#who needs to pay bills?
phangays · 15 days
Have mercy on my soul please
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respectthepetty · 1 month
Wut and Sol said they could give Joe some money out of kindness, and Joe could pay them back whenever.
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Ming said he would give Joe whatever he wanted in exchange for Joe's body because Ming is selfish.
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Joe taking Ming's deal is the most relatable moment I've had with Joe because I, too, would pick the devil I already know. Mixing finances with friends is always dicey, and he would still owe them. With Ming, it's business and he doesn't have to worry about ruining a friendship. He can hate Ming, but as long as Ming runs him his money, he'll continue to do his job because this is just another stand-in job.
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Joe is really saying "sex work is work"
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And I respect that.
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spaciebabie · 6 days
springtrap but he has claws and he slowwwwwly sinks them into youi while holdoing you close purring softly hes not eveb truing ta hurt you on ourpose justtrying ta keep you as close as possible and get you ta stay put for just a few more seconds oohohohhh ohhh hospital hostpital hospital. emergency room hospital
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cavotarchives · 1 year
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You see, I'm a time-traveler, and my partner Cavendish died on the job. So I went back in time and saved him. But now that means there's two me's, two Dakotas in this time period and only one Cavendish, and you can't do that.
MILO MURPHY'S LAW (2016-2019) 01x17b | Island of Lost Dakotas
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goatpaste · 7 months
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I know a sorta made a small post along these lines the other day, but something a lil more official of!!
im kinda broke rn, between the recent stuff with losing my car and having to get a new one and work literally scheduling me 13 hrs a week. Im slowly losing money and it got really bad this month after paying my bills and everything and realizing I had just 300 bucks in my bank account.
My current job hasn't been working with me to give me the hours i need to make a living wage and iv been trying to get a new job for months with no success and it's looking like i could really use a lil extra support via online commission work rn until I can land a more solid paying job. I really hate to sound like a desperate wet cardboard box beast but I still need to insure my new car and cant afford it as i stand right now.
I wont ask for donations, I think im going to be fine, but a lil money to help keep my head above the water would be great so im just gonna promo my commission work. To anyone who can commission me in some way or another would be awesome! I appreciate any support I can get rn even just a reblog
My Commission Info
My Kofi
My Etsy
My Toyhouse
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sometiktoksarevalid · 4 months
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esmes · 5 months
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moralesmilesanhour · 1 year
The main takeaway from the conversation around the lack of reblogs or comments on fics shouldn't be "writers want more engagement". It should be "the lack of meaningful interaction with creative works makes fandom less enjoyable", I think.
Frankly, I couldn't give a rat's ass if a fic of mine or fanart gets a million notes if it doesn't spark a conversation or any sign of a reaction. The most that a like communicates to me is that someone tapped a button and moved on.
The whole point of fandom creation is to share your ideas with the hopes of connecting with other fans, so when people start to treat creative works like another endless stream of content to scroll through, it kills that feeling of connection.
The whole reason why people want followers and reblogs to begin with is because that USED TO MEAN that more people would interact with you! That's the issue here 😭
I feel like we've been trained to look at everything like a disposable product that we can consume before moving onto the next thing. That’s like...the antithesis of what it means to engage with a creative work.
If this wasn't the case, people wouldn't have cozied up to AI-generated content in the fic community so quickly. I still think about that one viral comment where someone took an unfinished fic and put it into chatGPT without the author's consent, just so that the main characters could get happily married and be done with it.
(This coincides with the apparent hatred people have begun to express towards stories that are tragic or open-ended, but that's an entirely different conversation.)
You're *supposed* to come back to shit you enjoyed years after it's published. You're *supposed* to chat with others about something you like with earnest excitement. It's not cringe or weird. That's the point!
Please, for the love of god, start making it a habit to engage with things that make you excited. It really is about more than just writers being sad about numbers.
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rad-claid-plaid · 1 year
I think that most men who are "financially clueless" and just go "oopsie sorry I know we had rent to pay but I just dropped $1500 on a new toy I wanted. It's your job to figure it out" aren't really financially illiterate. They seem to do that knowing fully that they don't have the financial means to do it, but then just demand the woman in their life fixes it.
He's saying, "I made a decision. I expect you to fix this by suffering yourself." So the woman goes without healthcare or food for herself and her children to try to fix the finances. If she complains, then it's *her* fault for not budgeting better or making sure he is aware of the finances (spoiler alert, he's well aware, he just doesn't care). She's expected to sell her jewelry or her car to keep the house, just because he wanted a toy. It's another shade of financial control.
