#why do we all have to watch so many people being killed while our governments sit idly by and DO NOTHING TO STOP IT
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malcriada · 10 months ago
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hussyknee · 7 months ago
Wonder how far I can prod libs into finishing their full thought bubble behind all this "harm reduction" "genocide is a single issue" "you don't care about marginalized people in the US" "dyou want fascism WITH genocide???" screeching.
Okay, class, say it with me: "I don't want to live in a third world country like the ones we keep destroying."
Because you know. The countries your war criminal leaders keep bombing and starving and destabilising and leeching dry? We don't have trans or gay rights or women's rights or disability benefits or environmental or labour protections. No one would want to live in our countries obviously. You'd kill yourselves before you had to live like we do. Sure, we're only like this because you keep us trapped in poverty and violence and we still have full, happy lives worth living despite it but that's because we're used to it! We don't know any better! Not like you! You know what you deserve and you shouldn't have to lose anything as a consequence of your own political choices! Your government is supposed to happen to other people! Not you! So like, yeah, it's bad that the poors are being massacred wholesale or whatever, but like. That doesn't mean you gotta die with them, y'know? And by "death" you don't mean actual genocide like what's happening over here but "death" as in "having to live like we do".
The trolley problem metaphor is so goddamn attractive to you because you see yourself outside the tracks, objectively assessing the situation and making the "tough" "moral" choice for the collective good. It's imperialist horseshit. You don't have a democracy and it's not a trolley. What you have is an imperial death machine running on an apartheid system that decides who gets fed to it and who gets fed by it. That's your "two tracks"— the colonized and the colonizer, the core and the periphery, the white and the coloured. "Harm reduction"? Have you counted how many fucking millions in and around the world your death machine eats to keep how many of you "safe"? But our losses are a foregone conclusion, a matter of course, a regrettable necessity. The only variable is yours.
Every political choice in 200 years of your settler colony has been "genocide AND". "Genocide AND women's rights". "Genocide AND workers rights". "Genocide AND fascism". "Genocide AND democracy". The difference is that for the first time in your history you're now watching it livestreamed to the entire world in real time 24/7, exactly as your colony is about to capsize under the weight of its own bloodlust. A sea change from when your parents threw parties watching bombs dropping on Baghdad and then spent twenty years watching movies about sad it made the soldiers.
How do you count the victims when we are numbers and you are people? You scream about trans rights in the US while Palestinian trans children don't have the right to reach puberty. OSHA for you but Congolese children have to die in mines. Reproductive rights for the US while Sudanese women are raped in millions. Yes, but it's always been "genocide AND" no matter what, right? Do we want to sabotage the party that has never fucking cared about us and don't now even with half their own country screaming at them on the off-chance they might possibly maybe one day do?? Why are we acting so mad like it's YOUR fault that you're fighting for your quality of life over our corpses?? Do we want YOU to lose your rights over it??
Yes, actually. We do. We want you to have a taste of the reality that generations on generations of your illegal illegitimate white supremacist occupation has inflicted on us just so your worthless hide can sit there and call our genocides a single fucking issue. And let's be real: that's what you're so fucking afraid of.
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cc1010fox · 1 year ago
Rex: That number is your kill count? Fox: Roughly. Cody: I wasn't...expecting that to be honest... Wolffe: He's lying. Look, he wrote a number above it first, then crossed it out. That's the truth. Fox: No, that's the literal kill count. Cody: ... Rex: ... Wolffe: ... Fox: They were alive before we crossed paths. Rex: Oh...Most of our kills are-- Cody: Droids... Wolffe: I don't--How!? Fox: ...Why do you think I have so many awards? Wolffe: You...work hard? Fox: Doing what? Wolffe: Whatever the chancellor tells you to do. Fox: ... Cody: You protect the Senate. Fox: Coruscant. Rex: What? Fox: My duties extend beyond the Senate. I protect Coruscant. Wolffe: Ok, you protect Coruscant. Fox: ...From? Wolffe: Seppies? Fox: That's...part of it. Rex: ... Cody: ... Fox, popping his tongue against the roof of his mouth: Let me lay it out for you three. Fox: While you're out there sniping heads off of comedic relief training dummies, I have to deal with living, breathing, thinking beings. The living and breathing should make them easier to take down, but the thinking makes them unpredictable. I have to account for their individual beliefs, their morals...their sense of honor...all of which throw logic out of the window. It's not easy to land a droid army on Coruscant, so I don't get the pleasure of predictability too often. Rex: ... Fox: Instead, I have to deal with the citizens of this planet, too many of which don't want us here. They shout at us, abuse us, and have even started a market for us. You know...the skin and organ market. Yes and no. Yes, they have actually harvested our skin. No, I don't mean literal skin when I say skin market. Think collars and chains. How many times have you stood between a threat and the people you're duty bound to protect knowing at least one of those people have spat on your men, attacked them, used them like toys, or captured and sold them? My only comfort is knowing I can turn on them the second they're labeled a traitor to the Republic. And I can pick the worst of them off when there are no witnesses. Cody: ...That's-- Fox: On top of that, I have encountered creatures of nightmares because they just dwell in the bowels of this rotting planet or some pieces of garbage brought them here to sell. If you thought I was protected against watching my men get eaten by a wampa, you are sorely mistaken. Although it was the nexu that kept me up at night. For weeks. Who buys those things? Seriously...At least I put some of them down, but who knows how many they sold? Wolffe: ... Fox: The worst creatures are the ones I can't add to my kill count, though. The absolute worst is Chancellor Palpatine. He doesn't know what my job is and assigns me to literally every job in the Coruscant Guard. I have to do it personally. I'm the boss of the people who are supposed to do those jobs. He is the sole reason I will only sleep when I am dead. Fox: The second worst is 99% of the senators. Entitled, egotistical pricks. I would rather be distributed to desperate families looking for organs than catch the eye of any senator. Thire has to remember which ones show a little too much interest in the clones because we are at their mercy. He can't allow a shiny anywhere near them. If a Coruscanti attacks a clone, it's considered damaging government property, making them a criminal. If a senator attacks a clone, it's considered You better do what is best for the Republic and shut your kriffing mouth. Because treating a clone like a complimentary gift isn't betraying the Republic. Risking one of the Republic's delicate alliances is. Cody: Force, Fox... Fox: I deal with all of that while maintaining an impressive record of mission successes. That is why I have so many awards. Wolffe: ...You have awards, but do you want a hug? Fox: Desperately. All day. Every day.
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altin-studies · 7 months ago
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Bangladeshi female student having a seizure in shock of being beaten in University of Dhaka
It's been 240 hours. I keep watching as my country turns into those dystopian fantasies I love reading about. Except there's no happy ending, there's no epic good vs evil fight.
It's my government, my police, my law enforcement units beating and killing my fellow students without any remorse, any judgement.
