mudskip-drabbles · 11 days
RP Blogs Masterpost
@the-ultimate-muses (Danganronpa)
@wasteland-muses (Fallout)
@hells-fvry (Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel)
@super-hero-support-group (Marvel)
@the-normandy-and-beyond (Mass Effect)
@speckled-and-spattered (Misc. Muses)
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@world-of-stones-and-colors (Pokemon)
@home-plate-muses (TF2)
@mudskip-memes (Ask Meme Archive/Requests)
@mudskip-drabbles (Drabble Requests)
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mudskip-drabbles · 1 month
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mudskip-drabbles · 2 months
im supposed to be at work but i wanna get this down before i forget lol im thinking for commissions to do minimum 1000 words which would be $5 with +$5 for every subsequent 1000 words requested. if you pay for 1000 or w/e amount and i go over that for whatever reason im not going to make you pay extra since that wouldnt really be fair lol smut drabbles will have a +$2 charge to the $5, so a 1000 word smut drabble would be $7 with +$7 for each subsequent 1000 words.
if you request an...out of pocket kink/fetish (you can ask if youre not sure what that means) instead of $7 per 1000 words itll be $10 per thousand instead. i will not write in depth r@pe or p*dophilia plots, but i will touch upon it if requested.
ill make a fancier table for this after work, but if you have any questions or w/e feel free to shoot me a message!!
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mudskip-drabbles · 2 months
oh also before i forget i have a kofi!! if you like my writing a tip would be Neat even if only a dollar, and ive also mused doing fic commissions if anyone would be interested in that!! i have a price table in mind that i havent fine tuned yet, but hopefully ill have that figured out soon uwu
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mudskip-drabbles · 2 months
im supposed to be at work but i wanna get this down before i forget lol im thinking for commissions to do minimum 1000 words which would be $5 with +$5 for every subsequent 1000 words requested. if you pay for 1000 or w/e amount and i go over that for whatever reason im not going to make you pay extra since that wouldnt really be fair lol smut drabbles will have a +$2 charge to the $5, so a 1000 word smut drabble would be $7 with +$7 for each subsequent 1000 words.
if you request an...out of pocket kink/fetish (you can ask if youre not sure what that means) instead of $7 per 1000 words itll be $10 per thousand instead. i will not write in depth r@pe or p*dophilia plots, but i will touch upon it if requested.
ill make a fancier table for this after work, but if you have any questions or w/e feel free to shoot me a message!!
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mudskip-drabbles · 2 months
oh also before i forget i have a kofi!! if you like my writing a tip would be Neat even if only a dollar, and ive also mused doing fic commissions if anyone would be interested in that!! i have a price table in mind that i havent fine tuned yet, but hopefully ill have that figured out soon uwu
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mudskip-drabbles · 2 months
gonna try to bang out another drabble or two after work, but feel free to request more! reminder that other than regular old drabbles i also do canon x readers, imagines and general character headcanons uwu basically if its writable ill do it lol
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mudskip-drabbles · 2 months
💬 — soupmates. Giovanni is now the sad one (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠) unusually quiet — something felt weird about him for a week — etc :3
send 💬 for an angsty starter drabble! (X)
Choo Choo! All aboard the Angst Train, next stop: Giovanni!
At first, Rick didn't understand why Molly, her friends, or any of Giovanni's Boys never seemed to pick up on how...different Giovanni had been in the past week or so. He'd even asked Molly, assuming that there was something he was missing, that Gio had talked to someone about what was bothering him and that was why no one was reacting to it, but...Molly had only met his concern with confusion. She was a smart kid, so if she hadn't picked up on how odd Giovanni was acting, then perhaps Rick was simply misunderstanding the situation? He was still learning how to live a 'normal life', after all...
So, he'd tried to ignore it like everyone else seemed to be, but it didn't go away as the days ticked on, and if anything, it had gotten worse. Rick had been musing to himself on if he should say anything -after all, asking Giovanni about why the air around him always felt so odd would be the easiest way to settle the whole ordeal- when he was struck with the sudden realization as to why he could feel what others couldn't: His epithet.
