#why is this important i dunno
the-music-maniac · 9 months
This is perhaps a stupid/obvious thought that only hit me as hard as it did cause it's 5 am, but I had the realization that if there was a superhero au for the straw hats, Luffy would basically be Elastigirl from the Incredibles
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shepscapades · 4 months
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[dbhc flavored] Hermit a Day May: Day 14 — Doc!
Featuring both a current-day s10 doc and a verrry early s8 post-deviant doc! :]
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sysig · 8 months
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Those wacky skeletons ♥ (Patreon)
#Doodles#UT#Sans#Papyrus#Handplates#You can tell because of Sans' gloves lol#Getting-used-to-them-again doodles as well as just expressing Feeling <3 Happy towards them! Want them to be happy too!#It might seem silly for these - how many sets in now? - to still be getting used to drawing them again lol but it's because they're adults!#Their clothes and the way they hold themselves - but also especially Sans lol I dunno why I have such difficulty with him at times#He's got a cute face and I still find myself like ????how your face#Other than that tho it's just silliness hehe ♪ My favourite lads :D#I feel the need to make the distinction: I do actually have different favourites based on the AU lol#Like for example in classic I still love Flowey just a tiiiiiny bit more than Papyrus but it really is constantly neck and neck#Whereas in Handplates it's no competition even a little bit lol - Papyrus is just my Very Favourite#But Gaster is my favourite Handplates-specific character since he's unique to the AU! It gets a bit in the weeds lol#Sans isn't far behind at all of course the trio are very important! The duo even moreso imo#Going back to gloves tho I did carry over one of my quirks from my original UT doodles about Papyrus' gloves lol#I initially envisioned them as combination mitten-gloves with a free index finger and all the rest together#I still rather like the design! But it is admittedly not Handplates accurate lol#The occasional dip into self-indulgence who me? Lol#Sleeping on each other is important to me as well!! It is such a favourite hehe#Honestly I just imagined Papyrus getting so exhausted that he fell asleep in the snow lol poor lad#Sans teleported in but it's also funny to imagine him just walking up like ''you good? yeah he's fine'' *flop* haha#Silly lads <3 Do love 'em ♪
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skeletonlover69 · 6 months
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expression practice i made for sans!
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rowanthestrange · 9 months
Credit to my husband, when I was discussing the merits of Mrs Flood as Missy or Iris last night, and I said “but if it were Iris you’d have had to have put a bus somewhere in the episode” and he immediately went “but they did, right at the start of the scene they introduced her, Ruby got off it with the shopping”. Cus true and god I would do anything for her to be a fully canonised character - and she fits the ‘Fantasy BS’ theme so well.
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pestilentbrood · 10 months
VERY long Ramble incoming
honestly now that I'm looking at the auraboa lore situation, I'm just disappointed. There was such POTENTIAL in the idea of the Loop and the horror of a new generation inexplicably being disconnected from it, forcing the newly hatched children into a world totally separate from that perceived by their parents (I mean, hell, they perceive TIME differently!).... but then the writer(s?) just fell ass backwards into Icky Tropes.
I feel like I can see what the idea was, especially with the recent alterations to the Encyclopedia entry... It seems like staff fundamentally understands the true Horror potential here, but... Instead, through the short story, they proposed it through the lens of a condescending outsider character, turning the fears of the older generation into something trivial. And also weirdly demeaning the Auroboa's situation by portraying them as overreacting.
Why... why would you do that? Like, from a storytelling perspective? What's gained from that? Why not embrace the true horror and even Emotional significance of that disruption? Why instead go for "ohh we NEED outsider help we NEED to be saved because we are so helpless and it is so Silly that we, creatures who have never experienced such things, do not know what sleep is"????
And if they WANTED to have a condescending outsider, I feel like they COULD have done that, but it would have to have that character realize the horror at some point. And make it obvious that their attitude towards distressed parents and children facing Eldritch Shit and the Sudden Deconstruction of it was not cool!
(or at the very least be a bit more...idk. Consistent with said outsider character? Juniper just goes from "omg I am so honored that the fascinating creatures of the behemoth have chosen me to speak to" to "oh their wasting my time because they don't know what sleep is. I'd rather be sleeping!! 🙄" like girl... c'mon now. Why are we trivializing it like this. Do you want me as the reader to be invested in their plight or not.)
