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sanguis729 · 5 months ago
I watched a couple 'ranking fanfiction tropes' videos today and thought I would do my own.
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Note: this is my personal preference of what I like to read. I'm not trying to attack anybody's taste in fic
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sanguis729 · 2 years ago
PLEASE SIGNAL BOOST THIS! RUSSIA HAS BLOWN UP THE KHAKIBKA HYDROELECTROSTATION DAM AND IS FLOODING COUNTLESS UKRAINIAN TOWNS AND VILLAGES! THIS IS THE BIGGEST ECOLOGICAL CATASTROPHE IN EUROPE SINCE CHORNOBYL! Post written and provided by @ohsalome: Now, the situation is desperate. I know I've bothered you with donations recently, but this is a time-sensitive matter. I've collected several organisations that are currently helping to evacuate people from the territory that is/will be soon flooded. Please, please, send them any cent you can and signal boost this, the things are really BAD and we need as much help as we can get: Vostok SOS helps people evacuate from dangerous territories, since the beginning of the war they've already helped 46 000 people. Elderly and disabled people are of an extra need of assistance. Helping to leave is another organization that has been helping evacuate people from occupied territories, and is currently gathering funds to help people in Kherson region.
Denys Fedko is a volunteer who currently collects money for fuel, which is always in short stock during war; and general evacuation needs.
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sanguis729 · 2 years ago
As an autistic person living with my mostly allistic family, it can be so draining to just be in the house sometimes. Everyone loves white noise, and that is one of my pet peeves, so the house is just a sensory nightmare for me with all the fans on.
Plus I hate when my little sister has friends over. The loud talking, and even straight up screaming, is awful.
And my dad has tinnitus so he watches TV at full volume. My ear drums bleed.
And what is with the lights?! Can't we get warm white light bulbs for fucking once?
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sanguis729 · 2 years ago
I wish I could sit in my own living room without getting over-stimulated
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sanguis729 · 2 years ago
I love when someone in a book or show says "I can't describe it" only to go on to list three or more adjectives that perfectly encapsulate exactly what "it" is.
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sanguis729 · 2 years ago
Yall, so I was telling my parents about how my job's starting pay was $12.50/hr and they were astonished. They told me how back in '92 my dad's starting rate as a carpenter was about $6/hr.
I was like, 'Well, with inflation that's about the same.' And they didn't believe me so I had to look it up. According to google's inflation calculator, $6 in 1992 is equal to $12.52 now, (Feb. 2023).
They had such a hard time believing inflation changed the US dollar that much.
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sanguis729 · 2 years ago
Being asexual, it is significantly worse hearing your parents talk about their "intimate moments" The fact I'm their child coupled with the disgust I feel about sex in general does not bode well for my mental health when I over hear something I really wish I didn't.
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sanguis729 · 2 years ago
Three inches. Estimated to snow for 10 more hours. Going to get three more
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At least it's pretty
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sanguis729 · 2 years ago
This has been my mood for the past five years
I have now decided Solangelo is my religion. Thats all I had to say. You can leave now. What are you still doing here? Seriously stop reading. Oh my gods for real! scram. Off. NOW.  I mean it. stop.  im done. leave. right now. whatever, stick around I guess. I don’t care anymore.
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sanguis729 · 2 years ago
I recently re-watched Spider-Man: Far From Home and I gotta say that I love how they handled the Daily Bugle in the MCU.
Just the site being an Alex Jones, Info Wars level of misinformation. Of course they'd be the site to publicly post the fake video Beck made. They definitely didn't even check to see if the video was altered in anyway
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sanguis729 · 2 years ago
I'm doing a re-read of the Percy Jackson series and I'm on The Titan's Curse, just read the part where Bianca di Angelo joined the Hunters of Artemis. My views have 100% changed since I first read the book.
I remember thinking the Hunters were the coolest thing in the world and I would totally join them if only they were real. But I was also an 11 year old girl at the time. Now, I'm 17 and since realized my gender as a trans/non-binary person and I think the Hunters' views on sexuallity and gender are very... sexist? I don't know, they kinda disturb me.
I would definitely expect the whole "boys are icky and have cuties" thing from 10 year old girls, and I was once exactly like them, but the fact Artemis, a millenia old goddess, uses that to manipulate these literal children into making an oath and risking their lives for her. It feels like grooming.
Plus the fact that Artemis sees young women growing up as going astray (pg 37) and forgetting themselves I kinda hate as well?
Everyone has to grow up, at least in real life. It's perfectly normal and should not be vilified. This attitude towards sexuality is why people aren't taught how to do sex things safely, and end up with diseases or an unwanted pregnancy.
Plus, Zoë's attitude about that perfectly natural and healthy thing being the fault of all guys on Earth. It's the same attitude you see in some predatory dudes. That it's the girl's fault that they find her attractive and so it's her fault if something happens. It's not, by the way. It's not the guys' fault that some girls start feeling sexually attracted to guys.
It is perfectly fine to be aromantic and/or asexual, and I as an ace person understand if they want to never be with someone, but thinking that people who do feel sexual attraction have just "lost their way" or something is just wrong. Again, same attitude seen towards the queer community.
Sorry this got long and became a sort of rant?
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sanguis729 · 2 years ago
Anybody else have vivid dreams where some of your favorite actors will play a character in your dreams? Like, you know the actor isn't themself, they're acting.
Like, last night I had a dream that Misha Collins and I were acting together and we were in this weird TV show dream universe. I was watching a Friend's-esque into and theme in third person, the way an audience would, as well as being the character I would have played in the "show".
Also, everyone was queer. Misha's "character" and I were together, so that's gay, and there was two men together as well as an asexual guy and two Sapphic women who wouldn't let go of each other.
Can we have this in real life, please. I need Misha Collins in a Friend's-like show where everyone is queer. Please.
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sanguis729 · 2 years ago
How did I not piece this together earlier, Annabeth is dog person!!
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Just her getting emotional about her childhood dog, which she must have cared about so much to be doing obedience school with it. Before she was even seven years old, mind you!
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Her interactions with Cerberus just shows how she cares, and she obviously feels so bad for tricking him and leaving him without a friend.
And Cerberus's "mournful keening" for "his new friend" UUHHGGG! It pulls at my heart strings 😢
I'm still surprised it took until my second read through to realize this... I feel ashamed...
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