#who definitely for real dmed me
swashbucklery · 4 months
oh hi! this is taylor swift (obviously) wishing you a belated happy birthday, because i made a terrible discovery while i, taylor swift, was in stockholm last weekend: you can't send anonymous tumblr messages without logging in first anymore! and i don't like logging into my accounts on hotel wifi, because i am taylor swift, so this ruined my plans to send you a timely birthday message! please accept this late token of my appreciation
Hi actual Taylor Swift! It was so sweet of you to make time to wish me a happy birthday in between busy Swedish concerts. Thank you so, so much. This absolutely made my night, and made me feel just as happy and loved to hear a little later. I'm so sorry about the hotel wifi, but I heard your peformance was really "good" and "cool" and "my friend Mary enjoyed the TTPD set and Midnights bodysuit the regular amount."
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ailesswhumptober · 3 months
Hi. I definitely felt refreshed reading your hard stance and information on ai in your pinned, but irrelevant to that, I only found your blog today and I feel like I missed something with AI and whumptober. Can I learn about that? I hope my language makes sense.
In the late summer of 2023, an anonymous user asked the Whumptober blog if AI-generated content would be allowed for the event. This anon did not come from any of us, nor do we know who originally send this ask, but one of us did see Whumptober's response which kickstarted this entire thing.
Whumptober responded that they would not be disallowing AI because they "do not want to police how other people create things" and "didn't want to exclude anybody" but that they would "discourage" AI-generated content "because it feels like cheating" (all direct quotes).
Myself, the other mods, and several more people, were very disappointed in this stance. several of us started replying to the post and got into a back-and-forth with the Whumptober mods about why AI-generated content is harmful and bad. These posts and replies have since been mostly deleted by the Whumptober blog, nor do we want to rehash the entire thing, but some of the stances that Whumptober took that really rubbed us wrong were (again with direct quotes):
"AI-generated content is not art theft". When pointed out that these sorts of applications very much scrape content without consent, Whumptober claimed that it's the AI that steals then, not the person who uses the AI. They also claimed that since the AI already scraped the content, you "might as well use it", that defending against AI scraping is "going down on an already burning hill" and that "if you don't want your content scraped/stolen, just don't post it online". We found these very concerning statements from an event made by and for creators.
"AI-generated content is a fandom issue and nobody in the real world is harmed by it". This is, obviously, factually incorrect. When we pointed out real creators in many creative industries are being hit hard because of AI-generation, they said "that's capitalism's fault, not AI-generation" (???) and they also told us to "touch grass".
"These sort of AIs are an accessibility tool for the disabled, so disliking them is ableism". Again, this is incorrect. They tried to liken it to predictive text or spell check. We pointed out that there's a vast difference between those machine learning tools and actually generative AI that subsides on scraped content. We said disabled people (many of whom were involved in the back-and-forth) are sick of being used as a strawman by tech bros. They then said "real disabled people probably feel differently" which was a slap in the face, and honestly the thing that still is the most horrible to me about this whole thing.
This is the point where Whumptober started to block a bunch of us and delete asks/replies. They made a post that falsely made it seem like we were harassing and bullying them for saying that they "couldn't check every single entry for AI-generated content". We pointed out multiple times that we absolutely did not expect them to, since we're very aware that with the size of the Whumptober event, it would be impossible. We'd just like them to say 'AI-generated content is not allowed and it's art theft' but apparently they didn't want to.
After this one of the mods DMed me and asked me to send them some resources on why AI-generated content and scraping AI is bad, so they could educate themselves. We spent several minutes collecting sources (some linked in our pinned). They said the Whumptober mods would read them, and then come to a standpoint. But then within less than a minute of us sending the links, they deleted the remaining posts involved in the debate, and just told us they were sticking to their standpoint that "We will not police how people create things, we'll just discourage people by not reblogging it". They also added to their pinned that they won't ever respond to any asks about AI-generated content again. So that was that.
Somewhere during the argument, the Whumptober mods told us that if we disliked their stance so much, we should just make our own event. So we did.
(Edit to add: regardless on if whumptober does change their policy, we never received any sort of acknowledgement or apology of the above and we will keep running this event for whoever wants to.)
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AITA for "causing" someone's ED? (massive TW obviously)
so i (18x) have a pr0ana sideblog. i say this in the LOOSEST sense of the term; while i interact with pr0ana tags and content, i don't make any myself, and my "platform" is nonexistent. i primarily use the blog as a way to feel less alone since i can't talk about my ED in real life. it's a vent blog. i don't have the name of my sideblog anywhere on my main blog, and vice versa.
a few weeks ago, my good friend (18x) found this sideblog and decided not to tell me. over the next few weeks, we had several conversations about my ED and their dysmorphia (though according to them not a full-fledged ED), all started by them. at one point i promised them that i would try to get just a little better every day, and i do! i do try that constantly! but about ten minutes after saying that i posted something on my sideblog about how paranoid i was about calories or whatever, because yeah i'm trying to get better, but that doesn't mean i magically stop struggling. i also told them i was NOT on pr0ana tumblr or interacting with that sort of content, because i wasn't comfortable sharing that about myself. i didn't know my friend knew about the sideblog at this point.
they dmed me a while after this post to ask why i had lied to their face, or as they put it in a vaguepost on their blog, "made a promise and then turned around and immediately broken it." i got very very frustrated, since i think what i do on the internet is my business, as is my mental health. this definitely reflected in my tone, so i think i was definitely TA, at least initially.
during this conversation, though, they basically said that i needed to talk to them about my emotions and stop hiding them, and that i had to take the hand they were extending. here's where the main problem started. they then said that they considered contacting my mother or friends but decided in the long run it wouldn't be beneficial. my mother is emotionally abusive, which this friend knew, and would absolutely involuntarily hospitalize me if contacted about my ED.
i became extremely angry, both that my friend would have my mother's and friends' contact information in the first place (we met through tumblr and have only met in person ONCE -- i do not, clearly, have their parents' contact information or even their names, and this was not information i volunteered to them) and that they would use it as an ultimatum. at this point i became extremely furious and basically told them to leave me alone because no one who genuinely cared about me would do that, and i didn't understand why my mental illness was seen as something i HAD to overcome if i wanted to avoid getting literally hospitalized by my mother. at this point they told me that i was refusing to accept help and that i was "aestheticizing killing myself." they then blocked me. i was still fucking angry. i never blocked them from my main, but i did block all their accounts from my sideblog and change the url.
they later unblocked me and we tried to remain civil. we never stopped interacting with each other's posts or whatever. they initiated contact a few times, which i ignored. the first instance they initiated contact was sending me a poem they'd written about the situation, which made me feel like shit, and the second time was just saying "hey." i didn't respond either time because i didn't know how.
i saw a vaguepost that they made on their blog yesterday that basically said they were fucking angry that, after an entire lifetime of struggling to avoid developing an ED, the "person they used to be in love with" was the reason they were developing one. it was clearly about me and i felt a rush of shame so overwhelming that i didn't really know what to do with it. i dmed them to tell them that i loved them and i was sorry, that i didn't mean to hurt them, and that i didn't want things to end like they did. reading back over the message now, it feels very "woe is me" (i was crying while writing it), but basically it just involved me apologizing a million times.
