#why does he love suffering😔
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apurpledust · 1 year ago
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junot's napoleon hero worship & one-sided rivalry with duroc ( ๑‾̀◡‾́)✨
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bayetea · 3 months ago
unfortunately at a point where I just don't trust anyone's opinions on frank/hazel or frazel or their dynamic with percy anymore. a lot of u guys have not read son of neptune in 5 years and it shows sorry 😔🙏
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lustlovehart · 2 months ago
This is like my first ask ever so I'm a bit nervous, but I've been thinking abt monter!twst nonstop so I just had to make an ask. What would the boys do (including Rollo) if mh!reader was on a mission and got put under a sleeping curse?
I'd imagine it'd be pretty distressing, imaging Rollo trying to keep the monsters away while looking for a cure for reader.
Love the au also! Keep up the good work!
- milk 🥛 anon
A/n: Ahhhh!!! Hi 🥛 anon!!! Don’t ever be nervous putting stuff in my inbox <33 I’ve said this before but I love reading everyone’s ideas!! Even if i don’t get to writing them </3
Featuring: [Monster!Twst] Heartslaybul, Savanaclaw, Octavinelle, Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, Diasmonia, Rollo, Neige, Fellow, Skully, Chenya x Reader
Cw: Head canon format ( So no individual scenarios unfortunately), Obsession, Possessiveness, Kissing, Insecurity, No proofreading
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Unfortunately, Poor Rollo has to deal with BOTH swatting them away like flies, and checking up to make sure you’re not suffering in your time of rest with nightmares 😔 (a wanting to be married to you single mom who works 2 jobs).
I like to imagine fairytales still exist within the universe, but they don’t reach their ears in the wild. It’s only Heartslaybul, Leona, Kalim, and Epel who have any idea of the “Kiss of true love”, and then words spreads around of these human stories and suddenly it’s less about getting your body back and more about being the one who wakes you up…
Why would he wanna kiss you? That’s stupid nothing’s gonna happen… Maybe one—?
- Ace, Jamil, Epel, Sebek
- Depending on his personality, he’s either going “Ew gross i’m not kissing a human” or “Those humans tales are foolish, why would i believe them?”. But either view end them in the same boat, standing over your slumbering form and hesitantly leaning into your face. Maybe he isn’t fast with it either, taking his time to look at the details in your mortal face, pores, eyelashes, everything really. It’s stupid, so stupid he shouldn’t believe any of this really, it’s vulnerable, emotional, unnecessary; yet, he can’t seem to stop himself from placing his monstrous mouth on yours, hoping something will happen.
Wants to kiss you, but feels a sense of insecurity that holds him back
- Riddle, Deuce, Cater, Ruggie, Jack, Azul, Idia, Silver
- Similar to the previous category, but slightly different. They don’t oppose the idea of a kiss at all, what really has them fearing their lips on yours, is both the vulnerability, and the event of it not working. What then? He puts himself out there for you and it’s pointless? It’s cruel, a further reminder of just how different you both are. He will look at you with pain in his eyes, wondering what he should do. Ghastly hands taking your own as he lifts them to his mouth. He might not be able to bring himself to your lips, but he’s willing to settle on your skin. He just… can’t bear the thought that he wasn’t made for you.
He’ll try, it sounds fun! When, not if, you wake up, he’ll make sure to tell you about everyone’s current violence problem.
- Trey, Floyd, Jade, Rook, Lilia, Fellow, Chenya
- Practically jumping at the chance to place his mouth on you. Of course he’ll wake you up! You’re a lot more fun when you up and about trying to hunt him down! The thought of it not working does cross his mind, but is he truly an all famed beast if he can’t take risks? He lucked out on Rollo being gone, he’s essentially a human version of a brick wall. He’ll go out all out for you, snaking his arm around your waist and lifting you out the glass coffin liking a loving husband. He’ll swirl you around with care, before dipping you down like a ballroom dance, and then wake you up. He can’t wait to show off to everyone else, because you will open your eyes.
He’ll do it. if his try doesn’t work though… He’ll make sure no one eleses does either. Your sleeping body will forever be held with him until you wake up.
- Leona, Kalim, Vil, Malleus, Neige, Skully
- He’s already sat by your side, his hand tracing patterns into your collarbone while he whispers. Will you wake up for him? You will won’t you? You must. Silent affirmations only he and he only will know, unless you wake up of course. His finger will trace down your chest, tapping the place your heart would be, each touch in sync with the beat of your heart. It’s gentle, yet somehow possessive in some right. With the final beat of his index, he’ll finally lean down, his face feeling your breathes on his fiendish skin. You’ll wake up, not because he believes in the tale, but because you must let him be the one who does something so intimate to you. If it doesn’t work, he’ll put you in prettier clothes, a prettier coffin, a prettier home, because he won’t let anyone else have the blessing of tasting your lips, only him.
The one who places your body in the pretty glass coffin, putting you in the prettiest of wear and scenery during his attempt; all while warding off the wretched creatures.
- Rollo
- Practically spends every waking and sleeping moment in your presence, only leaving for at most 5 minutes. Unfortunately for him, 5 minutes is enough time for anything to happen to you. He’ll hold your hands, fix your clothes, place new flowers and ribbons on your coffin, anything for you; except be the one who kisses you. The urge to consumes his entire being, eating at him like a sinful leech who wont let go. Sometimes whenever he’s by you, his eyes can’t help but trace back to your lips, a temptation too good for any man or beast to resist, but he does, because he can’t bear the thought of stripping you’re purity, directly at least. Whenever the urge becomes much too strong, he’ll lean down, placing a kiss on your knuckle, on your wrist, on your forehead, on your cheek, on your collarbone, on your neck, on your chest, even on the corner of your mouth, until the only place he hasn’t placed his mouth on is your lips. An indulgence he won’t take no matter how much he wishes to. Because…
You don’t deserve a monsters love, not matter how much he wishes to be yours and yours alone.
You are the sole blessing he has left, he won’t taint you, no matter how much he wishes too. But… he won’t let anyone else take you either.
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A/n: For Floyd, Jade, and Sebek I realized half way that these guys wouldn’t be able to reach you on land if that’s where you were laid to rest, a perfect scenario for Rollo really. Imagine his surprise when he opens your room and sees tiny imps dragging your coffin out and into the river, where a horrific marine monster takes hold of you… Truly, how desperate for you are they?!? (Rollo has no room to judge considering he’s just as obsessed)
This honestly makes Floyd and Jade scenario so pretty <3 being in pretty clothes while he ball dances with you in the water, dipping you down while clear water envelops your upper half, leaving only your pretty face <33 do you guys see the vision?!?
And trey? He doesn’t seem like the type to be in that category, but hear me out, he does it low-key. He doesn’t go all out like the others guys so it’s not as cocky, yet there’s the underlying feeling of bragging that they can get mad and but can’t outright criticize him for. Same goes for kalim, he doesn’t seem like the type to do such a thing, but in this case, he can’t help but feel a little jealous if it isn’t him who wakes you up.
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a-hazbin-reader · 1 year ago
So this takes place before they start dating and the beginning of the relationship. Reader basically has never met a guy who has chivalry(or is respectful) like ALASTOR, so when Alastor’s mannerisms come out, reader just looks at him like “wtf are you doing?” BUT NOT IN A MEAN WAY, more like in a confused way because they’re from a time where chivalry isn’t as popular(especially to women in general) and reader was raised to be tough(but it’s still nice to get treated like a lady). So whenever alastor acts like that reader just gets awkward and shy.
IM ASKING FOR THIS CUZ LIKE THE GUYS NOW HAVE NO RESPECT OR CHIVALRY like alastor😔😒 (ik not ALL guys but most guys now and days are jackasses)
Hnnng I fucking love this ✨️
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Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Harassment, Men being nasty
Description: ☝️⬆️
Back when you were alive, men never did the sort of things that Alastor does unless they wanted to get laid
Most of the men you knew had tendencies to act like frat boys or old perverts
Only having one goal in mind and if they got rejected then they got fucking nasty as hell with you
On top of that, you didn't have the luxury of growing up to be soft and helpless like some people
You had to be strong and look out for yourself, you rarely looked to others for help
Not even your own family
Some people didn't even look at you as a woman, just as some tough badass who didn't need anyone's helping hand
At least you hoped that how they looked at you
Not that you would've rejected the offer if anyone actually tried to help you out, everyone needs a hand now and then
The only people who ever offered any sort of help were horny guys who offered to help you let off some steam with them
Fuck off
But Alastor grew up in a very different time than you and his way of treating you always gave you whiplash
He would never dream of asking you to fuck within the first few days of knowing each other, or even the first month wtf kind of animals have men turned into??
