“Im The Blood Born Son”
347 posts
19! She/theyMy main account/ blog is Mia_Ikea
Last active 60 minutes ago
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thesuperiorrobin · 6 days ago
And they were roommates! Or were they?
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-Damian is a very light sleeper, just the sound of the floor boards creaking has his eyes snapping open.
So it’s not a surprise when he jumps awake to the sound of your Alarm muffled behind walls. Yet He tells himself it doesn’t bother him and tries to go back to sleep, but five minutes go by and the alarm can still be heard from the thin walls of his shared apartment. He glares at his ceiling, groaning as he gets off his bed angrily, kicking his nice silk sheets off his body—stomping away as he follows the sound to the room next to his.
He knocks once, softly as ever and he waits. Seconds go by and the vibration of the alarm can still be heard from inside the room. He tries once more, his knock a little more harsher—and when there’s no response he starts knocking on the door like a madman. The sound of the Alarm has come to a stop, but his knocking didn’t. It’s not until the door is swung open harshly.
“Why the hell are you knocking on my door at 5:38 in the morning?” Your voice is scratching, eyes still fighting to keep themselves open and hair sticking in all sorts of directions, he can almost laugh at your appearance “ Why are you pissing me off so early? Normally that’s the sun's job”
“Your alarm was pissing me off” He barks back, mentally cringing at himself for cursing down at you “How is it that the sound of your alarm can’t seem to wake you but me banging on your door like some madman does?!”
“Something in my mind was telling me there was a threat at my door” you huff “and I was right”
He rolls his eyes.
You were his bitchy roommate
And he was your bratty roommate.
Not a good combination but you two make it work. Surprisingly.
He glares down at you, he grips the hardcover book in his hand as he lays on his bed. Damian watches as you make yourself comfortable on his floor with his full-length body mirror in front of you— All I Wanted by Paramour plays from the speaker you brought along.
He cringes at your poor attempt at the high notes.
“You have a room” he speaks up “Why do you need to bring yourself and your terrible singing into my room?”
“You have better lights and a better mirror” You eye him through the reflection of the mirror as you apply mascara. “And you like my singing”
You can hear him scoff, throwing the book beside him with a soft thud sound. “You have money to buy new light bulbs and a new mirror, do you not?”
“I don’t get paid enough” You shrug and he gives you a look.
“I pay you to work for me!” He waves his arms slightly, trying to fight back the instant to tug on his hair “more than the others!”
You roll your eyes, ignoring his remarks as you continue with your task. He falls silent, and you hum thanking to whatever was above for shuttling his mouth. He glares holes at the back of your head that you ignore. Your singing blocks out his Mumbles.
“Why don’t you use that money to get singing lessons to fix that horrendous singing of yours…” he Mumbles.
“I thought you said you don’t get sick?” You hold back a chuckle, staring down at the poor sick man. His green eyes glare back at you before he’s naught into a fit of loud coughs. You cringe, taking a step back from his bed. “I think you just have a cold….”
“I feel like I have the black plague….” He wheezes out, head falling back onto his pillow. You roll your eyes as you walk up to him—placing the back of your hand up against his forehead.
“Don’t be dramatic now, what would people think if they found out the big bad bat was such a whiny baby when he gets sick?” You murmured, eyeing him carefully as he found comfort in the coldness of your hand up against his warm skin. He says nothing, eyes closed as he lets out a string of ragged breathing. “I’ll make you some soup. You need something in your system before you take your medicine, k?”
As you retract your hand back to your side he lets out a soft whine.
“Thank you…..” He whispers, voice still horsed from the amour of coughs he’s been letting out. You give him a small smile, your eyes staring down at his tried ones that struggle to stay open—knowing that if he closes them even for more than a second he’ll fall asleep.
“No problem…”
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I need to stop disappearing
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thesuperiorrobin · 8 days ago
I hate the way my mind works.
Was working on that Angst fanfic but I had this great idea to write scenarios of Damian x Roommate!reader and I have not stopped since.
It’s been two days ☹️😫
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thesuperiorrobin · 10 days ago
Finally got my nose stud off so I can change it after a year.
It still hurts.
