#why the fuck did this show up in the main tag. tumblr why do you hate me
openphrase123 · 21 days
if my beautiful lovely coworkers could get everything together today i can get a half day. and then i'll probably be pretty quiet on here for the rest of the weekend cause i got shit 2 do
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a-bright-comet · 3 months
Jade Shadows Thoughts
(NOTICE: I have edited this post after a few days and many lovely replies and tags giving me more insight and opinions, overall my view of this quest has gotten a lot more positive, thank you all <3) okaaayyyy I am utterly rattled rn lmao also made the mistake of looking at tumblr after doing the quest and as expected it seems to be a 50/50 of hating or loving it. so here are my personal thoughts, I am a little scared but talk seems to be civil thankfully. I can definitely agree on the sentiment that this quest needed more time, cause let's be honest the people hating this quest wouldn't be jumping to the things they're jumping to if Jade herself got more screen-time before the big drop, warframe's style has always been vague and never 100% straight-forward and I think that unfortunately hurt it a bit this time, as what they didn't show came off wrong to many people and while I sorta see why I disagree on some parts. I also feel like the quest kinda got a bit *too* hyped both by DE and the fanbase's theories, way too short, it deserved and needed to be a bit longer for it's special narrative. Jade kinda got a weird spot, both being the main focus alongside Stalker but also hardly explored. But let's be honest, most of the negativity is caused by this outside-circumstance alone. Now, what I absolutely disagree with is people insisting that DE was trying to say "bodily autonomy bad" or that Stalker didn't care about her and only the child, thing is I thought it was pretty fucking clear that she *wanted* the child in what little was shown and she was going to die no matter the outcome (thanks to the orokin to absolutely no one's surprise) and Stalker in his guilt for all she's done for him wanted to make sure that he at least kept this one promise to Her, cause She wanted it. she still had bodily autonomy in the fact She wanted this, she wanted the child no matter what. and she wanted stalker to protect her and the kid. And he did, like a true loving partner. DE has a long track record of being very autonomy-positive. A point they make time and time again is that ripping it away is *bad* and horrifying, the quest is a bittersweet tragedy, not a horror. Honestly there would be 0 issue if DE had given us a Jade-only quest before this one, I personally would've preferred it as well, she's cool as hell she deserves it. who knows maybe DE will see all of this and make prequel quests? we can only hope. I do not want to assume the worst of anyone or anything cause that's a miserable existence. Look I personally enjoyed the quest and get the feeling whoever wrote it did it out of some personal experience or sorrow, that's at least the vibe I got. It's a tragedy, but her choice was seen till the end, many women choose to still have a child despite knowing they won't make it, many also don't, that's why choice is important. and she did, she chose her child that she was having while likely forcibly infested and turned into a warframe. (also remember there are women on the team who likely looked at this.) there are some other iffy parts of the quest, (really should've been the drifter instead of the operator if they were gonna do that, but that's personal discomfort.) but overall I enjoyed it and open to explore the implications of a born-warframe-child and Stalker healing as they both grow together. These are my thoughts, and I can understand why people like or dislike this quest, but I think it's fine and just ended up in a very unfortunate spot due to outside circumstances beyond it's control. (sorry if any of this comes off as aggressive it is not my intention despite how riled I am by some folk online, I disagree with you but I do not hate you, I don't even know you.)
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Her choice, His promise, Their light.
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Thank you for reading my first ever text post about something I care about, not sure I'll be doing this again any time soon out of anxiety lol (Edit: and thanks to everyone responding to this post wonderfully, ya'll are great and have lessened my anxiety and have made me appreciate this quest more <3)
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corrodedbisexual · 2 years
The ultimate shadow ban survivor guide
I've seen multiple people I follow, or their mutuals affected by shadow bans lately (makes me wonder if it's @staff's attempts to fight bots going totally haywire). As someone who survived a 2-month-long shadow ban on my main this winter, I thought I'd make a post.
First step of being shadow banned: calm down and take a breath. A shadow ban is just a stupid glitch in tumblr's anti-spam system. You're not losing your blog. You're gonna need a whole lot of patience, and deal with inconveniences, but it's fixable.
Read the incredibly useful post All About Shadowban by @that-damn-girl. It outlines the symptoms quite well. The only thing I'd point out is "your original posts won’t be visible to your followers either" - afaik that doesn't happen. Everything you post and reblog will still be visible to your followers, and also they can interact with your posts - like them, reblog them, reply to them.
Just like the post says, contact support. I recommend using a different email than what your banned blog is registered to; not because your ticket won't go through (mine actually did, as I found out when they finally replied), but because you might not receive an email confirmation for your ticket (it's somehow tied to the anti-spam thing, I think), and you're going to worry and try to send more tickets, like I did.
Now wait. And wait, and wait, and wait. They are SLOW. I've seen some miraculous 1-day unbans in the #shadow ban tag, but most people, like me, wait around a month for support to reply. Those are the same guys going through thousands of bot reports every day in addition to user tickets.
If you're going to wait, might as well keep blogging. Now if this is your sideblog that's shadow banned, consider yourself lucky. Make a new temporary sideblog, use it to post your original stuff so it goes into tags (mind that it might take a few days for a new blog to start showing up in tags). Reblog everything to your shadow banned blog so you still have all content in one place and your followers see it. If it's your main that's banned, you can still do that, but there's the extra pain of not being able to reply to posts or send non-anon Asks, since that is only done from main. Might need to register a separate account for that.
Some more fun facts under readmore.
Fun fact #1
Trying to send support follow-up emails in the request confirmation email isn't going to do anything to speed up the process. But I did tweet at them using this tumblr support summoning picture by @cornmayor and offered a raccoon blood sacrifice to resolve my issue when it was like a month with no response. This is what they replied.
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3 hours later I got an email that my shadowban was lifted. I honestly don't know if it was a coincidence, but I mean, this is tumblr staff. Maybe they do accept blood sacrifices.
