business, tending to her flower beds on her balcony when out of nowhere, she turned and found Hunter crash landing beside her. Before she could ask if he was okay or what was going on, he rose dramatically to his feet. His cape wrapped around him making it difficult for him to regain balance, his eyes were locked on her, with a vexation and intensity she was unfamiliar with outside the flyer derby field. 
“You know love potions are illegal, right?!” Hunter exclaimed very unceremoniously, clearly flustered and disheveled.
“Um... hi?” said a very confused Willow, not expecting company, especially not from such a loud and upset Hunter.
“They’re ill-e-gal!” Hunter said loudly, stretching the word as though it would help her understand. “Like, against the law!”
“Okay... I already knew that, but thanks for telling me I guess?” she said, setting down her watering can.
“Well, if you knew then why did you give me one?” Hunter demanded, breathing heavily.
“Oh, don’t act like you don’t know!” he scoffed dramatically, becoming more unhinged by the second. “After practice t-t-that alleged ‘blue sport drink’ you gave me? It was clearly a love potion!”
“Why would I give you a love potion?”
“I dunno, hazing? A mistake? Curiosity? I don’t have the time to try and decipher the inner workings of your beautiful, complicated mind, I just need the antidote! The ones at the marketplace haven’t been working, so obviously you added something strong to the batch.”
“Hunter, I’m not on the potions track, I don’t even know what ingredients I’d need for that,” Willow said with a small smile, unable to help but be amused. “Besides, it definitely wasn’t a love potion.”
“Well then how do you explain... this?” He gestured vaguely to himself as his voice became more distraught. “I’m a mess! I can't eat, i can't sleep, I-I start thinking about you and all of I sudden I feel sweaty and stupid and- why are you smiling?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” said Willow, covering her mouth though she couldn’t hide her clear delight at his cluelessness.
“It’s not funny!” he insisted.
“I know, I know,” she said, unable to sound convincing. “Keep going, I’m sorry.”
“Agh! Even looking at you right now I feel like I’m gonna pass out!” He said, exacerbated, not sure where he was supposed to look. “I can’t focus on patrol because I’m staring at your penstagram account or wondering what you’re doing and my distractions are gonna end up putting people in danger!”
“You’re right; this is serious,” said Willow, trying to sound convincing. She herself was in no rush to cure or resolve the ailment. “And you think you’re feeling this way because you drank a love potion?”
“Yes! What other explanation is there?”
“Well, I think I might have an idea but I don’t wanna embarrass you.”
“Well, what am I supposed to do?” he pleaded desperately. “Clearly, distance does nothing to dilute the effects. Willow, my pockets are full of leaves!” He declared, taking her shoulders and shaking her.
“Because they’re green like your eyes and I wanted to find one the same shade!” He explained as he bashfully removed her from his grasp and began to pace, talking faster and fidgeting with his hands. Willow tried with all her might to suppress her joy at his concern for the symptoms and not the sickness. “It's actually a fairly difficult shade to find organically in the arboreal section of nature, it’s more of peridot color which led me to search for matching gemstones and now my pockets are full of rocks and leaves and it’s getting very messy and heavy!”
“Wait, why did you keep all the leaves?” Willow laughed.
“Because you’re a plant witch! You love leaves!” Hunter practically screamed, tossing his collection from his pockets into the air in frustration as he panted, running out of breath from his rant.
“Awh, I do love leaves,” she giggled as she picked one out of his hair and twirled it between her fingers, admiring the coloring. Upon her closeness, Hunter’s face quickly became beet red. Willow made a mental note to grow a tree later with leaves the same shade. “How long does a love potion take to wear off?” 
“Usually 48 hours for a standard one, but this has been going on for over a week now,” he said helplessly, burying his head in his hands as he leaned his back to the rail and sank to the ground. “And it’s only been getting worse! I wrote you a poem, Willow. A poem!”
