113 posts
“Oh please, give me that baby and I’d yeet it off a tower 🗣️🔥”
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
cleanfreakforever · 1 day ago
“Hey mister, you forgot your uh- the heck is this thing?”
rip larrys phone that got left in the painting 😔
reblog if you know what i mean lol
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cleanfreakforever · 2 days ago
My Babygirl ☺️
Camelot's Golden Knight
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Who doesn't want a puppy Lance...🐶
(I've wanted to draw this theme for ages😭Ever since I watched NATM3 all I want was to ruffle his hair🥺and I figured Lance should look super cute when he's embarrassed (a bit like tsundere haha🤣) so I finally did this one. I've already done David and König and "The Beast" so it's nice to switch it up a little bit.)
Hope you guys like it!!!🥰
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This is my work file btw, thanks to the Loading Artist's tutorial I used vector layer and it save me loooot of time.
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cleanfreakforever · 2 days ago
Antinous is for the boys
Also something funny(?) I noticed when re-listening is that Antinous like… always included his buddies when talking about… ya’know… Penelope. So like- I guess he just really liked bro time.
Antinous is for the boys. He really should have stuck to just having hot gay mercenary sex with his bros. Trying to usurp the throne was a total misplay.
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cleanfreakforever · 2 days ago
They deserved better 💔
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I'm normal about this
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cleanfreakforever · 3 days ago
We all know what type of man Homer was 🏳️‍🌈
Look, I'm not saying Homer was gay...
The rants about Ody's thighs, the constant mentions of the protagonists oiling up, Odysseus & Diomedies, Achillies & Patroclus, Telemachus & Pisistrautus, Antinous & Eurymachus
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cleanfreakforever · 8 days ago
Literally them in the Odyssey ❤️
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This is canon Homer told me to draw this in my dream last night
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cleanfreakforever · 9 days ago
I’m gonna imprint this into my brain
What if the suitors were actually smart for once and instead of, oh I don’t know, planning to kill Telemachus and do a big no-no to Penny, they actually went about their plans to woo her with logic?
Like, imagine the suitors actually taking their time and getting to know Telemachus. He’s shy at first and suspicious of their motives but eventually starts to open up to them. They learn that he wants to know how to fight, so they train with him. They learn he likes to weave, so they buy him loom and watch him, complimenting his work so much that he can’t stop smiling. He tells them he’s never been outside the palace and they take him to see the sights if his kingdom.
Telemachus learns about the suitors too. He learns of Amphinomus’ home kingdom. He hears about Eurymachus’ love for poetry. He’s there for Antinous when the man opens up about his issues with his mother.
Telemachus understands and becomes attached to all of the suitors too and now it’s less about trying to get in Penny’s good graces and now wanting to capture Telemachus’ heart.
When Odysseus comes back home, instead of seeing his palace overrun with disgusting pigs, he finds that Telemachus has turned them into quite the little lap dogs and they’ve actually started to turn Ithaca around (not that Ithaca was in shambles or anything but they help out with the kingdom in whatever ways they can).
Penny is just glad that her husband is back and they both tell Telemachus that he can choose a suitor if he so wants, they can see that he’s grown attached to them the same way the suitors have fallen in love with him.
Telemachus is too indecisive to pick one so he ends up with 108 new boyfriends.
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cleanfreakforever · 9 days ago
>lancelot edit because for some reason hes been plaguing my mind like .. all day
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cleanfreakforever · 9 days ago
Lancelot they can never make me hate you ❤️
for that ask meme you reblogged, how about lancelot
hi anon! here's a sexy shirtless lancelot for you (lol)
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ask game under the cut
favorite thing about them
i like his big fat titties^^
least favorite thing about them
SMFH i hate it when the one time mordred gets to be cool and characters are specifically talking about how cool he is, only to get his ass beaten by lancelot. i have a grudge on him for that as mordred's devoted fan 💔💔💔
vulgate lancelot part v
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like this comes literallly just after this part. LIKE LEAVE HIM ALONE MANNNNN LET HIM BE THE STAR FOR ONCE!!!!!!!!! i think it should be called vulgate MORDRED not vulgate lancelot. SMH!
