#where i would only pick four colors and have it passed down
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now we have the kids as trolls!!
#homestuck#sprite edit#trollswap#specieswap#beta kids#alpha kids#june egbert#rose lalonde#dave strider#jade harley#jane crocker#roxy lalonde#dirk strider#jake english#i had a few ideas on where to go with blood castes for them#such as doing an ancestor/decendent thing#where i would only pick four colors and have it passed down#a patron troll version#as well as fuchsia crockerberts#but in the end i figured colors that most closely match their human colors was best#though ig indigo probably would have fit junes og color more#i thought that cerulean matched her more for thematic reasons#same with rose i go either way on purpleblooded rose being a landdweller or seadeller#but i figured that chucklevoodoos and clown cults fit her more#though i decided on not portraying her as a clown cultist#i do think she would be closely interested in it and study it as a troll#anyways now that ive got troll'd humans and human'd trolls i want to do bloodswaps of everyone#as well as kidswaps of everyone#just some long term projects since i dont seem to get reqs anymore
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Chapter 4- The Chase
Summary: You can only keep running from Frankie Morales for so long. At some point, he'll catch up to you, whether you like it, or not.
Word Count: 3.5K
Pairing: Frankie Morales x f!reader (reader has a name/nickname)
Warnings: Do I spy a hint of... ✨feelings✨??? Yearning, a hint of teenage violence (Santi deserves it, it's okay), the appearance of the Miller Brothers, Frankie basically looking like this 🥺 for the last half of this chapter, banter because I live for it
A/N: I'm convinced that teenage Frankie and the Frontier Boys are the best characters to write for, period 😭 I never thought I would live to see the day where my chapters are less than 5K (?!?) but I'm really trying to be better about posting on a schedule- If you would rather have them be longer and wait two weeks between chapters instead of once a week, let ya girl know 🤷🏼♀️ Thank you for all of your kind words about this story, your kind comments literally fuel me and make my heart explode, ily 🥹💛
All The Things We Never Said Masterlist
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Frankie, Fall of 2005, Age 16
For as much as he hates school, there will be two classes Frankie knows he’ll always pass with flying colors- Gym and Math.
When he and Santi went to pick up their 11th grade class schedules before the start of the school year, you would have thought they’d won the lottery when they looked down on the crinkled half sheets of paper to find they were both in the same 6th period gym class.
Five weeks into the start of Junior year, Frankie’s now convinced that Santi and his new friends, Will and Benny Miller, are in on some sort of scheme to make him fail the one class he’s guaranteed an “A” in.
“Jesus Christ, Frankie, for the love of God, will you please slow down?!”
Santi’s all but huffing at the pace Frankie had set for the four of them to run the two miles they’re supposed to finish by the end of class, only three of the eight laps they need to run around the track completed.
“We’re not even going that fast, Santi, you’re fine.”
Frankie can’t help but laugh at the way his friend is laboring behind him. Sure, Santi’s got football to thank for keeping him looking less like a gangly string bean than Frankie does, but even at 16, the boyish satisfaction of knowing he’ll always be faster than his friend is undeniable.
“Do you do like, cross country or somethin’, Frankie?”
“Yeah man, I thought Santi said you swam not ran.”
The Miller Brothers were a new addition to his and Santi’s long standing friendship duo. Will and Benny moved from North Carolina over the summer and had befriended Santi after a few weeks of preseason football camp that the high school held before the start of the school year. Of course, that meant Frankie became friends by proxy shortly after.
Frankie was fond enough of the two, but the group was still stuck in the awkward dating phase of friendship where everything was just enough of a pissing match to prove that they were worthy enough of each other’s company.
“Yeah, I’m on the swim team, I don’t do cross country or anything like that.” Frankie shrugs, rounding the curve of the track with ease as he leads the pack to their halfway point.
“Then how the hell did you get so fast?” Benny pants, the straw blonde hair matted to his forehead with sweat scrunching as he pinches his brows in a mixture of confusion and unadmitted pain.
“‘Cause he likes to go running with MacKenzie.”
Santi’s lips curl to a devious smile as he watches Frankie’s face grow red from his sing-songy taunting. At least with the Millers, Frankie could pretend to chalk the hot, pink sting in his cheeks to the mile he’s been running. Unfortunately, he can’t assume the same with Santi.
“Shut up, Santi.” Frankie grumbles, picking up his pace to the point he knows it’ll make Santi’s lungs strain just enough to keep him from rambling.
“Oh shit, like, MacKenzie Anderson, MacKenzie?” Will’s face lights up, his less than lengthy friendship making him blissfully unaware of the history between you and Frankie, “She’s hot.”
“Ew, n- no, she’s not. That’s weird.”
The other three are surprised Frankie’s pants have yet to set on fire after such a bold lie.
“They go run together every weekend.”
At this point, it’s pure mockery the way Santi is teasing him, pushing Frankie to his limits to see how much he can get away with before his friend breaks.
“So like, are you guys, dating or something?”
“What?! No! No- She’s like, my best friend. I just- She plays soccer, so I go run with her to help her train and stuff. It’s good cardio, anyways.”
Frankie doesn’t mean to snap at Benny for his question. It’s a secondary response to the way his chest is tightening and heart is racing as the eyes of all his friends stay peeled to him, like a guilty suspect in a courtroom everyone is waiting to catch in the midst of their lie.
“Running’s not the only kind of cardio he wishes he was doing with MacKenzie, huh Frankie?”
The boys are too busy snickering at each other to realize that Frankie’s completely stopped in his tracks ahead of them, turning around with arms outstretched to greet Santi with a brute shove to the ground as they collide.
“I said shut UP, Santi!”
Frankie doesn’t intend for it to draw as much attention as it does, how the way he’s practically screaming at his friend he’s pushed to the ground has garnered the attention of everyone else in his gym class.
“Jesus, Frankie, it was just a joke! Chill out!”
Will and Benny help Santi off the rubber of the track, leaving him and Frankie in a silent stare down of flared nostrils and gritted teeth, bodies boiling with teenage testosterone.
Despite his rage, Frankie has enough self control to keep from saying (or doing) anything else he’ll regret, forcing himself to take off running in a frustrated huff of silence, heart in his throat and fists clenched, leaving behind his group of friends.
“Shit. Is he always like that when you talk about her?” Will asks, still slightly stunned by the altercation he’s just witnessed, considering Frankie’s usual calm and quiet demeanor.
“Yup.” Santi replies, popping the “p” at the end of his answer, “Well, not always this bad, but still, ya know?”
“Why?” Benny chimes in, the three of them slowly beginning their trot back around the track, lengths behind their fuming friend.
“‘Cause they’re like, secretly in love with each other. They say they’re just friends, but they act like they’re fucking married.” Santi pretends to gag as he forces his eyes to roll as far back in his head as they possibly can. “He’s been extra pissy because yesterday he found out this guy, Nick Walsh, who’s some senior on the boy’s soccer team, tried to ask her to Homecoming.”
“Did she say yes?”
“No! That’s the thing! I don’t know why he’s got his fucking granny panties in a knot about it. Whatever, man. Not my problem.”
The Miller brothers exchange intrigued glances, wondering how much more they can pry out of Santi as they mope around the track, hoping they can at least make the second half of their two miles entertaining.
“If he’s mad about it, why didn’t he just ask her?” Will shrugs, offering up what seems like a reasonable solution to his new friend’s problem.
“Ask him, dude. I have no fucking clue. They’re going with the same group of friends, so they’re gonna spend the whole night together, anyways. Honestly, if you want my opinion, I think he knows he doesn’t have the balls to nut up and ask her himself ‘cause he’s worried she’s gonna say no.”
Despite the 23 other kids in the class who are also being forced to run circles around the track, there’s only one who makes the three of them freeze as he passes by, feeling the hole he’s burning through the back of their heads. Santi knows he’s too loudmouthed for his own good, and that there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that Frankie didn’t make out what he had to say as he snuck up behind him.
And he's right. Frankie hears every word.
If he wasn’t at school, he wouldn’t think twice about punching Santi so hard in the gut it would knock the wind right out of him. But right now, all he can do is keep running, faster and faster, one foot in front of the other.
Maybe if he runs fast enough, no one will be able to see the tears welling in the corners of his eyes, or the disappointment that’s drained every ounce of color he’s got left in his face.
Maybe if he runs fast enough, he can outrun the cold, hard truth of the way Santi’s words ring in his ears and put bricks in his chest.
Maybe, just maybe, if he runs fast enough, somewhere along the worn high school track he’ll find the courage to prove himself wrong.

You, Present
You’re convinced he’s following you. He has to be.
All you wanted to do this morning was to go for a run to clear your head, to blow off some steam after the shit show that had been yesterday’s first interaction with Frankie in the past three years. You were confined to your room for the better half of the day, your dad keeping Frankie hostage in your home far too long for your liking.
Unfortunately, it’s hard to deny a dying man whatever he wants, even if it’s Frankie Morales’s unwelcome presence in your living room. It also meant having to listen to your dad ramble about Frankie for the next several hours after he’d left, politely nodding at all the compliments and praise your father had to give him while your blood boiled in silence.
Now, all you wanted to do was to run until your head was free of Frankie for just a little while.
It seemed like Frankie had other plans.
You gave him the benefit of the doubt the first quarter mile, hell, you even tried to just play it off as unlucky timing at the half mile point. But now, you’re a mile into your run, turning on to Fuller Street with Frankie still trotting behind you. It’s clearly not an accident he’s chosen the same path for his morning jog.
“There are other ways you can go run, you know.” You shout at Frankie without even turning your head over your shoulder, thinking that maybe he’s assumed you hadn’t noticed him and your not so subtle suggestion will get him to turn around.
“It’s a free country. I can run where I want.”
Part of you wishes you would have turned to look back at him so he could see the way your eyes met the back of your skull from rolling them so hard, but you keep your gaze glued to the pavement in front of you. You won’t give him the satisfaction of acknowledging his presence.
“Can you please just go run somewhere else? I’m just trying to enjoy my morning and you’re not helping, Frankie.”
“Not trying to bother you, just trying to run. I didn’t have anything to say until you started talking to me.”
You know if you turned around right now, he’d have that stupid little smug grin hiding in the corner of his cheeks. A battle of wits is his favorite game to play. He’s learned how to strategize, to stay calm, cool and collected in the midst of your chaos, waiting until you hit the breaking point of his crazy you can’t bear to tolerate anymore. Your jaw tenses with the long exhale you take as you prepare to go head to head.
“I wouldn’t have said anything if you hadn’t been following me the past mile.”
“How do you know I’m following you?”
“You’ve literally been running ten feet behind me for the past twelve minutes.”
“Who says I wasn’t planning on running this way to begin with but you just got a head start?”
“Jesus Christ, Frankie, please just go pick a different way to run.”
“Who put you in charge of the running police? Do I have to sign a permit before I go jog now?”
“Go. Run. Somewhere. Else.”
“No. You don’t get to tell me where to run. This is the way I wanna go, so I’m gonna keep going until-”
“No! I know you don’t want to go this way!” You’ve accepted defeat, swinging around to storm towards Frankie, stopping dead in his tracks as he realizes the ferocity you’re approaching him with, “I know for a fact you don’t wanna run this way. You know how I know? Because you hate running down Fuller Street. You would run five miles out of your way before you even considered running down this street on your own free will. There hasn’t been a single time we’ve ever run down this street where you haven’t complained the entire way because of how much you hate the hill at the end of the road before we turn onto Wilson way! That’s how I know, Frankie! So stop pretending like you just happened to choose the same way as me by accident, and just leave me alone! Ugh!”
You’re positive there’s a trail of steam streaming behind you with the way you’re absolutely fuming, turning back around to take off as fast as your body will let you. You can’t bring yourself to look anywhere but straight ahead, too afraid that if you turn around, those stupid, sad brown eyes will make you feel guilty enough to give him the last word he doesn’t deserve.
Your feet are flying so fast across the pavement, you’re convinced he’s given up, shocked into submission by your anger that he’ll at least let you finish the rest of your run in peace. Your eyes are still locked on the horizon ahead. It’s the arrogance of your self-reassurance that doesn’t even let you contemplate the thought that several yards behind you, Frankie lets out a quiet “fuck me” before letting his hands drop from their place on his hips to chase behind you at full speed.
“What the fuck are you doing!?”
“What does it look like I’m doing?”
It’s a stupid question. It’s obvious Frankie has said a prayer to hope his knees don’t give out on him as he runs as fast as possible to try and catch up to you. The rhythmic thump of his sneakers pounding against the concrete catches your attention enough to see how quickly he’s gaining on you. It only makes you run faster.
“Jesus- fuck this hill- MacKenzie, will you fucking slow down?”
You won’t admit you’re probably just as exhausted as Frankie from the way you’ve been sprinting up the steep incline at the end of the road, but his exasperated huffs are enough to keep you pushing through the pain, mental and physical.
“No. Run faster.”
You’re hopeful it’s early enough that no one is awake to see the comedic game of cat and mouse you and Frankie are playing in the middle of the road, chasing each other like you’re on the playground in a childish round of tag. You’d never admit to his face that you know he’s stronger, even faster than you, but the grip he settles around your arm as he finally catches up to you lets you know you’ve lost.
“Let go of me, Frankie!”
If the street wasn’t already awake from your wild game of chase, your scream certainly would have gotten their attention.
“Jesus Christ, MacKenzie, will you just let me talk to you for two fucking seconds?! Please, just- fuck- please just let me fucking talk to you, okay? Please.”
Even if you wanted to keep running, there was no use. Truth be told, it wasn’t the grasp he had around your arm that was the thing keeping you from sprinting off into the distance. What had you frozen in place was that pathetic pout you knew was splayed across his face, burning a hole in the back of your head. What’s worse, was that you could feel it burning a hole through your chest, too.
The all too familiar pain that came with holding onto the same, shriveled shred of hope that maybe this time, he’d prove you wrong. Maybe this time, he wouldn’t let you down.
“Fine.” You barely mutter the word loud enough to hear as you turn around to face him, eyes still looking everywhere but directly at him.
“I’m sorry, Kenz. I'm sorry, okay? I fucked up.”
Somehow, his second apology stings worse than the first. It still doesn’t mean you won’t deny how much it hurts.
“Yeah, no shit.”
You let your gaze lift just enough to see the way he’s gnawing at his bottom lip, chewing at it like he’s trying to digest his own thoughts before they come out of his mouth.
“What I said that night at Santi’s wedding, I just-” He pauses, knowing you can hear it clear as day in your head too.
“Fuck you, MacKenzie. Fuck you for ruining my life. It’ll be better off without you fucking in it.”
“I- I- Fuck. I didn’t mean it. Any of it. I regret ever saying it. I think all the time about how much I regret it. I just, I was in a bad place.”
You’re not sure what to say. Fuck, you’re not even sure what to feel. Part of you wants to scream at him, kick him in the crotch and berate him for how badly the past three years have hurt you. Part of you just wants to stand there and cry, to say nothing and let your tears flow and spill your emotions down your cheeks. Part of you wants to hug him, to believe him, to have him hold you so tightly against his chest that his apology seeps into your skin until you’ve forgiven him.
But none of those parts are strong enough to win out alone. Instead, they’ve formed together to create a strange sort of storm that brews in your belly, swirling it so violently, it makes you want to vomit.
“But you still said it, Frankie. You still said it. If my dad weren’t dying, would you even be here? Would you have ever apologized? Or are you just choosing to apologize now because it’s convenient and you feel like you have to?”
It’s the first time you can bring yourself to look him in the face. You can see how his brain is churning with the same type of vicious waves that are in the pit of your stomach, drowning out the brown of his eyes. You both are lost in the midst of the storm, but you’ve got a lifeboat. He’s sinking below the thrashing tides, looking for you to let him board your ship. You won’t let him on unless he fights his way through the current to get to you.
“I should have apologized a long time ago.”
“Then why didn’t you?”
“I don’t- I don’t know. I was scared you’d never forgive me.”
You swear you feel the grip he still has on your forearm tighten just for a moment. Now that he has you, he’s too scared to let you go.
“Just- Jesus- Just because you apologized doesn’t mean I have to forgive you now, Frankie.”
“Will you ever?”
“Ever, what?”
“Forgive me?”
Your brain wants to say no. God, with everything in you does it want to say no. But that same stupid pain in your chest that lives and dies by that stupid shred of hope you’ll always hold onto just won’t let you.
“I don’t know. I- I don’t know, Frankie.”
You can’t ignore the way he’s still holding your arm. The shred of hope doesn’t want him to let go, even when you scowl at the way his fingers wrap around your skin. You scowl because of how his touch burns your skin, the way it ignites a fire in your gut from how tenderly he touches you. It makes you scrunch your face in frustration and confusion, trying to block out all the times he’s touched you like this before, fingers grazing against your skin in a desperate plea for affection, not forgiveness. He’s holding onto your arm to see if you’ll let him in the lifeboat- if you’ll offer him a chance to save himself.
“I get it. I’m sorry, Kenz. I hope you at least know I mean it.”
“I do.”
You’re not sure what makes you want to offer him a last chance at survival. You’ve been separated by different sides of the same storm for so long- You can’t attest to the way he’s had to fight through it to stay alive, but if it’s anything like the side of the squall you’ve been stuck on, there’s a strange relief in finding in finding someone who knows the hell you’ve faced to keep from drowning in the undertow. You can’t seem to bear letting him drown right in front of you without even trying to help.
“I still hate you, ya know.” You sigh, a defiant cry to prove to him you’re not happy about the path you’ve chosen.
“Yeah, that’s fair. I deserve that.”
It’s the first time you’ve heard him laugh in so long. Even though it’s a muffled huff, trying to hide behind the raise of his eyebrows and nod of his head at the ground, you know it’s there, in that same corner of his smirk he gets when he knows there’s no point in arguing with you- there’s no denying it’s there.
There’s no denying it makes you do the same.
“You gonna let me finish the rest of my run in peace, Morales?”
“Yeah, I guess. Only ‘cause I still hate this fucking hill.”

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full of us | dean winchester 🎁

pairing: dean winchester x reader
genre: fluff
wordcount: 1.3k
summary: dean pulled your name for secret santa - day 16 of prompt-mas for supernatural writers community!
a/n: it’s getting close to christmasss im so excited! i just love soft dean and i loved this prompt! i feel like dean would be such a good gift giver
christmas. your favorite time of year.
ever since you had started hunting with the winchesters, christmas had really been put on the back burner. you were all so busy with hunts, if it weren’t for the christmas decorations dressing each house in a robe of light and color, you don’t think you would know it was christmas at all.
dean often caught a look of sadness in your eyes when you passed through the suburbs of god knows where, your eyes fixated on the display of red, green, gold… you had told him before how dearly you loved christmas, but what you had wanted to tell him too, was that you would love nothing more than to spend a christmas with him.
after a successful hunt in michigan, you were back at the bunker. this was the first christmas since you had found this place and decided to stay, and it was the first christmas in a long time where you had something close to a home to go back to.
that’s when dean decided. there would be a christmas this year. one where you could enjoy the day without any distractions. the bunker was safe. you could all be happy together, make some memories that didn’t include mutual trauma.
“why don’t we do secret santa this year?” he spoke into the silence as you trudged your way down the bunker steps.
you stopped in your tracks, with dean behind you and sam behind him. the abruptness caught them both off guard and they had to fight the air not to fall down behind you and send you all flying. “woah, maybe should’ve waited until we weren’t on the staircase.” dean let out a light chuckle, reaching his free arm up to rub your arm and give it a light squeeze. you continued down the stairs, throwing your duffle on the floor and once dean was safely down the stairs, you practically ran into his arms, causing him to stumble back and drop his own duffle on the ground. his arms immediately curled around you, and the smile making its way onto his face was bigger than any he could ever remember.
“i’m gonna write our names down and then we can pick a name each!” you ran into the kitchen, almost tripping in your excitement.
“hey, be careful!” dean rolled his eyes, looking back at sam who was trying to suppress a laugh.
“we hunt monsters, i think if the only thing bad that happened was falling over it would actually be a good day.”
you wandered back into the room with a beanie filled with four pieces of paper, one for each of your names plus cas. “castiel! get in here.” with a flutter, castiel appeared with the three of you.
“we’re doing secret santa. pick a name!” you held out the beanie to cas, who looked bewildered.
“santa isn’t real. that isn’t much of a secret.” cas stated, reaching his hand in the beanie and pulling out a name. “dean.” you all stare at cas for a while, squinting and pursing your lips.
“okay. alright. yeah that’s my fault for not explaining, let’s try again. put it back in and you can choose again, but don’t say it out loud. you’re the only person that knows who you have, and you have to buy that person a gift. and then we find out whose name we pulled when we exchange gifts.” you smiled, holding out the beanie to cas again, and you all took turns taking a name out of the beanie. you got cas, cas got sam, sam got dean, and dean got you.
he couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear when he read your name on the piece of paper. truthfully, he knew exactly what he was going to give you.
a few weeks passed and before you knew it, it was christmas day. you had taken the time to decorate the bunker with christmas ornaments and make it all warm and cozy. you weren’t sure what would happen in the future, and you didn’t want to miss an opportunity to have the perfect christmas when you had the chance.
you had christmas songs playing from your ipod, tinsel wrapped around your neck like a scarf.
dean took a moment to wiggle the tinsel as he passed you, waving it in your face before you slapped his hand away. “loser.”
“come on, it’s present time.” he grabbed your hand, pulling you to sit down.
“alright, well, who wants to go first?” sam enquired as everyone put the presents they had bought on the table.
“cas can go first!” you slid him over the present and he opened it up. it was an angel, one that goes on top of the christmas tree, but you had put a little trenchcoat on it.
“this does not look like me. but thank you.”
“it may not look like you but it looks exactly like your vessel! sam, you wanna go next?”
“sure.” he looked down at the table to catch sight of the gift cas had bought for him. it was not wrapped. “i wonder what it could be?” sam joked, picking up the gift. it was a hairbrush.
“the lady in the store said it was for hair and you have hair.”
“indeed. use it now for us.” you and dean were suppressing a laugh, leaning into each other as sam brushed his hair. “dean, you wanna open yours next? i don’t mind going last.”
“alright, sure.” sam handed dean a neatly wrapped package which dean tore open immediately. it was cologne, but specifically one dean used to wear back when he and sam were still at school. it wasn’t around much anymore and it was hard to come by. “how’d you find this? that’s awesome. thanks.” they nodded at each other, kind of awkward like brothers do, but you could tell dean really appreciated the gift.
there was just you left now to receive your gift, and just one person who hadn’t given theirs out yet.
“look. i- uh. don’t look too disappointed, okay? it’s kind of dumb, i don’t know.” dean handed you your gift. it was wrapped up nicely. he didn’t want you to know, but he was terrible at wrapping gifts, making it look that nice took him an hour.
underneath the wrapping was a box filled with memories. memories of you and dean. pictures from the disposable cameras you loved using to pass the time, pictures of the two of you together. underneath the pictures was a receipt. it was a little faded, but you could make out the date. it was the day you met. there was a strip of photos from when you and dean found a photobooth. a keyring from the town you went to on your first hunt. every single part of your lives together, every first, was all in this box. right at the bottom of the box was a tiny bead. you knew what it was straight away. years before, dean had given you a bracelet. it was just something he picked up from the store that he thought you would like. you never took it off, until during a hunt it got torn off. the beads went flying and most of them were lost, but dean found this one on the floor. he kept it on him all the time like a good luck charm. you tried to stop your eyes from welling up as you took it all in. he kissed the side of your head. cas had disappeared and sam had crept off into the other room by this point, leaving you alone.
“why did you do all this?”
“come on… you know why.”
“i want you to say it…”
“i love you. that’s why.”
“what took you so long?” you joked.
“shut up.” he chuckled, pulling each side of your tinsel scarf until your lips met his.
comments, feedback etc always appreciated! thank you for reading!
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𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐔𝐋𝐄 𝐌𝐈𝐇𝐀𝐖𝐊 + “𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑” 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐊𝐒 | 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚 + 𝙘𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙝𝙤𝙡𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜

𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 — dracule mihawk x fem!reader x shanks
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 — nsfw, threesome, cuckholding, fingering, praise (shanks), teasing + edging (mihawk), reader is shanks’ lover, shanks has both arms for the sake of the plot, porn with plot, “mama” and “sweetheart” are used by shanks, “darling” and “naughty girl” are used by mihawk, p in v sex, shanks watches mihawk fuck his girl and gets off to it!
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 — 2.7k words. got this idea from the ending scene where mihawk brings shanks luffy’s wanted poster. they gave such divorced husbands energy and i fucking loved it so much. also what i wouldn’t kill to be in between these two anyways ??! [kinktober m.list]

