Skippy's Drabble Request Blog
43 posts
Currently Accepting Requests!!
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mudskip-drabbles · 5 months ago
For all of you here for Epithet Erased/soupmates, I might not always have the energy for full on drabbles but I have an rp blog @speckled-and-spattered with gio and Rick as muses if anyone wants to send me silly little asks or w/e uwu
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mudskip-drabbles · 5 months ago
man yall really like bottom gio huh aejkfh
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mudskip-drabbles · 5 months ago
i just realized tumblr fucked the beginning of this up??? hello??????
I saw you take NSFW requests I don't know if there's a format to these asks but can I request a soupmates smut with Gio bottoming?
Maybe w/ pillow humping too maybe?
this is one of two bottom gio requests in my inbox rn yall know what the Fuck you want huh fjksdhf
He hated those thoughts, and while sometimes they were unavoidable once they started, other times he was able to quickly nip them at the bud before things got too panicky. Gio helped with that; movies, music, and simple conversations among the ways he would distract Odi. The wizards favorite though?
Even if Rick Odi hadn't been harvested so early on in his life, there would still be so many things on land that weren't found underwater. Seasons for one, also weather, cold and warm weather clothing, lizards (they were his favorite), and most importantly: there was no Giovanni. He hadn't known what he expected after breaking free from his prison, but Giovanni hadn't been it. Sometimes, Odi got caught up in his own head, thinking about where he might be now if he'd failed, or never even tried to escape in the first place. Would his friends have protected him? Would they die with him? Were....were they dead now?
Well...naps, specifically cuddly ones, but sex was a pretty close second, and often it even came either before or after said nap, so he could have both!
He had a feeling this time the nap would come after sex if he was correctly understanding what a vibrator was. Gio had been 'saving it for a rainy day', aka either a day where Molly wouldn't be home for a while, or when Odi needed a distraction when things got too buzzy in his head. This time it was both (well...obvioulsy it was both, he supposed. Gio didn't like PDA of any kind when Molly was around, let alone sex, even if behind closed doors).
It...had been a rocky start, Odi not quite understanding that the highest setting didn't nessecarily mean the best setting, the dial having been cranked the moment Gio had told him to turn on the tiny device now nestled deeply inside of him. One moment he had been standing, and the next Giovanni was on his knees with a sharp, sudden moan tearing out of his throat. Odi had, of course, been concerned, clicking the remote off as he got to his knees beside Gio, asking if he was alright with near panic in his voice. Gio's answer?
"Why don't you try it out for a while? Then you can tell me." Which could only mean one thing when spoken around that shit eating smirk Odi loved so very much.
"C'mon, Shades. That really all you got? I'm not gonna f u ck-ing b-break." Something Odi was ready to prove wrong, his grin only growing as he watched his boyfriend's knees quake with another click up on the dial.
", I don't believe I'm done quite yet." Said with a smirk of his own as the vibrator was clicked back on (at a much lower setting than before). The sound Giovanni had made as that sublte little buzz reved back to life, his knees near giving out as he tried to stand back up, a hand having a white knuckle grip on their dresser to help keep on his feet...
It made Odi want to hear all the sounds he could pull from his partner.
"What was that, my dearest heart? I didn't quite catch it." Sadistic and Rick were words that were often paired, but Odi? Odi was soft, curious, afraid of the world.
Gio should have known it was only a matter of time before the two melded.
Giving a chuckle befitting of the dark wizard Odi prided himself to be, it was almost as if one could feel the power radiating off of him as he watch Gio stumble towards their bed, only to fall face first into it when the dial was once again clicked higher. The sound his partner made then, guttural and needy from deep in his throat, Odi very well almost stopped their teasing in favor of taking Gio apart himself, but...
There were still a few levels to their new toy, and how would he know what they did if he didn't try them?
For now however, he lowered the vibrations to the first level once more, it being practically nothing compared to the body shaking intensity it has just been.
"I- Fuck. I created a m-monster." But Giovanni was grinning as he pulled himself onto the bed proper, this being somewhat of a mistake as the toy shifted with his movements, leaving a whimper to catch in his throat.
"You seriously gonna make me cum just from this?" Not that he was opposed to such a thing, he was just curious as to what his boyfriend had in store for him.
