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jacksquib · 6 months ago
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legallypunkin · 1 year ago
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Here’s my rendition of the Homestuck kids as trolls. I used preexisting canon (or postcanon) trollsona sprites as a jumping off point, though for some I couldn’t.
(Here’s the trolls as kids!!)
Design explanations will be under the cut.
Jake English: I chose to make Jake burgundy due to the Hiveswap description. I personally am not too much of a fan of these descriptions, as they really only apply to the main twelve trolls, if even that, but I was otherwise lost on Jake. His socks are indigo to reference the Alternian idea of wearing the blood color of someone you share a quadrant with, especially as a lowblood, to signify that you shouldn't be messed with. His horns are taken from Calliope's trollsona, as Jake is the closest relative to Lord English, and there's probably some symbolism there. As for the name "Jaking Enlish", I simply scrambled his original name a bit to make it fit the 6x6 naming conventions.
Dave Strider: I chose to make Dave gold due to his early shown proficiencies with tech. The horns are taken from his canon trollsona, and them having two starting points before merging into a single horn at the tip is similar to that of a few background Hiveswap trolls. His name is a reference to Davesprite, being a crow.
Roxy Lalonde: She is very connected to cats, even down to her human symbol, so who am I to get rid of that connection? Her horns are meant to look both like cat ears as well as hearts, and her hair was reshaped a bit for a spikier appearance. Her dress is her party dress, and, as seen in Jake's trollsona, Roxy too wears the blood color of someone she is in quadrants with. Her name isn't too much of a change.
Jade Harley: I made Jade jade because I thought it was funny, that is literally it. Her original trollsona was pretty good, and I replaced her god tier fit with a sort of horrid amalgamation of some other fits. Now that we've seen Fiamet with a tail, I figured I could give Jade one as well as ears, and I figure her working in the brooding caverns gives her a much lower likelihood of early culling. She also does breed the frogs, so that's got to be worth something. Her shoes are red because red seems to be one color which numerous trolls of all castes accessorize with, and her name is a combination of - you guessed it - the words "Jade" and "pup", with her last name remaining the same.
John Egbert: John gets to be a tealblood almost entirely due to his father. He's an unassuming guy from the suburbs who does menial officework. This also seems to be the fate of many tealbloods, so boom. Teal John. His horns are similar to those of Xefros, as, again, unassuming protagonist guy. I did give him sharper teeth, though, as burgundy bloods are the only caste with dull teeth, and I also fixed up his hair a bit. His name comes from a combination of "John" and "June" because I am a fan of both, and again, his last name remains the same.
Dirk Strider: The ties between Dirk and Equius are unavoidable, of course Dirk is going to be indigo. His horn is taken from his trollsona. His name is just "Dirk" but fancier and longer.
Rose Lalonde: Violet because of the horrorterrors. Took her original trollsona and gave it piercings because she's simply too goth not to. I also changed up her original dress a bit, made it more vibrant and closer to violet. Her name follows Roxy's pattern, but now with a closed consonant to end it off.
Jane Crocker: If you didn't think I was going to make her fuschia, you don't understand the depths of my autism. Her entire family line is fuschia, what other color COULD I make her?? Her trollsona is so baked into her appearance here, alongside her crockertier form. Still, Jane is butch in my heart of hearts, so she got to wear a suit instead of a dress (taken from Dave's sprites) and her pair of shorts and slippers(?). Her name is taken from her friend's nickname for her, "Janey".
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asktrollstuck · 2 years ago
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The final troll lineup!