You don't even wanna know, Alastor
His little pet names alone made you flustered but his actions??? A whole other monster in itself
When you first met him this crazy guy kissed your hand like you were in some regency movie
You were so shy afterwards that you couldn't look him in the eyes, your cheeks hot and pink
One time, Alastor actually took off his coat and put it over a puddle for you step on
Didn't you just beat up some guy for ripping it???
You could've just stepped over the puddle in the first place??? Why did you do that??
"I did what any proper gentleman would do for a lady such as yourself, Y/N..!"
You gotta look away at that point or else he would see how hot your face is getting, feeling flustered
Alastor actually asked you to dance to a song that wasn't meant for grinding and sweating on each other??
You blush and mumble something about not knowing how to dance to music like this and instead of making fun of you Alastor teaches you how
He's a wonderful dancer and leads the entire time, not letting you make a fool of yourself in front of everyone
You've never felt your heart do skip so many beats before
You're trying to ignore what some random lecherous demon is saying about your body and the things he would do to it??
Guess what-
"Now that is not the way to start a proper conversation with a lady of Y/N's status, or any lady for that matter."
Alastor scares him off for you and won't even accept your thanks in return, making your legs wobbly
Once your suffering with feelings for Alastor then every little thing he does makes you turn into a gooey puddle
It doesn't stop when he's suddenly courting you, only getting worse with each romantic act
He brings you flowers, dedicates entire broadcasts to you, asks you to take evening strolls with him
He does all this and never even expects a parting kiss from you, simply happy to be in your presence
When/why the fuck did men stop acting like this?? This is so much better than how they were back when you were alive-
You get flustered just at the sight of him now, wondering just how he's going to make you swoon today
Alastor is slowly getting you accustomed to how he believes you should always be treated, happy that you're no longer confused by his actions
This motherfucker just Pavlov-ed you into falling for him
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This was so fun to write!! I hope I did a good enough job!!
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cryinggirlnamedhelen · 2 months ago
hxh hot takes:
- none, and i mean NONE, of the founding members of the troupe will ever date or be in a relationship with someone that they didn’t grow up with. after all, if you weren’t there for them at their lowest and you weren’t there to suffer through poverty, starvation, and losing sarasa with them, then you’re not worthy or dating them.
- none of them would EVER k!dnap someone who they’re “in love” with. although i already established that they wouldn’t fall in love with someone who they didn’t grow up with, we’ll just make this hypothetical scenario. sure, they’re thieves, but they won’t k!dnap someone unless there’s some sort of reward: such as money or connections. plus, none of them would take out precious time all for some random person they started obsessing over, let alone spend time k!dnapping them.
- chrollo should be the only spider to make it out of the succession war alive in terms of plot, fanservice, and closure. chrollo is already an empty shell, with the spider practically as his very own identity. if all of the spiders die, leaving online him alive, not only will it parallel kurapika but also make chrollo realize that he is nothing without the troupe.
- it would be better if we never found out shizuku’s backstory and only how she joined the troupe. in my humblest opinion, i think shizuku was only a character created for fanservice and for the troupe to be more well liked and nothing else other than relatability.
- making fun of milluki for his weight is immature and also the same as making fun of killua for being scared of illumi. as far as we know, all of the zoldycks (other than alluka) went through the same training and ended up with different ways of coping. for illumi it was his emotionlessness, for killua it was his desire to run away, for kalluto it was his extremely reserved and quiet nature, and for milluki it was eating.
- hisoka is honestly not as bad as the fans say. as long as he’s not in a completely bloodlusted state and you’re not a powerful nen user, hisoka really wouldn’t care that much about you, even if you’re under 18. hisoka actually seems to be a pretty chill guy as long as the situation doesn’t fit the prior mentioned requirements. now, im not defending him for being a pdf file or anything, but im just saying.
- if you hate on illumi for being creepy and disturbing, then you missed the whole point of his character. he is supposed to be creepy. he’s a character who loves his family deeply (alluka aside😔 i love my girl but illumi doesn’t), but because of the way he was raised, he doesn’t know how to express it in a proper and healthy manner, hence why he does such disturbing things.
- you’d be perfectly fine if you stayed in a room with a phantom troupe member for 24 hours or the entire group as long as you don’t bother them too much or if you’re not worth too much. aside from missions, they honestly seem pretty chill. if you’re not worth anything and if you’re not bothering them, why would they kill you?
@monosanimegenericzone @opalwatch
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starrynights-sunnyskies · 1 year ago
as the flowers bloom, my heart does too ⋆*·゚misa x putellas!femreader, social media au, (1/17)
when your relationship ends and all you want to do is hide and cry, flowers suddenly start to appear on your doorstep.
or; misa hating to see a pretty girl cry and suffer and going out of her way to cheer her up while staying anonymous
fic: see my masterlist 🤍
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yourusername: life lately! from coffee dates to dinner dates. won't complain! Liked by marisabel_rguez, albapts9, janafernandez3 and 1,294 others
marialeonn16 all i see is good🍝 ↳ yourusername how can you tell it's good? ↳ marialeonn16 i have a sixth sense for such things
albapts9 thank you for making me feel single ↳ yourusername omg you're so welcome!
alexiaputellas 😍 liked by yourusername
bff2 love seeing you so happy 💕 ↳ yourusername 😊
janafernandez3 the most adorable couple! liked by yourusername
ingridengen so cute! 💖 liked by yourusername
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yourusername: no trouble in paradise for me! ✨ unexpected, last-minute solo trip, but it was one of the best trips ever ☀️ Liked by jennihermoso, claudiaapina, begovargas and 1,439 others
albapts9 wdym solo?? weren't you going together?? ↳ yourusername i'm still alive, aren't i? ↳ alexiaputellas 🤨 ↳ abapts9 text me.
begovargas let's meet up again soooon! ↳ yourusername time and place ✍️
claudiaapina 😍☀️
bff1 oh hey look, it's lara croft 🌴
bff2 bestie, we've got you 🤝😔 liked by yourusername
jennihermoso the most beautiful 👼 liked by yourusername
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yourusername: be with those that matter 🖤 tagged: ingridengen, albapts9, alexiaputellas, ona.battle, salmaparalluelo and 3 others Liked by: marisabel_rguez, marialeonn16, keirawalsh and 1,938 others
albapts9 why's ale on here twice and i'm not liked by alexiaputellas ↳ yourusername she's older than you 😁 ↳ albapts9 that makes zero sense?? ↳ albapts9 but i love you and i'm so proud of you. liked by yourusername
username1 Nala too aw 🥹
ingridengen ily girlie! liked by yourusername
salmaparalluelo Never forget, you always have us😌 liked by yourusername ↳ ona.battle Things will be alright, you're a tough 🍪 liked by yourusername
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yourusername just added to their story
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yourusername: what's the name of this clu-hub? i've got the best girlfriends 🖤 Liked by alexiaputellas, marialeonn16, marisabel_rguez and 1,879 others
alexiaputellas Have fun but be responsible 😁 ↳ jennihermoso Then how is she supposed to have fun? 🤐 ↳ alexiaputellas Incorrigible... ↳ jennihermoso She's only young once ☝️
bff2 💃🍸 liked by yourusername
bff1 clique! 💍 ↳ yourusername more like clicquot 🥂 ↳ bff2 remind me to never drink so much again 😂 ↳ yourusername oh hush, the uber driver LOVED your rendition of enrique iglesias ↳ bff3 yeah, so much so that he dropped us off five streets earlier 🤣 ↳ yourusername thank you for being the best and helping me forget 😘
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yourusername: i'm a simple girl. i love flowers.  Liked by albapts9, alexiaputellas, marisabel_rguez and 1,483 more
albapts9 yet no one to buy them for you. pity, pity. ↳ alexiaputellas Too soon. 😐 ↳ yourusername @/albapts9 shut it, alabama. Liked by alexiaputellas  ↳ albapts9 the betrayal😮
bff1 😍
username2 I VOLUNTEER 🫡
marialeonn16 favourite putellas 😉
ingrid_engen pretty flower girl 🌼
janafernandez3 guapa, mi amiga!
username3 NO ONE buying this gem flowers??? jail time. for all of you.
