#self indulgence time
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mumatsi · 10 months ago
*Rings bell* Dinner time, come get your indulgent art!
Day 2: Sleep
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I've decided to make Gabriel giving you advice and kind words into a series on this blog, expect a new drawing every 2-3 business days. You ARE allowed to send asks.
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strawmaerry · 2 years ago
gojo & megumi. | g. satoru
gojo satoru bringing home fushiguro megumi was something you did not anticipate of.
you were cooking a welcome home food for your menace, satoru, when he startled you with his teleportation and a frowning kid.
“hello to my prettiest girl, the love of my life, the light in the dar—”
you shushed him. “i thought you work as a sorcerer, never thought you would take kidnapping as a part time job.”
he pouted. he had the audacity to be offended. “excuse me?! how dare you accuse me of such blasphemous claim?”
you shrugged, used to his outrageous reactions. “well, you’re definitely the type of man that my mom warned me about. those guys who would entice you with candies just to get in a van?” you looked at him, up and down, “yup, that’s you.”
before he could answer, you heard a snicker from the kid. your lips slightly curled up before raising an eyebrow at your irritating (affectionately) boyfriend.
“oh,” he stupidly realized, “this is megumi, i’ve bought him from an auction.”
megumi kicked satoru’s shin and he pretended to be hurt. the spiky-haired boy dusted off the invisible particles on his clothes.
you snorted before going back to cooking dinner.
“so, tell me why you decided to change career that involves kidnapping children?”
“well, i wanted to practice on how to take care of a child when we decided to have one.”
you accidentally put your hand over the burning stove and satoru practically flies to you. he basically becomes a mother hen as he blows your hands.
“[name]! oh my god, what happened?”
you go to the sink to wash your hands as you blankly stare at your burning hands. oh man, you think your hearing is deteriorating. you’re hearing some things that are… impossible.
“satoru, you’re not funny.”
satoru, who has the most alabaster skin, pales. he’s hearing his government name. not ‘toru, baby, pretty boy, my husband.
“haha, pretty baby, what do you mean? i’m always funny. ha. ha.”
“don’t kid around like that. you know our job is…” you trail off, unable to continue the sentiment.
in a world where you attend more funerals than birthdays; you greet more corpse than people; having to work under those ungrateful elders, tomorrow is uncertainty, so you try to enjoy the present as much as you’re alive.
he seems confused for a moment before a dawning realization etches on his face. his eyes soften before wrapping his arms around your waist.
“i really wanna see you carry my babies, y’know? wanna see you round and full an—okay! i know we’re still not finish in school but whenever i see my future, i see you in it. i see us together. i see us forever and i want that. i don’t want to live in a life without your presence. you brought me so much joy if you weren’t crying right now, i would be on my knees begging for you to take me. make me your one and only. make me the happiest and luckiest man on earth because that’s my only purpose why i was born in this cruel, yet beautiful world. i live for you.”
tears run down on your cheeks as you hear satoru’s honest thoughts about his joke. oh my god, how did a simple joke turn into an almost-but-not-quite proposal?
you cradle his face between your hands and kiss his sweet, soft lips that utter nothing but devotion to you. you feel him smile against yours.
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alex-finechi-is-back · 1 month ago
Some self indulgent thoughts!!
- shadow milk fucking..freezing in place when he gets vanilla’s outer robe/cloak placed on his shoulders, gets surrounded the fuck by that heady heavy cream and vanilla scent that’s always around pure vanilla.
- I think instead of actually asking for hugs or cuddles he’d be like a cat head butting into vanilla’s shoulder and pressing his face into the ancients neck to lose himself in the scent and the warmth of the others radiant soul…..
- I think he’d cry sometimes when he’s overwhelmed by such positive emotions and he’d be growling/doing the ‘Rottie rumble’ to save face but pure vanilla just smiles and holds him closer because he knows the fuck in and out
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ato-dato · 2 years ago
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Embracing the cringe via angel/demon sona
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 1 year ago
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I lovea him
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buhuiai · 1 year ago
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himbo-in-limbo · 1 year ago
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Just a lil something for myself that finally after MONTHS of having this wip in the backburner it’s finished 🥹♥️
Big fan of Glam bon, they’re so cool 🥰 and pretty n everything
Also jelly Freddy for funsies lmao
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turquoisesea01 · 1 year ago
- Y o u r G o d -
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Lmao can’t wait for her to find out that Seth is actually a God lmaoooo
And Seth belongs to @codemiracle !!
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skelecentral · 9 months ago
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Wasn’t gonna post this because it’s only semi-UT related, but. I really wanted to lmaooo— here’s my faeu self insert (post-turned-fae!)