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thesuperiorrobin · 18 days ago
I’m locked in guys, almost a 2k fanfic
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thesuperiorrobin · 1 month ago
You know what I haven’t a posted in a while.
I’m not good at it but third times a charm right????
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thesuperiorrobin · 1 month ago
i went through your masterlist and by the lord almighty i will be trekking through the archives TONIGHT. i <3 ur stuff !!!
Speaking of Masterlist you just reminded me to make my 3rd one
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thesuperiorrobin · 1 month ago
Safe space~
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Pairing: Damian Wayne x Fem!Crush!Reader
Warnings: none
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Damian needed to get out of the house.
Somehow, everybody seemed to be pushing his buttons just right, from the way Jason would just come in unannounced and eat the food while chewing loudly, Dick trying to invade his personal space while completely yelling in his ear, and when Tim would enter a room he was in he would get this annoyed and ticked off feeling that just had him puffing and glaring at the tired man. He needed to leave the manor or else the entire building would be ashes on the ground in the next ten minutes. Bruce was nowhere to be seen and Alfred was doing his own little thing in the kitchen, probably feeding a very hungry Jason.
Damian hides himself in a black car that belonged to his father, a nice old Aston Martin DBS and as he sits in the driver's seat with his phone in his hands he can only stare at the screen, thumbs typing away.
Damian: are you awake?
His eyes glance up at the time on his phone, reading 10:37 pm. He hopes you’re awake, considering it’s a school night after all. He waits for a response, three minutes go by and his phone vibrates in his hands.
You: yeah was literally about to go to bed and rote until 3 am.
You: why? Wanna play Roblox?
You: see I told you it wasn’t so bad. Now I got you addicted 🙄🤚
Damian rolls his eyes at his screencast shaking his head as he starts to type. On your side of the screen, you can see the bubble disappear and appear, for a solid minute before he finally sends the message.
Damian: if you are not busy, I would like for you to accompany me.
You: where we going?
You: also I’m like broke .38 cents isn’t really going get me anything.
Damian: Anywhere. I just need to get out of the house to take a breather and don’t worry about it, whatever you need I’ll get it for you.
You: you okay? Did something happen?
Damian: No. Just be ready when I get there.
You: okay😑
He really hates that stupid emoji.
You’re running out the door when you get the ‘I’m here’ message from him and Damian watches as you almost miss a step and trip over your own feet. You make it into his car in one piece and buckle yourself in.
Damian can see that you were getting ready to lay in bed, entering his car with your hair out of your face, all cozied up with warm black pants that had kuromis imprinted all over, and a black zip-up sweater that’s keeping you warm.
“Helloooo~” you breathe out, placing your tote bag on your lap as you glance at Damian “So where we going?”
“Are you hungry?”
“Yeah….but I wanna skip the meal and go straight for the dessert!”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah” you shrug “we got free will, why not use it”
This is where you were now, in the car as your choice of music plays softly, after Damian so kindly gave you the Aux after complaining about his music taste for a solid minute. Your seat is, moved back giving you room to get comfortable as you face Damian with your leg bent over the other.
You seem to be yapping away with the milkshake in hand as you wave it around slightly and he listens, eating away at his ice cream cone as he watches your every move.
Damian feels at ease, relaxing up against his seat as he glances at you—eyeing every feature on your face. From every eyelash to every acne scar to every birthmark to the smile lines that grace your face. He’s memorized them by now. You feel his eyes on you, and as you glance up to stare up at him he looks away shyly.
Clearly out of character for him.
“Is there something on my face?” you question as your arms reach out to pull down the car's visor, seeing as it had a little mirror to look at with little lights to see in the dark “Do I have whipped cream on me?”
“No… just thinking” he breathes out, eyes fixed out ahead of him.
You hum, eyes never leaving the visor as you answer back “Does that have anything to do with why you wanted to get out of the house tonight?”
He doesn’t answer instead, he takes a glance back at you. You’re staring back at him with a questionable look, visor now put back up. He takes a look at your hand, fingernails shining in the moonlight.
“Did you get your nails done?” He’s quick with the topic change, seeing as you glance down to show him but you retreat your hand back with a glare.
“Don’t change the subject!”
