#where slade gets to gotham before bruce
green-eyedfirework · 4 months
Dick thought he was imagining the hoofbeats at first.
He was alone on the dusty road, no one around to watch as he took limping, hobbling step after limping, hobbling step, his feet swollen and bloody.  No one to see the tears he couldn’t suppress any longer, stinging against the itchy, dried remains of the filth he’d been unable to wipe off.  No one to shout vile accusations at him, to hiss that he was a harlot, a traitor, a good-for-nothing omega whore.
Someone had snarled that he should’ve died with his parents, and that had cut worse than all the rest.
He didn’t show it.  Not to Sionis when the sadistic alpha read out his sentence, not to his leering guards as they escorted him naked through the city, not through the throngs of people Dick had spent years protecting as they spat at him.  And he wouldn’t show it now, when both crowds and guards had abandoned him to the stretch of empty forest road till the convent.
Just a little bit longer.  It was the prayer Dick repeated to himself, over and over, the only thing he could hold onto in the loss of everything else.  Just a little bit longer.
He could reach the convent.  He could.  He would deliver his baby—safely, it would be safely, even if Dick could feel the strain of walking settle deep into his spine, the desperate effort it took to draw breath under the glowering sun—and he would send them to their father.  They would be safe.  Dick would be safe—not happy, but safe, and maybe when Bruce’s temper had cooled, Dick could—Dick could—
Fresh tears pricked at his eyes at the thought of reconciling with the man Dick had treated like a father.  Fathers didn’t do this.  As angry as Bruce was, as disappointed, as betrayed—Dick had expected him to still hear him out.
Bruce had made his decision.  Dick was the only one fool enough not to heed it.
Just a little bit longer.
Dick scrubbed at his face again, brushing away the tears, and kept walking.  He had to keep walking.  He couldn’t stop.
Those hoofbeats were getting louder.  Closer.
Dick jerked his head up—still forcing one step in front of another, because if he stopped, he’d never keep going—and glanced warily around him.  There shouldn’t be bandits, not this close to the city, but Dick had clearly been excluded from information about city matters.
And Sionis, that self-serving piece of shit, wanted Dick dead and not just gone.
Just a little bit longer.
Dick’s hand grasped for a blade he no longer had as he forced himself to hobble forward.  The woods were right there, he could disappear inside—except there was no way he was climbing a tree in his state.  He was barely able to stay upright.  If he could—if he just—if he—
There was a massive dust cloud in the distance, growing bigger as hoofbeats thundered down the road.  That was no group of bandits, that was mounted cavalry, sun glinting off polished armor and neighing horses and a banner of black-and-orange.
Dick stopped walking.
He hardly noticed, gaze fixed on the heraldry, mouth dry as his thoughts fled, but he did notice when his knees gave out, leading to a stinging collision with the dry, packed earth.  By the time he lifted his gaze up again, the knights were close enough to make out the shining silver hair of the one in lead.
Just a little bit longer.
Dick stared at the ground.  He felt curiously detached from his body, everything—the sun beating down on him, the throbbing pain in his feet, his legs, his spine, the pounding headache and parched throat, the knot of pain winding tighter and harder around his heart—both too close and far away.  He was distantly aware of a shouted, “Halt!” as the hoofbeats slowed, and then stopped entirely, and the snorting breaths of a horse ridden hard as footsteps neared.
“Richard?” came the low, disgusted voice.
Dick hunched his shoulders tighter.  Just a little bit longer.  His heart was cracking underneath the strain.  Just a little bit longer.  He never should’ve stopped walking, because now he couldn’t get back up.  Just a little bit longer.  If Slade would even let him up.
He raised his head, squinting against the sun.  He could see nothing of Slade’s face, the man cast in shadow, but he could see his fists, clenched so tight they were vibrating.
In a flash, his vision was entirely obscured.  Dick thought he was blacking out for a half second before his vision returned and he realized he was wrapped in a cloak.  Slade’s cloak, smelling deeply of him and his absolutely incandescent fury.
Dick couldn’t breathe.  Part of him wanted to bury himself in the cloak and cry, and part wanted to get as far away from his mate as possible, and he couldn’t do both at the same time.  Couldn’t do either, actually, because strong arms bound his arms to his sides as they yanked him up, lifting him like he was nothing more than a sack of potatoes.
He felt like a sack of potatoes, his legs protesting virulently at the idea of being forced to bear his weight, but Dick wasn’t set on his feet.  Dick was passed to another set of arms with low, furious murmurs, before he was hoisted up—on the horse.  Dick blinked at the black stallion tossing its head impatiently.  Slade’s horse.
The arms around him tightened, his mate’s scent strong and smoky with rage.  Dick tried to speak—what was happening?  where were they going?  why did Slade return?—but nothing came out but an empty croak.
“Your Majesty,” one of the knights riding alongside them ventured as Slade snapped his reins.  “Perhaps it would be best to—”
Slade growled, so deep and vicious that Dick had to battle the urge to jump off the horse, and the knight flinched back and fell silent.  The fury was thick enough to choke on and Dick closed his eyes and struggled to breathe.
His mate was furious.  And no wonder, when Dick had promised him a kingdom and a crown that were never his to give.  With Bruce returned and the council defecting, Slade’s position in Gotham was tenuous.  Everything he’d won with a marriage had to be reconquered by war, lest the humiliation of loss damage his reputation.
Just a little bit longer.
Dick bit back the sob and gave up on the lie.
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space-dreams-world · 2 months
DPXDC AU: Bludhaven's Hero/ Sugar baby Dick!
For whatever reason, Danny flees to Bludhaven instead of Gotham after something in Amity Park gone wrong, and since Gotham is the next ecto-rich area, Danny avoids that. (And since Bludhaven is supposed to be worse than Gotham,well...)
Danny coincidentally arrives to Blud around the same time that Dick does. Danny does visit Gotham to see his sister as she is registered as Fenton in University.
As Danny is legally registered as a Nightengale, taken under Clockwork's wing, he needs to be surrounded by new people. (Sort of like accidental crime lord Au Danny, but for Bludhaven, but with the violence of threats.)
Most cannon shit happens to Dick, but at some point, Dick starts getting to know Danny. They live nearby to where Dick lives and is an all-around helper to the community.
Danny sort of vigilantes as a cryptid as a back-up for Dick sometimes as good cop, worse cop situation. Danny works as Dick's gear maker, patch up buddy, and informant for Dick's nightly activities.
Danny helps out when Slade threatens to bomb Blud with Chemo, when Blockbuster starts hunting out Dick with Tarantula, when the Court of owls attacks, when *Ric* happens,etc...
In fact, when Tarantula attempts to SA Nightwing, she gets shot through her shoulders so that she can't do this shit again and can't be a vigilante or makes it difficult for her to continue it.
When Dick starts dating Danny, they decide to move in together in Danny's space and use Dick place as a safehouse. Danny also convinces Dick to be a private detective instead of a cop, as he could see it wear him down. Or at least he sees that Dick in Law enforcement is unhappy.
In fact, Dick and Danny only come out to Dick's family after they have been together for a few years, and Dick has Haley and Danny has Ellie after a de-aging and DNA melting mishap.(But, before Bruce kicks it in the time stream)
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
can i request a scenario where the reader, who has been trained as a weapon for most of their life, struggles with expressing their emotions. The reader has been adopted by the Batfamily and is injured during a mission. They try to hide their injuries, but Dick or Jason (or both) find out and scold the reader for keeping it a secret. The reader responds by saying that they didn't think it was a big deal. it was a big deal. So it’s fluff and angst. The scenario can end with the Batfamily having a movie night after patching the reader up to help them feel better. If the scenario crosses any boundaries, please feel free to change anything necessary.
Don't worry, everything is well within my boundaries. And also, thank you for 500 followers! I still don't know how I managed that with what I call writing.
Summary: (Y/N) hides his emotions. After an injury, Jason and Dick can't stand it.
Warnings: medical inaccuracies, mentions of training before the batfam, Dick and Jason being good brothers, (Y/N) being emotionally constipated, Bruce trying to get closer to (Y/N), angst, fluff
Also, this is such a cool gif, (V/N)= Vigilante name
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A weapon. That's all that he was taught. That's all he could remember. A weapon has no emotions, he remembers them saying. A weapon needs to fit in wherever they are. He was always told that his emotions don't matter, that the missions matter more. The goal was more important.
For a long time that's what he was told. His chances of fighting against his handlers are non existent. His chances at normal life were non existent.