i woke up this morning to their response, which was: "are you saying this because you miss me or because you don't have anyone else left? i don't want to be your last choice." i hadn't gone into the conversation with the intention of regaining their close friendship because, frankly, i don't want that. i hadn't gone into it with a goal in mind. a problem i've had with this friend in the past is that they seem to view a lot of interactions and relationships as almost transactional in a way that i don't (demonstrated by their insistence that i had to talk them about my mental health in the first place). i told them this, and told them i just wanted to apologize and that i loved them. they said that they were sorry, too, but that the timing made them "suspicious," i assume because they know i've been extremely depressed and lonely lately (i just moved to college without any of my best friends and have been making vent posts about it on my main personal blog).
i know it wasn't the intention, but it made me feel like they were using my mental illness against me yet AGAIN, and i stopped apologizing. as i'm typing this i'm trying to decide whether to block them. but i feel like shit about the whole thing, because i was responsible for the formation of their ED, and i feel like i should be able to handle whatever anger they have towards me for that without getting my feelings hurt and being petty. i don't know. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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star-girl69 · 2 months
OKAY LIVE UPDATES!! (ALLEGEDLY!!! xoxo pls dont sue me im js a girl)
identity theft??:
q made a fake account pretending to be a girl named saylor [her real acc is saylor.steward05 on tiktok] putting her name, face, college, etc. (that's how saylor was dragged into this)
q dragged paige into the discussion by saying that fake acct of saylor was texting paige, and that paige 'replied' saying everything abt q was fake
-> they think this is fake, since paige is on her side-quest hustle rn and likely wouldn't check her message requests from random people
-> they also think that q is attempting to use paige's name to garner support for herself
reaching out to others:
they haven't tried to reach out to anyone else on the team cause they're trying not to involve anyone else
they've attempted to reach out to maryland sheriff's dept (since q is from maryland), and they said they couldn't do anything- they then reached out to uconn's campus police and attempted to file a complaint, nothing has come of it yet
they've attempted to reach out to coaches, nothing has come of it yet
mariah dmed info abt what's happening to paige, she hasn't replied but they don't know if she's seen it cause she's on vacay and allat
-> they're not mad abt it tho cause they know she's busy and that it's also not her responsibility to handle q's nonsense
azzi's brother joined the live (azzi is suspected to b part of the secret q was leaking), she offered to let him join but said absolutely no pressure if he don't want to
-> he didn't join
q + her fam (potentially) silencing others?
the original post exposing q (on mariah's page) got taken down, they say that q was the one who got it taken down
many of the people who are co-hosting on Mariah's live are coming out to say that they got banned from going live for a while (they think q is mass reporting people to stop stuff from spreading)
q's cousin is in the live
-> mariah's cohosts + ppl in the chat are getting reported/banned off the live, they think q's cousin is potentially helping her with that?
they're wondering if q's family is dealing with things privately, but "the way her family is going about things publicly shows that they definitely aren't doing anything about it)
-> q's sister allegedly posted something Mariah abt catching a fade (I couldn't hear it super well)
other stuff q did:
she DID say something (it wasn't specified what) abt someone's dead ex-gf
q allegedly also talked shit abt her teammates to mariah when they were still talking
a girl + her friend had added q on roblox (she posted her acct. a while ago to js have fun) and they played tgt, then she made an edit and q reposted/liked/faved it, but when she went on q's live ppl were being wild in the comments so she said "y'all r doing tm" and she was blocked cause q thought she was saying that to her
-> claimed that she does have receipts (i didn't see them but it could b true)
other notes:
they're not gonna discuss the 'secret' that q dropped, cause it's obvs not their secret to tell
they're discussing if kk harvey knows about what's happening w q or not, they don't think she knows? (she hasn't made any statements if she does)
-> someone asked her abt it on lacey's live last night, but the comment wasn't acknowledged/noticed
-> talking ab how kk was VISIBLY uncomfortable during their live tgt, talking ab how q was being like 'ditzy' and saying dumbahh stuff like "oh is hockey played in a gym" n other stuff like that (imo that's not the worst??? cause ngl she might js b nervous around kk)
there's a discord server abt surviving q-diddy!! (im not joining cause im not tryna actively put myself into the situation, q aint gon get me xoxo <3)
mariah was not a minor when things went down, but a lot of people who have been reaching out to her/coming out with their own stories were minors (and q knew it)
mariah is ending the live for now, since she doesn't want to risk getting banned/getting her live privilege taken away (might move the live to ig to avoid the ban) + she's starting to cry and she doesn't want to do that on live obvs
-> she'll be back on tiktok live today @ 9pm central time (it'll b pretty late for my timezone and a girls got practice in the morning so
-> she also wants to take some time to find more receipts + recollect cause this is obvs a lot for some1 to go thru
okay long story short q has done this over and over again to a ton of other people, and has also been doing some other wack stuff, a handful of her family members have been siding w her (which obvs isnt okay) -- lets not attack all of her family until stuff is confirmed abt them tho cause they're not responsible for q's actions <3
i’m gonna put this in the tags just in case anyone else wants to know the q tea lol!!!!
OH MY GOD YOURE DOINT GODS WORK let me break this down.
identity theft- oh my god making fake accounts is such a q thing to do. i definitely agree w using paige’s name to garner support, that’s definitely a smart choice ig?? lol too bad it’s fake
reaching out- ok GOOD JOB FOR TRYING TO CONTACT PEOPLE!!! i definitely think the best place to go is with the coaches rn. that is where she’s going to get the most consequences in my opinion, looking forward to updates from campus police and coaches tho
silencing people- yeah i would bet a lot of money that q is the one who got mariah’s video taken down and is mass reporting, idk the things with her family i think have to be taken slowly bc no one really knows what is happening privately. like i just can’t imagine what her family is going through rn and trying to deal w what q has done must be absolutely horrible. i hope they all get some peace after all of this- but i also hope they’re doing the right thing. if q’s cousin really is helping her ban people then that’s a big no-no, but i feel like also why would her cousin join purposely on their acc instead of some secret spam or smth??? idk that’s just me, but who knows
other stuff- i heard about the ex gf thing i’m pretty sure from the original person, i cannot remember where i saw the video but i’m pretty sure it was from someone on tumblr who has reposted it. i don’t remember what was said either tho, omg the roblox thing is crazy… blocking someone that fast who you had a good relationship w previously is like kinda mentally ill as shit lmao???
other notes- i’m so glad they’re not discussing the secret.
kk harvey- ok about them acknowledging it- this unfortunately happened on the live like the second BEFORE i started screen recording- i think someone asked if laila and kk knew about the q drama and i THINK laila responded with “there’s no q drama” or something along those lines- I COULD BE COMPLETELY WRONG SO DONT TAKE THIS AS FACT!!!! i genuinely don’t remember that well. honestly the kk and q lives (the clips of it i’ve seen) didn’t seem very predatory? just very awkward and weird. kk was obviously uncomfortable i totally agree and i think q probably could have noticed that and at the very least toned it down, q was being very “ditzy” lol but i honestly just think that was either her trying to flirt or as you said drama anon just her being nervous
queen definitely don’t join if you’re not comfortable!!!! we appreciate you watching this live and keeping us updated so much, i’m sure most of the stuff in the discord is just regurgitated from the lives but if something major does come out i’m sure we’ll all hear about it. also don’t worry about getting the live for tonight!!! i seriously appreciate you so much for this, you are truly one of god’s strongest soldiers LOL 🙏🙏
minors- yeah the fact that this now involves minors has definitely like brought this up to a level TEN… some type of law enforcement definitely needs to be involved at this point.
