#which I think she is going to be very hesitant to address and understandably so
fanchonmoreau · 5 months
“Antisemitism is ancient and it’s never gone away. More people are aware of it now, more people are signing up for it, and more people are being loud about it, but that’s a constant.
“I feel a great responsibility with the part to make sure that this central question of ‘What would you do?’ in [Fraulein Schneider’s situation] is given as much fodder as possible. It’s a very complicated, difficult, awful decision that Fraulein Schneider has to make, and she does not make it without deep shame and guilt and self-loathing and also self-justification. It’s really complicated. That’s the last thing she does on the stage, is pose that question. She’s fun, she’s gregarious, she’s a really sharp businesswoman. She’s strong, she’s tough, she’s all these things. She’s kind, she’s a little bit goofy. She likes the Bohemians. I hope to make her a very full and complicated person who can hold a lot of different qualities at the same time, so that when her final moment on the stage [comes], we get a full person. If you take that song, ‘What Would You Do?’ out of context, it loses a bit of something. You have to see how much she absolutely adores, loves, cares so deeply, and who Herr Schultz is to her.
“We have to have enough information so that we can approach that question. In a way, it’s the simplest of questions and in a way, it’s the most complicated questions, because right now in our country and around the world, this is a question that is relevant."
—Bebe Neuwirth (source)
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cocogum · 7 months
There’s something off about Yugo now.
Way before 2024 hit, when Tot was still teasing us with some snippets of Season 4 on Twitter, there was a time when one of his tweets made some people think about what he meant.
The specific tweet was made on the 10th of January of 2023 at 5:10 AM which showed a small scene of Yugo once said that THIS scene in particular was going to change Yugo forever
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Here’s the full translation:
“Season 4 of Wakfu is going well my friends…Here’s a small snippet of Yugo that makes me want to cry. 🥲”
We didn’t know at the time what he could’ve meant by that or what that specific scene that saddened him was even about.
But now that Wakfu Season 4 is out, we were able to watch that same scene that happened in episode 3.
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And omg it makes perfect sense now.
In his tweet where he addressed his feelings for the scene, Tot specified that this moment would be the last time we see Yugo, the last scene before saying goodbye.
Some people, back when the tweet was still recent, thought Tot might have been implying that Yugo would actually die or possibly gain his adult form through this scene where he’s surrounded by his mother’s blue hues.
But now that we’ve watched the actual episode where this same scene Tot was talking about took place, we can all finally confirm that neither of those two things happened.
Because what happened ended up being far worse than that.
Yes, what’s worse than Yugo dying or growing up to an alarming speed is nothing compared to what actually happened :
Yugo’s mindset changed.
When Yugo met the Eliatrope goddess for the first time (in this life at least), he explicitly told her that he does not know her, therefore, he cannot sympathize with what she’s saying to him. Yugo could see how she was crying when she told him, Nora, and Qilby she missed them as well as her other children and that she promises them she wouldn’t be away from them any longer.
Yugo doesn’t react to this, only Nora and Qilby truly understand the power behind her words.
But as soon as the Eliatrope goddess puts Yugo to rest for a while, the moment he wakes up was as if he changed his mind completely.
He claims that his mother is the purest of the pure and that she’s so perfect that she can’t express any negative emotions. Keep this in mind for later.
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He truly believes what he’s saying and cannot fathom the fact that she may be imperfect in some ways.
His mind did a complete 360 to the point where he immediately joins the Eliatrope goddess, Nora, and Qilby’s cause. He changed his mind so quickly that even Nora noticed and brought it up.
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When the assembly began, Yugo was proud of showing up first to welcome his mother and he proudly stated her arrival to the rulers. He had even told Joris that he insisted on being as forward as possible to the rulers and to welcome his mother appropriately.
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Now, remember when I stated that Yugo does not believe that the Eliatrope goddess can express any negative emotions?
Well, it turns out he was wrong.
Not even a full hour passed, and the Eliatrope goddess was already in a full confrontation with one of the rulers, the queen of Bonta, Astra. When someone, especially a higher being, is claimed to be a pure being with no flaws, it usually means that they cannot even fathom the idea of expressing a negative emotion or struggling to keep it in.
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But the reason why this scene was just so important to focus on was because THIS is supposed to be the goddess of love, the goddess that represents purity (no wonder people were beings suspicious of her. How are you gonna be called the embodiment of ‘love’ and yet express something that is out of your agenda?)
So the reason why we need to focus on this moment, is because the goddess hesitated.
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This is what makes Yugo’s claims about her being perfect completely wrong.
And since his declarations were very much flawed, his current way of thinking can only mean one thing :
Something has gone wrong.
From what we’ve been able to witness from his slumber, Yugo was able to see how he and his siblings were created by their mother, how their original planet came to be, how their mother got thrown aside, banished by the other gods and ended up in the Necroworld, and how she got saved by Nora and Efrim.
To us, this sequence must’ve probably lasted for about three minutes or so but to Yugo, this moment lasted far longer than that. He must’ve seen the details, heard a lot of recrimination from the other gods, and seen his mother’s suffering from being cast aside. All of this pain and suffering that she must’ve felt was what made Yugo side with her and her cause.
But as much as his sudden want to be closer to her makes sense, it doesn’t mean that Yugo’s portrayal of his mother is true. Anyone can tell that the Eliatrope goddess had broken a very important major rule: DO NOT use a planet for yourself. She had betrayed the trust of the other gods without any explanation other than wanting to have children and making a world for herself.
Yugo saw it all and yet he did not think that she made a mistake. He does not care if she went against the other gods (creating a world for herself), he does not care if she wants to monitor the world (she has told this in front of all the authorities of the world), he does not care if she wants to infuse vigilantism (again, she told this in front of the leaders of the world), and he does not care if all the commanders of the world do not side with her ideas (he deliberately chose to follow her as soon as she left the assembly).
But it seems like even when he was not, at the time, sleeping under her energy, he didn’t care if people with bad intentions got paralyzed for some undetermined amount of time as punishment (he was watching Nora and Adamaï fight the rogues). That could have been an early hint that he would do much more than just stand aside and not say anything in matters like these but rather silently do what his mother wishes to do.
Since he embraces everything that she is, he embraces everything that she wants to do or has done.
Another thing I should mention is the fact that ever since he woke up, he started calling the Eliatrope goddess “mother”, implying that he now felt completely comfortable with knowing and understanding that she was truly his creator, mother.
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As you can see, every time he addresses her, it’s always by calling her his mother, which is factually true, but again, he has just met her and is already completely enamoured by her. His admiration and respect towards her makes sense because he has seen everything that she’s been through while sleeping.
The problem is that even when he considers her perfect, he doesn’t seem to understand that the people around her (besides Nora and Qilby) DO NOT agree with her plans.
Yugo does not understand why Adamaï left because his intuition was telling him that something was very wrong about all of this (even though Yugo wasn’t too convinced by the Eliatrope goddess, he was still taking a neutral side at the time. Even though he didn’t completely understand his mother at that moment, this still counts as an event where Yugo did not think about the Eliatrope goddess’s ways even when his brother told him something was off. Also, if Yugo did see his mother’s suffering at that moment, he would have still most likely sided with her.)
Yugo also does not understand what the leaders are trying to say and how right they are (even though they have mistreated the Eliatrope goddess in the process). One of them, the queen of Bonta, makes very good points that the goddess should have answered and explained.
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But instead of taking a moment to think about it or try to at least think about how the rulers are feeling right now, Yugo simply leaves them and goes right back to the goddess.
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This is a very surprising decision of his because Yugo has lived his entire life in the World of Twelve. He has not only lived here but has met a lot of different people, gone through life and death for them, saved numerous victims and fought off enemies for them, and did all that in the same world where he is currently turning his back to the very rulers of it.
Tot wasn’t wrong when he said Yugo wouldn’t be the same.
And we’re starting to see it.
It’s becoming more obvious and I’m sure that at some point, there could be another fight between Yugo and Adamaï happening, or perhaps even a misunderstanding.
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ggukkiedae · 8 months
Yoonmi’s Relationships with BTS
(updated as of february 2024) (mentions of hangouts are all indicating before the members’ enlistments)
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JIN (Kim Seokjin)
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Since Yoonmi had become an adult, Seokjin had taken to treating her like an equal and rarely using his “oppa” card, which is a stark difference from when she was younger. Yes, she still goes to him for advice, and he is the one who still helps her with adult matters such as bills and taxes and lifestyle, but he also becomes a friend that she can mess around with like she’s with other friends around her age. In his mind, she still is a baby, but he understands that she’s matured, wants to be seen as more mature, and that she’d still see him as a parental figure no matter how old she gets. He likes to think this is her finally acting out since she’s always been a good kid.
Jinmi in ARMYs’ eyes: They enjoy witnessing how Seokjin always “cries” about how she’s grown so much. The shift in their dynamic was over the pandemic, and suddenly everyone could see that Yoonmi was more comfortably roughhousing with Seokjin, and he was responding more like he would to Jungkook rather than his previous shrugging off and fond smiles. Seeing them become more like similarly-aged friends really made ARMY realize how she had grown.
Iconic Moment: It was revealed through the BTS documentary on Disney+ that Yoonmi was the one who initially started cutting his hair off. She was given the shears by her stylist, and she was so hesitant while Jin just kept encouraging her with “How will I know if I look okay bald unless you start?”. So she cut his hair, only getting distracted a small bit when Yoongi and Jungkook came, then listened attentively as their stylist carefully explained what to do with the electric razor. She, with assistance from the stylist, evened out Seokjin’s shave until she stepped back, staring at him. “It looks good.” “Of course it does, look who you’re talking to”. The video cuts there, but the next of her seen in that context has teary eyes and is gripping tightly onto Yoongi’s hand.
SUGA (Min Yoongi)
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Yoongi is still very much her dad, that never changed The only thing that changed over the years is how they both actually address the fact that Yoongi is her father figure, second only to her adoptive father, and on level with her adoptive brother. Even the other members sometimes address Yoongi ad “Yoonmi’s dad” at this point. Yoongi and Yoonmi remained each other’s silent comfort person, the person who takes their side and hears them out first, and the person who they can go to when they feel overwhelmed. He’s there to hold her hand when things go wrong, and she’s there to give him a hug when things don’t go as planned.
2yoon in ARMYs’ eyes: Yoongi and Yoonmi is everyone’s comfort duo. When they’re together, there’s an air of warmth and calm, so everyone feels better after a long day when they watch 2yoon content. They find Yoongi’s care and the way Yoonmi looks up to him to the point of taking after him endearing, especially knowing Yoongi is the one Yoonmi never fought after their mysterious conflict in 2018.
Iconic Moment: Yoonmi went to all three days of the D-Day Tour finale. She, of course, did her feature on ‘Seven’ for Jungkook. During the ment where he kept them with him on stage, he thanked and praised Jungkook for ‘Burn It’ and ‘Seven’ before turning to Yoonmi. “And our princess, my daughter. She has something coming out this month and surprisingly didn’t want to spoil it—” “Surprisingly?” “— so she had a special request. As you all know, our Miya did the demo vocals of one of my previous mixtapes. I got to perform this song with our vocal line, but never with our princess. Until today.” So they performed ‘So Far Away,’ and the proud look on Yoongi’s face by the end as he looked at her made every ARMY feel like their troubles all disappeared.
J-HOPE (Jung Hoseok)
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Hoseok and Yoonmi treat each other like their own personal powerbanks. They could be tired, but, once they’ve spent time together, their energy levels go up. Yoonmi says that’s why she gravitates towards Hobi when drinking, because she’s usually a sleepy drunk. They like to escape together, as well, hanging out in the practice room or either of their studios where they experiment with different styles, genres, or just mess around to fuel their creativity. Of course, Hobi never stopped seeing her as his little prodigy, teaching her old school hiphop and openstyle dancing and watching her proudly while they learned new styles together.
Homi in ARMYs’ eyes: The two sunshines, that’s what they’re known as. Hobi brings in bright energy while Yoonmi makes everyone smile, making them everyone’s favorite duo to turn to when they want to laugh and get a pick-me-up. ARMYs love seeing Hobi treat Yoonmi like the little sister he’s never had but always wanted, too! Everyone knows both Hobi and his noona see Yoonmi as their youngest sibling at this point, which is why she even got Yoonmi to sing in her wedding reception.
Iconic Moment: Yoonmi vlogged her Lollapalooza experience, so some behind the scenes were uncovered there. Hoseok got Yoonmi to rehearse Chicken Noodle Soup with him while they were waiting for Becky, and the two ended up having so much fun that the band kept vamping the song, making it longer so the two could enjoy their mini cypher. “Oh, Yoona, you haven’t forgotten your basics!” “I have the best teacher!”
RM (Kim Namjoon)
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It used to be just Namjoon sitting to absorb and analyze the way Yoonmi’s mind works when they’re together. Now, she does the same to him, curious about his inner thoughts. They spend a lot of their time together having deeper conversations, whether it be about life, work, music, or just their thoughts. On the other side of things, they’re both clumsy dorks who geek out over their recent reads or watches together, actively showing interest in each other’s preferences because Namjoon wants to stay as someone who understands her almost best and Yoonmi wants to stay someone he can be proud of. Especially with Yoonmi, she wants to make her leader proud of her.