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garysprites · 1 year ago
May I have a lime blood Meulin Megido sprite *Damara ways* as a witch of heart with lime streaked hair styled in twin tails with lime heart hairpins if it's okay
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this-user-is-always-bored · 8 months ago
have some panel edits i made to hold myself over while i get through my next piece
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original panels are under the cut
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janekanpseudodaily · 9 months ago
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c-rox-sprites · 3 months ago
can you do a talksprite edit of a latula-ways kurloz pyrope? /nf - doesn't have his mouth sewn, uses makeup [black lipstick and eyeliner] - wavy/curly mullet cut with white under hair and streaks in his bangs - wears a teal windbreaker jacket with a black collar and sleeves. it also has a ribcage in red on the front, which is divided by the zipper if that makes sense? - red shades have kind of a cat-eye shape - red fingerless gloves hope you don't mind super specific details for requests lol. and feel free to add more things by yourself if you'd like! and happy holidays if you celebrate it!
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decided to not add anythin extra bc it feels pretty complete!
-C. Rox.
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cure-typhoon · 1 year ago
i apologize for the wording in that ask lol. using the lalondes as an example again but better hopefully,, kid rose is sent in place of kid roxy and the same with their guardian counterparts. so rose grows up in post apocalyptic fish land with jake, jane, and dirk, while roxy is raised by guardian rose and is friends with john, jade, and dave. you can do this with any player duo like the captors, vantas’s etc but only just them. ur just swapping them around pre and post scratch. ig the question is more what swap would u be most intrigued by :)?
OHH thank you! English is not my first language and i get confused easily! sorry :b
Let's see... I'm assuming they grow up in the alternate universe and didnt just swap places out of nowhere with all their memories and all. Sooo, i think first one would be Feferi and Meenah /The Condesce and Beforus Feferi
It's kinda hard to imagine how some characters would be in different circunstances, as the enviroment is one of the primary things that shapes a person. But I doubt The Condesce/Adult Meenah in Beforus would be the same tyrant she was on Alternia. Meenah has been shown to be cruel (with bullying Damara so extremely that Damara straight up killed her) but also as someone who cares about their friends, like when she starts crying to June about Aranea.
So I think a Condesce rulling Beforus WOULD definitly change the way it is. First I really doubt they would have the Cuddling system the way Beforus Feferi had it, as Meenah literally tried to shape her team to become stronger, in the worst way possible and she ended up failling, but at least that was her plan. So Beforus in the rule of The Condesce would probably start to become like a less hellish Alternia?
But also Meenah was shaped by Beforus Feferi and not wanting to be like her so maybe The Condesce wouldnt have a need to try to make everything harsher? I think she would just be like, Royalty who is worshippped like Gods. Maybe she pulls up fight tournaments from time to time to not get bored and to shape the Trolls to not be ''lame''. This place is probably ridden with lots of inequality, but so was OG Beforus so its not that much of a change.
Basically she would be an uninterested Ruler who is just enjoying the fruits of being basically a Goddess to her people
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Feferi in the place of Meenah HMMM, okey I really doubt the condesce in beforus would try to murder her, so at least she has that (And not taking care of Gl'bgolyb). So for starters Feferi would have like 100% less pressure but I feel she would have a God Complex.
Like OG Feferi where she wanted to help people but was obviously misguided, but here I feel she would straight up be like ''I can never be wrong'' and wants to overthrown the Condesce and kill her even though she Definitly Doesnt Need To Do That. But she is sending a message and telling everyone she is changing shit, well at least that was her OG plan before starting the Game as she found a way to make her Perfect World. She is not happy for the failling. I feel she would become like OG Aranea where she tries to be more relevant, she probably was in cahoots with Aranea in this timeline, besties in crime
She would probably be super studious and involved in everything, to try to become ''The Best Ruler That Beforus Will Ever SEA 38D''
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(ignore that i forgot her horns)
About Beforus Feferi in Alternia
Like I feel she wouldnt try to change things in Alternia after coming to power, like I really doubt she is a fucking Nice ruler considering how Alternia is, but I think she has her doubts of how things are like, with how much unnecesary death there is. I think she would be a harsh and cruel ruler who definitly see's Lowbloods pitfully, but when she listens to the Sufferer's speechs and decides to meet with the him in private to hear his demand, I feel that The Handmaid would frame The Sufferer as if he was trying to murder Beforus Feferi and she would quickly change her mind.
