#why do you wanna die blade huh
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noicevibes · 10 months ago
crying real tears over these two skdhdks
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THEYRE SO FUCKING FUNNY and Blade looks so good in his lil suit im slobbering in the corner over him
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watarfallar · 5 months ago
I bring more
Etho: I like to play this game called nap roulette. I take a nap and don’t set an alarm. Will it be 20 min or 4 hours? Nobody knows. It’s risky and I like it.
Jimmy: Scott, I want a bedtime story! Scott: I’m busy, Jimmy. I’ll tell you one tomorrow. Jimmy: If you don’t tell me a story, I won’t go to bed! Scott: Once upon a time, there was a person named Jimmy, who always wanted things their way. One day, their friends got sick of it and locked them in the basement for the rest of their life. Everyone else lived happily ever after. The end. Jimmy: I don’t like these stories with morals.
Bdubs: Where did you get that tomato soup? Etho: It’s actually a bowl of ketchup I just microwaved.
Skizz: Hey, what have you two been doing? Martyn: we were helping Cleo with their wedding vows and we were kicked out of their house for making it inappropriate. Joel: How is “Nice ass, Bdubs” inappropriate?
BigB, talking to Martyn: They're trying to lure me into a false sense of security! Well, joke’s on them! I’ve never been secure in my life! And I’m not about to start now!
Mumbo: I’m not so sure you’re stakeout material. Scott: I’m a chronic insomniac, I was born for this.
BigB: Ew. What kind of tea is this? Martyn: I boiled gatorade.
Pearl: I keep a picture of all of us in my wallet. Whenever I face difficulties, I take it out and stare at the picture. The Squad: Awwww- Pearl: And I tell myself "If I can deal with these idiots, then I can deal with anything." The Squad: Oh.
Gem: So what do you have planned for the future? Jimmy: Lunch. Gem: No, like long term. Jimmy: Oh...um, dinner?
Cleo: As someone who has a long history of not understanding anything, I feel confident in my ability to continue not knowing what is going on.
Bdubs, singing: I don’t want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need— Joel: A family. Pearl: A better love life. Impulse: Mental stability. Jimmy: *clueless* Bagels?
Gem: Are you tall enough to play basketball though? Joel: Are you calling me short? Gem: I'm calling you vertically challenged.
Cleo: Am I in trouble? Skizz: Take a guess. Cleo: No? Skizz: Take another guess.
Etho: Sweet dog you got there. Police: Yes, this is our new drug sniffing dog. Etho: Still training huh? Police: What do you mean? Etho: Etho: Never mind.
Martyn, after asking the squad how to get rust off of a blade: Thank you good people oddly versed in knives.
Martyn: I wanna die. Joel: We all do, you aren't special!
Impulse and Gem texting* Impulse: Come downstairs and talk to me please. I'm lonely. Gem: Isn't Etho there? Impulse: Yes but I like you more.
Grian: When I first got my autism diagnosis, my first thought was “woah… it’s canon” and I think that maybe thoughts like that is why BigB made me get tested.
Pearl: We can’t tell you because you’re not a member of the club. Tango: What club? Scar: The hating Tango club. Tango: …The fuck? I should be the leader of that club!
+ a bonus soup group quote:
Keralis: Between Gem, Pearl and Impulse, there are three braincells. Keralis: And Impulse has all three of them.
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scaryscarecrows · 4 months ago
Arkham City is the latest bad idea in a long, long line of bad ideas. Jason’s really not sure why, exactly, this was allowed to happen (well, money, but still), but it was and it’s making keeping tabs on the Batman a lot harder.
But Jason’s not here for the Bat tonight. He’s here because of the very persistent rumors that something’s wrong with Joker. Morbidly, he’d like to know. Practically, he needs to know; Joker, out of all the freaks in here, is likely to intervene in any of Jason’s plans. His obsession with Batman makes him a dark horse, and while Jason is inclined to kill him, that operation must be handled delicately. Joker’s the sick sort of bastard to booby-trap himself and if Jason never gets another faceful of laughing gas, it will be too soon.
Joker’s hideout is not hard to find. Even a complete fucking moron with no eyes and no ears would find it. It’s quiet tonight, only a few guards and–thank God–no sign of Harley. The guards go down easy, no bullets required, and soon enough he’s slipping into Sionis’ old mill.
Penguin’s got a big sonofabitch on his payroll now, with one arm. One half of a pair of conjoined twins, apparently. He hadn’t realized the twin had come here. Somehow, the sigh of a ginormous clown is…a lot scarier than it should be. He’s just gonna leave that guy alone. He’s not here for him anyway, he’s just here for a little investigation. He’s even in civvies, to blend in a little better.
He hears it too late; before he can turn, there’s a wire wrapping around his throat and pulling, bringing him to the ground and digging into his skin and he can’t breathe–
“Baby boy!”
Joker leans over him. Flesh is peeling off his skull and there’s pustules and he stinks like somethin’ Croc threw up. But dark spots are dancing in Jason’s vision now and all he can think is, I don’t wanna die here, please–
All at once, the wire loosens and Joker’s straddling him, those purple leather-gloved fingers stroking the brand lovingly.
“I’ve missed you!” He cackles, and it quickly turns into a nasty cough. Jason’s just frozen, gasping for breath and caught in a loop of don’t make him mad don’t make him mad. “Naughty, naughty, running away like that! But now you’re heeeere again, with meeeee.”
Jason elbows him the face, bursting a pustule and peeling a chunk of skin off. He intends to follow it by clawing the rest of the bastard’s face off, but Joker’s stronger than he looks, even now, and he lunges forward with one arm pressed against Jason’s throat. The other hand opens a switchblade and traces it under his eye first, then down towards his lips, and then back up again–
–and cuts the brand back open.
It’s not fully healed. Jason’s not sure it would matter. He can’t tell if the pain is physical, psychological, or both. It doesn’t matter, anyway: Joker draws the bloody knife back with a wide, wide smile, wipes the blade across Jason’s lips, and tucks it away.
“You’re mine,” he rasps. “Don’t ever forget that, Todders.”
Jason swallows. Old conditioning is pushing him to submit, to nod his head and whisper yes sir, m’sorry, sir, please don’t do it again.
The Arkham Knight, however, isn’t having being a goddamn chew toy. And that’s the side that wins out.
He brings his knee up to the bastard’s crotch and takes advantage of the immediate recoil to shove him to the side, scramble to his feet, and run.
He’ll tell himself, later, that he let the bastard live so he could die slowly and painfully. He might even believe it, after a while. But that doesn’t matter. What matters is that he’s not going back, he’s not doing that again.
He can’t live through that again.
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kfkr1ze · 8 months ago
[002-A06] Anemic Killer Horseshoe Crab~Night before the Counterattack~
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Summary — ✈︎ Kaede visits the Lion Theater to watch the movie that Akuta produced by himself. When he enters the theater, though, he finds Akuta sitting there with a gloomy expression on his face.
Characters— ✈︎ Akuta
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Location: Lion Theater
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Kaede: Excuse me…
(This place is the Lion Theater, isn’t it?
I guess it hasn’t started yet. No one seems to be hereーー)
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Akuta: ……
Kaede: Hee!
Akuta: …… Ah, it’s… Sensei?
Kaede: That scared me… Just what on earth is on your head…?
Akuta: I’m, the demonic, horseshoe crab. This whole world, I’ll curse it.
Kaede: I-I see… That’s a pretty unique way of talking…
Akuta: …… 
Kaede: Umm… I came to watch the thing on this tissue…
Akuta: Human, if you, want tissues…
There’s, still some, in that, mountain over there.
Kaede: (That box is filled to the brim with tissues…!
He definitely ordered the wrong amount…!)
Akuta: Go ahead, and take, as many, as you like.
Kaede: Don’t be so hasty! You can still use them for the next screening! You should save them for later!
Akuta: …… 
Kaede: (He has such a gloomy expression… It’s hard to see him like this, especially based on how he was before… I feel so bad for him.)
Is it fine if I sit next to you?
Akuta: Do what… you please…
Kaede: Thanks.
… They’re still doing screenings here, huh?
I thought this place was abandoned a long time ago.
Akuta: They’re not, it’s my, playground, that I sneak into…
Kaede: But isn’t the screening…?
Akuta: I rented, the projector… Got a bunch, of part time jobs… like, demolition, shopping for women, walking dogs, and stuff.
Kaede: I see… You worked really hard for this day huh.
But I don’t think it’s good to sneak in here though.
Akuta: …… 
Kaede: (He’s shaking his sword tail sadly…
I wonder if I could do anything to cheer him up)
Let’s wait a bit longer.
Someone else might show up after all.
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Akuta: … Mm, nah it’s fine.
My ass is starting to hurt… Ahaha.
Kaede: ……
Akuta: Y’know.
In the past, this place used to be where entertainment began in HAMA.
Kaede: … Yeah. I heard something like that. 
Akuta: I wish I could’ve filled it with a lotta people again.
If only I were a more famous, a galactic filmmakerーー
If only I was the type of human… that could have an influence on people more.
Kaede: … Akuta-kun…
Don’t stay stuff like that, cheer upーー
Akuta: Then… I’d be so popular I could die… And I’d be swarmed by a loootta women…!
I wanna play tag shirtless on the moon~~~!
And I’d eat lots of mochi with Bunny-chan and Bunny-kun~~!
And then, we’d build a huge 365LDK [1] house up there, and we’d have a drinking party where we’d drink a lotta shots~~!
Kaede: Akuta-kun.
Akuta: Yup!
Kaede: Since I’m here, I wanted to watch the movie that was going to be shown. Is everything ready?
Akuta: ーーOf… Course!
Everything’s all set!
I’ll get everything started real quickly…!
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Akuta: Hey hey, look look, this is a real projector! Isn’t it SUPER cool~~~!?
It’s so incredible. It has the weight from all these years… and the brightness is completely next level!
Didya know? When you’re talking about projectors, they project the film directly onto the screen. Directly! Isn’t that cool? It’s not data at all!
The colors from the film are projected exactly as they were from recording! 
It’s the real colors, not ones from an electric signal , y’know?
That’s why! I put a lotta effort into making the visuals look good!
Now then, now then… Take a look!
“Mysterious! The Anemic Horseshoe’s Counterattack!”
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Jessica [2]: “NOOOOOOOOOO!”
Philip: “What’s wrong!? I heard a scream just nowーー Nee-san!?
What’s wrong Nee-san!?”
Dr. Henry: “Yet again, there’s another dead body just like this…”
“The only common thread between them was that they were struck in the head with a terrifyingly sharp blade.”
“It’s almost like… they were stabbed with the tail sword of a horseshoe crab.”
Demonic Horseshoe Crab: “Guh… GUYAAAAAAAH!”
Dr. Henry: The demon is scared!? Just what on earth could scareーー”
“It can’t be… The syringe!?”
“I see… After having your blood taken for medical reasons for tens of thousands of years… You must’ve grown to resent humans.”
“I pity you, demon.”
“Butーー … This is goodbye.”
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Akuta: Whatdya think!?
Kaede: … Um… It was very innovative… Like it’s Avant Garde… Or like a roller coaster.
It was unprecedented… It was…
… It was a bit incoherent.
(Ah. I said it…)
Akuta: OH, incoherent! Yayyy〜 I’m happy〜! WOOO〜!
Kaede: (Wah, I’m relieved… Even though I accidentally said what was on my mind, I’m glad you don’t seem to be hurt…)
( … But really, everyone…)
( Really, could they not have come to watch even just a little bit?)
( I need to calm down… I’m sure that Akuta-kun is a hundred times more frustrated than I am)
(Today, this kid was both the star of the film and the director. I didn’t really get the message, but it was a great film in my opinion.)
(I’ll just return home today without showing him the proposal. I wouldn’t wanna spoil the mood.)
Then, it’s about time I go.
Akuta: Stoーp.
Kaede: Eh?
Akuta: Didn’t you come here to finish talking about that thing?
Kaede: No, but…
Akuta: Let’s hear it. …As a thank you gift for watching.
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Location: Cafe 369
Akuta: D-Delicious… Meat buns are SERIOUSLY delicious~~~~!
Heyhey! Is it okay if I get 20 more!?
Kaede: Yeah, get as many as you want.
Akuta: YAYYY! Thanks! You’re like a god, Sensei!
Munch munch, it’s too gooood!!
Kaede: (He told me he’d hear me out, but ended up asking me to get him something to eat instead…)
( I can’t believe he spent all the earnings he got from those part time jobs on equipment, costumes, and those tissues… He hasn't had a proper meal in days.)
Are you gonna be able to fill up on those meat buns?
Akuta: I will I will! They’re super tasty and big, and they’re fluffy and dense! It’s like eating a proper meal!
Kaede: I’m glad then… But what about your family? You didn’t say anything?
Akuta: Nah. I’m pretty much the only one there.
Kaede: … I see.
(Maybe he has a complicated family situation…)
Okay then, feel free to eat as much as you want.
Akuta: Thanks!
Kaede: Then you can just listen to me while you’re eating.
So the plan isーー
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We have decided that the members of the Community Revitalization Club will participate in a study tour as candidates for Ward Mayors.
During this training, they will experience work that a Ward Mayor typically does, and thus gain a deeper understanding of the job.
By the end, they will be graded based on their performance and contribution to the missions assigned on site.
If you pass this test, you will be officially appointed as a Ward Mayor…
That’s how the plan goes.
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Kaede: This is the plan and the parental consent form…
Akuta: I didn’t get it at all. It’s stupidly difficult.
