#why is there not a page for that dr wiki
aparticularbandit · 6 months
The problem with using the DR wiki to learn things is that sometimes I walk into spoilers.
Like what do you mean NWP shows up in DRV3.
What do you mean Miu is gonna try to kill Kokichi?
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she married the doctor
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nyaskitten · 8 months
I made the assumption Olive was editing the wiki articles, and while that's a very logical conclusion to reach, it was actually someone who shares the same viewpoints as them!!! Anything including the wiki articles and Olive's involvement is wrong and that's my bad!!!
Alright fellas, I guess we did it. We have reached the tipping point. I'm going to dedicate this post to calling out one specific person, @olivescales3, and their very toxic behavior. This post will be a bit messy, and I do apologize in advance, I'm writing this from the perspective of a Ninjago fan who also thinks beyond just the petty fandom stuff, what they're doing is just not cool.
I will clarify, I do not make this post for petty fandom drama, I make this to better spread awareness on some of the bullshit they're doing, so you can look out for and understand that they're bullshitting. Without further ado, I think we should just get into it.
So, what have they done?
Now, I should say while there is no 100000% concrete link between hyenabro and olivescales, I think based on their talking points (as well and the information I've recieved from friends in the Chima fandom, who have a bunch of prior experience with them,) it's safe to make this assumption!
So, what has olivescales DONE in this case? Simple, they've vandalized the Chima wiki on NUMEROUS occasions, even after several different people have revised their revisions, so as to discredit any conenctions between Dragons Rising and Chima.
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(Green is their edits, red is the ones prior to theirs, I found this while going through their contributions section on their Fandom account, HyenaBro119)
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As seen here, they have (under the username HyenaBro119) edited the pages for Chima AND the Forever Rock (I have two similar screenshots of essentially the same thing, one was from the Forever Rock article, the other was from Chima) and claimed Ninjago's lore to be some alternate universe. To further validate it, they write "Ras' visit to," but Ras NEVER claimed to have VISITED these locations, just that he knows them. They also claim the Forever Rock was destroyed, a blatant lie. Only a small section of rock on the Forever Rock was actually destroyed, not the whole thing.
Now, you're gonna ask "but Raine, how can you 100000% say it's them?" and I will cite common sense. While I cannot directly tie Olive to hyena, I CAN say their wording is SO very similar.
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Both Hyena and Olive call DR "a parallel/alternate universe," and again, claim Forever Rock was destroyed, WHICH IS A FULL ON LIE. They're so adamant to protect "the sanctity of Chima's pre-established, set-in-stone lore" that they can't stop to think maybe, JUST MAYBE, sometimes a story can get new lore which can ALSO be canon!
I'd also love to share this HILARIOUS screenshot of one of their many posts, which not only backs up what I'm saying, but it's like damn they really set themself up huh!
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Gee I wonder why you feel alone! Maybe it's because you are! Maybe it's because you're lying and making shit up to prove yourself right! No one is as big of a hater as you!
The also LOVE saying Ninjago cannot do anything with Chima unless they get express permission from the creator of Chima, some guy named John Derevlany, but oh man what's this I see before me?
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CO-CREATOR? Oh but Olive, I thought he was the CREATOR of Chima, not CO-creator... ALSO Lego owns the rights to Chima, and Ninjago, and every other theme, as said by Doc himself! If anything he wasn't really dodging the question, just giving a vague answer, because he doesn't know much about the old contracts!
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From what he said, it's clear that if they wanted to use anything from the other themes, they'd have to consult folks over at LEGO, not John Derevlany or Tommy A.!
Now here's the THING, I GET where they're coming from, it CAN be annoying to have people only care about a thing you like in relation to something else, but when you're going out of your way to argue that none of it can be canon and it's all an alternate universe it's like... god it's so sad and pathetic really.
Their lies and BS don't even end there with the wiki shit, because I have THIS glorious gem.
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A) They bring up that the Ninjago folk do not know who the Phoenixes are which is like, okay??? Why the fuck are they gonna know about how another universe was created??? That's like if someone told me I don't exist in the same universe as my glasses because I have no clue who made them, that is to say, that's stupid as FUCK to say!
B) OH they say something REAAALLL funny ohohohho I am actually dying. Olive says the Phoenix icon "appeared in a Ninjago episode" and "Ninjago tends to reuse assets." Yep, NINJAGO is the one who reused the phoenix symbol, mhm. The symbol that was made in 2011 for NINJAGO, which cameoed in CHIMA in 2014, was actually just an asset reuse by Ninjago. I feel like this actually goes to show how desparate they are to feel right and validated, because this? This a lie! Ninjago made the symbol, and because Tommy A. is co-creator to both, he wanted to slip in a neat Ninjago reference, so he slipped in the Phoenix symbol Nya uses for the Phoenix tribe, not the other way around!
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Another REALLY funny thing they did, aside from the wiki and Phoenix symbol shit, was this hilarious attempt at being right!
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Yes, the compared the WOLF Masks to BATman's cowl, and did a horribly rough comparison illustration that very much does not make sense. If you actually compared them side by side, the only similarities would be they're both angry animal themed mask with pointy ears, which does NOT go very far in the long run. The foreheads they drew aren't even the same fucking shape lol.
OH ANS WE CANNOT FORGET THIS ONE! Their using a post about the Palestinian genocide and boycotting Lego in order to complain about Ninjago.
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They claim Ninjago is produced by Lego, unlike other Lego shows, which is an EXTREMELY bullshit fucking claim. Just like Chima and Nexo Knights, Ninjago is produced by Lego, it's not JUST Ninjago produced by Lego, they are all Canadian-Danish CGI action shows, and they're all known to have Tommy Andreasen involved in the creation of them.
They're using a post about boycotting for the sake of innocent people DYING to complain about a lego ninja show for... killing evil people? It doesn't glorify war, the worst it does in regards to war is like not address how fucked up it can be in regards to the Serpentine War, but that's like it. I think it's so funny they want to single out Ninjago as if it's the only TV series where villains die for trying to conquer/destroy the world.
So, what do I want the takeaway from this post to be? What do I want you to get from it? I don't really know anymore, I just don't want Olive's horrendously toxic behaviors, and straight up lies to stop. If anything I think it's beautiful that Ninjago is making others interested in revisiting Chima again, stop being such a fucking hater dude. They act like Chima is some holy grail of Lego, the greatest thing since bread, but it, just like Ninjago, Dreamzzz, Hidden Side, and Nexo Knights, have Tommy in creative roles.
To act like Chima is somehow greater than is to place it on an unrealistic pedestal as if it's a godsend, when in reality it was co-created by Tommy Fucking Andreasen.
If you read through all of this, I do THOROUGHLY appreciate it, I didn't mean for this post to descend into an angry ramble but ehhh yk how it is. And Olive, if you see this, please, just stop with the bullshit.
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noxiatoxia · 2 months
So, when Danganronpa S was released (and V3's UTDP but I'll get to that later...) Hinata and Komaeda were given noticeably different versions of their pre-existing sprites for their swimsuit versions:
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If you struggle to see a difference, note Hinata's wider mouth in the swimsuit ver., and Komaeda's narrower eyes and more outlined smirk in his swimsuit ver.
I, along with many people, always wondered, why? Why change these already perfectly fine sprites and, honestly, make them worse? What gives?
Then, I stumbled across something. Back in 2012, before the Japanese release of Super Danganronpa 2, you could play an online monomono machine to win little goodies like desktop backgrounds and profile pictures. Please note these pre-release desktop backgrounds for Hinata and Komaeda:
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...So, wait a minute. The sprites used in Danganronpa S aren't new edits, but beta sprites? Older than the ones featured in the original SDR2? Turns out, this website features desktop backgrounds using beta sprites for nearly every character that otherwise never saw the light of day.*
I'm going to go through them one by one, gif comparisons included. This won't be the only post, either! UTDP also has some very interesting likely beta art used in it, too. As well, some of the other sprites featured in Danganronpa S may also be reused beta sprites!
As such, this log will be broken into three parts. This is part 1.