That was until a mission in Gotham.
Batman and his birds somehow managed to capture him. (Y/N) still doesn't know how they managed to find him in Gotham. He blended with the shadows, just like he was taught. (Y/N) then realized why Batman was called the detective and why he was so respected and feared in their world.
(Y/N) also didn't expect to be adopted by Bruce Wayne, a man who turned out to be Batman. And more so, (Y/N) didn't expect to have choices. What to wear, what to eat, even when to wake up.
(Y/N) was never given a choice.
It felt nice knowing that he had some sort of control over his life. For the first time ever. And everyone introduced him to a lot of his firsts. Disney movies and cartoons, different kinds of candy since he wasn't allow sugar, books that are not literature classics and playing sports like basketball, football, but not American.
And it was great, but one thing that his new found family couldn't do was make him show emotions. (Y/N) still struggled with that. No matter how much he was told that it was fine and that it wasn't a sign of weakness, he couldn't do it.
One more thing they noticed how he was dismissive of certain things. They couldn't get him to rest, not even when he was sick. Not even the flu could keep him resting. Bruce had to put his foot down when (Y/N) said he wanted to go on patrol while he had a flu.
Bruce was going to maim the people who raised him in that way. Jason and Dick are going to help him too.
(Y/N) emotional unavailability hit a breaking point when he was injured. They were out on patrol and all of a sudden, they were ambushed by Deathstroke and some of Ra's assassins. (Y/N) see a fight from a mile away.
He still didn't know how Deathstroke managed to freelance for Ra's al Ghoul. Deathstroke watched him with his good eye, clearly interested in him for being a new member of the Batfamily. But there was also some sort of familiarity.
"Good job detective. You managed to adopt (V/N), a living weapon. " Deathstroke said, parading up on the railing. (Y/N) didn't say anything to that, but he could sense Bruce's anger rolling off him in waves.
Dick gripped his batons tighter and Jason gripped his gun tighter. (Y/N)'s eye were back on Deathstroke's and the two locked eyes once more.
" (V/N) is not a weapon Slade. " Jason jumped to (Y/N)'s defense.
" Well, the rest of the criminal world doesn't think so. (V/N) was known as the boogeyman, the one thing you don't want to find in the dark. " Deathstroke said, taking his blade out of his holster.
" I, up until now, never had a chance to fight against (V/N). But I will have a chance to kill him. " He finished, jumping over it. The other assassins followed his lead and jumped right after him.
(Y/N) had some experience with Ra's al Ghoul's assassins. Thankfully, Ra's had enough respect for (Y/N) and decided to leave him alone and not kill him. But it seems that the tables have turned on that matter.
The family tensed up and Jason pushed (Y/N) behind him a little bit.
" What does Ra's have with (V/N)? Why do you need his help to kill him? " Batman questioned, also moving to the front to cover (Y/N).
" It doesn't matter detective. What matters is that he is dead tonight."
Batman went after Deathstroke, not going to allow him to go after (Y/N). The young vigilante wanted to go after Deathstroke, but the two assassins jumped in front of him and (Y/N) was forced to deal with them. What a nuisance.
He fought alongside Jason, before moving to fight alongside Damian. Bruce and Slade still fought with all of their might. (Y/N) said screw it and jumped into the fight with Deathstroke and Batman.
He wasn't going to allow Deathstroke to win. And if he wants to kill him, why not give him a fair shot. Deathstroke's good eye locked with (Y/N)'s and (Y/N) went at it.
Batman wanted to stop (Y/N), but once (Y/N) got into a fighting mode, it was impossible to stop him. Bruce and (Y/N) worked together, but Deathstroke was just as equally good.
(Y/N) was thrown back with a nasty kick to the stomach, making him cough and spit out blood. He grunted, ready to strike back regardless. He was always taught to suppress the pain and just keep on going.
He dodged a punch before landing a punch on Deathstroke's mask, knocking off of his head. Batman swopped in and finished him off. (Y/N) got back into a fight Ra's assassins, dodging through their blades, helping others finished them off.
After it was all said and done, they called the GCPD to pick them up.
" Good job everyone, lets get home. " Batman said, gathering them all up.
" Thank God. We spent way too much time here anyway. " Jason said, already going out. (Y/N) couldn't agree anymore. He feels like something is off with himself. He could always tell, even before it hit him out of nowhere.
" Come on, (V/N). " Dick said, passing by (Y/N).
(Y/N) managed to sneak up out of the cave. He hoped that he was unnoticed. He knew that something was off. He knew that his ribs were fractured, but not broken.
He didn't want to do this in front of anyone and besides, he knows how to treat them. He has done it time and time again. He went to his bathroom and squatted down to get the tapes. Thankfully, it didn't hurt this really bad.
Then he opened the mirror and took a pill for the pain. He put a shirt on and was ready to go out for ice, but a knock on his door made him freeze.
" (Y/N)? We know you are here, you didn't get checked out by Alfred and you suffered a nasty kick to the stomach. " Jason said, voice muffled by the door.
" I'm fine, suit absorbed the kick. " (Y/N) lied, putting the tape away.
" (Y/N), I have a great bullshit detector and you just activated it. " Jason said, opening the door of his room, Dick following him. Jason and Dick looked at him before Jason pointed at the shirt.
" Come on. Off. "
" Nope. "
" (Y/N). Please don't tell me you are hiding an injury. "Dick said, hoping that it wasn't true.
" It's not a big deal. " (Y/N) mumbled.
" It is! I mean, we can patch you up! Is it a question of vulnerability? " Dick said, moving closer to (Y/N).
" Also, if it's the stomach or the ribs, you need to check it out. " Jason added, trying to deescalate the situation.
" Guys, I'm fi- "
" (Y/N), I swear to God, say that you are fine and I will manhandle you and patch you up roughly. " Jason said, rubbing his forehead.
" (Y/N), injuries here are a big deal. We patch each other up and that way we help each other out. I know it's not easy to forget the habits that were installed in you, Damian is a living proof of that. But you have to let others in. You are our brother and we love you. Some might not show it, but they do. " Dick said, putting his hand on (Y/N) shoulder.
" And when we patch each other up, we strengthen that love and trust. We protect each other and trust each other. And again, I know it's hard to go against everything that was installed in you, but this is a safe place. " Jason added, helping Dick with his point.
" Come on, lets get you checked out. " Jason said, opening the bedroom door.
Dick told everyone about (Y/N) hiding his injuries and suggested a movie night to make (Y/N) feel better. The others didn't like that fact. How come they didn't notice it before? How many times was (Y/N) in pain and they didn't notice?
" How about a movie night? Maybe a Harry Potter marathon? " Jason suggested, already taking the blankets and extending the couch that will make sure to fit them all.
" Okay, bring more pillows Tim. " Jason said to Tim.
" Somebody can bring some snacks. Some chocolate for (Y/N). " Jason said, arranging the blankets. Tim got up and started walking to the kitchen.
" Damian, you are going to give him talk later about hiding injuries. " Jason said, making Damian huff.
" Don't huff at me. " Jason warned. Tim came back with the pillows and put them all around.
Dick, (Y/N) and Alfred came back a few moments later. Dick was all smiles as he led (Y/N) to the couch. " Now (Y/N), lay down. "
" They know, don't they? " (Y/N) said, looking at the all smiling Dick.
" We told them, but they are not judging you. " Dick answered.
(Y/N) didn't say anything, instead he laid down on the couch, taking a blanket, covering himself. Bruce laid down next to him and the other followed quickly. Even Alfred joined.
Bruce laid down next to (Y/N), moving his arm to put it behind (Y/N). Then he put his arm around (Y/N)'s shoulder, bringing him closer to him. (Y/N) was a but startled, but relaxed into the touch. Even more, he leaned his head down on Bruce's shoulder.
Everyone noticed it and everyone was happy. Maybe he will be finally be happy and less emotionally unavailable. Maybe (Y/N) will be able to let go of the demons hunting him.
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zahri-melitor · 3 months
I am trying to fit this time line of self destruction on Dick's part together and seriously events seem to go like this:-
Nightwing #80-82 (June-Aug 2003): Slade turns up to harass Dick in Bludhaven, Dick is fired from the BPD.
Outsiders #1 (Aug 2003): Roy asks Dick to join Outsiders and promises that he doesn't need to be friends/family with the team. (Roy is unknowingly being fed targets by Slade)
Outsiders #5 (Dec 2003): Roy gets shot 5 times in the chest, Dick feels guilt over it and has to take full charge of the team.