It takes hums a moment to answer before sighing “It was nothing serious….every little thing my brothers did irritate me”
“Ah…sibling irritation” you let out a breathy laugh “I get it, your brothers can be a handful sometimes”
At least you get him, others really wouldn’t, and his father sometimes doesn’t. It’s not like he had any siblings growing up anyway. Sometimes people would disagree with him, but you seem to agree with everything he says even if he’s wrong, which is rare, but you still do anyway.
Sooner or later the conversation seems to shift from a different topic to another different topic—and it seems like the cycle continues for hours.
He likes this.
You aren’t loud, you aren’t slurping away at your drink and your presence doesn’t seem to annoy him at all.
Yeah, he enjoys your presence more than anyone he knows.
and as he finishes the last of his ice cream he clutches his head, groaning as he hears you laugh.
“Brain freeze dumbass”
He starts to laugh too, and now the car is filled with your giggles and his breathy laughs.
Yeah…. You’re his little safe space and he’ll do anything to protect it.
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Was literally supposed to post something for Valentine’s Day but I ended up getting the flu plus strep throat and an ear infection all at once so I couldn’t write it 😕.
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thesuperiorrobin · 1 month ago
I know a lot of people HC that Damian Wayne would be a terrible dad because of how he was raised and his own trauma keeps him emotionally detached, but imagine if his upbringing did the exact opposite? (1.2k)
He'd be terrified the moment he finds out his wife is pregnant, utterly unable to comprehend it. He wants to be excited, like everyone else in his family is about it, but can't bring himself to get over the fear. He's worried he won't love it or feel attached to it like she already is. Hell, he keeps calling it and IT.
That fear only grows and grows, getting infinitely worse as she's closer to having the baby. He doesn't feel worthy of being a parent, he's got too much blood on his hands to know how to be gentle or caring, especially not to someone as small as a baby. His wife alone had to break through a dozen of his walls before he fully trusted her enough to be vulnerable with her. But then, the baby is born. He's a dad. His wife is alright, which is his first concern, the next being making sure the baby is too.
She is.
She's a she.
He has a little girl and it's like time stops, staring at her little face, her dark skin, her full head of hair, her chubby cheeks. That fear in his chest both grows and disappears all at once. He knows then and there that his worries about not loving her were absolutely ridiculous. He's never let the world hurt her. But the apprehension about being good enough still persists.
He refuses to hold her, claiming his wife should be the first since she did all the work. Which she did. Then, he still refuses. He doesn't want to cradle her when he keeps thinking of all the blood his hands have spilled. His wife can tell and deep down it worries her too, but she doesn't say anything because she knew it would take a while for him to get used to being a dad. His family comes to see the baby a few days after they leave the hospital, they all hold her, but Damian keeps his arms crossed.
He's still terrified from afar that one of his brothers will drop her, though.
One night, after she got to bed, he hears her crying. His wife is exhausted, rightfully so, so he gets up. She's eaten recently so he has no idea why the baby is crying, just that she is. He shushes her while she lays in her crib but she's a few weeks old, so of course she has no idea what that means.
Finally, he reaches down, scooping her up into his arms, just to try to keep her quiet so his wife can sleep. "Shh. Please let your mother sleep," he whispers, his eyes softening as she immediately stops crying.
He puts her back down, the anxiety having already flooded him just by having her in his arms, but the second she's back in her crib, she's crying again. He's forced to pick her back up and the crying turns to soft cooing, staring up at him with wide eyes. He sighs, sitting in the chair his wife likes to rock her to sleep in, holding her close in her blanket. Which wasn't really a blanket at all, just his old cape that she had somehow taken to finding comfort in.
She reaches out, with that iron vice of a grip all babies seem to have, grabbing his finger with her hand. "Such a strong grip for such a small person," he whispers to himself or perhaps to her. "I love you, you know? More than anything. I just...feel like you deserve a better father than me."
She's still staring, silently, with absolutely no recognition of his words and his grips around her tightens as he leans his head back in the chair, falling asleep until morning when his wife finds him in the nursery with her still in his arms. He won't pretend he didn't feel a little bit of comfort holding her. But it was still frightening to him. Even if his wife assured him every other day that he was doing fine and she knew he could be a good dad.
