#why do I have to go to Philippine history to read about them ;_;
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sins-of-the-sea · 2 years ago
You like cats, right, Giovanni? Have you ever heard of the nekomata? They're two-tailed cat spirits from Japan!
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"I have! One of the older thralls the Master had when I rejoined him in Sugbu was a Japanese pirate named Akitake! I think he was a disgraced lord from Edo who joined Datu Dalugdog and many other pirates of the South China Seas by the time. Either way! He told me about the nekomata and other creatures in Japan like the tanuki and the Orochi beast! Supposedly when a cat has lived a long enough life, its tail will split in two! I think they also become especially wise or powerful!
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"Ohhh, I'd love to befriend a nekomata! I will give it all the love and hugs and cuddles and pets and treats it will ever ask for!!"
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kathanglangit · 1 year ago
The Third Blade: Hinalung - Handheld Speartip
Five days left to go before the launch of the Gubat Banwa Kickstarter campaign! Gubat Banwa is a TTRPG that allows you to play as warrior Kadungganan in the Sword Isles, a fantasy setting as colorful and intricate as the Southeast Asian cultures from which it draws inspiration.
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I've been posting the weapons I've been drawing for the game as kind of a countdown, leading up to the launch on October 10. I was planning to do this for Swordtember, but sometimes you gotta shift the goalpost a little bit. 3/7 blades down, behold the HINALUNG
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This multi-purpose blade comes in a few different shapes and sizes, but in general they are symmetrical and double-edged. They don't get much longer than one's forearm, and more often than not have handles wrapped in rattan lashings.
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(Blades by Tatang HImanggo and one of his students- a certain Arnold; As shared by Biboy's Sharp Edges) If I'm not mistaken, the term "hinalung" is Ifugao- referring to a certain group of indigenous peoples in the Philippine Cordilleras- though the usage of the blade itself was widespread across the mountains of north Luzon. Nowadays, it isn't just Ifugao smiths making them, and a number of contemporary smiths from across the region seem to lay claim to the blade. In any case, the blade is of the Cordilleras, unconquered by Spain.
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(Blades by Ifugao Traditional Blades) One more thing of note is the open scabbard, which seems to be common among blades in that region- not just the hinalung. Some of them boast enough space for more than one blade to be sheathed, and are often sold as novelties. The first example below has a large hinalung in the middle, joined by a pair of pinahig. It can very quickly get out of hand. These X-in-1 sets are usually sold as novelties.
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(Blades by Orinn Mongalini/Panday Anitu Mumbaki)
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(Photo from Orinn Mongalini)
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(Photo from Ifugao Artistic Blade)
Now for the fun part! You may be wondering why the handle is shaped the way it is, with that triangular opening near the base of the blade? Or perhaps you read the title of this post and you already know where this is going?
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They double as spearheads! The handle itself is steel folded in to create a hollow socket, allowing the hinalung to be mounted on a wooden shaft, turning it into a spear. Supposedly, this spear-form was used for hunting. You can see the hollow socket more clearly here:
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(Blade by HanYan Blades)
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(Screencap from a video by AJ Blade Reviews testing the blade as a spear; Blade by Lakay Paul Dulnuan Sr.) As mentioned previously, the Philippine Cordilleras were never conquered by Spain, and as such were able to carry their traditions with a little more ease into the present day. It is very much apparent in the blade culture. Present-day smiths in the Cordilleras still forge hinalung, some of them stating they do it in the traditional way, others admitting to hewing to more modern methods.
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(Antique from the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology)
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(Modern build by Lakay Pabian, photo by Ramon Bathan) Like I said before: Blade culture is alive and still developing. One of the Five Major Mahamandalas of Gubat Banwa pays homage to and gleans inspiration from living cultures like those I mentioned here. If you want to know what the first half of that sentence means, check out the game and its Kickstarter!
The Gubat Banwa Kickstarter launches in 5 days! Check it out here:
I've watched this game be started, written, and developed by like- one guy, who just managed to drum up enough interest and meet enough people willing to help shape the dream, and make it what it is today. It could not have gotten this far without all of them. Still, it remains a very small team of creators from the global south, with very limited resources. We would dearly appreciate any and all help in getting the word out about the game!
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comeback-from-the-dead · 2 years ago
Icon and Header: Moon knight Comic (2016) art by Greg Smallwood
Links: Spotify-account - Art account - DeviantArt Account - My art (all of the post in the tags are my acc) - Time-lapse - IG - Letterboxd - Scarlet witch comics reading guide (in the works) | Sideblog | Pinterest | w.maximoff - blog | [I don't "stan", real people]
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-- about me | Notes ↓
To many freaking links I know idk I feel like my brain is itchy if I didn't make a link for my things
an annoying Bisexual /18/ any pronounce (call me whatever you want it's fine idc really) /rant and complain alot, I am a self-taught artist I use my phone and fingers to draw digital so it's a bit wonky...papansin minsan
I am a girl or boy sometimes an alien
I have special interests in history (ancient civilizations, Prehistoric stuff, Philippines history: (Spanish colonial period) etc.)
I really like David Lynch and Guillermo del Toro and their films/shows and I watch all of the things they have directed and read and watch a lot of stuff about them/ related to them you can ask me about that if you want
I watched a lot of shows, films, Documentaries or Whatever Videos I find interesting...also I love listening to music
brain rotting | Multifandom | comics/films/shows/games/manga/anime
I am obsessed with the Scarlet Witch....(films, comics, cartoon... anything about her...),
If I follow you it's because I like the stuff you post and I like the same stuff as you,..not really want to list all the stuff that I like.. it's a lot
You can talk to me about true crime in my side blog idk..I like reading, listening, watching and knowing stuff and documentaries about the cases ( I don't "Stan")
Also have weird obsession with Squids and Octopus or anything that have tentacles...I like other Deep sea animals too
Too lazy and anxious to answer ask/DMS sometimes and will probably answer it 2 weeks or months later or probably will forget about it...sorry
I like a lot of characters but NEVER romantically more like... finding a stray cat and petting it type of thing??Hyperfixation goes brr
I am not normal about jujutsu kaisen
I am kinda corny maybe a bit cringe...
my English is not very good
I don't like arguing with people so please if I post something you don't like just block me
I don't "stan" celebrities or any real people if my fav fictional characters is played by someone "problematic" i don't care because idgaf about who they are or what they do,I only care bout my silly guys who happens to share the same face as them...and I pirate most of the stuff I watch and read...because I am poor as fuck, I Occasionally reblog gif set and pics of Actors, movies and character that I like...so please stop sending 'ask' ..
Sorry for yapping too much but I don't get why people cares so much about Celebrities or famous people...most of them don't really gaf about you and it's weird when people got angry when their 'fav' celeb didn't do what they want or agree with what they believe.. I hate people that treat celebs like fictional characters that they can make Headcanons...most of them are going to just disappoint you Anyway so why do you care so much about them? Why do you keep defending them? Liking them it's fine but defending and talking about them like they gave birth to you it's weird and creepy especially if the celeb is clearly a horrible person ...ehhh I know you don't care what I think...but god I hate 'celebrity' "stans" so much...they make me wanna throw myself of a moving fast vehicle.. like losing your mind over fictional characters is normal and understandable... at least...but god I hate celebrity dick riders so much...I hate celebrity haters too that make it their entire personality too...like idc if you hate that person don't bother me because I like a character they play... sometimes I wish really really famous celebs that have many fans because they are 'good' people 🙄 do sometimes really bad or got exposed for something horrible just to see celeb fandom meltdowns...why? Because it's hilarious...I mean famous celebs that the weirdos from internet always praise and makes meme about... it's so fucking annoying rahhh yeah I get I am pathetic....the amount of famous actors and actresses that are in my acc muted list is insane..I mean yeah I like a few celebs but mostly because I like their performance from a film or show other r than that i don't care or think about them and will never care if they did something bad or whatever celeb stuff people cares so much I don't care about award shows and idc who won or lost and idc if this show or movie that I like have a problematic celeb I am gonna watch it anyway I am not doing it for them so shut up....and please if you're gonna one of those weirdos that are gonna bombard my DMS and 'ask' about your stupid fav celeb please just don't...I am just gonna ignore and block you because I hate arguing with morons...I am getting too much already
[y'all are probably are not even reading this ...idc really]
-i talk too much I know Anyway my username is a reference to Havik -Cleric of Chaos- (mortal Kombat deception)
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romances-not-tragedies · 2 years ago
and i keep my side of the street clean
Summary: When a chat about the case of the murdered magician goes ugly, one of Jo Gar's longtime acquaintances walks up into the scene and chooses figurative violence against the lieutenant of the Manila Police Station who thinks he is right in accusing an innocent man of a murder he may not commit. Or "The Magician Murder" AU in which someone puts Sadi Ratan in his place. Title from Taylor Swift's "Karma".
Content warnings: mentions of murder case, swearing, abuse of power by authority, insult towards an honorable ex-government official, not-quite accurate depiction of legal processes in pre-Revised Penal Code era, mixed opinions on the American colonial government in the Philippines
Note: Edilberto Alcantara is an original character I have made for each and every Jo Gar 'verse. In the stories he is a lawyer who's had the honor of working under one of the most honorable government officials who would figure in the country's history under tragic circumstances (read WWII).