Fun fact #2
If you're wondering why my shadow ban lasted 2 months if I got a support reply after 1 month, well. It's hard to say exactly how their ban/unban system works bc support replies exclusively with pre-written template sentences, but basically they fucked up. The first time they told me my blog has been restored, I gained pretty much all functions back, except that my posts were still not appearing in tags. Which means probably that being hidden from tags is some kind of different flag on your blog that they forgot to remove. So I had to send a follow-up ticket and wait another month.
My advice is, when they tell you it's fixed, don't take that at face value, go and check all the functions you'd lost (replies, messaging, asks, tagging, appearing in notes, getting mentioned by others).
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izzyshandz · 11 months
I swear if i see one more mf say izzy has been 'redeemed' or needed a 'redemption arc' im literally going to scream into my pillow until i lose my voice.
redeem is such a black and white way of looking at his entire character and dismisses everything hes gone through and yall (izzy haters and others) are just so fucking snob nosed and ignorant to sit there and think hes a villain because of how he acted. theyre fucking pirates. theyre not perfect, none of them are. eds a villain, stedes a villain, if youre doing it like that. ed has killed so many people, stede literally left his wife and kids and also had a hand in killing people; it may be easier for them to change because of the perspective the show gives them and they had love but izzy did not. everyone hated him, ed, his own crew, stedes crew.
normalizing peoples reactions to things as something other than villainy and heroism is so god damn important in a show that's trying to accurately involve our perspectives in this day and age. its a tale as old as time, making someone 'completely in the wrong' because their perspective isnt the one you aligned with as much.
like the rest of the crew izzy had his own bad things hes done, he didnt need this 'redemption' everyones blabbering on about. he needed to be fucking heard, to be seen, and acknowledged-- not thrown aside and abandoned because of a whim. you all can ride up blackbeards ass because oh hes so hot, hes so pretty omg wow; but that wont ever change the fact his character is a fucked up person... youre allowed to love him anyways, why not izzy? we didnt see blackbeard before screen but how hes mentioned it shows he was a shit awful person, the only reason no one cares is because on hes fuckin gay for stede or whatever so the main characters get a free ride. ( i agree they all get a free ride, im just tired of this izzy isolation man )
why does he need to be redeemed in your eyes? just because youve seen what hes done? he was literally a product of his environment in season one he was a product of blackbeard's leadership. only with the loyalty and solidarity of the crew did he really begin to find himself, thats fucking hard to do that late in life. instead of calling it some bullshit black and white redemption arc, lets just celebrate izzy being himself and being fucking loved for once in his god damn life.
hes also way more fucking mature and put together than people give him credit for. love you izzy.
edit: thank you all for the reblogs and insights in every single one, i read them i promise i do. im just so mf heartbroken we have to tag things as discourse when its really just about people not being compassionate. (as a couple people have pointed out) i will said id reblog and comment on every single tag but this is my side </3 EVERYONE PLEASE READ THE REBLOGGED TAGS TOO / / theyre so real ! ive also opened up that ask box thingy i havent been on tumblr in yrs and have 0 clue how any of that works if anyone wants my perspective on anything izzy related. *or otherwise ofmd related
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clandestine-j · 5 months
okay, still can't access my interview tumblr so I'mma say it here, due to some things I've seen in the tag.
Lets go!
Now, one post I saw, talked about how fans (mainly Louis fans) wanted to pretend like the show runners and etc, didn't say they would revisit ep 5. And while that might be true, I'm not one of them. I'll be honest on my feelings about it.
If they change it, I think it's a bull-shit cop out and I've be heavily disappointed with interview if they went that route. Why? Because I'm tired of black people and poc being made liars and etc! Oh, it's not about race you say? YES IT IS. IT'S ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT RACE IN THE AMC. THEY MENTION IT, THEY MAKE A POINT TO MENTION.
I have consumed enough media about black people and black men being made lairs. I have consumed enough media of black women being maligned.
That's one half of it. The only half, is the main reason why I stopped reading the book series. I wasn't a Lestat fan. In fact, the Lestat I cared about seeing grow and etc, was dropped in favor of making him this perfect godly man at the expense of dropping Louis.
And that brings me to Lestat fans. I want the drop to be real because I'm sick of Lestat discounting everything that Louis says, by calling him a liar. That is why I did not continue the book series. Because anything bad Lestat does, can be excused with, well, Louis is lying. It's lazy story telling to me. But mainly.
The drop was the only time I saw Lestat fans (and more so speaking of the show) have to accept and talk about what Lestat did. I'll be honest, I didn't need the drop to feel some type of way about Lestat. I felt that every single time, he dismissed what his partner, A BLACK MAN FELT. Lestat violence was clear to me and made me feel a way, when he was completely READY to make his BLACK husband, be his VALET, so he could see an opera.
Do you know how fucked up that is? Do you not understand that I'd would've left the relationship in a heartbeat? Like why would you put your partner through that? Like fucking hell. That's what was hurtful.
And while Lestat will do long discourse about how Claudia or Louis is the issue, there, weren't, long detailed post about how that was fucked of Lestat to do. The causal racism that Lestat is willing to benefit from and be apart of, no deep thoughts on that.
There should've been essay's on essay's on how telling your black partner that you want him to be your fucking valet to a racist opera house to make YOU happy. When Louis expressed his feelings for Lestat and Lestat laughs? Oh, he's so cute and funny. But this is a character people call emotional closed off (Louis), opening himself up and GETTING LAUGHED AT. But then Louis will get picked at by fans for never saying I love you.
He opened himself to asking his partner if he's good enough and he gets laughed at. Everyone will talk about the 'of course' Lestat says when he's lying to himself but not the minute before, when he laughed in his husbands face. And do ya'll know how hard is for a black man to open himself up like that? Only to be laughed at. Or the non-discriminating scene, no long post about how it's been years but Lestat still doesn't CARE to understand the racism and nastiness that Louis is going through. He just doesn't care. And that is violence to me.
So, I always knew that they would revisit ep 5 but I still think it's a bullshit cop out to change it.
I'm the biggest bo bo the fool bc I still ship it. But I don't need to make excuses to do so. I still love the fucking toxic mess but the fans...it's always the fans.
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I did not check other people's tumblrs for like a week and just caught up on all the Princess Bee stuff! Sorry for the anon shyness, but I have a couple of things:
1. You mind if I draw these suckers and send em to you? Cuz now I really wanna draw the next gen kids, Chester Fester, and timeskip designs for everybody.