“Wow, that is serious,” Willow asked, taking a seat on the ground beside him and placing her hand on his shoulder. “Why didn’t you say anything sooner?”
“I thought I could get rid of it on my own,” he said with a sigh. “I told Darius what was happening. But he just laughed at me! Can you believe it? Then I told him everything I tried and he told me to try going to the source but you clearly didn’t do this so I just…I feel like my chest is gonna explode.”
“Hunter...” Willow didn’t know where to start. How were you supposed to inform your crush that they had a crush on you? “You know the drink I gave you... I just bought it from the store.”
“Oh! Which store? I’ll go back there and ask them if they have a-.”
“I bought a pack of four, everyone at practice had one,” she said softly.
“Has... everyone else been having similar side effects?”
She shook her head.
“Oh,” said Hunter, suddenly uncertain. He folded his hands and brought them to his face and Willow could tell he was thinking intently of what to do next. Willow made herself comfortable on the ground beside him, watching the calculations fly behind his burgundy eyes. She knew he was smart, he was bright, but he truly was the stupidest boy she had ever met. “Hmm.”
“I can go get a bottle from the kitchen if you wanna read the ingredients-.”
“Wait! They came in a pack of four!” Hunter recalled excitedly. 
“I remember you offered me one but I didn’t want to take one if that meant you couldn’t have one-.”
“You told me it was because you had never had a liquid that was so oddly colored,” Willow interjected, finding the real reason even sweeter. 
“-well, yes that too,” confirmed Hunter as he continued. “So I was skeptical and then you assured me there was nothing wrong with it so you took a sip of it to show me. And of course I trust you completely so I drank the rest without questioning it.”
“It was an indirect kiss!” he said with delight as though that explained anything.
“I… guess so?”
“If an indirect kiss is what caused this to happen….”
“Hunter, I don’t think that’s actually what-.”
“... then a direct one  must be the way to reverse it!”
“Ya know what actually maybe,” said Willow, placing her hand beneath her chin. Now she was the one unable to catch her breath. They needed to say they tried everything, right? What kind of friend would she be if she didn’t help him anyway she could?
“Oh, but I could never ask that of you,” groaned Hunter, defeated.
“Well, I dunno, I think you could,” Willow said, trying to seem nonchalant and casual, brushing her hair behind her ear. 
“Do you… think it will work?”
Oh it definitely wouldn’t, Willow was counting on it.
“Guess we’ll find out,” she said with a seemingly innocent shrug as she leaned in closer, and Hunter jumped back when he realized just how close she was.
“Oh my Titan, are you trying to kill me??” he exclaimed, falling over himself. Willow just laughed. “This is great, this is just great,” said Hunter, removing his cape and throwing it in front of him, trying anything to help him breathe again. “You’re laughing. I’m basically dying and you’re laughing!
“I’m sorry,” she said, trying but failing to subdue her laughter. “It’s just kind of cute.”
“‘I’m cute?’” he turned to her, as though disgusted by the thought. “No, you’re cute, that’s the problem! Ahh! I don’t know what I was thinking, I can't even look at you without freaking out, why would I ever think I’d be able to… titan, I can’t even say it now.”
“It’s okay, we’ll figure this out together," she assured him, rising back up to her feet. She offered her hand to help him up and he took a deep breath before he mustered up the courage to take it. Progress, right? He stood in front of her and she took his other hand, and prompted him to do the breathing exercise. Progress. “Try closing your eyes, okay?”
He obliged, squeezing them shut tight and Willow’s heart skipped at how winsome he looked, putty in her hands. She delicately stepped onto her tiptoes to press a gentle but meaningful kiss to his lips. Closing her eyes as she leaned into the contact, her chest warm and buzzing like a fire bee hive. She waited there for a moment, waiting for him to pull away but he stood there stunned and when he realized the moment as real he removed his hands from hers and wrapped his arms around her waist to pull her closer. Willow was a little surprised but did not object as she brought her arms around his neck. She could feel him smiling, delighted that this was a remedy he approved of. As she went to pull away, he followed after, not ready to let the moment end.