Edilberto knew that he was supposed to be home, in an apartment unit at the arrabal of Ermita where he’d been living two years ago. To be fair, though, he still went back to the house at Calle Azarraga, which his family had bought upon securing enough funds while he entering his teenage years, for the weekends or when he felt like it, since it felt more like home than he'd thought it was before moving out.
But Jo had asked him to come over at his little office near Escolta since he needed his unofficial opinion on a certain case, and he climbed up the stairs after waving a greeting to Wong Ling, who seemed to be fretting in his place. He had wanted to ask but he had no time. He arrived at the door, not locked as he knew Jo would not lock his door as force of habit, only to hear sounds of conversations.
He bent down and pressed his ear against the keyhole to listen to who and what they were talking.
He recognized Jo’s matter-of-fact tone of speaking, countering with the always charged (and angry) tone from Lieutenant Sadi Ratan. He resisted the urge to sigh, as he had known the lieutenant to be a pus-filled boil on your buttocks dressed in a handsome face and spotless uniform. He had intensely disliked the lieutenant from the get-go. They were discussing about the case of a murdered magician, Señor Dario Cardoro who had arrived in the country and was watching the cockfight this night, only to get into a problem after the last round.
What it was, Edilberto had no idea.
And then, as it often went, what was supposed to be a decent conversation (or at least on Jo Gar’s part) devolved into the usual ugly shit. He heard the lieutenant ask in a demanding tone if Jo would accept Señor Sam Markden’s commission as he was seen as prime suspect.
It’s his right, yawa, he wanted to retort, but kept himself silent so he could time his entrance.
Then, he heard the lieutenant accuse Jo Gar, “You are protecting an American. You have always protected them. You like them. He was your client.”
Really now? Edilberto asked, if only to himself. It was like accusing you that you liked the current Governor-General, who Edilberto did not like since the Conley Crisis. Also, why was the lieutenant taking issue with Jo taking Markden as a client?
To Jo’s credit, he was as calm as he could be. “I was not paid that well,” he answered. “I doubt that I could be paid that well. Riazo was not drugged. You have no proof of it.”
Ayos! Edilberto silently cheered with a little fist pump. Drag him to hell, Jo. You’re doing it right.
Hotly, the lieutenant fired back, “I stood over Juan Derigo when he told me—”
So you intimidated him, then? Edilberto wanted to ask him.
“A Filipino does not like to be beaten,” Edilberto heard Jo chuckle as he replied. And the statement was true, unfortunately. “He preferred to let you think as you wished.”
Ha! Take that, you sorry sack of ball-less cocks!
Again, he heard the lieutenant vow to Jo, “It will not be good for you to protect Markden, Señor Gar. When we have caught him—”
Unless proven otherwise, Lieutenant Idiot-Face. You forgot that part. You only have one job and you are blowing it.
“The birds were in condition,” cut off Jo, though he spoke slowly. “Each of them. Riazo was defeated. That was all.”
But Lieutenant Idiot-Face, er, Lieutenant Ratan said, as though he had discovered buried treasure, “It is not all. Cardoro stood up and shouted that he would not pay.” Okay, so the man had money problems, and that’s the least of Edilberto’s worries right now. He was worried about the horrid fucker insisting that he was right despite the fact that his arguments could be thrown away by any sane juez de la paz. “I saw Markden’s face—”
Oh, you could read faces now? Good for you, Edilberto sarcastically said if to himself.
The lieutenant continued, “—there was hate in his eyes. And Cardoro was murdered. A spur knife was used. Markden has vanished. We have searched the city for him. He is the killer of the magician!”
And yet in your hate towards Jo Gar, you haven’t killed him. Also, why must you insist on something not yet fully proven? Anger was simmering in the young attorney. Were his former boss present in Jo’s office and was confronted by someone like Sadi Ratan, he would dismantle the lieutenant’s arguments with calm logic and knowledge of the law. He would gently but firmly rip them apart, one by one, until nothing was left for the lieutenant.
Jo replied with a sigh, “Then it is all very simple. You will find him, and that will be the end.”
Unless the court says otherwise, Jo. You forgot that part.
The calm must have driven Lieutenant Ratan crazy. Angry, perhaps. Which was why he would commit one of the most blatantly terrible acts of injustice Edilberto would hear him threaten Jo.
“And you will be brought to trial for lying to me, a police officer!” Edilberto heard Lieutenant Ratan fiercely threaten Jo Gar.
Anger shot through Edilberto. How dare Lieutenant Sadi Ratan accuse everyone and anyone of lying without solid proof! He wanted to puke and not because of beer, and he didn’t even drink! And he hadn’t made Jo swear an oath to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, an abomination of everything he had learned at law school and his ongoing stint at the Department of Justice. And he would have him tried for a crime he was trying to prove with only conjectures? No solid evidence?
That’s it, I’ve had enough!
He swung the door open and stepped inside the little office of his late cousin’s friend. “‘Lying to me?’” he repeated the words mockingly as a greeting to the lieutenant. He closed the door behind him a little too strongly and raised a brow at the lieutenant. “Who the fuck do you think Jo Gar is, your wayward husband?” he asked crisply and coolly like the amihan winds of December.
That made both men jump out on where they were standing. Cold satisfaction ran through the young attorney when the police lieutenant went stiff and his eyes grew comically wide. Jo Gar blinked a few times.
The “wayward husband” remark must have disoriented them, he thought.
It took both men time to recover from this dramatic greeting, Jo calming down first and greeting him with a faint smile, “Compañero Alcantara, what a pleasant surprise.” Relief washed over Jo’s countenance, though he hid it behind his usual expressionless face.
Edilberto smiled at Jo Gar and answered, “I thought you’ve already known that I would be here, since you sent me a message before I left home. And I do believe that Lieutenant Sadi Ratan here would quickly accuse me of conflict of interest even if I am just here for a different reason.” He delivered the last sentence in a cutting, sarcastic manner he’d always use when dealing with the lieutenant.
“How long have you been listening to us, Compañero Alcantara?” Edilberto turned to the police lieutenant, who was fuming so badly that he could see smoke out of his nose and ears.
The attorney directed his eyes towards Lieutenant Ratan, curled his lips in a here comes trouble smirk that had been a family trademark. He answered, “Long enough to hear you accusing of Señor Gar of liking Americans and committing perjury even if he has not sworn to someone who is fit to administer an oath. And then quickly accuse of Señor Markden of killing Señor Cardoro on the basis of—what?” He blurted out the last word in a mocking laugh. “Simply because he had dug up dirt on the man? That’s not how things work, Lieutenant. I thought you know better. I was wrong.”
He watched Jo Gar watching this unfold with interest and a bit of worry. He must have known that Edilberto hated the lieutenant, even more so when he watched the lieutenant trying to get under Jo’s skin. His underhanded tactics made Edilberto seethe no matter what.
Then his eyes went right back to Lieutenant Ratan as he grew red on the face. He must have hit where it hurt the most. Good, let him be angry and make his head explode.
Then Lieutenant Sadi Ratan exploded, making him barely flinch, “He lied to me! He is having Señor Markden hide behind him even though he is the killer of Señor Cardoro!”
Edilberto recovered from the outburst, thinking that Lieutenant Ratan sounded more like a lover scorned than a member of the Manila Police District. He asked, “Did you administer an oath to Jo Gar? Because from what I have heard, you did not. You just fired out accusations towards Señor Markden based on flimsy evidence and conjectures. If you tried to push it to trial stage at the court, even at the First Instance, the juez de la paz will laugh at your arguments. And while Señor Markden is suspected of killing Cardoro, he still has the right to ask for aid, legal aid.”
“Asking for aid from Señor Gar is not legal aid!” fired Sadi Ratan back.
“Doesn’t he have the right for an attorney?”” Edilberto countered matter-of-factly. “Is that not legal aid?” He watched the lieutenant grow mad once more and he was steps away from what his sister would call an apoplexy. He continued, “Plus, you already presumed him guilty, Lieutenant Ratan. That is not how it works.” He jutted his chin and pointed out, “He is still innocent until judged otherwise by the court of law.”
“And you are siding with Señor Markden, too,” Sadi Ratan accused him, pointing an accusatory finger at him. “You are supposed to be on the side of the law. I thought you know better.”
Edilberto rose an eyebrow on that, amused at this feeble show of power. “Why, I have been hearing that accusation too often,” he remarked, his voice mild but acerbic. He commented, “I must have gotten the lessons from my ex-boss wrong. I thought practicing fairness is important. Maybe I should visit him once more for some…clarification on the matter.”
“But I thought he had resigned from the Cabinet, Compañero Alcantara?” Jo Gar asked as he reached out for the packet of his favorite cigarettes in his coat.
“Which is why I said ‘ex-boss,’ Jo,” Edilberto pointed out with a smile on his face. “I still look up to him, though.”
He returned his stare to the lieutenant, who had dropped his finger when he saw how unfazed the attorney was. Which was a good sign, as it meant that what he’d said frazzled his non-existent brain.
“But he worked for Americans, and you work for Americans, Compañero Alcantara,” the lieutenant blurted out, gritting his teeth. He pointed to Jo and said, “And he likes working with Americans! He likes them and you like them!”
“So what?” Edilberto asked sharply. That this police lieutenant had the audacity to insult his former boss and his more-than stellar career in the government made his blood boil. Never mind he insulted his, but not that of the ex-Justice Secretary! It should earn him a punch or two, but that would be for another day. He stalked forwards, eyes and spirit hardened as he made Sadi Ratan stumble back.
