#when you both pee a lot so you take turns going to the bathroom after drinking too much tea
neverendingford · 8 months
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kaliforniahigh · 1 month
Fic request idea? You and Noah have happily been together for a few years. Your next anniversary happens while he's on tour so you secretly coordinate a plan with Matt to surprise Noah in whatever city they're in. After you get to the hotel, you look for Noah. You find him outside by the pool area talking to a pretty girl in a bikini. The girl puts her arm around him and takes a selfie. She keeps her hand on him way too long and gets a flirty look on her face. You've seen other fans interact with Noah and are always unbothered but now you've never felt so jealous and sick to your stomach, so you go back to your room. What you didn't see was Noah politely remove the girl's hand and turn her down. After a brief nap, you still feel really sick and emotional (more so than usual) and Noah doesn't know you're there yet so you debate if you should just go home. You can fill in the next parts but include lots of angst, avoiding each other, avoiding calls/texts, reader still feeling sick, talking about that misunderstanding. It all ends with you telling Noah "I'm pregnant".
I love dad omens :((( Thank you the request. I hope you like it! Hopefully I didn't stray too much from what you wanted.
Warnings: pregnancy, vomiting, reader is insecure, jealousy, a little bit of angst, happy ending. I think that's it. Noah is ecstatic about being a dad.
WC: 4k (I haven't proofread this yet!)
Requests are closed for now.
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Eight years was a big milestone. It's been eight years since you've been dating the love of your life. Spending anniversaries apart wasn't anything unsual for you two. Noah was on tour for the most part of the year, and chances are he would be somewhere far away when the day of your anniversary arrived.
This year was no different, he was all the way on the east coast, while you stayed in your California home. But something felt different this time around.
It was no secret you and Noah had a very active sex life, that became even more active whenever he was about to leave for tour. However, you were both very careful every time. He always wore a condom, since you couldn't be on the pill due to health reasons.
A few weeks after he left, you started to feel the first symptoms. At work, you noticed you needed to use the bathroom so frequently, you sworn you were in the bathroom every fifteen minutes to pee.
You felt more tired than usual, almost being late for work a couple of times, since you couldn't open your eyes long enough to get up from the bed.
At first, you thought your immunity might be too low or that you needed to take some vitamins. But when the nausea and vomiting started, it got you more concerned. You decided to check your app to see when was the last time you have gotten your period.
You suspicions were confirmed when you saw that you didn't get your period at all this month. Running to the pharmacy, you thought that buying a pregnancy test was your best option until you could get a consult with your doctor.
While you were cruising the isles, you thought about Noah and how he would feel about this - if the test came out positive. You've been together for a long time, and you've discussed having a family many times over the years. Getting married and having kids were on your agenda, but not for right now.
You were both under 30 and he was so busy with the band, you could see the problem in trying to raise a baby when he was so far away for months on end.
You lived in a different state than the rest of your family, so having a support system here in California would be so difficult. You would be on maternity leave, sure, but at some point you would have to go back to work, and who would take care of your baby then? You didn't want to put them in daycare so early.
Your mind was running with a million thoughts, as you grabbed two Clearblue tests and ran to the checkout line. The cashier noticed your uneasiness and didn't attempt to make any small talk.
Now, you were sat on the toilet as you eyed both tests, gathering the courage to take them, because once you did, the situation would become very real.
You wished Noah was here with you. You didn't care if would freak out or stay calm, you just needed someone to do this with you. You debated calling him, but decided against it. You wouldn't tell him a life-altering information with him on the other side of the country.
You had no other choice, so you took your pants and underwear off to pee on the stick that would probably change your life forever. You watched the countdown on the stick with a bated breath. You looked away, not being able to look at it as it did it's thing.
You gnawed at your nails, biting them and even drawing some blood in the process, legs bouncing incessantly. After a few minutes, you grabbed the test again and looked at the little display.
Tears welled in your eyes as you put the test back on the counter. Crying was the best response you could conjure up right now, so that's what you did. You sat on the bathroom toilet and cried your eyes out, sobs racking through your body as it became difficult for you to breath.