She opened her eyes first and saw the talkative anxious boy who had crashed on her balcony, now totally speechless. His eyes slowly opened as she eagerly awaited to hear his thoughts.
“It didn’t work,” he said breathlessly, forgetting why he was supposed to be disappointed. “You’re still cute.”
“Darn it,” she said, equally as breathlessly and even less disappointed as she did not loosen her grip on him. “Sorry.”
It was even worse now. Everything seemed like it was in slow motion and there was a rose colored frame around her and music was playing and Hunter felt like he would float up into the sun if she let go of him now.
“It’s okay, it's not your fault,” he said, their position finally registering as he slowly removed her arms from her waist, hyper aware of how sweaty his hands were and how hot his face was. “I’m sorry to have bothered you with this. Thanks for trying to help.”
“Anytime,” said Willow softly, never meaning anything more.as she tried to figure out what to do with her hands now that they weren’t anchored around his neck. 
“I should… probably go…” he said timidly as he picked up his cape from the floor, quiet for the first time and Willow worried that he was embarrassed and that was the last thing she wanted him to associate with kissing her. She wanted to tell him what was really happening, but that hardly seemed like a way to lessen his embarrassment.
“Wait!” she said, and he looked up to her with wide eyes. “Um, actually… what if I took a love potion too?”
“No, I couldn’t let you do that,” said Hunter, shaking his head. “It’s so scary. But actually kind of incredible? But then scary again, and I couldn’t let you feel this way about me. That would be less like a potion and more like a curse.”
“What if I told you… I already took one?”
“What? Willow, why would you-?”
“What’s done is done,” she said innocently, as though it was out of her hands. “Right? And... the kiss didn't reverse mine either so I guess… we’re in this mess together.”
Hunter nodded slowly. “This constitutes an investigation,” he declared, slamming his fist into his palm. “Someone’s going around distributing illegal love potions! But who? And why?”
It was a start, Willow would take what she could get.
“Who knows?” she said with a grand shrug. “But um, until we do… are you okay feeling this way for a little bit longer?”
“I mean, it’s a little less scary knowing that you’re feeling the same way,” he admitted, rubbing his neck and giving her a shy grin . 
“That’s usually how it goes,” she said with a bright smile that made him feel like he was melting. “And… what if the effects turn out to be permanent? Would you… be okay with that too?”
“Well,” Hunter took a deep breath as he carefully took Willow’s hand, the rush still there but not quite as overwhelming. Maybe it was because they shared that now. “I’m okay with it i-if you are.”
“Well,” she interlaced their fingers and gave his hand a gentle squeeze and looked up at him with shining eyes even the most precious peridot would envy. “I’ve got a gut feeling it’s incurable.”
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lcnelyghost · 2 years
imagine forcing the ahs boys to watch titanic with you bc it’s you’re ultimate fav!! ♥︎
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a/n: i was rewatching titanic today and thought why not make a fic about it? titanic was such an excellent movie and definitely well made!! although, some scenes hit harder than others. potential warning if titanic triggers you in any sort of way!
tate langdon:
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• He’s heard his mother mentioning it a few times, I think it was probably on in the background one time though back then he didn’t pay much attention.
• Always shows a little bit of respect seeing as it was something that truly happened.
• Tate hates it when Cal walks onto the screen.
• Feels extremely bad for the children and animals who had to deal with the amount of mayhem that was going on whilst the ship was sinking.
• Doesn’t think Jack and Rose were necessary in the film, but he knows that Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio are good actors.
kit walker:
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• One of his FAVOURITE movies to watch with you!
• He thinks the little bond Jack and Cora have is really sweet.
• Walks around the house trying to recreate the Irish dancing scene to get a giggle out of you.
• Gets really pissed that some men were paying people to put themselves first on a lifeboat before children.