He takes to being the one to soothe her at night so his wife can sleep, both because he's used to staying up at night for work and because he's somehow a lot better at getting her to calm down. He begins calling her 'beautiful' or 'darling' in Arabic, which always elicits a small smile. And he knows without a single doubt that he'd never let the darkness he's seen touch her.
The older she grows the better he gets at it. She's less fragile, he's more confident that he does deserve her. He can raise her better than he was raised. And he does. He can recognize each of her cries, knows what she needs, sometimes before she does. He presses a kiss to her head every night before she goes to bed and even when she starts sleeping through the night he'll still sit in her nursery for a while because he knows he'll never see her this small again.
She turns one and his whole family is there, spoiling her with extravagant gifts, even though he knows her favorite thing in the whole world is the blanket she sleeps with, made from his old cape. She's old to stand and starts babbling, not quite forming words, but it's enough that he knows what she wants when she points in a vague direction and starts getting frustrated about wanting something. He sits on the floor, holding her little hands while she stands, learning to take her first steps and his wife grimaces, worried the baby will fall.
She does.
Damian catches her.
She giggles and he can't help but grin with pride. "That's my girl. Already learning to walk a few months early." She's smart, he knows it. He doesn't boast to anyone aside from his wife or family about it, but secretly judges all the other kids in the group his wife takes her too. They weren't quite as advanced as his daughter.
After all, she responds to some words in Arabic. Her nicknames, mostly. Although she'll turn her head when he says 'look' or tells her 'good job' for finishing her mashed veggies. How many other babies did they know who were bilingual before two? Not many.
After fourteen months or so, her eyes change from blue to green and he finds himself even more transfixed with her wide eyes that track everything he does when he wakes up before his wife to make them all breakfast. He scolds her lightly when she throws the teething ring she loves at him, telling her "That's rude." Before handing it back to her and making her some steamed vegetables, since he always refused to give her store bought baby food.
It wasn't good enough for his child.
Around the time her babbling turns to poorly formed words, she starts calling him Babba and realizing how it makes him smile utters it over and over when she wants to be picked up.
She goes: "Babbababbababba." Like it's all one very long ramble until he lifts her out of her high chair and lets her rest on his hip asking her what she wants. "Stuffed animal?" He questions, pointing at her collection of them. She just repeats. "Babba." again, laying her head against him.
He realizes she just wants to be held and he gladly holds her for as long as she wants.
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thesuperiorrobin · 1 month ago
In another universe they never aged up Jon and him and Damian lived on to be 4lifers and do everything that besties do 😔😫
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thesuperiorrobin · 2 months ago
She knew~
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pairing: Damian Wayne x Crush!Reader
Warning: Agnsty? Not that much I promise, good ending, maybe, slight swearing? Reader is a bit flirty??? I think there’s a part 2.
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There's something about laying in a hospital bed that's so humbling for Damian.
His arm was in a cast and his head was wrapped in bandages. A mission went wrong, that was covered up by a so-called "terrible car accident". Everybody believed it, because why would they believe the truth of Damian taking a bad fall dress up in his Robin uniform? Some of his brothers tease him for what had happened that night, and if he wasn't held back by his position in the hospital he was sure he would have all their heads on a stick by now. His father didn't seem any bit worried about him, that's what Damian thought, after the countless scoldings he's gotten he's sure his father doesn't care.
Damian has spent the last two days in the hospital, on the third day he'll be released. And he can't wait, the smell, the atmosphere the so-called food they serve him-- he can't wait to leave it all behind. But for now, Damian lies on the slightly uncomfortable bed with a book in his good hand. His family hasn't bothered him in a while and he's thankful for that, he's gotten used to soft voices through his room door and soft beeping occasionally that seemed to echo through his hospital room.
There’s a soft knock on the door that catches his attention and he groans—thinking it’s one of his family members coming to visit home again.
Damian prays it’s just a nurse coming to check up on him. He chooses not to answer and after a few seconds the door opens up—the person who steps into his dull white room was not the person he was expecting.
In you go, with a bouquet in your hand dressed in your school uniform.
"Hey" your voice is soft and careful "how are you feeling?"