I love my country. Without any kind of doubt. I have been taught patriotism since my childhood. But how can I love my people and motherland any further when all it wishes to do is to kill, kill, kill.
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Police throwing tear shells in University of Dhaka from tanks
We live in a dystopia. Our law enforcement is here to kill brilliant students, students that want to make changes, students who speak up about their rights, students who build drones and robots. Our mainstream media wants the police to shoot at students so they can get exciting videos.
And they can get away with it. If social media is the only centre of our voice, then they'll block our internet. If the roads are where we protest, they'll order curfew.
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Students attending funeral (without bodies) for the students killed by police shootings
My university wants nothing to do with us. They're above student protests, they're above having any ounce of responsibility for the death of so many of my brothers and sisters. "It's out of my control", our vice-chancellor says. And our chancellor? Well the president has had speech disorder for years now. He'll be back for convocation and cutting ribbons soon.
They'll end the curfews soon enough. They will tell us to go back to the campus they drove us out of with gunfire and tear shells. But how will we do so while we have a conscience? How can I step over the blood shed by my fellow students? How will I go back to classworks and labs and hangouts when there have been dead bodies in those streets merely weeks ago?
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Injured dog (presumed dead by now) at the University of Dhaka campus
But it doesn't matter. This world does not care about genocides of millions of children in Palestine. Why would it care about 500 innocent students in such a small country like Bangladesh? My country, where equal chances at jobs and education needs a bloodier movement than establishing our language. Such a primitive land, isn't it?
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The green is gone. It hasn't been here for such a long time. I'm sorry for being so hopeless and useless and helpless.
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ladyloveandjustice · 5 months ago
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A giant mothership is hovering over Tokyo. The aliens haven’t done anything or even made themselves known yet, but Japan and America are already trying to blow that UFO up, and show off who has the best weapons, causing many civilian casualties along the way. While all this happens, two girls are just casually living their lives. But are they as normal as they appear?
One thing I want to say is if you watch this anime and care about being intensely spoiled, do not watch "episode 0" until you've finished episode 16. It actually slots chronologically between episode 16 and 17, and that's where the episode took place in the manga, so I have no idea why they did that. Fortunately I had someone to warn me about that, so I will be that someone for you.
Dead Dead Demons DeDeDeDe Destruction or De x 8 as I will be calling it, can be really tough show to watch—not because it’s bad, it’s very good, but because of how depressing and visceral it is at times, and how devastatingly accurate it is to the shitshow of our world. This tends to be balanced a bit by the touching friendships (and possibly? More?) of the very likeable cast of teenagers…but you also feel a huge sense of dread about their safety as things ramp up and their stories deepen.
The anime goes hard on criticizing the military industrial complex, Japan’s government, America’s government, xenophobia, treatment of immigrants, rich people, and conspiracy theorists. All things I also hate, so that’s great. What hurts is how you could easily see the events happening—waging war on the aliens despite no provocation, people using an app to to hunt down and slaughter them...
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It shows how even some of the protestors of the genocide use their movement to cover their own selfish motivations, meanwhile countries taking the situation as an opportunity to vie for power and dominance, rich government officials lie to their people and abandon them…obviously there's a lot of commentary here on how we dehumanize immigrants and minorities and enable genocides for capitalism and political power.
It's very bleak, and there were a lot of episode that had me just feeling sad, especially comparing it to current events. But there's also this interesting focus on normal people trying to live their lives during this alien "invasion", and the kids who still go through the dramas and upsets of everyday life. And especially the “I’d burn down the world for you” intense emotional relationship between Kadode and Ouran, the two teen girl leads.
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Ouran is the main lead, and she’s a chuuni beyond chuuni, acting wacky and cheerful and spouting nonsense-- except if you pay attention, she's saying some pretty valid things—critiques of capitalism, war, government surveillance—but then following it up with something wild like “and that’s why I should rule the world”. You get the sense she’s cloaking an awareness of how shit the world is in humor, and as the show goes on and as her surprisingly intense and weird backstory unfolds, it becomes clear why that is.
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The relationship between Ouran and Kadode is the center of everything--their bond IS the show. It's that kind of ride-or-die, I'd-kill-for-you, I'll-be-by-your-side-even-if-the-whole-world-is-against-you, in-every-life-i'd-find-you-and-love-you, soul-bonded, fiery devotion and love. They are the most important person in each other's lives, full stop. It's those kind of relationships that are so transcendent it goes beyond simple definitions of romantic and platonic. In other words, my kind of shit exactly.
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But, as far as romance goes, Ouran, at least, is definitely queer and the depths of her determination to keep Kadode safe in a world that wants to destroy her girl that would make Homura Madoka Magica blush. (Kadode is more ambiguous, but she’s definitely soul bonded with Ouran. And honestly should just date Ouran because god she needs to be rescued).
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There’s also a gentle empathy for marginalized people underneath all the horror—the girls befriend an alien trying to survive in the guise of a human, and it doesn’t seem like a coincidence that the first person our alien tells absolutely everything to is the gnc/potentially trans person of the group, Makoto (To be specific, they seem to still be figuring out their identity, but they definitely present feminine and specifically came to Tokyo because their small town wouldn’t be okay with how they like to dress). The way Makoto immediately shields their alien friend from others when they make the reveal that they saying “Don’t let them see, it’s not safe” and how it’s followed up by the alien reassuring Makoto that their friends will be okay with it if they take their wig off to swim...it makes the metaphor extremely clear, and it’s always nice when a series can explore marginalized characters both textually and metaphorically.
Through the kids, we get kernels of hope in this story, a reassurance there are kinder people in this world, and a hope that kindness will endure.
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As depressing as the story can be, what it has to say is important and it doesn’t hold back in making you see what it’s going for—from the “Cool Japan” logo flashing right before the  Japanese government gives a weapons demonstration that will later kill citizens and destroy innocents...
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...to the Trump-alike American President (and let me tell you it’s startling to be watching a show in Japanese and suddenly Donald Trump impression in perfect English) *(had to use the manga here because Crunchyroll didn't close-caption this part :/)
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Then there's the American tourists, who were clearly va’d by someone really good at English, potentially a native speaker, and it’s incredibly funny how much of their dialogue has “fuck” in it and seeing the subtitles skip over that. Also much of their dialogue is treating the devastated Japan as a tourist attraction and saying how funny it all is to them. Logan Paul has entered the chat.
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De x 8 very clearly hates America and recognizes it as a blood thirsty colonial power, which is correct, but the show is just as hard on it’s own country, saying the Japanese government would happily get back on the colonizing horse if they had an excuse, and many citizwns would mindlessly support them.
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A small thing I appreciate is far from the usual anime aesthetic where everyone is blandly cute, the anime gives a ton of people ridiculously cartoony features that make everyone distinct—and being goofy looking is not meant to indicate a character is stupid or ugly—Makoto’s a super sympathetic character with giant cartoon buck teeth and one character that’s even pointed out as pretty has like, a pig snout nose. (It also makes it so the character noted as being drop dead gorgeous...actually is, instead of coming off as just as conventionally attractive as the rest)
Soooo a lot of good stuff going into this story. Let’s talk about some caveats.