Only chuckling lowly at Gio's 'distress', Odi pretended to give a long, drawn out pondering, a finger tapping at his chin as with an overdramatic "Hmm..."
"I do believe I would enjoy watching you rut against this pillow like the dog you are," Said pillow, a large body one for when Odi was having 'floor time', was tossed from where it sat against their dresser, Giovanni unable to answer as his voice strangled to a moaning halt in his throat. "If you are amendable to such a thing, my dearest~" Sugar coating his words, Odi couldn't help but laugh 'cruelly' as Gio scrambled to comply, nearly sending himself off the bed and onto the floor.
"Good boy. Now, where were we..." click click-
The slow ramp back up to what it had been before had Giovanni's mind turning to near paste by the time Odi deemed it high enough, his fists clenched so tightly in their bedspread one might swear they hear the popping of seams.
"I am your god now, dearest." Giovanni didn't get the chance to respond, the dial now turned as high as it could go, the buzz reaching even Odi's ears as he watched desperation turn into primal need.
"Oh my fucking god-" A tut from Odi as he watched Gio's hips stutter in their desprete rut, another click upwards having the man shaking with every frantic roll.
It was near feral, how Gio's body moved now, Odi very nearly losing his god-like persona as breathy moans quickly turned to high pitched whines from where the pillow's fabric was trying to muffle them to very little avail.
"That's it, my dearest heart, just like that..." Voice rough and wavering, Odi watched with a reverence as his boyfriend fell to pieces.
"Good boy, Giovanni. My good boy..." He might simply be mirroring what was usually said to him in these moments, but it was apparently just what Gio needed to tip him over the edge, the man's mouth open in a wordless scream the very moment Odi had stated his claim.
Clicking the toy off completely now, Odi was quick to settle by Gio's side, hair being brushed from his face as he cooed soothing words of praise while clarity returned to his partner's eyes.
"There he is..." Whispered as Giovanni finally met his gaze, a very tired smile met his own soft upturn of lips before leaning down to connect the two.
"How do you feel, love?" Genuine concern, but Gio met it with a breathy laugh.
"Like I just came in my fucking pants like a goddamn teenager." Sure, he was technically still a 'teenager' seeing as was nineteen, but he was much closer to his 20's now so it hardly counted. Just let him have this, it sounded good as a response.
"Was...that a good thing?" Did I do a good thing.
"Fuck yeah it was! Ho-ly shit babe, where did you learn how to do that?" Rolling to spawl on his back, only a slight wince to flash across his face at the jostle, Gio's bright smile beamed up at a now bashful Odi.
"From you, I suppose. One of the many powers you've given me." There was no other way he'd have been capable of that, right?
"Keep that shit up and I'll break the bond just t' prove you wrong."
"Oh I'll fuckin' dare. After I get you back for this." A threat? Oh no, to Odi, that was a promise.
"You wouldn't dare." Such a test might be interesting, he had to admit. A way to see how far he's come with the help of his friends.
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mudskip-drabbles · 5 months ago
Send my muse asks about anything and everything, anon or not!
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mudskip-drabbles · 5 months ago
Send me '📝' for the mun to talk about writing; whether it be a style/format they enjoy, something they do with their own writing, pet peeves, advice, favorite authors, etc. (X)
what some people see as 'fluff' can be important!! simple things like a character acknowledging an everyday item in their environment that seems 'pointless' can add a bit of depth to the scene! writing that only includes what is 'nessecary' gets...kind of droll after a while. for example in a recent thread i included this bit: "Finishing off the joint, it was snuffed out in the ashtray he'd made specifically to sit outside his door (it was really just a couple rims welded together along with the few bottom inches of an old metal bucket, but hey it worked even if it did look shitty as hell)"
was it nessecary for the scene? no, far from it, i could have just said the smoke had been snuffed out Period, but saying that kazuichi custom made an ashtray just for his garage out of random scrap is now an insight into his character; the care he has to not just leave cigarette butts outside of his garage, that he went out of his way to make a specific place to dispose of them, and that by using what some see as garbage effectively, it shows his ingenuity, skill and forethought into the simplest of things that dont really impact anything 'productive' to the thread.