Kaede: To make it a bit more understandable… Oh I got it.
Akuta–kun, you want to be a more popular person right?
Akuta: Eh, that’s what you’re saying…?
Kaede: Yes it is. Listen closely, Akuta-kun.
First up, I think that using videos as an expression is a great way to boost tourism.
Also, by having a lot of people watch the video, many more people will start to get interested in Akuta-kun’s work. You’d gain people who look forward to what you want to put out!
Akuta: ……
Kaede: What’s more, being a high school student as the Ward Mayor is sure to give you more attention at school too.
The tissues that Akuta-kun worked so hard to make ended up getting treated so poorly.
Even though they were at a party, it was so carelessーー
Akuta: ……
Kaede: The people who let the equipment Akuta-kun spent all his money on go to wasteーー
I think we should make them look back on this day and regret not coming!
Akuta: ーーHaha!
Sensei, somehow you ended more fired up than I was~~!
Suddenly, you looked all fired up like a punk, it was crazyy! 
You’re more interesting than I thought~~~!
Kaede: S-Sorry. I got heated without realizing.
Akuta: Nah. Thank you for that.
Kaede: ……
Akuta: Alright… Let’s do thisss!!
For the sake of movies! And to be more popular~~~!
The others are being kinda reluctant too aren’t they?
I’ll find a way to get them to agree, so it’s all good!
I’ll get them to go on that study tour thingy!
Leave it to me!
Kaede: T-That’s reassuring, thanks.
But tomorrow is summer break, isn’t it? Do you have their contact information?
Akuta: ‘Course I do!
Kaede: ( I see, so they stay in touch with each other.)
(At school they didn’t seem to be all that close at school when I saw them though. 
They had a strange distance between them.)
Previous — ✈︎ Masterlist — ✈︎ Next
Notes — ✈︎
And LDK stands for "Living Dining Kitchen" Typically you'd say like 1LDK or 2LDK for a one or two bedroom house respectively. 365LDK is . a 365 bedroom house.
For the film, every character is voiced by Akuta.
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boygiwrites · 8 months ago
Harley D. Dixon 36
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Harley D. Dixon's Pinterest Board!
Harley D. Dixon's Playlist!
📖Chapter List.
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Merle. It's Merle!
My voice comes out as a screeching cry — "Merle!" — like I've just watched him get shot at the climax of some dramatic movie, before I'm breaking free of Glenn and crashing into my Uncle's arms, and he's warm like the Georgia sun around me and he's alive.
"Holy shit," I hear him rasp in my ear as he hugs me tight. I'm thinkin' the exact same thing! Holy shit!
"You're al— You're a—," I blubber, pulling my face away from his neck to look him in the eye. "You're alive!"
It's been a whole year since I last saw him, but almost nothing about him has changed. His face is broad and wrinkled by the sun, nose ugly and crooked from all those bar fights, and he's still got that look of a brute about him that my Dad never quite mastered.
He didn't die in Atlanta. He didn't die anywhere. He weren't layin' out on the concrete roof of a skyscraper, slathered in sweat and blood as the dead tore into him with wet fingers like greedy kids at a barbeque — Not like he was during so many late nights, dyin' over and over again in my nightmares — because he lived. I got no idea how, and I sure don't got no idea how I ever doubted him, neither.
"I sure am," He smirks, his dark blue eyes tinged with adrenaline.
He glances over my shoulder at Dad, chuckling to himself at the sight.
Dad hasn't moved. Not even an inch. He stands there, staring at us with that same look on his face as when he watched me step onto that frozen river last year, afraid for my life but without anything he could do to save me, help me, pull me back into safety.
His gaze darts between Merle's face and mine over and over again, as if he can't decide who to look at.
Why ain't he happy to see him?
Merle's chuckle dies away, leaving us in a terrible silence. I can't figure out what's wrong.
"I asked you nicely to drop yer shit," One of Merle's friends warns them. "Or did you forget?"
Reluctantly, Dad and Glenn throw their weapons aside, lifting their hands in surrender.
"Merle," Dad eventually says in greeting, tense and unfeeling, glancing at me once again. "Long time."
"Forever," He agrees. "And Harley's barely grown a hair's width, haven't ya, princess? Woof. What the Hell happened to yer hair?"
"It got a bunch'a blood in it, so I cut it all off and now I just keep it short. Daddy helps me." I giggle as he ruffles my hair, my gaze dropping down to his other hand — Or, well — Blade. He ain't got no hand at all. I gasp, "What the Hell happened to yer arm?"
"You like it, huh?" He lifts it up, the metal glinting just a few inches from my eye. "Fixed it up myself."
"Woah," I breathe, looking into my own pupil in the reflection.
"You can tell her all about it back in town," His friend with the brown skin angrily butts in. He shoves his gun at Dad and Glenn, his wavy, black hair suckered to his forehead with sweat as he sneers at them. "I know a few guys who'll wanna have a chat with these fucks!"
Merle lowers his blade as he stands to his full height. "Hold up, India. You're really gonna ruin my nice family reuni—?"
"I don't give a shit if it was Christmas, Merle. They gotta pay."
"Arjun's right." The other man steps forward, snatching the gun and knife from my holster and throwing them aside, making Dad and Glenn tense up, relaxing only slightly when he steps back. "They're comin' back with us. Frankly, whether you like it or not."
I don't know why, but I back away from Merle, slowly at first but then I'm running to hide behind my Dad.
What? Coming back with them?
Back, where?
I thought it was all just a big misunderstanding, and that now I got my Uncle here, everything's alright?
Uneasy, I glance at the dead man laying off to the side. His vacant eyes stare at the sky as his blood trickles out from around the bolt lodged between his eyebrows, slowly dripping into a big puddle on the tarmac. Eric, I think they called him.
"Are you serious?" Glenn exclaims in outrage. "We've got a kid! Merle, that's your niece!"
"Wanna tell me where you're holed up?" Merle asks, and when Glenn's stammering is met with a smug look of indifference, almost like he's bored, I realize he's not going to save us from this. This isn't a reunion anymore. "Didn't think so. Wherever you're set up, I'll bet'chu my other arm our place is ten times the fuckin' paradise. Just make this easy for us, man. Harley won't be in no typa trouble."
Peeping around my Dad, I look up at his face. "Daddy, what's goin' on?"
I don't wanna go nowhere with these people when the invite's like this. They're angry with us — Real angry.
Dad looks like he's about to explode. "Merle—"
"It's either that or the Indian and the fat-ass shoot us all in the head right now," He deadpans. "And while I wouldn't be too sad about Glenny here gettin' his shit rocked, I don't fancy it happening to you or Harley. Okay? C'mon. This is a favor, brother."
I look up at Dad again, but he's silent. What's gonna happen to us at Merle's paradise town?
Glenn takes a step forward. "You can't do thi—"
His hands fly to his thigh. "Fuck!"
As Dad gasps, I squeal, "Glenn!"
He shot him!
"I'm not messin' around, cowboy," The white man snarls, marching forward and grabbing Glenn's arm. "Get movin'!"
We're leaving with them. We really are.
Dad quickly picks me up and protectively cups my head to his shoulder, his grip on me tight. I wrap my legs around his waist, not realizing how much I'd been wanting to be in his arms. Oh, my God. I know we killed their friend, but can't we just tell them we're sorry? It was in self-defence, and nobody alive this far into the end of the world ain't done it at least once. We were only here for baby formula.
Dad grunts as the Indian man shoves us forwards with his gun, the sound of Glenn struggling to walk behind us.
He needs a doctor. We can't run away even if we wanted to, not when he's like this. That man knew that when he shot him.
Merle's laughing his ass off. "Holy shit, Boyd! Ya ain't have to shoot him!"
"Whatever, Merle. Just get the keys outta my pocket 'fore I shoot you, too. You're drivi— Shit!"
Mouse suddenly lunges at him, biting onto his ankle and shaking his head from side to side, growling nastily.
"Shit! Shit, get him off!" He cries out as Merle rears his leg back and kicks the dog in the face.
Yelping, Mouse backs off before a couple gunshots split the tarmac around him and he turns on his heel, scampering away through the trash and litter. My heart jumps and sinks at the same time, watching him disappear into the trees with his tail tucked.
I feel Dad's muscles tense under me.
Lowering his gun, Merle calls out after him, "Scram, poochie!"
"Shit, that hurts," Boyd winces down at his blood-soaked jeans, shoving Glenn forward. "Hurry it up. I got a date with the med bay."
"It's gonna be okay, chicken," My Dad's mumbling into my ear as we all make our way across the parking lot, fingers squeezing the back of my neck. "I can feel yer little heart racin'. It's gonna be okay. Me and Glenn and Merle ain't gonna let nothin' happen to you."
Merle said this was a favor. If we told them where the prison was, we'd be leading a bunch of angry people right to our family, and they might want to take our food or our beds or even our lives, just like those people that Jim was with who threatened the Greene farm. If we just let them take us to their paradise instead, then maybe— Maybe they can sort this out? They won't shoot us all in the head?
"Where are we goin'?" I mumble into my Dad's shirt, watching the forest shrink behind us. "I don't wanna go."
"I know ya don't, chicky. Me, neither." He steps up onto the curb of the pavement, then back down on the other side and through the main parking lot, approaching their car. The man keeps his gun on us as he pulls the passenger door open. "But it's gon' be okay."
"Shut up and take shotgun," The man nods at the seat. "Your kid can sit in your lap."
Without answering, Dad climbs into the car, door slamming shut behind us. I watch over his shoulder as Glenn is forced into the middle of the back seats, his face wrung in pain, his fingers curled around the blood gushing from his thigh. Arjun and Boyd take a seat on either side of him, the fatter man shoving him upright before pointing his gun at the back of Dad's head, scaring me into looking away.
"We're gonna take a little drive," Merle sighs as he swings into the driver's seat and pulls his door shut.
He twists the keys into the ignition, engine rumbling to life.
As he peels outta the car park, Glenn's pained groans growing louder by the second, I wonder where that beetle went.
We end up at a checkpoint gate.
Merle's got his window rolled down and he's chatting it up with another one of his scary-lookin' friends, who I guess is a guard. They're talking about work schedules and other gossip, until Glenn makes a loud noise and he bothers to ask who we are. Oh, that's the guy from my old group up in Atlanta, he's telling him, And my brother and his daughter. My niece. I told you about her. Can you believe it? I ain't really listenin'. I'm looking out at the tall walls of sheet-metal, the barbed wire curled along the top of it, the people holding big guns up in the tower, spitting on the ground and smoking while they stare down at us with loose smirks. Somehow, it feels a little like the prison.
"No shit?" The guard eventually exclaims with a grin. "Hey, congrats, man. That's some crazy luck you got."
As he looks us over, twiddling his fingers in greeting, I feel my Dad's grip on me tighten before Merle pulls his attention back. "You're tellin' me, man. But listen. We gotta head on down to the blocks — Tell ya about it later — so get Philip for me, will ya?"
"Sure. I'll radio him," He nods. "But, yo? Where's Eric at?"
"Just open the fuckin' gates, Mendoza," Boyd snaps, pressing his gun harder to Glenn's temple. "I'm gettin' impatient."
The guard makes a shrugging gesture before he takes a step back, whistling sharply at somebody. "Open up! They're good!"
"What the Hell are, 'the blocks', Merle?" Dad grits as the guards begin to pull the gate open and Merle drives through. All the barbed wire and metal walls fall away, revealing pretty town houses and flower beds lining the streets. Merle weren't lyin'. This place looks like— Well, it looks like paradise. It feels like we've gone back in time, to before all the blood and death and walkers. "What's the plan?"
"The blocks are where we put the undesirables." We pass a woman and a man walking together with a baby stroller and a cute little dog on a leash, and they're happy and clean, and I wonder if they know what 'the blocks' are. They look like all they gotta worry about is what they're gonna have for lunch. I also wonder where Mouse is right now. Poor little guy. "They're gonna question you and the Asian."
"His name is Glenn," I mumble unhappily, knowing nobody gives a shit. They shot him.
Dad scoffs. "Should'a known you wasn't gonna send him to a doctor. Y'all ain't the special-treatment type, is ya?"
"Fuck you, Merle," Glenn whines from the backseat. "Fuck you."
"W-wait," I frown. "Ya can't leave him like this, Merle. Herschel says it ain't right."
Merle shrugs. "Who's Herschel?"
"He's an animal doctor. And he says you always gotta take the bullet out, or it might not get better. Please?"
"Princess, I think what you're sayin' is adorable," He says as we turn a corner, the streets suddenly becoming a little duller — No flowers, less people, open dumpsters and construction cones lining the curb. "And I get it, but it's outta my hands, okay?"
"Well, can't ya at least give him a bandage?"
"What about Harley?" Dad cuts me off before I can argue any more. "She sure ain't goin' to no, 'block'."
"Hey. I'm stayin' with you," I turn to face him. If that's where he and Glenn are goin', that's where I'm goin'. I'on care if the blocks is where they put their 'undesirables'. I'll be an undesirable with them. I can't be on my own. "Daddy, I gotta stay with you."
He ignores me. "Merle?"
"I know she ain't. Don't worry," He reassures him, pulling in next to a half-built house. "She can stay in my apartment."
"Good," Dad slowly nods, but it's not good at all.
"No. Dad, don't leave m—"
"It's better this way. Okay?" He scolds me, brows raised as he waits for me to answer, but I know that look in his eyes. I know why his fingers are shaking. He's scared. I give nod, before he pulls me in for a hug. "Okay. So, shut up and give yer Dad a hug."