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favorite line
this line from the acts of king arthur and his noble knights by john steinbeck no question. seriously lives in my head rent free READ THAT BOOK RIGHT NOW HIS LANCELOT IS SO GOOD
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he says a lot of insane stuff in vulgate but at the top of my head it's gotta be this one. the full passage is in this post here, this is from vulgate lancelot, death of arthur
I'll go into exile, barefoot and in rags, entirely alone. For 10 years if I die during that time, I forgive you for my death. But if I come back after 10 years after you and my lord the king are stil alive, I want to be your companion, just as I used to be.
i like him and gawain as some kinda fucked up comedy duo. see the line above. gawain and lancelot have always been a pair in medieval lit anyways but i really enjoy them as rivals with tension!
ok i'd also be remiss not to mention him and his kinsmen and also his baby boy galahad. does that count as brotp. always thinking about lancelot + his cousins bors and lionel who love him so much. i wasn't familiar with their relationship much (most of the medieval literature i read is percival centric, and i've read parts of vulgate for mordred and percival specifically. sorry lancelot i have my priorities.) but after having watched BBC Legend of King Arthur it rewired my brain chemistry.
ALSOOOOOO him and mordred! i've talked about him and mordred plenty of times before, their quests together in vulgate is some of my favorite chapters. they have this kind of mentor/mentee relationship and mordred looks up to lancelot as his superior and it's really cute. i talk more about them in this post if you want to hear my thoughts on it!
and percival too! lancelot is one of the other characters you follow in perlesvaus and i really love percival's friendship with both lancelot and gawain. it's also the one text i know of that explicitly acknowledges lancelot and percival as kinsmen
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perlesvaus tl. nigel bryant
i also love that in Excalibur 1981, the knight percival first meets is lancelot. he meets him in the forest and makes a meal for him and he then follows him into camelot! and when gawain accuses guinevere of adultery and lancelot hasn't shown up, it's percival who takes the initiative to be guinevere's (temporary) champion to fight against lancelot (WITHOUT ARMOUR like he had literally just been knighted by arthur on the spot) until lancelot actually shows up. it's great please watch that movie!
+++ in Knights of the Round Table 1953, they also have a sweet friendship! i especially love that scene of lancelot tucking percival into bed. it's so small but that gesture means everything to me. in that movie, percival is the older brother of elaine, who lancelot eventually marries, making percival his brother in law!
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vulgate lancelot part iv
and him and ARTHUR OBVIOUSLY!!!!!!
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vulgate lancelot, death of arthur
there's a lot lot more but i'd be here forever.
i really enjoy Arthur/Guinevere/Lancelot as a throuple and it's one of my favorite relationships ever in arthuriana. Knights of the Round Table 1953 and Excalibur 1981 understand it so well it's so peak.
see this clip from KOTRT 1953 it's so AAAAAAAGHGGHHHHHH clip taken from @queer-ragnelle's blog thank you for showing this movie to me its all i think about now
CW for pedophilia / grooming.
if you're sensitive to this subject matter just kindly move on bc it's not great
if i had to name one, it would probably be mordred x lancelot in Mordred, Bastard Son by Douglas Clegg.
i have a lot of gripes in that book but mordred/lancelot's relationship is one of them. in the book, arthur and lancelot are the same age and were best friends, making lancelot twice mordred's age. he also has watched mordred grow up ever since he was a young boy because he lived nearby as some kinda hermit, and he only made advances when he was of age (or around 18 i think) and once they met they immediately have sex. so basically lancelot knew mordred as a child and waited until he was legal. SO fucking gross i was so disappointed reading that book. i have my preferences and personal headcanons when it comes to mordred and lancelot's relationship (i rather prefer to read it in a platonic lens), but if mordred and lancelot WERE THE SAME AGE i wouldn't even mind it that much. it's just the specific change to make it PREDATORY that i find disgusting. i hate it for both mordred and lancelot.
random headcanon
i know that technically he can sing (? someone correct me if i'm wrong bc i cant be assed to look it up lol) according to vulgate and he's a chess mastermind or something but to ME i like making it so that he's absolutely atrocious at everything that isn't killing people. i think it's funnier that way. he's tone deaf and the only way he can win chess is if he eats the chess pieces. also absolutely horrible in a kitchen.