Damian doesn't answer right away, he pretends to think about his answer before he clears his throat "I feel like I could be doing better at the moment" he places his book down.
"Here, these are for you" you hand him the flowers "I just came to see how you were doing, everybody's worried”
"Only because I'm the son of Bruce Wayne" he murmurs, glaring at you softly—scoffing as he does so.
"That's not true" you frown, He gives you a look "Well Maybe, yeah I guess you're right, but I'm worried Damian. I saw the news and the cars. Damian you could have been killed"
"But I wasn't L/N so there is no need to worry about that anymore"
You let out a sigh as you pull a chair beside him on his bed, It's been a while since you last saw him, two weeks to be precise almost three. Your eyes linger on him for a bit longer. He looks more tired than usual and angry. His hair is messy, with strands of hair spiked up in random directions. Though purple and blue covered his skin from head to toe he still seemed visually breathtaking.
"Did you just come here to just stare at me?" He snaps, and you jump back in your seat, a part of him regrets snapping at you so suddenly, that you clear your throat with a smile.
"Sorry, I'm just used to you being….” You trail off for a moment trying to find the right words to not offend the younger Wayne in his condition. “…so well organized. If I had a penny for every time I've seen you a mess I would have one”
His only response was a hum, and the room was silent between you two. The only sound echoing through the room was the soft voices from outside the room and the beeping of the monitor. “It’s quiet in most of the classes now. Did you know that?”
“How so?”
“Teachers pointed out how quiet the classes are since you’ve gotten stuck in the hospital. We’re known for yapping away in the back of class” You let out a breathy laugh, glancing up at Damian who holds a frown.
“You mean yourself?” Damian raises his brow at you “I normally don’t hold conversations. The teachers were probably talking about you—you do tend to talk a lot”
“Rude” You huff out and a chuckle leaves the injured Wayne's lips, which brings a smile to yours “But I guess you’re right, I don’t have anyone to talk to. You’re usually the only have I have a good laugh within class”
Somehow, your hand finds his. All bandaged and bruised but you don’t mind and Damian says nothing. His green eyes glance down at your face, hoping to meet yours but you keep them focused down at his hand. Despite the thick layer of bandages, he can still feel the warmth of your fingers as they softly glide against his palm.
“I miss complementing your artwork, it’s not the same when I’m looking beside me and see someone else’s artwork”
“You only compliment them when you copy my notes” he hums, “you say it as a thank you when I let you do so”
“Mhm..” you hum “but now, every time I look beside me there’s always a student sleeping with their paper blank”
“Maybe you should start writing your notes….”
“I could…” you trail off, head lifting slightly to meet his eyes. “But what’s the point if I can’t use it as an excuse to talk to you?”
It takes a while for Damian to answer fully. He can feel his skin feel out, and he’s sure you can fill it, too, with a smug smile on your face. He looks away, away from your eyes, as he answers, “True….”
There’s another long silence between you two, a comfortable one and Damian can feel your hand slip away from his—it takes so much in him not to grab ahold of your hand once more. He hears the sudden screech of the chair against the floor, he turns his head—eyes locking in on your form. He wishes you could stay a little longer, your presence is the only thing that doesn’t annoy him as much as others do, and a part of him wants to tell you to stay a bit more but he bites his tongue.
He sees your hand hover over the doorknob, and you seem to hesitate for a moment, he does wish you decided to stay a bit longer. A heavy sigh leaves your lips, turning around to glance back at Damian, who only stares at you confusedly.
"Just because you wear a mask in the middle of the night while playing hero Damian, doesn't mean you're invincible"
"But anyway ill visit you tomorrow so I can hand you the homework you missed"
you give him one last smile before your figure disapears from his sight. Even after you left, his eyes burn holes at the door for a few more minutes before groaning and pulling at his hair in stress
"She knew?!"
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Literally in the middle of my Art history class writing this Because I had nothing better to do.
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thesuperiorrobin · 2 months ago
Billie eilish lost to Beyonce? Are you kidding? I didn’t even know Beyoncé came out with an album.
She lost to a country Album…. 🙁😟
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thesuperiorrobin · 2 months ago
* it’s literally cannon Damian is attracted to the goth/Alt type 🙄🤚
*Come on now, he has a type. Read the comics with his written lovers and tell me he doesn't have a type.