“bring out the reserve booze, boys.”
your captain had loudly cheered upon discovering the bounty that had been set on an old apprentice of his. that was nearly four hours ago, a rowdy party slowly beginning to wind down.
a majority of your fellow crew-mates had passed out by now, strewn out around in the sand and drunkenly muttering incoherencies in their sleep. the rest were sharing stories by the fire they were lighting, seeing as the sun was giving its final fiery orange hue from the horizon. night would come not long after.
you were still among the living, slowly working on your third cup of the night while swinging in shanks’ hammock. the man himself was busy with the remnants of his crew while they started the nightly bonfire, laughing and celebrating with them.
you smiled towards the man before you broke out into a yawn, realizing you had partied pretty hard that night. it was starting to wind down anyways, who was going to miss you for the rest of it?
so you stumbled out of the hammock with your drink in your hand and started to where the red force had been docked for the week, pausing when you heard a familiar voice calling for you.
“where’re you off to, sweetheart?” shanks asked, playfully swatting at beckman and roux as they not-so-quietly shot suggestive jokes at their captain.
you only smiled back. “off to the ship. you can come join me in a few if you’d like.” you remarked before strutting off, shaking your head as you walked when you heard the boys’ whoops and shouts at the wink you’d given him.
you trekked through the sand for a while before you were aboard the red force, heading straight for yours and shanks sleeping quarters. yet once you ducked inside the dinette, you were stopped short with a shout.
mihawk, shanks’ old rival and the one who had informed them of one monkey d. luffy’s bounty, sat at the dining bench, yellow eyes piercing right through you the second you walked in. “good god, mihawk.” you clutched your chest. “what’re you doin’ in here?” you asked him, laughing lightly.
“the party’s out there, you know.” he replied lazily, swirling the glass he had definitely taken from the ship’s cupboard before taking a sip.
“i should be telling you that.” you squinted warily at his cup. “that better not be shanks’ stashed booze.”
oh, it most definitely was. you could tell by the color alone. how he’d even found it was a mystery, though. he never told anybody where he hid his special liquor. but you only rolled your eyes and took a seat beside him, slumping back with a sigh. “party’s almost over.” you replied softly. “i’m surprised you stayed for so long. figured you’d have a lotta marine work to tend to.”
“i don’t work for them.” mihawk quickly shot you a narrow glance. then he paused and his eyes lowered to his cup. “i’m surprised he asked me to stay.”
“ah.” you nodded understandingly as you took a sip of your own drink. “i was, too. it’s been a while since we’ve last seen you, you know.”
mihawk seemed to pick up on the little underlying suggestiveness in your voice and you noticed his eyebrows pinch together. but it wasn’t hardly the reaction you wanted.
truth was, you’d known him since he was shanks’ rival. the two engaged in battles constantly when they were younger, but over the years they grew farther and farther apart until they just stopped.
the two seemed to form a strange alliance a couple of years ago, which had unintentionally blossomed into something much more not long after that. with you being a key member of shanks’ crew and his lover, you often joined the two for drinks whenever they were together.
sometimes you guys would have too many. the first time it ever happened, it was completely unexpected. it was most definitely the alcohol that had you straddling mihawk’s lap, bucking into the hand between your legs while shanks watched the both of you, painfully hard in his pants.
the second time, however, was not the alcohol anymore. nor were the handful of times after that.
it went on for months. you were shared between the two men more times than you could count on your two hands. it had gotten to the point where you believed mihawk only wanted to pop up for drinks for that reason alone, seeing as the man would vanish not long after you and shanks would knock out. then, as his and shanks’ battles had been, he stopped coming by as often. and then he stopped completely.
the two of you tried to keep regular tabs on the man — not necessarily out of concern for his safety seeing as he had been deemed one of the seven warlords of the sea, but out of sheer curiosity — but eventually it became a second thought. while shanks was well aware that mihawk would never get off of his tail for any reason, you doubted that. at first you believed he was bored of the two of you. maybe he was looking for something new, which didn’t tie you into knots. maybe it was partly out of shame.
shame from having drunkenly fucked his old rival’s lover right in front of him. shame from having done it over and over for months. shame from having enjoyed it a little bit too much.
no matter the reason he once had, he was back now. he’d traveled from wherever he had once been to give shanks a piece of paper. a piece of paper that the crew would have stumbled onto regardless — seeing as the bounty that they were celebrating was the highest in all of the east blue. the kid would’ve become a ship-hold name in no time. and as you stared at the side of mihawk’s motionless face, you knew that he knew that, too.
“you’ve missed me, darling?” you knew he was baiting you the second that name left his mouth, and fortunately for him it was working. your lips slowly curled upwards into an impish smirk and you breathed out a weak laugh.
“you could say that.” you replied with a shrug. you weren’t planning on losing to his games so quickly. he’d made you wait so damn long, after all. “didn’t you?” feigning cluelessness, you leaned into him and slid your palm over his clothed leg.
mihawk didn’t flinch, glancing first at the hand that slowly started moving upwards and then into your eyes. for the first time that night, he stared at you. his eyes were squinted slightly like he was questioning your actions, even though he was well aware of what you were doing.
part of you had not an inkling of knowledge of what he was thinking about. he’d left his cup onto the table in front of him, letting you know you had his attention, but his expression was unreadable, as was his body. but all it took was one look into his yellow eyes that washed away all of your doubt. those never lied to you. you looked down at his lips, running your tongue over your own as you found yourself craving him. his touch, his lips, him.
he brought his hand up to your face, gently pinching your jaw between his fingers as he tilted your head back just a little bit. “i did.” he finally admitted after a long and tense silence. he spoke quietly now, like if he was even slightly too loud, the moment would end.
yet it still did. a noise coming from the entrance made both of your heads turn, and shanks froze as he shut the door behind him, eyeing the scene before him. then he broke out into a wide grin. “i see you got to her before i could.” he took his bottom lip between his teeth as he strode up to the table, eyeing you like a piece of meat. “how ‘bout we take this to bed before the others come lookin’ f’me, hm?”
you could smell the booze on his breath as he pulled you to your feet. you followed him to the room you shared with him, mihawk at your side with his hand pressed into the small of your back. you swore you could see a gentle smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth as he walked, but you’d forgotten all about it once the door shut behind you and shanks pounced on you.
his lips crashed onto yours, wasting no time to push his tongue into your mouth. you moaned, all of the fight leaving your body as he guided you towards the bed. he had a tight grip on your wrist, his other hand squeezing your exposed hip with lust-fueled fervor. you could feel mihawk’s gaze on the both of you and soon you heard his coat hit the ground. your top was next, shanks releasing you only to peel the tight shirt from your torso and toss it aside.
both pairs of eyes shamelessly raked down your naked body, shanks wasting no time to get rid of your shorts next.
“don’t just stare now, mihawk.” you spoke with a devilish smile as you sat yourself on the edge of the bed. the man got the message and followed you, slotting himself between your legs and caging you between his arms. you gently squeezed his hips with your thighs with a giggle before pulling him down into a heated kiss, grasping the brim of his hat and throwing it into the growing pile of clothes on the floor. mihawk groaned against your lips and he bucked into your clothed heat, drawing a whine from you.
your fingers raked through his hair, pulling at his dark ruffled curls each time he would rock his hips into yours. “mihawk,” you purred his name into his ear the moment he pulled away, enjoying the way his breath slightly hitched at the sound of your voice. your hand dove between your bodies and you desperately tugged at the waistband of his pants. “please. need you so badly.” you mindlessly babbled on.
“i’ve never seen her this desperate,” shanks whispered as he crept up behind you on the bed. “c’mon, mama, use your words. tell him where you want him.” the red-haired man looped his arms underneath your armpits, pulling you flush against his chest. he spoke tauntingly, a shit-eating smirk on his face as he looked down at you.
you whined, eyes squeezing shut with what felt like agonizing pain. “need you inside me, please.” you writhed in shanks’ hold, trying to rut up into mihawk’s clothed erection.
“you’ve already made her wait this long.” shanks now stared at mihawk with a lazy grin, waiting to see what he’d do next.
he shot shanks a narrow glance before turning back to you, eyeing the tears that were welling in your waterline because of him. “i suppose i have.” your eyes lit up at his confession and you waited for him to fulfill your wishes.
instead, he lifted himself off of you, completely deaf to your garbled protests, and lowered himself onto his knees beside the bed. you jumped when he pressed the pad of his finger against the damp spot on your panties, his eyes finding yours. “already so wet and i haven’t even touched you yet. naughty girl.” he spoke lowly as he hooked his slender fingers into the waistband of your panties and peeled them down your legs.
mihawk hooked your legs over his shoulders as he pressed a gentle kiss to your inner thigh. you very poorly bit back a cry and let your head fall back onto shanks’ shoulder. he laughed softly.
“so noisy already, aren’t ya, sweetheart?”
mihawk’s lips drew closer and closer to where you needed him most, drinking up every single noise you made because of him. his hand left your thigh and he started circling your clit with his thumb, watching your face morph with pleasure. you writhed around, wanting so desperately to squeeze your legs shut or card your fingers through his hair, but shanks had your arms restrained behind your back.
you bit your lip to keep your cries from spilling out each time mihawk brushed over your sensitive clit. the sensation was already winding up the coil in your gut and you could feel your orgasm building up fast.
“c’mon, sweetheart, let us hear those pretty noises. for us, hm?” shanks cooed into your ear, one of his arms releasing its hold on you to grasp your jaw, his thumb pushing past your lips and onto the flat of your tongue.
you gasped at the intrusion, and mihawk took your moment of weakness to slide his middle and ring fingers into your cunt. you choked against an obscene moan, and your walls clenched around his digits.
“there we go.” shanks mumbled, satisfied as more and more moans spilled from your mouth with each thrust of mihawk’s fingers. “ya sound so pretty for us, mama.”
mihawk was unrelenting, thrusting his fingers inside of you to the knuckle and keeping the pace he knew melted you every time. he could sense your orgasm nearing as your cries grew higher and your thighs started to tremble in his grasp.
he kept going until you were just about to come crashing down, your eyes squeezed shut with anticipation when he suddenly pulled his fingers out.
a sob tore from your throat. “no, nonono, mihawk!” you tried to chase after him as he lifted himself to his feet, but shanks held you securely in place.
it was pitiful, really.
“no need to cry, darling, you’ll get what you want.” mihawk towered over you, gently wiping the fat tear that had rolled down your temple. it was then that you became aware of the distance shanks had put between you and himself. your arms were freed from his grasp, but it wasn’t like you had the strength or mind to use them.
mihawk’s other hand swiftly nudged his pants down his hips, just enough to free his hard cock, before swooping down to catch you in a deep kiss. you moaned into his mouth, drinking in the taste of booze that still lingered on his tongue.
the man pushed himself inside of you, groaning softly into your ear as your velvety walls sucked him in. you cried out and grasped his arms to try to keep yourself grounded. “mihawk!” you moaned when he started thrusting, his pace already unrelenting.
you could hear shanks just beside you, groaning lowly at the sight before him while he jerked his aching cock in his fist. he stared at your face, which was twisted up with utter pleasure, through hooded lids.
a cry slipped from your lips with each of mihawk’s slow, deep thrusts. it was a feeling so familiar yet so foreign after so long of not having him. you’d almost forgotten how perfectly he filled you up, how he was able to hit every single blissful spot inside of you.
you clung to him, your nails gently digging into his skin while he planted sloppy kisses to your neck. you knew they would blossom into bruises that you wouldn’t be able to explain to the rest of the crew the next day.
it didn’t take much longer before you were close, barely able to warn mihawk of your quickly approaching orgasm. but he already knew. he could tell by the way your eyes squeezed shut and how your whines had gotten much higher than before.
“that’s it, darling. just let go.” his palm soothingly slid up and down the side of your waist while he fucked you through your orgasm. your knuckles went white with how tightly you held his biceps and your head lulled back as a string of incoherent curses and moans flew from your swollen lips.
shanks’ breath hitched at the unfolding scene. “fuck, you look so pretty when you come, sweetheart. just for us.” he spoke against gritted teeth as his own orgasm washed over him, thick ropes of cum painting his own hand.
mihawk pulled out moments later, his seed landing on your lower stomach with a groan. his hooded eyes lingered on your cunt, messy with your own cum as it started to drip out of you. the sight nearly made him hard again within seconds.
you laid still, taking a minute to catch your breath when a low laugh from shanks made you pick your head back up.
“don’t fall asleep on us now, mama, we ain’t done yet.”

something about shanks and the word “mama” has done something irreversible and irreparable to my brain chemistry.
#kinktober#one piece kinktober#one piece shanks#shanks#shanks op#shanks smut#shanks one piece smut#one piece smut#shanks op smut#op smut#mihawk x reader#dracule mihawk#dracule mihawk smut#mihawk smut#shanks x reader#one piece mihawk#mihawk op smut#mihawk x shanks x reader#mihawk x shanks
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⏾ SOMEWHERE IN THE HAZE, GOT A SENSE I'VE BEEN BETRAYED | jack hughes x singer!reader

summary : how y/n found out vince cheated the first time
word count : 1.3k
warning(s) : cheating (poor baby y/n ☹️), arguing, mentions of k wording Vince, Vince is a fucking asshole (sorry lol), crying (i hate to see my baby sad)
a/n : AHHHHHHH okay okay this is my first written part and I hope I did it justice bc as much as I love angst, it's hard to write it! anyways, I'm glad I decided to do this because it challenges me to not only go deeper for yall to understand reader it also kinda makes you see what she had to put up with (what the fuck vince) okay that's all I had to say! send me asks about this series bc I love talking about teehee OKAY BYE ILY
series masterlist

The stars glisten upon the midnight-colored skies. The clock that sits on your nightstand on the right side of the bed, has officially struck midnight, signifying a new day. You turn a page of the book you're reading, And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie, a re-read. The early January winds whip through the city of Seattle. Draped upon you is a lavender-colored fuzzy knitted blanket. Handmade by Vince's mom, Tracy.
In the far distance, you can hear the water leaving the showerhead; Vince is taking a shower. The thought of joining him crosses your mind, but you shake the thought away and continue reading. You go to turn the 129th page, but Vince's phone dings before the next page is revealed. It takes a small fragment of a moment for your eyes to find where it sits. Once you do, you make a B-line to its location. You don't notice how his phone was placed face down until you reach the dresser.
Your eyes burn holes into the back of the phone. The clock is ticking. The more time passes, the less time you have to decide whether or not you're going to snoop through your boyfriend's phone. Your internal dialogue fights between two actions: Pick up the phone and read the text messages waiting for a response, or ignore it and continue reading your book. The little devil on your right shoulder wins the battle.
Before you even think about any consequences if Vince were to catch you, you find your right hand already reaching for the phone. The screen illuminates your face, reflecting against the blue lenses that sit across the bridge of your nose. The first thing you notice is the time, 12:34 am. Who in the hell is texting him at this time? The second thing you notice is how Vince no longer has you as his lock screen. Instead, you're faced with a picture of him on a golf course with some of his buddies. If it weren't for the worry about who was texting Vince this late a night, you probably would have cared. The third and final thing you notice is the simple "D" that had given him a notification four minutes ago. You don't have to unlock Vince's phone to read the message, FaceID recognized your face the moment you picked up the phone.
goodnight, can't wait to see you tomorrow 💋
*one image*
Waves of anxiety hit you like a tsunami. You reread the text message over and over, thinking that it'll change every time your eyes scan the last half of the message. It's imprinted into your mind, no matter how hard you try, it will never go away. The thought of pressing the message to fully see the picture makes bile rise up in your throat. Knowing it most likely contained some type of nude picture. Whether it was a picture of some nice expensive midnight blue lingerie, maybe even clear water teal, or a picture of the girl's tits, it was going to taint you for eternity. You weren't stupid. Things like this happen to stupid girls, but not you. It couldn't.
You don't hear the water coming to an abrupt stop or Vince walk into the room until he questions what you're doing. "Why do you have my phone?"
Your head whips up to where Vince stands, at the door frame that connects his master bedroom to the master bathroom. His light caramel curls rest on his forehead, beads of water drip down his chest, and his right hand rests on the knot in the towel that's wrapped around his waist. You don't realize the tears that started falling just moments ago until Vince asks, "Why are you crying?"
The gut-wrenching sadness you once felt slowly simmers down and a deep rust color of rage clouds your vision. Without delay, you chuck Vince's phone at his chest and scoff.
"Why do you fucking think?" You wipe the tears that stream down your face with the sleeve of your cream-colored cotton long sleeve, mascara ruins the once-clean shirt. Vince contemplates whether he wants to deny or openly be truthful with you, he unfortunately chooses the first option.
"Babe, come on!" He looks away from the lasers that are practically coming out of your eyes. He knows deep down he's screwed.
"No, Vince! You fucking listen to me! You better be so fucking grateful that I leave first thing in the morning because I'd probably kill you if I didn't!" Lungs working overtime so you can get all of that out in one go. Vince still stands at the doorframe, he doesn't plan on moving anytime soon.
"Who is she?" The question leaves your mouth under a breath, afraid of the answer that might leave Vince's mouth.
"I'm not telling you that." It leaves Vince's mouth at lightning speed, but you move even faster. Your feet carry you rapidly to where Vince stands, once he's in arm's reach, your hands start hitting his chest. You switch between curling your hands into a fist and punching, to slapping his chest. Uncontrollable sobs leave the depths of your chest, and tears cloud your vision to the point where you can only make out the silhouette of the man you never would have thought would betray you.
"I lo-lo-loved you! An-and you d-d-do this to me?!" Your sobs interrupt your ability to say the sentence in one go. Your body finally begins to feel the heartbreak. Your chest and nostrils burn, your head finally starts to pound, and your legs start to feel like jelly. Letting the sobs control your body and legs giving out, you finally accept defeat.
Your eyes close and you start to drop to the ground, this is a fight you aren't going to win. You wait for your body to hit the ground but it never comes, instead you're met with Vince's damp hands on your arms. He steadies you, "Woah, hey there. You're okay I got you."
Wasting no time, you shove the 6'0 man off of you, and before he can say anything else you spit out, "Don't fucking touch me."
Vince puts his hands up in defeat, "Okay! okay, I won't." Following Vince's response, you dash your way to the front door. The professional hockey player follows hot in your trail.
"Hey hey hey! Where are you going?" He tries to grab a hold of your shoulder to turn you around, your reflexes do you wonder and you shove his hand with all the willpower you have left. Disregarding Vince's question, you take your purse and suitcase -which had been placed right next to the door after you finished packing before you got into bed.
"I'm staying at a hotel for the night." Exhaustion hits your body, a bed -not Vince's- sounds amazing right now.
"No, stay. You leave in the morning."
"I'd rather be in some cheap hotel than spend another night with you." The backhanded comment leaves the boy stunned, you take it as your chance to finally leave. You unlock the door and guide your suitcase to follow you out the door. Vince never intervenes. You don't even bother looking back when you slam the door in his face.
Adrenaline courses through your veins, it doesn't dissipate until you're sat on a hotel bed. The mattress is hard, but you've gotten used to it when touring throughout your career. You take notice that the comforter won't do you any justice during the night but that isn't the first thing that's disappointed you today. Tears that stopped falling start to pour again, your chest aches and your heart feels like it's missing. You take a moment to finally acknowledge everything that had happened 25 minutes ago, and once you forcefully come to terms with it, you fall into a deep sleep. Not noticing the 64 missed calls and messages from Vince.

#meet me at midnight series ⏾#jack hughes smau#jack hughes imagine#jack hughes smut#jack hughes x reader#jack hughes#vince dunn#vince dunn imagine#vince dunn smau#vince dunn x reader#ex!vince dunn#ebs writes things!#ebsedits ⋆˚𝜗𝜚˚⋆ ⏾
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I wonder if u might do a Spencer besties to lovers fic (:
‘Best Friends’
Spencer Agnew x Reader
a/n forewarning, i read through this like four times but i don’t have the time to heavily edit it. please overlook the mistakes lmao but i hope you guys like this one:)
Ever since your first day at Smosh, you have felt loved and important. They were like a huge family, just welcoming you in. There was one specific crew member that you grew close to and that was Spencer. Everyone was always giving the two of you shit because you were always glued to each other’s hips. They swore up and down that the two of you were going to pull a Courtney and Shayne but on the entire crew, announcing the fact that you and Spencer were together this entire time.
When in reality, he was just your best friend. You would give everything for it to be more than that but it never would turn out that way. He only sees you as his best friend, nothing more.
“Y/N!” Angela screamed while standing in front of your table. You were currently eating lunch while scrolling on your phone.
“Angela!” You attempted to scream back before giggling and almost choking on your chips.
“Your husband was looking for you.” Amanda announced while pulling up a chair beside you. You rolled your eyes and glared at her. “What did he want?” She just shrugged her shoulders and started to talking to Angela about the next shoot. Their rambling lasted for a good five minutes talking about some characters they were wanting to try out in Try Not to Laugh before you heard footsteps approaching from the corner.
You could immediately tell it was Spencer. You didn’t even have to turn your head to look and see who it was. “Hey Spice.” You said loudly while stuffing your mouth with more chips. Spice was some dumb inside joke, the two of you had from whenever you had to go get your wisdom teeth taken out. Spencer was the one to drop you off and pick you up. You could not get the name Spence out, you just kept calling him Spice.
“Another reason to add to the list of why I think they are soulmates. They can literally tell it is him walking up just from his footsteps. What the actual fuck?” Angela said to Amanda rolling her eyes.
“Hey short stack. I got you a coffee and a chocolate croissant from that one place you-“ He stopped talking for a minute while staring at you.
“What are you staring at me for?” You asked looking at him weirdly, mid stuffing your face with more chips.
“Isn’t that my hoodie?” Spencer asked while pointing towards the hoodie you have on. You had gotten cold and passed by his desk earlier. You noticed he had a hoodie thrown on his chair and figured, hey, he wouldn’t miss it?
You just smiled at him before grabbing the coffee and croissant. “You’ll have to pry it off my dead cold body before you can get it back. It’s comfortable and it smells like you.” You said before thinking about what you were saying and felt blush flooding your cheeks. “Wait, I mean it smells good.” You said really quickly while covering your mouth and looking at him and everyone else with a panicked look.
“I’m not complaining that you have it on. I was just wondering where it went earlier and literally told Shayne I bet that you had stole it. You look cute in it anyways. You can just bring it to me later whenever you come over.” He said with a faint smile on his face. “You still are on for tonight, right? For us to finish the next episode of Fallout?” He asked tilting his head while looking down at you, practically sliding down in your chair.
“Yup. I will be there.” You said real quickly, praying that the heat in your face will go away. He just nodded his head before smiling and walking away.
Angela, Amanda, and Courtney, who joined the table during the interaction, all stared at you while you tried playing it off as confused.
You just stared back at them, “What? Is there something on my face?” You asked while wiping at your face.
“Uh, nothing but the color red.” Courtney answered quickly before laughing and shaking her head. “When are you two going to admit the fact that you are head over heels for each other? It is so obvious.”
You could feel your face getting even redder while the three laughed over how much you’re practically melting due to the teasing. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. So, tell me more about the character you were wanting to test out during TNTL?” You asked.
A few hours passed by and it was time for you to leave and head over to Spencer’s place. You were walking out of the office whenever you bumped into Shayne.
“I heard you and Spencer are gonna attempt to finish up the rest of Fallout. How are you liking it so far?” Shayne asked walking aside you.
“It’s been pretty good. I never realized how much I enjoyed watching a show like this with someone else. It’s so fun to just watch something like that together and witness their reactions while the stuff is happening.” You explained while getting excited over the thought of hanging out with the man and eating snacks.
“I think you just like the idea of hanging out with Spencerrrrrrrrr.” Shayne said with a huge smile covering his face. “He’s really excited to hang out with you too. It is literally all I have heard about today.”
You started to complain whenever he first teased you until you heard him comment about Spencer being excited to see you as well.
The two of you had hit the parking lot and were about to separate. “What do you-“ Shayne cut you off before you could even finish. “Y/N, please stop acting like you can’t see it.” Shayne laughed before smiling at you. “Sorry, that sounded a bit harsh but everyone can see it and I’m pretty sure you can too. That guy is so hopelessly in love with you. You can’t tell me he isn’t.” You didn’t know what to say, you just stared at him.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” Shayne said while giving a polite wave and walked off towards his car, where Courtney was waiting on him.
Some time passed by and you were finally walking up the steps to his house. Something about tonight felt different. For some reason tonight, you were nervous. It was just Spencer. He is your best friend, so you had no reason to be nervous. Shayne’s words were sticking in your head though. Any other time, it wouldn’t get to your head but man it was really fucking with you tonight.
You had a spare key to his house, so you just unlocked the door and walked in. “Hoooooneeey, I’m hooooooome.” You yelled trying, trying to not giggle.
“Hey Y/N.” You just hear Spencer respond and see him pop his head around the corner. “I’m just changing into comfier clothes. You can go onto the living room.”
All you could think was weird. He usually carries on with your comments whenever you enter his house.
You just thought, maybe he was tired. So, you tried thinking nothing of it and headed into his living room. You got situated on his couch and started pulling up the next episode of Fallout.
“I put your hoodie on the counter.” You nodded towards the kitchen area while forcing a smile at him. He just nodded his head okay and sat down beside you.
Spencer is usually the touchy type of friend. He is always touching you in some way, either it grabbing your legs and throwing them over his, arm against yours, something like that. Tonight was different though. He had a distance between the two of you.
“You ready to start?” He asked before nodding towards the TV and you just nodded your head yes.
It was killing you. There was something going on and you couldn’t tell what. It was like there was a blanket of thick tension laying over the two of you. You would look at him out of the corner of your eye and catch him glancing over at you. He would catch you looking over at him then looking back at the TV. It was starting to drive you insane, so you had to speak up.
You grabbed the remote and paused the show. “What is going on?” You asked while turning towards him.
“What are you talking about? We’re at the part where-“ You realized he was about to explain the part of the episode, so you cut him off. “No, what is going on with you? You seem upset tonight.”
He looked at you then stared at the TV for a few minutes. You sat in silence as well, thinking maybe he needed it till the silence got deafening.
“Spencer? I don’t understand? Any other night we hang out, we’re always cracking jokes with each other and talking about our days and tonight-“
It was like it happened within a flash.
Spencer turned to face you while you were talking and you thought he was turning to listen to whatever you were about to say. You couldn’t be further than wrong.
He grabs both sides of your face and cuts you off. “Can I kiss you?”
It was like all of the words immediately got stuck in your throat and you just stared at him in shock. He started laughing over the way your face starts getting red in his hands. “What?” was all you managed to squeak out.
He inched a little closer to you, “Trevor was calling me an idiot for not realizing how much you like me. At first, I thought he was ignorant, of course. I thought there is no way they would have the same feelings. I, then, remembered how you acted earlier today over the hoodie and the comment about liking how I smell. It was like something just clicked. You also blush anytime we have an interaction. I could be wrong and if I am, I’m so sorry for butchering this friendship, Y/N, but can I please just kiss you already?”
You couldn’t even get words out. All you could do was shake your head yes and immediately, it was like all of the words left your head. He didn’t do the stereotypical ‘starved’ kiss that happens with the friends to lovers trope. He just softly pressed his lips against yours while pulling you closer to him by your face.
This lasted for a minute before he slowly pulled back. Your hands immediately fell to his wrists that were under your chin and you both just stared at each other.
“Your face is probably the reddest I have ever seen it. I’m going to assume everyone was right?”
You just smacked him on the chest and then wrapped your hand around his neck and pulled him close to you, “Yes, you dork.” You kissed him again but didn’t last long before he pulled back again.
“Wait, mentioning earlier… I wanted to ask, so you like the way I smell?” He says with a stupid grin on his face and wiggling his eyebrows.
“Oh for fucks sake, just kiss me again already Spencer.”
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oohhh that was adorable !!
what do samy and will get each other for christmas?
sweet, sweet gifts
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
part 2 to sweet, sweet memories where some pretty special gifts are exchanged!
wc: 2.4k
merry christmas to everyone who celebrates today! here is the part 2 to probably one of my favorite fics i've written for this au! i know a lotttt of people have done the tattoo initials before, but i really wanted to join the trend and can totally see samy + will doing this for one another:) but happy holidays!!
au masterlist