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There’s a continuing storyline between Kadode and her adult teacher, who takes her to his place to have sex with her. When he does, she ends up ditching him because of her feels for Ouran (gay) and I thought that would be the end of it, but nooope he’s a groomer, they pick up dating again when she’s in college, literally months after the previous encounter. The dude is presented as a scumbag, he cheats on his girlfriend, he seems generally apathetic, his clear discomfort with Kadode calling him “sensei” shows that he knows what he’s doing is wrong …and ultimately the relationship is shown to be unfulfilling, with Kadode directly stating so and acknowledging he’s just advantage. That doesn’t stop it from being uncomfortable though, especially since it’s confirmed he and Kadode have sex eventually (offscreen, thank god) and honestly, I felt it dragged on way too long. The first encounter pretty much demonstrated everything we needed to know about the whole thing in my view.
And of course there’s a ton of potentially triggering content in a story like this—from genocide to suicide to child murder to almost anything you can think of. Also like, one character has a sister complex, but on the milder side for anime. One where it’s conceivably platonic, and it’s not like he goes after her boyfriend Yuri Forger style, so it doesn’t bother me too much. There's also a good dose of fatphobia. And finally moment where a woman reveals she has ADHD (which I've never actually heard anyone say in anime so I actually got a little excited the more fool me) and then is almost immediately shown to be faking it.
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The ending…is another big sticking point for me. It feels disconnected from the rest of the series, mainly focusing on a character we barely know and likely don’t care about and spending very little time with the characters we do, presenting an interesting status quo and immediately abandoning it, and while earlier episodes of the series presented "actions have consequences and we gotta live with them" as a major theme, it was suddenly like, actually they don’t!
The ultimate ending, again, hinges on a decision from a character we don’t care about and honestly feels like a deus ex machina. It felt almost like the author really wanted a happier ending but knew that wasn’t in line with the story he’s told so far, so he just tacked it on. Or maybe it was an editorial mandate, who knows. I think the most satisfying way to see watch episode 1-16 as its own pretty satisfying complete story (which works really well), and then treat episodes 0 and 17 as their own separate thing, a potential additional ending but not the definitive one. At least that’s what I did.
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Overall, De x 8 is a show with a lot to say and it gives you plenty to chew on. While it is often depressing, it is very rewarding. The unbreakable bond between two messy girls, as well as the moments of ordinary joy and small human/alien journeys are the core of the show, and what makes it shine. I definitely encourage you to give it a watch. It's being really slept on, and it shouldn't be.
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trekbait · 5 months ago
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Cardassia’s Gay Venues - Ranked
Cardassia’s strict gender roles and focus on family have meant for much of the past few hundred years the queer community there, while tolerated, has lived in the shadows. Post-war, it’s all change on Cardassia and we’re proud to report on some of the hottest queer venues (or "tailor shops" in the local slang) on the planet!
#1 The Blue Spoon
Officially a 300-year-old private members club for women excelling in science and engineering (Cardassia’s traditionally female-dominated careers), this club has been a haven for Cardassia’s sapphics away from prying eyes. Those in the know of course might recognise the name; “blue spooning” being a slang term on Cardassia for a lesbian relationship. But they’ve maintained an air of deniability and exclusive privacy.
Reluctantly opening their doors to a new generation, we joined one of their latest parties with these finely dressed women, often with very masculine cuts, dancing to an all-female orchestra. From our conversations with patrons, it seems those women who do serve in the military are in exceptional demand now they’re allowed in, particularly among the younger patrons. One older Gul was seen carrying two young women around on her shoulders before vanishing towards the powder room.
#2 The Hot Rock
With their preference for the heat and dark, relative to many humanoids, it’s no surprise how popular saunas are on Cardassia. That holds true for gay Cardassians too. The Hot Rock is the biggest gay sauna in the capital and a meeting place for much of its community. Over 4 floors deep under Lakarian Way there is no end of dark corners to arrange a semi-private rendezvous in temperatures passing 90 degrees Celsius in places. 
The upper floors are dotted with dancers, bars and various entertainment. Not being able to handle the heat downstairs, we talked to a few of the patrons. One ex-tailor we spoke to told us of how prior to the war it was very much a “don’t ask, don’t tell” situation on Cardassia. The primacy of the family always had the understanding of affairs on the side, but on the understanding they were kept discreet.
These days, it seems, the old ways are out along with the old leadership. We asked the patron if there were any prominent gay Cardassians in this new society. He replied, “my dear, they’re all gay.” When asked if that included the government, he added “Especially the government.” The patron himself says that he is just visiting for the sauna and was not gay at all, but his friend Elim used to date a human doctor for a few years who was “ravishing.” He grinned as he went back to watching the dancers. Let’s hope this ‘Elim’ finds new love on this new Cardassia.
#3 Dom In Me Cabaret
What was previously an underground satirist group of drag performers during the war is now an ongoing headline show with a full musical comedy based around the Dominion leadership. The king playing the Vorta 'Why-Ooo' steals the show with his sycophantic solos dedicated to his unrequited love for the abusive Changeling.
We lost count of the number of times different characters killed Why-Oooo but the audience cheered mercilessly without fail. The group is currently working on a new act around Tain and the Obsidian Order, something unthinkable a few years ago!
#4 The Ending Sacrifice Bookshop
For a quieter atmosphere, turn to The Ending Sacrifice which now openly sells literature deemed inflammatory to the Cardassian sense of “Family Is All.” Stories of powerful people forsaking arranged marriages to elope with their true love stock the shelves in defiance of the prevailing ideology. The owner, Manek, explains how they how to challenge the monoculture on Cardassia imposed by Central Command over the past 100 years.
“Historically,” they say, “the early Hebitian civilizations were far more liberal and pluralistic. We valued our differences and our culture above military conquest. We want to return to that openness. So much of our society has been suppressed. Did you know that, like most reptilian-like humanoids, Cardassians have the capacity to change sex in certain circumstances? Under the Central Command, this is an unspoken medical disorder to be fixed rather than a natural function of our biology.”
The bookshop hosts literary and academic talks on a number of topics which are free to attend. Drop in and speak to Manek for more.
#5 Obsidian Eyes
Tucked away on the outskirts of Lakat is a BDSM club that only recently opened. For some, the end of the Obsidian order and their eternal monitoring of the whole of Cardassian society (especially it’s queer members) must be something to be missed. Because here, patrons can meet in cold metal interrogation rooms and be watched through “secret” one-way mirrors by “agents of the Obsidian Order”. At a certain point during their liaison, the agents will barge into the room and place the lovers on trial. 