[Part 2 - UTDP (not made yet!)] [Part 3 - DRS (not made yet!)] [Part 4 - Dangan Island (not made yet!)]
*with the exception of UTDP in some cases, as well as some other things I will get to in Part 4.
As said, semi-flashing gifs will be included in this post. They are meant to swap between the beta and final sprites at a fast pace to illustrate the differences (2 frame, half a second each). Be cautious if you have epilepsy.
Also, because of Tumblr's stupid image limit, this post will have a reblog with the rest of the sprites! So please check this post's reblogs, it should be the first one!
Firstly, how do we know these are actually beta sprites? These images are sourced from the Danganronpa fandom wiki, and while I generally trust the wiki's credibility, it's always imperative to fact-check. So, I went ahead and searched Danganronpa's old website on the Wayback Machine and uncovered this:
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A character intro page for Hinata, using this same beta sprite. Now, granted, the only capture of this page is from 2015. Still a year before V3 and a few more before S, but still, it's not the 2012 original. That said, a character intro page for Mioda circa early 2014 looks exactly the same, including the usage of her beta sprite.
And, when you click on the button that says スクリーンショット(Screenshot)...
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You're offered a very obviously beta trial shot. As is common with Danganronpa trials, in development, the actual character portraits are not put in until later, and to substitute, their art reference photos are used, as seen on the left.
With that out of the way, I think it's safe to say these sprite we are about to look at are indeed betas.
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It's only fair, then, we focus on Hinata first.
(Please note for all the comparison gifs I had to manually size the final sprites to get them as close as possible in aspect ratio. Very minor size difference between sprites is likely a result of this and not an actual detail change.)
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A lot is revealed with a simple gif. Hinata's entire face shape was changed (including ears), not just his mouth. In fact, not just the shape of his face, but the face itself is drawn very differently in the end. The neck of his shirt was raised, as well as tie being redrawn (you can actually see where the new part begins somewhat sloppily). Less notable but still apparent are his bangs being redrawn and shaded differently.
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Keeping with consistency, let's check out Komaeda next.
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Yet again, the differences are striking when flipped back and forth. Komaeda's face shape and ear was redone much like Hinata, but not to nearly the same dramatic extent. As well, his entire face was redrawn, notably erasing the black shading under his chin and shortening his eyelashes. Less noticeable, the hair touching his neck is shortened a bit, and the crease line on his hood is more well-defined. They also slightly changed the line art for the first fold in his shirt, the neck at the back of his shirt, as well as his leftmost bang. Interestingly, they either forgot or didn't care to fix the shading to reflect the new placement of these lines. His jacket also has some changes in line art weight.
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With Hinata and Komaeda out of the way, let's touch on Kuzuryuu.
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This one honestly shocked me. Besides the added detail of him spitting, I didn't notice any difference right off the bat until I overlayed the images, but the differences are night and day. His eyes are made to be less mean and more skeptical. His mole was shrunk and his nose is more 3-dimensional. Extra detail is added to his ear while his hair is redrawn in whole, including it being slightly shorter. What's most interesting is the fact the body was sized up and moved down several pixels, I imagine to change the perspective. Some minor line changes are made to the white undershirt of his suit.
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It would be improper not to do Pekoyama next.
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Again, just like Kuzuryuu, I didn't notice half of these changes at first. Pekoyama's whole face is slimmed. The outer outline of her hair remains the same, but almost every outline inside of it, including her bangs, changes. (Although, her right twin-tail has a slightly longer end to it.) Her outfit receives minor touch-ups, including a clothes fold on her breast and darker shading by her collarbone. Speaking of, her neck muscles and such have been redrawn. Most interesting to me is the fact Pekoyama's outline is noticeably thicker with action lines in the original beta sprite, but lack them in the final sprite as if somebody used the magic wand tool to edit the background out, editing away some of the jagged black lines in the process. She is the only character where this happens.
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Since she is a major character, let's do Nanami now.
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I wasn't surprised to find Nanami has virtually no difference about her. Her design was pretty much set in stone early on. That said, it's not entirely the same. Though very minor, the thickness of her left eye was increased at the top. As well, shading across her pinky finger was removed. There is also a chance her body is slightly bigger, but that's more likely to be a result of me failing to perfectly match up the two images.
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I want to focus on Souda now as he was the first one I did this test with.
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You know, when I first played SDR2, I thought Souda looked kind of scary. His beta is even scarier looking! I can see why they changed it...Every detail on his face is redrawn including his chin, notably his pupil was enlarged and his eyebrows were quirked. Funnily, it seems the clip on his beanie was redrawn, but like Komaeda, they didn't edit the color layer to match the new outline. Some minor line art changes were made to his back hair. The lines for his neck and collarbone were lessened, and the jacket zipper is made more three dimensional. His thumb was fixed too, as well as the lines on his hand.
Also, here's a fun little thing I noticed while replaying SDR2 just a few days ago!
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The sprite used for Souda in the Dangan Island opening is the exact same as the beta sprite! This would be the only time Westerners would catch a glimpse of some beta sprites until UTDP, as keep in mind, these wallpapers were exclusive to the Japanese Danganronpa website.
In fact, Souda isn't the only one with a beta sprite in the Dangan Island opening. I will also be covering that in part 4.
Moving on...
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I guess it's only natural we look at Sonia's sprite next.
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Changes like these ones are very interesting to me, because if you did not do a side-by-side like this, you may never see how many minor details were changed. A lot of Sonia's line art was redrawn to be more detailed, such as more lines in her hair, thinner outlines for her braid, and redrawn creases in her shoulders and bow (as well as a redrawn button). Her face is interesting as some very minor changes were made. Some detail is added to both ears (thicker outline on the right, changed line art on the left) and her left eyebrow is slightly edited. She was also given extra eyelashes on both sides. When it comes to such minor changes, it makes you wonder why they bothered at all. I wonder what the development looked like.
Anyways, please check the reblog for the second part! That's where the rest of the characters will be!
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 10 months
‼️‼️Important update for everyone reading this:
The people who run Luis’ Resident Evil Wiki Are Z!0n!sts and support the genocide of P@lestine people. Do NOT give the wiki ANY of your support‼️‼️
The fact that the person who runs the official RE Wiki openly goes on rants abt how much they dislike Luis (remake version ofc) on their Twitter makes why his wiki page is so shotty and just,,,, B A D a LOOOOOOOT more sense :((
The wiki mixes up both his remake story and his OG story and doesn’t bother to seperate them and makes it sound like they’re the same backstory (Which has lead to a LOOOOOOOOOT of misinfo in the fandom) and now knowing that whoever it is really is NOT a big fan of Luis. Just yeah. Yeah that makes sense that they would add misinformation, false facts and generally make the page messy/disorganised/confusing on what should be an unbiased source for fans :((
Edit: After a day and some research, I’ve found that whoever is in charge of running Luis’ wiki specifically REPEATEDLY revises and deletes important and extremely factual information from his page (including race, place of birth, etc) and has even locked other wiki pages and done the same to other characters
Tl;dr: the RE Wiki is a TERRIBLE source if you want to learn about Luis. Which is a shame. Because it should be the MAIN source.
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alekthefox · 1 month
This is about my post about a future fanfic where Aventurine beats Dr Ratio in chess. What you're reading now however is canonical proof+my theories on Veritas' opinion on Aventurine's intelligence.
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@resagini You're right absolutely, however Dr. Ratio already knows Aventurine is extremely intelligent! (I'm not sure if you were implying he doesn't realise it in canon... But if that's not the case... then for those people you mentioned in the last few tags here's a little info :)
Penacony spoilers underneath, with receipts.
First of all why he wears the bust:
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(Source of image: Honkai Star Rail wiki, under Dr. Ratio, voice-overs.)
He has never ever been seen wearing it when with Ave. Aventurine even teases him about it in Penacony story with the line of (I love the stupid pun, the word "bust" fits both of them):
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This also means Aventurine has seen it before this. I'm unsure the time placement of Final Victor light cone as of right now. But it is possible Veritas changed his mind multiple times. Since Penacony though he's not worn it when with Aventurine. It is also possible he wears it when the two of them are with others who Ratio finds to be blubbering fools.