it adds depth with just a simple little footnote which helps makes the scene and the character just a little more Real. its a step past what is 'needed' that can seperate your writing from others, and make it more fun to read!! it helps make your writing yours uwu
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mudskip-drabbles · 5 months ago
📝 - (( talk about writing... bitch >:3 ))
Send me '📝' for the mun to talk about writing; whether it be a style/format they enjoy, something they do with their own writing, pet peeves, advice, favorite authors, etc. (X)
talk to your writing parnters!! babble about little ideas you have, bounce off of eachother just for shits and giggles!! some of the best ideas happen when youre just throwing stuff at each other, something dragon and i know very well lol we send eachother the most random ideas and BOOM we have the most soul shattering, dopamine inducing thread going shortly there after. there are many times where looking back, it seems like some ideas were planned months in advance with how they tie together with more recent ones, and its because we talk All The Time!!
have an idea? send it to your partner!! if youre afraid they wont like it, thats why telling them is important because they can just "well hey what if this instead" and you work from there.
in the same vein, plotting out every single step isnt what writing is about, its gathering general bullet points so you know where you want a thread to go, its just how you get there is whats being worked out as you write, or vice versa.
dont know how to continue a thread? say so!!! 'hey what did you have in mind for this part' or 'im trying to figure out how so and so would react to this' and go from there!! throw ideas at each other and see what sticks!
that being said, its about balance as well.your partner doesnt have to like what you come up with, and threads dont have to go a certain way to be enjoyed. the amount of times ive written something and my parthers character didnt react how i thought they would is high, bu thats what makes it real. people dont always react how you think theyre going to, it helpsmake the writing flow better and feel more real and tangible when youre forced to do a quick 180 if your muse was trying to compliment another, but it was taken as an insult. ot helps show into the charactes mind with how they adapt to it or perhaps make things worse.
tldr: plot out general points, but also go with the flow!! speak up if youre unsure about something, but sometimes its those 'misunderstandings' that make the writing even better!!
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mudskip-drabbles · 6 months ago
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mudskip-drabbles · 6 months ago
Noticed the number of drabbles you’ve got for soupmates and I’m so happy you’ve been filling up the ship tag for them XD
If you don’t mind at all, can we see your take on how those dorks started dating? How one of them asked the other out? Maybe they did at the same time?
Go crazy :3
OKAY i know this is a drabble request but its such a Process with the getting together that its easier to do this bullet point wise dsjkafsd (and by bullet point wise i mean posting mine and @dragcns-den discord convos about them hfjksdhf shoutout to them and @toyboxfriends for being the other parts of my one (1) braincell <3)
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mudskip-drabbles · 6 months ago
Haiiiii~ I'm going around on writers blogs and wanted to ask, do you have any WIPs you would be happy to share? No pressure!
omg thats so nice!! honestly the most writing i do is on my rp blogs rn (danganronpa and hazbin specifically) and i have a Ton of threads going that im super excited to see play out!! i did write a reply for one the other day that i really liked so how about i share that instead??
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mudskip-drabbles · 6 months ago
I saw you take NSFW requests I don't know if there's a format to these asks but can I request a soupmates smut with Gio bottoming?
Maybe w/ pillow humping too maybe?
this is one of two bottom gio requests in my inbox rn yall know what the Fuck you want huh fjksdhf
Even if Rick Odi hadn't been harvested so early on in his life, there would still be so many things on land that weren't found underwater. Seasons for one, also weather, cold and warm weather clothing, lizards (they were his favorite), and most importantly: there was no Giovanni. He hadn't known what he expected after breaking free from his prison, but Giovanni hadn't been it. Sometimes, Odi got caught up in his own head, thinking about where he might be now if he'd failed, or never even tried to escape in the first place. Would his friends have protected him? Would they die with him? Were....were they dead now?
He hated those thoughts, and while sometimes they were unavoidable once they started, other times he was able to quickly nip them at the bud before things got too panicky. Gio helped with that; movies, music, and simple conversations among the ways he would distract Odi. The wizards favorite though?
Well...naps, specifically cuddly ones, but sex was a pretty close second, and often it even came either before or after said nap, so he could have both!