I mean come on. They're beings connected through one networked hivemind-like system, yet each still maintains a silver of individuality that allows them to move freely throughout the Behemoth that they care for. And they've got an eldritch understanding of time that no other dragon could understand. They're seeing the future, past, and present unfold simultaneously. They're witnessing the birth and death of the world at the same time, and have no way to communicate it to other dragons. The best they can do is maintain their home, and even then, they see its roots spread and decay all at once.
And then the newest generation is suddenly disconnected. An inherent link between parent and child and all dragons in-between, that has existed since the creation of their species, is just suddenly GONE for the newest births. With NO explanation for it. The children have no easy way of communicating with their parents. The children are experiencing time in a way that was not meant for their species. They've forcefully been shoved into a circadian rhythm that they are Not! Built for!
The only way a parent could communicate properly with their child would be when the latter is sleeping, something that is also completely foreign to this species. It would be terrifying for all involved!!!
They are literally experiencing eldritch horror from the perspective of the eldritch being forced into the mortal.
Like why WOULDN'T there be panic!!! And why would that panic be trivialized! Why are we only shown the perspective of an outsider who looks at this situation and goes "Oh the silly tree beasts are being so silly over nothing, it's no big deal!"
That and the way the auraboas talk to outsiders. Like. There was such potential there. Real opportunity to explore how ancient, time-bending beings would communicate to someone who couldn't even BEGIN to understand the intricacies of it.
Instead we got what feels more like baby talk (even described as though they were hatchlings enunciating their first words, which... I dunno man, maybe we don't want to compare them to children like That) and less like... Beings that experience all of time at once. I mean, the hatchlings and the adults speak the exact same way, and that doesn't make any sense given the literal time barrier going on.
I totally get why people thought there was just a language barrier and that auraboas had their own language, thus causing the disjointed speak, and not that it was because They Do Not Experience Time Like We Do. And I feel it would've been far easier to get it across by just... I dunno. Do anything else?? I saw someone on here suggest they speak in the "wrong" tenses, or using multiple tenses in the same sentence, which I think would've been far more clear.
Like, as opposed to "saplings wilt! saplings silent!" just "the saplings will wilt in silence, they've wilted in silence, they are wilting silently." Said all at once like all things are true simultaneously. And if we're going for hivemind, have each auraboa speak in a different tense, all at the same time, and have them switch it up every time. Have our outsider get confused and be like "which is it? are they wilting now, or have they already wilted?" and the cluster of auraboas respond in a cacophony of yes's, no's, and maybe's all at once.
Would've probably gotten across the "alien" vibe they were supposedly going for far better than wide-eyed desperation for an outsider's guidance conveyed through disjointed, in-world described as baby speech.
And also maybe would've had less accidental connotations. Because as it stands, I completely see why people have made the connections to the real world where they have. This doesn't read like eldritch timey-wimey intrigue, or even a respectful look at how younger generations can become detached from their families' cultures over time and the struggles that come with it. It reads like a culture being perceived by an ignorant outsider who (despite supposedly respecting these dragons) scoffs and rolls their eyes because the tree beasts with their funny words are being silly again, and that Hey, isn't it actually a great thing that the children are fundamentally different in all manners now? Because now they can join the rest of us in the "real world."
Yknow. Ick.
(I Personally think it would've been better to have the perspective be one of the Auraboas themselves, especially one of the children, to really understand what was going on here. Give us the full brunt of the mind of a creature experiencing all of time interwoven as one shape. The waters fall and the oceans crash with waves. They've now fallen to drought. The ocean has yet to be born. Caves have been carved out through the waters' currents. And when I break from this timeline, I open my eyes to see a child, the child not yet born, the child born now, the child born yesterday. Why can't I hear it? Why couldn't I hear it? Why won't I ever hear it?)
I dunno. People more qualified than me to speak on this matter have already torn the lore apart, I'm just... dropping my own two cents. Potential got weirdly squandered and we ended up instead with unfortunate implications and tropes that could be connected a liiiittle too awkwardly to irl situations.
*Also, before anyone points out: Yes, I know the hatchlings aren't COMPLETELY detached from the Loop and can join it when they sleep. But the fact is, these thangs never had to sleep before. That wasn't in their species' nature. So that's still weird and foreign for them on both sides. And since the hatchlings now have a circadian rhythm, they can't stay connected to the loop permanently. And also Also, seeing as the previous generations aren't experiencing time linearly, who's to say they even recognize when their child joins the loop? They'll speak with an echo of their child when that child was last asleep ages ago, not knowing that it's not them presently, because there is no 'present' for the older generations.
