#whumptober 2022 day 30
halfbakedideas · 2 years
Hot Potato, Hot Potato
Manhandled | Hair Grabbing | "Please don’t touch me.”
Have you ever wanted to play hot potato with your littlest brother who has been magically turned into an iguana? The Batkids did.
Magic, why does it have to be magic?
“Damian, watch out!” Dick yelled as he ducked out of the way of a bolt of purple magic barrelled past him.
Unfortunately, Damian had been preoccupied with one of the magic user’s weird glass goons and had not ducked in time. The bolt of magic hit him square in the back.
The fourth Robin crumpled to the roof covered in a purple aura-like haze. In his place was a teenaged iguana.
“Nightwing to Batman,” The comm. line connected. “We have a BunnyWing situation here,” Dick told him.
“Acknowledged.” Bruce responded crisply. Everyone connected into the line could hear the tired sigh in his voice.
One of the children turned into an animal by a magic user could only go one way when it came to this family and it started with an ‘n’ (don’t be a nincompoop, it wasn’t nice).
That had happened last night. It had been twelve hours since Damian had been turned into an iguana by a magic user while out on patrol.
When Bruce left his room that morning he had found it to be suspiciously quiet. That was never a good omen in this household. Ever. He needed to find his phone to call Zatanna. When he walked into the living room not even an hour later still in search of his phone, he found his children (well, most of them) standing in the centre of the room in a loose circle. Most interestingly, there is a baby iguana flying through the air between them.
“What is going on here?” he asked. All of his children turned to face him with matching guilty expressions. Iguana!Damian lands on Jason’s head with a hiss, he had come close to almost sliding right off.
“Reaction practice?” Tim tried. Bruce levelled them all with another one of his Tired Dad Looks™
“It is eight in the morning, on a Sunday, and you lot are playing hot potato with your youngest brother who is currently an iguana?” It wasn’t a question but it could have been.
“Yep,” Jason answered. It’s echoed by a choir of more yeps, yes’s, and a yeah.
It was at that moment that Bruce decided that it was too early in the morning and and he didn’t have enough coffee to be dealing with this. 
“I don’t have enough coffee to evaluate this situation right now nor stop it; Just please make sure that Damian — or anyone else for that matter — isn’t hurt,” he announced before turning, grabbing his phone from the side table, and heading to the door. “And make sure that Alfred doesn’t find out; I’m not protecting anyone from his wrath,” Bruce added before he left the room.
Behind him, he could hear the shouts and hissing start up again. They had resumed their game.
The heavenly scent of freshly brewed coffee drew him in the direction of the kitchen. Coffee first then he would call Zatanna to see if she was free to come over to sort out their lizard problem.
Damian had been asleep in his bed when his brothers broke into his room and snatched him from the heavenly confides of the blanket.
In their present state they weighed less than an average table lamp, so there was little that they could do to stop the thievery.
Damian felt his brothers carry him down the hallway, downstairs and saw the couches and extra large-sized television that told him that they were now in the living room.
Suddenly he was flying through the air. For a brief moment, they were worried that they were not going to be caught and would land painfully. But then he landed in someone’s — Timothy’s, based on how pale the skin was — hands.
Before he could even get his bearings, Timothy (the traitor) had launched him up in the air again. Once more they were caught and again chucked into the air.
The next time he is flying through the air, Damian voices his annoyance in the only way he can do so in this form: hissing.
Their brothers ignore their protests in favour of treating them like some kind of plaything. Tossing him around like someone would do with a ball.
No, not a ball; worse than that: a hot potato.
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pegasister60 · 2 years
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Manhandled | Hair Grabbing | "Please don't touch me.”
Whumptober: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, ALT 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, ALT 1, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31.
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serickswrites · 2 years
Warnings: blood, stabbing, injury, wounds, mcd, sadistic whumper, restraints
No. No. Please, no. This can’t be happening. Caretaker strained against the rope keeping them in their chair. They had to get to Whumpee. They had to see. 
Whumpee was slumped forward in the chair, blood dripping from their lips and from the stab wound in their chest.  Caretaker couldn’t see Whumpee’s face. Couldn’t see if they were still breathing. Please. Please. Breathe. Please. 
Caretaker had screamed when Whumper had, rather unexpectedly, stabbed Whumpee in the chest with the long knife they now held and inspected closely. It was coated to the hilt in blood. 
Whumper frowned as they fisted Whumpee’s hair in their hand and lifted Whumpee’s head. Whumpee’s eyes were open and empty, completely devoid of life. 
“NO!” Caretaker screamed as their greatest fear was realized. 
“You promised to be more fun than Caretaker,” Whumper hissed into Whumpee’s slack face. “You promised you  would make it good for me. And you did. You were so,” Whumper licked the blood dripping from Whumpee’s lips, “so good.”
“Leave them alone. Please,” Caretaker begged. They couldn’t stand to see Whumper handle Whumpee so roughly. Couldn’t stand to see Whumper touch Whumpee. 