Note: Aventurine is a high rank P45, and a Stoneheart, within the STRATEGIC Investment Department. Whyyyy, pray tell, do people think of him so lowly????
Then there's Dr. Ratio in the Aventurine showcase saying they're not exactly friends and he's not so bad to work with unlike those insufferable fools. (And I adore the callout he gets from Aventurine and how flustered he gets urgh this man <3)
Official video
Friends quote: 0:50
Veritas admitting Aventurine is in control then getting flustered when the two are described to have "mutual understanding" ("wait... mutual? What did he say about me???? 🥺"): 5:30
And I would love to remind everyone of the lines:
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Yep. Dr. Ratio knew Aventurine's plan, or the majority of it. (PEOPLE PISS ME OFF WHEN LISTING THAT BETRAYAL AS A REASON THIS SHIP IS TOXIC.) That means Dr. Ratio knew that this extremely layered, thoroughly thought through (i did NOT just use those three words like it's normal what the hell) scheme, all came from Aventurine's mind (literally nobody else would think of this bullshit, from the self-destruction to the breaking of a cornerstone to the THREE cornerstones in use in the same place without the people, in possession of the Family etc etc). I believe extremely little parts of the Penacony situation was luck. Aventurine is lucky, yes, insanely. But he uses his luck as an advantage, not main weapon. He uses it as a mask, he is a gambler to many eyes. The doctor knows this. He doesn't believe in luck but in probability, a controlled and calculable version of luck. He didn't trust his luck, but his mind. So Ratio played his part.
Another thing is that during Penacony you can retrace, during story, Aventurine and Ratio's steps. Literally. Playing as Acheron you can examine the footprints and it's stated that whoever was walking there are equals.
Despite Aventurine having full power over Ratio through the IPC authority and the cornerstone power and having him always follow his lead (begrudgingly or not), they walk side by side.
Even with Ratio being much taller and therefore faster, they walk side by side. (An easy excuse that doesn't involve feelings that both could use to avoid this respect.) Even with Ratio thinking a lot of people are morons, he walks side by side with Aventurine, without his statue mask. Even with Dr. Ratio's many accomplishments proving he's above quite a number of individuals.
In both opinions on who is greater, they choose this.
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Link to wiki page
There is so so so so much more but I do think these instances alone are enough to prove my point.
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edenfenixblogs · 4 months
Heads up that the following post discusses the poster photographed at this link. The link shows an antisemitic poster (this post will discuss why and how it is antisemitic as well as why everything about it is done in bad faith from a shady organization that should not be trusted).
You do not need to click the link to understand the content of this post, but you can choose to do so for context.
Child death, child endangerment, starvation, war zones, body horror, graphic imagery
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/edenfenixblogs/750494095702704128/trigger-warnings-child-death-starvation-war
Ok, let’s get into it.
Part 1: Why Is It Antisemitic?
1. It starts by putting Jews on the defensive
This poster instantly puts any Jew who takes issue with the phrasing or rhetoric on this poster as a lying villain falsely accusing good people of bigotry in order to support a genocide. What about people who disagree with Israel’s bombardment of Palestine, but who also think this poster is antisemitic? Where will they be heard? How will their concerns be addressed?
2. It only addresses the needs of non-Jews
The goal to disarm people in a conflict is a good one! Why is it only Israel that must be disarmed when Israel is also receiving incoming bombs on a daily basis? Is that peace? Or is that a call for one side to be murdered? How does this address the stochastic threat that Jews outside of Israel are facing?
3. It offers no solutions for peace
After Israel is disarmed, what is the goal for the Israeli people and state? How will Israelis be protected? Should they have any protection? How will the defend against bombs from Hamas and Lebanon? What treaties will be negotiated to enable peace? How will antisemitic extremists be deradicalized? What policy-based or judicial systems or safeguards will be put in place to guarantee safety for both Palestinians and Israelis? Taking weapons away from one side of an armed conflict doesn’t create peace. It creates an unarmed target. I am a pacifist and against all war. But I am also against taking weapons away solely from the side that popular OR unpopular opinion deems “wrong.” Stopping destruction in Palestine—especially on the scale in which it is occurring—is vital. But that alone does not ensure peace or even encourage peace. All it does is disarm people. Peace is a negotiated state of existence not a lack of weaponry.
4. It mispells antisemitism
I am not inclined to believe that a person or organization who cannot spell antisemitism has a clear or complete understanding of what antisemitism entails or how it expresses itself in society.
Part 2: Source Evaluation (TL;DR: Abject failure across the board)
1. Not on charity navigator
Taxpayers for peace does not appear on charity navigator at all. I must question whether or not it is in fact a charity or simply a lobby. I also have no way of assessing the companies funding, spending, or transparency—because they do not provide information on the website.
2. No funding information on the website itself
I touched on this in the above bullet point. But it is really important in this conflict to know exactly where the money you give is going and where an organization is getting most of its money from. Hamas got its start from the charities associated with the terrorist organization, The Muslim Brotherhood. (^^I will be Reblogging this post with more info on this but don’t have time to address this all with photos and links in this post. For now, here are the linked Wikipedia sources and a screenshot of the info in question. As always with Wikipedia, consider it a starting point and read the sources the page cites, not just the wiki article)
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3. Several source links are dead.
Not many sources are available on the taxpayersforpeace website, and they certainly do not have a tab specifically devoted to sources.
Here is the list of sources.
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The two Badil links are dead:
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4. Available sources are sparse
Of the few sources there are, there are only three actual organizations responsible for them: B’Tselem, Badil, and Architect and Academic Malkit Shoshan’s seminal work, Atlas of a Conflict.
The sources from Badil lead to dead links, leaving only Shoshan and B’Tselem. Two sources are not enough to support an entire website. Two sources are not even enough to support an academic paper.
5. Available sources are outdated
None of the sources of this constantly evolving and ongoing conflict were written within the last decade. Even if these sources are considered legitimate, it is odd that more recent ones were not included.
6. The available sources are used manipulatively
So, we have two sources. Let’s look at them.
Source 1: Malkit Shoshan
By all accounts, she is a highly respected and credible source on architecture, spacial design and planning, and the way that the small space shared between Israel and Palestine has shifted to be dominated by Israel over the past several decades. She has been continually critical of Israeli settlements in the West Bank (as have I) and has been extremely consistent in including Palestinian voices and struggles in her advocacy for peace (as have I).
She also supports BDS (which I do not).
Her work has explores the relationship between architecture, urban planning, and human rights.
She is respected but also controversial source on the conflict. She has signed her name to a Harvard faculty letter (as a member of the faculty) endorsing BDS and Palestinian Solidarity. Her work is sure to ruffle some feathers. (The letters to which this one responded are also linked within the above link, providing several perspectives on the matter during a previous flare of the ongoing conflict—from before 10/7)
However, while she very well might be anti-Zionist, I have not been able to find any statements by her to the affirmative in this case. If anyone has such statements I welcome them in order to provide a more thorough analysis of her as a source. But from what I could gather, she views herself as a progressive seeking peace between Israel and Palestine.
And while she would characterize many aspects of Israeli treatment of Palestine as colonial in nature (a statement which I do not agree with as a blanket statement about Israel as a whole, but for which she provides compelling evidence in certain instances, especially in the West Bank), I have yet to see her call the whole of Israel as a colonial project. In fact, she views Israel as a whole as post-colonial, according to her most recent interview with Haaretz. In fact, she seems to reject the idea that violence from either side is appropriate or necessary in order to attain peace—and on this matter, I occur wholeheartedly:
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She states that she prefers to engage in discourse rather than violence. She discusses European colonialism as a decades-bygone problem because of which we are still dealing with tremendous fallout internationally. Additionally, she goes on to say that other nations are using the conflict in Israel and Palestine to suit their own geopolitical ends. And she does not isolate American, European, or Middle Eastern nations as uniquely manipulative in this matter. She acknowledges that every side has an agenda.