2. Holy shit, this is a fun premise! I especially love that Chloe is a lawyer! Like, she'd be so good at it, especially with the way you write her (which is the default Chloe in my brain, tbh). You already have her run the merch department. Her dad is the freaking mayor, even if he is a bad one. She's already really good at knowing which authority can override what and when, she's good at working the system and knowing when it's screwed up, and she's got a helluva sense of justice after all the shit she's been through.
2. Some stuff with Lila: I know it was decided that she was gonna do a grand scheme where she got her petty revenge on Ladybug, but then Ladybug didn't show up after the first few akumas cuz the wish said so, and so she kinda just fucked off for a bit to do lowkey cons using the butterfly. When she sees the new EmmaBug, it brings up unaddressed trauma and she zooms back to Paris and starts being a Problem TM. But, like, what is actually her plan? She's going after the miraculous, but what does she want to do with them? What'll her wish be? I know she doesn't really care about the shit that went down with the Miracuclass anymore (she did get exposed). But she is still real bothered by Ladybug, but we also kinda established that she doesn't really know what she wants. So what are Lila's plans?
3. Thoughts on establishing a rogues gallery:
You said you wanted the main focus to be akuma, so why not have a handful of regularly occurring akumas instead of a new one every time? We've already got Chester as Lila's right-hand man, even if he is gonna be a bit of an inneffectual, comedic, Mr. Pigeon-esque akuma. Why not have Lila amass several other allies to regularly akumatize who want in on whatever she's up to. Lila can be very charming and has been doing on and off cons for like 20+ years. Odds are, she's met some pissed of people willing to do some shady shit to get what they want. Lila was also very much willing to use Chloe for her bullshit back in the day, so she could also maybe manipulate some people into helping her out, especially if you want more kid akumas.
I also think it would be cool if you had a handful of other "rogues" who are unrelated to Lila and aren't actively villainous so much as they are assholes that cause issues. Like, Chloe's enemies from lawyering, some of Jess and Zoe's problems from NYC, the creepy boy who was uncomfortably hitting on Emma and ended out getting Dawn landed in the principal's office in the first place, the previously discussed Chief of Police. Etc.
4. I really like the idea of the kids all being roughly the same age, but a couple years apart. It allows for shenanigans like Hugo and the other younger kids having an awkward gang of middle school pals who know nothing about this shit, shipping the heroes, writing fanfics, giving unsolicited bad advice, etc. And it lets some of the kids be older, more mature, more experienced, and act as mentors to their middle child leader. Kinda how Luka worked for the OGs, but you have more of them with different personalities. Kinda like how digimon adventure had the kids mostly the same age but a little spread out across a few grades.
5. Give Hugo or Louis the horse. That would be a really obvious one to take out for a joyride, and they'd get attached to Kaalki.
That's all for now, ngl, this might be my favorite non HC/LL for Miraculous that you've done (followed up by the double trouble one because sonic jokes).
Welcome back! Okay so
1.) Go for it! Just yeet me a link because I'm bad at remembering to check if I've been tagged in things!
2.) Chloé as a lawyer is honestly my favorite post-canon job for her. That and/or running the hotel. Just put her whole skillset into being used for good
2.5) So Lila! I'm being sympathetic to her instead of making her full evil. Like she's still going to be causing Akumas and also a con artist so morally gray, but not like. Season 4-5 Gabe.
Which has resulted in her motivation being a touch nebulous. In that... Ya girl has been rolling with a lot of depression that she doesn't realize is 'depression' because fuck man what does she have to be 'depressed' about? So she just feels like nothing is 'enough' to make her happy and must find something out there that can 'fix' her.
Seeing the 'Ladybug Returns' both kinda gets in her head of as much she acknowledges her grudge with LB was petty teen stuff, it is unresolved business. And that may make her feel better. However, barring that, the Wish would do whatever she wants. It could 'fix' her. Give her whatever she needs to not feel this hollow emptiness in her chest 24/7.
3.) Honestly having all sorts of nonsense to be problems is GREAT.
4.) Yeah I haven't established much on their ages other than Emma and Louis are twins while Hugo is roughly a year and a half younger (so a grade down). I doubt I'd have everyone in the same class, but the whole group are still friends due to knowing each other for years.
5.) Ha! I'm thinking Louis with the Horse now.
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lakesbian · 10 months
i guess it's hard to get a read on how much he actually cares about palatine and dauphine or reciprocates their dislike of him? also why did he say that about "sexual favors"
(this post is about the fanfiction sword and sorcery, which you should read because it's good. it's written by tumblr users shakertwelve and nonplatonicsubtext about their estateverse au, which you can read more about in the estateposting tag on tumblr user shakertwelve's blog. would i ever lie to you about a fanfic recommendation.)
ok ahem. i've posted about alec's opinions on palatine and dauphine before bc i think the dynamic potential there is hilarious and i'm so delighted that they got put into the fic. the fancy frilly little freaques are fiiiighting!
Alec Is So Entirely 100% Certainly Without Doubt more mad about palatine and dauphine than they are about him. it would frankly be more accurate to ask how much victor and amelia reciprocate his dislike, because they are living RENT fucking free in his sad little repressed brain. but, like all of his emotions, it's just not super obvious because of how repressed he is--he feels and displays everything in a very muted way. the posts i linked get into the main bits of Why He Does Not Like Them At All, but to elaborate based on analysis of what's actually in the fic:
“Regent had a run-in with them a while back, before he joined the team,” Tattletale said. “He was new to the city, so he didn’t realize what his costume choice would make people think of.” She gestured vaguely in the direction of the Estate capes. “But he was doing things they don’t do and going to parts of town they stay out of, which caused some confusion. Eventually Dauphine and Palatine tracked him down to have a talk about it. It didn’t go well.”
