#which is a fucked up complex for a gay guy to have and sucks to say out loud
disengaged · 2 years
actually kinda fucked up how intensely biphobic my best friend-slash-roommate is
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rivetgoth · 10 months
Kinda sucks that the initial wave of “go outside and talk to real gay people put yourself out there try to overcome some of your social anxieties try new things experience material realities have sex do drugs meet new people” etc style posting was from where I stood being said more so from a place of “you people are genuinely removed from material realities of the issues you’re claiming to care about and this stuff is meaningless if not even dehumanizing and counterproductive to both the larger issues at hand and your own mental health if you’re not forming real empathy with actual human beings in the real world” (at least that was how I know MANY people talked about these things, almost always, at least in my circles, by people who DID grow up “terminally online” with the whole cocktail of mental health and interpersonal issues to match and were really encouraging other people seek out similar healing and maturation through community and connection and putting urself outside of ur comfort zone) and has since been co-opted by frankly… tryhard bullies who are STILL entirely removed from like, critical thinking and nuanced analysis of complex material realities, let alone worrying about themselves and actually healing or growing, and instead have started using “going outside” as this weird punching down coolness/popularity contest, ie. “I actually go outside unlike you losers who watch baby cartoons and care about stupid baby shit.” It’s incredibly lame, speaks very obviously to the fact that you’re NOT truly “going outside” in a way that matters because you wouldn’t feel the need to try to posit yourself as cooler than fucking Steven Universe fans on Tumblr if you were, and it’s consequently led to the very deserved but kind of equally wild to see circular pushback of people once again having to justify their right to like, prefer staying home and reading over having kinky sex on ket in a gay bar (which, for the record, I do not believe a good 90% of the people making these posts, and at least 99% of the people reblogging them, are doing either). Great job guys.
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benwvatt · 5 months
for the weekend sleepover ask game: what are your favorite Grey's headcanons?
aaaaahhhh beachy i love chatting with you! <3
i need alex & jackson & april to move in together and be, like a weird group of 3. sort of a grover-percy-annabeth or a katara-sokka-aang in terms of the cheesy couple and their weird best friend who has emotional regulation issues but, like, needs hugs. he just also needs you to be chill so he doesn't feel embarrassed. and when he's sick he also wants japril to watch movies with him and make him chamomile tea
jackson fell first but april fell harder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can we please give matthew some actual character development because i would LOVE to see him actually grow & develop. I'm an exchristian and I really loved the episode where matthew & april talked about her not being a virgin because I found it very insightful and lovely.
I am team-matthew's wife never dies and april never marries matthew and he actually gets to grow as a human being. also he gets to be happy.
I always loved April as christian representation because she is a christian but is so kind (and I also headcanon that she has very complex feelings about christianity and the struggle against god. I can see her partly deconstructing.)
I am team-everyone lives AU. teddy and henry were CUTE. so were teddy and alison, and merder (who are not, like, my absolute favorites but I want them to be happy and I want derek to become a better person, not die because he reached for his phone while turning his truck.)
I am also team "Link and Amelia get back together" because I LOVE their romance and am so mad they broke up
I realize not all of these are headcanons. this is just a list of what I want to see. WHATEVER???
nonbinary callie because [gestures at sara ramirez in all their glory]
also mark & lexie live happily ever ever ever after and they dance at the second wedding <3
okay we both love japril so also
Jackson is really good at crosswords and April is so fucking pissed at him for it
April (with Jackson's consent) yells at Jackson's dad for being terrible and Jackson becomes weird best friends with April's dad. They drink beer and listen to country songs and talk about, like, spirituality and god and soccer games and cherry pie recipes. Jackson learns how to drive a tractor and he meets Jackson, the pig April named after him, which the Kepners refuse to kill because HE IS NAMED A HUMAN NAME.
They also talk about April's embarrassing cute childhood (Jackson has 65353 pictures on his phone) and Jackson ALSO yells at April's family for making her feel embarrassed. Kids with disabilities and braces don't need to be shamed and mocked.
Jackson becomes friends with April's dad because he gets to have a dad (well, aside from Webber, who is also a nice dad figure) who loves him for HIM :'))))))))))))))
it's very healing and wonderful. he totally cries on mr. kepner's flannel shirt.
Jackson keeps his lucky pencil from med school and fucking signs his marriage certificate with it. (Office person voice: Sir, that's not valid. We need BLACK or BLUE PEN.)
Can we please have an April-centric storyline about why the US military fucking sucks and she had a nice time with them but was also, uh, IN THE MILITARY
April goes to her med school reunion and is like, "oh? this guy? yeah, whatever, he's super famous. mostly he just makes me tea and hangs out with our kids, I don't think of him as an AVERY"
everyone is super impressed. jackson is silly and goofy and eats hors d'ouevres with her
can we please get a Reed Lives AU because I LOVE REED (mostly because i am gay and i think she has cool hair) and I want to see more of her and April's friendship.
marginally off-topic rant but: the San Francisco episodes where they're doing the board exams and japril has sex in the bathroom? MY HEADCANON - VERY SLIGHT - IS THAT THEY WOULD JUST HAVE SEX ON THE COUNTER, NOT GO INTO THE STALL AND SLAM THE DOOR SHUT
also, april totally takes kickboxing lessons after beating up that guy at the bar (at the boards) and Jackson is just Very Turned On by his cool friend who, like, comes home from kickboxing all SWEATY? and BRUISED? taking off the tape around her hands and peeling off her tank top to get in the shower? it's really hot and he's very confused.
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Propaganda why Bloom Peters is insufferable:
Her sins:
1. Main character of one of the worse live action adaptions I’ve ever seen
2. Not like other girls x1000- she likes ✨reading books✨ and ✨going to vintage stores✨ and gets in a fight with her mom about how she doesn’t go to parties and have friends like a ✨basic bitch✨
3. Gets so mad at her mom that she loses control of her powers and nearly kills her parents in a fire
4. A guy told her she was going the wrong way to get to class and she accused him of “mansplaining”
5. Shitty and boring fashion sense, little to no bright colors and not a single glittery top
6. Season one “Transformation” is just a dozen different camera angles of her awkwardly floating with cgi fire around her
7. I didn’t watch season two, but a friend who did told me she develops a savior complex and has an unnecessary amount of make out scenes at random times
Bloom (and entire show) is written like the director gave a middle aged conservative man $100 to write what he thought “woke” teens would like.