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albapts9: thank you to whoever made my baby sister smile. also, fuck you for not getting me any! tagged: yourusername Liked by alexiaputellas, marisabel_rguez, claudiaapina and 1,012 others
alexiaputellas 😍 liked by yourusername
marialeonn16 happy tiny p, happy team 🤘🏽 ↳ ingridengen babe, this sounds a little questionable in english ↳ keirawalsh 🤣😭
yourusername shouldn't have made fun of me for being single then 😛 ↳ albapts9 go do someting about it then!! ↳ yourusername but i'm shy and not ready 😔
jennihermoso the cutest!
claudiaapina So deserved for always looking out for the rest of us! 😊 ↳ albapts9 was it you?? ↳ claudiaapina No, but definitely regretting we all didn't think of this sooner 😅
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yourusername: found the best surprise on my doorstep. could get used to this. Liked by marisabel_rguez, salmaparalluelo, patriguijarro and 988 others
albapts9 😤 ↳ yourusername go cry about it, albaricoque ↳ albapts9 she's bullying me @/alexiaputellas ↳ alexiaputellas you made her this way 🙂 liked by yourusername
username1 Getting a little sus, no? ↳ username2 either it's someone she knows irl or it's starting to get reaaally creepy reaaaally fast ↳ username3 Time to investigate? 🤓 ↳ username5 shut up, it's so cute, let her have this
salmaparalluelo jealous!! ☺️
username4 be careful 😅
marialeonn16 take two; happy putty, happy team ↳ ingridengen getting there! almost! 😙 ↳ yourusername as long as you don't call me Baby P anymore, it's fine! liked by keirawalsh
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albapts9: SERIOUSLY? tagged: yourusername Liked by marisabel_rguez, yourusername, alexiaputellas and 763 others
marialeonn16 bambi has gotten herself an admirer!! ↳ username1 or a stalker 😟 ↳ bff2 Omg!!! Stop it 😣 ↳ alexiaputellas 🤨
albapts9 WE WANT TO KNOW WHO YOU ARE ↳ yourusername you're scaring them away ↳ albapts9 well, i'm still not sure if i should be thankful they're making you smile or worried they know how to even reach you??? ↳ yourusername it's fine, probably someone from the team having a good time with this 😇 ↳ albapts9 this is how people get killed, y/n
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yourusername: she can only bark to confirm, but take it from me that i'm her favourite auntie 🐶 tagged: lanalalamala Liked by marisabel_rguez, alexiaputellas, ingridengen and 1,394 others
alexiaputellas 😍 Give her a kiss from me! liked by yourusername
marisabel_rguez Muy preciosa, the both of you 😁
albapts9 biased source... but okay, you do look cute together ☺️ liked by yourusername
ingridengen 🐶 liked by yourusername
janafernandez3 best duo! liked by yourusername
bff1 the sweetest!
username2 lol not misa getting ignored ↳ username3 😂😭
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yourusername: kisses to my exes who don't give a shit about me 😘 Liked by pedri, ferrantorres, leahwilliamsonn and 6,509 others
albapts9 you tell 'em. alexiaputellas Proud of you 😘 ingridengen the most gorgeous! username1 🔥 pedri 😊 sakinakarchaoui 👼 begovargas !!! bff2 ohhh 💖 marisabel_rguez So so beautiful! 😊 liekemartens Knaaaaap! _emilyfox 😍 keira walsh 👌 username1 also remember, you deserve the world. ↳ liked by marisabel_rguez ferrantorres yes!!! 😍 ↳ alexiaputellas No. liked by albapts9 jennihermoso GUAPA marialeonn16 👏😘 username3 a little too vain, no? ashley.sanchez serving! 💅🏽 alejandrobalde Check ur dms ↳ yourusername how about no? liked by albapts9 username4 attention seeking behaviour 😬 bff5 ma'am, your number, pls? 😫 victoriapelova 😮 ↳ leahwilliamsonn 😮 ↳ victoriapelova what are you doing here? ↳ leahwilliamsonn what are YOU doing here? leilaouahabi yessss 😌 sara_doorsoun ✨ username6 lol she's gathered all the woso girlies with just one post
Comments on this post are limited
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yourusername: miles away and yet the flowers still find me. it's as if they knew i was having the most terrible week. thank you, stranger. Liked by marisabel_rguez, janafernandez3, liekemartens and 1,001 others
claudiaapena The mystery commences 😮 liked by yourusername
bff4 well, they probably did then! 👀
username1 Getting creepier!! username2 yeah, i don't like this. at all. 🚩 username3 not unless it's someone on the team/she knows. y/n's in the same place as them right now, she travelled with alexia to the away game, remember? username4 let's start digging? for real now! 🧐
jennihermoso Are you sure you're not keeping us hooked by buying them yourself? 🤪 liked by yourusername
albapts9 AGAIN? ↳ yourusername 😇 ↳ albapts9 also, call me. i want to be there for you. i miss smiley you.
marisabel_rguez pretty flowers for a pretty girl 🌼
janafernandez3 Everything will be okay 💕 liked by yourusername
ingridengen me next please! ↳ marialeonn16 ✍️👍
begovargas 😭💕 liked by yourusername
username5 oh no, misa... not again 🤣 ↳ username6 was just thinking the same 😅
salmaparalluelo Still no note? ↳ yourusername still no note!!! un dia 🤞
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15secs ago: marisabel_rguez just added to their story ↳ This story is no longer available
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jo-com · 10 months ago
i read your fics,and girllllll they're so good.
I just wanted to make a request for a Carlos Sainz x fem reader. So the topic is yn and carlos are friends who have secret crush on each other. Basically, friends to lovers. But yn is not a famous person,she's just a normal girl💁‍♀️
and pls no smut 😔🙏
just fluff🤕✊
୧ ‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ ☆ ➛Best Friend Material?
Carlos Sainz x Fem!reader
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Summary: Based off the request above!
Genre: Friends to lovers! Major fluff
Note: Sorry for not making this earlier, I’ve been busy😭 also thanks for requesting!! There are some grammatical errors.
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ➛ My Masterlist
─────── ─ ೀ 🍨 ‧ ˚─ ───────
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Liked by Carlossainz55, urbff, and 2,357 others
Just/yn Beach day with idk who
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Carlossainz55 I shouldn’t have come😑
Just/yn Nah you’ll miss me too much😋🩷
Carlossainz55 sure if u say so…
Urbff Just smash already
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With a flustered face, you turned off your phone and threw it over the other side of the couch. Mentally cursing at your best friend. What was she thinking— commenting that on your post.
What if Carlos saw it? Is he going to distance himself or something? What if he feels disgusted? What if— So many what ifs.
Your heart started to race as many thought coursed through your head. Fuck, you’re so screwed.
Carlos stared blankly at your post. His eyes blinking abruptly and jaw hanging wide open from shock; He wasn’t imagining things right?
It was clear that he saw your best friend’s comment before getting deleted by you. What does she mean by that? Why would she comment something like that if there weren’t any hints to it?
Carlos let’s out a heavy sigh, “Fuck, i am clearly loosing my mind.”
Days go on by as they avoid one another; afraid to talk to each other and make things weird.
The two we’re oblivious about each other’s feelings and your best friend had enough of it. You guys were clearly suffering and was idiotically enough to think that distance would help. Face slap.
So as their cupid, your best friend thought of a plan.
“Hey y/n can i borrow your phone”, your friend asked nonchalantly— her body leaning closer to the couch to find comfort
You glared at her laid back figure. Your face scrunched up and eyes narrowing skeptically,“what for?”
“Nothing, just want to send something to myself through your phone” she shrugged, answering as if her request was normal.
You were hesitant at first but as your friend, you trusted her not to do something crazy like last time. So you grabbed your phone from the side and handed it to her.
“Here, don’t do stupid shit, okay?”
F/n rolled her eyes and took your phone. “Yeah yeah” she replied, waving off her hand and then opening your phone.
With a sly grin, she went to contacts and changed Carlos’s name to hers; making it seem that she was just chatting her and not Carlos.
If this doesn’t work, i don’t know what will.
➛ Messages (Y/n and Carlos)
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After that, they soon hit it off and started dating— they later found out that it was all f/n’s doing. They were both furious and grateful;
I am happy to say that they went and soon live a romantic life— just like those in fairy tales.