both families were gathered around the living room taking turns exchanging gifts after the extravagant wake up and cleaning up all the silly string. the hughes siblings started first with their sibling gift exchange where every year they would pick names out of a hat like secret santa. the parents and smiths watched in amusement as the four huddled in a circle together.
"alright, go ahead and pass," ellen smiled and the siblings quickly exchanged their gifts to who they got. samy passed hers over to jack, jack passed to luke, luke passed to quinn, and quinn passed to samy.
"i fucking knew you got me," jack mumbled in a small smirk as he admired his sister's signature reindeer wrapping paper.
"what? you make luke tell you who he got so you could do process of elimination?" samy giggled.
"hey, it's hard when we live together," the middle brother defended himself and samy just rolled her eyes.
"okay, youngest opens first. open your gift," quinn poked her knee and the girl grinned. she quickly tore through quinn's vancouver blue wrapping paper. it was a rather big box so she wondered what he got her that could be so big.
when she got down to the cardboard box she grew even more curious, reaching for the scissors to cut into the heavy cardboard. finally, she got to the bottom where a white frame facing down revealed itself. the girl carefully lifted it from the box, flipping it over while jack and luke leaned forward to see what it was. quinn sat beside her nervously awaiting her reaction to what became a very sentimental gift.
"oh my god. is this all of my state wins and my recent win?" samy examined each of her game winning photo reactions collaged together into one big picture frame.
"yup, i asked mom for the pictures. i figured you'd want a huge photo of them all together," quinn explained and samy reached over to embrace him in a hug.
"thanks, quinny. i love it. it's so sentimental," the girl hummed and flipped it around so everyone could see better.
"wow, what a gift, quinn," jim nodded.
"it came out so well, i'm so glad," ellen grinned.
"good luck getting that back on the plane," luke snickered and quickly tore into his gift next. the others watched as he shredded the devils red wrapping paper—each sibling seemingly matching their wrapping paper to their team colors this year. jack had a big grin on his face which could only mean so many things from him because he was the master at gag gifts.
out came a little box and luke's eyes widened when he realized what it was. the other siblings leaned in to see, "holy shit, it's me!" the second youngest exclaimed.
he flipped it around so everyone could see him as a little funk pop dressed in his new jersey devils uniform holding his hockey stick. "oh my god! that's adorable!" ellen gushed.
"how'd you even do that?" samy wondered and admired her brother in a box.
"a few emails back and forth with the company. they were more than happy to do it," jack explained.
"this is actually sick, rowdy. thanks," luke patted his brother's back where they exchanged a small hug.
"his frontal lobe must be developing if he didn't get a gag gift this year," samy teased making her brother roll his eyes.
"okay you next," luke nudged jack and the boy quickly tore into the wrapping paper.
samy watched with a smile, hoping jack would like his gift. the reindeer wrapping paper went flying as the middle brother tore through it and luke caught a glimpse of the gift first, his eyes widening.
"no fucking way," jack said when he saw what it was. he pulled it out further so everyone could see the two water guns and now everyone's eyes widened.
"you always say how you want more water guns, so i went ahead and got some for you. you can use them on luke back in jersey or at the lake house," the girl explained.
"no, not at me. save that for the summer," luke quickly shook his head making everyone else laugh.
"this is fucking sick, thanks pop," jack reached over to hug her.
"glad you like them. i know yours wasn't really a gag gift, but i wanted to gag gift you back," everyone shared a laugh and finally, it was quinn's turn.
the oldest hughes was a pretty simple guy and never wanted much, so he looked surprised when luke pulled out a rather large gift for him. because he was such a simple guy, sometimes the siblings struggled what to get him because he never wanted much.
"now, technically i did get you, but we all kind of put thought into this," luke explained making the older boy raise his eyebrow. he glanced at his parents who only shrugged because they had no idea.
they watched in anticipation as quinn carefully opened his gift. it looked similar to samy's with the big white picture frame, but when he flipped it over, the older boy was pleasantly surprised with what he saw.
at the top of the frame was a picture of all of them together at the game quinn was officially named captain of the canucks. beneath the picture was one of his jersey's where the C was proudly displayed on the top right corner. all around the picture were hand written notes from all of his siblings telling him how proud they were of him. quinn's eyes quickly watered, not expecting such sweet gift. the others nervously watched his reaction.
"q, that's so sweet," ellen broke the silence first as she also examined the picture from over his shoulder.
"wee wanted to memorialize such a special moment for you so you'd have it forever and you know how much you mean to us," luke said.
"he's crying, i knew we'd make him cry," jack chuckled and reached over to rub his older brother's shoulder.
"this is the best thing i've ever gotten. i have no words," the older boy quickly wiped his tears to bring his three younger siblings into a hug.
ellen quickly pulled out her phone to snap a picture of the sweet moment.
once the sibling gift exchange was over, it was now time for everything else. colleen and bill handed out their gifts, ellen and jim distributed theirs, and there were a few extra gifts exchanged a long the way that the siblings got one another and between will and grace too. samy got her dyson air wrap as she predicted along with some more necessities she asked for like new mascara, lip gloss, face cream, and perfume.
after everything was opened, the dads worked to clean up the wrapping paper while the moms got to the kitchen to start brunch. samy and will shied away a bit from opening gifts from one another in front of their families, so they disappeared to his room for a second.
"i hope you like it, i literally talked with ryan and gabe about it for weeks," samy chuckled as she slid the two big boxes towards the blonde. he raised his eyebrow a little bit, his curiosity growing.
"hearing that makes me worried," will mumbled because they knew how much ryan and gabe also loved giving gag gifts.
samy watched as he dug into the first big one. the familiar white frame revealed itself which also seemed to be another running theme in the household with these sentimental picture collage gifts. will carefully flipped it over, wondering what would be on the other side.
"we know how much playing at boston meant to you, so gabe and ryan managed to pull a few strings to get your jersey. i printed the pictures and put them all together, so i guess it's sort of a joint gift from all of us? i was thinking you can hang it in your room to remember your time at boston and the legacy your family has to the school," the brunette explained the thought behind the gift and the boy was smiling again as he admired all of the photos of him on the ice or with his friends.
"wow, this is so sweet. i love it, thank you," will glanced up at her, a soft expression on his features which she quickly returned.
"i guess all of us were thinking alike this christmas, but once luke mentioned what he was getting quinn i wanted to do something similar for you," will leaned over to give her a tight hug.
"this is really special, thank you again. i love you," the hockey player hummed, kissing her cheek. he went to tear into the next box which was a bunch of clothes samy saw and figured will would like since he always told her how he watched to change up some of his style.
"hell yeah, i wanted this," the boy said when he saw the abercrombie and fitch sweatshirt and matching jeans.
"i hope they fit. i like kind of knew your size, but not really. i have all the receipts if you need to exchange," samy giggled.
"they're perfect, thank you," he kissed her cheek again. he began passing his gifts over to her until the youngest hughes stopped him. this last gift she was a bit nervous for because it was something she did on a complete whim and didn't know if will would like it or not. he raised his eyebrow when she stopped him for a second.
"i do have one more thing," she began which made the blonde glance at her in confusion. "hopefully you won't think it's stupid or cringey, but i've been thinking about doing it for awhile and i finally did it a few days after i saw you in san jose. it's just a little something..like..to remember you're always with me even when we're miles apart," she rambled a little and will just wondered in amusement what the last gift could possibly be.
when samy stood and began pulling her pajama waist band down, the boy's curiosity grew. was she about to show him her underwear or something? will definitely wouldn't complain if that was the case, but samy stopped about halfway down her hip. will looked closer and that's when he saw black ink marking her skin with 2 simple letters and a number. w.s. 2
his initials. his initials in her skin forever. his eyes widened in disbelief.
"holy shit, no way.." will reached out to gently brush his thumb across the somewhat fresh ink. he actually had zero words, yet it was the hottest thing he's ever seen.
"is it cringy? you can tell me if it is," the girl said nervously when all will did was stare at her upper hip bone. his fingers were delicate across her skin, so mesmerized with the way it looked.
"no way. i love it. i'm on you forever," he looked up at her, such a lovestruck expression on his features it made the girl blush.
"yeah, you are. it's like our own reminder that you're right here with me all the time," she ruffled her hand through his curls, a bit caught off guard when will leaned forward to press a gentle kiss to the area.
"god, i love you," he mumbled.
"i love you," samy grinned.
"you know, i really do think we think the same because i also have a surprise for you," will said and stood up too. the brunette watched as he pulled down his own waist band where on the same exact side as hers was will's own tattoo on his hip except it was her own initials and #6.
samy's eyes widened seeing her boyfriend's hip. "no fucking way," she mumbled.
"i also got mine done a few days after you left san jose. we were probably on the same brain wave length or something, but i've also been wanting to this for some time or at least get your number somewhere. i guess the 6 is a tribute to my time at boston college too," the blonde chuckled, watching as samy reached forward to brush her finger over her initials.
"i was thinking about getting a 6 too, but i'm glad i didn't. i can't believe we did the same thing, that's hilarious," samy looked back at her boyfriend who smiled.
"no matter where we are or how far apart we get, i'll always come back to you," will cupped her cheeks, pressing a kiss to her nose before going in to her lips.
"i love you," samy mumbled when they pulled apart again.
"i love you," will hummed and then went to grab the rest of samy's gifts. she carefully worked through them, mumbling how will didn't need to get her so much. he never listened though because his girl deserved nothing less.
she popped open a jewelry box that had small s and w pendants hanging off a little chain. "you keep bugging me how you wanted a necklace," will poked her side and the girl grinned.
"i did, thank you. i love it," she kissed his cheek. he also got her san jose clothes since she always stole his (not that will minded at all, but he wanted her to have her own too).
when they were done, the couple just sat on his bed admiring their gifts and taking in the moment together. "these were all so sweet, thank you," samy said again.
"of course. i hope you like everything," will said and she quickly nodded.
"i love it all. you're the best," she leaned forward to embrace him in a tight hug.
there was a sharp knock on the door making them pull apart in surprise even though they weren't even doing anything. luke poked his head in, "we're going out to the beach if you lovebirds aren't just."
"we'll be down in five," samy said and her brother nodded before disappearing.
"are you gonna join our polar plunging?" the girl got up from the bed to find her swimsuit.
"i think i'd like to not freeze, so i'll sit this one out," the blonde laughed.
"okay, suit yourself," samy giggled. she quickly changed, pulling pants and long sleeve shirt over for now so she didn't freeze too much.
her and will were downstairs a minute later.
"last one in loses!" jack exclaimed and rushed out the door. the others called after him, quickly following while the parents just laughed to themselves, opting to also stay inside away from the snowy day.
#will smith hockey#hughes!sister x will smith au#samy x will#samy hughes#will smith x oc#will smith imagine#boston college hockey#boston college#uofmichigan#umich hockey#will smith hockey fluff#will smith hockey 2#will smith 2#wsh2#ws6#ws2#san jose sharks#sjs#sj sharks#umich#umich soccer#umich wolverines#luke hughes#jack hughes#quinn hughes#grace smith#umich fic#umich imagine#umich blurb#bc eagles
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raised on little light (3/?)
rise of the tmnt word count: 4k as you can see the chapter count has become a mystery even to me, i really was not anticipating another leo pov and yet the blue boy got me. as always big thank you to @soldrawss and @mykimouser for making this au richer and more lived-in than it would have been without them title borrowed from northern attitude by noah kahan read on ao3
Leo is being carried.
The rest of the world is a shapeless blur of muted color that slides in and out of focus the second he lets his mind wander, so he clings to what he knows. He’s three-fourths little brother down to his very core, and he knows exactly what it feels like to be picked up and taken somewhere by someone who wants him to go to bed, or come eat dinner at the table, or just be held until some danger is gone and a safe place is found.
The footsteps beneath him echo in all directions even though they’re only resolutely headed in one, and there is a constant dull drum of water moving through pipes, punctuated by drips and splashes, and a stale, pungent smell that coats everything like a layer of growth.
One sewer tunnel probably sounds like any other, but Leo would like to believe that he knows the way home when he hears it. He runs the risk of being wrong and finding himself someplace unfamiliar but he opens his eyes to take a peek anyway.
It’s dark, with only passing moments of light from grates overhead to see by, and it takes a few more minutes than it should for Leo to realize that he does know where he is. He knows the poorly designed clusters of pipes, the faded brickwork covered in faded spray paint that a much younger Michelangelo left there before he ran out of room and had to branch out farther, the upcoming intersection with a maintenance tunnel to the left that always floods when it rains, where four little kids used to race paper boats.
Home, Leo’s heart cries out. He’s so close now. For a crazy minute back there he thought that he’d never go home again.
Belatedly, he thinks to pull his gaze inward, up toward the face of the person carrying him. Leo’s at an angle where he can really only observe a spotted cheek and a stubborn chin in profile.
The guy who appeared out of nowhere to save him, the stranger who isn’t really a stranger if the ancestral magic in Leo’s chest that reaches eagerly towards him is to be believed. A bigger turtle who did what bigger turtles always did and carried the smaller one.
Giorgio—that’s what he said his name was. Another painter.
Another brother, Leo thinks, catching that thought with both hands and holding tight to it before it can disappear. It’s as quiet and slippery as a fish and Leo’s out here on a boat without a net.
“You know the way,” Leo says. It must be kind of abrupt from the way Gio’s eyes dart down to his in surprise. “You said you did,” Leo adds, to prove he’d been paying attention. “But how? Are you sure you’re real? Or are you a psycho—psy—pomp—uh—the thing that guides people’s souls when they die. You can tell me, I can take it.”
If this is death it’s not too bad. He’d been imagining something a lot worse. But he can see Gio frown, and feels him shift Leo a little closer, as if daring any other monster lurking in the dark to try its worst.
“You’re not dying,” the spotted turtle says. “You’ll be fine.”
Leo assesses himself. Everything is a little floaty, a little hard to hold onto, and his head is killing him. He feels the way he did in the prison dimension, where gravity was an afterthought, half-heartedly doing its job. This feels alarmingly like that.
He wants to believe he’s out, that home is just a few city blocks away, that he’ll follow his little brother’s paint trails all the way there, but he didn’t earn that miracle. It’s hard to understand why he would have gotten one in the first place.
He was so sure he was done for. Doubt creeps in. He tries not to be afraid.
It’s not about me, Leo thinks, but the mantra is losing some of its steel. He’s still that stupid, selfish kid that nearly got everyone killed, after all, he really hasn’t learned a thing. Even though he knows what he deserves, he still wants the other thing. He wants to go home.
Eventually, Leo realizes that a faint low buzzing in his ear is actually humming. Gio is humming. It’s an unasked for, undeserved comfort, but it soothes the sudden sting of fear like lidocaine. Leo absorbs it, then abruptly something clicks in the back of his mind and the song resolves itself into one he recognizes.
Three little birds sat on my window…
“Oh,” he says, “I love this song. You must not be an alien after all, not if you know what good music sounds like.”
“Is that how that works?” Gio stops humming to ask. He’s not smiling, but his voice sounds like one anyway.
“Hey, I’m the expert here,” Leo says importantly, proud of himself when he only slurs on the sibilants. “You’ve passed the first part of my litmus test. Now I just need you to select all the images that contain bridges.”
“Sorry, I don’t know what you mean.” Leo is about to explain the joke when Gio goes on, completely straight-faced, “We don’t have CAPTCHAs on my planet.”
It takes a moment to register—a longer moment than it should, which Leo is happy to blame on his concussion and Gio’s frankly amazing poker face—but when it does, Leo can’t help but laugh.
He hasn’t laughed since the invasion started, and for awhile back there he was pretty sure he’d never laugh again, but now he’s wheezing breathlessly even though it sparks pain all through his ribs, half-smothered against Gio’s shoulder.
When he thinks to look, he sees Gio smiling for real this time.
I don’t know where you came from, Leo thinks, or maybe says out loud, but I’m glad you’re here.
Gio’s step falters a little bit, but he keeps walking.