Edilberto icily responded to the latter’s assault on the former Secretary, “My ex-boss was a pensionado, true. He also used to be part of the Cabinet as Justice Secretary before resigning. And guess who is leading the Cabinet? An American Governor-General! Does that make him pro-American? I don’t know except that my ex-boss is a fair and honorable man and is better at serving the people than you are.”
He smirked again at the arrogant lieutenant, who was utterly speechless, and pointed out, “And who is chief of the Manila Police District? An American! Your boss is often out of sight that we forget that he existed. And as for Americans asking for Jo’s help? That, Lieutenant Sadi Ratan, is none of your fucking business.”
He caught sight of Jo Gar looking at him in surprise. He knew that Jo had not seen him this angry towards anyone. Among his family and friends and in Jo’s opinion (at least how he’d say it), he had always been the mediator, the peaceful center amidst the chaotic dynamics.
He went on and said, “I’m not going to lie. It is not ideal, and I am not going to pretend that we do not have blood and muck up our necks because we work with Americans. Do not pretend that you are safe from it, either. You, too, are stained with the same shit as Jo and I are.”
“That is one way of putting it, Compañero,” Jo mildly said to Edilberto as he lit another cigarette. “But I fear that Lieutenant Ratan will not understand what you are telling him.”
Edilberto shook his head. “I’ve given up hope, Jo,” answered the attorney with a wave of his hand. “If he stays like that, that is on him.”
Then his attention went back to Lieutenant Ratan, who was standing there, angry defiance vibrating through him. He would not admit defeat, Edilberto thought to himself. He quietly told the police officer, “I will not be the cause of your downfall. Nor Jo Gar will be the cause of your downfall. You are already doing damn fine job yourself. But if you decide to go ahead with your threats and damn the consequences, go ahead. I will not stop you.”
Lieutenant Sadi Ratan reared back in shock. The shift in his tone must have jarred his brain and that he was giving the lieutenant an opportunity, a choice.
“I will warn you,” Edilberto continued, still mild in tone but with the rage in its undertones, “that since you are fond of committing this particular sin, a false charge can ruin a person. Arresting anyone on false charges can ruin them more. No one is safe from being falsely accused and being jailed for it. Señor Markden may not be safe. Señor Gar may not be safe. I may not be safe. You may not be safe either. So be careful if you keep proceeding. Do not say I have not warned you, Lieutenant Ratan.”
Their eyes clashed, and Lieutenant Sadi Ratan gave him a hard stare. Edilberto returned it with a frigid glare, his lips in a challenging not-quite smile. It was not long before Lieutenant Sadi Ratan broke the spell and walked away, but not without bumping into Edilberto’s shoulder, making the attorney stumble a little, and slammed the door shut. Edilberto muttered something unsavory about the lieutenant as he rubbed his affected shoulder.
Edilberto looked at Jo once more and let out a shaky breath of relief. “That ataya. He should have seen it coming,” he muttered as he approached Jo. “Sorry if I screwed it up.”
“On the other hand, you did well,” Jo said, patting him on the shoulder. “I’m just worried that he would go after you.”
“On what grounds?” Edilberto asked as he sat on the fan-backed chair Jo had motioned for him to take. “That I warned him of the consequences if he continues to be an animal?” He pronounced the last word as his Cebuano parents would pronounce it when feeling annoyance towards anyone who acted uncouthly. “He can file a complaint to our acting boss if he wants to and if he has solid evidence. I’m not going to stop him because I know what is right and he is wrong. He made his bed, so let him sleep in it.”
Jo shook his head. “And yet you deal with him in a way you are daring him,” he told him, his blue-gray eyes on him, weariness evident in his countenance. “I wish I have half of your audacity to call him out like that. But it may take too much of my energy.”
Edilberto felt sympathy for him as he watched Jo run his fingers through his graying hair. Dealing with a stress inducer like Lieutenant Sadi Ratan would take a toll on anyone, even the unflappable Island Detective. He couldn’t blame him, though, if he wanted to deal with the lieutenant in a way he thought best.
“Whatever suits you best, Jo,” assured Edilberto. “But by God, I am steps away from punching his face! I wish I do not have to, because if I do, my family will be disappointed in me.”
Jo appeared to want to say something but closed his mouth and only nodded. “Well, let us set that aside, Edilberto, and discuss that case I am working on before the murder of Señor Cardoro. I would need your advice on how it is best handled in the legal matters.”
Edilberto let out a sigh. At last they had something to divert themselves from the debacle involving the aggressive idiot of a lieutenant.
And so, when Edilberto Alcantara heard that Sam Markden had been jailed for the murder of Dario Cardoro, his shoulders slumped. But when he read an article from the most recent edition of The Philippine Herald in his office at the Department of Justice, it turned out that it was Miss Jessie Rayne’s Spanish companion, Señora Elena Riggio, who killed the magician out of spite and a history that ended bitterly. Markden was let go because of this development.
That last bit of news had been heartening, but it made him angry too. Lieutenant Sadi Ratan let himself be carried away by his delusions of grandeur, believing that his word was gold. It turned out to be gold-hued enamel coating over a celluloid bauble. Because of him, he ruined the life of an innocent man with a false accusation and its resulting arrest.
And Jo Gar outwitted him again.
He knew that it did not have to be like that. Had the lieutenant been imbued with half the integrity and willingness to be corrected like his ex-superior, he would have done a fine job. But no, he did not.
There was nothing he could do. Lieutenant Sadi Ratan had brought this upon himself, and there was no one to blame but him alone. He had warned the man but he did not listen.
Now go stand in a corner and think about what you did, Lieutenant Idiot-Face.
For now, Edilberto decided to go on with his life.
He stood from his desk and placed the newspaper on a table along with the others in today’s edition. Going back to his place, he resumed his job, reviewing paperwork for an upcoming meeting with fellow lawyers on a case they were going to pursue at court.
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adampenaflor · 2 years ago
Final Blog
Adam Penaflor 
“Reflections on a Year of Reading Honduras Literature”
Titles Read:
The Long Honduran Night
The Lost City of The Monkey God
Honduras Enchantment of the World
In the beginning, Honduras wasn’t my first choice. I wanted to choose the Philippines. Having family from both Honduras and the Philippines I wanted to take a deeper dive into my culture. I have been to Honduras multiple times, even going this past summer leading up to my senior year. I can speak the language, and I have eaten the food many times so I believe that I am more connected to the Honduran culture. But when it comes to the Philippines, I never spoke the language or spent time with my family because I had never been to the Philippines. So I wanted to know the history of the country that the other part of my family was from. But with the Philippines being taken I was forced to read about my second choice, Honduras. At first, I felt like reading about Honduras was going to be pointless because I believed I had excellent knowledge of this country. But after reading 20 weeks of Honduran Literature, I have learned how the country's government is corrupt and the reason many of my family moved to America. I also learned about the country's origins and why the land is very unique with many ancient ruins that are still undiscovered today.
From Preston’s The Lost City of the Monkey God to Frank’s The Long Honduran Night, I’ve learned that through trials and tribulations, you should never give up. In The Lost City of Monkey God, we follow Douglas Preston, Steve Elkins, and their crew on a journey to find the Ciudad Blanca. This quest has been unsuccessful for years, many crews before them have failed or been exposed. Before the quest, everyone told them it was a myth and they shouldn’t perform it but they didn’t listen. The journey was tough and treacherous, at a certain point they wanted to give up but they didn’t and they found la Ciudad Blanca and other Lost Cities, they did the unthinkable. In The Long Honduran Night, the country was always controlled and exploited by the government and by America. But the country was tired of being treated like nothing and the resistance, the military overthrew the government. In both novels, it showed how determined the people of Honduras are and they would do anything to get what they want, never giving up.
Throughout the 20 weeks of Independent Reading, I have learned that I wasn’t very good at time management and keeping track of my reading. At first, the task seemed simple to read 10 pages a day and pick a quote. But as the school year went on I’ve had many things come up like practice, work, etc that sometimes I would forget to read or find a quote often falling behind. I learned ways to use my downtime, especially during school to read, whether it was in intervention or at the end of a class I found time to read and made sure I wouldn’t forget. I would put my book on my laptop to serve as a daily reminder to read. I also learned that I don’t really like reading when I am forced to read, especially when it doesn’t interest me. If the book is too long or is something that I don’t really enjoy reading I would often not be engaged while reading and it would seem like a chore to me. But I can say that reading about Honduran literature has helped me learn many things that I didn’t know before about the country and culture.
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msbarrows · 9 months ago
Not formally schooled in WW2 history and most of what I have read is related to European theatre not Pacific but stuff related to their reasons, off the top of my head beyond checking some dates?
This is going to be long because I surprised myself with how much I knew that I didn't realize I knew, and it goes back to almost a century before the attack itself. Ack.
(Also yes 'I just followed orders' is never a defence, and that's why people are not supposed to follow illegal orders. Though it's rather a Catch-22 since depending on whose orders it is you might well end up being punished in either case.)
Forced opening of Japan's previous closed borders by a fleet of US battleships (see the Perry Expedition in the mid 1800s) is the earliest history related to why Japan was not favourably inclined to the US to start with (ever heard the phrase 'gunboat diplomacy'? Yeah. Because the US has pretty much always seen itself as Hot Shit and felt that its perceived interests overrode everyone else's sovereignty - look up 'manifest destiny' and the Monroe Doctrine while you're at it for further evidence of US attitudes to everyone not US).