Look at this image and tell me this looks like winx https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BYjRjMjg2MGEtMmQ1Yi00Yjc0LTlkZTItNjQzYjAwNjQ3MGU0XkEyXkFqcGdeQWRvb2xpbmhk._V1_.jpg
Propaganda why Zoey Redbird is insufferable:
Protagonist centered morality, slutshames other girls but has a lot of boys herself including one who raped someone else (I think at least)
She’s presented as being the perfect person to replace a bully character in a position of power because she’s such a good and pure person, and every book it’s nothing but her calling people the R slur, or sluts, or freaks, or various slurs against gay people, or talking out loud about how ugly her classmates are with her friends, or saying that certain people shouldn’t be allowed to breed if they’re too useless or gross, or saying gay men are basically women, or differentiating between which gay people are the good kind or the bad kind based on how annoying she thinks they are. And then after all of that is established in the first book, by the second she’s pushing two racist caricatures of black men in front of a truck and kills them and it is never brought up again. And every book ends with her getting a magical tattoo no one in history has ever gotten, confirming that she is canonically one of the best people to ever be alive even after murdering two people for annoying her
INCREDIBLY hypocritical, slut-shaming mary-sue of an idiot. She constantly calls one girl a hoe (for sucking a guy's dick without his consent (no, the thing Zoe disagrees with WASN'T the rape issue, it was the blowjob!!!)) Despite having a Harem of different guys herself. And no, she isn't even poly about it, all the dudes are constantly being aggro to each other and clearly want to be exclusive.
She also becomes a rape apologist for one of the harem guys AND the Big Bad, who is an immortal who once RAPED AN ENTIRE TRIBE OF NATIVE AMERICAN WOMEN. But he's soooooo hot! *eyeroll*
FUCKING Pick-Me girl of all time. If mysogyny was a competetive sport then Zoey would be on the olympic team.
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bytedykes · 9 days
Hewwo! Yue Qingyuan seems to be a special guy to you, so him for the ask game ✌️
Sexuality Headcanon: gay but i think he's too depressed to date. he has emotional erectile dysfunction
Gender Headcanon: cis man 😔 ive thought about transfem yqy before too but i dont really see him going anywhere with it. he doesnt have time for self exploration he has a sect to run and also all this unspeakable misery
A ship I have with said character: hehe... mqf/yqy... i like them... its really niche but @pathos-logical and i initially thought of it as a joke but it's so serious now. doctor sexy x worst patient EVERRR !! i dont have anything concrete to say about this ship they just eat my brain
A BROTP I have with said character: i actually really like his canon relationship with sqq, even though we only ever really see how sqq thinks of him. yqy reminds sqq of his own older brother which i think is really sweet and also sad :( i also think yqy would like sqq as his own person, if it ever came out that sqq isnt sj. i mean he already likes him but like independently of shen jiu i do think they could have a good relationship
A NOTP I have with said character: QI/JIU. i don't ship them. words cannot communicate how much i don't ship them. i knowww that they're in a danmei fitting all the bl tropes but like i don't want it and i don't see it and i just do not ship it. i find them much much more compelling as a platonic relationship. fandom has also highkey ruined any warm feelings i might have had toward romantic yqy/sj because of the way people popularly portray them - i think the way a lot of people write qi/jiu is very sj-centric and often not very in line with what i think is accurate yqy characterization (also i don't like sj for similar fandom mischaracterization reasons but w/e). but that's just my opinion !
A random headcanon: i think he would be sooo good with babies i think it would be awesome to put a baby in that man's arms and have him hold it for a while. also a mandated beach vacation wouldn't fix him but it would greatly benefit him. also i think he has chronic pain from xs + the qi deviation and his spirit veins are all fucked up and who does he talk about this with? no one <3 <3 <3 #1 sufferer in silence
General Opinion over said character: i fucking love this mankjghilsadhkads IM SUCH A SUCKER for fucked up tragic characters who are stuck in a pit of eternal misery ok i eat that shit uppp. i really like how yqy's narrative is that ultimately he did his best and tried so hard and failed anyway and then could never bring himself to defend himself despite it not being his fault and that's the tragedy. he blames himself so so bad and he will never say anything because he doesnt feel he deserves to!!! the decades long miscommunication with the person who matters most to him is also soooo. ugh. he makes me crazyyy!!! i really like how he's a very flawed, complex person, who is kind and caring but also the #1 enabler on this goddamn mountain. his indirect treatment of lbh is really interesting to me too. i love yqy he sucks so bad <333
ty for the ask!!! you're right he IS a special guy to me and i love him soo much <3
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atlasisreal · 10 months
I like 'im in love with the villainess' because there's some fun moments and the premise is cute, but my God, there's so many aspects that are just. why. no. oh my God what are you doing. in general I think Rae's character is really cool and well done, except for how she refuses to respect Claire's boundaries. like I know that's sort of part of how she makes her home in Claire's heart, but it just feels poorly written and predatory? constantly saying out of pocket stuff and forcing Claire into compromising positions? which SUCKS because otherwise it's got the trappings of my favorite trope, a one-sided love that develops into mutual affection through friendship!! but like girl!!!! stop!!!! STOP!!!!! or the fucking lene/Lambert thing!!! oh my God WHY are we okay with incest! Why does the narrative framing imply that gay people and incest are basically equivalent!!!! and then there's no resolution to that. no narrative moment of "hey, that's fucked up". if this were a more nuanced show I might argue that they're showing the complexity of human relationships, or that it's meant to be framed as something negative, but the writing is NOT cohesive enough to warrant that. anyways I'm just Some Guy so take my opinions with a grain of salt but as I watch I have more and more of those moments of "God DAMNIT why did you have to write this like a freak!!! this is freak behavior!!!!!"
Look IM the one who decided to watch an isekai anime so maybe this one's on me lol
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variousqueerthings · 10 months
Dear God! That’s the attack prayer!
