#where is this tag rant going? I don’t know and I’m the one typing it
questwithambition · 1 year
Sometimes I ponder showing my face on here purely to show off my outfits and destroy the “engineers have no fashion sense” stereotype.
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maybeicanbesaved · 2 months
just had to yell at two kids because they had the audacity to come dump the water i’ve been keeping out for the stray cats (which i go to great lengths to keep cold/cool throughout the day bc of the severe heat) & then proceed to try and throw the container up onto the roof over our door,, they didn’t know i was looking out the peephole as soon as i heard kids outside the door, because i happened to be in the kitchen at the time. yeah i don’t fucking think so. little shits. didn’t even apologize or anything, just went from brief shock to running off, probably to cry to their parent about the mean lady wahh. yeah good i wish their parent or whomeever would come knocking on my door to ‘confront’ me, because i sure as fuck have a lot to say to them
#just have to get this out before i explode i can’t wait till my therapy session tomorrow#rant#vent#personal#i wasn’t actually mean but i was pissed and told them to stop#but my anger is more towards the parents/guardians because they obviously don’t keep an eye on their children#and seem to not have taught them how to behave#and my mom keeps talking about wanting to start a garden in the little ‘yard’ beside our front door like ????#itll be destroyed i just know it#picked or trampled#the kids up here have no decency#hell neither do most the adults#i’m just so fucking irritated and i hate confrontation & have major anxiety so im like shaking#but i couldn’t do/say nothing#because i am one of the few people up here that seems to care about any of the countless strays#im literally just trying to help them survive the heatwave#i dont need stupid fucking kids making it more difficult#there’s been more than a few times since i started putting water out that th#(my cat puddin just swatted my phone screen so idk where the tag i was in the middle of typing ended 🫠)#that*? the water had been spilled onto the ground#i thought cats had been doing it but yeah starting to think it was kids fucking around#if it happens again i’m bringing it to the landlady idgaf#there’s cameras they can check too so#bro i just hate kids#i hate shitty parents#i hate bad fucking neighbors#i’m just tired of it all#i have enough shit i’m dealing with in my personal life i don’t need shit like this added on top!!!!#IM ALREADY AT THE FUCKING LIMIT#okay i think i need to go pop a xanax and find a funny comfort video ✌️
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littlespacereader · 2 months
Okay, so! @shadowlord23 and I were rant and raving about criminal minds, you know, as one would. We were talking about (spoilers) the season where Spencer gets arrested and is stuck in prison. @shadowlord23 made a great point to say “Well what if that happened and he was a caregiver?” CUE MY BRAIN EXPLODING WITH POSSIBILITIES!
I will warn those about to read this. It’s not the usual happy and fluffy fics I usually write. While I did give this a happy ending, the rest of the fic is sad and definitely hurt/comfort up until that point. Please be warned it’s a sad story for the most part.
While in my eyes I see it as Safe for work because I never write anything NSFW or anything +18, I didn’t put the SFW tag on here because of it’s darker tone. But please know that is doesn’t have any graphic violence or anything +18.
This story is one I enjoyed greatly writing! I loved the different type of story, one a bit angsty. Please let me know if you enjoy it! Thank you again for the idea @shadowlord23 ! 🥹🙌
Through the Glass📞
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Caregiver! Spencer Reid & GN Little! Reader (plus BAU Family)
Tags - tantrums, lots of crying, hurt and comfort, BAU family unite!, hugs, forehead kisses, happy ending, angst…a lot of it, but a strong CG and Little connection,
TW- mentions of violence, mentions of weapons, talk of police, being ripped away from a cg, going to a prison
They explained the plan me not once but three times. Its supposed to be a simple, Spencer goes into the drug deal alone, he pretends to be the seller in order to get the buyer to show up and somehow manages to get this buyer to confess to the murder of our cases victim.
But there was plenty of things that could go wrong. What if the buyer got spooked and shot at him? What if the government didn’t agree with what we were doing? What if-
“Y/N? Are you okay?” Spencer asked looking concerned.
Spencer and I sat together on the bed in our hotel room. Apparently this plan had already been approved by the team…all but me.
“You told the team first because you knew I wouldn’t be okay with it.” I stated the facts plain and simply. I don’t lift my head up, instead I play this plan over and over in my head.
Spencer sighed before nodding his head, “I know it’s risky-.”
“Risky?! Risky isn’t even the word for it! Spencer you could get shot, arrested or kidnapped?!” I look into his eyes, frantic and scared.
“I know. But you also know that all of that could happen outside of this case too.”
“It doesn’t make it okay…”I cross my arms and look away.
“It doesn’t.” Spencer sat closer, wrapping an arm around me, pulling me into a hug.
Spencer wasn’t a hugging type of person but with me he’s the most cuddly person alive. He knew I needed the comfort in this moment, needed the closeness.
“I just-…I just don’t want anything to happen to you.” I turned and cried into his shoulder, wrapping my arms around his neck.
“And nothing will happen. The team will be monitoring everything. You will be monitoring everything with the team. But…”
“But what?”
“But if something was to happen-“
“Don’t say that! You said-.”
“Nothing is going to go wrong but I also don’t want to leave you without knowing what to do if something did happen.” Spencer quickly explained. “If something did go wrong, I would want you to listen to either your Uncles or your Aunts, okay? They would know what to do.”
I shook my head. I didn’t want to think about this. The BAU is my family. Rossi, Hotch, and Morgan are my uncles while Emily, JJ and Garcia are my aunts. But I didn’t want to go to Uncle Hotch or Aunt Emily. I just want him to be okay.
“B-But you’re going to be okay?”
“I’m going to try my hardest to be okay.” He hugged back tightly. “In and out. Then after we’re done and back home, I promise a certain someone that we would go to the aquarium right?” He said, bouncing the Little in his arms.
“To see the sharks?” They lifted their head up.
“Yes sweet love to see the shark. Just like you wanted. It’s a date, just you, me and the sharks. A Caregiver and Little date. And if it’s a really nice day I may be persuaded to get someone some ice cream after.”
He knew bargaining wasn’t the best tactic when it came to discussing something so important but he knew it would put Y/N mind as ease for the time being. Soon enough they started to relax a bit more in his arms. The once worried adult turned calm Little in his arms.
“And see the fishy?” They lifted their head off his shoulder.
“Yeah all the fish you can imagine!”
“Yup. I’m sure they’ve got Nemo there. Maybe even Dory.”
“I think they also have jellyfish and a starfish.”
“Like Patrick?”
Spencer laughed, “Yes sweetheart just like Patrick.”
“But for now my starfish has to go to bed. We have a big day tomorrow.” Spencer brought them into his arms and laid them down on the bed with him, their head resting on his chest. He leaned over and turned off the lamp.
The two sat like that, just holding onto each other before the stressful day tomorrow planned on bringing.
Out of the darkness, a simple question.
“You’ll be okay, right?”
“I’ll be okay Y/N,” he leaned down and kissed their forehead, “I’ll be okay.”
There’s a lot of problems with this mission. For one, the BAU was working in a country with a government that wasn’t the fondest of America. Their government is mostly corrupt, and while they knew of our presence and what our case was about, there’s a whole lot of trust issues between the two of us.
The next problem was the setup itself. The team and I would be set up far away from Spencer. Close enough to see the setup with binoculars but far away that yelling would have no real reach. This made it so we could spy on everything but have cover so it wouldn’t create suspicion. The biggest issue with this is it made it so if something went wrong we would be too far away to do much about it.
That plus the million other probabilities played in my head on loop. With the binoculars in hand I looked again to the setup, knowing Spencer would be arriving soon.
Morgan placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. Everyone on the team must’ve known I was beyond stressed about this plan. And if they didn’t, they could just profile me and tell immediately. Can’t get away with anything when your Cargiver and Aunts and Uncles are profilers.
“Doing alright there kid?”
And if all else failed and the profiling didn’t help, then the fact they’re all Caregivers would’ve given them all they need to know about me.
It wasn’t a secret to the team that I’m a Little. They’ve all known for years, some even babysitting me. They still respect me as a member of the BAU regardless of my need for regression.
“Yeah, just nervous.” I reply back.
“Really? Because I couldn’t tell. I thought everyone grips binoculars that tightly.”
I looked down at my white knuckles around the binoculars and quickly let them go.
“Y/N, Spencer is going to be-.”
“If you say ‘Spencer is going to be fine’ I’ll lose it.” I quickly say, nerves getting to me.
“Sorry Morgan you don’t deserve that. I just-…” I look out to the scene once more before looking back to him, “They couldn’t have chosen someone else to do this? Like someone not on our team? Someone who’s not my Caregiver?”
“I know, I agree with you. But the higher ups fought Rossi and Hotch tooth and nail to get this setup underway. The government seems to really want this guy in for questioning.”
Before I had a chance to argue, Hotch walked over and interrupted, “Everyone get into positions, Reid is on his way.”
And so it begins. Spencer’s car pulls up to the building. He gets out and immediately goes into the building. JJ and Hotch sit together listening to the microphones hidden in the building while I watch the building with Morgan, while Emily and Rossi monitor all the other areas surrounding it.
20 minutes goes by with nothing, no sight of the unsub or anyone else. My nerves start to get to me. My binoculars shake as I hold them up again, looking at the building once more.
“The unsub is here, 3 o’clock.” Emily calls out.
I turn my binoculars to look and sure enough there he is, white suv pulling up to the building. They enter the building and from there I feel as though I can’t breathe.
JJ relays to us in bits and pieces what’s being said and what’s happening. I keep my eyes on the building hoping to just see Spencer give us the signal to move in.
“Guys we’ve got activity at 9 o’clock.” Morgan calls out.
“What?” I turn my head to look. There shouldn’t be any activity outside of the building, not before we move in.
“What the hell is that?!” Rossi calls out angrily.
I turn my binoculars to look. Not one but six black SUV’s speed towards the building. I look in horror towards the team.
“Who is that?!”
“I don’t know.” Morgan replies looking through his own binoculars.
“They’re going to mess with the setup! What if the unsub shoots Reid? What if these people shoot him?” I start to yell out, but no one seems to hear. Everyone’s eyes are on the building as the SUVs pull up.