• He almost shed a tear when Jack and Rose reunited after her death in the end. He’d 100% do that with you when the two of you were no longer alive.
kyle spencer:
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• Okay, he actually saw Titanic as a kid and uh.. yeah. He’s traumatised.
• He gets really upset when you explain to him that the movie was based on real events.
• The noises the ship started to make when it began to go down, damn it terrifies him.
• Squeezes his eyes shut when the ship splits in half. Even you get slightly uncomfortable watching it.
• Kyle does actually think Titanic is good but he’s just a little scared of that really happening.
jimmy darling:
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• A movie that he’ll secretly enjoy but not tell anyone about it.
• Always thinks the length of the movie is worth it.
• Elsa’s always blabbing on about how much she would’ve loved to be in it, so Jimmy just acts as though he’s never even seen it.
• He’s witnessed too many teenage girls giggling and squealing in the diner whilst talking about Jack Dawson.
• Jimmy won’t lie, Jack was a really great character. Probably someone he could relate to from time to time.
james patrick march:
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• Constantly hits out with a wad of ways to try and justify how he could’ve been on the Titanic.
“My dear, I could’ve easily been on that ship! I could’ve been one of the ones who lost my life trying to flee from that horrible disaster!!”
“James.. i’m sure my grandparents also could have..”
• He secretly thinks that Rose is an extremely attractive woman. You couldn’t necessarily argue with that.
• Doesn’t see why people hate Cal so much. (Why James, WHYYYYYY)
• James LOVES LOVES LOVESSSS Titanic. He finds modern movies extremely uncomfortable, but he’s obsessed with this one.
• Despite him definitely not being one to do this himself, he thought Jack and Rose participating in the Irish dancing looked incredibly fun.
tristan duffy:
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• Cracks really insensitive jokes whilst watching Jack and other people practically freezing to death in the water.
“Damn, you think his dick froze off from how cold that shit was?”
• As a teenager, he’d ask his mom if he could watch it just to get flashed by Kate Winslet’s tits.
• Rants for hours about how Rose promised she wouldn’t let go, BUT LET JACK FALL DEEPER INTO THE FUCKING WATER UNTIL HE SANK.
• Thought he could pull off the ‘Leonardo DiCaprio look’ when he was younger.
dandy mott:
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• Dandy’s incredibly jealous of the actors who worked on this movie. It’s one of his greatest desires to be starring in a film like Titanic.
• Has the excitement of a young child when you decide to put it on.
• He’s rather envious of Jack. Having such a free feeling like that.. it’s something Dandy has always wanted to experience.
• Half way through the film, you both watch with extreme sadness. Drowning was something that terrified Dandy. And you felt awful for the people who had to witness multiple loved ones doing so. Little did you and him both know…
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dangermousie · 1 year
Let's meet my favorite kdrama cursed prince - Muhyul as portrayed by Song Il Gook in The Kingdom of the Winds
Or more specifically, this very long-ass post is my attempt to convince people to watch this ridiculously underrated 2008 sageuk.
Why? Is it politics? Complicated families, cursed destinies, battles, or more hurt/comfort than you can want? Nope, none of these. I have my priorities straight and it's official. Muhyul/Yeon is one of my favorite period OTPs.
Take one Cursed Prince (who does not know he is one, and is brought up as a slave), add in one capable Enemy Princess who saves his life, add in ninjas (yes I know ninjas are Japanese but I have no idea what the Korean equivalent term is and I am too lazy to type in secret assassins every time), poisonings, intrigues, and a lot of hurt/comfort and we are set!
Once upon a time, there lived a man named Muhyul. He was only a slave but what he did not know was that he was actually a Prince who was given away by his family at birth because he was cursed to kill his whole family, people he loved, and to top it off, to destroy his country. Despite it all, he was still super-hot.
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In the enemy nation of Buyeo, there lived a Princess named Yeon, who was ladylike, kind, a skilled healer....also a deadly ninja.