Outsiders #6 (Jan 2004): The Outsiders have to allow the entire inhabitants of the Slab to break out and escape as the Slab is destroyed. The team are blamed in the media for this.
Nightwing #87 (Jan 2004): Babs tells Dick they need to take a break.
Nightwing #88 (Feb 2004): Haly's Circus burns down.
Nightwing #89 (March 2004): Dick's apartment building blows up killing all residents apart from Dick and Amygdala.
Nightwing #93 (July 2004): Dick turns away as Catalina shoots Blockbuster, Dick has a panic attack, Catalina comes to find Dick on the rooftop as he despairs and she sexually assaults Dick.
Nightwing #95 (Sep 2004): Catalina tries to pressure Dick into marrying her, is blocked by Bruce calling Dick to come back to Gotham due to War Games.
War Games (Oct-Dec 2004): Dick has to fight a gang war and is assigned by Bruce to work with Catalina through it as Dick hasn't spoken to Bruce about what happened. Dick ends up with a serious leg injury.
Outsiders #19-20 (Feb-Mar 2005): Lian is kidnapped by child slavers and rescued. (Arguably could take place prior to War Games)
Outsiders #20-22 (Mar-May 2005): Bruce revealed to be funding the Outsiders, Dick goes and yells at Bruce about this, Slade revealed to have been funneling information to Roy and pretending to be Batman. (Again cannot be long after War Games, probably before)
Nightwing #100 (Feb 2005): Dick and Babs officially break up, Dick walks away from being a superhero, Dick has not spoken to Bruce.
Teen Titans & Outsiders #24-25 (July-Aug 2005): Both teams have characters get controlled - Kon by Lex and Indigo by Brainiac 8, at the end of the storyline Dick quits. This has to be after Identity Crisis but must be not long after Nightwing #100 given Dick has not yet gone undercover. Also Dick has theoretically been hiding a leg injury and brace for a period here.
Outsiders #26 (Sep 2005): Dick has sex with Kory.
Nightwing #107 (June 2005): Dick is now undercover with the mob and has been for some time. MUST come after the events above.
Nightwing #112 (Nov 2005): Slade talks Dick into training Rose.
Nightwing #114 (Jan 2006): Roy turns up, mad, and argues with Dick to come back.
Nightwing #116: (March 2006): Bludhaven has gone boom. Thanks so much, Slade.
TL:DR; there's a whole chunk of Outsiders in 2005 that has to have happened approximately around War Games due to Dick's knee injury, and since Teen Titans spent six months of title hopping through time immediately prior, you can shift both titles for their crossover right up to very shortly after War Games/Identity Crisis in terms of 'Jack is dead but Dick's not yet undercover'.
Actually thinking about it more, it's even more complicated than that, because Teen Titans #20 suggests Outsiders #16 occurred after it, unless Kory's been simultaneously on both teams. I think I have to read this as Kory has been on both teams at the same time to make any of this make sense.
This results in Dick having broke up officially with Babs and then almost immediately had Bad Idea Sex with Kory (after also having been assaulted by Catalina at least once and potentially multiple times while he's in the daze where Catalina tries to convince him that they should get married).
(Seriously why is everyone in Outsiders having random sex with people who are a Very Bad Idea)
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Project R AU where Danny is a clone created from the DNA of all the Robins past and present by the drs Fenton when they were teenagers.
Upon realizing the child they had made was going to be used as a weapon for evil they quickly and quietly packed up thier family and belongings and jumped ship to a new dimention with the kid after putting him in stasis so he was essentially frozen in time.
Later on little Jazz finds the baby in the tank and assumes the stork had made a delivery and flips the switch to release him from stasis so he can finish growing. A week later the pod beeps and she brings him out of the storage room as a chubby healthy baby and her parents loose thier minds for a bit.
Danny grows up normally...well not really but you get what I mean. Maddie makes sure Danny knows how to fight and wouldn't take no for an answer. No matter how much Danny complained that he wanted to play video games, go to the park with his friends or that Jazz didn't have to fight, she would never relent. Maddie knows she's nowhere near the level of a fully trained assasin but she wanted to give Danny every leg up she could.
She knew he would need it. Call it a mothers intuition.
Well, crap happens. Vlad outs Danny as Phantom and it ends very poorly for the wannabe vampire. Danny escapes into the GZ but just barely and is forced to leave his old life behind but not before Jazz tells him about what she had recently learned about Project: R.
The portals are destroyed and Danny flees to his home dimension in search of his fathers. Unfortunately when he gets there he learns most of his fathers are dead, only Damian Al Ghul and Jason Todd remaining, both having very strained relationships with thier own father Bruce Wayne and everything has gone to crap.
Theres an evil dictator in red and blue ruling the world and they're the reason two of his dads are dead. So he decides to rip the symbol off his chest, put on a mask and make his big debut as Phantom.
How you may ask?
By killing the evil Superman and his cronies on live television and announcing that he's the child of Project: R and what that means.
Damian finds Phantom in Bludhaven looking for him and asking him to take him in only to get refused. Damian fears that Bruce might try to turn Danny against him so is hesitant to get close emotionally.
Jason has no such concerns and scoops him up before Bruce can dress him like a traffic light. They then have the superhero talk and Phantom says he wants to be a anti-hero not a superhero. He already tried that one and it sucked so much. Jason definitely didn't like the fact his kid had been a superhero at any point but finding out pretty much all the adults in Dannys life had failed him so hard made Jay fly into a rage.
Bruce tries to go for custody but fails. Dannys doesn't like how the Titans treat Damian so he steals all the ABBA cds from the tower and makes off like a thief in the night. When they discover this they flip out because those were Dicks and they became practically sacred after he died.
Danny decided to cause problems on purpose. Such acts include:
1. Turning all the furniture in the common rooms of the Titans Tower into hyper realistic cake so when they sat on it/tried to turn on the TV, ect they'd be in for a suprise.
2. Stealing all the tires off of every vehicle Bruce owned and giving them to Jason/whoever was down on thier luck and couldn't afford to change thier tires. Danny says he has "a legacy to uphold" while balancing on the top of on of the tires as he runs it across Gotham
3. Torments Black Mask and Slade. Somehow all thier homes and safe houses are filled with beans. Yes, beans. Whenever they are in Gotham they get beaned in the face with a pickle. (This is worse for BM cause ya'know)
They have no idea whos doing this or why.
Ras Al Ghul is not amused by the pickleing but does not get beanified cause Danny doesn't know where most of his places are so he gets A LOT of pickles thrown at him every chance Danny gets.
