#whew so much to unpack in this chapter
stevie-petey · 1 month
The way you write fights amazes me. And I have so so much to say about chapter one.
First of all you set everything up perfectly. I can see how Nancy is going to play into the conflict with Steve and bug. Steve feels left behind by bug and Nancy feels abandoned by Jonathan. Steve's fear of bug leaving him hurt me to my core, but I understand where bugs coming from. She doesn't want Steve to resent her for "taking him away" from everything he knows. She doesn't want her life with Steve to fall apart. She doesn't want to be like her father but her holding onto that resentment, fear and guilt is going to fuck up her relationships. You made it so believable with Dustin and bug. Bug was hurt by her brother and was upset with him mindlessly following Eddie around, without meaning to she pushed him more towards Eddie. I love that you don't hide bugs faults, and you always make both sides of the argument valid. How will Robin react to Steve and bugs fight? Will she be included when the murders first start or will Dustin's anger keep her out of the loop and feeling more abandoned? Also, OH MY FUCKING GOD THE JONATHAN PHONE CALL!!!!! As the self appointed president and member of the J.N.U ( jug nostalgia unit) THAT SENT ME INTO A SPIRAL! It also hurts because Jonathan still loves Nancy, and I feel like these "feelings" are only coming back because he misses his life before. He thinks everything went wrong after he left bug because it was different and new and that was hard on him. He doesn't necessarily want bug back, he misses when things were easy. He wants things to be easy again, and he's connecting bug with his life before. He thinks bug= easy/happiness when that's not necessarily the case. Or maybe he does have feelings for her, I just feel like they aren't coming from the right place. I do wonder if he'll remember when he sobers up, I feel like he would cause that's probably the first time bug hung up on him. He probably told argyle and argyle would remind him what he said and Jon would freak out. Bug probably feels so guilty about it. She's so worried about Nancy and Steve. Not only them but the whole party would fall apart. And bug would feel responsible. So she's holding all these feelings inside and we know what happens then😶. I feel so bad for my baby girl. I really like that alex started to sit with her. She deserves company after all she does for everyone else.
my dear anon u nailed everything so perfectly it makes me so :)) because you GET IT !!! you always understand my characters so well i love you for it sm
bug and steves fight is my roman empire because NEITHER were in the wrong. it ISNT fair of steve to place his entire future on bugs shoulder and it ISNT fair of bug to allow her past trauma to dictate how she reacts. she also shouldve put more thought into her relationship with steve and college. did she really think steve would just be a little toy that stays behind ??? he deserves more than that and she realized as much in this chapter lmao. robin and steve have a scene later about the fight so dw bbg i will explain it all soon <333
same goes for bug and dustin !!! for this one im more team dustin purely because bug IS being a little too possessive, but she also has always had her brother in her corner. him growing up and changing is jarring to her. and i loved exploring the faults with her !!!
jon :( i would love to be a member of the jnu pls </3 you so wonderfully explained everything and i cant say too much because i dive into the fight a bit more later, but youre right. jonathan misses when things were easy and in his mind: bug is easy. what they have is easy, but this doesnt mean its RIGHT. he misses how things were, jon hasnt really grown up yet like bug has. hes been left behind, almost. stuck in the past and hes really struggling. the feelings def arent coming from the right place just like steves feelings werent in season 2 :(
also shoutout to alex fr i love adding him in every season hes my own silly character who adds nothing to the plot except be funny and cool. a real one
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fanficapologist · 6 months
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Whew boy, the tension between Alys and Maera was so thick you could cut it with a knife. I think this is also a lesson to take Helaena more seriously *nods solemnly* we’re taking notes of these prophecies. I combed through the previous chapters to find that particular quote hahahaha.
First, let’s unpack the confrontation scene. Not sure if this is just me but I kind of feel like Maera was humiliated? I can’t name the exact emotion but yeah, because Alys got pregnant first, and a boy no less. Props to Maera too because in the spirit of not pitting women against women, she really held it together. I can see how she wouldn’t want to immediately lash out at Alys just because she’d lain with Aemond, I mean it does take two to tango, but good lord, is Alys testing her. I don’t expect her and Alys to become fast friends because there will always be tension given her feelings for Aemond and Alys also seems to somehow hint she has him under her spell but I don’t know what she’s playing at because from the onset it seemed every breath is a taunt.
Alys also seemed condescending or patronizing because here Maera is, confronting her and she’s somehow made to feel like she’s the mistress.
“You look upset; you needn’t be” it’s like Maera is the mistress finding out the wife is pregnant. Translation: oh, don’t worry, you’ll get to play happy family too.
I think it must also be jarring given their physical resemblance. In a way it seemed Aemond only liked her because she reminds him of Alys, which again, if I were her, I’d be questioning my entire relationship as well. Again, props to Maera for regaining control of the situation because really, what would happen should Alys give birth? I think even if Aemond didn’t have romantic feelings for Alys, no doubt he’d feel something for his child. And in other versions or tales about Alys, she asserts her child’s right to the throne, and in this universe, this puts Maera in danger or at the very least calls her status into question.
Next, THAT convo with Aemond. Yeah, I do believe he didn’t know but surely he can’t be so stupid and not think it through?? I mean what did he think Alys was going to do with his seed? He already knows it needs to be through lying with her. Or maybe he was so desperate for him and Maera to happen he’d say yes even if it meant selling his soul but did he think he’d get off scot-free? Serves him right, Maera leaving him sexually frustrated. I also think in a way it’s a form of reassurance for her, to remind herself that even though he has a bastard, he’d lain with Alys, at the end of the day, she’s the one he loves and wants.
Ooh this was difficult to read but at the same time, I can’t quite stop hahaha. And while I feel sorry for Alys because a lot of people can be quite posessive-protective of Aemond, myself included, thus damning anyone who’ll portray her, I do feel, in your story, she merits only a few chapters hahahaha. I can’t quite stand her, there I said it. That said, I am sooo ready as to how things will unfold. 💕
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I’m curious to think why Alys is so fucking certain she’s having a boy 🙄 it would certainly strengthen her position, and she knows that, but she’s just a bit too confident for my liking
I think I can only do like three or four more chapters of Alys because as much as I want her to be in the story I fucking hate her 🤣 (totally not because I’m a possessive protective Aemond girly)
For real, the sex was for Maera, not for him. She came and went (literally) 🖤
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amorest-viesse · 1 year
[Indulge This Night of Dreams With Me] - Rustica SSR Card Story Translation
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Ft. Akira with brief Chloe appearance and Western Wizard mention
The Flowering Wonderland With You ~An Invitation for Rustica~ - Chapter 1
[Manor Main Entrance]
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Akira: Rustica and Chloe. Welcome back.
Rustica: Hello, Master Sage.
Chloe: We’re hoome! Whew, that was fun!
Akira: Whoa, that’s a lot of stuff! Did you guys just come back from the West?
Rustica: Yes, we were catching a play in the City of Affluence.
Rustica: Then, on our way home, we came across a delightful little sweets shop and picked up a few things… Ah, where did they go?
Casting his spell, the pile of boxes began to unpack itself, teacups and buttons scattering through the air.
Akira: Ahaha, you really went all out on your shopping spree.
Chloe: There’s just so much to see that we always end up buying too much, but just look at these gloves I got for Rustica!
Rustica: Right you are, Chloe. All the designs were so lovely, oh if only I had ten hands to wear them all…
Sensing that the conversation was about to derail, I quickly interjected with what I’d actually come to say.
Akira: Um, before we get to that, there’s something I wanted to ask Rustica…
Rustica: Me?
Akira: Yes, I’d like to invite you to the Flowering Wonderland.
Chloe: Oh that’s right! It’s Rustica’s birthday soon!
Rustica: Ah yes, I’ve heard about this from Shylock and Murr. It’s like a pocket-sized playground, is it not?
Akira: That’s right. It really is an incredible place, so I’d love to take you there for your birthday!
Rustica: Why, it’d be my pleasure to come along. I’m already looking forward to it.
The Flowering Wonderland With You ~An Invitation for Rustica~ - Chapter 2
[Rustica’s Room]
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When the appointed day arrived, I made my way to Rustica’s room. A gentle fragrance was lingering in the air when I arrived.
Akira: What a lovely smell… Are you drinking tea right now?
Rustica: Why yes, it’s a blend we picked up the other day. I thought I’d drink some to relax before you came by.
Rustica: I was simply beside myself with excitement for today’s adventure after all.
Akira: I’m really happy to hear that. I’ve been looking forward to today too.
Akira: By the way, are you alright with leaving this late at night? It’s around bedtime, isn't it?
Rustica: That’s perfectly fine by me. It’s a privilege to be able to stay up late, and the atmosphere of the night makes everything feel like a pleasant dream.
Akira: I suppose you have a point. In that case, let’s head off!
I handed Rustica the invitation—a card shaped like the door to a park—which he placed upon the table.
Rustica: The flowers on here are just lovely. Did you decorate this yourself?
Akira: Yes, I thought I’d personalize just for you.
Akira: Now, all you have to do is write your name on the invitation and cast your spell. After that, a door will open and take us to the park.
Rustica: Oh, what a fun little trick. …<<Amorest Viesse>>
As the card began to glow, a door manifested before us, slowly creaking open and filling the room with mist.
[Flowering Wonderland]
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When the fog cleared, the scenery before us had completely changed. We were surrounded by all sorts of magical rides and attractions—a setting straight out of a fairy tale.
Rustica: Oh how wonderful! The rainbow-colored clouds, the benches dressed in flower petals… Just the sight of it makes my heart soar.
Rustica: Oh? When did I change clothes? I must’ve been so caught up in my surroundings that I completely forgot.
Akira: Every guest who comes here gets their outfit changed by the park itself. I think it suits you perfectly.
Rustica: Why thank you. Not only do I get to spend the night with you, I’ll look my very best doing it as well. How wonderful!
Akira: Don’t forget that I’m the one who’s treating you tonight! Why don’t we take a walk around the area?
Rustica: I’d be delighted to.
As we explored the park, we came across a band of tin dolls popping rainbow-colored corn and playing toy instruments on a wagon by the roadside.
With a look of wonder on his face, Rustica seemed enchanted by it all.
Rustica: Haha, how cute. It feels as if I’m strolling through the loveliest dream.
Rustica: Ah… Look there, Master Sage. The horses are dancing to the music.
Akira: Do you want to ride them with me? The other wizards liked these flying horses too.
Suddenly, two of them descended to the ground, allowing us to climb on their backs. After we got on, they whirled back into the air.
Akira: How are you doing?
Rustica: I’m having a wonderful time. It’s quite fun to soar through the skies on something other than a broom for a change.
Rustica: …Oh? It seems like there’s something coming towards us.
The Flowering Wonderland With You ~An Invitation for Rustica~ - Chapter 3
Looking upwards, I could see a large gondola making its way through the sky. The oars on both sides were moving on their own, rowing through the air like water.
Akira: How pretty… It sparkles like jewel stones.
Rustica: Its passengers appear to be enjoying their dazzling trip through the skies as well.
Following Rustica’s line of sight, I saw a group of brightly colored birds perched on the edge of the boat. Just like the gondola, their beaks and feathers glittered and gleamed.
Rustica: Hello, my darlings.
Akira: Ahaha, how cute. They’re landing on your arm.
The little birds began to tug on Rustica playfully, nipping the fabric of his coat with their beaks.
Then, they began to flap their wings, gently lifting him into the air as if they were carrying him away.
Rustica: Oh my.
Akira: R- Rustica!
He leaned towards me and I instinctively reached out my hand to grab him.
Grasping it, he came close and whispered in a soft voice, almost like he was comforting me.
Rustica: There’s absolutely nothing to worry about. I don’t intend on parting from you tonight.
Still holding his hand, I began to gently float into the sky as well.
Like an invitation to ride, the birds slowly lowered us into the gondola.
Akira: That scared me for a second… I really thought they were about to take you away.
Rustica: I suppose the birds simply wanted to show me something special.
As the gondola glided through the air, the two of us gazed down at sparkling scenery that drifted by. It was a beautiful sight.
Akira: (It feels like looking down from a ferris wheel. What an incredible view…)
Rustica: This is a truly marvelous place—perfect for spending time with the people you love.
Rustica was looking downwards, fixed upon the scenery that spread out below us. However, I felt like there was a tinge of sadness in his eyes. Was it a trick of the light?
Akira: Um…
Hearing my voice, Rustica raised his head to meet my gaze once again. His lips curved into a gentle smile.
Rustica: It’s truly my pleasure to be here with you on this special day.
Rustica: Tonight, you are my one and only partner.
As he spoke, something soft and white landed on my knees. Flower petals were drifting down from the sky like snow.
Akira: (I suppose it’s time to go back…)
Once the park deemed its guests sufficiently satisfied, the door to reality would open once more. The flower petals were a sign that our time was nearly finished.
Rustica: Oh, how lovely.
Rustica closed his eyes and stretched out his hands as if catching the falling petals. Before long, the entire area was enveloped in mist.
[Rustica’s Room]
When everything cleared, we were standing back in Rustica’s room.
Akira: …Looks like we’re home.
Rustica: Indeed we are.
Rustica’s gaze dropped to the card in his hands, eyes gleaming with fondness.
Rustica: I’d like to thank you for the wonderful evening. I had a truly delightful time. Thus… it’d be a shame to part now.
As Rustica spoke, he conjured a little bottle out of thin air. Uncorking the top, a sweet fragrance filled the room.
Akira: Oh? That smells like…
Rustica: It’s floral liquor. I thought it’d be a perfect accompaniment to the flowers on my card.
Akira: I think so too. It smells wonderful, and the bottle design is really cute too.
Akira: I didn’t expect alcohol though. Aren’t you more of a tea person?
Rustica: Perhaps I simply wanted to lose myself in a dream for a little while longer…
Rustica: However, this is but one of the many souvenirs we bought the other day. There are still stores of tea and sweets to go through.