Joonmi in ARMYs’ eyes: Though ARMY initially thought they were awkward, that image disappeared. ARMYs see Joonmi and see a little sister looking to her older brother for validation, and him happily giving her that validation. ARMYs also enjoy the fact that these two together can go from 0 to 100 real quick, on any end of the meter. From just having lunch they can either go to talking about their plans for the future to being stuck in a laughing fit on the floor over a plastic utensil they’ve broken.
Iconic Moment: During the live with just the five of them, Yoonmi was a lot quieter compared to how she usually is. Namjoon kept glancing at her and tapping her leg to get her to talk. At some point, he bent to whisper something to her, then, when Taehyung opened his mouth, Namjoon quickly pushed a piece of pizza there. In his efforts to do so, he knocked over three cups. He looked at Yoonmi, who was now laughing, and he just nodded at himself in satisfaction.
JIMIN (Park Jimin)
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Yoonmi has not changed in Jimin’s eyes in the way that she’s still his youngest Busan Baby. Whenever she tells him she’s an adult now, he always pouts at her and goes on a spiel about how she’ll still be his baby even when they’re in their 80s and beyond that. He invites her over to his apartment a lot, or he just stays at her’s (partly because Jungkook and her niece are usually there as well) because he genuinely enjoys her company and being able to sit with her. He also takes every opportunity he can get to give her princess treatment because he believes she should always be treated like Bangtan’s princess (even though she’s trying to shake off the delicate image that had somehow formed over the years)
Minmi in ARMYs’ eyes: Minmi are both very very affectionate, with their habit of holding onto each other unknowingly. ARMYs have so many compilations of them sharing the tightest hugs or exchanging the softest forehead kisses, naming them the mythical siblings due to the way they treat each other. Everyone also loves how these two speak either in pout or in giggles, no in between!
Iconic Moment: Nobody thought Yoonmi would be able to make it to Jimin’s fanmeet due to her solo promotions, but, while he was going to take a photo with the attendees, the “staff” who came on stage removed her padded long coat, revealing Yoonmi. ARMY started cheering while Jimin’s jaw dropped, then he rushed up to hug her really tight. “Yah, how long have you been here?” “The past hour? I had this in my schedule, oppa. You didn’t think I would miss your documentary screening, did you?” “You’re really something else, aegi.”
V (Kim Taehyung)
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Taehyung and Yoonmi both matured a lot more visible than the other members, so their dynamic shifted a little bit from overly-doting big brother and complying baby sister to a pair of siblings more along a similar wavelength. While they’re still quite playful and he still dotes on her, their age gap isn’t as prominent in their actions. It’s clear that they both see how each other have grown, and it’s something they like to just observe when they’re with each other. They’re proud of each other’s growth, but more proud of how they managed to keep their friendship completely intact despite both of them changing over the years.
Taemi in ARMYs’ eyes: Taehyung and Yoonmi started posting more content together, which everyone enjoyed since they used to keep their off-screen friendship mostly to themselves. Now ARMYs enjoy seeing their posts when they meet up to go to jazz clubs, have coffee, or just do anything together. ARMYs also love seeing how they shifted from over-excitable kids to more mature youths who support and take care of each other.
Iconic Moment: An ARMY saw them in a jazz club together. Allegedly, there were a few cocktails on the table, and the two of them seemed to be exchanging stories the entire time they were there, never once letting there be dead air. Apparently Tae also tried to play the saxophone and let out a really out of tune note, but Yoonmi just cheered him on. The ARMY was able to take a picture with them, saying that they were both happy to see her yet politely asked to not post anything while they were still there. She promised, and the two were said to have continued their night of stories and jazz music.
JUNGKOOK (Jeon Jungkook)
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If anything can describe these two, it’s the phrase ‘ride or die’. Yoonmi and Jungkook would drop everything if the other called them and said they were in need. Almost thirteen years of friendship and growing up alongside each other really molded them into being two peas in a pod, especially since they both hit their twenties. They would see each other every other day and talk to each other at least once a day. Jungkook had gotten less overprotective (especially now that she has a boyfriend), and he has increased his role as the main mythbuster of Yoonmi’s delicate image. Yet, even with all their bickering and squabbling, they remain each other’s support systems and hypemen, connected in a way where they can work with and around each other without even needing to talk. Their friendship is further solidified by their matching tattoos (aside from the group’s matching 7 tatts) which they successfully kept between themselves for over a year. (The only people who saw these right after they got them were Mark and Namjoon. The tannies found out by accident)
Jungmi in ARMYs’ eyes: Ever since Bangtan first debuted, Jungkook and Yoonmi’s friendship has been something so many people, whether ARMY or not, have admired and set as a standard or wish for in their own best friends. ARMYs specifically love how they’re not afraid to roughhouse or bite back at each other but still have each other’s backs no matter what. Also Jungkook biased ARMY all have Yoonmi as a bias wrecker or vice verse because of the amount of content these two have and the amount of time they spend together. Everyone already knows when either of them get married Yoonmi would be Jungkook’s best man or Jungkook would be her Maid of Honor.
Iconic Moment: Jungkook hosted one of his early morning Weverse lives from her kitchen, cooking himself something to eat. At around four AM, the sound of a door opening and closing made him look to the side where he froze and smiled brightly. You hear her go, “Oppa, again? When did you get in my house?” and he just, “Three hours ago. Ramen?” “I’ll just grab some water and go back to sleep. Don’t wake Yoonseol.” And everyone was surprised. It was common knowledge that they went to each other’s apartments often, but they just revealed Jungkook goes to her place just whenever he wants because either he knows the code or has his fingerprint in her lock.
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raptorladylover6969 · 3 months
The baby girl (Raptor Lady) herself may or may not be in imminent danger !!!! 🤨🤨
Okay so I like just came to this theory or conclusion after the events of the final episode of Chaos Theory, and I’m just thinking about it like oh goddddd if this concept/theory does become a thing I will curl up into a ball and cry.
So basically when The Handler had the Camp Fam cornered and ready to initiate the command for her atrocis to attack, she noticed that her dinos were hurt, so then shes like “AUR NAUR MY BABIES” and decides to retreat leaving the campers alone yayaya we get it, already been addressed, basic stuff right.
So then that got me thinking, she’ll have to notify the Broker eventually that she failed at her duty of killing the campers, and that they are heading to West Africa to face them off. The main question here is: “How would the Broker react to that?”
That one DPW guy Jensen says and I quote “Our boss doesn’t like loose ends.” and with the atrocis,“Gets the job done better than leaving it to chance with an allosaurus.” Jensen is basically saying that the Broker prefers to get things done quick and efficient. No questions, no hesitation. Make sure that no traces, no leads, nothing is left behind. No loose ends. But then in the finale, The Handler leaves the loosiest loose end of all time; letting the campers go by putting the wellbeing of her dinos first, which is certainly something nobody in the dino-trafficking gig could give two shits about. They just want money. They don’t care about the “health and wellbeing of the dinos.”
The Handler would obviously have to face some kind of consequence for this. She put the entire business in jeopardy because she let the campers go, now they’re on their way to Malta to put a stop to the whole gig all because of an empathetic woman. The Broker would most likely have her killed for this. “No loose ends” remember?
However, this could pave the way for some kind of redemption arc for her. This whole dino-trafficking thing seems very ooc for her to be apart of. She connects with the dinos on a psychological level. She can feel and understand their pain. Would she really be apart of a group that makes dinos suffer? Unless she was somehow forced to…but thats a theory for another day.
I think she’ll soon make an enemy of The Broker. A cool scene thing would be if she were to pull a Scar vs Hyenas from The Lion King onto The Broker‼️ Like if the Camp Fam finally stops the whole thing, the Broker is trying to get away, and they bump into the Raptor Lady, and they’re like “Oh its just you.” The Raptor Lady pulls out her whistle, and sends her atrocis after the person whos made them suffer for so long. (Someone make a fic of that. If not I’ll do it myself‼️)
I live for Raptor Lady becoming good guy pretty pls pls pls
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soupthatistohot · 2 months
BSD: An Absurdist Analysis - Chapter 9
How We Help Others
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(Please note that this analysis is my first after updating my definition of the philosophy of the absurd, which has altered my understanding of the subject)
This chapter opens with Atsushi and Kunikida debating the fate of Kyouka. Kunikida demands she be handed over to the police as a known assassin of 35 people, where she will inevitably be put on death row. Additionally, if she returns to the mafia, she will be inevitably murdered for her betrayal. Atsushi is hesitant to turn her in, though, after having saved her in the previous chapter and seeing her humanity. 
Kunikida then argues on behalf of Atsushi’s self-preservation, claiming “I am not telling you to ignore the plights of the unfortunate. But in the world we live in, such misfortune is prevalent. Consider yourself a one-man boat. If you try to save someone you cannot, it will sink both of you.” This prompts Atsushi to internally question why Dazai chose to save him.
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Essentially, Atsushi is being challenged as the absurdist protagonist. Kunikida is actually arguing on behalf of those who give in to the absurd reality. He basically says that the world sucks and we can’t save everyone, and while he has a point in terms of Atsushi’s self-preservation, he is ultimately suggesting that Atsushi give up on saving Kyouka because she’s a lost cause. 
This conflicts Atsushi, whose instinct is to help others — and as of right now, it is quite literally his reason for living. If he fails to save Kyouka, what does that make him? Especially after Dazai went out of his way to save Atsushi and give him a purpose. 
So what does Atsushi do? He stalls. He takes Kyouka out for a fun day in Yokohama rather than going straight to the military police as Kunikida ordered him to. It’s a rebellion against the idea that she’s beyond saving and serves as a reminder to the reader that Kyouka may be an assassin, but she’s also a thirteen-year-old, a rebellion against the absurd idea that a child should be sentenced to death.
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Kyouka isn’t blind, though. She eventually leads Atsushi to the police station, intending to turn herself in… and then Akutagawa appears. 
Kyouka was bait. She won’t be punished for her betrayal, as this was the plan all along, unbeknownst to her. For Kyouka, it’s absurd — just when she thinks that she might be able to face her crimes by turning herself in, Akutagawa comes along to drag her back into the darkness. 
Meanwhile, Dazai has been “captured” by the Port Mafia and is locked in a dungeon, where Akutagawa comes to visit him (note that this takes place before Akutagawa sabotages Kyouka and Atsushi). 
This scene is the first time the connection between Akutagawa and Dazai is directly addressed, revealing that the latter trained the former during his time as a PM executive. Dazai very much slips back into his old ways here, criticizing Akutagawa harshly — complaining about how difficult he was, calling his ability useless, and claiming that Atsushi is ultimately better than him, goading Akutagawa into beating him multiple times. 
It’s interesting to see here how differently Dazai deals with Atsushi and Akutagawa, both his protogés. I don’t know for sure if he’s already planning to make them the new double black at this point, but I’d bet that he’s starting to. This is likely because at the current moment, Akutagawa’s reason for living is to impress Dazai, and Dazai knows this, so he’s trying to detach himself from being Akutagawa’s objective by pitting him against Atsushi.
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I want to acknowledge here that while Dazai’s ultimate objective with Akutagawa is making him better, his methods are extremely dubious. While in the PM, he was verbally, physically, and psychologically abusive. Now, he tends to be more manipulative and cruel than anything else. This hits at the morally gray trend in BSD where no character is entirely “good” or “bad” — and this is reflective of the absurdity of our reality.
We try to assign black and white labels to everything, but that’s not how things work. Dazai can be striving to better Akutagawa, but use malicious, cruel methods to do so. This does not excuse his methodology, but can help us better understand his internal moral compass and character development. 
As always, please feel free to contribute to the discussion! Thanks for reading :>
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nika6q · 7 months
Tech and Phee
So, I just read a bunch of arguments against this ship. And I don't really want to try to persuade anyone to feel either way. I just have some thoughts.
First off, I don't think Wanda Sykes works in this part. Personally I like to picture Sharon Duncan-Brewster. Also, I don't disagree that she comes off as a bit abrasive when we first meet her. But so did the Bad Batch, like waaaaay worse. It would be weird if she was some demure uwu girl.
There's actually a lot of parallels between them. They both make I'm seldom wrong, I'm always right comments. They have similar disregard for danger. They both have an intense (to the point of endangering themselves) love of knowledge and investigation.
They have both made communication blunders. I'm referring to the dreaded "it's called a conversation" incident. It's not fair to always expect women characters to be perfect so that the male character can work through their shit. This was still less hurtful than Tech's blunder with Omega. It's okay to make blunders. It happens to both men and women, and NT and ND people. We autistics can't expect NTs to immediately understand how to perfectly interact with us anymore that they can expect the same from us. It's not going to be perfect from the start. But they both have the patience and focus to get through that.
The build up. Ok, before the Pabu, I didn't see it. I don't think he did either. He clearly blue screened during the "head to these coordinates" shoulder touch. I think this is the "holy shit she is flirting" blue screen realization. I think after that it clicked for him, like ooooooh that's why she acts like that, okay. Suddenly, we see him smiling at her and interacting in a different way. Especially the "hold on scene". We've seen Tech carry Echo by him holding around his neck. We see Wrecker in this episode carry the old man the same way. It would have been very appropriate to carry her that way too. But no. He grabbed that lady around the waist without hesitation.