as we can extrapolate from above, alec's history with them is like this:
he shows up to brockton bay as a severely maladapted, depressed, Generally Unwell cult-escapee on the young (and probably malnourished) side of 13 with effectively nothing to his name but his powers
as a weak cape without a team and zero social or systematic connections to turn to for help, he's forced to do very small-scale villainy just to scrape by enough to survive. and the entire time he is wearing his costume that veritably Screams "i am a special little prince please look at how wonderful i am." jesus christ he needs a hug.
these random cunts, palatine and dauphine, pull up and basically tell him to Fuck Off and stop Stealing Their Family's Schtick
these random cunts are also dressed fancy like him, and dauphine especially is someone alec would identify with fashion-wise, given that it's explicitly stated that her costume is princess-like. "Even with her elaborate costume, she looked more like a child’s princess doll than an actual princess." taylor rags on it, but it's still princess-like
this random fancy cunt, dauphine, is the daughter of...marquis, an incredibly successful, fancy villain with long hair who has a lot of money and lives in a mansion and, from alec's perspective, loves and cares about her dearly and buys her nicey clothes. and beyond just that, she has a brother who--instead of tormenting her & then laughing about it--wears a special fancy gleaming knight costume and bridal carries her around and is so sweet and nicey to her if anything bad happens. like, for example, alec getting pissy at her and tripping her.
we already know alec gets Insanely, Malevolently, Incandescently Jealous over someone he's engaged in hostilities w/ having a nice family. (see: him doing all that shit to sophia). we also know that he isn't very good at recognizing this jealousy in himself. (see: aisha revealing in late worm that alec only realized that he had done all that shit to sophia out of a jealous rage like a week or two later when he was talking to her about it.)
which is to say: alec sees dauphine as being Sorta Like Him, but if he had a 100% ideal family (dashing golden knight brother that takes care of her! rich fancy father who protects them and buys them nice shit! and they all live in a mansion!), and LET ME FUCKING TELL YOU. HE IS SO INSANELY JEALOUS HE HOPES THE ENTIRE ESTATE GETS HIT BY A NUCLEAR WARHEAD AND EXPLODES. ...all subconsciously, of course. he expresses this thru things like mocking her for being "a baby about a little trip" &c--insulting the vulnerability & familial care he certainly wishes he could have, while fully unaware why seeing it annoys him so much.
but i digress. keeping all of that in mind, you can see why alec would be infuriated & jealous towards them even if they were completely neutral towards him. but they weren't neutral towards him--instead, these people he views as being Like Him, But Living Out His Wildest Dreams, approached him to hassle him for accidentally appearing like he was one of them. local loving royal villain family approaches boy who is obviously projecting subconscious desire to be a beloved prince onto his costume design and goes "quit stealing our vibes," boy reacts with a parasocial grudge. his weird complexes about them shall reign eternal. he wishes he had a second, cooler palatine to beat the first, lamer palatine to death with hammers, and then bridal carry him to stand dismissively over dauphine's prostrate form as she weeps over the first, lamer palatine's corpse. and also he wants the second, cooler palatine to be hand-feeding him a bag of chips ahoy the entire time.
...i should stress again, this is alllll more or less entirely subconscious. alec doesn't know what the fuck he's feeling ever, this just comes across as a subdued vague annoyance/disdain for them.
so, why the weird "sexual favors" remark? it genuinely was not intended to be a harassing comment, nor do i think he genuinely would say he believes that marquis prostitutes his daughter if he thought about it for a second. but he does identify with dauphine in the sense that they're aesthetically similar enough for him to be extra-jealous about her. and so upon hearing "dauphine's favor," he takes the meaning of "you can have a favor from my kid" he's most used to as a child who was prostituted by his own villain father, and he projects it onto her. if i want to read into it beyond that, i think he might be unconsciously/impulsively trying to poke a hole in their family--a sort of [hopeful] "marquis sucks :)?" where he'd like to hear that marquis isn't as much of an envy-worthy dad as alec thought. meanwhile from the estate's perspective he was just a creep for no fucking reason. there are other, far more important things for lisa to be paying attention to during this scene, so i don't think she was wasting any time reading alec, but if she Was she certainly would've gotten a good show of severe mental unwellness.
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pippin-katz · 11 months
ALRIGHT I’m so fed up, let me show you what the fuck I have to put up with while making my posts.
Here’s a GIF set made by @/tylerposey
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Here’s the three GIFs from that post that I want to use:
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When I browse for a scene, if I need more than one GIF from it, I try to keep it consistent, so I’ll pick one, then go to the original post to see if they did the rest of the scene.
While browsing the main tags, like “rwrbsource” or “firstprince”, I found one of Tyler’s, so I looked and added two of them, no prob:
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But somehow, the entire GIF set doesn’t show up even though I can literally see the tags and already got two of them:
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Somehow, I scrolled to “the end” of the results for those tags, even though I can LITERALLY SEE THE OTHER GIFS!!
Here’s a screen recording of me scrolling for those who are skeptical or think I missed them (you can see that I’m making this post):
I do not understand how or why this happens, but it happens on my phone AND my computer, so it’s not an app thing or a browser thing, it’s a TUMBLR thing.
But THIS is why my posts take so long to fucking make. About 40% of the time is spent actually writing, and then the other 60% is LOOKING FOR GIFS AND WANTING TO STAB MY SCREEN WITH A PENCIL.
When this happens, I have try different tags over and over again, scrolling for literally hours. This search was much more specific, because Tyler uses that unique tag, so you can see it ends quickly, even though there are clearly more GIFs under the tag that aren't showing up.
If I were to just put in "rwrbedit" or "rwrb movie", I would literally be scrolling for hours, and possibly never find what I'm looking for. I have had it happen for pretty much every essay you see of mine that uses GIFs. I am not exaggerating about the hours claim, at all. A response I wrote last week I started at 9:30AM, and did not finish until 4:20PM, because I spent so long looking for GIFs.
Writing comes quickly to me because I've been doing it in copious amounts since I was a child. I'm fast, and I'll admit, fairly skilled after all this time. I would be getting more posts out so frequently, but as you can see, I literally have to fight the Tumblr GIF search system to get the visuals I want.
