vanillacherie · 2 years
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bicycle adventure together~ 🚲🌷🌼
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melody-bunny23 · 3 months
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saphic-with-t · 1 month
Listen, on any other occasion I would never tell tumblr users to go to Twitter but right now art twitter is popping tf off due to two entirely unrelated trends.
On one side, someone drew the beloved Hatsune Miku but she’s Brazilian. It exploded in popularity and a bunch of other artists also drew Brazilian Miku. Then Argentinians saw it and made Argentinian Miku in response (apparently Argentinians and Brazilians have a mutual respect/love for the others?) Then a bunch of artists loved that and now artists from all over the world are all drawing Hatsune Miku but from their countries and ethnic backgrounds, implementing lovely bits of culture and fashion. Desi Mikus, Latina Mikus, east and Western European Mikus, 50 states of Miku, multi-cultural Miku as far as the eye can see!!!
On a completely different side, Japanese women and Korean women were warning each other about how awful the men in their own countries are. Someone commented on how at this point the only choice left was for Japanese and Korean women to date each other. This lead to a bunch of Japanese women reminiscing about lovely and charming Korean women they met abroad and Korean women reminiscing about cute and polite Japanese women they met abroad (or who were traveling abroad? From what I’ve seen it’s usually Japanese girls traveling to Korea.)
Of course that spiraled into a bunch of artists drawing art of Korean girl x Japanese girl yuri. Chinese women also started to get involved so of course people started drawing all three. Now it’s spread like wild fire and almost all of South Asia is drawing yuri of themselves with whichever other south Asian country they want/love, all in solidarity of how awful all of their men are.
The melting pot of cultures is hot and fresh, a beautiful and inspiring moment in the history of the internet…
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black-suns-rim · 11 months
Cuddling a yautja
Summary: you had a hard time sleeping, so you went to go get a late night snack but ended up falling asleep right next to your yautja friend while watching a movie with him.
Contains: some wholesome platonic cuddles
The endless buzzing of the ship's interior slaving away to make sure it runs well was somewhat of a soothing noise that you've gotten used to after the past couple of months. Maybe buzzing wasn't the right word... more like humming or the sound of vibration. Almost every night you fell asleep to that noise, but this night you just couldn't. It didn't have the soothing touch you had experienced last night. Laying on your plush floor bed, your gaze wondered around your metalic room.
To the books that hung from your wall on smooth selves, from the warm yellow Christmas lights that dangled from the ceiling and the various other objects of entertainment, memorabilia, or every day use. Your mind could not just rest as your eyes grew tired. Huffing in agitation for your lack of rest, you sat up, tossing the furr skin blanket off of your body. You pressed your back to the cold metal of the ship's interior and closed your eyes.
You recalled the first day of agreeing to go on this mission, but you never truly knew what you were getting yourself into. You recalled how you freaked out seeing this alien ship from the outside and in. You recalled how meeting another life form that didn't originate from earth made you extremely anxious, nervous but excited. It's not everyday that you get to be part of a crew where one of your members wasn't human. The thrill of learning everything you could about them was something you never found boring. Even though it's only been a few months, you have grown pretty close to this alien. Closer than to any human you've known.
As the soothing cold metal wall began to warm up from your hot skin, you leaned forward and rubbed your face. You peeled open your eyes and sluggishly stood to your feet. Unlocking the padlock door, you exited your room and placed your hand on the wall, trailing the lines with your fingertips as you walked. You knew everyone was asleep by now, so you made sure to step quietly. It was easier to do so with some kind of padding on your feet, but your feet were bare. You just liked how the freezing metal felt compared to the slightly humid and muggy air of the ship.