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fanfictionroxs · 2 months
the targs have morals! you can fuck your sister and niece, but moms and daughters (sometimes) are off limits! have some decency!
terms and conditions apply: if you want to do your brother, you cant, you can go to mommy instead cause incest homophobia is stronger incest morals!
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pageofheartdj · 1 year
A lil' reminder, the bros are active jerks to each other too!xD
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skylathescholarly · 3 months
Chapter 18! You're not gonna want to miss this one, we're nearing the end, and the plot is thickening so much I'd be able to stand on it.
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hella1975 · 1 year
11pm in manchester airport plane landed at 10pm after being DELAYED AND ANNOYING AND EVERYTHING WRONG WITH RYANAIR for over an hour. when is my train home from this godforsaken city you ask? 5am. good job im stuck in arrivals where there are no coffee shops or even regular charging ports haha. so glad to be spending the next six hours sat by the squeaky baggage claim machine. thank god my mum was sympathetic about it right haha… right????
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an-albino-pinetree · 8 months
Also I’m finally getting a Jax plush-
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ragdollic · 23 days
It's always a "let me know if you need anything" until I try to tell them to not misuse the word delusional and then I feel like they're suddenly acting off to me specifically and fully expect them to avoid me and that in turn causes my symptoms of paranoia to act up which answers my previous "I'm pretty sure this word *probably* doesn't apply to me, I don't know. Does it affect me? I dunno, probably doesn't directly affect me right? But even if it doesn't, I need to try to correct them and pray they listen and take me seriously"
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katsigian · 3 months
I'm stressing myself out with the way I keep overthinking how I want to share oc lore. Part of me wants to just put it in a post and hit share and call it good. Another part of me wants to put it into a nice little template so it's organized and neat.
It's not a lot either, I just really want to talk about Valen. That's all. I really, really miss talking about him and sharing his lore/the fun little things I come up with for him. I've been so anxious to share anything but not sharing anything at all also sucks. Hence why I'm stressing myself out 🫠
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gemglyph · 3 months
Hoping to post the next chapter of Martyr within the next two weeks. Trying to come up with some kind of schedule really didn’t work, but I am working on it and I have a solid chunk of the chapter done. I think I just burned myself out
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bedazzlecunt · 2 years
i know i act like i enjoy being disrespected and i do, the degradation kink is real, but historically my favourite moments during sex, including kinky sex where my partner is being quite ‘mean’ to me is when my partner breaks character to be like “babe, are you okay?  having fun?” “are we going too hard?” “do you like this?  want to stop?” “shit, you’re crying, let’s stop for now, let’s make sure you’re okay”
theres nothing more comforting and nothing more sexy than knowing no matter how “mean” you can get that there’s genuine love and affection for me underscoring it, that no kink or scene is more important than your desire to ensure that sex isn’t just okay for me, it’s fun and fulfilling, and that you’ll drop the kink or the scene the very second that’s in doubt
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raksh-writes · 11 months
Woken up, wild beast
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: KinnPorsche: The Series (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: (implied) Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham/Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun, Macau Theerapanyakun & Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun, Nop (KinnPorsche: The Series) & Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun Characters: Nop (KinnPorsche: The Series), Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun, Macau Theerapanyakun, Original Characters, Original Bodyguard Characters Additional Tags: there's not much VegasPete here but it IS a crucial background detail, POV Outsider, POV Nop (KinnPorsche: The Series), Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Pack Dynamics, Alpha Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun, Alternate Universe - Shapeshifters, Time Travel, Angst, Pre-Canon, Hurt Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun, Emotional Hurt, yes beta we live like Vegas with four bulletshot wounds Series: Part 1 of the fire inside me and you, an echo of the source - our primal souls... Summary:
“With me.” The order came down whip-quick, as cutting as it was powerful, and Nop scrambled to follow, barely able to catch up to his new charge before the door nearly slammed shut in his face.
He’s been with Khun Vegas ever since.
Always guarding, always watching, always on the lookout for anything or anyone that could mean Khun Vegas harm — be it their enemies, the major family, Khun Gun or, on the worst days, Khun Vegas himself.
So, when one day Khun Vegas wakes up with mad, haunted eyes and a frantic, desperate energy pouring out of him heavy as a flood, Nop knows immediately — intimately — that something is horribly, terribly wrong.
Finally, some new writing I can share! ^^ 
This is super self-indulgent and hyper-specific and I might just be the sole target audience, lmao, but if anyone else stumbles upon this and gets a smile out of it, then I'm a writer fulfilled ^^ Give it a shot if you’re curious and I hope it’s gonna be a nice read 💗
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