OKAY A good man goes to war... I think "let's kill hitler" is enough of a departure to do these separately
sexism rank objectification (female character is ogled/harassed/turned into a sex joke by the doctor and/or a lead we’re supposed to root for and/or the camera): 6/10
sexism rank plot-point (lead female character is only there to serve plot, not to have her emotional interiority explored): 2/10
interesting complex or pointlessly complex (does the complexity serve the narrative or does it just serve to be confusing as a stand-in for smart, this includes visually): 3/10
furthers character and/or lore and/or plot development (broader question that ties into the previous ones, at least two of these, ideally three should be fulfilled): 5/10
companion matters (the companion doesn’t always have to be there, but if the companion is there, can they function without the doctor– and overall per season how often is the companion the focus or POV of the story): 3/10
the doctor is more than just “godlike” (examines the doctor’s flaws and limitations, doesn’t solve a plot by having it revolve entirely around the doctor’s existence): 4/10
doesn’t look down on previous doctor who (by erasing or mocking its importance, by redoing and “bettering” previous beloved plotpoints or characters, etc.): 6/10
isn’t trying to insert hamfisted sexiness (m*ffat famously talked a lot about how dw should be sexier multiple times, he sucks at writing it): 5/10
internal world has consistency (characters have backgrounds, feel rooted in a place with other people, generally feel like they have Lives): 4/10
Politics (how conservative is the story): 4/10
FULL RATING: 42/100 (if I can count….)
listen, this episode has this exchange:
Thin guy: Hello I’m the thin one. This is my husband, he’s the fat one Lorna: Don’t you have names? Fat guy: We’re the thin/fat gay married Anglican marines. Why would we need names as well?
and then one of them is killed immediately after this and the other isn't seen again I believe
so... my feelings about this episode can be encapsulated by that line, but certainly there is... more to pick out than just that
OBJECTIFICATION: shockingly that's not a big issue this episode. yes we're used to River Song being sexy in all of her outfits, and now we've added Jenny's very similar type of outfit, but Amy is mostly in sort of... linen-looking loose shirt and trousers, which, she'd better be she just gave birth. speaking of giving birth, still wearing those boots with heels
idk, this could be explained away as character, but it feels like it plays into a bit of Amy not being the important part of this episode so they're just saddling her with business as usual (so they took all her clothes away except her boots?) it just feels. a bit lazy
PLOT-POINT: speaking of being a plot point. Amy, in the episode about being kidnapped and having been secretly imprisoned while pregnant without knowing it and then waking up right as you were giving birth after months and months, and then being threatened with that baby being immediately taken from you (which does in fact happen)... is not the focal point
she's got an opening scene in which she speaks to her baby and is like "you're gonna get saved don't you worry, because your dad is a badass (I guesssssssssssss, we'll get back to Rory), and I too will be saved"
and then she stands around waiting to be saved, and there is One Bit where she's like "I was here all along and that was a bit fucked up" and the Doctor hugs her (with Rory's permission, because we love casual sexism) and is like, "the stuff on the Tardis was also real, I mean, your body was here and pregnant, but youknow, close enough" and that's about it for Amy's Stuff
I'd argue Rory meeting the baby is given more emotional weight/time, and that scene is good and important and he's crying and he and Amy are sweet, but where's her version of this moment?
we do have Amy losing the baby at the end and that's fucked up, and we get her demanding River to know what's going on, and then the episode ends before she reacts to that (maybe in the next one...)
but on the whole, she's just damseling and not even having much of an opinion on being a damsel, beyond going "yeah it'll be fine"
River comes in at the beginning and the end, at the beginning she's talking about the Doctor and at the end she's revealing who she is, and she's... happy. so that's an emotion. and she's finally getting to tell her parents that she's their daughter, and getting to tell the Doctor
so River gets more than Amy in this on the whole, and now she's no longer a mystery she can go on to be a character I imagine... wait and see...
COMPLEXITY: classic M*ffat. montages. characters youve never seen before who are very important now. characters you have seen before, but in episodes where it makes no sens for them to be here (Danny-boy? you're a WWII pilot, what?) (where did all those Silurians come from? Judoon? what a strange set of choices)
bunch of mythologies that were just made up on the spot, saying "well the Doctor is badass" instead of showing him doing much of anything, also that bit where he blew up a bunch of cybermen ships just cos? it looks cool I guess? why do things happen? to look cool
CHARACTERS/LORE/PLOT: siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh well what do we learn? we learn that Amy loves Rory and believes he's going to come and save her, so nothing new there
we learn that there's a bunch of mythologies about the Doctor being a "great Warrior" but also that the "doctor" comes from the Doctor's name, I suppose
we learn about the headless monks and the one-eyed lady, sort of. we learn they exist and are behind the abduction of Amy and later Melody
we learn that Amy and Rory had sex on the Tardis and so their kid is kind of Timelord????
and that River is that kid, but grown up
think that's about it
so lot of plot, some stupid lore, and a couple of character dynamic moments (Rory meeting the baby, River revealing she's Melody, although we don't see Amy and Rory reacting to that)
the Doctor has more of an emotional moment with Vastra, a character we've just met, than with Amy and Rory (Vastra also does more plot shit than Amy or Rory, see below)
COMPANIONS MATTER: Amy. Standing around.
Rory. The Last Centurion. Okay so I don't buy this. which is probably the problem. I really really enjoyed the Rory we were getting to know this season, who's defined by his caring nature, quite a sweet man with a strong sense of right and wrong that's based in his nursing, and then this episode they're like "but also he's Badass Action Man who says shit like "the twelfth cyber-legion monitors this entire quadrant"" and then right down to that tidbit about how he's got a sword but he'll allow the Doctor to hug Amy
and in all of that what does he actually do? not much of anything. in many ways he's standing around as much as Amy is, just in a Centurion outfit, because. Oh and he has a myth about him as well, I guess...