The US and Europeans overthrow the Hawaiian monarchy and then the US annexes the Hawaiian kingdom in the late 1800s giving them a mid-Pacific foothold for expansion further westwards. Note that Japan is also a monarchist island nation, who have already been forced to interact with the US. If you don't think they (and everyone else in the Pacific theatre area) saw this as red flags, you're not putting yourself in their shoes.
At about the same time Spain cedes Guam and the Phillipines to the US as part of the ongoing Spanish-American war (beef between the US and Cuba traces back to then). The Philippine-American war results, with the US eventually winning control of the area. More Pacific footholds even further west.
1900-1911 - US annexes parts of Samao, forming what is now known as American Samoa. (Oh look, even more aggressive US actions in the south-west Pacific area.)
Early 20th century saw boat-building infrastructure built on Hawaii centred on Pearl Harbour. It's mid-Pacific location makes it a very key foothold (and bottleneck) to US trade and military function further westwards.
1919 - Japan proposes that the post-WW1 Treaty of Versailles include a bit about the racial equality of all members of the League of Nations (they're the only non-western Great Nation). The US and the UK slap it down (what, let PoC be equal to their lily white purity? How ludicrous!) The US enacts a bunch of racist anti-Japanese laws.
1930s - Japan goes to war for a mix of reasons, largely economic (wanting to claim areas with resources of metal and oil they need and therefor feel a right to take - just like the western Great Nations have been doing all along). They withdraw from the League of Nations and ally with Germany and Italy. The US levies trade embargoes and restrictions that largely cease the trade of scrap metal and oil to Japan and prevent their ships from using the Panama canal, cutting them off even further from resources they feel they need to support themselves and their war effort.
1940 - US Pacific fleet does exercises off the Hawaiian coast and then remains at Hawaii.
Feb 1941 - Pearl Harbour designated the permanent base for the fleet. The US starts or continues greatly expanding the facilities at Pearl Harbour in support of it.
The US and the Japanese are in negotiations for much of the year. They both have mutually exclusive points they're not willing to give way on. Negotiations are failing.
Japan wants the Philippines, which would both give them resources and remove a major US foothold in what they see as their own area of interest. If they take the Philippines then the US would attack from Hawaii.
Dec 1941 - Japan makes what it considers to be a pre-emptive strike against an obvious US threat. While this is always described as a 'surprise attack' it's worth noting that the US President knew of the possibility of an attack at least three days before it occurred (there's a declassified memo from Dec 4 of that year that predicted it); but much like the warnings of 9-11, they had a 'failure of imagination' to believe that it could actually occur).
So yeah there's basically a long history behind why Japan attacked Pearl Harbour, and it very much was not because they wanted the US to enter the war. In light of both countries expansionism into the SW Pacific and the US's attitudes towards their nation, they saw the war as inevitable. I don't believe they were necessarily wrong. Though that doesn't put them in the right, either.
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jeaninthephilippines · 8 months ago
Visiting my mom's hood.
On the way to Batangas, I asked my mom what are the qualities of a Batangueno (someone from that province). She said, generous, loud, and family oriented. Laurel is on street signs, trucks, and buildings. It's my mother's last name. Our clan lives here and so does my Lola's family.
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We visit the cemetery and tidy it up during the visit. I ask my mom about her favorite stories with her dad and brother. She recalls how her dad always asked about her day and they talked together at her old house in Majada. She remembers her brother splitting chores with her and doing all the heavy lifting trying to transport water. As she tells this story she is happy and my Lola proceeds to sweep. Lola cleaning this mausoleum is her way of saying she loves these men and has never forgotten their passing.
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Then my drives us to six houses in Luyos that we must visit: her dad's sister Teresa (talkative), her dad's brother Eugenio (gay), her mother's sister Merced (sweet and strong for 92), her aunt Turing, her mother's sister Dori (stoic), and her dad's sister Lona (wheelchair bound). Each of them happy to recieve my mother's ambush. I told my mom to call the night before, but she was strategizing how not to have to eat at every house by omitting telling them our arrival. It was clever but Teresa's katulong (help) were secretly putting out table place mats and food on the table while we visited. I was able to resist her 3 attempts by explaining I was busog (full) from breakfast.
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I was able to eat with my mom at a restaurant across Eugenio's street which is owned by a distant cousin of my grandmother called Jupeter. Literally the best lumpia I've ever had along with my tocino-silog.
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While we drove further down my mother's old stomping grounds, there is a corner full of banana trees of untouched land. My mother explains to me this is where she grew up. I cannot believe how beautiful the land is and deeply feel the hard-working history of my family laid before me. I later told my mom, if I was handed the land (which I probably would be the last considered among the grand kids), I'd make it into a library for the town. My mom laughed and said, "Have you seen anyone reading?" I tell her that's why they need it! We can dream can't we?!
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All the elders thought my face was beautiful and honestly looking at the pictures, you bet I am. I cannot tell you how relieved I am they didn't mention my weight. And the one elder who mentioned weight broached it to my Lola. I told my mom I didn't like that and my mom insists it means my Lola has a good life. I think about the critique from the woman who was wheelchair bound and let it go. My Lola in fact does have a great life with her mobility, her family, and her legacy.
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The humidity made my hair bigger. But the humidity with the rich soil also brought about free food everywhere in nature: avocados, taro, cacao, banana, calamansi, turmeric, dragon fruit, and more. The wealth might not be in the currency here in the Philippines, but God does provide for the Filipino people with the abundance of food growing everywhere people live that is free.
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I am grateful to be able to remember these things now instead of 16 when I took this all for granted sleeping on the commute from place to place. I am also grateful at my efforts to learn tagalog that has made me navigate any sort of shame that could be directed my way for lack of the native tongue.
I can tell my mom is proud of where she grew up and even prouder to share me with that special place.
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restingthrougheternity · 11 months ago
Day 4 ~ imagine what would life be if I'm good at this Blog thingy
I mean I'm decently good but not that professional
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Well Hello, I'm kind of a rushing because I'm in a hectic spot but rest assure the content will still be as it was before or even better of course anything for my 1 follower.
So, as you can see in the image what do you think these two has in common? Yes you're right, I can tell by the way your eyes move. These two has a history of having their systems compromised, as for the culprit we do not know, I mean it was unrevealed for security purposes. I mean Jollibee has millions of revenues and stocks with thousands of outlets worldwide—who wouldn't want to compromise such money—I wouldn't. But, oh boy, PNP the stronghold of Philippines, the organization that holds the mightiest name. Why in the world would you have the worst security of all other unit. I mean attackers do always find a way to do their things that is understandable but as a national unit they could have done better. I mean I'm not complaining because I'm also just a normal citizen but still.
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Next would be, the phrase "Facebook give us social status and we give them data" ~ from a certain adviser. I mean it's real if we think about it, it's a win-win situation for most people because it's a way for them to have a connection all around the world and it's the most efficient way to advertise/market your product. However, (if you haven't read blog 3 then you definitely should—it's really interesting) there's this thing where we should limit the data that we share to them because the less they know the better. So, you're questioning me as for why the need for it? I mean because my adviser said so—he's really scary so there's no need to question it, it's meaningless. No, I'm just kidding it's because if you control your data then at least you control how it will be used. The amount of data you pull back will be solely dependent on how much you trust Facebook over your data. The massive social network claims to utilize your data to protect you and provide relevant adverts; for example, if someone logs into your account from a country you don't typically visit, Facebook may flag the activity as suspicious. But when it comes to protecting your data, this is not an entity that you can trust. Facebook has shared your information with third parties in an inconsiderate manner, regardless of how it has utilized your information.
The fact that Facebook also owns Instagram and WhatsApp and has the ability to combine some of the data it collects through both apps further complicates matters. The best option to reduce Facebook's tracking is to permanently uninstall all three apps. If you find that too drastic, you should simply go to the countryside; after a few months, you'll be able to live a truly freedom-filled existence. Just kidding, there are actually some ways or you should just be aware of how Facebook handles your data so you will know how to control it.
You could also follow this link. It shows some tips on how to do it. https://www.wired.com/story/ways-facebook-tracks-you-limit-it/
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missrandomnomad0o · 11 months ago
Personal rant post regarding Israel and Palestine.
Apparently, either Hamas or allies of Hamas recently captured a ship to take hostage. The ship is full of Filipino workers, which is relevant because my dad is a "Philippines first above all else" kind of guy, and Israel is one of the many countries Filipinos emigrate to for work. He (and Filipinos living in the country due to their alliance with America) can be pretty pro-Israel as a result.
God, it's actually irritating. He said that "Hamas involves those who aren't a part of their war, that's why people should stop supporting them," but like, they work there? They work in Israel, there's no way you can avoid the conflict if you work there. They'd shouldn't (and would rather not) be working there, but God forbid the government subsidises the jobless Filipinos who have no choice because jobs in their own country pay peanuts.
So many Filipinos (especially nurses) go abroad to work in countries with stronger currencies so that they can send money back to their families and provide for them there. Why is this government supported? Do they tax the fucking money sent to the families (the answer's probably yes)? No doubt it's going into the politician's pockets if the money got taxed. The last time I saw my old hometown, it did not improve from when I left to live abroad. Fucking hell.
Back to Israel. They bombed the Iranian Embassy, what the fuck did they think would happen? No, sincerely, what the fuck did they think would happen? I don't care if Hamas was hiding there, you don't bomb embassies from other nations. No wonder why Iran responded with violence.