They'd discovered many things about his epithet since he'd washed up on that beach; that it 'disconnected' with enough distance, that Molly's epithet could sever his connection with someone should she use it on them with the intention of dumbing down that person's epithet, and that powerful emotions could be felt along the tether without either party intending it to be.
Giovanni had been feeling so sad that it was sending feedback through Rick's epithet. He had been putting up a happy act in front of everyone else, which was why no one noticed just how wrong things were. There was a bit of irony in this realization, however, seeing that it only came about because Giovanni felt Rick's worry through that same string that tethered them together.
"Hey uh...you alright over there man? You're making my chest feel all...heavy 'n stuff." Giovanni now mirroring the worry that had him speaking up in the first place, Rick's sudden epiphany left his mouth in a matter of seconds after it had clicked into place with the prompt: "You have been pretending to be happy." Something that apparently had a ring of truth to it, if the way Giovanni's face fell as panic shot through their bond was anything to go by.
"Oh...shit. Forgot you could do the whole...thingy-do." Clarifying with a gesture to mimic the 'string' from himself to Rick, Gio tossed the controller to the game he'd been playing aside with a deep sigh. "For the record, if it wasn't for the soul-thingy, you'd have no idea." Something that was not reassuring in the slightest. How long before Rick had Giovanni been hiding his emotions where no one could see them?
"I don't want to not know." He can't fix it if he didn't know. "Do you want me to not know?" If that was the case, he'd drop it and pretend it never even happened, even if it meant having to feel that heavy weight of sadness sitting in his chest for the rest of his life. Giovanni wouldn't hide something like this without a good reason, after all, he was always reminding everyone else how important it was to share your feelings with others in order to feel better.
Giovanni...didn't seem to have an answer to Rick's question, a harsh puff of air being breathed out until it petered down into a sort of raspberry once his lips met. "It's not that I don't want you to know, I just...didn't see a reason for you to know." Something that clearly did not make sense to Rick by the look of pure confusion that fell over his face. "You are sad, what other reason would you need?" Another sigh from Gio as he ran a hand through his hair, Rick using the few moments of it's span to make his way over to his friend and sit next to him on the couch.
"It's just something stupid, you know? And I know it's stupid, so why bother? It'll go away eventually." Rick did not like this reasoning.
"It is not stupid because you are feeling it! It is making you sad, so we must fight it with the power of friendship!!" In other words, he was here, if Giovanni wanted to talk.
This impassioned declaration brought a smile to Gio's lips after a brief pause of surprise, his hair falling into his face as he shook his head with a laugh.
"Can't really argue with you there, shades." A statement that had Rick smiling himself in victory, up until he watched Gio's fall as he brushed the hair back out of his face.
"It's just...I dunno, this whole fuckin' thing is still buggin' me. I know Molly said she doesn't care that I took her, and if she did she could tell someone at school, or hell, she could just go home on her own, she knows how the subway system works better than literally anyone I know! Like I said, it's stupid, but I still worry, you know? If I'm doing the right thing..."
Flopping back against the couch, an arm slung over his eyes as he slid halfway down in the seat, Giovanni let his words hang in the air, not even daring to see what sort of look they'd brought to Rick's face. Rick himself was silent for a moment, the man being even more confused than before this conversation had started.
"You are right, that is stupid." A statement that had Gio peeking from under his arm at just how intensely it had been declared.
"Come again?" He found himself smiling despite how most anyone else might take offense to such a parroting of their self depreciation.
"It is stupid that you believe yourself to be wrong. You have not one reason to, you have said so yourself! Besides, if Molly was unhappy, I would know." So firmly stated, Giovanni didn't realize just how right those words were at first.
"Why would you...oh...oh!! The- The thingy!!!" Bolting upright with realization, Giovanni almost kicked the coffee table with the frantic scramble from his slouch.
"The Thingy!!!" Was parroted with just as much vigor, Rick's smile so bright Gio couldn't help but return it. "Molly has felt nothing but happiness even before you two began to share in my dwelling, and it has only grown each day when she returns to us from the 'school'."