“GODLIKE” DOCTOR: “that you pricked the side of a mighty beast and entirely failed to run” siiigh
"Demons run when a good man goes to war…" siiiiiiiiigh
A dark legend
"Doctor, we get that word from you you know" SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH
listen the thing is, again, this episode is actually inevitably really about the Doctor all along, it's a mythology about the Doctor, and Amy is - like in s5 - bait and trap and red herring
all the reveals about River and the journey of why this matters is because the Doctor will rise higher than ever before and then fall so much further, or whatever, and I'm like... I think Amy feels worse actually... I think this is about her. it's not though
In theory I like the big about Colonel Runaway, I think that's very Neat, and I like
Evil Woman: The anger of a good man is not a problem. Good men have too many rules The Doctor: Good men don’t need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many
but it's framed around all the rest of the Schlock
the one upside is that in all of those annoying montages, the point is that the Doctor knows all these people who do stuff because the Doctor comes to call. it begs the question of whether the Doctor in this incarnation has friends or just people who owe him, like a mafia boss, but at least the Doctor isn't going it alone, like in the beginning of the episode with the exploding Cybermen ships (just... to send a message.... gasp, he is a Mob Boss!)
PREVIOUS DOCTOR WHO: it doesn't technically do anything with previous DW one way or another, but I do think it's dubious in terms of the ethos of previous Doctor Who... not the biggest Thing on this, but urgh, this episode is dumb. I hope the next will be better (I say about an episode I remember not liking)
“SEXINESS”: it's not actually overwhelming this episode, maybe because Amy isn't chatting with the Doctor, and River is barely there, although she does flirt with... Rory... a bit.... which is first when she doesn't see it's Rory, and then a joke about how two Doctors was "a whole other birthday" which is just a little weird when we know later on that Rory is her dad, but isn't about him at least
there's also River asking "if he's considered heels" which I cannot tell what the tone of that comment was meant to be about
Vastra and Jenny have a joke related to Vastra having a long tongue (get it, they're lesbians), and Vastra is the first woman equivalent to a Sherlock/Doctor type we've seen (that is, she's casually mean and withholding, because she's too busy being Brilliant to care about others' emotions -- I wonder if she's actually Sherlock Ho-)
INTERNAL WORLD: who are the headless monks? they're an order. who are the cleric marines? they're an order. what is demons run? it's a place. that's about what we know right?
POLITICS: it's not so much that the politics are bad as that the episode is a hot mess. there're these cleric monks (I believe a throughline from the ones we saw in s5 with the Angels), but their whole Thing isn't really explored so much as there, and there are the Headless Monks, again, cool but... just there... there could have been politics in that, but there isn't
which leaves us with the sexism (Amy's complete irrelevance in the episode about her abduction and semi-forced pregnancy), and the casual homophobic joke, which feels like it was meant to be a funny tongue-in-cheek meta point about representation, and at best it falls flat. at worst it's just homophobic (it is)
FULL RATING: 42/100 (if I can count….)
It just fails on the emotional level, that's what it is in the end. Nobody's actions are grounded in anything, they're just there to serve some seemingly cool set-pieces that ultimately prop up the Doctor as being cool
its highest ratings are "this was not the worst thing it did." I am not a fan of this episode
I didn't actually talk about how I feel about River being Amy's and Rory's kid..... that's a whole other post
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mudskip-drabbles · 4 months
Hey hey hey Skip hey :3, gimme our Dangle Rompus idiot bros (Kaz and Leon)
fellas is it gay-
"What do you mean you 'don't believe me'! Pretty sure I've made out with way more people than you! You chicken out before you can even get out a pick up line!" It sounded harsh, but the 'fight' was all in good fun, it having started with Leon lamenting where he was sprawled dramatically across Kaz's bed, that some girl he'd hooked up with said he sucked at kissing. Kaz, who was only half paying attention while he scribbled out (rather complex) math equations in the margins of some blueprints where he sat at his desk, had said he could help him get better as a mostly a joke.
It wasn't until Leon expressed his disbelief that Kaz had to double down and commit, not about to let his totally awesome kissing skills get insulted by Leon, the guy who apparently sucked at kissing.
Leon gave a dramatic gasp at the 'insult', a hand clutching his chest as he sat upright.
"Nuh uh! I've been practicing dude! How do you think I got that chick to kiss me in the first place!" An eyeroll from Kaz as he spun about in his chair to stradle the back, his arms resting across the top as he shot Leon a smirk.
"Oh yeah? Hit me with one right now." Leon, who was not expecting such a request, visibly flounded, a finger being pointed at Kaz after the mechanic started to laugh at him.
"No! No, shut up, I got this! Just- Gimmie a fucking second!" One second that turned into well over a minute of Leon only able to get out um's and uh's as his brain scrambled to come up with something.
"Uuuuuh, fucking.....are you a mechanic? Becausssse....you can blow my seals anytime!"
Kaz was laughing before Leon could even finish.
"Do you even know what any of that means?" Asked through wheezes, there now tears in Kaz's eyes as he hid his face in his arms. Leon, who had started to protest, got as far as a deep inhale before letting it out as a groan with only a "No" in his defense.
Flopping backwards onto the bed, Leon scrubbed his hands over his face with a frustraed shout.
"Gooodddd, I suck!"
Kaz, who's laughter was steadily dying down to scattered giggles, stood from his chair and flopped next to Leon on the bed.
"Yeah, that was pretty bad dude." A statment which earned him a middle finger. "But- I meant what I said. Dunno if I can help with the whole shit at flirting thing, but I know for a fact I can help you get better at kissing!" Something he was very proud of, even though his face had flushed as pink as his hair.
Leon was faring no better, an eye peeking out between his fingers before he slowly sat up, face as red as his own hair.
"You're...not fucking with me? Because I swear to God if you are-" He didn't have a threat to finish that with. "A-Anyways, uh...if I were to humor you like a bro and let you help me, howww would we go about that?" Another eyeroll from Kaz, the normally squirrly mechanic managing to drum up some confidence not only because he was good and knew it, but because this was just Leon.
Who he definetly hasn't thought about kissing before. Shut up.
"Easy! We just-" Shiftng to his knees, Kaz very slowing set to straddle Leon's lap, shaky hands coming to rest on his shoulders as he shot his friend a somewhat nervous grin. "See? And you can just-" Hands reaching for Leon's , Kaz set them on his hips before returning his own back to leather clad shoulders. "T-Ta da!"
It...took a moment for Leon to come back to reality, the poor guy having short-circuited the moment Kaz has settled in his lap.
"Wha- Oh, yeah. Heh, super...duper easy." What...did he do now?!
A question he didn't have to dwell on for very long, Kaz able to dig up courage once again, (seeing just how out of his element his bro was) to bring his hands to cup Leon's face.