Rustica: Thus, would you mind staying a bit more and keeping me company? We could call Chloe over and have our own little late night tea party.
It was just like Rustica to make a request like this, but I couldn’t help but smile and nod anyways.
Akira: That sounds like fun. It’s a privilege to be able to stay up late, right? And besides, today’s your special day.
Akira: Happy birthday, Rustica!
Party in the Skies - Card Episode
[Rustica’s Room]
Akira: This tea is delicious!
Rustica: I’m glad you like it. Us Western wizards have grown quite fond of it lately.
Rustica: The others threw a sky party for my birthday recently, so I thought I’d treat them to some tea in return.
Akira: A sky… party?
Rustica: Yes. After I told them about our little trip to the Flowering Wonderland, they took it as a challenge to throw an even better party for me.
Akira: I- I see. Well, having a party in the skies seems like it’d be a lot of fun if the weather’s in your favor. There’s certainly a lot of open air to play around in.
Akira: Were you flying on your brooms? Or perhaps you were having a floating tea party?
Rustica: We did both among other things. However, if I had to say, the bathtub was probably the most delightful part.
Rustica: There’s nothing quite like soaking in warm water and simply letting the heat wash over you. It was a truly wonderful, relaxing way to pass the time…
Akira: You were doing what!? In the sky!?
Rustica: Taking a hot bath while drinking and chatting. It’s not often that you get the chance to do that, right? Especially in the skies.
Akira: I- I suppose you have a point… I mean, it’s certainly the first I’m hearing of something like that.
Akira: (Western wizards sure come up with some pretty incredible ideas…)
Rustica: Last of all, Chloe gave me a handmade bathrobe for my birthday. The material is so soft to the touch that I’m sure it’ll have me sleeping like a baby tonight.
Rustica: However, I would like to have a sky party again some time. Would you care to join me then, Master Sage?
Home Screen Voice Line
“It’s customary to indulge the star of the show on their birthday, is it not? In that case, I’d like for you to come to my birthday party. If you could grant me this, then I’d consider all my birthday wishes fulfilled.”
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thorniest-rose · 9 months
So this latest chapter has a lot to unpack here whew.
Okay so, Eddie didn’t want to have sex with Steve because he didn’t want it to be forced. However, Steve is literally begging for it because he craves punishment. He feels he deserves everything that happened to him, because that’s the only way he can continue to live? He can’t fathom having actually been a victim in each situation because that would literally make him break worse. However, he knows deep down he deserves none of it.
Now, we turn to Eddie. Edward bless his heart Munson. This man is an anomaly. So, he’s self aware of all that he has done to Steve. He’s aware he took advantage of him and clearly that breaks him to some degree, BUT he regrets none of it. He keeps Steve there making it appear he has the option of him or Robin. However, we all know, he would never ever bring him to Robin’s. He has got Steve right where he wants him, but Steve KNOWS this. Steve isn’t ignorant to what Eddie is doing. He wants it and craves it.
This chapter was beautiful and my favorite chapter. You both really showed the psyche of both of these characters and how they are so layered. This chapter was well worth the wait and I can not wait to see what happens next!
hi darling!! Thank you so much for the beautiful ask and sorry that I didn't get round to answering until now.
Steve's trauma and his response to it is so complex. His self-esteem has been broken so much he fully believes he deserves everything that happened to him, or that it's his fault, like there's something about him that makes men crazy and makes them want to hurt him, which in his eyes makes him a monster. He feels like he curses the men he's around and once they're not around him anymore, they go back to normal. Of course none of that is true, but Steve thinks it is, and it'll take a long time for him to get out of that mindset and to get his self-esteem back.
And then yes we have Eddie, who's incredibly complicated too. He knows he raped and took advantage of Steve. He wanted him and he used the opportunity he had (Billy being an addict) to have him and to slowly start training Steve's body and mind to respond to him and want him over Billy. Obviously that's gone disastrously in some ways (Billy hurting Steve even now; the car crash where they could have died; Steve feeling suicidal after Billy went to prison) but Eddie was willing to take the risk because he truly believes that him and Steve belong together, and he'll do anything to get him BUT in a way where it feels like he's empowering Steve and that Steve has made the decision t be with him. He never wants Steve at this point to feel like he's forcing him into anything because he wants to be the opposite of Billy and because he wants Steve to WANT him fully, not just be with him because he has no other choice. He wants to be Steve's everything, in the same way Steve is HIS everything.
We're posting the new chapter tonight and I hope you love it. Sorry again for taking ages to post this ask but it was so lovely and beautiful and I wanted to keep it in my inbox for as long as possible!!
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urgirl415 · 2 years
Thank you for updating!!!
I already read it and i cannot wait for the next chapter!
A few questions for thoughts....
1. What will Anakin do with himself seeming getting closer to Obi-Wan
2. What will Obi-Wan do with Anakin who keep getting flustered every time he's around
A follow up questions
3. What will Obi-Wan do with the rest of his students by keeping them happy and not letting Anakin get him kicked out of his teaching postion?
How come no one of the students speaks to Anakin?
And last but not least: Will Anakin ever get to show his mechanical skills?
I don't mean to be a snob, but you are so talented for someone so young!
How did you get into the Obikin fandom and how did you get into the Star Wars universe?
Thank you so much for reading! To answer your questions…
1. Without giving too much away (it’s probably obvious anyway) Anakin is getting a lot more comfortable around Obi-Wan as well as comfortable in his attraction to Obi-Wan. I think once things start escalating, he will be able to keep his head enough to function properly. Hopefully.
2. Again, not giving too much away, but Obi-Wan may or may not be very aware of what he does to Anakin… 🤭 and trust me, he’s going to take care of Anakin soon!!!
3. Obi-Wan has a good connection with his students, especially his biology club members, which I will be sure to delve more into soon. As far as keeping his position, that’s a tough one. I think that’s one of the main reasons Obi-Wan is apprehensive with Anakin, as well as his age and clear inexperience (and the power dynamic of course). This is also something I’m going to unpack more in later chapters.
4. The other members of the club don’t like Anakin. If you remember, when Obi-Wan rewarded the extra credit to Anakin, the newbie, the other students felt slightly betrayed, like Obi-Wan was playing favorites. After noticing Anakin helping out more and more, they grew to resent him for taking Obi-Wan’s attention/favoritism away from themselves.
5. Maybe! Anakin’s interest in mechanics wasn’t really a main focus I had when conceptualizing this little story, but perhaps it could fit in somewhere!
That’s very kind of you to say, and you don’t sound like a snob at all! To be fair, I am an English major in college, so I spend a good part of my life currently learning how to write. Thank you so so much!
Finally, I entered the obikin fandom around December 2019, but didn’t become active/start posting until February 2021. I became interested when I rewatched the prequels in 2019 and thirsted over Ewan and Hayden simultaneously. I was already actively reading other fanfiction at the time and so I thought, hm, I wonder if there’s a pairing for these two. And there was! I quietly read obikin fic for a little over a year until I started writing/posting in 2021. And the rest is history!
As for Star Wars itself, I’ve been a fan basically since I was old enough to understand what was playing on the tv. I can thank my parents for that.
Whew! Super long post! Thank you for all your amazing questions, anon! I hope I answered everything you wanted to know! Feel free to drop back in any time and ask as many questions as you want, or just say hi! It makes my day to get an ask!
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txemrn · 2 years
What do you think about Addison's marriage certificate bullshit and what's the deal with Robin?
Hey, Anon!
Thank you so much for your Ask!
Whew... there's a lot to unpack from the last chapter, and yet, things are so hazy, it's hard to decipher what the hell is really going on.
Addison She seems shady AF, and her actions are so weird and questionable... but, if we're honest--okay, I'll speak for myself. If I'm being honest, I have no evidence at this moment to prove she's doing something shady AF, and I don't know if that's intentional or not by PB. LOL
No, seriously, think about it: the DNA test is delivered by Addi. Marriage certificate presented by Addi. Why is Sam's legal team not on top of this? Why is his wife surprising him with this stuff? Again... is this intentional to make it look like these documents are false, and she has ulterior motives? Or did PB think... hey, we need the readers to know this information. Where should we add it? I know; let's have Addi reveal it for extra drama? What's more exciting:
-Sam receiving a phone call from his lawyers. "Mr. Dalton? DNA samples confirm 99.9% that Addison Dalton is truly Addison Dalton; also y'all are still married." *MC & Sam get mad at the situation; Sam lovers follow suit.
-Sam and MC peacefully on an extended vacay. KNOCK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT! ADDI STORMS IN! "HERE ARE THE DNA RESULTS!" AHHHH! *looks at MC like she's a bug to be squashed*
-Sam and MC at their engagement... I love you, I love you too, we're so in love, love love love... ADDI STORMS IN! "WHERE'S MY HUSBAND?! ROAR!" *MC & Sam get mad at Addison's actions; Sam lovers HATE Addi
Weird-ass things I think about... lol
So, all that to say this: At this point, I think the marriage certificate is real. Addison should NOT have barged into the engagement party. However, IF her amnesia story is true (let's see those medical documents!), her actual person hasn't quite been in society for 5 years, and she's slowly getting her memory back. I'd imagine she's a little awkward, and hell! If I had amnesia and my brain came to 5 years later, hell yes, I'd fight for my family back. Just saying...
Robin *sigh* my precious little guy... he just wants to be loved. He's a friggin mess, and he's looking in all the wrong places to feel loved and accepted. Could this be a budding subplot point for a) finding out the truth about his past with the Daltons and b) and redemption arc?
I had another person send in an Ask that talked about the fact that there is definitely more to Robin than what meets the eye. He's more than just the charmer. There's a reason why he's always competing with Sam. There's a reason why he's holding grudges. There's a reason why he told MC that the Dalton's will dispose of you if they don't like you.
I love Robin. Always have, and always will. I hope it's his time to shine. And honestly, I'd love for him to get with Queen Sofia. At this point, MC deserves Sam.
Thank you so much again for the Ask!
Happy reading! 💜
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mldrgrl · 4 years
Broken Things 8/24
by: mldrgrl Rating: varies by chapter, rated R overall See Chapter 1 for summary and notes
Mulder helps his wife into the wagon.  Wife!  Yesterday he was a bachelor, today he’s somebody’s husband and she is his wife.  Incredible.
“On to the Byers,” he says, coaxing the horses into a trot.  “And then, home.”
“Yes.”  She’s reading the marriage certificate when he glances at her.  
Susannah Byers is thrilled when she hears about the marriage.  She wants to give them a party, but both Mulder and Katherine politely decline.  Mulder can tell that Katherine is not one to bring attention to herself and he can’t say he enjoys it either.  
“What about a nice Sunday dinner after services when the circuit preacher comes around?”
Katherine looks to Mulder and he nods.  “That sounds quite nice,” he says.  “Even if I can’t be to church, I’ll see to it that Katherine will be there.”
“We’ll get you into a church one day, Mulder, you’ll see.”
“I don’t know, Susannah, I think being a heathen suits me just fine.”
Susannah laughs and then slips her arm through Katherine’s.  “Let’s go get your things together and gossip about these menfolk.”  
“So, you went and did it,” John Byers says, as soon as Susannah and Katherine are gone.
“Yes, I’ve officially joined the married men’s club.”  Mulder spots the row of tinned fruits on the shelves behind John’s shoulder and has a moment of inspiration.  “John, I’ll take one of those tinned peaches and a few of your pickled eggs.”
John hops to attention like the perfect store manager that he is as Mulder rattles off some additional items.  A tin of crackers, a hunk of cheese, some bread, two bottles of sarsaparilla, a bag of licorice, a dozen apples, and a few scoops of raisins.  While John gathers everything together, Mulder pulls down a squat basket from one of the top shelves to put everything in.  He adds a new set of cutlery as well and covers everything with some linen napkins.
“Tell the ladies I’m out by the wagon,” he tells John after he pays him, and then takes the basket out to try to tuck it away unnoticed.
When Katherine comes out with the valise, Susannah is beside her with some wrapped packages.  Mulder takes everything and loads it into the back of the wagon.  The sun is getting to be high and mighty.  He leaves the ladies chatting and saying their goodbyes and runs back into the store.  It only takes a couple seconds for him to grab the first straw hat he sees and plunks it down on the counter.
“I assume this is for the new bride?” John asks.
“That’s right.”
“Then you’ll be wanting a ladies’ hat, not a boater.”  John shakes his head and points to the women’s hats behind him, ones that tie on with ribbons and have sprigs of flowers at one side.
“This one,” Mulder says, grabbing a wider-brimmed hat, much less stiff than the one he’d initially selected, with a pink ribbon and baby’s breath.
“Good luck with everything.”
“Thank you.”
Mulder hands the hat to Katherine when he comes out of the store and she gives him a puzzled look.
“Getting on to be high noon,” Mulder says, pointing up at the clear sky.  “The hat will keep the sun out of your eyes and protect you from getting burned.”
“Oh.  Thank you.”  She places it on her head lightly and then ties a neat bow under her chin with the ribbons.
“Susannah, I thank you for allowing Katherine to stay with you last night.”
“Anytime, anytime!  I was just telling her to come back as often as she likes and maybe we can plan a tea with some of the other ladies that come in for church.  There’s only the Sheriff’s wife and Arlene Skinner in town, but she’s not terribly social.”
“Didn’t even know Mr. Skinner was married,” Mulder answers.  “We only just met Monica Doggett today.”
“Well, I won’t keep you any longer.  You come back and see me real soon, alright?”
“Thank you,” Katherine tells Susannah and gives her a quick embrace.
As though they’ve done this a thousand times over and without even thinking about it, Katherine blindly gives her hand to Mulder and he rubs his thumb over her knuckles as he waits for her to gather her skirts up so she doesn’t trip on the step up to the wagon.
Katherine quickly learns that Mulder is a man of many surprises.  She can see that his spontaneity is going to keep her on her toes.  When they’re about half-way to home, he stops the wagon where there’s a nice shady canopy of trees for the horses and produces a basket of food he had hidden in the wagon.
