#who's fucking scarcely represented
melovrs · 3 months
banging my head against the wall every time an edgy 14 year old boy says that the lore tsubaki or togame is badly written
sry i talked a lot in the tags so it got cut off but basically tsubaki's backstory is amazing i love them i love how they don't give a fuck
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stevebabey · 8 months
a piece that alas, will never get finished 😔 the bath fic that was once discussed, half written, and left to rot in my tumblr drafts. i hope u can read the seeds i was planting and see the vision i had even if i never could write it <3
Hot water is, indisputably, a luxury in the Munson household.
Far as Eddie knows, the same goes for the whole damn world.
Hot water is something sacred. Something to be used scarcely, lest you drain the tank and have only cold water to wash your plates and yourself in for the rest of the week.
It's not the worst, but, well, then again Eddie can think of few things worst than needing a shower during the colder winter months when the water splutters out lukewarm and the cold trickles in right when he's in the middle of washing his hair. It sucks. Always sends him to bed with the shivers.
Hell, sometimes he'd even do the mile at school just for a chance to get in the showers first — dashing in for the free hot water that only lasted a good couple minutes.
It was worth it though, Eddie thought.
Both the exercise and the sneers, in exchange for getting to be truly warm for the first time since he'd gotten out of bed that day. Warm showers will do that to you though.
Eddie's heard stories of places, of faraway like Hawaii or somewhere, where it gets so warm that when it rains, the water sometimes rains down already warm. Like a great big shower for the whole place.
He reckons if that ever happened here in the middle of nowhere Indiana, he'd be out dancing in the streets in the warm rain. Soaking it all in. Taking not a single drop for granted.
Steve's house, as Eddie has discovered, has more than one shower — because it's got multiple bathrooms.
In the time he's been hunkered down there, his sides patched up roughly and healing at what feels like a snails pace, Eddie has taken to exploring the empty halls of the Harrington House.
It's... enormous. Gargantuan. Fucking massive.
There's rooms with doors that never open. Rooms that Eddie's never even seen Steve go near. Endless doors and cupboards and an upstairs and downstairs, and far too many garages for one just couple and their son.
Eddie explores them all.
It stems from his boredom, of course, because patient isn’t one of the words used to describe Eddie Munson but restless certainly is.
He wanders aimlessly, under the guise that he needs to keep using the muscles in his legs while he heals up but truthfully, he loves a good snoop.
Soon enough, the driving force of his wandering transforms from boredom to… curiosity.
Steve Harrington has always been an enigma to Eddie.
Upholder of conventional standards and the heterosexual gaze turned, well, loser, in the manner of a couple months- it was jarring to say the least.
Especially to the likes of people like Eddie, for whom he had represented everything wrong with small town Hawkins. Rich meathead jocks who pay their way through school.
Eddie always figured he’d had a fucking mansion of a house but this place… it’s unsettling, seeing so much space, so unlived in.
It’s even more unnerving how Steve just… doesn’t take up space.
Even in his own home. Steve’s bedroom doesn’t sprawl out, it’s not packed with possessions and hobbies like Eddie knows his own is. His wallpaper matches his sheets, picked out by someone who clearly doesn’t know Steve.
Everything is tidy because Steve seems to have this neatness ingrained deep within him. He putters around, on auto pilot sometimes, to keep the space clean for parents who don’t seem to come home.
When Steve's out at work and it's just Eddie, wandering aimlessly to keep the strength in his legs, the loneliness of the place yawns down the halls. Consuming. Suffocating.
He’s found himself eagerly awaiting Steve's arrival home from work, if only to hear someone else's voice other than his own.
Today, Eddie's searching has lead him here— into the master bedroom’s ensuite and they have a goddamn fuckin’ bathtub.
It’s a proper fancy type one with clawed bronze feet and a wide lip, made of sparkling clean marble. The type he might describe for that is a King in a campaign, just to be on the nose about how wealthy and greedy this character was.
He’s so transfixed on it that he doesn’t even hear Steve jimmying his keys into the lock, coming home.
It isn’t until— “Eddie?”
Eddie jumps, startled, as Steve’s hand touches on his shoulder lightly. His goal to not scare the other boy doesn’t go as intended, considering how much Eddie flinches but the moment he turns his head, his face is relaxing.
“Fuck, dude,” He breathes a sigh of relief, lips quirking into a smile. “Didn’t hear you come up.”
Steve shrugs a bit and scratches behind his ear, a bit awkwardly. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
Eddie nods, but his gaze has already shifted back to the tub before them. Steve follows his gaze easily, an easy chuckle passing his lips.
“I see you found the bath.”
“Yeah…” Eddie says, sounding a bit breathless, his voice distant. Steve glances over, trying to understand the strange emotion toying on Eddie’s features. It’s just a bath. Steve hasn’t even been allowed to use it before, sure, but he likes his own shower just fine.
“It was such a bitch to get it in when they first got it,” Steve explains, folding his arms across his chest as he recalls the memory.
He points his finger behind him to the doorway without moving his arm. “Knocked down a whole wall ‘cos they couldn’t get it to through the doorway. To be honest, I’ve always thought it was kind of ugly.”
He’s waiting for Eddie to say something. For the joke, for the sneering comment on his parent’s fortune, for any lippy spiel that usually gets under Steve’s skin in the best way. The longer Eddie stays quiet, the more it begins to worry Steve.
It’s as though Eddie hasn’t even heard him.
Steve clears his throat and tries again, his tone light and delivered with a chuckle. “Man, you’d think you’ve never seen a bath before.”
Eddie’s head snaps toward Steve. He finally breaks his trance, regrettably just to snap at Steve. “I have, thank you very much.”
Steve feels a bit of embarrassment bloom over his cheeks, wanting to backtrack on his poor joke instantly but before he can open his mouth Eddie is already softening, hackles falling. His eyes are back on the bath.
“Just… haven’t even taken one.” He admits softly.
Steve doesn’t know what to say, doesn’t know what’s going through Eddie’s mind — can’t come close to understanding what forlorn nostalgia is tugging at Eddie’s gut.
“Not really, I don’t think.” He continues. He pauses to think, head tilting back just a bit. “When I was really little, maybe. Little enough to fit in the sink or— or something.”
Eddie seems to realise he’s letting whatever thoughts he’s having drift out of his mouth and promptly snaps his jaw shut, teeth clacking as he does. He doesn’t look at Steve, doesn’t want to see the pity or the sympathy or the—
“Anyways,” Eddie huffs a breath, turning to leave his newfound discovery on the exploration of the Harrington House.
“Do you want to?” Steve asks suddenly. His voice is sincere. “Take one?”
Eddie blinks. Wonders if it’s a joke, that it’s being offered out just so it can snatched away and Steve can laugh at how desperate Eddie is to actually be given this. He has to hastily remind himself that Steve wouldn’t do that to him.
There’s no containing the excitement rushing in his voice when Eddie spits out, “Can I?”
Steve chuckles, an easy smile at the other’s eagerness.
It’s easy to overrun the instinct that’s ingrained deep, not to cross the little rules his parents have scattered through the house — easy because he’s doing it more and more with Eddie here.
They’d eaten off his mom’s expensive and untouched china on the first night Eddie had managed to get up and about to eat downstairs, instead of tucked in bed.
He’d been so keen to help, proclaiming that he’d set the table for the both of them— too excited to be up and moving to remember that he and Steve weren’t usually as buddy-buddy as they were acting.
Steve had soaked in it greedily. Warm brown eyes, saccharine smile, he’s found that Eddie sort of glows when he’s happy. And that giving him good food is one of the ways to stir up that happiness.
But even then, Steve had paused seeing the plates in Eddie’s hands, an instant stone in his throat because he isn’t allowed to use those ones.
Sputtering through a sentence, Steve swallowed the stone and skipped over the rule he’d never broken before. It was worth it for the smile on Eddie’s face.
Just like it’s worth it now. Seeing the awed smile on his face, already a little jittery at the thought of a bath… Steve’s embarrassed to find he can’t really say no to him.
He keeps that to himself though, because if Eddie knew that he’d be batting his eyelashes and making every demand known to Earth. But then again, that didn’t sound so bad either.
Christ, Steve thinks to himself. He’s so screwed.
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grogusmum · 1 month
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Dieter Bravo x muse!f!Reader
A Xanadu inspired AU
A/N: Just a little proof that I am working on this idea threw out there earlier in the summer
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Prologue: Don’t Walk Away
“Dieter, I foolishly thought a loving person could…” Anika was past crying, but the sadness in her eyes would break anyone's heart. But Dieter was too angry, so instead, he spat -
“No,” she sighed, “help you. Fill the void that you had been filling with -”
“Fix me!?”
Dieter knew Anika loved him and didn't make a project of him, at least not on purpose. But he was feeling defensive -
“What, Anika?”
“Every excess. I was enough of a distraction for a little while. But my novelty has worn off, I guess.”
And that is when Dieter’s tears began to fall.
“I’m sorry, Dieter, this is goodbye.”
He wanted to yell, cover all his insecurity and pain with rage, but he could never do that to Anika. But he couldn’t bring himself to be magnanimous about it either. All he could muster was a broken ‘fine’.
The fire is dangerously high, but Dieter doesn't much care as he tosses another painting on the fire. They’re shit and only represent his manic despair. When he reaches the bottom of the pile, he shuffles back into his studio and pulls out his most recent sketch pad. It fights him a little, and when he gives it a forceful tug, some loose drawings float to the floor. He trains his eyes onto the one on his croc clad feet.
The Cliff Beasts Debacle was finally complete, with his wife walking out the door. The one and only good thing he said came from that ridiculous film, and the fucked up experience of making it. Dieter would love to say he just threw himself into his work, but parts began scarce ever since. (Shocker.) So he drowned himself in whatever mind altering substance was available and painted. It only reminded him more of the worst time of isolation while making that wretched movie. So, not helping.
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It’s you.
Eyes wide and a playful knowing smile; at some point, he had added color, and your eyes look so real. He looks around at the other drawings, some large sheets of good art paper, some torn scraps, all you. His muse. His beautiful muse. Now, if he was with anyone and described you as such, they may think he’s waxing poetic about a lover who supported and inspired him. Sure, you were his lover. And you did support and inspire him. But when he says you were “his muse”, he means it. Literally. A daughter of Zeus… and Mnemósine. Not that he can't pronounce her name, so he kind of forgets about the titan goddess of memory (to her vexation).
Dieter picks up the watercolor; his hands trembling. He looks out the picture window at his impulsive bonfire. He grabs a few items in his art studio, bursts out the door, rounds the pool, and places the portrait on a nearby table. Out of his pocket, his pulls a zippo lighter and a small bit of wood, lights it until the end is glowing, and sends off a sweet smoke.
“Terpsichore!” the actor intones. He’s only ever used the name one other time. Generally calling you by the name you gave him. But for this, he uses your greek name. The Official One. Trademarked and all that.
“I - I beg - I beseech you, return to me. You came to me once, and I squandered your gift and, um, yo-your favor. I have learned my lesson. Just let me prove it to you.”
The glow of the fire flickers on his face in the halflight, and he murmurs your name. The one you gave yourself, the one he moaned when you touched him - “Please come back to me.”
Suddenly, the Santa Ana winds kicked up, and his rendering of his lovely muse is pulled from his hand and flies up on the draft made by the fire. He can't see if it went into the blaze or not, only that it went up and over. Then the quiet but for the snap and pop of the flames was interrupted by the blare of a fire truck siren, called by a neighbor, no doubt.
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teratosubmission · 4 months
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Your father, the King, had been pushing for you to join more diplomatic meetings. You needed the experience, of course, and what better way to get some than to accompany your Royal General to various meetings and discussions?