Once the SUVs reach the building squad patrols exit the car and start rushing into the building. Men and women in swat gear and assault rifles storm the building from the outside. The SUV outside turn their lights on.
Hotch grabs an extra pair and look to the building as well, “This isn’t drug related. They’re government swat teams.” Hotch almost sighs saying. He knew the implications, this was about to get a lot more complicated.
I kept looking towards the building with my binoculars. The world around me almost frozen in fear.
“Doesn’t the government know we’re working out here?” JJ asked.
“They do but they have jurisdiction over us when it comes to crime related issues.” Rossi replied.
“What the hell does that mean?” Morgan asked, getting angry himself.
“It means whatever happens is out of our hands till we reach an agreement with their government.” Hotch sighed again before looking to me.
I wasn’t listening to a word they were saying. I couldn’t. Reid hadn’t come out of that building yet and I wasn’t going to move till he did.
Then suddenly…
The swat patrol pushes the Unsub from the building, handcuffed and bleeding from his head. “They’ve got the Unsub in custody! Maybe Spencer talked to them.”
But just as I finished my sentence, another swat officer came out of the building with Spencer, hands behind his back cuffed, a black eye and a bleeding lip. The sight made my heart stop.
“They’ve…They’ve got Reid.” I say looking in horror.
“What?!” JJ grabbed a pair of binoculars and looked as well.
“They’re arresting him too. They must think he’s in on it.” Morgan tried to reason.
“W-We can go over there and tell them he’s not!” I put the binoculars down. “Come on, we can get in the SUV and tell them!” I practically begged to Hotch, pulling on his arm. But by the looks on his face, the answer was one I wasn’t going to like.
“Y/N,” Hotch said sincerely, trying to take my hand but started shaking my head, back up as tears began to fall down from my face.
“No! No! We can all get in the SUV and we can go get him! He can’t just be arrest for something he didn’t even do?!” My regression wrapped around me like a vice as my panic blossomed. What’s as going to happen to my Caregiver?!
“Y/N we don’t have jurisdiction here. We are not allowed to get involved with their government.” Rossi tried to say.
“I don’t care what we’re allowed to do! It’s Spencer!! We can’t leave him there!” At this point was was practically yelling, begging the team to do something, but they all just looked at me with worried and concerned eyes. Not the same eyes of my team, but eyes of Caregiver’s worried about a Little.
“Kid, I’m sorry.” Morgan started to say realizing that they were right. There is no other way.
“No! NOOOOO! No! I won’t let him be taken away! I WON’T!” I stomp my foot twice, screaming at the team. I couldn’t help but let my frustration and anxiety get the better of me. I couldn’t stop worrying about him.
“Y/N, honey we have to go. If we don’t and they come here, we’ll all be arrest on conspiracy.” Emily tried to explain.
“I’m not leaving him!” I cried out as tears fell from my eyes, “I’m not! If you won’t go get him, then I will! You can all leave without me!” I take my binoculars and throw them towards the team before storming off and walking towards Spencer direction.
In reality there was no way I could walk there on my own. But I wasn’t thinking logically. I just wanted him so badly and I wasn’t going to stop till I got him.
Hotch and Morgan shared a look before Hotch nods his head, almost giving Morgan permission. Morgan nodded back before he runs over, catching up with me.
“I’m sorry about this kid but you’re going to have to trust us on this.” With one swift motion Morgan picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. “Right now, we know what’s best.”
I absolutely lose it. I start kicking and screaming as Morgan carries be back towards the team. “Noooooo!!! Dadeee!!” I called out, my arms stretched towards the building in the far distance. “NOOOOO!!!”
“Pack the essentials back into the car. We need to leave immediately.” Hotch orders.
Everyone starts rushing around and throwing things into the trunk. By the time Morgan comes back to the SUV I’m just crying, begging to be put down, crying out for Spencer.
Morgan helps me into the backseat and quickly buckled me before I had a chance to bolt again. JJ sits to my right and Emily to my left.
“It’s going to be alright sweetheart. It’s going to be okay.” The two of them say back and forth. But I can’t be consoled. I just cry and cry and cry, clinging onto JJ for comfort, wishing it was Spencer instead.
Everyone glances back to check on Y/N as the car drives back to the hotel. All worried about Y/N and about Spencer. Their priority is to go somewhere secure to talk, one without anyone listening.
Eventually Y/N’s cries die down to little sniffs and silent tears. Every so often someone tried to talk to them but they stayed silent, in shock from the events of the evening. That worries the team more.
Arriving back at the hotel, the team split into two. Hotch, Rossi and Emily split off to make phone calls and see what they could do about Spencer while Morgan, and JJ stayed with Y/N.
JJ lead the way and Morgan followed behind with Y/N in his arms. The Little just played with the collar of his shirt but doesn’t say anything. Silent tears fall from their eyes as they rest their head on his shoulder.
“Is it okay that they’re so quiet?” Morgan whispered to JJ.
“They’re in shock right now. I think it’s going to take them a moment.” JJ answered back.
With Y/N keycard, they opened the door to there and Spencer’s hotel room. The moment there were back in the room though, the shock start to dissipate.
They lifted their head off Morgan’s shoulder and looked to the bed, almost as if they were expecting Spencer to be in the room. When he wasn’t, they wriggled and pushed to be put down.
“Okay, kiddo just give me a second,” Morgan said as he gentle put them down.
Immediately the moment they were set on the ground they took off, searching the bathroom, the closets and the rest of the room, as if Spencer was hiding somewhere.
Morgan went to go to Y/N but JJ stopped him. “They need to figure this out themselves.” She said softly. Her eyes looked so sad as she watched Y/N look for Spencer in the room.
But everywhere they looked, he was still gone.
Even though it wasn’t a new realization, it hit Y/N as if it is was. They stopped and looked at Spencer’s jacket thrown over the desk chair.
How simply the morning was, the two of them getting ready for the mission tonight. The storybook he read the night before sat absent on the nightstand.
The whole room had the makings of Spencer. All without him being there.
Tears started to fall from Y/N eyes again. They grabbed his jacket and wrapped it around their shoulders.
Everything became so overwhelming at once. The reality of the day was setting in. When would they ever see him again? Would they ever see him again? Would they ever be able to get him out of prison?
Too many unanswered question rattled around in their mind. And with it? Anger. Anger about the fact this happened, about the fact they warned Spencer about doing this, and about the fact they couldn’t do anything about it.
So, like any toddler would. They began to throw a tantrum. First it was cry, and screaming. Then it was throwing every pillow off the bed and onto the ground. Then it was every blanket.
This time JJ wanted to step in and try to comfort Y/N but Morgan stopped her for a moment. “Like you said, they need a moment. This time I think to let it out.”
An hour later Hotch, Rossi and Emily walked into the room, only to find it looking like a tornado had passed through. Every pillow was on the ground along with the blankets and sheets. Clothes from their suitcases were also everywhere.
JJ was sat on the bed next to a crying and screaming Y/N. She gently tried to rub circles on their back to calm them down but it didn’t seem to be helping. Morgan was standing by the door, unsure how to help.
When the rest of the BAU came into the room, both Morgan and JJ looked exhausted. Hotch quickly stepped in, Emily following closely behind to help JJ out and give her a well needed break.
Once JJ got up Hotch replaced her spot, sitting close to Y/N. Emily took a seat on their other side. All the commotion got the attention of Y/N who stopped crying and screaming for a moment and lifted their head off the bed.
They quickly looked to Emily, tears stained face, “Dadee? Come home?” They simply asked.
Emily looked to Hotch then back to Y/N before replying, “Y/N, getting Spencer back is going to be a bit more complicated than we expected.” She starts to explain.
Rossi join the two, standing near the end of the bed, “We talked with our higher ups and updated them on the situation but…we need to give our reports and we need to start a lot of paper work before we can start the work to get him out.”
Y/N looked between Rossi and Emily confused, what did this mean for Dadee? What did this mean for them?
Hotch right away noticed the confusion. He places a hand on their shoulder, “Y/N, in order to begin working on getting Spencer out of prison, we need to go back to the U.S.” He let those words sink in.
And boy did they sink in like an anchor. Though it seemed impossible at this point, fresh tears started to fall from Y/N’s eyes. “W-We can’t leave him here.” They said in a broken voice.
“We’re not going to sweetheart. I promise we’re not. But for right now we have to head back home so we can begin the process of getting him out. And to do that we need to leave this country just for a little while.” Emily explained taking their hand.
“But we can’t, he’s stuck here! We can’t leave!! I-I don’t have…anyone…” Y/N tried to say before going hysterical again. It was all too much. Too much information at once. They were just about to start hyperventilating.
Hotch, making an executive decision, pulled the Little into his arms and cradled their head on his shoulder. Y/N held onto him tightly, crying into his shoulder. He started gently rocking and bouncing them in his arms.
“Y/N, breath. Take deep breaths with me.” Hotch guides them, helping them out of their hyperventilating.
“You’re not alone Y/N. I can promise you that.” Hotch lifted his head from Y/N and looked at his team of Caregivers. Though he didn’t ask, he knew that they would all be willing to step in and help take care of Y/N while they tried to free Spencer.
“We’ve got you.”
Four months had passed by. Four long months. It feel like just yesterday I saw Spencer arrested and pulled away. Every day I hope he’s okay and wonder what’s happening across the ocean in that prison he’s stuck in. It leaves me with crazy anxiety.
As for me? I’ve been the traveling Little. Every week I go to a different BAU members house. One week I’m with Hotch, the next I’m with Emily, then Morgan and so on. They’ve all treated me so nice and each house feels like a home with them.
They’ve all comforted me through the process of dealing with the temporary loss of my caregiver. Late nights waking up to the same nightmare. Hotch running into the room and comforting me through a crying fits. Or Garcia making me a cup of coco as a special treat.
They all really live up to their nickname BAU Family.
It’s been months and we aren’t even scratching the surface of getting Spencer out. It’s been killing me having to do this the paper work route and not just break him out myself…if I could.
But while they’re working on it back in the States, Morgan, Garcia, Emily and I made a trip back to the country to visit Spencer in prison.
I just…I need to see him. I need to see him again, talk to him again, and make sure with my own eyes he’s okay.