“Thought it might be nice to stop for a picnic,” he says.
“I don’t think I’ve been on a picnic since I was a little girl.”
“Wait just one minute, I’ve got a blanket back here I’ll lay out.  You’ll have to excuse the bits of hay, but at least your dress won’t get dirtied.”
She helps him lay out the blanket beneath an oak tree that looks like it was planted at the beginning of time it’s so large.  He kneels to unpack the basket and she sits down and tucks her legs to the side.  There doesn’t seem to be anything in the basket that he hasn’t thought of.  When he has it emptied he hangs his hat on the handle and pushes his hair back with one hand.
“I realize I don’t actually know if you like peaches,” he says.  “Maybe I should’ve gotten apricots.”
“I like peaches.”
“Oh, good.”  He opens the tin with a pocket knife and gives her the first pick.
“Thank you.”
“Whatever you’d like from this spread, don’t be shy.”  He cuts off a bit of cheese and bread and then lays back onto one elbow and smiles at her.
The way he looks at her makes her feel shy and she has to look away for a moment, but the pull of his gaze is too strong and it stirs something in her that she’s never felt before.  It’s akin to fear, but if she’s in danger, she doesn’t feel like running away from it, she feels like running towards it.
“You may just have the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen,” he says.  “I think the sky might be jealous.”
Compliments make her terribly uncomfortable and she’s glad for the hat that can shield him from the color in her cheeks.  “I’d like to confess something,” she says, plucking absently at a loose thread on her skirt.
“Is this where you tell me you can’t cook?”  He chuckles at his own joke.
“I can cook well enough.”
“When I told you my maiden name was O’Brien, I wasn’t telling the truth.  It’s my mother’s maiden name.  Mine is Scully.”
“Scully.  I like that.  It suits you somehow.  But, why did you say it was O’Brien?”
“I don’t know.  I guess I felt scared in a way.  Of you knowing me too quickly.  You lied to me too, though.”
“No, my name has always been Mulder.”
“Jack never paid a single cent on that land.  You did.”
“Did Skinner tell you that?”
“No, he told me that Jack paid the mortgage on time, the first of every month.  That was simply impossible.  Even if he had won enough in a poker game.  Why did you want me to believe that he had?”
Mulder sighs and runs a hand through his hair.  “I got to thinking that maybe my offer had been a little unfair when you had no real alternatives.  I guess, selfishly, there was a part of me that didn’t want to think you’d marry me for that reason alone.  But, also, I thought I might try to give you one good thing to remember about your late husband.”
“You don’t know what my memories are.”
“No, but I do know they aren’t fond.”
She frowns and her voice comes out a little more forceful and louder than she’d like, but he’s touched a nerve.  “I won’t ever think fondly of Jack Willis and there isn’t a thing you can do about that,” she barks.
Mulder whistles low and then smiles.  “And though she be but little, she is fierce.  Remind me, fair Kate, never to get on your bad side.”
She’s embarrassed by her outburst, but more surprised that Mulder doesn’t seem the least bit fazed by it, or concerned.  He’s rather amused.  He just keeps smiling at her to the point where she has to drop her chin or she may end up smiling back.
“If I may be so bold,” Mulder says.  “Why did you marry Jack?  Was there ever a time you liked him even a little?”
“I married him because my father arranged it.  Maybe there was a time when I liked him.  If there was though, I’ve forgotten it.  And if it’s alright with you, I’d rather not have to think about him right now.”  
“Of course.”
“I apologize for losing my temper earlier.”
“Why should you be sorry if that’s the way you feel?  I promise I will make it my life’s mission not to arouse your temper, but you should know I am famously myopic when it comes to thinking before I speak or act.”
“As long as you’re not violent,” she whispers, her eyes downcast.
He reaches out and touches her cheek for a moment.  “No, I am not violent.  You have my word on that.”
She nods a little.  She knows she’s been temperamental and melancholy and has ruined the picnic that Mulder has set up.  She tries to think of a way to salvage the day and this nice thing that he’s done for her.
“You know what I was thinking?” he asks suddenly.  “We’re going to have to make sure you have more lessons with the carriage.”
“Getting into town, going to church, having ladies’ teas and those other mysterious things women do when they get together.  You’ll need a way to get to and from.”
“Oh.  I don’t need to go unless you’d like to take me.  You don’t have to go to any trouble.”
“Well, Melvin’s going to need something to do since you’ll be displacing him as the resident cook.  He’ll be showing you the ropes anyway, and he’s a much better teacher than I am.”
“You would permit me to go into town on my own?”
“Permit you?”  He raises his brows a bit.  “Do you know what my aunt once told me about marriage?”
“She said that it’d be best to remember that women have their own minds and their own interests and if I thought that marriage would change that, I should go on and be a bachelor for the rest of my days.”
She doesn’t quite know what to do with this piece of information.  Her mother had always told her that marriage is doing as your husband bids and raising his children.  No more.  As a woman, she has been trained to believe that it is her place to move from her father’s rule to her husband’s.  And now, here is a man, her new husband, a complete stranger whom she tethered herself to more willingly than her last, offering her a kind of freedom she’s never had but always longed for.  Four years ago she had lost the hard-won opportunity to be more than a daughter or a wfie, never thinking it would come around again.  
“Do you mean that?” she asks.  “That I might have my own interests to pursue?”
“Only if you promise to tell me what those interests are sometime.”
“I like to learn things about science and new discoveries.  Have you ever heard of the electric bulb?”
“I’ve seen one.”
“You’ve seen one?”  She nearly gasps.  She’s read all about them, seen illustrations, but never met anyone who has seen one in person.
“There’s a park in New York City illuminated at night by electric lamps.  It’s not as pretty as candlelight, but it is rather enchanting.”
“Some day I would like to see one.”
“I am certain that you will.”
She’s quiet for a few moments, thinking about the possibility.  It occurs to her that she’s forgotten all about her earlier discomfort and melancholy and that perhaps the picnic has been a success after all.
“I would like you to know that I didn’t marry you because it was the only option,” she tells him.  
“Oh?  I’m glad to hear that.”
“I think it’s possible that I might like you.  And that I trust you.”
He laughs at that.  “You can take your time on making up your mind about it, but I already know that I like you, fair Kate.”
They smile at each other and she tips her head down almost bashfully.  She’s not quite willing to admit to him yet, but she likes it when he calls her Kate.  She likes almost everything about him, really, even when he’s being stubborn.
“Do you think we could go on another picnic one day?” she asks.
“It was just on my mind to ask if you had any objections to stepping out with me again sometime.  I’m sorry if there were some awkward moments earlier, it’s been a long time since I’ve done any courting.”
“But, we are already married.”
“Still, I think a bit of courting is in order, don’t you?  How else am I to learn all that I should about my wife?”
“When you have put it in such a way as that, I can’t help but agree.”
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7wanderingpaws · 4 years
Simply, yours (11) (M)
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Pairing: Baekhyun x reader
Genre:  family AU, hapkido teacher AU, PhD AU
Word count: 6.1K
Warnings: cursing, shitty mature content
A/N: Whew, another 6K+ ... The happenings in this chapter were one of the first scenes I had in my mind when I started to write this story, huhu! Hope you like it, and let me know what you thougt. Your comments help me keep writing!  💖 Alright, Im drained.. Imma head back to study. Enjoy sweet readers of mine!
tags: @milky-baek​ @itsbaekhyunsbutt​ @luvhtears​ @shesdreaminginoverdose​ @cynthbee​ @jummyjammy​ @junmyeonnoona @littleflowercrown13​ (if you want to be tagged/untagged please let me know!)
1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11
It just felt like yesterday you told Baekhyun you wanted to go home, and now here you were, holding his hand while he had a big gym back thrown over his other shoulder as you were making your way towards the platform to catch the KTX home. The crowds were crazy given the time of the year and it was making you anxious just a little bit.
“It's good we booked the tickets early,” murmured Baekhyun as you both stepped on the escalator leading downstairs. He stood in front of you which made you taller than him for a few seconds and he blessed you with a sweet smile. He reached out with his hand and caressed your protruding belly. Unfortunately, wearing a huge and thick winter jacket made it almost impossible to feel his gentle touch.
“You are always well prepared, my boy,” you praised proudly.
He hummed, retreating his hand and quirking his eyebrows at you seductively. “I like that nickname, my girl.”
You let out a snort and Baekhyun took your hand again as you got off the escalator.
“Pff, territorial, are we?” you teased.
This time, it was Baekhyun who let out a snort, squeezing your hand in warning because he knew your little game. He saw right through it. After all, you had been playing these teasing games with him since the beginning of this week and now it was Friday, Korean New Year happening just this weekend.
Once inside the train, Baekhyun let go of your hand to let you sit by the window, while he was taking out necessary things for the ride. One tumbler with hot lemon tea for you, another one with coffee for himself, his sports management book and a notebook, and for you the small knitting kit to finish off the little piece you had been working on. With a thank you, you accepted everything he was handing you and he gave you a smile before placing the bags and winter jackets up in the holder and taking a seat next to you. Reaching over, he hovered his hand over the window pane.
“What?” you asked.
“Checking if it isn't too cold for you,” he murmured and seemingly calmed down when he got a positive result. “Can't have you catching a cold.” He sat back down, making himself comfortable. “You sure you don't want to have your jacket just in case?”
A smile of complete adoration decorated your face as you looked at his worried eyes that were boring into yours. “No, honey, it's okay for now. Don't worry too much.”
He nodded, though commented: “Heard you sneezing this morning while I was in the bathroom.”
You giggled, covering your mouth as people were still finding their places in the car. “I didn't know it was forbidden.”
“I'm just trying to make sure you're fine.”
“I am fine, I really am,” you reassured and wanted to lean in to give him a peck but was too shy since people were all around standing, some unpacking stuff.
He observed you with a gentle smile before nodding and turning to his book that was on his lap when his phone notified him of a message.
You usually didn't pay attention because you honestly aren't the type to do so. You already felt bad that he was constantly around you, and you constantly around him. You were pregnant, too sick and had too much of a high blood pressure, and he was neglecting his friends because of that.
“Don't think I didn't catch up to your little games, by the way,” he said nonchalantly, not looking your way and startling you.
You frowned at him but you sensed what he was referring to.
“If you continue, I can't guarantee what will happen.”
“Is that a threat?” you chirped, intrigued.
He gave you a handsome smile. “Whatever you like to call it.”
You bit your lip, remembering this week's happenings when you kept teasing him and doing everything the exact opposite of his preference or liking. He was just so easy to tease when you knew he couldn't throw you over his shoulder and tickle the living hell out of you, or have you his way as means of punishing you (pregnancy DID have pros). 
This week while teaching the kids at the elementary school, they became too curious about you and your huge stomach. So, whatever Baekhyun said and tried to explain to the kids you passionately opposed to. So much so that the kids ended up giggling and going against Baekhyun's word that day, which really wasn't the best situation, given he was their master they had to respect. It seemed you were much more playful and willing to speak up with kids then his university team and Jiyoung. But he wasn't complaining, despite huffing at the kids' attitude and later at yours. Plus, Baekhyun was very busy with studies in his free time the whole of the past two weeks, so you might have been begging for his attention the entire time, without you knowing it.
Back to the current day, another couple of more notifications later and Baekhyun picked up his phone, scrolling through the messages. Although you were already going through your knitting threads, checking each knot with care, you still saw from your peripheral vision how he shot you a wary glance. He typed up a message and this time put his phone on silent before putting it in the holder in front of him.
Deciding not to comment, you continued, starting on the small gloves just as the train departed. 
Baekhyun leaned in to your side, checking what you had been working on so diligently. When you started on this piece, you had asked him about the colours he liked so that you could use them. “What is this going to be?”
His breath tickled your cheek and you turned your head slightly to have a look at him. He followed you with his eyes. “Little gloves for out little ones.”
Another handsome smile and he pecked your lips, the action ending up with a tad too loud of a smooch for a public space but he enjoyed the reddening of your cheeks as he pressed another kiss to your cheek.
The entirety of the train ride, Baekhyun immersed himself in the book, highlighting important parts, checking his notes and scribbling more information around the paragraphs in the book. He looked handsome even when he was focused, tongue sometimes sticking out between his lips that were otherwise in a tight line. Watching him leaning over the book, you couldn't help but eye his strong jaw and handsome profile. A sight you knew so well; every curve, every plane, that straight nose, the plump lips and the straight chin. He seemed to be all straights and smooths, and you loved every part of it dearly.
“You know, your stare is burning.”
Few seconds later he looked up, catching you but you didn't even make an effort to not stare. He let out a breathy chuckle. “Hope you ain't getting horny here,” he murmured just for you to hear.
At that, you gasped and he laughed, knowing how embarrassed that would make you feel. “You wish! But it's you not getting any anyway,” you retorted in a shushed voice, turning back to your knitting, pretending to be offended.
“Is it really me?” he raised an eyebrow at you, handsome and all.
You ignored him, focusing way too much on the knitting, except you weren't and ended up making a mistake. “Shit.”
“No swearing while being pregnant,” he chastised, now back to his studies.
The way you took in a deep breath through your nose was loud enough for Baekhyun to hear, which ended up making him smile under his nose.
“I am throwing you off the train, Baekhyun.”
He put his pen down and turned to you, a thoughtful look on his face. “I read that our babies are big enough to actually recognize what is being said. They are able hear now. So this is the phase where we should make them listen to classical music and-” he looked at you pointedly, “not swear. Unless you want them as brats.”
When not replying, he added, reaching out to tap at your lips with his index finger. “So watch that mouth of yours.”
“If that's what you want,” you sighed nonchalantly, ignoring the burning of the touch of his fingertips on your lips. “I will comply.”
Retracting his hand, he had a lopsided smile on his face. “That's my girl.”
You rolled your eyes, though not meaning it. “So territorial.”
Baekhyun laughed.