*compliments you so much on everything, makeup? Like the way you did your eyeliner, lipstick? Likes how dark and glossy it looks, Your outfits? Loves how it just fits you right and hugs every curve.
You tend to wear darker clothes, pure black or dark versions of any color so when the sun is out and shining down he brings an umbrella. As we learn in middle school dark colors tend to absorb more heat than lighter colors, so he doesn't want you to have a heat stroke out in the open.
Enjoys going out shopping with you, like it especially if he gets to sit and show him all the clothes, trying to determine what looks good on you and what doesn't. News flash, he tells you everything you put on looks amazing on you and buys everything you try on with his dads credit card cause why not.
I believe that there are so many goth/Alt styles in Gotham, so there is no judgment anywhere but there are times when people are looking at you weirdly, or in some cases those religious people who whisper prayers under their breaths that are aimed at you. You pretend you don't hear or see them but Damian is another story who would go out of his way and verbally talk back.
Returning to complimenting your makeup, he likes to watch you put it on. Does it take a while? Damian doesn't mind the long hours spent on your makeup stand. You just don't like how Damian likes to steal kisses from you, it misses up your lipstick but you'll never complain to him.
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requested by @thatonehotguy15 !!!!
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thesuperiorrobin · 2 months ago
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thesuperiorrobin · 2 months ago
It’s back….
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But I’m 100% sure it was a political stunt for trump and they made us so obvious 💀
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thesuperiorrobin · 2 months ago
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thesuperiorrobin · 2 months ago
late night chaos~
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Damian Wayne is a very light sleeper, or so he says. But you somehow manage to slip out of his arms in the middle of the night after hearing your almost one-year-old twins giggling away on the baby monitors.
Even then Damian didn’t budge in his sleep and it wasn’t until about thirty minutes later he was stirring awake—feeling colder the usual. He brings his hand tiredly to slide across your spot in bed but you weren’t there. Damian’s fully awake now, eyes wide as a part of him starts to panic but hearing your soft laughing and his children giggling loudly makes him sigh.
He gets out of bed and leaves the bedroom he shares with you, following the waves of laughter that fill the quiet halls of the home. The giggling leads him to the twin's shared bedroom and when he opens the door you three are nowhere in sight leaving him puzzled, until the sudden movement in the twin's big teepee in the corner of their room.
He walks forward—the sound of his steps is nonexistent and as he stops in front of the teepee he pulls back the loose fabric. You lay there—on the big mattress on the ground with both twins who sit upright, well your daughter finds it more hilarious when she’s climbing over you and you push her back gently and your son’s blabbing away nonsense (but you pretend like you understand).
It makes you laugh and Damian swears he’s fallen for you even more. With a glance at the entrance of the teepee, you frown quickly.
“Oh!” You say and it catches the twin's attention “I’m sorry….did we wake you?”
“No…” he shakes his head with a soft smile “I had to use the bathroom, I was wondering where you went” he lies to which you can tell but you say nothing and let out a soft hum, the twins focused now on Damian as you reach other them and pat the empty spot next to them.
“join us?”
He says nothing and obeys your request getting comfortable before you throw over the thick blanket that was over yours and at some point the twins. And once settles down both twins attack him, crawling to him and giggling.
He lets out a breathy laugh which you smile at. “Lively these two are tonight, huh beloved?” His green eyes glance down at your lying and you nod
“Been like this for a while now, woke me up to the sounds of them blabbering to each other. Must be a twin thing” You fight the urge to let out a yawn and he’s quick to notice.
“Tried?” He asked softly, twins wiggling in his grasp and you shook your head “Get some sleep”
“You need more sleep than I do, you just came home from patrol not even two hours ago”
“I’ll manage just fine”
“Well…I guess we’re both staying up with the rowdy twins tonight”
And in return the twins break out in a fit of giggle leaving you and Damian baffled for a second—before join them in a fit of soft laughters too.
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Gave them twins cause I couldn’t decide
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thesuperiorrobin · 2 months ago
Imma miss the TikTok comments the most
My fav will always be “and the crowd….oh the crowd is calling 911”
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