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Liked by Urbff, Carlossainz55 and 1,389 others
Just/yn Happy 4th anniversary mi amour💕💞
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Carlossainz55 I love you so much mi vida😍
Just/yn I love you more carlitos💗
Urbff Fucking finally
I had so much fun making these!! I hope this was okay and that you enjoyed reading itt!! Always enjoy making requests
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mrmilomoo · 12 days ago
The Evil Ingrained Within the Scars of His Mind
Simon Ghost Riley x Female Reader
18+ MDNI, trigger warnings for angst, dark! Ghost, non-graphic non-con, and brief mentions of PTSD, abuse, and Simon’s traumatic backstory. Dead dove, do not eat.
A/N: Heed the warnings. I am not responsible for the content you consume on the internet. Would love to make this into a series but I’m not sure my ADHD and commitment issues would allow such a thing.
Anyways, my heart longs to write devastating angst, but my mind refuses to create anything but nasty smut.😔
I want to hurt Simon so bad. I want to make this big, scary man break down crying like a little bitch.
I want to write about him suffering from the lasting effects of his trauma.
Horrific nightmares where he’s trapped six feet deep in the coffin with a corpse and forced to dig himself out again.
The irrational paranoia and hyper-vigilance that torments him every waking hour of the day and can only be quelled with violence and hard liquor.
Disturbing intrusive thoughts of hurting the people he cares about in grotesque ways.
I want to write about him seeing a pretty, little bird he fancies in a pub and having to fight the intrusive thought and impulsive urge to bend her over the bar and brutally take her apart on his cock. If his mind stopped there it wouldn’t be so bad. If his psych wasn’t shot to shit from the abuse from his father, the torture he experienced at the hands of Roba, and the atrocities he’s seen and committed in all his years in the special forces his mind probably would stop there.
It never does.
He can’t even have a relatively normal sexual fantasy about a pretty bird. His fucked up mind twists his fantasies and desires into something absolutely vile. A vile manifestation of his trauma that forces his cock to get hard at the thought of forcing his gross cock into a weak, defenseless thing. Leaning down to lick the salty tear off her soft cheek as he ruts his hips into her ass and listens to her cry and beg him to stop. Patrons of the pub watching on in either horror, lust, or a combination of the two as they witness the beast of a man fuck the poor girl senseless into the grimy bar top against her will.
It’s one of the many reasons Simon hates going to public places. Why he hates the forced leaves from duty. At least while he’s on base or the field he can busy his mind. Keep himself distracted and his mind out of the gutters of hell. If he has to go on leave, he prefers to keep himself locked away in his sad excuse of an apartment. Only contacting the outside world to order takeout. Baseline nutrition to sustain him as he spends his days wasting away, numbing his tormented mind with bourbon and seeking out temporary spikes of dopamine by smoking cigs and rubbing his cock raw.
It’s been over a decade since he’s last had a bird on his cock. Not out of choice, but instead a forced chastity born out of his suffering. He can’t stomach it. He’d rather deal with the burning of his throat, lungs, and cock than try to stomach the way the disturbing intrusive thoughts and urges make him feel. They make him feel like a monster.
They make him feel like he truly is his father’s son.
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cursedcanon · 1 month ago
"Would you love me if i was a worm?"
Asking JJK men an important question😔
Characters: Gojo, Choso, Sakuna, Geto,Toji , Nanami, Yuji, Megumi
Gojo Satoru:
"Would I love you if you were a worm? Babe, I'd be the most powerful worm protector on Earth." He immediately whips out his phone, searches up "how to take care of a worm," and starts planning out a lavish worm habitat for you. He’s talking terrariums with unlimited snacks, a 24/7 security system, and possibly a mini Infinity barrier to keep you safe from predators. He even suggests putting little designer sunglasses on you because, "If you're gonna be a worm, you gotta be a stylish one."
Choso just stares at you. Silently. Like he's seriously contemplating the question on a spiritual level.
"Would I still be your older brother?" he asks.
You: "Huh??"
"If you were a worm, and I was still your lover, does that mean I take on a guardian role instead? Would I have to fight for your worm honor?"
He’s dead serious, and now you feel guilty for confusing this poor man.
Sukuna stares at you, unblinking.
"You?" He points at you. "A worm?"
"A pathetic, slimy little creature that wriggles around in the dirt?"
"YES, Sukuna."
He grins, leaning in like he’s about to say something sweet—then scoffs, "I'd use you as fishing bait."
You GASP, absolutely offended. "YOU WOULD NOT."
"Oh, I would. And I'd catch a big, juicy fish with you, cook it over an open flame, and enjoy a nice meal."
You glare at him, arms crossed. "You're a monster."
Sukuna just cackles, enjoying your suffering. But later, when you're still sulking, he rolls his eyes and mutters, "Tch. Fine. I'd keep you in a fancy jar or something, happy now?"
Geto just gives you this fond, exasperated look and sighs, rubbing his temples. "How am I supposed to answer that seriously?"
You persist. "You have to!"
He smirks and shakes his head. "Fine. I'd gather the strongest non-curse worms and create a worm cult just for you. We'd overthrow the ecosystem. You’d be the queen of all worms."
You’re so happy with that answer.
Meanwhile, Gojo (who overheard): "Did you just say you'd start a worm cult? Bro, are you okay?"
Toji Fushiguro
He gives you the most bored look imaginable. "You already eat like a worm. Just munchin’ on stuff all day."
"That is NOT the same thing."
"Same thing to me."
You glare at him, but Toji just shrugs. "Besides, if you were a worm, I'd keep you in my pocket. Probably forget to feed you, though."
You: "TOJI???"
Nanami Kento:
He takes off his glasses, pinches the bridge of his nose, and lets out the longest sigh of his life.
"Kento?" you prod.
He deadpans. "Would I love you if you were a worm? No. Because, quite frankly, I do not have time to be in a relationship with an invertebrate."
You gasp dramatically. "I thought you loved me!"
"I love you as a human, darling. Not as a worm." He pats your head before going back to his paperwork, leaving you heartbroken.
(But secretly, he'd probably keep you safe in a little container. With gourmet worm food.)
Itadori Yuji
This boy immediately starts thinking of ways to keep you happy as a worm. He’s brainstorming worm-sized adventures, worm-safe cuddles, and ways to keep you entertained.
"I’d take you everywhere! I’d make a little pouch for you so you could still see the world! Maybe even get you a tiny skateboard so you can roll around—wait, can worms even ride skateboards?"
Now he’s the one spiraling, and you just watch as he overthinks your dumb hypothetical question.
Fushiguro Megumi:
He blinks. Once. Twice.
Then: "No."
You: "Wow, that was fast."
Megumi: "Why would I love a worm?"
"Because it's me, Megumi!"
He sighs, clearly tired. "I'd keep you in a safe place, make sure no one steps on you, but love? I don't think worms understand complex emotions."
Now you’re sitting there, shocked and betrayed, while Megumi just goes back to reading his book like nothing happened.
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winniefrezcomics · 2 months ago
I reread the elad infodump and the comic about him and I realized that I actually feel really bad for elad. Like all he does is suffer
Can he ever get a W?
Of course he can! Elad may be a general nervous wreck who is indeed constantly suffering, be he actually did find quite a bit of fulfillment and joy from fatherhood, even if the nightmare visions WERE a lot to handle 😂
Being Dale’s opposite, Elad loves his little demon of a son dearly, and did his best to spend as much time with him as possible, making sure he had a full, enriching childhood.