The goodbye. Again, this is just my read on the scene, but why was he hanging outside the ship? I think he wanted to say goodbye but didn't know how. Phee comes over (as he probably expected which is why he was out) and he just shutdown. This isn't a situation he's been in, it's not easy, he doesn't know how to function here. I don't think he was staring at his screen because he wanted to ignore her, it's because he fucking shutdown. I've addressed the "it's called a conversation" above, but I'll add that she didn't get pissed or shitty. She finally sees that he's not willing or able to have this conversation and she ends it with a goodbye and a kind smile. As she leaves, his look isn't a "thank God that shit's over" look. It's a longing look. Maybe he still has to work out his feelings. But there is something there.
This is as much build up as a show this short can fit in. There is literally not enough time for more. Considering the amount of storytelling they have to get to, it's actually quite a lot (IMO).
Again, these are just my thoughts. I'm not trying to invalidate if other people read it differently and don't ship it.
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Hi Shalom, I am the anon who sent an ask about calling a shul last week. Before giving updates I would like to apologise for vomiting my anxiety all over the ask. We're strangers and you didn't ask for the job of calming my anxieties. I apologise for that.
Also, thank you for your faith in me, it gave me strength, because I did go to the shul. I was incredulous at myself, but I did do it. I had to go back to my home during the day as I had forgotten my ID but I still went back instead of giving up (the journey was one hour and a half total, next time I will remember).
The security literally used interrogator techniques on me, which I realised only later. I totally understand, I didn't know anyone there, I was not Jewish by my own confession, I could have been anyone. Anyway, I said if I shouldn't be here that evening it was fine (I didn't want to pose a security risk) he said "No! You can go tonight we talked about you."
What can I say about the experience but that it was- so much better than I expected. First, everyone was so opened and relaxed. I talked with two women behind me. I said it was my first time and asked some questions, and one of them was so nice. Said she couldn't read either the first time, that she had learned. Turns out she was a convert. I hesitated to tell her I wasn't Jewish, but I did. One thing I want to be is honest. Those people are literally putting themselves in danger, opening their space to a stranger, I owe them at least three time my honesty.
At one point during the office, I got teary eyes. The emotion of being there, honestly it surprised me, I don't really now what got me so emotional. Another moment, I felt like I was flying, wrapped in the singing of everyone around me.
Another thing is I was finally hearing people say Hashem, and Shma Israel and Shabbat Shalom and talking about the destruction of the Temple. It was as if I had finally found the correct dimension, you know?
It was so good. At the end the lady gave me her number told me I could text and we could drink coffee this week so that she could answer my questions.
The guy at the entrance told me to call the secretary to begin the procedure of conversion. I never said I wanted to, but apparently me wanting to assist to an office count as wanting to convert.
So, this has been a wonderful experience. I still I'm not sure if I want to convert or not. I will contact the lady. What I know is I want to learn everything, I want to go back to shul. What I don't know is, what level of observance can I sustain realistically over the term of my life? am I ready to confront my relatives reaction to this? And am I ready to put my children in danger over my calling to Judaism?
I will reflect and ask questions and think.
Thank you for reading, have a great day!
I want to start with: I am, genuinely, very proud of you. It might sound odd, but it is such an intimidating first step to take, and I can empathize with how scary it is. Additionally, I understand where you were coming from, and understood that these anxieties are hard to talk about with, really, anyone, but they need to go somewhere. Every step of the conversion process is a community project, even questioning if judaism is right will take a community to address. We can't survive alone in this, and I think part of exploring conversion is learning how to be in community. I think many of us grew up in hyper-individualistic communities to the point where we internalize shame by "stooping down" to seeking help. I don't want to assume what your situation is, but it's definitely been something I personally have had to contend with (and frankly, I still am contending with). So I truly understand why you went about your feelings the way you did - you didn't cause harm to me, I didn't feel like a therapist, and you it seemed like you needed community. That's nothing to be ashamed or guilty for. So long as we all remember that I am not an expert, I think we can at least have a heart-to-heart. My overall point is: I don't want for you to feel ashamed of needing community and asking for support, and I hope you don't feel that way. I'm glad you contacted me, and feel honored that you chose me to speak about it with. That's crazy to think about (in a good way, of course)!
I truly have so much faith in your path, and I found myself relating heavily in what you've expressed. I absolutely don't want to tell you what you ought to do, but I really hope you continue this journey no matter where it leads you. Keep asking those big questions - learning about what your needs are is so important. I can't answer them for you, and I don't want to assume that you want me to answer those for me, but if you ever want to talk, know that this blog is an option if you want it to be. All of this is a community effort. Chase the happiness. You deserve that, literally, at the very least
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bekkachaos · 3 months
Send help it's literally more Polin I can't help it!
Once again, spoilers ahead for S3 part 2 so keep scrolling if you don't want em! This is my part 1.
It might be an unpopular opinion, but there was too much angst for me. Colin was too angsty for too long, and I know it was only really an episode and a half, But I felt like we got too much of book Colin's bad side and not enough understanding. Like I very much get it and he had a very valid reason for being hurt, but it was dragged almost to the very end of the last episode and I just wish there would have been a little less.
The constant asking if she was going to give up Whistledown kind of annoyed me and how cold he was every time they had that conversation just broke my heart a little bit for Penelope.
I know so much has been changed from books to show, but it's strange that in the book he knows about Whistledown before anything really happens, I mean they have that first kiss where she asks him to but everything else happens after he already knows. So for him to be so cold. Just made me feel sad. I understand it in the context of the show but still.
And something I really disliked was when they're in the room where they're going to have their wedding breakfast and Penelope asks something along the lines of "if you still want to marry me" and he says "I'm a man of honour and we were intimate", I really hate that it came to suggesting he would marry her out of obligation, It just really rubbed me the wrong way. And I wish it had been something along the lines of. "I love you Penelope and I want to marry you. I just don't know if I can forgive you for this", which he'd already said, but I would way rather that have been put out there than to ever even imply that he could marry her out of obligation. I know he was mad and betrayed and jealous, But that one line really bothers me. I've made a whole post basically saying this word for word but that's how strongly I feel about it! Like I get it from Colin's perspective and how he's grappling with it, I do, I just didn't like it.
Also, Colin never actually said sorry? For treating her like shit after he found out. Like I do think his feelings were valid and that he deserved to be upset, but he never said sorry for some of the stuff he said and for being cold even though Penelope apologised so many times.
Luke's emotion though when Colin found out and in the conversations after was incredible, when the tear fell at the end of ep 6 my heart stopped and then broke into tiny pieces!
Something about their pairing that I really like though is that they both feel inherently unlovable for one reason or another (Penelope has always felt completely unloved and overlooked, and Colin has always felt people showed him affections for shallow reasons and not actually for who he is), but both of them prove to each other over and over again how much they love the other and know the other and see them in a way no-one else does.
HOWEVER, I'm not sure they did a good enough job portraying Colin's side of this (I'll update on my rewatch send help). Not sure his coldness and hesitation was addressed enough as jealousy as it could have been. The scene where Penelope says "just love me and hold me and kiss me, what holds you back" and he says "I don't know" like was that just a little abrupt or was that just me? Because from the book I could follow that it's the jealousy of how accomplished she is but not sure the general audience picks up on that.
AND ANOTHER THING, there was absolutely not enough making up after everything was resolved with Whistledown, I needed more love and kisses and softness after the ball!
I know there were things being added to set up for the next season, but damn it was already 70 minutes long, what's 5 more of sweet and in love Polin??
Gotta say though, all of them with their babies in the end was adorable, and you can't deny the last shot kissing in the sunlight of the drawing room (where Penelope spent so much time staring out the window pining after Colin) was so fucking romantic! And the shot with their little baby boy, love!
One last thing, did they spend an exorbitant amount of time dancing or is that just me? Almost as much time as they all spent drinking lemonade in eps 1-4
Overall I loved their story, it's been my favourite pairing so far. Not sure any of the others will top it for me, but time will tell! Episodes 4-5 were definitely my favourites by a long shot!
Okay okay imma do part 3 with my thoughts on everything else 😂
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I think you are one of the first people I've seen on here that doesn't try to hate on one of the characters while writing them. I'm curious, how would the M6 handle an MC with very low self esteem? I suffer from it and would love to see what you come up with ❤️
The Arcana HCs: M6 with an insecure MC
~ this is one of four requests I've received for an MC who's insecure/has low self esteem - as someone who can completely relate, here are your headcanons my loves, I hope you can receive these affirmations from fictional characters knowing that they come from a very real person who adores you all - brainrot ~
Oh, he gets it
Sure, he never hesitates to ask for what he wants, but that doesn't mean he thinks he deserves any of it
He can recognize those moments of doubt in your eyes as soon as they appear, because he knows exactly what they feel like on his own face
Which makes his heart ache for you, he knows how crappy that feels and of all the people he knows you deserve it the least
Normally when this happens his instinct is to fawn over you to the point of becoming a public embarrassment
This usually works, but sometimes when you hit a rut like this you just need something to get you out of your own head and enjoy the life you've built for yourself
He's taking you dancing
It helps everything! Focusing on the motions gets you out of your head, it's a fantastic way to initiate some physical contact, and by the time you're worn out you've had too much fun to keep worrying
Once you've reached that point you're fair game for affirmations: what a lovely dancer you are, the way you move is breathtaking, how is he supposed to enjoy dancing without you again?
On one hand, their love for you is so unconditional that they have a difficult time understanding the source of your doubts
He would love you in any shape, with any name, with any identity. If it's you that's all that matters to him
Why are you worrying about certain details about yourself when none of them change who you fundamentally are?
On the other hand, they know perfectly well what it's like to doubt themself or feel lacking
Once you two are together it's less common for you to spiral because he doesn't let you go five minutes without giving you a boost of some kind
Every morning comes with a tidal wave of subtle compliments. They will flirt with you mercilessly and go out of their way to admire any specific thing about yourself that tends to be a sticking point for you
On the days when it does get bad, he'll pick a place or activity that brings out something he knows you like about yourself
You're a good singer? You're proud of your magic? They'll take you back to the cave to practice combining the two
So many kisses, everywhere, all the time
She doesn't struggle with it in the same way, but you've met her family
Being the youngest in a large family of exceptional people, parents with public and demanding roles, and lots of big personalities leaves very little room for self-discovery and confidence
I mean it was bad enough for her to marry Lucio and leave Prakra
She's come a really long way, and been able to address the source of her insecurities, but she remembers what it was like
Her default is already to take every opportunity to fluster you, so even if it's not on purpose you never have to doubt her affections
But she makes being a Countess look easy, she has years of education and good upbringing on top of her natural talents, and you're a humble court magician who was relearning how to exist less than three years ago
She is committed to seeing you succeed in the Palace. She'll happily spend hours teaching you the ins and outs of diplomacy and etiquette in the most delightful ways
But she'll also make sure the two of you regularly visit your old haunts, simply to highlight the things you excel at that she doesn't and to prove to you that you two are truly equals
You've seen him go wide eyed before, but one of the times that really sticks in your memory is the moment you casually told him that he could do a lot better than you
Until he met you, he went through life with a total of one (1) friend who had a crippling combination of wanderlust and attachment issues
The fact that he's able to have a relationship with you at all is a miraculous win in his mind
He knows he's not the best at expressing his feelings, but if it's your self-esteem on the line he will learn and he will do his best
The first time he hears you voice your insecurities he's dropping whatever he's doing and sitting next to you
He'll take your hand and wait, as patiently as you need him to, until you've told him everything that's bothering you
He's not the most eloquent person, but he knows the importance of responding to your doubts and he'll painstakingly address each one, out loud, telling you that it's not true and why
On a day to day basis, he makes a point of acknowledging all the ways you make his life better with little words or smiles or touches
She's a generally easy going person, she knows all her own faults and how to acknowledge and live with them
However, she has her own brand of low self-esteem and it fuels her workaholic tendencies
So much of her life has revolved around the people next to her being the main characters that she has a hard time seeing herself as having any relevance unless she's playing a support role
And then one day she hears you, the exciting, mysterious magician who turns every day into an adventure, casually question your own worth and relevance out loud
She has to process it for a moment before she can respond. Important people experience this too? This isn't in her novels
She'll ask you about it right away. What do you mean when you say that? Why do you think that?
Talking to you proves two things to her: that her own feelings do not make her unimportant, and that you are not as indestructible as she assumed you were
She'll write her favorite qualities down about you and have you do the same, and now you say your affirmations to each other every morning
This guy had questioned himself maybe three times in his life before he met you
He thinks he's an above-average dude on his humbler days. He hates acknowledging his oopsies because the consequences scare him, not because he thinks they make him a bad person
He adores you, you keep the world in perspective for him, and he knows how important that and the way you've helped him grow is
But he subconsciously contributes to your struggles at first. Any unique trait is teasing material to him, it never occurred to him that the stuff he comments on might be sensitive for you
Until the day he notices you change your appearance and have a hard time responding to him
Why did you change your clothes to hide that part of your body? Why don't you take credit for your work any more? Why don't you believe him when he compliments you?