Perhaps a late night snack would be able to get your mind to finally rest. The walk to the kitchen wasn't too long since the ship was a decently small one. Though it could hold well over 20 crew members, the design of the ship itself made sense and wasn't as confusing as the other ships you've been on. But then again, the other ships you've been on weren't alien in origin. You were somewhat surprised to see someone was already in the kitchen at this time, but when you realized who it was, your surprise left and it was replaces with understanding. The alien, the predator some called it, a yautja others said, the only alien on board that also owned this very ship, was cutting up some fresh vegetables and meat.
He turned his long-haired head towards you as you walked in. The metal jewelry in his hair-like tendrils hit together in somewhat of a musical way like wind-chimes in a breeze. His bulking but soft stature and body shape gave him the nickname "Big Papa" amongst the crew since not many knew how to pronounce his actual name correctly. His pearcing crystal watery blue eyes followed you as you sleepily grabbed an apple from the small fruit basket that had been undisturbed for a while. All the while, he kept chopping away. He slowly clicked his tusks together as he focused his attention back to the cutting board.
You still weren't used to the strange noises he made, but you found all of them fascinating. Just like his reptilian skin and earthly colorations. But the thing that you found the most striking about him was the brilliant crystal blue thin striped lines on his tendril hair. You leaned on the counter as you ate the sweet crisp and juicy apple. Though you struggled to keep your eyes open, your mind was still trailing off. The feeling of loneliness creeped in which caused you to rub your face and rub under your eyes. Big Papa picked up on you not feeling well. He had a knack for sensing ones emotions.
He ceased his chopping and you looked up at him. His mandibles rubbed together slowly, thinking. "What?" You grumbled. He let out a chuff with a small trill, turning his head to the cutting board and dumping the chopped pieces into a bowl. From what you gathered with the time spent with him, he couldn't speak English, but he understood it well enough to function with this crew. Sometimes he used a translator to speak to you and the others if things were dire or important, but most of the time he would gesture, grunt or mimic speech to communicate.
You finished your apple and he placed a hand on your should. Clicking his tusks together, he gently moved his hand to your back and rubbed it. You felt a wave of calmness hit you as you closed your eyes. You could feel yourself drifting to sleep when he suddenly stopped. A little disappointed, you opened your eyes to see him placing the bowl of chopped vegetables and meat into the cooling storage unit. It wasn't exactly a refrigerator, but you often called it that. The both of you exchanged glances before he left the kitchen. You threw the apple core into the compose bin and drousily walked over to Big Papa to catch up with him, "Wait-"
He stopped and gazed down at you, his eyes filled with such a tenderness to them. "Could we hang out for a while? I'm having a hard time sleeping... and I don't really wanna be alone." He nodded in response. He headed to the recreational room he had made just for the human crew. You followed right behind him. You almost felt like a kid following a parent due to the height difference. Though he was bulky, he tried to make himself as little indimidating as possible. The rec room had a couple of things from Earth like couches, chairs, board games, wooden tables and a TV with many DVD movies to watch. Big Papa grabbed one of the DVDs and was careful to take it out of its case. He had learned the hard way that DVDs were fragile after trying to take one out from iys case the first time around. He places it in the player and turned on the TV. This technology was very primitive to him, but he found it fascinating anyways.
He sat down on the couch opposite of the room from where the TV was mounted to the wall and you sat right next to him, a couple of inches away. The couch dipped down drastically from his weight and it felt like you were going to fall in right next to him. As if you were being sucked into a black hole. He hadn't taken much time, to your knowledge, to watch any of these movies. Seeing an alien like him watch something that was human was amusing to you. It was more of his expressions that you found funny and how he reacted.
You suddenly remembered a question you wanted to ask him from earlier today but didnt have the chance till now, "Hey, do you mind us calling you Big Papa?"
He looked down at you and shook his head no. He clicked his tusks together and turned his attention back to the TV. Halfway into the movie, you began to drift to sleep when you felt a warmth and pressure around you. It felt comforting and safe. Something you haven't felt for a long while now. You felt the need to open your eyes. You saw Big Papa's arm around you and you realized you were leaning against him. You were slightly embarrassed, but you felt too comfortable to move. You closed your heavy eyelids again and everything around you grew silent and distant.