Since Elad has always had trouble socializing with other anti faries though, He’s actually friends with fairy Angela and Marcus! Tho presently they haven’t seen each other in a while (mostly due to his son’s increasingly negative feelings towards faries and associating with them ☠️)
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Unfortunately Ved’s view of his father became corrupted and resentful over time, due to Elad’s perceived ‘weakness’- but when he was a pup, Ved greatly enjoyed the time spent with his dad, and still holds fond memories of his childhood, however bittersweet they may be now that he fully understands just how much of a social outcast his father is and always has been 😔
Tbh I think Elad being genuinely nice is a big reason Ved is so overly scary and creepy, almost like a doubling down to avoid turning into his father? 🤔
OH and speaking of fathers, I didn’t draw him here, but Anti-Doug Dimmadome, despite being a pretty regular amount of ‘evil’ for an anti fairy, was ALSO a pretty good dad! So Elad had a relatively healthy childhood, even despite his constant mystery pains and second hand trauma he still doesn’t fully understand, due to never learning the full story of what happened to his fairy counterpart in all the years he was missing (I could definitely rant more abt Elads childhood and trauma tbh- I know anti faries are just the opposite personality of thier fairies bc funee but unfortunately I have put way too much thought into justifying why Elad is the way he is ☠️☠️)
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thomaslittlegirl · 3 months ago
hello love! i hope you are doing very well:) i just read some of your first and they were so cute! unfortunately i have been in the mood for SOME ANGST lol! would you potentially be able to write a fic where something happened to reader and she got hurt (level of severity is up to you) and like tommy is obviously freaking out over it. idk what's wrong with me but i love angst 😔 if you don't feel comfortable i totally understand and have a wonderful day:)
thank you for your sweet words! 🩷 i wrote this in half an hour, so i hope it's at least not that horrible? hope you like it.
sickness. thomas shelby
warnings; angst. thomas blames himself, as always.
thomas can't help but feel suffocated seeing you like this. it seems that the walls begin to close and collapse on top of him, preventing him from breathing.
your figure lies on the bed, wrapped in the neat white sheets while your body does not stop shaking violently.
it hurts him to see you this way. hurts because there is no one to blame for your discomfort, no one to blame for your suffering. all he can do is watch yourself in silence and wait for this to pass quickly.
thomas looks at you pitifully as he swallows hard.
the sound of the maid's heels echoing across the wooden floor makes him put on guard. the woman comes almost stumbling, with a tray in her arms. "here it is, sir." she says, in a low voice.
she goes into the room y/n and thomas both share and leaves the plates on the desk.
"thank you, frances." he replies. "i want you to be attentive to any call that me or my girl makes." maid nods and leaves the room, closing the door after her. the annoying sound of heels moving away.
thomas walks over to the bed, squatting down next to you. "doll..." he calls, stroking your hair.
a whimper escapes your mouth and thomas licks his lips, watching you intently; you are pale, your lips cracked.
"what?" you ask in a whisper.
"frances brought you soup." he informs, continuing the caresses on your head. "i want you to eat some."
"im not hungry."
"just a little. try it... it'll warm you up a little." he tries to persuade in vain. you shake your head; thomas stare at the dark circles in your eyes.
shelby look at how your body shakes. it doesn't matter how many sheets you have around you, the spasms don't stop.
his head is a torment, thousands of good-for-nothing thoughts flooding his brain. he collects all the bad omens he knows, like black cats and broken mirrors... everything that could have happened for you to reach this moment.
thomas can't help but think and blame himself. it is not the first time this has happened, it is not the first time that his bad luck and his destiny bring him to this point.
he can't lose you, not you. not again... not when he is thorough when giving you gifts, not when he makes sure to protect you with his life.
why does everything he loves come to this point? does everything he touches have to slowly fade away?
he doesn't realize he's crying until he feels your thin fingers wipe the corners of his eyes, brushing the tears away from his face.
"i'll get better." you try to calm him down, he's not so sure.
he knows the multiple opinions of all the doctors he brought to check you, all of them giving a different diagnosis but none of them making you feel better... everything you can possibly have.
"you promise...?" he asks, looking at your tired face.
"i..." nothing. "just hold me, please." you ask in return, running back a little to make room for him on the bed next to you.
thomas crawls under the sheets with you and wraps you in his arms, holding you close to his chest.
as if love could save.
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wishchip106 · 3 months ago
feeling sad so i need to make cherik sad because i don’t deserve this
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Charles does end up shooting the gun but Erik wasn’t fast enough and the bullet shot straight through his head
Erik collapses onto the gravel while Charles stands in shock. We can see Charles’s heart break in real time as he drops down next to Erik’s body
he’s now screaming Erik’s name, begging him to look at him, yelling at him for even convincing Charles to do this.
tears are clouding his vision as he brings Erik up onto his lap (just like beach divorce 🤯)
it all happened so suddenly, one moment, Erik was smiling, so confident in his skills and the next his head is lulled off to the side, eyes losing their color as blood stains a trail down his face
it takes twenty minutes before someone comes running out. Twenty minutes, Charles had to hold the lifeless body of the man he loved. Of the man he killed.
imagine hunting one man your entire life. Being so close to killing him, to finally ending the suffering, only to be killed by the one person you grew to love and trust after eighteen years by yourself
this is why you don’t play with guns 😔
i kinda lost my train of thought but lets just say they had to delay the funeral because Shaw still wanted to start nuclear war. So while the x-men are doing their thing, Erik’s cold dead body is lying on a table inside the mansion.
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sorrowfulrosebud · 1 year ago
B- bu- bud... idk if requests are open but....
B- be- bear bakugou who loves climbing trees but hates the winter cold on his paws. So he starts climbing things in the house😔. Just you scolding him while he's sitting snug on top the bookshelf because he left claw marks and splintered the wood...
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“Fuck off.”
“Fuck off!”
“Get down from there now!” You scolded your hybrid as he glowered at you from the top of the bookshelf.
“Fucking make me, human!” He sneered, claws digging deeper into the wood, splintering the precious heirloom.
“Katsuki please, you’re damaging the bookshelf!” You pleaded. Katsuki huffed whilst continuing to glower.
“No. I like it up here. Now piss off!” He demanded, leaning forward to get his point across. The bookshelf was beginning to tip slightly, causing you to worry.
“What happened to your other climbing equipment?! Why does my poor bookcase have to suffer?!” You whined, cringing at the groaning of the bookcase. Huffing, you look at your companion.
“Okay. What would it take for you to come down?” You tried from a different perspective. Katsuki stared at you.
“Salmon bowl. But, I eat it up here. Then I’ll come down,” he said, positioning himself to get comfortable.
“Oh god fucking damnit Suki, fine! I’ll make your damned fucking bowl of salmon and fucking rice,” you grumble under your breath, muttering about how you hate winter as much as he does. Katsuki triumphantly smirks before falling asleep to the sounds of you grunting in the kitchen.
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“Oi, wake up you stinky brat,” you grumble, pinging the chopsticks against the bowl as Katsuki’s eyes cracked open. His mouth delved into an O shape as he yawned, pointy toofs on show.
He reminded you of a kitten; so sleepy in the winter and hibernating anywhere he can. He could barely keep his eyes open during winter, so you were surprised that he managed to even climb up the damn bookcase.
“Mmmm, don’ wanna wake uuuuuuup,” he sleepily mumbled, getting comfy again.
“Oh no you little bastard, I made you the bowl so you would get off my bookcase. You promised, so get your lazy ass up and eat,” you scolded firmly, ready to throw the bowl at him when he sticks his middle finger up. You huff before smirking; time to bring out the big guns.
“Fine then. No more kisses for a week,” you said, going to leave. Katsuki’s head snapped to you.
“What?” He asked, sleepiness depleting.
“Yup, and no ear rubs whilst you’re napping too,” you list off, about to leave the living room when you hear conflicted angry grunts.
“Ugghghh fine, shitty mate. But, I get to lay on your lap and you have to feed me. Deal?” He answered cheekily, sleepy smirk slapped on his face.
You sigh.
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“Was this really so hard, sweetie?” You murmur to him softly, petting your sleepy bear boy after he demolished his bowl of salmon and rice. Katsuki cracked an eye open.
“Mhm, totally. Natural instincts an’ shit, plus I like being up in high places. Is too cold to do it outside,” he mutters, head nestling into your tummy. Your fingers trail softly over his cute little brown ears, giggling when you see his pompom tail wiggle.
“Stop moving, human. Your laughing is disrupting my sleep,” he mumbles, nosing your tummy as you wrap a blanket around him.
“Sorry, my love. Well we can look into constructing something a bit more practical for you to climb until it’s not as cold outside. I think the attic might be a cool place for some more climbing gear, plus the alcoves could be padded out for your naps,” you ramble quietly, gentle tracing of his ears never ceasing until you hear the quiet rumbly snores of your mate.
You stop talking, wrapped the blanket higher around his neck and kissed the space between his fluffy ears.
“Goodnight, my bratty cub.”