i think the best thing mariah can do in this situation is remain calm and not spark the flames anymore, don’t give q reasons to mass report people, her and the other victims need to collect all of their evidence and receipts and get it to someone who will know what to do- and if that ends up being the police then that’s what it ends up being.
i definitely agree w you w the stuff about her family, at the end of the day WE DONT KNOW. we don’t know anything, we don’t know what’s true and what’s fake and unless there’s concrete evidence i think everyone following along w the situation needs to take everything with a grain of salt, verify their sources, and listen to multiple perspectives of what’s going on and think CRITICALLY about all of this for just a second.
q is the only person who is responsible for her actions, and she needs to be held accountable for them.
thank you SO MUCH for this thesis i literally love you drama anon. i hope you have an amazing night and i hope q diddy doesn’t get you ❤️❤️❤️ (if anyone sues you or attacks you just send them over here bc i will FIGHT)
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thenhlteaissuperhot · 9 months
nykki (martin necas' girlfriend) just posted some sort of q&a on her youtube channel and from the translation of the title, she should be talking about the nhl too, could you perhaps watch it and translate the interesting bits for us since its in czech?
This video was actually really interesting.
I have said it in the past already, but Nykki is genuinely one of the most sensible, down-to-earth, and level-headed WAGs I have seen on social media, so her answers were impressive and definitely worth hearing:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
She answered the question about how she and Martin met:
Said that it is the most-asked question she gets - "My theory is that some of the people, who are asking me that, probably want to date a hockey player and they don't know how to do that. Personally, I wouldn't go for a hockey player." (she is so real laughing her ass off during that last part)
She would really want to have some sort of romantic story, but they literally started dating because he was constantly liking her photos, then DMed her on Instagram, they started texting and FaceTiming for several months before they actually saw each other in real life and started dating like two months after.
Talked about what it is like living as a (European) WAG, who moved to the US because of her boyfriend:
The players are away for half of the month during the season, so they don't see each other as often as people may think.
It was really hard for her to make friends among the other WAGs in the first year.
Overall, she expressed that she really struggled the first year and even thought that she wouldn't be able to live like that, wanting to go back home.
She also found it really hard to understand the "NHL lifestyle" (said that the term alone seems silly to her to this day) - "It is an extremely particular group of people. Even among the girls, in the room where we meet during the games, there are so many unspoken rules. I am an open book, I like to share my thoughts, and I hate small shallow talks, but I understood quite quickly that it doesn't work like that here and you can't trust everyone. It is everywhere like that - when you come to a room where there are twenty-five girls, at the end of the day, you only get along with a few of them, and I didn't understand that in the beginning. I kinda burned myself."
She can't have a work permit in the US and neither can all the European WAGs because their visas are officially under their partners - said that it is extremely hard for everyone to get a work permit in the US, but for them, it is practically impossible. A lot of other WAGs have tried, they poured a lot of money into the lawyers, and no one, she knows, has so far succeeded.
Where it is possible for the WAGs to obtain work permits, is in Canada - during this part, she also joked that Martin doesn't have a contract for the next year, so maybe they could move there.
Because of this whole work permit issue, she started doing social media, producing music, and writing scripts for some sort of company (the last two I understood are jobs in the Czech Republic, which she does online), making her own money.
She also said that life in Raleigh, North Carolina is quite uneventful compared to Prague, where she is from - however, she is also aware of the fact, that Raleigh is a quite safe place to live and that she can be glad for it because it's not like that everywhere in the States (as she knows from the experiences of other WAGs).
She also answered money-related questions as many people think that her boyfriend pays for everything in her life:
It is crazy for her that some people think that she is dating him only for the money - said that she didn't move across the Atlantic, away from her family and friends, and the established life she had in the Czech Republic, because of designer bags.
Said that all the WAGs (not just hockey ones) always showcase their life on social media to people who follow them in a manner that makes it seem better than it actually is - posting how they go to the games, how they all have their hair done, designer handbags...
She emphasized that they do have it really easy in a lot of things, and that it actually bothers her (personally she wouldn't be able to bear being financially dependent on her boyfriend - at least that's what I think she meant), but that there are also a lot of disadvantages, for example, if she is going to have kids one day in the States, their grandparents aren't going to see them because they are on the other side of the Atlantic.
At the end of the NHL-related segment, she brought up the question "what would you do if you broke up?"
She emphasized that she is one of the lucky ones because she has managed to find a way how to make a living on her own so this question doesn't really worry her because her life would simply continue, just back in Prague, not in the USA, but that many of the girls are studying in the States or just living there with their boyfriends and solely because of their boyfriends, and that once they break up, it is extremely difficult for them.
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salvatwh0re · 4 months
U can manifest trillions of $$$ them why to charge? Even if it's 0.1$ WHY? I know u will be putting your efforts etc but u know that we all are facing hard circumstances that's why we are here bc of our situations we found out about loa, we kinda manifested it ( my perspective ). So why to charge?
"bc it will take my energy and efforts and hardwork" ok then don't do it. If u do then don't charge. Isn't it simple? Or u can just manifest powerful subs from voidddd???!!!!! And post on yt??!!! Ahh please make all of it to make sense to me , I beg of u
If you read my response you would see that I am not currently do paid requests, I only brought it up because someone DMed me asking if they could do a paid request and I informed them that I’m not currently doing them, but if that’s something they want then I’ll figure out how to set that up. When I was asked how much I would charge, it was all hypothetical, not definite or set in stone. My focus is on releasing subliminals to help the general public and making posts/ my challenge to help the loa community. If paid requests are still a thing that people want once I get the hang of posting routinely, then I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it, until then I hope this explanation was enough. I’m aware that a lot of people in the loa community are experiencing unfortunate circumstances, and I’m in no way asking for anyone’s money. I’m simply here to help, although loa and the void is not exactly one size fits all, the basis of it at its core is all the same, and that’s exactly what I’m trying to bring into perspective with my posts.
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gralunaisland · 1 year
lol i just got a message that juvia is a well written character. Arguments from the category "oh, well, she stopped chasing Gray at the end of the manga and stopped counting on reciprocity. Now Gray is chasing after her!" However, no clear evidence was provided for this. How do you think she has "grown" even one iota as a character? sorry for my english , ehe
juvia Has Had Zero Character Growth
I'm so sorry that I've taken so long to get to your ask @sursirini! I have more asks than I can count rn and so much college work to do @_@. But I have finally returned!
Oh boy, I do not know how people think that juvia has had any character growth whatsoever. Of course that person who dmed you didn't provide any proof because they have none, and yet they keep arguing in a futile manner. I'm sorry you had to deal with that; I hope they left you alone. Also, your English is very good! I would've thought you were a native speaker! ;)
Onto your very good question, I do not think she has grown one iota as a character at all.
I actually go into 2 instances in this post of mine, and I can quickly summarize it here, but that post is much more in depth so I highly recommend reading that one as well (though actually I noticed you reblogged it so you've probably already read it! Thank you for that!)
