jeenasikho3 · 2 years
Top CGHS Approved Ayurvedic Clinic in Shastri Nagar Delhi | Jeena Sikho Lifecare
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Shuddhi Ayurveda Clinics is one of the CGHS approved clinic in Delhi. At Shuddhi Ayurveda Clinics, you can get certified Ayurvedic care for every health issue. So whether you’re suffering from kidney failure, liver problem, heart disease, digestive problem, mental illness, low immunity or any other serious illness at Shuddhi Ayurveda Clinics, you can get total care through dietary changes, panchakarma therapies, and ayurvedic remedies. Apart from that, if you’re facing any critical health issues, then you can visit HIIMS, Derabassi. This is the best CGHS Empanelled Hospitals in Delhi for holistic care through Ayurveda, homoeopathy, and naturopathy. Therefore, if you want to lead a healthy life, you can surely visit Shuddhi Ayurveda Clinics in Shastri Nagar Delhi.
ADDRESS - M-118, First Floor, Shastri Nagar new delhi -110052
Phone no. - 7873578735 Visit Us:-https://local.google.com/place?id=2946471927391180728&use=posts&lpsid=CIHM0ogKEICAgIDWncvNaw
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jeenasikho3 · 2 years
Jeena Sikho Lifecare Pvt.Ltd. Shastri Nagar  (ON Panel :- CGHS , DGHS , AYUSHMAN CAPF, RGHS)
Jeena Sikho Lifecare Pvt. Ltd is Empanelled now with CGHS, Ayushman CAPF, DGHS, RGHS, Jeena Sikho Life care is glad to serve medical aid to all the entire armed forces now get best ayurvedic treatment under one roof. Shuddhi Ayurveda Clinics is one of the CGHS approved clinic in Delhi. At Shuddhi Ayurveda Clinics, you can get certified Ayurvedic care for every health issue. So whether you’re suffering from kidney failure, liver problem, heart disease, digestive problem, mental illness, low immunity or any other serious illness at Shuddhi Ayurveda Clinics, you can get total care through dietary changes, panchakarma therapies, and ayurvedic remedies. Apart from that, if you’re facing any critical health issues, then you can visit HIIMS, Derabassi. This is the best CGHS Empanelled clinic in shastri nagar  Delhi for holistic care through Ayurveda. Therefore, if you want to lead a healthy life, you can surely visit Shuddhi Ayurveda Clinics in Shastri Nagar Delhi.
ADDRESS - M-118, First Floor, Shastri Nagar new delhi -110052
Phone no. - 7873578735
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jeenasikho3 · 2 years
- Jeena Sikho Lifecare Pvt.Ltd. ON Panel:- CGHS, DGEHS, AYUSHMAN CAPF, RGHS
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Jeena Sikho Lifecare Pvt. Ltd is Empanelled now with CGHS, Ayushman CAPF, DGHS, RGHS, Jeena Sikho Life care is glad to serve medical aid to all the entire armed forces now get best ayurvedic treatment under one roof.
Jeena Sikho Lifecare Clinics is one of the CGHS approved clinic in Shastri Nagar Delhi. At Shuddhi Ayurveda Clinics, you can get certified Ayurvedic care for every health issue. So whether you’re suffering from kidney failure, liver problem, heart disease, digestive problem, mental illness, low immunity or any other serious illness at Shuddhi Ayurveda Clinics, you can get total care through dietary changes, panchakarma therapies, and ayurvedic remedies. Apart from that, if you’re facing any critical health issues, then you can visit HIIMS, Derabassi. This is the best CGHS Empanelled Hospitals in Paschim Vihar Delhi for holistic care through Ayurveda. Therefore, if you want to lead a healthy life, you can surely visit Shuddhi Ayurveda Clinics in Shastri Nagar Delhi.
Address:- M-118, First Floor, Shastri Nagar Delhi, 110052
Phone No:- 7873578735
Visit Us:-https://local.google.com/place?id=2946471927391180728&use=posts&lpsid=CIHM0ogKEICAgIDWncvNaw
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jeenasikho3 · 2 years
CGHS Empanelled Panchkarma Clinic near me Shastri Nagar | Jeena Sikho Lifecare
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जीना सीखो लाइफ केयर प्राइवेट लिमिटेड लेकर आया है CGHS, DGEHS & AYUSHMAN CAPF कार्ड धारको के लिए कैशलेस सुविधा.
अब होगा गंभीर से गंभीर बीमारी का इलाज 100 साल पुरानी आयुर्वेद पंचकर्म पद्धति द्वारा.
✅ शुगर ✅ बवासीर ✅ किडनी प्रॉब्लम ✅ जोड़ों का दर्द
✅ लिवर प्रॉब्लम ✅ थायराइड ✅ आंखों की रोशनी कम, ✅ रीढ़ की हड्डी
आज ही कॉल करें और अपनी बीमारी से निज़ात पाएं.
पचकर्म से दुरुस्‍त रखें अपना तन-मन
गठिया, लकवा, पेट से जुड़े रोग, साइनस, माइग्रेन, सर्वाइकल स्पॉन्डिलाइटिस, साइटिका, बीपी, डायबीटीज, लिवर संबंधी विकार, जोड़ों का दर्द, आंख और आंत की बीमारियों आदि के लिए पंचकर्म किया जाता है।
आयुर्वेद में तन-मन को दुरुस्त रखने के लिए कई उपाय बताए गए हैं। इनमें से पंचकर्म काफी अहम है। पंचकर्म के उपयोग से कैसे तन-मन की परेशानियों को काफी हद तक कम कर सकते हैं
Visit us https://local.google.com/place?id=2946471927391180728&use=posts&lpsid=CIHM0ogKEICAgIDWndvt6wE
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