unpopular opinion
personally, i don't understand where people get the idea that he's a "mary sue/gary stu oc" or that he's basically just self insert OC or whatever. for one he's a medieval character, i don't think those MODERN terms apply to him. (my biggest pet peeve on this site is whenever people use terms like that like calling arthuriana fanfic but that's a post for another day)
second of all, every single mythological hero of some kind is some kinda special, all powerful, sexy, badass, gets all the bitches guy lol he's not special. you could make the argument that gawain is also a mary sue, percival is a mary sue, yvain is a mary sue, so on and so forth. even then, lancelot is an INCREDIBLY flawed character in every single medieval text he's in so objectively it's a false statement to make lol. he is FAR from perfect despite his great feats of chivalry
ALSO PLEASE STOP CALLING HIM AN OC FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. they're ALL OC'S. you don't hear anyone calling agravaine or sagramore being Chretien's OC's even though they're literally his invention, nor with other characters like ragnelle, or other characters like ysabele from roman van walewein and amurfina from diu krone aka gawain's lady loves written for him in the texts they're from. i just find it so misleading considering he's an incredibly old MEDIEVAL character. i think there's a huge difference between a character like brian from the adventures of sir lancelot, a completely modern invention unique to that show, to lancelot himself. lancelot came from chretien yes, but he also goes on to become one of the core most recognizeable characters from the arthurian tradition and has a shit load of other medieval texts where he's adapted into a central character, like vulgate, lanzelet, le morte d'arthur, lancelot and the white hart, or he just so happens to be there, like alliterative morte, perlesvaus, la tavola ritonda as a side character just to give a few examples.
favorite picture of them
there's a lot of good pictures but i think about him and guinevere in KOTRT 1953 often. soooo iconic i feel crazy
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also this illuminated manuscript is so fucking funny
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cleanfreakforever · 10 days ago
“Lancelot is now an Ares/Mars and Hestia/Vesta devotee” YESSSSSS
Listen i know i haven't posted anything about Lancelot in a good while but HEAR ME OUT. Lancelot, the weeping monk, as an Ares/Mars devotee.
First of all, some posts ago i wrote about maybe giving Lancelot greek-roman hellenism as his born religion. AND ARES IS JUST THE PERFECT CHOICE. And yes, this is his new religion cause, first, i am hellenistic, so this is a religion i can talk with a bit of property without commiting big mistakes and making shit, and second because France was submessive to Rome for a very long time.
Ok, now listen to the parallels.
Ares is the god of war and bloodshed, and very are scared of him cause he doesn't hide his bloody nature. Guess what happen' to Lancelot?
Yes, Ares is the god of bloodshed and a scary man at first, but he could love and protect you like no else if letted him. We can say the same about Lancelot.
He's a great father and protector of women, just like our monk boy.
I wasn't even going to do this joke, but he was a lover, guess who else was one?- ok, sorry.
Ares is saw as a scary man, addicted to war and considered and weapon for those who don't know him (saying this based on a real expirience) , and so is Lancelot, saw as a scary weapon.
His sacred animal is a dog. A fucking dog. Excuse me, but the "Daniel Sharman is a doberman" post says everything.
He's also a great lover and the best warrior.
Ares is red, therefore, having Ares as a new red reference would help him with his discomfort with the color red because of the red paladins.
Ares loving his devotee for never denying who he is and overcoming his traumas. Giving him his bless in battles and Lancelot all happy for having agod who matches him and love and accept him as the weird litte problematic thing he is.
I'll make a longer post later but for now it's decided, Lancelot is now an Ares/Mars and Hestia/Vesta devotee.