The two instances I talked about in the aforementioned post was when juvia sacrificed herself for Gray and when she "apologized" for "killing" Silver. For the first point, I said in my post that she lacks self so therefore her sacrifice doesn't mean anything as she would die if Gray died since her entire being is based off of him. It is only selfless in the way that she is devoid of a self in the first place, and this action is just as selfish since she wouldn't have a reason to live if Gray was gone.
As for her apology, I continued on in my post to say that she never apologized and only had a personal pity party to make Gray feel bad. she's not sad for Gray at all that he had to lose his father twice, she's just sad because she thinks she lost her "right" to love him.
I can go into a couple other instances as well.
juvia sacrificing her body for Cana in their fight against Freid scene? Look no further than this post of mine where I go in depth as to how it doesn't prove any real character development not to mention goodness. Short answer is after this one instance, she goes back to being a butt to every woman again as well as making it clear that she doesn't really love FT, and "reverting back to your sickly ways" is the definition of not growing.
juvia making nice with Lucy in the Tower of Heaven? Guess what? Same thing because she goes right back to calling Lucy a blond bimbo as soon as their lives aren't in danger. I've said it before and I'll say it again, but if you only really apologize and act like you care for someone when your life is in danger but are a jerk every other time, you don't really care for them, you just don't want to feel guilty and have regrets.
All this doesn't even mention how juvia continues to stalk and harass Gray even to the end of FT and into 100yq. Literally nothing about her behavior changes; only Gray's behavior does as he is thoroughly brainwashed by this wicked woman.
Honestly at this moment, I can't even think about other examples Pros might come up with because there are so few instances of things that could be misconstrued as being character growth. If y'all think of any, let me know and I'll give you my thoughts!
Also, @absolutezerotolerance had a wonderful post that drew a really helpful comparison linked here. Most of that post was debunking a dumb gr///via post, but the thing that stood out most to me was comparing juvia at the beginning of the manga and then at the end. she really hadn't changed at all, from doom and gloom because no one loved her, to doom and gloom because no one, least of all Gray, loved her. Absolutely nothing had changed except for the fact that she only wanted Gray's affections instead of affection in general, and through that, she became a dependent, parasitic, satellite character who lacks agency.
Anyway, thank you again for your patience, and if you have any more questions, feel free to ask! Have a wonderful day!
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purityvalentine · 2 months
Going to VeXpo was so fun!
I took my mum, obviously, and we cosplayed for the first half of the day and then changed into regular clothes for the second half because it was WARM in that con hall.
The first thing we did was go to the maid cafe, they didn't recognise me but I think that was good actually! The cake was really tasty (although there was too much cream for me to be able to eat so I made mum take most of that) and we got chekkis and just it was really nice
Then we wandered about the shops a bit, queued for ages to buy a penlight (they did run out of stock later so i think waiting was worth it)
Said hi to a vtuber I know
Wandered around shops more
Attended Nina and Lumi's agency vs indie panel, honestly was mostly stuff I was already aware of but it was very meta and interesting to hear the way they both approach vtubing, goals and progress and the amount of time they spend working on stream stuff
Definitely made me feel like I wanted to work harder
Then a viewer of mine dmed me to say that he had found some coco merch (doujinshi) (sfw) and he had asked them to put it aside for me so i could go and ask for it since they only had 1 copy of each SO i bought those
they were a little expensive but there was nothing else coco in the entire con
honestly merchwise it was mostly genshin and honkai, some enstars and vocaloid, vtubers it was mostly hololive myth, a decent amount of promise and then vshojo and some of the really big indie talents
i was a little disappointed and didn't end up buying much but honestly it's for the best, my wallet wasn't really in the position to be spending
changed into normal clothes because i was dying
met up with a vtuber i know who was working there to talk for a bit before they had to get back to work, introduced myself to an a******** talent (who is friends with that person) by my real name by accident and wanted to curl up on the ground
went back to the maid cafe now i wasn't in cosplay (just to the guy on the merch counter, not IN the maid cafe they were very very busy i didn't want to attention whore) and said hi and they asked who my favourite was while i was picking up the keychain i wanted to buy and i ended up being like oh well um. i'm purity so. it has to be macaron.
AND THEY WERE LIKE omg [real name] you're here how are you doing! and it made me so happy they remembered me (they didn't recognise me because i had a pretty dramatic appearance change since years ago)
i really hope one day maybe i can get it together and be active and functional and then i can audition next time they open and never let them down again
what else
oh then i met the viewer who helped me get the coco merch so i could sign the passport for them! i'm nervous about that because i worry a lot about not looking completely like my avatar but they were very kind
i also ran into ami amami (on an ipad) and i got to talk to her about how i followed her back when she was in shirayuri pro and i lost track of her when she became a frog but i was happy i found her again and she inspires me a lot to be a kaigai idol
and she told me that if i ever wanted to dm her for advice or anything like that i could and like
we spoke for a while actually and it was pretty emotional but i'm really happy and now i really want to do my best so i can be an idol and make the people that inspire me proud to be my inspirations
and maybe share a virtual stage with them one day...
then i hunted down another vtuber who was there to say hi and then two more vtubers i'd been trying to find found us so we chatted for a little bit but then i started reaching the end of my energy so i had to leave and collapse for a little bit
i managed to get JUST enough energy that i when i got a message from one of those vtubers that they were shutting the hall to prepare for the concert i was able to get up and queue for it
but i nearly gave up honestly, standing in that queue, completely drained of energy
we got in there and i sat by the door because i thought i was just completely burnt out and would have to leave part way through the concert
a ground of mint fantome wota with the proper jackets sat near us though and were doing all the wotagei to all of the songs so i also got my penlights and honestly it was so fun like
cheering for all the singers like that, knowing my little light was visible and they could see another person cheering for them
if i ever can't be a vtuber anymore, i'm becoming a full time idol supporter. it's a joyous experience.
that's not even to mention the fact that the singers were. amazing. the screen kept on glitching but other than one time where the video cut out (i think during one of idol's talents songs?) the audio was perfect and god
eien's talents were all just. mindblowingly amazing even if they rickrolled us, the songs were just... they sung them perfectly
idol only got one song each and a lot of them were really good! one of them swore a lot and me and mum were like :0 wao
bonnie did 4 city pop songs and also was very cute, good dog/good dog
algorhythm project was. well first off the guy introduced himself as 'that concert guy' because of the time that that was a whole meme with the hair toggle and honestly very cool that he takes that whole event in stride. good singer. there were some girls in the row in front of me that literally screamed hysterically when he appeared like damn they were in love
and then the woman from algorhythm was enchanting. original thai song, just beautifully sung and then the final song she sung was ghost rule (deco*27) and it was just a perfect way to end the concert and her voice was so POWERFUL and vivid and full and just
anyway it was really inspiring and now i need to work extra hard so i can perform like that one day and stop getting cold feet about my own little silly karaoke streams!!!
and then me and mum went home :>
no con seggs sorry
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effieandtim · 1 year
They are criticizing him for visiting Israel years ago. It seems like a legitimate criticism to me, but that it is now seems strange to me. What bothers me about them is the way they talk about their fans, practically insinuating that they forget their principles when it comes to the white man they want to fuck. This is something that also bothers me about a certain part of the activism on Twitter because when women defend a man they bring up the topic of sex. With these fans in particular, they always justify their words: "how embarrassing to behave like that for a man", "they started before" but I remember their comments on Twitter and Reddit. They have not been silenced, I'll tell you that.
oh yes that is definitely a legit criticism - and you wont see me defending it. he was dmed about it by one of the fans and he took the posts down almost immediately - that doesnt make the act of going there, albeit years ago, right, but at least he listened for whatever reason i don’t know. i have no idea what his stance is now, and honestly it’s on him to educate himself - like we all are doing. there is so much propaganda and more so in the uk, with even the government and opposition spreading the same harmful rhetoric (the situation is partly their fault so it’s not surprising). i live here and i see it working in real time. so i am not assuming anyone’s stance on this unless they explicitly say so - and it is possible for awareness to evolve (i have seen that within myself)
oomf who is arab has spoken about this, and i am only offering this view bc they feel the same - unlike those white fans, i dont believe in speaking over someone who has experienced things i will never experience.
anyway. yes that is their go too response - but what’s funny is that i have seen her salivate over a white actor from a popular show that had eagerly expressed wanting to work with a certain abusive director and also his character while calling a female character on the show a cunt in a derogatory way. so that should tell you she doesnt really care about defending woman and or even woc bc she has been racist to wocs too.