You dressed your best, of course. A light, silky skirt that barely covered the top of your thighs. Formal upper clothing without sleeves and a bottom cut that exposed your left hip and midriff. Your long flowing blond hair was freshly combed, adorned with a tiny rose sculpted from ruby. You were ready to receive this important dignitary and help lead the talks that would secure further peace between your kingdoms. Though as you had little taste for the initial boring pleasantries that go around every single staff member and noble at the very beginning, you were encouraged to wait a bit before entering the room. As your presence is announced by the door guard, you eye the General and make your way towards him, who was conversing with who you assume was the foreign dignitary… holy shit, he’s attractive? You can hear the general introduce you to him, the Formal Diplomat of the Western Kingdom, but his fanciful words sorta get lost on you as your eyes eat up his features.
God, his rippling muscles, his beautiful coat of fur, he was just… handsome. The neighboring kingdom could have scarcely found someone more attractive. You close in and gently touch his biceps and chest, gazing up at him in awe and lust. Oh god, he towered over you even more in person. Holy fuck. “Are all the wolves in the West as handsome as you?” you coo, biting your lip. You bring your knee up his thigh to subtly gauge his size by feel… oh, god, hes packing. He smirks at your comment, and he flexes for you, letting you feel just how ripped he was under all that fur. Oh my… You wanted him to devour you.
"Ahem, my lord, I know you wish to extend formalities in full,” your general interrupted, “but we have some serious business we need to discuss.” In the corner of your eye, you could spy the general adopting a stone face you’ve become all-too-familiar with when he gets irritated. Maybe he should get laid sometime, too. You’ve offered him some pussy in the past, you knew girls who would love a chance to bed a powerful warrior like himself. But he always droned something about duty and professionalism. What a bore.
“Oh, I don’t mind at all,” the diplomat replied, enthusiasm dripping in his deep voice. You start murmuring an apology but he cuts you off by tipping your chin up, gazing deep into your eyes with a roaring hunger. You salivate at his gaze, silently begging for his undivided attention. Please please please fuck me.
“I’m sure we could discuss this policy while paying my respects to His Highness.” His powerful hands grip your hips, swinging you around to face the war room table, and sets you firmly against it. You squeal in excitement, thighs trembling, as you spread your legs apart for him. God, you loved diplomacy. “Eager, are you?” he chuckles, pulling up your skirt to cup your cheeks and play with them, as the head of his cock slowly pushes against your quivering hole. You glance back at him with, happy groans escaping your lips as you beg for more. “Mmm… please…”
“Yes, please enjoy our hospitality.” His curt unfun words slice through the air, but its getting dulled by the electrifying current of pleasure sweeping through your clouded mind. “Now, you carry a proposal from the West?”
The diplomat doesn’t even skip a beat in his speech as he rhythmatically pounds into your bussy, his words getting huffy and labored as he struggles to keep his volume above your pathetic moaning with each plap. Your slender hands struggle to hold onto the table, your flowing locks knocking over some wood pieces representing some distant army. It was all distant, really. You couldn’t really hear the conversation anymore, you couldn’t focus on any part of the map on the table, you couldn’t even put two thoughts together about this whole affair. All you could do is let him slam into your hole and moan like a good boy. Let your drool pool out onto the map, let him raise you high enough your feet don’t reach the ground anymore and you’re solely leaning forward and pound you harder. Let your little cock throb and cum between your belly and the table, then just leak again and again as the waves of pleasure overwhelm you. Let him push as deep inside you as he wants and fill you up with his own cum, before pushing you further forward and letting you lay there, legs dangling off the edge with cum dripping out. You were in Euphoria.
“...And what does the prince think of this action?”
Wait… what? How long were you laying there basking in the afterglow? When did the werewolf quit fucking you? How long were they talking? There’s no way they finished their talks and were ready for royal approval. Was he really that good? Fuuuck…. You’d agree to anything just to feel him fuck your brains out again. Maybe you’ll invite him to your chambers immediately after this.
"Uh… yeah…” came your words, slurred and disjointed, as you struggled to lean your head up to gaze at the circled group of men in the room. “Sounds… good…. Someone gimme a… pen…”
One of your knights picked you up with ease, and set your toes down on the floor so you could prop yourself with your hands. You couldn’t bear to sit, anyway, not after what undignified things that foreign dignitary did to your ass… mmm, fuck… where is he? Somewhere behind you? Niice… You poke out your ass absent-mindedly and wiggle it at him teasingly.
“Your highness? The signature.” The curt words of your general snap you out of it, and realize the document had been sitting in front of you for some time. Everyone was watching you expectantly. The general in particular had that impatient look of mild disdain whenever he asked you for your permission. You got the feeling he didn’t like you much.
“Oh… sorry…” With a few strokes of your pen handed to you, the document is signed with the sloppy handwriting of a boy who still was suffering from a good dicking. Not your best handiwork, but it’s a document, not a work of art. You barely finish the last stroke before document and pen are snatched away, and the general shoots a hurried final greeting to the dignitary before exiting the room with his staff.
You can feel the weight of the dignitary press against your back, his hands reach forward on top of yours, and his muzzle presses against your ear. “You made an excellent decision this day,” he whispers, and his tongue suddenly drags up your earlobe to the pointy end. “I was hoping perhaps we could discuss more… private matters in your chambers? For the good of our kingdoms, of course.”
As you were being bridal carried by him all the back back to your bed, you kept thinking about just how much you were making your father proud. Just wait till he hears how important you were to governing favorable terms with the Western Kingdom. Or how well you're cultivating new relationships with them.
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Now I'm very interested in all the icons heats 👀 What's Cero's heat like? I love when characters who act dignified and in control losing it to their own basic urges
[I can't wait for people to shit on him in my inbox.]
TW: Verbal degradation; Cero is his own warning tbh.
Cero will occasionally take heat supressants.
The problem with that is, the larger one is, and the more powerful, the harder it becomes to suppress one's heats. Sure, you can brew a heat suppressor so potent that it muffles a Lord of Hell's rut, but that's not exactly cheap to make, it takes time, it's unreliable, unpredictable, and can have negative health consequences. Cero has been careful with his use of this treatment.
Usually, during heats, Cero has the manor mostly evacuated. He doesn't want anyone, not even his servants, to witness his sorry state. He knows he's going to peacock helplessly to anyone he sees, and that'll be the death of his ego right there. Cero, while not exactly a traditional nesting type, will surround himself with anything he's particularly proud of having, or things that represent his status, his honor. It's like a gross, self-flattering altar really.
Your marriage contract, if you still recall it, rushed and full of fervor as it was, had a vague clause about Cero's ruts. Said clause denotes that you are to follow any instructions related to it given to you in the future. And, even if you come to hate this (most likely), fact of the matter is you'll never have someone give you a more descriptive survival guide for their heats than Cero. The fear of uncertainty is null because everything you can expect is in those pages.
Pre-heat symptoms are subtle, but there. Most noticeably, Cero will become easily shaken by what people say about him. He'll grow obsessed with his looks and behavior, checking himself constantly, looking around like a crazy man. The demonlord becomes insecure, prone to petty outbursts over the slightest hint of offense to himself, and taking heavy blows to his self-esteem from a mere half-hearted insult. He's almost afraid of being around others, especially you. In fact, Cero will make himself very scarce around his Queen during this time.
At night, he orders the servants to arrange a guest room for you, and that's where you'll sleep for the remainder of his rut. Before you go to bed however, he shows up at your bedroom door and pushes towards you a neat file folder with several pages. You're ordered to read it, and he speed-walks away before you can see how sweaty he is. That is the file with all the information you need, as well as your schedule laid out for the upcoming days. All your personal needs are accounted for, and it's structured in a way that makes it look like nothing's even changed. You better make sure you respect the hours stated in those files, because if you're even a minute late with your timing, Cero will drag you into his room even if you scream bloody murder. One of the ways he stays sane is through keeping track of time, so you must always be on your toes.
Wear what he tells you to, bring him his meal after you eat, respect the breaks for basic necessities and sleeping. Show up at his room when the file tells you and listen to every little word he says- Or you'll get really hurt.
Although clouded in hormones, Cero behaves predictably. He expects reverence and timidity, complete obedience is demanded of you. Let it be known he has several whips, and there's a good chance he could use them during this time. If you manage to keep calm and respect these rules, you're treated to some egotistical sex for the most part, but you're also privy to some of the demonlord's more honest thoughts.
There are moments where Cero's confident attitude crumbles from the highs and lows of hormones. Moments where he'll throw himself at you on the verge of tears, naked, shivering with need- Begging you to tell him he's perfect, that you love him. Is he doing things right? Is he good enough? Do you want to fuck him? Is his cock any good? Is he half as immaculate as you? Pick your answers very carefully, because if you hurt him, Cero will take it out on you tenfold when he's no longer suffering a low.
When you leave his room at the scheduled hours, you'll hear Cero calling for you throughout the night. Sometimes they're sweet nothings, other times they're insults, degrading you- Why aren't you beneath him? As if you have anything else better to do, you whore. He doesn't mean them, and he says that in the files. You are to ignore him entirely. It's a bit hard to sleep when you can hear him fucking himself the whole night, but he specifies he needs those moments to... "Unwind privately".
Respect the schedule, stay obedient, and it'll mostly be fine. Go out of your way to be irresponsible and Cero will have to take over in his muddled state- Something you decidedly don't want.
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dailydemonspotlight · 6 months
Day 11 - Pyro Jack / Jack-o'-lantern
Race: Fairy
Alignment: Neutral
April 3rd, 2024
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On the streets at night in the cold, deep darkness, a candle flickers. You know this means only one thing. Hallow's eve is right around the corner. Introducing the second of the Jack Bros, Pyro Jack!
In Ireland since the 1700's, it's been a tradition to put up Jack-o'-lanterns as the month errs towards Halloween, inspired by the legend of a man known as 'Stingy Jack.' According to the story, there was a tricky drunk in an Irish town with the name Jack, a man who would sell a soul for six silver coins or break into a bank in order to fuel his ever-growing reliance on booze. He was hated, by even the heavens itself, yet soon he found himself at death's door. That is when the Devil came to him, to see if he was truly as terrible as the stories painted him out to be.
One night, Jack wandered the cobblestone roads before coming to a dreadful sight- a body, laying smack-dab in the center of the road. However, it had a face not of death, but rather, devilish envy, as the Devil himself made his presence known. Jack had one last request, one typical of a drunkard- to get one last drink in before the end. The Devil obliged, likely finding it foolish, and took him to a pub, where they both drank the night away. Jack, then, asked the Devil to cover his tab. His idea? To turn the beast into a silver coin. Impressed by his trickiness, the Devil did as asked... only to be slipped into a pocket with a crucifix, held captive by slippery Jack, who had now fucked with the devil himself. Baffled and trapped, the two made a deal- Jack would be given 10 more years on the earth.
Unsurprisingly, when the time came, Jack yet again tricked the Devil, and was granted eternal recompense, as the Devil was forced to make him never go to hell. Ever. When Jack's time came, however, his life of deceit and fraud only gave him a ticket out of Heaven's pearly gates, and the Devil wasn't one to give up on a deal either, so he was eventually forced back to earth, forever to roam as a lost spirit held alive by the flickering light of a lantern within a turnip. Ever since, Jack-o'-lanterns have been a popular tradition of Halloween, originally starting as incredibly freaky looking rutabagas before eventually changing to the far more iconic autumn fruit of a pumpkin.
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The idea behind the lighting of the Jack-o'-lanterns is scarcely known, but it's mostly thought to be a tradition to help guide Stringy Jack along the roads and to help his soul find peace in his eternal roaming of the plains of earth.
Pyro Jack, unsurprisingly, is based on Jack-o'-lanterns, though mostly in his pumpkin head. The lantern he carries is likely an allusion to Stringy Jack, lighting the way for his soul to wander aimlessly in the megaten world. Being the second Jack Brother, Pyro Jack is also his counterpart, representing the flame to Jack Frost's ice. Pyro Jack is also based on the phenomenon of Will-o'-wisps, flickering lights that appear in the dead of night with no real explanation, typically around swampland and forests.