So, yeah, now you know, and you see my suffering 😑
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yonpote · 5 months
I need to know why and how you were anti-phannie from 2014-2016
alright here we go i get to talk about THIS shit now.
i was generally anti-rpf at that point, and honestly? i think it was for fair enough reasons as some people were a bit too eager about showing (general) youtubers stories they wrote about them sucking and fucking their friends. i think i was also pretty high and mighty about being a somewhat oldhead phannie tbh, like ugh do these gaming-channel-only people even know about dan being super edgy and offensive 🙄 and lowkey it was a lot of subtly misogynistic "i'm not like other girls" type shit like i was sooo much better than yall cuz i hadn't watched that video (yet.)
i was generally not into these sorts of fandoms to begin with. i wasnt on the superwhopotterlock side, i was on the homestuck/dangan ronpa/anime of the month side of tumblr, if that gives you an idea of what i was like lol. around 2014-15 i was very much in a community that is kinda similar to what you might see on twitter now, where if you had any interests in media that portrayed anything problematic, that means you are in full support of that problematic thing. if dan howell said something racist in 2010, it doesn't matter that he wasn't being racist in 2015 he's still racist and liking him makes you a racist etc. and of course, rpf is included in problematic topics. if you ship real people, even if said people say they don't mind it, you are a sick pervert and you should be in the loony bin for being so depraved. and if you write or read any fiction that has immoral acts, it means you support those acts in real life too and you are trying to normalize abuse and SA (yknow as if whitecishetpatriarchy hasnt normalized that enough) and you're a danger to children and you deserve to rot in prison (yknow as if a queer person writing stories about queer people hasnt heard that one before)
now here's the real kicker. in 2015-2016 i ran a game grumps fan blog where i did talk about shipping the grumps. "wait how were you anti-rpf if-" well have you ever heard of this thing called Lying? or perhaps even, Cognitive Dissonance? i HAD to run a separate blog for this interest, because if my friends knew i consumed slashfic about arin and danny they would stop being friends with me and think im this evil horrible monster etc. genuinely that was where my brain was at, and is a little bit the reason i decided to this day, to make my phannie accounts completely separate from my main accounts.
nowadays, none of my non-phannie friends actually give a fuck and i do occasionally talk about dnp being silly gay white boys w them! at this point i dont post about em on main just out of respect like "hey im sure you dont actually want to hear about british yaoi constantly regardless of our level of friendship so i'll keep it over here okay?"
also, yeah i grew out of thinking consuming media with deplorable acts makes me deplorable. my favorite tv show is hannibal. i know its shocking, but i dont actually support serial killer cannibals. i will say, i dont fuck with "pro/anti" language with regards to what is considered "problematic" or having that be an identity marker. i think that people are free to write fiction as they please so long as its all properly tagged for people who dont enjoy that kind of content to avoid. but i also think there can be and often are problems in the way these stories are written, and yeah if all the romance stories you read growing up involve some sort of force or danger, that CAN normalize this sort of action as inherent to romance stories/real life romance. but i think thats an issue with like, society at large, and it's not on an individual fic writer to be educating teens who read their dead dove fic despite the explicit rating and tags.
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jackoshadows · 1 year
Why do you think there is so much animosity between Sansa fans and Dany fans? I can understand how conflict comes up between Sansa fans and Arya fans given the conflict between the characters but I can’t figure out what the issue is with Dany fans vs Sansa fans. It can’t JUST be because of shipping, right? I’m a big fan of Dany, Arya, and Jon, but I still do like (canon) Sansa as a character and honestly see a lot of similarities between her and Dany. Their stories have definite parallels and anti parallels and I don’t really know why I don’t see anyone else talk about it. Every time I try to talk to a Sansa blog or a fellow Dany blog about it, I never hear back. What gives??
I don't like the both siding in this ask. Sansa fans keep spewing hateful nonsense, farcical theories and made up headcanons in the form of 'intellectual' discourse in the Dany/Arya/Jon tags and then when book fans of those characters respond, the so called 'neutral' bnfs pretend both sides are to blame.
All this explained very clearly here.
And while I personally feel that Dany and Sansa have very little in common as characters, there's a lot of fandom metas/essays/gifsets and fanarts paralleling these two as fandom faves. You should be able to find them on many of the character blogs if you are interested in that sort of thing.
IMO, Daenerys is clearly written as a tier I main character. She drives her story more than any other character in the series as the sole representative of her house and considering how isolated she is from every other POV character. The story in her POV is about her.
If we are looking at parallels, then it's Daenerys and Arya who have a lot of commonality in their way of thinking, their concern for the little guy, in their ideas of justice and dispensing that justice, right and wrong, their toughing it out on their way to the top, their proactive nature in getting things done, to be in charge, their love of nature etc.
With respect to the increase in toxicity from the Sansa fandom post show, then yes, that's because of shipping and Jonsa. A lot of the hate that the character of Daenerys gets is from Sansa fans - especially on Tumblr - because of her foreshadowed future relationship with Jon Snow and they want fanon, self-insert Sansa to have Dany's plot importance and story in the books. It's different on asoiaf sites like Reddit and Westeros.org - the majority of Dany hate on there is from Stannis/Jon Snow fans who are not big fans of a female character being the prophesied chosen one/top dog of the series.
And I point to shipping being the big reason because of my personal fandom experience on this site. This is me going down memory lane but I remember around 2015/16, I wrote these angry, frustrated posts calling out the TV show for taking Jon's book plot and writing that for show Sansa and Sansa's actions in the Battle of the Bastards in season 6. At that time a lot of Dany fans were also big Sansa fans and attacked me for being a 'misogynistic dudebro'. I am not naming names - shit's in the past - but I used to get blocked and get hateful inbox messages for criticizing show Sansa's actions.
During season 6 there were so many posts about Jon Snow being an useless idiot who deserved to die, Sansa was right to not tell him because he's a moron, Sansa's the politician/general who knows best, she deserved to be queen, Jon's the worst for stealing Sansa's birthright else Sansa and Dany would have ruled as best queens of westeros etc. - all from Daenerys fans!!
This was some kind of superficial notion of girl power with Sansa and Dany girlbossing around Westeros, bow down before these Queens sort of thing and fuck the actual book story. Arya was never included in these conversations because she did not wear dresses and Maisie Williams was not conventionally beautiful like Emilia Clarke and Sophie Turner and therefore did not fit into these Girlboss headcanons.