The closer they get to the turnstiles that serve as the front entrance to the lair, the more clearly Leo can make out raised voices. The confused rambling in his brain goes quiet and his heart sits up at attention, because it sounds like Mikey is shouting. It sounds like he’s crying.
“Oh, no,” Leo says. “We gotta—hey, we gotta get in there.”
He is abruptly aware of his missing swords, the lack of any suitable stand-in for him to transform into a sword. He’s tapped out, he doesn’t think he could so much as walk a few steps on his own, but he won’t let that stop him. He would portal to the moon a hundred times if it would take that grief-adjacent anger out of his baby brother’s tone.
Gio doubles his pace, because he’s clearly a turtle with his priorities in order, hopping the turnstiles and shooting like an arrow through the messy living room toward the garage where all the noise seems to be coming from.
Mikey’s still shouting. The sound is grating and horrible, like it’s hurting his throat to do it, like it’s about to either ratchet up into a shriek or double over into a howl at any moment. Leo can’t make out what he’s saying, but he doesn’t need to know to be unsettled by it. He’s never heard Mikey sound this way before, not even when they lost Gram-gram and the first lair and had to leave dad behind. What could possibly be worse than all of that?
“That’s my sunshine,” Leo tells Gio seriously. “Shouldn’t sound like that at all. World might still be ending.”
“As far as he’s concerned, it is,” Gio replies. “He thinks his big brother died.”
Leo’s stomach lurches sickly, an instant, intense reaction, because his mind connects ‘big brother’ straight to Raphie and then draws another line to connect Raphie to ‘died,’ and then everything falls out from under him like the ground is gone and the sky is gone and it’s just bleak empty horrible nothing in all directions.
Only he can hear Raph’s warbling rumble from down the hall now, all thick and syrupy, stuttering in a way that’s unlike him. It puts a hard pause on Leo’s panic, yanking up the emergency brake. Raph is alive.
His twin is also Mikey’s big brother, and maybe that’s who Gio meant, but now that Leo has had a moment of stunned disorientation—confusion that is sitting with itself instead of just screaming wordlessly in both his ears—he realizes Donnie’s little light in Leo’s soul is as warm and alive as ever. So is Raph’s, and Mikey’s, and April’s, and dad’s. Their constellation hasn’t gone dark anywhere. If anything, it’s one star brighter than it used to be.
Then they’re in the doorway and there’s no more time to think because Leo is staring across the garage at his family, who are all staring back at him. The sudden silence rings for a very long, stretching second. They’re all there—everyone Leo held close to his heart in hell, everyone he was ready to die for.
They’re all staring at him like they’ve just seen a ghost. They’re all very still, like the ghost might disappear if they’re not careful.
This is when Leo should say something. He had—back in the prison dimension, he had so much he wanted to say to all of them. So many last words and goodbyes.
When he opens his mouth, what spills out is, “I’m sorry.” He’s looking at Raph, his Raphie, whose right eye is inflamed and puffed closed, whose left shoulder still hasn’t been bandaged by anyone. It must hurt. Leo hates that it hurts, that it’s his fault it hurts. “I’m sorry,” he tries again. “You’re my hero. That’s what I meant. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I didn’t know what else to do. I’m sorry. I love you. I’m sorry.”
Suddenly Donnie is right there, so fast he must have teleported, which is not a thing that Leo knew Donnie knew how to do. He wastes no time pulling Leo into a crushing hug and they sink to the floor beneath Leo’s weight.
Leo’s ribs and leg scream in protest but that’s their own problem. Donnie’s snuffling wetly, sad softshell sounds that make Leo’s heart crack right down the middle, that hurt like knives in his stomach, that override every single other thing in the universe. He hugs Donnie back as hard as he’s capable of. He’s not letting go until someone wrestles him away.
A smaller body collides with them both and the embrace changes shape. Donnie would only loosen this particular brand of death grip if it was to include their baby brother. Mikey burrows right in, shoving his damp face against Leo’s shoulder, his whole body heaving with how hard he’s sobbing.
And then they’re all seized in huge arms and held securely against a rumbling chest that Leo would know anywhere. He’d know Raph even if he was deaf and blind and numb, he’d know him at the end of the world. The whole world.
“Leo,” Raph sobs. It’s all he can seem to manage, so he says it again. “Leo.”
“You scared me so bad,” Mikey chokes out. “Lee, I thought, I thought I’d never see you again.”
Leo can’t move more than to press his cheek to the top of Mikey’s head. “Reports of my death have been greatly—”
“Make one single joke and I’ll murder you, and no jury on earth would convict me for it,” Donnie hisses against his temple, still roughly more turtle than person.
“Noted,” Leo mumbles, and then makes an upset sound because Raph is setting them all down and Mikey is peeling away just barely and he doesn’t know why they’re letting go even that much until familiar hands are cupping his face. “Daddy,” he realizes, going boneless. “I missed you.”
It’s nowhere near big enough to describe how badly he wanted his dad when he was on the other side of that portal. He doesn’t know any words big enough.
“I missed you, too, Baby Blue,” Splinter says, stroking the stripes on Leo’s cheeks with the pads of his thumbs, unendingly gentle, the way nothing in the prison dimension was gentle. “Luckily we will not have another opportunity to miss each other for a very long time because you are grounded for the next century.”
An excuse to stay home forever is not a bad thing to the person Leo is currently, but he still has a brand to maintain, so he says, “Hmf. I want my lawyer.”
“She’s already filed a motion to withdraw from the case, on grounds of her client being an uncooperative little shit,” April says from somewhere above him, voice drawing in closer as she presses a firm kiss to his forehead. “You’re doing the time.”
“This whole justice system is a scam,” Leo says. He has to blink hard so he doesn’t lose focus, there’s still one person he hasn’t put eyes on. He’ll have bad dreams if he falls asleep before he checks in on everybody. “Where’s Junior? He’ll be on my side.”
Something uncomfortable and guilty steals across his sibling’s faces—the faces Leo can see, anyway. Donnie still has his tucked in the crook of Leo’s neck and shoulder and doesn’t seem inclined to change that anytime soon. Raph ducks out of the way a little, and Mikey says, “He’s—yeah, he’s here—”
The human boy who shuffles forward is wringing his hands, face ashen and tacky with old tears and eyes glassy with new ones. He looks more anxious and sick to his stomach now than he did when he was unwillingly pitched through a time gateway by the remnants of his doomed family. The second he meets Leo’s eyes he crumples to his knees so he’s looking up at Leo instead of down, this poor kid they all owe so much.
“I’m so sorry,” Casey says. His voice doesn’t tremble or break but there’s barely any air behind it, like it’s taking everything he has to get the words out. “I closed the portal on you. I killed you. I’m so sorry, sensei.”
Leo hates everything about this. He lurches forward, gets exactly nowhere with all the people holding him, but manages to free an arm and snatch up one of Casey’s restless hands.
“Three things,” he says, wishing he could be more eloquent, “and you need to listen.”
“I’m listening,” Casey whispers.
“I told you to close the portal. I put that on you. That wasn’t right. I shouldn’t have made you do that. Right after you lost your dad. That was just—horrible for you—and when my brain isn’t a scrambled egg I’ll make it up to you. I will,” he adds fiercely, when Casey opens his mouth to interject. “Hush. You’re still listening. The second thing—you didn’t kill me, I’m right here. Alive, not a ghost.”
Not a ghost, he thinks, because no one would go all the way to the prison dimension to save a ghost. And no one would hum for a ghost, or carry one home, or share a stupid joke to make the darkness around them not so dark. Not a ghost.
“And—you’re still listening?” Leo checks. Casey nods jerkily like a puppet on a string. Leo squeezes his hand and says, “You saved us. You saved everybody. Don’t be sorry. You’re a lifesaver, Casey Jones.”
That child soldier comportment finally dissolves enough for the shaken seventeen-year-old underneath it all to peer out, devastated, orphaned, displaced. He holds Leo’s hand in both of his own and nods again.
“How did you get out, Leo?” Raph asks, absurdly tentative as he asks the question they’re probably all wondering. He sounds afraid to jinx his good luck.
“New brother,” Leo says. “Who is not imaginary. Or an alien. He was tested extensively and passed with flying colors.”
“Good to know,” April says, gently stroking his sore head the way he could remember her doing every time he was sick since the age of seven. Then she pauses. “Wait, did you say—”
It’s funny, they’re all ninjas or ninja-adjacents, and they still managed to completely forget about the whole entire extra mutant turtle in the room. The turtle who carried Leo here, who Donnie extracted Leo from in the first place, who has been quietly observing their reunions this entire time.
So overall, situational awareness is definitely an area that needs some improvement, but in their defense it’s been one hell of a day.
Gio, for his part, is as good as a statue in the doorway. Every warm hint of feeling Leo managed to thaw out of him is back behind a resting murder face, that face that stared down the Krang General without flinching.
“Hi,” he says once the entire room is staring at him, as unflappable as ever. “Gio,” he adds, by way of introduction.
He’s so cool, Leo thinks, or maybe says out loud, if the sidelong looks his siblings give him are any indication. It’s hard to keep track when all he wants to do is lay his aching head down for roughly fifty consecutive hours.
“Oh,” Mikey says, wide-eyed. It’s a sentiment echoed on Donnie and Raph’s faces, too.
They’re letting themselves feel it, recognizing him the way Leo did in that connected place where their ninpo lives—the steadfast red mountain, and brilliant purple lightning, and cheerful orange bonfire, and mischievous blue wind, the landscape that Leo knows as well as he knows his own face in the mirror.
There’s another feeling there now, another color; a fifth presence. Soft, unassuming gray that could turn stormy in an instant. Calm water meeting the shore at low tide. Miles away yet, not quite close enough to touch, but undeniable. A piece they hadn’t even realized was missing until it wasn’t anymore.
“Little Spot?” Splinter blurts. He looks rattled. If he wasn’t kneeling on the floor already he might have fallen over. He pushes himself upright, bracing himself on Raph’s shoulder, and says, “It is you. One of my sweet baby turtles. But how can it be you? I watched—the day we escaped the lab, a machine went haywire, and you were—”
“The light you saw back then was a portal,” Gio says. His tone gives absolutely nothing away. He could just as easily be talking to anyone about any old thing. “It didn’t kill me. It just took me someplace else.”
“A portal,” Splinter says numbly. “All this time, one of my babies has just been—someplace else.”
“Splints, how can you be so sure?” April says, more out of journalistic curiosity than any real disbelief.
Splinter beckons at Gio with both hands. There’s a brief, stilted pause on Gio’s end, and then he obediently folds to his knees so the rat can reach him. He looks like the very last thing he’s expecting is to be held the way Leo was held just minutes ago, his spotted face cradled carefully in his dad’s hands. Suddenly he looks his age.
“Yes, look at that,” Splinter says warmly. “He has my eyes, just as his brothers do. There is no mistake. He is one of ours.”
From the way Gio blinks, it’s his first time hearing anything like that. His stillness now is more aligned with a prey animal than a badass alien-killing predator, as if he’s keeping himself safe by not moving a single inch or even breathing visibly. Leo feels a pang in his stomach, made lonely just by proximity to that expression on his new brother’s face.
Stick around, Georgie, Leo thinks, and you’ll forget what it felt like to be alone. I promise, I swear.
“Oh, what?” Mikey whines thickly, rubbing his face dry on Leo’s arm like the brat he is. “We had another brother this whole time and we’re only just getting him now? That’s not fair!”
“Clemmys guttata, an aquatic turtle,” Donnie says, bright-eyed with interest. “Clearly a man of distinguished taste. I’ll need a blood sample.”
“Donnie,” April says with an air of exhaustion.
“Raph has so many questions,” Raph admits.
“I’ll answer them,” Gio says calmly. If he’s overwhelmed, it would be nearly impossible to prove it. “But first Leo needs a medic.”
It’s comical the way everyone springs into action the second they finish processing that statement—or it would be, if Leo wasn’t suddenly un-hugged by a whole bunch of people. Displeased, he says, “He doesn’t need a medic, he is a medic. I know exactly which of my bones are broken, thank you very much.”
“You have broken bones?” Donnie snaps. “And you’ve just been sitting on the floor letting us manhandle you like an entire idiot?”
“Infirmary,” Casey announces, already halfway across the room. “Sensei trained me in field medicine, I can help with anything short of open-heart surgery. Are we stocked?”
“Who do you think you’re dealing with?” April says, which means ‘yes, our resident paramedic is pedantic about one thing and one thing only and that’s having enough medical supplies to outlast a zombie apocalypse.’
Leo is scooped up in Raph’s arms, handled much more carefully now that everyone is aware of his not-entirely-intact state. Normally at this point he would be sinking, lulled into uselessness. The adrenaline fading, the individual hurts jumping up and down and waving pompoms to get his attention. He’s so close now to being able to just lay down and let someone else take care of things, but—
But Gio hasn’t made any move to join them. He’s lingering behind, like he’s trying to be respectful of someone else’s family during this difficult time. Or like he’s just waiting for them to forget about him so he can disappear.
Leo’s heart jumps as panic seizes him by the throat and all quiet, peaceful thoughts of passing out go up in smoke.
“Wait,” he blurts, lurching forward so suddenly that Raph almost drops him. “Hey, don’t go.”
What if the Krang comes back? What if Leo gets lost and ends up in the prison dimension again? What if he never got out in the first place? Leo is pretty sure he’s home for real, and he’s almost one-hundred percent positive that everything is okay, but he wants Gio to be here just in case. He wants all his siblings safe where he can see them, including this one.
Leo doesn’t realize he’s reaching until his open hands are taken carefully. Gio holds them and leans in to look right at Leo so Leo can look right at him. His eyes are deep and dark but there’s rich, warm brown in them when the light’s just right. His face could be carved from stone, but it softens for smaller turtles.
Gio glances up at Raph. Leo doesn’t have to look to know that Raph is probably smiling warmly back at him. If Gio is looking for a reason to leave, he won’t find one there.
Donnie is a harder sell on most days, but not on this one. He’s still got one hand wrapped around Leo’s arm. He’s still shivering off and on, like he just had a really close brush with his absolute worst nightmare and now he keeps seeing afterimages of it each time he blinks. Donnie would be willing to make peace with Big Mama and Witch Town and the Purple Dragons all in the same day if they were the ones who brought his twin home—but since it was Gio, he gets the free lifetime pass into Donatello’s good graces, which is a lot like winning the Powerball jackpot on your first try.
And Mikey, of course, is everything bright and sweet and spoiled in the world, beaming at Gio and gearing up to baby brother his way into getting exactly what he wants, accepting no substitutions.
“Come on, at least give us the chance to win you over,” he wheedles. “I’ll make my world-famous breakfast empanadas in the morning if that sweetens the pot!”
Gio seems to have no idea how to look directly at Mikey’s shining face, so he looks down at his own hands instead. Leo holds onto them a little tighter, and it feels almost like being back in the prison dimension, knowing the most important thing he can do is hold on.
Come in already, Leo imagines calling out to the tide, that distant crashing water still dithering off the coast, still making its mind up about making this place its home. We saved a spot for you.
“Stay,” Leo says stubbornly. Unreasonably, maybe. Gio came here from somewhere, and presumably has somewhere to go when he’s done killing aliens and babysitting clingy turtles, but he can belong to them, too, can’t he? They’re all big kids, they can share.
Whoever else loves him out there in the universe must love him enough to share, or they wouldn’t have let him go in the first place.
“Let’s make a deal,” Gio finally offers.
“I’m listening,” Leo replies, game face on.
“If you accept all the medical attention Casey decides you need without sulking or fast-talking or trying to sneak off,” Gio says flatly, that blink-and-you-miss-it humor, “I’ll stay for breakfast.”
Leo gapes at him, game face off. “Uh, hey, new guy, what gave you the impression I would do any of those things?”
Donnie doesn’t bother containing his snort, amusement breaking through the stormy upset on his face, and Mikey laughs out loud. Raph’s chest is rumbling, affectionate and happy, and Gio is gazing at all of them like he knows exactly how much their smiles are worth.
Like he knows exactly how much Leo is worth, and he’s willing to stick around anyway.
“Deal?” Gio says, quiet and kind.
“Yeah.” Leo matches his tone without meaning to, all but whispering, “Deal.”
#rottmnt#rise of the tmnt#rottmnt oc#hamato leonardo#hamato michelangelo#hamato raphael#hamato donatello#april o'neil#casey junior#my writing#tmnt fic#the archer au
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I’m On Fire, But I’m Trying Not to Show It || Chapter Four
Pairings: Angus Tully x fem!reader
a/n: did you guys know fifty dollars back in ‘66 was like five hundred dollars??? I didn’t and now I wish I never did. Anyway I kinda just wanted to explore more of Angus and Y/n relationship before the event of the holdovers. So a little backstory on this one. I maybe got carried away. Also this is a long ish chapter cause I have MAJOR exams to take so yeah :0 it might be while till I update again.
Word Count: ~7.5k
Four Years Before - June 12th, 1966
Your parents had fled to Barbados for a destination wedding which they would follow with a cruise they claimed to deserve. Although it was one of those rare occasions where they had extended an invitation, you had declined. The prospect of being able to stretch your legs on the couch without worrying if you would be crushing some unknown guest, or to be able to walk into rooms without crashing into a waiter passing out shrimp puffs, was much more appealing. You had been left behind with fifty dollars for your fun fund, as your mother called it, and a kiss on the forehead. The nanny your parents kept on retainer would check up on you occasionally only to find you were much better at cleaning up after your messes and doing ordinary tasks than your parents. She’d leave after a few hours and then over the course of the first week she stopped coming.
You had prepared yourself for a month of solitude after Angus had announced he’d be spending his vacation at a tennis camp in Montauk. You must have been reorganizing your bookshelf for the third time that day (once by alphabet, then by color, and finally by size) when you heard a knock at the door. The sun had just begun to set, the sky colored a purple-blue, and you cautiously decided to take your fathers golf club. You dropped the club shortly after opening the front door to find not the face of Norman Bates but of your best friend. You scanned his tear-stained face. His eyes were glossy and his cheeks rosy, like when one stands in the snow and is attacked by the harsh winds that nip at your skin.
He collapsed into your arms, and you are quick to hold him steady. He was crouched over, having had a growth spurt a few months earlier, making it hard for you to look at him eye to eye.
“What’s wrong?” You asked.
It was the summer of ‘66, where paranoid parents were starting to believe rock music would possess you. Ironically, it was the year Pet Sounds came out and you couldn’t stop rewinding the songs on your turntable. And most significantly it was the summer you spent with Angus.
He broke the news through jumbled words and choked down tears. How his father had been placed in a Mental Health hospital and how taking him to camp was just an excuse to make sure he wouldn’t be there when the people from the hospital came to pick his father up. They had apparently come early, mixing the dates up.
“Does your mom know you’re here?” You asked, hugging his torso.
“No. I'm sure she’ll be coming to check soon though,” he sniffled, “She’ll probably try to drag me to Montauk anyway and say that ‘it’ll be good for me’.”
You kiss his curls, “What if you stay here?”
He lifts his head up, “I’m not sure she’ll let me.”
“I think she will,” you reassured, “I am a very good guilt-tripper.”
“You can try if you want. How much did your parent’s leave you anyway?”
“Enough for both of us, don't worry. Even if we run out, we could whip something up to eat.”
His eyes widened, “Let's stick to take-out.”
Your house was the first place Angus’s mother looked in, just like he had predicted. He hid at the top of the stairs, staying away from his mom's line of sight as she pressed you for his whereabouts. You had been truthful about how he wanted to spend the next few nights here.
“Are you serious? I’m not going to leave two fourteen-year-olds alone, unattended, unsupervised! God knows what you’ll get up to.”
“We’re not going to do anything!” you argued, “We’re smart enough to not light the house on fire and to dial 911, in case we happen to. Angus just wants to be away for a little while. You should understand why,” you glared.
She looked down, shuffling her heeled feet.
“Besides, you take him away now he’s just to keep coming back here,” you sighed, stating the obvious.
She cleared her throat, coughing as she nodded, “Fine. Alright. Uhm- just make sure he calls me. Okay?”
“Okay,” you do your best to stop yourself from slamming the door in her face. "Bye.”
“The coast is clear,” you shout to Angus who came barreling down the stairs, skipping the last few steps.
“Did she look mad?”
You shrug, “A little. But she'll move on.”
He hums, agreeing as his eyes flicker around the room. He’s looking at the house he must have been at least a thousand times, whether because you invited him or because your parents did. And for the first time in either of your lives… it was completely silent. …
That first night Angus slept on your bedroom floor on a mattress you had dragged from the guest room. You had only your lamp on, and your window was open just wide enough to bring in the refreshing summer air. You were reading a few pages of your book to Angus, and when you glanced down you saw his eyes beginning to close.
“Do you want me to stop?”
“No. You have a nice voice is all.”
“Thank you. You do want to go to sleep though,” you observe.
“Should I turn off the lamp?” He says almost immediately. He lifts himself up slightly so he can reach your bedside table and waits for your permission to turn it off.
“Yes please.” You settle deep into your duvet. You turn to the side that faces Angus and wish him goodnight.
A few minutes later he speaks up again in a whisper. “Thank you again. For letting me stay here. I'll be out of here by next week, swear.”
“If you could, I would want you to stay here your whole life.” He scoffs at your words as you lean up with the support of your elbows to stare him down. “I’m serious. I only wish I could live in a house with you. Except somewhere far away from here.”
“By the beach,” he adds.
“Yeah. On a beach so obscure they can’t even send us mail because no one will know our address.”
“Oh no. How would your parents ever send you the invitation for your debutante ball?”
“I guess they’ll just have to throw it without me.”
“Shame,” Angus sighs. “I would love to see you in a white dress.”
You pause and then crash down back into your bed. You admire the garland that hangs above you. It’s made of postcards your parents sent you during their many endeavors. In that moment you're reminded of them and turn to Angus. “Oh. About that. My mom told me to tell you to prepare to be my escort in a few years.”
“Already?!” …
You and Angus had fallen into a routine. He’d sleep way later than you, sometimes until noon, and you’d wake him when you got too impatient and hungry for breakfast. He’d stir and groan to the point that it was obvious he was faking before finally getting up.
You would carry what you could from your kitchen pantry onto the backyard patio and eat under the summer sun. It was like an all-you-can-eat buffet of fig jam, English muffins and sometimes pears from the tree that stretched over your neighbor's fence. Afterward you and Angus continued your day in the green grass. He would sprawl himself out on a picnic blanket and read a comic book, wearing shades that were on the verge of tipping off his nose. Meanwhile you would tend to your mother's garden. You’d put on her straw hat too, just to make it feel like you were with her.
When you were little, you’d pull the weeds out of flower beds as your mom pruned her lavender. It was her dearest plant, and she treated them so, regularly nursing it to keep it alive. She’d motion for you to come with her and pick up the shears from the gardening shed. Eagerly obedient, you did as she said, and you would work together until called for lunch. Your mother was always a vivaciously elegant woman, always knowing the right things to say and charming anyone she met. You often wondered why you hadn’t inherited her brilliance, the one that made her seem as if she was glowing in any room she inhabited. It was odd that she’d often claim her ability to converse was her greatest ability when the two got along best when moving in silence.
You did your best to care for the plant too. Before you mom left, she asked to handle their upkeep. You took your duty seriously, checking in on them every day until you saw one sign of disarray.
That summer was like playing house. And although you never admit, for the fear that he’d read too much into and freak, it was exactly as you had often dreamed it to be. June and July passed quickly, and you hadn’t even noticed it. You imagined a life where it could just be you two forever, away from your parents and outside of stifling Massachusetts.
You imagined a life in an apartment described as ‘quaint,’ by the realtor to disguise the incredible small square footage. You wondered if he would like to be in a city like New York or Chicago. Somewhere that was always busy, and the chirping of morning birds was replaced by honking cars.
By the time August had rolled around, you could practically hear the unmistakable sound of the school bell ringing in your ear, warning you of its proximity. Thoughts about the future had you asking Angus one bleary Sunday afternoon, “Are you nervous about starting high school?”
Angus was pushing you on the tire swing, trying to give you motion sickness by twisting the ropes of the swing and letting them untangle a second later.
“Not really. It’ll be like eighth grade just with more tests.”
“I guess. But aren’t you nervous about making new friends and stuff? What if we tangled ourselves into a web so deep that we can’t talk to other people normally.”
“Then I have done my job of keeping you to myself.”
“Haha,” you deadpan, “Seriously though. Won’t you miss having me to talk to?”
“Of course I will. But you’ll write to me and crap… right?”
“Of course,” you echo his words back to him, “You’ll visit me when you get the chance too, correct?”
“Eh. If I’m not busy.”
“Yes! Obviously, I will.” He pushes you a little harder.
“I do want you to be more out there though. Don’t go sulking in corners like you always do. People would really like you if you let them talk to you for more than one minute.”
“You’re starting to sound like my mother Y/n.”
“Seriously though. Did you notice we’re always addressed as ‘Y/n and Angus’ by teachers. Never just Y/n and never just Angus.”
“Yeah. But I like it. It’s like Bonnie and Clyde. You can’t separate them because then it sounds plain wrong.”
“Okay Clyde,” you roll your eyes. You stop swinging, scraping your shoes through the dirt until you are still.
“I’m giving us two weeks before we break down to each other over the phone.” You lose the hold you have on the tire swings and let them drop onto your lap. You simmer under the sun and enjoy the breeze that flows through your hair.
“Don’t go replacing me when you get to your school.”
“Don’t worry, you got a head start seven years ago. No one else will be able to catch up,” you smile teasingly. “Maybe I’ll find myself a boyfriend though. About time for the both of us, don’t you think?”
He frowns, “You don’t need a boyfriend.”
“Yes, I do. Everyone else does.”
“Since when do you do what other people do? I think you should stop talking to people who peer pressure you,” he flicks your forehead.
“Why?” You rub your forehead, “Do you want to be my boyfriend?” You smirk.
“Gross! No! I was just kidding. Get a boyfriend, I don’t care.”
“You wouldn’t care if I got a boyfriend?” You look at him skeptically.
“As long as he treats you nice and shit,” he rubs the back of his neck.
“It’s just that we do everything together Angus. There are some things I would like to get over with that I can’t do with you.”
“Like what?” Angus wrinkled his nose in confusion.
“Like hold hands and go to bowling alleys or whatever.”
“We’ve done that.”
“I like…kiss,” you whisper, fidgeting with your hands.
“Oh,” he chuckles awkwardly. “So would you want to do that … now?”
“What!” You shout, leaping off the swing and walking a few steps away from him. “I’m not asking you to,” you clarify, shaking your head.
“No, but I would like to be over and done with it too… so maybe we should just…” He motions his finger between you two.
“Uhm,” you laugh, tilting your head, “Wouldn’t that be weird?”
“Yeah, but it doesn’t mean anything. It’ll be just to check it off the list,” he shrugs nonchalantly.
“Um, yeah, okay,” you move closer to him in small timid strides. “You lean in though. I read that the guy is supposed to do that in my mother's Cosmopolitan.”
“Right, right,” he nods eagerly, interlocking your fingers together. With hesitancy he leans his head down and pulls you even closer to the point where you are bumping your noses. You close your eyes, and it's like your brain begins to spin like those show wheels with choices on them. Your brain tries to land on a feeling but loops on endlessly. His lips are softened by the humidity, and you don’t even notice it is over until a couple seconds after he pulls away.
When you think back on it, it really was the most 'first kiss moment’ to ever exist. It was more of a peck, both of you were bright red and shortly after you were as stiff as statues. Not knowing what else to do, Angus clears his throat and removes his hands from yours to wipe them on his shirt. “So, uh, what does your mothers Cosmo say to do afterward?”
You let out a breathy laugh, “I don’t know. I didn’t read that far.”
Christmas Eve - December 24th, 1970
After that summer, when you shared a weepy goodbye and headed off to your own high schools, it was undeniable that something had shifted between you both. Even if it often went unspoken. Neither you nor Angus had brought it up, but on occasion you would acknowledge it. Like last night after leaving the auditorium to return to the common room and pick up the dishes, your eyes drifted to the TV where a cheesy kiss scene was happening on screen. The two of you shared a knowing look that said, “That’s not how ours went down,” before shutting the television off and helping Mary into a more comfortable sleeping position.
You tried not to dwell on the past, but it was hard not to when the only thing in your childhood that had always been good, always been constant, was Angus. Every time you looked into his eyes it was like the decade you had spent together flashed by in a sequence of blurs. All he had to do was breathe a specific way in his sleep to remind you of some obscure memory that had died but he had brought back to life.
This morning you felt like you were ten again and Angus was trying to steal your bread rolls at Thanksgiving dinner. Except today he tried swiping your bacon as you shoved him off playfully.
“Get your own Angus,” you say playfully.
“I’ll trade you for my toast,” he offers.
Rolling your eyes you accept, grabbing the bacon and shoving it in his mouth, “Fine.”
“Thank you,” he says, muffled.
You munch on your toast and catch Mr. Hunhams stare.
“I see you two finally made up,” he comments with a sly smile on his face.
“Mm-hmm,” you cover your mouth with your hand as you chew and turn away embarrassed.
Mary joins you all a second later, emerging as usual with her coffee and a cigarette. She switches between eyeing the two men infront of her, “Why’d you two miss supper last night?”
Mr. Hunham and Angus freeze. “We went into town on, uh, some school-related business.”
“And you couldn’t call? You left me and Y/n out in the cold.”
“Yeah Angus,” you pout at him as he nudges your ankle under the table.
“Sorry,” Hunham turned to you, “And to Ms. L/n.”
“No worries. Really. I had fun,” you smile up at Mary who pats your shoulders gently.
Danny, a man you had been introduced to a few days ago, enters with a mop and bucket. You wave to him which he acknowledges with a slight bow of his head.
“Good morning, everybody.”
“Hi, Danny,” Mr. Hunham greets.
“Good morning. You can go on in and make yourself a plate,” Mary points to the kitchen.
“I just saw something funny,” Danny focuses onto your friend. “I walked into the gym, and somebody had vomited in there.”
Mary and you raise your eyebrows in sync.
“You don’t say. I don’t know anything about that,” Mr. Hunham feigns surprise.
“Yeah, me neither,” Angus wipes his mouth as he speaks.
“I’ll look into that right away. Thank you,” he dismisses the conversation.
“Mm-hmm. I see how it is. Trying to leave us out of your boy's club,” Mary tsks. Danny places the custodian supplies beside Angus' chair and walks away.
“Gross Angus,” you say, like it's his full name. You shake your head in disappointment. He nudges your ankle harder, shaking the silverware above. You fight back, beginning to use your hands as a defense. You two are soon in a game of tug of war.
“Knock it off you two! You are acting like fractious children!” Mr. Hunham scolds and stands up from his seat. Across the table, he tries to part your hands. “This is not how young scholarly men and women behave!”
You and Angus are too drunk on laughter to care. …
You and Angus are in a search for Mr. Hunham who stomped away upon realizing stopping you two was a fruitless cause. You intend to apologize; Angus intends to nod along as you speak. You follow the chatter you hear coming from the kitchen to find Mary replacing you as you as her sous chef.
“Hey that's my job,” you point at the potatoes Mr. Hunham is peeling.
“That’s the culinary industry for you. It’s cut-throat. You still want to be a part of it?” Mary peers over her glasses.
You run a hand through your hair, shrugging. “Um. Mr. Hunham?”
He stops his task, “Yes Miss L/n?”
“I want to apologize for my-,” Angus clears his throat, “Our behavior. You were right. It was very inappropriate. Emily Post would turn in her grave.”
“She certainly would. I accept your apology, however unnecessary. I understand it was that childlike spirit in you that is still intact that came out.”
You shoot him a quizzical look. “Uh yeah…”
Angus gasps behind you as he notices the tray of brownies on a table beside him.
“Brownies? God, yes. I want all of these.”
“Each of you just take one. The rest are for the Christmas party tonight.”
Angus snags you a brownie before practically chomping his down.
“What Christmas party? There’s a Christmas party?” He perks up like a dog being told he’s going out for a walk.
“Yeah, at Miss Crane’s house. I’m only gonna go for a little bit, show my face and say I was there. You know Miss Crane said she invited you too.”
“Who’s Miss Crane?” You ask, inspecting the brownie and wondering what Mary does so differently to get it to taste so good.
“School secretary,” said Angus with a full mouth. “Just one of the loveliest faculty members at Barton,” said Mr. Hunham at the same time.
A beat passed as you all noted the flustered expression that passed through Mr. Hunham face.
“Ah- anyways, she didn’t mean it. We were just making small talk.”
“If you don’t want to go, don’t go. I’ll take them.”
“Mary can take us,” problem solved, Angus thinks.
“Oh! Okay… so we are going! I packed a dress that’s been collecting dust in my luggage.”
“No, that’s not how it works. You’re under my supervision,” Mr. Hunham reminds.
“Okay, maybe it’s fine for you to sit around reading books all day, but I am losing my goddamn mind! Jesus!” Angus' suddenness makes you flinch. You avoid the flying brownie as he storms past you.
“Hey! Watch your mouth, young man. Not on Christmas Eve!” Mary yells after him.
“You, see?” Mr. Hunham points at his retreating figure. “I can’t trust him in a social situation.”
“Mr. Hunham, if you’re too chickenshit to go to that party, then just say so. But don’t fuck it up for the little asshole or his sweet little angel of a friend! What’s wrong with you? It’s just a party. What are you afraid of?”
“I don’t know,” Mr. Hunham said so quietly you could hardly hear him.
“Shit. Now you’ve got me nervous,” Mary wipes her hands on her apron.
You’re still standing there until they hear you go retreat the brownie and throw it in a nearby waste bin. “I could replace those?” You laugh uncomfortably.
“That’s alright sweetie. I want to come out of this party with my reputation intact,” Mary winks.
“Ouch,” you clutch your heart jokingly. “So can I go get dolled up?” …
Someway, somehow, Mary had gotten Hunham to take you to the party. You got ready in the room Ye-Joon and Alex had occupied before. You hadn’t anticipated wearing anything fancy, so the dress you had was a relatively simple one. It was red which fit the Christmas theme well enough and ended just above your knees. You hoped Mr. Hunham wouldn’t make a big deal out of it like Ms. Orchard probably would. You wore flats and did your hair the best you could without products. Although you had managed to give it some more volume by using some leftover soda cans that had yet to be thrown out. It was a common hack all Janie Patrick School girls learned in their freshman year. It was practically a seminar, as the senior girls taught you how to roll them into your hair just right.
You waltz out of your room, feeling as fresh as a daisy and catch Angus shaving. You sneak up behind him, putting your hands on his shoulder and looking at him through the mirror. “What is there to shave Augie? You’re as clean shaven as a newborn baby,” you tease.
You try to check your makeup and feel Angus stiffen under your touch. You remove your hands and see him staring at you open-mouthed.
“What?” You panic. Had you screwed up your hair? Was your mascara too clumpy on your lashes?
“Nothing,” he gives you a once over as he gulps. “You just, you look, you… you look pretty.”
“Oh,” you tuck your hair behind your ear, “Thank you. It’s just the makeup.”
“No, it’s not that. You always look pretty; I just never have a reason to tell you. But I can… today.”
“You look handsome everyday too…” you fidget with your hands.
“Yeah,” you smile up at him bashfully. Quickly you take the razor from his hands, “even more handsome once you change. We’re going to be late."
You run back to your room and try to regulate your breathing. In the reflection of the fogged-up window, you admire yourself momentarily. You suppose you do look pretty tonight. …
You four travel in Mr. Hunhams rickety car. You awe at the town Christmas lights before arriving in front of what you assumed to be Miss Cranes house. One by one you all enter, lingering by the front door like wallflowers. You inch closer to Angus, self-conscious suddenly. You loop your arms together when Miss Crane enters to greet you.
“Oh, hi. Oh, you made it! Welcome,” she pauses to address you and Angus, “Aw hi!”
“I'm so glad you're here,” she tells Mary.
She laughs at the flattery and refers to the brownies, “Where should I put these?”
“Um, oh,” Miss Crane lifts the cloth draped over the tray and gasps, “Those, I’ll be putting on my bedside table.”
“Oh! You're a wicked woman.”
“Oh, you have no idea,” she takes the tray off Mary's hands.
“Certainly a lot of people here,” Hunham comments, surveying the room. It is lively with Christmas classics blasting on the radio and kids running around playing tag. The entire house is decked out, almost looking like the spirit of Christmas had barfed out the decorations. Some adults take a swing of their liquor, others smoke, others do both as they chat.
“Yeah, yeah. Some family, friends from town. Only you guys from work.”
“That’s my mom on the couch,” She points to an older lady sitting by the silver and blue Christmas tree. Next to the woman dancing with her toddler who wears no pants. “Uh, that’s my sister Kathy and her son Marvin.”
As she continues to point out each invitee you wander with Angus further into the living room. He seems captivated by a snow globe on a mantel. He shakes it and watches as the snow falls around Santa. You too are enchanted by the sweet melody that plays from it.
“Angus!” Miss Crane snaps you both from your trance. Miss Crane stands next to a girl who appears to be around your age.
“This is Angus Tully. He’s one of our students at Barton. Angus, this is my niece, Elise,” she introduces.
“Niece Elise. Nice,” he glances at you, hoping you got the joke as Elise rolls her eyes at his word play. You give him a tight-lipped smile. “And is his friend Y/n L/n. She goes to the school across the lake from Barton. Janie Patrick’s.”
“Nice to meet you,” you stretch out your hand for her to shake. She does so awkwardly.
“And this is Mr. Hunham. He’s one of our finest teachers. History, right?
“Ancient Civilizations, yes”.
“And this is Mary Lamb. She’s the manager of the cafeteria.”
You don’t know why, but you start chewing your nails. A habit you had thought you had broken in the seventh grade. You bite down particularly hard every time Angus glances at Elise.
“Hey, why don’t you take Angus down to the basement and introduce him to our family tradition?” Miss Crane has a hint of something you can’t identify in her voice.
“Come on,” Elise tilts her head and hesitantly he seems to follow.
“Um. What about Y/n? Can’t she come?”
“Don't worry about that! I have someone I think she would like to meet,” Miss Crane nudges you forward.
“Oh?” you say worriedly.
Elise takes Angus away by the hand and distantly you hear him call out, “Wait what?”
“His name is Joseph Leery. He’s a freshman at Yale!” she gushes.
“Oh? Great? Go bulldogs? That’s the mascot, right?”
“Honey, save your charm for him!”
Angus descends downstairs. He repeatedly glances behind him, desperately searching for the remaining bits of your voice. “Um. Maybe I should go back upstairs? My friend Y/n doesn’t do so well with crowds so.”
“Nonsense! She’ll be fine. If I know Auntie Lydia, she’s probably introducing her to the Leery's son, Joe.”
“Joe?” Angus scowls at the name.
“Yeah. Family friend of ours.”
Elise leads him to an arts and craft table, full of scattered red, green, silver and white pipe cleaners. Glitter is spilled everywhere, and the kids take their time decorating their popsicle sticks.
“This is what you wanted to show me?”
“I grew up playing down here during my aunt’s parties. I think it’s kind of cool. There’s a purity to it. I mean, every child is an artist. The problem is remaining an artist when we grow up. Picasso said that.”
“Picasso’s cool,” Angus digs his hand further into his front pockets, “I saw Guérnica once. You know, the big mural, with the horse,” He tries to mimic it as best he can.
“Yeah, I know Guérnica. You really saw it?”
“Yeah. At the Museum of Modern Art in New York. It’s huge. My dad took me.” And Y/n too, he wants to say. Although if what Elise said was true, that Miss Crane fancied herself a modern-day cupid, then he figures he should try not to scare her off by bringing up another girl.
Although it's hard not to think of you when he thinks of his dad. His dad liked puzzles which you happened to have a plethora of that your parents had bought you to keep you entertained during long plane rides. This was before they trusted you enough to leave home alone.
In the winter you’d sit by the fireplace and lay out the puzzles of Monet’s Water Lilies. Then when the spring would offer you limited warmth, you’d all be found in the backyard of Angus’s house trying to piece together Van Gogh's Starry Night.
So many art inspired puzzles eventually had Angus’s father turn to you both and asking, “How would you guys like to see these in real life?”
That easter break had you three crammed into a yellow taxicab and enjoying New York pizza slices.
“Hey Guérnica,” she breaks through his nostalgia plagued mind, “You just gave me an idea,” she smiles.
Mr. Hunham stands by the funky-looking Christmas tree when he feels someone’s lips crash onto his cheek.
“Oh!” He says shocked. He feels as if he had just been dumped into a cold bucket of water.
“Mistletoe!” Miss Crane laughs, pointing at the little green and red plant that hangs on the ceiling. She hands him the Jim Beam he asked for earlier as she wipes the side of his face clean to get rid of any lipstick that might have been transferred.
“Yes, of course,” he laughs along, unsure of what else to do but to let her caress his face. “I didn’t you know you were quite the mastermind.”
Miss Crane tilts her head and motions him to elaborate
“Playing matchmaker for Mr. Tully and Ms. L/n.”
“Oh! Well, when Angus said they weren’t an item I figured they’d were itching for a chance to mingle outside of their little circle. I hope I didn’t overstep anything. After all I imagine they don’t get many opportunities to openly chat with people of the opposite sex! Dating is crucial in shaping character.”
“Yes, I imagine it is,” Mr. Hunham agrees, unsure if that is fact or fiction. He is awful at letting silence just be silence, so he does what he does best. Spew nonsensical facts.
“You know, it’s interesting. Aeneas carried mistletoe with him when he descended into Hades in search of his father.”
“Oh. Huh…” Now it is Miss Crane who is unsure of what to do with that.
“Um. Anyways. I like your tree. It’s really space age,” he comments and is hit slightly in the shoulder by her enthusiastic hand.
“I brought it to commemorate the moon landing!”
“Really? Wow.”
Miss Crane takes a sip of her punch, “So where is your family this Christmas.”
“Nowhere. I’m an only child. My mother died when I was young.”
“And your father?”
“Let's just say I left home when I was fifteen.” If Mr. Hunham had known this was what small talk topics had evolved into, then he must have been right in avoiding social functions all this time.
“You ran away?” She guesses.
“Worse. I got a scholarship to Barton. And from there, I went to college and never looked back.”
“But you did a little,” she points out.
“I mean you came back here.”
“Ah.” He really did not feel like being questioned so heavily tonight. Not to pat himself in the back, but he believes he's credible enough to label himself as a decent writer, able to handle the equal weight of a pen and his words with ease. But as a conversationalist, he figures even one of the dimwits in his Ancient Civilization classes have him beat.
“It feels kind of like home I guess,” he muses, “and I guess I thought I could make a difference. I mean, I used to think I could prepare them for the world even a little. Provide standard and grounding that Dr. Greene always drilled into us.”
Mr. Hunham can feel himself run out of breath, “But, uh the world doesn’t make sense anymore. I mean it's on fire. The rich don’t give a shit. Poor kids are cannon fodder. Integrity is a punchline. Trust is just the name of a bank.”
“Well…” Miss Crane tries to soothe him by running her hand back and forth on his arm, “look, if that's all true then now is when they most need someone like you.”
Mr. Hunham knows when he is being humored and told what people he wants to hear. He looks at Miss. Crane and for the first time in a while he is looked back at with genuineness.
Elise and Angus finger paint on a wide piece of blank paper. He’s mixing the colors, and they all tend to come out looking a sickly brown. Elise covers her side with an untainted red. She seems to be more into it than him as she incorporates real swirls and shapes onto their canvas.
“Am I doing this right?”
“There is no right or wrong,” she reassures. He feels her stare linger on him for a second. He is scared to look up. “Are you okay? You seem… gloomy.”
“Yeah. I’m fine. But, uh, tell me about this Joe guy.”
She looks at him suspiciously, “Why?”
“Just curious. Don’t think I’ve ever heard of him around my school is all.”
“Well probably because he graduated over a year ago.”
“So, he’s in college.”
“Yes. A freshman at Yale.”
“Yale!” He shouts loud enough for even the kids to glare at him for disturbing their fun. “Sorry,” he apologies to them.
“Would you say he’s cool,” he asks a millisecond later.
Elise tries not to laugh at his blatant desperation, “Yeah I would say so.”
“He's basically Gene Wilder.”
“The dude from The Producers?!”
“Yes, and he was also a football quarterback.”
“And valedictorian, and the heir to the Campbell Soup Company.”
“What the hell? Is this guy superman or,” Angus takes a minute to recognize the smug face on Elise. Finally, she breaks out in a loud giggle.
“Oh,” Angus sighs in relief, “You’re messing with me.”
“A little,” she says through fits of laughter. “Anyways if you’re so worried why don’t you go back up there?”
“I was just worried that he would try something. But technically he sounds alright.”
“Ah. So, you’re jealous?”
Angus rolls his eyes, “No. I’m a concerned friend.”
“I’m not sure about that. Concerned friends don’t start interrogating the girl they are on a hypothetical date with.”
She leans down to point at a glob of paint in the corner of the paper, “I think you even doodled her name.”
“Shit,” he curses under his breath, going over it and trying to cover it up along with his embarrassment.
“Don’t worry. It’s not like this was going to go be framed at the MET.”
“What are you implying anyway,” he narrows his eyes.
“You’re going crazy being gone from her for two minutes. What do you think I’m implying?”
Angus slumps his shoulders and admits what had been ignoring. It's like a message in a bottle he threw into the sea, desperately trying to avoid the shore. Even when it does reach land, the cap is tightly sealed, clinging on to the bottle and doing it best to remain unread. When it does pop open and the paper is unfolded, although it might be difficult to read, the message still exists. It still exists even though time fought so hard to destroy it.
“I do think about her that way. Sometimes. Then the rational side comes out and tells me that it's human nature for a girl and guy friend to think about each other that way.”
“Well, does she know you think about her that way?”
“No. Sometimes I imagine she feels the same, but you’d have to know her to understand why I’m so confused. She’s the most thoughtful, kind, and perfect person in the world. It's hard to tell if she’s showing that side to everyone or if I’m special enough for her to give me that treatment.”
“You know Picasso also said that ‘Everything you can imagine is real’.”
“Are you Picasso's biographer?”
Without missing a beat, Elise smirks and says, “Yes.”
Angus is up the stairs without having thanking her, too fueled by adrenaline to practice basic manners. He’ll have to tell Miss Crane to pass on the memo. He’s on the hunt for you but is yanked into the house's kitchen by a mysterious hand.
“Hey?” He asks, disoriented.
Danny is staring straight at him, with both hands on either side of his shoulder.
“I need you to find Mr. Hunham,” he orders. Angus looks past the man to see Mary weeping heavily into the sink. Understanding, he nods firmly and is back out the door.
Joseph Leery is not half bad. He’s kind of funny, clever and not a bad person to pass the time with. You sit in the back of Miss Crane's living room on a couch all to yourselves. He tells you how he’s majoring in English in hopes of becoming a journalist.
“What kind of journalist?”
“Investigative. I would love to be the next Upton Sinclair. Or Seymour Hersch.”
“Ew! The Jungle made me so sick for a week after. It was so gross.”
“I know but that's what made it so great. Exposing the meat packing industry probably put him on a few hit lists too.”
“Oh yeah definitely. So, then who are you planning to expose?”
He laughs, “I don’t know yet. Is there any chance you’re planning on becoming some corrupt politician?”
“Not in the foreseeable future. I’ll let you know if I ever do,” you giggle.
“What are you planning to do then?”
“Then? Um... Like as president? I don’t know. Fund schools-.”
“No,” he laughs harder, “I mean like with college and life. Do you have anything planned out?”
“Erm, not really. My parents probably want me to go to the Ivy Leagues and crap. I should have a plan, I know, but I guess I’ve been putting it on the back burner.”
You shift in your seat. “I have this friend. He’s sort of had this rocky life, not I haven’t, and I know it's stupid to mold your entire life to fit around one person’s but for him I would.”
Joseph sniffs and straightens his posture. “Sorry. Lydia didn’t mention you having a boyfriend.”
“No, I don’t,” you stress, “I just really care for him, you know. We’ve known each other for so long. He’s important to me.”
“Y/n have you ever read Persuasion?” he asked suddenly.
“Um, not yet. I know the gist of it.”
“Well, it's ultimately about regret, right? Anne spends eight years longing for Wentworth when she could have been with him instead, had she not given into pressures. The point of the novel is not to wait to love the person you’re sure is it for you.”
“Love?” You hear someone say above you. You look up to see Angus, his arms stiff by his side. He glowers at Joseph. You jump off the seat and on operating on some strange reflex you go to fix his shirt collar that has stood up.
“What's wrong?”
“What were you guys talking about?” he interrogates.
“Books. Why?”
Angus doesn’t buy it but ignores the gnawing feeling in his gut, “Mary needs us in the kitchen. Go ahead, I still need to get Hunham.”
“Oh…Alright,” you turn and wave to your brief companion. “Maybe I’ll see you around.”
“Yeah maybe,” Joseph lifts his canned soda as if to say cheers.
You walk on ahead as Angus loiters behind, silently scrutinizing him.
Joseph takes a sip from his coke and points towards the direction you disappeared to. “Your girl went that way man.”
Angus rolls his eyes but leaves, nonetheless.
Miss Crane and Paul are sitting next to each other, their drink half-finished. They can feel the red tinge on their cheeks and themselves becoming looser.
“Are you planning anything special for tomorrow?” Lydia inquires.
“No. Why? Are you having a…”
“No, I just thought maybe you’d be doing something special for Angus and Y/n.”
Mr. Hunham shakes his head and Miss Crane lets out a small gasp, “You should! Help preserve some of the magic. Angus may be a little difficult, but he’s still just a kid. So is Y/n. And life catches up to them so fast. Them,” she stares at her lap, contemplating. “Ha. Us!”
“You’re a very sweet person, Miss Crane,” he compliments.
Miss Crane melts, “So are you, when you want to be,” she quips, “and it’s Lydia.”
He enjoys the feeling of camaraderie between them. He feels a cool breeze at the back of his neck and the sound of the door opening.
“Excuse me for a minute,” Miss Crane gets up and moves past him.
Mr. Hunham turns in time to see a man take off his coat, a gift under his arm. A moment later Miss Crane is there to receive him with a kiss. Together they walk away, and Mr. Hunham is left alone. Once again.
“Mr. Hunham, could you come with me, please?” Angus nearly trips as he stumbles over to the teacher.
“Yeah, what is it?” He sighs as he gets up with a groan.
“Come on, it's serious,” Angus leaps away. Peeking at him at the corner to see is Hunham is following, “Come on.”
Mr. Hunham is dragged into the kitchen, where he spots Mary, crying quietly to herself. Danny is next to her. You’re across the room biting your nails and hinting at Mr. Hunham to do something.
“Mary? You alright?” he questions, even though he knows it's in vain.
“Just leave me alone,” She mumbles.
“Want me to take you home?” Danny offers, placing what he thinks is a consoling hand on her back.
“Back off! Back off!” Mary whisper-shouts, her hands shaking down in anger. Mr. Hunham shuts the door, giving her privacy if nothing else.
“He’s gone,” she erupts into full on sobs. The mask comes off and she’s no longer Mary, the woman who appears to deal with grief like it was nothing but a bump on the road. Instead, it's Mary, who lost a son and whose grief has entirely consumed her until she can no longer breathe.
Angus and Mr. Hunham support Mary on both sides, as they make their way to the car. “I was right. This is why I hate parties. That was a disaster. Total disaster!”
“Speak for yourself. I was having a pretty profound conversation. I was about to make some serious life altering moves,” he blurts, angry and unable to believe his window opportunity was slammed shut. He had an internal plan. That'd he’d whisk you away from stupid Joseph and ask you to dance, maybe lead you to a mistletoe and see where it goes.
“With whom? The niece? Are you kidding me? This poor woman is bereft, and all you can think about is some silly girl.”
“I don’t need you feeling sorry for me.”
“I’m not talking about Elise; I'm just saying this is the first good thing that came from being in this prison with you.”
“Need I remind you it’s not my fault you’re stuck here? Do you think I want to babysit you? I was praying to the God I don’t believe in that your mother would pick up the phone, or your father would arrive in a helicopter or a submarine or a flying fucking saucer to take you-.”
“My father’s dead,”
“Angus-,” he hears you say but he holds up his hand for you to stop speaking.
Mr. Hunham stops dead in his rant, “But I thought your father-.”
“That’s just some rich guy my mom married. Give me your keys,” he sticks out his hand.
“It’s unlocked.”
Furiously, Angus stomps away. You excuse yourself from the two adults before doing your damnedest to not slip on the ice. Flats at this time of the year were not your best idea.
“Angus,” you reach him, tugging at the back of his jacket so that he’ll slow down. “Why did you say that?”
“Say what?”
“The thing about your dad,” you mumble.
“The way my mom and Stanley talk about him, he might as well be don’t you think?”
“You don’t mean that,” you scold. “What happened? Are you really this mad about Elise?”
“No. Damn it. I don’t even like Elise.”
“Oh,” despite the circumstance, you can’t help but feel giddy. “Then what is it?”
“You seemed to be having a pretty good time yourself with Joe on that couch.”
“Joe?” You cross your arms. “You mean Joseph?”
“Oh great. You have a nickname for him.”
“Angus, Joseph is his legal name, that's the opposite of a nickname.”
“I don’t want to talk about Joe,” he says. You both reach the end of the block where Hunhams car is parked. In the distance you see them come closer, their feet crushing the white snow.
“You brought him up,” you massage your temple. You think back of the endless list of books you have read, or the many movies you’ve watched. You scour through the genres. You think of how Joseph managed to connect to life. You think of the rewatch of Cactus Flower with Mary. How envious Ingrid Bergman character was every time she saw Julian talk to Toni.
“Angus, were you jealous of Joseph?”
He stops his ongoing struggle with the car handle, finally prying it open.
“Were you jealous of Elise?” he asks you.
You frown and fixate on the pavement; your nails dig into your palm as your hands turn into fists. Deafening silence engulfs you before Angus exhales heavily. Before you can speak, Mr. Hunham arrives and motions for you to scooch over so he can open the passenger side for Mary.
“Sorry,” you apologize and get in the backseat.
“Straight to bed you hear me,” Mr. Hunham warns once you are all buckled in. “Enough theatrics for one day.”
“Mmhmm,” Angus responds, but all he is doing is looking at you.
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Can I request the chains or readers reaction to a massage please??
Sure thing! I had a debate on whether this should be scenario of headcanon, but I figured since I've mentioned this in headcanons before, I'll write it out. :D
Part 1 will include Twilight, Wild and Four.
Content under the cut!
You watched as Twilight hauled another heavy pack onto Epona. You saw him wince and rub his neck, trying to get to his upper back.
Your heart ached for him at the sight. He looked pained but kept it silent.
You stood up and walked over to him with a frown on your face. You wanted to count your lucky stars that it was morning so he wasn't wearing his armor or layers. Then again- that didn't really help him now, did it? The day has literally just started and he's already in pain? Unacceptable.
You put a hand on his shoulder. He jumps at the contact, not having heard you coming. He relaxes when he sees you and smiles, putting his hand down as if everything is fine. "Good morning. Did you need something?"
"Are you ok?" You say quietly, not wanting to attract any attention to yourselves. "That looked like it hurt."
Twilight pauses and flushes slightly. "N-no, that's not it. I think I pulled something in my sleep. Nothing too bad, I just-"
"Do you want help with that?" You offer. Because really, it would be hard for him to move if he's got a muscle locked up. If you were attacked later today it would be worse for him. You can't even begin to imagine what would happen to him in that state if he was Wolfie. You don't want to think about it.
Twilight flushes a dark color. "...H..How?"
You also begin to blush but move behind him. "Don't make it weird. How else am I going to do it?"
You press your thumbs into his back and begin to knead behind his shoulder blade. You can actually feel the knot behind it. Poor Twilight. It must really hurt.
Twilight lets out a choked sound as the other half of him tenses up. You run your hand over the spot again and he strangles a moan to stay where it belongs.
You giggle and keep at it. Twilight has to fight to keep the sounds at bay. You poke his ear from behind with your free hand. "Feel good?"
"Yes, thank you." He says quietly, horrified but what he just did. "It feels a lot better."
"Oh for the love of-!" Wild nearly curses, dropping the arrow he had knocked onto his bow.
Your attention snaps to him in an instant. "Everything good?"
Wild doesn't hear you. He doesn't even bother to pick up his arrow. His attention is solely on his forearm. Wild presses harshly onto a spot and makes a pained face.
You stand up and make your way over to him. "Pull something?"
"I don't know how." He hisses, running his thumb along the length of his forearm. He struggles for a moment but takes off his layers in frustration, throwing them to the ground non to gently.
"Easy." You take his hand and pull his arm towards you. "No need to get upset. Does it hurt that bad?"
You press your fingers along the side of the spot he was paying attention to, ease the area softly.
Wild winces but lets you do as you please. His other hand lands on his hip. "I don't know how I did it. I just woke up and it hurt to move."
"I don't remember you doing anything yesterday that would have caused this." You say softly, trying to diffuse his energy.
Wild flinches when you pass over the sore spot once more. You begin to move up his arm, going as high as his shirt will allow. Wild bites at his lip, but eventually his other hand drops as well. He takes a breath and his shoulders sag. "...Its been a few days actually."
You pause and give him a deadpanned look.
He flinch, but not from your touch. "I know, I know. I thought it would go away but it only got worse. Now I can't even shoot my bow straight."
"What on earth am I going to do with you?" You shake your head and click your tongue. You don't say anything else, opting to keep massaging his forearm, eventually moving to his bicep to help ease the tension in his arm.
Wild also falls silent, letting you work for a while. He doesn't fight you, he doesn't try to stop you. Neither of you know why you simply started doing this, but you don't feel like stopping and it's helping Wild more than he wants to admit.
Eventually you stop, moving his sleeve down and patting his shoulder. You're done. "Feel better?"
"Yes." He whispers, bending to pick up the gauntlets he had thrown down earlier. "Thank you."
Four rolled his shoulders for what to be the nth time this hour. He winces and pulled his arms back. Sure it puffed up his chest but you were certain that wasn't his actual intention.
You walked over to him and poked his arm, sitting next to him. "You've done that like ten times already. Everything alright?"
Four winces and shakes his head. "I think I pulled something earlier today. But for the life of me, I can't figure out what I did. It just hurts."
"Do you want help with that?" You offer, sitting beside him. "Does this happen often?"
Four shakes his head again. "I'm pretty good at keeping up with my stretches and forge work doesn't leave much to be desired when I have to switch over to the whole hero thing- which leaves me only more confused."
"Maybe you slept wrong?"
"Maybe." Four rolls his shoulders again. "Man, this sucks. What on earth did I do?"
"Let me help." You poke his arm again. "Turn around."
"I don't see how you're going to help me. There's only so much you can do." Four does as you say anything, not thinking twice about it.
You put your hands on his shoulders and begin to knead. Gently at first. Four hisses and you can see him flinch from behind but he doesn't voice any complaints. "If I'm too rough, you have to tell me ok?
"I doubt you would even be able to- mmm!!" Four hisses again and you can feel him arch with the way you press your thumb behind his shoulder blade. "There. You found it. Right there."
You chuckle and focus on putting the nerves and muscles back into place. "You were saying?"
Four tilts his head. "What was I say? I already forgot."
"Then don't expect me to remind you." You grin, happy that he's finding some relief after all this time.
"That is.. perfectly fine by me." Four sighs, relaxing under your touch. "You're pretty good at this."
"Thank you." You keep at it a little while longer before you pull back and pat his shoulder. "Did that help?"
Part 2
#linked universe#linkeduniverse#linked universe x reader#lu x reader#these might be a bit shorter than all the others though#i hope that's ok#otherwise i'd fear that it would be get a bit repetitive
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(yandere! spiderman atsv)
ⁱᵐ ⁿᵒᵗ ʷʰᵒ ⁱ ᵃᵐ ᵗᵒ ᵃⁿʸᵒⁿᵉ ᵗʰᵉˢᵉ ᵈᵃʸˢ🌙
ⁿᵒᵗ ᵃᵗ ᵃˡˡ⭐️
WARNINGS: Mild Cussing
𝙾𝚗𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚙.
Your brows furrow in your sleep, the sound too faint to wake you, yet just intrusive enough to disrupt your dream.
𝚃𝚠𝚘 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚜.
Your brows knit tighter, a faint frown forming on your lips, yet you remain deep in slumber.
𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚜.
Your eyes snap open, irritation flickering through you at the abrupt wake-up call. Confusion quickly follows—what even woke you up? You don't remember setting an alarm. You had no reason to. It was a Friday when you fell asleep.
You quickly spot the source of the noise—an old alarm clock. With a sigh, you press your hand down on the top to silence the damned thing. But as you pick it up, you realize you've accidentally broken it. That doesn't make sense—you barely used any force at all.
Your brows knit tighter, the sudden chill wrapping around your body like a warning. You push the blankets off, a shiver running down your spine as the cold air greets you. You blink away the remnants of sleep, your eyes scanning your surroundings, and the realization creeps in with growing unease—this isn't your room. The space around me feels heavy, almost brooding, with band posters plastered across nearly every inch of the walls. So many, in fact, that I can't even tell what color the walls were supposed to be in the first place.
The bed you were in was neatly tucked into the corner of the room, pressed against two walls just as covered in posters as the rest. A few pillows rested against the headboard, accompanied by a simple gray duvet and plain white sheets. Above you, a canopy draped over the bed, adorned with ivy vines that cascaded down like delicate, tangled threads of green.
You reach for your phone on the nightstand, right where you had left it, to check the time. But as your fingers graze the surface, all you feel is cold wood—empty, bare. Your confusion deepens.
Frowning, you search the bed next, running your hands over the sheets and pillows. Minutes pass, but no luck. Your phone is nowhere to be found.
You settle for the clock on the wall, squinting at it. It reads 7:53 AM.
Why would you have an alarm set for 7:50 in the morning when school doesn't start until 9? Did you have some event you forgot about? Your mind races, trying to piece together what could explain this.
Just as you begin to zone out, lost in a whirlwind of thoughts, the door suddenly slams open. A woman stands there, and for a split second, you almost mistake her for your mother.
But something wasn't right. Her hair was a few shades off, and she stood just a little taller than you remembered. Her eyes—there was something about them. They didn't look like they used to. It was subtle, but something was definitely off.
"Good god! School starts in 20 minutes, you're going to miss the bus! Get up, get up!" she exclaims, rushing over to where you sit and yanking you up.
The sudden movement catches you completely off guard. As she pulls you to your feet, you stare at her in confusion. Her grip—it doesn't feel like your mom's at all. There's something different, something unsettling about the way she holds you.
She noticed my reaction, letting out a heavy sigh before rolling her eyes.
"Come on, baby. Your uniform's already ironed, and your dad's downstairs, serving your breakfast," she says, her tone growing more impatient as she begins to usher you out of the room.
As she pushes you through the house, you can't shake the feeling that something is off. Everything seems perfectly normal at first glance, but as you look closer, you start to notice little things that don't fit. A few items have been replaced by things you don't recognize—odd trinkets that don't belong.
The sofa—why is it flipped around, facing the other way? And at the dining table, there's an extra chair. Your family only has three people, yet now there are four chairs. Your mind races, trying to make sense of it all.
She leads you to the dining table and sits you down in a seat, where a fluffy, tall stack of pancakes waits for you. Your stomach churns at the sight.
Your dad doesn't know how to cook. Just last week, you had to settle for yet another takeout pizza because Mom was gone, and he had no idea how to make anything other than spaghetti. And even then, it wasn't exactly restaurant quality—more like a soggy mess that barely resembled a meal.
There was no way he could've made this. Something wasn't adding up.
"When you're done eating, put your uniform on. I left it laying on the couch," she says, pressing a quick kiss to your temple before turning away, heading off to get herself ready for the day.
Her touch lingers for a moment, but the warmth of it feels distant, almost like it wasn't meant for you. Something about this whole situation feels wrong, but you can't quite put your finger on it.
As you start to eat, your mind races with questions. Maybe your mom rearranged some furniture around the house—and your room for some reason. But wouldn't you have heard her? The door creaks loud enough to wake the dead, and why would she even need to redecorate your room?
Nothing was adding up, and the more you tried to reason with yourself, the more things felt out of place.
You were suddenly jolted out of your thoughts when your father snuck up behind you, and it scared the living shit out of you.
"Hey, kiddo, you're finally awake?" he said, placing a quick kiss on your temple before walking away.
He never had work, so what exactly was he getting ready for? The confusion in your mind grew deeper, and you couldn't shake the feeling that something was very wrong.
You started eating faster when you glanced at the clock on the wall—it told you you had only 10 more minutes before you had to leave for school.
Once you cleared your plate, you quickly placed it in the sink along with the other dirty dishes. You rushed over to the couch, where you spotted a pristine uniform laid out for you, as if it had been prepared just for this moment.
You grabbed the uniform and headed toward the bathroom to put it on. As you stripped out of your pajamas, you examined the uniform more closely. That's when you noticed a few things were off—tweaked in a way that didn't sit right. The bow was hanging a bit lower than you remembered.
Nevertheless, you slipped the uniform on and headed out of the room, walking toward the front door where your backpack was waiting for you. You slid it on, feeling the weight of it on your shoulders.
Just then, your mother—now dressed in her nursing scrubs—pulled you into a tight hug, wishing you a good day. Her embrace felt... oddly comforting, but there was still something nagging at you, something you couldn't quite shake.
You walked out the door and found a bus waiting for you, its doors wide open. You started heading toward it, your head slumped down. You were tired, confused, and honestly a bit annoyed—definitely not the best way to start the day.
As you boarded the bus, nobody seemed to notice you—everyone was too caught up in their own conversations. You scanned the bus for a seat, but before you could make a choice, you felt a tug on your shirt.
You turned to see a boy looking up at you, and he told you that you could sit next to him. He quickly moved his backpack onto the floor to make space for you, a small, welcoming gesture in the midst of your confusion.
You placed your bag on the floor before sitting down next to him, and for the umpteenth time that morning, you zoned out.
"Hey, um, are you, like, new here? I swear I've never seen you before," the boy sitting next to you said, his voice pulling you out of your daze.
You turned to face him, blinking a few times as you processed his question. Why would he think you were new? You weren't new—were you?
"Uhm, yeah, I guess so," you said, awkwardly laughing to cover up your growing unease.
You weren't sure what to say. The whole situation felt so off, like you were stuck in some version of your life that didn't quite match up with reality.
"Yeah, no, that's cool. My name's Miles," he says, holding out his hand toward you, clearly expecting a handshake.
You reach out, shaking his hand before introducing yourself. A small smile creeps across your face—making your first friend before school even starts feels like a small relief, soothing your frayed nerves.
The rest of the ride is filled with awkward small talk between you and Miles. He asks where you're from, why you "moved" here, and all you can do is feed him a string of half-baked lies. Each one feels more uncomfortable than the last, but he doesn't seem to notice. He just nods along, completely buying into the story you're desperately trying to sell.
It's getting harder to keep up the charade, especially since you don't even know why you're lying in the first place. The words feel like they're slipping out of your mouth without any real reason, like you're on autopilot trying to make the situation feel normal, but it only makes things more confusing.
You feel it—the weight of someone's gaze piercing through you. It's like a chill runs down your spine as you turn your head, scanning the bus. And there she is. She's sitting a few rows back, staring straight at you. Her eyes are intense, almost unnervingly so, and the moment your eyes meet, she doesn't look away. It's like she's studying you, and the tension in the air makes your stomach twist uncomfortably.
A girl with short blonde hair and piercing blue eyes is watching you curiously, like she's trying to figure you out. Her gaze is intense, and for some reason, it sends a shiver down your spine.
You quickly look away when your eyes meet hers, pretending like nothing happened. You turn back to Miles, trying to focus on your conversation, but the feeling of her gaze—like it's burning a hole into the back of your head—makes it impossible to concentrate.
You can still feel her eyes on you, and every word that comes out of your mouth feels forced as you desperately try to ignore the uncomfortable tension creeping up your spine.
Science class sucks, that's a given. Class after class rolls by, but science is by far the worst one of them all. Even on your first day here.
wherever "here" was.
Watching a boring video on the laws of physics isn't the most entertaining thing; in fact, it's far from it. The most annoying part isn't even the video itself—it's the constant feeling of eyes on you. Like they followed you from the bus and just started stalking you throughout the day.
Maybe you looked ugly... okay, that's obviously a joke—you're the baddest here.
But still, the constant feeling of being watched was starting to get under your skin, itching away at your patience and annoying you more than it probably should have.
As you watched the video, the door creaked open, and somebody stepped inside, but they were trying to be sneaky. The way they somewhat tiptoed was enough of a signal—like they thought they could hide their presence, but it was obvious.
But sadly, their attempts would prove to be futile. The room was just too quiet, and add that to the fact that the teacher had eyes like a hawk—well, the odds weren't in their favor. The teacher flicked the light on, causing most of the kids to groan in unison.
"Mr. Morales, moving in the dark, I see. You're late, again," the teacher said, her voice sharp and full of authority.
He looked at her like a deer caught in headlights, pausing for a moment as he tried to think of something to say. After a beat, he finally blurted, "Einstein said time is relative, right? Maybe I'm not late, maybe all of you are just early!" He said this with a smirk, his eyes scanning the classroom like he was searching for some kind of approval.
The room is dead silent, the kind of silence that feels suffocating. Not even a pity chuckle follows his lame attempt at humor. You can't help it—you let out a soft giggle. It's too awkward not to laugh. The whole situation is so unfunny, it somehow becomes funny.
After a few more beats of silence, the teacher spoke again.
"So are you going to sit down, or keep standing there?"
His shoulders slump in defeat, and he quickly shuffles into his assigned seat—right beside you.
As the teacher turns the lights back off and restarts the video, you can see the embarrassment wash over him. It's hard not to feel a little bad for him.
You lean over slightly, whispering toward him, "I liked your joke." You can feel the warmth of your breath as you speak, and his posture seems to relax just a little.
He looks over at you, genuine shock flashing across his face for a moment, before it's quickly replaced by a small, grateful grin. His eyes linger on you for a second, like he's not quite sure if you're serious or just being nice, but either way, that little smile stays.
"Really?" He asks
"Yeah, it wasnt funny. I think thats why I laughed."
That made him blush a bit, but with the dark room, it was hard to tell for sure. He probably wanted to say something else, but the teacher was quicker, giving him a sharp warning look that instantly shut him down. You could feel the tension hanging in the air as he sat back, silently fidgeting in his seat.
#yandere harem#yandere x reader#yanderes#yandere#across the spiderverse#spiderman: across the spiderverse#spiderman#yandere spiderman#yandere marvel
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Author’s Note: I didn't expect to be gone for so long but life just got in the way T_T. I'm still doing well and will see this story to the end! Updates won't be as frequent so I'm not going to put dates on when in case I disappoint like last time and can't stick to a set schedule. More chapters will be coming soon (the next one is written, just needs heavy editing). Call me crazy but if I'm not satisfied myself with what's written, I feel like readers won't either so I have to take my time and make sure it's good enough. Hopefully this long one makes up for my unintended hiatus and I’d love to hear your thoughts on it in the comments! Also, please let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist. Thank you to those still reading (and those just finding this now). It means a lot to me ♡