He typically appears in every SMT game, mostly as an early game demon, as well as a component to his big brother, Black Frost. Overall, Pyro Jack has a fun and festive Halloween design, some really fun folklore, and, while simple, works as a perfectly effective little spooky spirit in the smt series.
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cozmicclockwork · 3 months
I have no idea how Liz Truss hasn't killed herself already. I mean this sincerely and not just as someone whose politics would be opposed to her's. Like if I was her and I made such a fool of myself and the country I represented on the world stage I probably would have actually killed myself. Scarce few world leaders in the modern age or in history could compare in how comically piss poor her time in office was. She couldn't even properly serve as a corporate sell out like the rest of her party and so would take the record for the shortest prime ministership (beating a guy who's tenure was cut short by dying suddenly while in office) while she openly idolized the longest reigning one. And now she lost one of the safest conservative seats in the most recent election, it's honestly pathetic. I want whatever kind of antidepressants she's got because holy fuck.
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noisynutkryptonite · 1 year
Smut Fanfic by @chrisevansxmalereader and @mynameisrukan
Attitude Era Wrestlers X Black 90's Male Celebrities
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In life, there were people who never lacked money, who had plenty, but for other people, that money was scarce, and they needed to earn further. For example, there were certain problems with this business of fighters. The business looked like it went very well, with several fans watching the Wrestlemania season of the year 1999.
Therefore, there were several good incomes for this event that went really well. The truth is that they all liked this because it was their passion, what they really liked to do, besides that they were very good at what they were doing. However, in the world, there were always some problems. On this occasion, The WWF start having economic problems. This made it a serious problem that keep everyone in the business worrying. Fortunately, there were people with a lot of money who happily would donate money to support the WWF, who really needed that money.
The difficulty of the deal was that most of these donors wanted to receive a certain service. They weren't that interested in the wrestling, but in those wrestlers that were too sexy, and they wanted to fuck those tight muscle cunts. Now, it was clear that a lot of the fighters didn't want to do that kind of thing, but… they also needed the money to continue doing this thing they so much wanted to do. Because of this, some decided to accept this proposal. These donors were well-known celebrities, all of whom were black-skinned.
All these black men had too much money, and people with a lot of money tend to use it to…have the best sexual experiences. For this to happen, these male celebrities agreed to support the WWF, which had financial problems. They promised to donate large amounts of money to them in exchange for sexual experiences with the male wrestlers. With this deal accepted, several things were arranged.
Nobody would know of this whole business, with no one revealing what these famous men did with these wrestlers. Got a secret place for all this to be carried out, and the wrestlers got ready to get fucked by these black celebrities. They prepared very well because if the stereotype was correct with these black men, they would have big dicks that would fill the wrestlers' holes all the way inside. at least it wouldn't be more difficult for these wrestlers with good bodies, who would be fucked in a secret place where no one would know what happened. However, things got a little further complicated, because the donors had one special condition for this business. They did not want simple sex with these fighters. It was true that those muscular men were too sensual. With those really desirable bodies that were already so hot, This would complete a good experience.
But no, several of the black men decided to make it a condition to fuck them while they were wearing lycra suits. Those of the WWF thought that they referred to seeing the wrestlers in the clothes they wore when they were wrestling in the fighting ring, all while they fucked, and they were right…in the last part.
It turns out that these celebrities had the special kink of seeing these strong men dressed in lycra suits that represent distinct Superheros. Each of the male wrestlers would have to wear a different lycra suit of superheroes or characters from superhero comics. This isn't actually like it does the job worse, so, not giving so much interest or being so concerned about it. all those men, showing their courage, their strength, and their desire to continue in this business that they loved so much, made their latest preparations and went to this secret place. It was a private building that belonged to the WWF, being further well a type of warehouse, one that they arranged for this “business”.
In the center, with several lights illuminating, there was a big bed where they would do the orgy. In any case, each of these 90s wrestlers were going to be giving their special services to a certain celebrity, but these men wanted to do it in one room altogether. This could add a certain sexual arousal to the situation. And now the poor fighters would not only have to have sex with these wicked men, but now they also had to fuck in front of their partners, as well as watch the others get fucked while cosplaying as superheroes. But then, when the time came, there were the black celebrities, walking into the room dressed in expensive suits, only to start stripping down to their underwear. They settled on the large soft surface in the center, sitting and waiting for their precious sex toys for that night. In a few moments, the "Superheros" would give to these men the best pleasure in life... or at least would try, because they are not experts in being bottoms for other men.
There were the black male celebrities. LL Cool J, Taye, Method Man, Ginuwine, Tyson, Morris, and Shemar. They were the 7 famous black men who had given large sums of money to obtain this wonderful sexual feast.
Could enjoy the irresistible bodies of these men. Nothing better than having some sex with some men with muscular asses, maybe some with faces that looked too pretty to be in those fights. "But look what beauties we have here” That's what Method man said when he saw the wrestlers arrive at the place, wearing those tight lycra bodysuits. Each of those 7 wrestlers were so fucking hot like this. Christian wore a lycra suit that represented Venom, and he definitely looked good in black. Shawn was wearing a tight spandex Aquaman suit, and with that long hair, he had, he looked even better. Steve was Batman, in a tight black lycra suit that seemed to be perfect for him and his luscious body.
Jeff looked like Spiderman with that suit, and he looked even sexier, but maybe not as seductive as Andrew "Test" Martin, who definitely looked perfect wearing that suit of Thor. Although RVD looked wonderful in that lewd Booster Outfit Gold, just like Kurt did in that Captain America lycra suit, so tight and it fit him so well that it even showed a nice American ass. All seven fighters were ready to be used by those dark-skinned studs. I'm sure all those hot men in lycra will take a good pounding…of course, not the ones they were used to. Come on guys bring on those sexy asses here it's time for everyone you please Tyson commands the seven men in lycra. with a warm playful smile on her face. The fighters have no other option to obey. no, they could do nothing more than to obey their new masters. Hesitantly, the men in cosplay approached to the other black men who were sitting on that long bed.
Each of the WWF wrestlers got between the legs of one of the celebrities, with each of them being chosen by each one of the black men. Christian there was been chosen by LL Cool J, who look at him with a malicious smile, while this Chris caressed the rapper member over his underwear. “What is it bitch? Are you afraid that it is too big for you?” asks the rapper, mocking that muscular stallion, who was now nothing more than a simple sex slave who was going to get the hell fuck out of him. “It's…so damn big…it looks and…I can feel it…it's too big…maybe I will have problems getting it into my ass,” Christian admits, thus hoping that maybe the man in front of him would have some compassion. Unfortunately, that's not would change a lot. Those men were there to fuck, to satisfy their deep sexual fantasies. now that they had everything ready, they were not going to stop, because this was the beginning of their sexual debauchery.
The whole place was full of sexual sounds in just some mere seconds, whether it was fucking moans or the sound of hard and fast thrusting. Many of those wrestlers let out various grunts of pain, but if they were honest, there were also several loud moans of pure pleasure. It could be seen the lustful desire in the eyes of those muscular men who they stretch the lycra suit with their own muscles. The Muscle sluts were getting fucked for the first time in their tight, hot, delicious anal holes, but as expected, they just needed to get fucked for those huge cocks for some time, so they could start to feel that insanely good sexual ecstasy. Some big black cocks that could touch each of those good points that caused so much pleasure, so much it that could be compared with nothing else. Feeling their anal walls being opened by those tremendous juicy cocks that get in and out inside their virgin ass holes.
“Oh….oh fuck…gimme…gimme that dick…please…uh yeah baby…oh…damn” these moans came from Shawn, who was the first to break, accepting the fact that he loved that sexual pleasure. It was one that he didn't felt before, being probably better than fucking a tight pussy, because now for “Aquaman”, it was better than a long and thick black cock destroying his tight boy pussy that did not stop taking well those strong deep penetrations. “That's bitch, take this dick in your tight bitch hole…uh, too tight…like a virgin…of course, I am lucky to be the first to fuck this ass with my big thick dick” LL Cool J speaks dirty while he keep fucking Christian peachy ass, the latter being a complete mess of slutty moans. Even if Chris had begged before for the man to stop fucking so hard, he still let out some hot and cute moans that LL Cool J could hear very well, so he didn't stop fucking him so fast and hard.
No, the rapper would not stop, especially with that ass feeling just too good to stop ramming his dick in, and with the wrestler letting out some masculine but pathetic and exciting cries and moans. Internally, Christian loved how lt the black man was fucking this hole, rearranging his guts.
The famous rapper was wishing so much bust his huge load of white cum inside that fucking pink hole. If anything, the man dressed as Venom was learning to love that pain and pleasure, mostly the pleasure of having his ass fucked in such a rough but pleasurable way. Especially when that massive dark juicy cock hitting his special spot, doing it enjoyment like never before. They were in the cowboy position, but despite being in a position where the muscle slut would give more control, Christian wasn't doing anything, in this position, the dark-skinned man was the one doing those deep and hard penetrations.
“Oh, no…it hurts…it hurts…uh…mmmm, yeah…ahh, damn…oh…oh my…no…ohhh” The sweet grunts that came out of the sexy strong man were like music to the black man. And with those several hot moans of Christian, LL Cool J was getting more and more sexually aroused, who didn't want to stop putting his dick deep inside that tight hole. It was so damn perfect for the rapper's fat juicy dick. taking it the muscle bitch hips, the male celebrity kept the other still on top of him while he moved his hips toward up, then leaving his hips to fall down and then give more deep thrusts. It was almost as if with each of those thrusts, Christian let out a more moans that were even louder. LL Cool J couldn't really feel the sexy wrestler skin, because he only break a hole in that tight bodysuit to see and bang that pink fucking hole. even they had shaved those holes, being able to first rub the head of his massive dark cock before taking it in with a slow but long thrust.
"I know you like this, just look to you, you look like a real muscled slut who loves my big black cock” The man with a lot of money told him, while he kept roughly fucking that tight white ass. An ass that was so worth all the cash that the black gentleman had to pay. But its okey, now he could get his fat juicy cock inside that luxurious hole, with such big, round and squeezable buttocks. The rapper's hands landed on those two globes of meat that were nothing but fucking big.
That ass was big and firm, the result of all of Christian's exercises. while the man continue to move his hips, grabbing strongly that thick booty, the rapper could watch the wrestler face as he continue to feed that hole with his cock. The wrestler dressed as Venom couldn't not could stop enjoying that cock, whining, loving the huge length of the black man.
Christian, between moans of desired, he admitted quietly that he love that massive dark dick, not wanting to admit it. Even tho LL Cool J could hear him, and he could listen very well, and he could also see how much his massive throbbing cock was tearing apart the muscled man's insides. Christian not could stop moaning for that long member, with his hair wet of sweat, just like the rest of his body, and even there were tears of utter delight in his eyes. That man could not deny what was obvious, that he loved to enjoy that tremendous piece of meat that filled his body with the great pleasure of anal sex."The exciting noises they make are perfect proof that you're enjoying this, just admit it, admit that you love being my sex toy…only to…uh, get used to my throbbing shaft." Saying this, he spanked him hard, before increasing the speed of his lunges.
Of course, The sounds those two were making were really loud, but not as loud as Shawn was being, while being impaled by some huge black cock that was destroying his pink boy pussy. “Oh…yeah, please, keep fucking…break me…break my ass..please, oh please…break my boy pussy with your…fucking cock” The man was yelling, with several loudy moans and sighs. He felt like he was on heaven, felling how that incredible pleasure take over his whole body, and maybe mind. He could stop thinking about that great feeling it was made when that thick juicy cock entered his ass and touch his prostate. The man dressing in an aquaman lycra bodysuit was being fucked like he was just a fleshlight, witt Taye pushing his dick all the way inside. However, fucking in the missionary position, and in the way he fucked that man cunt, the black male could touch continuously the wrestler G-spot.