Once we arrived I stick close to Morgan, holding his hand tightly in mine as we stepped foot in the scary looking prison. I leaned close to his side as we walked down the scary hallways with prisoners yelling and shouting at us.
Finally we made it to the visiting room. Each section was like a small cubicle. A phone hung on each side of the wall with a piece of thick glass separating the visitors from the prisoners.
I promised myself I would try hard not to regress. I wanted to talk to him, see how he was doing and try to help him through the glass as much as I can. But as we entered the room, I could feel my regression screaming to take over.
The guard stopped us before we walked over. “It’s one at a time. And each of you only gets ten minutes.”
“Ten minutes?!” Garcia said just as shocked as the rest of us.
“Yes only ten minutes each.”
“Could I give my time to them?” Emily asked, seeing that I was the most anxious to see Spencer.
“No. It’s ten minutes each. Your time starts now. Reid is at cubicle six.” And with that the cold hearted guard walked back to his post.
I looked up at Morgan who gave me a comforting smile, “It’s okay Y/N. Just go spend every minute you can with him.” I nod my head and begin moving to cubicle six. As I walk down the rows I see the other prisoners talking with their friends and family.
But nothing in this world will ever replace the feeling of reach that cubicle and seeing Spencer again.
He smiled warmly at me. His hair is much longer now and his face scruffy, two things I’ve never seen on Spencer before. I start to tear up seeing him. It’s been so long and I’ve been so worried about him. And now? Now he’s here right in front of me.
I immediately take my seat and grab the phone, Spencer does the same. There’s a moment I don’t even know what to say. All these emotions hitting me at once. Tears start to fall from my eyes as I look into his. Thankfully Spencer must’ve realized it and starts the conversation.
“Y/N! It’s so good to see you! I’ve missed you so much!” He smiles again, pure happiness ok his faces.
“I’ve missed you so much. I’ve been worried about you every day wonder that’s happening, what going on there, what’s-.”
“Y/N, Y/N,” he stops me, “I’m okay. I’ve been doing okay here. I promise.” He shared a sad smile with me. Though I know he was trying to reassure me, I didn’t believe him 100%.
“Your hair is so long!” I chuckle.
“It’s is. They don’t give haircuts here.” He joked.
“I like it. It looks nice on you having long hair.”
“Really? Huh. Maybe I’ll keep it then.” He adds pushing his hair back dramatically, I can’t help but chuckle.
“I think about you every day too. I haven’t forgotten our date you know.” He smiles, “The sharks are waiting for us.”
“Yeah…the sharks…” Memories flash back to how we ended up here. I look back up into his eyes, but they’re not the eyes of normal me. They’re the eyes of a Little.
“I miss you.” My voice cracks as more tears start to fall, “I miss your bedtime stories and your cuddles and your hugs.” I begin rambling.
I stop, looking back into his worried eyes, “I just want you back.” I place my hand on the glass, wishing and hoping it would somehow disappear.
He placed his hand on mine, the glass blocking us from actually touching. “I wish I was back with you too. I wish I could be giving you all the cuddle and snuggles you could ever want.”
“I’m working Dadee, I’m working every day to bring you home.” I don’t move my hand from the glass, tears still fall from my eyes as I look into Spencer eyes.
“I know you are darling, I know you are.” He smiles warmly.
“Tell me how you’ve been doing.” Spencer says, trying to change the subject to one more uplifting.
I begin explain everything that’s been happening while he’s been gone. Going between everyone’s houses, the adventures they’ve taken me on.
“Aunt Garcia taught me how to play animal crossing and Uncle Hotch almost set his kitchen on fire when he tried to cook.” I giggle.
“He almost killed my Little?” He joked back.
“No! I saved him with the fire extinguisher!” I say proudly.
“Wow!! I didn’t know you were a firefighter too?” Spencer smiles, making me smile as well.
“Uncle Morgan is trying to get me into jogging with him.” I can’t help but chuckle.
Spencer laughs and smiles, “He’s trying to get you into jogging?“
“Yeah but can’t keep up with him. He’s too fast.”
“I don’t think we’ve jogged a day in our lives.” Spencer laughs some more.
“We haven’t!” I laugh as well, “We just walk in the park. Not running or jogging. Just walking.” I smile, thinking about all the times we’ve walked through the park to our favorite spot. We sit on a blanket together as he reads and I lay down and watch the cloud roll by.
I start rambling, “Me and Mr. Bear have been making a list of all the things we want to do when you’re back. We’ll have tea party, and go to the park, and-.”
“TIME’S UP!” I heard the prison guard yell down to me.
I look over worried then back to Spencer. “No!” I cry out. Looking back at him, trying to memorize his face before they come to get me. “I don’t want to go! I can’t go! Please don’t go!!”
My hand doesn’t leave the window, I hold my hand there not quite ready to take it away. Not ready to leave him. “Please don’t leave! Please!” My eyes meets his, mine looking worried while his look sad. I start to cry.
“It’s okay, Y/N. I promise you I’m going to be okay. I want you to know how much I love you and that I’m thinking of you every day. And how I can’t wait for the day you’ll be back my arms again.” Spencer quickly starts to say, trying to get every last word in.
“Dadee,” I try to catch my breath, “I don’t want to leave you again.” I choke out, trying to catch my breath between sobs.
“We’re not saying goodbye forever bug, we’re just saying goodbye for now.” The world seems to pause for a second as he looks at me and says, “I’ll see you again. I’ll see you soon.”
I nod my head, tears still falling from my face. “I love you.”
Spencer smiled back at me, “I love you too Y/N. I love you so-.”
Y/N turns to look away from the glass and off to the side. They put their phone down and start shaking their head to someone. Spencer can’t see what they’re looking at or who they’re talking to.
Spencer’s heart shatters as Morgan comes over, placing a hand on their shoulder before he scopes Y/N into his arms. Morgan and Spencer don’t get to talk, but the small nod and look in Morgan’s eye tells him everything he needs to know. Y/N’s in his safe hands.
He watches as Y/N turns and cries into Morgan’s shoulder as he carries them away. With one final glance, the Caregiver and Little lock eyes before Y/N is carried off.
The moment Y/N is out of sight, Spencer breaks down. Trying to put a tough face on for Y/N in showing that he’s alright. But he isn’t. He’s always running the risk of getting beaten up. He’s gotten into one or two of fight which didn’t end well for him. It’s hard being a cop in prison, let alone an FBI agent.
Spencer looks down, crying into his hand. The tough front of ‘everything’s okay’ drops and he’s finally able to let it out. His heart breaks for Y/N. He’s supposed to be there taken care of them, and instead he’s lock up, countries away. All the moments he’s missing out on, all the time.
The phone picks up and someone sits across from him. He doesn’t lift his head till they start talking.
“Reid, I’m so sorry.” Emily tries to say. “These guards aren’t happy with us being here to begin with, and you and I know Y/N would happily fight all of them to have more time with you.”
Spencer wiped his tears and nods. “How-,” he clears his throat, trying not to sound so upset, “How have they been doing?”
“I won’t lie to you, it was definitely a grieving process in the beginning. Then it was getting used to traveling around to everyone’s house every week. But,” She looks off to where Morgan is, holding Y/N in his arms, lightly bouncing them and rubbing their back, “But I think they’re finally starting to settled with us, comfortable regressing.”
She looks into his eyes and shares a comforting smile with him, “They’re doing okay.”
Spencer nods his head taking it all in, “That’s great to hear. I’ve been so worried they haven’t adjusted well, or they’ve been upset about everything.” He rambles.
“They have their moment but they need to have their moments of crying and being upset. Sometimes they need to let it out. I’m just thankful they have people to care for them and allow them a safe space to let it out.” Emily shared a small smile with Spencer.
“So, let’s get down to business before they cut me off.” Emily places her brief case on the table and begins going over their plan for getting him out.
They talk a while longer before Emily’s time is up. Then just when he thought his visit was over, Garcia took a place infront of him.
“Spencer! I love your hair this length! You should keep it this way!” Garcia smiled.
“It’s good to see you too Penelope.”
“So! I’m sure Emily went over all the business stuff with you.” She starts to say, “I’m not here to talk business, I’m here to cheer you up and tell you Y/N’s okay.”
Spencer right away smiles sadly, nodding his head.
“How are they taking it?”
“Very rough, which is to be expected.” She says honestly, “But…they’re not fighting us or trying to go against our help. I think they realizes they need people they can regress freely around so they can process the situation.”
Spencer nods along, listening intently.
Garcia chuckles, “You should only see Hotch and Morgan with them. Talk about softies! You think they’re the toughest men of the BAU? You should only see them when they’re trying to cheer Y/N up. There’s not much they would do.”
Spencer join her in laughing, picture the two of them with Y/N. “That’s something I’d love to see.”
“And I know you will soon. Between our team’s efforts and Y/N determination to find a loophole in the system, you’ll be out of here soon enough.” She smiled warmly.
“I just wanted to take the time to tell you that we’re taking good care of Y/N. Emily paints their nails, JJ and Morgan takes them to the park, Hotch and Rossi have been teaching them how to cook, and I’ve been showing them every movie and playing every video games imaginable.”
Spencer smile again, “Thank you Garcia. Thank you for taking care of my Little one.”
“It’s been our pleasure.” She smiles back. “Hang in there, okay? We’ll see you soon.” She kissed her hand and pressed it to the glass.
Spencer did the same, sharing a small smile with her.
As she stood up and walk away, the guard behind him call his name, visiting hours were up. He sigh, standing up and walking back to his cell. Before he felt empty and now? Now he felt a small glimmer of hope.
Two more months later there we stood, outside the gates of the prisons waiting endlessly for Spencer. The whole BAU was here to ensure Spencer was brought out safe and sound.
I stood next to Hotch nervously picking at my nails as we waited. He grabbed my hand gently, stopping me from the nervous habit. “It’s okay Y/N. You have nothing to worry about.” He took my hand in his, gently rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.
“But what if-.”
“There’s nothing they can do to keep him in there.” Rossi cuts me off. “They have to release him today.” He reassured.
I nod my head, still not so sure. So there we wait, and wait, and wait.
“Did they give us a time?” JJ asks.