Merle cuts the engine off.
"We're here. Get out." Arjun shoves his door open and climbs out, pulling on Glenn's shirt. "I said, 'Get out'. Come on."
"Fuck you," He whines again.
Dad places a kiss to my hair, pulling away as Boyd rips our door open. "It's gonna be okay. I'mma see you soon."
I shake my head. "How you know?"
"I'mma make 'em."
"What's the matter, asshole?" Boyd taunts as Dad reluctantly climbs out, leaving me in his seat. "Never been to prison before?"
"Sure," Dad jokes, pinning the man with a unamused look. "I'm gettin' fuckin' deja vu."
The door slams in my face.
"Come along, then, tough guy."
It's gonna be okay, I repeat in my head as he shoves my Dad forward with his gun. I'mma see you soon.
I watch them go. I want so bad to run out and cling to my Dad's leg, so tight they'll have to let me stay with him, but I remember what he's always told me. Sometimes, little girls don't get what they want. It's always for my own good, so I bite my tongue as he and Glenn hobble down the steps of the building's cellar door, a cold sense of grief washing over me as the top of their heads disappear.
It's only now that I realize I don't even know where I am.
"You heard yer old man," Merle says to break the silence. "It's better this way."
It's like I'm back in the parking lot at Arrendale State Prison, sitting on Merle's hip while they take my Daddy away. That jury was just a bunch of pansies, princess, he told me, They don't get what it means to be a Dad. He's innocent.
"They're just gonna ask him a few questions," He tells me now. "Nothin' he can't handle."
"I wanna go with 'em," I murmur to myself, staring longingly at the closed cellar doors.
If it's just questioning, why can't I go, too?
"No, ya don't," He laughs a bit, twisting the keys into the ignition. "C'mon. Let's go kick back at Uncle Merle's place, huh? Like old times?"
I say nothing as he pulls into the street.
"It'll be fun. Ya still like Twinkies?"
The door to Merle's apartment closes behind me.
Dumping his backpack on the floor, Merle stretches his arms over his head, groaning as he meanders up to his kitchen cabinets.
"Got 'em stashed away up here somewhere."
"Woah," I mumble, looking around. "You live here?"
"Welcome to my humble abode," He chuckles to himself. "It ain't too big, but you won't hear me complainin'."
We ain't never had no apartment. Apartments are for hipsters and rich kids, as Dad liked to say, but it looks like Merle's been living it up since the world ended. I'm kinda jealous, but it ain't his fault I sleep in a cell and had to eat mushrooms for four months.
As he paws through his groceries, I head over to the lounge area, picking up the magazine laid out on the coffee table. The shiny lady on the cover smirks at me, and when I notice how she got no clothes on, I quickly drop her back down. The cashews scattered at my feet and the empty bag of crisps shoved under the sofa suddenly seem very interesting, and also the baseball bat laying across the cushions. Merle was never very good at cleaning up after himself. Turning away, I pass the dining table, approaching the open window.
Sunshine sweeps over me as I push the curtains aside. The street below is loud, busy, normal. A pair of ducks wade around in the still, green water of a stagnant fountain in the nearby gardens, one dunking its head under as an armoured truck drives by.
"There they are."
If Dad was here, he'd prolly tell me that joke about ducks I like — What time does a duck wake up? At the quack of dawn. We read that in a fortune cookie when he ordered Chinese food one night. I hope he and Glenn are alright, but I ain't so sure.
Merle drops the box of Twinkies on the table. "Here we go, princess. Sit down."
Turning away from the window, I take a seat opposite of him.
"Are those real?" I ask. "No way."
"You know you sound like some sorta feral animal, askin' all these questions." He throws one to me. "Yeah, they're real."
"Thanks, Uncle Merle."
"We got a lotta catchin' up to do. You gotta be nine by now, right?"
"Yeah, I think so!"
"So, little miss nine-years-old, wanna hear the rest of that story?" He grins, taking a Twinkie for himself.
Tearing the plastic open, I nod, taking a bite. "We all thought you was dead."
"So did I, girl." He jokes, shaking his head. "Oh, man, I thought I was dead. Weren't no way any old Joe was gonna get himself outta that pickle, but I ain't any old Joe, am I? Nah. I thought of you, I thought of yer Daddy, and I cut myself outta them cuffs."
"That's how ya lost yer hand?" I giggle in disbelief, earning myself a nod. "You crazy, Merle. Did it hurt?"
"'Course it hurt. But I got it cauterized, got it all bandaged up with my shirt. You know, y'all was gone, time I got back."
"Wait, what? So, we missed ya?"
"By at least a day, is my guess. Fires were cold. I found one of yer socks on the ground. Kept it with me for weeks."
Oh. My Uncle is a real asshole — He's exactly the typa person he used to pride himself on protecting me from — but I know he loves me. To think, if we'd left just a few days later than we did, he could'a been with us this whole time. I used to think about that every day. Things prolly would'a been worse with him around, sure, but he's family. You're supposed to stick around when things get worse.
"Sorry, Merle," I sigh, fiddling with the crumbs on the table. "We didn't wanna leave. Really. But we had to."
"Yeah," He sneers. "Was it Officer Friendly?"
"Nah, it was me." I admit. "I got real sick. We thought I got scratched by a walker and we went to the CDC."
He deflates a little. "Well, shit, huh? What happened?"
"It was like I was dyin'. Dad was angry at everybody. He broke a walkie. Turns out, I just had food poisonin' from some bad jerky Glenn made. Ain't nobody ever taught him how to cure meat properly, you know. After that, he was kind of our only friend."
"What, y'all like that little twerp, now?" He chuckles awkwardly, taking another bite of his Twinkie.
"Merle," I pause, a little embarrassed I have to say it out loud. "Merle, I like all of 'em, now."
It's been a year — A year.
I like Officer Friendly. His woman, Lori. I like the Asian, and the housewife, Carol. I like all of 'em. I don't know when it happened, or if I really had a choice in it, but everything is different now. Even if some things are still the same, like Merle.
That group is my family, but he don't need to know that. I know he'll just say call me brainwashed.
"And to be real honest," I reluctantly add, "They're prolly wonderin' where we are right now. Y'know?"
This Twinkie is nice and all; I'm finally back with my Uncle again. I even saw a dog on a leash. But I hope he don't think I want to stay here. It ain't really a paradise if my family ain't here with me, or if my Dad and my friend are locked up in a cellar right now, being questioned. I gotta go back to my real home sometime. I don't belong here. Ya don't belong in a place that you got taken to at gunpoint.
Merle looks down at his empty wrapper, wordlessly crumpling it in his hand. I can tell he's pissed off.
"How much do you like it here?" I ask, suggesting, "I know you got new friends and all, but what if you came back with us?"
"Baby, I got an inklin' that's not how any of this is gonna go down," Merle scoffs lightly. "I'm sorry, but it ain't."
"I—? I don't get it. Why not?"
Don't he wanna be with me and Dad?
"Think about what yer Dad said just now." He straightens, his metal blade clanking as he lays his arms on the table. "Things are better this way. We got running water here. Plumbing. Electricity. Hell, girly, I can even get'chu some of them Disney movies you like."
"I don't—"
"What was it again? Fox and the somethin'? Fox and the Hound? I can trade Patty for it. We can watch it tonight."
Swallowing the stale glob of Twinkie in my mouth, feeling it slide down my throat like tacky glue, I leave the last bite on the table.
"I don't know, Merle," I guiltily shrug. After a long, uncomfortable silence, I ask, "Can I have some water?"
He relents, sighing. "Sure, baby. Hang tight."
As he stands up to go back into the kitchen, I forget all about his promises of snacks and movies, thinking of my group back at the prison instead. They don't got no Twinkies, or TV, or my favorite movies, or even electricity, but I would still rather be there than here. There's gotta be some way I can convince Merle to leave this place with us. He must love us more than he loves his apartment.
I begin to wonder when we are actually leaving. They can't make us stay here, can they? This is just a visit?
Dad and Glenn are gonna get questioned for killing that man, Eric, and then Merle will vouch for us?
Either way, everybody must be worried about us. If not now, then definitely in a few hours from now when they realize we ain't came back. That trip never takes more than an hour. They'll wait for us, and then they'll wait just little longer, and then Rick will grab his gun and come looking, but he'll find nothing but mine, Dad, and Glenn's weapons laying next to a body in the abandoned parking lot.
We only drove for about ten minutes to get to this town. We never ran into it, but it can't be so hard to miss.
I really hope we ain't stuck here long enough for it to come to that. I just wanna go home.
The sound of a walkie chiming makes me jump.
Putting the cup down next to the sink, Merle groans to himself and digs into his backpack. "Shit."
"What is it?"
"It's gonna be Mendoza," He complains, before he presses the button down and there's a voice the other end. "Hear that?"
I shake my head. "I can't hear so well, now."
He pulls a face at me. "How ya mean?"
Instead of explaining myself, I just push my hair back from my ear, revealing my hearing aid before smoothing it back down.
"You got a hearin' aid?"
"I got two. Without 'em, I basically can't hear nothin', and with 'em, it's kinda hard to hear fuzzy things, or faraway things, but it's mostly like it was before," I say timidly. "Shane accidently shot my ear off last Fall. Messed me up good and proper."
"Shane," Merle sneers, laughing to himself. "Shane Walsh. I'll kill that motherfuc—"
"Dad already did."
"Oh," He chirps, sounding pleased. "Well, that works out, then, doesn't it? How?
"Beat him and kicked him 'til he ain't never got up again."
"Good to hear yer Daddy's still got his balls intact. What, so you know sign language and shit now?"
"Sure. So, what'd the radio say?"
With a sound of annoyance, he grabs his keys from his backpack and shoves them in his pocket. "I gotta go help out with sum', and I wanna see yer Dad down at the blocks soon, anyway, do some catchin' up. I'll prolly see you in a few hours."
I perk up. "Can I co—"
"No, ya can't come," He deadpans, opening the door. "I'mma lock this behind me. Don't open it for nobody."
"O-okay," I nod, obedient.
"Help yourself to anythin' you want, princess. See ya later."
The door slams shut, the lock clicking loudly — SNAP — before his footsteps retreat down the corridor.
Letting out a breath, I slump against the table.
Old times. 
Lucky me.
Merle's got a big collection of movies.
While the fiery colours of a cool gunfight flash over me, voices shouting war cries, I flip the cover of a different CD over in my hands. I figure I gotta keep myself occupied while Merle's gone, and he did say I could help myself to anything I want.
"Tom and Jerry," I read aloud to myself, smiling at the cartoon animals and shrugging.
The movie cuts out when I press the eject button, and the disc comes sliding out. I take it, replacing it with the new one.
A colourful menu pops up on the screen. Aw, cute!
I find myself grinning up at it like a monkey who's discovered electricity for the first time, pressing play on the remote and absentmindedly watching as the episode plays out in front of me. I'm surprised I even remember how a TV works. It feels like I've snuck outta my bedroom in the middle of the night, snacking on ice cream straight outta the tub while everyone else sleeps. I feel naughty.
I wish I could share this with the rest of the group, especially Carl. Ain't none of us watched TV in forever.
Jerry the mouse is slapping Tom the cat in the face with a banana peel when there's a knock on the door.
Flinching, I turn around.
I wait a moment, watching the door, making sure I really heard it. If it was Merle, he'd probably just open—
That's not Merle.
I press the eject button, and the silly noises and bright colours cut out.
"I don't think you should've done that," The man behind the door muses in the silence that follows, his voice calm, amused, like he's talking to somebody he knows, but I don't recognise the sound of it. "See, now I know you're in there. It was a bad move."
I really wish I had my knife or my gun on me.
Who the Hell is that? Wh— Who would want to talk to me?
"Now I think it would make sense if you would come and open the door for me. No point in hiding, Harley."
I can't help it — A sharp gasp leaves me.
"Yes, that's right. I know your name," He laughs, sounding almost fond, as I slowly rise from my position on the rug and creep over to the door, pressing my ear against the wood to hear him better. "My name is Philip, but people call me the Governor."
Phil. Merle mentioned that name at the gates.
A friend of his?
"Your Uncle Merle probably told you not to open the door for strangers, but we're not strangers any more, are we?"
How do I make him go away?
"I know your name," He muses boredly. "You know mine. If you want, I'll even tell you my favourite colour. It's green."
I don't give a shit what his favourite colour is.
Maybe if I just keep quiet, he'll think the TV is broken, or that he made a mistake — There ain't no little girl named Harley in here. Because there's no way in Hell I'm opening this door for anybody, even if I know their name and their favorite colour.
My heartbeat hammer, hammer, hammers against the door. Please go away. Please.
After a long pause, I hear him laugh to himself again. "You're not going to open the door, are you?"
No, I ain't.
"Smart girl."
Suddenly, I hear the sound of keys jingling.
My blood runs cold.
I jump back as the doorknob rattles in front of my face, watching it turn, gasping as the door opens. He had keys the whole time?
The man lets himself in and closes the door behind him like he owns the place, like I ain't just gave him a very clear message I don't want him in here, walking past me and coming to a stop in the middle of the room with his hands in the pockets of his grey slacks, smiling quaintly at me. He looks like an office worker, a harmless one, his clothes ironed and clean, hair damp and combed to the side.
I stare at the stranger — because that's what he is — horrified, violated, wanting to jump out the window. 
"Who are you?" I frown with my chest puffed out, trying my best to sound confident.
"Well, I just told you," He jokes, nonchalant. "My name is Philip."
"You ain't supposed to be in here, Philip," I warn him. "My Uncle, he's gonna kill you."