With the man in the tight suit, being drowned in all that satisfying feeling of pleasure, enjoying having his hole fucked by that fat black cock. Moaning until his last breath, just to feel the hands of the man being put on his left nipple. “What…ahhh..oh shit…ahhh…my…yeah, oh yeah” those were his moans, as he had the celebrity fingers on his pink and kinda sensible nipple, touching it in a really good way. “Oh yeah, you look so sexy like this, all broken for my big fat dick…uh, yeah baby, keep moaning for my, for daddys dick” Taye told the guy bellow him, seeing his perfect pretty face, all cover on joy tears and all those whiny but cute moans leaving his lips. “Are you liking that? Are you loving how my dick can make you into my pathetic slut? My god…oh fuck, you are such a tight muscle boy…but after this, you arent going to be that tight, just…wide…gaping open…for me”
Those dirty words made Shawn even more horny, even tho his mind was more focused on that good feeling that he was feeling. His bubble muscle ass was being totally destroyed by that sexy man, who was ramming his huge black shaft inside him until it was all inside. He was putting one of his hands on the bed, while with the other just kept playing with those soft and pretty nipples. Taye just continue moving his hips, fucking the wrestler ass. Just as the others, the black dude just break a hole in the lycra bodysuit, so he could see that virgin hole he was about to fuck and breed, of course he was going to breed that fucking ass with his creamy cum. Notting better than to pound that sweet firm ass, the man of someone who was once a straight wrestler, to be just a cock slut. Other people maybe never would know about how this man was actually a pathetic moaning bitch, so Taye and the rest were so damn lucky to hear him begged for more.
¿for more what? For more cock, for that cock that was inside his warm hungry cock to never leave him empty. “Please…please give…more…more trusts…i want all of you…all of your inches inside…love your…meaty, venous cock inside me…come one…break me…break this suit…I want you to touch me without the lycra covering my nipples…see how pretty and pink they are without…oh…oh lord” Shawn was just moaning and moaning, wanting to be used as a sex doll and nothing more. Most of this wrestler were completely mind broken, being turned into cock sluts. Just like Steve, dressed as batman and having the living fuck out of his perky bubble butt. “Dont even try to suppress those cute little noises, come on little slut, moan for me, moan for daddy” so it was clear that a lot of these men had a Daddy kink, with Method man, who dirty talk his slut that was now enjoying that massive dark cock in this ass.
They were on the doggy style position, with method man being able to look at his little muscle slut while the continue fucking that nice ass. The body of steve was a complet work of art, with that nice body being perfectly hug by that lycra suit. The black rapper just had to make a hole in that skin tight suit, but before he could slide his big dick inside, he quickly eat that ass hole for a few moments before he started to fuck the shit out of Steve. Those cute but masculine moans were so great, so hot that it made method man not able to resist and started to pound his thick juicy cake without mercy. “Oh my…my…ahhh…so good man…so…i didn't know how good it feel to be fucked…and…your dick is so big…and…It makes me go insane man” Steve was saying babbling a little between his words. These humongous black dicks were making those lewd fit wrestlers lots their minds. Now you have Steve, being the bottom of method man, craving for more of that insanely good pleasure that only a big black cock can give him.
“Oh, this is definitely a good sight, a big, strong, bald and masculine WWF wrestler being reduce to a simple cock whore…moaning and tightening his pink ass hole for me…ohohoho, men, you are going to be left gaping open by me, ¿you get it, little slut?” the man asked, by what “Batman” just said “yes daddy…yes, yes yes, give me that cock…give me that fucking cock…fill me with it…oh…yeah…” the man was being filled, not only by cock, but also by the incredible pleasure of being butt fuck. And hell yeah, his butt was some big voluptuous butt. Method man literally couldn't stop marveling to that fat ass, loving how it moved with his hard lunges. Even thought it would probably look better if he were naked without anything covering those meaty mountains. Those ass cheeks would probably giggle in a very sexy way, even more with Method man fucking him in a very rough way, and making sure to have a good sight of that handsome man being a sexy fucking slut.
And the man was also dressed in a black lycra bodysuit, which for some reason was really hot fo him, specially how the color of that dark skin-tight suit make contrast with the mans white skin. “Oh my….oh, oh my…fuck me…fuck me dude, come on, fuck this ass with all you have…treat me like your bitch…it feels too damn good…I want more cock” the man started yelling, at the same time some moans interrupt some of his words. Know he really was falling into that spiral of carnal pleasure. One were he entirely love how that man kept fucking his white virgin ass. So tight and so good, with the rapper fucking him really waiting to bust his big load of cum inside that bubble ass. While Method man was still ramming his big thick cock inside that beefy ass, he couldn't stop but to put his hands and grab some of that juicy meat. “wow dude, you have so much meat in that ass, is almost a crime that you haven't been fucked by a man before”
He just kept moving his hips while he still was inside him and while he was talking about how a straight man like him could have that thick white booty, luckily, he made him a favor by sticking his large and thick dark cock. “Huh…yeah…my big ass its just for you to completely ravage it…you…i love your cock…its just…so good…my…oh my…oh…just there…right there, please, it feels like my soul is leavin my body…oh…goddammit” the man dress as batman was trying his best to be a power bottom, a dom one that was trying to give his black top orders, but the true is that he was just being grabbed by the hips by him. The rapper could just stop do what his slutty bottom tell him to do, but at the end, he was just gonna do those things. He start hammering the part steve tell him to hit, and he did, multiple times, making the bald horny man started moaning like crazy, having a dumb smile while he cross his eyes.
On the other hand, there were other black studs who fucked their little and tight cock sleeves. Ginuwine was trusting into him, in the sideway doggy style, kissing his Spider-whore, who was Jeff, being fucked like he deserved. “Oh, thats it…my boy…just feel all of my cock…all the veins…just feel this hard fucking dick stretch your anal walls” This and more moans were leavint Ginuwine mouth, as he stop kissing the pretty lips of Jeff, who was using that extra tight lycra bodysuit of spiderman, that was so hot that the black man couldn't resist the urge tho fuck him right here and now…it eventually happened. In a few seconds, the two men were kissing each other while Jeff was putting his hands, caressing that big bulge that was growing in Ginuwine underwear. It was a immense bulge, pero Jeff know what he had to do to have all that money for the WWF. At the end, he could get some intense sweet pleasure, having his ass being brutally fucked like he was a sex doll.
Spider-Jeff first was in all fours, then, Ginuwide tore open a hole in that really tight bodysuit of spiderman, making it a little more bigger than the others. The singer wanted to first lick that hole and the rest of those soft ass cheeks, then he could give him a few spanks, making him yelp a few times, and the black man had to say, that he genuinely love having his thick bubble buttocks spanked, but he probably loved to be manhandled and putting him to the side, like if they were cuddling. Ginuwide was behind him, putting the head of his black dick against the already prepared ass hole of Jeff, with him and the rest of the wrestlers being prepared for that. So, knowing that they were prepared, the singer started pounding that fat juicy ass, kissing those pretty lips while they do it. The kiss was wet, with a lot of lustful energies on the two of them, neither being able to just not love what they were doing.
Jeff was feeling the perfect pain and pleasure, with that huge dick entering his ass, filling him all the way, and touching that place that make the man scream in joy. “Oh god…oh my…it feels so…so fucking good…i mean…shit, oh lord…just…keep…i want it…all of you” The mand in the spiderman costume told the other black man, who just continue putting all of his long sex muscle inside that beautiful ass. Ginuwine runs his hands all over that perfect ripped body, being covered by that lycra suit, but its touch was amazing. It feel amazing the great touch of those hard muscles, with the hands of the black dude being all over those abs, so then his fingers were up the nipples of Jeff. The latter let out some little moans when those hands were all over his luscious pecs, specially his now hard fingers. When the dark-skinned singer heard those cute precious moans, he decided to give him slow but consistent penetrations.
At the same time he fuck him good, with hard heavy trusts, Ginuwide fondle those man tits and squeeze them with forze. Not letting him even think right in those moments he tease the covered but hard nipples of the wrestler, who by now couldn't care about the fact that he was being butt fuck by another man. It feel just good…so right, at to be fucked in the same room with other people, also fucking like its the last day of the world, it was something very pretty at the sight of some of the black men that were in that place. Tyson, for example, he was just drooling in pleasure, sticking his dick inside a pretty tight ass until all of it was in. “Oh god…its like i was im in heaven…fucking some little…white angel…with a beefy body…and an even beefy juicy ass” Words of Tyson, who was know fucking RVD in the reverse cowboy position. In this way, Tyson couldn't really watch the wrestler face. A fantastic face that just showed how that anal sex pleasure really take over his body and mind.
A really sexy fit body and a straight mind, but probably not more straight now, considering how that pleasure felt. Those tight anal walls hugged Tyson dick, like if the wrestler dress as booster gold didn't want him to leave his little hole. “Yeah, come on baby, if you want this dick then…ah, then just…fuck yourself on it…do it and i will give you…such a big load, come on…baby..uh, boy” the black celebrity said while RVD face was covered in tears of pleasure, with several horny cries coming out of his mouth, moving his perky ass and taking all those inches of black cock. He now could just think straight, specially when he was being fucked by that fat dick. It made his body burn, and his mind was going wild. In fact, RVD body felt so hot, that he wanted to break apart this bodysuit. Or at least he wanted to free his hard cock, that was covering the lycra with precum. “Yeah…please…please man…give me some cum in my ass…paint my insides with your white seed…”
It wasn't like Tyson wasn't thinking about doing that, because he really was going to push a big fucking load inside of his warm little ass hole. Tyson just thought on this idea of “breeding” him and he just went even more hornier. The black celebrity just start moving at the same time RVD did, wanting even more friction. Just feeling the anal walls of a virgin wrestler were enough to send him over the sky. But of course, there were a lot of thing that were nothing but pure sex fuel. “…oh…ahhh…ahhh lord…ah please…oh yeah, give it to me” whiny cries of that handsome professional wrestler, that was enjoying how that tremendous cock was tearing his boy pussy apart. There was nothing more hotter for Tyson than some big muscle man moaning like a slut just by his big juicy cock. But still, something that was also really hot was probably the back of that man. Just as it was said earlier, the famous black man just loved seeing those back muscles while fucking that firm muscle ass.
“Take it…thats it…oh, look at those muscles, just…show of your fantastic and sexy body for my…do it” with that request coming from Tyson, the wrestler cock slut just do it, not thinking but doing it, jus following orders from his new master. A master that at least would give him more of that extremely good sexual pleasure he just discovered. Showing of his muscles, especially his back muscles as well as his big fucking arms, it was something nice for RVD. Nothing more than someone liking his body and praising him…just as he was also praising how good his tight hole felt. But leaving those two aside, we probably should focus on Kurt being absolute wreck by Morris big fat cock. “Just feel it, feel how your insides are rearranged by my big piece of meat I have” the black-skinned man was saying as he shoved his magnificent cock deep inside.