Whumper pulled Whumpee’s hair tight, bowing their neck back.  “You were fun. But you broke. They always break. I thought you wouldn’t break. Not yet at least. That you would last longer. You’re useless now.” Whumper dropped Whumpee’s head violently. Whumpee’s head lolled forward, blood dripping once more onto the ground. 
Caretaker let out a mix of a roar and a keening cry. Whumper laughed harder as they left Caretaker alone with Whumpee’s body. “What ever will you do now, Caretaker?” 
Caretaker didn’t know what they would do. They didn’t know what to do. All they could do was watch Whumpee’s body drip blood onto the floor. All they could do was feel useless as they let Whumpee get stabbed. Let Whumpee die. This was all their fault. And they couldn’t do anything to fix it. 
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calinaannehart · 2 years
Day 30: Note to self: don’t get kidnapped
Manhandled | Hair grabbing | “Please don’t touch me”
“You a cop?” The man’s eyes rake over Buck’s uniform.
He scoffs and swings the bag over his shoulder, freeing his other hand to fist itself into the front of Buck’s shirt. “Still a fucking uniform,” He uses the grip to spin Buck around, the hand now grabbing at his collar causing the fabric to tighten a fraction around his neck, and he shoves Buck forward until he slams into the wall adjacent to the doors. Peering around he can see the engine waiting over the street, Bobby's arm propped on the open window with his fingers tapping against the panel of the door. “That you’re truck?” The man hisses, peering through the glass himself.
“Leave them out of this man,” Buck pleads, his heart skipping a beat at the idea of his family being caught in any sort of crossfire. “If you leave now I won’t say anything. I’ll tell the police I didn’t see anything.”
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fanfictasia · 2 years
Whumptober Day 30
Hair Grabbing 
Spoiler: This is an excerpt from The Wrong Timetravelers
“Did that make you stop hurting anyone?” duck-lady snaps back, “Why do you think you deserve any different?”
Crying is stupid and pointless and shameful, but he can’t help it. “You’re Jedi. Why are you doing this?”
“The Council doesn’t care what happens to you,” one of the others replies, “Not so long as you’re not a problem. And you’ll learn some of what you did to so many others.”
“Do you think I don’t already know?” he demands, “That I wouldn’t undo it all if I could? That I – I –”
“Nothing will change what you did,” the former-padawan replies sharply. “You’re a monster.”
“And monsters aren’t given mercy when they don’t grant it to others,” duck lady says, moving closer again. He looks away, heart hammering wildly as she approaches him, standing right in front of him.
“I can’t live with that,” he protests again, pleadingly. He knows they won’t listen, but he can’t – can’t –
“Watch,” she orders, gleefully, grabbing a handful of his hair and jerking his head upwards to watch as they burn the Sith symbol into his skin, right over his heart, and all he can think of is burning like he was on Mustafar and the droids cutting his chest open right afterwards. His vision is blurred with the tears running down his cheeks.
“Maybe you should have thought about it before joining Sidious,” one of the still-unnamed ones says.
He lands face-first on the floor when they finally let him go, panting, gasping. He doesn’t know how long it took for him to finally move from that position, the memories still burning in his mind.
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nywcgirl · 2 years
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fletcherwilbury · 2 years
@whumptober Day 30: "Please don't touch me."
Warning for physical assault, verbal abuse, past assault, flashback, meltdown, self-harm, and panic attack.
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mustakrakisch · 2 years
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WHUMPTOBER 2022 - DAY 30 - Note to Self: Don’t Get Kidnapped
The Vigilante Trio were doing their business and they take their eyes of Diluc for ONE minute and suddenly he’s missing. Skip to two hours later and its already too late for their brother/friend to come out of his ordeal unscathed. Dottore knows how to work quick when he wants to.
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woso-fan13 · 2 years
Updated: 10 August 2023
Make A Wish
The 3 P's
Everything is Going Swimmingly
Syrup & Strollers
Sleepless Sleepovers
Even if You're Little, You Can Do a Lot
What's In a Name?
Peanuts & Paramedics
Roadtrip Part 2
Stuffed Rabbits & Regression
It's Not Drugs (At Least Not The Ones You're Thinking)
Everything Was Not Fine
New Year’s Eve
Adventures in Lelavators
Concussions and Cuddles
Baby Bunny
Catching Flights (And Also so Many Feelings)
It’s Fantastic
Fevers & Favorites
Rough Day
A Pale Face and Red Circles on your Cheeks
I Don't Really Know, But She Seems Fine
This is a Nightmare
Number 1: A Little Out Of The Ordinary
Number 2: Nowhere To Run
Number 3: Hair's Breadth From Death
Number 4: Dead On Your Feet
Number 5: Every Whumpee's Needs
Number 6: Proof Of Life
Number 7: The Way You Shake And Shiver
Number 8: Everything Hurts And I'm Dying
Number 9: The Very Noisy Night
Number 10: Poor Unfortunate Souls
Number 11: 911, What's Your Emergency
Number 12: What Could Go Wrong?