"Jun-Hee, please come back to me..." You place your hands on either side of his face and turn it toward yours. He stares at you, the only thing visible in the dark being each other.
As Jun-Hee stands frozen in shock, eyes shadowed by grief and body trembling uncontrollably, your heart aches at the sight. Without another word, you step closer, sliding your hand from its previous position on the side of his face down to hold his hand. In your mere presence, Jun-Hee's rigid posture begins to relax and his breathing, steadier.
Even when shrouded in darkness and even on the brink of despair, you would always be one another's comfort. And that, in itself, exists enough hope to spare.
"I can't do this without you," he whispers, hand clutching yours like a lifeline, his eyes refusing to look away from your own.
You smile up at him, but the sadness seeps through and the corners of your lips don't curl upward like before, the crinkle of mirth not quite reaching your eyes. "As long as we have one another, we have yet to lose."
The two of you watch forlornly in stunned silence as chaos continues to unfold all around, students like passerby thieves in the depth of night.
What was the price for stealing a life?
Seconds tick by, the passing of time like that of a fever dream where you can't escape the confines of an endless nightmare.
One Mississippi.
[ғᴏʀ ʙʀᴇᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴜʟᴇs, ᴏʜ ʜʏᴇ-sᴜɴɢ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴇxᴇᴄᴜᴛᴇᴅ. ᴏʜ ʜʏᴇ-sᴜɴɢ ᴡᴀs ᴀ ᴄɪᴛɪᴢᴇɴ.]
Two Mississippi.
[ ғᴏʀ ʙʀᴇᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴜʟᴇs, ᴋᴀɴɢ ʏᴇ-ᴡᴏɴ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴇxᴇᴄᴜᴛᴇᴅ. ᴋᴀɴɢ ʏᴇ-ᴡᴏɴ ᴡᴀs ᴀ ᴍᴀғɪᴀ. ]
Three Mississippi.
[ғᴏʀ ʙʀᴇᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴜʟᴇs, ʟᴇᴇ ʜʏᴜɴ-ᴊᴜɴ ᴀɴᴅ ᴘᴀʀᴋ ᴊᴜɴɢ-ᴇᴜɴ, ʙᴏᴛʜ ᴄɪᴛɪᴢᴇɴs, ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴇxᴇᴄᴜᴛᴇᴅ.]
Four Mississippi.
"Jang Hyun-Ho!" You immediately swivel your head to the right, recognizing Kyung-Jun's voice, seeing him pick up a phone that slides his way after rebounding haphazardly from a mistaken kick of desperation. He holds it up high just as the lights flash a dark scarlet hue, the deepest of the shades of red in the beam's spectrum. In its opaque midst, his Cheshire smile appears ever more sinister, pristine teeth stained with the color of blood. "Better find your phone quickly." With a taunting shake, Kyung-Jun chucks the device clear across the room carelessly and it clatters a short distance before settling deep underneath the lowermost bleacher seat.
You look back and forth between Hyun-Ho and Jun-Hee, torn on who to help. Regardless, you still had the chance of resurrection, to revive one of them, but with that comes the knowledge that you'd eventually have to first let go of one of them entirely.
Five Mississippi.
You would rather lose yourself all together than having to choose between either of them and watch as your world falls apart.
Making up your mind, you pull Jun-Hee along and he trails behind, not questioning where you were headed. Hyun-Ho is already on all fours by the time you reach the sidelines, face pressed against the ground and trying his hardest to reach beneath the small space to retrieve his phone.
Although he has long arms, they're neither thin nor flexible enough to reach far.
"Your muscles are useless." You move Hyun-Ho out of the way lightly and settle Jun-Hee on the ground next to you so that he's seated resting against the bleachers, finally catching on to what was going on.
"How can you still tease me in this situation?!" Hyun-Ho drones at the absurdity, whipping his head back and forth as more bodies drop dead all around. "Go, and don't worry about me. I'd give up a thousand of my chances for your one."
[ ғᴏʀ ʙʀᴇᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴜʟᴇs, ᴋɪᴍ ʏᴇᴏɴ-ᴊᴜ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴇxᴄᴇᴜᴛᴇᴅ. ᴋɪᴍ ʏᴇᴏɴ-ᴊᴜ ᴡᴀs ᴀ ᴄɪᴛɪᴢᴇɴ. ]
"We promised each other, remember?" Even in the dark lighting, you can feel his eyes softening.
You don't mind the floor, laying down on your stomach with your arm outstretched. Even in his blank state, Jun-Hee instinctively extends his hand out, palm upwards for you to rest your face on rather than have it press against the dirty surface.
Your fingers tiptoe against the cold wood, feeling around for the phone, but all you sense is dust. Not giving up, you flatten your arm further, stretching your fingers as far as they can go, finally coming in contact with a sharp and hard edge. Without wasting another precious moment, you swat it slowly and surely outward, ensuring that it wouldn't get caught or trapped beneath the bleachers forever.
One more sweep and you hold in your outspread hand Hyun-Ho's lost phone.
"Hurry and vote." You push the device towards him. "So long as it's not for the person who has the most votes. We can't afford to give anyone else up." Before he can say anything, you pull Jun-Hee back to his feet again and run into the center of the gym, digging around at every single phone that someone else hasn't already picked up.
Even without words, you end up looking for Jun-Hee's and he, yours. To the right by the upturned trash can, two phones lay stacked atop one another, area not yet ransacked.
You hastily grab them and flip to inspect the phone cases. Thankfully, one of them is Jun-Hee's, the shared photo booth picture sets you two took together peeking through the back pocket.
"I found yours!" You press Jun-Hee's phone into his palm, encircling his fingers around it tightly as you both escape to the edges of the gymnasium, out of the way of others searching.
His grip on you tightens, not ready to let go yet; neither your hand nor the temporary sense of safety you provided.
"And what about yours?"
Right as he says that, Kyung-Jun meanders over with your phone resting in his hold, the lavender outlined case easily recognizable even in the dark. Matching photos with Jun-Hee's of the two of you during happier times stares back at you.
You have absolutely no clue where he managed to find it or why he looked for yours in the first place, but you knew he would never tell you even if you were to ask.
Surprised, you peer up at him but he avoids looking directly at you in favor of cradling your hand to place your phone facedown into your palm before leaving just as quietly as he had come.
Jun-Hee is as taken aback as you though he doesn't question it, mind still focused on the impending doom and punishment he riddled on everyone.
Not long after, Da-Bum, Jung-Won, and Yoon-Seo come bounding over, their own phones in hand. The thought comes suddenly to you, unbidden, as to why Da-Bum and Jung-Won always seem like they're together as of late.
It seemed unexpected that either had developed mutual feelings, for both preferred solitude over company if they could help it. Not being able to put a finger on it unsettles you for some reason, the pair appearing together solely when night falls only to be more indifferent than strangers during the day. Maybe Da-Bum feels indebted to your group for the help, or maybe Jung-Won is simply protective for the sake of it, your mind concludes for you. Regardless of whatever case it may be, if you thought any more about it, you would spiral into an oblivion of unanswerable questions.
[ᴋɪᴍ sᴏ-ᴍɪ ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ʙᴀᴇᴋ ᴇᴜɴ-ʜᴀ.]
[ʙᴀᴇᴋ ᴇᴜɴ-ʜᴀ ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ᴋɪᴍ sᴏ-ᴍɪ.]
[ᴘᴀʀᴋ ᴡᴏᴏ-ʀᴀᴍ ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ʙᴀᴇᴋ ᴇᴜɴ-ʜᴀ.]
[ᴄʜᴏɪ ᴍɪ-ɴᴀ ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ʙᴀᴇᴋ ᴇᴜɴ-ʜᴀ.]
[sʜɪɴ sᴇᴜɴɢ-ʙɪɴ ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ʙᴀᴇᴋ ᴇᴜɴ-ʜᴀ.]
[ᴋɪᴍ ᴊɪɴ-ʜᴀ ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ʙᴀᴇᴋ ᴇᴜɴ-ʜᴀ.]
[ᴀʜɴ ɴᴀ-ʜᴇᴇ ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ʙᴀᴇᴋ ᴇᴜɴ-ʜᴀ.]
[ᴄʜᴀ ʏᴜ-ᴊᴜɴ ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ʙᴀᴇᴋ ᴇᴜɴ-ʜᴀ.]
"Eun-Ha it is then," Jung-Won says to your group coldly. "Vote for her."
"What? No!" you outright reject, and Jung-Won is taken aback. "I'm not going to side with So-Mi on this without proper reason."
Yoon-Seo nods her head, assenting. "If we vote for her too, she'll die. We can't do that."
"What other choice do we have?" Jung-Won looks tense as she scrolls through the tally of votes yet to end.
"We'll scatter our picks so that we all get one vote each. I'll choose myself."
"We don't know if that's against the rules," you tell Yoon-Seo. "You can vote for me. Jun-Hee, you too."
"But—" they both oppose at the same time.
"I'll be okay." You look between them, resolute.
"Seol-Hwa..." Jun-Hee utters, more forlorn than ever.
"I'll gladly bite the bullet of two votes if it means we can hold out just that much longer. You and I both know we neither have the luxury nor time to think this over. I can take the small risk to save another innocent classmate."
"We don't know if she is," Jung-Won retorts.
"I know what I know and I trust my instincts. You can vote for her if you feel like it." Never before in your life have you ever seen less than eye-to-eye with Jung-Won but with the existence of this deadly game, it has become a given and no longer a rarity.
You watch as Da-Bum and Jung-Won eye one another nervously, your curiosity peeking over how they got so close so fast.
[ᴊɪɴ ᴅᴀ-ʙᴜᴍ ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ᴏʜ ᴊᴜɴɢ-ᴡᴏɴ.]
[ᴏʜ ᴊᴜɴɢ-ᴡᴏɴ ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ᴊɪɴ ᴅᴀ-ʙᴜᴍ.]
[ʜᴀɴ sᴇᴏʟ-ʜᴡᴀ ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ᴋɪᴍ ᴊᴜɴ-ʜᴇᴇ.]
[ᴋɪᴍ ᴊᴜɴ-ʜᴇᴇ ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ʜᴀɴ sᴇᴏʟ-ʜᴡᴀ.]
[ʟᴇᴇ ʏᴏᴏɴ-sᴇᴏ ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ʜᴀɴ sᴇᴏʟ-ʜᴡᴀ.]
[ɪᴍ ᴇᴜɴ-ᴄʜᴀɴ ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ɴᴀᴍ ʏᴇᴏɴ-ᴡᴏᴏ.]
[ɴᴀᴍ ʏᴇᴏɴ-ᴡᴏᴏ ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ɪᴍ ᴇᴜɴ-ᴄʜᴀɴ.]
[ᴊᴀɴɢ ʜʏᴜɴ-ʜᴏ ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ʙᴀᴇᴋ ᴇᴜɴ-ʜᴀ.]
[ᴋɪᴍ ᴅᴏɴɢ-ʜʏᴜɴ ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ʙᴀᴇᴋ ᴇᴜɴ-ʜᴀ.]
You bite your lip in frustration as the two boys vote hastily, most likely swayed by the majority and not having been within earshot of Yoon-Seo's suggestion. Your eyes meet across the room, soulless and empty, shells of the people you once were, looking back at one another in a haze of blinding lights.
As the red hue morphs back into a dulled white, it feels like you have all just descended into hell and back, heaven now much too far out of reach.
[ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛᴡᴇʟᴠᴇ ᴠᴏᴛᴇs, ʙᴀᴇᴋ ᴇᴜɴ-ʜᴀ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴇxᴇᴄᴜᴛᴇᴅ.]
Eun-Ha sits lifeless on the ground in the middle of the circle, fingers twisted around her phone, the one precious vote failing to be her saving grace. "I said I was a citizen," she whimpers in tears, going around and grabbing everyone's hands, pleading uselessly. Those that voted for her look away guiltily, the possibility of her innocence still up in the air. "How many times must I tell you it wasn't me?" Her steps stagger, not yet able to accept the unfair death sentence hanging above her head, everyone an executioner. "Why?" She repeats like a mantra. "Why me?"
Secretly pulling out your phone, you make sure no one knew of it. In the moment, everyone's attention was directed at Eun-Ha's spiraling emotions and you quickly click on her name, the first person you were choosing to heal.
You look up as Eun-Ha's footsteps squeak against the floor, her hands covering the tears streaming down her face as she runs through the glass doors of the gymnasium until her figure can no longer be seen rounding the corner.
Fate, please be less cruel.
No matter how hard you try to fight it, as the music crescendos over the speakers like a cursed lullaby, you can't fight the heaviness settling over you. Your eyelids heavy, droops to cover your eyes in a blanket of darkness as your body sinks to the ground.
Even above water, you feel like you're drowning on air.
Whether it's in sleep or reality, the pull of the void is too strong for you to resist, and you can't for the life of you, seem to get away, forced to succumb to it.
[ɴɪɢʜᴛ ʜᴀs ᴄᴏᴍᴇ.]