He loved those sweet and adorable moans that came out of that pretty wrestler's mouth, which would now be reduced to a simple cumdump. "Nothing better than showing these bitches who is a real man, I mean, just look at them, I can see that most of them have huge muscles...but...ugh, small dicks" Shemar said to Morris, while the two fucked their muscled sluts side by side. Morris forcefully rammed his cock, which was too big for that cute little hole that Kurt had, or it would be better to call it "Captain America." He did it in the missionary position, so it was easy for him to do it quite fiercely, not stopping, giving everything he had to that small but delicious hole that wouldn't stop swallowing all his black meat. "Oh my god...don't be so...it's so...too...strong, aghhh, it feels like...you're going to tear me apart"
They were the groans of the burly Kurt, who knew he couldn't do anything to stop Morris, after all, they had to obey these men if they wanted that money. That same Andrew kept in his mind because while he was fucked in the sideway piledriver position, he felt an immense pain, which in any case was going to be replaced with an immense and very pleasant feeling of sexual satisfaction. Morris took the liberty of continuing to say dirty things to his beloved Captain America, also spanking that American ass. Shemar, who kept fucking "Test" in that position, couldn't help but be amazed. This was definitely a fantasy come true. Andrew “Test” Martin might be a perfect man to play Thor in some future movie because seriously, this muscular stud would look great in the role.
Although now he himself looked better this way, being fucked roughly, sobbing as he slowly felt the pleasure fill his body, and soon he would end up begging for more cock. “Say you love bbc” Morris commanded his cumdump to say that, causing the man in the spandex suit to reply “I love bbc, I love it…Oh, I love it so much…yes…I want him, I want him always, I want your…big black cock inside me forever…fuck me…make me your sex toy forever. Nothing better than seeing a sexy masculine man like Kurt being transformed into a cock whore, Kurt having a goofy grin as he continued to be fucked, forcing him to moan with him not having a chance to resist. Just like Andrew, who at the end couldn't stop moaning from the incredible pleasure, he felt when Shemar touched that good spot inside him that drove him crazy, now he couldn't stop asking him to keep touching him there.
"Don't worry whore, I'll make sure you enjoy this very well, maybe you even want this to be repeated" At the end of the day, he would be more than sure that most of these wrestling gentlemen would end up wanting more of this amazing sex. They didn't care anymore that they had to bottom. it was just for the best, especially when these muscular men were getting fucked by other men with huge black cocks that hit them in those hot spots. Those places made them scream and cry with pleasure. Just like Andrew "Test" did with his hair-wet sweat, with tears of the purest sexual pleasure, and with his mouth always being open from the many moans and sighs he always made. But surely the best of all this would be when at the end of the great sex party, all these wrestlers from the great world of entertainment would end up covered in cum.
Those big muscular and somewhat fat asses would be completely filled by the large amounts of cum that those black men brought in their balls. In the end, it would not be as if anyone was going to forget about this, or at least celebrities would never forget this great and satisfying sexual experience, which by the way, they would plan to repeat at some point. At least that moment was not going to happen for a while, because the WWF already had the money and they were not planning to let some other economic crises happen so they had to let their stars get fucked by other men.
But of course, now those wrestling stars were totally changed after that night. Sure, some of them would try to repress that need to be fucked by some big cock, but others would already be enjoying this new way of living. Being just some muscular whores, ready to serve black masters.
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maaaxx · 1 year
Heartstopper Season 2 Spoilers
Heartstopper season 2 was perfect, and Alice Oseman is a cinematic and literature genius but I would like to take a few moments to draw some attention to.....
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This boy right here.
(look how sweet he is omg)
I can't get over Isaacs arch in heartstopper, especially in season 2.
Ace representation is so few and far between as it is, and good representation is even more scarce, but having that sort of representation at the forefront of a show? And having it accurately depicted, and not infantilized? Showing the complexities of it? Basically unheard of. But Holy Fuck did Alice Oseman deliver.
At the end of season 2 he is just finding out what aro/asexuality is and reading up on it. He knows it exists and he knows that it applies to him. And he faced some of the difficulties of being aro/ace with James and with the isolation and feeling like he's not interesting unless he has a romantic interest, these are all very real and not commonly talked about things that people have experienced.
And oh my god was it euphoric to see on screen.
Growing up and watching all your friends have crushes and get into relationships and fawn over people and never experiencing that same thing is so isolating. Even in accepting environments and in good friend groups (as seen on the show) it always feels like your an odd one out, and outsider, etc.
So the scene where Isaac goes "I think their might be something wrong with me.", that hits home to so many people who grew up not understanding why they were different.
I've talked about on here before why labels are so important to people, and this is a perfect example of it. You can learn to accept yourself and love yourself and be completely self confident but if there's something fundamentally different about you, there's always going to be a voice in the back of your head reminding you of that. Learning a label, or a word, that represents something that you might have already accepted as something that's a character flaw, there's no word to describe it, it's so relieving. It means there are people like you who have lived to create that label, it means your not alone with it, it means you have a community.
And having this shown on tv, especially at a time like now where people are trying to cover up anything that reminds people that LGBT people exist, is going to tell so many kids that there is nothing wrong with them, and they're not defected, and they're not broken.
And Isaacs whole arch (even thought it's not completed) handled this perfectly. Because there were moments that shows that Isaac is in some ways separate from the group. They love him, but he's different, they care about him, but he doesn't have a romantic interest, so his presence isn't as acknowledged.
And I think that in Season 3 (assuming theres going to be a season 3) we're going to get to see this expanded on. We might get to see Isaac coming out to the rest of the group, and learning how to cope with not having access to something that a lot of people say is what makes people human.
Heartstopper is such an amazing show and Alice Oseman is incredible. The cast is incredible. Everything about everything about that production is incredible.
(now for another picture of my son)
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creative-type · 3 months
Daughter of Wind and Lightning
Summary: When the moment came to decide upon a name Bellemere chose Nami. It seemed fitting for a girl who seemed destined from birth for the sea. Word Count: 2200 Rating: Gen AO3
The baby was smiling when Nojiko found her. Somehow, amongst the destruction of the city, this tiny scrap of humanity was able to laugh. Nojiko—tired, afraid, scarcely more than a baby herself—didn’t understand it. All day and night the air had boomed like thunder, and now wind whipped around air brimming with gunsmoke and ash. But still in the corner of a ruined house the baby babbled happily, pink round cheeks smudged with dirt, the stink of blood all around.
The sky was dark with rain. There were no grownups around to call to. Not wanting the baby to die, Nojiko picked it up and cradled it clumsily against her chest. The baby cooed and pulled her hair, and despite herself, Nojiko laughed too.
In the distance real thunder rolled. Or maybe it was more guns. Nojiko didn’t know, and she didn’t want to find out, so she hurried onward, grateful that she was no longer alone to face the coming storm.
Bellmere didn’t have any real plan other than to make it home. It was easy enough to slip away before representatives of the World Government came around to clean up the mess she left behind. Duty demanded she stay, but after experiencing the horrors of war firsthand Bellemere was of the opinion duty could go fuck itself. Her comrades were dead. The people she was meant to protect were dead. The enemy was dead. 
All that was left were two little girls who demanded that she not add to all the dying, and Bellemere chose them over the marines. She would have chosen them over the world, over life itself.
The frantic flight to Cocoyashi took them into the teeth of the oncoming storm. Rain fell in sheets, cold and sharp as knives against her skin. The children she kept huddled best she could under her oiled officer’s coat, itself sliced to ribbons over the course of the battle. 
With every flash of lightning Nojiko cried and screamed and clutched at Bellmere’s legs. Between her and the babe in her arms, Bellemere was barely able to keep her sloop on course for home. Any words of comfort were swallowed by the howling wind before they could bridge the gap between woman and girl. Bellemere, exhausted, injured, and desperate, couldn’t even find the energy to curse the cruelty of the sea.
A streak of white-hot light flashed directly overhead. The sky shook with thunder so strong even Bellmere was forced to hunker down. Nojiko clung to Bellmere, and Bellmere clung to the baby, and in that moment she was once again sure that she was going to die failing to protect the innocents under her care. 
In her ear, over the shrieking wind and crash of the sea, the baby bubbled with laughter. Bellemere looked down at the child and saw her staring straight up at the sky, and swore she saw sparks still dancing in her wide, dark eyes. 
Unnerved and amazed, Bellmere turned her attention back to the wheel. In the future, when she was rested and recovered, she would dismiss the moment as a flight of imagination made by a half-delirious mind. After all, she and the children both reached Cocoyashi sick and dying. There was no way anyone, let alone a babe, could laugh through one of the worst storms Bellemere had ever seen. 
But the memory stuck with her, and when the moment came to decide upon a name Bellemere chose Nami. It seemed fitting for a girl who seemed destined from birth for the sea.
Sometimes, when Bellmere was busy and at her wit’s end with the responsibility of taking care of two rambunctious little girls, Genzo would take the children on little day vacations. This mostly consisted of having them run around town causing mayhem and terror like their mother before them, but Genzo would occasionally give them pocket money for treats and toys he knew Bellmere couldn’t afford. He avoided Bellmere’s accusations of charity by having the girls do odd jobs for both himself and others in town, but compared to the labors of the tangerine grove these trifles were nothing. More than once Genzo heard the girls giggling conspiratorially on how they’d gotten the better deal in the exchange. Little did they know. 
Together Nojiko and Nami bought cheap dolls, spinning tops, and bright satin ribbons—the sort of ordinary treasures girls that age were drawn to like a fly to the flame. Sometimes, when they were getting along well enough, they would pool their money for books. Nami in particular was a ravenous reader, outstriping both Genzo and Bellemere’s ability to satiate her thirst for knowledge. While there was a school on the island, Bellemere couldn’t afford the fees for both girls, and rather than send one and deprive the other, she ended up teaching the two of them at home, using the same set of books for the both.
If Bellemere or Nojiko realized how unusual it was for Nami to keep up with a sister two years her senior they never mentioned it. Nami herself would brag about finishing her reading assignments ahead of Nojiko for exactly as long as it took Nojiko to slap her upside the head, Nami’s crows of victory lost in the ensuing scuffle. 
But the day Nami came back from town with a small tin boat was the day that Genzo realized there was something more to her thirst for knowledge. The toy was a small clockwork, meant for putzing around the bathtub after a few cranks of a key. Nami sat on Genzo’s knee and proceeded to rattle off all the different parts of the ship from keel to mast, explaining in excruciating detail what each did. 
Genzo knew for a fact that Nami had not been on a ship since she arrived on Cocoyashi. Like any good island girl she got in her fair share of swimming and earned each of her innumerable freckles honestly by spending the majority of her days out in the sun. But Bellmere had explicitly forbidden the girls from going out to sea until they were older, and on this bit of parenting she and Genzo were in agreement. Bellemere hadn’t even told them about her time with the marines.
When he asked how she learned about ships, Nami smiled radiantly and said she’d listened to the fishermen as they brought in their catches. She then asked if she were allowed to play with her boat outdoors later that afternoon, and when a baffled Genzo said that she may, that smile grew bright as the sun shining above their heads. 
“Good, because it’s going to rain, and I want to try it in some real water.”
Which was how a bemused Genzo had to explain to a furious Bellmere why her daughter returned home wet and filthy after playing sailor in the mud puddles behind the house. It hadn’t seemed right to say no when he’d already given permission, and they both had to agree that the girl had an uncanny knack for predicting the weather. 
It was one of the great ironies of both their lives that Arlong was the one who taught Nami how to sail. The captain of the Arlong Pirates captured her for a reason, and he didn’t have the patience to let her rot at Arlong Park when he could get more value out of her otherwise. 
She was too small to be truly useful at first, weak and trembling when she thought they couldn’t see and spitting fire when she thought they were. The girl child reminded him of a trapped kitten, all hisses and claws and bristling fur, but ultimately too weak to defend itself from harm. She was so different from the other human girl he’d once known, and there was some distant part in Arlong’s mind that was glad. Her coppery hair, likewise kissed by the sun, was almost too much to bear, and her fiery disposition amused him where the  pathetic mewling more common to the inferior races would have sent him into a murderous rage. 
And she was useful. Or at least her small, clever hands were. One of the first things the girl did was demand books, which Arlong gladly provided. She used the information inside to draw her first sea charts. Arlong’s practiced eye could see the hesitancy in her lines, but the information was good. She knew what would happen if it wasn’t. 