Number 13: Can't Make An Omelette Without Breaking A Few Legs
Number 14: Die A Hero Or Live Long Enough To Become A Villain
Number 15: Emotional Damage
Number 16: No Way Out
Number 17: Hanging By A Thread
Number 18: Let's Break The Ice
Number 19: Enough Is Enough
Number 20: It's Been A Long Day
Number 21: Famous Last Words
Number 22: Pick Your Poison
Number 23: At The End Of Their Rope
Number 24: Fight, Flight, Or Freeze
Number 25: Silence Is Golden
Number 26: No One Left Behind
Number 27: Pushed To The Limit
Number 28: It's Just The Tip Of The Iceberg
Number 29: What Doesn't Kill Me
Number 30: Note To Self: Don't Get Kidnapped
Number 31: A Light At The End Of The Tunnel
Sicktember 2022
‘Do You Know How To Take Care of a Sick Person?’
'Great. Now I Have Your Germs All Over Me.’
Sick on Vacation
A Cry for Attention
Intense Coddling
Home Remedy
Excessive Use of Tissues
Emergency Room
Stress Induced Illness
Pet Allergies
‘I Might Be A Teeny Tiny Bit Sick, But It’s Fine.’
Care Package
Upset Stomach
Cold Sweat
‘Does this look infected to you?’
Common Cold/Flu
Tepid Bath
‘I Need You To Pull Over!’
Taking a Sick Day
Tickle in the Throat
Sleepless Night/s
Chronic Illness
‘Get Back in Bed!’
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little-peril-stories · 11 months
nano 2023 let's gooo
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Well, friends, it's that time of year again. Why I have once again decided to leap straight from Whumptober to Nanowrimo, no one knows, but here we go.
The difference from 2022 to 2023: last year, for both Whumptober and Nano, I was "playing to win" (so to speak —playing against myself, of course), while this year I wasn't/will not be. Like, if I end up writing 50,000 words this November, great!
But. I have an issue with being competitive (again, only against myself; I hate competing against others in most contexts) and I know I will get obsessive about 1667 words every day and getting every single badge, etc., etc.
So I'm just...not.
I don't have a word count goal. The goal is simply to finish the first draft of angsty heist wip. If I can, great. If not, great. I started it in April, got distracted by TQOL and life, and the poor story's been languishing around the midpoint since I put it aside. I think if I can push beyond the midpoint, I'll be all right. But even if that turns out not to be true—oh well!
I'm still going to work on TQOL, and since I've fallen into editing TPOT and have been looooooving that process, I'm going to keep doing that, too. So this Nano is really just going to be about doing the writing things I want to do and that make me happy, and if angsty heist wip gets finished as part of that journey, well, bonus.
Is this more a #CalmWriMo as coined by @winterandwords? Why, I suppose it is. Thanks for putting forth the idea and the hashtag. 😊
Anyway. Happy November, happy Nanowrimo, happy Calmwrimo, happy another day of being alive, and happy writing!
Bonus lines for anyone who made it to the bottom of this ramble lolololol.
From The Queen of Lies chapter whatever-the-hell-it-is-now-this-one-used-to-be-chapter-7:
In the faintest reaches of her heart, she allowed herself to grieve ever so little, and to wonder if she would ever see him again.
I made it to Chapter 30 in editing The Prince of Thieves, oh god oh god:
“I don’t know anything else,” she says, her voice shaking. She’s half off the floor, frozen now, breath coming in little bursts. I know, whether I live beyond today or not, I will never be able to forget this moment—her terrified gasping, her wide eyes, the way her chest rises and falls so fast it’s hard to follow. My hand tingles, fuzzy and warm in memory of how it clung to hers all night, and I am struck with how much the idea of Hatchett ending Bree Cooper’s life threatens to rip me apart from the inside.
nothing for angsty heist wip lol I'm sure those will be forthcoming throughout the month
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omgiamwish · 2 years
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Whumptober 2022 Day 30 - Hair Grabbing
(I think he’s gonna keep running at people who don’t know him and it’s gonna keep ending badly for him lol)
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skyward-floored · 2 years
Whumptober 2022 Masterlist
I realized I never made a masterlist for these, so here we go! Hopefully all these links work... You can also read all of these (plus some bonus scenes) on ao3.