We asked staff if the “agents” were real, or more accurately former, members of the Obsidian Order or just actors. Each person we asked gave an entirely conflicting account of the whole operation and one just quoted lines from Enigma Tales at us. So we’re not sure what to say at this point other than this is an exhibition and humiliation kink we didn’t think we’d see on our trip.
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dinoformer · 1 month ago
Can you perhaps do Optimus x Cybertronian reader where reader is already stayed on earth far longer than Optimus? They're not an autobot nor a decepticon, they don't side with anyone. They just want to enjoy earth in peace without thinking about war. Heck, they maybe don't give a shit about who's good and who's bad, they just don't care about anything besides themselves.
And maybe they met Optimus before he became Optimus prime, when he's still Orion pax. And they have a little reunion as an old friend.
How have you been?
GN, Jazz dies, angst maybe.
They met Optimus during his time as Orion Pax working in the Iacon hall of records, they were assigned to keep him in check along with Jazz. Sometimes they indulged him by having debates regarding equal freedom for all cybertronians and the current state of the gladiators of Kaon.
With time they found a friend in each other and Orion Pax trusted that they were going to aid with his plan of meeting the gladiator Megatronus.
“Orion, I don’t think we should to Kaon just to meet this Megatronus” they warned him “all we really know about him is that he is the top gladiators over there and not to mention that Kaon is not the safest place to visit.”
“We need him if we want to help the people from Cybertron.”
Orion was set of meeting his future ally. Megatronus became an important member of their group- a brother- Orion and him were usually planning on how to change the system while they just accompanied them during the long solar cycles.
It was until Megatronus started changing, he become more hostile towards them and Orion, he was set of taking over the government no matter what and after the incident at the High Council he left them. Like they meant nothing to him.
They continued to support Orion but with each casualty they distanced themself from his cause, they did want this war or choosing sides.
So, when Orion became Optimus Prime, he put all his focus on trying to reason with Megatron and his decepticons even if it ended in a fight.
That is why they was never really a member of the Autobots, they considered themself more of a neutral bot even when Optimus keep trying to convince them to join his team.
It was not until another fight between the two groups broke out, one of the worst battles they had to endure. They had watched their comrades fall one by one, many of their closest friends dying on the battlefield, but for them time stopped when they were to witness Jazz taking his last glance at them before being offlined by a decepticon. It broke them, Jazz dying broke them, and they did not know what to do.
They could not save him, and it was all in their head now, they started having corrupted thoughts and blamed Optimus for this. Jazz and every autobot was fight under his leadership so why did he let them down.
They wanted to end it all and leaving Cybertron was their only option, they need to get away.
“This is it Optimus, I can’t keep fighting anymore” they said while preparing their spaceship for their departure. “I don’t want to be part of this war.”
“You can’t give up now, what about our goal” he tried to reason.
“Your dream, Prime, not mine” they said looking at him. “You have to change people first before changing the system and right now everyone is so ready to kill each other.”
“Where will you go?”
“I don’t know but I will be fine so don’t look for me” they reassured him. “Until we meet again, Optimus Prime” they extended their servo.
They landed on planet earth without any plan of how to survive among organics, but they managed.
They got their vehicle form from and abandoned Pontiac solstice they found and starter their travels around earth. They visited many places and dedicated their time to discover organic life form that they never thought existed, their personal favorite being the mountain lions which is why they found themselves driving around the desert of Jasper-Nevada.
They have been following a mountain lion for a few hours because they wanted to pet it, and they almost did it if it was not for a big cybertronian starlight them both.
“It seems like you need to work on being aware of your surroundings, my old friend.”
“That’s what living in peace does to a bot, Optimus” they turned around annoyed. “You scared my new pet.”
“So, this is the planet you decided escape to.”
“Well, not what I had in mind, but I love it here, I found the peace I needed after everything” they did not want to remember their last time at Cybertron, it was still a sore spot for them.
“I glad you are ok” he said as the ground bridge opened behind him.
“It seems I am needed somewhere else, but you are always welcome at our base” he finished by patting their shoulder before going into the portal.
Maybe is they will visit the Autobots, maybe what they needs is to have a proper reunion with Optimus just like during the old simple days of laughing around Iacon hall of records.
Please let me know if there are any grammatical errors, English is not my first language.
Send character suggestions.
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gusty-wind · 9 months ago
Mindy Robinson@AmericanAFMindy
The fact they are trying to raid Alex Jones over his questioning of Sandy Hook, means you should ABSOLUTELY start looking into Sandy Hook.
So many things did not add up with what the Feds were saying....but no one is allowed to question them because it's sensitive, like ever?
• How did the dead teacher's fingerprints get on the bullets on the inside of an unused magazine?
• Why didn't the DNA of the shooter and his mother match the DNA of their own crime scene?
• Why were articles and charity pages set up online the day before it happened?
• Why did so many people at the scene have their entire mortgages immediately paid off?
• Why was one of the fathers caught laughing and smiling right before the press conference?
• Why was the coroner so weird and off while giving his statement?
• Why did they ban the public release of autopsies for children a year earlier?
• Why does the drone footage show everyone walking in and out of the building, over and over in one giant circle through a crime scene?
• Why did their main witnesses keep changing their stories?
• Why wasn't there any triage being performed whatsoever on the day of?
• Why were the Feds and the press so obsessed with demonizing the mother as a "Prepper?"
Before you lay into me....I'm not saying what did or didn't happened. I'm saying why aren't we allowed to ask questions when authorities are this evasive and combative about the truth?
How many weird things happened in Uvalde that they simply refuse to ever answer or address? Or any mass shooter that was "previously known to Feds" for making threats, but then they're too busy going after MAGA grandmas that were at the Capitol?
I did a full length documentary exposing the insane Las Vegas shooting cover up....which they also suspiciously swept under the rug after only 2 weeks, because so many holes were forming in their story. That doesn't mean it didn't happen...it means authorities aren't telling the truth.
You think a government that's willing to unroll a medical genocide on our dime with an illegally made virus by a foreign enemy and an untested vax they lied their asses off about, or try to start WW3 by blowing up a pipeline, or kill 3,000 of us in one day to hide the money the Pentagon lost, push the Patriot Act through, and start a lucrative war in the Middle East over imaginary weapons of mass destruction....isn't being deceptive about all these mass shootings?
Their plan is to just....make it illegal to even question them, and then crucify anyone that does? Yea, because that's what innocent people do...
Watch my doc, and you tell me what these people are capable of.
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herenemycherylblossom · 8 months ago
As I watch the US political situation unfold, I feel not for the first time recently, paralyzed. I'm overwhelmed by a terrible sense of confusion, and I ask myself again and again- without being able to help it- why isn't the country burning? Why aren't the people taking the streets? And I don't understand, and I don't understand... Why aren't we stopping the world from moving? How are we just watching this all happen? How do we allow them all this power, this space? They're not so many... And we are...