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thinking about…. cult leader!geto/corporate slave!reader……… rubs your stiff shoulders when you get home and sends death threats to anyone that actively stresses you out or opposes your success <33
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Jobs are for losers anyway
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finexbright · 1 year
#as i said i'm only now catching up on what happened at red rocks and honestly i'm just so confused as to#why people are getting hate mail for being at a show???? like unless you were right there at the show you will NOT know what's going on#you can't just ''leave'' a venue because there's security measures ensuring that people don't run and cause a stampede#i get that the team there sucked and should've been much better equipped for an outdoor venue but why the fuck are we blaming the fans????#and then being mad at louis??? yeah i get that his tweet wasn't the best but i'd imagine that he was trying to help out as much as he could#ensuring fans were safe and taken care of. pretty sure he is the one paying all hospital bills and stuff as well#yeah i know he's an artist and he has people doing things for him but also it's louis. he might not have been at ground zero#but i bet he was doing everything he could to help get fans to safety and he had to tweet something amidst all that#just to reassure fans a bit more and he did what he could#besides. i'm sorry but instead of being all ''louis/his team should've done more'' can we all just make sure that the fans#who were actually in that hail storm and who actually got horribly injured and who actually went through such a scary situation#are feeling okay? like why are we arguing about trivial things when what matters the most out of this situation is the fans and their safety#i honestly need people who were not at the venue and people who do not understand how traumatic things can be#to just shut up and log off#anyways to everyone present at red rocks i'm sending you so much love and i'm so sorry something so traumatic happened#i hope everyone is safe and is being treated for their injuries 💌
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yellowymellon · 3 months
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I've always assumed each umbrella to be a stellaron hunter but did we ever get confirmation that there are only 4 ? By my logic there would be 2 extra ones (two ppl in the distance I'm not sure we should count)
Also idc what anyone says it's not a theory it's my delusion that believes the cat is elio 100%
Why do I believe that? Cuz stellaron hunters are basically the akudama drive's plot! A bunch of criminals are assembled to do the bidding of talking high technology artificial cat who's being controlled by (spoilers but if ykyk - it's similar) and in exchange they get paid :3
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josecariohca · 8 days
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thisismeracing · 6 months
Since when did we start charging money on patreon for fanfics 😭😭😭😭 is this for real😭
hi, love. I haven't seen that many people doing the Patreon thing when it comes to fanfic, but it's pretty common for people who draw for example to set up a Patreon. I believe that everyone who does, just like myself, needs the money. I wouldn't be doing it if i didn't need to. I figured the Patreon setup was the best idea since it's not really that common for people to tip writers, we've been struggling with getting reblogs and comments, so you can imagine.
Right now, I'm applying and doing tests to get an internship, which still won't be enough because I'm also trying to apply for a master's. So, yeah, I'm really thankful for everyone who tipped me on ko-fi and subscribed to my Patreon, last month my savings were over, and the Patreon money was what helped me pay for some medical stuff I needed (Idk if you saw the whole mick schumacher's sick club, but yeah — huge thank you for everyone who subscribed/donated btw).
We often see fic writers as little robots who don't eat, drink, or sleep. We request stuff, and expect an instant reply, and when we get the content we don't even go back to the page to tell the writer our thoughts. We don't reblog, nor leave comments, but still, we expect them to keep writing and keep sharing everything as if it didn't take hours, sometimes days to come up with a 1k piece polished to what we think readers will like best. I hope I don't sound rude, I'm just trying to make a point because I'm tired of seeing writers deactivating, tired of seeing my friends getting writer's block and then people still demanding things.
On top of that, I'm still posting a lot here, from smau to blubs and long fic requests (and I won't even talk about how some pieces aren't even getting a hundred notes, which always makes me wonder if I'm doing something wrong, if my writing is bad, or if there's anything that I could do to make the reader's experience more enjoyable), and it takes a lot of time, it's even harder to balance the two profiles now, but still, I keep sharing some of my work for free. so please, please, don't make me feel bad about needing money. thanks ❤️.
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sleepinglionhearts · 9 months
Did dishes 2 days in a row
AND cleaned the counters
AND cleaned the sink
I feel unstoppable. Tired. But unstoppable.
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