“They said 12 o’clock.” Emily replies.
“And it’s…” Morgan asks.
“It’s 1:37.”
We all sigh.
“If they don’t release him by 2 we’ll raise hell. But for now we’ll wait.” Hotch replies to the group. Looking to me and sharing a small smile.
So we wait some more.
I lean against Hotch’s arms watching the gate endlessly.
Suddenly there’s a loud alarm sound and the gate starts to open. I squeeze Hotch’s hand. “Is it Spencer? Is it him?” I look to him eagerly.
“Let’s wait a moment and see before we go over.” The group watch as the gate opens and a prisoner walks out.
There’s no denying who that is. His hair much longer, almost to his shoulders. His face unkept. But his smile towards the group is the most recognizable sign that it’s him.
I look to Hotch who gives me a smile and a nod.
With that I take off! I start running like my life depends on it. Spencer smile only grows as he sees me running towards him. He kneels down, opening his arms wide.
After months of being without him, it lead us to this moment. I tears fall from my eyes as I finally embrace him, running right into his arms. He wraps his arms around me and picks me up, spinning us around while hugging me tight against him.
We stop, just holding onto each other, tears running down both our faces. “Spencer!! Dadee! I miss you!! I missed you so much!” I cry into his shoulder, holding onto him to tightly.
“I miss you so much. I’ve thought about you every day, thought about this moment every day. I couldn’t wait to hug my little bug again.”
We’ve both been waiting for this moment forever. Long nights sleeping in my bed wishing I could just be cuddled up with Spencer, nightmares that I wish he could protect me from, adventures I wish he would take me on.
It was all over. I held onto with a tight grip. As if I didn’t he would disappear. Finally no more glass to separate us any longer. We are finally back together again. And we’re never leaving each others side.
We break apart but only for a moment as we look into each other’s eyes, “I did it. I got the paper work and I demanded they release you. I never stopped fighting for you.” I cry.
Spencer reaches up and wiped the tears away, “I couldn’t be more grateful for you. Thank you Y/N.” He pulls me back into a tight hug, kissing the side of my head.
The recovery was going to be a long one. Spencer was definitely going to need some time away from the BAU and so was Y/N. They needed to catch up on loss time and deal with what happened together. But for now…
“Now we can go to the aquarium!” I mumble, squish in our hug.
Spencer chuckles. We break apart and he takes my hand in mine. “It would be my honor to finally take you to the aquarium.” He smiles back.
Together we walk towards the rest of the team, hand in hand. Reunited at last.
“What fish are you most excited to see?” I asks as we walk.
“Maybe a star fish.” Spencer replies.
“A star fish?!”
“Yeah. What’s wrong with that?”
“But that’s not even a fish?”
“It’s close to a fish but not technically a fish.”
“Then why is it called star fish?”
“I…don’t actually know. We’ll just have to ask one when we see it.” Spencer smiles, squeezing my hand. I giggle at the silliness and squeeze his hand right back.
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I try not to post too much about antis because I want the proship tags to be filled with happiness more so than rants, but I haven’t seen anyone point these two people out much so here I go.
Britney Venti and Meatcanyon. MC is simple. He uploaded a video called “the worst fandom” and basically shat on lolicons and spread that stupid school of thought “your brain can’t tell the different between drawings and the real thing-“ No meaty, maybe YOUR brain can’t tell the differences but most of us well adjusted adults CAN. In fact, I think he maybe really can’t tell the difference, remember that disgusting video where he drew that foot ball player getting grossly intimate with his son (a real child, a real father) AND then made a joke about the foot ball abusing the wife for laughs? A real woman as well I’m assuming? Maybe I’m just sensitive to women’s issues because I am one, but gross. Why didn’t more people call Meaty out for that?? I didn’t hear a buzz or a thing about it.
Okay so Britney Venti. Basically she’s a pickme who hates other women, shits on sex workers and lolicons alike. She also likes to join discord servers that are properly marked and labeled as the exact thing she hates just to “expose them”.
At first she’ll try to shit on sex workers by saying stuff like “well I’m just looking at the fact and the psychology about how sex workers are always depressed and aboooosed” and then she’ll turn around and make fun of these same women with really petty low jabs like “wow she looks so retarded and talks funny” (a Venus angelic video iirc) to top all of that off, she’s also apparently dating the incel king himself think before you sleep SO.
And to be clear, I’m a little murky on how good sex work actually is for women myself. I honestly don’t know and I have some misgivings about it, but the difference between Britney and I, is that I’ll never make fun of SWer’s abuse stories, body shame them or victim blame them for what they’ve been through. Basically, Britney sweetie, maybe your brain hasn’t quite caught up to this type of nuance yet, but you can dislike sex work without hating sex workers and being misogynistic.
Oh yeah, after spending years attacking that shark girl vtuber and intruding on proship spaces and saying we’re all monsters, someone dug up a clip of her flirting with a little boy on stream. SO.
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fullsunsets · 5 months
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Thanks to @jmagnabo92 @myheartalivewrites @henryspearl @iboatedhere @thesleepyskipper for tagging me
To celebrate hitting 50k words in my RBB fic, I will be sharing one of my favorite moments ever.
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How a wonderful, funny, kind, and handsome man like Henry Fox is spending Valentine’s day all alone with his annoying straight friend and not on some romantic ass date is beyond comprehension for Alex.
“I honestly don’t understand how you’re still single,” Alex blurts out and Henry freezes midway through grabbing the last can of beer.
“I— well…” Henry tries to start, but he keeps opening and closing his mouth like a blobfish. And Alex might have lost count of how much he has been drinking because he finds Henry’s whole reaction cute.
“It’s just… You’re such a cool guy and honestly, the fact that no guy has snagged you for a date, today of all days, feels so wrong to me. They have no idea what they are missing,” the filter between his racing thoughts and his mouth is already faulty when sober, so there is no surprise it’s nonexistent when he’s drunk. 
Henry looks at him surprised, almost as if he is trying to make sense of the scene playing in front of him. “I honestly don’t mind, the holiday is so commercialized anyway. I’m——”
“H, I’m not dumb,” he turns to his friend and they are currently staring at each other, “You are a hopeless romantic who dreams of the day you’ll get your love story worthy for an Austen heroine. And while I am sad to inform you that you are not an Austen heroine, but Mr. Darcy, my point that you are a sucker for love still stands. You deserve being knocked off your fucking feet, someone to take you to some fancy ass restaurant, to take you around the Smithsonian and hear you go on your cute little rants, baby. And the fact that no guy has given you that, fucking pisses me off. Instead, you are stuck with me getting piss drunk while we watch Star Wars and argue about which movie is better for the umpteenth time,” he looks at Henry straight in the eyes, hoping he gets Henry to see he deserves so much better. 
“Alex, I didn’t know you were hating spending the night with me that much,” Henry teases, but at this point, Alex has become almost an expert in reading him and can see the tension in his shoulders.
Almost as if he actually believes what he just said, and that just breaks Alex.
“That’s not what I’m trying to say, asshole!” he glares at him and Henry chuckles, “No, H, I’m so serious right now, you have no idea. This is the best night ever, and I will never take this for granted. But you deserve the world! The point is that you should be out having cheesy-ass dates with the love of your life instead of being stuck with your straight friend who is too annoying to get himself a date.”
“So if you had a date for today you would have dumped me?” Henry jokes, but then Alex freezes.
He never told Henry about the girl who tried to ask him out last Saturday after trivia night. She was cute and even Nora pointed out she looked like Alex’s type, although he doesn’t know where she gets that his type is blond. They dated and Nora is very much not a blond. However, he already had made plans with Henry and he didn’t want to leave him all alone on Valentine's day. At least that’s what he told Nora and his sister, but he can’t shake off the way they looked at him, as if he was the dumbest person they know. 
And honestly, he probably is, because who turns down a date to hang out with their friend. Someone he has only been calling a friend for a few weeks.
Yet, Alex doesn’t care if he and Henry have only been friends since late January or for 5 years. That's his best friend right there. He doesn’t care what Nora has to say about it. He’s allowed to have two best friends.
“No,” he admits and Henry’s eyes widen, “I already made a promise to you and I don’t break them.”
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Tags: @theprinceandagcd @luainthewild @benwvatt @onetwistedmiracle + open tag
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hypnoneghoul · 1 year
Brilliant Mind
WC: 1,2K
Pairing: Rain/Swiss
Tags: Implied autistic Rain, non-binary they/them Rain, anal sex
Rain goes on a ramble about basses while Swiss fucks them. That's the plot.
Read under the cut or on AO3.
“Where’s your head at?” Swiss asked, seeing the absent look in Rain’s eyes, a different one than the one he knows means the water ghoul is far gone in pleasure. They blink at Swiss’ words, shaking themself out of it.
“Just thinking ‘bout something,” they shrugged, way too casual for being impaled on the multi ghoul’s cock.
“About what, Rainbow?” Swiss asked, grinning and resuming his thrusts. That was his mistake.
“I talked with my tech about- ah, basses for the next tour earlier,” Rain started, only a quiet moan interrupting their words for a second.
“You are thinking about basses while I’m fucking you?” the multi ghoul asked, a bit in disbelief, but also with a nauseating amount of affection for his extremely adorable mate.
“Well, yeah,” Rain shrugged, again, “I won’t use the same ones I used now, you know, the white Jazz, black Jazz and black and white Jaguar.”
Swiss just stared down at his partner with wide eyes, absolutely not believing that Rain will go on a rant about basses with a cock up their ass. They didn’t tell him to stop, though, and he did love hearing them talk, so the multi ghoul continued to slowly thrust into them.
“Leaving Jazz, I think, I don't like Precision too much and Jaguar is just… meh. About the colours, I think I’ll stay with the black Jazz for the songs we’ve got in drop C, you know, because it’s fine and it’s a signature by now. But for the rest, I don’t know, the white one was a good balance, because Aether has black Fantomen and Dew black and white. But now Dew will have a whole white Stratocaster, so maybe if I had a black and white bass it would be better? What do you think?”
“I- uh, I think so too, every guitar slash bass in different colours, yeah,” Swiss breathed, not expecting Rain would ask him about anything. “By the way, can we switch positions, wanna ride me, Rainbow?”