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dimonds456 · 1 year
Aight, what you see above is an article that's getting passed around by proshippers. I'm making my own post separate from theirs to discuss the contents of this article and why I believe everyone *should* read it, while also I don't believe the article is correct.
The article was written by a Japanese artist who had been harassed for "proshipping" online, even though they themself did not partake in anything more than aging up 15-year-old characters to 19. As far as they claim, that was it (though the artwork itself is not provided).
Someone had DMed them, asking if they were a proshipper, or a "problematic shipper", to which they shrugged and went "I guess so?" and then that person-referred to as A- started spreading it to all their friends that A was a proshipper and to avoid them, leading to soft blocks, harassment, ect.
Something I'd like to point out that is correct about this article is the meaning of "proshipper." It doesn't mean "problematic ships." Instead, "pro" is the prefix, not an abbreviation. The meaning is in reference to someone who is unbothered by any specific type of ship, and/or supports the creation of problematic ships. This difference is, I feel, important, not because the definition is changed, but because how people view that definition changes substantially.
Keep that in mind.
Something else of note here is the cultural difference. The artist is from Japan, and according to them, Japan allows ships of any kind. Japan, as a country, is proship, which creates vast and varied artistic expressions. Any and everything is allowed.
And, according to worldpopulationreview.com, the age of consent in Japan is 13 (though articles are saying they're rethinking this law).
Again, I recommend reading the article for yourself to fully understand the artist's point of view, but I'd like to break down where the author was wrong about many things. A lot of them stem from cultural differences and are normalized, so you can't really blame them, but it's good to keep in mind when interacting with proshippers from all over the world.
Something they're right about is harassment. I don't think people should be being harassed for stuff like this. Blocked? Yes.
The first thing they got wrong was the general assumption that fiction doesn't affect reality, or that antis cannot tell the difference between fiction and reality. This (at least for a lot of us) isn't true. Using myself as an example, it's clear to me that fiction and reality are two different worlds.
However, to say that fiction doesn't affect reality is false. Both worlds influence each other. If an adult starts dating a 13-year-old in fiction, younger audience members who watch that will see that relationship play out. Depending on how it's portrayed, this can either help or harm that audience member. If this relationship is deemed bad in that piece of media, then the younger members of that audience will remember that, vs if they say it's okay, THAT'S where you've crossed into proship territory that is actively harmful towards your audience.
I am a firm believer that anything should be allowed in fiction, as long as the author is respectful, responsible, and considers the ramifications of their work towards a real audience. So like, having a relationship between a 19-year-old and a 13-year-old should be allowed to be portrayed, as long as it isn't positive. By not allowing these stories to be told at all, that's leaning into some book burning shit.
What the author did, aging up 15-year-olds to 19, is not inherently bad, especially since they say it wasn't sexual in nature (but again, the art itself is never presented).
The second thing they get wrong is calling us a minority. I don't believe there were any studies done on this, but I don't think the majority of Americans go around talking about shipping children with adults? Again, it's a cultural difference that was influenced on this specific artist BY other proshippers. It's a biased view from both sides. I do not believe any studies have officially been done on this subject, so you cannot call us a minority. But, we can't call you a minority, either. I'm not sure how many there are on either side.
But also, I don't think that really matters. Continuing my topic from before with fiction affecting reality, if someone in that audience can get hurt because of your story, then it doesn't matter if the majority don't. It's still harmful and can affect reality- THIS reality- in negative ways. By drawing proship art and saying it doesn't matter because it's fiction, you're helping to normalize this art for ACTUAL predators. It doesn't matter how many proshippers there are, this is STILL harmful.
Something else I noticed, but I cannot point specifically to this article as evidence for, but it may be influencing the author, is the idea of in-fandom vs outside-fandom. The author mentions this a couple times, though usually in reference to the cultural differences between Japan and America.
The author is outside the US fandom, and so doesn't fully understand its inner workings or why so many of us are anti-proship "purest"s. I don't know how else to explain this besides going up to your grandparents and asking them if they think proshipping is okay.
Upon hearing the actual definition- being unbothered or perpetuating any type of relationship between two or more characters in fiction- they might go "yeah I agree with that," because that does sound nice on paper. Freedom of expression.
But what antis have come to realize is that fiction DOES affect reality, and if you were to ask your grandparents if they thing a child should be in a relationship with an adult, they'd probably go "no."
This is purely because they don't understand the culture of being online, and the several, several subcultures that came to be. We know what proshippers are and what they represent, but someone outside fandom space wouldn't.
And now, to any proshippers reading this: first of all, thank you for hearing me out, lol. But then, I ask you to please re-evaluate why you're a proshipper. Is it for the freedom of expression idea, do you just not give a shit, or do you genuinely enjoy seeing kids and adults together? Maybe something else? I'm not going to tell you how to feel about that- you can come to your own conclusion- but I do ask that you re-examine that idea.
If the author is SOMEHOW reading this, first of all, thank you too. My goal here was not to harass you in any way, but to point out the core of why this article doesn't really work. I'm sure in Japan things are vastly different, and that's not your fault, OP. And although I don't stand by what A did to you, I do ask that you think again. Stuff like this does affect reality, even in small ways (but when it comes to p*dos, it can be FAR more harmful than good).
Proshippers help normalize unhealthy behaviors that can seriously hurt children for the rest of their lives. Do proships exist in reality? ...Yes. Not between fictional characters, but those characters can influence people in real life to go "oh yeah the incest ship was okay in this anime, which means it's fine if I'm like that, too." It's not fine. It's not okay.
Again, I'm not here to harass you, and ultimately it's up to you whether you choose to listen. I'm sorry for the harassment at all, that should not have occurred.
Back to my general audience, though, yeah. Again, read the article for yourself (which I do still highly recommend). It gives a good glimpse into the minds and ideas of some proshippers out there. I don't think OP is a bad person, just misinformed. And I believe the same of a lot of proshippers out there. We can't change their minds, but we can make sure misinfo like what is in the article is debunked, and spread correct information regarding the subject.
Some sources:
Again, read the article, do some thinking (on BOTH sides), and have a good one, guys.
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roo-bastmoon · 2 years
BTS Tutorial: gift cards for multiple iTunes
Today I set up 4 extra iTunes accounts and then I redeemed gift cards from JIMIN FUNDS to make more purchases of Set Me Free Pt. 2.