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Point 1: Heal captured slaves from torture. One day they might be the Crown Prince.
Muhyul first sees Yeon after he has been horrendously tortured by Buyeo troops. He opens his eyes to see a heavenly vision quite competently stitching him up, so to speak. It is love at first sight for Muhyul. And who could blame him. He knows that with the director's troubling penchant for h/c, he will need a hottie healer around.
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Point 2: "Heal a hottie and he is yours for life"
Muhyul spends some free time drawing her portrait. Without knowing who she is or if he will see her again. If the whole slave/assassin/king thing doesn't work out, he can always make money as an artist.
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Point 3: "It's not stalking when he's hot!"
Muhyul is on an undercover mission in the enemy country but he forgets everything when he sees Yeon walking by (btw, he assumes she is just a commoner doctor). I love how he sort of stops thinking of anything else at all.
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And then he thinks of her at night...
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And lo and behond, their paths cross again when she heals a slave in the house he is staying in.
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And he introduces himself to her and she is totally mesmerized. Who can blame her, it's freaking Song Il Gook!
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And "rescues" her from evil Byueo soldiers. Only, oooops, they were sent by her family as escort and she is piiiiiiiiissed!
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"Why did she slap me, whyyyyyy?"
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Still, be happy, boy! Despite it all, she bailed you out of jail for assaulting the Royal Guards :)
Awwww, Muhyul doesn't want to leave...
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Point 4: You know what makes anything better? Torture and homicidal angst
Did I mention the part where Yeon's Dad runs an Evil Assassin camp where they experiment on slaves with poisons and torture them? You see where this is going? If you do, then you have the mindset of both the writer of this drama and myself.
Muhyul gets captured by them (after losing the only person he ever regarded as family, but that would drag us into plot and this post is about the shippy):
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And tortured for a solid year. If he ever marries Yeon, that might make for an awkward family Thanksgiving. "So, how are you, son?" "Well, I almost regained the use of my arms!"
Anyway, Yeon is visiting Daddy and sees some slave being taken out, after they have tried poisons on him. It's Muhyul, so it's Yeon to the rescue! Man, no wonder he loves her - it's self-preservation on his part!
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(this shot here is for troubling reasons)
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And then Muhyul is drafted by evil assassins (long plotty reason) with the only alternative more torture. The training is psychotic and gets Muhyul near-broken utterly but as a side benefit, makes him even more hot. If now mildly psychotic. As you can probably figure out by the end of the drama he's so hot he's a supernova
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Also, as I posted earlier, gorgeous armored men on their knees looking up at their OTP who is teaching them foreign language (because Yeon is an Evil Assassin trainer for daddy) and thinking of the fact that they are a slave and she is a Princess (which is something he found out only in the ninja camp) is pretty high on the list of my favorite things.
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Plus, Yeon takes him out for fresh air and exercise that doesn't involve being hung upside down and being ordered to off oneself. Score! She even makes him smile.
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This is hitting the cap limit for continuing in part 2 shortly...
ETA: part 2 here:
(99+) Musings of the Obsessive Kind on Tumblr
And part 3:
(99+) Musings of the Obsessive Kind on Tumblr
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shannonallaround · 5 months
Knuckles Show Thoughts
This is just an overview but here we go. Spoilers ahead.
Parts were a fun experience. I cringed so much during this show though
Really liked all the ex-GUN bad guys 😈
Genuinely enjoyed the first two episodes for the most part—particularly the evil humans trying to get Knuckles, and Knuckles' interactions with the other Wachowskis.
We didn't get enough of the Wachowskis 🥲🥲🥲
Pachacamac—WHAT THE HECK. I mean it was funny in principle, but also so weird??? I didn't know how to feel about that. I'm just gonna say that Knuckles was meditating and that's what he experienced, and Wade's vision was a fever dream. Wades bowling alley vision was so cringe.
I loved Wade's mission-impossible vision of himself that was hilarious and awesome 😂 Honestly that whole episode was just fun and cool.