Couple of hours later and both of you were in your respective homes welcomed by the typical countryside air filled with animals and hay. Your two homes were literally next to each other connected by one garden between both families.  
Both Baekhyun's and your family were waiting outside together - already acting like one big family - but after twenty minutes of greetings, squealings, belly rubbings (mostly from Baekhyun's family) you made yourself comfortable at home, your legs severely swollen and tiredness taking over you.
Parting with your boyfriend was at first difficult, because you realised Baekhyun was going to his house and you were going to your own. It would be a first in a long time where  you would spend the night away like this from each other, or at least you thought. You were hoping he would sneak in to your room in the middle of the night, or vice versa. You felt like you had the right to demand to sleep next to the father of the children you were carrying.
“I will come see you soon,” Baekhyun had whispered in your ear just before parting and his hot breath was still palpable on your skin now. He was incredible.
Your father calling out your name was what made you snap back to reality, momentarily embarrassed about the dirty thoughts you kept having the whole day. Geez. As weird and annoyed you were towards Baekhyun in the beginning of your pregnancy, where sometimes even his touches were unwelcome, now you were the exact opposite; you were growing guilt feelings towards him for using him for pleasures. But it wasn't like you were doing everything against his will. He was very much to blame, too.
“What do you crave for dinner? Mum is already heating up late lunch for you,” he stepped into your small room where you were sitting on the heated floor, smiling pleasantly. You noticed the heavy wrinkles around his eyes.
“I'm fine with anything, as long as it's homemade,” you replied and crawled back on your mat that you rolled out earlier to lie down.
You father tsked. “I will bring more mats, it must be uncomfortable now, huh? You got used to sleeping on a soft mattress.”
Before he could turn to leave you called him back, lying down. “It's fine dad. I missed sleeping on the floor like this. I shouldn't have gotten too comfortable anyway.”
He sighed and joined you on the mat, sitting down cross-legged, batting shy eyelashes down on your protruding belly that your thick sweater could barely cover. “So, how are you feeling? Your mother told me something here and there but,” he shrugged, not knowing how to approach the topic, “are you okay?”
You smiled to yourself. Him being the typical father, he always kept distance between you two, not knowing how to approach his daughter, and leaving all the work to his wife. “I'm okay. It isn't easy but it's what I want.”
“I'm sure you two didn't count on three, though.”
You let out a quiet laugh. “No. It was a big shock but by now I am sure this is what it is supposed to be. Sounds cheesy, huh?”
Your father coughed, smiling to himself. “Is Baekhyun taking good care of you?” he asked, not looking your way as he was facing the door.
You melted at his name. “Yeah, dad, he is taking way too much care of me.”
“Good. I always knew he was a good boy and possibly the right one for you.”
At his words, you melted even more because he couldn't have been more right. At first, it was a shock to your parents that Baekhyun was pursuing you out of all the beautiful village girls that were his age. He did see you as a little girl for the longest time until you weren't a little girl, but a beautifully grown high school student, not too far from a full-grown woman. Despite your parents being against you two dating until you would at least finish high school and Baekhyun his military service, you two always stole some alone time.
“Thank you,” you said quietly.
Your dad turned his head slightly, not quite looking at you. “For?”
Pressing your lips together, you squeaked: “For allowing me to be with him. For letting me go to Seoul to support him. For accepting me as a pregnant woman with no marriage. For not pushing us. I know it must be hard and gossips in this village are reckless but… you and mum endure it and I just wanted to thank you.”
“I trust Baekhyun. I trust he will do something soon.” He paused for a moment, still not meeting your eye. “Did you talk about marriage, though?”
“Yes, not too long ago.”
“You will get married, right?”
Your heart skipped a beat. “Ye-yeah.”
Now, he looked at you, turning his head properly. After a little while, he murmured again: “I trust Baekhyun.”
Sitting down for dinner at the small table, you graciously took gulps of hot vegetable soup, loving the special taste your mother's soup had. 
“Oh my, eat slowly dear,” you mother gasped, “you will have an upset stomach.”
“I missed your cooking so much, mum,” you whined, squirming a bit to try and find a comfortable position. Your back was giving you hard time.
“I missed you, my daughter,” she cooed and added more soup to your bowl. “Eat up, it will make you feel good. Is the heating okay in your room?”
You nodded. Given the house was a traditional one, your parents still used wood for heating up the ondol system. “It's perfect. Nothing can beat the effectiveness of floor heating.”
You mother being satisfied with the answers, smiled and caressed your back. “Did you go for the recent check-up before coming here?”
You nodded and swallowed. “Yeah. I will have to take some classes about correct back posture and some exercises.”
“Well, that is important. You already look like a pregnant lady with one just before giving birth.”
She was right. People were giving you wary glances if you ever walked alone, scared you might give birth right on the place but this was just half-way through your pregnancy. Little did they know it was three little ones inside.
You shrugged and she chuckled, muttering to her husband proudly: “Our little daughter.”
It was the first morning where you woke up alone and naturally with the chicks outside. They were chirping happily, eagerly waiting for someone to come and feed them while you heard the cows scoffing in the stables.
Lying on your mat,  you were thinking how much you didn't like waking up alone like this. It was your childhood room, yes, but a person who became the most important human being in your life was not present.
“At least I have you guys,” you murmured, closing your eyes while you rubbed your stomach slowly, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. Thinking about what could Baekhyun be doing in that moment, your phone vibrated, notifying you of an incoming message. You smiled, reaching for it, already knowing who it was. Yesterday, you both decided to stay at your parents' houses, though you did meet Baekhyun outside for a little bit, just to share little kisses and hugs before bed.
you up yet elephant?
Wow. You weren't expecting this nickname so early on in the day. It reminded you of your little game pretty fast.
Deciding to tease him, you didn't reply. Instead, you got up and greeted your parents who were already getting ready to work.
“It's New year,” you rasped, “how about you don't work today?”
“Oh, didn't someone get too comfortable in Seoul? You know we cannot go a day without work, honey,” answered your mother as she was about to enter the wooden porch to put on her boots. “I warmed up the vegetable porridge for you, so make sure to eat it all, or else Baekhyun will have my neck.”
You scoffed. “Trust me, he is harmless.”
“Good morning, mother! I hear I am being badmouthed since early morning!”
Your mother laughed, looking probably at Baekhyun who you had yet to spot. “Dear, you cannot compete with a pregnant woman's temper.”
“Is she mad?”
You laughed, walking to the door to get a glimpse of him. He was in his sports pants and winter jacket, though his hair was messy, probably also just woken up. “Elephant has been up for a while now and she is not mad.” And you left back inside, not liking the cold breeze coming from outside.
“Go, have breakfast with her, Baekhyun” nudged him your mother and was already going out, not sparing you a glance.  “Me and dad will be outside.”
Baekhyun greeted her one more time before taking off his sneakers and entering the house, closing the door behind him so that the warmth wouldn't leak too much.
You were just about to sit down when you felt his hands on your hips and his breath on your neck, his cold nose digging into your cheek sending chills down your spine. You squealed. “You're cold!”
“And you're hot,” he murmured, not moving at your protest, enjoying your reactions too much. He slid his hands further around your stomach and a bit too low. “You're okay?”
“Yeah,” your breath hitched at his touches, already ignited inside. “Elephant has been wonderful without the bad hunter.”
“Offended?” he asked in a gentle voice, referring to his text earlier.
Letting your head fall on his shoulder, you replied: “Not at all. Not even a bit.”
He chuckled and you realised how much you missed the sound even though it hadn't been that long you two separated. “Alright, I will take that.”
“You want porridge?” you asked, and squeezed his hands on your belly. “It's still fresh.”
“Is there something else?”
“Like what?” you scoffed ready to move forward to sit down, but he pressed your back to his front.
Your heart went into a slight overdrive. “Baekhyun.”
“Hm?” he played innocent. “We are alone now.”
You turned around and finally looked at him properly, making sure to pin him down with a stern gaze. “Now there, naughty boy, not in this house. But…” you trailed off, avoiding his stare before finding his hopeful one, “a kiss…?”
He smirked and leaned in right away, pressing his lips to yours in a small, welcoming kiss that wasn't supposed to lead anywhere, only to convey one message: good morning, my love, I missed you. Baekhyun moved his hands from your hips to your face, cradling you carefully as you made one last step towards him to get as much closure as your belly was physically making it possible for you. You stood on your tippy toes, curling your arms around his neck to bring him closer to you, and he let out a low “mhhhm”. Smooching your lips a couple more times, he leaned back, giving you an affectionate smile as he ran his thumb under your eye. “Let's have that fresh porridge, then.”
And so you both moved to sit down and chatter the early morning away, munching on the porridge and drinking fresh tea until Baekhyun's phone let out a ding, notifying the first message of the day. He grabbed it, reading it before typing out a fast message and putting it away quickly.
“Who is writing you during New Year?” you asked, trying not to show too much interest.
He pressed his lips together. “You won't like my answer anyway, so let's not talk about it.”
“What, Jiyoung doesn't have her own family to spend the holidays with?”
He sighed. “She is just worried about the competition-”
“It's in July, Baekhyun,” you emphasized, already exasperated. “It's January now. Plus, she kept messaging you yesterday too!”
He called your name to get your attention and you shut your mouth. “We have a competition in two weeks between the universities!”
You pursed your lips in dissatisfaction and crossed your arms on your chest, just to realize your breasts were aching. Without wincing too obviously, you put your hands back in your lap. “Well, can she chill for at least this weekend?”
“I told her to let it go,” he retorted and grabbed his phone, opening kakaotalk quickly to show you.
Let's deal with this next week. Enjoy your holidays.
You knew his chatting style. He was being official and indifferent when he wrote in capital letters and used diacritics.
Giving him a slight frown, you shrugged and turned to collect the plates when he grabbed your wrist to stop you. “Hey, answer me.”
“It's fine, really. Elephant will now clean up, hm?” you said, giving him a smile.
“I should be the one offended. You didn't even reply to my message this morning,” he pouted, ignoring your attempt to flee from the situation.
“I understand. Sorry for overreacting,” you mumbled, not meeting his eye.
He didn't say anything, instead he turned to collect the dishes and move them to the kitchen. “How about we take a walk in the village? Let's relive some old memories,” said Baekhyun when he reappeared from the kitchen, hands in the pockets of his pants.
“Sure,” you smiled and attempted to get back on your fee. He came quickly to help you, knowing your back must have been hurting. “Thank you, honey.”
He hummed, tapping your back gently before giving you a peck on the lips. “Let's meet outside in ten?”
“I still need to freshen up, let's make it thirty.”
He laughed. “Sure. No rush, okay? We've got the whole weekend, just for ourselves.”
After letting your parents know you were heading out, hand in hand you took a stroll around the village, saying hi to the neighbours and old friends. When some of the old high school classmates spotted you two, you were welcomed by howling and claps which made you embarrassed to no ends.
“You guys took it to the next stage, eh?” called one of your old classmates eyeing you up and down, and Baekhyun couldn't help squeezing your hand protectively.
“Shut up, Kim, do you even get paid,” you snapped, recovering from the blush.
He gave you a nervous laugh. “You sure grew a sharp tongue.”
You rolled your eyes but both of you laughed, instead talking about the times you didn't see each other and exchanged the news.
You relieved so many past memories, it left you feeling all nostalgic.
“Did you even have any girlfriends?” rumbled Baekhyun once you separated and moved to the outer fields of the village. “I remember you could barely look at a boy back in the days.”
“What, is the bad hunter jealous?” you teased, an excited skip in your step.
“Sure,” Baekhyun scoffed, “he has nothing on me.”
“Eyyy, self-condent men never appeased me.”
“You, sweet cheeks, are asking for a punishment.” Baekhyun, strangely, didn't have the playful glint in his eyes. He seemed deep in thought for some reason, but you weren't about to go too deep into that, given he would get back to his normal sense soon.
You just let out a hum instead of an actual answer. 
As you walked on, him and you both met lots of old friends, all of them reaching out to touch you - which was fine when it came to your friends, but Baekhyun's girl classmates touching you was a bit off. Despite that, you politely answered.
“Aren't you afraid of the birth? I mean… it's three kids!” said one, with long black hair that shone beautifully even in the gloomy January daylight.
Trying not get triggered with the images of birth and all the possible things that could go wrong, you just smiled. “I can't escape it, can I?” you said, looking up at Baekhyun who gave you a tight-lipped smile.
“You will be fine, I'm sure. Anyone with Baekhyun by their side must be just happy,” she exclaimed, not even glancing at you.
You shifted on your feet uncomfortably, suddenly wanting to go home.
“Oh, please,” pinked Baekhyun, laughing nervously.
“You're right,” you agreed a tad too loudly, “and he knows it, too. His self-confidence knows no barriers.” Looking up at his surprised eyes, you gave him a spiteful smirk. “Shall we move on, honey? My feet are killing me.”
“Then Baekhyun didn't change much,” replied the girl, a wide smile on her face.
“Well, it was nice seeing you, Kyunga. I will see you around,” waved Baekhyun, squeezing my hand so that I would move with him.
“I hope so!” shouted the girl at your retreating backs.
Walking in silence for a little bit, Baekhyun finally spoke up: “Wanna tell me what's eating you away?”
“Nothing at all.”
You sighed, stopping. “Listen. All is good. It's you who threatened me earlier, isn't it? You're being all moody.”
“What, so you can get jealous and I can't?”
You snickered. “You better enjoy it then,” you said, not showing satisfaction that finally, it wasn't just you to get all worked up for nothing,  “because I am not letting it go.”
That evening, both of your families were eating together, this time at Baekhyun's house which wasn't much different from your own. The entire time till dinner you kept being just like the whole week. Going against him, sarcastic and mean although you both knew you didn't mean it. Despite that, during dinner he was getting slightly ticked off and ended up glaring at you and staring you down with a stern gaze that said it clearly: stop it or…!
And you wanted to get a taste of that “or…!” part very badly which was why you didn't stop.