Faeu is by @/antlered-prince
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mumatsi · 6 months ago
Selfshipping, but I'm not really shipping because I am aroace
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These are all basically characters I relate to (do we see a pattern?)
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strawmaerry · 2 years ago
megumi’s thoughts. | g. satoru & f. megumi
megumi fushiguro thinks gojo satoru is an idiot.
when he met this weird white-haired guy, he looked creepy while wiggling his long ass fingers. he also looked funny with those big, circular glasses.
i can’t wait to get away from this guy, he thought to himself at that time.
he thinks gojo is childish, weird, and an idiot, but he looks completely different when he meets you.
how can he have this kind of woman? he questions himself as he stares at you.
you’re pretty, very pretty. you are also kind. you also have a great sense of humor. being able to insult gojo is a plus for him. you didn’t also bat your eyelashes or blush like a schoolgirl when you hug him. women tend to squeal whenever they see him and it hurts his ears.
“well, you’re definitely the type of man that my mom warned me about. those guys who would entice you with candies just to get in a van? yup, that’s you.”
before he can think, he finds himself snickering at your response. megumi finds a soft smile when gojo whines.
he’s soon-to-be-guardian (ew) finally acknowledges him as if he has forgetten he’s there in the first place.
probably because all he sees is his girlfriend, megumi realizes.
“this is megumi. i’ve brought him from an auction.”
you two banter like an old married couple with smiles, giggles, and lovesick glances in between.
he can’t believe gojo can act like that. like a smitten fool who would do anything for you. a man who will show you his vulnerable and soft side. the kind of love that conquers everything.
he does not have any opinion about that four letter word. how can he when he never experienced it? he is going to be sold off to his clan by his father until gojo satoru intervenes. is that how his father loves someone? by sending your children to the lion’s den? all he has is tsumiki.
and when he watches the two of you vow an almost proposal and satoru wanting to be on his knees for you, declaring you as his one and only; his forever girl, his wife. then he understands that—
oh. so this is what love looks like. this is what love feels like. this is what love sounds like.
completely in awe of the person you’re in love with that you forget the world surrounding you and focus on the object of your desires, grinning like a sunshine, bright eyes filled with joy and his name carved into your heart because you are his and he is yours forever and ever and—
megumi wants to have that kind of love.
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thekids-onholiday · 2 months ago
'Michael' [The Magnus Archives] Stimboard!!
Self indulgent board based on myself, with liminal, uncanny, spiraling patterns, and colorful things!
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🌀 🚪 🌀
🚪 🌀 🚪
🌀 🚪 🌀
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j0kers-light · 30 days ago
His Lighthouse: Wrong Room (LedgerJoker x f!reader)
Wrong Room - Oneshot
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Anyone remember when I was sick in January? Trust me, I do. Well I wrote this while bedridden and forgot to post it! That's how out of it I was. Anyhooooooo! Now that I have my computer back up and running (for who knows how long, might I add) I'm gonna get as much work done and play catch up on my fics!
I hope you enjoy this small self indulgence. 🖤✨
Should I tag anyone on this? Yes or no? 🤔
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You woke up to someone snapping their fingers in your face. The rude gesture was not much of a shock given your less than ideal stay, however it still startled you.
“Hey. Hey. WaKe. Up.”
Your vision was still blurry but you came to and noticed the ginger nurse poking at your vitals to your left. Every single last medical personnel that attended you just pumped you full of fluids and anabiotics before leaving. None of them chatted with you, acting as though you had the bubonic plague than a common cold.
For five days you brushed off your cold until a coworker found you unconscious at your desk and drove you to Gotham General. You’ve been stuck in this room for three days now, recovering.
If you were more coherent, you would have picked up all the commotion occurring in the background but your limited focus was on the nurse pulling down his mask.
Wait. His?
Your eyes widened as The Joker smiled at you sheepishly. “Hi…”
You couldn't move or call for help, you were too weak. All you could do was blink in shock as he dramatically looked around your room, looking for a person.
The empty space where your roommate used to be caught your eye.
What little you knew, he was some intensive care patient who got wheeled out over an hour ago. You didn’t care much about him, but from how the nurses treated him, (a stark contrast to you) he had to be famous or highly important.
Money made people move differently so you guessed he paid for his exceptional hospital stay.
The Joker didn't seem to care.
He fiddled with this cheap costume wig as he spoke, “I thoughT.. I had the uhh wrong room. Harvey. Harvey, Harvey Dent. Have ya seen him? Hm? Shared a uh jello pack or two?”
That’s who your roommate was? The famous district attorney or Gotham’s white knight as the media called him. What was he doing in here? More importantly, why was The Joker looking for him?
The Joker waved his hands, as if urging you to speak but you were at a loss of what to say. Your voice was hoarse anyways so he wouldn't hear it.