When you woke up, you were smooshed between him and the cushions of the couch. He had his arms around you like a body pillow. His hot breath heaved down on your head but surprisingly it didn't stink like half of the other men's on the crew. You couldn't tell what time it was, but you felt like it was early. You couldn't hear any other movement on the ship from where you were. As you laid there, with his arms around you, you felt as if all of your stresses, all of your negative feelings, you felt that they just didn't exist anymore. It has been so long since you've laid with another being in a platonic way. You didn't want this to end.
You nuzzled your face into his chest, listening to him breath. He took in deep long breaths as he slept and it reminded you of a sleeping dragon. You still felt sleepy but now your mind was active. You realized that you've never cuddled up with this hulking mass of an alien before and you would've never guessed he'd be the type to cuddle. Maybe he was lonely too? Your thoughts were interrupted when he began to shift in his sleep. He placed a leg over yours and the heavy amount of pressure almost felt uncomfortable. Your body sunk into the couch and you shifted to try and feel a little more comfortable with the added weight on you. When you were finally comfortable again, his grip around you slightly tightened and now you felt you were being smothered and constricked.
You gave up on moving and just tried to relax. Closing your eyes, you already thought about the daily chores you'd have to do. Almost every day was the same which started to make you bored. You had all of the chores memorized by heart at this point. Most of your chores involved cleaning. Clean the kitchen, the bathrooms, the halls. Stuff like that. Big Papa would get upset if his ship was even slightly messy. You noticed how he liked things very clean and organized. The organization part you didn't understand though. He organized in a sort of messy way, but it was still organized... to him at least.
You moved an arm to reach over his side, but the air was surprisingly cold, so you moved it back to the warmth that had been accumulated between the both of you. Big Papa was like a heater. You thought it was strange since he was reptilian-like. You would think he was also cold blooded, but apparently not. You suddenly felt someone staring at you, so you opened your eyes just to see one of your co-workers looking at you and Big Papa. This co-worker was an early bird and she usually woke up around 6 am. She held a cup of coffee in her hand and her phone in the other.
"Don't you dare." You whispered. She grinned and took a picture of you being smothered by the alien. You knew this wasn't a devious act since she had a hobby of taking funny or silly pictures amongst the crew. The crew nicknamed her Pinkie because of her upbeat and hyper personality. It was also somewhat of an inside joke.
"This is so going into the scrap book." She whispered back and walked over to one of the tables nearby. Since the rec room was close to the kitchen, everyone ate their meals here. Soon, the other crew members would be waking up and you really didn't want to be teased for cuddling an alien, even if he was a good friend to you. You sighed and decided it would be best if you'd fall back to sleep. At least you wouldn't have to know who saw you like this. This time, it was easy falling asleep unlike the struggle you had last night. You weren't asleep exactly though, somewhere in between awake and asleep. You could hear everything around you, but when you had woken up again, Big Papa was gone and you had a large fur blanket covering you. You felt a little sad but relieved.
You sat up and stretched your body while yawning and rubbing the sleep from your eyes. You folded the blanket and set it on the arm of the couch. You made your way to the kitchen where a couple of your co-workers were making themselves breakfast. Time to get ready for a new day on the ship.
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systemshock2100 · 6 months
Spy X Family manga spoilers
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grey29 · 11 months
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Update: I added another part to the spread. I loved watching them run around in the snow together.
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theanonymousninja247 · 5 months
Random Turtle Thunks
Saw these while mindlessly searching Pinterest, as one does, and saw these quotes that made me think of our beloved turtle boys in love.