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cleanfreakforever · 10 days ago
Odyssey Telemachus is just 🥰🤭😼
Hear me out,
Odyssey Telemachus x Epic Antinous
Epic anti could either make Odyssey Tele worse or fix him
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cleanfreakforever · 16 days ago
in all ways but one
Relationships: Arthur/Lancelot; background Arthur/Gwen Rating: Gen Length: 2,500 words Summary: The homosexual side of the classic Arthurian love triangle, featuring jealousy, repressed bisexuals, and Unresolved Sexual Tension. Literally just this:
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It's all easy enough to ignore, at first. A lingering glance here, a fond smile there – things easy to brush off and hard to notice, unless someone were looking for the signs. Arthur notices.
"In all ways but one, Lancelot was a man of honour." — Arthur in episode 4x09 (Lancelot Du Lac)
After Lancelot gets knighted for the third time, and for the first time properly, there is still a certain awkwardness between him and Gwen. From the sidelines, Arthur watches them soldier on and ignore it for the sake of courtly manners, and probably for his sake, too. That which resolve has started, time finishes, slowly wearing away the thin layer of stiff formality between them.
Given he loves them both, Arthur should be glad of their rediscovered friendship. Sometimes he is. Other times, he has to remind himself to be.
It's all easy enough to ignore, at first. A lingering glance here, a fond smile there – things easy to brush off and hard to notice, unless someone were looking for the signs. Arthur notices.
He trusts them both with his life, which is why he says nothing. Gwen acts with the ease that only a guilt-free conscience can grant, and Arthur is almost as sure of Lancelot's love as he is of Gwen's. Neither of them would ever cross the line.
And yet.
And yet, it's difficult for Arthur to keep his jealousy at bay when he knows, deep down, that he won that initial fight for Gwen’s heart not by his own strength, but by default. He has tried not to wonder whose side Gwen would be sitting at if Lancelot had not left, but sometimes he falls into temptation. He’s come up with different answers at different times.
For Gwen’s first anniversary as queen, Arthur arranges a great feast and a tournament. Not very original, according to Merlin, but Gwen seems pleased. Even more so when Lancelot kneels at her feet and humbly begs her to allow him to fight in her honour. She accepts.
The next day, Arthur fights Lancelot at training. His blows, perhaps, land a bit harder than usual, and he might throw Lancelot on the ground with more force than strictly necessary. Lancelot says nothing. Arthur's right arm is so bruised afterwards that it hurts to lift anything heavier than a goblet of wine for an entire day.
The day of the tournament, Arthur plasters on a smile as he watches Gwen tie her monogrammed silk handkerchief around Lancelot's arm. He thinks of the much humbler favour she gave him, years ago, right before he kissed her for the first time. As they sit on the royal dais, watching the tournament, Arthur has to endure every one of Gwen's soft gasps and sighs of relief as Lancelot works his way through his opponents with single-minded efficiency. He wins the tournament, of course. Arthur wasn't expecting any less.
He will not humiliate himself or wrong them by asking them to stop.
And to stop doing what, exactly? They haven't breached any law of propriety, unless perhaps in spirit, in the privacy of their own hearts, which Arthur prefers to remain ignorant about.
At times, Arthur thinks it would be easier to bear it if he did not care for Lancelot as much as he does. He still feels indebted to him for stepping aside, with his customary grace, when it was clear that Gwen’s affections did not lie where Arthur had hoped.
And he understands entirely what drew Gwen to Lancelot – he might not have been a prince, and he's not a king, but he's as valiant a knight as Arthur ever was, true-hearted, chivalrous, and with a spirit noble enough to make up for his humble origins.
He's a few more things besides, things Arthur could never aspire to be – patient, sensitive, modest. Lancelot would not throw his goblet at his servant in a fit of anger, not even one as disrespectful as Merlin. He would not brag about his fighting skills, even though he's the best swordsman Arthur has ever met. If he were to find out Lancelot reads poetry in his free time, Arthur wouldn't be surprised.
Lancelot is, in short, perfect in every way – with the singular exception of being in love with his king's wife, and even this he does with such selflessness that it is almost enough to wipe away the stain of blame. Almost.
Be it as it may, Arthur can hardly fault the man for loving Gwen. He, of all people, knows very well how hard it is not to.
Despite Arthur’s best intentions, his worry and irritation start to show. They manifest in mean and petty ways, unbecoming of a friend, let alone a king – picking Lancelot for the most unpleasant rounds of patrol, ignoring him in council meetings, being liberal with criticism and stingy with praise on the training field.