But books could only get her so far, and before long Arlong decided to take her on an expedition. He gave broad lessons but left the minutiae of teaching her sailcraft to Hatchi and the rest, watching out of the corner of his eye in case she threatened to jump ship. 
She picked up the basics easily, but in those first years was too small to do much good. Arlong put her to work as the crew’s chore girl instead, taking obscene delight in ordering her from task to task, careful to break her of bad habits and the idea of sabotaging his burgeoning empire. More than once she tried to kill him with the efficiency of a ghat fighting a maelstrom. Arlong humored these attempts, for what kitten didn’t occasionally try to scratch its master. Only once did she dare falsify one of Arlong’s precious charts, and he made sure she never did again.
But the thing about kittens was that they grew up to be cats, and cats were independent creatures who liked to pretend that they owned the world. Or in this case, Arlong’s ship. Nami became so comfortable at sea that Arlong occasionally wondered if she had saltwater in her veins instead of blood, or if perhaps an ancestor or two had come from Fishman Island, because he could think of no other explanation for the prodigious talent he'd stumbled upon in the backwaters of the East. 
The East Blue was a puddle compared to the Grand Line, but by god it was a puddle that Nami mastered. Arlong could see it in the way she tasted the wind and read the stars, how she soon outstripped even veteran navigators of the Grand Line.  Arlong took credit for her skill even as he hated her for it. Hated that a mere human would encroach on the domain of fishmen. Hated that he needed her clever human hands and her clever human mind. Hated the days at sea the light hit the copper of her hair just right and made it glow like the sun. 
Nami was thirteen years old when Arlong gifted her with a boat, a nimble little sloop that could easily be manned by a single person. He told himself and his crew that it was an investment, that she would be far more efficient in her labor alone, but the reality was if the girl had a ship of her own she would stay the hell off of his, and the less time he would be forced to spend sailing with a daughter of wind and lightning.
Oh how he hated her, hated that he needed her. But none of that mattered, so long as she stayed kneeled at the foot of his throne, the one useful human in all the world in fulfilling his ambition. Fishman mastered the seas and Arlong would master Nami, and with her power under his command his empire would reign forever.
Luffy noticed it immediately. Nami had a way of moving with ships. She matched the rock of the sea and never lost her balance once, not even when the waves started to chop or she had to run from one end to the other to stop him and Zoro from doing something stupid. Luffy noticed because it’d been tricky at first, for him. But nothing about the sea seemed to trick Nami. Even at its most playful, the ocean never managed to one-up her. The idea of it made Luffy laugh, and when Nami asked what was so funny he wasn’t able to explain. It just was, just like Nami’s trickfulness just was. 
And just like the sea, that playfulness could turn to fury in an instant, but that made Luffy laugh, too. She was just the same in so many ways, and it’s what made her a good navigator. She understood the beats and the rhythms of the water and managed to dance with the sea. Shanks had told him so many stories of men who died trying to conquer the ocean, but Nami wasn’t a fighter. She moved with the wind, guided by the clouds and the currents. She respected the fickleness of the sea and romanced it into doing her bidding. 
Luffy had already decided she would be the navigator of the King, but watching her move only solidified that decision, because only someone who loved the sea could be so beloved in return. She would screech and howl like a hurricane when afraid, but once she set her mind to go to a place there wasn’t a force in the world strong enough to stop her.
It was his job to free her enough to not fear. He’d decided that, too, about the same time he knew he would have no one else to guide him through the Grand Line. And when a smile finally stretched across her face and she truly laughed for the first time…
It was like some part of her unlocked deep inside, something wild and untamed and free. The wind swept through her hair and the seeds of lightning sparkled in her eyes, and Luffy couldn’t help but laugh, too.
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andaniellight · 2 years
[sweating buckets because my wips are glaring daggers at me] haha I know I won’t be able to write this one as a proper fanfic so I’m letting this go here or my brain will seriously rot-
OT3 AU with Matt Foggy and Frank where they meet at this one school for Career Day. You know that kind of occasion, every student gets to bring their parents (or any representatives) to talk about what they do for a living for the students, things like that. And even though Frank and Maria have divorced a long time ago, they’re divorced on good terms so they’re still in contact, of course. And for that particular day, Maria knows she won’t be able to attend, so she asks Frank to go. He’s an ex-marine who’s now working as a firefighter after all, the students are going to be awestruck (but not as much as Junior would; secretly gushing around and about, that kid idolizes his dad more than anything), Maria also knows this.  
Frank doesn’t remember much whether his school had this kind of Career Day as well or not, back when he was Junior’s age. Doesn’t matter anyway, because his parents were rarely at home, so of course he’d come to the school and do the talk, so Junior doesn’t have to feel left out. What he didn't expect was there are two lawyers who say they’re nobody’s dads or parents, but they’re here to “represent” this one kid, who Frank finds out from Junior later, this particular kid only lives with their siblings since their parents… are absent. Nelson and Murdock, attorneys at law, declare that even though they’re not family by blood, they are genuinely showing just how much they care about the kid’s well-being the whole entire time. Either at the front of the class, or in the cafeteria before and after they’re invited into the class.
Yeah, touché, Frank thinks but can’t help to feel comforted. It warms his heart. Those two lawyers being allowed to talk on Career Day as nobody’s parents show that kids who are no longer with their biological parents for actual or figurative reasons also have the chance to bring some other people along with them. Talk about what kind of promising future is out there, awaiting them, without having to be left out. 
It’s a good thing Frank gets to talk about what he does for a living before the pair, Frank isn’t like those hopeful, bright abogados. Besides, Nelson and Murdock totally deserve to talk last. Like, seriously, the impact of their speech and charming attitude lift the mood and blast spirits in the class through the fucking roof. Not only the kids are excited to help people in need now, doing pro bono and all that, but even the teacher and other parents seem to relax more a bit thinking that at the end of the day it doesn’t matter. Little things do count. Doing what you can, no matter how small, just to help those who are in need of help is always, always worth it. Makes sense and so easy to digest, because all actions have consequences. Things you give away will return and flow back to you in all kinds of forms.
Which is, funny enough, ironically the nobel stories relating to all that scarcely come from that Nelson guy; the magnet one, in Frank’s opinion. The one that always includes everyone in the room with his authentic attentiveness, that also reminds Frank what it feels to stay in the present, and live life as it is. He sees that in Maria too sometimes, when she shines the brightest with the people she loves and cares about the most, and it’s still a delightful kind of ache to think about even now. Frank can’t lie, he’d like to go drink with Nelson every now and then, just to have a good laugh and enjoy the end of the day to get through another insufferable day. Five minutes long or for hours, doesn’t matter. Nelson is that attractive, Frank admits after a couple of harmless banter exchanges they did, he’s definitely going to ask for his number after this if the others don’t have the same idea.
It’s Murdock, the one who was not born blind, who has this firm belief that everybody deserves equity, not just equality, with his cheeky, contagious smile, and how he always beams whenever Nelson praises him for being “the magnet” - of all kinds of troubles, all kinds of solutions, and all kinds of justice. Wears those dark sunglasses that would glint candy red whenever he cants away his head to a certain angle, the biggest good listener of them all. 
Perhaps Frank doesn’t have to worry about others having the same idea of approaching Nelson just to have a chat, because Frank can’t even deny just how sweet Murdock looks. Whenever he opens his mouth to speak, all eyes and probably even hearts are on him immediately. Not in pity, or at least that’s not what Frank is feeling about that guy. Yeah, Frank definitely won’t have to worry about the others at all, if he doesn’t notice the way Murdock always has his arm around Nelson’s, doesn’t notice the way the sweet handsome face is struggling to tamp down the daring and challenging solemnity toward the world. Nelson is his anchor. And Murdock may be blind, but he has faced and seen and challenged the unimaginable. Behind those heart throbbing professional grins and supportive commentaries, Frank is thrilled to notice Murdock isn’t one the be fucked around.
Bonus point: Matt and Foggy are still pining for each other, and perhaps with Frank’s help they’ll finally realize about their feelings toward one another 👀✨
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dramalets · 1 year
2023 Watch List pt2
Other list was getting annoyingly long for my liking so part two it is.
Not Me - I am not the biggest lover of Off's acting. A darling but, to me, not anywhere near as good as others at GMMTV. So I went into this with a lower expectation than some. I was incredibly pleasantly surprised. Essentially a story about a rough around the edges little anti-establishment found family, this drama had a lot to say and really managed to execute those messages without feeling preachy about it. Fantastic cast all round and I fell head first for DanYok. 4/5
Never Let Me Go (series and Our Skyy) - Umm. I feel like I felt like I knew what this was trying to do but that it got a bit lost at times. The script is kind of muddled. As ever JoJo pulls amazing performances out of a very young pup cast and its really those performances that make a confused script work. The cinematography is also stunning. Pond, for me, again suffers a little from a general stiffness, he gives some great emotion in this but, for me, has a lot of growing to do as an actor. It says something when I felt more strongly for Perth and Chimon who're barely in this. 3/5
The Warp Effect - Literally never seen anything as wholly sex positive and fun as this. The whole cast works amazingly and seeing kinks represented in a way where they weren't jokes was beautiful. Also, accurate female orgasm faces. Deserves a five for that alone. But seriously, don't skip this one. Queer, feminist and sex positive this deserves all the flowers. 5/5
The Jungle - This is stupid. I know it, you know it. Everyone who watched it knows it. But damn it was fun. Essentially a group of fuckboys, that routinely fight other fuckboys for treating girls badly, accidentally catch feelings for some cool women. Everything is nice too look at and the acting is great (especially Nanon, ohmygod) so honestly, strong rec. 3.5/5
Vice Versa (series and Our Skyy) - I get why people didn't warm too this, the ppl is honestly the worst I've ever seen and the concept is a little bizarre, but it just had something I really liked. JimmySea are an incredibly comfy feeling pairing, it's soothing to watch them together even when the script is a little daft and the ppl ridiculous. I'm rarely strongly moved by dramas but the scene where Puen is saying his goodbyes too Tun's parents just had me gone. Also just Jimmy in general does some beautiful, emotional work throughout. (Which makes the ppl issue even more annoying for me. They're too good to have to do stupid scenes about choco pie and lays potato chips.) 4/5
Cupids last wish - Ummm. This isn’t terrible but it’s also not that great. It just is. The script is so muddled that sometimes I thought I’d missed an episode, I hadn’t it’s just a confused script, and if the leads weren’t talented it wouldn’t really work at all. The period part is art but overall the representation of women in this is questionable at best and downright bad and cringe at worst. Watch for EarthMix and go watch Jan in Warp Effect where she’s allowed to be great and all the women are fully realised characters. 3.5/5
History 3: Trapped - This isn’t perfect, there’s some weird continuity stuff and things that didn’t feel fleshed out, but it’s A LOT of fun and the cast is fun. I really enjoyed the main pair and their back and forth was a lot of fun to watch. 3/5
Hidden Agenda - This wanted to be so many things that it just wasn’t. Joke was barely given a personality beyond ‘I love Zo’ and Zo was at times annoying but mostly just boring. Aou&Boom’s side characters were compelling and their relationship felt healthy and fully realised. I really can’t say the same for Joke & Zo. You’re scarcely shown any reason that they like one another and Joke just floats around looking mournful like he’s got trapped wind. Not one I’ll revisit. 2/5
My tooth your love - Ehhhh. First few episodes are nice. Dentist is a walking red flag who deserves to be told to fuck off and,as cute as the the wee baby gay side character is, I didn’t really appreciate the side romance between the 18 year old and the grown man that takes on a pseudo care giver role for him. (I know that’s a me dislike and he’s of age so it’s legal but, for me, it’s ick.) 2/5
Laws of Attraction - Every now and then a show comes along that shouldn't really work but 100% does and this is that show. Most everyone in this is a soap actor, you can tell, but that only adds to the beautiful camp absurdity of the thing. Charn is a deliciously villainous 'life is for profit' lawyer and Tinn is a soft, cosy, Labrador of a human. The untimely, heart breaking death of Tinn's niece brings the pair together to solve the mystery of how she died. There are lots of things you have to overlook with this but the central puzzles are good and intriguing and everyone's acting is good. (Watch this on dramacool if you're not in the states. The YouTube subs are absolute balls.) 4/5
My School President (series and Our Skyy) - I am older but I fall into the category of adult who was terrible at being a teen and, therefore, solidly enjoys good teen content and this is definitely that. Fourth & Gem do an excellent job as our leads and this show just serves you a consistent slice of fluffy delight. Their respective friend groups are also excellent and the Our Skyy concept gave me solidly genuine amusement. 4/5
Cutie Pie - Call me a hater but I'm just not a fan of Nu's 'brat' and Zee's 'brat tamer' dynamic. I think they're both probably better than this is but their fans LOVE that dynamic so I don't think they'll be escaping it anytime soon. This was just a bloated mess. 2/5
Love in the air - I am not a mame fan. I think she's a shit tier fanfic writer who needs some serious therapy. But when that women achieves casting excellence her shtick becomes pulpy and addictive. Everything about the plot is red flag central but you cant keep your eyes off. Personally I rated the FortPeat pairing higher than the BossNouel one but both had their charms. (I fast forward the gang rape scene because jesus fuck mame why.) 3/5
Wedding Plan - This was a thing that I watched. Boring, badly paced and didn't even get good spicy scenes because it was a partnership with GMMTV. Snooze fest. Unless you're a person who thinks Mame is actually a good writer, you won't get much from this. 1/5
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crownwoodscollege · 20 days
If love ain't scarce why you want some scarce things just to represent our love
If love is scarce then why reinforce the vibe
If love ain't free then who decides the charge
Please don't charge my pockets ain't run that deep
I know you read some books
Addicted to self help books you can't stop cause you can't help yourself
If I'm a man and I'm to lead what happens to the kids when I die
She said that she don't fuck with men
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talenlee · 1 year
More thinking About Making QUeer Games
Do you remember Hannah Gadsby?