“Baekhyun, how is teaching going?” asked your father kindly, the whole family grouped around a dining table on the floor. The dinner was consumed in a pleasant manner, both families enjoying their kids being home. Baekhyun's parents seemed to be extremely protective of you, Baekhyun's mum explaining she wished to have a daughter but instead got a boy. Hence she was careful around you, making sure every wish in your eyes was fulfilled.
While Baekhyun was answering politely, you noticed his phone blowing up again. Honestly, you weren't even sure if it was Jiyoung or not, you had had enough by then. Not entirely sure what you were doing, you stood up as quickly as physically possible and excused yourself for a while, saying you needed some fresh air.
On your way, you caught Baekhyun's eye, but you made sure you were cold before grabbing your winter jacket and leaving the house to put on your shoes on the wooden porch. Deciding the best destination was the stables where warmth was always around, you marched over, meeting the cows in a pleasant coo. The fire was gently sizzling in the corner providing just the perfect temperature for you to stand in your unzipped jacket.
“Ah, I missed milking you, my cows,” you said as you went from one cow to another, greeting them and caressing them between their eyes gently, earning satisfactory nodding from them. They were so cute, you let out another coo until you heard someone clearing their throat at the entrance.
You turned your head to spot Baekhyun watching you carefully. You sighed, turning to face the cows again. “I want to be alone.”
He said your name gently, stepping in and letting the door close shut as he tried to approach you only for you to make two more steps ahead. “What's wrong? Why are you acting like this?”
“I said I want to be alone. Just leave, Baekhyun,” you answered and moved towards the wooden ladder that would lead you up to a small loft where you stored the hay.
“Hey, don't do this,” he said as he saw you walk away. He moved after you, which only prompted you to speed up your pace, quickly grabbing the ladder and climbing up as you tried to lose him. Of course it was silly. There was no way out once you were upstairs in the loft. You would end up being trapped but maybe that was what you wanted.
“Come back, missy!” you heard him and you almost let out a giggle, but instead a squeal left your mouth quickly climbing up as you felt his presence behind you. Once up, you made a little run to the opposite side but he caught up, grabbing you from behind and you let out a scream.
His hand was fast on your mouth. “Shhh, why are you screaming?”
You wiggled, wanting to shake him off but his grip tightened and he turned you around swiftly before pressing his lips to yours fervently in hopes to shut you up. You squealed again against his mouth, trying to fight him until you couldn't fight anymore, completely melting in his arms as he kissed you senseless, opening your mouth and tasting you.
You hummed in satisfaction, eyes closed, bringing your arms around his neck to get a better taste because he was going strong on you. He was pushing you backwards until there was no more space, until he laid you gently in the stack of hay and hovered over you, pushing your legs apart with his knee so he could climb over you comfortably.
“Since when did you become an attention seeker?” he breathed down onto your mouth as both of you were gasping for air. “Constantly teasing me, going against me, and now fighting me, hm?” he asked in a low voice and he pressed his forehead to yours, demanding answers.
“And so the bad hunter caught the elephant,” you murmured and to answer him, you added: “Kids changed me.”
Baekhyun smirked, shaking his head gently before affection took over his gaze again. “Kids, kids, kids. Well, I want to know about you, sweetheart,” he murmured, slowly pecking your lips before moving his lips lower, kissing a trail down your jaw and neck. “Why is mummy this upset with daddy?”
“Oh god, here we go again,” you sighed at the words he used and closed your eyes when he bit down a tad too harshly, “but I think I'm starting to really like it. So don't stop.”
You felt him smile against your skin while his hand slipped under your sweater, caressing your belly before dragging it up, teasing the underside of your bra.
“Take it off,” you sighed. “Take me.”
Baekhyun grabbed your breast over the material, massaging it and you hissed in pain. He leaned back right away, monitoring your face. You smiled sheepishly. “Sorry, they are aching.”
“Ah, baby,” he smiled gently, and pressed his forehead to yours yet again. “I'm sorry you have to go through all of this.” He spoke, but his fingers still pushed down the material off of your breast so he could have access to the skin. You closed your eyes, the smallest of his touches giving you the utmost pleasure. Much gentler, he massaged your breast and nosed your cheek, earning another hum out of you. “I made you like this.”
“Yeah, you did,” you said and mouthed on his cheek that was turned to you. “And I love it. So don't you dare feel guilty, Baekhyun. We still have half of the way ahead.”
“Oh, sweet cheeks, the bad hunter is having very bad thoughts right now. Far, far from guilty,” he rasped as he nibbled on your earlobe. “Your boobs are huge, your belly is huge, your hips and thighs are rounded. I'm salivating over here exactly because I did this to you.”
“Oh my god.”
You don't recall Baekhyun ever talking to you in this manner and you didn't know it would turn you on this much. His hot breath on your skin, his touches, his mind. Jesus. You were a whimpering mess, wiggling your hips for him to get the damn clue to start doing his job.
He leaned back and sat on his knees before he massaged your thighs; first the outer side, then the inner side until he smoothened his hands over the button of your pants, opening it with his expert fingers. His eyes were attentive, checking your reaction but the blush on your cheeks and the blown out pupils told him more than enough.
Slowly pushing down your pants, he followed suit with his. He hovered over you once more while his hand found the sweet spot you needed him at the most, testing it. “Hmm, dirty talk can get you this wet. Baby girl,” he hummed in bliss, mouthing on your neck.
“You haven't got used to it yet?” you laughed quietly and gasped when he pushed two fingers in, letting out a moan.
Baekhyun wordlessly continued his ministrations and you brought him in for a feverish kiss, all tongues and saliva, the need for each other too strong to even care. When the pressure was building up steadily in your tummy, he retreated his fingers.
“Are you comfortable?” he whispered, lining himself up with your center as he grabbed your hand to intertwine your fingers.
“Yeah,” you breathed loudly, “just get in already.”
“We are really doing it in the stables, huh,” he said, chuckling and he entered you slowly, unable to resist any longer. The belly was by then quite the restriction between your bodies but Baekhyun did not mind doing extra work if it meant pleasuring the both of you.
You let out another moan shamelessly, not caring any of your parents could be outside in the quiet evening.
“Does this mean the babies can hear us doing this, too?” you whispered, meeting his focused gaze as he pulled out completely before slamming himself inside, his groan muffled as he hid his face in your neck.
“Fuck,” was what he said, shuddering with the adrenaline rush as he kept sliding in and out of you, none of you hiding how good it felt to finally be connected like this. Baekhyun adored this horny side of you, and he swore sex while you being pregnant was more exciting than ever before.
It was getting immensely hot despite it being a freezing winter outside, the hay keeping the warmth your two bodies created well. Baekhyun kissed you in the last seconds, feeling your walls tightening around him and he himself wasn't far from seeing stars from the overwhelming bliss of you around him and your face that was now shiny with sweat and heat.
“I love you,” you muttered with your eyes closed.
“Look at me, angel,” he gritted through his teeth, heartbeats away from crossing the edge. “Look at me and say it.”
With all your willpower you snapped out of your ecstacy and stared into his fucked out eyes that still gave you reassurance, safety. “I love you, Baekhyun. Too much.”
He managed to smile and heard you scream when you exploded around him. “I love you too, my baby. My only one,” he whispered while panting, and followed you soon.
Helping the both of you ride out the high, he moved around, not wanting to slip out of you just yet, but he had to. His arms were about to go completely numb as he tried to hold himself over your belly, and so hissing quietly at the sensation, he lied down next to you, his clothed chest rising up and down.
“Jesus Christ,” you muttered, collecting the sweat around your forehead with the back of your hand. “This was mind blowing.”
Baekhyun snickered, turning his head to look at you. “It was. You sounded gorgeous.”
Not bothering to get all embarrassed, you turned on your side and laid your head on his chest, his arm coming to circle around you. Although you were all sticky and wet, you felt like on cloud nine. “So the happenings of the trip - the elephant was caught by the bad hunter. And our babies can now hear us having sex.”
Your boyfriend laughed out loud and pressed a loud kiss to your hairline, as he caressed your shoulder. “That's about right. They might be too wild in the future.” He trailed off before suggesting: “So should we just have a round two then?”
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coldtomyflash · 4 years
Thank you for answering ! I did finish the fic and chapter 3 does a great job of establishing Snart's history with his soulmark, but it's also specific to that fic ? Like it's an explanation for how he came to feel that way about his soulmate in the context on that particular fic, I was wondering more about what it was about their canon characterization that made you decide this was how they both would react to finding out they were soulmates in the first place.
hmmm i didn’t come at it that way and i think therein lies the disconnect with what you’re asking and how i’m able to answer.
i didn’t start with “what would barry be like if he met his soulmate” or “what would len do if he met his soulmate” in a way that started from canon and then extended to a new setting.
i mean i sort of did, in that i went “what if they were soulmates” then went “len is a dramatic ho who would think that bank robberies and heists are the right way to woo his beloved and barry would be progressively more annoyed with this bullshit” then went “oh nevermind let’s take that idea but make it angst” 
but in many ways i couldn’t start perfectly linearly from canon because i was started in a world that exists just to the left of canon. the way soulmates are setup in that world makes everything just sightly different, and i had to take that into consideration.
so while i started with “haha what if len was a total brat” (much like i always start with tbh), the crux of the story’s starting point was the shape of the soulmate bond, the bleed. i’m a hopeless romantic who loves the idea of soulmates but i get stuck on worldbuilding details. soulmate AUs with the “first words” or “see in colour when you meet your mate” really leave me wanting more because -- what the heck would society even look like if that were the case and what are the millions of ways it would be different? 
so the bleed was baked in from the beginning, from before the beginning, half because there was a post that went around about “what if barry and len accidentally got psychically bonded thanks to a meta”. so psychic bonds and soulmates, that’s the setup.
then i dropped barry and len into that setup -- into that alternate universe i’d made with all its societal backdrop. and i knew i was writing for angst, and i knew i wanted it to be messy and complicated. i wish i could say that i sat down and was like “okay so if barry were soulmates with len here’s how he’d react” but i didn’t. instead i sat down and said “i’m making a story where barry and len are going to be bonded with an emotional bleed and they’re going to be soulmates and it’s going to cause problems.” and i implicitly knew i wanted to explore themes related to separation, expectation, and identity navigation.
so why was barry the one who pulled away, and len the one who wanted to bond? in part because it just seemed a lot more interesting to me, and i’d already written stories where barry is the one who is “all in” and len is the one who is reluctant to commit. 
i also felt it very true to len’s character from a “i’m a thief” standpoint that he’d be a bit greedy/possessive over someone who the universe has literally said is supposed to be his, in part due to his past and how much he keeps people at arm’s length (but how obviously he thaws for the people he does let close). len might not want to open up or commit or be emotionally vulnerable under normal circumstances, but this is a sort of ‘sure thing’ in his mind, at least at the outset before that faith is shaken. 
barry though - barry was tricky, actually. i did have to figure out that if the central romantic conflict was going to be him pulling away -- why? 
if he was on board with it quite then it would be a much shorter story. i knew he would plausibly balk at being soulmates with len at the outset, but barry is a forgiving and kind person, so realistically how/why might he pull away?
so of course they bonded in/under terrible circumstances. that was like - step 1. otherwise, if len had been like “oh should we bond” and barry agreed, then there would be a lot of cognitive dissonance involved that would make barry retroactively justify his agreement to bond by interpreting it as being because he wants to be close to len. so i had to take barry’s choice away, and then realistically i think he’d react negatively because that’s overwhelming and the whole thing was a mess and very confronting.
but i also -
there’s this line from season 1 when he first asks Len for help, right before he goes to the bar. the thing that gives barry the idea to ask len, when he’s talking to joe at the precinct. “we only break the rules to help people”
it tells you so much about how barry sees the world. so. much. i could unpack that for days. and it’s wild that he immediately thinks about len as a result of breaking the rules for somewhat noble reasons???? just - what???
but barry sees himself as the good guy. it’s fundamental to his worldview in this really really huge way. and what we know about self-concept is that very close others become enmeshed/embedded into our self-concept: our partners literally become included in how we see ourselves.
if you see yourself as the good guy, and that is fundamental to your identity and worldview and necessary for you to be psychologically healthy because you’ve made it a cornerstone of your self-concept.... how the hell do you respond when a giant fucking grenade lands right in the middle of that self-perception and says “actually part of your self-concept now involves kidnapping, tormenting, and torturing your friends, also killing a dude just to test the cold-gun, also a lifetime of theft and murder, also betrayal can’t forget that sweet sting of betrayal.”
barry coming to len over time in his own way is one thing. barry having len bond with him as a soulmate out of the blue is about the biggest psychological threat possible. it’s threatening his sense of self, his worldview, the structure of his self-concept, his expectations for himself (which are too damn high, he has to save everyone, he ‘has to try’) and leads him to believe that others he loves will be disappointed in him or reject him for this because len has hurt them, and because barry is disappointed in himself for wanted to connect with len, with his soulmate, despite all the harm he’s caused.
as soon as that clicked for me, as soon as i put it in context of barry’s self-concept, everything kind of flowed from there really really easily.
i was overly ambitious in writing that out though i think because most people, barry included, don’t introspect a lot about the structure of their self-concept, and don’t have the language related to social psychology to articulate what it means to be psychologically threatened. so he doesn’t really understand his own reactions and why they’re so visceral, and when he does he’s lying to himself about how much of it is coming from the fact that he wants len and wants to be with len but he’s upset with himself for how deep he wants that because the absolutely massive guilt he experiences because of it.
aaaand all that brings me to pointing out that the obvious resolution there is having barry’s loved ones find out about len and accept len as part of barry’s life and show that these people aren’t rejecting barry for being with len. if/when that’s the case, barry is able to more authentically work through all this shit. but because of how they bonded and how goddamn secretive his is (canonically) about personal shit, he decided to hide his bond with len, which meant he wasn’t able to deal with literally any of this during the first several chapters and all of it compounded and magnified until it reached it’s first breaking point.
whew - okay that was a wall of text sorry not sorry i hope this helps answer your question but it probably just complicated things a lot.