"I'm...gonna kiss you now, okay?" Met with a hard swallow and a nod, Kaz slowly leaned forwards, not more than a centimeter at a time, wanting to make sure Leon actually wanted to do this. Once feeling warm breath reflecting back to his own lips, Kaz took that as one last okay before pressing their lips together in a chaste kiss to test the waters.
Peeking through half lidded eyes, Kaz could see just how red Leon was, his eyes squeezed shut so tight he's suprised it didn't hurt.
"Relax dude, it's just me, remember?" Something that actually seemed to help, Leon able to untense just a bit with a shaky exhale, of which earned him another short kiss as a reward.
With each passing second and every careful kiss, Leon was able to relax more and more, eventually able to figure out just when and how to meld their lips together without bumping noses or clacking teeth.
Kaz himself seemed to forget after a while that there was a purpose to this makeout session, the mechanic gradually getting lost against his friends lips until-
"When the fuck did you get a tongue piercing?!" Near screeched by Leon as he pulled away, Kaz simply stuck out his tongue to show off said piercing with a smirk. "Nah, I know what's up! You thought mine was so cool you had to copy me!" A playful rib, it lessening the heat in the air as Kaz sputtered a scoff.
"Yeah right, like I would ever copy a dork like you." Blowing a raspberry, Kaz very nearly bit off his tongue as he was suddenly smacked with a pillow. "Hey!"
Grabbing a pillow for himself, he returned the smack with a laugh, quickly leaping to his feet as Leon made to swing back.
"Asshole! I'll show you who's a dork!" Their 'lesson' forgotten amongst the flurry of feathers that filled the room, it only stopped when they ran out of pillow to fight with. Flopping down on the now molting matress, the two simply laid in silence as they caught their breathe. At least until-
"You still suck at pick up lines."
Jumping up from the bed as Leon made to lunge for him, the two trailed feathers down the hall, laughing like dorks the entire way.
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showtoonzfan · 1 year
I’m hoping hazbin picks up the slack of having problematic lgbtq characters. Im all for Angel being problematic and unlikeable but then the addict mv dropped and they had to shift the blame for why Angel is problematic, it’s because of Val and angel is just a victim, but than the mv for Valentino dropped and seeing how much the crew act like middle schoolers finding yaoi for the first time and fetishizing Val and Vox it’s hard to take either characters seriously since they don’t feel evil or problematic they feel like characters made so people can draw/write porn of them. Which has always been a problem with lgbtq rep they’re either uwu gay babies that are gay icon because they’re gay or they’re fetish porn categories. Which wouldn’t be problem if the writers didn’t act like they’re writing savants that believe they’re making deep gay complex shows when’s it just fanfic fuel for the fans to feel in the gap
Yep, and we all know it’s happening for Hazbin, it’s ganna be like….the EXACT same thing because god forbid our main characters are the bad guys or not good, let’s just give most of them traumatic backstories and say they’re good deep down because that’s all Viv is known for, especially since we now know that most of Hazbin is just going to be a “fuck you christians and heaven is bad”- show so yeah, very black and white and it sucks.
You know, I know that some people don’t care for Villainous and whatnot, but I will always give Villainous credit for admitting and embracing the fact that literally every character (except for 505) are fucking murderers and villains. They’re not the good guys and the show knows that. Like….someone like Dr. Flug is nicer and more tame compared to the other characters, but the show never paints him as an innocent baby who has good intentions, he’s literally a wanted criminal and has canonically committed many crimes so yeah-
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ryutarotakedown · 6 months
Ace attorney? 001 for the ask game
[ask game link] ACE!!! ATTORNEY!!!!! okay im going with original trilogy for this because the prequels and sequels are both their own thing so [cracks knuckles]
Favorite character: oh god ive got a “no opinion” for the first damn question uhhh. im going to go with pearl because i think she is underappreciated. pearly pearls pearl fey i love you im sorry your mother sucks
Least Favorite character: mmmmm writing-wise would be terry fawles. in-game-wise would be morgan fey easily what a woman! i love hating her. one of the most chilling depictions of controlling parents ive come across ever
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): okay i can’t forget platonic ships this time. in no particular order: narumitsu, franmaya, nick & maya & pearl, iris & everyone but especially edgeworth, and. blanks. MIEGO I CANT BELIEVE I FORGOT THEM
Character I find most attractive: phoenix. sorry.
Character I would marry: no one in these games is marriage material thats why i love them. okay thats not true i’d probably marry bikini
Character I would be best friends with: phoenix again. charmed by his hater swag.
A random thought: recipe for turnabout was good okay no where are you going
— i just. yes the stuff with jean sucks majorly (i went in armed with janet hsu’s trivia that he is meant to be a cis gay drag-performing guy and thus had a better experience than most people did i think) but the last turnabout was fucking spectacular. i love when phoenix straight up lies.
An unpopular opinion: crap, but that just now *was* my unpopular opinion! okay uhh. i really like how godot and iris and misty have the exact same guilt complex going on. i think if you have different opinions on the three of them you are somewhat missing the point (like yes misty did abandon her children and yes godot is mean sometimes but like. at their core. they are So Much the same and that is what destroys them and also what starts off bridge to the turnabout.)
— also i think that aa4 should have been phoenix and maya destroying the death penalty because they’ve realized that the truth is necessary yes but also punishment does not work and will never get only the imaginary perfect bad person because all aa villains are human but especially in the end with godot. and then they should deal with the ramifications of the fact that this means morgan will not be subjected to the death penalty
— OH ALSO phoenix was absolutely in the right to take pearl along to investigations in jfa 2-4. can you imagine being what, 8 years old, and your only family left in the entire world is kidnapped, and your other only family left in the entire world fucking leaves you because you’re a kid and ooh kids shouldn’t be exposed to violence ooh? i would have killed phoenix wright. i don’t care if gumshoe babysits her or she gets sent to a daycare or something i would have still killed him. she deserves to be up to date on everything she deserves to see him at his most honest
My canon OTP: miego because i mean. they Are the only canon otp. unless you allow platonic otps in which case it’s nick & maya & pearl again
Non-canon OTP: narumitsu. i am basic and proud.