Raph 🧸❤️:
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Donnie 🤔🟪:
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Leo 💫💠:
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Mikey 🎨🧡
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All credit goes to the ordinal tumblrs posted
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dontsnortpixiestix · 6 months
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wardingoffevil · 2 years
Bobby McKenzie as a Dad
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Omg this is one of my favorites! Bobby as a dad gives me brain rot. Fatherhood was meant for Bobby. I wanted to save him for last but I couldn’t wait. I finally finished this
Note: Please don’t attack me if we have differing opinions. Be respectful or don’t interact.
🧁 It was a rollercoaster ride for Bobby when his kids were born. He definitely tried to get the mom, nurses, and doctors to laugh while putting on the gown, gloves, mask, and wrapping a stethoscope around his neck. He may have tried to lighten the mood but inside he was a nervous wreck. Bobby’s a crier. He sobbed for each birth. Full on ugly crying.
🧁 Bobby wants a lot of kids, I’d say about 3-4, if not more than that. It doesn’t matter if they’re all girls, all boys, even number of both, odd number of both, he’s happy regardless. A baby around his chest, a toddler wrapped around his left leg, a seven year old putting icing on the fresh cupcakes out of the oven—that sort of chaos is Bobby’s bliss.
🧁 All of Bobby’s kids inherited his pretty freckles.
🧁 There’s no Bobby as a girl dad or a boy dad—he’s the same dad to all his kids: energetic, lovable, silly, and supportive. He’s just happy to be a dad. Period.
🧁 Bobby is the child-at-heart type of father. The type of father that loves to see his kids use their imagination, their creativity. The type of father that doesn’t see “weird” or “eccentric” kids. He sees children being children. He may be an adult, but his childlike sense of wonder and curiosity still flows through his veins.
🧁 Bobby’s eldest daughter’s named Paisley.
🧁 Chelsea designed the nurseries. Bobby helped a lot with ideas and quirks. They’re an amazing interior design team and Bobby thinks he may have a future in it if his bakery fails (it won’t).
🧁 Bobby has no problem at all checking on the baby during the night. He knows the drill. Even if he gets home late, even if he has to be up in three hours. He’s making sure his children are alright.
🧁 He named cupcakes after his children at his bakery.
🧁 Nap time isn’t just for kids in the McKenzie house. Bobby likes to join in because it gives him an excuse to watch cartoons and nap.
🧁 Bobby calls Gary a lot asking him for advice, telling him what curse word he taught his toddler to say, planning their next “dad’s day”, etc. They were best mates in the villa and it remained the same outside the villa. If they’re not texting, they’re FaceTiming.
🧁 You’re insane if you think each of his kids don’t get their own unique boops from him, complete with sounds.
🧁 Bobby makes all the kids’ lunches every day before school. Something different every day, too. Complete with a cupcake/cookie and a smiley face Post-It note from dad.
🧁 There’s always some kind of music playing in this house at all times, the genre varies from day to day.
🧁 Bobby sings “You Are My Sunshine” to his kids. With a guitar or without.
🧁 Bedtime stories are reserved only for Bobby. Sometimes he’ll read their favorite books, sometimes he makes the story up on the spot. But his favorite story to tell is “The Adventures of LongBob Cupcake.” He tells the kids that it’s based on true events.
🧁 The McKenzie’s (including his parents and sister) do go to Jamaica, once a year, to visit Bobby’s nan. Everyone looks forward to it.
🧁 Bobby never gets mad at his kids for throwing parties while he’s gone. All he cares about is the kitchen not getting trashed.
🧁 Bobby’s another loud and proud dad that attends every single activity for his kids. Definitely can hear him shouting over all the other dads, and he’s always front row center when taking videos. His social media accounts are flooded with his kids’ things.
🧁 Gary, Rahim, and Noah still hang out with Bobby. Bobby loves when everyone comes to visit because it gives him an excuse to bake and to try new recipes out on them. Gary eats anything, so really he tests the recipes on Rahim and Noah.
🧁 Bobby is the father that every kid dreams of having. He’s so loving, so accepting, so supportive of his children. He is never NOT proud of them.