Nanette And the Limits of Comedy
Watch this video on YouTube
They’re an Australian comedian, who made the comedy special Nanette, and its follow-up special Douglas. That’s where I know them from. They’re good specials. I liked them a lot. It takes a lot to get me of all people to tune in to a comedian standing in front of an audience just being funny when there’s no presence of a dinosaur or laser beam to keep me from feeling selfconsciously like I’m being educated about art.
If you are at all aware of their work outside of that context, like, say you haven’t watched those but you know you saw them on QI or something, you might perhaps be aware of them primarily because of their presence in the news right now, as I write this, where it seems every shithead on the internet has an opinion on ‘her’ work not being funny. It’s really weird, like some sort of sequential reaction system is set up so that whatever the current thing is, Hannah Gadsby comes up. Australian comedy legend dies? Well, best talk about how Hanna Gadsby doesn’t like him but that just shows how poor a comedian they are. A politician says something stupid in front of a microphone? More important than that is that Hannah Gadbsy, who commented on it, isn’t funny. Hannah Gadsby opens a fine art show about Pablo Picasso? Well, get a load of how Hannah Gadsby isn’t funny.
I think about Hannah Gadsby a lot because on the one hand they have successfully made a large portion of people in my country out themselves as fantastically fucking stupid, but also because in their first show, Nanette, they left me with not one but two enduring gems. I’ve said in the past that I find hindsight is a gift a powerful phrase, but something else that has bubbled along inside me is the anecdote about lesbian content. They describe a queer critic engaging with their work with:
“I was very disappointed in your show this year, Hannah. I just don’t think there was enough lesbian content.” I’d been on stage the whole time. I didn’t… even straighten up halfway through, you know?
It almost feels gauche, rereading the transcript, to pluck this quote out of its context. Its context is that tittering haha oh yeah this is awkward but also very funny set, about how they spend their time being Not Normal around people who want them to be Normal with the threat of violence around them. I mean, Gadsby made a comedy special five years ago about how, y’know, what’s the deal with patriarchal violence, and people are still mad about it now, when I bet they haven’t watched it in ages.
But the quote hangs around in my head whenever I think about queer games.
I mean, what is it that a game is queer? Videogames, when I started writing about them, they had a lot of ways to represent queerness, because games are often about a cinematic representation of moments in a narrative. Videogames, simply put, can show you a lot of stuff, where board games and card games can struggle with showing the same stuff the same way. On the other hand, the way that board and card games can show some details, there’s some room. RPGs can have sidebars explaining that hey, yeah, just so you know, queerness exists in this setting.
But are those ‘queer games?’
There’s this idea I see sometimes expressed that if a player doesn’t engage with something in your game, it’s not really there. You can have all the interesting cars in your game but if they’re background details in a first-person shooter, then you can scarcely consider it a queer game. Is a game queer becuase of how it’s engaged with? How can Mass Effect or Fire Emblem: Who Cares be a queer game when the queerness is entirely optional, in such a way that players who are offended by it can avoid it?
I feel like I write this article every year. Sometimes it’s proud and defiant about how hey, I won’t tolerate talking about this stuff because X or Y. Making exclusions, setting up some kind of list, some kind of rule about it, about what counted, and that’s you know, fine, I think. I don’t feel bad about doing that.
But it got me thinking about queerness in the games I make. Or how I would get you to engage with queerness in games, the way I want to engage with queerness in games. What advice can I give? I personally struggle with the idea of representing romance in games! Which is also weird because I don’t feel bad about representing it in other media, I’m quite fine with writing about characters in relationships.
Even as I write these words out I realise that part of the problem is realising that I still treat characters I put in work I make as being, as it were, ‘my OCs,’ and therefore any story including or involving them is going to be an imposition on anyone else. Like, why should you care about my characters having romantic tension or sexy narratives? You don’t have any reason to care about them. And then the fact that they’re bi or gay or trans or anything feels like an attempt to express this is itself, an attempt to demand attention I don’t deserve.
This is, I’m sure, very normal thinking from creative people.
But the advice question boils away. I almost wish I could give some easy advice: Look, just make media that appeals to you and queerness within you will come through. But the problem is I do that, and I’ve had to start really harping on the fact I’m not straight to get people to not try and check for my queerness papers.
Anyway, the queerest mechanic is pair collection. Why you trying to make two things that are alike into a pair? Like gay sex or something?
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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inhuman-obey-me · 3 years
not to be basic but 😳 do you have any thoughts on the demon brothers courting MC? Like any specific Devildom culture aspects that come into play? (Maybe something SUPER important that MC writes off as “oh huh. wonder why my ~friend~ is all nervous today”.) wink wink romantic demon tension wink wink.
Apologies for the long wait on this but YES, we love thinking about Devildom culture(s) and possible traditions, and courting ones are certainly fun to imagine!
We've come up with a handful here (plus a special bonus at the end), so we hope you enjoy them!!
(You can see a follow-up of mini-stories with the characters we missed here!)
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Sharing Bloodseed Fruit
There are a few different kinds of fruits in the Devildom that can have romantic meanings when shared with someone you're interested in.
Bloodseed fruits, which vaguely resemble human-world dragonfruits on the outside and pomegranates on the inside, are the most popular of these by far.
The number of seeds you each eat is meant to be representative of how long you will stay in love with one another.
The average bloodseed fruit has around 1,000 seeds in it, with especially large ones able to have up to 1,500 seeds.
Which of course means the demon brothers and royals aren't going to settle for anything less than the largest ones they can possibly find to share with you.
Favored by: Diavolo, Lucifer, Beelzebub
It's not uncommon for Diavolo to invite you over for tea. Today, however, you've scarcely seen any sign of his loyal butler, aside from a single moment where he delivered both tea and a much smaller plate of sweets than usual.
"Does Barbatos have a lot going on today?" you wonder aloud.
"Oh, no," Diavolo laughs. "He's keeping his distance today out of respect for me. You see, I invited you over for...something rather special."
He takes your hand then and places a massive, spiky-looking fruit onto it. "I suppose you wouldn't be familiar with this, but this is a bloodseed fruit. They're rather rare, but we have a legend here in the Devildom that lovers who share one will stay in love for how many seeds they each eat," he explains. "And so, MC...would you do me the honor of sharing this with me?"
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Matching Makeup
In the Devildom, there are certain patterns that one paints on their face that are based on their yearnings or desires, or signify something about the wearer.
These looks are usually only worn for special occasions -- and there is one event in particular where if you wear a certain matching makeup look with another, it signifies being together.
The Bacchanal of Illumination is a special time in the Devildom, where a variety of colorful demonic flora bloom and glow with an ethereal light once every few centuries.
Since ancient times, it has been customary to celebrate the three day window in which these flowers bloom with great revelry, parties thrown throughout, and imbibing an intoxicating drink created from the sap found in these flowers from past seasons.
It is considered good luck if a couple finds a flower in these fields the exact shade of the makeup they are wearing, signifying a healthy and long relationship.
Favored by: Lucifer, Asmodeus, Barbatos
"There we go, now we match!" Asmodeus giggles with delight, finishing the last flick of makeup over your cheek before turning you around to his mirror with a flourish. "Let's go show the others, hm, darling?"
You nod enthusiastically, excited to head out for this festival that everyone has been talking about lately. You've hardly taken two steps into the common room, however, before the rest of the brothers alternately gasp and/or pounce on the Avatar of Lust.
"ASMO, WHAT THE FUCK!" Mammon shouts. "Why the fuck does MC have that makeup, you bastard --"
"Because they're mine, of course," Asmo just grins back cheekily, draping himself possessively all over your shoulders. "Should have done it yourself if you wanted them!"
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Offering a Passiflora Hellbloom
Purple and white with a crown of barb-like vines around a protruding spike ending in an eye-like orb, these Devildom flowers can look quite bizarre to humans at first glance.
However, if offered to a love interest, they represent passion, affection, sweetness -- and agony, if the recipient refuses it.
You see, giving a single flower of this kind to someone is seen as equivalent to asking them to be in a relationship with you, and accepting the flower is to accept the relationship.
The giver can also cast a spell before giving it, where if accepted, the flower will then actually undergo a second blooming where it sheds the vines, and the spike opens up into a set of brilliant petals.
Favored by: Mammon, Diavolo, Leviathan
"Ahhhh, that was fun!" you exclaim with a stretch, ready to head to bed after a long night of gaming with Leviathan. "It's late though, I should probably get to sleep. Good night, Levi!"
"A-a-ah, MC, wait!!" he calls out to you just before you reach his door, his voice unintentionally almost a shout with nervousness. "Wait, I have something for you." He pulls a long, thin stem of a bizarre-looking flower from somewhere in his room and thrusts it towards you.
"Oh, what a...nice flower," you smile politely, taking it from his hands.
"Y-you'll really take it?! I know you probably don't want this from me, but you'll really accept it?" His words are gushing out with excitement.
In his excitement, sadly, he forgets to tell you what the flower actually means. But Asmo will be sure to tell you when he sees it in your room tomorrow.
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Passing a Red Candle
Candles can often be symbolic in magic, and the Devildom is no exception.
Red candles, in particular, are known for representing the fire of love and passion.
For this reason, when a demon gives someone a red candle, it's akin to a confession -- essentially, they are "giving the fire of their love" to another.
The House of Lamentation, by the way, has a lot of red candles that just happen to be sitting around all the time...
Favored by: Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan
"Oh, Lucifer, perfect timing," you say as he enters the dimly lit library. You quickly thrust the plate of the red candle you were holding into his hands, explaining, "Would you hold this for me for a sec? I'm trying to get this book out, but it's so firmly wedged in here, it's a bit stuck, and I didn't want to put the candle somewhere where it could fall over."