Day 1 - (Adverse Effects) feat. Twilight & Hyrule, along with Time and Four
Day 2 - (Caged) feat. Fable & Legend
Day 3 - (Ambushed) feat. Warriors & Legend
Day 4 - (Waking up disoriented, can’t pass out) feat. Time & Wind
Day 5 - (Blood loss) feat. Wild & Hyrule
Day 6 - (Screams from across the hall) feat. Wind, Warriors, Four, Sky and everyone
Day 7 - (Shaking hands) feat. Legend and Hyrule
Day 8 - (Back from the dead, stomach pain) feat. Shadow
Day 9 - (tossing and turning) feat. Sky, Twilight, Warriors and Wild
Day 10 - (whipping) feat. Sky & Time
Day 11 - (self done first-aid, makeshift splint) feat. the colors/Four, and Twilight
Day 12 - (cave-in) feat. Twilight, Legend, and everyone
Day 13 - (dislocation, “are you here to break me out?”, fracture) Continuation to Day 6, feat. Wind, Sky and Warriors
Day 14 - (failed escape) feat. Four
Day 15 - (new scars) feat. Malon & Time
Day 16 - ("no one is coming) feat. Hyrule
Day 17 - (breaking point) feat. Wild
Day 18 - ("just get it over with", "take my coat") feat. Sky & Twilight
Day 19 - (knees buckling, repeatedly passing out) feat. Legend & Wind
Day 20 - (prisoner exchange) Continuation to day 14, feat. Twilight, Four, Warriors and Time
Day 21 - ("you're safe now") Continuation to day 10, feat. Time, Fierce Deity and Sky
Day 22 - (allergic reaction, toxic) feat. Warriors & everyone
Day 23 - ("hold them down") feat. Hyrule, Wind, & Legend
Day 24 - (“I don’t want to do this anymore”) feat. Ravio & Sky
Day 25 - ("you better start talking") feat. Twilight
Day 26 - ("why did you save me?") feat. Warriors & Hyrule
Day 27 - (muffled screams, magical exhaustion) Continuation to day 25, feat. Four & Wild
Day 28 - (headache) incredibles au, feat. Time, Wind, and everyone
Day 29 - (sleep depravation) feat Sky & everyone
Day 30 - (manhandled, hair grabbing) continuation to days 25 and 27, feat Twilight, Wild, Four & everyone
Day 31 - (comfort, bedside vigil) feat. Wind, Four, Dot & everyone
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jinxquickfoot · 1 year
Marvel Fic Masterlist
Completed Projects:
Weaknesses (Whumptober 2022 Collection):
The One Where Natasha is Tony's Weakness (Day 1 Prompts: Unconventional Restraints/“This wasn’t supposed to happen”, Day 14 Prompts: Desperate Measures/Failed Escape/“I’ll be right behind you”, Day 20 Prompt: Fetal Position)
The One Where Clint is Wanda's Weakness (Day 2 Prompts: Cornered/Caged/Confrontation) 
The One Where Clint is Sam's Weakness (Day 4 Prompt: Waking Up Disorientated, Day 16 Prompt: “No one’s coming”, Day 24 Prompt: “I don’t want to do this anymore”, Day 31 Prompts: Comfort/Bedside Vigil/“You can rest now”)
The One Where Tony is Clint's Weakness (Day 5 Prompt: Running Out of Air, Day 11 Prompts: Sloppy Bandages/Self-Done First Aid/Makeshift Splint)
The One Where Scott is Sam's Weakness (Day 10 Prompt: Waterboarding) 
The One Where Yelena is Natasha's Weakness (Day 15 Prompts: Lies/New Scars/Breathing Through the Pain)
The One Where Sam is Bucky's Weakness (Day 21 Prompts: “You’re safe now”/“Take me instead”)
The One Where Peter is Kamala's Weakness (Day 22 Prompt: Allergic Reaction)
The One Where Peter is Peter's Weakness (co-written with @spagbol99​, Day 23 Prompts: Forced to Their Knees/Tied to a Table/”Hold them down”)
The One Where Sam is Clint's Weakness (Day 25 Prompts: Duct Tape/"You Better Start Talking")
The One Where Kate is Peter's Weakness (Day 26 Prompts: Separated/Rope Burns, Day 28 Prompts: Anger Born of Worry/Punching the Wall)
The One Where MJ is Peter's Weakness (for the @spideychellebigbang, art by @bignerdhours, Day 27 Prompts: Muffled Screams/Stumbling/Magical Exhaustion)
The One Where Marc is Steven’s Weakness (Day 29 Prompts: Defiance/"Better me than you")
The One Where Clint is Bucky’s Weakness (for the @winterhawkbigbang​, art by @rufferto9​, Day 30 Prompts: Manhandled/Hair Grabbing/“Please don’t touch me”)
The One Where Clint is Kate’s Weakness: (Day 3 Prompts: Say Goodbye/Gun to Temple, Day 7 Prompts: Shaking Hands/Silent Panic Attack, Day 17 Prompts: Breaking Point/Stress Positions/Reluctant Caretaker, Day 18 Prompts: “Just get it over with”/“Take my coat”, Day 19 Prompts: Knees Buckling/Repeatedly Passing Out/Head Lolling)
Mayday: A Civil War Fix-It that spans 2012-2017. No character bashing, no sides taken.
The One Where Rhodey is Steve's Weakness (Day 9 Prompts: Sleeping in Shifts/Tossing and Turning/Caught in a Storm) 
The One Where Steve is Sam’s Weakness (Day 6 Prompt: Ransom Video, Day 8 Prompts: Head Trauma/Back from the Dead, Day 13 Prompts: Fracture/Dislocation/“Are you here to break me out?")
The One Where Bucky is Tony’s Weakness (Day 12 Prompts: “Mayday, mayday!”)