The writing quality REALLY dropped in the third and fourth episodes. They felt like filler and much more amateur in terms of acting direction and pacing. It felt like the human actors were asked to improv, but they were given way too little direction within which to improv, and then their stuff wasn't cut or edited through enough afterwards. The pacing was very off as a result, especially in the third one.
Genuinely hated Wade's sister for the entirety of the 3rd episode. However, I think a lot of her character's despicableness was again a symptom of too much improv and not enough thinking through her character's behavior in advance by the writers.
I totally thought Wade's sister was gonna end up having lied about her position in the FBI, or was gonna end up being a janitor there or something, because she wanted to impress her family and suffers from the same self-doubt Wade does. I think that actually would have been way cooler for her character growth.
The one part I truly loved in the 3rd episode was the Jewish folk music during the epic fight around the candles! :D That was by far the best part of the episode.
Wade's mom really grew on me by the end. I like her a lot.
Overall I enjoyed the last two episodes. THE BAD GUY LORE WAS SO INTERESTING. It was really cool worldbuilding! I wish we could have gotten more of that. The bad guys talking to each other about their motivations relating to GUN was one of the neatest parts of the series and it lasted for about 5 minutes.
I really liked hating Wade's dad (as I was supposed to). I was very suspicious of him from the beginning and honestly did not want him to have a redemption arc, and I was not disappointed. Westley my beloved he was fantastic.
LOVED how Knuckles secretly knew about the bad guys' plan to have Wade betray him through using Wade having him use his earpods that was so genius and made me happy
The rings becoming an endless loop void thing was cool.
Knuckles' fire abilities were not nearly as cool to me as they probably were supposed to be. I get they were a reference, but it changes things a lot in this universe lore-wise and I'm not sure I like that.
The ending was kinda cool, but it felt very rushed. Wish we could have seen that cool battle mec for longer, and that guy could have been a direct opponent for longer. And Knuckles passing out was angsty and dramatic! But it felt like that moment deserved a lot more time.
KNUCKLES' ARC WAS NOT FINISHED. Whyyyyyy did we not get a scene at the end where Maddie, Sonic, and Tails are frantically looking for Knuckles and they're super worried about him?? Knuckles should have come back to them all freaking out that they can't find him anywhere and it's been like THREE DAYS, and he goes up to Maddie and humbly explains to her where he's been (helping Wade) and that he's sorry he's left, but that he realized that he had somewhere to return to. That he has a home. That the Wachowskis are his new home. And he is sorry; he will go back to being grounded. And there should have been a sweet sibling moment and momma moment between them all where they hug or something ahhhh. Again, WHY did we not get this??? I must write a scene to fix it.
More about the previous point because I'm not done. In the first Sonic film, the climax of Sonic's arc was when Tom said "he was my friend", but the actual completion of that arc was when Tom and Maddie invited him to live with them and be their kid. With Knuckles, we only got the climax of his arc (Wade saying he had a home) and not the conclusion (returning to his family and home). We were cheated!
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aenslem · 10 months
im watching episode 'light' and by this time i actually think they had a chance to be a great show if they kept everything like that and evolved from that point and not turn into who has the biggest dick on the ship contest
i like how despite the fact they all have different goals they still work together, i like how rush just accepts whatever eli came up with, cos 'math boy', he does have some doubts but maybe cos they don't have time to check it all or because he just believes in eli, rush just smiles and sends it to scott, and it's great
and rush and young? they do argue and fight and yet work together, agree in some things and ask each other for the trust and young just says rush was right, he should have listened to him, and rush asks young to trust him and he does and they get the shuttle back. like... where did it all go? why did they turn it into that mess of a fight for power instead of these different people trying to survive and working together despite being all different and hardly qualified for the work, like by the end of s2? okay, i don't remember everything cos 10 years passed since i watched it, but im in, i think i should have watched s2 before s1 back then to enjoy it more lmao
and also i forgot tHIS happened
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like, you see this man who irritates the fuck out of you 24\7, the walking disaster whose every word sounds as spitting venom, and yet, you go and ruffle his hair? i still have a hard time believing it happened? it's not from a fanfiction??? it was iN THE SHOW? my god thank you how did i forget about it
im like rush right on those screencaps wtf just happened here
we could have had these instead of everything else and we did not get it whyyyyyy
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halfelven · 7 months
but whyyyyyy does so much of ‘it ends with me’ have to be still awake at 4 in the morning crying from griefs you didn’t have the time or space or safety to feel 20 years ago?????