"Oh, I doubt that very much," The man chuckles to himself, like I've just made a very funny joke. "Mind if I sit, honey?"
I do, but that don't seem to matter.
He rounds the sofa and carefully dusts the crumbs off the cushions before taking a seat, gesturing for me to do the same.
"Come on," He beckons nicely. "Sit where you like. Don't be scared."
"I really don't think—"
His face hardens. "Don't be rude, either."
Shit, this is bad. What the Hell do I do?
I glance at the front door. I could make a run for it, but it might be better to pretend everything's okay. I don't wanna make him mad, and I definitely don't wanna get lost out there, so I shuffle my way over to the lounge area and sit on the rug again.
When my eyes dart to the baseball bat laying next to him, his smile returns. I think he likes that I'm scared.
"I'm going to confess something," He decides.
Too afraid to speak, I keep my mouth shut.
"Before I came here, I'd planned to promise you I would take you back to wherever your group is. Get you to tell me where they were that way," He explains, lacing his fingers in his lap as if he's in a business meeting. "But I realize you wouldn't fall for that."
He's right. I wouldn't.
I guess that's why he's here. He wants to know where my group is. "You ain't here 'cause you're mad about Eric?"
"Did you kill him?"
I shake my head.
"Then, no," He simply says. "I hope you're good at keeping secrets, because between you and me — I never liked him."
"Well, I sure as Hell ain't tellin' you nothin'," I say bravely, thinking of baby Judith. "I ain't even told my own Uncle."
"I know that." He continues smiling at me in a way that makes me wonder if his face is stuck like that permanently. "I could also tell you that the only reason I'm asking is to help your people out, share our resources. But you wouldn't fall for that, either."
Where is he going with this?
"So," He says patiently, "It turns out I'm not going to do either of those things. Do you know what I do here?"
"You're the president," I guess.
"That's cute." His smile lifts into a smirk for a moment, before he shakes his head. "No. I'm Woodbury's leader. 'Governor', remember? Everything I do is in my people's interests, just like I'm sure your Dad does everything in yours. When I start hearing that there's a new group around, I think of what that might mean for us. Have you ever had something like that happen? A new threat?"
"There were people who wanted our farm," I hesitate to admit. "And no, that ain't where we're livin' now."
"I didn't think so. What did you do about it?"
"We hung one of their guys in a barn. He was our friend, but... Sometimes, you gotta kill yer friends."
Philip is still smiling at me, but his eyes are all empty, like they're not really his. I've seen those eyes on dead people.
"I'm glad we have an understanding," He nods slowly. "In the past, I've had to kill my friends, too."
"Good for you."
For the first time since he opened that door, his smile completely drops. "You know who else I'm prepared to kill?"
My heart beat starts to hammer, hammer, hammer against my ribs again.
"Your Daddy," He says with that expressionless look on his face. He don't look so much like an office worker no more. He's a killer in fancy britches, with the blood freshly washed off his forearms. He's a wolf and I'm the little piggy, and I made a mistake when I didn't run away. My fingers tighten around my knees, the sweat hot and slippery on my skin. "If you don't tell me where your group is, I will cut your Daddy's throat open and make my apologies to the unlucky fool who has to clean up all the blood he leaves behind."
I can't speak. I can't. The words are congealed somewhere at the back of my throat, making it very hard to swallow.
"I wouldn't even have to kill the other one," He smirks a little. "I'm sure that gunshot will do it for me. Sepsis is nasty stuff."
Dad and Glenn. Oh, God, I knew it. We didn't question Jim when he was our prisoner, so why would they question them?
Of course Dad didn't want me there with them. They're in danger. They're in danger, and I'm up here in this apartment, eating snacks and watching cartoons and that's all I'll be doing when they cut their throats open or hang them from the ceiling.
"Oh, ple— Please don't," I huff, grabbing my belly so I don't throw up on Merle's rug. "Please don't."
Lifting his hands up, the man makes a gesture of peace, his smirk widening before he drops them in his lap. "Oh, I won't. I haven't exhausted all my options, yet, honey. It wouldn't be wise to kill your Dad right now. This is just something to think about."
I hug myself tighter as he stands from the sofa.
"For when I come back," He adds, staring down his nose at me, cowering at his feet in a ball.
I don't have it in me to glare at him.
All I want is to go home with Dad and Glenn and Mouse and never step foot in another paradise again.
Smiling that stupid, empty smile of his, Philip steps past me and crouches down next to the TV, picking up the Tom and Jerry cover. He chuckles to himself at the picture on it, before putting it back down and pressing the disc back into the player.
On the screen, Jerry starts hitting Tom with the banana peel again, but it's not so funny any more.
"Enjoy your cartoons, honey," He says oddly sincerely.
I watch him stand back up and make his way to the door, not sparing me a backwards glance as he closes it behind him. A grating burst of laughter comes from the TV, and before I can stop myself, I cry out — "Ugh, shut up!" — and punch it hard.
The disc slides back out, silently landing on the rug.
"I wanna go home," I whine to nobody.
Author's Note.
This chapter took a while to come out, but I hope the wait was worth it!
I can't believe I finally get to write Merle! Harley is very glad to see him again, even if she knows he isn't perfect. Meanwhile, Daryl isn't too pleased. Things have definitely changed.
Writing the Governor was SO fun. He's very creepy. Whenever there's I have a character who's really smart or has a way of dictating a conversation, it's always humbling when I remember that means I have to be those things in order to write them lmao. I hope I'm doing him justice.
Also hope you enjoyed the chapter! See you in the next one!
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Okay player, this is your first battle in the wonderful world of ROBLOX! What cards do you have on hand? If you have any powerful projectiles, use them on the big guy (his name is Noobador, don't ask what 'noob' means)
At the same time, make sure you look out for Red and Blue. Those two just got out from another fight and may be the equivalent of Goombas, but their Revenge mechanic if one of them goes down shouldn't be underestimated...
If your feeling skittish, try and take Blue down first. It's clear you care about the Kid a lot, alternate versions non-withstanding.
Oh, and if you do happen to die in this fight (hard to imagine), you won't loop back. Here, it's called "respawning"
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• (World of Roblox? Sounds of an awful lot like Robloxia...)
• (... This may really be an alternate reality, huh...)
• (...)
• (... Focus, Player, focus! You're in a battle! You don't have time for this!)
• (Cards? Oh card!)
• (Of course those... things.)
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• (even their pockets are different?!)
• (That's... Really weird.)
• (They have all the cards they used to have before. Memory: Defeat, Perfection, time, loop, blood, snack, and sadness.)
• (None of these seem very usefull right now)
• (They could maybe use their secondary weapon, their dagger, as a projectile if need be. But... They don't wanna. That blade is sentimental! Too many of their puns rely on its existence!)
• (Also, They know what a Noob is!)
• (... But, um... what's a goomba–?)
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[Red noob uses Stab on #y####.]
[####u# blocks Red noob's attack]
• (Not a question for now it appears. They're wasting time.)
• (...)
• (... They'll have to fight The Kid.)
• (...)
• (While it's clearly not their kid...)
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• (... It's still a version of her.)
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• (...)
[Noobador is preparing and attack]
• (But... They'll have to do something.)
• (They have heard lots of about their Kid's loved ones. The kid has spouted a lot of things about her family during conversations. So they know that they won't give up the fight easily.)
• (They unsheath their sword and hold it in front of it. Their grip on it strong. the blade reaches far above their head. It's a ghostly transparent white. They feel lighter and swifter while holding it.)
• (They will just need to knock them out.)
• (and hold back like in the tutorial their party did in the first room of that Blinding Treehouse.)
• (Stars, How many loops ago was it since they were in there–)
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• "..."
• "... ow???"
• (Hey! They were preparing an attack! Not preparing to play Dodgeball!!)
• (Time to give him a taste of his own medicine– with a little holding back, of course.),
• (Their hand form the gesture of a pair of scissors around the handle of their sword.)
[Siffrin used Knife to meet you! on noobador]
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[Noobador took 50 damage]
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[Noobador is K̵n̷o̶c̸k̵e̸d̶ ̵o̶u̶t̵]
▪ "..."
▪ "..."
• (Red and Blue turn to look at them.)
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• (They're a monster.)
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First | << previous | next >>
//OOC: why do these take so long to makeee!!
That was a tonal shift and a half, right?
Don't worry! The traveller has a heal spel!!
Also, this Traveller didn't get to do any grinding :3. They just didn't have the feature. They only have beaten the Cruel King once.
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fictionfixations · 5 months ago
doing yunli's story quest
i think it has a different name but tbh genshin was like my first actual gacha game i was really committed to so expect me to refer to things in genshin terms unless i can remember the equivalent in the game im playing.
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OHHH cause we never got to know what the sword looked like
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argenti i love you but why are you literally everywhere
actually this is probably why he appears in the wardance event
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??? when she said hanguang (earlier, screenshot underneath this screenshot) i had a hunch that it mightve been her father with the way she reacted.
it probably is a cursed sword though. i know shes making a scene but who cares if its a threat to someone's safety? theres this like side quest that happens after wardance where we say goodbye to everyone returning to their own xianzhou ships (fu xuan also returns) and yunli and yanqing talked about the sword a bit and she didnt seem to have anything against it so i guess it gets solved in this
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holy fucking shit you can hear swords slashing and screaming in the background
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whats the blade of forged remnants? OH ITS HER SWORD old mettle
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why am i struggling so hard im
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NOOOOOOO. you do not understand my absolute HATRED for fights against argenti or yanqing. (well i hate sunday's too but hes just a weekly boss. argenti and yanqing can be pulled out whenever) its the having multiple smaller enemies... aAaaaaaa
my team is getting their ass beat i cant
tingyun is so fucking squishy she and robin keep dying after each other😭
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i dont have a team that can win this om. the ONLY character i have built that he has weakness against is ROBIN. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
i dont have herta built. i despise his shields with a passion. i cant do enough damage 😭
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i cant continue the story D:
in all fairness i was also stuck on sundays boss battle for a lONG time (only managed because every single turn i had lynx heal to build up her ult as fast as possible. but im doing that method right now and its still not working 😭. i also had to switch in dr ratio for more imaginary weakness but i cant do that here cause they arent buILT.)
it also wouldnt matter if the character was built or not with aventurine cause they wouldnt immediately die at least but i dont have him hHHHH
...wwwhy did you target my only damage dealers wtf man. itd be a different story if he was really close to dying but hes NOT imfioahdwsauiodj
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OH MY GOD I FORGOT THIS WAS A THING. i kept quitting before i could hit the defeat screen
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i forgot to mention it but argenti is like being possessed by the heliobus in the cursed sword
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his voice sounds oddly familiar. i wanna say it sounds like ben (moze's and kaveh's va) but it also feels like its not his voice theres just a quality of it that reminds me of ben's? i might be completely wrong
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oh thats fair
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i see
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this felt. really short tbh. its been like what? an hour at least?
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thats sweet
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thenewfuture · 1 year ago
Ahhhh those jerks are awful kick there butts Hinata
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Wait! Stop you guys, we don't have to do this!
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We're all on the same side here! We're teammates, co-workers, friends! We don't have to fight. Let's just stop this and not participate in this dumb killing game.
Ruruka: .....Pfftt, hahahahahaha! Hahaha! Oh my god! You did not just say that right now!
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Ruruka: You really are the biggest and dumbest dweeb I've ever met! Friends? Teammates? Get real! I never cared about the Future Foundation. All I wanted was to survive this Tragedy ordeal and get people to eat my sweets. This job was just a means to an end. In fact, if I deliver your corpses to Kyosuke, I bet I could get a huge reward! I may even get the funds to run my own organization! Hahahaha!~ Imagine that~
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I....can't believe this...! Kyosuke and Juzo were bad enough, but you....you're just selfish!
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Trying to kill us for something so stupid and petty! What is WRONG WITH EVERYBODY!
Ruruka: Petty? Me? I'm trying to get what I want out of this whole thing. I'm making the best out of a bad situation. Survival of the fittest and all that. But if we really wanna talk petty, how about your attempted dragging of everyone else at 4th Hope's Peak Class Trial?
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Ruruka: You wanted everyone to die and get the wrong answer all because your fwiend died? Tsk tsk tsk... Isn't that selfish? Isn't that petty? Isn't that greedy? Lots of other people lost their friends too, why do you think you're special enough to decide everyone else's fate? As someone who knows a fair bit about betrayls from so-called friends, I bet Sakura was rolling in her grave when she saw you pull that little stunt.
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I....Th-That was.....I....I.....
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SHUT UP! Don't you dare talk to Hina like that!
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You have no idea what we went through in the killing game! You talk big, but it's easy to insult others when you can't even show your face to us!
Ruruka: As if I'd show my face to those freaks of nature called the Remnants of Despair! Like I said, I'm trying to survive here! And I have fullllll faith in Sonosuke to do the job perfectly! Speaking of which... I think it's time for you all to die now! Go on, baby! Do your thing!
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Yes Ruruka.
*Sonosuke grabs his knife and charges forward to the group, he swings and-*
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*.....is stopped. Hajime braces himself for the assault, but someone beats him to it. Sonosuke's knifes is parried by someone holding another weapon.....scissors....*
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How.....dare you.....
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"Huh-wha? Sonia...?"
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You despicable....horrid....unhonorable....lowly cowards...!
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I have let you go on and on about your distasteful slander against these people and myself! I did not want to partake in this senseless act of violence and distrust again, not after what we have been through! But if you intend to turn your blade against my comrades and I, then I cannot sit idly by no longer!