He had a feeling this time the nap would come after sex if he was correctly understanding what a vibrator was. Gio had been 'saving it for a rainy day', aka either a day where Molly wouldn't be home for a while, or when Odi needed a distraction when things got too buzzy in his head. This time it was both (well...obvioulsy it was both, he supposed. Gio didn't like PDA of any kind when Molly was around, let alone sex, even if behind closed doors).
It...had been a rocky start, Odi not quite understanding that the highest setting didn't nessecarily mean the best setting, the dial having been cranked the moment Gio had told him to turn on the tiny device now nestled deeply inside of him. One moment he had been standing, and the next Giovanni was on his knees with a sharp, sudden moan tearing out of his throat. Odi had, of course, been concerned, clicking the remote off as he got to his knees beside Gio, asking if he was alright with near panic in his voice. Gio's answer?
"Why don't you try it out for a while? Then you can tell me." Which could only mean one thing when spoken around that shit eating smirk Odi loved so very much.
", I don't believe I'm done quite yet." Said with a smirk of his own as the vibrator was clicked back on (at a much lower setting than before). The sound Giovanni had made as that sublte little buzz reved back to life, his knees near giving out as he tried to stand back up, a hand having a white knuckle grip on their dresser to help keep on his feet...
It made Odi want to hear all the sounds he could pull from his partner.
"C'mon, Shades. That really all you got? I'm not gonna f u ck-ing b-break." Something Odi was ready to prove wrong, his grin only growing as he watched his boyfriend's knees quake with another click up on the dial.
"What was that, my dearest heart? I didn't quite catch it." Sadistic and Rick were words that were often paired, but Odi? Odi was soft, curious, afraid of the world.
Gio should have known it was only a matter of time before the two melded.
Giving a chuckle befitting of the dark wizard Odi prided himself to be, it was almost as if one could feel the power radiating off of him as he watch Gio stumble towards their bed, only to fall face first into it when the dial was once again clicked higher. The sound his partner made then, guttural and needy from deep in his throat, Odi very well almost stopped their teasing in favor of taking Gio apart himself, but...
There were still a few levels to their new toy, and how would he know what they did if he didn't try them?
For now however, he lowered the vibrations to the first level once more, it being practically nothing compared to the body shaking intensity it has just been.
"I- Fuck. I created a m-monster." But Giovanni was grinning as he pulled himself onto the bed proper, this being somewhat of a mistake as the toy shifted with his movements, leaving a whimper to catch in his throat.
"You seriously gonna make me cum just from this?" Not that he was opposed to such a thing, he was just curious as to what his boyfriend had in store for him.
Only chuckling lowly at Gio's 'distress', Odi pretended to give a long, drawn out pondering, a finger tapping at his chin as with an overdramatic "Hmm..."
"I do believe I would enjoy watching you rut against this pillow like the dog you are," Said pillow, a large body one for when Odi was having 'floor time', was tossed from where it sat against their dresser, Giovanni unable to answer as his voice strangled to a moaning halt in his throat. "If you are amendable to such a thing, my dearest~" Sugar coating his words, Odi couldn't help but laugh 'cruelly' as Gio scrambled to comply, nearly sending himself off the bed and onto the floor.
"Good boy. Now, where were we..." click click-
The slow ramp back up to what it had been before had Giovanni's mind turning to near paste by the time Odi deemed it high enough, his fists clenched so tightly in their bedspread one might swear they hear the popping of seams.
"Oh my fucking god-" A tut from Odi as he watched Gio's hips stutter in their desprete rut, another click upwards having the man shaking with every frantic roll.
"I am your god now, dearest." Giovanni didn't get the chance to respond, the dial now turned as high as it could go, the buzz reaching even Odi's ears as he watched desperation turn into primal need.
It was near feral, how Gio's body moved now, Odi very nearly losing his god-like persona as breathy moans quickly turned to high pitched whines from where the pillow's fabric was trying to muffle them to very little avail.
"That's it, my dearest heart, just like that..." Voice rough and wavering, Odi watched with a reverence as his boyfriend fell to pieces.
"Good boy, Giovanni. My good boy..." He might simply be mirroring what was usually said to him in these moments, but it was apparently just what Gio needed to tip him over the edge, the man's mouth open in a wordless scream the very moment Odi had stated his claim.
Clicking the toy off completely now, Odi was quick to settle by Gio's side, hair being brushed from his face as he cooed soothing words of praise while clarity returned to his partner's eyes.