You're suspended on the threshold of subconsciousness and consciousness, light spots flickering behind your eyelids momentarily before they dissipate and you're forced to come back to the realm of the living.
As your eyes refocus upon opening, extricating yourself from the caress of sleep that miraculously enveloped you, you feel so, so tired of everything.
Would it be better to give in or give up?
Jun-Hee is beside you but doesn't utter a word, his gaze fixed on an empty space in the distance, eyes rimmed red. Your hand itches to reach out toward his but you instead will it to remain still, digits curling into your palm, nails clenched hard enough to create crescent divots intersecting the creases in your hand.
How do you even begin to comfort him when you can't so much as do it for yourself?
Yoon-Seo sits to your right, hand over her eyes as silent sobs rock her body, trembling back the telltale sign of her suppressed cries.
"Joo-Young..." Mi-Na calls, your attention turning to the pair. Your hand comes up to clasp over your mouth as you realize a white sheet had been laid upon her face.
Try as you might, you couldn't pretend not to know the one thing that meant.
"No..." you whisper out.
"Joo-Young," Mi-Na repeats, still receiving no response from her friend. Even shaking her foot does nothing to change the silence. "This isn't funny..."
Yoon-Seo scrambles over on shaky legs, dropping to her knees in front of Joo-Young's rigid body.
"She's acting weird..." Mi-Na mumbles, hand unsteadily reaching toward her friend. As she grabs the corner of the white cloth, the incoming announcement has her hand dipping to the floor limply.
[ᴅᴜʀɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛ, ʟᴇᴇ ᴊᴏᴏ-ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ᴡᴀs ᴇxᴇᴄᴜᴛᴇᴅ ʙʏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀғɪᴀ. ʟᴇᴇ ᴊᴏᴏ-ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ᴡᴀs ᴀ ᴄɪᴛɪᴢᴇɴ.]
Yoon-Seo throws back the cover to the onslaught of gasps at the pale, lifeless body beneath, already stiffening up due to rigor mortis.
Irrespective of everyone's state of mind, the announcement drones on monotonously, unfitting of the somber atmosphere.
[ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀsᴛ ᴠᴏᴛᴇ ᴄʟᴏsᴇᴅ, ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴏᴄᴛᴏʀs ɴᴏᴍɪɴᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴡʜᴏ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇᴀʟ. ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴄʜᴏsᴇɴ ᴄʜᴀ ʏᴜ-ᴊᴜɴ ᴀɴᴅ ʙᴀᴇᴋ ᴇᴜɴ-ʜᴀ.]
[ᴀʟʟ ᴘᴀʀᴛɪᴄɪᴘᴀɴᴛs, ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ɪᴅᴇɴᴛɪғʏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀғɪᴀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴠᴏᴛᴇs.]
The staticky sound over the speakers is drowned out by Mi-Na's cries, yet to comprehend the death of her friend who she fell asleep beside last night, only for one of them to wake up in the morning.
Quietly, Yoon-Seo pulls back Joo-Young's shirt collar, fingers trembling against a ligature mark bruised red like branding done by the devil. "Strangulation..."
Mi-Na ignores Yoon-Seo's remark, beelining for Jun-Hee and grasping him by the neck of his button up shirt, shaking him in hysterics, resentful. "I said I wouldn't follow your plan," she reiterates her sentiment from the previous night. "If we hadn't listened, none of us would've gathered here only to end up like this." Jun-Hee is shoved back with every word, every accusation. "You killed them all and now it's on you!" Mi-Na nearly spits in his face, angry tears staining her face.
"Stop it!" So-Mi shouts.
You merely stare, not daring to move an inch. Everyone else remains rooted to their spot, the events of last night yet to fade from memory. Even Jun-Hee acknowledges his fault, allowing Mi-Na to throw him around and curse in his face. Nothing could make him feel better. Tears well up in your eyes as you dissect the gravity of the situation, pitying how responsibility can so easily become liability.
"They're not wrong," Ji-Soo voices, voice barely above a whisper. "We simply survived by pure luck. You and Kyung-Jun...neither of you can fix this nor return the lives lost."
Kyung-Jun, who had been sitting in the chair he fell asleep in last night, stands up and kicks it aside, sending it skidding across the floor. "Fuck you," he swears with venom at Ji-Soo. "If you know what's good for you, then keep my name out of your mouth. It's not my fault to share." He turns to her, glaring. "Did I suggest the idea first?" Pointing straight at Jun-Hee, Kyung-Jun shakes his finger condescendingly. "This happened because of you, and only you."
"I'm sorry," is all Jun-Hee manages to say as he staggers away from the scene, wanting to be alone.
No one runs after him.
This time, not even you.
You sit motionlessly, only having the heart to count how many steps it takes for Jun-Hee to walk away, and wonder how many it will take for him to come back.
"Whatever," Kyung-Jun waves his hand dismissively. "The class president got us into this mess, and the only way for us to get out of it is to go to the very end. Let's vote him out today." He casts a hidden sidelong glance over at your soulless gaze after Jun-Hee's retreating form and turns away, adding nothing more to fuel the fire but neither does he retract his statement.
Jung-Won steps forward, sizing up Kyung-Jun without a single fear of the possible consequences in doing so. "You—" At her address, his head swivels back, cat-like eyes sharp as daggers. "You said it was a good idea and went so far as to collect our phones. Why change your tune now?" She crosses her arms in front of her chest, gauging. "Care to tell us why you were the only one relaxed last night?" Jung-Won raises one eyebrow defiantly. "Is it because you took your phone back secretly?" Scoffing, she ridicules him. "Don't play innocent when you're the most suspicious."
You whip your head toward Jung-Won, wondering how she possibly found that out in the commotion. It finally clicks to you that either he had both his and yours hidden in his possession or he only had yours to look for after already having secured his survival with a vote. No matter which way you looked at it, Kyung-Jun devised a win-win situation. The clear advantage had compelled him to so readily agree with Jun-Hee and avoid the brunt of blame.
Of course he wouldn't change.
"Yah," he voices lowly and menacingly, stepping closer to Jung-Won, staring her down. "Isn't it obvious? How are we to trust Jun-Hee? For all we know, he could be Mafia." Turning to look at everyone in succession, he yells loudly, those nearest to him jumping from the sudden sound. "GUYS! Our lives depend on this game." His eyes shift toward Jung-Won pointedly. "Why entrust someone else with mine? I just used my brain, something you all don't seem to do." Despite his anger being directed at Jung-Won, he punctuates his words with punches to Da-Bum's chest, a mere bystander beside her. "If not, last night I would've been another corpse in the mountain of bodies."
"Stop it, please..." Yoon-Seo nearly begs, tiredness seeping into her voice. She throws her hands up in frustration. "Do you still want to fight after everything that's happened? How long must we stay here and anxiously wait out our turn?" Even when no one answers, Yoon-Seo adds, "Won't we even attempt to find our way back home?"
Though the schpiel was aimed at Kyung-Jun and not even her, So-Mi sneers, rolling her eyes, displeased. "How naïve do you have to be to think that we can? It's not that we don't want to. We can't."
Yoon-Seo turns to her. "This game—if we figure out its purpose, we can find a way out without anyone else dying." Silence envelops the room as she looks around, eventually gesturing to the bodies strewn across the floor. "Before that, let's move everyone."
Mouth hanging open, So-Mi looks at Yoon-Seo in shock. "Excuse me?!"
"We can't leave them like this. They were once our classmates. The least we can do is to allow them rest in the freezer."
As Kyung-Jun turns on his heel to leave, Seung-Bin and Jin-Ha are quick to follow, no ounce of sorrow hanging over them.
Yoon-Seo, ever-courageous, latches onto Kyung-Jun's wrist as he brushes past her. "Stay and help."
He yanks his arm back, grumbling under his breath. "Crazy bitch.”
Woo-Ram backs up Yoon-Seo, indignantly criticizing Kyung-Jun. "How cheap of you to always walk away by yourself, leaving others behind. Is it not in your ability to leave half of your heart to care for someone? Not even a single person?"
Kyung-Jun advances, ready to round on him, but So-Mi and Jung-Won block Woo-Ram off from his path and you're once again left floundering in the dark searching for answers to the unexpected dynamics established over the course of just a few days.
Not giving up, Yoon-Seo grabs Kyung-Jun again, on the brink of pleading.
You get up to your feet unstably, shuffling over to pry her quivering fingers away as no one else steps up to side with her. "Yoon-Seo..." you get out listlessly. "Don't waste your time on those who will never understand. We don't need them. We'll be fine on our own." You don't look back as the two of you task yourselves with the act, the others watching on aghast.
Mindlessly, you go through the motions, forcing your arms and legs to cooperate, mind numb as you drag the cold and bloody bodies of your fellow classmates.
So many hopes and dreams have yet to blossom, but this is where they'll remain, wilted and buried forever, never to bloom.
You kneel on the ground, aimlessly orientating limbs to lay properly and force the tears to stay suspended on the rims of your eyes, not allowing them to fall and desecrate the bodies of your schoolmates. Your thoughts blur as you move on autopilot when someone suddenly tugs you by the forearm up into a standing position.
You come face to face with Kyung-Jun, the force with which he pulls you up propelling you inches away from him as he fights with himself to keep up the angry facade, glint slowly fading as he catches sight of your eyes. Through the haze of tears, his features blur in your vision, the distortion of expression leading you to see only concern.
You attempt to yank your arm out of his grip but he doesn't intend to let you do so. Seeing you flinch, he realizes the force of his strength and relaxes his hold around your forearm, fingers lingering at your wrist.
"Let go."
"Why are you doing this?" he questions, the scene drawing the attention of the others, yet none dare to intervene.
"Because I actually care," you grit through your teeth, only loud enough for him to hear, tears cascading in rivulets down your face.
Away from the veil of tears, there's no mistaking the look on his face this time, pupils wavering back and forth between your own. The realization of the night in the infirmary dawns on him as he finally understands that you are the type of person to care for everyone, regardless of all else.
Kyung-Jun's eyes trail every path your teardrops make as it etches marks onto your face, his hold becoming lax. You pull away roughly and swipe at your tears with your sleeve, returning to the matter at hand and choosing to ignore him completely.
Everyone is more than surprised when Kyung-Jun moves you out of the way and wordlessly transports the bodies himself, enlisting the aid of Seung-Bin and Jin-Ha, who after being forced to get over their initial shock, have no choice but to listen and reluctantly follow along.
He throws backward glances at you all the while, not understanding or being able to pinpoint why and how infuriating it was that you were the only one who seemed to be able to get under his skin by doing nothing, by your presence alone, yet he doesn't think he'll get the chance to ever find out.
You drop to the floor even as everyone heads to the freezer, fingers pressed into the palms of your hands.
As you uncurl your trembling digits one by one, it reveals stains that bleed into every fold of skin.
One in particular is a darker shade of red, seeping deeper into the crease.
Your eyes trace the curve adjacent to your thumb, path now extended.
Life line.
Yet, you can't find it in yourself to rejoice at the sight when the one thing symbolizing your prolonged existence is a promise written in blood.