When you manage to tell him, he feels awful about it. He doesn't know what it's like to be insecure, but he does know what it's like to want somebody's approval and acceptance
It'll take a while, but he'll prove all the doubts he caused wrong and then tackle the rest. How is he supposed to shine without you as a light source anyway?
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Delicate, Chapter One: Mary
next chapter >
ok so. here it is. i’m so fucking terrified hahahaha
i’d like to specify that 1) this is an experiment 2) i’m not 100% sure where i’m going w it and i don’t even know what title to put but i’ll think about it (eventually) 3) i’ll post it here on tumblr first and *maybe* one day i’ll publish it on ao3. for now, however, i want this to stay here where i can change/delete whenever i want :)
and, 4) english isn’t my first language, so bear with me. Enjoy!
CW: drinking, mentions of drug abuse, mommy issues™️
It was very fucking hot.
Too fucking hot, in Narcissa’s opinion.
The windows of her car were rolled down, her sweaty forehead rested against the wheel, hair sticking to the melting plastic. There were many things to be annoyed at, really, but all Narcissa could think about were those suitcases in the back seats behind her, and the realisation she had run away from home.
“He followed in his brother’s footsteps, surely. Poor Walburga, she must be destroyed now that even her spare star has abandoned her.”
Regulus was only 18, and arguably Narcissa’s favourite cousin: he cared about their family’s reputation in the acting and music industry, just like her, and he was willing to do everything to become famous, for his name’s sake.
Oh, he had also been left behind and forgotten by an older sibling, which was another thing they had bonded over.
Narcissa thought that out of everyone in that deranged family, Regulus was the one she could really, fully understand.
Except maybe Narcissa didn’t know him that well after all, because he had left. As soon as he had legally become an adult, he had hopped off that derailing train that was the Black family, and had continued to pursue his acting career independently from his mother.
And Narcissa was still there.
24 years old, still following her parents’ orders like a puppet, her strings attached to her Father’s label. It had probably fucked her up a bit: it would’ve broken her Mother’s heart to know, but she had been running on drugs and alcohol for years now.
And drugs and alcohol were in her system while she was standing in her room, the news about Regulus still floating in her head.
She had been here before.
When Sirius had left.
When Andy-
She had thrown all the clothes she could fit into two suitcases, filled a couple of bags with few personal belongings (papers, essential equipment for singing) and she had gotten into her Mercedes, and started the engine.
But now the high had worn off, and she was slowly boiling to death in the cabin of her car, parked in front of a building she couldn’t even look at.
“If you ever change your mind, Narcissa, this is the address. My brother and I would be delighted to work with you.”
The Bones Records building was towering over her, glorious. Presumptuous, even, like Amelia Bones herself. Daring her to enter with a shine of its windows, a sparkle of her eyes.
In the end, she had stepped out of the car.
And Narcissa Black stepped into a new life.
Mary was pacing back and forth in the cold November air, an impossibly heavy usb drive in her pocket, trying to slow down her own heartbeat.
And, possibly, ring the doorbell of the mansion standing in front of her.
That day, Mary had taken a detour after work, her mind set on a plan. But right at the last step, she had discovered that the possibility of changing her future with a simple touch terrified her, and so she hesitated.
She had done scarier things in her past: babysitting her younger, reckless brothers, eating the suspicious meals her high school had to offer, doing her homework while the teacher was collecting it.
Pushing a button should sound like an incredibly simple task.
With herculean effort, she rang the doorbell.
No answer.
She rang again.
“Coming, coming!” chanted a slightly irritated woman, stomping towards the door.
Mary knew that voice, of course.
She’d listened to it for years.
Leaning against the doorframe, with an inquisitive look, was Narcissa Black.
However, with her long, blonde hair precariously pinned up, sporting old pyjamas and bags under her eyes, the singer was very different from how Mary was used to seeing her in magazines and interviews.
Wait, what time was it? It had gotten dark, how long had Mary been walking up and down the street like an idiot?
“Hello? Anything i can do for you?” asked Narcissa, with a raised brow.
“Uhm, yes, actually,” replied Mary, now intent on getting this whole conversation over with. “I’m Mary Macdonald. I’ve been your fan since your debut under the Black Studios-“
“Sorry, girl, but if you want an autograph, showing up at my door isn’t exactly the best way to get it.” interrupted Narcissa, now clearly annoyed by the whole situation.
But Mary had come prepared.
“It’s not an autograph i’m after, really. I wanted you to listen to these songs-“
“You’re brave, I’ll admit, knocking at my door in the middle of the night. But i’m no talent scout, so I suggest you take your songs, that i bet are very promising, and take them to someone that will know what to do with them. Maybe try contacting them a bit earlier.” sniffed Narcissa, already closing the door. Her movements were a bit slow, careful, like her hand could slip from the handle if she didn’t focus on it.
“Wait!” Mary stopped the door with her foot, fully catching Narcissa’s attention. She smelled of alcohol, but Mary guessed that famous people could afford getting wasted whenever they wanted, even on a random Tuesday night.
“Please. I want to become a singer, and I need you to listen to this. If you don’t like it, or think it’s not good enough, I won’t bother you, but i need someone to give me a chance. Please.” Mary pleaded, trying her best to convey her desperation through her eyes. Never once in her life had she ever begged for something, but God did she hate it. She was willing to make this sacrifice, for once.
Narcissa regarded her carefully, considering how big of a threat (or annoyance) the young woman in front of her could be. She sighed.
“Fine, come inside. And close the door.”
Mary followed the woman (who was muttering about how bravery, audacity and stupidity all go hand in hand) into her home. Honestly, she didn’t think she would’ve gotten this far with the plan, and when realized she was stepping into Narcissa Black’s residence, she tried to memorize every single detail.
The white walls were decorated with various paintings in different styles, and there were magazines everywhere, left open on the articles about members of the Black family: Bellatrix’s imminent marriage, Regulus’ Oscar nomination, Sirius’ new dog…
Mary wondered if, one day, her mother would be reading news about her from magazines, too. If she was ever going to swallow her pride, accepting that she had been wrong all along.
But first, she needed someone to get her into the Bones Studios.
She had heard Amelia and Edgar Bones weren’t afraid of working with new, young artists. They took risks in their investments, and Narcissa was a clear example of that: working with a fleeting, already successful singer and changing her whole image was a dangerous move, but it had made the label famous: the twins undoubtedly owed part of their success to Narcissa, and Mary hoped she could sneakily make her way under the singer’s wing and work her way up from there.
So. she had to get Narcissa’s approval.
“Ignore the mess, you chose a bad night to come knocking at my door.” said the woman, plopping herself onto a red velvet sofa and picking a half-full glass of wine from the round coffee table in front of her. She took a sip, opened her expensive laptop (one day Mary, one day), but then she gulped and started clicking the keys agitatedly, like she had seen something disturbing on the screen and desperately wanted to delete it.
Mary stood awkwardly in front of her, the usb drive in her hand and a mess in her head.
“So? Are you going to stand there and do nothing? Take seat, give me that drive, and have a glass of wine, honey, you look horrified.” prompted Narcissa, pointing to the couch and the bottle in front of her with her chin.
“Oh I…I don’t drink,” replied Mary, giving the other woman her drive and sitting down. The couch was surprisingly comfortable, the material soft. The whole house, although a bit messy and smelling of alcohol, felt expensive. One day, one day.
“Mh, I should’ve guessed,” smiled Narcissa, looking up from the screen for an instant.
“You should’ve seen your face when you came in! Nose scrunched like a child. Are you doing it for religious reasons?”
“Not really,” Mary watched Narcissa getting up and searching for something around her, inside a bag, under the table. It was a long story, and surely not one enjoyable enough to be a conversation starter, so she just kept quiet.
“Well, it’s not like you have to get blacked-out drunk every time you drink. I hope one day you’ll find it in yourself to enjoy some tasteful liquor again.” Narcissa replied, pulling out a set of headphones from the sofa’s pillows.
“Now, I’ll listen to your…15 songs?!” Narcissa gave her an incredulous look. “That’s a whole-ass album! Did you write it yourself?”
“I wrote the music, the lyrics, arranged everything together, and sang. But it’s just…something i’ve been working on as practice, since i couldn’t get into a conservatory. I ended up liking it, though”
For Mary, her lack of professional musical knowledge was a sore subject: she had tried to make up for it on her own, but most talent scouts lost interest in her after guessing her family’s financial situation, so she’d had to compensate her lack of money with an abundance of nerve.
And there she was. Sitting on Narcissa Black’s couch, waiting for her opinion on her work like a sinner’s soul on Judgement Day.
Mary, upon telling Narcissa (born rich and famous) about her self-studying, had expected disdain, but surprisingly, Narcissa was looking at her with something uncannily resembling respect.
Mary watched her wine-stained lips curl with fondness. “‘No one cares about artists unless they’re not penniless’, right?”
“You can say that, yeah”
“Then I’ll be the one to start. I’ll be back in…63 minutes. Don’t wander around the house. The bathroom is the first room on the right, next to the painting of the girl with her tits out.”
Mary nodded, but stayed on the couch. Her leg kept bouncing, her palms were sweaty, and Narcissa was looking right at her, which was really not helping. She couldn’t even let her mind drift somewhere more calming, since that pair of blue, wide-opened eyes were fixed on hers.
Just as Mary had started to worry the eye contact would last all 63 minutes, Narcissa inhaled sharply and conjoined her hands in front of her face, like a prayer, closing her eyes.
Were all artists this…strange?
Narcissa stayed like that for about 37 minutes, and now Mary suspected she had fallen asleep.
Mary went to the bathroom, appreciated the painting’s tits, came back. The scene hadn’t changed.
After a while, Narcissa lowered her headset, deep in thought, eyes still closed.
Then she got up swiftly, removed the drive from the computer, and led Mary to the door. “I’ll talk to Amelia. Give me your phone number and I’ll let you know in a few days. Can you send me a copy of the tracks? I want her to listen to your work.”
“…Just like this? You don’t have any…criticism, comments, questions, anything? I made you listen to my songs and-“
“Mary,” Narcissa interrupted, taking the girl’s face in her hands in an unexpected display of affection. “I like your style. You have an amazing voice, the songs are surprisingly good for a beginner. You lack a bit of technique and some aspects need to be refined, but it’s nothing a bit of practice can’t solve.” She patted her cheek. “Plus, you have the guts, and they’re always useful in the music industry. Let me talk to Amelia. I’ll get back to you.”
“I-Woah. Thank you. Woah. Okay, uhm, this is my number…” After Narcissa had typed and double-checked the digits (double-checked! Was she really going to call her back?), she gave her her email address, wished her goodnight, and Mary was left standing in the porch, still shocked.
It was happening. It was really, actually happening. Oh, Mary wanted to scream, to walk up and down the street like she had done just two hours before: she caught Narcissa Black’s attention! Her dreams had a chance of finally coming true, the life she had always wanted was getting closer and-
“Wait,” Narcissa’s head reappeared, temporarily knocking Mary out of her hysterical state. “Before you go…how did you find my address?”
“Y-You’re a famous singer. It wasn’t that hard.”
“Ugh. What a bother. Whatever, goodnight.”
Mary was lightly strumming her guitar, humming lyrics quietly on her bed, window open despite the cold. She loved those early-winter afternoons, when the sun sunk earlier and the air was crisp, the smell of rain a constant reminder of the clouds in the sky.
Narcissa hadn’t called her yet, but it had only been a couple of days, so Mary still held hope and spent most of her free time in her room practising and recording.
Then her mother entered her bedroom. She had just come back from work, still had the shoes and jacket on. Mary hadn’t noticed her at first, but she immediately stopped playing when she did, feeling guilty and then hating herself for it.
To be completely honest, Mary wasn’t sure her mum liked her.
She loved Mary, of course, but because she happened to be her mother. Not because she chose to. Affection born from blood, something a mother is expected to give.
“Mum, I didn’t hear you come in, do you need me to lay the table for dinner?” Mary asked, watching her mother sitting down on the bed in front of her.
She was eyeing her guitar, her notebook and her computer like she didn’t know what to do with them. What to do with Mary.
“No, no, it’s okay. Your brother can do it, he’s old enough now,” she answered with a weak smile, still not meeting Mary’s gaze. She knew the two of them looked quite similar: same dark skin, curly hair, the same dimples that appeared when they smiled. However, Mary also noticed her mother’s wrinkles, proof of a life spent worrying and worrying, the way her shoulders seemed to be carrying the weight of the world, the way she sighed instead of exhaling when she breathed.
“Are you playing something?”
“Yes, actually,” Mary knew this was an attempt. It wouldn’t get them anywhere, but she was thankful for it regardless. “Do you want to listen?”
“…it would be a waste of time, darling, you know I don’t really get these…things,” her mother replied, still smiling sadly with her hands on her lap.
One step forward, two steps back, always retreating. Mary didn’t know what was she expecting, really. Her mother never got it, and had never showed any interest in trying.
“Did you want to talk about something specific?” Mary asked, curtly.
Her mum stayed silent for a moment.
“…Let me read a verse or two, love,” she complied. Mary offered her the notebook, carefully watching her read her songs, her soul.
“Do you like them?”
Mary was met with unreadable dark eyes. And a sad smile. Mary was so tired of sad smiles.