The planet is being killed, the people are being killed, and the rich are becoming richer while the poor become poorer. Wars, exploitation, corruption... All this goddamn system is wrong and must be dismantled, there's no democracy, no government or political party will save us, only the organization and mobilization of the people will. And yet- and yet- there's a lack of urgency, of finality- we're not tearing the status quo apart with our bare teeth...
We ALL have so much to lose... our lives, our home- and we will, if we don't put an end to this, we will. The earth will eventually give out if we don't do something to prevent it, and they will find a way to kill us- or will try to convince us to kill eachother. I'm not American, and I don't know how far this message will reach, I wrote it to process my grief anyways, the grief of the life we all could be living if not for the greed of some, but as someone who the US's elections will probably impact one way or another, the plea I would make to you all is: go out- take the streets, the congress, the white house if you must, take the entire country as if it's yours because it is- go out and disrupt, disrupt it all, disobey, become ungovernable, make the world stop. Make it stop and set it right.
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emotionaldisaster909 · 1 year ago
It’s New Year.
Just a few hours left for me.
And my country is bombing another country.
And yesterday one of our cities was bombed in response.
Our propaganda never shows any images of Ukrainian streets on fire.
Because they call them all “fakes”.
And people are regularly arrested for spreading “fakes”.
For saying anything against the war.
For even calling it “war”.
For going out on the streets with an empty sheet of paper.
A girl was sentenced to 7 years in prison for putting anti-war stickers on price tags in a store.
While murderers and rapists are being freed from prisons, sent to war and given amnesty when they come back.
Along with a status of “Heroes” for doing what they do best in another country.
An orthodox priest who raped children was given a suspended sentence and is still free.
While government preaches for “christian values” and calls LGBT movement an extremist organisation.
And this attack on one of our cities.
It won’t be delivered by our propaganda as a call to stop the war.
No, just the opposite, to intensify the attack on Ukraine in return.
Our government doesn’t care about children who died in this city.
Just as it doesn’t care about the ukranian children.
Because it NEVER cared for common people.
They say that the main reason for war is the oppression of russian-speaking citizens in Eastern Ukraine.
And while I met and talked to many of the refugees from there
You don’t fucking save people by killing and putting at a huge risk MUCH MORE PEOPLE.
Ironically enough, our government supports Palestine.
Which is good, but also what a fucking hypocrisy.
It’s mainly because America supports Israel, while also supporting Ukraine.
And what a fucking joke this whole geopolitical situation is.
Two of the hugest forces play chess with each other using other countries and their citizens as figures on the board.
And make money on people’s deaths.
Hey, America, why don’t you, fucking, I don’t know, assassinate our politicians, starting with the main psychopath??? If you want the war to stop so much?????
Why don’t politicans just go one on one UFC style and we all will watch and see who wins, like Remark suggested in his book about WW1???
Why start fucking WW3?
It feels so incredibly weird, watching and reading scenes about wars in TGCF.
They are perfectly depicted, you know.
It felt so striking, to watch Yong An and Xian Le people live happily together in the 9th Episode.
I hope one day we’ll be able to end up like this again as well.
But I have no hopes for tomorrow.
It’s gonna be centuries untill Russia might be able to live in peace with the world.
Just because one psychopath decided to go in history forever.
And if other psychopaths will ever let us live in peace.
Because every single participant of this war does not give a fuck about people.
I don’t believe they do.
Because they have power.
They could’ve stopped it.
They could’ve never let it happen.
And we?
We can’t. We can’t decide anything in this totalitarian fucking country.
Tell me, what can I do? What can I do to make this next year better?
I used to be a journalist.
I hoped my words could reach people.
They never did.
But I hope this little post just might reach… i don’t know, at least someone.
Will it make a difference?
Can anything make a difference?
Tell me, people of the free world.
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nokingsonlyfooles · 4 months ago
I did not survive The Belko Experiment
You can stream this movie for free, and the spousecritter and I did. I heard James Gunn was involved and it was "like a cross between Office Space and Battle Royale" and we thought, "Hell yeah." We expected absurdist comedy. We got a halfway plot switch to a brutal anti-authoritarian screed that failed to stick the landing and just ended with a sick joke.
I'm glad it exists and I think it said things that need saying, but I didn't enjoy it and I won't watch it again. You're free to make up your own mind on that.
But I would like to share my personal experience with a similar "game."
We got to the point in the movie where the authoritarian shitstain was separating the older folks for a culling - the rules were, if the workers didn't kill an arbitrary amount of people in an arbitrary amount of time, the higher ups would kill twice as many people.
My spousecritter objected with disbelief, "Why would they do what he says? They know he is going to kill them!"
And I knew why. I hadn't thought about it in a long time, but I knew. I said, "They just have to kill the first one who pushes back..." and while I was saying this, they did, "and it has to be fast and brutal. Then the rest of them won't. They don't have enough time to think."
And I had to further explain that I knew this because a high school Environmental Science student shot me in the head.
Not with a real gun. This was a "game," Columbine had barely happened, and we weren't being collectively sensitive about school shootings yet.
It wasn't really a game or an experiment. It was rigged from the start. We were supposed to learn a lesson about the uneven distribution of resources - it is bad, and causes people to do bad things. Simple. Oversimplified, in fact, and pretty pointless for that reason. But this is a class wherein I got a good grade for "saving" an island environment in SimIsle by raising money with off-shore oil drilling, so... I appreciate that the teacher was trying.
We were divided into groups, proportionate to how the population of the world exists, with proportionate resources. This "First World" has all the food and money, the "Third World" has all the people and the "Second World" has a fairish amount of each. Here's the food, each one of you has some money, get enough calories to survive by the end of Round One or you will die.
Oh, and to make sure you take it seriously, if you die, you will fail this exercise.
Now, I had some real bad circumstances. I had a total breakdown freshman year, all my grades were shit that year, and if I wanted a GPA that looked college-ready (like my abusive parents wanted me to have) I needed straight As with no margin of error. I was doing well in Environmental Science, but if I failed that exercise, there would've been... let's be gentle and inclusive and call it "disproportionate real-world negative consequences."
I can't have been the only kid in that situation. It wouldn't have been all of us, maybe not even most of us, but enough of us were motivated and the chaos of trying to survive without enough food for everyone commenced.
I was in the Third World, with most of the class. The others did not think of sharing their food with us in the time allotted, if such a thing would've even been allowed. We had a few kids selected to be government officials, and they had a military. The military had the ability to "kill" us.
Demonstrably, there was not enough food for everyone to survive the round and the clock was ticking. The government tried to get us to line up and purchase our food in an orderly manner, and the ones at the back of the line would clearly die at the end of the round.
In this milling mass of desperate high-schoolers, I (an anarchist in egg form) refused to stay where I was put and cut the line. And before I could open my mouth to protest, a "soldier" pulled out a finger gun and shot me. "Boom. You're dead. Go sit down."
"I... Buh..." I do not have an easy time talking when my emotions get the better of me in situations I don't understand. Not that it would've made any difference.
