#where’s the fool?
heaartshaped · 2 years
Finished assassin’s quest and it was SO GOOD I loved how it was 400 hundred pages of a sad lonely self discovery journey and then just a fun little gay road trip
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shobiolovechild · 5 months
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so you wouldn't use dark magic to bring falin? would you even touch her remains, shuro? is there a limit where you'd go for her? not eating or sleeping is not a sign of devotion, risking everything you have, every morality, every law without a second thought THAT'S WHAT IT MEANS TO BE DEVOTED
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sprinklesharkie · 6 months
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this is the greatest april fools to ever april fools
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mulatto-macchiato · 6 months
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“My choice, Friend.”
I'm starting to realize I draw a lot of melodrama with this AU.
GITM -> venomous-qwille
Uncropped panels w/o texts:
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pumpkins-and-penguins · 8 months
something i really respect about brennan and izzy is that they’ve never just like. announced something. their engagement was “announced” in the middle of a zoom adventuring party in the midst of a different bit, everyone just kinda found out about their wedding through social media, and now their baby has been announced in the intro of a patreon exclusive talkback podcast through a bit that is basically indecipherable to those who have never heard it. despite being people who got their start within online community they are not beholden to sharing All Life News to them immediately and that rocks so hard.
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balleater · 4 months
yussa might have the funniest brand of wizard hubris ever. dude isn't trying to have the most power in the world or overthrow gods and all the shit that the age of arcanum wizards and the assembly do. he's just the type of guy to see something called the "archmage bane" and think it couldn't possibly apply to him or that he can just take a little trip to the astral plane after getting told everything there is fucked and be fine. literally no one is doing it like him.
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gryffindraws · 6 months
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don't cry because it's over, craft because it happened
@danielhowell @amazingphil
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heartorbit · 11 months
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can i get a magical girl set please
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ben-crytalker · 4 months
listen. listen. l i s t e n. listen. listennnn when penelope asks colin to let her help with his cut, and he only gives in when she says please, and he could merely extend his hand but instead places it directly into hers?? and while she bandages him he jumps between studying her face and their touch? she lingers for a fraction of a second but he curls her fingers into his before she can pull back??? they look up at each other and his other hand instinctively reaches for her too but can only just land on nervously playing with the fabric, not quite letting go???? and they're still holding hands until she mentions his writing??!! he's so caught up in her approval it takes him a second to remember how it came about?! what causes him to break away isn't embarrassment over feelings for her. she just unintentionally reminded him that the safety of his fake persona, the armor as violet later calls it, had been stripped away when she read his journal. he distances himself because in that moment he was still convinced the 'new him' was how he needed to be in order to somehow achieve some sense of purpose or belonging, and pen was drawing him back toward his old self, the true self he was desperately trying to cover up. and even despite this he can't help himself but make sure he'll still see her again??? the symbolism of the glass breaking around the candle? him trying to grab the pieces of the casing to build it back up, and being cut by it? penelope being the one to mend the wound it causes??? HELP ME I AM SUFFOCATING HE FELT TOO VULNERABLE AND EXPOSED AND LATER THE FLAME GOES OUT WITH THAT DUMB GLASS BACK AROUND IT LIKE HIS SPIRIT WITHERING IN THE RUSTED ARMOR HOW COULD ANYONE WATCH THIS SEASON AND DO ANYTHING BUT REVEL IN IT ALL
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uncanny-tranny · 7 months
I think respecting trans people comes with a territory of like... just because many people will pass as cis doesn't mean that it's a great idea to use their passing as a way of legitimizing how absurd transphobia is
Transphobia isn't absurd because I "look like a [cis] man," it's because transphobia is fucking ridiculous. It would be ridiculous whether or not I passed or whether I look like a "conventional man." I use myself as an example, but ultimately, passing or appearing normative should never play into whether or not transphobia is bad.
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mellowthorn · 6 months
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Family cuddle
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artofalassa · 4 months
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Canyon Pit Stop
Photos by @squeemu Edits by @lesoldatmort Vashu is yours truly
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arthursfuckinghat · 2 months
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Munch munch
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emil1863 · 6 months
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padawansuggest · 10 months
13 yo Obi-Wan: You guys are keeping me captive 🥺
Jaster: Ob’ika, we are bringing you back to the temple to reunite with your people.
Obi-Wan: 🥺 then why am I in a cage?
Jaster: *looks pointedly at Jango covered in bite marks, bandages and a torn kute*
Jango: Jas’Buir, he’s really cute, the bites didn’t even hurt 🥺
Obi-Wan: Yeah, I’m just making friends 🥺
Jaster: *soul deep sigh* I am not letting you out of the cell so you can maul my ad again.
Jango: Buuuir, he’s just an ad’ika, lookit his ik’aad fangs, he won’t actually hurt me!
Jaster: You we’re begging me to get his fangs out of your wrist five minutes ago.
Jango: He’s just teething!!
Jaster: Jan’ika, I know you want to keep him, but he’s not even house broken yet.
Jango: Neither was I when you adopted me!! He’s chosen me! Lemme keep him!
Obi-Wan: 🥺 I will be a good boy if you stick your fingers in my enclosure 🥺
Jaster: *physically holding Jango back* No. We will revisit this when the baar’ur has given him a Xanax omfg- *dragging Jango out of the ship hold*
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ashleyslorens · 4 months
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