Narcissa said they were good. She just wants you to give up.
She closed her stinging eyes, and felt the warmth of a calloused hand on her face.
“You’re a beautiful girl, Mary,”
“You could get a good job easily-“
“I do have a job” Mary glared at her mother, swatting her hand away.
“A part-time job-“ she replied, slightly frustrated.
“Did you want to talk about anything specific?” Mary could hear her voice break and feel a tear run down her cheek. Fuck.
The two just stared at each other.
Mary wished she didn’t have to choose between her mother’s approval and herself.
“It’s nothing, really. I’ll go make dinner.”
Another step back.
And Mary was alone in her room.
narcissa black here, i need you to come to my place asap.
if this isn’t mary macdonald, i was joking. this isn’t narcissa black, it was a prank.
Mary had just come back from her morning shift at the cafe (Madame Puddifoot, serving the best food!), when Narcissa texted her. She had almost tripped on the doorway.
this is mary macdonald
sorry, do you mind sending the address?
Narcissa replied shortly after.
…you funny bitch.
Mary was at Narcissa’s place in thirty minutes, and before she could even lift her hand, Narcissa had opened the door, leaning against it. She was dressed casually, hair down and eyes bright with trouble.
“Hello sweetie, thanks for coming,” Narcissa greeted, but she kept standing there, a bit awkwardly.
“…Hi, has something happened? Did Amelia call you?”
Narcissa’s eyes widened.
“Oh no, love, I would’ve told you if I had heard from her. But something did happen, yes, and I wanted to show you,” she said with a smile, moving towards the middle of the doorway. Mary jumped back in horror, but she managed to not scream: Narcissa had a fucking snake, with black and blue scales, wrapped around her forearm. And it looked terribly real and alive.
“Narcissa what the hell??”
But the woman was still smiling, delighted by Mary’s reaction and the creature slithering up her arm. “I bought a snake!”
“I can fucking see it! But why?”
“If you’re going to be so loud about it, it’s better if we go inside,” and Narcissa led Mary to the living room. Everything looked tidier than last time, even Narcissa herself seemed more put together, although she was playing with a potentially poisonous reptile while walking towards the red sofa.
“…You’d better put it in its tank, Narcissa,” Mary suggested sitting as far from her as possible. The other woman just looked at her in confusion.
Mary blinked slowly. “Where do you keep it, Narcissa?”
“I don’t have a dedicated place for her yet, but I was thinking of keeping her in my room.” Narcissa answered, offering a finger to the dark snake.
“Didn’t they give you a tank at the pet shop? And why are you putting you fingers near her?” Mary was staring at Narcissa, appalled. How did this woman survive for so long?
“She’s not poisonous, she kills by strangling her preys,” Narcissa said like a proud mother, “And they did give me a tank, but I didn’t like it so I threw it away. I was thinking of letting her sleep next to me.”
“That’s-I’m-“ Mary stuttered, “God. We’re getting a tank, before she kills you in your sleep. Let’s go, I’ll drive.” She got up and took her car keys.
“Can I bring her with me? I don’t want her to feel lonely,” Narcissa explained as the snake made its way around her neck. Mary was progressively getting more and more afraid of Narcissa getting strangled under her very own eyes.
“Just…sit in the backseat and don’t get killed?”
“She would never. I’m her Ma,” Narcissa smiled grabbing a coat, a hat and sunglasses, probably to avoid being recognised in public. The downside of being a celebrity, Mary assumed, although her showy and very much alive necklace probably wasn’t of much help keeping a low profile.
When Mary had mustered up the courage to knock at Narcissa’s door, she hadn’t expected this: walking down the aisle of a pet store pushing a rusty cart, looking for a tank for Narcissa Black’s latest (and murderous) purchase.
She had been enthusiastic to find out she could decorate the tank, so she was looking for the rocks that would fit best with the rest of the furniture in her bedroom.
Because she wanted to keep the snake in her room, the freak.
“Just a question, Narcissa…How long have you had her?”
She turned around and checked her shiny watch. “About six hours. Why?”
“Was just wondering if you had actually slept with the thing. It sounds pretty dangerous.”
“Oh no, but we did take a nap together. I couldn’t find her when I woke up,” she turned back to the rocks. The black ones seemed to have piqued her interest.
“I still don’t know what to call her. Any suggestions?”
“Narcissa junior?” suggested Mary.
“That’s lazy. I want something…meaningful. Think about snakes. What do they do?”
Oh, so she was serious about it.
“I don’t know, they crawl around, lay eggs, eat rabbits…”
“Rabbits! I can work with that…White Rabbit?” Narcissa offered.
“It’s a bit long. Is it an Alice in Wonderland reference?” Mary answered.
“…Yeah, never-mind. What about Bunny?” Narcissa looked at Mary from above her heart-shaped sunglasses.
“You want to call your snake Bunny, because she eats rabbits.”
“Yes. It’s ironic, it’s cute, it’s perfect. Bunny.”
“Bunny it is, then.” Mary sighed with a soft smile, as Narcissa put the black rocks in the cart. “Why did you even buy a pet snake?”
“I have many reasons. But I won’t explain myself, and you’ll have to deal with it.”
“Fair. Why did you text me, though?” Mary asked. She was just a random fan, after all, and although she wasn’t complaining, she was a bit disoriented.
Narcissa simply shrugged. “Because Amelia would’ve ripped me to pieces, Edgar would’ve acted like a disappointed father, and I’ve listened to your songs, so we’re basically best friends now.”
“You see, it’s the last passage that I don’t get,” Mary replied while Narcissa put the rocks in the shopping cart. “Do you consider friends all the singers you listen to?”
Narcissa walked next to her as they were approaching the register. “Only the ones that make me feel like I know them. Mary, I don’t think you understand the power music holds.”
The cashier, a poor teenage girl, was too worried about the snake wrapped around Narcissa’s neck to question her suspicious outfit.
“Is-is that a real snake?”
“Yes, darling. Why are you surprised, we’re in a pet shop, after all,” Narcissa answered, lowering her sunglasses. The cashier’s eyes widened in surprise.
“Are-are you Narcissa Black?”
“Yes, sweetie. I’d like to pay for my little girl’s needs, please.”
Mary watched the girl, and wondered if her hands were trembling because of the reptile or Narcissa.
As I was saying, Mary,” the woman continued once they were out of the shop, marching towards the car.
“Music is powerful. One of the best things about being a songwriter is that you can reveal the world all the thoughts you keep in your mind, the memories you hold close, your regrets or hopes. I liked your songs, Mary, because when I listened to them I got to know you. Music is clearly very important to you, you’re a voice screaming to be heard, love.”
“Narcissa,” Mary called, voice a bit hoarse. She had to shut her up in some way or she’d start crying in the car park and then die of embarrassment.
“Mary,” She replied.
“Should Amelia refuse to sign a contract with me, I want you to know that I’m glad you gave me a chance. It’s more than anyone has ever done, so thank you.” Mary smiled, grateful.
Narcissa looked at her, layers and layers of emotions Mary couldn’t quite decipher in her eyes.
“It’s nothing, really,” she nodded towards the car, not too far from them. “Now get in, before you start crying in the middle of a car park.”
“No offense, but fuck you.” Mary replied pulling out the keys, while Narcissa laughed, Bunny resting around her shoulders.
come to my place
there’s a surprise for you
For the third time that week, Mary knocked at Narcissa’s door. She was getting used to the singer’s cryptic texts, and had learnt to expect the unexpected: she was now wondering if Narcissa had bought a snake for her, too, or if she had found some top-quality tree branches for Bunny’s tank and needed an opinion.
However, when Amelia Bones opened the front door, Mary was admittedly caught by surprise.
“Amelia Bones,” she offered her hand, straight to the point. Mary held it, but she was interrupted before she could even introduce herself.
“So here’s the Mary Macdonald I’ve heard so much about. Come inside, you have a contract to sign,” she lead her to Narcissa’s kitchen, like it was her own house. Narcissa was sitting on a tall seat and leaning on the marble counter, placid like a cat.
Amelia and Narcissa looked quite similar, next to each other. The blonde, straight hair, the attentive eyes, the relaxed demeanor of someone who doesn’t get fucked with.
Overall, really intimidating.
“A few days ago, I happened to receive an email by our dearest Narcissa, with 15 songs and just two words, ‘Mary Macdonald’” began Amelia, in a calm tone. “Of course, I’m used to Narcissa’s enigmatic shit, so I wasn’t at all surprised by her temporary loss of words,” the other woman smiled at that.
“What did surprise me, though, were the tracks. I really liked them, Mary. So, I called Narcissa to explain the situation to me.”
Mary just nodded: most of her attention was focused on trying to read Amelia, the way she talked, her movements, her expressions. The rest was consumed by stopping herself from fidgeting.
“You are a brave one, girl. I appreciate that in an artist,” Amelia’s smile dropped. “But I need more. I’m not asking for a musical genius, of course. I need the promise of a star, something we can work with to create a legend. The substance is there, but we need to shape it to make you survive the industry, and it will take some time. You following me?”
“Yes,” replied Mary, because it seemed like an obvious question that still required an explicit, confident answer. Amelia seemed to appreciate it.
“Then this is where Narcissa comes in. She’s offered to become your guide, and help you in this process.”
“I won’t try to change you, Mary,” Narcissa chimed in, “I would help you on the technical preparation and with getting used to this type of life, and once we’re sure you can stand on your feet, we’ll let you go. In this way, I’ll lift some weight off of Amelia’s shoulders,” she smiled, patting her friend’s back, “who will only have to work on the production of the album. After all, the Bones Studios are still relatively small, all in the hands of the Bones twins alone. Are you in? You’re still in time to chicken out.”
Narcissa’s smile was challenging.
Amelia’s was unreadable.
Maybe they weren’t that similar, after all.
“I don’t see why I would refuse,” Mary replied. “Where do I sign?”
Amelia took out the contract, Mary read every single word carefully (and missed the impressed glance that passed between the other two women), and then signed it.
“Welcome to the family, Macdonald. Got any questions?”
“Please, Amelia, you’re itching to get out of here. I can play the evil manager for tonight.” Narcissa intervened, with raised eyebrows.
“It’s work, private matters come second. Mary, do you have any doubts about the contract? Or questions?”
“Not really, everything was pretty clear, and now Narcissa is legally obliged to answer all of my questions, so…”
“You heard her!” laughed Narcissa, “Now go or you’ll be late to your date.”
Amelia grabbed her coat from a chair, heading towards the door but still talking business. “Narcissa will tell me when she considers you ready to work on your debut album.”
“Yeah we know! Hurry, your Hestia is waiting!” Narcissa mocked as Amelia, who was flipping her off, closed the door behind herself.
“Hello,” Narcissa greeted, once it was just the two of them. “We’re coworkers now.”
“It seems so, yeah. That was…fast.” Mary answered, still a bit shaken.
She had just signed a contract with a label.
A real label.
And Narcissa Black was going to teach her to become a proper singer.
The Narcissa Black.
Mary was euphoric.
“Listen, I know you don’t drink, but I think we deserve to celebrate. Do you want a sip?” Narcissa said, pulling out an expensive-looking wine bottle and two fancy glasses.
“No pressure. If you don’t drink, I won’t either.”
Mary considered the offer. She was ecstatic, and she had grown to trust Narcissa, so maybe a glass wouldn’t be so harmful.
“Okay.” she answered, aware she didn’t sound too sure.
“Okay?” Narcissa repeated.
“I’ll take a glass. It’s the beginning of a new era, Narcissa.” Mary assured, sounding more certain. She felt like she could fight God, she wasn’t letting a glass of wine scare her anymore.
“That’s what I like to hear, sweetie,” Narcissa smiled, filling the two glasses. “Oh, and you can call me Cissa. You’re my student now!”
“Having you as a teacher will truly be an experience.” Mary grinned, lifting the glass to her lips.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
When Mary left Narcissa’s house, she did so with a newfound hope, and the taste of wine strong but harmless on her lips.
shoutout to @prongsxsluv for being the first to hear abt this <3
@imintothemaraudersera @jpg-of-dorian-slay (i’ve always loved your user no joke)
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dyns33 · 1 year
The little angel
I wanted to do a little mob Oberyn and Ellaria with female reader. Not wonderful at the end, but I did it !
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Y/N had not at all imagined what was going to happen to her when she helped an injured young woman.
It had seemed normal to her.
Not to find an injured woman near a trash can, but to help this poor lady. Well, maybe she could have been more suspicious when the woman refused to let Y/N call an ambulance, but there could have been plenty of valid reasons, like not having health insurance, or being afraid that her attacker would found her in the hospital.
So Y/N took the woman home and took care of her wounds, letting her sleep in her bed, helping her take a bath, and making her something to eat.
When she asked her about what had happened, the woman only smiled, stroking her cheek.
"Don't worry about that, sweetheart. I made a mistake, but everything will be fine. You won't have any problems because of me, I promise, and so it's best that you don't know anything. I just have to make a phone call."
"Oh. Of course."
The woman was so beautiful, it was impossible to say no to her.
She gave her phone to the woman who immediately called someone. My love, she had repeated several times, purring apologies and reassuring words, telling them that she was fine, that an adorable angel had helped her, and giving the address.