As for that ship, Filipinos shouldn't have to be working abroad to support their families in the first place. Life doesn't stop just because another country went to war, so it's the government's job to protect their citizens from shit like this. But, uh, I don't have hope in the Philippine government to do anything for their citizens.
Oh yeah, I'm still pro-Palestine because I read about Irish history in the past. The British did the exact same shit with the IRA. Unsurprisingly, it didn't work.
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straycatboogie · 2 years ago
2023/05/25 English
BGM: Betty Boo - I'm On My Way
What does the emotion of "anger" mean? TBH this morning I just tried to stop myself because I almost got mad... and I could. I can't say what happened actually, but I just say "it is because of my work". Yes, I am an autistic person. But should I endure such a disgraceful, humiliating event? If so, why? I felt really shameful about my autism, my destiny. And also I feel a certain unequal about the fact. Why can she (the person must be a neurotypical person) make me shameful so easily? Why is she so harmful? She must be a psychopath who can make lies smoothly... In other words, there must be certain people who have learned how to live their life successfully and neatly. They smile and act cheerful to others, but show harmful attitude to me only... This world is really unfair. But, I also accept that it is slowly and actually getting better than the past. When the issue of autism had not been hot like now, I even shouted that "I have a handicap in my brain" at the workplace. People treated me as a "fragile" thing... At that time, I was alone and hadn't learned any tactics. I couldn't see how to "fight" that situation.
Now I am reading a book "How to Stand Up to a Dictator" by Maria Ressa, a journalist from Philippines. In that book, the author says to us how important we put a proper place to that emotion anger in our minds. Not having struggles to deny or erase that anger, but thinking about why that anger had happened, and also about making new things from it as a source. At least, I accept her opinions like that. Indeed, I respect these opinions. But I can't let myself be into anger. I am not good at showing anger. Although I can feel smooth by shouting or hitting the things actually (maybe, by anger, I almost beat someone else physically), the situation always "revenges" me. It always gets worse when I show anger. Once I dreamed I would beat my bosses or my father, or blame them to the extreme point, but I couldn't do so. I just had to drink a lot to forget that stress with huge anger. I must be not good at showing anger, so I should stay calm. Then everything will go fine... I am giving up like that.
This is a quote of Nietzsche. "It is the stillest words that bring on the storm. Thoughts that come on doves’ feet guide the world" (from "Thus Spoke Zarathustra"). Of course, you might have another opinion. But I have a deep sympathy with this. Finally, as an issue of my policy or lifestyle, "Showing anger is not a good solution of my life" I think. Of course, I am a tiny human being so anger sometimes floods from my mind. It brows me almost completely. It even happens "every day". But I have been trying not to show that to outside, but "swallow" in my stomach. And I "vent" that emotion to other places, not showing straightly at the place I felt anger actually. Now I have so many friends on MeWe, Discord, and LINE. I also connect myself with the real relationship, the "danshu" meeting, and the English conversation class. Venting "my truth" to there, I can manage this tiny and too sensitive mind. That's a way of my "anger management". Ah, as The Beatles sings, "Christ, you know it ain’t easy" ("The Ballad Of John and Yoko").
This evening I attended a ZOOM meeting. At there, I enjoyed a lecture about the castle once had existed in this Shiso city. About the history/truth the pottery from that castle talked to us... Me, I can remember that I started enjoying walking on the mountain. The mountain is the place once the castle had been there. It is really a great and enigmatic fact that I have been enjoying the place where once a lot of ancient people had lived their lives. I also thought that my life. It can never be longer than 100 years. No way! And the history of "our" lives could last longer than such short lives of us. They last beyond our tiny existences. I remember a Japanese poet, Basho, who had left his poem "The summer grass- It is all that's left of ancient warriors dreams"... I am really grateful for this meeting because every member tells us their precious knowledge. There is a person who faces the history or tradition, and studies steadily and quietly. It embraces me exactly, and also "sets a fire" in me. I have to learn English more... the night went on.
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mint-moon25 · 2 years ago
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7-ELEVEN - 24/7 - HOLIDAYS - CAN'T -
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WASTE - OF - TIME - 900 BILLION - X 2 -
DO - SURGERY - 4 - HIS - BODY - 2 -
BE - FIT - 4 - HIM - 2 - ENTER - YES -
CAN - RETURN - 2 - AS - WE - WILL -
KING - OF - SPAIN - SENT - 250 - MORE - YES -
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zedxspacess · 3 months ago
Here's part two! A much longer read, and admittedly, a bit more personal and vulnerable
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Zack Sabre Jr. and TMDK. To reiterate a previous point, ZSJ is the best technical wrestler of the modern era. All I needed was to watch his match against Danielson at Wrestledream and I was instantly hooked. Watched his entire TV title run, started following his matches and promos in NJPW, went back and watched some of his older work in the indies, and whatever else he was up to this year. Not only is he a great wrestler but he’s absolutely hilarious and knows when to bring levity with the seriousness. This man won the G1 Climax (which hasn’t been won by a foreigner since Kenny Omega), but also did hilarious matches in Baka Gaijin and DDT. He fought Chuck Taylor in a bar. Did a “deathmatch” with Nick Gage. He never stops fostering wrestling wherever he goes, sharing knowledge while also learning new things every day. This is personal to me, but learning about how Zack went to the Philippines and did some seminars, doing indie showcases there just felt so…nice. There’s pictures and vids of Zack casually walking around the streets of my home country and enjoying it! Now Jeff Cobb has a championship from a Filipino indie, not to mention Robbie Eagles of TMDK doing indies there for a few years already means so much. 
I also just adore TMDK as a whole. They’re my comfort faction, your honor. Going to old interviews with Shane and Mikey back when they were NOAH tag champs, explaining the history of their scene in western Australian indies is a nice little peak of the wrestling world you never hear about. I just love the entire faction, honestly. It’s an incredibly solid line up, with wrestlers that can cover so many categories and feel like legitimate threats, all while being entertaining to watch. Robbie is so loveable, Shane and Mikey are hilarious, Fujita and Oiwa have so much potential in them they make me feel hopeful for the future. The group are pretty much brothers and I love that for them. Zack winning the IWGP world championship with the G1 climax trophy, celebrating in the ring with TMDK, has been my work computer’s desktop wallpaper for months. Here’s to a successful 2025, Kuya Zack!!
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G1 Climax 34. This is the tournament that made me understand why sports fans love championship season and sports analytics. All of the predictions, the discussions of the match results, piecing together what could be the story for the individual wrestlers going into the tournament, I was absolutely hooked and invested. I’ve been checking out the odd NJPW show here and there by the summer, and keeping up with news from reactions of fans I follow online. So I knew a lot of the roster, more familiar with certain wrestlers than others, but I understood all the stories and felt invested with every single one regardless of prior knowledge. The very present hole in the main event card and how every wrestler reacted/acted to that vacancy, from the youth to the vets to the outsiders coming in and making a name. This tournament made me understand and appreciate everyone on the NJPW roster, even House of Torture and their role. There’s not one wrestler that I didn’t find some kind of new admiration in. I came in rooting for Zack, but I found myself screaming for Shingo, Gabe Kidd, Takeshita, Goto, and others. Even Jake Lee, who’s performances I found average to dull, managed to endear himself to me just from the interactions and story with Gabe Kidd alone. I didn’t know much about Yuya Uemura before the G1 but honestly? He became my favorite of the Reiwa Musketeers from the pure heart of his performances and solid fundamentals that you don’t see too many new wrestlers highlight. It really broke my heart when he got injured because I was so excited for his run.
This helped me solidify my tastes in wrestling presentation. All the stories were solid, with cohesive throughlines that reach the end of the tournament and have repercussions after it. It felt real, even if some parts required suspension of belief, and it made my enjoyment of wrestling that much immersive. And that’s when pro wrestling is best, for me. When I can get lost in it. Stories can naturally form from sports itself when you watch interviews combined with the action, that can be all you need. It doesn’t spoon feed you, doesn’t treat the audience like they’re stupid. When there are hidden meanings and details, it’s all the more satisfying to piece them together on your own or through discussions. The joy in making connections and discovery. It makes me feel crazy after I get done watching a NJPW show (or anything non-mainstream American wrestling tbh), then hop back online to see reactions to American wrestling shows, and there’s people complaining about obtuse/lack of storytelling or have no patience for any story. When frankly, my main criticism of it is how too on the nose the storytelling could be. Anyways, it’s starting to stray from the main point, but fuck man. I love tournaments as a vehicle for storytelling so much. 
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2000s Ring of Honor and NOAH. Lumping them together because in my mind, they represent similar things, even though it’s kinda cheating because it encompasses a lot of topics and aren’t actually the same. It’s hard to explain what exactly it is that captivates me about this era of wrestling. I hate the kind of person who lives in the nostalgia of the past, tearing down anything modern. I won’t do that here, but I will admit my gassing up of this time could be due to taste/aesthetic preference. The feeling is similar to why I like retro anime/manga/wrestling, but here, it’s more “tangible” in that most of these guys are still active to this day. The atmosphere, from the dingy armories or gyms of ROH to the excellently designed NOAH stages, there’s a lot of character to it. I love the punk rock, diy, feel and attitude of 2000s indies, warts and all. Rebellious but intimate and exciting and feeling like you’re a part of something special, all of these young guys have something to prove. It harkens to small metal/hardcore concerts in bars, cramped and sweaty in a tiny venue, the guy next to you is possibly drunk but you’re all chanting and yelling, striking the metal barriers from the adrenaline of the show. To the low quality cameras and mics, the very amateur and unintentionally hilarious backstage promos, are all very endearing in their own way. 