Most badass character: phoenix and franziska are wrestling for that spot and franziska is winning by sheer dint of the fact that she is 18 years old and fucking Did All Of That while alone and scared and 18 years old
Pairing I am not a fan of: i respect multishipping but i cannot fucking do it for the life of me so like. pretty much anything i have not listed above. wait no lanamia’s fine. everything other than the above and lanamia
Character I feel the writers screwed up: uhhhhhhh hm. not really anyone… larry i suppose? i don’t actually think they did him that badly though, im very invested in him & pearly bonding in heavenly hall. i do also think maya should have gotten some more time to shine in bridge but that’s not a fault of her characterization.
— OH WAIT NO everyone in big top who was in that love triangle except regina. i like all of them as characters and do not want any of them to be predators thanks. I genuinely think it’d be so good if ben max and bat were all 16-18 it drives in the whole “younger than you think they are” theme with franziska
Favorite friendship: nick and maya. of course. honorable mention to larry and pearl who i think discover that they are aromantic together
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buggerthis · 2 years
can you elaborate on what you perceive as male characters angel and spike being into 🙏 I want to hear your thoughts
of course tumblr user urbanlegends
i’m guessing u mean what they’re attracted to in which case…..
generally i think all vamps ever just don’t have any gender preference or anything because that’s. a human thing . and they’re not humans.. but still
spike: he def has some kind of . well. inferiority complex thing going on…. i mean….. cecily.. dru.. buffy.. all people he thinks are better than him (even if he doesn’t outwardly say it i mean. look at how he worships dru and then buffy and is so intimidated by cecily) and on the gay side we got angel which is the same thing except he tries not to let it get to him (perhaps bc he’s known him for so long too.. he got more pushed around as william still . and thus begins the Endless Arguments they have) but also we all saw what he rly thought in that s5 fight . at the same time when he’s shown compassion and understanding (anya) he seems to really be at peace with that.. idk i remember being like damn guys if u keep being nice to him we will just like . not be so fucked up . like taming a stray cat . it’s very interesting that spike is supposed to be the opposite of angel and Should just be into anything that moves but he’s very. not like that . he seems to develop crushes from a distance and it kinda consumes him lol??
angel: ohhh my demisexual king. i fr think he gets attached to people he’s known for a while and then is like :] wait i like you . ex. cordelia.. wesley even. one reason bangel didn’t work out is bc he got a crush after like 100 years of not talking to a woman ever and that made him die a little . i find the awkwardness very endearing but ik a lot of people are like girl :| . esp after being with darla for like.. ever.. which is why the mini romances in ats never worked/felt weird and irked me so much (gwen, eve, nina etc) i think wesley/angel is such a real ship….. like they r just there existing gayly and ambiguously . people who don’t watch ats ur missing out
edit: ohhhh they meant what male characters they’re into . LMFAO okay so me personally . in ats i ship everyone in angel investigations together.. as a poly thing.. bc they’re cute . however on their own they don’t rly work sometimes ? like i don’t think gunn and angel could work but they work in the group dynamic . the only guys i see angel really being into are like.. lindsey.. spike.. lorne kinda joking kinda not . i ship him and xander as crack if that counts.. i won’t lie buffyverse kinda fails at giving us Multiple males that have continuous chemistry . if anything we get one or two (lindsey. spike) and the attachment is there for Ever . also i forgot kate as a minor love interest for angel bc she sucks balls that’s how forgettable she is 🙏 LOL
and with spike…. that is mostly just angel and xander . andrew if you wanna be silly asf. maybe giles if you want to be a little bit crazy.. anyway where is spangel hand hold i need to see spangel hand hold
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i found him. spangel hand hold
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hello my fucked-up lovelies. here’s my pre-watch masterpost of osmosis knowledge so you have the most entertaining comprehension of my Live Cyrus Reaction 🫡
what the fuck is a succession
so like there’s The Roy’s and they’re Business People (the children by force probably) and their dad is the Main Bitch of the company who is inevitably gonna go six feet under (in light of… recent events HSHDJDJ) and so the siblings are fighting for their goddamn lives to be his Successor. I Think. and the whole family dynamic is super fucked and manipulative and their father is abusive as hell and the siblings know deep down that all they have is each other in the face of this asshole who has pinned their lives against one another for the sake of his own. probably. idk i’ve treaded into speculation so back on track. business family. there’s gonna be a successor. that’s all i really know plot-wise
these are the bitches i know exist by name. if there’s a main character on here i didn’t list, it’s because i do not know them as part of The Crew yet. here’s what i know about them.
Kendall Roy
not beating the bojack horseman allegations (almost killed himself in a pool and has substance abuse issues i think)
his boy squiggle cooked up some sick beats
i think he might be the oldest of the siblings?
he’s just Ken (i think he goes by Ken mostly and not Kendall)
seems exhausted as hell and on his last thread
Shiv Roy
uh hi for the love of god hello twirls hair around finger
probably gaslights gatekeeps girlbosses
like i don’t really keep up with taylor swift but i feel like there’s a lot of edits of her to The Man
married to some guy
i feel like i vaguely remember hearing that her sex life sucked with some guy
very clean cut no bullshit type of person and like she probably has to try twice as hard as her brothers for recognition but idk maybe logan believes in equality and hates them just as much
Roman Roy
sent a dick pic to his dad during a business meeting
am i imagining him being called a pathetic little worm for subconscious personal reasons or did that happen
says the most out of pocket shit in the whole show i think
is regularly called derogatory gay terms (of course by myself but also the actual characters i think)
has hella sexual trauma
was physically abused by logan
girl. the inferiority complex in this mf.
just a complete little shit
Logan Roy
primary source of trauma
just your typical like. old white man capitalistic bitch but there’s no charisma or anything he’s just There
well. he was there.
apparently he is that Some Guy that shiv married i genuinely only knew him as some weird abusive homosexual counterpart to greg until a few days ago
that’s literally all i’ve got
oh he also works at The Business
i literally have no clue what this man’s deal is but i’m so intrigued by his expressions he looks like an italian greyhound
he’s really fucking tall so scenes with him and other people in it have to be shot a certain way which is so fucking funny
he comes as an accessory with tom idk
can say with a decent amount of confidence that i don’t think he’s a super bright character intelligence-wise
also works at The Business
Connor (Roy?)