4. Danny decides Damian requires lots of snuggles and just turns intangible whenever Damian tries to pry him off. Multiple people keep comparing him to Dick and its starting to get on Dannys nerves. He has three other dads to compare him to and Dick isn't even the only dead one! What about Tim??? He wants to learn about Tim! He demands his fathers tell him about themselves and Tim
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Imma try to chill so that instead of raging,i can just explain this politely:If you're in the Batfam fandom or are interested in joining,please be respectful of the Batkids' canon characterization and stories with exception of the offensive bits because that way,you will be able to fully appreciate and enjoy them as characters and get along with long time fans too as they'll appreciate you for it since Batfanon is so overwhelmingly popular and you'll be helping combat it
You want a ray of sunshine optimist who's actually realistic instead of a cornball and has depth and layers and is beloved by everyone in the DC world?Read for Dick but avoid Tom Taylor and Devin Grayson as their writing of him is extremely ableist,misogynistic(see Babs' character regression for his sake and the 'disposable black love interest' trope times 10x towards Kory)and anti-romani with Taylor being a whole ass zionist and Devin only made Dick romani to fetishize him and wrote canon Batcest and even other pedo ships.She has since apologized for the latter so Batcels can't use her as validation
You want a goth boyloser who's a lone wolf and has an awful relathionship with Bruce where both feelings are completely justified but he himself is morally gray and treated as such rather than coddled?Read for Jason but avoid og Rhato because it's a shitfest that screws over everybody involved including Jason himself and nobody who likes it cares about him at all since it's the worst thing to ever happen to him,INCLUDING The Joker.He was also textually miserable the whole time and is way happier with his new cast on top of being better written
You want a relatable teenage boy who's a positive role model for irl ones and is canonically into dudes and can be the token normie that reacts to the weirdness of his family for jokes?Read for Tim and please don't believe anyone who tries to tell you he's a bad person or a raging misogynist because they're the same niggas who stan Jason the ex-serial killer and Slade the pedophile who's child abuse even of the non-sexual kind is his defining character trait as stated by Marv Wolfman,who MADE him.He's literally just a 17 year old boy who's not perfect and people are just ageist and generally hateful.Everybody should care about Tim Drake /ref
You want a strong female character who's genuinely super weird and real and does justice for the girls that don't fit in and are abused by men but is also really funny and feminine?Read for Stephanie and don't buy into the bullshit propaganda DC keeps trying to keep selling since her debut that she's 'just a girl' or somehow less hardcore than the Batboys or ESPECIALLY the fandom's emphasization of her blondeness when she got it from her abusive dad and has never shown pride in it and was never an 'It Girl',she was the school outcast at ALL her schools,including college.Just because Stephanie Brown is a white girl that dosen't mean she's a white feminist or a prop or basic-She's literally a pastel punk who has a Metalica poster in her room ffs
You want a wasian with gender fuckery who was raised to be a weapon and had no parents until Bruce adopted her and became super human through crazy ass means and is a mega cool edgecase?Read for Cass and keep in mind she was created with the intention of defying easian woman stereotypes,including existing for white men and nothing else and that includes not forcing her to like Jason or steal her Shiva origin to give it to him and as an afro-dominicana,Jason feels more afro-dominican than he does anything else and we HAVE an asian Jason Variant but he was south asian,specifically indian and not easian/chinese so it's even more orientalist than before with Sanjay Tawde's canonicity in mind(He is from The Doom That Came To Gotham for anyone interested)
You want a brown boy raised by a bad organization he has complex ties to because his connection comes from his family who is very much a little shit and anger filled but also a sweetheart who's truly trying his best?Read for Damian but keep in mind he's a victim of anti-arab writers,he's not a demon or a villain or an animal-He's just a hurt little boy who's almost never known anything but pain and being seen as a monster compared to white boys and that's why so many Damian stans are so grateful for Flatline/Nika because she loves him as much as we do and gives him the TLC we wish we could(platonically in our case but still)
You want a troubled but good kid who has god-like superpowers and loves to run his mouth,gives Bruce's headaches with his shenanigans and is not only an unconventional Robin but Jason's Robin and vice versa?Read for Duke and don't even look in the general direction of runs that leave him out-Which do the other Batboys dirty too every time anyway!!Duke has refered to Bruce as his dad and Bruce has refered to Duke as his son and ALL the Batkids see him as their brother and the poor guy feels left out of them because DC are a bunch of antiblack pieces of shit who baited us with the first ever black Robin just to exclude him for his blackness and act like they were being 'careful'.Nah,FUCK that-If Cass can be respectfully written as Bruce's kid,so can Duke!He don't got parents either,the ogs got Jokerized and Gnomom is emotionally abusive and he's literally a minor!
And they're just the core Batkids!!!If you're looking for another type of character,then they definitely exist and i'd be happy to tell you who fits it so i can tell you what to read/watch/play for them!Trying to switch the Batkids CAN be good depending on how you do it but 99% of the time it's just bigotry!REAL bigotry minorities can't stop dealing with just by logging off and fandom is supposed to be a safe space for weirdos-Not 'nerds',WEIRDOS.Black people and woc and mentally ill people and autistics and abusive survivors and EVERYONE,not just stupid ass kinksters that think kink is inherently anti-establishment and white people who had 'hateful ideology phases' and think it's universal and play victim when told otherwise
'All Batboys are trans and autistic!'but then they leave out the most autistic-coded and tboy swag filled Batboy just because he's black and use the 'mains' excuse when they've never read enough comics to know that became a thing,that it wasn't always a thing and that it dosen't make SENSE for it to be a thing.'All Batkids are/do [x]' but they leave out the girls even though 'Batkids' is the gender neutral term as it's meant to refer to the whole gang.Do not fall for it.They're about as gooth faith as 'Allmighty God Superman who fucks all the women' dudebros.Please be kind and be a real superhero fan by reading the comics so you can join us in dunking on them.Please,you'll be doing the comics fandom a lot of good and you might even help influence the comics industry itself because it responds to mass fan appeal way far back and that's how we got a fair amount of runs and adaptions we do today and yesterday and tommorow.I promise it'll be infinitely more fun than fanon too
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officialbruciewayne · 2 months
Under Alleytown
Summary: Bruce's Events of the Last Few Hours of Drama
Please mind these content warnings and stay safe:
Canon-typical violence
Minor Unsafe Medical Procedure
Forced but non-sexual nudity
Intimacy Coercion (Joker)
Gotham, Bruce thought. Holding onto that one, brilliant clear thought in the fugue state Wilson had left his head in. I am still in Gotham.
He couldn't be completely certain. The false Batman he had held his ground against- a barely trained, but Lazarus touched bulk of muscle and rage - but Ra's apparent heir, the meticulously trained and fiercely intelligent, Altair tipped the scales. All too much like Tim, Bruce acknowledged as he was driven down and still and finally, into that smoke-streaked limbo between alert and not conscious anymore.
He tried to count the turns. Restraints blunted through his armor. Pain a throbbing storm that ran down his temples into the ocean of his body. Captured glimpses of where he was being brought. Struggling to name this particular part of the city, but recognizing it.
Gotham, he repeated, as he was brought into a terrace house that would probably fall down in a gust of wind. And then. Shining and clear. Alleytown.
Except. Here was the thing.
When exactly had there been a Lazarus lake beneath Gotham's Eastern Boroughs?
Not a pit. A chasm. The seething green being fed and fattened with green-rusting pipes. An underground, cavernous lake. Dread gnawed in his gut as he was shoved past the lake- usually such primordial places, not this... this industrialism?
But he remembered it. Acknowledged the immensity of the cavern, hollowed below Alleytown. Ready to make his report when he got loose-
And he would get loose. He had to get loose. His kids were out there. Dickie was out there. Facing down Slade Wilson who had been both obsession and obsessed. Nemeses were tricky things. And Ra's was involved, Ra's was involved in this.
He was needed. His city needed him, his children, the boy in the concrete box who had done nothing wrong except be a Robin in another universe.
This intel was crucial, but Bruce couldn't stay here. He would tear himself to pieces to escape.
Ra's was a cautious opponent, a few centuries of your own machinations built a healthy suspicion, so Bruce was unsurprised to be stripped. His belt (and pockets, and hidden pockets, and hidden batarangs, and the collapsible sword) had been removed from his person as soon as he'd been contained. What surprised him was that he was not being offered an ostentatious robe, and possibly even Arak, before Ra's deigned to speak with him.
Instead, Bruce was showered down in a tiled room that was stark. Freezing water making his teeth grit, and thoroughly inspected for sub-epidermal trackers- which were removed to confirm their deactivation. A process he 'enjoyed' without anesthetic.
And Ra's never showed himself.
The Joker did, freshly sane from the Lazarus pools- Bruce was beginning to suspect the large one was being fed by a number of sources, though again... questions. He'd been brought by a hooded figure- but one Bruce could now place as Altair -and left with Bruce in the tiled room.
The Joker was not a pleasant companion. All smiles and taunts and guilt peeking through now and then, frustration. Sanity didn't really endear him to Bruce, but he could at least understand. And with little left to hope for, he'd asked, voice raw and honest:
"Help me and let me go," asking with all he had, pride eating a hole inside him, "work with me, Joker."
Jaybird. Jaybird. He was working with the Joker.
"Why should I?"
"...because it's me asking."
Don't think about what that means. Don't think-
"Can I get a kiss?"
Nausea erupted bright and scalding in Bruce's stomach. The drop in his gut. Disgust folded itself away with the shock, and Bruce weighted his options.
Jaybird. The Joker's harassing him in laughs, echoes, a shadow of himself burying a fist in Bruce's gut mid-fight. Jay.
He had to get to the boy in the concrete box, Jay's son. To Dick, suspended like a bird on a string. Tim with his dangerous and potentially obsessive alter-ego. The League's long claws reaching for Damian. The Joker shooting darling Babs, beating Bruce's son to death. The wide breadth of the Lazarus waters he had seen.
He had to.
"Eh, your lips are kinda crusty… No thanks."
Bruce loathed the deep disappointment that bubbled up. The noxious seethe of it. He was still trapped here.