There’s a lot from just the style of in ring work that blows me away, the stiffness and risk taking maneuvers, to the grit, realism, and experimentation. Seeing the younger versions of familiar faces I see in current wrestling and watching them grow and learn their craft, creating their legacies as they go, understanding their journeys and where they came from. It’s not perfect, there’s more stinkers in ROH than people remember because only the good stuff lives in the collective memory. But it’s all a part of the growing pains of these wrestlers. Even the shortcomings of misogyny and homophobia, are interesting in a way that reflects the times, a historical snapshot so we know how we’ve come so far since then (or tragically, haven’t). Despite the unpolished nature of it, the way the talent still shines bright through it and captures the viewer is a testament to the skill of the wrestlers at the time. To think that so many great wrestlers had sharpened their teeth between these two promotions and the indies, it’s astounding. And there’s still so much of NOAH I haven’t watched, legacy ROH title reigns and feuds I haven’t checked out, but it’s exciting and comforting all at the same time. 
Honorable mentions, and things to get into in 2025: 
Sting’s retirement
Hangman-Swerve feud
STP and Lee Moriarty
Mark Briscoe, Eddie Kingston, Roddy Strong, Samoa Joe
KENTA and Shibata’s NOAH tag team run
Meeting a lot of new friends thanks to wrestling :]
Travelling to so many new places thanks to wrestling
Started making merch thanks to wrestling
Watch more joshi (particularly Sareee)
Watch more DPW
Watch more CMLL
Proper 2000s NOAH deep dive
Proper deep dive of Kenny Omega, Okada, the NJPW 2010s boom
Proper deep dive of Terry Funk; watch more American territories stuff in general. 
Watch ZSJ wrestle in person (probably not happening, but I can dream)
Make more merch
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Nigel McGuinness. This one is the biggest surprise for me, especially on a personal level. What initially drew me to him wasn’t wrestling, weirdly enough. I knew of him as a commentator by then, laughed at his quips, and heard about how he used to be a wrestler and the legendary Bryan rivalry. But it was hearing him talk candidly about his life in scattered interviews over the years that caught my attention. How he views life, all the crazy things that happened in it, reflecting on it, getting existential and philosophical, was so interesting. Then his documentary. So raw, hurt, vulnerable, and real, including the ugliness, in a way you rarely hear wrestlers (or men) allow themselves to be. I’m not a person who cries easily; honestly, I’m guilty of repressing myself too much. But I did cry like a baby, and just thinking of certain scenes from it or stuff he’s said in interviews is enough to make me tear up. Sometimes I feel dumb for being so emotionally invested. But I think it was a strange perfect storm of timing, to learn about his story when I did, at a particular mental state and distinct phase in my life that I won’t get deep into the weeds on. It’s what I needed to hear, and I just know it wouldn’t have hit me as much if I heard it anywhere else. Suffice it to say, I was hooked onto him before properly analyzing any of his matches. Then you see him work, his technical skills, his deadly lariats, and some of his more sincere promos, and I understood. He had it all, and he deserved it all, but didn’t. 
I flew to New York City for the first time, by myself, on a surprise two weeks notice in the middle of a work week, just to see him wrestle. It’s not the most impulsive last minute trip I ever made, but it’s up there. I just felt like I would never get the opportunity to see him wrestle ever again, and I very nearly went to Final Battle on the gut feeling he’d be there, if travel wasn’t so expensive. I walked into that AEW taping in Arthur Ashe, never having been to a stadium before, with a stacked two show card, and I frankly could’ve left after the first Dynamite match and been satisfied. Just to know where he came from, the journey, and where he is now, and the potential for the future; it makes me so happy. Something good can happen in wrestling. I can’t even imagine what it was like for the people I know who had to wait literal decades for this. Gun to my head, you ask me what my favorite 2024 matches are, regardless of skill/in ring work so we’re talking just pure bias, the top 3 are all matches Nigel’s in. Not even the guy who’s following Nigel on this list can claim that. He was one half of my main throughline of watching wrestling this year, and I thought it would be over by the time Grand Slam happened, but it hasn’t. Kinda ironic, he’s been retired almost as long as he’s been active, but he’ll still be keeping my attention in wrestling despite that. Wrestling is real, the people who live in this world, have to walk through it, experience it, feel the effects of it.
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Bryan Danielson. I will say it plainly right now, the rest of this list would not exist if it wasn’t for Bryan. I truly believe my wrestling fandom did not start for real until I got into Bryan’s work or listened/read his thoughts on wrestling. It wasn’t really a character or story or angle that got me interested. It was just turning on AEW tv or ppv since December 2023, watching these Bryan matches for a couple of weeks and going, god he’s just so good. Consistently good. And I looked forward to watching him every week. Why is he so good? How do I describe the technical in ring work or analyze the storytelling in the ring to explain it? I started to appreciate ring work and technical wrestling because of him. I listen to him talk about wrestling, how he loves all types from all over the world, recommending wrestlers/matches, wanting to travel the world and meet new people and experience new things while also lending his own wisdom to other wrestlers and propping them up; I’m rambling but I find that to be such a beautiful and pure thing. So genuine and open minded. Keep in mind, I also read Mox’s book and watched his matches, explored Eddie Kingston’s matches and history, around this same time, but it was constantly Bryan who drew my attention. I’ve heard people say the “wrestler who loves wrestling” character is boring, but with Bryan it doesn’t feel that way to me. I don’t know what it is, but his love of the art is so infectious and heartfelt. His curiosity and excitement has never waned no matter how long he’s worked in the business or what obstacles he encountered. I watched old ROH because of him, CMLL, following ZSJ and Nigel’s work, I had the open mind to watch all the Japanese promotions on this list because of him. I haven’t watched modern WWE outside of clips, but I’m willing to watch Bryan’s run. He doesn’t downplay any one type of wrestling and can do them all, from plunder matches, to technical, to sports entertainment. 
Just add to that his overall honesty and plain ridiculousness. When he talks about weird topics, his love for books and the environment, it’s not a character or out of attention, that’s just him. He’s a real person. With thoughts and feelings and insecurities. It just solidifies how amazing of a performer he is that he can get into the headspace of being a silly comedy character, exaggerated heel, a bloody avatar of violence, or glorious babyface and completely suck you in. I don’t know how else to word it other than paraphrasing Nigel, as he described Bryan as a man who is unassuming, but has a weird charisma that lies under the surface. No one ever expects it, it’s just lurking there, but it grabs you and doesn’t let go. And it’s what turned him into a phenomenon. My throughline for following wrestling this whole year is centered around him. First time I ever went to Washington state was to see him wrestle what I thought would be the final time in a long time. I spent the majority of the time driving around the forested areas, going to secluded parks, hiking, sitting by a shoreline with sea lions and otters playing in the water, and enjoying food at the local diners. I love regularly going out to nature and just being there, ever since I was a kid, but the peacefulness of the Washington wilderness was something else to behold. It’s understandable why he’s a granola munching environmentalist. That was the mental state I was in, walking into the Tacoma dome. To see him wrestle live and command the crowd with such power is one thing–I was there in St. Louis to see him fight Ospreay after all–but to be in the crowd during a match like he had in Wrestledream 2024? I can’t even begin to describe it. Every single “yes” chant was like a prayer, in the heat of the moment against the viciousness of Moxley and his ruined neck, every utterance of “yes” was the only thing powering him, keeping him alive and fighting. And the utter quiet resignation and acceptance when he lost in the way he did was palpable in the arena, but it made us even more thankful for everything he’s given than if he were to come out victorious. And it’s so Bryan Danielson to request an ending like that, I wouldn’t have it any other way. He attacks everything with such earnestness. And that’s what my soul needs. I’m so tired of irony poisoning, tongue in cheek approaches to art, humor, and looking at life in general. We’re oversaturated with it, and a performer like Bryan is a good respite. When I picture pro wrestling in my mind, everything that encompasses it, the good and bad, and the pure love for it, I picture Bryan.
It's getting to the end of the year, and I decided to write a list for fun. Zed’s favorite things they experienced in wrestling in 2024 (doesn’t have to be from current year), documenting some joys I’ve had this year, discoveries, etc. The order isn’t definitive, but there is a sense of progression, and the stuff written later on is there for a reason. 
This will be part one, as I haven't finished writing my thoughts on everything, but I wanted to get this first section out at least.
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FMW. It’s history and formation, from Onita’s background with American territory wrestling, taking what he learned about deathmatches and bringing it to Japan in FMW as a way to circumvent his limitations after his injury. He’s a carny POS, but FMW was such an interesting promotion with it’s uniqueness and grit, for better (amazing deathmatch stipulations!) and for worse (terrible injuries). Its creativity when it comes to deathmatch wrestling for both men and women, highfliers thanks to the likes of Hayabusa, is infamous for a reason and are definite must watches. Learning about the relationship between Onita and Terry Funk was unexpectedly sweet, and if I must recommend one match from FMW, it’s of course, the No Rope Exploding Barbed Wire Time Bomb Death Match. This feels so ahead of its time with how “cinematic” it is, while also being just a good wrestling match with heightened emotions and drama. 
