#don camillo and peppone
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mustakrakischsartcorner · 8 months ago
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Don Camillo after a big brawl
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mustakrakisch · 11 months ago
tell me something about maria and camillo in wwii? :D
omg, there's so much to talk about, even though I haven't looked at the wip in like half a year at the miminum.
Maria gives birth to her third child too early, and Peppone - who at the time is still in the village and not yet up in the mountains - is not around at the moment, so it is Don Camillo who takes care of the other children. He goes on a walk with them, makes sure that they eat and drink, do their daily chores and brings them to bed. He stays at the Bottazzi home overnight, because Peppone is still not back and nobody knows where he is or what's going on with him. In the middle of the night, the two children come downstairs into the living room where he is asleep on the shitty couch and tell him that they can't sleep, because of the whole situation.
So Don Camillo sits them onto the couch with him and calms them down, telling them that their mother is strong and will be alright, that their father will come home, because Smilzo has been sent after him and Smilzo always knows how to find Pepppone. After a while, the children fall asleep in Don Camillo's arms, so he just sits there with a bundle of sleeping children on his lap, while he is pretty worried about both Maria and Peppone, but he's glad that at least he could calm down the kids.
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mustakrakischsartcorner · 2 years ago
So let me just
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Poor Peppone doesn‘t deserve Don Camillo's bullying half of the time. The other half, he definitely deserves it.
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Draw your idiot
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nubimera · 4 months ago
I had this sudden epiphany and I need you to listen to me for a moment: Flashpoint Father!Jason, who lives a quiet life, takes care of his parish and charity for Gotham, but who is suddenly forced to work together with John Constantine's Apprentice!Reader in cases related to the paranormal. But their relationship is not like Fleagbag? more like work colleagues who become friends who bully each other on a regular daily basis (maybe they are in love, maybe not, it's doesn't really matter)
(please someone write a ff about it)
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pygian-weapon · 6 months ago
stavo cercando di capire da dove è nata la mia grande ammirazione per la "scena dell'aeroporto" (o equivalente) nei film romantici e scavando nei miei ricordi ho ritrovato quella che credo abbia lasciato il più forte impatto nella mia mente di bambina
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mustakrakisch · 8 months ago
Yes there is!
It follows largely the first movie, Gina and Mariolino want to marry, Peppone won his first election, the strike happens and Signora Christina dies.
Also, and I absolutely love this, Jesus does not exist solely as a voice, but as a physical character as well. He stands and watches most of the play as well, cleans the church a bit or hands Don Camillo the wine. It's really sweet!
But as far as I know, the play only exists in German
I have fallen back head first into Don Camillo after seeing the theatre play on the weekend and I have to thank you again for all your great fanfics, they are absolutely amazing😍
Oh goodness, thank you so much for the compliment 😳 I'm so happy people still enjoy them! (Even if the writing mojo has temporarily left me, I'm glad I had enough juice to write the fics and the (technically) chapters of the WW2 fic!)
Also hold up, there's a play!? Nice! What's the story?
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fortytworedvines · 2 years ago
The Little world of Don Camillo good omens au when?
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nonsolodoncamillo · 10 months ago
35 anni del Museo di Peppone e Don Camillo. Il carro armato in azione! I carri armati solo come documenti storici:
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mustakrakischsartcorner · 2 years ago
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Since everyone knows this legendary pics, I decided that I need to draw some characters like this:
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Namely Don Camillo and Peppone, because I'm still not over them lol
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major-knighton · 2 years ago
Dracula would not stand a chance
Talking about using a processional cross as a (vampire hunting) polearm made me remember this scene from The Little World of Don Camillo (1953). I would pay money to see a vampire try to take Don Camillo. I really would.
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mustakrakisch · 8 months ago
Shoutout to Smilzo in the Don Camillo theatre play who was using sign language. I can't get you out of my head
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belphegor1982 · 1 month ago
Something about Don Camillo and Pepone, if you please.
They were how I found you, and I haven't thought about them in too long <3<3<3
You know what? Same here! I went back to my WIP chapter of Between the Mountains and the Plains for this ask and boy, do I wish I knew how to continue it. In the meantime, you didn't specify anything in your ask, so I'm just gonna let my mouth run. Or, y'know. Fingers.
I found something in my Don Camillo notes file: "WW2, German occupation, in the mountains. Peppone and a pocket protector." That's literally all there is. I don't remember whether I was going somewhere specific with this or just jotting down a random idea. But okay, let's work with that!