“Sure,” the water ghoul agreed, again, way too casually considering the circumstances, and Swiss got to move them. When Rain was settled on the top, they started moving. 
And talking.
“I’m wondering about the fretboards too, what would look the best. Maple is great, but I feel like it’s too light, but there’s something with rosewood that makes me hate it, so I think I’d want ebony. But I don’t know if ebony would fit the black ad white bass, so maybe maple after all? But not the yellowish lacquered one, the softer one. I’ll probably have to try to put all the options together and choose, you know?”
“Y- yeah,” Swiss managed out, barely holding himself together at the display of Rain riding his cock in earnest while still rambling. It was hot, actually, their brain amazed the multi ghoul.
“I was thinking if still tucking my picks behind the pickguard is a good idea, or if taping them to the side like Dew does isn’t better, but that’ll work out later, I guess.” Rain threw their head back then, finally showing some signs of being affected by the cock in their ass. The water ghoul leaned back on their hands, switching their bouncing to a precise grind. “There’s also the strings, I was testing out some flat wounds and half round wounds the last few weeks, and I do like the half ones, the flat’s are too, hm, slippery, but I think I should use the same type of strings they did for the recording, right? So it sounds the same. But they also used Precision, and I won’t do that, so will the strings make such an awful difference if it's a different bass? I mean, the pickups are the same, so the bass itself doesn't make that much difference, plus I can switch the necks, I just don't like the Precision’s body, or more like the pickguard shape, so I still can get really close with the sound.”
Swiss was out of his mind, the drag of Rain’s walls over his cock maddening, his mate’s brain even more. He was so close he was sure if they said one more smart word he totally didn’t understand he’d burst.
“Maybe a higher gauge of the half round wound strings would make up for the lower gauge or fully round wound? I use 45’s to 100’s now, but I could go up to 50’s or even 55’s. I’ll have to test it, do you think Dew would help me? I like my tech but he just doesn’t keep up with what I’m saying.”
“Yeah, I- I wonder why, Rainbow. You’re so smart, it’s so hot, fuck,” Swiss moaned, squeezing his eyes shut.
“But do you think Dew would help me?” Rain asked, seemingly oblivious to the delicious agony their mate was currently enduring.
“S- sure, he would.”
“Great, I’ll ask him later,” they leaned forward again then, bracing their arms on Swiss’ chest, returning to urgent bounces, making the multi ghoul nearly pass out. 
“Hngh,” was all he could muster.
“You close?” Rain asked, so casually it hurt. Swiss nodded, whining. Loud.
“P- please, Rainbow,” he pleaded, shaky hands holding onto the water ghoul’s hips.
“What do you need, love?”
“Talk,” he moaned, “a- and move, l- like that.”
Rain giggled, but obliged, “I could use thicker picks too, they’d give me a rougher sound, more concrete. Combining all that, mixing the elements, I could get so many different tones, there’s just so many possibilities. Add effect pedals to it, and they’re basically unlimited. If I could play fingerstyle, too, that’d make a difference. Maybe I could convince Papa to let me play the new songs like that, or some of the softer basslines of the older ones, like Absolution or Deus. It depends on what stays on the setlist too, but you know how good I am with my fingers.”
Oh, and that made Swiss break. He moaned, long and high pitched, whole body spasming as he came, filling Rain with his cum. 
He did know, very well, how good they were with their fingers, thank you very much.
The water ghoul finally let themself go too, though Swiss doubted they did hold themself back from anything, as their mouth dropped in a silent moan, clenching on Swiss’ cock and painting his belly white. They panted, arms giving out as they plopped down onto the multi ghoul’s chest, nuzzling their face into the crook of his neck.
“Your brain is so hot, Rainbow,” Swiss breathed, slowly coming back into his own body. Rain only purred in response, curling themself tighter around their mate, not caring about the mess.
They both did get up, though, to clean up, getting back to cuddle after. Rain fell asleep before Swiss even fully settled. He took out his phone and was met with a message from Mountain, cringing at it.
M: Had fun?
S: I wasn’t that loud, come on.
M: You absolutely were. Plus we share a wall, so… What did Rain do to you this time?
S: They started rambling about basses [*]
M: Ha, they didn’t stop, tho, did they?
S: Nope, and it was fucking hot.
M: Be grateful they chose basses and not weird deep sea tentacle creatures.
S: U speaking from experience?
M: Yes. Don’t ask more questions.
That’s where their conversation cut off, leaving Swiss grinning, absolutely planning how to find out about Mountain’s own experience. For now, though, he dropped the phone and curled tighter around Rain, kissing their forehead. He’d kiss their brilliant mind too, if he could.
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tac-bat · 2 years
Why I hate how the elders are treated and misinterpreted in a big chunk of the fandom. Rant!
Before we start
I mention fat phobia, and talk about how certain hair types and cultural clothing is described as "food" as a response to what some of the elders are perceived by alot of the fandom. These comments are not only directed at some elders, but many folks who have gotten representation from them are also affected these comments that many thrown around freely.
I’m at my breaking point and will get heated on an array of things but I don’t care
You're entitled to your own opinion, even if i heavily disagree with it. If you don't wanna read then just scroll, because I will rip apart the interpretations I talk about under the read more tag.
If you "don't see this happening" or believe this "doesn't happen" that doesn't mean it didn't happen, Tumblr isin't the only social media I have. I've dabbled in the official Discord, on Instagram, and god forbid Pinterest too, i've seen it all.
Let’s go in order, most issues I have a bone to pick with are more prevalent in some elders more than others.
They’re just forgotten, really. Even with knowing what Isle looked like before. Flourishing even, populated seen in the switch trailer and even making an appearance in the Auroras' concert for runaways, they’re pretty much never talked about. And if they are they're just kinda only the butt of pee-paw jokes
Their characterization is just confusing to me. I've seen a lot of them portrayed as happy-go-lucky. I’m not saying they can’t be happy, but from what I’ve seen, that’s all they are to a lot of folks in the fandom that I’ve seen. Which really confuses me because in their cutscene they wake up in a daze, notice us, are sort of like "ah, hi," and get straight to work. And they’re gentle, tipping the pot to the butterfly they make to enter. But then there's their orbit cutscene, where they look tired and a tad grouchy after being woken up—not mean, just tired. Again, nothing wrong with it, but it’s pretty one-dimensional to me to just see them as all that.
On a more bitter note, i've seen alot of "fat jokes" or straight up fatphobia in art and comments alike about their body, "Why are they so fat?" -a comment i've actually seen in the discord regarding Ayin. it's disgusting.
I have so much shit to say about them.
They're not mean simply because they took your light.
"But they snatched it away." Motherfucker, you're looking surface level. THINK!
Imagine you're dead, stuck in limbo for god knows how long, rotting away without anything to do. And you enjoy building and creating, and you were possibly the catalyst for the production of darkstone; your temple could be a goddamn factory for it! So much so that your anvil and hammer are in your constellation; they're a part of you. It’s what you love. And now that you're dead, with no light to fuel, no life to live, forced to sit there with broken shards, it'd bore you, drain you. And then a child appears with a flame; and for the first time in thousands of years, if not more, you can create, build, make something.
And you do.
You take the light without a second thought, regaining your strength and setting to work to help this child pass through your realm to the other elder. You just put all your focus on making the diamond, and when you finish and are proud of it, you send it up to the sky. You’ve created again. And in your orbit cutscene, you're much gentler, no longer bound to that soul-sucking abyss of nothing, so you honour the children who gave you light, your gift. Taking your time and presenting it to them with grace.
That’s what Teth does; that’s what they do. Yes, they seem like a more serious person, but they’re in no way mean. Did they take your light away? Yes. But putting yourself in their shoes for just a moment can make you understand why.
I love the twins; I’m a fan of them, and I love Sah in particular with all my being. Which is why this one I will get very passionate about.
It baffles me how those two got the impression of being idiots who share a single brain cell. I don’t mind the jokes, but some people think that’s all they are. Which is just so wrong, like? How can you be so wrong? Would a ruler who built their fucking realm, Valley Triumph of all names, in a goddamn mountains? Would the most prosperous, decorated, and successful realm be led by idiots? Let me repeat that, They built the realm Valley of Triumph, in the fucking MOUNTIANS! Do you know how hard it is to make a city that size in those conditions? MOUNTAINS ARE FUCKING BRUTAL, WITH LESS OXYGEN, EVEN LESS WITH MASK'S, AND FOR HOW UNPREDICTABLE THE WEATHER IS ITS INSANE. Yet valley thrived! They thrived in those mountains, creating impossible architecture, floating buildings, and sports ranging from sliding to flying to manta racing.
Would idiots who share a brain cell accomplish that? No! It's incredible what the twins achieve—an amazing realm and, in my opinion, the capital of the sky. Eden, on the other hand, seems more like a sacred place where you ascend. Not to mention the Citadel? Hello??? It's fucking fantastic; it's incredible how they created such a beautiful realm in the mountains. They wanted races; they got them; they wanted enrichment; they have theatre, gondolas, even the coliseum, and races too.
The twins can be silly and serious, and they are shown to have the same rivalry as all siblings do. But they are not dumb idiots, not in the least.
Tsadi, like Ayins, is just confusing. I’m not too well versed, but I’ve seen iterations of them where they side with "Resh," who is really just a concept art character that has definitely changed from the base game in concept art. Even then, they've never officially appeared in-game; you just have those statues in Wasteland. And in those interpretations of seeing Resh as a full-fledged character, they’re seen as "evil," which I don’t agree with at all. I mention them because most of the time, Tsadi would side with Resh in the war to mant; them seeing Resh as pro-Darkstone in the war (the diamonds Teth makes, and that we light up, basically the main power source for sky), this would imply Tsadi destroyed their realm because they followed the "king." However, their sun shield is right there; based on the memories of wounded warriors, it shows that they were on the "sun side" of their friend. If they we're pro darkstone and was on the same side as the hypothetical "king" wouldn't they have a diamond shield?
"But the spear falling in warrior's and seeds memory could be them," would you expect Tsadi to attack their own realm, where civilians are in warrior memory? Attack their own PEOPLE for the reasons I stated above?