Lancelot accepts it all with resigned obedience, which makes Arthur feel even worse.
One afternoon, Lancelot knocks on the door of Arthur's chambers. Gwen isn't there, having left to go explore the market stalls in the lower town. Sometimes, she asks Lancelot to accompany her – not today, it seems.
“Have I displeased you in some way, sire?” Lancelot asks, cutting straight to the point.
Arthur doesn't even lift his eyes from the letter he was writing. “What makes you think so?”
“Your attitude, sire,” Lancelot says, levelly, but with uncharacteristic bluntness. Arthur lifts his eyes then, arching his eyebrows at him. Lancelot meets his gaze, undaunted. “Forgive me, but I must speak the truth. You have always shown me extraordinary kindness, and you have been most gracious in accepting me amongst your knights, despite… what happened in the past–”
“I do not care about your little ruse, Lancelot, I told you,” Arthur interrupts him, jamming his quill in the inkwell. “It's forgiven.”
After a moment’s hesitation, Lancelot looks at Arthur with the same determined expression he wears on the training field, when he's squaring up to an opponent. It is clear he won't be dancing around the obvious any longer. “That isn't what I meant, sire. I do not wish to come between you and the queen.”
Arthur snorts. “Don't be presumptuous. What goes on between Guinevere and me does not concern you.”
“But what goes on between her and me concerns you,” Lancelot says. The withering look Arthur shoots him is not enough to stop him from taking a step forward. “I can see it, sire. I know that Gwen's heart belongs to you entirely, but I fear that my presence here is giving you cause to doubt it, and I do not wish to trouble your peace.” He stands straighter before announcing: “That is why I decided to leave Camelot.”
Panic pierces Arthur’s chest, as sharp and unexpected as a strike from a friend’s sword. “Don't be absurd,” he sneers, trying to mask his agitation with arrogance.
Lancelot maintains his composure. “I'm sorry, sire,” he simply says, and he genuinely looks it.
Arthur springs to his feet so abruptly his chair topples to the floor. Neither of them flinches. He walks around his desk, coming to stand in front of Lancelot. He cannot explain the anger that sweeps through him at Lancelot’s cool resolve.
Suddenly he’s a young prince again, watching the best knight he’s ever met slip through his fingers, and powerless to stop it – an unbearable feeling for a king who’s since grown used to having things go his way. 
“You swore an oath to me and Camelot,” Arthur says, trying to keep his anger from his voice. “To protect us both, and to serve me. Is your word really of so little worth?” A strange leap of association leads him to think of Gwen, left broken-hearted and tearful without so much as a goodbye after a narrow escape from a harrowing ordeal. With a few years’ delay, he feels outraged on her behalf. “Of course, that's your solution to all problems, isn't it, Lancelot? Running away. Guinevere won't be surprised to hear it – you did it once before, after all.”
He can see in Lancelot’s eyes that his words have wounded him, as he intended.
“I did it for you, sire, as much as her,” Lancelot says, quietly. “And it's for the love I bear you both that I beseech you now to release me from my oath.”
Even with a mind clouded by anger, Arthur hears what Lancelot is not saying. “You don't believe she would have chosen me.”
For the first time since he entered Arthur’s chambers, Lancelot's assuredness wavers. “I cannot presume to know what was in her heart,” he replies, but he lowers his eyes as he says it.
“And yet you left.”
“I didn't want to put her in the position of having to make a choice,” Lancelot says, because of course he would be the better man and think of others first, when Arthur was only thinking about himself. “When she confessed her feelings for me, she thought she might not live long enough to see you again.”
Arthur scoffs. “So it didn't count?”
“I only meant that she might not have been as forthright if we had met again under different circumstances.”
“But you don't doubt the truth of what she said,” Arthur insists, like a dog with a bone, not knowing himself what mad urge is driving him to drag the truth out of Lancelot when he's been trying to ignore it for so long.
Lancelot takes a moment to reply. “I believe she meant what she said, at the time,” he says, carefully, “and that she still holds me in esteem, despite what happened. That is all I can hope for. That is more than enough for me.”