First off, "pocket protector" is that trope when a character is shot, only the bullet is stopped (at least partly) by an object the character has in their chest pocket. Of course the likely candidate for this is a book, but metallic hip flasks can also work! But I do want it to be a book, because picture this -
The partisans have lived in the mountains for a while now. And wouldn't you know it, it's not as glamorous as novels might make it look like - some of them can't help but be bored in the long lulls between operations and camp moving. So any book they can get their mitts on, they keep, if they can. Between the dozen of them they have quite a little library (of maybe ten books?). Of course someone has a Bible, and maybe someone else (from the city, probably) got hold of Das Kapital, but the majority of the books are novels.
Now Peppone isn't really into books. He can read, but not well, and he's not used to writing. But let's say there hasn't been many almost-dead cars for him to tinker on lately, so he's been carrying a book just in case there's quiet time enough for him to get bored. (And thinking he can always fob it off on someone actually interested)
Except his band meet either blackshirts or fascists and there's a firefight. And if this happens after Don Camillo joins the partisans full-time, then picture Don Camillo turning his head and seeing Peppone get hit by a bullet square in the chest and collapse.
Turns out you can still move even if your heart stops and the breath leaves your lungs in a rush.
Since both men are more or less the same size (half an elephant, roughly :P), Don Camillo is pretty much the only one who can pick him up and load him on his shoulder. He used to be a stretcher bearer when he was a chaplain during WW1, some things you just don't forget. Once things calm down and everyone is safe, he lays Peppone on the ground against a tree and goes to check if he's still alive, with most of the usual gang holding their breath over his shoulder -
- only to stumble back and fall on their butts as Peppone gasps awake, shaken but inexplicably unhurt.
While Don Camillo closes his eyes for a second and sends a quick but fervent prayer of thanks to his Jesus, Peppone unzips his jacket with a trembling hand a pulls out a book.
Is it the Bible? The works of Karl Marx?
Neither! It's a cheap giallo (a crime novel), dog-eared and faded, but thick enough that the bullet barely nicked the skin behind it.
(I kinda want to have Smilzo make a red/yellow pun (because "giallo" also means "yellow", like "you've got red on your [yellow]) but I have no idea how that'd work in English!)
"Saved by literature, boss," says Brusco, and Don Camillo shakes his head.
(I know it's quick and it's been a while since I visited the little world so I'm rather unsure, but I hope you like 💜)
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pier-carlo-universe · 3 months ago
Pensieri poetici nel tempo di Christian Testa: una poetica tra introspezione e spiritualità. Un viaggio lirico tra emozioni e riflessioni sull’esistenza
Christian Testa, poeta pavese dal talento innato e versatile, torna con una nuova opera dal titolo Pensieri poetici nel tempo, edita da Guido Miano Editore nella prestigiosa collana “Alcyone 2000��
Christian Testa, poeta pavese dal talento innato e versatile, torna con una nuova opera dal titolo Pensieri poetici nel tempo, edita da Guido Miano Editore nella prestigiosa collana “Alcyone 2000”. Questo libro, impreziosito dalla prefazione di Michele Miano, rappresenta una tappa fondamentale nella carriera di Testa, che si distingue per la sua capacità di esplorare i meandri dell’animo umano…
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mustakrakisch · 11 months ago
thanks for tagging me <3
boy oh boy, the wips of mine
U96 + Pearl (my forever project lol, I will write this until I turn 8o or die before I can finish it)
Neath the Limes in the Place Royale (You deserve a happy ending, Cyrano, but you're making it really hard, you know)
Don Camillo & Maria Bottazzi in WW II
Never Neverland Entity (Peter Pan)
When one of them is down (Lucky Luke)
Lucky Luke Framed
(do I even know 6 different people on here who write?)
tagging @mondknight, @belphegor1982, @just-french-me-up, @soupedepates, @cinary, @lauvemsomhelst and anyone else who wants to joing in!
WIP folder game
thank you for the tag dearest @ineadhyn
How to play:
post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Okay, so. I am very much a "you dont need to finish everything, you can just leave some things be" truther so I will only post the WIPs I plan on finishing, else we'd still be here tomorrow.
My WIPs:
Absolute / Obedience
restructure that act (main project)
Anger Management
Can We Make German Dirty Talk Sound Good
(all my Rogue traders ideas I've noted down but not actually written. yet. I am so sorry RT mutuals)
tagging @definitely-not-iorveth @korls @swanfloatieknight @jaal-ama-daravv and @goofgoofdildo
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sullina · 4 months ago
Two besties that can NOT fucking stand each other
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cristianesimocattolico · 1 year ago
Alberto Guareschi: «La fede di mio padre, Giovannino, è cresciuta nel lager»
Lunga intervista del mensile “Il Timone” ad Albertino, il figlio del grande Giovannino Guareschi. A cura di don Samuele Pinna. Continue reading Alberto Guareschi: «La fede di mio padre, Giovannino, è cresciuta nel lager»
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