And then before season 7 was when we got the leaked spoilers of Jonerys meeting at Dragonstone. And this was when the full toxicity of the Jonsa shippers was unleashed. This was when we got 'Political!Jon' and all sorts of vile hate for Daenerys and more and more Dany fans started to react to that hate from the Sansa fandom.
Fandom always, always influences our likes and dislikes of characters (This is why I stay away from some fandoms - I don't want to end up hating characters) And this is what happened here. The Sansa/Jonsa fandom was so vile that a lot of Dany fans on tumblr stopped stanning for Sansa.
Fast forward to 2019 and the same Dany stans - again, not naming names but the very same Dany stans - who attacked me for being a sexist, male dude for critiquing show Sansa in season 6, started critiquing show Sansa when Dany got the same treatment that Jon, Arya and Bran got before her with the show tearing down these characters to prop up Sansa. Suddenly it was no longer misogynistic to call out how these characters were being torn down in order to prop up Sansa when they share scenes with her 😂😂😂.
That’s why I don’t hold much stock in words like ‘misogyny’ and ‘sexist’ randomly thrown around without context by the stans of female characters to attack people for critiquing said female character. I have been at the receiving end of this for years from the Jonsa fandom because I call out their utter nonsense.
The sexism and misogyny occurs when a female character is criticized for doing the same thing a male character is praised for - for ex. Daenerys gets a lot of this because she has parallel arcs with Jon Snow and very often she gets attacked for doing the same things that Jon is praised for. Even the show did this - Dany getting unfair flack for executing traitors when Jon Snow and the North do it all the time. The sexism is in how Arya gets attacked as being ‘male-coded’ because she’s not the right kind of girl. The sexism is in the slut shaming and commentary about how Daenerys is not the right kind of rape victim. The sexism is in the popular theories like political!Jon - wherein Jon Snow turns into LF 2.0 and sexually manipulates and seduces a rape victim.
Sexism is not simply liking a male character or critiquing a female character - there needs to be context. One does not simply throw around these heavy words simply to attack other bloggers to win fandom points. The word then loses it’s meaning.
So yeah, I ended up going on a tangent about my fandom experiences when the show was running. I do think a lot of the beef and toxicity in this fandom comes from shipping and Sansa fans wanting her to be something she is not. They want her to be a tier I main character with the story revolving around her love life as she Disney princess rules the North with sewing and dancing. And this leads to them diminishing the actual main characters and taking away from main characters to give to her. Naturally fans of the main character are going to push back against this.
And Sansa is a classist, sexist character and so her fans espouse classist, sexist viewpoints to justify her actions. Their love for all things 'traditional' and sticking to the status quo - 'Jon being KITN would be boring, he should stay a bastard, Arya being lady of WF is not right as she does not want to wear dresses, Dany will be mad like her father she can't escape her genes, Tyrion is doomed' etc. is based on Sansa being a traditional, pro-status quo character. Hence why there is so much clashing of ideas and discourse happening in the fandom.
So yeah. Honestly, I am just tired of seeing all these posts bothsiding fandom drama and making it seem like all the stans are equally responsible when the majority of fandom toxicity is started by stans of one character - Sansa - with the result being fans of other characters pushing back against their nonsense.
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beevean · 7 months
Tbh i also have loads of fun tearing apart the Peak Writing! Beyond the typical enjoyment of being a hatertm its a writing analysis exercise in figuring out all the ways it failed expectacularly, and the little moments where it got things right before going back to wrong. Like studying a train crash to figure out how it happened and how it could have been prevented. Plus in the process one can think abt the context the work was produced in and one's own writing preferences and biases. Its a fun puzzle and at this point nfcv is my personal chewtoy for when i wanna release the salt <3
Plus, tumblr got the advantage of tags, if anyone specifically dislikes criticism of the peak they can just block the tag or thee and continue with their life. Like the whole purpose here is to criticize the writing, not to simply mindlessly seek fights with fans.
You get it <3
NFCV is seen as a high work of art, a masterpiece of characterization and philosophy. So I challenge the text at the level it wants to be seen, and it returns to me nothing but disappointment. The thing is that the deeper I dig (and the more my Very Smart Mutuals contribute, I appreciate your braincells <3), the more I find, so it becomes almost a game: just how much does the text suck? It's a surprise every time! :D
It doesn't help that the most vocal critics... criticize for the wrong reasons, to say the least. So I feel like I have to contribute something, instead of relying on others.
Also I get what you mean about biases. It absolutely helps to stop and think "why is this viscerally repulsive to me? Why do I roll my eyes at the show's attempt to make vampires 'more' than evil monsters? Why do I hate Alucard insulting Trevor instead of accepting his 'depression' at face value? Why can't I accept Isaac's happiness and find him justifiable? Why do I feel personally insulted by everything that happens in Hector's story to the point that I cannot physically shut the fuck up about it?" No joke, it really did help to put order into my mind, especially when it comes to the narrative of abuse and redemption/atonement/punishment. also something something sometimes i feel like a hypocrite for despising lenector so much considering my own tastes lol
Nocturne doesn't interest me at all. It's boring, it's bland, it's Castlevania in all but name, nothing about it is salvageable. But in NFCV I see the kernels of a good adaptation, of a good story, all gone wasted by a shitty writer and his egocentrical entourage, and boy. boy is there nothing worse than Missed Potential 🙃 especially when it gets praised to high heavens for reasons that might as well be expressed in an alien language 🙃
also it helps comparing it to the games :) while they have their own writing flaws and it would be silly to ignore them, 99% of the time when the show has something that doesn't work, it's because they changed it from the games for no reason. So now I appreciate the main source more :D <- fun fact this is how I became a Hector stan. by hating the show so much that I had to spam pages of the manga to cope. sometimes being a Hater™ turns you into a Lover™ <3
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slimy-vore-bog · 1 year
WARNING: groomer in the SFW vore community (serious)
Content/Trigger warning: discussions of grooming, mention of incest, and sexual and fatal vore
I am posting to tags to try to keep people safe!