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Wrestle Kingdom 18. First WK I watched, first proper full NJPW show I watched, and it blew me away. Combining the pageantry with solid in ring work is a feeling I don’t think has been replicated in other promotions, not without the lack of trying. From the amazing junior matches, to the tv title, us title, Bryan and Okada, and the main event, it was a great first introduction even though I didn’t have full context for all the matches. I’ve always known about NJPW for years, even before getting into wrestling, through osmosis of following fans of the promotion over the years. In another world, I would’ve gotten into wrestling in the boom of the 2010s and have been a huge NJPW girlie (gender neutral), because it would’ve been so my shit. I’m glad to finally get into it after all this time. 
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Deadlock Pro Wrestling (promotion and podcast). People like to lambast how modern American indie wrestling is dead, but there’s innovation and interesting things happening all around if you’re willing to look. DPW is one of them. I’ve only checked out a few matches (some of the MxM matches, Roddy vs Fuminori Abe), but I really need to consistently lock into their shows, because they seem so much fun. Their podcast though? A true joy to listen to every week that leaves me stifling laughter at my office desk. This is like the only podcast I don’t skip the patreon shoutouts for, maybe because I might have the humor and soul of a teenage boy and I laugh at every dick joke. Their patreon content reacting to matches or ppvs has also turned me onto matches and shows I either can’t find online, wouldn’t have checked out in the first place, or elevating the experience of watching a match I’ve seen before. They really emulate the feeling of cracking a cold one with the boys and having fun watching wrestling together. SKEEE WOAHHHHHHHH
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AEW and ROH ppvs. Just a general umbrella for all those shows, it falls under the same category of me treating those nights like special events, getting good food and snacks, drinks, screaming my head off and liveblogging, having the time of my life no matter what happened during the shows. Summers spent on the back porch with my laptop and speakers out, or winter in my room. This also encompasses all the amazing, crazy moments in the ppvs, from all the Ospreay matches, Sting’s retirement, Swerve’s title reign, the dichotomy of All In and All Out, the crazy high quality of ROH ppvs despite people downplaying the promotion as “it should just be a developmental”. It’s all just a good time, crazy rollercoaster of good wrestling. 
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CMLL’s Homenaje a Dos Leyendas. Watching/learning about CMLL in general was just an amazing, pleasant delight. The luchadores showing up in AEW immediately caught my eye, and it led to a rabbit hole of me trying to learn more about the history of lucha libre and the promotion. I was so excited for this particular show, and it did not disappoint at all. All the matches on it rocked, with lots of delicious variety of multimans, apuestas, and tag bouts. But the main event of the BCC vs CMLL? It was magical. That match, Dragon vs Blue Panther, and Fantasticamania MX felt like such amazing cultural exchanges/appreciation. I have my criticisms of how CMLL is treated in these cross promotion events as of late, but when they nail it? It’s good. I wish I had the brain power to regularly follow CMLL, the shows I’ve managed to catch are so fun, but as it is, I could barely follow two and a half promotions on the reg. I will go out of my way to seek the matches of guys that have caught my eye like Hechicero and Xelhua.
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Fighting Network Rings and Volk Han. Volk Han is the best technical wrestler I have ever seen, full stop. He just is. Zack Sabre Jr is the current best technical wrestler in my opinion, and the best one in modern times, but if we’re talking about all time? On pure skill? Volk Han. The realism of it is what truly grabs me, treating an armbar like it’s a death trap, the use of a points system and rope breaks, the deadly precision when attacking limbs and the viciousness when it comes to pulling on them. It’s so captivating and I’ve rarely seen anything like it in current wrestling. Rings being a half shoot-work promotion definitely helped foster that tone, and I should definitely check out more matches from other members of the roster. This could also be a message for me to explore more shoot style wrestling or straight up mma, though I’m mostly just interested in the grappling aspect and not “legitimate” fighting. 
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Despe Invitacional. My favorite cross promotional wrestling show of the year. It was just a fun show from top to bottom, showing love for a variety of wrestling styles from comedy to tag matches, death matches and technical wrestling. Not afraid to bring his friends on and have a good time, while also putting on his personal dream matches with amazing in ring work. Hiromu never doing a deathmatch before but bravely powering through the lego spots, and bleeding before the match even starts is just one example of pure joy found in this show. A true cross promotional event where Despe invited wrestlers from the JP indies, DDT, NJPW, etc. and have fun. And the glorious absurdity of that main event is. Wow. Despe really booked himself to wear a jockstrap and have Gedo’s face stuck in a man’s ass and balls. What a king. 
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hunkydorkling · 3 years ago
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Hello, friends and followers! I'm opening up emergency commissions to help fund my people and keep them safe in the streets while they protest for our rights. If you want to read more about in detail, read further.
From today until May 12, I am offering 3 SLOTS FOR FICS and 3 SLOTS FOR FANART services for the fandoms I'm in. Refer to the photos above for more deets!
If you're interested, feel free to DM me here or otherwise on Discord (which I will freely give in DMs to those to ask).
☕️ Ko-fi link:
Payment will be upfront as I will immediately donate it to different organizers.
I will message you once I start working on your piece, but because of my loaded schedule, it may take me time.
All commissions will be tracked in a dedicated spreadsheet.
I have the right to refuse a commission.
I and my fellow Filipinos are currently in the midst of a creating a pivotal moment in history as we expose the unjust and corrupt election day that occurred last Monday, May 9, 2022.
As I write this, my people—some I know personally, most of whom I share the same principles and thirst for justice—are camping out in the streets in front of the Commission on Elections, protesting peacefully yet strongly against the blatant disenfranchisement and electoral fraud that occurred yesterday: from broken vote counting machines to corrupted SD cards, people had to wait in line for more than six hours only to personally feed their ballots into the machines. A day after the elections, we've learned of additional anomalies that contribute to the spread of misinformation that contributed to Marcos Jr.'s win by (alarming) landslide. This has been the nastiest election day that I've ever encountered, and it will keep going.
Keeping us in your thoughts will matter to us taking a stand for our right to democracy. And whether you're a friend, a follower of mine, or even some random internet passerby, know that there are millions of us—millions—who are woke enough to take a stand to fight the powers that be.
P.S.: There will be Opinions circulating around news outlets; if you read World News, it's impossible to miss. But let me assure you that the last thing I would want is to identify with the red-and-green clad, misinformed masses who resist the change we've been promised by a dream candidate. There's only one president and for me and that's a woman—enough said. I hope you take a chance on me as a tool for my country's democracy.
Thank you for reading all this wall of text—I am eternally grateful you took the time to do so.
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sweetmotherof · 4 years ago
Haikyuu Fics: The Classics™️
EDIT: pt 2!!
I wanted to make a post to archive what I would call “The Classics” as far as Haikyuu fanfic on ao3 goes. For anyone new to the daunting world of Haikyuu fanfiction, these works are probably the most popular, talked-about works throughout the fandom, so they are a good place to start! I haven’t read some of these, but the reason I included them is that I’ve seen so much hype around them. Comment the ones I missed, and I’m definitely going to be doing a part 2. Enjoy <3 :D
*contains nsfw fics* READ TAGS BEFORE U READ
⭑=my faves
Rules by ConesOfDunshire⭑
E, 120 k words
Accountant Akaashi. Pianist Bokuto. WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT??? This fic is seriously novel-worthy, and Bokuto having Asperger’s is a beautiful component to the story. I found that the characterization and the attention to detail the author put into the story is what made it a truly distinguishable and unique fic that allowed it to rise to the top. It is worth every kudos, comment, bookmark, and more. Highly recommend.
Behind Bricks by DeathBelle⭑
E, 60 k words, cw: prostitution, choking, and heavy content so READ THE TAGS
This darker fic follows Akaashi as he deals with his life as a prostitute, and how Bokuto comes in and is able to change it for the better. I feel sometimes that heavy topics such as the trauma from sex work are really misrepresenting in fanfiction, but the author does a great job of portraying it in a real way and not romanticizing it at all. I loved to watch love bloom for Akaashi in the cracks of his tumultuous life, because he deserves everything <333
In Another Life by LittleLuxray⭑
T, 22 k words, cw: terminal illness, hospitals, major character death
As the highest-rated Haikyuu fanfic on ao3, this work is a monument and will go down in Haikyuu history. That being said, it honestly did such a number on me that I think it deserves the hype. This hospital au revolving around Akaashi and Bokuto’s budding relationship is truly heartbreaking, to say the least. Read it at your own risk, and oh, you can find references to it under almost any Bokuaka related post.
Conquering the Great King by SuggestiveScribe
105 k words, E
This rollercoaster of a fic, set in a universe where Oikawa and Iwaizumi meet in a bar, is funny, profound, and awe-inspiring all in one. The relationship dynamic between the two is very cute and well-done. I highly recommend this one if you are a sucker for some good, old Iwaoi, and I also love the side pairings. Just, overall, a really nice and satisfying read.
the courtship ritual of the hercules beetle by kittebasu(chanyeol)
T, 66.3k words, cw: injury, homophobia
This fic is a favorite on tik tok, from what I’ve observed. I haven’t read it yet, but when people discuss it, they always commend the writing and the non-linear narrative. I have personally not read this one yet, but I have seen people rave about this one because of the emotional impact it had on them. It seems to me that the writing and emotions on this one are its claims to fame, so definitely check it out.