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The Handmaiden🌹6
Warnings: eventual dark elements ~ nonconsensual sex (more tags to be added as fic continues)
This is dark!(king)Steve and explicit. 18+ only.
Summary: Princess Madeline has left her homeland to marry a king. On her journey, she has brought her most trusted handmaiden. Little do either of them know how perilous their new home will be.
Note: Okay, yeah, here’s another chapter for y’all. I expect your patience will start to wear thin, hehehe. Thanks for sticking by me, y’all.
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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You peeked over your shoulder as the king’s shadow encased you. He stood just on the other side of the cushioned bench as he watched you. You turned back to him and even in the dim, you could see his smirk. He sighed and sat on the bench heavily. He pushed his hair back and dropped his hand to the seat. He patted it. A silent order, but an order nonetheless.
You withheld a sigh of your own and crossed the room. There was little use in trying to push the stone door open on your own. It would take much too long and you had no doubt he’d stop you with just words. Besides, if you ran from him now, he’d catch you sooner or later. This castle was much smaller than that in the capital.
You sat and his hand settled on your thigh. His fingers rubbed you through your skirts as he measured his words.
“I’m waiting for you to ask me about these new duties but you are as silent as a mouse,” He teased. “As ever. Your silence might be useful in future.”
“Just tell me,” You hung your head in resignation.
“As it stands, you must still address me as propriety accords, little mouse.” He hissed.
“Your majesty,” You sat straight. “What are these new duties?”
He snickered and his hand slipped between your legs and he gripped your thigh.
“Your old shall remain but in a limited capacity. See to my wife; wake her, feed her, bathe her, dress her, and see her to my bed or hers when it is appropriate. But I do not see why she should need you on her shoulder when she is at court, hmm?” He shifted closer. “And she agrees. We’ve spoken over these last days and we did come to the conclusion that you both are in need of some… maturity.” 
You bristled and stared at the stone hearth. You said nothing as he turned his hand to cup your sex through your skirt.
“Between your chores, should I call for you, you will come and you will do all I require of you. At night, she will think you in the servants’ chambers but you shall be in mine or one much like this, according to the circumstance.” He spoke as if it was business; the same tone he took in council. 
“Why should I betray the queen?” You asked as you grabbed his wrist.
“Because your insolence will not mean merely your own misery, but hers,” He curled his fingers and you squirmed. “I will see to it and I will make you watch.”
“Your majesty, you can’t--”
“I will only do what you would force me to,” He said. “A servant’s disobedience has its costs.”
He twisted his hand around suddenly and grabbed yours. He tugged it into his lap and pressed it to his breeches. You felt his hardened member and tried to pull away. His grip didn’t waver as his other hand picked at the laces. You looked at him as his eyes clung to you and he smirked.
“You must show me you can be obedient,” He snarled. “Now I haven’t much time before I am due for my next appointment, so you will be quick about it or you will atone for the delay.”
His breeches loosened and he moved your hand up to the slack waist. You struggled with him briefly before he roughly slid your hand down the front of them and held your hand to his cock. Your eyes widened at the girth firmly against your palm. He closed his hands with yours around his length and slowly guided you up and down. His other hand grabbed the back of your head and he drew you close, his lips on your cheek.
“Just like that,” He ordered. “You owe me.”
You shuddered but your hand kept the motion. You couldn’t stop even as he rescinded his hand. You were terrified. Shocked. You’d never held a man in your hand before. Never been so close; so intimate. He held you closer and let out a shaky breath.
“I thought of you the entire journey,” He breathed. “I can’t stop. When I’m with her, inside her, I can only think of you.”
You closed your eyes in disgust, ashamed that he should say such of Madeline. That such words were inspired by you. That as you stroked him you felt that tingle in your core. 
Had you truly asked for this? Had you been so ignorant to have lured this king unknowingly? To have betrayed your own friend?
“Grip it tighter, yes, faster,” He growled. “Faster. Faster…” 
He quaked as your hand moved to his specification. You only wanted it to be over. To be away from him. To be gone before he could know that you felt so wrongly. He urged you on as his arm fell around your waist and he lifted his nose to nuzzle your hair.
He spasmed all at once and you felt the warmth spurt down your hand and between your fingers. It cooled as you continued to stroke him and he cried out as he stopped you. 
“En- enough,” He uttered and flinched. “Whew, oh… that was--” 
You pulled your hand from his breeches and frowned at the stickiness. He raised a brow at the sight and chuckled.
“I should make you clean it up yourself,” He purred. “Another time, perchance. There should be some cloths in the cabinet there. You might fetch some so that we might return to our respective duties with a semblance of… normalcy.”
You rose slowly and stiffly. He smacked your ass as you turned away and approached the tall cabinet hidden in the corner.
“You might think of me as you work,” He cooed. “For I shall surely think of nothing else but you.”
When you were dismissed, you were to return to Madeline. You were sickened as she embraced you fondly and fluttered about trying to decide what to wear for the feast. The pale pink satin or the vibrant aquamarine silk made little difference; she’d look splendid. You went along with her choice; the pink was more becoming and brought out the undertones in her cheeks. At least, she said so.
You strapped her into the gown and hooked the golden necklace that sparkled with rubies around her neck. She let her hair flow freely and stepped into a pair of canary slippers. The chain around her waist matched that at her throat and she looked every bit the queen as any aged portrait hung in this castle or the next.
You could barely look at her. You felt your palm with your thumb and swore there was still a trace of that repulsive mess there. You shuddered every time you thought of it. You kept busy to hide your discomfort from Madeline, though she seemed ensnared enough with her own.
“Do you expect the king should like it?” She swished her skirts around. 
“How could he not?” You mustered a smile. “You shall be the shining gem in the crown this night.”
“I hope so,” She touched her cheeks and cringed. “Oh, you don’t know how horrid it’s been. The entire time we rode together he lectured me until he could not stand it, thence he took to his saddle and acted as if I did not exist.”
You glanced away and gulped. She paced anxiously as she wrung her hands. 
“And you know those lords and ladies did hear through the walls of our tent.” She continued. “I am certain you must have at the rear… I couldn’t help but cry out. I do not know how to appease him. I do as he wills but he only wants… more”
She blanched as she saw your face, you clung to the window sill to keep your balance.
“Oh, forgive me, I should not be so forward but… I haven’t anyone to tell and it is most torturous to sit and suffocate in such isolation.” She flurried towards you as her skirts loudly stirred around her legs. “You do know I missed you very much… but…” She paused and looked down. “Well, you should expect I might not see you so much as before.”
You sensed she was withholding from the topic and you didn’t betray that you’d already been informed. You nodded as she clutched your hand.
“He says you are too much like a mother to me, too close to a friend,” She lowered her long lashes. “He thinks it unbecoming for me to act so familiar with a servant and so he should seek to separate us… but only a little. You will still see to my wardrobe and my meals.” She shook her head and let go of you reluctantly. “You must sleep in the servants’ quarters however.”
You tried to act surprised but didn’t need to feign your gloom. She hadn’t any idea what these changes truly meant for you. Or even, for her own marriage. 
“Your majesty, do not feel sad for me, I understand why these adjustments are not of your choosing but necessary,” You assured her. “Know that I do not hold them against you and I am grateful to remain in your service, whatever the circumstance.”
“Oh, you love me far more than you should,” She spun around and held her hands to her chest dramatically, “If you only knew how weak I am. How futile a fight I did put up.”
“We cannot worry for it, your majesty,” You said. “You mustn’t let yourself be so forlorn before the feast. You must prove your mettle to the king and you cannot do so with tears in your eyes.”
She raised her head as she turned back to you. She dropped her arms and gave a pathetic smile. “Oh, what shall I ever do when you are not here?”
You didn’t attend the feast. You were to unpack Madeline’s trunks as you had her first night as queen. You were thankful for it, you never enjoyed the hubbub of those occasions. Your work, however, was interrupted by a knock at the door. 
It was late and the festivities would be winding down. It might be Madeline returning but why should she knock at her own door. You stepped away from the open trunk and neared the door. Another servant, this one wore the faded orange of Lord Parriser’s household, greeted you meekly.
“You are to tend to the queen,” She announced. “The king does bid you assist her back to her chambers as she is… unable to herself.”
You frowned. A stab sunk deep into your chest and you wondered what could have occured. Had the king betrayed his malice before his own court? Had he gone so far as you harm her? 
You dropped the stockings in your hand and flitted past the other servant. She closed the door and followed you but struggled to keep pace.
You ducked through one of the narrow doorways meant for servants near the back of the hall. The king sat at the royal table upon his dais as his eyes burned onto the floor. Madeline was drunkenly doing a jig as she held her skirts aloft to expose her legs to the knee. Her footwork was admirable if not sloppy and she swayed as she closed her eyes and dance out of tune.
Your stomach dropped and you touched your cheeks. Oh, how awful! Her first true feast as queen besides her wedding and she was acting a fool. She’d be known as the jester queen of court and no doubt, face another remonstrance from her husband.
As you edge past the far trestle, Steven’s eyes left his wife and his brows raised as he spotted you. You had a terrible feeling that this wasn’t the queen’s doing. You went to her as the other nobles began to notice her little jaunt and you grabbed her hand gently.
“Your majesty,” You whispered, “You should--”
She took your other hand and pulled you to her. She guided you in the clumsy routine and you struggled against her. She sang your name and twirled you around.
“Stop! Please, your majesty, the king should--” You glanced up at him. “The king shouldn’t be happy if you carry on thus.”
“The king is never happy,” She slurred. “And so let me be!”
“Please, your majesty,” You stopped so harshly she nearly stumbled and you kept her from faltering. “Madeline, your subjects are watching. You would turn them against you in kind.” You caught her attention at last, her cheeks rosy with wine. “I am the only one here who means you well. Let me get you away. To bed.” You kept your voice low. “Aren’t you sleepy, your majesty?”
Through her drunken haze, she seemed to realise her misdeed. She shook as her eyes widened.
“Does the king watch me?” She asked, too frightened to look for herself.
“He does,” You confirmed. “So we should away from his gaze, shouldn’t we?”
“We should, we should,” She grasped your arm and leaned on your heavily. “Please, take me away.”
“As you wish, your majesty,” You whispered as you tugged her away from the crowd. “It won’t be so bad once you sleep. I am certain that so many are in their own cups, they won’t recall even their own antics.”
You guided her along the wall and through the same door you entered. You glanced back as you entered the corridor, the king’s eyes aimed in your direction though you doubted he could see you. He stood and beckoned to Barras. 
Madeline would doze quickly and you would be expected to begin your new duties.
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eragonpaolini · 3 years
ok I am interested in hearing about the mouse novel you started in 3rd grade
For anyone wondering what this is about, I mentioned this story a couple times in the tags, I don’t even remember on what posts lol. It took a minute to dig it up but I finally found it, wasn't even on my computer, it was on my backup drive lol. I’m gonna liveblog my reactions to it. Probably gonna be a long post, so
It's bad. It's very bad. I thought I started it in like 3rd or 4th grade or something but I found the earliest version in my 2009 folder which was 6th grade for me 😭. I don't think I was that bad at writing in 6th grade but it's really very bad. We're talking worse than My Immortal bad. It's possible I started it earlier and moved it to more recent folders over time (cause I took like 3 years to write like 6 pages lmao) but this is worrisome. I also found updated versions in my 2010 and 2011 folders which went up to 8 pages whoo! (But somehow only 2k words for the longest versions??) The "last modified" date is worthless cause I've moved it between like 3 computers and 5 flash drives/backups so all the versions say 2017.
That being said, there is a very marked improvement in the writing quality over those 8 pages that I'm almost proud of. That last page is frankly perfectly readable as a novel written for 8-12 year olds, though the story structure still needs a ton of work.
Oh shit, I just dug into the file metadata and found out it was created in May 2007, so 4th grade! Whew! I have an excuse for how bad it is. The newest version was last modified in April 2011 so that totally explains why it's so much better towards the end. Huh, just noticed I actually updated the intro in the most recent version, which makes it slightly more palatable lmao.
Well now that I've finished liveblogging my detour down memory lane, what the hell's the story about?
A town called Miceville exists in the lowest sub-basement of a human apartment building. The main character (named Cheddar Squigee) gets himself into a predicament, lost in the wilderness due in part to his own bad decisions and in part because of his older brother's dumbassery. Hopelessly stranded with no hope for rescue while his family is worried sick looking for him, Cheddar goes on an adventure with ghost pirates to find some treasure and save them from their curse (because I’d just watched Pirates of the Caribbean), before eventually reuniting with his family. I only got as far as the “he got stranded” bit with the beginnings of lore for the ghost pirates.
Some highlights from the story:
I think the very idea of a mouse story came from me reading some Geronimo Stilton books around that time. Look them up if you haven’t heard of them, they’re great books in my memory from when I was like 10 so I’m sure they’ll hold up over a decade later /s
There’s an “I didn’t know you could read” reference to Harry Potter
The entire ghost pirates thing is obviously lifted from PotC which I think is just hilarious
There’s a Clip Art pic of a mouse on one of the pages :)
The entire thing is written in Comic Sans font except for two parts which are 1) The chapter titles which are in Impact (that meme font fyi) and 2) The main title which is in the old MS Office 2003 WordArt lmao
Some lowlights:
I was a Brand Shill™, for Lamborghini of all things
I made Cheddar’s brother a major dick and a dumbass, which absolutely was not at all inspired by my relationship with my IRL brother, not one bit. There is nothing for a therapist to unpack there.
I don’t know why I specified the mouse city was in the sub-basement of a human apartment. The humans were never supposed to make an appearance or have any impact to the story. I could just have easily made it a full mouse world like Redwall or whatever.
Everything happens so fast (what is pacing and plot structure?) so if I finished the story at the current pace I don’t think it would break 30k words, not even a novel.