This specifically occured in the Owl House corner of this community, but everyone should be warned
I will put the rest of the post below keep reading, but for now the person I'm accussing is known as "les-the-mess" on here and "LesTheMessy" on DeviantArt (I do not remember the discord name) and she is 23/24 years of age
And lastly that a real minor has been contacted by said person and made very uncomfortable (url will not be stated for their safety)
Remember to check everything I say for yourself, if you don't believe me; I would not accuse this person publicly if I didn't consider them a real threat All except the minor's statement are available online
I am feeling sick to my stomach that this happened and I don't know how to handle this. I'm going to tell this a bit more like a story so I can get it out easier
I was on DA (DeviantArt) when I saw something odd pop up; a vore edit of Catra and Adora with Luz and Amity as prey. I looked at it, because I am always up to find more sfw safe vore creators, but it was neither safe or non-sexual
There were clearly comments engaging with the art in a sexual way and the creator didn't discourage or delete said comments and the description itself mentioned how the vore was going to end with both prey characters dying.
This person had an identical avatar and near identical username to their URL here on tumblr and I was horrified as I knew that this person had interacted with a minor despite having "minors DNI" and that already gave me a slight prickling suspicion something was wrong (later learned she has even DMed them on discord...)
They had both minors and NSFW in her DNI so I didn't have anything to go after, as they didn't have any post with suspicious stuff here or followed any weird blogs and I brushed it off initially
Her posts on DA however... Very fucking damning: almost all their edits are of minors and adults in vore or of the character The Collector (Which is a child who is also a god; he is immortal, but at the point we last see them is mentally an 8-10 year old)
Now I didn't pick the most damning thing to screenshot, as it was too gross (unbirth incest between Luz the main character, her girlfriend and Luz's mother Camila) but here is one example of one of their posts:
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Odalia/nickname Mamadalia is an antagonist of the show and an adult woman
Here is a screenshot of her account on tumblr:
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Very lousily taken, but I was too distraught to care
I contacted the minor (who I am already friendly with, since I wanted to support the growth of their blog) as soon as I deemed this person to be a threat and the minor has told me that she has indeed acted weird towards them, but it only clicked now after I shared what I did...
The minors own words when I asked for details:
"I can't remeber what we talked about exactly since I deleted my discord in a panic-
But it was first of with the collector, at first it seemed harmless, but I started getting uncomfortable when it entered into the vore Stuff, like, I dont why but it rubbed me the wrong way but I didnt say anything since it sorta felt…uneasy to say the least, and i feel stupid because i never said anything about it
She also talked a lot about digestion aswell, and when I brought up the no minors thing- she said it was because she managed and 18+ discord server and it was okay for us to talk, and I feel this is extremely important to mention- she reposted your art to me without credit, I cant remeber everything but i hope this is enough"
Now the last thing I will say I don't have much of an opinion on, because of how severe the situation is, but I wanted to include the full message (Split up into paragraphs for easier reading)
I might have forgotten some stuff, but this is all I can think of right now
Please just stay safe, stay away and block/report this person!
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pinkyjulien · 1 year
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🟨 High Voltage: Out of the Art Block 🤙
FUCK IT. ART MASTERPOST. 🎨 Came to the realization that my art is now stuck on my old blog🤓 with no way of self-rebloging it since I cannot access my archives or even search up tags or words- Tumblr kinda SUCKS ASS NGL GFHH
I mentioned it *a lot* but both the game and Mitch got my ass out of a long art block and I'll forever be grateful for it 💙
Decided to drop all of my older art in one big post 🤗
Starting with a lil sketch collage up there- most of them became full pieces through the months!
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MY FIRST MITCH/VAL ART EVER. GHFH Started with this small sketch, way before I started making mods even 🤏Wanting V to kiss Mitch was actually the reason I got into modding ghfhgf It became one of my favorite piece of art still, evolved into their first canon kiss, in the tunnel to Mikoshi, right as Mitch was about to run to the panzer into his suicide mission 😩
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Ugh can you tell I love doing linearts HGFH I find it so relaxing 😌 Cute lil "chibi"-esque stinkies (They're so cute printed out!!)
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Movie night! 🎥 Somethin about Mitch showing his babe some of his favorites movies him and Scorp used to binge back in the day
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Ouugghh this one I'm also really proud of, inspired by the tarot card, but it kinda evolved and became it's own.. thing ghfhgf whatever it is 🧡
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Piece I did for last year's Pride month 🌈
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A SILLY LIL THING ghgfh 😌 Hero of my heart mwah mwah
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Not tooo happy with how those came out- but I still like them! Intimacy of the night, and an early visit in the netrunner tent 🤗
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My latest "big piece"! God I had so much fun with that one, the composition, the colors, the overall vibes ghfghfh
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AND OF COURSE Babies I finished yesterday 🤏
Main reason as to why I never was comfortable opening any art commission, I simply cannot keep the same style, and I draw every 4 months when the art juice pop outta nowhere 🤏
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echobx · 13 days
HOW many people did you block here echo...'
okay so, since this isn't my main I only block people who steal writing, so 2 or 3 people for this side blog.
but I have like nearly 400 people blocked on my main (would have to go to web to see the exact number) for various reasons, most of them bots and bigots tho, but I'm a block on sight kinda gal, like if something random shows up on my dash and it annoys me or if someone clogs tags with shit that doesn't belong there, I just block them so I can avoid dealing with that shit.
I'm a firm believer in the cultivate your own online experience kinda thing, that's why most of the people I have blocked don't even know I exist lol. I also block hate anons instantly. if the ask they sent was worthy enough I might screenshot and reply with my own post, but I won't let them see it, cause they get blocked.
I know that what I do isn't common practice ig, but I learned in my first year on here that it doesn't do to argue with assholes and dumb fucks bc they won't change their mind about hating you no matter how much you try to plead with them that your existence is valid, and the only way to protect your peace is by growing a bit thicker skin (if you don't already have one), laugh at them for being stupid (bc everyone who sends you hate for no valid reason is) and then just block on sight. the block button is my best friend on tumblr, probably, lol.
