#why yall hurting me like this
p4nishers · 1 year
there's something i need to say and yall can boo me for it but deep in my heart i'll always know i'm correct: crowley already forgave aziraphale. like already would take him back at one flutter of his eyelashes. that's all.
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Another DPXDC post for the first time
Yall remember winged danny? Yea me too the good ol days lads
But imagine Danny in Gothem cause hes either on the run from his family or the GIW you decide boys on the run and probably alone.
He gets picked up by the Waynes at some point and eventually he goes to have the “im not normal talk” but they all know. He is a meta or something. They have been waiting for him to be ready to tell them, if ever. They would accept him no matter what.
Except the time comes and he just “I have wings” and like everyone is shocked™️ Danny gets the idea hes about to be rejected and starts to fold in on himself and someone better snap out of it before the kid cries. Alfred is the one to speak first probably.
Just everyone so shocked but I mean it’s more a shock that they missed this instead of that Danny has wings. After that they fully accept him and apologise. Someone says the “we thought you were about to tell us about your powers!” Danny just has his own little moment before shouting “YOU GUYS KNOW I HAVE GHOST POWERS!?!?!!!?”
Anyway they move on and Danny hardly brings the wings up again but he does get seen around with them every once in a while. But eventually they find out hes not taking care of them as he should. It’s probably Duke who sees Danny with his messy wings and offers to help him.
Let Danny get help with self care ok. The Bats would all go nuts learning how to take care of Danny if he ever asks.
Now imagine the reverse of this and they all know he has wings but not that hes the High Ghost King Phantom.
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unforth · 9 months
Ngl as a small business owner who puts out something extremely pirate-able and who has never earned enough to make a pay check, this...
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...is extremely upsetting.
Do y'all realize that most small business are maybe a handful of people? Do y'all realize that company's like LLCs exist to protect owners from legal and financial repercussions if the company falls apart? I'm not a company because I have stockholders, I'm a company so that if the business goes bankrupt the banks can't seize my fucking house. It's not evil to use existing legal structures to protect my family's assets. It's not unreasonable to ask people not to steal from businesses like mine.
It's like on Tumblr when it's One Artist or One Author Doing The Thing Themself you guys are all about it but the minute anyone tries to collectivize to do better we go from One Person Against The World to The Embodiment of Capitistic Evil with no in between, which is especially insane coming from the website that claims to think individualism has turned toxic and we should do more with community organization. The minute lots of people are involved in a business, there HAS to be legal structures like contracts and shit to protect the people involved. The Lone Creator Forging a Path is great for that one person. What about everyone else?
And so... some of us try to make a company to lift up a group.
And then I see shit takes like this.
Maybe. Maybe DONT fucking pirate from literally anyone just cause they've got the word "company" I'm the name?
Maybe remember that for small businesses, yes even when they're a company, there's a single person, or a family, or a group of friends, who are working their asses off to build something, and actually? Stealing from them makes you a FUCKING DICK.
Like. You realize we're just people right? Other regular people trying to survive the dystopian hellscape that is the now?
Maybe stop acting like you're automatically entitled to the labor and creations of others solely because you've decided that there is an entire huge category of people it's okay to steal from.
Like honestly. What the fuck.
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kitsoa · 17 days
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"All I Hear Are Screams"
This is what you get when you're looping Love in Paradise and projecting Ody's absolute trauma on Vash as Eriks.
Ok but I Vash's Stampede Erik's design is not only like... really freaking good, it's got layers. First of all, his hair lays hella flat just like when he was a kid, and it bunches in a boxy style in a similar way. His haircut might have been unfortunately asymmetrical but the guy is a depression spell away from a total natural bowl cut at all times.
Furthermore! Stampede Eriks doesn't have the fringed bangs! He's a total sheepdog which makes him look identical to Tesla. I swear, I had to draw his glasses on him to make sure he was honestly recognizable.
Anyway, I made this solely because of the song. I find that the conflict with Vash's cultivated peace, in the face of his guilt and self-destructive thoughts over Julai creates this real desperate temptation. Like the peaceful life wants to cling to him and he wants to run from his past, but he can do neither, and he's just in agony in every way.
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myrquez · 3 months
its always i love you and never no te puedo negar que hubo momentos en los que mi rival directo y mi motivacion directa eras tu
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bansheenolan · 1 year
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missing scenes i deserved: theo with scott in the tunnel (insp)
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fedorah-the-explorah · 10 months
i think player should be able to deck gray. just once. as a treat.
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glitter-alienz · 3 months
Be me, you had food poisoning 2 weeks ago and you're still suffering the consequences (constant nausea and no appetite). You need to eat but you're too sick to go make something so you just eat some pasta and yogurt from the fridge. You are lactose intolerant, and everytime you eat pasta you throw up. You are not a smart individual. You will be regretting this the next few hours
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secondchoice-ragdoll · 4 months
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theloveinc · 3 months
sakura is so sensitive he takes real offense to you having fictional crushes and legitimately complains there's people out trying to take you from him
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 months
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Dare I say other max….?
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punkiio · 5 months
I think the problem you are having with all the replies, is you're using the ship name (g h 0 u I c y, i'm censoring it as well, because tumblr search also searches anon question content) and your posts are literally showing up in the tag for shippers who are just minding their own business trying to look for content, only to be met with some really heavy accusations of condoning abuse/racism. Obviously this upsets them. If you don't want to get replies from Those People, you should be mindful that you're not using the space that they use to look at the ship.
I never said that I was accusing these people of CONDONING abuse or racism?? I said the ship was abusive and that there could be underlying/subconscious racism. Black love interests have always been seen as less desirable by fans and get pushed aside for a white character. Idrc if me saying that offends people. And what other way is there to describe the ship other than abusive? That's what it is
But I've already said this before, I don't want to talk about this ship anymore. I'm tired of talking about and thinking about it. I don't like it. It makes me really uncomfortable, please stop sending me asks about it
And can you guys stop going to my friends and mutuals and start sending THEM anons asking them for their opinions on me because I don't like the ship??? Thanks
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rottiens · 3 months
Did you ever self-insert into SnK? If yes, what was your backstory? What was your rank? What was your casual outfit like? And who was your bae? 👀
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useryennefer · 9 months
honestly its so frustrating making gifs for this site at this point that im in awe of anyone not giving up yet
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spkyart · 1 year
Here what I think will happen. Sanemi will try to kill him but then he would notice Genya is purposely keeping away from him, shot himself in the head with his own gun, he soon realized that Genya still in there. The only words he could mutter while in the demon form was that he hungry. Obviously you see his ribs and stuff. As Genya attack him he basically does what Tanjiro did when Nezuko was out of control and tries to tell him it okay. He would then tell Genya to please come back and when Genya mother and siblings come to him Genya is turned back into human but he is crying, wailing mama and siblings and Anki. He still somewhat demon but he is wailing, puking up the demon flesh as he falls to the ground, sobbing in guilt and pain as the stab wound in his chest and two holes in his back bleed. He was wailing for food, for apology. He was so sorry. Sanemi would be shocked and confused as Genya muttered. 'Don't hurt me. I am sorry. I don't deserve to live. I am sorry big brother. I am sorry mama. I am sorry siblings.' He keeps crying as he eventually passes out from blood loss.
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Very normal about this
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wolfcat-hybrid · 1 year
I understand the instinct to hear news about something happening and go "ok, now how will this impact me", but folks. With the WGA strike. Please don't make it about your favorite show. I'm sorry something that's important to you has been negatively affected! But the wellbeing of writers should absolutely take priority over that. You can be sad about the impact of a strike and still be glad they're fighting for improved conditions.
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