Let’s Whump the Spider-Kid and Friends! (Whumptober 2021 Collection): A “Everybody Lives/No One Dies” AU set post-Endgame. One-shots featuring Peter Parker and the Avengers that lead into a larger story. TW: puns.
Down to the Wire (Peter & Tony, Day 1 Prompts: "You have to let go"/Barbed Wire/Bound)
You're One to Talk (Peter, Tony & Scott, Day 2 Prompt: Gagged)
Bully For You (Peter & Natasha, Day 3 Prompts: Taunting/Insults/"Who did this to you?")
Trust Fall (Peter & Tony, Day 4 Prompts: "Do you trust me?"/Taken Hostage)
Intruder Window (Peter & Sam, Day 5 Prompts: Misunderstanding/Broken Nose)
A Lot On Your Plate (Peter & Tony, Day 6 Prompt: Hunger)
Eye See What You Did There (Peter & Clint, Day 7 Prompts: Helplessness/Blindness)
That's Cold (Peter & Vision, Peter & Wanda, Wanda/Vision, Day 8 Prompts: "Definitely just a cold"/Exotic Illness)
Something Blue (Wanda/Vision, Day 9 Prompt: Tears, art by @jacketpotatoo​)
Shield (Peter & Bucky, Peter & Sam, Day 10 Prompt: Hospital)
Just When You Thought There Wasn’t a Pun for This One (Peter & Tony, Day 11 Prompts: Adrift/Dehydration)
Switch (Peter, Sam & Bucky, Day 12 Prompts: Torture/Made to Watch/Begging)
Not Cool (Peter & Rhodey, Day 13 Prompts: "This is gonna suck"/Burns/Cauterization)
Driven to Succeed (Peter & Happy, Day 14 Prompts: Crash Injuries/Beaten/Force)
Trip Hazard (Peter, Tony, Rhodey, Steve & Bucky, Day 15 Prompt: Delirium)
Scar. Scare? Scar. (Peter & Bruce, Day 16 Prompt: Scars)
You Game? (Peter, MJ, Ned, Flash, Betty, Shuri, Cassie, Lila, AJ & Harley, Day 17 Prompts: "Please don't move!"/Dread)
Frame-Up (Peter & Clint, Day 18 Prompts: "Now Smile for the Camera"/CPR)
Catastrophe (Peter, Sam & Bucky, Day 19 Prompts: Bitten/Bleeding)
You’re Suffocating Me (Peter & Shuri, Day 20 Prompts: Trunk/Trapped Underwater)
Stacked Odds (Peter, Tony, Sam & Bucky, Day 21 Prompt: Pressure)
I'm Your Biggest Fan! (Peter & Scott, Day 22 Prompt: Obsession)
Not Quite Sold (Peter & Bucky, Peter & Clint, Day 23 Prompt: Auction)
For the Record (Peter, Sam & Bucky, Day 24 Prompts: Self-induced Injuries to Escape/Revenge/Flashback)
In Hiding (Peter & Morgan, Peter & Cassie, Day 25 Prompt: Hiding)
It's Just A Stage I'm Going Through (Peter & Stephen, Peter & Ned, Day 26 Prompts: Trapdoor/Fallen)
Collapse (Peter/MJ, Peter & Pepper, Day 27 Prompts: Passing Out/Collapse)
In Your Dreams (Peter & Thor, Day 28 Prompts: "Good. You’re finally awake.”/Nightmare/Panic)
Mine (Peter & Steve, Day 29 Prompts: "You're Still Not Dead?"/Too Weak to Move/Overworked)
Didn’t Mean to Ghost You (Peter & Ben, Peter & Tony, Day 30 Prompts: Left for Dead/Ghosts)
Punstoppable (Peter & Tony, Peter/MJ, Peter & Avengers team, Day 31 Prompts: Hurt and Comfort/Disaster Zone/Prisoner/Trauma)
Bonus Chapter: Not Quite Sold Part 2 (Bucky & Natasha, Bucky & Steve, Febuwhump 2022 Day 20 Prompt: Caged)
Bonus Chapter: Not Quite Sold Part 3 (Peter & Tony, Febuwhump 2022 Day 27 Prompt: Shower Breakdown)
Whumptoberverse Fics (Whumptober 2020 Collection): A Civil War Fix-It that begins with Zemo kidnapping Tony and Peter in Siberia after the fight with Steve and Bucky. An attempt to consider all sides, perspectives, and mistakes made in Civil War with understanding rather than judgement. Currently being edited. 