"No shit? You aren't fuckin' with me just to make me happy 'n stuff?" Not that Gio believed in such a thing, not when it came to Rick, something that was only reaffirmed by the horror such a question was met with.
"I would never lie to my friends!! You would know immediately, were I to be untruthful, for the guilt would eat me ALIVE!!!" Dramatic, but it got the point across, and even got Giovanni to laugh as a bonus.
Silence fell over them after his laugh dwindled down to only a smile, long enough that Gio once again felt worry stutter across their bond.
"...Did I fix the sad?" It was so genuine, the amount of pure concern those words carried with them, that it had Gio's breath getting caught in his throat as he answered.
"You kicked the sad's ass, dude! It never stood a damn chance!" And he meant it. When it came to Rick, he couldn't lie, and their bond had nothing to do with it.
"All thanks to the power of friendship! HAHAHAHA!" A crackle of blackened magic sparked from Rick's palms as he laughed, only for it to be abruptly cut off by him jumping up from the couch to greet-
"MOLLY!!! You have returned from the school!!!!" Like clockwork, he dropped everything to greet her at the door the moment it had clicked open, Molly already smiling even before she'd stepped into their apartment.
Giovanni watched for a moment as Rick bounced around Molly like an overexcited puppy, wanting to know everything she'd learned that day to 'add to their power'. Molly only laughed, her bag being set on the table as she pulled a book from it, the girl already off on an info dump about her planned science project on, of course, bears.
Wanting in on the excitement, Gio stood from the couch to join them at the table, only the thought of how stupid he had been able to flit through his mind before it was overtaken by a rather detailed explanation on grizzlies from the cub bouncing on her heels as she showed them pages of the book.
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mudskip-drabbles · 2 months
swearsies this blog is still a Thing ive just been mentally drained lately and writing longer drabbly stuff has been Hard 😔 But! ive decided to start doing character imagines on here too, which hopefully will help get me out of this brain dip uwu so yeah, feel free to request characters for x reader and/or canon x canon headcanons/situations!!
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mudskip-drabbles · 2 months
swearsies this blog is still a Thing ive just been mentally drained lately and writing longer drabbly stuff has been Hard 😔 But! ive decided to start doing character imagines on here too, which hopefully will help get me out of this brain dip uwu so yeah, feel free to request characters for x reader and/or canon x canon headcanons/situations!!
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mudskip-drabbles · 2 months
swearsies this blog is still a Thing ive just been mentally drained lately and writing longer drabbly stuff has been Hard 😔 But! ive decided to start doing character imagines on here too, which hopefully will help get me out of this brain dip uwu so yeah, feel free to request characters for x reader and/or canon x canon headcanons/situations!!
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mudskip-drabbles · 3 months
Send me '🎵' for a song based starter
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mudskip-drabbles · 3 months
*Old rich, British, Man voice* thank you, mudskip. I was very delighted by that soupmates fanfic. I was thinking, maybe, they could go on a nice date together, or play in the rain. Your service is greatly appreciated, mudskip.
or? OR?? how about BOTH!!
Separating the concept of dates as opposed to simple hang outs between friends had been a bit tough for Rick to grasp, Ben having said the difference was you 'couldn't kiss your friends' like you would on a date, which started an entire argument between all the Boys on how that was or wasn't true. Sometimes you could kiss your friends depending on the friend, which led into 'fine, dates are with someone you can bang!', in which the same thing was argued as before, that it all depended on the friend. In the end, it was, of course, Giovanni that finally helped every make sense, simply saying: "Dates are what you go on with me, duh." And that had been that.
Dates were for Rick Odi and Giovanni only (unless they ever decided to add another partner, but that was a whole separate conversation), and Odi wanted to experience one of these 'dates' as soon as possible, because:
"I will get to kiss you on this date!"
"You can kiss me literally any time, babe."
"Ah, that is right...Oh! I can 'bang' you on the date!"
"You can also do that whenever you want...I'm not saying I don't want those things by the way-" If he didn't get to kiss Odi on this date at least once, he'd die. He would just up and die from boyfriend withdrawals.
Though getting the answers he sought, now Odi was left with even more questions.