cousin to the siblings
he’s like overlooked a shit ton by logan bc he’s not like. a Real Roy i don’t fucking know
apparently got married recently. good for him. (unless a certain event uh interrupted the completion of that marriage)
i don’t think i know anything else whatsoever
i’ve been told she exists
alright! now you’ve obtained my succession headspace and are set to laugh at my naïveté. go forth 🫡
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candiid-caniine · 1 year
Ughhhhhh. I'm putting this here because it's a secret i shall take to my grave (at least for now and probably forever) but I'm also going slightly insane at not having anyone to talk to about this so. Hi. Please listen to me ramble. I'm kinda a mess. So. I have a crush on this dude, okay? And, like. Me? Crushing? On anyone? Ew, weird. Never happens. Except for the fact that now it has and. Yeah okay fine. I'll admit it. I'm Down Bad (at least in the horny way). Anyways. I know he's not into me, and really i should get over the crush, but it sucks cause my brain is like "well. What if??? 🥺" And. Ugh. Anyways. But i swear to god. This motherfucker has said some things that just. My brain goes uuuuuuhhhhgggg and i get all fucking subby and 🥺 and bleh. Like. Shut Up i am Too Gay For This. Like. I made a joke. Then he jokingly threatened me, basically he threatened to "find me". And now I'm jerking off to the thought of him "making good" on that threat (sexually). And. Ugh. Like. Please. I'm going insane. I want this guy's fingers in my cunt. I want him teasing me until I'm literally crying. And he! I just. AHH. Okay. Okay. Thanks for listening to my gay rambling. I'm sorry. I just think if i keep bottling it in I'm going to Die and probably cry a lot. I hope it's okay.
of course it's okay! dude, buddy (gender neutral), I'm honored that you trust my ask box with this 💕
(potentially) unrequited crushes are. fuck. they suck but they're also so,,, energizing. they make us fucking insane and that's like one of the most human things I can think of (aroace inclusively - I think going a bit mad over the complexity of human connection transcends romantic love and sexuality).
now. you know this guy and I don't, obviously, so I'm not going to give you advice, per se, but i will say 90% of my experiences, romantic and sexual, were with people who I was convinced would "never be into me."
I'll also say that the notion of confessions ruining friendships is not always accurate. in fact it's very heteronormative. what ruins friendships is when one or the other friend can't deal with boundaries. if you tell him how you're feeling, and he doesn't reciprocate, it may be awkward for awhile, but if your friendship is strong and you respect his "no" and he doesn't get weird and in his head about it, you'll be okay.
all of that aside: do not feel like I'm pressuring you to confess! I'm just trying to give you angles from which to look forward. attraction is not an imperative. no matter what you do, this crush is energizing you. it's filling you with something wild and bright and exciting. even if you never say anything or act on it, it's okay for that sexual energy and excitement to belong only to you. it's no less beautiful than it is if you share it. if it's waking up new sexual appetites, you'll take that forward with you and have amazing new experiences on your own or with other partners.
thank you for sharing, lovely. this is sweet as hell and you deserve a person who'll threaten to find you and wreck your holes and your brain if you want them 💕
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wendytestabrat · 2 years
Hello! I’ve been making a big google doc explaining why I think Kyman is an intended ship and the subtext involving their relationship, however I hit a roadblock when I heard about Trey and Matt’s commentary at the end of the Imaginationland Trilogy. Trey said that Cartman only wants to humiliate Kyle but that there’s nothing more going on, however there are so many different pieces of information that clearly point towards this claim as false. Your amazing long ass posts about Kyman are the reason I started believing it’s canon, so I was wondering what you have to say about this dilemma??
well first of all i’ve said before how kyman may not even be canon and a lot of it is just trolling from matt & trey making jokes about them being gay bc it’s funny lol and yeah the imaginationland is def not meant to be taken seriously that whole plot with cartman trying to get kyle to suck his balls was clearly just humorous lol. but ofc there have been more serious kyman moments later on where shit gets all emotional so that’s when i started being more led to believe there’s def more going on especially with the drama in s20. it could be possible that all these gay moments started out as a joke like cartman making kyle suck his balls or making kyle stick his finger up his ass and all that LOL, but then when people started to notice this shit was a pattern and suspecting cartman is gay especially in s11 maybe matt & trey decided to take kyman more srsly later on and just run with it lol. they might just enjoy writing stories with deep romantic or passionate subtexts in them bc their dynamic is fun, but they may not want to actually make them a couple over fear it would ruin the show. as someone who’s written screenplays myself writers tend to just write from their own experiences and use it as an outlet to let out their complex emotions through their characters. sometimes things can turn out a certain way in ur work that the people who absorb it will interpret and dissect a certain way but it meant something completely different to the writer when they wrote it bc these complexes the writer has tends to come out in subconscious ways in the characters’ actions. so i think when they were explaining that episode they were just explaining the plot as they wrote it that cartman was trying to get kyle to suck his balls to humiliate him (bc cartman consciously doesn’t understand that he was doing that for gay reasons). and when u write simply from a character and their goals and motivations (which is typically where all good screenwriters start by figuring out what their main character’s goal is in the story and what they’re trying to accomplish, for cartman his goal was to get kyle to suck his balls to ‘humiliate’ him), other complexities will end up coming out of the story and you kind of learn more about your own character as you go lol. i tend to joke around that screenwriting is basically the introverted version of acting. in acting you have to get into your character in some way by relating parts of urself in them, like when a director tells an actor to cry in the scene by remembering something sad that happened to them if you know what i mean lol. screenwriting is the same way you’re writing dialogue that the characters say by putting yourself in the shoes of the character and understanding their perspective. it’s like improv acting, you get into a character come up with some lines and learn more about your own character as u go on. a theory i’ve had (i shouldn’t be talking abt this bc it’s fucked up to speculate abt someone’s sexuality publicly LOL) is that all these subliminal gay scenes between cartman and kyle has just been trey writing any unresolved gay feelings he has for matt. (and matt voices kyle, but i mean i’m not the first to speculate this there was also that lazy joke they cut from family guy about it, matt & trey may have even joked about them being a couple too) they’re two men who work very closely together so it wouldn’t surprise me if thoughts like that pop up every now and then. and i def feel like cartman is loosely based on trey, obviously stan is the character he based off himself but i def feel like there’s some of him in cartman too which is also why he voices cartman. i def feel like trey’s more lighthearted funny side is what he lets out through cartman also the side of him that’s scheming in business (i mean how do you think south park became such a huge franchise? this didn’t happen by chance lol) which we also see through cartman.