Her work seeks to humanize Palestinians. Not dehumanize Israelis. I have found no evidence that she would sign her name to a statement condemning Israel and the US of collaborating to commit genocide—let alone a billboard with graphic, triggering imagery. Her work focuses on building a better future—helping internally displaced Palestinians speak with their governments and organizations on their own behalf to obtain equal access to civic resources—in a shared homeland that prioritizes humanity, cohabitation, mutual acknowledgment and respect, and a peace. As controversial as her work is, she makes sure to participate in what she calls “productive disagreement,” including bringing together frequently opposing Israeli and Palestinian voices.
She has written award winning books and been involved with thought-provoking art installations, yet all of her work focuses on improving Palestinian welfare and recognition, not tearing Israel or Israelis down or telling the US to unilaterally disarm Israel entirely. She focuses primarily on how life within the Levant can be improved, not on international military relations.
Her own personal Twitter account acknowledges the pain of all involved, including Israelis’. And she seeks an end to the conflict, not a victor.
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One thing is clear: She does not want her name associated with poorly sourced information, inflammatory rhetoric, or “counterproductive rage” that dehumanizes anyone.
Source 2: B’Tselem
This is certainly a more interesting source than I have seen cited by anti-Israel folks than most others. First of all, the source seems to originate from within Israel.
Encouragingly, they do actually appear on charity navigator with a 94% rating.
Despite this, I have a few problems related to this rating.
This rating is based on data from no later than 2021
The charity has not posted tax documents on its site
They have not provided access to board meeting minutes.
Its entire score is calculated based only on financial data that is three years out of date. There is not data on its impact as an organization, measurement of data, internal culture and community, or analysis of its leadership. It’s essentially a stamp of approval that the financial documentation sent to charity navigator 3 years ago was in order.
It is harshly critical of Israel’s allowing settlements in the West Bank as well as of many of its policies toward Palestine and treatment of Palestinians. In large letters near the bottom of its page, it states:
“Israel’s regime of apartheid and occupation is inextricably bound up in human rights violations. B’Tselem strives to end this regime, as that is the only way forward to a future in which human rights, democracy, liberty and equality are ensured to all people, both Palestinian and Israeli, living between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.”
Given that the organization claims to want equality for Palestinians and Israelis, I doubt they would support a unilateral disarmament. Even though the site itself is tremendously biased against Israel in general (having an article on Israeli use of human shields, but not an extant or equally visible source on Hamas’ use of human shields, which is also well documented). Even this organization acknowledges that crimes against Israeli civilians are indefensible and violate international law and the goal of peace.
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(Link to full article found in the text above the image)
Additionally, the organization admits that 50% of its funding comes specifically from outside of Israel. This is intriguing on its own, but I am also suspect of the accusatory manner in which they declare that the law requiring that they disclose this information is meant to “equate their funding with disloyalty.”
To me it is not even the admission that the funding comes from outside of Israel that troubles me. Rather, it is the admission that the funding comes specifically from state sources outside of Israel. Given the relevance of the aforementioned historical precedence that Muslim Brotherhood affiliated “charities” gave rise to Hamas, I would consider the source of funding in charities related to the conflict to be uniquely relevant. The antagonistic tone of the declaration as well as the small text with which it is declared and its placement at the very bottom of the website makes me suspect of the funders in question.
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Relatedly, I could not find any financial documents or materials providing transparency in their funding or organization.
Another suspicious bit of information I found is that their Fatalities Statistics database only includes fatalities in the West Bank up to October 31. But it does not include any fatalities in the Gaza Strip OR ISRAEL past 10/6/2023–a day that might alter their data about the Israeli death toll a little.
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To be very clear: this does not and will never justify the bombing of Gaza and Rafah. But it fully erases the attack by Hamas against Israel on 10/7/2023. I find this omission highly suspect. And the lack of acknowledgment of Hamas’ attacks on 10/7 or the ongoing incoming missile attacks from Hamas and Lebanon by B’Tselem in its statistics section to be a glaring omission on an organization that supposedly wants peace for all.
I also don’t see a list of sources from which they collect their data or any attempt to differentiate Palestinian citizens from Hamas combatants.
Finally, as I typically champion interfaith and intercultural organizations devoted to peace and relief within Israel and Palestine, I looked for B’Tselem on the Alliance for Middle East Peace website. B’Tselem did not appear on their list of 160+ affiliated/member-charities.
However, you can find those 160+ charities here: https://www.allmep.org
SOURCE EVALUATION TL;DR: Even though the source is flawed and would not pass muster on a full source evaluation in general, even this source itself claims to want violence against Israel to stop, leading me to believe it too would stop short of calling the current situation a genocide—although it would definitely call what is happening to Palestinian civilians in Gaza and Rafah a war crime, indefensible, and untenable (with which I am inclined to generally agree). I was unable to find a search function on the website, so I can’t be 100% certain that they didn’t use the word genocide, but that word seems at odds with their general mission statement, despite their bias. The site also calls for a release of Israeli hostages as well as acknowledging the attack by Hamas on 10/7 as horrific. Based on this information, despite my many problems with this source, even it does not call for unilateral disarmament. It calls for the expulsion of Israeli presence in the West Bank (in accordance with the law), an end to violence, and a release of Israeli hostages.
7. The sources are not provided by Taxpayersforpeace.
The few sources I was able to find for this website originate from VisualizePalestine—a tremendously problematic organization that also fails to appear on charity navigator.
I will included links on my next post about all this cuz I’m beat right now, but: It cites sources that insist on calling the IDF the IOF (tremendously inappropriate in an official document), legitimizing the Muslim Brotherhood, and reframing the intifadas as justifiable acts of resistance—something not even B’Tselem condemned. In general, VP’s entire goal seems to be to “change the narrative” from anti-Palestine to anti-Israel. And that will never support a peaceful future.
Despite my issues with the two sources listed in the graphic pictured above from VP—I find myself in full agreement with the statements at the heart of both Shoshan’s and B’Tselem’s arguments: The future must be geared toward attaining peace for all. Not casting one side or the other as the bad guy or good guy. Tremendous violence has shaped the lives of Israelis and Palestinians for my entire life and since long before I was born. We don’t need to swap our ideal victors. We need to end conflict for everyone. And not by just letting one side or the other be slaughtered, but by negotiating peace.
As always, please click my media analysis tag for more analysis of sources across the political and bias spectrum as well as for insight into how and why I evaluate as I do.
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tomiedotcom · 8 months
I have always wondered where people get their Lilith keywords from on this app, since there are four Liliths (that I am aware of now) and they all have seemingly different keywords but there is no source linked, ever. Yes I have a problem with that since we should all be on the same page and have at least ONE primary source and not just pull all of the information from "personal experience" or anything of that nature. We don't do this for someones Venus for example because we can look back at mythology and proceed from there, same should be applied for the Liliths, which is essentially why I am making this series and starting with the h58 Waldemath Moon.
Since we have several Liliths we can not just pull aspects from her mythos and apply it randomly to wherever it makes sense or because so and so said it should be done that way, we have to look at the history behind how the specific asteroid was discovered as well and somehow merge those together accordingly.
The story of the h58 is quite interesting and in my opinion gives a bunch of interesting keywords. The astronomer who claimed to have discovered the h58 Moon is Dr. Georg Wilhelm Waltemath, he called it "the second Moon". His hypothesis for why such a satellite exists is because he thought something was gravitationally affecting the Moon's orbit. He gave detailed information into it which you can read here, and he "claimed that it was not normally visible with the naked eye but predicted it would be visible between 2 and 4 February 1898. Twelve claims were made to have seen it at that time but were later proven fraudulent or mistaken by astronomers W. Winkler and Baron Ivo von Benko who had been monitoring the area at the time. Waltemath also claimed that the moon had been sighted previously by Adolphus Greely in Greenland on 24 October 1881 and by painter and personal friend, C. Waller in Munich on 16 February 1897."
Later on in 1918, astrologer Walter Gornold also known as "Sepharial" claimed to have confirmed the existence of Waltemath's moon and he named it "Lilith" after Lilith from the jewish legend. He claimed it was a "dark" moon, invisible for most of the time.