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I am Sonia Olivia-Kassandra-Regina-Theodore Nevermind III.... *Sonia twirls the office scissors and dons a pose similar to Genocider Syo...*
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For the sake of peace, for the sake of my future, and for the sake of my friends! I will stop your ungraceful advances here and now!
Ruruka: Ugh! She's so loud and annoying! Sonosuke! Get rid of her!
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I agree, you talk too much. Now prepare yourself...!
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chidoroki · 2 years ago
Hell’s Paradise EP2
aka: cornucopia bloodbath
Are we gonna start off each episode with the topic of beheading? We’re two for two.
So Sagiri actually wanted to become an executioner because she saw how perfectly her father made his cuts.. I don’t necessarily wanna call that cute but hurray for following in her father’s footsteps I guess?
Oh, good to see she’s not completely heartless about the whole process. Well, I imagine beheading others would instill fear, grief and other emotions into anyone and would probably take many attempts, or several years even, to not feel pain anymore while doing so.
Also, those lifeless bodies we saw in the OP/ED surrounding her now have context with them being her doubts, like right now as this red-haired man explains with the truth reflecting in her blade.
I shall never skip this OP by the way and yes I’m gonna comment about it each week. I heard the full version of it the other day and it’s just as lovely.
Ooohh finally getting little looks at some of our cast like Chobei, Yuzuriha, Nurugai and Tamiya. Same with some of the swordsmen with Shion, Fuchi, and Toma somewhere I’m sure.
All the criminals are throwing their rage at the shogun while Gabimaru is just over here complaining that he can’t breathe with that paper mask over his face.
This dude unrolls a certificate to show them the official pardon but it’s hilarious since none of the criminals can actually see it with their eyes covered.
Yuzuriha knows of our hollow man hm? & despite myself not knowing a thing a out her, I think her voice suits her.
SPEAKING OF VOICES, Gabimaru shares a va with Langa (sk8) and I dunno how it completely slipped my mind last week or how I didn’t pick up on it.
Eh so weird, that poor dude with the flowers blooming out of him is actually still alive?
I’m not entirely sure why, but Nurugai reminds me of Dororo? Maybe it’s the character design somehow.
Oh good lord, large tattoo man just got beheaded with no questions asked.
“Act out in the island, and you’ll be beheaded on the spot.” Yeah that checks out.
“Naturally, if your monitor dies, whether by accident or homocide, you’ll be beheaded.” Glad we mentioned that little bit. But if by some crazy chance they all die, then no one can behead the criminals, right?
“If your monitor isn’t with you, you won’t be allowed onto the return boat.” Oh good, I’m glad we’re answering all my questions right as they come up. So y’all can’t just kill them for funsies because I’m sure they were all just thinking that.
Ya know I was thinking that, there’s way too many criminals here right now and not enough asaemon to monitor them, of course they’re gonna fight for a spot. That and a lot of them just look like randomly placed characters.
Ahha, and looks like our bastard Chobei is gonna get a head start on reducing their numbers. And I know he doesn’t share a va with Bakugo, but that’s all I hear with him, just a little. I have heard him in other things but nothing I remember too clearly.
The fact they can all fight rather well with their hands tied is kinda impressive, I won’t lie about that.
Oh? I assume our main cast are those with these red seals. The special ones with great abilities.
Our man Gabimaru is actually quite the legend huh? Yet he hasn’t move an inch since coming here.. he’s so chill. I love it.
Not me somehow getting Nozel and Noelle vibes when this Eizen man tells Sagiri she isn’t suited for this kind of job. Go prove him wrong girl!
Not that I want her end Gabimaru’s life, but I hope our girl manages to get over her doubts..somehow.
Goddamn, slicing three of them one after another like that..
“Not killing people if you don’t have to is the most natural thing in the world.” Gabimaru you’re such a kind soul.
Holy shit man! You cut the dude’s throat with your bare hands how??
And now he’s just bit another guy’s throat apart.. Gabimaru is literally a beast.
Oohh the scene from the trailers! With him standing in the water with the bodies around him!
“Is it possible that what I needed wasn’t the strength not to fear killing but the resolve to take on the burden of that fear and the lives I took?” Ah perhaps, I’m sure Sagiri will find her answer eventually.
Like Gabimaru last ep, I didn’t expect her to actually have emotions like this. It just didn’t seem like something an executioner would show ya know? So I’m happy we got a look inside her mind and past this time.
Ah so aside from our cast there’s seems to be a couple more criminals joining the party that I’m not familiar with.
Same with the other executioners too, but I finally spotted Toma and got a clearer look at Tenza!
“There is no danger.” Well that’s a blatant lie if I ever saw one.
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slightlysuspect · 2 years ago
Die in Vayne
Ahsoka's perspective of events.
Ahsoka Tano
Ugh, why do we even do jobs anymore? Going through all this trouble to steal this truck, just to make money that can't even buy a beer. Although I must say the sunlight is nice up here. I can't remember the last time I was up on the surface of this rock.
"Can you handle that Ahsoka?" Crap. Dirt was talking to me on the com link again and I wasn't listening.
"You really think I can't do anything huh?"
"Can you please just crash your speeder on the signal?" So that's what I need to do. That's easy. "Repeat after me. I will crash my speeder when-"
"Excuse me ma'am?" I look and see a couple police officers approaching. "You can't loiter in this traffic lane. I'm gonna have to ask you to move."
"Uh, well officer I'm a little lost. Do you think you could give me some directions?" I ask.
"Sure thing little lady." The other cop says. "Where ya trying to go?" That's a good question.
"Uh lets see, I need to get tooooo, CoCo town I think. I'm interviewing with the commerce guild." That didn't sound convincing.
"Oh yea I can help you with that." Cop 2 says. "And if you're hungry you should check out a diner over there called Dexter's. That's good eatin' right there."
"Ahsoka stop traffic." Dirt says through the comm. I'm up already?
"Thank you for your help officers-"
"What d'you mean? we haven't even told you how to get there yet."
"Right, but-"
"Ahsoka! What's the deal?" Always so demanding and impatient! He wants traffic to stop? Fine! I draw a lightsaber and look around for something that looks explosive. One of these buildings has a box with a bunch of electrical cables running from it. Bingo.
"Hey! Put-" I slice down the cops before they can ask anymore intrusive questions, and throw my blade at the electrical box. Results are immediate and effective. The explosion puts traffic at a standstill. My work here is done. I dive off the speeder to the ground.
"Whoa! What was that? Ahsoka-" I toss the com link on the ground and smash it. Finally, I don't have Dirt in my ear anymore. I wonder if I can find a drink.
I'm not sure how Dawson found me, yet here he is. I assume he's leading me back to a safe house somewhere.
"Come on babe, please we gotta move."
"Why are you in such a big rush today?" I ask. He gives me his trademark grin.
"'Cause we leavin' today." He says. " It's gonna be better for us after this, but we can't get caught slackin'."
"Sure, whatever." Ugh, I'm so tired, and I expel a huge yawn. "Can you carry me?"
"Haha yea of course." He says, and he cradles me in his arms. As much as Dawson annoys me, I have to admit sometimes he's really sweet. He's a tall strong man, and leaning my head against his chest makes me feel so safe, even though I know it's all just an illusion. Dawson isn't capable of loving a woman or keeping me safe, but I wanna pretend for just a little longer.
The second we walk through the door, wouldn't you know Dirt starts yelling immediately.
"Dawson! You know we're about to leave this hellhole, and you just vanish? C'mon get ready to go!"
Dawson looks at Dirt defensively. "What I had to get Ahsoka didn't I? Ain't just gonna leave her here are we?" Dirt heaves a sigh.
"Wait where are we going?" I ask. Dawson said we were going somewhere, but I didn't realize it was a whole thing.
"We're leaving Coruscant." Dirt says to me. "Are you ready to go?"
"Oh ummm, let me go get something from Dawson's room." I say, then I run upstairs. Let's see if I can find it. Dawson gave me this beautiful ring made of nyix back when we had money, and while I rolled my eyes and told him to never buy me anything ever again, I kind of liked it. It's probably the only thing I own, and if we're leaving this planet for good, I would really like to take it with me. I know I put it in here somewhere the other day, right? But when even was the other day? Did Dawson maybe put it somewhere else? There's a small box on a table that looks vaguely familiar. I pop it open and find my ring, looking just a beautiful as I remember it. I put it on my left index finger, and it's a perfect fit, and really very pretty. Ok, now it's time to go. As I walk down the stairs I think I feel the hint of a smile on my face, which fades quickly when I feel the energy in the room.
"Hey Ahsoka, have you been doing okay?" Dirt asks me.
Now I'm just outright confused. "Since when do you care?" I ask. Then I see some security monitors showing footage from outside. There's a bunch of clones outside. And that blue... "The 501st." I say. So the 501st is here. Which means... he's come for me. Is this it then? Am I going to die in this hellhole? I stand frozen in fear for a long moment.
SLAP! "Dirk snap out of it!" Fuentes yells with tears on her face. "You need to get us out of here!" There is no escaping. He'll kill us all.
"Ok. Yea, you're right." Dirt says and he rubs his hands to his face. "It's OK people, here's what we're gonna do." He points to a manhole cover built into the floor. "Reason we moved here? The sewer runs right under here. We're gonna slip right underneath 'em." Wow. All the flack I've given this man for the entirety that I've known him, yet he's so reliable in a pinch. I might have a chance under there.
"Ew, gross." Diego says.
"Well then stay here and have a long conversation with General Skywalker." Dirt retorts.
"It wouldn't be a long conversation." I say. Diego suddenly gets really motivated to hop in the sewer, and I jump in quickly after him. I just really need a second. I run off in a random direction, and once I'm far enough away I collapse against a wall and my eyes start watering bad. Everything's fine... were gonna be ok. I just need to start believing it. Pull it together Ahsoka, you're not gonna be able to fight him if your hand is shaking.
"Hey you hear that?" Someone down the corridor says. Great, I guess someone heard me. Footsteps start approaching.
"P-p-please just leave me alone." I say. "I just...I need some space. Please."
"Ma'am I'm sorry but you can't be here right now." I look up and see a few 501st clones. Do they not recognize me? We just did a mission on Mandalore a couple weeks ago. Wait... that's not right.
"I'm gonna call this up." A clone says, and he pushes his com link. "Commander, we found a girl in the sewer. Do you think she's affiliated with the bounty hunters? Should we bring her in?" That's right. They're looking for me because of that business from earlier. This can only end one way. "Commander said take her out of here and ask her a few-" I draw my blades and slice the clone down.
"I don't have time for questions." I say, and drop the other couple of clones. Focus. I won't win if I don't come at him with everything I've got, and he won't show me any mercy this time. I need to find some hiding places I can ambush from. I move down the sewer quickly, and I get slowed up on occasion because I keep running into more clones, but they'll never get the better of me. My master made sure of that. I find a more open cavern that's perfect. The ceiling is high and you can't see anything above you, which is where I'll be when he gets here. Plus there's tunnels branching off into every different direction, so lots of ways to run if things end up going south. The clones seem to think they have some claim to this cavern though.
"Freeze!" It's gotta be 100 clones pointing their blasters in my direction. "You are under arrest! Don't make us fire!"
I let out a little giggle, because I can sense their fear. They know what happened to their friends, and they know they won't beat me, but still they act tough. "Where's Skywalker." I ask. No reply, and the fear escalates. Maybe this battle will go better than I thought. "Not here? Disappointing." I utter a guttural scream, and launch myself into the heart of the clones' offensive. In a dance of blades more beautiful than the sunset, I slice through any flesh that would stand in my way, deflect any laser fire that would attempt to kill me, and unleash lightning that would draw envy from the gods. I can't help but laugh as clone after clone falls before my overwhelming power. As the last of them fall, I know definitively that I can beat him. I will kill him. I'm the only one who can. I stand in the room alone with the corpses, and feel a twinge of disappointment that it's over. Maybe I should've drawn out the fight a little more. What a rush. I need more.
Do I hear footsteps approaching? Good. I can test my theory about the ceiling. I scale the wall and hang from above in the pitch darkness. A squad of clones walk into the large atrium. Good soldiers. They're staying calm in the face of certain demise. I reach with the force, and grab the one in the rear by his neck. He makes a satisfying choking noise as he floats away before his friends can see.
"360 security. Keep the circle tight." Perfect. People looking out don't think to look up. Once they walk where I want them I strike. Again I work too quickly. With a couple strikes, they're all dead except for the point man.
"Commander Tano?" Finally some recognition. I turn and see Rex. Haven't seen a familiar face in awhile. And I guess since he's got a helmet on I still haven't. I thrust my blade into his gut. If Rex is down then the clones must be beaten. Since Skywalker didn't show I guess there's no reason to hang around here anymore. I begin walking towards a tunnel, when I sense a presence approaching. Master Plo in fact.
"Ahsoka?" Suddenly everyone knows who I am. "Have you done this? But... Why? How... How did this happen?"
"What's it matter to you? Since when do you care what happens to me?"
"I... I brought you to the temple myself. You were the most adorable little girl. I thought there was an eternal bond that held us together."
"Oh really? I don't remember us having an eternal bond when the Jedi were accusing me of treason! The only reason I'm not in prison is because of Anakin. He was the only one who really cared about me! Everyone else is too attached to a code."
He casts a sigh. "I'm sorry we made you feel that way. His face moves to my right arm, and I feel so exposed. Why does my scar have to be so big? "But what happened to your arm? That wouldn't be Anakin's work would it? When's the last time you saw him?"