"If that is the case, what is the purpose of a 'date'?" How was it any different than every other day they spent together?
"Well, what's the purpose of a 'hangout'?" Odi didn't even need to think.
"To spend special time with friends!" He was grinning like a student who'd answered a question correctly in class.
"So, a date is just that, but with me!" And that was what put all the pieces together. It was simply special time set aside specifically for a partner, and that only made Odi want to go on one all the more.
"WE ARE GOING ON A DATE!!" Though it became clear rather quickly that Odi didn't actually have anything planned. Why would he? They could simply sit there in silence on the couch all night, and that would be a perfectly wonderful date to him. But no, Gio had said, they had to do something, it was part of the fun!
So, the did what they usually did when out and about, but this time it was a date: Lunch at the pizza place down the road, trying to win prizes at the arcade in the mall, getting kicked out of the arcade in the mall (it wasn't Giovanni's fault the claw machine was still so easy to bust into), and now they simply walked around town, hand in hand while they chattered about this and that.
It was the same as any other day, but it somehow felt all the more, knowing that this was time they had made specifically for each other. It wasn't their first 'date' by definition of one, but it was the first one they'd called a date, it leaving Odi bubbly and warm as he watched Giovanni skip stones over the still surface the pond at the park across the street from their apartment building.
It was just after Odi had finally managed to skip a stone more than just a plunk when the skies opened up, elation flipping to fear just as quickly as the sun had to rain.
"I HAVE ANGERED THE POND GODS!" Was it all the failed skips? Were they not watching when he had finally made it?! Why were they punishing him if he succeeded??
For as much as Odi thought he'd somehow ruined their date, Giovanni only saw it as another bit of fun to be had. Grabbing Odi's hand with a laugh of how it was "just rain babe", he'd pulled him away from the pond and the cover of the tree line around it into the downpour so heavy they could not longer see their building.
Odi had been confused at first, there was no rain underwater after all, and it had yet to storm since he'd come to the surface, as far as he knew, at least. This was new, and apparently not a punishment for his poor skipping skills, so that made it fun!
While everyone else at the park had headed back to their cars or homes, they had stayed under the sheet of rain, splashing and frolicking and dancing about like a pair of fools who didn't give a single shit about what anyone watching might think. They were having fun, and no one could ruin that.
Well, except for Molly as she stepped off the school bus, but that was less out of judgment and more so concern that they would get sick. That didn't stop them from dragging her into their fun though, the little cub never really having time to just play in the rain before. She'd always been worried about getting sick, because getting sick meant she couldn't work as hard, but spinning around with Gio and Odi holding her hands, the three laughing like idiots that only came on harder after they'd slipped into the mud, it didn't matter anymore.
Not even later on when Odi was excitedly relaying his and Gio's date, only for her to interrupt with a series of sneezes. If she was sick, they'd take care of her, she knew, even if they had started sneezing just as much soon after.
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mudskip-drabbles · 4 months
u are doing the world a favor by writing more soupmates im going INSANE over ur fics
im really happy you like them!!! i cant take all the credit, me and @dragcns-den talk a looooot about these idiots lmao so far only the plushie one has been 100% my idea, the rest are things we've bounced back and forth and consider canon for our Giovanni and Rick when we rp. also i have a good three more requests i gotta finish up (one is half written in my drafts, so maybe itll pop up later on if i can find the gumption) so there will definetly be more soon :3c
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mudskip-drabbles · 4 months
i created a walloftext as another way for people to request stuff just in case theyre too nervous to send an ask or smth <3
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mudskip-drabbles · 4 months
oh by the by requests are Open!!! i forgot to slap that on the header lmao
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mudskip-drabbles · 4 months
Rick x reader I plead of you. (I own over 70% of the ao3 tag its a very lonely place here xc)
i gottcha bro👌
“Odi! I'm-" Yelled into the apartment as you pushed open the door, your declaration was forced to go unfinished as the intended receiver of it barreled into you for a hug, knocking free a giddy laugh from your lips. Meeting it with even a fraction of the same enthusiasm was a bit difficult with your hands full of groceries, but it was made up for with a heavy lean of your body and a kiss to his smiling face. 
