#I stan tulip/amy/jesse because amy is ride or die and deserves appreciation
waterbottlegrey-blog · 5 months
Preacher (comic) review
Er. Spare yourself? Quite homophobic, I'll just be up front.
Guy gets compelling-voice-power by an abomination unto the lord merging with his soul, and sets out to have some strong words with the almighty about being god being a toxic narcissist. and shenanigans
Your typical grimdark adventure of a guy named Jessie Custer, Texan (TM), Preacher Man (under duress), who one day mid-service gets beaned in the head by a demon-anger aborted baby. Not exaggerating there:The mom was strangled by dad (angel dad, because God Is Evil in this one). He has an imaginary friend, John Wayne, who calls him a faggot for becoming a preacher after his EEvvvil racist granma (and her hillbilly henchmen) broke him by nailing his dog to a fence, killing his BFF and mom. Yeah, homophobic, you get the distinct impression that someone had a complex about anal sex.
Good bits... he has an action girl girlfriend, whose father was a good single-father. He performs oral sex on her, and makes fun of people who wouldn't to their girls. And admits he's a jerk for leaving her behind because he knows she's kickass, but his weak heart wouldn't stand her in danger. Feminism win. /s
There's the bff, who is a walking cautionary tale on the dangers of drug-abuse, addition, and a vampire. Irish. Has sucked dick for drugs. Kills many many people, but only feels bad for hitting women? Which was probably meant to be pro-women. The drama around that back-stabbing asshole is delicious.
There's a black cop everyone mocks for being too soft and actually trying to do thing without gratuitus violence and he wins the day in the end? But of course, his blodn renegade cop partner turns out to be... drumroll... gay! kinky gay! *confetti*
The main baddie is a german religiouz zealot, that is planning a new world order through nuclear Armageddon. Who is first into piss, then gets a cut over his bald head that makes his head look like the hop of a penis, then 'turned gay' via rape (that exact phrase used there, buckle up), then into pegging (this is a whole sub-plot, yes, really), loses his leg to hick cannibals, then gets his dick eaten off by a dog- curious choice, because there is a perfectly good, entirely different, SPETNAZ cannibal he's fighting in that instance. And then decides to make it everyone else's problem.
The heroes are reletlessly pursued by god's hitman, Patron Saint of Killers, who ends up killing God in the end.
Blood, goreporn galore, as befits grimdark.
The plot of Jesse, Cassidy and Tulip was worth it, as was the many Klansmen killed. (Especially the one that fucked a flesh doll. made of flesh, like, hams drumsticks, and cutlets, tied together into an effigy- Yeah.)
I needed to get this warning out. That was traumatic enough in Hellblazer, I did not need to see that again.
I'm going to read some Cassidy/Jesse fanfic just out of spite now.
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