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eisforeidolon · 11 months
Tumblr shows me such horrendous posts sometimes especially from tags like #dean winchester People genuinely with their whole chest think that he could have been saved from that rebar with a first aid kit 😂(even though he obviously couldn't plus they didn't have gods power anymore) and also thinking he gave up lol as if he hasn't said all along how he knew he'd die a hunter, wanted Sam to have a peaceful life & him dying first was best case scenario. They never listen to Dean the show or Jensen
Oof, yeah. It's been ages since I braved the main tags because - at least on tumblr - this fandom is a trashfire of bizarre and ignorant opinions. Like, just as a thought exercise, let's give the maximum benefit of the doubt possible.
I can see, to an extent, why after the light fantasy irreverence of the Dabb years, someone might be wishfully tempted to forget SPN's horror roots and think the Winchesters might not die at the end. Except Jared and Jensen made it pretty clear every time they talked about the ending that they saw the Winchesters dead at the end, one way or another. Except even when we were full on in the hunting-is-a-lark and constant resurrect-o-rama of Dabbernatural, it was still a show that revolved around monsters and death almost as much as it did the brothers' relationship. Except how do you even end a show where the characters constantly bring each other back from the dead in a way that feels significantly final other than them accepting death?
I can see, to an extent, why there would be some confusion over the severity of injuries, because the show never took them as serious as they would be IRL, Chuck or no Chuck. TV in general is pretty terrible about that. Except as much as I loathe the concept of the Winchesters only being competent and surviving because of Chuck, it was a thing in the show. Except we're talking about being stabbed fully through the main body cavity where there are a lot of pretty vital things you can't live with shish-kebabed. Even if it would have been possible to survive that injury IRL as some kind of medical miracle, it would definitely require medical professionals for him to survive getting off that rebar and they were in a barn in the middle of freakin' nowhere - being realistic is not "giving up". Except we're talking about a fictional character where the entire point was that the writers had decided Dean was going to die then, so it was a fatal injury because it was written as fatal. Except I think it's pretty obvious some fans only wanted Sam rushing around trying to do first aid to avoid 7 minutes of incest Dean's speech showing Sam was still the most important person in Dean's life to the end and he was perfectly capable of saying I love you - despite their reams upon reams of meta claiming otherwise.
I am not in any way saying anybody needs to be happy that Dean died, or even needs like the finale. I actually agree Dean's lack of self-worth and fatalism about how he'd inevitably die fighting monsters relatively young (especially when he said that in a particularly low moment) aren't good things, so him being ultimately right is actually really fucking sad. As is Sam getting the normal life he once wanted when IMO he no longer particularly wants it and it's at the expense of losing Dean after all they'd been through together. Disappointment, even disappointment one should reasonably have seen coming, is totally fair. The ending is meant to be bittersweet with the sweet part coming from the heaven reunion, and even dismissing delusional shippers? Not everybody is going to like that kind of ending. Except there's disappointment and then there's being really fucking weird about that disappointment by insisting a tv show owed you to end the way you wanted and further, it personally wronged you because no one tried to put a band-aid on a sucking chest wound. Also, a character dying from doing something dangerous and acknowledging they are dying when they get a fatal wound doing it instead of trying to insist they're okay is ... endorsing suicidal themes.
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xavieryaa · 9 months
Making My Own Tumblr Year In Review
So tumblr is not doing the individual years in review for 2023 like they did the last couple of years :(
This is the first year I’ve really been active on Tumblr and used it as my primary social media, so I was really sad to hear that. But then I decided…why not do it myself?
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I posted 1837 times in 2023. That’s 5 times per day.
1748 (95%) of my posts were reblogs, and 89 (5%) of my posts were original.
Blogs I think I reblogged the most? Not in order.
These are just based on me cmd-f'ing my blog using the names of blogs I remember reblogging a lot. It's probably wrong.
My top 15 most used tags (not 5 because i love tagging and want to show more):
#bts - 1045 posts (yeah obviously)
#bts pics - 803 posts (yeah obviously x2)
#queue attack my heart - 691 posts
#memery - 312 posts
#namjoon - 308 posts (i am so mentally ill)
#hoseok - 167 posts
#jungkook - 166 posts
#seokjin - 138 posts
#jimin - 138 posts (i wrote down seokjin's tag first so i put it higher)
#yoongi - 119 posts
#fic & writing - 108 posts
#taehyung - 103 posts
#bts birthdays - 99 posts
#serious posts - 92 posts
#namjoonposting - 59 posts (my favorite tag)
By the way this was so fucking annoying to do. The archive does not show how many posts you have in a certain tag. For every month I counted the amount of rows in a tag, multiplied it by 8, and added in any rows that didn't quite get up to 8. Then I added all those months together. I had to do that for every tag. Tumblr why is there no easy way to see the number of posts in a tag.
My top 5 posts of 2023:
5. Luffy Tab - 20 notes
Still can't believe we just. got a luffy tab. i just woke up and had a luffy tab
4. BTS Post Search - 27 notes
As it turned out. the poster changed their name to something else so that's why i couldn't find the post from tumblr user soupmoths -- they were an entirely different person. oopsie
Also I ended up being able to reblog it! Someone tagged me!
3. 3D Rant - 32 notes
This post got me my first hate reblog <3
In case anyone is wondering. I still agree with everything I said here.
2. Porn - 99 notes
Not doing the big link preview for this one since that on its own is kinda nsfw. Minors don’t click that link.
But yeah. That makes sense.
Even though there’s only 5 reblogs people find it semi-frequently (especially the past few days, no idea why), so I guess it’s spreading somehow? Which makes me happy :)
The Reddit Post - 2.1k notes
Obviously that was going to be it lol, over 20 times the amount of notes than anything else. My notifications were Dying.
Also, this stuff wasn’t in the actual Year in Review(s), but I’m adding them in for fun.
I liked 21k posts in 2023.
I followed 426 blogs in 2023 (not including the accounts I unfollowed).
I gained 69 followers in 2023 (excluding porn bots and regular bots). Nice.
I started 4 blogs on this account, 1 main blog and 3 side blogs.
I gained 15 mutuals in 2023 <3
All this data was as of December 18th, 2023.
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