Like most of the elders, they're pretty much forgotten. And frankly, I haven’t seen any character interpretations that stick out, so their section is more about how they’re mistreated. Mostly on their headscarf, which is confirmed to be based off a hijab by one of the devs, Ash. Who explains why we should be respectful about it.
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And god, so many POC deal with shit already because their hair or cultural clothing are described as food or even worse which many hate. It's disheartening to see almost every joke or comparison refer to Lamed being an "Egg".
More stuff that piss me off
"Bad rulers"
I despise when folks call the elders "evil" or "bad rulers," not seeming to care for their people or even being seen as lazy, which baffles me. Have you watched the vault cutscene?
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For fuck's sake, Flight Guide is Ayin's apprentice! Would someone who doesn't care about their people bother with an apprentice? Even a flight guide shares the same pattern on their pants as Ayin, and the same pattern on the flight post's. It's ridiculous how folks can spew the most disproven zero reading comprehension ever when this shit is right here.
And they're not saints; they made mistakes, of course, but I see them wanting the best for their people and the kingdom. But in the process, they made huge mistakes that piled up and spilled over, resulting in the kingdom's downfall. But it wasn’t done out of malice; they tried and messed up big time, but they weren't evil, not one bit.
How many treat Lamed and Teth when it comes to shipping
I can’t stop who you ship; as long as it’s not weird and illegal, it’s whatever for me. Some pairs are not for me because of personal preferences/ familial head cannons, but I do dabble in ships. Yet it’s more mellowed out to me just saying "cute" when I see fanart and moving on. But it irritates me that when Teth or Lamed are shipped with most people, they appear to be more submissive in some ways. I’m not saying they can’t be happy, but to me, in so much ship art, it seems like just because they look more feminine, they’re suddenly almost always a blushing or shy mess, or (and I hate to use this term) a tsundere for Teth in some other cases. But that’s completely my biased opinion.
Fucks sake in my earlier time in the fandom, I was a Lamed/Tsadi fan, but again, it’s mellowed out to me just seeing fanart and thinking it's cute and moving on if it comes naturally. But I didn’t make one meek and the other an alpha male or some dumb shit when I used to draw them as I've seen many do. I mention this because I can see some folks calling me hypocritical for pointing this out. But the reason it irritates me is when Teth or Lamed are paired with someone (who often appears to be masc) almost always seem out of character simply because they're with said person. Which rubs me the wrong way since they are usually almost always seen as fem presenting in many folks eyes. Again, I don't have an issue with the pairs themselves; it just irks me when only their personalities seem to be changed for the sake of it, where it's just out of character.
How some elders greatly overshadow others and leave them in the dust
I'm guilty of this, fucks sake most of my content is twin stuff. And while I can feed on alot of twin content here, many folks who are fans of any other elder's barely get crumbs, even less so with Daleth, Ayin, And Lamed who are pretty much left do the dust. Which I hate because i know why.
The reason, Twins and Teth and even Tsadi are so popular when they others aren't is because they're "conventionally attractive", all are fit, all are gorgeous and can be attractive to many. Yet so can the others be appreciated, yet they aren't. Again, i know a hypocrite because of my blog being mostly twin stuff, yet even blogs like mine that don't focus on a single elder barely draw Daleth, Ayin, and Lamed. It sucks ass.
I think that’s all. I’m just sick of how the elders are treated by everyone.
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xx-slug-xx · 1 year
//rant where I just go off about the recent antis who have been going around. There’s been so many that I’ve seen, so it’s not about any particular users tbh. Like, my dash is filled with different antis and I wanted to say something about it lol
The recent rise of certain antis not knowing how to spell, using abbreviations for almost every word they type, and talking like they can’t be any older than 15 is really concerning tbh.
And when I say “taking like they can’t be any older than 15”, I mean they lack any sort of argument or desire to have one while using patterns in their text that is shocking similar to middle schoolers to early high schoolers using (all the way down to the slang, abbreviations, and punctuations). Everything boils down to “lol kys pedo 💀”. Like, do they not realize how dumb they sound? Do they not realize that every anon ask I get that sounds at all like this, I just delete it and move on with my day? Nobody takes them seriously besides the antis who are on the same wavelength as them, and that’s not something they should be proud of (they are proud btw). And they really think they are getting somewhere with it. Really it’s just annoying :/ I used to be an internet troll back in my day (13 to be exact lol), and what made it fun wasn’t the “hahaha I hate you” aspect of it, it was the debate. Well, for me at least. So I really don’t understand this whole thing that these new antis who have been showing up on my dash lately who have absolutely no point to be made, contradict themselves, and don’t even bother to look at anything other than a label someone uses. What do they gain from this? Like seriously. There’s no gain from my perspective when nobody is taking what you say with any seriousness and your just a minor annoyance.
I really am concerned though, and this is regardless of this new wave’s actual ages, because I’m not assuming that they are minors without proof of such (I have reason to have high suspicion that they are minors, but that’s not relevant) (and if they are minors, who fucking told them it was at all ok to interact with people who they think are pedophiles?). But like, do folks not realize that harassment with no real logic behind it just makes them look stupid when it’s done in this fashion? Like, harassment in general is dumb, but this is worse for some reason imo. I’m in awe tbh, like, /srs on this one. I’m concerned about people’s basic literacy skills and their ability to think about things rationally. If this wave consisted of people who had valid criticism and wanted to hold a debate about the topics at hand (which, personally, I love the antis who are like this because I love holding serious discussion on complicated topics), then it would be a completely different story. But there’s been nothing but stupidity clogging up my dash lately, and I’m kinda annoyed :/
I’m also waiting for the antis who have been perusing the proship tags lately to see this and say something lmao
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milfclaren · 7 months
So intrigued what your version of the correct fic Lando is... (and if you have any examples of ones you like!)
howdy partner!! i probably have to write him myself to feel fully satisfied but. here are my thoughts anyways. i’m sorry i typed you a fucking Book in response.
i wanna start by saying i give a lot of leeway with how lando is written by others because his perspective is one i find Very Hard to write. for one, he leaves a lot of room for misinterpretation (i’ll expand) and for two, we’re very different people with very different experiences and i’ve never met him. alas, fic exists as the perfect space to explore your own interpretation of someone else’s personality — both inside and outside of their normal circumstances — and as a writer, you get a lot of creative choice within that. my usual complaint is that he’s cut to the bare bits of the public personality (sillygoofy, a bit bothersome, sometimes demanding and persnickety) OR he’s solely earnest and one-dimensional, in a way that reads as a subservient self-insert.
the version of lando in fic that feels correct for me balances all of these things — his goofier front, his prickly, cautionary act and his more sensitive side (and i do think he is Sensitive). this version acknowledges that his sensitivity is where his prickliness stems from at all. maybe that’s because he resents that about himself, maybe it’s something else entirely; that’s up for the author to decide. anyways, the most correct version of fic lando, to Me, also reconciles his dedication to honesty with his necessity to lie. for being so honest, lando is also a fucking liar, and i do think that. from what i have gathered, lando feels more at ease protected when he has some control over how you misunderstand him, because (from his perspective) no matter what he says or does, you are going to misunderstand him. i don’t think fic acknowledges/explores this Nearly enough. (astrology does, but his birth chart is another rant entirely)
he has said before he thinks it’s funny when people are wrong about him, but once again to me that says being misunderstood is the status quo. on some level he likes to mislead you. on some other level, it’s comfortable to maintain. i don’t blame him, i’m not judging him. in all regards, vulnerability is fucking terrifying. especially if you’re dismissed no matter how much genuine vulnerability you’re showing.
all this is not to say he isn’t headstrong or firm in the things he believes to be true about himself. but can you imagine how he might gain a stronger sense of control by playing with your perception of him? he gets to control what you dislike by controlling the version of him you see. if you dislike what you’re presented with, it doesn’t matter because it was an exaggerated facade anyways. there is a distance from that immediate rejection, because at best, it is a somewhat-false acceptance. that is not more satisfying, really. so maybe if you like that version, he plays into it harder. or maybe he starts to peel back his layers and show you a more authentic (or perhaps even more contradictory) version of himself.
tl:dr — a well fleshed out character showcases all their contradictions. the best landos in fic manage to capture his total aversion to being truly known and the way he needs it so furiously you can see him fighting it.
here are a few landos that stuck out to me, and since the og post was about porn, there’s lots of porn here:
[Explicit! heed all AO3 tags and warnings!] all of these are dando, landoscar or mando. there is no carlando, sorry, i know that’s crazy, because it is the most popular lando ship, but i only really like carlando in very specific circumstances <3
this is very short, but for some reason this lando interpretation kinda sticks out in my brain
fun landoscar here, i liked this exploration of lando a lot
pacrim fusion lando i think about so much
rule 63!dando - an interesting exploration, i liked it
another really good landoscar - this is a different lando than i usually see i think
this lando yearns so much, and he’s a little freak. no notes, that all seems plausible to me
i know what i said about carlando but this series is about dando. carlos is more of a lingering concept.
this little love sick lando lingering in the space of best friends to lovers
i would give you my life for more lando/george fic
some people who write or interpret his voice well in general
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bapydemonprincess · 1 month
I’m 24 and I’ve been in this fandom since like 2010 . So not the entire time it’s been around but I was here for its main surge I feel like. And I won’t lie, when I was 10 and a majority of the fandom did ship sebaciel publicly and people made you feel weird for not shipping it, I definitely did engage with it. It was pushed on me as a 10 year old by a majority of the fandom, and I didn’t see anything wrong because I was younger than ciel/same age and I was like “yeah I think Sebastian is cute and I’m the same age as ciel so—“ BUT you know as I got older I’d say even by 14 I had the realization of how gross it was and how I didn’t actually ship it it was just that they were the two main characters in the fandom and that typically main characters are the ones who get shipped and that at that time in the fandom it was impossible to not be faced with ship stuff. And I was groomed by adults in the fandom on this very website. They knew my age and would send me smut and talk to me about myself and flirt and I honestly feel bad that I ever did engage with the ship. I didn’t know any better. But now as an adult when I do see sebaciel stuff I find myself questioning if they’re just young and if they’re going to grow out of it too and I wonder if maybe they’re also having it pushed on them by older fans like I was. I find it concerning because i know what it did to myself and what kind of situations I was put in because of it. I try to avoid the adult ones because unfortunately I think if they haven’t grown out of it and realized the implications of the ship and how it does affect real life I don’t know that they ever will. I hate that this fandom has such a bad label on it. Every person I mention it to is like— “oh the pedophile demon anime?” And it just sickens me. Idk this is kind of just a rant and I wanted to offer my thoughts as someone who has been in the fandom a long time and as someone who was in the fandom as a child even. I’m sorry if this is weird ask to send but I see you posting content about it sometimes and it made me feel safe to share my thoughts
Well I am not personally good at answering these types of asks but I am glad you felt safe to send this to me, specifically, and get it off your chest, it's all good!! 💖 And glad to know you came to realize how bad the ship was at one point, I'm always happy to see that happen once in a while in kuro, because there are so many folks around my age refusing to accept the truth and doubling down on proshipping, and also I notice very recently too trying to cause problems on purpose for antis in their spaces. 😒 It's getting hard out there since the new anime came out, and a lot of those types have attempted to return.. likely from twitter where they ran off to last time they were booted (some quite literally banned hmm I wonder why) from tumblr.