“It’s not, though,” Arthur says, shaking his head. “You love her.”
The truth, now bare and undeniable, stands between them. Some emotion, which Arthur cannot name, flits across Lancelot's face at that accusation, like a ripple on the surface of a pond.
“I love her, sire, as much as I love you,” Lancelot says, his eyes as earnest and guileless as they were years ago, when, in a damp and dingy cell, he pleaded Arthur to let him ride at his side on a suicidal mission.
Arthur lets out a single burst of bitter laughter. “No, you don't.”
As he says this, Arthur’s anger evaporates, leaving only hurt in its place. He's not sure what pains him more – that Lancelot's love for Gwen surpasses his commitment to him, or that he would lie to Arthur's face about it.
“But I do, Arthur,” Lancelot protests. “I do.” He looks and sounds distressed, as if Arthur were doing him wrong by not believing him.
Lancelot's eyes search Arthur's face, hoping to find some trace of understanding. There is too much in those eyes – too much trembling honesty, despite his lies; too much devotion, for a man who was threatening to leave a mere moment ago – something too naked, too telling, so much so that Arthur feels the need to avert his eyes, as he did once, years ago, in that dingy cell. When he does so, Lancelot places his hand on Arthur’s face, turning it towards him again – and then, before Arthur can react, he presses his lips to his mouth.
It's a frantic gesture; a last resort. Arthur can tell from the way Lancelot's hand trembles on his cheek, from the desperation with which he pushes his mouth against his, all passion and no grace. Even so, the kiss lasts right up to the point of endurance, as if Lancelot needed Arthur to believe him. Perhaps he does – he is a man of honour; Arthur is certain he hates to be taken for a liar almost as much as he hates to lie.
Arthur doesn’t pull back, but he does not respond, either. He stands still and stiff, merely closing his eyes as he submits to Lancelot's tender assault out of confusion.
At last, the kiss ends. Lancelot takes his hand away and steps back, his eyes downcast, his face pale. Arthur just looks at him, with his mouth slightly open, too shocked to speak.
“Forgive me,” Lancelot says, his eyes fixed on Arthur’s boots. “I… I must go.”
He makes for the door, but Arthur’s hand, moving with no input from his mind, grabs Lancelot's wrist and pulls him back.
“No,” Arthur says, almost choking on the word. “Please. Stay.”
He's not entirely sure what he's asking, if he means ‘don't leave this chamber’ or ‘don't leave Camelot’; he only knows that he means: ‘don't leave me’, that the thought of Lancelot leaving is unbearable, just as it was the first time he did it, when Arthur had to watch the best man he ever met – the first man who ever truly understood what it meant to be a knight, perhaps better than Arthur himself – walk out of his life, leaving him with a feeling of loss he couldn't fully understand.
But Lancelot pulls his hand out of Arthur's grasp. “I'm sorry,” he says. There is genuine sorrow in his eyes.
Lancelot turns and leaves, and Arthur lets him go.
That night, Arthur seeks comfort in Gwen's body with an urgency that leads her to ask him what is wrong.
“Nothing,” Arthur lies, with a kiss between her breasts, because he can't very well tell her, ‘Lancelot is leaving us, and it is all my fault.’
Gwen looks unconvinced, but she pries no further.
The next morning, Arthur wakes with a feeling of dread, surprised that he's slept at all. He goes through his usual morning rituals with impressive stoicism – he eats his breakfast, reads the patrol report, and has Merlin prepare him for his training session, all the while listening to Merlin's mindless prattle, and never once throwing something heavy at his head.
He walks onto the training field much earlier than usual, expecting to find no one – but someone is already there, practising with a sword on a straw dummy. The distance is too great to make out much of him, but the precision and the swiftness of his movements are enough for Arthur to recognise the man at a glance. He starts walking faster.
“Lancelot,” Arthur breathes out when he's but a few steps away from him.
Lancelot turns. He doesn't bow to Arthur, as he normally would; instead, he wipes his sweaty brow with the back of his hand and looks at him warily. “Sire,” he says. He shifts his grip on the hilt of his sword.