The woman returned the phone, still smiling.
“Oberyn is coming.”
Y/N noted that it wasn't a very common name, but she didn't comment. The woman said she shouldn't ask what happened or specific information about her life.
When someone knocked on the door, she still hesitated to open it. This Oberyn could be dangerous, if it was really him. It could also be the people who had hurt the woman and who were looking for her.
So she opened timidly, discovering a man. A very handsome man, tall, his shirt slightly open to reveal his muscular torso and tanned skin. With his piercing eyes and his severe demeanor, he scrutinized her for a long time.
"… Yes ?" she asked, trying not to sound nervous.
" I'm here for Ellaria."
"… I don't know any Ellaria."
“She said she was here.”
“You’re… What’s your name ?”
The question made him smile, a radiant and yet fleshy smile, which made her tremble. Y/N didn’t know if she was scared or if it was something else. As if they had known each other forever, he stroked her cheek as the woman had done.
"I see what she meant by adorable angel. As protective as beautiful. Let me see my paramour, dear little sun. I ran all night to find her, I need to see her."
The long kiss they shared told Y/N that Ellaria needed to see him as much as Oberyn did. Paramour he had said, a strange word, like his name.
She was happy that he was there, but the injured woman seemed less happy to learn that he had given her name.
“You gave mine.”
"So she'll let you in. I didn't say anything else, I promised her nothing would happen to her."
"I understand, my love. Forgive me, I couldn't resist, I like saying your name, and the little sun was so radiant, I wanted to hear her say it too."
"I know what you're thinking…" Ellaria sighed with a strange look.
“You thought so too, don’t lie to me.”
Y/N didn’t immediately understand what they had been thinking. It would be several months before she began to understand the two lovers' way of thinking.
With his huge smile, Oberyn turned to take her in his arms and thanked her for saving his precious Ellaria. He would have burned the whole world if anything had happened to her, and it was a miracle she was alive. Y/N was a miracle, their miracle. He really wanted to thank her.
When she said it wasn't necessary, he replied that it was nonsense. She deserved them to show her their gratitude, boldly and intensely. Y/N didn’t immediately understand what he meant by that.
Oberyn continued to smile as he touched her neck, while Ellaria seemed hesitant at first, before slowly getting up from the bed to join them.
They kissed her with as much passion as they had kissed each other. There was nothing else that morning, because Ellaria's injuries didn't allow it, and despite his desire to take Y/N right away, Oberyn preferred to share with his paramour.
So they left, thanking her again with words and kisses, purring against her lips and skin.
It felt like a dream, and Y/N thought it was all over when the door closed. After all, she hadn't done this to be rewarded, they had already shown their gratitude, and above all, even if she knew their first names, she had no way of contacting them, neither number nor address.
She forgot that Ellaria had used her phone to contact Oberyn, and that they knew her address.
First there were the flowers. Gifts. Then the calls, every day, to hear her voice, to know how she was, to whisper compliments, in addition to all the things they wanted to do to her.
When they came back to invite her to dinner, they were very clear. Y/N could say no. They wouldn't force her, even if they had only thought about her since they met and the moment she was in their bed would be one of the most wonderful of their lives.
"I have some questions."
“No, little sun.” Ellaria said kindly. “Don’t ask, believe me.”
Not knowing what they were doing, why someone had attacked the woman, how they had so much money, all these mysteries could have convinced Y/N to refuse their proposal, but as soon as Oberyn purred her name and Ellaria placed a hand on her, she was suddenly unable to think.
As they said, the night spent in their bed was incredible. Y/N thought at first that she would be the only one, but a week passed, several months, and they stayed together.
Yet she still didn't know what they were doing, even though it was obvious that it was dangerous and illegal. There were several strange calls, late appointments, yelling at employees who had done their jobs poorly.
There were also the other lovers.
Y/N didn't really know what to think the first time she discovered Oberyn and Ellaria in the middle of an orgy. It wasn't really a surprise, it was the sort of thing the couple seemed perfectly capable of doing. They hadn't hidden from her that they liked it. What hurt her was that they hadn't invited her.
“You’re not seeing things right.” sighed Ellaria, taking her in her arms.
“I don’t see anything, since you don’t tell me anything.”
"We can't, for your sake. But regarding our love, never doubt it. Know one thing, you are the only one we will never share with anyone, ever."
"Why ?"
"Why ?" Oberyn wondered, joining them under the sheets. "Because you are ours. Our angel, our sun, our princess. No one will touch you unless that's really what you want."
Jealousy was a new concept for the couple, who shared everything, with each other and with others. They didn't want to share their Y/N. Like they said, they would let her have lovers if she wanted, but it would break their hearts. They were even willing to not touch anyone else to make it fair if she asked them to.
Y/N didn’t ask them. She loved this feeling of being special. But she still wondered what exactly they were doing.
After a year, she had some semblance of an answer, because despite their best efforts, some began to understand how special she was to the couple, and while it was a unique feeling, it was also a weakness in this business.
Those who had attacked Ellaria to reach Oberyn Martell therefore thought it was smart to attack Y/N.
Very bad idea. Because if the woman was very important to the one called the prince of Dorne, the Red Viper, and touching her was the announcement of certain death, touching his solar angel was tantamount to asking for a slow and painful one.
While tied to a chair, blindfolded and crying while trying not to think about the blood coming from her wounds, Y/N heard things about the couple. What they were doing. The Martell family, controlled by the eldest brother, Doran. What they sold, bought, the people they controlled, who they killed.
Everything the youngest brother had done when he was only fifteen, messing around with alcohol, drugs, men and women, not respecting the rules.
“If anyone here doesn’t follow the rules, it’s you.”
"Asshole, how did you get in ?!"
"Through the door, after taking care of your friends. You touched my little sun, even though she had nothing to do with our business. You should be ashamed, but don't worry, you will pay. Let me cut off his legs, Ellaria, and then he'll be all yours."
"Thank you, my love. But I would prefer that we bring him back and deal with him later. Our angel first."
"Of course, you're right, as always."
Y/N could have been scared seeing Oberyn and Ellaria. After everything she had heard, what she had suffered. The blood on their hands. But they looked so panicked, so nervous, so happy to have her back, that she decided to wait, throwing herself into their arms as soon as she was untied.
They held her close to them all the way home, kissing and rocking her, repeating that she had been very brave, and that they were sorry for not having protected her as they had promised.
“If you want to leave, we’ll understand.” Oberyn murmured without being able to look at her, looking serious and sad. "I would have liked you to never experience this, that you only had beautiful things in your life. That's what we wanted to offer you, Ellaria and I. But if you don't love us anymore after this night, you can leave. You won't have to worry about anything, you will have money, and no one will ever hurt you again."
"I… I don't want to leave. I don't even know if I want to know who these people were. I've heard enough, I think. Horrible things. But I know you and you're not horrible."
“We can be very dangerous.” sighed Ellaria. "Cruel. Merciless. But not to you, never to you. Tell us you know that."
"I know that. I love you."
"My sun.. My sweet angel." purred the Red Viper, devouring her lips, while Ellaria took her neck.
Y/N never fully knew what the couple was up to, and she didn’t care. She knew Oberyn and Ellaria, they loved each other, and even though everything wasn't normal, it was perfect.
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xanadontit · 7 months
Hey @tap-shoes I got you!
Dear Care and Feeding,
My husband and I have two kids, ages 14 months and 2 years old. Ever since the second was born, I’ve been kind of uncomfortable with the fact that my husband is NEVER alone with both of them, outside of me going to the bathroom or taking a shower.
Anytime I have somewhere to be, he has at least one of his parents come over or he goes to their house or his sister’s house (they all live locally) with the kids. I’ve been hesitant to bring it up because I don’t want to try to control the time he spends with the kids, and when I mentioned it to my close friend she said I should take it as a gift because I find his family a bit overbearing, so he gets the time with his family, his family gets the time with the kids, and I don’t need to spend extra time with them. But it has made me wonder if he is comfortable with our kids on his own, which any parent should be.
Very early this morning I received a call that my mother was being taken to the hospital in serious condition. I am her medical proxy and live about an hour and a half away. I immediately got up to get dressed and told my husband I needed to go and would make sure I was back in time to pick up the kids from daycare at the end of the day as I always do (he drops them off). He got panicky and asked me to give him a minute to call his mother because he needed her to come over in case the kids woke up and to help with the morning routine. I told him that was ridiculous; I can understand wanting a hand with the morning routine, but she didn’t need to come over at 2:30 a.m. to sit on alert while the kids slept, especially since they both sleep through the night on their own 95 percent of the time. He said he wasn’t comfortable being there alone with them and he needed me to wait to leave until one of his parents got there. I said no, I had an emergency to deal with and I would be going, he could handle two sleeping kids and should just go back to bed himself until his alarm, and I left. Twenty minutes later I saw a notification on our security cameras that his mother had arrived at the house.
It’s a few hours later and I’m sitting in the waiting room waiting for an update on my mother’s surgery and for my siblings to arrive and I just don’t even know what to think. I’ve tried texting and calling and he didn’t answer. I just don’t understand how you can be uncomfortable taking care of your own children and think just constantly having someone else around is an acceptable solution. He only ever seems to have regular new-ish parent worries, not over-the-top anxiety. What’s the best way to address this when I get home? I know he will be mad I left, but I’m mad he put me in a situation where I had to choose to leave. Shouldn’t you be able to take care of your own children? Did I miss something I should have seen?
—Can’t Leave Him Alone
Dear Alone,
First off, I really hope your mom is OK. That isn’t a call anyone wants to receive, especially in the middle of the night.
Presumably, you’ve come home since writing this letter; I wish we had a Reddit-style update I could pull up, but I’ll have to consign myself to the land of make-believe instead. If you and I were dealing with this in real-time, I would tell you to find a time later this afternoon or evening when you are both calmer and ask him why he feels he can’t be alone with the kids. But you can still have this conversation even though that moment has passed. Try to truly listen to his reasons and see if you can uncover whether this is real anxiety/fear or whether it’s a version of weaponized incompetence (which doesn’t have to be intentional to exist). Explain that while you don’t mind extended family helping out in general, it concerns you that you can’t count on him in an emergency.
If he’s reticent to see the problem, ask him what his plan is when his mom is gone, but you need to be out of town. What if you are the one who gets hurt, or worse? He needs to be able to step up and assume the full duties of parenthood, and not only in an emergency! You should be able to run an errand, get a manicure, or see a friend without making childcare arrangements. If he truly cannot step up because of deep-rooted anxiety, then he needs to be looking at therapy of some kind. I do not mean to be unkind, but this is the behavior of a mother’s helper, not a parent.
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valiantarcher · 7 months
Some assorted and random thoughts on Deliver by Tricia Mingerink.
I'm so disappointed; I feel cheated. How can at least one of the two, if not the primary question of the book be whether or not Martyn will understand and repair his friendship with Leith, and then the majority of the book ignores that question to focus on RomanceTM?
I think at least part of the problem is that she tries to do too many things in this book, with the result that almost none of it is done well. It also felt like parts were missing (for example, despite the excuse of being bored, it seemed like there should've been something showing whatever respect or relationship Martyn had built up with Shadrach that sent Shadrach out with guards to look for him) while other parts were rushed over and still others focused on when they didn't need to be.
Things I liked: Ranson as well as Jamie being explicitly drawn into Leith's family now too. The line about Martyn realising he wasn't seeing an angel because the angel had Shadrach Alistair's face. Leith echoing David with not harming Lord Norton but making it very clear that he could've while he was sleeping. Leith's blue screen of death when Brandi tells him she wants him to walk her down the aisle when she gets married and he realises that could happen in as few as three years if she got married as young as Renna did.
On one hand, there is something touching about Lord Alistair stepping into a fatherly role for Leith. On the other, his fatherly role only goes so far and it completely fails in this book when it comes to Renna (and Brandi to some extent), which was disappointing.
Renna and Leith were particularly (and very sadly) frustrating. Even leaving aside the question of impropriety/appearances, accepting the guards would've been VERY helpful. And, yes, Sheriff Allen doesn't know Leith as well as Renna, but he is also in the position of being about the only surviving responsible adult who feels some sort of obligation to watch out for Renna - and his concerns about Leith were VERY reasonable and important. Part of being an adult and a leader is making your own decisions, yes, but part of being good at both those roles is listening to others and addressing their concerns.
If the Michelle Allen change-of-heart point was supposed to be convincing, she should've dropped the sashaying over to initiate a long smooch with Ranson at the Corn Festival. Renna being hesitant to trust her made perfect sense and her self-recrimination when Michelle turned up at the battle in Stetterly did not seem at all supported.
Speaking of the Corn Festival - I did not like how that conversation with Renna and Leith after was handled. Yes, simply because of the nature of their relationship, they probably needed to discuss what had happened with the coerced engagement/almost wedding to Respen BUT not in the manner that it was addressed. Renna's actions and intentions in Defy may've been misguided, but they were an honest effort to make the best of a bad decision/situation and not something that she should feel guilty about as 'cheating on' Leith. Similarly, Leith's questioning of whether she'd kissed Respen, etc. seemed to mirror this misplaced and baseless guilt.