"There he is..." Whispered as Giovanni finally met his gaze, a very tired smile met his own soft upturn of lips before leaning down to connect the two.
"How do you feel, love?" Genuine concern, but Gio met it with a breathy laugh.
"Like I just came in my fucking pants like a goddamn teenager." Sure, he was technically still a 'teenager' seeing as was nineteen, but he was much closer to his 20's now so it hardly counted. Just let him have this, it sounded good as a response.
"Was...that a good thing?" Did I do a good thing.
"Fuck yeah it was! Ho-ly shit babe, where did you learn how to do that?" Rolling to spawl on his back, only a slight wince to flash across his face at the jostle, Gio's bright smile beamed up at a now bashful Odi.
"From you, I suppose. One of the many powers you've given me." There was no other way he'd have been capable of that, right?
"Keep that shit up and I'll break the bond just t' prove you wrong."
"You wouldn't dare." Such a test might be interesting, he had to admit. A way to see how far he's come with the help of his friends.
"Oh I'll fuckin' dare. After I get you back for this." A threat? Oh no, to Odi, that was a promise.
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mudskip-drabbles · 6 months ago
RP Blogs Masterpost
@the-ultimate-muses (Danganronpa)
@wasteland-muses (Fallout)
@hells-fvry (Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel)
@super-hero-support-group (Marvel)
@the-normandy-and-beyond (Mass Effect)
@speckled-and-spattered (Misc. Muses)
@wrinkled-sheets-and-sunlight (NSFW)
@world-of-stones-and-colors (Pokemon)
@home-plate-muses (TF2)
@mudskip-memes (Ask Meme Archive/Requests)
@mudskip-drabbles (Drabble Requests)
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mudskip-drabbles · 7 months ago
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Rules | Muses | Interest Tracker | Hub Blog
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mudskip-drabbles · 8 months ago
im supposed to be at work but i wanna get this down before i forget lol im thinking for commissions to do minimum 1000 words which would be $5 with +$5 for every subsequent 1000 words requested. if you pay for 1000 or w/e amount and i go over that for whatever reason im not going to make you pay extra since that wouldnt really be fair lol smut drabbles will have a +$2 charge to the $5, so a 1000 word smut drabble would be $7 with +$7 for each subsequent 1000 words.
if you request an...out of pocket kink/fetish (you can ask if youre not sure what that means) instead of $7 per 1000 words itll be $10 per thousand instead. i will not write in depth r@pe or p*dophilia plots, but i will touch upon it if requested.
ill make a fancier table for this after work, but if you have any questions or w/e feel free to shoot me a message!!
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mudskip-drabbles · 8 months ago
oh also before i forget i have a kofi!! if you like my writing a tip would be Neat even if only a dollar, and ive also mused doing fic commissions if anyone would be interested in that!! i have a price table in mind that i havent fine tuned yet, but hopefully ill have that figured out soon uwu
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mudskip-drabbles · 8 months ago
im supposed to be at work but i wanna get this down before i forget lol im thinking for commissions to do minimum 1000 words which would be $5 with +$5 for every subsequent 1000 words requested. if you pay for 1000 or w/e amount and i go over that for whatever reason im not going to make you pay extra since that wouldnt really be fair lol smut drabbles will have a +$2 charge to the $5, so a 1000 word smut drabble would be $7 with +$7 for each subsequent 1000 words.
if you request an...out of pocket kink/fetish (you can ask if youre not sure what that means) instead of $7 per 1000 words itll be $10 per thousand instead. i will not write in depth r@pe or p*dophilia plots, but i will touch upon it if requested.
ill make a fancier table for this after work, but if you have any questions or w/e feel free to shoot me a message!!
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mudskip-drabbles · 8 months ago
oh also before i forget i have a kofi!! if you like my writing a tip would be Neat even if only a dollar, and ive also mused doing fic commissions if anyone would be interested in that!! i have a price table in mind that i havent fine tuned yet, but hopefully ill have that figured out soon uwu
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mudskip-drabbles · 8 months ago
gonna try to bang out another drabble or two after work, but feel free to request more! reminder that other than regular old drabbles i also do canon x readers, imagines and general character headcanons uwu basically if its writable ill do it lol
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