'Til the Fight is Done (Peter & Tony, Day 1 Prompts: Waking Up Restrained/Shackled/Hanging)
What Makes A Captain (Steve & Bucky, Day 2 Prompts: "Pick Who Dies”/Collars/Kidnapped)
Not Your Sidekick (Rhodey & Sam, Day 3 Prompts: Held At Gunpoint/Manhandled)
Man in a Can (Tony & Rhodey, Day 4 Prompt: Buried Alive)
A Quiet Place (Natasha & Sam, Day 5 Prompts: On the Run/Failed Escape/Rescue)
Amendments (Tony & Bruce, Day 6 Prompts: “Get it Out”/No More/“Please…”)
Choices (Natasha & Bucky, Day 7 Prompts: Support/Enemy to Caretaker)
Dollhouse (Clint & Wanda, Day 8 Prompt: Isolation)
You're Always Spider-Man (Peter & Harley, Day 9 Prompts: "Run!"/"Take me instead")
There Will Be Blood (Peter & Bruce, Day 10 Prompts: Trail of Blood/Blood Loss)
Room 101 (Tony & Clint, Day 11 Prompts: Defiance/Struggling/Crying)
Safe Space (Rhodey & Steve, Day 12 Prompts: Broken Down/Broken Trust)
Hair is Everything (Tony & Natasha, Day 13 Prompts: Delayed Drowning/Chemical Pneumonia/Oxygen Mask)
We Didn't Start the Fire (Steve & Natasha, Day 14 Prompt: Fire)
Episode 15 AKA Mind Control (Clint & Bucky, Day 15 Prompts: Science Gone Wrong/Possession)
Budapest (Clint & Natasha, Day 16 Prompts: Forced to Beg/Hallucinations/Shoot the Hostage)
Project Cassandra (Bruce & Natasha, Day 17 Prompts: Dirty Secret/Wrongfully Accused)
We Forgot to Break Up (Tony & Steve, Day 18 Prompts: Paranoia/Panic Attacks)
Pile Up (Sam & Peter, Day 19 Prompts: Survivor's Guilt/Grief/Mourning Loved Ones)
Droney, I Have A Feeling We're Not in Queens Anymore (Peter & Wanda, Day 20 Prompts: Lost/Medieval)
Just A Little Stuck (Rhodey & Bucky, Day 21 Prompt: Chronic Pain)
Help (Sam & Tony, Day 22 Prompt: Drugged)
Mole (Peter & Natasha, Day 23 Prompts: Sleep Deprivation/Exhaustion)
On the Tip of My Tongue (Sam & Bucky, Day 24 Prompts: Blindfolds/Forced Mutism)
Original Weaknesses Series: A thirty-day writing challenge that helped me through COVID-19 and got way out of hand. Ranging from one-shots to multi-chapter fics to mini-series, these are stories where the Avengers and Guardians rescue each other from danger. OR: I just really liking writing hostage situations. 
The One Where Rhodey is Tony's Weakness
The One Where Tony is Steve's Weakness
The One Where Bruce is Natasha's Weakness
The One Where Wanda is Clint's Weakness
The One Where Tony is Natasha's Weakness
The One Where Thor is Loki's Weakness
The One Where Natasha is Clint's Weakness
The One Where Clint is Steve's Weakness (co-written with @16woodsequ)
The One Where Scott is Tony's Weakness
The One Where Tony is Thor's Weakness
The One Where Sam is Tony's Weakness
The One Where T'Challa is Shuri's Weakness (co-written with @fluencca​)
The One Where Clint is Natasha's Weakness
The One Where Tony is Stephen's Weakness
The One Where Bruce is Thor's Weakness (co-written with @onwardmeteors​)
The One Where Scott is Steve's Weakness
The One Where Peter is Thor's Weakness
The One Where Tony is Vision's Weakness
The One Where Groot is Rocket's Weakness
The One Where Tony is Bruce's Weakness
The One Where Wanda is Tony's Weakness
The One Where Brunnhilde is Carol's Weakness
The One Where Peter is Tony's Weakness
Cutting the Wire: A canon divergent retelling of 2014-2015 Avengers, as HYDRA comes after Steve to make him the new Winter Soldier.
The One Where Steve is Bucky's Weakness
The One Where Sam is Steve's Weakness
The One Where Bucky is Steve's Weakness (co-written with @usaonetwothree​)
The One Where Steve is Tony's Weakness
Heart of Stone: Currently features one Tony & Rhodey at MIT fic dealing with a stalker, Tiberius Stone, and an sequel set years later that kicks off a canon divergence from Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
The One Where Tony is Rhodey's Weakness
The One Where Clint is Tony's Weakness
The Fence and the Ambulance: Misunderstandings abound when Bucky is framed for Peter’s kidnapping, and both Tony and Steve rush to the rescue. Civil War Fix-It, canon divergent.
The One Where Peter is Bucky's Weakness
Whumping the Hawk: A collection of six horror/thriller stories focusing on Clint Barton. OR: I beat Clint up a lot in horrible and creative ways.
The Worst Thing
The One Where Natasha is Tony’s Weakness
The One Where Clint is Sam’s Weakness
The One Where Sam is Clint’s Weakness
Upcoming projects:
Team Iron Man (Current WIP): Isn’t it great to be the good guy who has never made a single mistake? How horrible and nasty are Team Cap for making poor Tony so sad and hurt. Well, at least he has Peter and Rhodey. They’re not acting weird. Don’t worry about it. Everything is perfect. This fic has been in my outline folder forever, and even though the time for it has probably passed, I think about often enough that I still want to write it. This is a Civil War Fix-It that’s intended to be a loving parody of the Irondad fandom, and a not-so-loving parody of the more extreme anti-Team Cap fics. No sides taken, no character bashing, happy ending.