And the worst WORST part knowing proshippers around my age is knowing.. remembering.. the very beginnings of kuro, seeing the early fics on ao3 by those guys, who really started it all, knowing somewhere they're still out there.. some even maybe with kids of their own WHO KNOWS... Ugh.
And I hope new fans, no matter their age really, make sure to be careful esp on here in the main kuro tag, for these proshippers have been constantly- AND VERY BLATANTLY I MIGHT ADD -trying to advertise their blogs and discords as safe spaces for interacting... CLEARLY trying to start/continue the process of grooming that is so well known in fandoms like kuro at this point.
Overall just use block on tumblr recreationally, it's free real estate ✨, stay safe in general, and again don't be afraid whether on fellow anti blogs like mine send messages or if you feel more comfortable make posts of your own on your own blog expressing how you feel, getting it out of your system.
Hope my response was okay (I say because I'm at work at also health-wise a bit out of it so sorry grbhjfkugu) and hope you, anon are currently doing okay now!! Thank you again for sharing your personal experience!!
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joandfriedrich · 3 months
Hope you don’t mind me ranting a little, I was looking for fanfics of Amy and Laurie and I’m kinda sad that a lot of them have him cheating physically or emotionally cheating on Amy with Jo. It’s like people just can’t accept that Laurie grew up (with a little help from Amy) and fell in love with someone else. Jo herself says she isn’t in love with him. And she found a beautiful love with Friedrich, I wish people could let it go. And maybe I’m wrong but with how Laurie was written in the book, I don’t ever see him cheating on Amy whatsoever with anyone. And Jo wouldn’t cheat on Friedrich with Laurie because she was never in love with Laurie!!! It feels so incredibly out of character for the both of them.
There is a way in Archive of Our Own to look for main ship tags. That is what I always do when looking out for Little Women fics. It filters out all the unwanted ones.
For your question, it is what I have been saying in the LW podcast since the beginning, I think the biggest problem is the lack of Laurie's characterization in Little Women adaptations and romanticizing his and Laurie's relationship.
Long loving looks
1994 the non-required kiss
2019 Jo wanting Laurie back out of nowhere, and people even saying that "Gerwig" fixed Jo, for wanting Laurie back. Also Timothee Chalamet and Gerwig both saying the promotional tour that Jo and Laurie should be together.
Those are of course just a few examples, but then there is the actual story in the book. No I don't think Laurie would ever cheat on Amy and Jo would certainly not cheat on Fritz.
I personally believe that LMA planned both marriages years before she wrote the novel. There is a book from Goethe called "Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship" one of Alcott's favorite books. Wilhelm is very much a Laurie type of character. During the novel he grows as a person. We see, this in the terms of character. He moves on from unhealthy relationship to Marianne to one with Natalia. In LMA's notes, she calls the relationship with Natalia "beautiful". This is both mental and spiritual transformation, it also happens when Jo moves on from Laurie to Fritz.
I think that is one of those things that people miss on Louisa May Alcott's writings. Person "transcends" in this next relationship, and becomes a better person.
In general I think, most of Laurie's characterization is missing from the adaptations. i know I sometimes critizise him, the way he behaves as a young man, but I think that is the point because he grows out of that behavior when he is with Amy. Had she stayed with Jo he would have remained as a man-child, and they would have both been unhappy.
-Niina/Little Women Podcast
I totally understand your pain, because a few years ago I read a fanfic where Jo gave birth to her son Teddy, and pretty much everyone knows that Jo and Laurie had affair that resulted Teddy, and Friedrich was just fine with it even if a little sad. It is one of the worst fanfictions I have ever read, and I wish I never seen it.
I just have a hard time believing that either Jo or Laurie would cheat on their respective partners, or be the lover to someone married, it is just not in their personalities. Laurie had a crisis when he realized that he wasn't in love with Jo anymore, do people really think he'd just be ok with having affair with someone? The guy would be so racked with guilt that he'd confess to it immediately, he'd even tell Amy about how another woman hit on him and he'd apologize.
Jo clearly had no interest in any man until Friedrich (Jo, and even Friedrich, can be read heavily as being demisexuals), and she has made it incredibly clear that she has no romantic or even sexual feelings for Laurie, constantly calling him her "brother", even trying to set him up with her sisters at different points.
It's crazy how desperate the Jo and Laurie shippers are to try and make them work when Alcott is rolling in her grave to think that people didn't get the obvious that Jo and Laurie do not belong together! Thankfully, there is more than enough good fanfics out there to wash the awful taste in your mouth.
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tired-lamb · 2 months
@pizacat72 SENT ME AN ASK ABT MY BUNGA X ONO X BESHTE HCS. WHICH I LOST . but here’s your answer I’m so sorry I accidentally deleted your ask 😭😭
using this as an opportunity to post about an hc I’ve thought of recently!! I hc bunga, beshte and ono eventually adopt a kid when they’re older, cause, c’mon, all three of them are great with kids at varying degrees. in my head it goes like: bunga finds an abandoned kid and immediately is like I am Not leaving you I’m gonna take care of you now. and beshte finds bunga with said kid and bunga immediately convinces beshte to let him keep the kid (+ the kid’s adorableless already having beshte convinced).
ono, on the other hand is slightly hesitant because of their duties and also because he knows how stupid (/lh) little kids can be. what makes him even more hesitant is that this kid bunga and beshte found is None of their species. none. not a single fur feather or skin is shared, you get the idea, but after begging and begging ono agrees to take care of the kid TEMPORARILY. can you guess where this goes? the kid gets attached to ono and who is ono to say no to that. in conclusion: they now had a kid :3 (I haven’t thought abt the species yet so feel free to suggest!)
a couple of other hcs I have is related to each of their families! I’ve mentioned before that beshte is timon and pumbaa’s favourite, but they do love ono too. ain’t no way you’re gonna see those two be partial to their son’s partners!!
beshte’s entire family (because I imagine him to be the person with that gigantic family tree) is absolutely thrilled. ono and bunga have basically been adopted into the family. they are honourary hippos. beshte’s dad treats them both like his own sons, and ono and bunga just KNOW that if they’re visiting beshte’s family they’re not leaving without a bunch of gifts and well wishes :).
the egrets are generally very happy for ono!! we don’t see a lot of the relationship between ono and the other egrets so I haven’t really thought much about it. HOWEVER WE HAVEE seen ona and kulinda!!! ona is introduced to not just queerness but also polyamory through the three of them and is pleasantly surprised to learn she can mate with females AND not just one, too :]. kulinda is so so happy for ono and because I hc she becomes sort of like an aunt-mom figure for ono she definitely is the type to ask them embarrassing but sweet questions haha
it took a lot of time for the three of them to get together. it started with ono and bunga first, and then beshte came in. ono and bunga had been crushing on each other for some time now but neither were willing to admit it because they were too scared that their feelings would be rejected. beshte had the exact same feeling except he also felt shame and guilt because he felt like he was intruding on ono and bunga’s relationship. it took a lot of talks with fuli, kion, anga, their respective families and a lot more for them to finally confess to each other. the time they spent pining also took a toll on their friendship and it was hurting them, but now theyre partners and what more could they ask for :]
their number one shipper: makini. I hc her as bunga’s sister figure and that she and beshte are also really close so the both of them tell her how they feel about the other (+ ono ofc!!) and shes just there trying not to spill the beans and ends up ranting to rafiki who is pleased for them too!!!
I’ve got a set of hcs for these three related to co-dependency which is also slightly angsty but I’ll make a seperate post for that. this ended up getting really long but thank you for asking!! I’m genuinely so happy at the positive feedback this ship + my hcs and rambles are getting, and what with gem now making her own hcs I’m like LETS GO THE WORD IS SPREADING!!! /silly. I am. still working on their ship name but as soon as I come up with one I’ll be tagging all my ono x bunga x beshte posts with it so that it’s easier for you guys! (and me lol)
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astrolionking · 6 months
Monthly Reminder bc I got recommended a very recent video of another rant abt Wish even tho ppl need to get over themselves by now:
Wish wasn’t that bad and it is overhated.
Star wasn’t meant to be a love interest. He was meant to be Asha’s Sabino and her platonic soulmate.
A romance doesn’t automatically mean it would make the film better (didn’t y’all get mad when Disney kept having romance anyway??).
Y’all would rather ship Asha with a star clone of Jack Frost and not even ship Asha with Dahlia or one of her friends?? AT ALL??? Wtf????
(Side rant: Suuuure yeahhhh okay the inhuman ball of gas that’s a clone of Frost is way better than any of the CANON POC characters Asha is with. And some of y’all said Star was enby… where is it???? WHERES THE QUEER STAR STUFF???? And if you’re gonna keep the lame ass Asha x Star shit (bc apparently romance is more important than Asha’s love for her friends and family) at least make him a POC??? Why does Asha need a white presented love interest?
Anyway Asha is dating her entire friend group💕Poly gang)
“At All Costs” represents ALL TYPES OF LOVE, as Julia Michaels has said. It wasn’t meant to be a love song between Star and Asha, WHERE DID YOU EVEN GET THAT FROM???