“You're still here,” Arthur blurts out – an observation worthy of Merlin's wit, but the obvious relief in his voice seems to put Lancelot at ease.
Lancelot sheathes his sword. “You were right, sire. I took an oath to serve you and Camelot, so I'll endeavour to do so.” He pauses and adds, hesitantly: “That is, if you'll still have me.”
Arthur smiles at him without even meaning to. “I wouldn't wish you to be anywhere else.”
Lancelot's face clears up. “Then I remain your loyal servant,” he says, with feeling, and he bows.
Of course he is, just as he ever was, and Arthur was a fool to doubt it. The realisation hits him with staggering force, and it's all he can do not to embrace Lancelot.
He claps his hand on Lancelot's shoulder and squeezes it, instead. “Think you can beat me today?” he asks.
“I'll do my best,” Lancelot promises, almost solemnly.
Of course. “You always do, Lancelot,” Arthur says with warmth through the odd tightness in his throat. He backs a few steps and draws his sword, adjusting his grip with a twirl of his wrist. “Come on, then.”
With a happy smile, Lancelot unsheathes his sword.
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cleanfreakforever · 16 days ago
Arthurian Legends are crazy but I love it
Ive been researching Arthurian Legend these last few days and heres what i learned
Early Welsh versions are better than the Medieval Romances (unfortunately i was focusing on the Med Romances)
The whole unknowing incest between Arthur and Morgause (sometimes Morgan) was unknowing because Morgause got married the same time as her mom married Arthur's dad, meaning they never lived in the same house and that she was likely 2x his age
Morgan is called "Morgan le Fay" because in the earlier versions she was a fairy and was only connected to Arthur by his sword and a nurse at his death bed
Lancelot might have been bi but Galahualt was definitely gay
Lancelot has very many "mad spells"
Guinevere was 100% loyal to Arthur (not including stories where she teams up with Mordred) she was just in love with Lancelot
Elaine was the smart half sibling and stayed out of the entire mess that was Arthur's life
Both Igraine and Lancelot were raped in the same way but Lancelot was considered a cheater (but not Igraine)
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cleanfreakforever · 16 days ago
The original myths are something else 💀
The funniest thing about Merlin fanfiction is that you can never make it crazier than the original myths. No accusations of OOC should ever be made.
In the original:
One of the knights has a pet lion
There are multiple ladies of the lake, one of whom is Lancelot’s mom but actually not really bc she stole him as a baby so he didn’t get murdered
Everyone can’t shut up about how hot Lancelot is anytime he is referenced in conversation
Arthur accidentally sleeps with his half sister and when he finds out their son is prophesied to kill him, the kingdom decides to straight up murder every infant in the matching age category???
Merlin is a creepy old man who hits on Lancelot’s mom and then is tricked into being sealed inside a cave as comeuppance, leaving the kingdom with no magical advisor
One knight beheads a lady of the lake who isn’t Lancelot’s mom when she comes to the castle and the kingdom is thrown into chaos bc this is a major hospitality violation
This knight is Balin and it’s because their families have a blood feud
There’s a guy who REALLY wants Gwaine to sleep with his wife
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cleanfreakforever · 17 days ago
Literally my wife ❤️
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excalibur’s champion, guinevere
folkbruary day 8 in march? don’t mind if i do
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cleanfreakforever · 17 days ago
This is canon because I said so ☺️
writing this down so i don’t forget
Post-SotT fic where Lancelot gets to play the Wii when Nick brings it for his night job. One of the games available is Sonic and the Black Knight.
He finds Lancelot in that game — look him up real quick for context — and instantly becomes a Shadow the Hedgehog fanboy. He tries to acquire any and all Wii and Gamecube games Shadow was in, watches Shadow AMVs, and is just utterly obsessed with him.
He somehow acquires a Shadow t-shirt and has it on under his armor at all times. It fits the situation when, many years later, Sonic 3 comes out and he and Ahkmenrah sneak out in plain clothes to go see it in the theater.
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cleanfreakforever · 22 days ago
I will always find it funny that she just snatched him from his mother 💀
Tbf tho the Lady of the Lake is a great mother :3
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