dipperpines-kin · 9 months
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A rubberhose style doodle of Mina for @astro-b-o-y-d hope you like it!
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trick or tweat~
And the last trick or treater before midnight struck gets….
Mabel Pines from Gravity Falls!
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punkitt-is-here · 10 months
I just want you to know that I want the shirt your sona is wearing, it looks so swag
Thank you! I assume you mean the one in my icon? It's a patterned flamingo shirt I wore to my prom sophomore year, I decided to go as a bright and colorful tourist look over anything fancy and it rocked
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Oooh, you wanna watch or rewatch Gravity Falls. You wanna watch or rewatch Gravity Falls so bad. (Is this working?)
yes it is absolutely working gravity falls is something i like to rewatch during the falltime anyways so thank u for the reminder c:
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cerealmonster15 · 30 days
🥞👑🎡 - Pick an OC. Or pick multiple~!
🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
yale likes fish and apples at any time of day. perhaps he'd be a salmon + bagel + cream cheese + apples on the side kind of guy 😌
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
orion spends a lot of his time weaving his way in and out of people's lives and relationships. i think he wants those he crosses paths with to remember him as the alluring, mysterious, and powerful entity he is lol. leaving people in his wake with thoughts of confusion and longing, or the BETRAYAL of his last second reveals before he vanishes lol ✨
🎡 FERRIS WHEEL - are they someone who wants to kiss at the top of the ferris wheel?
hmmm i think most of my characters would think that's fun or cute! but maybe dañarte thinks it's stupid and cliche but will keep that a secret to go along with whatever the other person's doing, because he's Trying To Keep Up A Facade lol. or maybe he's secretly afraid of heights. i need to humble that bitch one way or another. we'll see 🤔
[prompt post!]
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mudskip-drabbles · 4 months
Hey hey hey Skip hey :3, gimme our Dangle Rompus idiot bros (Kaz and Leon)
fellas is it gay-
"What do you mean you 'don't believe me'! Pretty sure I've made out with way more people than you! You chicken out before you can even get out a pick up line!" It sounded harsh, but the 'fight' was all in good fun, it having started with Leon lamenting where he was sprawled dramatically across Kaz's bed, that some girl he'd hooked up with said he sucked at kissing. Kaz, who was only half paying attention while he scribbled out (rather complex) math equations in the margins of some blueprints where he sat at his desk, had said he could help him get better as a mostly a joke.
It wasn't until Leon expressed his disbelief that Kaz had to double down and commit, not about to let his totally awesome kissing skills get insulted by Leon, the guy who apparently sucked at kissing.
Leon gave a dramatic gasp at the 'insult', a hand clutching his chest as he sat upright.
"Nuh uh! I've been practicing dude! How do you think I got that chick to kiss me in the first place!" An eyeroll from Kaz as he spun about in his chair to stradle the back, his arms resting across the top as he shot Leon a smirk.
"Oh yeah? Hit me with one right now." Leon, who was not expecting such a request, visibly flounded, a finger being pointed at Kaz after the mechanic started to laugh at him.
"No! No, shut up, I got this! Just- Gimmie a fucking second!" One second that turned into well over a minute of Leon only able to get out um's and uh's as his brain scrambled to come up with something.
"Uuuuuh, fucking.....are you a mechanic? Becausssse....you can blow my seals anytime!"
Kaz was laughing before Leon could even finish.
"Do you even know what any of that means?" Asked through wheezes, there now tears in Kaz's eyes as he hid his face in his arms. Leon, who had started to protest, got as far as a deep inhale before letting it out as a groan with only a "No" in his defense.
Flopping backwards onto the bed, Leon scrubbed his hands over his face with a frustraed shout.
"Gooodddd, I suck!"
Kaz, who's laughter was steadily dying down to scattered giggles, stood from his chair and flopped next to Leon on the bed.
"Yeah, that was pretty bad dude." A statment which earned him a middle finger. "But- I meant what I said. Dunno if I can help with the whole shit at flirting thing, but I know for a fact I can help you get better at kissing!" Something he was very proud of, even though his face had flushed as pink as his hair.
Leon was faring no better, an eye peeking out between his fingers before he slowly sat up, face as red as his own hair.
"You're...not fucking with me? Because I swear to God if you are-" He didn't have a threat to finish that with. "A-Anyways, uh...if I were to humor you like a bro and let you help me, howww would we go about that?" Another eyeroll from Kaz, the normally squirrly mechanic managing to drum up some confidence not only because he was good and knew it, but because this was just Leon.
Who he definetly hasn't thought about kissing before. Shut up.
"Easy! We just-" Shiftng to his knees, Kaz very slowing set to straddle Leon's lap, shaky hands coming to rest on his shoulders as he shot his friend a somewhat nervous grin. "See? And you can just-" Hands reaching for Leon's , Kaz set them on his hips before returning his own back to leather clad shoulders. "T-Ta da!"
It...took a moment for Leon to come back to reality, the poor guy having short-circuited the moment Kaz has settled in his lap.
"Wha- Oh, yeah. Heh, super...duper easy." What...did he do now?!