"Boom," said the teenaged boy whose grades were not nearly as good as mine and who managed to get made into a soldier, with a smile. Maybe it was revenge, maybe just relief. "You're dead. Go sit down."
I staggered over to the designated "dead" area and sat on the floor. I was the first. I sat there by myself until the end of the round.
There was slightly more food for everyone, given that I'd died, but still nowhere near enough. I think I couple more kids got killed for fighting with each other, (I'm not sure. The infighting might not've started until Round Two) but the biggest influx starved to death because they were at the end of the line and there wasn't enough food for them, as intended.
One of my fellow dead human beings muttered, "This isn't fair," and I agreed. There were a few more rounds, but the point was the headcount at the end. How many dead people were from the Third World group? Most of 'em. A few from the Second, and none from the First.
There, children. This is why there's famine in Africa (it's really not). Oh, and I was just kidding about failing you. This wasn't for credit.
I felt relieved and horrible, which I suppose was the point, and then the bell rang and we all went to our next class.
The Belko Experiment gave its victims all day. We had about forty minutes. Either way, that is not enough time for a lot of scared human beings to come up with rational solutions. Within these narrow boundaries, there can be no revolution, no humanitarian aid, no simple kindness. People are gonna die so let's start making decisions NOW! Only the dead ones have a minute to think and go, "This isn't fair," and they're not playing the game anymore.
This is not how a person does science. It is a particularly brutal method of storytelling, and, as an adult with more agency and experience, I think it's garbage. If you need to see people behave like snarling animals to make your point, there are much easier ways to force them to do that. But, the people running these "experiments" don't trust human beings to turn on each other, so they stack the deck from a position of authority with a threat of violence - whether they understand they're threatening violence or not.
If you leave people alone and let them exist out of crisis mode, sometimes they help each other. I think, with better social circumstances, that would happen more often, and faster. But even as it is, sometimes they help each other. And that's not what we want to see. If people help each other when we leave them alone in a game environment... What the hell are we doing that prevents them from doing that in the real world?
Uh, I think we're, um, stacking the deck from a position of authority with a threat of violence, fam. Just to start. There's a lot of other stuff, it's real complicated, but we're definitely doing that.
We don't have to. We don't have bombs in our heads or a teacher who can ruin our lives with a red pen. We have police and politicians, I guess, but they're usually not in the room and they can't control you if you don't do what they say. School's out. And you can just feed people. Ever wonder what else you can do?
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00-oh-yanno-00 · 10 months ago
it’s three in the morning and i can’t sleep because tomorrow we may wake up to find that Rafah is gone.
i lost my job on march 31 and the whole time i’ve been fighting with unemployment all i can think about are the fact that houses in Gaza are rubble.
i forget to eat and the hunger reminds me of Palestines that are starving, and have been starving for months. i go grocery shopping and wonder how many died while i was getting deodorant. i clean my house and think about the sewage piling up. i get my period and cannot fathom how Palestinian women are continuing
i watch as many videos as i can, i share information, i try to uplift their voices, i mourn with them and pray for them and plead with anyone who has the power to liberate them
we watch college students brutalized (again) as they are screaming in the face of militarized police who have been sent by our own government to oppress them. we see celebrities that could evacuate thousands with the wave of a hand dress up in clothes that cost more than most of us make annually.
our government officials are cohorts, sponsors, defenders, friends, and enablers of those who are literally drawing out innocent people with the sound of crying children to murder them. iserali soilders have literally posted war crimes on their social media accounts, iserali citizens have been invited to their bases to watch the torture of Palestinians. they sign american made bombs and take pictures around it before dropping it on homes with sleeping families.
we’ve seen mass graves, people stripped with their hands tied behind their backs before they’re killed. we’ve seen a child surrounded by her dead family, trapped in a car while iserali soilders kill anyone who attempted to help her
and all of this is happening while i’m trying to get a job so me, my roommate, and my cats don’t starve or end up homeless. i don’t have money to pay rent, i only have groceries because i have a sister willing to share resources with me, i have to pay a late fee on three bills because i’ve been fighting with unemployment for a month, i’m now late on renewing my car tag because i can’t afford it without a job, and i’ll be so real
i don’t care. i don’t give a fuck at this point. i don’t want anything to fucking do with a country that has commited this absolute bullshit. i don’t want to work for or with a zionist. i would rather punch their fucking teeth out, and that wouldn’t be a fraction of the violence they’d wish on me for simply saying that Palestinians deserve liberation.
how the fuck am i supposed to look for a job when my country is supporting a genocide? how the fuck am i meant to keep trucking along in day to day life when infection and disease are being purposefully spread through Palestine? why the fuck do you expect me to give a shit about bills when we are murdering an entire people
i want every missile launched to backfire. i want all iserali weapons to malfunction. i want to grab every zionest and scream to get the fuck off Palestain land. i want to break down the doors of every politician who would dare to support a genocide and impact a sliver of the fear Palestinians face every day
i am so sick of living and participating in a system that has consistently fucked so many people, throughout so many generations, all in the name of keeping the rich comfortable. i am so tired of the endless ways america specifically has fucked the entire globe. i am so tired of being forced to grow up watching as people everywhere suffer so the wealthy can be comfortable. - and do not forget that the end goal of this does benefit the rich.
do not forget that they are committing a genocide for a land grab. do not forget that there are plans for beach resorts on Gaza strips. do not forget about the canal project, about the oil, about all the resources the greedy fuckers controlling the world are already planning to rip from Palestine
and i know this post is, a, long, but b, very whiny. this is not to say that there isn’t hope. this is not to say that we shouldn’t keep fighting.
this is to say that it’s now four in the morning, and tomorrow i could wake up and Rafah could be gone, so i am still not asleep, because the only thing i can offer right now is my words, and my time, and my sleep, and that is such a little price to pay if it means someone reads this and thinks of Palestine
this is to say that despite everything, despite all the bullshit and how insane it is to continue, i will; because there’s no other choice at this point.
if we want to see the revolution we have to continue. if we want Palestine to be free then we have to continue. if we want better for our future, if we want better than what history has to offer, we must continue
and i hope, if nothing else, there is solidarity in our shared anger, action in our outrage, and results in our resistance born of love and compassion for a nation that our ancestors have failed
may Allah protect Rafah, may my Goddesses protect Palestinians, may our people liberate the world, and may we see the end of global tyranny that has oppressed the working class for centuries
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hitsugaya-toushirou · 2 years ago
If I can ask, what reads do you dislike from the fandom? It's ok if you don't want to answer, I was just curious.
I'm so sorry anon this ended up being extremely disjointed and kind of stream of consciousness 😭
In general there's too many to count honestly, but in reference to that post I made 👇
It's umm. Very bewildering to me to act like Ichigo is depressed in the Fullbring arc because he's living a normal life, instead of that y'know... He's powerless? More powerless than he's ever been in his whole life even? He didn't just lose the powers he gained over the series and get reset to zero, it went beyond that and he even lost the ability to see ghosts, which he's probably had since he was born.