Now that we have the backstory down so to speak, and we can see it's based on a primary source we can start with the keywords.
Waldemath Moon/ Dark Moon Lilith keywords: The Hidden, The Unseen, The Unconscious, Phantoms, Parts Of You That Only Some People See, Unseen But Powerful Raw Forces, Undiscovered Parts Of The Self, Where No One Believes Us, Parts Of Yourself You Don't Believe Exist, Your Unlocked Potential But Also Worst Darkest Shadow, A Part Of You That Has Been So Shunned You Are Consciously Not Aware Of It, Etc.
I believe this could also be the unseen parts of Lilith herself, parts of her mythos that has been lost or information that is not mainstream. If you look deeper into this you might find more interesting keywords to have for the h58.
I will make posts with h58 in each sign in the future so stay tuned for that. Thank you for reading, if you have your own keywords to add based on what you have learned please comment them I would love to see it.
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originalaccountname · 3 months
For Anon who wanted to know more about what pro/anti-shipping is, the best source I can give you is the Fanlore wiki page about the term "anti-shipper". It has the history of the term, common incidents from both sides and a lot of sources linked for both sides' concerns as well as a few academic papers on the subject. I also recommend this translated short article aimed at Japanese fans interacting with American fandoms for an outsider point of view. This tumblr post talks about fandom history and provides good context for why being anti-censorship (especially) in fandom is so important.
I talk about it more under the cut, if you want to. The tl;dr version is that all concerns about the potential influence of "immoral fiction" can be fixed by making sure people have a solid understanding and opinion of the concepts featuring in the fiction beforehand.
In fandom spaces, currently anti-shipping means to be against ships and pairings (romantic and/or sexual) that are considered unhealthy, toxic, predatory, taboo, etc, more specifically when they are not explicitly labelled "bad" in-text. As these ships are deemed immoral, a danger to impressionable minds, and are accused of normalizing abuse, ships not meeting a subjective moral bar (which absolutely changes from person to person, sometimes in wild ways) should be shamed out of existence, and the people enjoying them are called bad, evil, immoral, abusers, predators, etc.
Pro-shipping means to be pro (support) all ships, without exception. This means you believe any fantasy can be explored through fiction. It does not mean "problematic shipping". You can be a pro-shipper without shipping anything "problematic" yourself: you just need to refuse to censor fictional character ships. You also don't need to like these ships or even tolerate looking at them. Block freely. I know I have.
I understand the fear of fiction having a damaging influence on someone who doesn't yet know better; that's why we came up with age ratings for TV, movies and games. However, if someone can't identify the problem depicted in a work of fiction, they won't be able to identify the problem in real life either. That's your red flag, not the existence of the story or its author.
What we need is education and support. Censorship is a very, very slippery slope that fails to tackle any issue at the source. Instead, spread resources on consent, bodily autonomy, internet safety, respecting your own boundaries, irl crisis resources, etc. Spread awareness about the importance of proper tagging. Stop using the word "disgusting" and explain why something is bad. You need to address the underlying issue of a real person not knowing why these relationships are dangerous.
If you find yourself hesitant on this topic, remember that, in real life, the most popular TV series for multiple years was Game of Thrones, which has "problematic" everything. People love fucked up stories. You don't get a callout post for writing character A killing character B. It's just that a lot of people get particularly queasy when it comes to sexuality and romance.
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texasdreamer01 · 5 months
Atlantis Expedition: Science Division Departments
"Many of the scientists on Atlantis are organised into departments, each with their own department head. Dr. Rodney McKay was head of the Science and Research Division which most likely meant he was in charge of all of the science departments. Dr. Radek Zelenka was also the head of his own department. The various science departments on Atlantis are:
> Physics
 » Astrophysics
> Biology
 » Microbiology
 » Astrobiology
> Oceanography
> Botany
> Medicine
> Anthropology
(SGA: "Remnants", "Grace Under Pressure", "Suspicion")"
From <https://stargate.fandom.com/wiki/Atlantis_expedition#Departments>
As I'm working my way through worldbuilding headcanons on the expedition, I figured I ought to start with the science division first. Above is my starting point: the canonical information at hand, to flesh out and give it some real-world reliability.
When I looked at it again, I realized it was, to put it politely, ill-thought-out crap that was only looked upon when the writers needed some random scientist around for episode material.
So, what considerations would an expedition like this actually need to take into account when hiring people?
At the very bare bones of it is "how many people can I fit through a wormhole in twenty or twenty-five minutes, plus supplies?". I went back and forth, prevaricated for a bit, and settled on 200 people if you really want to hoof it.
(Why 20-25 minutes? It's SGC's first stable-ish wormhole to another galaxy that's powered by a ZPM. They don't even know how much of a success that would be, or if they're just shoving people into a glorified shredder. Gotta pick and choose who you're maybe putting through the billion-dollar shredder. Y'know. Just in case.)
My initial rough estimations were about an even split between scientific and military personnel, which I kept on hand as napkin math to sanity check myself. This would be approximately 150 scientists.
What departments would there be, and how would it be divided? Who makes the priorities, and why?
The canon data is a mess, and as I worked through things, canon kept getting folded and refolded into different configurations because there's two competing priorities: the IOA/SGC, and Rodney's approach to pragmatism.
What was everyone expecting to see on the other side of that wormhole? Definitely not a city ship sunk into the ground of an ocean, and definitely not isolated from others (the Athosians were an unexpected godsend that kicked off the reason to have a plot in the first place). Whatever the IOA or SGC had in mind will quickly get thrown out the window, but needs must, and the departments were likely arranged long before the shipping manifest was decided.
I poked around the uniforms, because everyone is colour-coded, and there's five sections:
> Red (civilian, leader) - Worn by Dr. Elizabeth Weir, Teyla Emmagan, Colonel Samantha Carter and Richard Woolsey.
> Blue/dark blue or purple (scientist) - Worn by Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay and Dr. Radek Zelenka.
> Yellow (medical) - Worn by Dr. Carson Beckett and Dr. Jennifer Keller.
> Black (military) - Worn by Lt. Colonel John Sheppard and Major Evan Lorne.
> Green (technician) - Worn by Chuck and Amelia Banks.
This information is listed in both the "List of Atlantis personnel" and "Atlantis expedition uniform" pages on SGCommand.
Thus far that gets me two and a half departments in my hand: Scientist, Medical, and Technician (that's the half).
What would the SGC and IOA want the expedition to prioritize? Technology, and lots of it. This means that, probably, there's going to be more engineers than you can shake a stick at, and not a lot of pure sciences. Remember, it cost money to fire up the gate, and flinging people into another galaxy is an unfathomable amount of (international, at this point) taxpayer funds. You're going to want as much applied science as possible, and as much overlap in disciplines as possible.
(Unfortunately this does leave little room for error, so anyone that dies is capable of leaving a hole in potential research.)
Therefore, how would a top-down order of technological research look like? My assumption was this:
> Engineering of the city of Atlantis itself
 » ZPMs, auxiliary and/or complementary power sources
 » Materials and material manufacturing
 » Design specs of different technologies (jumpers, yes, but also anti-grav, shields, climate controls)
> Biological sciences
 » ATA gene therapies
 » Whatever the Ancients were working on regarding ascension
  ⇛ Helpful with the Ori once Atlantis is informed of that issue
To wit, neither addendum on the biological sciences bullet point is pertinent at the time of department formation, as Carson invented the ATA gene therapy after arriving in Atlantis, and the Ori weren't an issue for a similar reason.
Ergo, all non-biological engineering fields would have had higher billing, and thus more of them hired. The only exception would be medical, and I'm sure the SGC had the forethought to bully the IOA into its relevancy and make sure that department was as fully-stocked as they could manage.
Now what about practical considerations? Plans are nice and all, but rarely survive contact with reality, so some adjustment might be needed. This, I believe, the SGC considered, given their own history of needing to rapidly adjust on the fly.