Whumptoberverse Completion:
Barton Luck (Clint & Peter, Day 25 Prompts: Disorientation/Blurred Vision/Ringing Ears)
Seeing Red (Tony & Wanda, Day 26 Prompts: Migraine)
The Fine Print (Steve & Sam, Day 27 Prompts: Earthquake/Extreme Weather/Power Outage)
Untitled Wanda & Vision fic (Day 28 Prompts: Hunting Season)
Untitled Steve & Peter fic (Day 29 Prompts: Intubation/Reluctant Bedrest)
Untitled Bucky & Peter fic (Day 30 Prompts: Wound Reveal/Ignoring An Injury/Internal Organ Injury)
Untitled Tony & Bucky fic (Day 31 Prompts: Experiment/Left For Dead)
Heart of Stone Completion:
The One Where Phil is Clint’s Weakness
The One Where Peter is Tony’s Weakness
The One Where Bucky is Clint’s Weakness
The One Where Kate is Clint’s Weakness
The One Where Stephen is Tony’s Weakness
The Fence and the Ambulance Sequel to The One Where Peter is Bucky’s Weakness. When Steve and Tony fall into trouble, it’s Bucky and Peter’s turn to team up to rescue them.
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reidsaurora · 2 years
"Déjà Vu" ~ S. Reid
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Summary: When Y/N gets kidnapped, she swears she knows the man who rescued her—cue the world's worst case of déjà vu.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1,357
Content Warning: Y/N gets drugged and kidnapped, part of this takes place at a hospital, mentions of Spencer getting drunk in the past, very mild swearing, lmk if i missed anything!
Genre: Angst to Fluff ig? I honestly don't know
Extra Notes: I hope this is medically accurate, I tried to find information on the drugs listed in the episode and I got mixed answers 😂
Based On the Prompt: "No Way Out" - paralytic drugs (from 2022 Whumptober Prompts)
Takes Place: during the events of 5x12 — "The Uncanny Valley"
Originally Written: between 09/27/2022 and 09/30/22
Beta Read By: @reidsbookclub
Criminal Minds masterlist can be found here!
Whumptober masterlist/schedule can be found here!
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I'd screamed, sobbed, wailed, and just about every other sound that could signal I was not supposed to be trapped… wherever the hell I was currently trapped at.
Only… no noise was escaping my lips?
My eyes darted open (I didn't even know I still had the ability to do that in my current state), landing directly on someone who was in the same position as I was—painted up with makeup, sporting a fancy dress, and immobilized, most likely due to whatever this freak was shooting into her veins via the IV my eyes wandered to.
I managed to look down at my own arm, noticing I too was being injected with whatever this seamstress-turned-kidnapper's preferred paralytic drug was.
"She's coming back," she struggled to say, her head pointed toward the floor.
My eyes flickered in the same direction, landing on a third woman, who was presumably in the same condition as us.
I watched as she managed to climb back into her chair, acting as casually as possible, considering the circumstances.
My heart raced as our kidnapper stepped back into the room, a panicked look spread across her face. As if she were the one who should be panicking.
Her face only contorted more as she noticed the disassembled mannequin laying on the floor. "I must've missed that part too," I thought to myself.
Next thing I knew, her hand was grasped around a pair of tailor's shears, her panic turning to disappointment. "Don't leave me," she practically begged the third woman.
She maneuvered her head to make eye contact with our kidnapper (admittedly something I wouldn't have had the gumption to do if she were holding scissors that close to me). "Let us go," she said, struggling to get her words out.
"I can't," she replied in a pout.
"Like hell you can't," I wanted to say. If it weren't for my lack of strength and the fact that she was holding shears, I might've let the sentence slip.
And then, in the amount of time it took to snap your fingers, it happened. I knew I'd be rescued.
"Samantha," an oddly familiar voice spoke behind me. Where did I know that voice? "Hi, my name's Spencer. I'm with the FBI."
My mind went hazy as I processed his words. Did the FBI really care enough to get involved in a couple missing persons' cases? I recalled wondering who'd want to put out a missing persons' report for me.
I wasn't sure how much time had passed, but the next thing I knew, I was surrounded by medics, the one on my right cleaning up where my IV had been placed while the one on my left listened to my heart beat.
Within minutes, I'd already started to feel my senses come back. Though it was a small victory, I'd never found so much relief as I had in discovering that I'd regained the ability to wriggle my fingers and toes.
The voice from earlier returned as he walked around the table, standing where all three of us could see him. "My name is Spencer Reid. I'm with the FBI," he repeated, his hands clasping together awkwardly. I could tell by the look on his face that he was internally searching for his words.
His face. Where did I know that face from?