Anyway, thank you so much for giving me an excuse to take a couple of hours looking at this crappy story I wrote over a decade ago. No, no one can read it it’s still very bad.
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carynsilver · 4 years
Favorite Fics: Drarry Edition
Like I mentioned last time, reading has been a big comfort to me with all this craziness and sheltering at home, so I want to pay it forward and send love to some of the writers whose work has been brightening my quarantine. Thanks, guys!
For this list, we’re leaving the MCU for a while and heading over to the Wizarding World. I liked Harry Potter when it came out, but I never really read much fanfic until I realized a couple of years ago how much a redeemed Draco fit into the redemption trope that I loved in Harringrove, LoVe, SnowBaz, and other fandoms and ships. Once I started perusing the fics out there, I realized that one of the strengths of this fandom is the length and quality of the stories. I love stories that are a meal, and Drarry provides so many!
As I’ve gotten into the ship (so many years late, lol), these are my top 10 favorites.
dirtynumbangelboy by @magpiefngrl
This is probably the Drarry fic that I most enjoy. I come back to it fairly often when I need just a good read in the HP world. Fake dating is one of my absolute favorite tropes, which made this one an automatic win for me, but it’s written with such heart. I really, really love Draco in this fic. His uni studies and his flat being so different from the diffident image he projects. This is also probably the best Astoria I’ve ever read. Also--Jam Today! Read it now!
Do It All Over Again by DracoWillHearAboutThis
I only discovered this series earlier this year, and I’ve already read it at least three times from beginning to end. It’s a re-telling of the original series starting from Book 1. Draco sends himself a letter from the future basically saying that his dad is wrong, and he needs to give up his pure blood ideals and befriend Harry, then--boom--the Golden Trio’s adventures all happen with Draco in tow (and eventual romance, of course). The plot is fairly similar to the actual series, but I am there for the angst and the character growth. Narcissa kicks ass in this ‘verse, and Draco/Hermionie as besties is a treat! Book 4 and Book 6 are both amazing. And her titles are hilarious. This is the only series on my list that is still a WIP, but there’s plenty to read. Books 1 - 6 are complete, and a new chapter for 7 comes out every two weeks. It’s a safe bet so far, and it’s so good--why wait?
A Secondary Education by Thunderbird587
In this fic, Draco takes a job as Potions Professor at Hogwarts after getting divorced under horrible circumstances and renews his acquaintance with Harry, who is the DADA Professor. It’s got a bisexual awakening, and manages to combine friends with benefits with some supreme pining. Like a whole pine forest. Thunderbird587′s Draco POV is so fleshed out, and yet it also lets us see how Harry is pining, even when Draco himself doesn’t. Plus, at over 200K, it is long enough to get lost in for ages, which is perfect right about now. And when you finish the main fic, there are three other ancillary fics, two in Harry’s POV that take place during the main one. The cufflinks one is my favorite, but the writing is so good that I even thoroughly enjoyed the third sub-fic that fleshed out an OC. So, so worth the read--all of it!
The Foundations!verse by Saras_Girl
All of the fics by Saras_Girl are great. You can’t go wrong with any of them. But Reparations, Foundations, and all the little one-shots after are my favorite. It honestly surprised me at first, because alcoholism is a trigger for me, but this fic actually helped me realize that it’s the addiction part, the fall to rock bottom that triggers me. Recovery stories are different. And, I guess, this one is a bit different in that, though it has plenty of characters recovering, Draco himself is actually in a healthy place and facilitating recovery without relapsing. Harry is a Healer in this one, which is not the usual, and I quite enjoy his other relationships in this ‘verse, as well. He, Ron, and Hermione’s friendship is great in this one (their pub nights crack me up), but I also really like Harry’s friends at St. Mungo’s. My second favorite Terry Boot ever, and two awesome OC chicks. And the process of Drarry going from can’t stand each other to in love is slow and prickly and yet really believable. Oh, and Harry and Narcissa’s relationship in this one is just fabulous.
Golden Age by zeitgeistic (faire_weather)
The Hufflepuff in me was bound to fall in love with this fic. I really enjoy Eighth Year fics, especially the ones that embrace inter-house unity (shouldn’t have taken them a war to see the need for that!). This one takes it to a new level when everyone in... I think it was 6th - 8th years were resorted at the welcome feast, and the whole 8th year dynamic is shaken up. Harry, Draco and Neville become Hufflepuffs; Hermione and Pansy become Ravenclaws; Ginny becomes a Slytherin; and somehow Ron and Blaise are the ones who stay in their houses because the hat thinks they are basically the uber Gryffindor and Slytherin. But with the rest of them, we get to see them embrace other facets of their personalities, which is super interesting. And then, after the resorting, we find out that Hufflepuffs have a whole different world going on that basically no one outside their house knows about, and that world is brilliant. Even Hufflepuff food in the Great Hall is different! Everyone would enjoy this story, I think, but if you are a ‘Puff, you really, truly should not miss it. And if you like this one, check out some of zeitgeistic’s other works. Her world building is fabulous.
Life skills outside the curriculum by Endrina
In this fic, Harry gets fed up with the Dursleys before his 11th birthday and runs away before he gets his Hogwarts letter. He ends up on the streets and somehow embraces this kind of instinctual magic that is really fascinating. A few years later, Draco runs away rather than get involved more closely with the Dark Lord, and of course they meet up. This whole fic is super compelling. Harry’s world view and the way people gravitate toward him even without chosen one status. Also, this fic has one of my favorite versions of Remus and Sirius ever. I really wish there was a part two that went in depth on everything that happened after the end of this one, but even on its own it is so worth the read. And everything is wrapped up. I’m just greedy and would’ve loved more. :-)
A Convenient Impracticality by @firethesound
This fic combines friends with benefits and fake dating into a really enjoyable story. Harry is so oblivious, but it all works out in the end. And Draco is a secret mastermind, but in a good way. So is Hermione. Unlike some of the other, angstier stories on my list, this one is so fun, and I love it. And if you like it, check out more of firethesound’s work, as well. It’s worth it!
you’ve got the antidote for me by kandakicksass
And then, back on the angst train, lol. Soulmates, red string of fate, rejected bond = terminal disease. Whew! There’s a lot to unpack in this one, but after I read it, I never forgot it. I read a lot of fic in a lot of fandoms, and I always know a story is going to become a favorite if it stands out so much that I remember it later and think about it. That surely happened here.
(We’ll Call This Fixer-Upper) Home by phdmama
This is one of the first fics I read on my first Drarry binge, and I’ve always remembered it. Just like I love Eighth Year and Hogwarts professor fics, I also love fics where they have really unexpected jobs--pretty much anything other than Aurors. In this one, Harry is an artist/photographer and Draco is an up-and-coming rock star. The music and art, the creativity is important in this fic, but it also really looks at Draco’s recovery after the war in ways I haven’t read since, and I’m also a sucker for our favorite characters actually addressing and recovering from their trauma. 
Boom Clap (The Sound of My Heart) by @femmequixotic and noeon (noe)
This fic takes the Eighth Year trope to the next level. Draco, Harry, Hermione, and some other faves are teaching fellows at Hogwarts. Junior professors, kind of. It read like if the HP crew went to college. And, of course, Draco and Harry fall in love along the way, but not without much angst and obliviousness. I really enjoy the Draco POV in this. His worries and anxieties feel so real for that stage in his life, but amped up because of the past. This was one I read, never forgot, and then had to go back and find so i could read it again.
So, those are my top 10, but there is lots of other good Drarry out there--both from these authors and all the others in the ship and the fandom. Thanks for all the writing you guys do.
Oh, and tagging @virtual-insomnia, but only because she said she might want to make some quarantine fic lists of her own. :-)
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quarantined-fics · 4 years
Fanfic Year in Review 2020
goodness me, this got buries in my notes-
@hanaasbananas thank you for the wonderful tag! <3 let’s get on with it, shall we?
long post so here’s more under the cut:
1) List of fics completed this year in the order they were finished:
whew, there’s not much to name but i plan to change that ;D as of right now, i only have two fics up, and they’re both PPGxRRB:
Freeze and Thaw - inspired by one of my favorite Russian movies, Led. Modern AU Reds (FigureSkater!Blossom x HockeyPlayer!Brick), Greens (Musician AU Buttercup x Butch) and Blues. super long, at this point i’m considering going back and merging some chapters together after i finish it since they’re awkwardly short.
(also d. do people still use X!y to show it’s an AU. i’m mentally stuck in 2012 sorry if it’s confusing)
Bloody Words - Castle AU Reds oneshot, with Brick as Castle and Blossom as Beckett. i might go back and rewrite it since i’m not completely happy with how it turned out (i was on a time crunch between exams and just wanted it done)
2) Number of words written: 122102, all i have to say is Holy Crap That’s More Than I Expected
3) Your most popular fic: Freeze and Thaw. i didn’t expect it to get as popular as it had, it surprises me to this day ;//////;
4) Your personal fav:  Freeze and Thaw, it got me connected to the PPG fandom and made me come out of my shell as a writer. thirteen year old me could never
5) Your fav scene: ... remains to be written. hint: it’s toward the end of Freeze and Thaw
6) A fic or scene that challenged you:
so far, the most challenging was chapter 30 of FaT: Lunch With The Scotts. i wanted to show a genuine connection between Blossom and Joseph without it seeming forced, or playing the pity card on physical disability. having dealt with ableist people in the past, i didn’t want to make it seem like i’m pandering to their views, but it’s difficult when you’re basing a fic off a movie that’s based on a true story. my main goal at the start was to retell Led through the lens of Reds, while also exploring it through Blossom’s personality. 
7) A line of writing you’re proud of: 
remains to be written, but just as a sneak-peek into one of the future chapters:
“I don’t want your second-hand love! Either love me or leave me alone!”
8) A comment that touched you:
every comment i receive spurs me on to keep writing, i especially like the ones that seem like a live reaction to the chapter part by part (lookin’ at you, @bananaaaasay <333)
one in particular comes to mind, however. i’m a sucker for psychological analysis of characters, so when i saw this comment i all but melted: 
oh. my. GOD. theres... so much to unpack. blossom actually feeling like she could trust joseph right away and crying? blossom feeling sad that brick doesnt trust her? joseph and brick both playing hockey? then having a problem with one of their teammates causing them to leave for extended periods of time? brick's reluctancy for leaving after blossom can walk again? dan saying that brick can ask for help because theyre FAMILY? and finally, “Because I know that if someone let me cry about it back then, I would have cried, too.” thank you for the update, ill cry until the next one
9) Something that inspired your writing:
Led(2018), as well as a lot of music. pretty much all the songs that inspired me to write FaT can be found on these playlists, even though they’re still being updated.
10) Your proudest accomplishment (that one scene; finally finishing that one fic; posting your first fic; etc):
posting my first fic. ever since i started reading it way back in 2014, fanfiction was my guilty pleasure. thankfully, i’ve overcome the “guilty” part of it and now i just freely let myself enjoy reading/writing it. getting to share it with others is inexplicably wonderful.
11) Do you have any writing goals for the next year?
finishing Freeze and Thaw by the end of high school. my college entrance exams start in june, so in perspective it seems somewhat unrealistic with my current schedule, but hey, a girl can dream :D if not by june, then just finishing it in general is a good goal. then again, through interacting with this fandom, i’ve grown so attached to it that i’m nervous about the day i post the final chapter ^^’
thanks again for the tag! hmm i tag @carriedreamerx @renaerys and @lisathefan <3
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due4amiracle · 3 years
Day 252
Wash 2 plates/bowls/pieces of silverware, 2 chapters, Dailies, Vamp shiz, 2 anime eps.
Wash 2 plates/bowls/pieces of silverware - Both trash cans were changed - bags were NOT taken to the can out back, i can not do that, despite how much it bothers me, because i can’t step down and up again, while carrying. So that’ll get done tomorrow. And i’ll have to deal with it. ✔
2 chapters - The Forest of Stolen Girls by June Hur 52%. Goooood. ✔
Dailies - Waifu Did mah dailies! Also, level 33 BP now~! AND! Tree lvl 13! New week new weeklies! Delicious. FFXIV did mah dailies~ MSQ +1 -> 65, BTN +0 -> 71, CUL +1 -> 73, WVR +1 -> 72, GSM +0 -> 69, FSH +1 -> 55, MIN +1 -> 63, ALC +3 -> 37, LTW +5 -> 49, ARM +2 -> 36, CRP +2 -> 34, BSM +2 -> 35. Vath 350/1320 Rank 6/9 Honored, Vanu 500/510 Rank 3/9 Friendly. Vath got booped, tomorrow Vanu get booped! Patch 3.2 done!✔✔
Vamp shiz - 227 words written! Up to 3637 total. Part 2 finished! 2079 words for pt2. That’s the next longform~ ✔
2 anime eps - Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu: Sukeroku Futatabi-hen! Episode 5&6 done! ✔
Other things - Blargh. Oh boy. So yesterday was Sir MRI day. It went decently enough. Lovely lunch with the grandparents. Rest and recovery for the rest of the day. Did not post because was too weary. Today... whew. Early there was A Phone Call that i did not think i would be part of - Sir was calling the Brain People for me and they wanted to talk to me, ask for permission etc. etc. - and then... kept asking me questions. And i froze, and kept answering them. And it was a shit show. However i have an appointment on the 5th... or the 6th...? Something like that. At 1:30 - and! i can do it telehealth! Hype! Unfortunately that means i need my camera unpacked and hooked up, but it is what it is. i’m very fucking nervous about this. i understand it’ll be a... starting appointment, nothing too deep yet. But. They’ll probably ask me about my time at The Bad Place and... ugh. i don’t wanna. ಥ﹏ಥ But this is good for me! But still. ಥ﹏ಥ Stress. What if they tell me i’m faking ALL OF IT. Blargh. i have to tell them about the gremlins in my brain...