I will break down the experience for you so you might feel more comfortable doing this too, or if you know of someone who really wants to help but is pinching pennies.
But first--let me start by saying: there is a really good post over here about why it's important to avoid working with solos and antis. I do not want any drama on my blog and I never wish to cause harm to any BTS member. So I DMed Jimin Funds and straight up asked them if they were solos and/or didn't love all the members of BTS... and they flat-out said "No! It's Jimin OF BTS 100% of the time!!"
So after interacting with them a lot today, I believe they are a Jimin-biased account on Twitter but real ARMY in their personal lives, just like me. However, it seems they will take donations from anyone--including shippers, solos, OT7s, multis, who and whatever--and they will distribute to anyone buying for Jimin--including shippers, solos, OT7s, multis, who and whatever. If you wanna help Jimin, they will empower you to do so and not put you through a lot of questions to "vet" you about it. They are acting like a safe middle man.
But Jimin Funds themselves are NOT SOLOS and are actually very nice. It was 3am where they live and they were diligently still up and getting funds into the hands of ARMY like me, answering questions, making connections and suggestions. I have followed their twitter for months and they have never shaded any member and they work hard for Jimin as far as I can see, so I have no qualms working with them, but you do you. You can search for OT7 funding accounts on Twitter and use them by all means!! Please do not bring drama to my blog. I will force you to ride the drama llama if you do.
Anyway, Jimin Funds have bought hundreds of gift cards so folks can afford to buy Jimin's single and title track. Right now they are prioritizing digital sales for US and PR ARMYs but reach out to them with questions for other options.
I will walk you through how it's done, in case you wanted to do it but weren't feeling comfy and so are still on the fence.
First up, I have an iTunes account under my real name with my real life credit card and that's what I use for my main music buying, just in my real every day life outside of being ARMY. I also have 5 other fandom gmails I made, which I'm constantly cycling through to vote, stream, engage on social media, and make purchases. So today I logged out of my main iTunes and I set up accounts there with my other emails. I could only set up 4 other accounts, because iTunes limits you to 5 emails per credit card.
I input the same birthday, same address, same security questions, same credit card. Used different handle names based on the gmail address so I can keep it all straight in my mind. These 5 accounts are tied to me, one user, BUT IF I USE A GIFT CARD TO BUY, the 5 accounts' purchases count separately for the charts.
So I DMed Jimin Funds and they individually released $2 iTunes electronic fund codes to me via DM and I purchased Set Me Free four more times, and sent them screenshots and my thanks.
They did not ask me for my name, address, credit card info--nothing. I just told them the email I'd be using and as a courtesy gave them a screenshot of my iTunes account with that purchase showing them that I spent their funds as they'd intended. I feel safe that I will not be data mined just because they know those shell email addresses.
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They asked me to please use the remaining funds on each gift card to purchase Like Crazy when it drops, which I will definitely be doing.
All told, I will have bought Jimin's physical album 6 times and his digital album 5 times on iTunes and 3 times elsewhere, plus I will stream nonstop on 3 devices using 6 free trial premium accounts for 24 straight hours. I'm not sure what else I can realistically do but I'm all ears if you have suggestions.
Please reply to this post with links if you know of accounts funding the entire digital album on March 24th.
I have no idea how much it will end up costing on iTunes, but the average price of an EP is around $10-$12. That can add up for folks, I know, but sales are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT especially considering the names Jimin is trying to chart against, without radio play.
And yes, I will say that streaming is important too, of course it is, but you have to stream something 150 times for it to count as one sale. If we can make use of up to 5 iTunes accounts and spend down all the donated funds ARMY has collected, that will help Jimin chart higher, faster.
The only thing required of you is the time and effort it takes to set up extra iTunes accounts, redeem a gift card code, and click to purchase two songs. It's way less work than streaming for 24 hours straight (though I'll be doing that too, because what is love if not sleep deprivation?)
Love, Roo
PS Our streaming and voting numbers always dip a lot on the weekend. Please, please set reminders and be diligent--but also be sure to build in time for rest and real-life stuff. This is a marathon and next Friday at 12:01am we are gonna have to go hard like never before to lift our boy up!
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verdantglow · 6 months
Okay so @plumadot’s posting about her D&D Traffic AU has made me remember how much I love my Dungeons & Traffic AU & I Must Talk About It Now.
Basically all the characters are in a modern setting, playing a rotating cast D&D game DMed by The Watchers. (I never really decided how that works. Plan was for everything in out of game space be completely mundane except for the floating purple eye behind the DM screen lol.)
But yeah! So I picked classes & heritages that the characters would pick themselves based on play styles & preferences. &, uh, here they are!
Bdubs: Firbolg, Light Domain Cleric of Helios
Of course he’s a light cleric. Of course his god is literally the god of the Sun. This man does not fuck with the night & darkness At All. (Also he wanted to be tall lol.)
BigB: (???), (???)
Okay, gonna be honest, BigB is the last one I need to make decisions for ‘cause I feel I have too many knowledge gaps about him to figure this out. Was thinking Paladin maybe??? But I will totes take input, please help me here. Only restrictions: I’d prefer if he doesn’t double up on heritage or subclass with anyone.
Cleo: Reborn, Circle of Wildfire Druid
Cleo’s gotta be a zombie, so Reborn is perfect. & who can deny Cleo the opportunity to have a skill set based entirely around setting shit on fire?
Etho: Shadar-Kai, Way of the Shadow Monk
He’s a ninja lol. Also in this AU I was thinking he & Gem would be siblings, so having him play an emotionally flat dark elf played nicely with what Gem goes with. Which…
Gem: Eladrin, Eldritch Knight Fighter
Gem had to be a fighter, that girl is a fighter through & through, but she’s definitely not playing a boring character. Eldritch Knight adds some magical flavour that goes well with her being an Eladrin. & she had to be an elf of some kind; I think she’d like the versatility & expressiveness of Eladrin.
Grian: Changeling, Pact of the Tome Warlock of the Archfey
Okay, I know this is probs controversial but hear me out. 1) Grian being a Warlock I think is just very in character. 2) Pact of the Tome lets him cast catrips from other classes & you unknowingly he’d get a kick outta that mechanic. 3) His patron is a homebrewed version of The Traveler, half way between 5e canon & Critical Role canon. Trickster vibes are real. 4) This dude has had so many skins. Changeling energy. (Also I just love changelings & Grian made the most sense to me.)
Impulse: Hill Dwarf, Forge Domain Cleric of Tharmekhûl
Another controversial one, but I’m not a fan of demon/tiefling/horned Impulse. & he legit has been a dwarf before. Hill dwarf because they get a Wisdom buff & that makes sense for Impulse. Cleric of Tharmekhûl because forge/light vibes & also he’s the god of smiths & that feels… like something Impulse would choose. (Impulse’s character is also min-max’d to hell. This man is going to win at D&D.)
Jimmy: Human, Oath of Glory Paladin of Tyr
Jimmy got overwhelmed by all the heritages & just went human for simplicity. He takes regular human rather than variant because he doesn’t want to learn all the feats & getting +1 to all stats is pretty good, right? Oath of Glory Paladin of Tyr because he really, really plays into being Lawful Good, & being The Law of the party.