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Meenah in Alternia I really doubt would be having a good time, she would have to be feeding her lusus on her own, threat of murder with her ancestor, and the general Murderland that is Alternia
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I don't think Beforus Feferi left the planet in this case or maybe she is much closer than the OG Condesce, pressuring Meenah to become a fit ruler for Alternia makes Meenah stressed
Like yes The OG Condesce went through similar stuff but i feel that Meenah being younger and also being influenced by her ancestor, her friendgroup, her lusus. She just wants to dip but she CANT with her lusus possibly killing everyone so she is very glad with the game starting soon
Okey this post is getting too long im doing another one later with the other swap!
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tunas-spriting · 2 years ago
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now we have the kids as trolls!!
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serketinewillfulness · 10 months ago
Actually finished my little trollswap meteor murderstuck fic. Working still on finishing my other posted WIP and then I can commit myself wholly to Hellbent. Last chapter concerns Dave.
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obscenicon · 11 months ago
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if homestuck was trolls.....
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catboii · 1 year ago
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legallypunkin · 1 year ago
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And here’s the Homestuck trolls as kids! I hope you all enjoy them. The hair colors follow the trend of prospit = black and derse = white. I also redid Gamzee’s hair because I was not a fan of the original.
(Here’s the kids as trolls!!)
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dear-fictionkin · 2 years ago
smoking mention fyi
dearrrrr mituna ampora, you crazy motherFUCKER. you are such an ass and i mean that as best as i can. i have the urge to just pull you into an affectionate headlock and talk shit about any topic you want. i miss you. i miss your stupid face. i miss doing stupid things with you. i miss your messy hair and your shit eating grin and your awful attempts at convincing people ya smoked. i call and STILL CALL bullshit. let’s play a prank on horuss peixes again when we get the chance
- your best furrend, dumbass and all,
meulin makara
[postage date: May. 2]
OH hi meulin makara here fyi it’s a homestuck one. i kin a trollswap version of meulin leijon sorry I don’t know if I said that or not
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vislove-vislife · 1 year ago
Coughs all over the place
Hey erm I had an incredibly cursed thought while I was at work today. I'm calling this Trollswap Dreamworks Trolls become Homestuck Trolls
Homestuck Trolls become Dramworks Trolls
We're doing the ladder half first because I wanna practice drawing trolls, so I can EVENTUALLY make a trollsona and ocs and stuff
Anyway, here's the first one, you know I had to do the bitch who transcends all fandoms first
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Here's my take of Karkat if he were a Dreamworks Troll. What were the circumstances for him turning grey? Idk I haven't thought that far ahead yet. But it just makes sense.
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shittydrawnsollux · 1 year ago
TT: Why everyone suddenly started doing their own trollsonas.
TT: Is this "trollswap urself" day or something? What did I fucking miss?
- @badlydrawn-halstrider
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TA: where do ii even 2tart. (where do i even start.)
TA: 2iimple2t way two explaiin iit ii2: ma22iive 2peciie22wap. (simplest way to explain it is: massive speciesswap.)
TA: human2 are beiing turned intwo troll2, troll2 iinto human2, and a bunch of other 2hiit two. (humans are being turned into trolls, trolls into humans, and a bunch of other shit too.)
TA: liike the aniimal 2ub2et. no matter your 2peciie2 or iif youre already tran2formed intwo 2omethiing el2e or not, you can get turned iintwo part purrbea2t or barkbea2t apparently. (like the animal subset. no matter your species or if youre already transformed into something else or not, you can get turned into part purrbeast or barkbeast apparently.)
TA: iim the only barkbea2t out here riight now and iit2 been pettiing catpeople hell. (im the only barkbeast out here right now and its been petting catpeople hell.)
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