There are so many Bobby pages on here that are amazing, but one in particular sticks out the most: @ravenadottir (currently on hiatus), and it can be found here. There’s all sorts of information/route guides/headcanons for Bobby. She even has an amazing fic for him as well (Paisley Cuddle is a must-read if you haven’t yet). 🖤
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meisterdrucke · 11 months
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Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose by John Singer Sargent (1885, Öl auf Leinwand)
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vanillacherie · 2 years
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curry bears! 🍛
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
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irishcatman · 9 months
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Two of my mobster foxes David and Persephone. Cuddling is always a plus in my books.
Art done by fury_johnson
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bluehouryoongi · 8 months
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my favorite vampire boyfriend ✨🩸🫶🏻
writing jake as a jealous, romantic, obsessive, and hot bf has been my favorite. read my fic on ao3 to experience it with me🙈💋😙
should i post it on here too? 👀
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black-suns-rim · 11 months
Audio story 4 is out on @thenomadclan ‘s YouTube channel
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theanonymousninja247 · 10 months
This One’s For The Boys
For my guys, my dudes, my broskis, my mates, my pals, and most importantly, my friends
The Sunshine Boys: those who are so good it's kinda hard to believe they actually exist. Not a mean bone in their body. Always got something nice to say. Works quietly in the background, but is always there for you. Smiles are literally blinding; so full of sunshine goodness and light. Honestly just makes your heart warm to see them again. Life is better simply because they light up every single life they touch, and just like the sun, you desperately miss the warmth of their soul and wholesome character when they are gone. Also somehow also a living golden retriever???
The Cinnamon Roll Boys: boys too sweet and wholesome for this world. May or may not give you a cavity. Always spending time in the kitchen thinking about what new masterpieces they want to create. Secret quiet confidence. A real classic gentleman. The type of boy your momma would love, and your siblings want to be their brother. Strong desire to squish face cheeks because they've got that strong baby energy.  Always there with a smile, a hug and a warm plate of homemade cookies. Compassionate to the max, they just wanna share that goodness with everybody. Always makes you feel welcome and part of the family. Best Friend Material hands down, so he will tease. You have been warned. 
The Adventure Boys: Makes everything seem like a grand adventure. Excitedly grabs your hand with a reckless grin, bright eyes and pulls you into whatever form of mischief they're currently up to. Karaoke jam sessions in the car, late-night food runs, stickers and memorabilia of every trip. Doesn't take pictures as much as they probably should because they're always too caught up in the moment. A little reckless, making your heart race just a little, but heart of gold because they just want to experience the world with you. Every adventure becomes a fond memory with soft but often exasperated smiles. 
The Grass Boys: Quiet soft boys who feel more comfortable out in the sun or up in a tree somewhere. Fantastic listener, wicked observant, probably a closet nerd, but is an engaging story teller once you get to know him. Messy hair always up in a baseball cap with golden skin that's been kissed from adventures out in the sun all day. Has fingers and shoes stained with something he's working on. The handyman, knows oodles of random facts and probably could fix anything if you give enough time and a little bit of duct tape. Dad  in training. Not afraid to take the lead when needed to, but always going to make sure your voice has been included. 100% would be the type to dance in the rain with you. 
The Fire Boys: Boys with boisterous voices and quick tongues whose passions blaze within their hearts. Intense and a little in your face, but they just can't hold back how much they feel. Never afraid to stand up for what they believes in and is loyal almost to a fault. Will fight you and for you. Stubborn and doesn't back down, always wanting to find justice for the world because just wants to make it better. Sometimes anger runs away from him, and worlds may burn a little, but there will be nowhere safer than in the warmth of this boy's hug. 
To all the boys, I'm sorry that we live in a world where your thoughts and feelings have been dismissed and made trivial. 
You are important. You are needed. Your influence is making a difference and the world needs more goodness like you. 
From a girl who sees you, is proud of your efforts and loves you from a distance for the wonderful person that you are. 
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