I wasn't expecting Jamie's desire to be a minister, but it could work out well.
I also wasn't expecting to like Keevan a little better after this book. Unfortunately, I think at least part of it was him shining in contrast to a lot of the other characters with respect to listening to counsel, having a plan, putting aside personal feelings to do what was right, etc.
The end with Leith and Renna discussing post-wedding what Leith is going to do in the future seemed...odd and misplaced. I know Keevan waited until that day to raise the Blades reborn question, but the entire discussion about the future should've been something Leith and Renna had actually hashed out before they got married (actually, before they got engaged really, especially the second time).
I haven't talked much about Martyn here, but that's because I'm so disappointed in how he was handled, I'm not even sure where to start. The beginning was promising (Martyn feeling something was owed Respen? Martyn finding out that Leith surrendered himself not for Renna but for him? Even Martyn deciding he had to leave made some sort of sense), but as soon as he ran into Kayleigh, everything just fell apart. His mission never really went anywhere, he never really worked out his loyalty issues, his brother randomly makes an appearance and reveals a bunch of new info that doesn't really seem to fit/makes things worse, and then his pre-burning (the stake seemed a stretch at the very least and overly dramatic, not to mention the whole shunning of Kayleigh on very shaky terms) reasoning and decision felt really flat and unconvincing. And if all he had needed was some bossing and yelling at to get the point across, Brandi really should've gotten through if she'd had a little more time (and even if it backfired, I appreciated her trying with a telling of a Bible story).
Chalk up another reference to Psalm 27, though (I lost track at three, but I think there's more).
I didn't like the impropriety gag or the repeated challenge/bet gag, and I'm disappointed particularly in Kayleigh for how much of a relationship with Martyn was founded and built up before he worked out his issues with faith.
I'm also pretty peeved that the end conclusion on Leith's torture was that it didn't matter because Martyn had been burned and had sent warning to Leith/Stetterly and thus they were even. That wasn't and should not have been the point! The end result and the point should've been a recognition that Martyn CANNOT repay or undo what Leith suffered, but that Leith's love and forgiveness can cover over it! What was the point otherwise?
Overall, this still probably ranks above Deny simply because of how traumatising the latter was (I suppose that might change if I ever revisit it), but there were less things I liked about it than Defy (with Dare remaining my favourite). I haven't decided if I'll give Decree a shot or not yet.
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sylvies-kablooie · 9 months
tbh, i think the whole thought process behind how sylvie is written is that she is not attached to loki and her happiness doesn't at all depend on him in any way.
was their connection deep? did he impact her? "shatter" her world even? yes. this is why she is so angry at him. bc in her mind, he had betrayed her.
but he doesn't take up much more space in her mind. she goes on to live her life just fine without him at the end of both seasons.
loki is a different story, he is obsessed with her to the point of doing something completely "out of character" and being ready to sacrifice everything for her.
i personally love how "unequal" their relationship is in this way, but i understand that it's not the majority of shippers' cup of tea kind of dynamic.
this is an interesting interpretation! i enjoy getting to hear people's differing takes on their dynamic, so this was a fun read. and hey if unrequited is your trope then all the more power to you. you're braver than me, that's for sure.
i haven't rewatched s2 (and tbh idk if i ever will- it just didn't do it for me the way i wanted it to) but the consensus that "loki fell first and harder" def seems supported by s1 and enhanced by s2. which i think made it all the more shocking when she kisses him first. i love that little detail.
i have a different take, which is informed by episode 5- particularly the bar scene contrasted with the record shop scene. she tells him to go and live his life and move on, then immediately goes to a record shop, tells the man at the counter she had a bad day, and then cries to the velvet underground (it looked like crying, also possible she was just laying there and basking it all in, which is just as compelling in my opinion).
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to me that read as someone who is trying so hard to place their feelings in a convenient little box and ignore them and then running away when it doesn't work.
sylvie doesn't strike me as someone who can sit still, especially not after living through a million apocalypses and trying to ensure her survival. and while getting a job in oklahoma might not be the same frantic pace she's used to, i do think she threw herself into it (employee of the month placard i'm looking at you!) so she has a new life, a new job, time to do things like go to the bar and get a haircut and listen to music and do everything possible to just. not. process. the annoying feelings that the citadel situation brings up. just keep moving! just don't think about it! and so when loki rolls up at her work, she tries to push him away, tell him he's the last thing she wants to deal with, get him to leave. the tone in the bar scene felt like that to me as well. like she's saying just leave me so i can stop thinking about this.
of course, loki does not want to leave her- it's just that for some reason he is physically incapable of talking about anything but the TVA, who ruined her life and she justifiably wants nothing to do with hearing about how great they actually are. he is pretty skilled at killing the mood. (i take great pleasure in rewrite fics that make a show of addressing this)
am i blinded by shipping goggles and my own projection onto her? it's possible! but to me it read as someone in denial. when we hear sylvie talk about her love life on the train in s1 (a scene i LOVE because it seems so out of left field for her) we get a very clear sense she has no idea what she is doing when it comes to romance (and then flat out says so during the blanket scene). her experience with romance hasn't been anything real, to the point where i hesitate to even use the term "romance"- just centuries of numbing herself by staying busy with a fling. she is like a shark that will just collapse if she stops moving. which we get to see her do in the record store!
that's just how i read it though! your read on it is just as valid and i like hearing all of the different takes. i am by no means trying to persuade you to join my pining sylvie agenda, just using this blog as a means of idea exchange. which i love doing. seriously it's so fun.
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gureshinlover · 7 months
There's one comment in an old mysmes Reddit thread, and when I read it some months ago it made perfect sense to me, and I love the way it's written. These paragraphs literally built the base of my opinions about Ray Route when I started replaying his route this year. So I wanted to share it and see what yall also think!
Again: this is not my writing!!! It's by reddit user embergate
I know how you feel. I fell in love with Ray, and then he went away and never came back. But, if you're determined to go through with it for some reason, it can help to understand what's going on with Saeran, and why he speaks the way he does.
Rika is kind enough to explain to you that Saeran uses you as a replacement for Ray. You can also figure it out yourself almost instantly because the things he's saying to MC and the things Ray is saying to himself are identical.
Once, he gives you a picture of a cake when he's starving you. This is a direct reference to the dream he had about his mother doing the same to him. He spoke of his dream before in a phone conversation, as Ray.
Once, he even says to MC "so that's why you live grooming flowers", which clearly does not apply to MC, but does to Ray.
So, when Saeran is speaking abuse to you, imagine a big mirror in front of you. He's not talking to you, he's talking to himself. Very rarely he addresses MC directly. In order to get the true essence of the conversation, you need to swap all "you"s with "I"s.
When you're replying to Saeran, imagine that you're Ray. How would you like Ray to behave when he's starved, isolated, abused, assaulted? Do you want him to cower, or do you want him to stand firm? Then reply how you want him to reply. He doesn't know how to be strong, but he will learn it from observing you. Keep holding that mirror in front of him until he finally sees his reflection. He can't leave the Mint Eye unless he gets stronger. Who said that healing with a power of love was easy?
Rika is also doing exactly the same thing Saeran is doing, imitating her mother in the way she treats her believers. When Saeran finally realizes that, he breaks free from Rika.
Also, lol about the smell... Yeah, for someone who says he doesn't like it, Saeran sure is highly aware of MC's face and smell all the time, to the point of obsession. He keeps saying that he wants to see her face. He even installs a camera to watch her and if you ask him "you want to see me 24/7"? he replies "yes" without a second's hesitation. Especially funny is the fact that he encrypts the camera so that nobody else can use it, and Rika rages about it later on. Also I find it hilarious when he attempts to break into MC's room not once, or twice, but thrice in a short time. Apparently he can't stand being apart from MC any longer.
My biggest problem with Saeran was not all that abuse, but rather than single conversation where he pretends to be Ray. He says that Ray didn't really like MC, and he was simply lonely and wanted someone not to leave him. I... believe he was speaking the truth.
So there's no romance here. Not really. But, remember that conversation between Ray and MC in the beginning.
MC: I thought it was a dating simulator.
Ray: Saving someone is more worthwhile than dating someone, don't you think?
...But... I still can't forget that phone call with Ray when he sang me a lullaby....
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braveclementine · 2 months
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Warnings: 18+readersonly, slight mentions of smut/sexual content, but none actually happens
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC Elizabeth Lightwood. I do not condone any copying of this.
You strode up to your bedroom and nearly screamed when you saw someone waiting on the bed for you.
"Oh good." Elizabeth said lazily, tossing her knife up once more, twisting her hip so it went blade in, into the sheath on her hip. "I was starting to think you'd moved out or died."
"Cheerful, what in the world are you doing here?" You asked, crossing your arms over your chest, looking at your best friend.
"Heimdall gave me an address." Elizabeth with a smile, holding up a piece of yellowed parchment between her fingers. "For a certain winter soldier who is hiding in Romania."
You dropped your mouth. "Bucky?"
"The one and only." Elizabeth smirked. "But he said he saw some events he didn't fully understand, but thought that we should get there sooner rather than later. Also, Steve is leaving for London because Peggy just died so he can't go and get Bucky. But, we can."
You stared at her for a moment longer then realized what she was saying, "We're bringing Bucky back?"
"Yep. I think so anyways." Elizabeth said. "So let's pack and let's go!"
You hesitated, "Eliza, there's been some very tense conversations recently-"
"About the Sokovia Accords. I heard." Elizabeth rolled her eyes, "I kind've wish I took part in the conversation just so I could roast the Government. Fuck the Government, I am so glad you stood up for yourself and are not signing. Although I wouldn't have retired. Can't you just go work for Nick and recreate S.H.I.E.L.D and make it like a two person business? You and Nick?"
You laughed a little and found yourself grabbing a duffel bag, shoving clothes into it, then money along with a passport, drivers license, and then also weapons. "I'll have to call Fury then when I get a chance. Also, we can take one of the Quinjets. . . I don't know how to fly one but there should be autopilot controls in it."
"I can fly it." Elizabeth said with a shrug, getting off the bed. "Well, probably anyways. I know how to fly the ones from Asgard. How hard can an Earth one be?"
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You clutched the arms of your seat with your eyes closed, praying that you didn't die. Elizabeth had managed to get you guys off of the ground and into the air, but you seemed to hit every single pocket of turbulence, which usually didn't happen with Quinjets.
"Can you open your eyes?" Elizabeth complained, "If we die I don't want to be the only one who sees us crash and burn."
You opened your eyes, half-expecting you to be able to see the ground. But all you could see were the clouds.
You had left a message for Tony about going on a slight side mission with Elizabeth, promising that it was not a dangerous mission nor would it screw up his precious Sokovia Accords. You said you would be back within a week.
"So, how are the kids?" You asked Elizabeth.
"Ah, they're great." Elizabeth said, beaming. "I'm actually pregnant right now, but Thor says they're only two months old, so that's why I'm not showing out."
"They're?" You asked.
"Triplets this time." Elizabeth laughed. "I guess Loki's spe-"
"NO!" You nearly shouted, while laughing, "I do not need to hear about yours and Loki's sex life."
Elizabeth smirked. "Fair enough. What about you and Stark?"
You sighed, "We're. . . well we were good. I don't know how he's going to react though with these Accords. We haven't exactly seen each other in private to talk about it yet. I don't know. . . I just can't trust the Government. I mean you would think Tony of all people would realize that the Government shouldn't be trusted. If anything, I thought Steve and Tony's perspectives would be switched."
"Really?" Elizabeth sounded amazed, "Why?"
"Because. . ." You hesitated, "I don't know. Captain America? Being part of the American Government? Kind've sounds like it would be in the name. He was in the army, he's a patriot, I guess part of me thought he would want to sign himself into it as well. He's surprised me though. It's a good surprise, of course."
"As you've said, he's American." Elizabeth said lightly. "And we Americans usually have a good sense of knowing when our rights are being compromised. When they are being taken away. I get the basics behind gun control and restricting the first speech. But when they're actually put into practice, if the Government could actually get away with it, then our freedom is gone. This is just like that."
The two of you were silent for a while, before you started chatting about the easier aspects of each others lives.
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"This is it?" You asked uncertainly, looking up at the dingy apartment building.
"Well," Elizabeth said, raising an eyebrow. "I'm sure being on the run hasn't exactly given him the ability to make money. Well, let's go in."
Elizabeth had always had a more hesitant nature about her, so watching her just stride into the apartment building with no plans and no hesitation was disconcerting. But you supposed all of the warrior lessons and everything else that happened on Asgard had made her more confident in herself.
You quickly followed her in. She ran a finger down the board which had names on it, before she started up the stairs. She found the door she was looking for and knocked on it.
Bucky answered the door, looking between her and you and then a apprehensive look came over his face.
"Before you close the door, we came only. No one else knows we're here." Elizabeth said quickly. "And we are armed, but we aren't going to use the weapons of course."
Bucky stared at her.
"Hey," You said softly. "We really are alone. Can we come in? We just want to talk."
Bucky nodded, opening the door a little wider to let the two of you come in.
Elizabeth sat down on the floor, keeping her hands on her knees. You stood awkwardly in the corner, leaning against the wall.