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mysterycitrus · 8 months
peter parker getting adopted by bruce (broke)
peter parker getting adopted into the titans (woke)
aside from making more sense geographically (bc I always wondered why there would be a portal sending peter to gotham when new york still exists in the DCU) the titans would overall be better for him to team up with, peter would respect them way more than bruce lmao and they’d be way more open to helping him return home
i agree!! the titans tower is the place 2 be. i know im like a Roy Person™ but i think he and peter would get along like… really really well. partially because peter’s always had a chip on his shoulder about being taken seriously because of his age and reputation and that’s something roy is uniquely able to relate to, but also cause roy is just generally really good with younger heroes? idk
i think there could be a fun interaction where peter gets to see that other young people with great power took on responsibility to protect the world, regardless of personal circumstance. esp cause like we have the champions and young avengers and stuff now, but peter was decidedly on his own for most of his run as a teenager. to my knowledge, his peers were adults. seeing an organised group who continue to mentor and raise younger heroes would be really interesting from his perspective!
roy is an obvious choice, but i think both karen and vic would also be good characters for him to meet — karen for bugs, and vic for the experience of being transformed into something different. i do think dick’s pushed as the dc spiderman just to make him more like…. quilt and less dynamic, but there are a lot of parallels to their origins (both encounter the killer who murderers their loved ones before the fact, but ultimately cannot do anything to stop it)
i also think the idea that bruce would want to adopt peter in the first place is a massive exaggeration of how trigger happy bruce is about adopting children lmao. additionally, like, would peter want to kick back with a buncha yuppies in jersey? nay. let him stay in new york and hang out with lian and maybe kick slade off a roof
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gabbynyssa · 2 months
Wait... Does anyone have an AU where Jason was taken out from under Bruce's wing by Dick and he got permission to share the Flamebird mantle from Clark and Jimmy?
I was thinking about how it's a shame that the duo nature of the names has mostly been forgotten to the point of Jimmy just having the name pre-Kandor in MAwS. And then I started thinking about how, in Webtoon RHatO, Jason picks a phoenix for his new symbol as the series is ending. A literal bird of flames.
Like... He still gets the red theming, you get to explore the difference in how Dick and the Titans raise Jason contrasted to how Bruce (and Alfred and Talia trying his best to fill the gaps) did. Does he see Roy and Garth as older brothers in this world? Does he do reckless hijinks with Gar and Wally? Does Wally completely lose track of who anyone means when they say "Jay" in conversations? Does Dick keep him alive, or does Slade become Jason's resurrection & villain arc catalyst? Does Jason come to love Bludhaven or does he have to throw himself back into Gotham and get closure before he can be mentally in the present anywhere really? Does he still say "Oh my goodness gracious, I've been bamboozled!"? Does Dick go back to school after Jason graduates? Does Jason make Dick question the whole cop day job thing?
Tim ends up even more of a question mark if both Robins officially distance from Batman. Like... Does the fanboy follow to the Titans and stay, or does he still try to get someone to be Robin and get mixed up in it himself? Or is that whole scenario avoided as Nightwing gives Bruce a gentle talk about needing a support system of his peers instead of a father figure he won't call one and a series of children he doesn't have the support system to help as-is and Bruce gets like... The Outsiders into Gotham and opens up to Jim and stuff?
Tho also there's always the preexisting alternative Robin even if Bruce isn't building a team of peers he actually talks to... Anarky was introduced to be a new Robin before Tim, and it would certainly be interesting to see how he'd fit into the role, especially with a Bruce that's questioning what the role should even be. He'd still be dealing with a very intelligent kid with lots of attitude and questions for authority right after Jason left when someone actually answered some honestly. There'd be tension between Bruce's set in ways, his guilt, and his desire to do the best he can by this kid. And the kid himself had a lot of potential development set up in early stages that instead kinda just became "actually this kid can just do anything, fuck it" for a bit, then he got dropped. Like... He already mirrors where Jason went in the main continuity in some ways, so exploring him trying to fill those shoes (but ultimately realizing he should've been being himself the whole time) in a world where Jason is on a different path could be neat.
Also random sidenote, thinking about who else might hero in Gotham reminded me that Jay Garrick was based in Gotham way back when... Would be interesting to see an exploration of a world where Batman is the current hero of Gotham and the Flash was the one before him and how the eras differ and what factors led to that.
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aingeal98 · 9 months
How do you think Tim and Cass would get along?
Which is the better sibling pair: Tim and Cass or Steph and Jason - WHY?
plz just give me fluffy Tim and Cass working together okay I have read exactly two (2) comics and I have watched SOME young Justice and I have read so many angst fics all I want is for these children to be happy
Sorry it's taken so long to answer this, I got carried away and kept rambling haha.
Tim and Cass in canon is so interesting because it starts out with Tim being Tim, more than a little wary and judgemental because of Cass's past. But he actually owns up to this, apologises for his biases, and asks Cass if they can be friends. And they are! Fresh blood is where they're front and center, and in batgirl volume 2 he's the one most supportive of her, along with being the one in the family to reach out to her after Bruce dies and the one she clearly is closest to in Gates of Gotham. But what really makes Tim and Cass for me are all the little moments in canon where they're Batgirl and Robin and they're not even the main focus of the story, but their sibling twin menace energy is off the charts.
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Just little moments of their teamwork really cemented their bond for me. To me it's like... More than any other batgirl and robin duo these two should be almost creepily in sync. Batman says "Team assemble." and they drop down from their various hideyholes in the roof with perfect timing. They could be having a fight that very day and not a single criminal would know if from the way they bounce off each other in combat.
But as well as that, they've seen each other at some of the lowest points in their lives, and been there for each other. The loss of Steph, Tim's dad, Cass getting brainwashed by Slade, Bruce's death. They never had to be the first priority for each other to still end up on the list of people to take care of and I kind of love that. The reassurance that no matter what happens with all the other important relationships in your life, batgirl and robin will always have each other's backs, in whatever way they can.
For me, they're the better sibling pair to Steph and Jason because Tim and Cass do actually have a solid arc you can trace through comics, even despite editorial having it out for Cass at certain points. There are comics and storylines you can pick up and see them acting like siblings even before Cass was adopted.
Whereas with Steph and Jason it was all about the potential, and still kind of is tbh. It's about Bruce projecting Jason on Steph and Steph dying as a result, it's about both of them being familiar with taking care of an addict parent, it's about both of them knowing how much a loaf of bread costs, it's about how they were let down by people they trusted and how Bruce (thanks to the writers) puts both of them down to uplift Tim, it's about their attitude to killing and to criminals and how death changed both their perspectives permanently but in very different directions.
But the issue is that they started interacting during the new 52 where all of Steph's history had been erased and Jason had been defanged off screen into a batfam member. And then from rebirth onwards they suffer from a similar issue a lot of batfam relationships do, where instead of developing the bond the writers just go yeah this is how they interact now. How did they get close? How come they trust each other? Idk, it just happened.
And this is not unique at all to Jason and Steph nor does it stop me from enjoying their interactions, but it does put Cass and Tim on top for me.
And now, for more fun Cass and Tim panels from Red Robin, featuring Cass vs technology:
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(OK the last one doesn't look fluffy but you gotta understand fake murdering each other is their favourite form of enrichment)
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They're unhinged your honor.
Thanks for the ask!
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sasheneskywalker · 10 months
batfamily fic recs where the main character is asexual or aromantic
Unsteady by withthekeyisking
Dick grew up watching Bruce take countless women to bed for the sake of the mission, and to get what he needed from different people. He watched, and he learned.
And maybe he doesn't feel the same things the people around him feel, maybe he doesn't really like sex, but it doesn't really matter. Because if sex makes people happy, then why does his opinion on everything matter? It's not their fault he's broken.
M | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Dick Grayson/Various, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd
10 Things I Hate About Sex by blueyeti
Damian felt like this obsession with sex and romance was some long con being played on him by the entire school, and he was reaching an untenable level of frustration with the irrational behaviour of his supposed 'peers'.
On a Bat Family movie night, Damian finally figured out the right question to ask, to finally get answers to why all the other teenage boys at Gotham Academy were obsessed with sex.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake/Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne
Nothing Personal by firefright, Skalidra
Jason's never been that interested in sex, except as a tool to help him get what he wants and a way to please the people around him. What he does enjoy, however, is the part that comes before it (especially being treated with a firm hand). Finding someone willing to understand and respect both those aspects of himself has always seemed impossible, though. That is, until Slade comes along.
M | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Jason Todd/Slade Wilson
Kerosene and Flame by Sohotthateveryonedied
Jason chews his cheek. How is he supposed to explain his sexuality to an alien whose first language is touch? Part of Kori’s culture revolves around physical intimacy, sharing oneself with another as a means of connection.
“I don’t exactly…feel things the way you do, Kori,” he starts. “You’re a very tactile person. You like skin contact and connection and…you know, sex.” He blushes just saying the word. He pushes through. “But it’s not like that for me. I don’t feel sexual attraction the way you do.” He takes a breath. “I’m asexual.”
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Koriand'r & Jason Todd
enough by sparkycap
After trying to make his son relive his violent death in Ethiopia in hopes of bringing his other son back to life, it occurs to Bruce that he might, possibly, have made a questionable decision in his grief. Again. For once, he'd like to try to fix it before it's too late. Jason may have run away again, but he's still alive, so Bruce has to believe it's not too late. He goes to find him.
Finding him in bed with Roy Harper and Princess Koriand'r of Tamaran is an unexpected distraction
M | No Archive Warnings Apply | Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Roy Harper/Koriand'r/Jason Todd
Reciprocation (or: Sex as Violence) by Honorable_mention
Sex was a lot like violence. It was all about who held the power.
Or: Jason's always had a complicated relationship with sex. Despite his best efforts, it might finally be time to explore it.
M | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Roy Harper/Jason Todd, Roy Harper & Jason Todd
Hot Chocolate and Fruitcake by HermesDay
"Tim," Barbara said. "Do you know what asexual means?"
"Immaculate conception," Tim replied. "Fact: the Virgin Mary was an amoeba."
G | No Archive Warnings Apply | Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson
A Thin Line to Thaw by Terminallydepraved
The sound of a chamber sliding into place shouldn’t have been a soothing sound, but in the quiet stillness of the shitty motel room, Jason found it just that.
E | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Jason Todd/Slade Wilson
Your Name Carved in Stone by Cirth
“Think clean thoughts, Robin.”
It was an outrageously old-fashioned choice of words, and it took Damian a few moments to realise, with creeping embarrassment, what his father meant.
T | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne
Think of Me by Luvo
“Any…life updates?” Bruce asks hopefully.
“Like what?”
“I don’t know. Do you maybe…is there a girl?”
Jason feels his face heat. He does his best to ignore Tim, Steph, and Cass snickering as he asks, “Seriously?”
Bruce looks down. He looks back up.
“A boy?” he tries.
Jason’s fork clatters to his plate. “Dad!” he hisses.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Connor Hawke & Jason Todd, Cassandra Cain & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Jason Todd
we show off our different scarlet letters (trust me mine is better) by lostandlonelybirds (RUNNFROMTHEAK)
He gets called things, sometimes. Slut when Mirage tricks him. Cheater when Barbara tells others about her suspicions, her doubts and feelings. Whore when it’s a villain pissed he took out their goons and they’re aiming below the belt. Playboy by magazines, and bicycle by the younger generation because “everyone gets a ride”. They hurt the way most things do, and they each hurt in a different way because he’s broken and he’s tattered and he loves but not the way you’re meant to, because it’s not nature or an inferno or something out of a Greek myth. It’s not possession or jealousy or the need to lock it down.
It’s different. It’s not supposed to be.
M | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Dick Grayson/Other(s)
break your throne, cut your hair by dukeaubergine
Ra’s thought he could force Tim into marriage with an ancient magical artifact. He didn’t account for the magic recognizing his daughter’s protégé as a potential alternate groom.
Tim and Jason just have to survive the one-month engagement period without getting kidnapped, killed, or outed as fakers to the press. Then survive any assassins gate-crashing the wedding. Piece of cake, right?
…This might be easier if they’d actually tell the rest of the Bats what’s really going on.
E | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Tim Drake/Jason Todd, Batfamily Members & Tim Drake, Batfamily Members & Jason Todd
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green-eyedfirework · 5 months
"Prince Richard," said the cold, cruel general, mouth twisted into a smirk and one blue eye icy cold, "Well, I suppose you aren't a prince anymore."
Dick kept his mouth shut, and hoped that the others kept their mouths shut too.  Jason, who was the first one he'd worry about, was gone, disappeared into the night with Tim on the hunt for ghosts.  Cass was halfway across the land, too far to be hurt, which left Damian and Stephanie.  He could trust Steph to keep Damian in line.  He had to.
"If only looks could kill," Slade laughed, and his men laughed with him.  The hall was full of them, of his warriors, menacing the remainder of Dick's paltry court.  The representative from Nanda Parbat was watching intently.  Dick wasn't imagining the smile on his face.  "What's the matter, Prince Richard?  Not enjoying yourself?"
Dick felt sick.  Sick and numb.  He had been castellan of Gotham for a few paltry months before losing it.  Bruce would be so ashamed.
"It appears that the prince has lost his tongue," Slade laughed, beckoning Dick closer.  Dick knew it wasn't worth it to disobey.
Slade waited until Dick was within arm's reach of the throne before grabbing him and forcing him closer.  Dick struggled for an instant before he remembered where he was, and let Slade drag him forward.
The kiss was savage and domineering, Slade's mouth hot and devouring as he pulled Dick fully into his lap, forcing him to straddle the general as he submitted to the kiss.  His cheeks burned when he felt the hands on his ass.
"No, tongue's there all right," Slade called out when he finally pulled back.  "And I now I definitely know why there are so many odes to the prince's ass."  He paired it with a pinch.  "A big castle and a pretty prince in my lap, what more could I want?"
Slade's men were jeering, and Dick didn't dare turn around to look at Damian and Steph.  If Slade wanted—better him than them.  Please not them.
Dick shifted on his knees, hands balled into fists by his side, not looking up as the general conducted the final preparations for seizing the castle.  Dick didn't want to see Slade.  He didn't want to acknowledge any unspoken order the man would give with Dick here, kneeling between his legs, inches away from his own throne.
Please let Damian not be watching this.  Please, please, let Steph be covering his eyes, Damian shouldn't see this, he was just a child—
"I have to say," Slade mused, loud enough for the whole hall to hear, "I could get used to a sight like this."
A hand tightened in Dick's hair and he let himself be pulled up, pliant.  He wouldn't cry.  He wouldn't cry.
The man's expression was more inscrutable this time.  "All done taking your kingdom," he said, voice heavy with implication.  "Now just to take its king."
Dick locked his jaw.  He would not cry.  He would not cry.
"Someone go fetch a crown," Slade got up, dragging Dick up with him.  "I've always wanted to fuck a prince."  The jeers in the hall grew louder.  "The rest of you can take whatever spoils you like.  We won't be staying long."
They never did.  They conquered, they looted, and they went on their merry way, a vicious band of mercenaries with no code, no honor, no loyalty.
"Please," Dick finally unstuck his mouth to say, "my siblings.  Please don't—"
"The little prince and his handmaid will be fine," the general snorted, still dragging Dick along.  "You really aren't very bright, are you."
Something hot and thick crawled into Dick's throat at the insult given so bluntly.  If Dick had been smarter, he could've protected Gotham, if Dick had been a better leader, if Dick had just crowned himself king—
He could feel himself start to go numb.  Distant.  He barely registered Slade reaching his bedchamber, or shoving him inside, or the man locking the door behind him.
Overkill, Dick thought dazedly, at the numerous locks on the door.
Dick stumbles back.  Away from Slade.  From the man who will—who was planning to—who—
There was a crown in Slade's hand.  Dick didn't know who gave it to him.  Slade steps forward and Dick steps back, until he hits the edge of the bed, until there's nowhere to run.
Slade drops the crown on his head with a sardonic smile.  It's the actual crown.  Gotham's crown, to be worn only by its ruler.  It's of Gotham, the weight heavy on Dick's head, it's the literal symbol of his country.  And Dick is going to get fucked wearing it.
It feels....really heavy.  Dick is actually developing a headache.  He raises a hand to take it off but Slade catches it and forces it down.  "No," the general says sharply.
Dick should obey.  Dick has to obey.  But it's getting acutely painful and he fights against Slade's grip, trying to free his hands or toss the crown off or something to prevent this searing pain.
"It hurts," Dick gasps, vision blurry.  The room is spinning.
"Maybe if you'd just bloody crowned yourself at the start, it wouldn't have to be this way," says an unsympathetic voice, before the whole room goes dark.