The songs aren’t that bad. There’s been worse. And y’all complain after saying Lin should stop writing Disney music so WHICH IS IT?? Maybe y’all just want something to complain about??
The animation and style really isn’t bad now I know y’all doing to much
Was Wish perfect? No. Was it BAD? Fuck no and I’m dying on the hill. Y’all just riding on a stupid bandwagon. I can’t fucking go through tags of this film without complaints after complaints (THE MOVIE CAME OUT ON NOVEMBER SHUT UP ALREADY!!) and Starboy (again… Jack Frost clone. Bleh.) and rewrites that don’t feel fun to look at bc it feels angry and hateful. I fucking hate the Internet.
Sorry for my passion, I have autism and often times I am very passionate in my interests.
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queenofthepirates83 · 2 months
BEN Drowned with reader who is like Mary the bloody queen :3
I haven’t played idv in so long so bear with me with these headcannons <3 hope you enjoy, anon!
Ben Drowned with a reader like Bloody Queen
Tag: headcannons, one-shot
TW: short, mentions of murder, tell me if I missed anything else!
Words: 416
A/N: I’ve had this in my inbox for a few days, I’m so sorry it took so long, I just didn’t wanna research about Bloody Queen because for some reason I thought she had way more abilities than she actually does 😭
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He didn’t realize you had those types of powers until a month or two into dating.
He thought it was cool the way you dressed, in these big Victorian like dresses
He loves when you just kinda pick him up when he falls down and hold him like you’re dancing(I honestly don’t know, he just likes it)
He really likes the variety of dresses you have(when you aren’t around he puts them on and poses like he’s a model or something)
When he did find out you have this ability to do an aqua mirror and are able to control everything with your reflection he was amazed.
You two were walking around the woods, which wasn’t necessary his style as he was more of somebody who just sits in his room and plays games.
Anyway, it was dusk outside, which meant the sun was down. There was little light outside due to the set sun, only a dark blue where it was setting.
You walked beside Ben, holding hands and listening to each other. He ranted to you about some game he was currently playing that he seemed really interested in.
You looked through the thick leaves of the tall trees, noticing smoke, most likely from a campfire you assumed.
You glanced over to Ben, who was still ranting on about his game. You squeezed his hand, causing him to shut up and look at you.
You nodded with your head in the direction of the campfire, to which he glanced over and stared at the dim glow through the trees.
You let go of his hand to sway yours around, moving it in front of you and flicking it. Suddenly the white and light blue mirror and reflection could be seen from where the two of you were by the campfire surrounded by young adults, drinking and fucking.
Your reflection, who you liked to call ‘your twin’, quickly killed them off, as you walked around as if you were there instead.
Ben stared at you, almost mesmerized, his eyes flicking between you and your reflection a ways away.
After that he always wanted to see it again.
The second time he saw your reflection in the aqua mirror he felt like he was falling in love with you all over again.
Along with the variety of dresses you have, he also finds your variety of weapons interesting.
All in all he wants to constantly see your reflection and finds you interesting in general.
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teddybeartoji · 2 months
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RUNS INTO YOUR ASKBOX . i’m just abt to go to snorkmimimi land but …. i just saw someone tag their rb w ”mihime” …… 🤨🤨🤨 HMMM.
MICKEYYYY I NEED DETAILS PLSPLS. I’M ALREADY SO INVESTED . mihime is such a cute shipname btw :’3 BUT WAHH I . need to know….. your first meeting + dynamic + love languages plspls <33333 and anything else you wanna tell me!!! i wanna hear abt you 2 so bad!!!!!!! in my brain utahime is . a pretty princess and you are her silly court jester . but that’s just my own brain i need to hear abt mihime straight from the source!!!!!!
(also do u . remember that jjk quiz we took….. way back when…… where you got assigned utahime as your jjk gf . uquiz makers looking straight into the future atp)
(double also . ily <333 don’t stay up 2 late pls!!! and dream the sweetest little dreams :33 here’s a cup of tea 🍵 to help u sleep)
WE'RE HERE WE'RE HERE WE'RE HEREEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! HEHEHEHEE MIHIME HAS ARRIVEDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! okay but i kinda remember tagging like a half nsfw post with mihime so if that was how you found out... i apologize😭😭😭
ok so i fear that i am no better than satoru so... rip utahime. BUT SHE'S SOOOO SO CUTE LIKE HOW COULD I NOT TEASE HER YOU KNOW??????????????????????????? she definitely takes some time before she can admit to HERSELF that she likes me:3333333 (me and shoko figure it out before she does btw)
OK BUT THE BEGINNINGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we met through shoko!!!!!!!!! one night she just texted me and was like hey do you wanna go out for drinks and i obviously said yes and then lo and behold - there she was:3333333 overall she can hold her ground very well but when somebody is flirting with her (aka me:3) she gets flustered so easily!!!! SHE'S SO CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA but yeah at first shoko sat between us and i just kinda stared at her bc omfg she's pretty and i saw her stealing glances at me too hehehe she's not as slick as she thinks she is lmao
(she also gets very blushy when she drinks and now doubled with my staring problem let's just say it has a very overwhelming night for her lmao)
but you know i love my slowburns and well this is nothing different,, we didn't start texting right away or anything we just kept seeing each other during what turned into weekly dinner nights at shoko's. we started sitting closer and closer, there were some lingering touches and pink dusted cheeks - it was very, very sweet hehehehe but don't be fooled by the cuteness bc i was still using every single oppurtunity to poke fun at her lmao THIS IS MY LOVE LANGUAGE OKAY I'M SORRRYYY😔😔😔
like we talked before i do think of her kinda like your royalty!reader!!!!!! a little bossy a little bratty she's just perfect for me okay i love her sm!! and not to say that i wanna think of myself as your knight!suguru but.... the dynamic is kinda like them lmao she's my princess ok.... she stomps her feet and i coo at her it's wonderful<333333
overall our love languages are actually kind of the same as misho's - i show my love through acts of service and she shows hers through physical touch. she's such a hard worker just like shoko so i love to just make her days easier in any way i can,, i like to make her coffee in the morning and i like to clean the apartment and do laundry and prepare her dinner and yes i am a malewife okay this is who i am this is how i love her. i give her a massage as she rants about her day and i wash her hair as she relaxes in the bathtub<3333333333333 she deserves everything in the world and i will give her said everything!!!!!
aaand yeah!!! i am a very touchy person anyway so her initiating any type of contact means a lot to me. hugs, kisses, hand holding. cuddling and playing with my hair - it's all i need tbh. sometimes she tucks like a stray hair behind my ear and i die. it's that serious......
WE LOVE GOING ON CUTE LITTLE CAFE DATES BTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we obviously have our one favourite, our special place but we looove love love trying out new ones!!!!!!!!!!!! and we always walk there. idk why this just popped into my head but while she does have a car (#girlboss) we adore strolling around the city hand in hand<33333 we always take a bunch of pics too!!!!!!!!! of each other and of stray cats we find and flowers and pretty places and each other and latte ar and and and okay actually i'm the one taking pics i love taking pics my camera roll is literally filled with her.................................
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AND OMFG YOU'RE SO RIGHT ABT THAT JJK UQUIZ😭😭😭THEY KNEWW THEY KNEW ALL ALONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we're just meant to be!! even though this isn't my most fleshed out selfship it is a really natural one,, kinda like you said that yours and shoko's is yk? like it's mostly just about domestic stuff - this is all about me buying her flowers every chance i get and us taking baths together and us eating pancakes and us going to cat cafes and wahhh she makes me feel so warm i need to bite her cheek>:3333333333333333333
BUT EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ARIIII YOU'RE ALWAYS SO GOOD TO MEEE I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this did take unnecassarily long bc it was in my drafts........... so it kinda drowned in there i do wanna apologze for that😔😔😔😔😔😔 bUT I AM LITERALLY SOO SO HAPPY THAT YOU ALWAYS GIVE ME A CHANCE TO GO INSANE ABT MY SELFSHIPS IT MEANS SO FUCKING MUCH TO ME IT'S SO FUN HEHEHEHE
SO THANK YOU MY LOVE MY LITTLE IRIS I HOPE YOU'RE TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF AND I HOPE THAT YOUR DAY IS GOING WELL!!!!!!!!!!!! SHRIMP IS ALSO SAYING HELLO O WAIT YES SHRIMP IS ALSO CANON IN MIHIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! though.. she's a little afraid of shrimp actually... yk bc he likes to act like a feral beast sometimes but i can assure you that he'd never actually scratch her or anything,, they just need a little time to bond hehehhee BUT YES SHRIMP LOVES YOU AND I LOVE YOU AND MIHIME LOVES YOU WE CAN'T WAIT TO GO ON A DOUBLE DATE WITH YOU AND SUGURU:333333
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etsuven · 2 years
kind of a rant but like-
am i the only one who DOESNT ship anyone in genshin??? like i just can’t see myself doing it at all.
it’s not like a “oh i don’t ship this thing because i prefer this” it’s more like i literally can’t ship anyone at all, like i can’t see any of them together.
i keep think it’s so like, weird since everyone ships everything, and there are all of those really popular ones (you know the ones) and then there’s just me wondering just where everything came from. i lowkey feel kinda broken LMAO maybe it came from my lack of attention and love as a child idk. i don’t block tags of ships and stuff because most of the good content just revolves around it, i just try my best to ignore it. maybe it’s because i (as in me irl) literally only see everyone as friends, but only because i literally cannot fathom the idea of someone liking me as more than a friend, so i just project it onto the characters i see.
(edit: by this i mean like- i see everyone in genshin as friends. irl, i only see my friends in a platonic way. yeah i’ve had romantic feelings for people /i define ‘romantic feelings’ as like crush or more type things, not people you see on the street who you think are cute/)
ugh anyways idk
but uh yeah, does anyone else think like this? or do just tell me if i’m broken maybe there’s something wrong with my brain 😭
(edit at the same time as the one before: when half of the genshin fandom content revolves around ships, it’s only natural for me to feel a bit broken and left out by the fact i can’t think the same way as everyone else. if i could ship the characters, i would, but i just can’t force my brain to go through with it)
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