After Yoon-Seo requested to be alone to pay her respects to those who passed, you wait outside the ice-cold room, sitting on the floor with your back pressed against the sealed doors.
At the sound of footsteps, you look up to see Jun-Hee. Silently, he crouches down before you, simply looking at you before he lifts his hand toward your cheek. Your eyes follow as his fingers hang suspended in the air by the side of your face.
He closes his eyes once before opening them again and letting his hand drop into his lap, a dark look flitting across his soft features. "I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry."
You let out the breath you weren't aware you were holding. "What for?"
Jun-Hee slumps against the metal frame beside you, head leaned back and eyes avoiding yours. "Everything."
You watch him intently.
"I shouldn't have done what I did last night," he tells you, angling his body toward yours.
You shake your head, sensing him drawing into himself. "Don't blame yourself. None of us could possibly know what would happen."
"No, it really is my fault. I'll live with the guilt forever."
"I won't let you live with it alone..." You scoot closer to him, your arms pressed against one another's.
"How—" his voice shakes as he gazes at you, the space between his eyebrows creasing. "How can you still stand to talk to me? To look at me? To be next to me?" You make to speak, but he continues on before you can get a word in. "It hurts, Seol-Hwa." With a weak murmur, he rests his head on your shoulder.
"It's okay to be hurting. Cry if you have to." You lean your head atop his. "I'm here for you."
"Are you not repulsed by me?"
"Is that why you drew your hand away earlier?"
He sits back up properly but doesn't reply. You grasp the answerless answer all the same.
"Jun-Hee," you say, fingers still itching to intertwine with his as you look down at your hands touching in the gap between your bodies, but not enough to hold. "Until this game is actually over, people will keep dying. There's no way we can fight that, no matter how hard we try, but if you really want to be responsible—to still be responsible—think of how to find a way to get everyone out safe, okay?"
"Okay," he agrees, smiling the faintest for your sake.
You stare at him in the momentary silence that follows, wishing you could tell him what you truly mean. Instead, you mask your feelings, settling for a word of comfort that doesn't overstep the boundaries of friendship. "You can always come to me. When you're happy...and when you're sad."
This time, he reaches out to cradle your face without reluctance, without hesitancy. "What did I do to deserve you?" His thumb brushes across your cheek lightly. "Our friendship is my life's biggest dilemma."
"Good or bad?"
Your question draws a soft chuckle from Jun-Hee. "Good, I promise." He gets a faraway look in his eyes for a second as he mumbles, "Almost too good for me to ever change it. Even though I find myself wanting to, more and more, every single day."
"What do you mean?"
He pulls his hand away and smiles faintly to himself. "Later. I'll tell you later."
Although confused, you let it slide. "I'll hold you to that." You get up, brushing off your skirt before angling your hand down, outstretched for Jun-Hee to take. He grabs it and stands up, the two of you facing one another. "Me and you against the world?"
"Always," Jun-Hee affirms, pulling you in by the hand, so close that the toes of your matching white sneakers are aligned.
"Can you hug me? Just so I know that it will be okay?"
You stretch on your tiptoes, placing your arms around his neck and pull him in nearer as his wind around your waist, drawing you tighter against his chest, hands settling at the small of your back. He snuggles his face into the line of your shoulder and presses closer, breathing in deeply.
"Everything will turn out alright." You rest your chin on his shoulder and lean your head against the side of his.
"I believe you," Jun-Hee exhales out shakily, squeezing you that much tighter so that you have to rise higher on your toes.
"Let's not give up until this is over, yeah?"
"As long as I have you by my side, how can I?"
The two of you slowly extract yourselves from one another, the sound of something tumbling in succession on the other side of the sliding metal doors making you and Jun-Hee dash in without another thought after a second glance at each other.
Yoon-Seo lays in the middle of strewn empty crates, hands around her neck and gasping for air.
"Yoon-Seo!" You stoop beside her as Jun-Hee makes to prop her up while you dig in her skirt pocket for her inhaler, administering it to her quickly.
Given the sudden commotion, the rest file in, having heard the ruckus and loud exclamations, crowding around to see what exactly was going on.
Yoon-Seo still struggles to breathe as you assess her level of consciousness, supporting her the best you can. Eventually, her eyes close and she passes out.
You recruit help from Hyun-Ho and Dong-Hyun, Na-Hee trailing them as they take Yoon-Seo to the infirmary to rest. Unfortunately, that meant you and Jun-Hee had to sit down with the rest and discuss what to do going forward.
Thankfully, you realize with relief and a weight lifted off your heart, Eun-Ha is back and sitting with Yeon-Woo and Eun-Chan, very much alive and very much safe.
The only seat remaining is between Jun-Hee and Kyung-Jun, and you gingerly settle down in the middle, not acknowledging the latter even as he speaks up.
"Let's not drag this out and cut to the chase." Kyung-Jun sits spread eagle, leaning his elbows on his knees with his arms hanging down toward the floor as he looks up with his head slightly bowed, addressing everyone. "If you're part of the Mafia, speak up."
Jung-Won purses her lips, thinking it idiotic. "Are you aware that your mouth runs before your brain does? Do you think you would reveal yourself if it were you?" she says sarcastically.
Kyung-Jun whistles, in disbelief at her sassiness. "Okay, that was bad on my part. Let me try again. To rephrase, I'm giving you all a chance to condemn someone. Who would like to start?"
"So-Mi," Eun-Ha inserts without missing a beat.
"Yah! It's not me!" So-Mi shrieks, extricating her headband roughly from her hair and tossing it on the ground with a clang.
"Did I say it was you?" Eun-Ha crosses her arms and sneers, much bolder and more confident after having revived. "I simply called out your name. Why are you already on the defensive?
Kyung-Jun leans back in his chair, watching the scene unfold with amusement, the rest eyeing warily the two girls with nothing but a wall of animosity between them. "We'll come back to this," Kyung-Jun resolves, merely rolling his eyes at So-Mi's glare, unbothered.
Dramatically, Seung-Bin suddenly slams his hand against the table in front of him, a resounding outburst that's sure to have hurt his palm more than he let on. "Disclose if you're on the Police team too." Met with radio silence, he menacingly tries a different approach of threatening answers out of everyone. "Are you not going to?"
Da-Bum repositions himself in his chair, looking up and down from his clasped hands settled in his lap. "I...don't think they would do that either, just like the Mafias won't."
"Of course they won't," Yu-Jun agrees, making everyone turn toward him, still suspicious about his role.
Given how he was healed without imminent danger or justification to be saved, he was high on your list as a fellow doctor who chose to protect himself first and foremost. That was one of the reasons for you deciding not to ever pick yourself, otherwise the group could come to a certain conclusion if they put two and two together.
"Fuck," Kyung-Jun curses, looking out over everyone gathered. "Why the hell won't you cooperate?" When no one responds, and not knowing what more to say, he turns your way but looks past you at the last minute, instead turning the focus on Jun-Hee. "Banjang, it's you, is it not? Only citizens died because you didn't allow us to vote. Tell me then, was it all part of the Mafia's plan to get rid of as many citizens as possible?"
In a deadpan manner that leaves no room for argument, you don't look at Kyung-Jun when you defend Jun-Hee. "That's not true. If you read through the alerts of everyone who passed last night, a Mafia was caught in the crossfire too. Why would they willingly give up their own member if it was supposed to be a foolproof plan?"
You can feel Kyung-Jun staring a hole through the side of your face but it quiets him for the time being.
"At least we can be almost sure about who one of the doctors is," Woo-Ram voices, everyone's eyes flickering over to Yu-Jun, virtually indisputable.
He finally notices the attention on him and rejects the assumption feebly without a strong counterargument. "I'm telling you it's really not me." Yu-Jun looks to his girlfriend for help but Ji-Soo misunderstands the look as throwing her under the bus.
"Who do you take me for?"
Mi-Na points between the couple. "It has to be you two. Who else would bother to save Yu-Jun?"
The boy in question turns to Mi-Na, half offended and half frustrated. "I don't know why they decided to save me either. Would I be dumb enough to protect and out myself simultaneously if I had that role?"
Even Ji-Soo turns to study her boyfriend as he speaks and you're now positive with the way he's shielding that he was indeed the other doctor aside from yourself. "Maybe it really isn't him," Ji-Soo helps out. "By the same logic, you'd be saying that either Eun-Chan or Yeon-Woo had saved Eun-Ha, but the two of them were more shocked at her resurrection than she was."
Mi-Na uses that mention to segue into the next point of discussion. "Kim So-Mi."
"Me?" So-Mi huffs, widening her eyes in anger. "Again?"
"Eun-Ha said you were a Mafia yesterday. Did you pick her because she caught you red-handed?"
Hesitating, So-Mi turns her body toward her accuser. "I only voted for her because she was going to vote for me first."
"That's a weak excuse and you know it," Eun-Ha chimes in. "Don't forget I saw what you did on the mountain. Did you think I would disregard it and let it slide? After you nearly killed me yesterday?"
"What happened on the mountain?" Kyung-Jun presses, glancing over at you without your noticing, eyes trailing down to your legs still littered in bruises and cuts yet to heal.
Eun-Ha smiles sarcastically. "So-Mi purposefully tried to push Dong-Hyun and Seol-Hwa downhill so that they would fall outside the lines and be executed."
"You bitch!" So-Mi points a finger at her. "I almost slipped myself trying to grab his hand."
"You clearly didn't try hard enough," Eun-Ha retorts. "That same day when we came back, Dong-Hyun himself said that you never did so. You had no intention of doing it." Eun-Ha glances over at you briefly before continuing. "If it wasn't for Seol-Hwa risking her own life to help her friend, he would've most likely impaled himself on that tree stump down by the edge of the cliff." The description leaves little to the imagination and you close your eyes against subconsciously reliving the unwanted memories.
"This is all circumstantial evidence!" So-Mi screams, feeling cornered.
"Both Dong-Hyun and Seol-Hwa are still here. She hasn't corrected me, and if we're to go and get Dong-Hyun right now, I'll bet everything I have he would side with me." Eun-Ha smirks at So-Mi. "The three ghosts you failed to make are back to haunt you."
"What motive would I have to do it? Huh?!" So-Mi provokes, running out of options to act blameless.
"Easy," Eun-Ha leans forward, at the edge of her seat, not breaking So-Mi's gaze. "Dong-Hyun had to go first because you knew he's stronger and the only way to endanger him would be petty tricks like telling him to check the fading boundary line, knowing there was a fifty percent chance of him being wrong." She shrugs, using her face-up palms like a scale, weighing. "If he was unfortunate and was out of favor with the Lady of Luck, you knew either way Seol-Hwa, being the kind person that she is, would have done everything in her power to save him. If you played your cards right, you could've rid of both of them at once."
"And what would Seol-Hwa have anything to do with me being suspected like this?!" So-Mi fumes, vein protruding from her neck.
"I think everyone in the school knows this by now. They'd have to be blind or living under a rock not to." Eun-Ha laughs mockingly, hiding her smile behind her hand. "It's obvious how much you like Jun-Hee but he could care less about you when he'd probably turn the world upside down for Seol-Hwa. That's the only vendetta you have against her."
Jun-Hee shifts back and forth in his seat next to you, uncomfortable at being involved in So-Mi's villain origin story, and you try not to blush at what Eun-Ha is implying, entirely inappropriate for the situation.
So-Mi flushes in embarrassment, even more so that none of her friends were coming to her defense. "Do you really think I'd be that petty?!"
In a turn of events, it's not Eun-Ha but Kyung-Jun who replies to her. "Yes, we do. We've all seen what you're like at school and all the things you've done."
"You're no saint either, Go Kyung-Jun," So-Mi says to him bitterly.
He cackles in her face. "Maybe, but unlike you, at least I'm not a murder suspect."
"Fuck you—"
"Thanks but no thanks, because I wouldn't like you either." Kyung-Jun swats his hand flippantly at So-Mi before he reaches out and pulls your chair toward him, metal squeaking against wood. The rest turn and look, entirely baffled at the sight. You don't move very far as Jun-Hee drags the other side of your chair back toward him, not letting go even as Kyung-Jun releases his hand instantly, smirking. Jun-Hee probably doesn't realize that his hand has instinctively settled on your knee, without any intent to move it away. "Now that was a test." He motions with a circling finger from you, to Jun-Hee, and finally to Eun-Ha in succession before stopping directly in front of So-Mi, miming drawing an 'x' in the air level with her face. "And you're the only one who didn't pass." As So-Mi gapes at him, he turns to Jun-Hee. "Don't worry." He throws a sidelong glance, tilting his head at you, gesturing. "I'm allergic to nice people."
"Take of it what you will," Eun-Ha concludes, having said everything she needed to get off her chest. You can't help but beam to yourself seeing her back to the best version of her she could be. You've been suspicious of So-Mi from the start with all her power trips and victim mentality. It was about time someone put her in her place, and who better to do it then the person she expected to have finished off last night.
"Aside from So-Mi's inferiority complex," Mi-Na begins again. "Anyone else have anything to say?"
As a last resort, So-Mi turns the table on Mi-Na herself, knowing an attack on Eun-Ha would just be her announcing she'd like to be voted off. "What about you then? You're a Mafia, right?" She stands up, gaining height advantage as she approaches Mi-Na. "You and Joo-Young had a big argument yesterday."
"We did have one but why would I kill her over it? Friends fight all the time about the littlest things."
"You lick her boots as if you're her servant in front of her and then proceed to badmouth her behind her back. I guess you found the perfect alibi last night handed to you on a silver platter."
"No wonder," Jin-Ha chimes in, hatefully. "Joo-Young did treat Mi-Na no less than a dog."
"That's not true at all!" Stumped, Mi-Na turns to read the room but everyone is still processing all the accusations that have sprung up.
Kyung-Jun pinches the bridge of his nose, irritated. "Dammit, you all talk so much. Where was this fervor when I asked initially? Just turn yourself in or you'll see blood. I won't say it twice."
After a short pause, Woo-Ram dares to question him. "Why did you do that, then?"
"What the fuck are you going on about?"
Woo-Ram looks up, sitting backwards in his chair facing Kyung-Jun. "Why did you hide your phone if you knew the consequences of forfeiting our votes?" He scoffs, shaking his head and sending his hair into his eyes. "You purposefully didn't tell us, right?"
The room is silent, with all you can hear being the thoughts echoing in your head circulating around his repetition of what Jung-Won had said this morning.
Did they perhaps discuss it, or did he arrive at the same exact conclusion? How come Jung-Won isn't the one to bring this up now when she was the first to point out Kyung-Jun hours earlier?
Something gnaws at you for even starting to suspect Jung-Won when you hadn't initially. The feeling only hit you in the midst of disarray and now it refuses to leave no matter how hard you try to dissuade yourself that it couldn't be Jung-Won. You steal a glance at her, but she's simply staring at the ground, hands holding the sides of her chair, feet still and flat against the floor, body unmoving.
She's one of your closest friends—one of the few people you trusted the most. Surely, she wouldn't lie to you this way, would she?
Oh, how the betrayal would hurt.
Kyung-Jun's angry defense reels you back into the conversation as he once again, deflects the blame onto Jun-Hee. "I told you. How can we trust this bastard?"
"If you didn't believe it then, why tell us to follow through?" Woo-Ram pushes, dead set on incriminating Kyung-Jun.
You had no idea what Woo-Ram's role was, but you knew for sure Kyung-Jun wasn't part of the Mafia. He may be inhumane, caring about no one aside from himself, but all the things he's done in the name of self-preservation has been in-character, matching his notorious personality. The only thing that troubled you about him was his cornering of Jun-Hee.
Kyung-Jun chuckles darkly. "Don't try to cast the spotlight on me now. It's too late for that, Woo-Ram." The way he says the name scares you, like he knows something no one else does. "It's you who killed Joo-Young. Do you think I wouldn't know?"
Stammering, Woo-Ram grips the backrest of his chair tightly, fingers turning white from the force of his hold. "W-What?"
"You confessed to her only for it to end in rejection," Kyung-Jun details bluntly. "She spread the incident online where in place of sympathy, all you received was criticism. No one took pity on you and instead sided with her, bashing the one who bared their heart." He laughs sardonically. "Usually, people root for the one who professes for their courage in speaking up, yet you were a lost cause." Kyung-Jun raises one eyebrow, going in for the kill. "You've always been nothing but pathetic in the end."
"Did you seriously think I meant what I said to her?!" Woo-Ram whisper-yells. "I was joking. It was a prank. I was dared to do it." Judging by his digressiveness, you knew the cat's out of the bag.
"Don't try to fool me. I'm no idiot." Kyung-Jun brushes his hair back only for it to flop back down in its usual style by the sides of his face. "You kneeled and begged her to take down the post. Everyone here knows it. We all saw how much you groveled." He turns to Mi-Na, inciting her to join with a snap of his fingers. "C'mon. You say it. You were the one who recorded the whole thing and uploaded it."
You eye Mi-Na as she agrees without reserve and you sigh, realizing just how everyone lacked a sense of loyalty.
"It doesn't pertain to this!" Woo-Ran pounds the back of his chair in irritation. "What does that have to do with this game?" By saying that, he was basically admitting to it.
"IT DOES BECAUSE YOURE A GODDAMN MAFIA!" Kyung-Jun shouts back, control of the conversation now back in his court. "You killed Ju- Won first because it would've been suspicious if you went for Joo-Young first, correct?"
You have no idea how Kyung-Jun manages to sidestep every single allegation thrown at him with ease, ultimately making his opponents seem more suspicious than him. Though you believe he has no important role, there was no denying how formidable of a player he is in this game.
"How can I be a Mafia when you're still an option? The one who relentlessly blames others," Woo-Ram retorts blandly. Even he himself seems like he knows he's on the losing end of the fight.
Kyung-Jun stands up all of a sudden, his height towering over the rest seated. "Fuck it," he says, raising his phone in the air as he makes a show of pressing the button underneath Woo-Ram's name.
[ɢᴏ ᴋʏᴜɴɢ-ᴊᴜɴ ʜᴀs ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ᴘᴀʀᴋ-ᴡᴏᴏ ʀᴀᴍ.]
"Don't listen to him!" Woo-Ram turns and appeals to the rest. "It's really not me!"
Looking down, Kyung-Jun pats Woo-Ram's cheek mockingly, more like a slap to the side of his face before grabbing his chin and squeezing roughly, angling it up so Woo-Ram has no choice but to look at him. "These are the eyes of a killer. He's one hundred percent Mafia through and through," Kyung-Jun declares with certainty, pushing Woo-Ram by the chin, twisting his neck to the side harshly.
Before a fight can break out, So-Mi grabs a hold of both of Kyung-Jun's arms and tries to pin them down. As far as you were concerned, So-Mi and Woo-Ram were good friends but not to the point where she would go out of her way to help him. There was more to this interaction than meets the eyes.
You jump in your seat as Kyung-Jun casts her to the side callously, her hip slamming against the edge of the nearest table with a hard thud, sure to leave a bruise. She yelps in pain, hand holding her side. "Hands off me, you filthy bitch. You're next after him." He throws an unnoticeable look in your direction before rounding on So-Mi. "You've done much worse than Woo-Ram."
A single tilt of Kyung-Jun's head is enough to send a quiet message across to his lackeys, both pulling out their phones, screens bright.
[sʜɪɴ sᴇᴜɴɢ-ʙɪɴ ʜᴀs ᴠᴏ��ᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ᴘᴀʀᴋ ᴡᴏᴏ-ʀᴀᴍ.]
[ᴋɪᴍ ᴊɪɴ-ʜᴀ ʜᴀs ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ᴘᴀʀᴋ ᴡᴏᴏ-ʀᴀᴍ.]
"You lot of jerks!"
Kyung-Jun shuts Woo-Ram up instantaneously by effectively yanking him by his collar, choking him one-handed, eyeing the room as he addresses everyone. "You should all vote for him too. Who knows what trivial reasons he has hidden to kill you?" His eyes slide over toward Mi-Na sitting on the edge of her seat. "He holds so many grudges against you. Since Joo-Young is dead, you better watch out. Maybe it'll be your turn soon." He releases his fingers effortlessly and Woo-Ram drops like a dead fish face first onto the table, gasping for air.
With that, Kyung-Jun saunters out of the room, his friends in tow, Seung-Bin shoving Jun-Hee out of the way as he tries to get them to stay.
Slowly one by one, everyone disperses, Ji-Soo taking hold of Yu-Jun's hand and dragging him away the catalyst in driving the others to follow suit, filing out without listening to Jun-Hee's calls. You can tell by his eyes just how much it pains him having lost so much respect, authority as class president having diminished in the blink of an eye.
[ᴄʜᴏɪ ᴍɪ-ɴᴀ ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ᴘᴀʀᴋ ᴡᴏᴏ-ʀᴀᴍ.]
"That crazy witch." Woo-Ram makes way to locate Mi-Na, but Jun-Hee stops him.
"Don't," Jun-Hee warns. "Think of what this will make you look like if you go after Mi-Na just as Kyung-Jun said." He squeezes Woo-Ram's shoulder. "I'll persuade them."
Before he can leave, Yoon-Seo walks in, supporting a still-limping Na-Hee, Hyun-Ho and Dong-Hyun behind them.
"What's going on? What happened?" Yoon-Seo looks around at all your stricken faces.
"I fell prey to Kyung-Jun's plot," Jun-Hee acknowledges. "I shouldn't have let them vote for Woo-Ram."
"Do you think they would've listened to anyone but themselves?" Jung-Won questions, her point standing.
"Instead of talking here, don't we have to sway the others to choose someone else?" So-Mi brings her nails to her mouth, biting at it worriedly.
"Who would we ask them to vote for?" Jung-Won shoots back, exasperated at So-Mi's inept attempt at rational thinking.
"I don't know," So-Mi drags the syllables out, pricked. "Anyway, it'll be fine as long as it's not us."
"Of course you would say that." You fix her with a sharp gaze, analyzing from your spot atop a table beside Hyun-Ho.
"What's that supposed to mean, you bit—" She steps toward you but Jun-Hee is quick to shield you behind him and she backs down, quieting.
"If only we knew more about the other team," Na-Hee mutters.
[ɪᴍ ᴇᴜɴ-ᴄʜᴀɴ ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ᴘᴀʀᴋ ᴡᴏᴏ-ʀᴀᴍ.]
[ɴᴀᴍ ʏᴇᴏɴ-ᴡᴏᴏ ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ᴘᴀʀᴋ ᴡᴏᴏ-ʀᴀᴍ.]
[ʙᴀᴇᴋ ᴇᴜɴ-ʜᴀ ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ᴘᴀʀᴋ ᴡᴏᴏ-ʀᴀᴍ.]
[ᴊɪɴ ᴅᴀ-ʙᴜᴍ ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ᴘᴀʀᴋ ᴡᴏᴏ-ʀᴀᴍ.]
"How can they do this to me?!" Woo-Ram laments loudly, pacing the room.
"Right!" So-Mi exclaims, cutting him off. "Ji-Soo and Yu-Jun are on our side. I'll find them and talk to them."
Yoon-Seo turns to Woo-Ram, kindly assuring him. "It's okay. We'll find a way."
He's having none of it though, nearly crazed. "A way?" He chuckles sadly. "A way?!" His fists pound the table forcefully and Yoon-Seo, standing closest to him, flinches. "Screw this. I have no choice. It's me or Kyung-Jun. It won't end before one of us dies." He delivers the ultimatum, leaning forward conspiratorially. "Let's do the same thing he does; vote for anyone else."
Jun-Hee turns to him, dismayed. "You would stoop to his level...?"
"He always bullies others. That reason alone is enough as to why that scumbag deserves to die. Kyung-Jun will do anything to survive." He looks at the half circle of people, meeting all your eyes. "Say he kills me today. What will happen tomorrow then? Who do you think will be the next sacrifice?" Woo-Ram takes pause for emphasis. "You—it will be one of you, and he won't stop until the whole class roster is wiped clear." Woo-Ram points to himself then at the door. "Make a choice."
"Woo-Ram is right," Na-Hee agrees, even though she wasn't present for the entirely of the discussion. "I'll vote for Kyung-Jun."
"Me too," So-Mi supplies, glancing at Woo-Ram.
"Then I'll follow," Jung-Won gives her word to Woo-Ram, which only further unnerves you. Just what deal did the three of them have to keep sticking to one another?
Seeing the rest of you hesitate, Woo-Ram implores, sweating and eyes glazed over in a frenzy. "Guys, if you don't help me, I'll die. Can you live with the fact that you sent me to my death? Please. Please help me," he begs.
Due to his guilt tripping, everyone ends up voting for Kyung-Jun in rapid succession, but your finger hovers between the two candidates, torn.
[ᴋɪᴍ ᴊᴜɴ-ʜᴇᴇ ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ɢᴏ ᴋʏᴜɴɢ-ᴊᴜɴ.]
[ᴋɪᴍ sᴏ-ᴍɪ ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ɢᴏ ᴋʏᴜɴɢ-ᴊᴜɴ.]
[ᴘᴀʀᴋ ᴡᴏᴏ-ʀᴀᴍ ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ɢᴏ ᴋʏᴜɴɢ-ᴊᴜɴ.]
[ʟᴇᴇ ʏᴏᴏɴ-sᴇᴏ ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ɢᴏ ᴋʏᴜɴɢ-ᴊᴜɴ.]
[ᴀʜɴ ɴᴀ-ʜᴇᴇ ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ɢᴏ ᴋʏᴜɴɢ-ᴊᴜɴ.]
[ᴏʜ ᴊᴜɴɢ-ᴡᴏɴ ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ɢᴏ ᴋʏᴜɴɢ-ᴊᴜɴ.]
[ᴊᴀɴɢ ʜʏᴜɴ-ʜᴏ ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ɢᴏ ᴋʏᴜɴɢ-ᴊᴜɴ.]
[ᴋɪᴍ ᴅᴏɴɢ-ʜʏᴜɴ ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ɢᴏ ᴋʏᴜɴɢ-ᴊᴜɴ.]
"Why are you hesitating?" Woo-Ram probes, all attention directed at you.
"I'm still thinking," you answer, feeling bad for him but also not wanting to make the wrong choice at the same time.
"About what?" So-Mi's eyebrows raise, incredulous. "Are you seriously considering all the lies Kyung-Jun told?!"
"Seol-Hwa," Jung-Won adds in, in a much nicer tone. "There's nothing to contemplate. Woo-Ram's right. Kyung-Jun is trouble." She looks at you warmly but all you can sense is the distance between the two of you, ever-widening.
"You and Kyung-Jun..." So-Mi starts, crossing her arms. "I wasn't going to say anything, but what's with the unspoken truce all of a sudden?"
Jung-Won pats your hand softly. "If he's blackmailing you, please tell us. He shouldn't do that to you of all people."
"No, it's not like that," you reassure, pulling your hand away gently, her touch cold. "I just don't want to vote rashly and then have us deal with the consequences in the morning. Have we not regretted things enough?"
"We have a lot of time remaining," Yoon-Seo settles nicely, ever the peacemaker. "Don't feel pressured to make a decision yet. We all know how difficult it always is." She smiles softly at you, genuine.
Woo-Ram doesn't say anything aside from staring helplessly at your phone, the only one yet with a vote placed.
"You let me know if that punk is messing with you," Hyun-Ho drapes an arm around your shoulder protectively. "I won't let him live it down, okay?" His fingers squeeze your shoulder comfortingly.
"We know what he's like," Jun-Hee intones. "He can bend lies and turn them into truths, so you can tell us even if it's hard to say. I'll always believe you, no matter what."
"Or..." So-Mi picks up again. "Is it something you can't ever tell us?" She smirks lightly, no one else ever the wiser to the slight uplift of the corner of her lips. Her hand comes up in a fake show of shock, mouth open behind her fingers. "Did you sleep with him and now you have to be on his side, afraid he'd use that secret against you? You can say you slipped up."
Before anyone can react, you use your hand with the phone still in your clutch and smack it clear across her face. Filled with so much force and ire, it snaps her head to the side, hair flying in disarray. The skin below her left eye bleeds from the cut, the surrounding area already left with an imprint.
She whips her head back your way, fingers clasping her cheek gradually turning red as she gapes at you in plain and utter disbelief.
You lean toward her, eyes innocent and wide, not able to tamper down your satisfaction at the sight of her cowering away.
"My hand slipped."
Powering your phone off, you walk away to echoes of shouts in the form of your name, yanking the classroom door shut behind you with a slam. The sound of its oscillating hinges reverberates repetitively like a gavel hitting the judgment stand with finality.
Your decision has been made.