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cutieeva · 4 months ago
Oh shit ! I truly thought that (Y/N) has gone mad but it wasn't that way when I read the second episode !! 😔😔 I am sad for girly yet excited to read the next that's why please please please update fast 😘😘 (Also I love your writing, officially in love with you)
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Female Reader
Warnings : Bullying. Violence.
⌜ Thank you dearie for loving my art of writing, it never fails to makes me happy and here an belated update. ⌟
Loving someone itself is an act of selfish so why is leaving the relationship seen so heinous ? Sometimes one's own sake of happiness is needed more than another's if fallen out of love. The sooner (Y/N) understand the better.
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"What is going on in that table ?"
"Is the girl okay ?"
"Why is she making a big deal about all ?"
"He is such a lovely boy yet she is so nasty accusing him for cheating ?"
"If I had a boyfriend like that I would die from happiness".
"He should break up with her".
"She seem toxic".
"(Y/N) ! Stop it and get up". Sophia's irritated voice reach her ears and (Y/N) couldn't help but feel all is jumbled. All is unclear. All is numb because does her suffering doesn't matter ? Yes, perhaps she is overreacting yet is it her fault when he was the one to lie about everything ?
Slowly her (E/C) eyes met Sophia's and other accountances she calls friends and her heart dropped.
Her pale face in snarl.
Other's cheeks red from thoroughly shame.
Another can't even share a glance at her.
The beautiful woman standing in awkward.
The guests are whispering, increasingly harsh, scary and the workers worried.
And lastly Cameron, stood looking hurt. In pain than she was and all her beliefs, reality begin distorting.
Is she a nuisance ?
Is she really overreacting over everything like others ?
Is she the one in wrong for not trusting him ?
Is being dated on bet and built an relationship on lies is alright as long as the faulty party apologize ?
If once the trust she believes was broken in the worst way, then is she the one to create drama ?
Are lies not serious ?
Do lies have little meaning ? Is playing with someone else's feeling is a small price for a relationship she didn't even realize ?
Is she overreacting ? "Am I overreacting ?" Despite people surround her, her own few people even the boyfriend she loved once yet why she suddenly feels so alone ? Lonely ? And hopeless ?
Daze with piling doubts and thousand pairs of eyes watching her, her hand yanked by Cameron. "I am sorry, I apologize for the scene". Smiling like a good man he hold her shoulder and walk her limp body to his car he drove.
In the entirety none dare break the ice in air while Cameron was in disappointment, (Y/N) in utter confusion. All she discover is that she has fall out of love, maybe from the moment he said 'I am now' in front of the men along losing herself. For the fear to let go she latched onto him, gifting him the second chance only to realize her suspicious, love turn into anger and anger form an hatred. An hatred she didn't knew. An hatred so deep she was unable to see his goodness anymore only searching faults.
Her entire being of happy, blunt, forgiving shaped into such a stranger her own eyes have harder to see from the clear fog. She shaped into a vicious, incredulous person. A person she never even dreamed to become.
"Get off". Cameron's that soft, smooth voice rip her from the creeping shadows of words inside her mind and her haze gaze glance to find herself house. His home they decide to turn into their love nest.
Sliding down from the car, she walked towards the lift without waiting for him to follow and press the cold metal button. Her eyes dried from the tears that caught her reflection in the shining metal and she couldn't help find the dark circles weight heavy under her eyes, rim edges red and hair— a mess with barely appropriate clothes on. She looks nothing alike the neat, fresh (Y/N).
She looks wasted, used and worn off self— the door of the lifts snap her out again, she blink twice before stepping in properly. Their floor came faster than she expect and the moment the doorknob twist open. She close her eyes ready to be face with angry lashing, words like knives twisting her guts yet none came.
Rather he remove his coat, wash his hands and smile. "What shall we eat then ?"
She merely stare at him.
He continue to smile. The smile she doesn't find warming, sweet.
"Maybe something different. Like Pollo al Ajillo, in English known as Garlic Chicken ? Hmm ?" A single word didn't slip her lips, standing at her roots.
And without her reply he decided. She watched him not moving her an inch cooking, smiling like a normal couple. Minutes bled into hours and little to no care he serve the food, finally ripping her from her roots and sat her beside him.
Stomach churn in no hunger and eyes burden to open, she look at him. "Let's take a break". The metal spoon his fingers held pause, his smile creased.
"I-I need spac—".
"You don't". He cut off smoothly. His smile wider to it's length than before and the spoon between his fingers lay on the wooden table. "I know what happen today was a little overboard but do not worry. It was my fault after all and it's alright. I forgive you". Soft his eyes he push the plate of food to her, an gesture to eat.
However she couldn't. Her eyes couldn't rip from the oblivious face, acting all normal, when nothing is. Nothing is normal. Their relationship is falling apart, their love draft from one another and trust long out of the picture.
He so easily utter his denial. She doesn't need space, perhaps she doesn't but wouldn't he at least ask the reason behind ? Even if it's known still ask and not play the game of pretend. It's exhausting because they are a real couple not actors in a play.
"Would you not ask me why ?" Her voice in end crack.
"Would it make a difference ?"
"Yes, a lot". Honestly she shares, it will help her a lot to understand the real Cameron, the one who she fell for or the one she saw when the illusion shatter.
He turn his head to her. "We are doing alright. It will be fine. Look am I not improving myself ?" No, she only sees him now complying to her wishes easily.
"I need space". She look away, his face reminding her of those cherish days. "We both need space". She finished, adamant on seperating even if it's for a moment she wants to breath, the tightness on her chest is too much and the alarming mistrust.
Once a pot is broken, even with the finest potter's hands can't fix the remained lines of past.
"Okay". To her surprise he agreed "I see, you need time to cool your head". With that he stood up and went to their shared bedroom leaving her and the cold food behind.
Her finger hold the spoon to take a bite of the dish however few inches from her lips she pause. Staring at the food and can't help but cry of unable to eat at the end. Merely thinking how without waiting for her choice, he cooked the food, only giving an illusion of choices.
When one announce their break up. People's first reaction is : 
"Did he cheat ?"
"Did you cheat ?"
"Is he abusive ?"
"Manipulative ?"
"Controlling ?"
"A bet". (Y/N) would say. "I was a bet he was dared to date and in process he fell for me but he always treated not less than a princess and after I found out he begged, confessed his love. From then he always is perfect. Even ignoring my overreaction". All the voices stopped altogether. The harsh, doubtful all pause because in this picture nothing is wrong apart from the fact he was a liar, who lied and fixed himself for better. He really did but can it patch the wounds of her shattered faith in him ?
People always say second chance can change lives, do wonders and in her she saw. She can see why they give second chances yet she can't bring herself to love anymore. She is angry, stuck on the phrase where all laughed at her like a clown, whispering, betting for how long would she last.
Was she a human or a puppet ? He never defended her, he never share his thoughts with her. She doesn't even know him anymore. She really really is lost.
Even walking towards the metal gates of university seem heavy, scary. Her mind already twisted her vision of people laughing, hating her. Being the center of attention she so wants to be away from. Her (E/C) eyes glance around walking to her class recalling not to stumble upon them or him. She is enough exhausted. She doesn't need more.
BANG! She flinched, her nerves jolting.
BANG! Her eyelids snapped shut, shielding herself from the brutality.
BANG! The sound of flesh colliding with metal reverberated through her ears, leaving a buzzing ache. A human body, crumpling like a rag doll.
"Poor him. He should quit or complain". Not so subtle whispers like flicker of fire circle around, reaching her ears.
"Shouldn't he die at this rate ?" Cruel.
"What a bore. Really ? Everyday ? Isn't it such a nuisance—". Cruel. So, so cruel. Just because a person can't help himself doesn't give these people the chance to pity him. To paint him— the victim the cause of his own suffering. His silence was twisted into consent, his helplessness fuel for their merciless ridicule.
Cruel. Cruel. Cruel. Cruel. Laughter like devilish cackles echoed, faces feigning sympathy, eyes gleaming with fox-like innocence. Cowardly souls, masking their true nature.
She, too, wore a mask, hypocrisy veiling her own darkness.
That's why in a blink of an eye. Her once neat clean palm painted in crimson, stretch of iron reeking the air, painful grunts and horried screams and distorted yells is making no sense to her. She can't understand the aching in her palm, the cries of the familiar boy's underneath her, chanting of word fight and her own tears rolling down.
"Fight. Fight. Fright. Fright". The crowd roar fueling her more and more and more. Why are they encouraging ? Yet why does it feel like she is revelling in it ?
