Now where could my pipe be?
26K posts
Hi I'm Carina! There is no real consistency to the things I post, I mainly just post things that amuse me and I think my followers will enjoy
Last active 60 minutes ago
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emperor-of-the-hill · 30 minutes ago
why would the cat food bag say "now with more flavor!" i have no way of verifying that without taking a bite. my cat isn't going to know because she'll eat anything i put in front of her and she cant read or tell me if its more flavorful! so who is this statement for
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emperor-of-the-hill · 2 hours ago
they call me richard cause it's scarry how im all about my business. they call me richard cause it's scarry how i run this town. i'll pull up in an apple car like steve jobs' dying wish and have your girl do the worm on the sidewalk while i make it rain. don't dry up, bitch. my boy down at the wharf got pinched last week but he only speaks my conlang. CIA linguists are getting mental hazard pay & working on him in shifts. there's levels, chuck. we're smoking two dollar bills. got the uncut linoleum. news flash hater, i'm fishing buddies with your dad's high school bully & we're sharing comfortable silences and shit. namaste, you fuckin creep. new groupie looks like amy adams so i gave her a handful of the big black capsules, got her speaking a new language. she said daddy can i come i said no bitch you can arrive. circles within circles, G. i'm at your sister's house post coitus eating the recipes you never bothered to get from your mom. the paper tastes like ass but i need the fiber. this too shall pass, you dumb fuck.
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emperor-of-the-hill · 2 hours ago
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emperor-of-the-hill · 20 hours ago
lowkey what is the point in delving so deep into old religions. do u do it for fun because i struggle to see how a like idk 400 year old monastic sect relates to modern understanding of religions. this isn't an attack btw i get delving into stuff that interests u but like. is there any more behind it? also you are cool and smart
400 years ago, in the 1600s, in what is now Germany there was a guy named Phillipis Aurelius Theophrastus Bombastus Von Honenhiem. But he was a big asshole, so his classmates at university called him "Cacaophrastus" which literally means shit-talker.
He hated how medicine worked. See, even up until 1600, medicine hasn't changed much since the ancient world. The most up-to-date medical textbook, the core of physicians teachings in the 1600s, was a book by Galen. Galen was from ancient greece. People had invented guns, but they hadn't really improved on how Galen thought medicine worked.
Theophrastus, who called himself Paracelsus, was a bit of a rebel. He saw alchemists doing all this fantastic stuff with manufacturing new types of dyes and cosmetics and metal alloys, and he thought, why not use all that stuff for medicine? So he got to using cutting edge knowledge for the purpose of healing the sick. Which he did.
Do you know what the pre-paracelcian prescription for a musket wound was? A poultice made of cow shit and feathers. Paracelsus said to keep the wound clean, and let the body do it's thing. This saved uncounted lives.
He performed experiments, giving the same substance, in the same dose, to different people, and even testing on animals with different phyiologies, and observing how the same amount of the same substance can affect bodies didferently. He wrote "The dose makes the poison" thus inventing the occidental science to toxicology. Every time you go to the doctor, and don't get poisoned, you have this 1600s wizard to thank.
And he was a wizard. Medical knowledge at that time involved the construction of astrological talismans, made of magically imbued metals which counteracted the astral forces thought to cause illnesses. Along with inventing the foundations of modern medicine, he also engaged in the construction of magical amulets and potions, the theories of which all informed his work. Work which formed the foundations of modern medicine.
It's important to know that ideas don't just manifest out of thin air. Everything you do and think is built on vast ziggurats of human ingenuity and failure, and shaped by the history entombed within. I've just decided to learn about my favorite few bricks.
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emperor-of-the-hill · 1 day ago
we can never let silksong be released
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emperor-of-the-hill · 1 day ago
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emperor-of-the-hill · 2 days ago
I do NOT play about canceled titmouse cartoons
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emperor-of-the-hill · 2 days ago
Everybody is shocked that US journalist was invited to a top secret chat discussing military strikes and then just left (honestly that's the funniest thing) while refusing to reveal sensitive information but that's about what I expected. You can read on his article, he doesn't care about the fact that the US military is striking one of the poorest countries in the world. In fact, he probably even supports it.
What he is outraged about is how dare Trump be so incompetent, how dare him compromise the effectiveness of the US military, which is doing its job to 'protect this country'. You will see this in media from other countries, there's little to no mention about WHERE the airstrikes were directed to, WHY and WHO they killed. It's all "oh Trump let a random journalist on his chat, how embarrassing!" If it had been Obama or Biden or whoever, the journalist probably wouldn't even had published anything, because after all I imagine (ha!) that they talk about bombing third world countries with propriety and decorum, not unlike these guys who are so, so cringe.
this is why I tell you that the US has a level of military worship seldom seen and completely naturalized
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emperor-of-the-hill · 3 days ago
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send me an ask
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emperor-of-the-hill · 4 days ago
You’d think after a certain point the Christian babies would develop an immunity to baseball bats
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emperor-of-the-hill · 4 days ago
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emperor-of-the-hill · 6 days ago
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emperor-of-the-hill · 6 days ago
obviously i’m the one choosing for her to do this but at some point shadowheart casting guidance every time you speak to somebody displays a quite funny lack of confidence
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emperor-of-the-hill · 6 days ago
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emperor-of-the-hill · 8 days ago
I approve of powerscaling discourse only in utterly senseless contexts. I don't give a shit about which shōnen protagonists could beat up which other shōnen protagonists, but I will 100% read your five thousand word essay exploring the subtle nuances of establishing a tiered ranking of the Smurfs.
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emperor-of-the-hill · 8 days ago
sometimes I almost forget slut is a derogatory term. it's so friend shaped to me. I love when things are slutty. I love sluts and slutting it up. it's a cute word. make every day sluttier than your last. sluttttt
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emperor-of-the-hill · 8 days ago
In tears
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