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mewtonian-physics · 1 year
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@hylasregilla sounds like a deal to me! the whole character ask with raikov... let's go
1. My first impression of them
'oh god, why? i hate this. why does this have to be a thing'
2. When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like)
suckered myself into liking him april 1 2022. the real april fool was me
3. A song that reminds me of them
hmm. last time i got this particular question i said bubblegum bitch. this time i'll give you the first song on the raikov playlist
4. How many people I ship them with
just ooooooone
5. My favorite ship of them
raikov/the guy @setphies and i made up just so he could finally have a good relationship 2kforever
6. My least favorite ship of them
[points at volgin]
7. A quote of them that you remember
from mgs3? i think about 'do your job' a lot. from other metal gear content? 'regretful'. and if it's about lines i wrote myself, i'm quite fond of 'eat from the tree of knowledge, and pay better attention next time'.
8. Your favorite outfit of them
well in canon he only has two outfits, so... uniform, duh
9. Your least favorite outfit of them
that'd be the non-outfit [grimaces]
10. Describe the character in one sentence
'a lot more complex than official canon would have you think.'
11. What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?
eva theory of course!
12. Sexuality hc!
highkey fucking gay of course. but also ace. he likes men but sex itself isn't something he's really interested in. (he's also sex-repulsed due to trauma but without that it'd just be 'whatever' to him.)
13. Your favorite friendship they have
him and ocelot naturally
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14. Best storyline they had
the one i came up with myself
15. Worst storyline they had
official canon
16. A childhood headcanon
he doesn't actually know his own real name. he picked out 'ivan' himself as a child because he hoped it would bring him luck
17. What do you think their first word was?
18. How do you think they were as a kid? (Like, were they shy, noisy, wild, etc)
as said previously, he was very survival-oriented and had very few limitations on what he'd do to stay alive. would as soon steal from you as talk to you. still pretty manipulative and he had fun doing it. who'd have thought someone who looked so innocent would rob you blind in a heartbeat? well. he would
19. The most random ship you've seen people have with them
i try not to pay attention to ships with him <3 but i've seen him and ocelot which just feels weird to me
20. A weird headcanon
i think a lot of people in this fandom would consider all of my headcanons about him weird. especially the one where i think he hates volgin with a burning passion. sucks to be them and not get it.
21. When do you think they were at their happiest?
not at any point during canon, that's for sure
22. When do you think they were at their lowest?
that'd be immediately post-mgsv ('but he wasn't in mgsv' shut up i don't care)
23. Future headcanon
that man is going to settle down and find a very normal and average and kind person who treats him like he deserves. and they will have a cat. and he will be genuinely happy for the first time in longer than he can remember
24. What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone?
he's a spy lol the amount of secrets he has are insane. but i think he's always going to be very secretive about the exact details of his work. he really doesn't want to talk about them.
25. When do you think they acted the most ooc
when kojima writes him
26. When do you think they were being "themselves" the most?
when i write him
27. If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
mello deathnote i think he should meet mello deathnote
28. The most unnecessary thing they ever did?
all the self-destructive shit he did because he had serious mental health issues and didn't realize it was okay for him to just not do that
29. How do you think they would be as a parent? (and if they are a parent, how do you think they would be if they weren't?)
spy x family but worse
30. The funniest scene they had?
nothing i didn't write myself
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waterbottlegrey-blog · 5 months
Preacher (comic) review
Er. Spare yourself? Quite homophobic, I'll just be up front.
Guy gets compelling-voice-power by an abomination unto the lord merging with his soul, and sets out to have some strong words with the almighty about being god being a toxic narcissist. and shenanigans
Your typical grimdark adventure of a guy named Jessie Custer, Texan (TM), Preacher Man (under duress), who one day mid-service gets beaned in the head by a demon-anger aborted baby. Not exaggerating there:The mom was strangled by dad (angel dad, because God Is Evil in this one). He has an imaginary friend, John Wayne, who calls him a faggot for becoming a preacher after his EEvvvil racist granma (and her hillbilly henchmen) broke him by nailing his dog to a fence, killing his BFF and mom. Yeah, homophobic, you get the distinct impression that someone had a complex about anal sex.
Good bits... he has an action girl girlfriend, whose father was a good single-father. He performs oral sex on her, and makes fun of people who wouldn't to their girls. And admits he's a jerk for leaving her behind because he knows she's kickass, but his weak heart wouldn't stand her in danger. Feminism win. /s
There's the bff, who is a walking cautionary tale on the dangers of drug-abuse, addition, and a vampire. Irish. Has sucked dick for drugs. Kills many many people, but only feels bad for hitting women? Which was probably meant to be pro-women. The drama around that back-stabbing asshole is delicious.
There's a black cop everyone mocks for being too soft and actually trying to do thing without gratuitus violence and he wins the day in the end? But of course, his blodn renegade cop partner turns out to be... drumroll... gay! kinky gay! *confetti*
The main baddie is a german religiouz zealot, that is planning a new world order through nuclear Armageddon. Who is first into piss, then gets a cut over his bald head that makes his head look like the hop of a penis, then 'turned gay' via rape (that exact phrase used there, buckle up), then into pegging (this is a whole sub-plot, yes, really), loses his leg to hick cannibals, then gets his dick eaten off by a dog- curious choice, because there is a perfectly good, entirely different, SPETNAZ cannibal he's fighting in that instance. And then decides to make it everyone else's problem.
The heroes are reletlessly pursued by god's hitman, Patron Saint of Killers, who ends up killing God in the end.
Blood, goreporn galore, as befits grimdark.
The plot of Jesse, Cassidy and Tulip was worth it, as was the many Klansmen killed. (Especially the one that fucked a flesh doll. made of flesh, like, hams drumsticks, and cutlets, tied together into an effigy- Yeah.)
I needed to get this warning out. That was traumatic enough in Hellblazer, I did not need to see that again.
I'm going to read some Cassidy/Jesse fanfic just out of spite now.
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