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gimmemore14 · 1 month
Slade was at the circus the night Dick's parents died, instead of Bruce. Seeing Dick's potential, he ends up taking Dick in to train him. A Sladick AU.
I got WAY too into this idea, thanks for the ask!! 💜💜💜
The ask game
1. At first Slade just thought “tough break, kid”-no pun intended but there all the same- but then, he sticks around Gotham, mostly interested in the sloppy execution of the job he turned down. He had to roll his eyes, of course Zucco decided his own gang could handle it since Slade didn’t like his price. Slade was about to leave when he caught a look in the kid’s eye that broke through the anguish: murder, and the tenacity to follow through on the job.
2. He doesn’t adopt Dick, doesn’t have any interest to, but still, in secret he anonymously sponsors the kid in foster care for a couple of years, keeping close tabs on what he soon realizes is an investment.
3. Slade follows the teen as he investigates his parent’s murder, curious to see what the little bird will do now that he knows his target. He’s caught and beaten by low level thugs before he can ever get close. Even though he’s bloody, out numbered, and exhausted, the kid won’t stop. He’s worthy. Slade swoops in, rescues him, and takes him home to begin his training.
4. Dick is not impressed by Slade. Deathstroke kills without morality, he doesn’t care who deserves it and who doesn’t but dick does. Hell he even hates Slade for his work as a trophy hunter, the head on the wall could easily have been Zitka’s brother. Dick isn’t a killer, he doesn’t want to be, he just wants justice- revenge- for his parents and others. Slade knows this, and uses his rage and bleeding heart to manipulate and mold him into his weapon, his apprentice. The first time dick kills, it is trafficker assaulting the kid they were tasked with rescuing(for a large sum of money of course)… dick is unnerved when he has no troubles sleeping that night.
5. After years of manipulation and inappropriate bonding, Slade thought his creation was finally ready. He allowed dick to lead the hit on Zucco once the price was high enough, but after firing, after the body hit the floor, the kid realizes that on his path of revenge he’s become someone unrecognizable to his parents. Zucco’s death doesn’t take away the sting of his loss but has made him a monster instead. He would be ashamed to see them as he is now, after he let his love and grief corrupt him. (of course he doesn’t blame Slade, Dick Grayson’s got a guilt complex a mile wide, he didn’t need Batman’s help with that one. Also despite Slade’s manipulations he hammers in the idea that ultimately, every choice is your own)
Bonus cuz I’m into it now:
Dick has a ‘rebellious’ streak after killing Zucco and refuses to kill again. One night Slade thrashes him so bad after he purposely messes up a job that he finally realizes he needs to get away, for his own safety and mortality’s sake. He runs. He knows Slade will be after him soon, following the trail of blood he left from ripping the tracker out of his arm. Dick doesn’t have time, he doesn’t have options, so he calls out, screams, the one and only name that he knows can help.
Clark hadn’t heard that kinda of desperation in a voice for awhile. He expected a massacre or train crash, not Deathstroke’s apprentice on a rooftop, shivering, bleeding, and on his knees begging to be turned in. Superman sees the terminator himself closing in on his apprentice before hesitating and hiding a few rooftops over after spying the superhero. It could be a trap, Clark thinks, but seeing the desperation and anguish in the beatendown boy’s face, he grabs the kid by the back of his uniform, like a misbehaving kitten, and flies off with him.
He doesn’t know where to take him at first so he settles for a grassy knoll far from civilization. They talk. Dick tells him everything, everything he’s held back all these years: how he hasn’t had a real family since his parents, how Slade’s affection is only earned through blood and degradation, and how he’s a killer but never wants to do it again. Clark tells him about Nightwing and takes him to the justice league where, yes he’s under supervision and locked up at night, but is treated with respect and taught to use escrima instead of twin blades and learns restraint and what it is to make the heroic choice. More importantly, he makes friends, people who actually care for him instead of just what he can do for them.
Slade during this deludes himself that Dick didn’t run away because he’s too well trained for that, and attempts to ‘rescue’ him. He’s so angry when he finds out dick made the decision himself, he holds a whole city hostage with Chemo until his apprentice is returned to him. The league refuses to negotiate with Deathstroke but Dick won’t allow any more deaths on his conscious so he slips away to beg for Slade’s mercy. Obviously there is none. Non-con smut that starts with dick desperate to be good enough to appease Slade and ends with the man blowing up the city anyways after he cums.
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sleepingontheclouds · 5 months
i did a rant for Jason, now I’m doing a rant for my favorite superhero and occasionally morally grey person <3
I’m going to put a trigger warning here and now for the majority of this post. Discussing Dick Grayson for me means talking about very sensitive moments for his character, I will be mentioning and talking about some non-consensual events that happened to him in certain comic canons and one underage event. Please if this can/will trigger you, click off or skim over the parts where I mention it. I will highlight the parts where I actively speak about situations like that in red. Thank you.
I’ve watched to season 3 of Titans so far and I just gotta say, Dick’s character got a downgrade and an upgrade. Let me elaborate.
Firstly, I love what the writers did and how they characterized the boy wonder in season one. He was an authority figure, a protector. Literally the first time we are introduced to Robin and the first time we see Dick in the Robin suit, he’s brutalizing child abusers.
Throughout the entire first season there are multiple instances of Dick being very protective towards children and very aggressive with people he believes to hurt children.
In a later episode of season one, Dick tracks down a man with Kori after Rachel runs away with Gar. Once he realizes that the man has seen Rachel, let alone in the woods, he immediately goes into attack mode. At that point he believed that Rachel was alone, he didnt know about Gar and he didn’t know that she was with anyone. He punches the man and starts asking if he did anything to her, he goes protective and is very close to breaking that guys nose before his daughter runs out of her room and sees what’s going on, making Dick stop.
Personally, I loved that aspect of his character. It’s not only foreshadowing at the fact that he’s going to become an older brother, I personally think it also hints at a very traumatic event that happened to him in the comics.
It made me so sad to see him lose that aspect of himself after season one. I suppose the overprotective violence faded along side his other more regular violence.
I loved his violent characterization throughout the first two seasons, it really helps understand his character and him as a person.
In the first season, whenever he’s wearing the Robin suit he’s physically incapable of stopping himself from getting too violent, no matter how much he may want to without the costume on.
He stabs people, breaks peoples noses, nearly makes people bleed out, stomps peoples faces in, everything under the sun except kill them. That’s the whole reason he left Gotham, that’s the whole reason he held a grudge against Bruce in season one.
The journey we go through with Dick in season two is an amazing depiction of his character.
The literal order of events just screams mental breakdown to me and the episodes following made me think he had a psychological break, then we find out that he’s just like that.
The events go like this. First Dick starts seeing hallucinations of his father figure which he hates and that’s apparently just a normal thing that happens in Dick’s day to day life? Then he goes Robin mode, hurting a man he used to work with because he’s annoyed with the hallucination of his father. Then he goes to a dance club and nearly kills a man that works with Slade because he has a secret he needs to hide?? Then his traumatized nineteen year old brother tries to kill himself and what does Dick do? He trauma dumps all over Jason hoping that it’ll make him feel better and not want to die. (It doesn’t) then everyone he loves leaves him. He then decides to go visit the mother of the kid he thinks he got killed and finds himself talking to Slade. My guy then books a flight across the world because the fucking assassin with one eye who killed his own son said that he needed to repent by being in isolation?? You know what this dude does instead of going to Japan like he’s supposed to? He assaults two police officers to get himself seven years in jail. You know who he doesn’t tell? Gar. The teenager he left in charge of watching Superman’s clone with no other orders than, ‘call Bruce if he wakes up’ when he knows Bruce will not answer.
Then the dude breaks these gang members out of jail so they don’t get deported, that gets him thrown in solitary. You know what he does in solitary? Hallucinates his dad, fights him in his imagination, and then breaks out of jail.
When Dick eventually grows into his own person after all that insanity, when he becomes Nightwing— he forgives Bruce. It’s another aspect about his characterization that I love. Dick is forgiving, in a good and bad way, until he isn’t.
Dick doesn’t care what people do to him, it’s one of his biggest flaws. He lets himself get hurt over and over again and he just takes it. He lets his peers absolutely bash him and openly hate him, but he’s always still there for them. He always still supports them.
He knows Bruce turned him into a weapon, but he still went back. He went back and tried to ignore everything and forget about all the awful things Bruce did to him. He never directly talks to Bruce about it, sure he’s passive aggressive during [redacted’s] funeral dinner in season 2 but he never actually talks about anything.