"(Y/N) ! Stop beating Adrian". Oh. Her palms ache because she is punching his face, painted in crimson because it's his blood, cries belong to Adrian who lay beneath her helpless like that boy he was seconds ago using as a ragdoll.
How wonderful.
She can't stop. She punch and punch and punch and punch uttering only three words. "I am sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry". Not to the bully— no never to Adrian. Never to the boy who is violent to innocent. It's to the victim, to the unknown jester of everyone's joke. For Everyone's play. For the system that enable Adrian's cruelty into fun.
She is sorry for blind. She is sorry for foolish. She is sorry for being coward. She is sorry for ignoring him. She is sorry for wearing mask of pretense herself. She is sorry for falling into the lies of Cameron. She is sorry for saying yes to his proposal. She is sorry for overreacting. She is sorry for suspecting. She is sorry for losing trust. She is sorry for not being happy with a perfect boyfriend.
She is sorry for fell in love.
She is sorry for.....everything.
To herself.
To everything.
Dry tears stain her (S/C) cheeks as in empty space she stare, leaning on the chair in front of director's office. The woman's words faded into background noise, inaudible over the cacophony of her thoughts.
Her mind replayed the chaos: the frantic struggle, the flash of anger, the blur of fists. She couldn't recall who intervened, pulling her back from the brink of destruction. By then, he had already crumpled, unconscious. Her tangled hair bore witness to the scuffle, matted from the grasping hands of his minions, few blood dotted her blue jeans, a crimson constellation from her own nose. Her torn t-shirt hung askew, shoulder exposed while he— lay worse. Broken. Lifeless almost.
Yet no remorse stirred in her stomach, surprisingly. Instead, a lingering sense of justification lingered, eclipsed only by the anguish she felt for the victim. The one she had been compelled to defend, driven by a primal urge to protect she only dreamed.
"(Y/N), can you hear me?" The director's voice cut through the tension. "Do you comprehend the gravity of your situation? You're at risk of expelled !" An humorless laugh almost slip from (Y/N).
Expelled for what ? Punching a deserving scum to death while he punch an innocent boy to death when his skin wasn't even healed from the stitches of wounds Adrian left on him ?
(E/C) eyes stare at the female director who's blue glossy eyes stare at (Y/N) like she was a demon of chao when in her view, the real corrupt could be the adult, this lady who blind these physical, emotion abuse. Pain so small like (Y/N)'s bet and huge imprinting like that boy's scars for eternal to remember. Become something that etched in their memories, their experiences, though grave and painful, would be reduced to cautionary stories, diluted by time and retelling. The true weight of their suffering would remain unspoken, lost amidst the faint whispers of a forgotten past.
The tense standoff ended when the director's blue eyes darted past (Y/N), as if catching something She sighed audibly, her expression softening. "Get out. Reflect on your actions and the reasons for your two-week suspension. Expulsion is off the table." She mused confusing (Y/N)'s daze self a little and when she stood up, walking out of the room.
She understand meeting his concern eyes. Her boyfriend must have used his power.
Cameron swallowed under her intense gaze, part his lips to say when she continue to walk, aware of the pain in her body suddenly.
Alone in the empty hallway, she felt a fleeting sense of peace, liberated from the weight of others' judgments. Her footsteps echoed off the walls as she moved, ghost-like. Her eyes drifted to the scattered belongings on the floor, remnants of the chaos. She bent to gather them, her movements slow and deliberate.
A sudden twinge of pain shot through her knee as she crouched. (Y/N) winced, noticing the cut, a crimson gash on her pale skin. She gingerly touched the wound, her fingers tracing the tender edge. This time she felt like crying with clarity, like she knew what she was crying for along a need. Tears swell within her (E/C) eyes waiting to fall.
"It will hurt more if you cry". Calmly she gaze beside her. To the lockers where the boy slumped, his face still smeared with blood. The indifference surrounding him was palpable, as if no one cared about his suffering. (Y/N) press her lips, pulling a white handkerchief to hand him.
He accepted the handkerchief, his fingers brushing against hers. With gentle movements, he wiped the blood from his face, revealing a canvas of bruises and wounds beneath. For the first time, (Y/N) saw his true complexion – pale, with a hint of rosy undertones. The vibrant hues of his injuries – purple, blue, and crimson – stood in stark contrast to his delicate skin.
As the blood was wiped away, his features emerged, and (Y/N) noticed the sharp angles of his cheekbones, the gentle curve of his nose, and the softness of his lips.
"I am sorry". It fell out before she could revise or add.
"Don't be". He shake his head. "Everyone's coward. Even me". (Y/N) desire to protest of his own situation.
"I am talking about you". She blink. "You are Cameron's girlfriend". He utter like a fact. "All business major knew about a bet on a girl. They just didn't knew who until one of Cameron's friend told about your relationship making everyone realize who she is but wasn't sure". Her breath hitched. So they did. All did.
"I too, because I am from business major. Yet I was a coward to not say the truth or at least..." He tailed off. "Warn you". He finished heavy silence weight the air. (Y/N) inhale, not finding words to explain the mess of feelings she is having. Indeed both were jester of everyone's joke.
As she scoffed, her gaze trailed his movements, expecting him to walk away. But instead, he swooped down, his lithe frame folding into a crouch beside her. His amber eyes locked onto her knee, the cut a tiny, crimson gash.
Without a word, he reached out, his fingertips grazing her skin as he applied a band-aid. A shiver danced up her spine at the gentle touch.
"You know you're also being bullied?" His voice was low, concerned. Her eyes lift to his focused ones on her cut, whispering a "No".
"Bullying is not only physical you know. It can be emotional too. And what is happening to you is bullying too. An emotional one where he took advantage of your trust, then play with your feelings, manipulate you into staying in the relationship when you clearly in daze of the complexity and not in right state. If he truly cared about you, wouldn't he have asked how you felt or given you the space to think? Wouldn't he have prioritized your well-being over his own desires? But instead, he rushed you into this relationship, disregarding your boundaries and emotions". His words felt like sting of bees she couldn't process as the image of Cameron's pained face when she accused of him cheating in front of others.
His pure happiness when he pull the chair for her in front of her parents.
His patience when she was crying so suddenly and at the restaurant.
Her colleagues Sofia and others disturbed faces and harsh whispers.
"No. No. He is not perfect, yes. He is not good entirely. He is a liar but he improved. It is I who has problem. I fall out of love, mistrust him and..." Her throat felt dry to speak and she swallowed having difficulty seeing. The problem lies in her. She is the odd, fallen one.
The boy finally gaze his amber eyes and said. "If Cameron really is a good person. Not perfect, good. Then why in the first place are you lashing out and angrily pushing your anger on Adrian ? And in a mess mindset ?" It left (Y/N) shunned. Because truly did she blames Cameron for her misery. Hates him for his mockery of perfection. However never did she blame him for his entanglement to this relationship based on lies for her was truth.
"Let's assume Cameron is a good person who genuinely cares for you and loves you deeply, but isn't able to let you go. However, if being with him no longer brings you happiness— not because of his flaws, but because your feelings have changed and you're staying solely out of guilt or obligation, don't you think it's time to reevaluate? For your own sake, shouldn't you prioritize your happiness even if it's selfishness ?"
As he stood, dusting off his pants, (Y/N) lifted her gaze to meet his. His eyes held a gentle intensity. "After all, loving someone is, in itself, a selfish act," he added, his voice low and thoughtful.
"I am saying this because you came out of your cowardness for me and I for you". the boy said, wincing as he gingerly touched his jaw. "I should get to the nurse," he added, his voice laced with discomfort.
She swiftly stood up, her hand brushing against his arm with an awkward yet tender touch. "Let me help."
"No, it's okay..." He trailed off, his mind reeling as a wave of dizziness washed over him. His legs weakened, and he swayed precariously, almost toppling over.
(Y/N)'s eyes widened in alarm as she swiftly grasped his arms, her grip tight.
𝑻𝒐 𝑩𝒆 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒆𝒅
☾ ────────
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ihrthoney · 10 months ago
if anyone could’ve saved me (pt. 1)
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pairing: manila!mikey x f!reader
warnings: angst, no comfort :)
word count: 600
an: i could’ve fixed him 😔☝️ (i kinda don’t like how this turned out lol)
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The night was quiet, usually, he would bask in the silence. The warmth of your body keeps him steady, and your chest slowly moves up and down, reminding him that you’re alive.