“Y/N! You have RETURNED!!!” One might think you'd been away for days with how happy your boyfriend sounded, but in reality you'd only been gone a few hours to run some errands. Still, his enthusiasm was nothing but endearing, filling your chest with that warm, fuzzy feeling, knowing no matter how long you were gone, Odi would always be nothing short of ecstatic when you came back to him. 
“I wasn't gone for that long you know.” A tease as you set down the bags onto the kitchen counter. As soon as one bag was set down, Odi had his nose in it, sifting through its contents as if each item was a prize at the bottom of a crackerjack box. “And I'm even back sooner than what I said I'd be.” A boop to his nose as he emptied one bag across the counter (it being the frozen foods, how convenient seeing as those were always put away first!) and moved on to another, even the most mundane of items lighting him up like a never-ending firework.
“But I missed you!” Why would it matter if you were gone five seconds or five hours? He'd miss you all the same!
“Well, miss no longer, for I have returned.” Though with not as much energy, you met his theatrics with a giggle as yet another bag was emptied. (The refrigerated stuff, just as you finished putting away the frozens too, just like every other time you brought groceries home. You wondered for a moment if he'd planned it that way, or if your movements were just that in sync). “That's what happens when the Big Bad Wizard puts a curse on me. I just can't manage to stay away~.” A light hip-bump as you passed by on your way to the fridge, Odi popping up from the bag like a gopher with a silly little grin. 
“Yes! I am the most evil of wizards! And you are my darling concubine! Together-”
“The world will tremble before our bond of friendship.” You finished for him, not even having to look at him to know he'd lit up even brighter than before. 
The next several minutes went by in relative silence, Odi emptying bags, and you putting things away right behind him. It wasn't until the last bag that the usual pattern broke, you bumping into Odi's back where he stood in the middle of the kitchen while examining something so very intently in his hands. 
“Dearest? What is this…cotton candy? It reminds me very much of Giovanni!” Bright pink in color, you could see where the comparison originated. “Is it food?” That was one thing you'd never tire of, the endless curiosity he had whenever stumbling across something new as he adjusted to land life. It had been months, and it felt that every single day he found something to bring to you like a puppy that had found a ball at the park. 
“Yes! Some places call it by other names; fairy floss, candy floss, daddy's beard,” (He didn't understand your giggle at that one, but he loved its happy chime all the same.) “Most of the time, you find it at stuff like carnivals or fairs, but sometimes stores will carry it too.” You'd only gotten it because you had a feeling Odi would find an interest in it, just by its general appearance, the fact that it was candy, and…
“Here, try a piece!” Popping open the container with a crinkle of cellophane and the pop of the lid, Odi could barely contain himself as you pulled a bit of fluff free and plopped it onto a waiting tongue. Sure enough, it only took a matter of seconds for-
“IT IS GONE!!” You couldn't help but giggle as he stuck out his tongue, it moving this way and that as he tried in vain to look down at where the sweet had just been. “What sorcery is this?! Have you gained powers of disappearing?!” Uh oh, better put a stop to that one right here and now, you didn't want another lav-acid incident.
“No, silly, it's sugar! It’s just what happens when you eat it! See?” Taking another piece, you stuck out your own tongue and just barely touch the treat to it when it started to visibly shrink right before Odi's eyes. 
“AMAZING!!” You knew he wasn't’ talking about you, but you couldn't help but blush all the same. “I wish to try again!” A giggle as you passed over the container, Odi forgoing ripping a piece free in lieu of sticking his tongue right into the mass of fluff. “It did it again!!” And of course he had to show you, the container being turned so you could see a slight hole where slowly crystallizing sugar darkened its edges. “MAGIC!!!”
With a fond laugh as he continued to poke his tongue at the treat, you returned to your previous task of putting the groceries away, up until- 
“If I lick Giovanni's hair, will it disappear as well?” Hm…okay, you'd let this one happen, as a treat to yourself. 
“I dunno! You'll just have to test it out next time we see him.” Note to self, make sure you had your phone handy when the time came so you could get that on video…
As a treat. 
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