The barest hint of a blush crosses his expression before it's quickly replaced with a mischievous smirk.
"Oh? MC, you ought to be careful who you give a candle like this to in the Devildom," he murmurs, placing a finger under your chin to turn your gaze back to him. "Or I'll have to take this as a sign you mean to surrender yourself to me."
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Written Story
For demons, giving someone their grimoire is the ultimate sign of trust, as it is akin to surrendering complete power to that person.
Long ago, demons sometimes actually gifted each other their grimoires as part of marriage ceremonies, though it has generally fallen out of practice at this point.
However, the sentiment of the act is still quite popular, and as a symbolic equivalent, nowadays demons will sometimes write down a story from their life as a gift to their beloved.
Especially popular is for couples to choose a story about each other, such as when they met, a special date, etc.
Favored by: Satan, Belphegor, Barbatos
Come up to the attic, the text you get reads. I have something for you.
Even after everything, it's still one of Belphegor's favorite places to nap. You gently push open the door, half expecting him to already be asleep, but even though he's sitting comfortably on the bed, he's definitely awake and looks uncharacteristically nervous.
"What's up, Belphie?" you ask, taking a seat next to him.
"I told you, I have something for you." He passes you an envelope patterned like the worn cover of an old leather-bound book.
Inside, there's a single slip of paper, with just a short handwritten story describing the night he made the pact with you. You tilt your head at him with some confusion. "Thanks...? It's very sweet, but...what's this for?"
"Trust." A small smile tugs at his mouth, though he himself hardly even notices. "I told you I believe actions speak louder than words, didn't I? So here it is. All of my trust."
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Gifted Locket
A much more direct way of courtship, some demons have partaken in the tradition of gifting a locket to their intended partner.
While this might sound rather ordinary on the surface, there is something particularly special about these lockets -- they are imbued with a special, intimate magic.
When one opens the locket, it pulses with the other's heartbeat -- mirroring it in real time.
It also feels warm, as if you are holding the other's hand instead of the locket.
Favored by: Mammon, Beelzebub, Belphegor
Beelzebub has never really been one to particularly fuss about with over-the-top romantic gestures, but with his brothers all fighting over you all the time, he wants to do something to express his feelings to you too.
"I wanted to give this to you," he says sweetly, handing you a lovely red jewelry box.
Inside, you find a beautiful, intricately designed locket, and to your surprise, it quickly warms in your hand when you click it open. And even more surprisingly, it begins pulsing as well.
He holds his hands over yours, mirroring the warmth from the locket. "So you can hold my hand any time you want," he explains with a gentle smile.
"Thank you, Beel. It's wonderful." You rest your head against his chest, feeling how the rhythm of the locket perfectly matches the reassuring, steady beat of his heart.
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The Boutonniere's Challenge
At high-class Devildom weddings, it's common practice to serve something called a boutonniere elixir, a special kind of sparkling demonus with a single flower floating atop.
On its own, the drink tastes somewhat plain, much like any other kind of sparkling demonus.
However, if two individuals hold the chalice at the same time, even for just a moment, the cup reacts by warming up to represent the strength of their connection -- the hotter it becomes, the better a match they are.
The demonus inside, in turn, also transforms, lighting up and bubbling over, and becomes infused with the taste of the flower inside.
It is considered incredible good luck for both the pair and the marrying couple when a chalice of boutonniere elixir is spilled from the abrupt searing heat.
However, due to the pain of burning their hands on the goblet, it is often referred to as the "Boutonniere's Challenge."
Favored by: Satan, Asmodeus, Barbatos
"What a beautiful wedding!" you remark, clinking your glass against those of the others around you.
Just then, someone bumps your arm, causing the cup to start to slip from your fingers when one pristine butler quickly rushes to catch it. But, at the sudden feeling of searing heat against your fingertips and blinding light against your eyes, it only serves to make both of you drop it. "Ow!" you cry.
To your utter confusion, this somehow sends a wave of applause rippling through the entire wedding crowd.
With an apologetic smile, Barbatos takes your hand and pulls you towards him, completely ignoring the fallen chalice. "My apologies, MC, I should have been more careful, but it would appear that the cups think we're a good match. Now...let me heal that burn on your fingertips. Perhaps with a kiss?"
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BONUS: Ceremonial Proposal Knives
When one wants to propose in the Devildom, they do so with beautiful, intricate ceremonial knives.
At the base of the blade, the proposing demon inscribes their personal sigil on one side and the intended recipient's sigil on the other, making each knife unique to the pair.
The handles, which can be made of various magical materials -- bone, onyx, gold, the wood of a special tree, etc. -- are personalized with engravings.
These engravings can tell a small story, or just be very symbolic of the relationship the involved parties share.
What makes these knives most special of all is that it is customary to infuse a part of oneself into the knife -- whether it be a feather, a scale, their venom, or blood, they are giving a part of themself to you.
If the recipient chooses to accept, the two of them hold hands over the blade, cutting their palms open to form a blood pact in the shared wounds.
The shared blood then seeps into the blade, imbuing it with both their magical energies.
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dolugecat · 3 years
On some Japanese social issues I had learned about at uni and abroad):
(Rb ok!)
Legit had an epiphany about the true hidden meaning of the last arc of Mob Psycho 100. It’s hella projection but for real there is nothing neurotypical about Mob or Mob Psycho. I do not wish to enforce my interpretation on others (ironic bc I do that all the time but this is a serious social theory). There are some interesting and very sad social issues in Japan that the west really doesn’t understand but would I think help people understand a lot of context behind not only Mob Psycho, but also a lot of other anime. I learned this at my shitty university (prestigious but horrific) and while studying abroad in Japan and talking with Japanese peers. Get ready here we go (and tw for bullying and darker things):
Unfortunately in East Asian education systems, bullying can be extremely intense. Growing up I assumed it was over exaggerated extremely in anime for drama but it really can be so horrific. From what I’ve heard, there is often a single kid or so who is just shit on by everyone else, even the teacher. Mogami land *is* the reality of some Japanese kids. I’ve read that in Korea, this social punching bag sometimes is just the darkest skinned person (yayyy colorism /angry) and or someone who does not fit in. I mean, we have that in America too, but maybe not as common for the bullying to be as focused on one misfit rather than several. These kids just can’t escape the stigma too, kids from other schools find out they were a major victim at their old school and it starts anew. Thus there is so much stigma and incentive to join in on bullying so you aren’t the one. Sadly, this also ofc leads to higher suicide rates. That’s where the “shoe on building roof” anime trope comes in, bc somehow taking off shoes is relayed to death (I forgot why sorry)
There is a difference in how intense in general high school vs college is too. In the West, commonly college is the more intense curriculum and is harder than high school, but in Japan it’s usually the opposite. Grind suuuupppeeerrrr hard for entrance exams (huge standardized tests that determines what college you can qualify to) bc unlike the ACT or SAT here, that test is by far the most important factor for college admission. Then chill and relax a bit in college. Can’t relate. Name and prestige is very critical for job application, more important than here. That’s why planning out your future is sooo much more intense for Japanese high schoolers than in America, and why there is sooo much more pressure to excel in high school than here. Japanese school years and holidays are done different than ours, I’d suggest looking it up.
Social prestige of going to an American high school or college is nuts. Like whyyy do you value our shitty education, Japan’s is much higher quality (it’s bc we neo colonized them). Being able to speak English is very, very highly valued and any association with Americans make you cooler. From my experience, some Japanese students got very excited to practice speaking English with us, and their biggest issues with learning it is pronunciation, lmao. Wasai english is unique slang that is indeed English words but it’s kinda different and it’s kinda jarring to remember lol. So, Teru having parents that are working overseas isn’t too uncommon, idk about leaving him absolutely alone, but I did have a ex-friend who just came from Japan in middle school who’s situation probably wasn’t too far off from that. Empty wealth with no love, it’s no wonder those kind of people can end up being huge bullies (minori?)
I did a presentation on 引きこもり(hikikomori) for which means “shut in”, (like Serizawa) and it’s fucked up. It’s a social phenomena where according to some Japanese researchers a mix of undisciplined parenting, guilt/not living up to expectations, and hopelessness makes an alarming amount of youth/ young adults literally never go out side their house/room. Often a parent is “enabling” the behavior by supporting them, but idk the articles seemed a bit victim-blaming to me when I read it, but I don’t think I should make a judgement too hard, not my place. I will say I do suspect and believe I read something to support that ASD might play a role in hikikomoris (there is pitiful resources for autistic people in Asia, much much less support than even here, to the point I don’t think most know it exists). Like come on, with the other points I laid out my personal opinion as an Asian American with autism is that it really seems it’s unknowing ableism against autistic classmates, but I didn’t grow up in Asia so I don’t want to say.
Mental health in general is tragically quite abysmal in Japan, and with it being so hyper competitive and brutal work culture, it’s no surprise birth rate in Japan is so low; some Japanese young adults say it seems unethical to bring a life to such hostile world. Suicide rate is of the highest in the world. It’s fucked, I’ve interacted with some of the locals in Tokyo and they were so nice, but the business men just looked dead inside, it’s so sad.
Relationships between child and parent is also strained bc of this intense work and school culture. Quality time is too scarce when you gotta work so much. And the pressure from parents to do well in education or else you might end up socially stigmatized is rough. Bc your job is who you are, it’s hyper capitalism (thanks us for making them do this)
With autism being so unknown, support for parents in raising autistic kids is almost nonexistent. What happens if the “darker” side of ASD shows up in kids? I used to be a menace when I had meltdowns, I felt so bad but really just became so indiscriminately violent. See where this is going? Legit, I think ESP is a sort of metaphor for neurodivergance to ONE. There is so much stigma around it, and even less way for kids to understand why they are different than the others. My Korean family can’t admit we all got ASD, too much fear and internalized shame.
I got finally diagnosed with ASD as an adult and I’ll tell ya, I relate too much to Mob hurting Ritsu. I felt so bad, but also not in control, I knew what I was doing but not how to stop. Luckily, is was blessed in that my hyperfixations involved science and logic, so I did well at school. Sadly, our boy Mob just don’t got the passion or ability to do well at school. His kanji is very bad, even to point of not being confident he wrote a kanji (世) they learn when they are 9, in elementary school (thanks @katyatalks). Him being a bit berated by his parents for having bad grades and bending spoons seems harsh to Westerners I think, but IMO it’s pretty tame from what I’ve seen of some Asian parents (I get to say that lmao). Ofc, however the shaming is very real and Mob just agreeing with them about how weird and stupid he thinks he is so sad. There is even more pressure for the eldest to be better than here, I feel from some interactions. Nonetheless, it’s implied Mob is quite emotionally detached from his parents, even though he loves them, which also adds to his emotional complex. Combined with originally fragile self esteem and feelings of worthlessness, we got one emotionally stunted boy. However, contrary to common belief people with ASD are sometimes hyper empathic and experience emotions very intensely. We are prone to having “meltdowns” which if not assisted with can be quite violent if very intense. For me, my worse meltdowns as a kid came from when I didn’t understand why I wasn’t getting what I wanted, it seemed selfish and cruel of me but I couldn’t control it. I wanted to be a good kid, so why did hit my moms leg at target when she refused to buy me Pokémon toys? I couldn’t come up with a good reason for why my mind just commanded my body to do bad things, just a single thought was controlling me, I want I want I want I want I want ____. Which I argue could be what ???% represents… bc well…. Yeah….. hmm….. not in control of self (mob unconscious), selfish (not actually, I’ve forgave myself but my “normal” kid self was so ashamed), destructive, hurt family, wanting to stop but can’t, that’s kind of…. Too relatable.
But legit, since realizing my new HC, I’ve started to think of the last chapter of mp100 when I “explode” and it helps me feel better and I do gain “control” a bit easier. I don’t feel so bad anymore either, Mob!
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