He slowly pulls his phone out and takes a picture of you. It's so peaceful and so vulnerable… Mikey wants to keep this moment with him forever. If he could, he would spend the rest of eternity here.
There’s nothing he wants more than to be by your side, alas, the present does not allow him to be happy. Not with the grave sins he’s committed.
Everyone that he has ever loved and cared for is dead; by his hands. Mikey knows he doesn't deserve this, you don’t deserve this.
You deserve to be happy and to live a long life without worries. He wishes he could be a third of the man you deserve but this body of his is too tainted. Mikey knows what he has to do, if he doesn’t do it now, he knows he’ll regret it.
Against his will, the raven-haired man slips out of bed as quietly as he can. A warm hand caresses your face for the last time, he presses a kiss to your forehead and walks out of your life.
He couldn’t kill you. He just couldn’t. The intimacy he shared with you created a love like no other. His hands were far from clean and he’d be damned if he got your blood on his skin.
Mikey promised to protect you, and if leaving you protected you from himself, then he would do it. Not a single soul knew of you, only the spirits of those he loved.
Not even Izana knew of you, he had lied and said he had killed you to keep you from harm's way. Which leads Mikey to his next destination,
Currently, Mikey is in the abandoned building where Shinichrio found the old motorcycle parts. What a place to die, he thought.
Despite how he turned out, you never left him. It didn’t matter how many times he asked you why nor did you care when he begged you to live a happier life.
“A universe where I am happy without you does not exist.” You had sweetly said, he cried in your arms that day.
His heart aches at the thought of you waking up to an empty bed, searching for him only to find a letter. He hopes you take his advice and flee the country… if only he could’ve traveled the world with you.
Mikey’s thoughts are interrupted by the sight of Takemichi.
He asks- no begs, Takemichi to kill him. There was no way he would do it in a place where you could find him. What better place than this, where his brother found treasure, he could be the bones on top.
Of course, Takemitchy couldn’t pull the trigger. Mikey had hoped threatening him would’ve been enough but a tough son of a bitch Takemitchy was. Naoto, thankfully, shot him.
The pain in his head couldn’t compare to the hurt in his heart. He wishes he could’ve seen you one more time. As Takemichi begs Mikey to stay alive, he thinks of your smile.
Your smile was so kind, so bright and full. After Shinichiro, Mikey lost everyone, his life was nothing but suffering. Although, you were the thread of string that kept him together.
Takemichi’s hand feels so warm, his vision starts to blur, and he can’t feel his body anymore. It’s the middle of the day, the sky is clear and the air is warm, but as he exhales for the last time,
Mikey imagines he’s lying next to you and hopes when he opens his eyes, he’ll see you peacefully sleeping in his arms.
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© ihrthoney. reblogs & feedback are greatly appreciated𑁤
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j0kers-light · 8 months ago
currently thinking about j with an anemic gf ✊😔 i need a bf who can support me and my sleepiness and random lightheadedness ����. i need a nap buddy 😪 and shout out to all my fellow people with rarer types of anemia that don’t just affect iron 😔😔✊
Hey hi anon!!! 🖤✨
HUGE shout out for representation!! Anemia does not just affect iron levels. Let’s discuss in detail love. This one is personal. Cheers to the anemic gurls! As always, I hope you enjoy!
You’ve been diagnosed with anemia for years (not just assuming you have it and tossing the condition around like its a character trait🙄) Moving on.....
It’s more complex than just low iron levels in your case; you are literally fighting for your life since you lack blood cells. It messes up everything in some way shape or fashion.
For example 👀 Your heart needs blood and oxygen to function. No surprise it decides to stop working when its starved of those two key ingredients and its aggravated by heat.
As a result, you’re constantly sleepy/weak and Joker pokes fun at you for falling asleep mid conversation or during simple tasks.
You can't help it! You have limited energy and to compensate, you take lots of naps. One every day that last at least two hours although you can sleep for much longer.
(Chaos once slept for an entire day much to my family's horror. Back to the hc!)
Joker thinks its cute when you curl up somewhere and crash for hours at a time. All you need is a blanket and a cool environment and its a wrap. An earthquake couldn't wake you.
Joker loves to find you fast asleep because he can join you and be as clingy as he wants. Nap dates are 100% a thing in this relationship and they happen anytime, anywhere.
Since you're so weak, you need a strong protector. Joker turns you into a blanket burrito and then holds you like his personal teddy bear. Remember Joker walking into his meeting with you in his arms from No Disrespect? Same concept anon.
And let's not talk about how your anemia affects your menstrual cycle. Let's just not. Bottom line, you run the risk of being admitted to the hospital it’s that bad. True story. 👀
You had no reason to tell Joker about your medical conditions because HIPAA is a thing so he's completely unaware that you have severe anemia.
You have an extensive jacket and blanket collection and you wear hoodies year round. It makes for an odd sight in the summer.
Your hands are always cold to the touch and Joker asks if you're related to Mr. Fries. 🙄❄ J jumps in shock when you touch him unexpectedly they're that cold.
Joker loves to "warm up his Bunny" (I hc Joker running like a furnace so he is the perfect boyfriend if you're anemic!)
You forgot your jacket? Joker pulls you in for a hug. Too cold at night? Hehe well.... 😏
Joker doesn't like when you space out. You get this glassy look in your eye and it takes you a while to come after he calls your name multiple times. You just mentally check out.
That's your body not having enough blood cells to carry oxygen to your brain. You literally do a Windows shutdown before coming back online with a slurred "huh?"
You reassure Joker that you're fine but he's not convinced. 👀
You hate the summer. Period.
Joker thought since you're always cold, the warm temp would be perfect, but you refuse to go out if the weather is higher than 88 degrees.
Joker finds out why extreme heat + anemic!Y/n = disaster the hard way.
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Joker dragged you out of the apartment to an outdoor event claiming that you needed some 'sun.'
You would enjoy the event were it not a record breaking 99 degrees outside. You are short of breath but Joker is having fun so you grin and suffer in silence.
The first hour is okay, your Fitbit doesn't send you any health alerts. However your condition can happen suddenly and without warning. Its only a matter of time before you go tap out.
One second your laughing at something Joker said, the next, you skip the lightheaded phase and enter the dangerous cardiac stage of your condition.
Joker's voice sounds fathoms away and the loud festival becomes background noise as your heart fails. Your smart watch is beeping like crazy and the sound of it steals Joker's attention away from scanning the crowd for threats.
You have that spaced out look that he doesn't like.
"Bunny?" Joker's own heart skips a beat when your eyes roll back and you faint into his arms.
People nearby scream at the sight and Joker was left in a pickle. Yes, he wants to get you medical attention, but he can't draw too much attention to himself while doing so. Every second is precious and he tries to keep a level head to think of what to do.
Thankfully the local EMTs have personnel nearby for these types of emergencies and they rush over. Poor Joker is pushed to the side as the professionals notice your medical bracelet and get to work.
Joker tried to remain calm as they shock your heart and then start an IV on you.
He shivers feeling the AC being pumped into the medical building onsite. You would love the cool temperature if only you were awake. What was wrong with his Light?
Did someone poison you while he wasn't watching? Were you sick and he hadn't noticed? Nothing was making any sense to him.
"You her spouse?"
Joker blinked in shock at the random question being asked. The EMT repeated the question until Joker nodded along.
Joker looked the part so the medic continued along.
"Okay... well she had another vasovagal syncope episode. You know the drill. Dehydration, her anemia upsets her heart and add in the extreme heat; here we are. We gave Y/n her normal cocktail of vitamins before she suffered an actual heart attack, but I suggest taking her home out of the heat and keep an eye on her. She'll be drowsy for the next few hours but nothing she's not used to. If she starts to regress, call 911. Uh sir? I’m not done!"
All Joker heard was heart attack before he rushed to your side.
Imagine his surprise seeing you sitting up on the medic cot, cracking jokes with the field nurse. You were fine compared to the bunny that collapsed into his arms almost two hour ago. The nurse was removing your IV line when you spotted Joker standing in the doorway.
You waved your empty juice box at him. "There's my lover boy! Look, they gave me orange juice!"
You have some explaining to do when he gets you home. There's no way this is normal to you.
sadly it is J. 🥹
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