Rodney, as Chief Science Officer (CSO), would be the one to not only make these kinds of decisions, but also to listen to the head of the expedition as to what needed to be prioritized. As the show has demonstrated, there can be a significant amount of shuffling around of employees based on the needs of a minute, and hour, a week, a month - for an indefinite amount of time? Basics are what gets the job done.
So what things would Rodney need to consider, or be directed to consider by Elizabeth?
> Oh shit this can sink
 » Rodney's main work - keeping the ZPM working and get as many new ones as possible
> Oh shit everything's so far away
 » Rodney's other main work - making sure the gate works as ordered
> Oh shit we're in another galaxy
 » Food
  ⇛ Getting, keeping, preserving, maybe the occasional growing
 » Utilities
  ⇛ Luckily they don't have to pay for it lol
  ⇛ But also oh shit lighting, water, sewage, air filtration, general life support
   ⟹ Rodney's third main work
   ⟹ This poor guy
 » Medicine
  ⇛ Rodney delegates the hell out of this
  ⇛ Good luck making potions, guys!
 » Bullets
  ⇛ Also other things the military needs
  ⇛ Fun times re-inventing the wheel I mean gunpowder
  ⇛ Good work for bored soldiers, and possibly also any scientist Rodney puts in time-out
 » Clothes
  ⇛ Ha, thread
  ⇛ Also needles
  ⇛ Experiments in sewing machine making
   ⟹ Watch the fingers
  ⇛ How to replace fabric?
  ⇛ Off-duty clothes
  ⇛ Also medical clothing (scrubs for staff, patients)
 » Miscellaneous
  ⇛ Entertainment, I guess
Internal monologue included because I think it's funny.
While Rodney's spending his days with Benny Hill music playing in the background trying to get all of those priorities done on top of actually delegating work and doing whatever else Elizabeth (and John) want him to do, other people actually need to have some work to get done. So what are they doing?
It depends on who already does what, frankly. So in the above combined interests (amount of people that can fit through an intergalactic wormhole, competing IOA/SGC interests, realities of living in Atlantis), I'm proposing this set-up (commentary included):
Medical Sciences Department
Head: Carson Beckett (later, Jennifer Keller, later, whomever)
Contains: Surgery, psychiatry, physical therapy
Function: Maintaining health of expedition members
Examples of function: surgeries, medical prescriptions, recuperation from injuries, mental stability
Personnel quantity: 1 (Head) + 10 (surgical team) + 5 (nurses) + 1 (psych) + 1 (phys. therapy) + 1 (anesthesiologist) = 19 total
A/N: Nurses have training in medications and physical therapy, surgical team also doubles as general practitioners.
Life Sciences Department
Head: OC
Contains: Earth biologists, bio- & biochemical engineers, astro/xeno-biologists, botany, environmental chemistry, zoology, microbiology
Function: Auxiliary to Medical Department needs
Examples of function: pharmaceutical synthesis, analysis of unknown species, biological database creation, gene therapies (pharmaceutical adjacent)
Personnel quantity: 1 (Head) + 2 (Earth biologists) + 2 (bioE & biochemE) + 1 (astro/xenobio) + 1 (botany) + 1 (envchem) + 1 (zoo) + 2 (microbio) = 11
A/N: Both biologists also have training/specialization in genetics/gene mapping (assists both Carson and Katie), some input in requesting gate missions based on in-house needs.
Field Sciences Department
Head: OC
Contains: Linguistics, historical geography, cartography, ethnography, sociology, oceanography, hydrology, atmospheric physics, planetary physics
Function: Research pool for gate teams and any assigned missions
Examples of function: Preservation of refugee cultures, scouting for trade planets, analysis of back-up sites for establishment
Personnel quantity: 1 (Head) + 3 (linguistics) + 1 (histgeo) + 1 (cart) + 1 (ethno) + 1 (socio) + 1 (oceano) + 1 (hydro) + 1 (atmophys) + 1 (planphys) = 12
A/N: SGC duplicate all shoved into one department, mostly ignored in-house but their brains are picked for background dossiers when it comes to mission planning. Linguists trained in xenolinguistics, from the SGC, can cover the various anthro fields if necessary, also various training in structural linguistics. Main scientist pulls for gate team assignments, if something critical isn't needed (i.e. Ancient technology).
Applied Sciences Department
Head: Rodney McKay (or perhaps Radek Zelenka?)
Contains: Electrical/technical engineering, nuclear physics, civil engineering, astrophysics, laser/optical, chemical engineering
Function: Study, synthesis, and adaptations of Ancient technology
Examples of function: ZPM analysis with intent to duplicate, experimental duplications of Ancient technology materials, study of gate physics and construction with intent to duplicate, study and experimental duplication of other Ancient technologies (i.e. hyperdrives, cloaks, weapons, etc)
Personnel quantity: 1 (Head) + 3 (electreng) + 6 (techeng/gate techs) + 1 (nucphys) + 1 (astrophy) + 1 (LZ/opt) +  3 (chemeng) = 16
A/N: The people Rodney are yelling at most often, because mistakes mean kablooey. Also a lot of the people running around in an emergency. 1 nuclear physicist because Rodney pulls a lot of intellectual weight, and same with the astrophysicist and laser/optical person (mostly they're there as on-paper hires and back-ups/assistants for him for his own research).
Gate Technicians
Head: ??? Joint custody
Contains: Gate technicians
Functions: Auxiliary to Applied Sciences Department, interacts with the gate and the gate only
Examples of function: dialing, searching database for addresses, maintaining mission logs and planets visited, basic repair and maintenance of the gate, technical drawings as required by others
Personnel quantity: Chuck, idk +5 for full shift overlaps = 6 total (listed in Applied Sciences department as techeng/gate techs)
A/N: Technically nerds but are active duty, probably loans from SGC (maybe also Russia because of the DHD debacle?).
Gate technicians are, although folded into the Applied Sciences department, listed separately in order to better articulate their duties (and the fact that they get the green shirts). Shout-out to @spurious for enabling the idea that gate techs would do technical drawings 😁
Sum Total of Science Division Personnel
Medical: 19
Life Sciences: 11
Field Sciences: 12
Applied Sciences: 16
Total total: 19 + 11 + 12 + 16 = 58
This isn't anywhere close to my initial estimate of 150, but I think it adequately covers all the preconceived and actual responsibilities that the science division would need to handle in the expedition. Possibly I might update these numbers as I develop this headcanon further, but that would end up in a new post.
Further elaboration on headcanons about each department will be in their own posts, with links updated here as they're posted for ease of reference.
Science Department Breakdown Posts
Medical Department (posted 14 May 2024)
Life Sciences Department (posted 29 May 2024)
Field Sciences Department (posted 30 May 2024)
Applied Sciences Department (posted 10 June 2024)
Chief Science Officer (posted 18 July 2024)
Chief Medical Officer (posted 20 July 2024)
Science Department Heads (posted 20 July 2024)
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justm-pls · 3 months
ok i have finals so i won't get too into it but my two cents on why ratio didn't become part of the genius society stem from a particular text on the data bank, esp. this particular paragraph:
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(whole thing can be found on the wiki page for the genius society)
Ever since i read this whole text, i felt like this was Why Ratio didn't and won't ever be a member. He is an educator whose final goal is to eradicate ignorance and idiocy from the galaxy, and he's all about challenging youself to gain more knowledge and better oneself as an individual. I'm not sure if it is 100% canon (haven't checked), but i just don't think Ratio resonates with the fact that there are limits to mortal wisdom.
This is My main reason why Dr. Veritas Ratio wasn't "chosen" as a member of the genius society, along with other small things that can also be found or deduced from this particular text (geniuses often being apathetic, ratio not concerning himself too much about the aeon's affairs, etc.).
BUT, this was very low effort and i invite more people to join in with their takes :3
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which Disney villains do you think realistically would make the best romantic partners and which ones would be the worst? In your opinion, I would love to know!
Hmmm in my opinion?? 😅 Okay lemme see XD
I think they all have their pros and cons, of course, and it all really depends on what you're willing to put up with (Your girl trynna make a coat outta puppies? Your man having rage issues? Bugs??) but these are the best (By Disney Villain standards at least! 😅 I don't really think any of these relationships would be truly healthy in real life)- and worst. Or at least my thoughts 😅
Best of the Worst:
Red font is like 'the best of the best of the worst'. Like, the ones that I genuinely think would be pretty okay and are the safest bets.