"And still you only care about Anakin!"
"Ahsoka he is dangerous and unstable, and I'm worried that maybe he's wreaked more havoc than I realized."
"Oh is he? That's probably your fault too! You foolish Jedi sit in your fancy temple and think you know something!? I've never seen a more delusional collection of ignorant elitists!"
"You are probably right about that too."
"I could've been safe from all this! I could've lived in my village, and known my mother, and learned to hunt and farm. But no! YOU had to go and kidnap me, and then hand me over to some maniac!"
"Ahsoka please don't blame-"
"I'll blame whoever I want! Because it certainly isn't my fault! Maybe it's time we start cutting old bonds." I try to read Plo Koon, but somehow he is truly emotionless in this moment, as I walk up on him with a menacing glare. The Jedi truly exist as a void of a being. Really it's a mercy separating them from their living flesh. They would be happier as spirits.
"Yes, I guess that is the unavoidable part of all this." Plo says and draws his blade. "You are too dangerous to be kept alive. I will do what I must, but I am so well and truly sorry, my little 'Soka."
Good. So he wants a fight to the death. This will be fun. I draw my blades and whirl right into action. I'm so energized today, and Plo is an incredible duelist. I come at him as fast as I can pretty haphazardly just to see if he can keep up, and he's not breaking a sweat. He's got my offensive handled so far, but he's yet to mix in a strike. I slow down a bit to see if he'll open himself up, but for some reason he remains hesitant to attack.
"You won't win if you won't attack me."
"No matter the outcome of this fight, I have certainly lost."
Why does he insist on staying so sentimental? He can't enjoy the thrill of the battle, and if he's not gonna be any fun, then maybe I should just put him out of his misery. I start ramping up, dancing all around him as I unleash a flurry of strikes, but much to my frustration I can't crack his defense. Right when I least expect it, he goes on the offensive. It takes all of my flexibility to avoid the first blow, and I find myself giving up a lot of ground as he opens up on me aggressively. A very unexpected shift, but nothing I can't handle. I use the force to push him back, then I throw my left blade at his knees while I jump at his head. He defends low to deflect the the saber I tossed, and his head is exposed. I've got him. But then he takes me truly by surprise, when golden lightning erupts from his hand, which I jump into at full force.
"AHHHHH!" The pain is agonizing as I get knocked back, and go crashing into the bodies of clones on the ground. Since when can the Jedi cast lightning? Hypocrites! How many secrets are they keeping in their temple, and how many techniques are forbidden, until the Jedi find it convenient to use them? "Not bad," I say as I regain my feet. "but I'm not sure if you've got the technique mastered." I draw out my hands, and unleash a barrage of lighting on Master Plo, who deflects it with his lightsaber. It's proving to be difficult to get the upper hand on this guy.
"I can assure you child, you are far from a Master." Is he right? Am I going to lose? He possesses power the likes of which I've never seen before, and there's nothing I can do that could really take him by surprise. No, focus. It's time to get serious. I reach out with the force to grab my second blade, and I pounce. He takes his defensive posture, so I come harder, and faster. He holds firm, so I come faster, and faster, and faster still. My speed is finally starting to tax him. He's defending too slowly, and at long last I get an opportunity to disarm his lightsaber. I get a rush of satisfaction as I look upon him, completely defenseless, then I channel everything I have into conducting lightning.
"AaAahgckgchk." The apparatus that he speaks through begins malfunctioning, but he continues writhing in pain as I blast him, and I don't let up until the writhing stops, and his corpse is black and crispy. Ah, victory is sweet, especially when it's this significant. The first Jedi I ever met, is the first Jedi I ever killed. I grab his lightsaber and continue through the sewer.
Author's Note
I firmly believe this is the best piece I've ever written. I feel like everything from the 2nd episode was building to this moment. The sensation that came with writing this was just different. This piece took me somewhere, and I hope anyone who reads it will feel the same sensation. But the problem with reaching a crescendo is that it can feel so hard to top. I don't feel like I'm close to hitting this peak in anything I'm currently writing. Yea if you don't like this then my writing probably isn't for you. But if you did like it, I strongly recommend you check out the full fic on AO3, where I can also be found under SlightlySuspect.
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boyakishantriage · 1 year ago
"... what make you think I wanna bargain with you?"
"... What."
"Quit this-"
"I'm quite serious. Why should I want to bargain with you?"
She stood, body stuck between the large being's claws.
I had no idea where the fuck I was. Best I could guess, some kind of void. But it has a floor, of some sort. Fragments of the flooring, walls, a whole lotta pieces that my brain gave up trying to constantly match making everything the generic white. Occasionally I'd randomly see bits of real stuff, but it was mostly white.
The giant. Thing's head cocked. Looked down at myself.
"I am not some demon."
"nope. You just look like a danger noodle."
"... Pardon?"
"Danger noodle. Hides in rocks, likes warm things. Y'know?"
"... Do you mean snakes?"
"Danger noodle."
It reshaped, matter shrinking and forming, some kind of shapeshifting maybe. Or more accurately, folding parts... Huh. I guess it was a higher dimensional being. The enormous dragonic shape, what probably was its claw retracted as what looked to be a dark haired Greek stood before me.
She looked up (down?). The claw's tip remained, somewhere.
"So you're human?"
"Last I checked."
"... So what are you doing here?"
"Good question. I don't know."
It tilted its head, the body looking at the human as it raised a question.
"so is this body like. A puppet, marionette doll? Or is it more of a projection over your real self?"
"You're a inquisitive little thing."
"Only way I've lived this long."
"cocky thing. I ought to keep you."
"I ain't owned by no bitch."
"... I'm not familiar with that word."
"I'm calling you a slow. Submissive little slut."
The human held her stare, glaring up directly at his whole body. Outside the third dimension, the body mimicked his laughter. Wiping a tear from his form.
"I like that fire."
"uh huh. You haven't answered my question."
"Alright. It's a projection of sorts I suppose."
"hmm, so what'd happen if I kiss it?"
The body paused, Leviathan considering the woman's words.
"well I suppose I'd- URK."
Hanging off the side of the Leviathan, small knife held in the leviathan's neck.
It seemed to glitched, between the body and it's dragonic like form. Knife pulled out its neck, the human began stabbing the being. Throwing punches and kicks, at some point it raised it's hand to stop her.
And like a feral animal, she bit into the human hand. Growling like a beast. Green tint shining in her eye.
"You're not human."
Gripping harder into the flesh, stabbing the knife into the body's head. Whatever counter it'd pull, stopped, the small blade striking through the skull of the body, hiring whatever the equivalent of a brain was. Swerving, the woman began slashing the body's arm off. Shaking her head like and animal, stamping his foot as she began to force the arm to tear.
Blood coated her body, growling like a beat as the leviathan roared. Shouting in pain and fear.
She slammed a fist into his neck, biting into his shoulder as she snapped the body's arm off.
Like a beast, she began beating into the body, slamming into it while shaking her head. Vocal cords connecting his bloody throat to her chewing and sucking body.
It gripped It's body into a fist, slamming into her side. She leg go, laughing, as she stamped his arm. Whatever sense he had in the arm, flared. Now focusing the blade and biting into the arm, smashing into it until it detached. Limp.
It stared, a fraction of itself torn off, her own body bleeding and scarred but...
Her body giggled, growling as it began to heal. His flesh. That. Tam. Greed. A charyeok devouring his flesh as she did turning him into her.
Eyes grown wild, my body laughed.
"Just noticed? Ben a while since we have ever touched Leviathan."
The human's face contorted to confusion, before it wiped off. A hungry grin, as she began to tear flesh off the arm, sucking the blood as she cackled to herself.
Gripping his bloody stump, torn ruthlessly he attempted to ascend. Rise above this third dimension.
Sweat poured down his body. It wasn't working. Why wasn't it working???
Licked clean, blood coating her hands and face she. He? Looked at the leviathan.
Laughter, cackling into the void. His eyes grew wide. The downturned stare of her past self in the last reset. Trio. Death, king of what he could no think to explain as he stood before a predator.
I twirled knife into hand, running forward at the leviathan. It's eyes wide, summoning a weapon. Didn't matter what that Tam was doing in my body, I'm hungry.
A blade appeared, striking the spear aside, kick throwing him to the ground as she gripped the spear.
"Stabby stick :)"
A cheeky cackle, laughter at her childlike nature as she struck his body. Forcing it onto the floor, his own weapon responding to his flesh.
She tore the leviathan apart, sucking marrow, flesh, with no parasites, microorganisms, raw flesh left plenty to eat.
"URP. AHH. That was a good meal. Wait..."
Blood stained the floor, hands mostly clean of blood, face with flecks of divine blood.
Did I just eat a leviathan?
Holy shit. I just ate a leviathan.
... wait. Wasn't there some story about a blue leviathan having-
"[IDK how to write that], WHAT AND WHERE THE FUCK IS THOUGH?"
"... fuck."
The beast hissed, its claws enveloping you, “Many humans have tried to bargain with me. Some offered gold for their life, others companionship…. even love. What useless thing will you try to offer me for yours?”
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dcjavu · 11 months ago
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October 22nd, 2077
Fine china wiped spotless, a vacuum sucking at the dust clinging to the drapes, mops squelching against the floors, the hum of the radio on the kitchen table as a chicken roasts in the oven, whispered lullabies and hushed babies, an old army jacket thrown over a chair with initials sewn into the shoulder, pairs of newly polished shoes by the door and a jacket being hung up as a man entered through the front door. Kicking aside his work boots, adding to the pile of dirties that his wife need clean before the day’s end, he lifted his hat off his head and tossed it aside so that he could collapse onto the couch and sling an arm over his eyes to cover himself from the dying light pouring in through the windows. The smell of bleach and lemon-lime permeating the air. Sun bleached rooms that lit up in primary colors painted onto every appliance. 
This was the American Dream — at least, that’s what Riley Worthington was fed her entire life. 
She could hear her husband enter and she kissed her teeth, wiping clean the knife she was planning on using to carve the chicken that’d been baking in the oven for hours. Dirtying her skirt by placing the blade up against the hem and erasing any blemishes on the surface, she wandered out of the kitchen and stared him down as he was sprawled out on the couch.
“Ry,” Riley spoke up, gently at first as he started snoring theatrically upon hearing her voice. She didn’t blink. “Ry, wake up.”
“If it ain’t about dinner bein’ ready, I don’t wanna hear it,” Her husband returned and moved over onto his side, burying his face in the cushions.
She bit her lip. No talking back, ever, she could hear her mother’s voice say. You made your bed. Now die in it. Or was it lie? She couldn’t quite recall. Reaching out, she tugged on her husbands ankle so he’d wake more, which only summoned a groan from him. She kept tugging, growing impatient with each yank. God, her son was easier to coax out of bed in the morning than this grown man.
As Riley tugged harder, her husband reached out and grasped onto her wrist tightly. “What the fuck is it, Riley?!” he then snapped — silenced quickly whenever she held the kitchen knife directly at him. “... Riles,”
“Don’t start, Ryker,” she hissed through gritted teeth. “Tell me why I shouldn’t gut you right now for what you’re plannin’ to do.”
“What the hell are you talking about, Riles?” Ryker asked, sounding more exasperated than usual as he glanced between his wife and his reflection in the surface of the knife. “Listen, calm yourself down first, then we can talk about whatever you’re all riled up about. That sound good? I’ll even get you a cold Nuka Cola, take the edge off.”
Riley didn’t falter, only cocking her head to the side as she smiled in pure disbelief. “You’re somethin’ else, you know that, Ryker Worthington?”
“Riley,” Ryker said cautiously. She could see his hand raising slowly, presumably to steal the knife from her, which only prompted her to jut the point closer to his neck, making him flinch. Figures. Always a coward. “H-Hey now. Cool it with that, it ain’t no butter knife.”
“I fuckin’ know it’s not a butter knife, dipshit,” she spat. “That’s the whole goddamned point. Now, start talkin’ or I’m gonna gut you like a fish.”
Ryker eyed his wife with caution, slowly lowering himself back onto the cushions. “I don’t really like fish much, you know,” he said to try and ease the tension. Needless to say, it didn’t work, as Riley only snorted in return.
“I’ve been married to you for five years, trust me, I know you aren’t very familiar with any kind of fish,” she quipped.
“Oh, you’re funny,” Ryker said, chuckling slightly out of nerves. “What’s gotten into ya, huh, Riles? … Is it your daddy? Did he call you again? Offer to fly you back out to Shitstain, Missouri and live with him and your mama and sister? You know he’s full of it. He can hardly provide for her, how could he—”
“Speak another word on my daddy and I won’t hesitate.” Riley deadpanned in return. That silenced Ryker — for a time, which just kept irritating the young woman as her wide eyes tracked every twitch of his limbs. “I’m talkin’ about your work. Vault-Tec.”
Ryker’s eyes darkened and narrowed at his wife, who kept her chin held high as he propped himself up on his elbows. “Right, then,” he said. “We’re havin’ this conversation again. Tell me, Riley, do you remember the definition of insanity?”
“It’s what the fuck you’ve been up to the past three years,” she snapped.
“Not quite,” Ryker said, sounding eerily calm. “That’d be the exact opposite, really. Why don’t you stop beatin’ around the bush and give it to me straight? What do you know that’s got you like this?”
Swallowing thickly, Riley could feel her nerves clench, forcing her hand to develop a tremor. Goddammit. She squeezed the handle tighter and kept it held as straight as she could. “I know what you plan on doin’,” she said. “I heard you. In that meeting.”