Tumblr media
Food: A Liquid: A Pain: B Brain: C
Tomorrow: Wash 2 plates/bowls/pieces of silverware, 2 chapters, Dailies, Vamp shiz, 2 anime eps.
Ever Onwards and Upwards!
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generaldisdainn · 4 years
Four of a Kind
AO3 link
Rating: MA (for eventual smut)
Word count: 2290
Summary:  After accepting a job as the head of marketing for a local animal shelter, Anna finds herself in a new city in need of a place to live. Luckily, 3 guys know just the place.
Previous chapter
Chapter 2
Of course the one day Anna picked to move into her new place was absolutely sweltering. The sun mercilessly beat down on her back as she tried to balance a lamp under one arm and a slew of binders and folders under the other. She was kicking herself for turning down Sven’s offer to help her move in. She didn’t want to be a burden on him, which was why she turned him down in the first place, but did she just end up looking like she was full of herself for insisting she could handle it?
Anna brushed the thoughts aside as she made her way back into the complex with the items under her arms. Her room was finally starting to look more like her room. She had brought in her special keepsakes and trinkets, art supplies, favorite chair, and some tasteful wall decor. Now all she needed was to grab her dresser and she’d be good to go.
Shit. The dresser.
Anna looked around her room. She had already struggled enough with the rest of her stuff. How the hell was she supposed to lug a dresser up here all by herself?
She heard the door unlock and open and close ceremoniously from the front room. Oh thank god. Sven was home. She could take him up on his offer to help. She exited her room and happily made her way to rendezvous with him.
“Sven, I’m so glad you’re back. I know I said I didn’t need help but I-” She stopped in her tracks, words faltering and steps skidding to a halt as she rounded the corner. It was Kristoff. That definitely wasn’t who she was expecting. “Oh, it’s you.” She tried her best not to sound disappointed, but in truth, she was. Since touring the apartment, she had messaged Ryder about bathroom arrangements and had met up with Sven at a cafe to sign the lease, but Kristoff? This was the first time she’d spoken to him since then, and his height, stiff posture, and stoic expression didn’t help her feel any more comfortable than when she first met him.
He placed his keys down at the table by the front entrance and shrugged off his jacket as he turned to her. “Sorry, I’m definitely not Sven,” he said. His lips turned up in what seemed to be a slight smirk. She’d take it.
“Yeah, I can see that,” she chuckled.
“Did you need help or something though? Sven told me you’d be moving in today.”
Anna hadn’t expected that. The king of the cold shoulder offering to help? Maybe she had misjudged him. “That would actually be amazing. I just need to get my dresser and then I’ll be done. That thing is way too heavy for me. I mean, my lamps and bedsheets were fine. Even my craft box was okay to get up here, and I have so much junk in there. I used to have more, but I gave a lot of stuff away because, you know, fresh start and all. But everything was pretty manageable to get up here. Let me tell you though- those stairs up to the complex? Whew! Absolutely brutal.”
“Has anyone ever told you that you talk a lot?”
Normally she would take a comment like that as an insult, but the smile on his face implied it was intended to be anything but. Even still, the kind sparkle in his eyes didn’t stop the guilt from creeping up her sides. “Sorry, yeah.” She laughed in spite of herself, trying to be good-humored about the whole thing. “I’m working on it.”
His face immediately fell. “Oh, um, no, I, uh,” he paused to clear his throat. A sheepish hand made its way to the back of his neck. “I was just joking. Sorry. The guys and I- we pick on each other a lot and I don’t, I don’t think you talk a lot.”
Anna waved her hands in protest, cutting him off before he could apologize anymore. “No, no! It’s okay, really.” And it was. The last thing she wanted to do was be treated any differently or change the way the guys felt they could act in their own home. And besides, a part of her was beaming at the realization that he was already picking on her like one of the guys.
Kristoff’s eyes met hers and they both smiled, sharing in some sort of mutual understanding that they were both a little awkward and that was okay. His features had softened a bit, and for the first time she was able to take in the soft stubble on his chin, the curve of his jaw, and the gentle warmth in his eyes.
“I, uh-” Kristoff cleared his throat again. “Do you want to go get your dresser?”
Anna was suddenly sent back to reality. She straightened herself up and nodded. “Yes! Let’s go.” She made her way to the front door, Kristoff close behind her.
Their ride down in the elevator was relatively quiet, but the silence wasn’t awkward. Rather, it was peaceful, almost comforting in its stillness. She still felt nervous around Kristoff. After all, she hardly knew the guy. But his offering to help and the soft hesitancy with which he spoke were signs that pointed to him being a much sweeter guy than she had originally thought. Maybe he was a secret softy and Sven and Ryder were the real tough ones. She laughed at the thought.
“What’s so funny?” Kristoff asked as the elevator doors opened and they made their way out of the apartment building and over to Anna’s car.
“I was just wondering if maybe you were secretly a sweet guy and Sven and Ryder were the tough, scary ones.” She surprised herself with the boldness of her joke, but his first joke to her was about her tendency to ramble, so she figured she deserved to settle the score at least a little bit.
Kristoff scoffed. “You think I’m scary? Wait until you see Sven the morning after a night out.”
Anna giggled, finding a sort of rhythm in their conversation.
“This is my car,” she announced, popping open the trunk to reveal the aforementioned dresser.
“Of course it is,” he said with another smirk. She was starting to think this would be a habit with him.
“What is that supposed to mean?” she asked, hands on her hips in mock frustration.
“Nothing- you just seem like the kind of girl that drives a hybrid.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” She twirled her keychain on her finger. “Now, are you going to help me get this stupid thing up to the apartment or are you just going to sit here and tell me that I ‘seem like a hybrid girl,’” she used air quotes to emphasize his phrase and rolled her eyes, smiling all the same.
“Alright,” he replied, his hands up as if to let her know he was done. Kristoff made his way over to the trunk and examined the dresser.
Anna opened her mouth to offer a suggestion about how to get it inside but immediately closed it without uttering a sound.
Kristoff had squatted to get some leverage and heaved the dresser up and out of her trunk. He placed it down on the pavement with a thud.
She couldn’t help but notice the way his jeans hugged his ass when he squatted down, the way his muscles moved and shifted to allow him to lift something so bulky.
“Wow, you’re really strong,” she found herself saying.
Kristoff laughed again. “Thanks. I do construction for a living, so I kinda have to be.”
Oh. Something about the thought of Kristoff lifting and carrying stuff around all day struck her as incredibly intriguing. Maybe sexy was a better word to describe it.
She offered to help him with the dresser, but he insisted on doing it himself. She couldn’t help but stare at the sheer strength of his arms and his back and his legs. He was a big dude, and she couldn’t say she was surprised he was strong, but how could she have possibly missed just how good he looked?
Anna shook the thought out of her head. It was her first day in the apartment. She wasn’t going to start ogling her flatmates.
Kristoff placed the dresser in the main entryway and wiped at his brow, now glistening with sweat. “Do you think you got it from here?”
Anna laughed but Kristoff just cocked an eyebrow at her. “Oh, you were serious.”
Kristoff didn’t say anything, just looked at the dresser and then back at her. He bit at his lip and she noticed his foot tapping impatiently. Why did he seem so nervous all of a sudden? Before she could dwell on the thought much longer, he replied. “Yeah, no, you’re right. I got it. Just show me where you want it in your room.”
Anna led him to a spot that she had picked out in a corner of her room. It fit perfectly. She turned to him and clapped her hands together. “Thank you so much, Kristoff. Really. This was such a huge help, you have no idea.” Her face fell a bit as she regarded him. He didn’t seem smug or confident like he had earlier. He was glancing around at the walls, foot still tapping and arms crossed over his chest protectively.
“Yeah, don’t mention it,” he replied simply before backing out of the room with what seemed like urgency.
Anna shrugged it off and sat down to unpack her things. At the very least he didn’t seem to completely hate her like she feared he would.
Anna had settled comfortably into her room. Her books and trinkets had been arranged on a small shelf. Her desk drawers were packed with her craft supplies, and her walls had a few tasteful posters and pictures on them. It was starting to feel homey.
Sven had gotten home a while ago, as had Ryder. From what she could hear in the kitchen, Sven was singing and cooking, and every once in a while she could hear either Ryder or Kristoff laugh.
Despite her positive interactions with both Ryder and Sven, and now even Kristoff, she was still new to the apartment, and she had no idea where she would possibly fit in. Would it be polite to go out and try to hang out with them, or would that seem too pushy? She bit at her thumb as she contemplated her options. A knock at her door ended up deciding for her.
She opened the door, and much like her first meeting with him, Sven was leaning against the door frame, maintaining his suave, casual demeanor. “Knock knock,” he said as he craned his neck over Anna’s shoulder to investigate the room. “Oh this is cute! Much better than the last guy. His room was always disgusting.” Sven shuddered as if remembering the room’s previous state.
“Oh, thanks!”
“Did you want to join us for dinner? Not to brag or anything, but I’m like, kind of an amazing cook.”
“Oh my god, shut up!” Anna heard from the kitchen.
Anna giggled and agreed, allowing herself to be led into the kitchen on Sven’s arm.
As soon as she entered the kitchen, she gasped. Candles were lit at a dinner table she hadn’t even noticed until now. Everything smelled delicious, and her mouth watered as she caught sight of a large bowl of pasta on the island. Someone had placed a large bouquet of flowers in a vase on the table, and a piece of what looked like regular printer paper had “Welcome, Anna!” scrawled across it.
“I don’t know what to say,” she breathed, her mouth hanging agape in disbelief. Here she was, pacing her room trying to figure out whether or not to join them when they had been making a special dinner for her. “Thank you, guys. Wow, just, thank you so much, I-”
“No need to thank us,” Sven interrupted. “Just sit down, relax, and enjoy the delicious food prepared by yours truly,” he said, gesturing to himself. “Now you know that one of the perks of living here is that you have an amazing live-in chef.”
Anna laughed at his exaggerated tone. He was clearly playing it up for laughs, but even just the smell of the food proved he knew what he was doing.
“I swear to god, Sven, if you say one more thing about how good of a cook you are, I promise, I will punch you in the face,” Kristoff sighed, rubbing at his temples.
“You’re only mad because it’s true,” Sven teased. “You three would go hungry without me!”
“Sven, you boiled noodles from a fucking box. I think we would manage,” Kristoff retorted.
“These may be from a box, but they are boiled with love!” Sven declared, gesturing dramatically to the bowl of pasta, still sitting untouched on the island.
“Uh, guys, can we eat?” Ryder piped, voice low and hesitant. Anna had almost forgotten he was there.
“Yes, yes, of course.” Sven cleared his throat and held up his glass. He slung an arm across her shoulders. “Anna, welcome to Apartment 4D.”
Anna looked at the faces around her. Ryder’s smile almost took up his entire face, it was positively infectious. Sven proudly held his glass in a toast, and the arm thrown over her shoulder made her feel warm and welcome. Kristoff smiled a soft, easy smile at her, his posture relaxed and his eyes warm. She didn’t even remember she was nervous just five minutes ago.
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hongism · 4 years
i just noticed the dona eis requiem on your profile and i do hope you grant us peace with mists caly, just NOT YET. OMG that last chapter!!! i just got around to read it and i'm kicking myself for not doing it sooner, i loved it so much 💥💥💥 drAma Yess i live for that 👀 do you know how hooked i was reading the arena scene?? i loved the anxiousness of everyone, and specially loved that we got not one (1) captain in danger but one berserker too??? i love how your mind works caly 👌✨🤧 [1/??]
[2/??] alright about the scenes before the arena, the backstory of the crew is so rich in drama?? you could, perhaps, write a whole other story about that if you've got some juicy stories about lovers betrayals specifically? 😳😳 UGH my poor joongie he hasn't known a break since birth has he??? i'd love to know more about this jin guy, lovers to enemies is not something you see a lot of and this has potential for some major plot twists when he comes into scene 👀👀 when.will.he caly?? when? 👀
[3/??] now the san/hwa thing?? listen, i'm team san since the beginning and my heart did things with that "I can’t bear the thought of you forgetting who I am and how I feel about you" 🥺🥺 HOW can you write something that raw and devastating and then have her go with hwa?? AND make me fall for them too?? YOU DID IT, i ship them too, hope you're proud of yourself 😤 hwa has earned a lil place in my heart and i'm so happy she finally let herself move forward!! (still rooting for san though 👀 )
[4/4] this got out of hand, sorry for the spam & i'm praying you received all of these 😷 last thing i need to tackle is how all of these characters rely on each other's comfort sex so much?? joong with yunho, y/n with hwa, woo and yeosang... i love how this is a big part of their relationships and they're basically built on that, i REALLY do. but at the same time i find it all so sad. what do you think caly?? any future pair that's not born of patching up trauma?? not talking abt san at all 👀
FIRST OF ALL I LOVE U AND UR SPAMMING will i grant u peace 🧐 will i 🧐 hmmm 🧐 KSKLJ buT THANK U!!! sometimes my brain comes up with some Decent Things HAHA im so thrilled that you were hooked on the arena scene it’s been so long since i wrote anything close to that sort of action and tension so i was NERVOUSNESS about it WHEW but oml oml there is so many layers and so much drama and so much backstory that i could unpack and PLAN on unpacking like W H E W!!! sweet bby joongie never catches a break from my angst hand 😿 we definitely have not even seen a fraction of what jin is capable of or what he has in store sooooo 👀👀
SAN/HWA!!! yes i cannot say Much but i can say don’t get too comfortable with anything or anyone bc these next two chapters are going to be !!!!!! and boTH yn and seonghwa have lots of unloaded personal baggage that many have forgotten about 😄😊
these characters really do be loving that comfort sex! and as great as comfort sex can be! it can have it’s downfalls and detriments as well! so all i can say is that these characters and relationships that are built on comfort sex might come to realize that beyond the sex there are issues that remain unresolved! 👁👁 and as for any future pair who isn’t born of patching up trauma 👁👁 teehee we’ll just have to see what these next two chapters have in store 👁👁
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