Alameda Slim- So long as you met him in a typical forum (Maybe in town grocery shopping, or mailing a letter), I feel like he would keep his cattle rustlin' business separate from his married life completely and treat you sweet <3 I don't think he gets angry in his regular life, just when it comes to his Crime Counterpart. Honestly, I don't think he'd ever even tell you about the, uh, hobby.
Captain Hook- He would be constantly struggling between 1. Being a good Husband, and 2. Being a good Pirate. And these things do not really cooperate with each other 😅 But hey at least he's trying!! And by villain standards I think that's pretty good XD
Dr Facilier- You know he would treat his partner with the deepest respect and always be charming. Of course, he's also full of bitterness and an ache for revenge, and messes around with things that should not be messed with, and that can all effect you- but just... just try to stay away from him when he's in Villain Mode 😅
Hades- Its not there anymore but yearsss ago, on Hades' wiki page, it said that he is one of the few Disney Villains who is not clinically insane (Sure, he has serious rage issues- but he's not mad) and that has stuck with me. I think that garners him major points XD
Long John Silver!!!!!- Long John Silver long john Silver l o n g j o h n s i l v e r. Ha 😅 Similar to our shadow man, he is consumed by his own demons (Here they are greed and... mostly greed), but he would do his damn best to treat you well.
Queen Narissa: Okay so we don't know her very well and she DOES seem to be quite manipulative towards Nathanial... But listen she doesn't like him!! I'm sorry 😅☠ I think if she liked you then she would be capable of treating you a lot better.
Rourke: Sure, he's got a divorce against his name already- but next to huge misogynists, psychopaths and power-obsessed lunatics I think its a strike that can be overlooked 😅 Rourke is a villain who's villainy would be totally separate from his relationship. He may a bit distant sometimes but other then that he's just a regular hot old dude, to you. Unless you go on trips with him.
Shan Yu: I- I- I dunno why I have it in my head that Shan Yu would be such a good partner but I just do *hides*
Shere Khan: Another one who's able to keep his villainy/prejudices separate from his husband time ^^ <3 <3 Also takes your safety very very seriously.
Stabington Brothers: Like Hades I don't think they're crazy... just greedy (And maybe a lil economically struggling, which I get).
Worst of the Worst:
Here the red ones are the worst of the worst of the worst XD
Clayton: /:/: This one, I just... I mean, could YOU live him constantly talking himself up, and re-telling you stories of his conquests, and rarely listening to you?? Cuz that's what I envision when I see marrying Clayton. Also, you know, he's a bit smug & misogynistic.
Gaston: ... I don't really have to explain myself, do I? I for one do not wanna spend my evenings rubbing his stinky feet, that's for sure.
Frollo: 😑.
Jafar: Tell me this man wouldn't hypnotise you to get his way.
Mother Gothel: She would be so emotionally abusive and so manipulative. 0/10, do NOT reccomend-
Oogie Boogie: He would just be so physically and socially draining!! He is very high energy. You would need to be sporty and an extrovert to have a chance.
Percival C McLeach: Okay so this mainly because, as far as we know, McLeach has not been exposed to other people in a long while and he doesn't know how to treat them well (Nor does he seem to care). So being with him would mean some work, and I don't recommend being someone's bob the builder. Sure, Jane did it, but Percy is not Tarzan 😅
Queen of Hearts: Where Hades has a problem with anger but is sane... Red here has a problem with ager AND is insane. And that does not bode well...
Scar: Scar is one of the least stable in our line up... so as much as I like him, I do not like his chances at being a good husband.
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Toon Patrol: It is in each of their names. They literally come with built in warning signs!! Greasy, Psycho, Smartass, Stupid, Wheezy. Some are definitely worse than others... but I wouldn't risk it with any of them 😅 (*cough* or maybe i would. what don't look at me)
Turbo / King Candy: If you marry him before King Candy then you're gonna lose the man you fell for, and if you fall for him afterwards then you're gonna eventually find out that he's a lie. Either way, seems ultimately unpleasant.
Some of them probably slipped my mind but these are my thoughts right now ^^ Let me know your own thoughts!
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appleciderp · 2 years
Task Force 141 Age Guesstimates (WITH sources)
Price is the oldest at around 38
Ghost is a close second at around 36
Soap and Gaz are roughly 25-27
↓ All information on how the fuck I got to those numbers below ↓
Ignore the fact that the bio's in-game are absolute trash. For some reason, I cannot access anything past the random cut-offs.
Oh, the info after the in-game screenshot but before the verdict is legit random other info that I found. More specifically actor's age and previous game info if it isn't clear with the current info we have. That you can choose to make your own decisions if you want to ignore my verdicts!
Price: Easy start. His page says 1985.
But his current in-game bio says the exact same info as this Activision link that's from 2019. So I'm assuming they just haven't updated it from 2019, since it would cut 3 years off his age.
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Barry Sloane is 41 (1981) No previous canonical birthyear and I didn't go actively searching for much more information
Verdict: Pretty solid 1985 for the dilf.
Gaz: We already have conflicting information; on his page, it says he was born in 1990, yet the timeline says he was born in 1996, neither of which has a proper source. So he would be turning anywhere from 27-33 this year. He joined in 2008 (according to his page and in-game bio shown), needing to be at least 16, so technically the youngest possible is 1992.
But, the same source from Activision that I used for Price says he joined in 2014, if he enlisted at 16, would make him a 1998 baby. Which directly opposes his current bio, which, as said previously, states that he joined in 2008.
I am settling on Activision's ORIGINAL bio being canon, as his in-game bio says he joined in 2008 and at the end of the paragraph says "rounding out a decade in service" which would only bring him to 2018, which would be 4 years prior to the Release of MW2 2022. Whereas 2014 would be near his decade in service next year. It makes more sense to round 1 year under vs 4 years+ over.
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Elliot Knight is 32 (1990; probably the cause of his birthyear is listed as 1990) No previous canonical birthyear and I didn't go actively searching for much more information.
Considering Price is only turning 38, I personally prefer scrapping the 1990-1992 date for optimal father-son dynamic.
Verdict: 1996-1998, he'll be turning 25-27 this year.
Soap: This boy's gonna be a doozie.
According to his official page, he was born in 1996 or earlier. It also said that he tried joining the SAS at 16, but was caught that he was too young; which directly contradicts his current in-game bio, which says that he lied about his age and got in.
Considering the information on his page doesn't have any source linking back to it, we will consider he joined the SAS at 16 (which is wild and would have to make him forge a birth certificate) So if we take 2014 (keep in mind I have no clue where they whipped that year out of) minus 16, makes his birth year potentially 1998.
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Neil Ellice is clearly ageless as his age isn't listed anywhere online. Previous canonical information hints that he is younger than Gaz, as Gaz had already completed Selection when he joined. According to the old MW timeline, he was born in 1980 (no sources listed) making him 31-36 during the original MW.
Considering the position and name change (all new information is Johnny, not John) I'm just going to discard that information though.
Also, he canonically punched a cop. not important, but I feel like people should know.
Verdict: Legit the only information (even if it's contradicted) we get is <1996 or 1998, so I've gotta go with that. Turning 25-27+ this year. Roughly the same age as Gaz.
more info on why I picked the younger range is in Ghost's info.
Ghost: I struggled with Soap, now onto the one with ~redacted~ information
His current in-game bio cuts off before any actual dates or anything is said. Literally "Ghost lives with a redacted past and an..."
The wiki bio is equally as uneventful, giving us no information about him joining the military or his childhood. At least it wasn't full of information from before the reboot.
Al Mazrah is his first mention in the Reboot timeline, he's not even listed in the section pertaining to Ghobrani's assassination.
So I'm going to be pulling information out of the army straight up. FBI agent watching this, I fucking hate the military IRL <3 If I get one email or text asking to join I'm gonna waste your time asking 2000 questions.