Joel: Half-orc, Path of the Berserker Barbarian
Half-orc for being the closest I could get to an ogre. Path of the Berserker because he’s all about The Rage.
Lizzie: High Elf, School of Enchantment Wizard
Idk Lizzie just has big Wizard vibes to me, but like. Not the best wizard. Like she’s powerful, but rolls shit. She couldn’t get anyone to sleep in the Secret Life campaign because her DC is kinda low & everyone kept making their saves. (Except Joel. He failed his save on purpose. <3) High Elf for Queen Lizzie.
Martyn: Tiefling, Swashbuckler Fighter
Another natural fighter choice imo, but Swashbuckler for The Performance. Tiefling because he’s a bit impish & also so he can have Thaumaturgy to constantly scare everyone with monster/mob noises.
Mumbo: Rock Gnome, School of Evocation Wizard
I need to Mumbo to be a glass canon. School of Evocation Wizard does that so well. He can blow shit up so good, but he takes one hit & he’s out. Rock gnome because he just wanted to be a little guy & so he can be a Tinker.
Pearl: Wood Elf, Beastmaster Ranger
Beastmaster Ranger so she can have Tilly as an animal companion. Also more combat than magic focused, ‘cause that feels right? Elf because that’s her vibe, wood elf because it made sense for her build.
Ren: Werewolf Shifter (Doglike), Bannerette Fighter
Ren really wanted to be a fighter, but he put all his points in charisma RIP. So yeah, he’s the fighter class that does the least actual fighting lol. Doglike werewolf because of course.
Scar: Half-elf, Wild Magic Sorcerer/School of Eloquence Bard multiclass
His first few levels were in sorcerer, to reflect his absolutely bonkers all or nothing luck. School of Eloquence because he’s the type to talk his way out of most any situation he can. Also: Scar is 100% a charisma caster. (He still uses a longbow, don’t worry; he gets proficiency with it from being a half-elf.)
Scott: Fairy, Lunar Sorceror
I have changed my mind the most about Scott. Landed on Fairy, because the Vibes. Sorcerer because I felt he’d have innate magic, Lunar because it gives him access to a wide variety of spells that make sense for him. (Like Shield. He uses Shield all the time. Can’t hit this man, no sir.)
Skizz: Protector Aassimar, Path of the Ancestral Guardians Barbarian
He attac, he protec. & most importantly, he place high value on bonds between folks. So giving him Ancestral Guardians just… yeah.
Tango: Fire Genasi, Battlesmith Artificer
I don’t think I need to explain this much. His Steel Defender is an Iron Golem.
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furvillaconfessions · 10 months
Hi! This is the real Jayce, aka Pastel aka Bestest_Fox (attached proof of log-ins)
ID Verification: imgur.com/a/htd3n6b
First off, Yoshi, I HAVE to ask that the post about Lance and I gets deleted as soon as possible, this is EXTREMELY horrible to have on here about someone. Tagging it with "no definitive proof" is just a clear sign that you should NOT have posted this. The amount of shit lance has gotten from this blog is insane to me.
May I add from your own rules Yoshi:
 "4. Egregious claims must come with proof
the burden is on you— screencaps, archives, etc., whatever you have— so make it count. Otherwise, it’s deleted and that’ll be that."
Secondly, I have not been groomed. I do not shy away from talking about this, I would've preferred that OP just DMed me personally or something so I could explain and not have this public... This is something I've dealt ever since becoming friends with him. Lance is a very close friend of mine that has looked out for me for years now at this point. I don't owe the whole internet my entire life story, this is all very traumatic for me as is just because it brings back a lot of trauma from around a year ago when I tried to leave my unsupportive, transphobic, abusive parents and I had all of my property taken away from me (car, wallet, phone, computer, keys, etc.) and was basically trapped in my bedroom with nothing for a month. The only thing that helped me was being able to escape the house one night and walking to the corner of a street, waiting for my friend to pick me up. Just so I could leave and get on a plane to Lance and finally be in a supportive environment. I do not only live with Lance I also live on the same property as his father, step-mother, and brother. I have been thriving here, able to actually be myself and be happy, this past year has been the happiest I have been in ages and it's all thanks to Lance and his family. I don't know what other proof I can show you or give you to show you that Lance isn't a groomer/pedophile, its an outrageous claim to me to just toss out there. Adults are allowed to be *friends* with minors, ONLY FRIENDS.
...I was going to put something here but It ended up being way to personal and I really don't want to share that part of my life with anyone yet.. Just know I've dealt with a real groomer before when I was a lot younger. (11)
Lastly, I feel like I don't even need to explain this part but here we go... As for the FA and my art. As you have learned, I am 19. If you dug into my FA more you would realize that not only have I done paw art for Lance I've drawn actual NSFW for quite a few people. If anyone on FV wanted to go out of their way and dm me offsite asking for art of this sort, in my mind that is perfectly appropriate. I am an artist who accepts NSFW commission and I am not a minor, this is perfectly legal and in my mind its alright as long as I keep it in spaces meant for it. (aka FA) I'm sure you guys have seen your fair share of minors drawing NSFW... I have never draw NSFW as a minor, I always drew the line at that.
All this does is possibly ruin our lives and spread rumors that are actually damaging. This is something people get arrested for and is not something to be taken lightly. If you have any more concerns or anything like that DM me on discord or FV, I am a real person who is separate from Lance who has my own life, thoughts, and opinions. I don't know what else I can tell you all.
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p-redux · 1 year
P, there's a photo that was posted today on Instagram but it's originally from his MPC Facebook page. And he's got weights around him and he's holding a black MPC mug. Looks like he worked but at his house in Glasgow this morning. Or do you think it's a latergram?
Hi Anon, I know which pic you're referring to because it was DMed to me LAST WEDNESDAY, June 21, 2023. It's definitely NOT from today. I didn't post it then because it was neither here nor there; it was just a pic of Sam ready to work out.
I took it as advertisement for MPC and that it wasn't necessarily posted in real time. I'm sure he takes a lot of pics that he saves to post later for different purposes.
But here are my DMs with the person who sent me the pic LAST Wednesday, that way people can be sure that the pic is not from today. 👇
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See how the first DM says Wednesday 10:08 AM. That's my time, which is Los Angeles time, which is US PST.
Here are my DMs from today with the same person who sent me the pic on Wednesday. 👇
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Sooooo, we know for sure the pic was NOT taken when he posted it. He could have been at home in Glasgow last Wednesday and simply posted the pic later in the day. Or he could have taken it ANY time, been anywhere, and just posted it on Wednesday.
What we DO know is it was posted 11:30 AM US EST time aka New York time, which is 8:30 AM US PST time aka Los Angeles time, which is 4:30 PM UK time aka Glasgow time. IOW, he could have been in any of those time zones when he posted it, since it wasn't in the middle of the night.
Let's see where Sam turns up next. 🤔
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seokjinsonlyone · 9 months
I woke up to absolute perfection 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️/lh/gen
The who I could seduce concept is on my mind 25/8, so you already know I came in clutch with the list🏃🏾‍♀️/lh:
7. Jimin - I love him, my little guy, my little dude, my everything. HOWEVER, I’m not finna eat my own ass, but I tend to visually stand out/lh. Which, I think would catch his attention, but we both too awkward. You know the clip of jhope talking to Becky g and Jimin just stands like 🧍. Like that’s finna be us.