The only time he snaps at Bruce is after Jason dies.
After his brother, who he didn’t treat like a brother, dies, he’s trying to cope. Everyone is. He knows Bruce copes in a different way and he respects it, what he doesn’t respect is the fact that Bruce is trying to rope in another child to be Robin. He’s trying to replace Jason right after he dies. That’s when Dick loses his temper.
Even after everything, it takes someone else being hurt for Dick to speak his mind. He never really stands up for himself, he stands up for other people and bottles in his emotions.
In the comics, Dick is much similar. He bottles up his emotions until he physically can’t.
He’s always trying to be happy, even Nightwing isn’t serious. For Bruce, Batman is a way to let out his true self. Batman is the real Bruce, Bruce Wayne is the mask he hides behind.
It’s exactly the opposite for Dick. Dick Grayson is the caring older brother who has no trauma and exists to help, Nightwing is the funny vigilante, he’s the protector of Blüdhaven who cracks jokes and never breaks a smile while fighting. Either way, Dick just trades in one mask for another.
The only times it’s genuinely him, is when he’s at his most vulnerable. When he isn’t around his family, his brothers, Bruce. That’s when the real him can come out, his real genuine emotions.
In a certain comic run that I’m unsure if it’s still canon or not, Dick gets assaulted. It’s before he has his facade, it’s right when it’s starting to develop. He’s sixteen.
Dick gets in a horrible fight with Bruce, it results in him either running away or getting kicked out, either way he isn’t with Bruce. The sixteen year old is left to fend for himself, then a 21 year old woman who’s targeting Wayne enterprises comes along.
She manipulates Dick and takes advantage of him (along with her husband I think) all to get to Bruce.
He never talks about it.
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anawrites3 · 5 months
shsjjdjdjd can i ask about all of them? 😂 no, i won’t do that to you :P
can i ask about “spoiled brat” and “still a good boy”?
soooo many intriguing titles tho 👀
You could actually lmao I certainly wouldn't mind!! 😂💕 I love talking about my wips haha so if you have any following questions or just wanna know about some other wips please feel free to ask!
Alright so "Spoiled brat" it a story where Slade is Dick’s bodyguard! Dick is being targeted a lot because he’s the first son of billionaire Bruce Wayne and people keep wanting to get ransom for him so Bruce hired Deathstroke to protect him.
Slade doesn’t often take on bodyguard contracts because he rarely feels like babysitting some brat but Wayne is paying him a lot (and/or maybe he’s a mafia boss that runs whole Gotham from underground so Slade can’t really tell him no because Bruce is his returning customer – I haven’t decided yet lmao) And the thing is, Slade just wants to do his job. But Dick finds him very attractive and he’s not used to people telling him no so he does everything to get into pants.
(Spoiler: Slade wants to fuck him so badly and to finally put him in his place but he doesn't think Wayne would appreciate it.)
(Spoiler spoiler: He does it anyway ;)
The kid was an image of debauchery. With his shirt opened like this, Slade was able to see his rosy nipples, perked up against the cold wind of the night. His neck was littered with marks and hickeys, pink lips slightly swollen from biting down on it and glistening with saliva. Slade watched the way Grayson reached up to ran his fingers through his hair, as if it would somehow help with how messy they already were – as if someone was tugging at it with no care how the kid would look afterwards. Slade kept his face carefully blank as Grayson pushed himself away from the stone wall of the building and walked over to him, not stopping until their faces were inches apart. His breath smelled like whiskey. “Like what you see?” He purred out. His hand rested against Slade’s chest and Slade eyed it shortly before looking at the brat again. Grayson smirked. “I could show you something you would never forget, sweetheart. You don’t need to keep pretending you don’t want to fuck me.” Slade didn’t react in any way. “Your father won’t be happy about your behavior today.” He stated dryly. Grayson’s smile sharpened into something wild. “Oh?” He slid his hand down Slade’s chest, towards the knife sheathed by his hip. Slade grabbed at his wrist before Grayson could touch it. “You gonna punish me then?” “I meant Wayne.” He sighed. “Get your ass in the limo, you’re going back home.” Grayson hummed, batting his eyelashes. “Can I suck you off on the way?” “No.” “You’re no fun.” The brat pursed his lips before smirking again. “I’ll get you to fuck me one day. You’ll see.” Slade shoved him towards the parked limousine.
And “Still a good boy” is apprentice Dick story :3 where Dick manages to escape after almost a year as Deathstroke’s apprentice. But no matter how much Dick hates it, all that time of being Renegade changed him and shaped him in the way Slade wanted. So even when Dick is back to working with good guys, the sight alone of Slade makes him feel things and he can’t resist himself when his masters gives him an order :3
Have a lil snippet for this one as well <3
“Robin!” Bruce hissed at him but Dick wasn’t able to move, wasn’t even able to look away. Slade smirked at him and there was something so pleased in the curve of his lips that warmth spread around Dick’s stomach because he was the one making Slade happy, he was- No. No, he wasn’t Slade’s apprentice anymore, he was no longer Renegade. He was Robin, he reminded himself, and he didn’t have to listen to any of Slade’s orders. Most of all, he didn’t want Slade to be pleased because of him. He didn’t want the man to be pleased at all, he wanted him behind bars where he belonged, he wanted- Dick’s breath stuttered as Slade reached out towards him, to gently tuck a strands of his hair behind his ear. “You’re still a good boy, aren’t you, kid?” He murmured, satisfaction almost dripping from his voice like honey. “Still eager to obey my every word, as if you never left, hm?” The words were already on Dick’s tongue, his body wanting to answer the question without his thought because Master always expected an answer when he asked a question when a body slammed into Slade’s side, pushing the man off his feet. Dick stayed on his knees, too shocked to do anything else as he watched Red Hood fight Deathstroke with all he got. Jason didn’t have his helmet on as if he got here in a rush and Dick was able to see the furious snarl on his face, as he slammed his fist into Slade’s jaw. Another second and Bruce was back at Dick’s side, helping him to his feet. “Let’s go.” Dick clenched his fingers on Bruce’s forearm and let him lead himself away but then- “Renegade!” Slade barked and Dick didn’t remember moving but suddenly he was covering his master’s blind spot and blocking a punch Jason tried to aim at Slade’s throat. Dick’s eyes met Jason’s, both frozen with shock at what just happened. “I’m-” he started, lips trembling. He didn’t mean to do that. He didn’t mean to move at all. “Jason, I didn’t-”
Post for the wip ask game here!
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starwalker03 · 6 months
How did the Batfamily take in Vampire Dick in Glad To Be Back?
oh my god yes thank you for giving me a reason to keep building this lore.
so Dick doesn't leave America. he gets caught up with Slade, and then with Gotham in general. and he keeps just popping in and helping Bruce. Bruce asks for a code name to use over coms and in the field and Dick gives Robin. things start out more like Dick is an informant for Bruce who pops in to help when fights get really bad, and then slowly they open up to each other. Dick was really close with Bruce's ancestor, so he has a soft spot.
over time Robin becomes A Thing, because he just keeps showing up around Bruce, so Bruce makes him have a superhero outfit. Dick laughs about it for the most part but eventually acquiesces and wears a mask at first, even though he doesn't really exist as a person due to him being a vampire. finally there's some big event that the justice league are in on and Dick helps, because Bruce is Batman and where Batman goes Robin goes. but because its international peril, all the civilians are looking to heroes for help and security, so Dick finally wears a suit so people recognise him as a hero who is there to help. the threat ends and now he's stuck with a suit.
I think he never actually moves in to Wayne Manor, because he doesn't need to. but after a while he just Is There a lot. and Alfred likes that Bruce has a friend now, and Dick likes Alfred.
eventually he moves to Bludhaven, because Slade is manipulating him. also because Bludhaven needs a hero, but Dick has never thought to be one before. Slade pushes him into it slowly, his manipulations take years of build up. so now Dick is linked and anchored to a city where Slade can keep track of him, but he's not right next to Bruce all the time so Slade has better access.
it's in this time that Bruce adopts Jason, and when Dick is introduced to the him he offers for Bruce to give Jason Robin. Cause Batman should have Robin. In this universe I think Jason might be a bit older, maybe fourteen.
Dick just kinda forgets to explain the vampire thing. And Bruce assumes he's keeping it a secret because of that.
then the batfam kinda progress as normal but with a few alterations.
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