The average age of the UK military is 30 a paid account is required to see the graph, but the information is listed just under it, meaning an officer would probably be above the average.
According to the UK Army, after joining it takes about 20 years to reach Lieutenant. If he joined at 16, he would be ~36y/o, add 2-3 years to go from Lieutenant to Captain, and you've got Price's age.
(~12 years of Service for Sergeants, which makes Soap & Gaz's mid-20s work, especially with them being really fucking good. ~23 years to become a Captain, which again roughly fits with Price being a young Officer)
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Samuel Roukin is 42 (1980) this man looks too good for his age omg. The only canonical age-related thing is that he joined the military after 9/11. If we assume he was 16 at joining, it would make him born in 1985. Which fits with the mid-30s right now, but would place him mid-20s in the original timeline.
Verdict: ~1987, making him mid-30s. Younger if you want to make him match the quick rank-ups of the rest of the 141.
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who-is-page · 2 years
Me, getting to be the Little Guy that edits the Otherkin Fandom Wiki page on A Field Guide to Otherkin to inform everyone that Lupa sucks, actually: ✨🐺✨
For those unaware, Lupa lied about why she took the Field Guide out of print: she originally claimed it was because she felt the book was outdated and because she was no longer a therian. She confessed later in an interview with Dr. Devin Proctor that it was actually because she disapproved that "people [were] trying to literally prove that Otherkin exist in a literal manner in the same way that for example transgender people exist," and because she didn't believe even before writing the Field Guide in otherkin as a form of legitimate nonhuman identification. She took it out of print with the goal of making it inaccessible, and making it harder for otherkin to legitimize themselves and for scholars to engage in research into the otherkin communities. She's done active, intentional harm to otherkin and the otherkin community, and she's openly admitted that that was the point.
(Locking this because it's getting a lot of reblogs and it was meant to be more of a vent post than anything; for full context of these quotes, see Dr. Proctor's dissertation On Being Non-Human: Otherkin Identification and Virtual Space on pg. 117-118!)
(Edit #2: Apparently some folks from a will-be-politely-unnamed-so-as-not-to-invite-shit-upon-them Discord want me to apologize and retract my statements, because they have been told by Lupa that Lupa was specifically referring to transspecies folks and not otherkin in the context of this interview. To that I say: What??? What??? That makes things even worse! That not only begs the question as to why she would use the term "otherkin" if she meant "transspecies," especially in an interview explicitly about otherkin for a dissertation explicitly about otherkin, but also one of my systemmates has been transspecies for literal years. I know greymuzzles who are transspecies. I have transspecies friends! Fucking hell, my partner system even did a lecture and a survey on the term transspecies in the alterhuman community. Wow. Fucking wow. I never delete posts where I make a mistake; I own up to them and apologize. But with this added information, I feel like I'm going to need to sit and digest that for a minute before I do anything else, because there's obviously WAY MORE TO UNPACK HERE IN THIS SILLY LITTLE VENT POST THAN I INITIALLY REALIZED. If she did this interview and gave answers that do not reflect her beliefs (or if she worded something so poorly that they do not accurately reflect her belief to the average reader), then she has altered the accuracy of Proctor's doctoral dissertation... if he did a dissertation and did not accurately explain her beliefs, then that calls into question the validity of the other interviews and sources he used as well, which is... well. You can imagine the terrifying individual academic consequences of that. Either way, given the initial reading of the interview in the paper made a lot of people, greymuzzles and folks who have been around longer than me included, come to the same conclusion I did, this is one hell of a bombshell to drop. Especially given how much more significant of a transhumanist and gender lean the transspecies community had at the time this interview was conducted; radqueer TransID stuff hadn't yet hit the scene (transspecies as a term predates it by quite a lot if I remember correctly), so this is full-fledged "anti-species dysphoria" and "anti-body modification" type attitudes we're likely talking about here (possibly with "anti-neopronouns" depending on the flavor of perspective). Oof. Goddamn. Alright. I'm gonna get with my transspecies friends and talk to them on this one, especially the people who were in the community at that time. Yikes on fucking bikes.)
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Rank every Graham Chapman character in Monty Python's "The Meaning of Life" out of 10 based on their smashability and give reasons why please?
Hey alright, here we go! (I'll try to get the right movie this time lol)
Chairman - oh my gawd yes yes yes 10000/100 I LOVE this look. what a GIRL. BOSS.
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Fish No. 1 - 10/10 this is literally a fish (would not smash wtf, it's fish)
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Doctor - 1000000/10 my unhinged headcanon is the universe nerfed Graham to be in Python and not a doctor because the world wasn't ready for this lol
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Harry Blackitt - 8/10 I can't give full marks, I'm not sure why, I just can't. He is definitely one of the Python characters of all time!
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Wymer - 1000/10 wahha yes schoolboy Graham (bonus Jonsey!) they are cute 🥺
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Hordern - pretty great, he's giving George MacKay in 1917 imo 100/10
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General - 100000/10 not The Colonel, but he'll do
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Cole - He has a book he would quite like to read, 100/10, we stan literate Graham!1!11!! (sorry for the single-pixel photos)
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This is actually very adorable, 10000/10 (also bonus babygirl in pic 2)
Bruh - no words (10000000/10)
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why this man is an icon.
Eric - ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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maybe he's a heathen, maybe he's born with it, maybe it's Maybelline
sorry i am down bad what can i say (please slice me up eric!)
this is the best he has ever looked on camera and I stan by it
also bonus terry g. in pic 2
Guest No. 1 - 100000/10 the 2nd pic is literally mfw Mr. Creosote (i like this suit very snazzy)
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Arthur Jarrett - crazed man about to die, 8/10 I guess?
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Geoffrey - haha funny family man tries to shoot death and fails miserably (A for effort) 10000/10
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Tony Bennett-esque Singer - its xmas in heaven, what can I say, 10000/10
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Also, here is rugby dude who is definitely Grey but is not listed as an official character on the film's wiki page! (10000000/10)
Sorry it’s a wash every time I rank Graham but this is the home of the #1 ✨🪖The Colonel🪖✨ stan so you get what you ask for I guess (thanks for the asks btw)
okay i'm wrapping it up now, thanks to those who stuck around for the entire post!
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transsurlee · 11 months
can you explain why fandom wiki is bad?
tl;dr: fandom wikis are polluted with ads and the company that hosts them is known to be monopolistic and cash-grabby, neither of which are very toony.
i feel like one of the most widely-cited reasons is the sheer volume of ads on the articles you find. as someone who's had an adblocker on nonstop for the past four years, it might be easy to forget about this because of the blessings of modern technology, so here's a comparison:
this is the fandom/wikia page for doctor surlee as it's experienced with no adblock
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vs the newly-made independent wiki page on the same character
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off the bat you can tell that the new wiki provides a cleaner experience, with no ads to slow you down or clutter your view! this is great because it's now distraction-minimal and completely mobile-friendly, which is a big step forward considering that the mobile experience for fandom wikis is... much worse.
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wow! a whole 1/4 of my screen to read off of!
ads like this can be an annoyance at best, but at their worst, these can slow your device down or even deliver malware.
another (much more important, but not as widely known) element of why fandom wikis are so widely disliked: they're a predatory monopoly. fandom (prev. wikia) has bought out competitors like gamepedia and converted their wikis into fandom wikis, with some of those wikis only being able to break free in the last couple of years by forming their own independent wikis. however, the since-abandoned wikis often continue to exist and pollute search results, driving clicks away from community-run resources and towards an ad-infested capitalist mess. there was even an incident earlier this year where they replaced the mcdonald's wiki page for grimace with a press release/advertisement for the grimace shake (briefly mentioned, but you can find it in the comments of the grimace wiki page, which is linked in this article. god the future is weird). giving a company the ability to vandalize a wiki page for money isn't conducive to open and accessible information, and kind of makes me uncomfortable if I'm honest.
ultimately, being able to operate a volunteer-run resource free from overbearing corporate presences benefits the community by ensuring that information is freely accessible to everyone who needs it!
hope this helps!
quick resources:
indie wiki buddy extension | ublock origin
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