"So, my name is Elizabeth Lightwood." Elizabeth started off quickly. "And I know that you know Y/N Stark. But do you remember that you know Y/N Stark?"
Bucky looked at you and said, "Yes. We were on the Helicarriers. With Steve. My soulmate." He blinked and then said, "I hurt you."
"Yes, but you weren't yourself." you replied, figuring that with his mind as confused as it was already, it was best to only go with the truth. "You were the Winter Soldier. I'm assuming based on my limited knowledge that they are two separate. . . personas?"
Bucky hesitated, clenching his metal fist. "I. . . as Bucky. . . I do not want to hurt anyone. But they say these words and they made me. . . comply."
"What words?" Elizabeth asked softly.
Bucky tensed.
"You're right, that's insensitive." Elizabeth said again. She thought about it. "How many words?"
"Can you tell me only the first two? That way, if someone starts to say them, I will recognize them and I will be able to stop them?" Elizabeth asked.
Bucky looked hesitant and Elizabeth slowly raised her hands, "I swear on everything I love that I will never, ever use those words against you."
You were amazed, watching her interact with Bucky. Yes, Elizabeth had always been caring, but the way that she seemed to know exactly what Bucky needed to hear, or what to say was still fascinating. You wondered why that was. She seemed to have the same reaction with Steve as well.
Bucky hesitated and then said, "Желание, Ржавый." [Longing, Rusted]
Elizabeth nodded slowly, repeating them under her breath so he couldn't hear. "Thank you for trusting me."
"Bucky," You said hesitantly. "Would you. . . do you think you would come back with us? You would be safe with us. And Steve misses you a lot. He's been searching for you for years."
"I. . . will hurt him." Bucky said, clenching his hand again and Elizabeth shot you a look that told you not to push it.
Slowly, Elizabeth stood and then gently sat next to him on the bed. You watched how each movement was slow and nothing was erratic. It was as though she was treating him like a wild baby animal.
"My soulmates name is Loki." She said in a soft whisper. "He is a God from Asgard and he and his mother taught me magic. I cannot take away your pain or the painful memories that you carry. However, I can loosen some of the suppressed memories that HYDRA took away from you. I can help you remember who you are. I can't bring back all of it, at least not right away I'm not strong enough mentally. But I can help you remember enough. Enough so that you will know who you are without anyone telling you who you are- good or bad. You can decide for yourself."
Bucky watched her warily. "Why?"
Elizabeth blinked in confusion, tilting her head like a lost puppy. You saw an almost smile on the lips of Bucky, before he was stoic again.
"Why. . . would you help me?"
Elizabeth was quiet for a moment, as though she was thinking about the answer. "Because. . . I feel this need to help everyone. You see, a few years ago, my soulmate was put under a mind control from a Space Grape- ahem Titan- named Thanos. He couldn't control his actions and he invaded Earth with an alien army and. . . well he killed a lot of people. I watched his mother try and help him with the after affects as he was released from the mind control."
She looked at Bucky seriously. "I suppose because I know I can help you and that you deserve to be helped. I know that you would never have killed anyone the way that you have if you weren't under the mind control. So I know you're innocent and feeling guilty and hurting. So, may I help you?"
There were whirring sounds as Bucky clenched and unclenched his fist. The two girls waited patiently until Bucky said, "Yes."
Elizabeth smiled. "Okay. Will you put your metal hand into this hand?" She held her right hand out, palm out. Slowly, he slipped his metal hand into his. He drew in a breath.
"I- I can't always control this hand. I am sorry if I hurt you."
"It's okay. I have to touch your temple with my other hand. Are you okay?" Elizabeth asked slowly, lifting her left hand up so he could see it, letting her fingers hover by his head.
"Yes." He said.
"I want you to close your eyes. I want you to focus on the most positive thing or person that you remember. Think about that thing or person over and over." Elizabeth whispered, closing her eyes first. Turquoise whisps started at her fingers.
You watched Bucky watch Elizabeth for a moment, before he closed his eyes. Elizabeth put her fingers directly to his temple.
They were quiet for about five minutes. You sat down in the chair in the kitchen and waited. When they finally came out, there were tears coming down Bucky's cheeks.
"I miss him." Bucky whispered. "I miss Steve."
And Elizabeth smiled.
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Elizabeth continued to help Bucky every day and you were the one who ran the errands like groceries and what not. And that was how you overheard it. The one thing that you wished you had never overheard.
". . .me. I did it." Bucky told Elizabeth. You could tell he was crying and for some reason, you paused, "I killed Howard Stark."
Your blood ran cold and you swallowed hard.
"But you didn't mean it." Elizabeth said. "You couldn't stop it. I see your mind. You were screaming to stop and you just couldn't. These things that are done to you are not your fault."
"But I was not strong enough to stop it." Bucky said and you heard him punch something. "I. . . am too weak. That is why I can't go back. Steve respected Howard more than Tony ever liked him. Steve. . . he will hate me."
You closed your eyes, tears streaming down your face, hating yourself for what you were going to do.
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"Margaret Carter was known to most as a founded of S.HI.I.E.L.D." The woman that Steve had slowly been crushing on said at the front of the pew. Steve was in shock, wondering why Sharon was standing up there, speaking. "But I just knew her as Aunt Peggy."
"She had a photograph in her office. Aunt Peggy standing next to JFK. As a kid, that was pretty cool. But it was a lot to live up to, which is why I never told anyone we were related." She stared straight at him when she said this. He supposed he understood.
"I asked her once how she managed to master diplomacy and espionage in a time when no one wanted to see a woman succeed at either."
For some reason, Steve could suddenly picture Elizabeth- Loki's soulmate- standing there almost rolling her eyes at that comment. He nearly smiled and the image lifted his spirits from his sorrow.
"She said, compromise where you can. But where you can't, don't. Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. Even if the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye, and say, 'No, you move'."
It was as though Peggy was speaking to Steve from the grave, telling him what he needed to hear most.
And it was decided.
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Steve stood in the church by himself, staring at the front altar. He heard heels behind him and wasn't quite sure who he expected to be behind him. Sharon? Y/N? Maybe Heimdall would beam Elizabeth down from the sky and give him something. Or, well, she would probably just brain message him like she had the first time.
He glanced over his shoulder and saw that it was none of the above. It was Natasha instead, wearing a business suit.
He sighed, "When I came out of the ice, I thought everyone I had known was gone. Then I found out she was alive. I was just lucky to have her."
"She had you back, too." Natasha said warmly.
"Who else signed?" Steve asked.
"Tony, Rhodey, Vision."
"Says he's retired." Nat said.
"Wanda? Pietro?"
"Tony says her and Elizabeth are off on some mission. But after her speech, I doubt it." Nat said and then sighed, "I'm off to Vienna for the singing of the Accords. There's plenty of room on the jet."
Steve sighed but said nothing, so Nat continued, "Just because it's the path of least resistance doesn't mean it's the wrong path. Staying together is more important than how we stay together."
"What are we giving up to do it?" Steve asked quietly. "I'm sorry, Nat. I can't sign it."
"I know."
"Then what are you doing here?"
"I didn't want you to be alone." Nat admitted. And then she pulled Steve into a hug.
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"Hey baby." Tony said in a tired voice, "Where are you and Elizabeth at?"
"We um. . . We found Bucky." You admitted quietly. You hadn't been sure where the best place to call would be. You certainly didn't want to do it in front of them, but it wasn't like you wanted them to catch you on the phone in the like the back of the apartment building looking all fishy. So you had opted to talking to him while going down to the store and buying a tub of ice-cream.
"What?" Tony asked in shock. "Y/N-"
"Tony, Elizabeth's working some. . . Asgardian magic so that Bucky can become less like the Winter Soldier. See, they put these words into his brain. I'm sorry I don't know the technical process or terms. But when they say these ten words, he becomes a mindless soldier. He can see what he is doing, but he can't stop himself. He kills on their orders, no matter what and he hates himself for it."
"That's absolutely terrible. What is Elizabeth doing about it?"
"She's trying to bring back his memories. The machine you were able to see on the cameras a few years ago, that was a mind wipe. When he questioned about Steve, they wanted to make sure he couldn't remember his soulmate, so that he wouldn't have any problems killing him."
"Fuck." Tony snapped. "I hate them. Maybe I can come up with something to help him?"
You hesitated, closing your eyes. "Tony. . . this isn't something I wanted to say over the phone. If I could, I would say it to your face and then hold you, but I can't. And I can't keep anything from you because we promised no secrets, so I'm telling you the minute we found out. They. . . they wipe his mind after missions and Elizabeth. . . she uncovered that. . . he. . . HYDRA activated the Winter Soldier to kill your parents."
"Where are you?" Tony asked coldly. "I'm going to kill-"
"Tony." You begged, closing your eyes, heading back to the apartment. You were so glad your phone was untraceable. "Please listen to me. It wasn't Bucky. I told you everything beforehand."
"Tony." You begged desperately. "Please. He respected your father immensely. He's devastated that he's discovered this. He wishes Elizabeth had never uncovered it. He's crying like a child Tony. And I'm sorry. I'm so sorry about your parents, but the one in the wrong is HYDRA, not Bucky."
You were at the apartment doors and you sighed, "Tony, I love you. I'll be home soon, okay? I'm sorry." Your voice cracked and you quickly hung up, putting your hands over your face. You wiped your eyes and headed upstairs.
Bucky and Elizabeth were sitting across from each other. Elizabeth was doing a memory game with him with the flip over cards. They were just images right now of random things. It was a strengthening technic she was using so she wasn't in his head to much.
"Hey Y/N" Elizabeth said cheerfully and then as Bucky found a pair, she beamed, "Great job!"
"Do you have. . . harder ones?" Bucky asked, his cheeks coloured a little.
"I can make some." Elizabeth said thoughtfully. "But this is the only set I have on me right now."
You smiled a little, heart still feeling heavy at the conversation with Tony. You made the ice-cream and then watched Elizabeth and Bucky play a few more games.
"Can you give me all of the differences you feel between your left and right hand? I mean, besides your left hand being made of metal of course." Elizabeth laughed. She had both of his hands in hers and you gave a little start at realizing Bucky was blushing as he looked at her.
Poor Loki. He was going to have competition if both Steve and Bucky gunned for her. Not that they would, of course. Eh, more like poor Steve and Bucky. If Loki found out, they were both goners.
And of course, Elizabeth being Elizabeth was completely clueless to everyone's feelings. She was actually legitimately shit at knowing when people liked her.
"Hey," You said softly. "I'm gonna go to bed early okay? Night guys."
"Good night!" Elizabeth said cheerfully, squeezing Bucky's hands and getting up, putting the dishes in the sink.
"Good night." Bucky said a little slower, like he wasn't entirely sure if he should be saying it. You smiled a little, and then went to bed.
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"You don't have to do the dishes." Bucky said slowly, watching Elizabeth wash them quickly. She was so fast at everything, it was strange and amazing. He couldn't remember the last time he had seen some sort of domestic ability like this done so effectively.
With Elizabeth's help, he could remember his mother and sister. His mother had always kept a wonderful house. His sister. . . not so much. Elizabeth was. . . what was the word? Skilled? Efficient? Competent? He wasn't sure.
"It's okay, I like doing chores like this." Elizabeth hummed, setting them down to air dry on another towel. "Besides, it's not like there are many. Are you tired or would you like to do some other things?"
For the first time in a long time, his mind leaped to his pants. It wasn't hard now, to imagine bending her over the kitchen table and railing her from behind.
But as she went and grabbed the ice-cream, putting it in the freezer, he blinked to clear his mind. She wasn't his soulmate anyways. Steve was.
He imagined Steve for a moment and he almost smiled when he felt aroused at the idea of tying Steve up and fucking him relentlessly. Of course, the Steve he was imagining was not the new muscular Steve, but the skinny one he loved. But. . . he was pretty sure he loved both.
"I. . . can you show me the pictures of everyone. . . good?" Bucky asked hesitantly.
"Of course." Elizabeth said, grabbing her tablet. "Come on, we can sit over here." She sat down in a corner, far from the windows and doors. He sat down next to her and looked over her shoulder. She propped the pad up so that he could see easily.
"This is Steve Rogers. Your soulmate of course. His Avenger name is Captain America. And he is, of course, soulmated to you. He's in London right now because Peggy Carter died. Do you remember Steve and Peggy?"
"Yes. I remember both of them." Bucky said slowly. "Steve liked Peggy. Did they. . . did they ever date?"
"I don't know." Elizabeth answered. "I know they shared some kisses after you died and Steve was mourning you. But as for dates, I do not have any ideas."
She swiped and said, "This is Clint Barton. He actually has two soulmates, but he keeps one a secret. His non secret soulmate is Natasha Romanoff."
They continued like that, until she had run out of people to share with him. He felt content and he started to make his bed on the ground.
She put the clean dishes away and then made her bed on the ground as well, next to him.
"You shouldn't be sleeping on the ground," Bucky said alarmed, "Aren't you royalty?"
Elizabeth giggled. "You're adorable. I can sleep on the ground Bucky. You don't have to worry about me. Plus, I've noticed that you sleep better if someone is closer to you. You've had less nightmares."
He hadn't noticed, but now he had.
"Thank you, then." he whispered.
She just smiled, and fell asleep.
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