A question he didn't have to dwell on for very long, Kaz able to dig up courage once again, (seeing just how out of his element his bro was) to bring his hands to cup Leon's face.
"I'm...gonna kiss you now, okay?" Met with a hard swallow and a nod, Kaz slowly leaned forwards, not more than a centimeter at a time, wanting to make sure Leon actually wanted to do this. Once feeling warm breath reflecting back to his own lips, Kaz took that as one last okay before pressing their lips together in a chaste kiss to test the waters.
Peeking through half lidded eyes, Kaz could see just how red Leon was, his eyes squeezed shut so tight he's suprised it didn't hurt.
"Relax dude, it's just me, remember?" Something that actually seemed to help, Leon able to untense just a bit with a shaky exhale, of which earned him another short kiss as a reward.
With each passing second and every careful kiss, Leon was able to relax more and more, eventually able to figure out just when and how to meld their lips together without bumping noses or clacking teeth.
Kaz himself seemed to forget after a while that there was a purpose to this makeout session, the mechanic gradually getting lost against his friends lips until-
"When the fuck did you get a tongue piercing?!" Near screeched by Leon as he pulled away, Kaz simply stuck out his tongue to show off said piercing with a smirk. "Nah, I know what's up! You thought mine was so cool you had to copy me!" A playful rib, it lessening the heat in the air as Kaz sputtered a scoff.
"Yeah right, like I would ever copy a dork like you." Blowing a raspberry, Kaz very nearly bit off his tongue as he was suddenly smacked with a pillow. "Hey!"
Grabbing a pillow for himself, he returned the smack with a laugh, quickly leaping to his feet as Leon made to swing back.
"Asshole! I'll show you who's a dork!" Their 'lesson' forgotten amongst the flurry of feathers that filled the room, it only stopped when they ran out of pillow to fight with. Flopping down on the now molting matress, the two simply laid in silence as they caught their breathe. At least until-
"You still suck at pick up lines."
Jumping up from the bed as Leon made to lunge for him, the two trailed feathers down the hall, laughing like dorks the entire way.
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I know you said no real life people, and I mean this 100% as a joke, but I should win most orange character. I literally made one of my names Tangy and my birdsona is orange. Clearly I am the most superior.🍊
bracket canceled, we've got our winner right here ^
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God, if I could submit OCs, I have a Ducktales OC who is my special autism girlie and would absolutely kill in a contest like this 😔Technically she's not so much an OC as she is a reboot of a prexisting character (Skittles) who didn't make it into the actual reboot, but listen...I love her.
There is zero reason to be telling you this, but it IS the autistic girlie bracket and she's always on my mind.
admittedly, I am also thinking about my own ocs at any given moment JAHAKDJS
thank you for telling me about her!!! I'm not very familiar with the original Skittles because I'm a Quack Pack/Ducktales 2017 girlie and haven't found the time to go back and watch '87, so your autistic girlie Skittles is now the definitive canon to me. AND the winner of the bracket in my heart <3
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ckret2 · 1 year
Did my duty and voted for the Trickster, and it looks like he's in the lead now! 🫡
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Me submitting Boyd: Maybe...maybe this will be the time he wins 😔
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oopsalldadsderby · 1 year
Stan Pines 🥰. End of sentence. (No it's not bc I KNOW he's more of a great-uncle figure but listen. LISTEN.)
You are not alone!
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irisbaggins · 2 years
So I know nothing about Ride The Cyclone (aside from it looks neat), but my first thoughts from the content you've put on my dash were 'Finally. Final Destination 3 from the opposite point of view'
I let out an audible giggle so high pitched my own ears hurt. You're so right tho
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astro-b-o-y-d · 2 months
We may have lost but I fought for AstroBOYD with my whole life and I'm proud to have lived up to my URL in that regard
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tnt-tourney · 1 year
Huey and Boyd propaganda, these boys are sooooo trans and also they're on a date here 🥺
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(Not canonically a date but they're literally touring bird Tokyo together, which includes getting food together and walking through a park so come ON, they are in love and also super t4t, as proof of more pics of their date with trans flag made of colors picked from the screencaps)
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I rest my case.
well now everyone simply HAS to submit them. cmonnnn look at them reading 2gether look at them going on their little scenic walk !! theyre flag colored how can you NOT submit them now........ you hate ducks? 🦆? quack quakc??? you hate robo t. ? 🤖 ?! beep boop ? ? truly unbelievable u_u
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Pops back in to say if you like media about death and can handle stuff like SAW, there's also the Final Destination series. It's silly, but it's got those good good deaths (except the fourth one which is /so/ bad for the most part). Ridiculous movies, love them to bits.
OH I LOVE FINAL DESTINATION !!! it's the reason why i'm afraid of tanning beds , rollercoasters , and bridges [':
they are extremely ridiculous and i adore them . the fourth one is definitely the weakest of the series . except for the fucking . swimming pool scene . that still makes me sick to my stomach hfdjskdjfh
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cerealmonster15 · 9 months
JFDSLKJFKDSL IKR IM BLUE NOW....... dont tell sarge
the orange remains in my heart and soul. and also my kitchen. nearly all of my cookware is orange 😌
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