“Oh, so we’re committin’ espionage now?” he snorted. She couldn’t deny how unsettled he was by his blase act, but she held a brave face as she stared him down coldly without answering. “... Alright. So, we’re doin’ this. You know the truth, now you wanna hear it from the horse’s mouth. I always did peg you as a bit of a masochist, y’know.”
“I married you, after all,” she shot back.
Ryker grinned crookedly at her. “That you did, Mrs. Worthington.”
“Say it to me,” Riley said through gritted teeth as she angled the knife closer to his neck, and she was satisfied to see him flinch for the first time since she’d met him. 
“Before I do, I want you to think about Rue,” he said. 
“Don’t bring him into this,” she denied. “You don’t get to even speak his name after what you’ve done. What you’re gonna do.”
Ryker scoffed at his wife, who maintained her composure in spite of his expectations. “He deserves to have his family whole when it’s all said and done,” he told her, but when she didn’t falter, he let out a tired sigh and eyed her before letting his shoulders slack. “... War never changes, Riles. You know that better than any of us. And the world we’re livin’ in now does nothing but perpetuate it. Look at the past three-hundred years of this country — has there been a century of it without war?”
“So the best solution is to, what?” Riley began, feeling her voice thin out with every word she spoke. “Burn it all to the ground?”
“This world’s corrupt and dangerous,” Ryker told her flatly. “It’s for the best that we give humanity a second chance and start over. And yes, that means most people will have to die. But not us. You, me, Rue, we live on. We get to build a better future for him, Riles. Together. Ain’t that what you always wanted? Is that not what you went to war for in the first place? In the vain hope it’d make a better life for us all?”
Riley clenched her jaw, feeling frustration course through her veins as she clutched onto the knife even tighter. “Don’t talk to me about war,” she said. “You don’t know the first goddamned thing about it.”
“Don’t pull that shit with me,” Ryker then snapped. “You know what I did every fuckin’ day when you were gone? I waited for a letter, or a phone call, anything, just to know you were still breathin’ and that you were comin’ back to us. I slept alone. I took care of Rue, I told him you were gonna come home when I didn’t have the slightest fuckin’ idea if you were even still alive out there. So don’t stand there and jab a knife at me and stand on some fuckin’ high horse like you’re the only one who knows what war is like. I know, Riley. I fuckin’ know.”
She gasped whenever he reached out, grasping onto her wrist and keeping a firm grip. Struggling at first, it wasn’t long until the knife went sliding across the vinyl floors and they were stood, face to face with one another, and neither of them quite knew what the other had in mind next. Instead of scrambling for it, he reached out to take a hold of her neck and bring her in closer.
“We’ve got a place ready for us,” Ryker said lowly, and despite knowing she was technically stronger, Riley could never find it within her to do anything except for squeeze his arm so he’d loosen his grasp. “And we’re leavin’ when it’s time. Is that understood?”
When he let her go, she gasped for breath, collapsing onto the floor and spitting where it’d just started to shine underneath the light of the sun. He stepped around her and grabbed the knife, working his way toward the kitchen. 
“Your chicken’s burnin',” he called out. “Don’t worry. I’ll handle it. Always do.”
That night, Riley couldn’t catch a wink of sleep, meanwhile Ryker was in a peaceful slumber beside her. She kept staring out the balcony windows, at the city lights of Los Angeles ahead of her. Carefully, she peeled the sheets away from her and padded toward the door in her slip dress, eyeing her husband from over her shoulder as she stepped outside and closed the door behind her.
Reaching into a potted plant and unearthing a silver cigarette case — she promised she’d quit a year ago — she popped it open before picking out a cigarette and placing it between her teeth. After some more digging through the wet soil, she fished out the lighter and held it up to the end of the cigarette and flicked it on. She watched the flame as it danced in the wind, sucking in a long breath whenever it caught on the paper. The bud glowing, she held it delicately between her index and middle fingers as she leaned over the balcony on her elbows, observing the cityscape. 
How long until it’d be reduced to ash and bone? 
She closed her eyes slowly and thought back to simpler times. Her childhood, out in the suburbs of Missouri. Really, she’d always lived a cushioned life up until she was drafted, and she was considered a lucky girl that that’d been the only run of bad fortune she’d encountered in her life. But she was still young, only 23 years old as of June that year. 
She could remember her father chasing her around the backyard and, from the porch, her older sister sketching them as they ran in circles and played kickball and catch. She was the closest thing to a son he’d ever get — that’s why she was named Riley, because her mother was certain she’d be a boy up until the doctor presented her with a fully female newborn, much to everyone’s surprise. And disappointment, of course, though every time her father told the story, he kept expressing to her how overjoyed he was that she was a girl.
“You were the prettiest thing in the universe, Riley,” he said, grinning cheesily at her. “Right up there next to your mama and sister.”
A fond smile laced Riley’s lips as she reminisced before it began to fade. Was there any saving him? Or her mother or sister? They were all innocent, and if Ryker and Vault-Tec were set on repopulating the world with the right kind of people, well… Her father and sister would at least make the cut. 
She remained on the balcony until she could see the sun break over the horizon, having chainsmoked the last of her cigarettes throughout the night. By the time Ryker woke up for work, she was back in bed, having doused herself in perfume so that he wouldn’t smell the chemicals on her. She was awake the entire time he readied himself, listening to the rustle of his belt and his grunts and groans — he was getting old. Was he even qualified to be in the program he so eagerly pitched ideas in favor of?
Once she felt his lips press against her cheek in goodbye and heard the front door shut, Riley sat up out of bed and rubbed her face before she hurried over to the closet. She hauled a suitcase onto the mattress and flipped it open, yanking out all her dresser drawers and piling as many clothes as she could into the empty space.
Whenever the suitcase was packed nearly to the brim she fled her bedroom. Hurrying down the hall, she rounded the corner into her son’s room and crouched beside his bed, nudging him carefully so that he’d stir awake.
“Ruru,” she whispered softly, reaching out to caress his cheek. “Wake up.”
Whining, Rue rubbed his eyes and blinked at his mother, still drowsy. “School?” he assumed.
“No, cowboy,” she chuckled a little as she scooped her arms underneath him to help prop him up, hoping it’d wake him more. “We’re goin’ on a road trip, you and me. Out to grandma and grandpa’s. Don’tcha wanna see ‘em again? And Aunt Nonnie?”
“Why?” the young boy asked. Always inquisitive, that one. He certainly inherited that from his mother. “... ‘Cause of the bombs?”
Riley frowned at him, freezing where she’d gone to take some clothes out of his dresser. “How’d you know about all that?”
“Heard you and daddy talkin’,” he said honestly. “I’m sorry, mama. Is that why we gotta go?”
“... C’mere, Ruru,” Riley let out a sigh as she lowered herself onto her knees and held her arms out for Rue, who stumbled forward so that she could cradle him. For a moment, it was almost like he was an infant again with the whole world at his fingertips. Now, it was falling apart and he didn’t even have the bliss of ignorance to protect him from it. “You wanna know somethin’ I learned about those bombs in the Marines?”
Rue looked up at her with curious brown eyes, and she smiled down at him before holding her thumb up and shutting one eye. “If the cloud is smaller than your thumb, then you start runnin’,” she told him.
“What if it’s bigger?” he then asked.
Her expression softened and she lowered her hand. “Well. They said there’d be no use in runnin’ then.”
“Is it gonna happen?” he kept wondering.
Riley’s lips pressed together, then she leaned in to press a kiss against his temple. “I certainly hope not.”
Thirty minutes later, Riley had all of their necessities packed and she’d written a brief note to Ryker that she stuck on the leftovers in the fridge: GONE CAMPING. SEE YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE. — R.
As she loaded their things in the older car of hers that’d been rotting away in their garage since she came back home, Rue was sat in the front seat, kicking his feet around and listening to the radio while he waited for his mother to finish sorting everything. While she murmured a list to herself over and over, assuring herself that she wouldn’t forget anything else they’d nee to acquire during the drive, he glanced up at the horizon and tilted his head at the mountains in the distance.
Slowly, he held his thumb up in front of his squinted gaze, and though it tremored he managed to keep it straight after a bit of practice.
“Mama?” he called out.
“One second, Ruru,” she said in return as she struggled slamming shut the trunk.
“Is it your thumb or mine?” he asked.
Looking up at him, Riley’s attention was thwarted to the horizon, where a mushroom cloud had developed and a darkness had engulfed the skyline. She could feel her heart jump into her throat and expand there, a loud beating that couldn’t be swallowed. From the car’s radio, only one thing could be picked up before the radio tower was knocked out:
“—followed by flashes, blinding flashes. Sounds of explosions. We’re trying to get confirmation … seemed to have lost contact with Anchorage stations. We do have — we do have coming in confirmed reports, that’s confirmed reports of nuclear detonations in Alaska and Washington State. Dear God—"
Riley's eyes widened in horror and she slammed the trunk shut with all her might as she went around the car to jump into the driver's seat. Buckling Rue in first, she jammed the keys into the ignition and started peeling out the driveway; driving into the darkness, or else the light.
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darkened-tyrant91 · 1 year ago
Chapter 20. The Cyclops
Polymorus: Who...are...you..
Just then the group would come to a realization that what they were faced with now was clearly something unlike the rest of the things they've faced, they've never faced a Cyclops let alone see one
Kratos: hm. Hello. We're just travelers.. passing through.
Kratos would grip his blade tightly watching the cyclops with every inch of his soul readying to cut down such a being
Yuka: yeah we j-just looking around you have quite a lovely cave!!
Nova: y-yeah such a nice place..
He would then come walking closer to the group before sitting down looking at the small group of adventurers
Polymorus: you came here to steal didn't you.
Nova: n-no no!! Never we'd never steal from you!!
Yuka: yeah we're friendly right??
Kratos would just be seen standing his ground staring at the cyclops before him knowing the situation was dire and deadly but there was nothing stopping the cyclops from killing then here and now
Aless: where are the soldiers.
Polymorus: you mean the men who stole what is mine.
Kratos: none of this is yours. And you know it.
Polymorus would narrow his eyes towards kratos before standing to his full height and leaning down in front of him snarling
Polymorus: who are you to judge what is and isn't mine human.
Kratos wouldn't speak just stand his ground even more while the cyclops stares down at him it was clear the difference in both size and power between the two warriors before Yuka broke the silence
Yuk: what if we do a trade?? Huh?? We give you something in return of all this??
Polymorus: hm?? I'm listening.
Kratos would immediately turn his head to yuka in disbelief why would they negotiate with this monster but kratos knew if the fight broke out in here they'd be at a massive disadvantage
Aless: not sure that's a good idea..
Yuka: got any other options?
Yuka would begin to cast a spell making a barrel appear before the cyclops which he would slouch down and sniff whatever was in the barrel
Polymorus: what is this??
Yuka: this is coke a Demi-human exclusive drink trust me it'll taste far better then any flesh you've tasted
Kratos: yuka. This isn't a good idea.
Yuka: shut it.. if you wanna get out of here alive..
Nova: yeah and um.. Yuka show him the treats that one human made for mother years ago?
Yuka would chuckle nervously before preforming another spell to have a small tray appear before the cyclops a tray of brownies
Yuka: this is treats called brownies they are very sweet and filled with chocolate!
Polymorus: what is chocolate?
Aless: seriously no way this fat ass hasn't had chocolate before
Just then Nova would elbow her gut to keep her quiet while the cyclops slouched down a bit more picking the tray up and pouring the brownies all into his mouth which he would make a rather pleased face from the taste meanwhile kratos would drop his sword and look before kneeling down to pick it up
Aless: scared??
Kratos: shut it.
Just then the cyclops would snag the barrel right next to kratos which he would have a slight smirk under his helmet watching the cyclops drink the whole barrel down
Polymorus: ahhh.. what a tasteful drink!!
Kratos: hey. I have something for you big man
Polymorus would look over and slouch down to kratos seeing him pull out a sweet roll which Polymorus would tilt his head staring down at him confused
Kratos: this is a sweet roll. One of the finest desserts in all of the country
Polymorus would grab the roll with two fingers and toss it into his mouth making him have a rather happy look in his eyes
Polymorus: thank you kind stranger what is your name??
Kratos: my name?? My name... is Nobody..
Polymorus: ah! Well Nobody I thank you all for the gifts and I think I know how to reply to your trade
Yuka: oh that's great to hear sir!!
Polymorus: yes you Nobody will be bestowed the honor to be the final one here to die.
Aless: what..
Just then the cyclops would rise to his feet and swing his fist straight down into the group showing the raw power of a being such as powerful as him showing them that this kind act would be their last
End of chapter 20.
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dullahandyke · 1 year ago
Ok hi dgs trial 3 part 2
Megundal is constantly doing the 🤨 emoji its killing me....