Not only did he have to grapple with that, he was kind of uhh isolated? From the spiritual stuff. Rukia never visited in a gigai (she has a job to do I get it lol). His dad never feels the need to explain ANYTHING to him, leaving him open to Ginjou's manipulation. Urahara obviously has not been keeping contact with him seeing how Ichigo was so suspicious of Karin at his shop. (Neither of them stopping Tsukishima from attacking his friends and family is a whole other can of worms.) Watching his friends go off and fight Hollows while he has to sit there unable to do a thing? It's lonely. It's depressing. That's why he fell prey to such a shady group like Xcution! He was desperate for even a shred of his former power!
And you have to remember that the first half of Bleach before the timeskip takes place over... 6 months-ish? Give or take. Ichigo was constantly fighting for his life, or his soul, or his friends lives, or the worlds. He never actually got to rest with just the security of having his powers in his life lol.
Ah, it's also very funny to me to think Ichigo would join the Gotei when he dies lol. Like that is just nooot a good choice for him to make. If he was smart it would play out like this:
Gotei 13: Omg Ichigo u finally died! We have a spot open just for u!! 🤗
Ichigo: ...I'm a substitute tho 😐
And then he goes and kicks it in Rukongai with all his homies. Like obviously he'll visit plenty to hang out and give them a hand with things, but he shouldn't enlist. Could you imagine?
Let's just put him in two canon situations.
"Ichigo we need you to go slaughter an entire race of people because they won't do as they're told, and are making our jobs harder. We are giving up on diplomacy and going full genocide babey! Men, women, helpless children and elderly and all!" or "Hey! Things are kinda out of wack Ichigo :/ Can you go slaughter a bunch of Rukongai citizens to level things out? About 28,000. Thankies 😚"
Even if it's for the so-called "greater good" do you think he would do it? Absolutely not.
Okay so now what? Is he committing treason by refusing? Is he getting jailed? Is he fighting all his friends now to stop them from killing innocent people? Is he throwing a coup?
Being a Shinigami is NOT just cleansing Hollows, and Ichigo would have a deep moral opposition to a lot of it.
Like there's a group that's straight up assassinating people, and everyone knows it lol. There are people jailed not because they have committed any crime, but because maybe they could be dangerous some day. Who even knows what fully constitutes as dangerous? There's people like Mayuri obviously, but who's to say someone who advocates for switching to a new system of government isn't considered dangerous? And all we've seen is likely just the tip of the iceberg.
And to say Ichigo would change it all... Ichigo changed the hearts of the upper echelon of the Gotei a little bit but guess what... They're not in charge!!! The Seireitei is an aristocracy-based militia. The Central 46 make the rules, the Central 46 dole out the punishments. These rich haughty people who only care about their own self-interest are not gonna listen to Ichigo, they're not gonna be changed by him. So now what? Are we back to a coup? Lmao
Also like. On top of all that, for the entire series besides the epilogue, Ichigo is a teenager lol. I doubt he even understands the full workings of Japanese politics, let alone the intricacies of a feudal ghost aristocracy, that he only stepped foot in for... less than a month? And he was fighting tooth and nail for a large chunk of that lmao.
An entire government is just not something you can change with a punch or sword strike (Well I guess technically you could with a lot of sword strikes, but that's a tooon of bloodshed and not a route Ichigo would go down). Also like. It's not Ichigo's responsibility!!! It should not be on the shoulders of a child to overturn the corrupt layout of a world he doesn't live in!!!
I don't know where to end this so, apologies for the tangent <3
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meyhew · 1 year ago
I was not expecting Macklemore of all celebs to put out the best statement about the genocide going on in Palestine but I am glad someone like him is using his platform for good.
first, i did not know his govt name is BEN. kinda crazy. anyway full statement for anyone wondering:
I have been in fear. I have felt a literal lump in my throat and I cannot stay silent any longer. I condemn the murder of any human. The bombings, kidnappings and murder of the Israeli people carried out by Hamas was horrific in every way imaginable. My heart deeply hurts for the Israelis that lost loved ones to such an abomination. As a father, I cannot imagine if one of my kids was at that festival, or was still missing after being kidnapped. It is absolutely unfathomable. But killing innocent humans in retaliation as collective punishment is not the answer. That is why I am supporting the people around the world who are calling for a ceasefire. We are witnessing an unfolding genocide in Palestine at this very moment. A U.S.-backed human catastrophe in front of our eyes. Gaza is being demolished. Well over 1 million people have lost their homes. Schools, hospitals, places of worship obliterated. Innocent kids are being murdered as I’m typing this. People can’t get out. They are literally fenced in. Israel isn’t allowing water, food and medicine into the open-air prison that is Gaza. And yet we remain silent. I have. There’s the fear of immediately being labeled Anti-Semitic when you say anything against the Israeli government. This is false. I  can wholeheartedly love my Jewish brothers and sisters while simultaneously condemning the Israeli government for their mass killings and Apartheid.  I have been backstage at night before the shows, tears uncontrollably streaming down my face in absolute disbelief at how we as a country are supporting these murders with our weapons and financial backing. We are collectively praying for Israel before NFL football games, projecting Israeli flags onto our buildings and watching in-depth news stories on the catastrophic bombings in Israel. All are important ways of honoring the Israeli lives lost and those that are suffering because of it. But why are we not doing the same for Palestinians? How are one group of people’s lives worth more than others? By no means am I an expert on this conflict. I am relatively new to this and learning as I go. There’s 75 years of Palestinian occupation and deeply rooted pain on both sides, stemming back far before I was born. But there is no side to take when it comes to our collective human spirit. We all have a voice and a platform to stand for what is right and just. Even if it’s a one-on-one conversation with someone. I understand my privilege in speaking out publicly because I have financial resources and am void of a boss or company to answer to. A lot of Americans are afraid that if they say something it could put their livelihood at risk. But if I’m putting my business, career, or Instagram followers above using my platform to speak out against genocide… what does that say about me?” I keep coming back to this MLK quote: ‘Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.’ I have so many close lifelong Jewish and Muslim friends and I don’t want to cause any additional harm to any of them. But I trust in our friendships that even if we disagree we can be rooted in love and acceptance in whatever dialogue transpires. I trust that these potential challenging and emotional conversations will not divide us in the end but lead to more compassion. Killing the innocent is never the answer. Revenge only breeds more hatred. Thinking of ourselves as separate from one another is a lie.