6. Jin- This has like a 1% chance of working which is already higher than Jimin/lh. I feel like I could invite him out to something casual like a little dinner date(obviously I wouldn’t call it that but it is to ME/lh) and try and worm my way into his love life 👀/lh. Although, he would have to be in a real good mood or I’d have to say I’m paying for everything for that to real convince him. Jin is truly a king of boundaries/lh.
5. Hobi- Legit hurt my heart to put him so low, but I had to be realistic🤧/lh. Like this is my baby, my fuckin cinnamon apple, but I feel like I got about a 20-35% chance of getting him. Like I’d have to put in work cause the compliments and sly little touches not finna be enough. Like I’m finna have to COURT/lh. However, I do feel like jhope, in a particularly low moment, would be the type to shoot his shoot if he saw me in some good leggings and a sports bra./lh
4. JK- Him and Jhope were hard to place fr. Cause they feel both kinda easy but hard to get you know? Although, I feel like I have about a 5-10% advantage with Jungkook. Kookie love himself a good compliment and baby I am full of them 😘/lh. Also, Idk how to say it but Kookie got this energy of like he wants someone who just dgaf. Like he wants folks who he thinks look cool. Which is great for me cause babyyyy I got rbf/lh. Additionally, we both got tattoos, so I could sneakily use that to start a Convo and potentially get a social👀👀/lh.
3. Suga- I’m both surprised and unsurprised how high Min Yoongi landed on this list./lh I ain’t finna lie, Suga reminds me a bit of my current partner, so I feel like I could use the same moves and get a similar result yknow? Like he’s the one where I’m definitely approaching him first. Asking him about his day, his interests(love asking a man about his interests, quickest way for me to get invested/lh/gen) give him some little compliments and tease him when he gets embarrassed. I feel like I could have a little something something with him yknow. Also, depending on if I’m on my alt look that day, I feel like I got a definite 5% chance of luring him in.
2. RM- Namjoon, joonie, my baby, my everything, the reason I wake up in the morning and praise god/lh. Yknow how I said my current partner reminds me of Suga, well they also remind me of RM. This is the dude you approach all dressed up (like how I usually do💅🏾/lh) and ask him about the new book or hobbie he into and you got a 70% chance of getting him. Not to suck my own dick, but I know a couple of thangs/lh. I’m pretty well read, so I feel like I can keep up(my deepest secret is that I’ve dmed this man book recs before/lh). Additionally, I feel like RM the type of dude who’s like “👀oh she interested in me? That’s pretty interesting”/lh
1. V- Let it be known that I think Kim Tae is the easiest man on the planet/lh/hj. I definitely got like an 80-88% chance of bagging this man. Like he is the PINNACLE of being invested in folks who seem invested in him. Like I give him a little compliment, ask him about his day/hobbies, and then I tell him I gotta leave and he’s like 🧍🧍”what” (legit had a dude I know get upset with me cause I did this to him after one convo/lh came up and was like ☹️ “I thought we were still talking”) Very much likes new and likes affection, so any opportunity to get that seems up his alley. Definitely could get his number and maybe make him obsessed with me/lh/hj. Also, I got jokes and V loves to laugh, so I got him 👌🏿/lh/hj.
Girl this list was a lot 😭/lh. Good to get it off my chest tho/lh/gen.
Also, how’ve you been? How’s your week been going? I hope it been good girlie🫶. Stay wonderful queen 🫶🫶
- Joon 👰 Anon
LOOOOOL I'M SO GLAD WE'RE ALL ON THE SAME PAGE ABOUT TAE BEING EASY like idk i've just seen him give bedroom eyes too many times that and the tata mic face like he's always at either end of the spectrum and that just tell me that he is not quite for the city streets but he definitely for them back roads SKSKSL love him tho <3
and you know what hobi was hard for me to place too like him and yoongi for me specifically were bc like i'm not tryna have one night with them????? like i need them in my life as permanent fixtures some way some how????? but u know what actually it's my fault for thinking of them as yoongi and hobi i should've thought of them as agust d and jay bc lemme tell u i'm taking jay home at all costs homeboy would have to beat me off him with a cast iron skillet
also i forgot about that scene wit jimin hobi and becky g adjslfds jimin is so freakng funny be in his head way too much whenever a new person around it's actually hilarious
all in all very solid list with very solid logic but i've been good! i need a massage and some like will power to restructure my life again but all in due time thanks for asking honey bunny <3 and thank you for sharing!!!
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lordystrange · 9 months
i think in order for me to "forgive" noah i'd want him to acknowledge the fact that he spread misinformation, spread islamophobia on his instagram story, liked islamophobic posts, and clear up what he actually meant with that statement that while yes, didn't directly call all palestinians terrorists, definitely read like it so much so that a palestinian fan of his that i'm friends with literally dmed me upset about it :/ like i want to know WHY he thought any of that was okay to do and an acknowledgement that it was wrong. idk it may sound pathetic but as someone who was a big fan i just want him to acknowledge it. it just sucks because my parasocial relationship w him was strong lol like i thought he wouldn't be some weird bigot who goes around saying/sharing dangerous shit that directly harms marginalized communities. like i don't mean to vent to you but as someone who really loved him this definitely hit me because he does all this talk of making his fanbase a safe space but then turned around and made islamophobia (and honestly just straight up racism towards brown people) an acceptable (and at this point, expected) part of his fanbase. like as a brown person myself i can't help but feel like he'd value my support of him less than a fan that looks like him :/ i don't think i could even stand to be a fan of him anymore especially with the way he seemingly wants to sweep this under the rug and act like it didn't happen. and i know i'm not the only one as the gc of (mostly non white) noah fans i'm in have all mentioned this feeling of us being seen as less than within his fanbase simply because we have spoken out against israeli bombardment in gaza (not even touching on the occupation very much) and in support of palestinian people and we got the most abhorrent comments. like...i don't think i can be a fan for much longer if his method of dealing with real harm in both the real world and his fanbase is to act like nothing happened and he did nothing wrong :/
Hi! 💚
Thank you for this ask! This is what I wanted to hear from people. I’m so sorry for what so many of us had to go through because of all this, especially the ones who are close to the issue.
I think it’s absolutely fair to want him to acknowledge this. I want that too. And this is only speculation, but I think the reason he’s not saying anything anymore is because he’s been told not to. I do think that everything that happened after the time he last said/did something have made many people like him to think twice, which is good. But in order to say something about that, he would have to go against people closest to him. So I get why it’s hard. He should do it but as a someone who themselves has to deal with a somewhat racist family, I know from experience that it is not easy to unlearn all that and then go against them.
If it is any consolation, I really do believe that Noah is not genocidal, just ignorant. That he really does want peace for both israelians and palestinians and doesn’t (or didn’t, hopefully in a past tense) recognize some of the posts he liked to be islamophobic. And the reason why that could be consolation, is that unawareness can be ’cured’ with awareness, but wanting a certain group of people dead would be more difficult to deal with.
I think the year Noah spent with going to Israel and spending time with mainly his jewish friends and family made him live in a bubble. Hopefully since he spends this year in set, it’ll break the bubble. (For Brett too but he is a harder case I think, unfortunately).
Anyway, I hope my reply doesn’t seem too much of me just defending Noah. Because I really do agree with you. And I hope that he’ll either does something that helps the people who want to like him feel like they can like him again, or at least won’t make anything worse.
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