Desperado by Verbrennung
M, 82k words
Talk about raved about fics, I have seen this one mentioned countless times on various platforms. This Iwaoi fic is set in a Vegas/Japan fusion setting, which immediately caught my eye. The premise of a heist fic also is probably what caught people's attention the most, because what is better than an Iwaoi heist fic (nothing. nothing is better.) I recommend this if you want a bit of a longer fic that had a tumultuous plot and a wild romance.
Burden of Blame by DeathBelle⭑
E, 91k words, cw: graphic violence, guns, ptsd, panic attacks, murder, death, injury and more so READ TAGS
Burden of Blame is THE mafia au fic of the Haikyuu ao3 universe. I love this fic soooo much. From it’s wild plot to the flawless writing, I was constantly on my feet. I definitely recommend if you want something that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Also, the enemies to lovers is CHEFS FUCKING KISS.
A Liar’s Truth by internetpistol⭑
E, 49.6k words, cw: HOMOPHOBIA!! read tags pls
Oh. My. God. I simply cannot with this fic. It turned me inside out, upside down, and threw me into the void. Please, if you have one singular brain cell, you will read this fic. This narrative about Sakusa’s life and his relationship with his sexuality is a masterpiece. I cannot recommend this one enough. You do not want to miss out on this genuine piece of art. 
Stick With You by lettersinpetals
E, 99k words
This fic follows Sakusa and Atsumu as they get stuck in the Philippines over quarantine. Honestly, if you want an enemies to lovers that really goes in depth into the trope, this is the one for you. One of my favorite things about this fic is the inclusion of the Filipino language, and I found myself reading all of the translations at the end. I would recommend this if you want a longer, feel good Sakuatsu fic. Also, lettersinpetals is a Sakuatsu classic author.
the Terminal Curiosity series by favspacetwink and moonlumie
E, total 112k words, not finished, 8 works, READ TAGS
This fic is probably the notorious BDSM fic, which I’m glad because it portrays it in a very consensual and safe way. I’m personally not into that stuff, but I still was able to enjoy it for the plot and the amazing writing. I definitely recommend it if you are looking for something with BDSM components with some focus on their relationship dynamics too. I actually did really enjoy this fic, and I think the way their relationship kind of progressed backward was really, really good. Even if BDSM isn’t your cup of tea, I still recommend checking this one out and reading the tags to see if it is something you’re willing to give a chance too, because, for me, it paid off.  
the galaxy is endless (i thought we were, too) by cosmogony
T, 30.9k words, cw: illness, DEATH
I have yet to read this fic. I am genuinely too afraid. Similarly to In Another Life, I constantly see people discussing to the degree in which this fic destroyed them, and honestly after In Another Life, I don’t think I could handle another one. This soulmates au has crushed so many people throughout the fandom that if you want someone to give you more detail on why it’s the saddest thing ever, you probably wouldn’t have to look very far.
Of Monsters and Men by shions_heart
M, 220k words, cw: violence, temporary character death
This longer fic follows Kuroo, Kenma, and many others through a demon hunter/buffy the vampire-style universe, with magic, drama, and much more. If you are looking for a fantasy, action-packed, beautifully written fic, this is definitely one you should check out. The romance and action combination will always be chefs kiss, superb. 
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gatheringbones · 4 years ago
favorite quotes from this episode:
“…but in my own life, with my particular history of being an Eastern European Jew who was born into the Second World War and its traumas. And then my family has been devastated by the genocide, and then growing up in communist Hungary, as a child. And I have to say that the communist system was brutal and dictatorial as it was, on the ideological level, taught social caring and social justice at its ideals. So you had a system that inculcated a certain sense of social justice, at the same time is trampling all over it, then real practice. So the question, Why are things the way they are? And why do people do these terrible things to each other? And why do people have to suffer but don’t deserve to suffer? These questions have been agitating me ever since I was a child. And of course, that naturally extends into the types of medicines. Why do people suffer? And what are the sources of suffering?”
“Now you have to have an ideology that explains to you why we have the right to do this. And the ideology is both religious and now we have the right religion, so we can slaughter them in the name of Jesus. And literally, if you read the histories of Latin America, you can’t kill people if they don’t know about Jesus. But if you tell them about Jesus and they don’t succumb, then you have pagans. And now you can kill them. So literally, the Spanish would arrive in some coastal village, read out in Latin, or Spanish, some Christian doctrine, if the natives didn’t agree, now, you could slaughter them, literally, this is how they saw it. So those are religious superiority, and then the racial one that we have because they are inferior we have the right to control them dominate and kill them or enslave so that the concept of race was a fairly recent development in tandem with the rise of capitalism and its need to dominate other nations internationally, in other people. By the way, if you look at the history of American policing, you know about the policing roles? I don’t want to talk about the racial bias in police practice, but policing in the states started off as slave patrols to capture and control escaped slaves, that was its origin. So these things that we take for granted, they all have historical origin, which relate to the nature of the system, as structural as your friend said.”
(In response to the question of “Is there a possibility that’s not just a utopian fantasy for all of us to have opportunity and care for each other?”) It’s interesting. I grew up as a fervent proponent so that in school assemblies, when the principal would mention the party leader, there’s like a cue, and they would all stand up and clap. Long live Mátyás Rákosi, Rákosi was the name of the Hungarian mini Stalin that ruled the country and long lived the party and I was fully enthusiastic about it. And then I remember in 1955 when I was 11 years old, there’s a block meeting organized by the party. And I was given this poem to recite, and I did recite it with my fist raised in the air, chanting or trembling you lords of Wall Street, now, I had no idea what Wall Street was or where it was. So then comes the Hungarian revolution in 1956, where the country rolls against the communist system, the dictatorial nature of the inequality, the brutality of it, and against the Soviet occupation. And all of a sudden, I realized that what I believed in was a total illusion that I bought into some kind of a dream, you know, when I was 13. And so the Soviets who had saved my life as an infant in defeating the Germans, now and who I had idolized all my life as a child, now becomes the enemy and the oppressor. So they come to the west, and the Americans become the heroes. And I remember traveling to Germany, seeing these khaki clothes, the neck and servicing them, seeing them as the protectors and the heroes, that was the 1950s, early 1957. And then Wall Street becomes the symbol of prosperity. And American capitalism becomes the symbol of democracy, freedom and protection. That’s 1957. And then, by the early 60s, 5, 6, 7 years later I was at the Vietnam War. And I thought, I see these American heroes democracy slaughtering millions of Asians in the name of a complete lie. And then I started looking at history. And I started looking at how virtually every single one of American wars there were wars of expansion and aggression, starting with the Mexican-American war. And then the annexation of Texas and then the Spanish-American War and the war in the Philippines and extermination of local resistance, the multiple interventions in Latin American ever since in the name of freedom, is support of the dictatorships like Somoza, Nicaragua, and Battista in Juba. And this continues, I’m gonna give you guys a fact and easy to look this up. You don’t have to take my word for it. But if I asked you, you guys, progressive, open minded people aware Americans, how many people were slaughtered in Guatemala in the 1990s? Not that long ago. with American support? Could you tell me a figure? A 100,000, and you don’t even nobody, you know, you don’t have to take my word for it. You can really look this up in research. And if I’m wrong, let me know. But I know I’m not wrong. Between 80,000 to 100,000, mostly indigenous presence. I could go on and on and on. And so what I came to realize is that everything that the Soviets had said about Americans was true. Not Americans as the people but the American system as racists, as imperialists, and so on. And everything that the Americans said about the Soviets was also true, brutal, dictatorship, exploitative, dishonest, everything they said about each other was true. And everything they said about themselves was a lie. That’s what I found out. So then the question becomes, is there some way out? Well, I happen to think there is not that I’m here to describe it, but that the very fight that we’re talking about, and people are always interested in the truth. And there’s an innate desire in people for freedom, whether they know it or not, there’s an innate desire for freedom and for truth. So I believe in it.”
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specialmouse · 1 year ago
this person is definitely a westerner and likely an american. just goes to show how a lot of lefties on here (the white ones especially) will just not think about things that they haven't explicitly been told about.
you know the THIRD thing i did when i saw that post, after gawking and posting a sc? i looked up the imjin war and read just a little about it to get some context. it took maybe two minutes and i still dont know that much but i know enough to tie it into my world view that imperialism is, in fact, a bad thing.
you know what else was going on EIGHT HUNDRED years ago? the atlantic slave trade. are you making jokes about that? would that be acceptable to you? i should hope not, and let's assume that's the case--you find it unacceptable because Black people have had to explicitly tell you over and over and over again that that is not okay, that their lives are still affected and shaped by the brutality done to their ancestors 800 years ago. they shouldn't have to do that so much, to this day. why is it any different in korea, in vietnam, in the philippines?
if you were following cryptotheism, i'm pretty sure you're probably starting to connect the dots, but let me hammer the point home: anti-imperialism is a cohesive ideology and praxis across time and space. i have never been one to accept "it was a different time". they were wrong then, and we can and need to call them wrong now. what the hell else is the point of progressive politics if not to PROGRESS.
the reason i even made a post about cryptotheism is not just because the post was insanely insensitive to somehow both koreans and japanese people at the same time and for different reasons, but because they have a really big platform on tumblr and tout themselves as having a lot of knowledge of history. they might read, they might have a patreon podcast or whatever the fuck, but they clearly do not understand and should not be speaking with authority on these matters if they're just using the knowledge for stupid ass posts like that.
thr imjin war was 700 years ago.......
Columbus came to the americas in 1492 and people who are actually anti-imperialists still dont make jokes about that
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