AND HE SAID QUARE 😭😭 SOBBBB oh I feel like every time this man opens his mouth I'm going to take psychic damage because all I can hear is my father
Also I cant be having conversations in this antechamber all I can think of is the 'losing lawyer has to suck off their opponent' fic
EEJIT 😭 he sounds like he came from a roddy doyle book I read as a child
Ok actually itd b more expedient to just name every piece of Irish slang megundal says that makes me die so thatll be at the end of the post
I chose the 'ja you're guilty' option n ryuu autist... call a spade a spade he does indeed
Man 'the reaper of the old bailey' is such a cool concept but it sucks that the only thing I know abt bvz is 'racist' and 'sucks off ryuu after losing court cases'. Yeah that's right I've had mid-post character development. I've decided that the thing about losing lawyers blowing each other after trials is canon
Also I hate megundal's hat it annoys me. Couldnt he just have been short
The thing abt going into the trial knowing fuck all is fun tho. Very the lost turnabout
Also I do like the idea of 'I don't even know if the client is guilty or not, dont even know anything about the case, but everyone deserves a defense' too bad iirc that doesnt reach its logical conclusion of 'even people you know to be guilty are worth defending' given the whole combatative relationship between defense and prosecution these games have going on. And like obvi I get why its always the prosecution ceding the defense's arguments but it does get to feel a bit lopsided despite all the nattering abt working together to find the truth
Not bvz with the vampire cloak opening sprite 😭😭😭😭
Also. Bvz 🤝 saïx. Bigoted antagonists who turn good at the end of the story who have the same scar
'Is it not the British way to be chivalrous and kind and give opportunities to foreigners at expense to yourself' megundal you're Irish you cannot be serious. Istg this fucking accent will be the death of me I cannot imagine him as saying anything to that effect and entirely believing it even tho logically I know there were Irish 'I got mine' gobshites... (autism symptom bullet point that reads 'difficulty comprehending different perspectives' appears over my head)
Oh that's right the jury thing... this is awesome
Also regrettably I have to say that bvz is hot. If he was a woman and not racist? Awooga. However he has to get there first before I get him any leeway
Also I've just realised that 'zieks' is probs pronounced more like 'zeeks' than 'zikes'. Huh that's gonna be difficult to adjust to
Also I like juror 4.... typing :)
Also I wanna do voices reading out all the dialogue but that means I have to find like 8 distinct British voices. Bvz is a brummy now
. Why is it the Phoenix wright omnibus
Oh the stained glass eye things before the cross examination are really cool
See my main quibble rn is that the skylight is only clearly visible from one angle when sitting on top of the omnibus, so unless both were sitting together on the same bench for some reason despite seeming perfect strangers, both couldnt have seen it
'I dont like blades' 'then why do you have that katana' 'that's not a blade that's asougis soul' wahhh...
Bvz's wine makes an appearance... love his little scythe wine bottle
Also I continue to enjoy ryuu's eyeliner
love ryuu pushing up his armband after leaving his sweaty sprite... nice little detail
Omg ryuu pacing once he puts this together ... yesss walk little gayboy
Why did they give juror 3 a sprite where hes licking the knife. Dont like that
Oh boo bvz took off his cloak... he looks less cool now
Omg perjury is a thing in this game you love to see it
Also can we get beppo a blanket or something
Halp me 'could he have just happened to see the exact moment the crime was committed? Some days are just like that'... ryuu pls tell us abt yr day to day
Fairplay keeps eating his cane... boy get some chewlery
I do like that juror 3 getting his knife stuck in the bench is worked into the dialogue. Even the people reading the transcript know that you're shit at knife wielding
Omg ryuu drew the little diagram of the view from the omnibus? That's so cute... artist man
Love it when they object back and forth... fuck yes the girls are fighting
Also it mihjt jusr have been a while since I've aced my attorneys but I feel like the witnesses jn this game are a lot more deliberately deceitful and guilty of other crimes and it's awesome. Yes boy withhold information for malicious reasons
Omg Gina? Is it Gina time?
DONT JUST OUT GINA AS A PICKPOCKET U LITTLE FUCK! could've just said she was a beggar or something
Omg Gina dialogue and theme yayyyyy love her... I enjoy her slight :3 mouth
Also this cockney transliteration is awful
Small detail but I love how Gina is introduce as 15 but the court record says shes 17. Yes girl lie about your age for fun and profit
Also 'iron-heeled Wellington' please dear God tell me this man is not wearing metal wellies
Omg the evidence suddenly changing midtrial....yessss that's so awesome
Accidentally pressed twice on one of Gina's statements and only the second time does megundal have anything to say on it.... huh
Arrived at the first thing that's proper stumped me :( accusing fairplay and furst... girl what do u present I dont wanna have to turn on story mode
Ok I had to look up a walkthru before I realised u had to examine the skylight from the interior... eye see
Oh this music as we close the trial and ryuu fruitlessly objects is banging
Also as much as hes a lying rich cunt I do like megundal I think his influence over the trial is rlly interesting
'Gina really does take forever to load that gun' I AAS THINKING THR SAMS THING.... ryuu you're a man of the people
Also the burning carriage... eyes emojiiiii that was cool... magundal you daft cunt
That was a fun case and rlly interesting.... it's taking a while to get the pieces together for the status quo but they're keeping things interesting while they set it up so I dont mind as much
I'll try for the fourth case tomorrow but according to the longplay I've been basing my guesstimates off of, it's long as shit and I have a 2 hour driving lesson in the middle of the day... might try wake super early or something and get done the first section and then marathon it noon til night. The last trial is for sure gonna take me two days, rlly hope mam's fine with taking me back to the city on Sunday instead of Saturday
Blackguard (still fucks me to know its spelt like that and not blaggard)
Be whist
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purple-cyanide · 1 year ago
Puer du Noir #2: Class (2/2)
From here, we all split into groups of 2-3, there were only 11 of us left. I ended up in a group with none other than the loudest person in the class, Himae Ori. As we all started looking for a way out, we heard an eerie voice come over the intercom.
“Seventeen down, only eleven left! Who will be next? Who will be next?” His voice pierced us with a calmness that only confirmed how psychotic he was. “Place your bets everyone! My money is on Ori and Yushani personally. Or will it be Touko’s group? Anyone care to volunteer?”
“Wh-wh-what??” Ori exclaimed “I don’t wanna die, I don’t wanna die, I don’t wanna die!” She ran out from where we were hiding and BAM. She hit the floor with a thud.
How could he know where we were? How did he know that we were in groups? Why is he picking me out of everyone? He walked out in front of me and I knew he would find me.
“Come out come out, wherever you are! Awe Yushani… Why are you ignoring me?” I tried to stay silent but I couldn’t hold in a single whimper. Lucky for me, someone else was also hiding with me.
“I’m not going down without a fight!” Touko and her group charged him, but they were too slow, much too slow. Some of them couldn’t even get up off the ground before they were back on it. With three more down, there were only seven people left. I was alone, and scared but I couldn't stay where I was. I waited for him to leave so I could try to find a phone. I know that Mrs. Sakahi kept the ones that she confiscated in her drawer that was locked. Which meant I had to do the unthinkable, I had to search her corpse for the key to her drawer.
Two more shots rang out through the halls. I was at the start of the hallway. Three more shots. Halfway down the hall. Two more shots. I was in the room, but was it worth it? I was the only person left, and I knew that one of the groups was near our classroom. What if he was here? Nearby maybe?
He was here, only about 10 feet behind me.
Chick. The gun was empty.
“Huh, I thought that I would’ve had enough. That's fine, I still have this” He pulled out his knife and wiped the blade clean. He ran at me, I turned to run into the classroom but I wasn’t fast enough. I felt the cool steel knife pierce my back, I coughed out blood and collapsed in a pool of blood. Who’s blood is this? I could feel my life drain, surrounded by the bodies of my classmates I could hear something.
Stab… “AGH!”
Tsugoshika collapsed beside me, a shocked look on his face. His knife sticking out of the top of his head. Did he kill himself?
As I lay dying, I could see something standing above him. Something dark, and wrong. It was an evil that was incomprehensible by humans, whatever it was had seeped into his body and forced him to do this, then killed him afterward. It turned to me, then in a swift motion lifted me up and enveloped me. It was trying to possess me, steal my brain and control my body. I tried to resist it but it was no use. I came to in the hospital, surrounded by my family. But it wasn’t me, it was whatever had killed Tsugoshika.
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mismatchedtwins · 5 months ago
Bro it was so visceral and horrifying, the way u made Donnie AWARE of his flesh and bones mending together. And you made him feel it too?? No!! EVIL🫵 That was soo evil but I loved it!! I love horror!!
I always felt like Donnie should have been a little out of it since he was literally SOWN BACK TOGETHER in the city streets. And I was thinking about how that would go and I had the inescapable urge to write what I’ve always wanted to happen. And I’m SO proud of it, lemme tell you the truth! It’s like reading someone else’s work!!
This bit was so cool, I don't stumble upon a lot of horror in fics yk? There's not a lot thats made me recoil and sit there mouth agape. But this??! U totally nailed it!!
Thank you!!
I’m so weird ‘cause I CANNOT watch horror on the tv screen but I will DEVOUR horror in books form. Like. MMMM tasteh
[The prison dimension looks like the stuff of nightmares. Dead ancient ruins and echoes r such a fun bit to play around with >:)) im excited to see how u interpret it]
I just lie in bed at night mentally filling in every single blank that only I care about like why 😭🤣
Also him immediately wanting his brothers around and thinking about his dad hurt 😭
His family will be on his mind for the next eternity.
If I have my way, his guilt will be unnecessary and painful.
His sufferings are both instantaneous and crippling!
Sksskk this made me giggle out of my previous horror shock. Dee just went thru the most traumatic event of his life so far and witnessing an explosion comparable to a nuclear bomb and his 1st instinct is to take a pic.
There are so many times where I have to question whether the 2012 cartoon would have someone do something, but HERE we go by a mix of 2012 AND 2018 logic! MY POWERS HAVE GROWN!!!
(Literally, I love this moment so much. It’s supposed to help the readers move away from horror and to action! And it works!! Translation silliness! I’m glad you share my gigglessss)
(such a curious lil guy, most wouldve hightailed it out of there already instead of going, hmm 🤔why's that alien behemoth over there beating up a rock for? sksk)
PLEASE like any Donatello wouldn’t question the absurdity.
He wasn’t going to go say HI- he was just gonna peek a lil’
😭😭😭 just by this alone I know I'm not walking out of this unscathed. Brotherly love is going to end me I can feel it
Okay, NOW, he’s gonna go say hi
The kindest boi my sweet purple son
On one hand: Would not any normal person think: that’s seems unnecessary it shouldn’t be happening?
On the other hand: GOODEST BOI WANNA HELP 🥺
He waves😭 he waves goodness I can picture it so clearly. Don't wave at the highly volatile threat. why is he like this?
I don’t know but I hope he never changes 😭
IS. IS. I choked on my drink when I read that. The others reactions were so vivid too LMAO. Thank u for including that, it was hilarious.
SPLATTERS this kid is HAS NO IDEA WHAT HE’S DOING and it’s MURDERING me bc he’s going to die by his own obvious dummy genius brain. This poor child
Ok ok now the fight between krang prime and Dee was awesome. Yeah it's a miracle he's still standing and yeah he got his shell handed to him twice over and he was literally about to die again BUT!
The fact that he was able to hurt prime with nothing but a blade from his broken wooden bo and his sensei's advice echoing in his head is like actually so cool. And he was so sassy doing it too!! (Channeling his inner raph huh? I see what ur doing 👁️👁️)He's got no powers or knowledge of his surroundings or anything just his intellect and quick thinking and he still got a hit! Probably his only hit in close combat w/ prime ever but still yk what I mean right?? Wooh goo Dee!!
DO you see what I’m doing because I think I knew what I was doing but I don’t remember anymore 🤣 EHHHHH struggles
IT WAS ALL THE ELEMENT OF SUPRISE (and the fact that he is used to fighting massive aliens or suited creature) AND A LOT OF LUCK. CHILD WOULD HAVE DIED IF LEON DIDN’T STEP IN, MKAY
Well. He would have died eventually. After Krang was done with him.
And this also made me realize that Donnie came back with everything except his mask. He had his phone, his gear, his bo, his grappling hook(this tool will be handy later) everything except his mask. The one thing that sets him apart from his brothers. That represents who he is besides his staff and big brain. Him. Donatello. Donnie. The turtle before anything else. The brother the son the friend before everything else. Before his inventions, before his skills before his sacrifices and accomplishments and failures. He is the boy who decided his favorite color was purple. Purple. That's him. That's Donnie.
And it was left behind :(( Against his will. Taken u could say.
I could and I would. BAD ZA’NARON. BAD.
He quite literally and figuratively lost a piece of himself behind when he died huh? I do wonder if he'll ever get it back (but even if he did there ain't no way he'll ever be the same OUGH ur evil)
HA You better bet I am. And I ONLY GET WORSE!!! >:D
(also this fact made the part where Leon gets ticked off and denies Dee being a Donnie feel more angsty and like bitter?? I'm not sure how to describe it But i will talk more about that later lol)
*covers audience’s ears* GEE spoiler alert Splatters
You gotta let ‘em read the next chappy yk
Anyways that's all I have rn. I will come back and continue with the rest of the chs later!! Gn muah muah
Um can I like, ask stuff about ur au here🥺? Well its more thinking out loud and putting a magnifying glass on several moments during ur fic than asking. Cuz asking means answering and I'm not about to make u do that unless u want to(I dont wanna be the reason u unload the whole lore yk lol) (and i also didn't want to like bug u too much either with my brainworms and excitement)
I would LOVE to have my AU under a magnifying glass! There are so many little things about my own AU that I go NUTS over and I would LOVE to hear what moments have caught your eye! You would NEVER bug me with your brain worms! (No one would!) I'm eager to see what about my AU is wiggling around in your brain!
And that means questions too! Ask away!
I may not answer all (or any) if it means too heavy spoilers, but I would be happy to have a chance to consider new elements that the outsiders are seeing and I am not. I love finding connections that I didn't even realize existed before that moment! Maybe I'll add in Easter eggs based on ideas that you guys have! (Maybe.)
I am seriously overthinking this fic and would love to hear any and everything from you guys! LET'S GO CRAZY!
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