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Ok, some Winchesters theories coming up! So, we remember that the trailer for The Winchesters has a literal video of Cas' shadow in it. And in the latest Winchesters' episode we see this image from a previous episode of Supernatural. SO this could be a couple things... (1) The CW has limited resources and money and is lazy so they reuse videos and images (2) we are meant to find them and they mean something for the end of the show. I choose to believe the 2nd since I have put my clown shoes back on. So, running theory is; time travel is obviously happening again, angels are involved (hence the Cas video and literal Gabriel in the latest Winchesters episode). BUT WHYYYYYY Like, we know that Dean is telling us the story of his parents meeting. We can assume that this is him telling us post finale given the car having OG plates and the samulet hanging. Dean is not wearing his finale or heaven outfit though (good discourse on that here). So, we can assume this means something as well; he wears this outfit in 15x8 and 15x9 (The Trap - episodes that have Dean and Cas working through the some couply shit and traveling to Purgatory - so other planes). Ok, so back to S1E8 of The Winchesters, we know that Dean gave John the letter that effectively changed history/the story. So, Dean had to have traveled back in time to do this, likely by help of angels, post finale.
But, again, WHY What is Dean (and the angels - but likely just Cas) trying to change? What's the motive? If we make the assumptions that this is happening post finale (with our other assumptions made above) and we believe Jensen when he says it will stay within cannon, we can assume that this is not, technically, a prequal, but a continuation of the original. But, to play Lucifer's advocate with myself, how does that storyline get a second season? Potential theories:
It turns out that something is wrong in heaven or Jack and Cas cant keep the heaven light on and if heaven goes out the world does so they have to go back in time to fix shit?
Or, baddies from other worlds (akrida) are causing havoc in the world when they have not (did not in SPN timeline/cannon) so now (post finale timeline) they have to go back and fix it by Dean giving John the letter. And Sam is not involved because he is not in heaven yet and can go back to help out?
-- OR -- If we go with the evidence and the lazy version of typical time travel (and CW) story telling, we will assume that Dean, in heaven (or not) , is telling us the true story of how his parents met which was this exact story that is happening in The Winchesters. Like, Dean has traveled back in time before. That photo that Mary and John look at in S1E8 is from SPN S6E9. Maybe, Dean traveled back in time around that time to maybe stop the whole SPN timeline from happening to try to save more people, and they got their minds wiped given the Akrida are other wordly crazy monsters etc etc. Thats why the story of John and Mary meeting in The Winchesters is so similar but a little different than the SPN timeline. Maybe thats why there is differing, kind of, stories of thier meeting. And, you could plot right over that by saying, to make the appocolypse happen they wiped the minds, and made them fall in love (like SPN cannon).
But this does not explain the Cas barn scene in the trailer or why Dean is wearing a different outfit in the narration scene in S1E1. But, Lucifers Advocate, this can be explained away by them using the Cas scene to bait us and Jensen just liking that outfit lol. BUT Daneel is #1 heller and the twitter accounts like all the destiel stuff so, at least, they know that is marketable, SOOOOOO it has to happen, it just has to! ------ If you have made it this far, congratulations, you have officially fit into the clown car with me. I will live here, with my clown shoes on, and believe Cas is coming back to us, that him and Dean are having fun, gay, adventures in heaven
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