His face. I could've stared at it all day if I'd been allowed to. I probably could've gotten away with it too, played it off later like the drugs had still been in my system, slightly paralyzing the movement of my eyes.
I held back my gazing, though I internally replayed visions of his features, from those hazel eyes to the tiny divot on his chin to the light shadow of a mustache above his perfectly plump lips.
OK, seriously, why could I recall so much about this man I'd just spent no more than seven seconds looking at?
"I'm Agent Rossi," a man with lightly peppering, raven hair spoke, breaking me from my strange state of déjà vu. "If it's OK, Agent Reid and I would like to collect some statements from you ladies once you've been thoroughly looked over at the hospital."
One of the other women managed a moan that signaled understanding, while I managed two nods of the head. I internally rejoiced once more at my second, small victory.
The entire ambulance ride, I thought about Agent Reid, beating myself up for not remembering where I'd previously run into this man. I played through flashback after flashback, memory after memory, attempting to place this FBI agent with stupidly pretty, shoulder-length hair.
I thought about it through my exam. I thought about it as I lightly chewed on a cup of ice chips one of the nurses brought me. I thought about it as he stepped behind the curtain, file in one hand and pen in the other, prepared to interview me.
"Hi, I'm Dr. Reid," he reintroduced himself for a third time.
Doctor Reid… why did that sound more familiar?
"I'm here to collect a few statements for the FBI, if that's OK," he continued on.
I nodded silently, swallowing down another ice chip. "I'm Y/N Y/L/N," I clarified, knowing he'd probably ask me for that anyway.
I noticed his eyebrows ruffling as he sat down, mouth creasing tightly as opened the file.
The room stayed silent for a beat, our eyes surveying each other as the two of us slowly realized that the other person was also experiencing a strange case of déjà vu. My cheeks felt hot as I processed how long his eyes had been on me.
He licked his lips lightly, an expression of either regret or embarrassment coming over his face. "Pardon me, but don't I know you from somewhere?"
Somewhere… the flash of a casino surged through my mind.
"Oh, my God! The Grand Diamond!" I finally placed his face. "You're the one who got banned after the owner lost $8,000 to you on discount night!"
His face blushed crimson, as if he'd almost forgotten this event. "I guess you're right. That did happen, didn't it?" he said, scratching at the back of his neck.
"Yeah, I used to be a bartender there."
His eyes narrowed, like he was remembering something else. "Yeah, you're the one that makes those delicious mojitos."
This time, I blushed. "I don't know about that. It might've just been that you had three of them. If I'd had that many, I would've passed out on the poker table," I joked.
My joke elicited a small chuckle to escape his lips. "I'm just glad to know my card counting abilities still stand even in my state of tipsiness."
Soon enough, he'd collected my statements, which was less than a fun experience for me, considering I had to relive all the events I'd been through in the last twenty-four hours.
I watched as he stood up from his chair, filed clutched closely to his chest as if he were afraid of losing it. He gave me a kind, farewell smile as he stepped closer to the curtain.
I couldn't tell who was more shocked when I spoke up one last time. "Hey, Dr. Reid?"
He turned back to face me, eyebrows furrowed once again. "Yes?"
"I, uh…" I searched for something to say, knowing that no matter what I said, I'd just incriminate myself. After a few awkward seconds of silence, I landed on, "I know of some really fun casinos in the area, much better than the Grand Diamond, considering it's not all that grand."
His mouth formed into a closed-lip grin. "We'll have to compare and contrast our lists, considering I've been kicked out of a majority of casinos here," he chuckled, reaching in his back pocket.
I nearly shivered as our fingertips brushed together, my eyes watching as he seamlessly slipped a business card into my palm.
"Get well soon," he commented as he turned away, and I could've sworn I heard him smirk (if that was possible).
"Hmm," I hummed to myself, "Maybe déjà vu isn't so bad after all."
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Welcome one and all to my first Whumptober post! I hope you all enjoyed! 5x12 is definitely one of my favorite episodes and when I saw the "paralytic drugs" prompt, it automatically reminded me of this episode and I knew I had to write this!
Thank you all for being patient with me as I finished editing. This was of course supposed to be posted on the first, which i guess it's still technically the first in some places. Anyway, I apologize for this one being late but I promise, the rest will be posted on time! 🫶🏻
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lemissingmask · 2 years
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[ID: Sketch of Eliot from the end of the rundown job after his being shot twice being grabbed from behind by a guy in black clothing while another stands in front of him and grips his injured shoulder. End ID]
Whumptober 2022 Day 30: Manhandled
AU for The Rundown Job (related to Day 19 prompt fill). After the bomb has been dealt with and the bad guy taken out by Eliot (and Eliot has got himself shot twice), Eliot realises that the people coming into the tunnel to deal with the aftermath are not Vance's guys, so he tells Parker and Hardison to go back and find a different exit, promising to follow after them after the hand-off to the authorities. They get to safety, but Eliot is arrested by people who want to take Vance down for illegal operations, and want to torture Eliot to get intel on things Vance has done.
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