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nottheoneyouwantmetobe · 1 year ago
I officially have to announce:
First things first I'm a Greek woman and right now in Greece if you haven't heard, there have been terrible floods for two days, many people are left without food or water and some of them are even homeless! I'm just someone who had enough of the government
Right now I'm sitting on my salon, watching TV. First thing i saw was the shitty face of the motherfucker called Kyriakos MITSOTAKIS talking about how "all farmers and breeders will be supported". First mister Mitsotakis
This was YOUR fault! By government decision, destroy a nearby dam so that the crops are not destroyed. Didn't you knew that after that the ones that would be in danger would be humans? Is the land more important than human life? If you really are going to help farmers, why didn't you just let the crops and help farmers without having their houses destroyed? Was it so important for them to lose their everything for you to decide to give help? And are you actually going to help them? Cause I can bet my life to it, you actually, f*cking won't
People didn't even knew nor were prepared for the destruction that was coming and it was YOUR job to keep them safe and away from floods but you didn't
Why didn't you done anything before all the floods happen to protect people? You promised anyways more protection against nature's disasters, yet nothing changed!
Opening TV is only watching news of poor people who hardly could even afford food, losing their everything, yelling out of frustration but are they going to be heard?
And aside floods. We also had a lot of fires during summer too! You promised for protection against fires too yet a whole f*cking island is completely burnt down! But no! It's not over in here. Firefighters were putting their lives to line to save us, being all tired and burned, without sleep, without food and water, without a rest and you and some others on the government, were out there enjoying your vacations and summer parties like nothing ever happened!
Or wait no! Let's talk about Tempi and the accident with the train crush! Because this at some point was YOUR fault too! Hundreds of people died in there! The less survivors made it out badly traumatized and even amputated! The were getting inside the trains to get the corpses out but all they found is legs and arms separately and ashes. And while all that you were just enjoying your lives
Look! This is the situation to many towns and villages in Greece
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Looking down the waters you only see destroyed houses or even dead bodies! I hate the government, they are nothing but f*cking serial killers
But many people will say the same about their presidents. I've been hearing this for many years that "it's same here" but trust me, IT IS NOT! Especially, if you are from USA, UK or other Europe country just SHUT UP! Reaching the level that you are in, is only a dream that will never come true. Our own government is KILLING us! Do you even know what this means?
They literally are doing the one crime after the other but they never receive the punishment the deserve
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hiddenwashington · 2 years ago
                                       we are the april fools
welcome to the brain cell of the admin team working! we love a good bit so, here is a compilation of our bullshit for your memeing pleasure. enjoy!
**tw for nsfw, drug mention, alcohol mention, swearing
‘ fuck off you fucking gremlin ’
‘ mister mistoffelees is my cat boyfriend ’
‘ one is a kink, one is a crime ’
‘ i live for chaos you gotta feed me ’
‘ i’ll continue being an asshole for your amusement ’
‘ i’m ready, bring on the anxiety ’
‘ hey bro, what the fuck ’
‘ we’ll scar ourselves for valentines day ’
‘ and then she wrote me a novel about his cocaine addiction ’
‘ sponsored by ritz cheese crackers, absolute shit ’
‘ you have no legacy, your legacy is to be disappointed all the time ’
‘ you’re like some sad soccer mom that came for the wine instead of your kids soccer game ’
‘ karen can choke i would never forget the sangria ’
‘ your moms dead, i’m your problem now ’
‘ it is i, the mullet of your dreams ’
‘ you cannot mention pornhub! this is why you’re not hr ’
‘ i’m on the clock to knock your lights out ’
‘ i’m livin la tiddy loca ’
‘ she was hot, i don’t know what to tell you ’
‘ righting the world and the economy one karen at a time ’
‘ you can fight my brain and my anxiety sis we’re having ✨a terrible time✨ ’
‘ i’m on it drag that bitch to denny’s i’ll take her ass out ’
‘ can god stop vibe checking me ’
‘ today i learned that cocaine could be an antidepressant if the government weren’t cowards ’
‘ i had five shots of espresso, even god can’t stop me ’
‘ ted bundy is up first i will square up ’
‘ one day i will have the pleasure of going to hell and murdering freud ’
‘ i will not face consequences for my actions. you can not make me ’
‘ i can accept that i have a flaw or two. that’s it though, just two ’
‘ i know you try very hard, but you are very stupid ’
‘ let’s go straight, a thing we’ve never said before in this groupchat ’
‘ you better be ready to sleep with moth man - hi dad! ’
‘ that’s like the saddest uwu i’ve heard in my life ’
‘ i just want the thrill of rejecting a god ’
‘ you really think you could take on the kool-aid man and take no damage??? ’
‘ i don’t have a foot fetish, i’m just autistic ’
‘ i haven’t even learned multiplication, how am i supposed to know what a pyramid scheme is? ’
‘ do i look sexy while dying? ’
‘ have you been watching too much youtube? ’
‘ fucking ipad kids, man ’
‘ i can be sane about this i promise but not today ’
‘ i’m a catch and i can also sleep with a younger man ’
‘ how do you milk an oat ’
‘ fuck my dad ’
‘ sometimes you just need to start swinging ’
‘ i just watched a cat girl walk out of thin air in a starbucks ’
‘ isn’t that that furry thing people are into ’
‘ i’m gonna go on The Google and see if i can figure anything out ’
‘ am i high too? ’
‘ fuck off bambi ’
‘ since there was no warning and i make the rules here ’
‘ you’ll go where i say you’ll go ’
‘ does a - mother fucker ’
‘ gonna play chase the emo ’
‘ we love biting dilfs….? ’
‘ optimistic nihilism, right? none of us matter ’
‘ it’s kinda cringe to be kidnapped ’
‘ you rolled a 5, stfu this rabbit’s coming to brand you ’
‘ is he immune to KNIVES?? ’
‘ alright – now to kill this dad ’
‘ if you think garfield is going to stand against me in court, you’re out of your fucking mind ’
‘ no offense but you have like no mom vibes ’
‘ i think i got threatened by a furry ’
‘ speak of the cat lady and she shall appear ’
**shotguns frappuccino** ‘ there’s many ways to drink a drink ’
‘ these hands are magic, baby ’
‘ are you saying naruto is jesus?? ’
‘ your pride is going to get us killed ’
‘ you look like you could fit under a bush ’
‘ y’all test me… ’
‘ it’s your reward for being a dumb bitch ’
‘ i am SO GLAD you didn’t get vored by a cloud ’
‘ did you get so high/drunk you circled back to sober? ’
‘ try to crowd surf the third graders! ’
‘ some things are better off unknown , the phrase will haunt me but… ’
‘ we’ve summoned satanic tennessee ’
‘ what’s a chakra? i didn’t bring anything with me ’
‘ hey lady, did you give me crack ? ’
‘ there are no nutrients in my body, only spite! ’
‘ i’m here to be fun and cute! not smart! ’ 
‘ i don’t joke about setting timers ’
‘ eggs aren’t meat... yet ’
‘ this is being run by a bisexual maniac ’
‘ maybe nessie’s lonely, maybe nessie needs to get laid! ’
‘ biting is my kink ‘
‘ don’t worry, i will slowly eat away at you until you are a husk of a person ’
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