But you knew what happened to people who didn't obey The Joker. Dying in a hospital. At least they wouldn't have to move you far.
You parted your lips to speak but a police officer knocked on the door, addressing Joker who quickly busied himself with your medical chart hanging on the bed.
“Excuse me, Miss? Yeah we’re gonna have to move them now.”
Before you could warn the officer, Joker pulled out a gun and shot the poor man. You were stunned.
The cop's body collapsed on the floor and Joker kicked it under your bed like it was a daily occurrence. You gasped and propped yourself upright in horror. With all the IVs hooked to you, you couldn't go far but you wanted far far away from this psycho.
The Joker noticed you panicking and rushed over to push you back down. You hated how warm his hands felt on your frigid skin. You knew germs hate the cold but did the hospital temperature have to be set to Antarctica?
Joker assumed your full body shudder was because he shot someone in front of you.
“Uh whoops. Hehe should’ve warned ya... NoT like it uhh, matters, I'm gonna level the place.” He took out a homemade device and started tinkering with it.
You did hear a rumor about a bomb threat but who would blow up a hospital? You honestly thought you were hallucinating. Oh boy was it real.
“I’m a man of my worrrrrd. This hospital is gonna..” The Joker made an explosion reaction with his hands and added sound effects. “A pretty thing like you should be evac-uuuu-waiting. Why aren't ya?”
You didn't have the heart to tell The Joker that no one cared about you.
The doctors and nurses on your floor thought a common cold was not worth their time and let you waste away. You barely got any care unless Dent's nurse took pity on you in between her own patients.
They came in to take him away while you were half asleep. They started evacuating people over an hour ago and left you behind.
That fact created a few sniffles that tugged at Joker's heartstrings. Wait.. why did he care about you?
This bombing was about sending a message. A few casualties would get Batman to take him more seriously. You just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time—yet he hesitated.
Joker took in your watery eyes and the pretty curls of your hair. Even while lying on a hospital bed sick as a dog, you were a cutie. An abandoned cutie needing a new home.
J decided then and there to take you with him. Maybe he'd regret it later. Maybe not.
Joker unlocked the bed guard rail and was in the process of unplugging you from the machines when he decided to fill you in on his decision. “Mmm you’re coming with me, cutie.”
Wait, cutie?!
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 9 months ago
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just want me a silly lil buddy to lay on me while i chill n play the same game for the three thousandth time and who also maybe is the same amount of Unhinged as i am. is that rlly too much 2 ask
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hederasgarden · 10 months ago
Rewatching the Gray Man and....
I love Six so much and he deserves a happy ending.
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I want to write a very soft and indulgent fic where he rescues the reader on an op that went bad (a wrong place, wrong time situation for her). The nature of the op and the fact that he chooses to save her means he has to disappear too. Since she can't go back to her old life, Six ends up taking her to live in a secluded mountain town with him.
Love comes slowly over the intervening months/years and eventually, they have a kid because I love the idea of Six being the dad to his son that he never had. He'd be terrified at first but with the reader's love and encouragement, he would be so amazing.
He deserves a soft life.
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atzidraws · 11 months ago
Top-zai and Bottom-zai... But what about Switch-zai???
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A slightly self indulgent nsfw rant is abt to unfold
this may or may not be out of character for Dazai and Chuuya so I'm sorry-
Seeing the discourse about whether or not Dazai should be a top or a bottom is so funny to me. Not because of how ridiculous it is (I actually enjoy seeing some valid points being made on both sides), but because honesty??? Switch-zai has some potential! I like the idea of Dazai being able to be dominant or submissive depending on what he or his partner thinks at the moment.
Like Chuuya could be flirting with Dazai when he least expects it and Dazai would become a flustered mess about it. However, Dazai could also have his moments of cockiness that gets Chuuya equally flustered when he's least expecting it.
A scenario that pops up in my head that sums up my take would be Chuuya pinning Dazai. Usually for Dazai, he would expect such actions to come out of Chuuya but something that would always get him would be when Chuuya pins him in a seductive manner and gets on top of him. No chill, just very straightforward. Something about that just excites Dazai. However, there are times where Dazai also finds enjoyment in seeing Chuuya moaning and whimpering his name while under him. He likes seeing Chuuya taking pleasure as well.
Though, Dazai would only let those he genuinely trusts dom him (aka chuuya).
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It's okay to disagree with my take lol, this was mostly written as a small self indulgent rant at 4:30 AM. I saw someone on Twitter have an argument over this discourse and I just wanted to share my thoughts based off the tweet.
If y'all wanna give me your takes about the discourse or head canons I'm open to hearing them! I like seeing different interpretations!
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