© 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭 𝐠𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞. 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨, 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞, 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫-𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭. 𝐀𝐥𝐬𝐨, 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐞, 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞, 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐞, 𝐨𝐫 𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐢𝐭 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐚 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞.
#night has come#night has come kdrama#nhc#nhc x reader#night has come x reader#kim junhee#kim jun hee#junhee#kim junhee x reader#junhee x reader#kim jun hee x reader#jun hee x reader#kim junhee fanfic#kim jun hee fanfic#junhee fanfic#jun hee fanfic#go kyung jun#lee yoon seo#oh jung won#jin da bum#kim so mi#jang hyun ho#mafia game#kdrama#kdrama fanfic#survival#x reader#reader insert#female reader#borderlines
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Silent Night
NSFW ⭐️ 18+ ⭐️ MDNI
It’s your first winter star with Sam’s family! Everything is going great, except for the fact that you two can’t get a moment of privacy.
For @beet-roots Merry Kinkmas
AO3 Link
“Okay now let’s do Sammy’s girlfriend’s present!” Vincent squirms in your lap with excitement, looking upside down at you. His big blue eyes sparkle with adoration, and you think he takes after his brother.
Sam beside you looks playfully dejected. He pushes out his lip in a pout, shoving his hand into Vincent’s hair and down his face.
“Bro, stop,” he whines, and you think maybe his jealousy isn’t all for show, “you’re rizzing her up too much! She’s gonna leave me for you, dude!”
Sam’s playing, but you know he is at least a little perturbed because Vince can sit in your lap and he can’t. It’s a wonder he’s not climbing the walls right now, all things considered.
With deadly efficiency you use one hand to tickle his ribs, and Sam cringes back in a cry of surrender.
Kent rolls his eyes and coughs to hide a laugh while Jodi giggles. She gives you a sweet smile as she passes over a silver wrapped box. It says ‘from all of us’ in swooping calligraphy, and you know that means it’s from Jodi.
“You wanna unwrap it bud?” You ask, and Sam’s hand twitches out to the package before he realizes you were talking to Vince. Another pout, and you smirk at him while Vince annihilates the beautiful wrapping job Jodi did.
Dutifully, he passes back the unassuming cardboard box and crawls off your lap so you can open it properly.
You pull the top away and don’t delay in pushing back the tissue and removing the deep red nightgown, holding it up to the light to see better.
“I know it’s not very hip,” Jodi says, her voice quiet and maybe a little insecure, “but I—uh, we—just couldn’t leave it. Sammy sent those gorgeous pictures of you and I kept thinking how lovely you would look in it.”
It is pretty, albeit more conservative than you would ever pick for yourself. The gown is ankle length, with sleeves that hit the wrist. Lace and gold beading trim the edges, and you think Jodi has good taste.
You can feel Sam’s eyes heavy on you, on the nightgown, and you have to bite back a grin. He’s so desperate for you at this point, you know exactly where his brain is. Poor baby hasn’t gone over a day without sex since you two got together about four months ago, and with prepping and visiting it’s been a week since he had his hands on you.
“It’s perfect Jodi, thank you,” you say, winking at her conspiratorially before saying, “all of you have excellent fashion sense.”
In a show of good faith you change into it after dinner. Jodi was right—the color complements your complexion perfectly. And while it’s long, and shows no skin, it clings to your curves and drapes in such a way that you still look shapely. You look sexy in a prudish sort of way.
You’re not the only one that seems to think so. The moment you emerge from the bedroom to show Jodi the final product, Sam’s back to staring at you hard. As Jodi ooh’s and ah’s over you with the affection only a mother has, and Vincent stares with big round eyes and tells you you’re beautiful with a nervous little blush, Sam begins to fidget.
A glance at him and you think he might drag you out to his truck for some privacy and rail you in the passenger seat. Your cunt pulses with excitement. Vincent is going to be too distracted with his toys to bother you, and Jodi and Kent are going to take the Mullner’s Christmas cookies, so you’ll have time for a quickie if all goes well.
“And what about you, Sammy, don’t you think that—“ there’s a knock on the door, startling Jodi into silence. She presses a hand against her chest. “Goodness, now who could that be so late?”
Jodi wanders off towards the door and Sam circles in on you like a predator, fingers skimming the fabric where it hits your waist. He leans in close, and his voice is raspy in your ear. “I like this,” he says, giving it a small, affectionate tug, and you know that tone. That’s the tone he uses when he’s going to fuck you like an animal. A shiver of anticipatory arousal claws its way down your spine, and you smile.
“I can't say I approve of you coming all the way out here in the cold so late, but you know I’m always happy to see you Sebastian,” Jodi giggles, opening the door wider and letting in a pink cheeked, crookedly grinning Sebastian. He’s got a small present wrapped in his hands, and his eyes are positively glittering as he stares up at Sam’s mom.
“You know I can’t go a Winter Star without seeing you, Miss Jodi,” he says, savoring the words Miss Jodi. Sam retracts from your space while Jodi giggles and blushes, and he throws up his hands with a groan.
“Dude stop flirting with my mom,” he whines, and Sebastian laughs once before shaking his head and giving Jodi a sweet smile.
“I’m not flirting Sammy, I’m being polite. You should try it once in a while,” he says, and he winks before coming up to you and Sam.
“Why are you here?” Irritation drips off his every word, and you know Sam is properly annoyed. Pent up, desperate, and cockblocked by his best friend who’s also hitting on his mom.
Bad day for Samson.
“Other than I wanted to give you your present? I needed a break from the ‘festivities,’” he makes air quotes around festivities, and you can feel Sam unwind in resignation. “Come with me for a walk?”
“What’s the magic word?” Sam’s already stepping towards the door to his room, presumably to get dressed for the outside, and you feel a tug of disappointment. Maybe it’s not Sam getting cockblocked.
“I’ll say please if it makes you happy Samson.”
Your face must be doing something by the time Sam’s dressed and ready for the cold, because Sebastian frowns apologetically and Sam twists his mouth. Once Jodi finishes fussing over her boys and departs with Kent, Sam approaches with a sheepish smile.
“I’ll make it up to you,” he says, and you stare at him hard in a way that hopes to convey your emotions.
“You better,” You respond, and maybe it’s a little more irritable than you meant for it to be because Sam looks like a kicked puppy as he follows Sebastian out the door. You’d feel worse if you weren’t babysitting Vincent alone on Winter Star when you could be getting railed.
It doesn’t take long for Jodi and Kent to get back—an hour said and done—and everyone readies for bed pretty immediately, too exhausted from the fact that Vince woke everybody at the godless hour of five am for presents. Sam still isn’t back by the time you crawl into his bed, and you glare at the air mattress where he should be and hope he can feel the phantom pain wherever he is.
You’re drifting off when a swoop of cold air chills you to the bone. There’s a light commotion, and you hear Sam go “fucking shit ass,” before you fully process that he’s stumbling in the window. You sit back, burrowing into his blankets as he regains his footing.
“Later Seb,” he calls outside with a wave, and you wave too, tight and irritable.
“See you Sammy. If you need me I’ll be in the master bedroom,” Sebastian calls back, and you hear his footsteps recede along with maniacal laughter, a faint call of bye to you billowing in the wind as an afterthought.
“Remind me to kick his ass,” Sam looks at you once he snaps the windowpane shut with a big grin, his cheeks pink and snow dusting his eyelashes. It makes you angry how good he looks right now, how disgustingly cute and charming.
“Sure,” you cross your arms and pout, averting your gaze as Sam comes up and kneels by the side of the bed.
“Baby please, I’m sorry,” he reaches for your hand, and when you don’t give it he settles for your gripping the nightgown, and it doesn’t go unnoticed that it’s right at the apex of your thigh, “what was I supposed to do? Say no to Seb in front of everybody?”
He buries his face in the sheets beside you and you finally spare him a glance. He senses it and looks up at you with the biggest puppy dog eyes he can muster, and you feel yourself melting under his gaze.
“Please, let me make it up to you,” he says, and there’s a little whine in his voice. Desperation, maybe. “I need you so bad, you look so hot right now, please.”
The chill of the room mingles with the sensation of watching Sam beg on his knees and makes your nipples hard, and you decide to go on with it for a minute. “It’s just a shame. I’m not even wearing any underwear, Sammy, because I was so excited to finally get a minute alone with you.”
He whines, shifts, and you can see the excited bulge growing in his pants.
“Too bad everybody’s home now so we can’t do anything. I’m really horny too.”
“No we can, please,” he grabs your hand now, chilly fingers insistent on yours, “we just have to be quiet. Everybody’s asleep. Come on, please?”
You almost break right now, but you hold out. If you can get him that much more worked up, it’ll be worth your while. “I dunno if you’d be able to keep it down Sammy. For your Winter Star present I was gonna let you fuck me without a condom—you know, an unwrapped gift kinda thing.”
It’s something you’ve been saving specifically for a moment like this. Truthfully you know Sam’s clean and you have reliable birth control, and would have let him hit raw months ago, but making him twitch with anticipation has been more fun than anything else.
And oh, it’s worth it to watch the way his eyes widen and his face slackens. He sits up that much taller, and you’re almost surprised he doesn’t clasp his hands together and shake them.
“Baby, I promise I’ll be good. I need you so bad. I really want my present, I’ll do anything.”
You gesture for him to stand, and he does because he’s a puppet on strings, and you arch your eyebrow at him. “You can start by putting your money where your mouth is. Sit at the foot of the bed for me and prove you can stay quiet by touching yourself.”
Sam’s clothes shlump to the floor unceremoniously as he peels off his layers, and you feel a pang of guilt because he’s shivering and flushed since he’s not warm yet. In a show of good faith, you kick the blanket towards him and scoot until you’re rested on the headboard.
It’s alright, you reason, because he won’t be left alone for long.
Sam wraps the blanket around his shoulders, and you watch with enthusiasm as he shifts. His cock is hard and flushed, his nipples pink and pert from the cold, and he’s wearing that shy expression he always has before he truly gets into it. You might be drooling.
It’s hard to tell if he’s teasing you or if he’s warming himself up when he runs his hand down his chest and across his stomach painfully slow. Your breath catches in your throat when he finally wraps a hand around his cock, deliberate as he spreads a bead of precome from his tip down with his thumb.
His teeth sink into his lip on the first stroke, cheeks darkening while his eyebrows scrunch inwards. He watches you watch him, and one corner of his mouth ticks upwards while he spreads his knees that much more and arches his back.
Stage fright gone, Sam’s putting on a show now, and god do you ever watch. You lose yourself in it—in the way his abs tighten and his breath puffs out intermittently like he might’ve moaned in another situation. His head falls back on his shoulders, eyes screwed shut, until finally he tightens his hand around the base of his cock and looks at you with pure desperation.
“Please,” his voice is hoarse when he whispers, and he’s squirming. For just a second you think you should tell him no, keep going, because you’re so into watching him you want to see his come paint his beautiful stomach. But then he’s blinking at you, big blue eyes pleading. “Baby?” His voice cracks when he prods for a response, and you decide he should be put out of his misery.
“Remember to be qui—“ Sam cuts you off in a bruising kiss. He doesn’t waste a second, licking into your mouth while he fumbles between your legs, rucking up the nightgown in the process.
“Quiet,” he pants while he rips the hem up past your breasts, leaving you suddenly cold and exposed, save the places where his fingers trail blazing paths towards your cunt. “Quiet, uh huh, I’ll be so—quiet—“ he nods into your skin, latching his mouth to your neck and sucking while he slips a finger into your eager cunt.
Sam’s fingers are expert, long and dexterous and callused from years of playing the guitar, and you’re the one struggling not to make any noise now while he fingers you open for him. Every glance of his fingers has your thighs twitching and you biting back little wanton moans.
“Shit, I can’t,” Sam withdraws his fingers after barely a minute, still managing a throaty murmur, “I’m so sorry, fuck, I just can’t wait. You’re so goddamn wet.”
And then he’s lining himself up and thrusting into you slowly. Inching in while he huffs air through his clenched teeth. You can tell he’s really trying to hold himself back, to be gentle, but then his forehead drops to your shoulder and he looses a high whine when his hips snap all the way forward seemingly against his volition.
You freeze, heart hammering in your chest as you hold him still and listen for any sounds that somebody in the house has woken up. Sam’s doing his best, but he’s gyrating against your cunt frivolously and begging against your chest.
“Just couldn’t help it, I’m sorry. Sorry, please baby,” he’s much quieter in his whisper now, “you just felt better— ah —than I expected—please let me move, I’ll be good I swear.”
After another moment of nothing, you finally relax your grip, and Sam wastes no time, fucking into you so hard and fast your eyes roll back in your head.
“Thank you baby— nngh —thank you,” the words are spoken against your breasts as he presses his mouth to them, sucking and nipping the skin while he humps you like an animal in heat. “Best Winter Star gift ever, swear. Thank you, oh God.”
You’re actually surprised when his thumb finds its way to your clit. Sam’s one track minded on his best days, and you would’ve thought he’d be too overwhelmed to even think of it.
“Wanna— hah —feel you come. Can you come on my cock baby?”
You go to say yes, you’re right there, and a too loud moan slips from your chest instead when he slams right into your g-spot. Sam’s free hand closes over your mouth, eyes wide and hips stuttering as he tries and fails to still to a stop.
He either doesn’t give a fuck or can’t bring himself to slow down anymore, because a moment later he’s back to absolutely railing you, making little tiny grunting whines as he does his best to keep himself quiet. “Gonna come,” he manages, strained, and that’s what finishes you.
You ride wave after wave of delicious white heat as Sam stuffs you with his come, shaking and muffling himself against your skin. He doesn’t stop thrusting, greedy and prolonging your mutual pleasure as long as he can before he collapses onto you, limp.
When you finally get your bearings back you take stock of the situation: Sam draped over you, cock still inside, nightgown around your armpits, bruises beginning to purple in the places where Sam used you as his silencer. A ripple of perverse arousal trickles through your overstimulated body at the sheer wrongness of it all, and you twitch.
That’s enough to rouse Sam, who kisses your cheek and pulls out of you, lovingly tucking the nightgown back down to your ankles and pulling up the blanket before snuggling into your side.
When you two wake, you’re horrified to find come staining the inside of the nice garment. Sam sees it over your shoulder while you’re changing and packing, and he tugs you close to him, purring into your ear, “I want you to wear that again when we get home tonight. I’m not finished ruining it.”
#stardew valley#sdv#writing#stardew valley fanfic#sdv fanfic#sdv headcanons#sdv sebastian#sdv sam#stardew sebastian#stardew sam#sdv writing#n.sfw //#mdni
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The Cursed Warlords - Chapter #Four – The Deal
An eye for an eye, a favor for a favor. Spirit finds herself indebted to you and refuses to take no for an answer when you try to decline her offer for help.
You groaned as your eyes fluttered open. You were half asleep as you rubbed your eyes to push the sleep away. It didn’t work perfectly but at least your vision wasn’t blurry anymore. Letting out a yawn you glanced over at Spirit who was staring down at the forest floor as she had been the whole time you slept. Based on the way she was sitting at least.
“You fell asleep,” She muttered, you could hear the annoyance in her voice but couldn’t bring yourself to say anything back to her.
So you simply nodded in return, before looking down the tree trunk. Light filtered through the cracks in the tress causing a beautiful golden color to surround the forest floor. You couldn’t help but smile at it for a minute, only to feel dread fill your gut. If the light was coming through the trees then- No, no, no! It’s already been a full night where you’ve been stuck here!?
Leaning over you didn’t notice you were too close to the edge until you slipped. A scream escaped your lips but you didn’t fully fall, the tail around your waist tightened and pulled you back to sit properly on the branch. Spirit’s hand helped to stabilize you and make sure you didn’t fully fall.
“Are you crazy!? You could have fallen! That would not exactly feel nice!” Spirit yelled after you were stable and not about to fall off of the whole branch.
You felt your face flush before you shook your head. “Sorry, I just- I realized that I’ve been too long-,” You stumbled over your words as you spoke.
“So you want to jump out of a tree?” Spirit stared at you with confusion.
“NO! That’s not it at all!” You snapped back before quickly apologizing for yelling.
Spirit watched as you tried to form words to explain. Looking over you she decided you had had enough rest for now. So she stood up and stretched her back and arms, before glancing back down at you. You looked back up at her confused until she smirked. Your face paled as she crouched down.
“Wai-wait! No don’t-!” You were cut off as she leapt straight out of the tree, causing you to scream.
The air flew flew passed your head, causing your hair to whip in your face. You felt your body drop as she dug her claws into another tree. You let out another scream as she continued jumping down between the two trees. Each time dropping several feet. By the time you two hit the ground you were panting and gasping from the breath that the wind knocked out of you.
“Are you crazy!? You shouted at her in shock.
You couldn’t believe that you were still alive if you were being honest. She damn near shocked the life out of you. You or adrenaline had picked up again only slowing down as she set you on the ground. Her hand took yours and she began to drag you along, looking all too proud of what she had just done.
“You just scared the life outta me!” You stuttered as she dragged you along.
“Oh please, you didn’t hit anything you’re fine,” She replied back, rolling her eyes with a chuckle.
You pouted at her carefree words. She wasn’t bothered in the slightest by what she just did. You on the other hand did not appreciate being manhandled at all. You found yourself puffing out your cheeks as you glared at the back of her head. Her long dark hair was filled with quite a few knots, your gaze soon softened when you noticed. You wanted to say something about it but bit your tongue not wanting to overstep any boundaries.
“…So… where are we going?” You found yourself asking unsure of where your destination was.
Spirit didn’t stop walking, not wanting to stop moving especially with not knowing where the bandits were at this point in time. She had changed the path you were going on, decided to head in another direction. However the unsettling dread didn’t leave as she glanced around trying to locate any possible dangers.
“I’m going to take you home,” She finally replied after some silence.
“What? Do you even know where my home is?” You asked in confusion, not believing that she can help you.
Spirit looked over her shoulder and narrowed her eyes at you. She was insulted that you would even ask something like that, that you would doubt her. Her tail flicked at hit your leg to show her irritation, it wasn’t painful but it was clear that she wasn’t happy that you were doubting her.
“It doesn’t matter if I know, you just need to tell me where you live. I’ll get you there,” She explained calmly, she didn’t bother explaining more as she waited for you to tell her where your home was.
“Well here’s a question, do you know where America is?” You asked with a curious tone, and for once the monkey demoness actually stopped.
Looking at you with pure confusion she asked, “America?”
“Yep, America. Do you know where that is?” You asked again and tried to hold in a chuckle at the dead panned look she gave you.
Her expression was hilarious, even if the response did fill you with a renewed sense of dread. Spirit remained silent for a long while as she tried to figure out what you were talking about, specifically where your home actually was. She had no idea where it was, she had never heard of such a place before. Crossing her eyes she tried to think about ANYTHING that sounded even remotely similar. She truly couldn’t think of anything.
Taking in a breath she finally replied, “You… aren’t from around here. Did some demon send you here from your home?”
You stared back at her and frowned, was that what happened? That could be possible… or was that just crazy. You would say that you fell asleep, and this was all a dream, but everything just now felt so real. You could feel the stinging from the scrapes and bruises you had. You had felt the weight of the rock that you broke her cage with… There was no way you could convince yourself that this was a dream even if you really wanted to.
“Maybe? I’m going to be honest. I don’t know where I am right now, and as far as demons go- you would be the first that I’ve ever seen,” You finally said, you weren’t sure why but for some reason you knew, you just knew that this girl was a demoness.
Spirit’s eyes widened in surprise at your words, “I’m the first you’ve met? Are you sure about that?”
“Yes. Where I come from there are no demons. At least not anything like you anyways… I don’t know what happened one minute I’m heading to my house from my job and then… I was suddenly in this LONG hallways, someone was approaching me and I kind of freaked out. The next thing that happened was several stumbles and falls before I landed in front of well… you,” You found yourself explaining what happened as best as you could, the memory of each stop flashed through your vision before you pushed the thoughts away.
Spirit nodded. She didn’t respond verbally as she turned and continued to walk. Her tail was swaying back and forth as she thought about what you’d just told her. She was inclined to believe that you had hit your head really hard and had things messed up, or maybe a demon had attacked you and you’re not remembering things correctly. Whatever had happened she wasn’t sure what was true and what was false.
Sighing she finally replied, “We’ll find a way for you to get home. Someone clearly teleported you and it appears that it was from somewhere far from here.”
“I’m pretty sure that I don’t belong to this world at all. Considering that there aren’t demons where I’m from,” You explain, it was the only thing that made sense to you. It was either that or some wacked out dream however you were sure that it was NOT some dream. Everything was all too real.
“I highly doubt that’s the case,” Spirit said back, that was simply crazy talk.
She was sure that you were wrong. There was no way that you were from another world. She glanced over her shoulder again, her eyes flickering to look at yours. She was holding your hand, you were right there with her yet she could barely detect your presence like she was able to with others. If you were from another- no, there was no way that you were from another world. Shaking her head she merely continued to drag you along trying to get as far from the bandits as possible, that was her priority.
The light was fading from the sky as you and Spirit continued to walk along the forest floor for most of the day. The warm air of summer passed over you and you were certain. There was no way that this was your home, that this was your world. It was the beginning of spring when you were walking home, and it looked to be the middle of the summer here. You wanted to tell yourself that this was your world that all you had to do was search for your family, but it was sinking into your mind that this wouldn’t be that simple.
The grass was short beneath the shade of the trees. A lush green color surrounded you as you looked at the leaves that filled the trees, the vines that covered their trunks and the grass that surrounded your feet. This wasn’t right, the leaves in the trees were so thick and full, not the newly budding leaves of early spring.
This- This was all impossible. You tried your best to tell yourself that, but as you attempted to make yourself believe that you looked back at Spirit. Her facial marking that appeared to be apart of her skin, her slightly larger ears that were covered with thick fur on the top outer rims of them, and most of all her tail. It was so real, swaying back and forth with each of her steps.
If it were fake then those men would have surly taken it off of her right? But they didn’t, not even the fur that covered her arms was removed. It was thick and full, a few mats here and there and some of it had blood soaked into it. It’s much to warm for her to be walking around with such thick fur… unless it was natural, unless she couldn’t take it off. You gritted your teeth as you tried to think of something, anything else.
“You saved my life, or at least spared me from pain. I will help you get back home, wherever it is,” Spirit spoke up as you passed by a thick layer of brush, a few branches snagged on your clothing.
“I don’t think that’s necessary,” You respond nervously.
“What?” Spirit asked turning to look at you with a confused look.
“It’s not necessary for you to help me. I’ll figure out how to get home by myself, there is no reason for you to get yourself involved,” You try to explain.
You were paying more attention to Spirit then you were to your own two feet, which resulted in your foot snagging on a root and you tumbled forward. Her tail once again wrapped around your waist in record time and stopped you from getting a face full of brush. You looked back up at her, your face flushing with embarrassment as you scratched the back of your head. She looked at you with a firm stare before letting out a sigh.
“You still think you don’t need help?” She asked and you felt your cheeks burn at the words.
“That doesn’t count! That was only one fall!” You yelled flailing your arms and your legs around.
You were barely two inches off the ground but it was enough to make you feel conscious about the fact that this small girl was strong enough to pick you up without breaking a sweat. She placed you back on your feet and grabbed you by the hand once again pulling you along, acting as if you were the child and she wasn’t. Your face was burning, she looked like a small child why was she- you hadn’t even asked how old she was.
“I don’t know how a little kid can help me, if anything shouldn’t I be helping YOU get home?” You asked and in a split second Spirit had not only stopped but she had also whirled around her eyes blazing with anger.
Stumbling back in shock you stared at her with wide eyes. “U-uh… a little kid. What are you 10? 11?” Those, were the wrong thing to say.
“I will have you know, I am over 24 years old!” She snapped angrily and you stood there in shock. 25!? You weren’t even that old yet. There was no way that this child was that old… right?
You opened your mouth to respond only to close it again when you had nothing that you could respond with. You felt completely embarrassed that you had gotten her age so wrong. In front of you the demoness raged on and on about how she was indeed not a child and was very capable of taking care of herself.
“I cannot believe you thought I was a child! I haven’t been a child in YEARS. I will not be insulted like this, is it because I’m short? I will have you know that I am only short BECAUSE I am a monkey demoness! While it may be true I’m short even for my kind that does not give you the right to assume I’m a CHILD!” She yelled stomping on the ground, if you had paid attention you would have noticed how with each stomp she left behind frozen footprints.
However you weren’t paying attention to that, but instead you were standing awkwardly trying to calm down the angry monkey. You couldn’t help but softly chuckle at her little rampage, she wasn’t doing much real damage but the little angry stomp she was doing was funny. Her hands thrown up in the air as if she was doing a little dance, you did your best to hid the chuckle behind your sleeve.
“Are you laughing at me!?” She snapped irritably.
Quickly you raised both hands and shook your head, but you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing. The chuckle turning into a full blown laugh causing her face to turn so red her icy blue mask looked purple against it. You burst out laughing, ignoring the way she yelled at you enraged.
When you were finally able to calm down she was standing arms crossed in front of you. Her eyebrows knit into a firm glare as her tail swished behind her rapidly. She bared her teeth in a threatening growl, unfortunately for her you weren’t the least bit affected. She was far too adorable and looked like an adorable little kitten trying to look scary.
“Sorry, sorry I don’t mean to laugh,” You tried to explain yourself but continued to quietly laugh to yourself.
However it seemed fate decided now was a good time to embarrass you as well. Your cheeks flushed a deep red as your stomach grumbled. It was Spirit’s turn to laugh as you covered your stomach with both of your arms.
“It looks like you could use something to eat,” Spirit teased with a knowing smile. You looked away your cheeks still flushed red. “Stay here, I’ll be back with… something.”
You didn’t get the chance to say anything before the demoness leapt into a tree and disappeared within the leaves. You shook off your worry as you sat down to think everything through. She would be back and she said she was going to get food. Maybe it wasn’t smart to trust her but at the same time, what choice did you really have in the matter? You didn’t have anyone else to turn to right now.
There you are! Once again Boris had found you and you were finally alone! He was about to approach but stopped. Approaching you on a giant wolf would probably scare you. So carefully he slid off the beast and pulled him away. He found a spot for him to sit down and told him to stay, his friend nuzzled his face at the order but didn’t move just like he intended.
“Alright, wish me luck. I just have to tell her I can send her home,” He muttered to Fang before making his way over.
The timing was against him as the monkey demoness suddenly jumped down from a tree, she carried an armful of fruit. There was a small variety that she put in front of you and Boris watched as you started eating. Thanking her greatly you continued to eat the fruit with her until it was all gone.
He couldn’t approach if there was someone else around. Gritting his teeth he decided to hide, he’d need to find a way to speak with you away from that demoness. It was bad enough that he had to approach you in the first place.
“This is the best fruit I’ve ever eaten,” You said a wide smile decorating your face.
Spirit laughed at your giddy nature. All the while Boris attempted to think of some way to draw the monkey demoness away… for now it appeared that he would have to wait, wait until he had an opening. Watching the two for a moment longer, he noticed Spirit staring right into his direction, her eyes narrowed into a stern glare. As quickly as he could he hid further behind a tree. He really hoped that he wasn’t noticed.
Another bandit? She wasn’t sure, but they weren’t approaching and even appeared to be getting farther away. Taking your hand in hers, Spirit guided you to stand up before marching away. Weather that cloaked figure was a bandit or not they were still a potential danger. One that they NEEDED to get as far away from as possible.
Shoving the rest of the apple in your hand into your mouth you followed behind her. Unsure why she was very insistent that you leave right now, but you weren’t about to argue with the person who gave you food.
“Let’s go, we need to get you home,” She found herself speaking rather softly.
<<< Chapter #Three - Cursed
Chapter #Five - Meeting The Mortal >>>
#dead dove do not eat#sun wukong x macaque#yandere sun wukong#yandere macaque#sun wukong x reader#macaque x reader#shadowpeach x reader#cursed warlords lmk au#cursed warlords au#Lmk fanfic#cursed warlords#Arc one - cursed#Chu Spirit Oc#Chu Spirit#JTTW Fanfic#Sun Wukong#Six Eared Macaque
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Season to Taste - 11/? WIP
Explicit Hangster - Celebrity Chef Bradley and Naval Aviator Jake Seresin who have a relationship spanning the globe before they realize how tightly bound they are to one another. Heading into this little world.
“A fishing boat?” Bradley asks, pulling a face. “Really?”
“You said you wanted to be in the Navy. Are you scared of a little seasickness?”
“No. I just…”
“Understanding and appreciating our food, from where we harvest it, or take it, is all important. Learning what fresh really looks like is also very important when it come to fish and seafood hmm?”
“Oh yeah, I guess that’s true,” Bradley says, thinking of Johan’s ability to look at fish and simply pick the best pieces.
“Also a week in Greece is not the end of the world hmm?”
“Okay, you deliberately made it sound like I was going on a fishing boat in the North Sea, not a… charter boat for a week in Greece.”
“Hmm. You will earn your stay. But I think you will enjoy the change of scenery.”
Bradley had no idea how Leandro knows him so well, but he finds himself the sole chef on a charter yacht for a group of six tourists. They’re American, and once they realize he’s also American they stop speaking slowly and loudly, chat happily to him while he cooks. He fishes and dives with them during the day, makes breakfasts and lunches and then cooks what they’ve caught that day. He doesn’t recognize any of them, but when the week ends a couple of them tip him heavily, even though he tries to insist there isn’t any need. Then one of them passes him a business card.
“If you ever consider setting up shop back home, look me up. I’d be interested in supporting you. And eating more of your food.”
… … …
“Holy shit. Bradley Bradshaw.”
“Yeah. Hello again…”
“You’ve met already?” Jake asks, looking between Bradley and who must be his sister. She’s maybe a few years older, hair the same color but longer, tied back in a plait. Bradley finds himself automatically nodding, although he’s also hoping that her surprise is that he’s at her front door, and not because she’s starstruck. She hadn’t seemed at all perturbed when he’d met her on Saturday with the film crew trailing him. Turning up with her brother shouldn’t be any more alarming, surely?
“Yeah, at the Farmers Market in the weekend,” Bradley starts. “I tried the chili jam, it was really good. Bought a few jars.”
“Oh cool. Well, then I don’t need to introduce you. Well, her name is Maria if you need a reminder. I call him Leo because Bradley Bradshaw sounds made up.”
He’s glad Jake has provided a name, and he notes Maria’s eyebrows shoot up and god, he’s been enjoying Jake’s complete disregard for Bradley’s fame, whether it’s real or contrived he doesn’t care. He doesn’t think Jake would care, if he did know, but it’s also really nice not having any expectations put on him from the person he’s with. The last few days have been great, reminding him of his younger years in Europe.
“Leo is the name my Italian family call me. Short for Leonardo.”
“I definitely prefer Leo,” Jake says, grinning at him and he follows his lead in taking his shoes off, putting the bags of ingredients and previous iterations of sauce down. “Keep forgetting your name is actually Bradley Bradshaw…”
Maria makes a high-pitched sound Bradley can only guess is a choked off laugh and he grimaces and shrugs his shoulders, tries to convey that he’s doing the best he can and Maria is just looking at him and shaking her head, her eyes wide as she looks between him and her brother.
“Um, yeah, okay, hi again. Jake said you were after some help with… tasting things. Right. You’ve been… trying to feed him,” Maria says, now looking at Jake. “Wow…”
“Yeah. He’s pretty decent. Not as good as grandma, or even you or Olivia, but he hasn’t killed me yet.”
Bradley clenches his jaw to stop himself from laughing outright, his eyes not leaving Maria’s face, and she looks equal parts mortified but also like she’s also trying not to laugh again. She makes a little high-pitched sound and Bradley has to pretend to cough as a burst of laughter makes its way out. She definitely knows who he is, had known on Saturday when he’d been walking around with the film crew but she’d been very chilled and laid back, hadn’t even asked for a selfie.
“What chores need doing? I can go and do whatever it was you were planning on doing and instead you can help Leo with his new recipe… I like your cooking, but I am kind of over tasting the same thing over and over and you expecting me to be able to taste the difference,” he says to Bradley. Bradley looks back at Maria who has covered her mouth with both her hands and closed her eyes, had her head tilted back like she’s hoping the ceiling has answers.
“Thank you, I’ll try my best not to poison your sister…”
“Oh god…” Maria says from behind her hands.
“Thanks. Appreciate it. Maria, you okay?”
Maria wipes at her eyes, waves away Jake’s concerns saying it’s the pollen making them itch and hands Jake a piece of paper with writing on it and he tucks it into his pocket.
“I’ll be back.”
Then he’s kissing him, his thigh slotting between Bradley’s and he finds himself almost being dipped and he knows he’s flushing bright red, wonders if that was Jake’s whole aim, trying to embarrass him. It’s over quickly, although he’s not sure if that is a good thing or not.
“Don’t be mean,” Jake says to Maria, and then he’s tugging boots on, grabbing the same cowboy hat Bradley remembers him wearing on Saturday.
“When am I ever mean?”
“Only every day of my life,” Jake says with a grin, but then he’s tipping the hat and Bradley bites his lip as he watches him stride back outside. Hmm.
“So, you’re Leo. I had no idea he was bringing you around.”
A little reluctantly he stops watching Jake stride off, and he turns to find Maris watching him, eyes amused and he smiles.
“Yeah. I gathered he hadn’t told you when you said holy shit first thing when you opened the door. He and I met years ago, in Italy. He said he told his sister?”
At that Maria’s lips twitch and Bradley starts feeling a little uneasy.
“Did he say which one?”
“Uh. No?”
“Has he mentioned exactly how many sisters he has?” Maria asks, and she’s folding her arms and leaning back, watching him and Bradley feels like he’s being tested. That’s fine. If he can survive the Gallo family he can survive Jake’s sisters. Why he feels like he needs to survive or befriend Jake’s sister isn’t something he’s going to examine too closely but… he likes to think he’s a nice guy when he isn’t stressed out.
“Not exactly? But… three? I mean, I know he’s the youngest. And there’s a sister with kids because he babysat them on Monday night.”
“And then his sister who he told about meeting me in Italy? And that isn’t you?”
“Hmm. He only told me about meeting you in Italy on Sunday, so… it was probably Nicola when it happened originally.”
“Okay. So. Jake just mentioned an Olivia, so… four? That’s my best guess. Four.”
He can’t even imagine having four older sisters, having Violet is bad enough, although he calls her cousin he sometimes wonders how much closer they’d be if they were actually siblings. She’s his best friend.
“Nope. Five. You’re missing Amanda. She’s Nicola’s twin.”
“Five sisters. Holy shit.”
“What about you? Big family?”
“No. All the stuff about me losing both my parents is true. I’ve got a big Italian family that informally adopted me though…”
“So he met you, and you bumped into each other on Saturday and now you’re…”
She doesn’t finish the sentence and he’s grateful, although the look she gives him clearly spells out exactly what she’s thinking. She grabs some of the bags at his feet and jerks her head for him to follow her.
“So you’ve told him your name, he’s just…Oh my god… he has no idea who you are.”
“You think so? I kind of like it,” Bradley admits and Maria’s shaking her head.
“Oh, he’ll have no idea. He’s smart, but he’s also fucking oblivious. Also I’m judging you. He adds sauce to nearly everything…”
“Yeah. I’ve noticed.”
“Well, he had really bad reflux as a baby. Like… he needed an operation to fix it type bad. He was such a picky eater as a kid, drove us mad. We got around it by pretty much putting sauce on everything.”
“Oh…” Bradley murmurs, and he’d wondered. He sets out the ingredients and the little containers of sauce saved from his previous attempts.
“Yeah. Obviously he’s an adult now, he doesn’t have to add sauce, but if he has the choice?”
“On it goes. Right. Okay…”
“Yeah. You okay with that?”
“Of course. He’s not making me eat it. I’m not…” he shrugs helplessly, wants to try and say he’s not the uptight and angry chef that that TV producers like to portray him as. Sure he has a temper, but it’s definitely not as bad or as frequent as they make it seem. He also knows he's got something of a resting bitch-face. At least that's what Vi calls it.
“Hmm. Thought so. Anyway, Jake doesn’t cook for enjoyment. He’d never watch a cooking show. Doesn’t like reality TV at all… If you wanted to keep it on the downlow you could. I don’t think he’d accidentally stumble across you. And I can keep my mouth shut.”
“I don’t want to keep it a secret from him or anything. He knows it’s my job. And he knows my name…”
“Okay. So… not to be super crude but you’re just, uh, hooking up right?”
“I mean… yeah.”
“Well. If you decide you want something more than hooking up with him, you’re going to have to spell it out, be really obvious. More obvious than you think you need to be. And I have an idea for showing just how oblivious he can potentially be…”
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hey i really liked that feral cass post, i keep rereading it. was wondering if you would ever consider doing a pt 2?
Hell yeah🙌 have a feeling someone else might like a p2 to this!
Part 1: here
Let’s get into it! :)
You’re carried; far, far away, it seems. You couldn’t find your way back to the village even if you wanted to
This creature- this woman..her grip is tight on you, but not bruising. She snarls at all around you
Leaves, trees, little animals scurrying across your path
Then, at last, far in the distance you can see the tip of a tower. As you get closer, you see more and more. Eventually, a castle is revealed
Only when she carries you towards the rusty gates and heavy doors do you notice what castle this is, just where you have found yourself
Castle Dimitrescu
They say, this is where all dies
Men are tortured and killed instantly, made into scarecrows or thrown aside in the dirt out front
Women are imprisoned, made to work, made to serve, only to be taken, tortured and killed or turned into wine at the smallest mistake. Or so they say
You wonder, will this be your fate? Is the woman carrying you to your death?
It doesn’t seem so, though. The woman doesn’t come across as though she has ill intent for you
She is feral, this much you can say. More of an animal than a human even, perhaps
But, it brings you a certain amount of comfort, too. You know at least, she will not attempt to deceive and trick you
You watch silently as heavy doors are opened and the warmth of the castle greets you
Your stomach growls when you pass what must be the kitchens, the sound alerting the feral brunette
She stares down at you, as though unsure what that noise was. Just as you think she will investigate, though, she keeps walking
You notice, all attempt to avoid her. No one glances your way, all make space for her. Clearly, this woman is just as dangerous as she comes across
You’re carried a little longer, through long hallways with red rugs and white-golden walls adorned with paintings and lights, past wide vases and small cabinets
Then, she steps into a room you know must be hers
Weapons are scattered across the floor and walls and while a bed is present in the room, there is a large pile of blankets, pillows, clothing, even some items on the floor. You immediately recognize this as her nest
And, true to this, she sets you down on it gently. You feel the soft cushions below you, the warm and thick blankets
Around you, you see dresses. Some too big to possibly fit her, some a little too slim for her, but matching hers in color and style precisely. You spot lipstick, daggers, necklaces and rings, books, pictures, pencils, and more among the cushions
Then, a picture catches your eye
You look up to find the woman staring at you, and slowly, slow enough for her to react should she want to, you take the painting from underneath a pillow and pick it up
She only continues to stare for a few moments, then busies herself by biting into some of the pillows and readjusting their position
You allow yourself to breathe, albeit shakily, then take in the picture in your hand
Four women, one tall, enormously so, in a white dress and a black hat. You know this woman. Alcina Dimitrescu, one of the lords of the village. You remember seeing her picture in the church
Then, three shorter women, all dressed in the same black dress. Among them, your feral saviour
The other two look nearly the same upon a quick look, but you soon notice differences, such as their hair colour, blonde and auburn, and the shape of their face
You spot writing at the bottom of the painting; Countess Dimitrescu and her three daughters. Bela, Cassandra, Daniela
“Cassandra..”, you say out loud, trying the name on your tongue
You nearly jump when her head snaps up, her eyes scanning you as though she is attempting to figure out what you want
Again, your stomach growls. You can’t remember the last time you ate
This time, the woman moves
You jump when she leans forwards, the tip of her nose nearly touching your stomach
Then, she growls. Did she think your growling stomach was an insult?
You can’t be sure, but feel too petrified to move even as your stomach keeps growling and the woman- Cassandra- keeps growling back at it
You feel your blood run cold, but eventually speak. You fear should you not, she might attack. You don’t want to imagine what risks that might bring to your unborn child
“I’m hungry”, you whisper
“I’m hungry”- Cassandra knows those words. She has heard them before. Hungry. Cold. Good. Bad. You. I. Yes. No
She knows them, but what are the meanings again? She shakes her head, as though trying to clear it
Then, just when she thinks your stomach will demand a fight again, she catches the sweet scent again
She still can’t understand what is so different, so special, about you
As though to make up for her growls though, she gently, or as gentle as she can, nuzzles her cheek against the round stomach. What a curious little creature you are indeed
She freezes when she feels your hand near her. You’re cupping the stomach. Why? She doesn’t understand. Though, she wants to learn
You watch as her hand reaches out, then sets it on your stomach too. She doesn’t seem to understand, merely copies your movements
The moment seems to go on for far longer than it does. It’s not unpleasant, though
Then, in the next few seconds already, it stops. She jumps up, then, to your surprise, she darts out the room, halfway turning into flies in her go
Cassandra races past maids and so, her mind set on a single goal: to retrieve food for you. She remembers now what hunger means. It means, she must fetch you some prey
Too feral to sit back and think, she races past the kitchens and back outside
It’s an easy task to find you something small for the time being, until she can bring you a nice and thick bear
She tracks sounds easily, her head snapping from one direction in the other. She’s drooling slightly
Then, golden eyes find her prey. A deer, in perfect shape it seems, feasting near the castle grounds
Of course, she can take it down in no time
While lacking her older sister’s coordination and younger sister’s speed, Cassandra still manages to catch up in no time at all, her arm wrestling around the creature’s neck and bringing it to the floor
From this on, it’s almost too easy
But she doesn’t kill for her pride, nor for showing off. She feels no such things, only the urge, the duty, the obligation to catch, fetch, and bring you the nutrients you require
And yet, you nearly scream when the door opens again and a deer is tossed to you. Dead, certainly. And fresh. You nearly vomit at the sight and smell
Cassandra doesn’t seem to understand
She nudges its side with her hand like a cat might do with its paw, her golden eyes searching yours
Her lips part, as though she is about to speak, but no words get past them. Instead, only low growls and grunts
You swallow hard to keep from vomiting as you feel the deer’s blood on your hands
Then, you press your eyes shut when she leans down and digs her sharp teeth into its tender flesh
You hear her feast, watch the blood smear her face when you open your eyes back up
But, she doesn’t swallow the bites in her mouth. Instead, part of the animal’s flesh hangs from her mouth, held tight between her teeth
You freeze as she crawls closer. More and more you feel like prey. Will you end up the same as the deer?
No, certainly not
Instead, you watch with wonder and slight disgust as she drops her bite, the tender flesh falling directly into your hands
She nuzzles your stomach again, and again
“I-I can’t eat that”, you whisper
She looks up, her head cocked. You watch as she picks the piece up again and bites a part off. She eats, swallows, then looks back up at you
You understand what she means
“I mean- I- humans, we don’t eat that”, you clarify
She looks puzzled yet again, and you can’t entirely blame her. You’re sure it must be strange to look after a human when she is surrounded by her family, who you’d bet shares her special diet
You close your eyes, your mouth watering at the memory of the smell from earlier. You smelled cake, you smelled grilled vegetables, you smelled cooked meat, you caught the faint scent of toasted bread, even
“The kitchen has human food”, you add when no response comes from her
You yelp when you’re picked up again. Truthfully, you don’t mind in the slightest, as your ankle still aches painfully with every step you attempt to make
Cassandra, as feral as she is in this state, takes good care of you, you notice
Better care of you than the villagers have done
You smile to yourself as you feel her cool skin against you
Perhaps, you can take care of her in return
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