After minutes of this, your body began to feel exhausted and you seemed to be running out of tears. You tried to breath more evenly now, standing up from the toilet, you washed you face and blew your nose. Not being able to do much else with how emotionally exhausted you were, you decided to just go to bed and sleep this off. Tomorrow was Saturday, so you had the whole day to think about this.
You went under the covers and grabbed your phone, looking at some pictures of baby Noah that he has sent you over the years, a little smile playing on your lips at the sight of him so cute and so small.
You wished for your baby to have his eyes, his beautiful voice and kind heart. You wondered if they would have his dark, straight hair or your light and slightly wavy one. You wanted them to inherit his height so you could get them in some kind of sport, maybe basketball or volleyball. Or maybe their dad would teach them how to play an instrument and they would be in a band as well.
Your heart felt a little lighter at all the scenarios you were conjuring up in your mind. Your eyes felt heavy from all the crying and soon you were plugging your phone to charge on the bed side table, cuddling up to Noah's blanket, drifting off to sleep thinking about the little human you were growing inside of you.
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The next day, you texted Matt and started to organize a surprise for Noah on tour. You knew they had a two day break next week, so you would use those days to surprise him and tell the - hopefully good - news.
You spent the week getting your bags ready and the house organized before you left. You even took the time to run to the store and pick up a baby onesie that said "rad like dad" on the front, along with a box for you to put it inside with the pregnancy test you kept.
You thought about scheduling a doctor's appointment before traveling, but you wanted Noah to be there with you, and since tour was wrapping up not too long after you visited, you decided to wait.
Even though you felt like he would be happy with the fact that you were going to have a baby, you still needed to be prepared to talk about your options if needed.
As you sat on the plane, thousands of feet up in the air, you willed the discomfort in your stomach away. You knew that the possibility of you feeling sick on the flight was real, but you would avoid it as much as you could. You rubbed your still flat belly, a silent way to tell your baby to settle down, as you closed your eyes and tried to nap.
The next time you opened your eyes, there was only an hour until you touched down. You coordinated everything with Matt. You had your room you would be staying in to get everything ready for your surprise. It wasn't much, you just planned on leaving the box with the onesie and pregnancy test inside on the bed for him to see when he came into the room.
It was a nice hotel, with a big pool according to what you saw online, and you totally intended on taking advantage of that, soaking in the sun and playing in the water.
After you landed, there was an Uber waiting to take you back to the hotel, Matt assured you they all went out for lunch, so there was no chance of you running into Noah in the middle of the hotel lobby.
Checking in, you took your bags up to your room, taking a few clothes out and hanging them inside the closet. You put your toiletries in the bathroom and took your airplane clothes off in order to take a warm shower and change into some new clothes.
You were drying your hair when your phone pinged with a succesion of text messages.
Noah: Hi, my sweet love. The boys and I went out for lunch and now we're sitting by the pool.
This is the life.
Wish you were here with me. I love you so much.
You smiled the biggest smile of probably the entire week. He had that effect on you every time.
You: Hi, baby! Enjoy the pool for me. Can't wait to see you again! I love you more <3
You replied and decided that a trip downstairs to the pool was in order.
You grabbed the box, onesie and pregnancy test you brought with you and set everything on the bed. You were glad you haven't messed up the bed yet by yanking the covers off, this way everything looked more put together.
You put on your bikini and before you put on one of Noah's shirts over your body, you looked at yourself in the mirror. The thought of having a baby didn't terrify you as much anymore, and you actually pictured yourself sporting a beautiful baby bump, a sign of the love you and Noah shared.
Snapping out of your reverie, you grabbed some sunscreen and your sunglasses and made your way to the pool area. You staked the place out first, trying to sneak up on him.
You saw him in the distance, along with Jolly and Folio. He was taking pictures with a couple of fans and you didn't think much of it, until you observed a little and saw that he seemed awfully comfortable with these barely clothed girls.
You were never jealous, you actually thought the pictures he took with fans were cute most of the time, and he was always respectful, mindful of his hand placement and avoiding getting too close. There were actually a few pictures out there of him doing the hover hand, not wanting to touch another girl's waist.
But this time, not only was his arm wrapped around her middle, his hand was clutching her waist, her body sticking to his, boobs - covered only by the thin cloth of her bikini top - smushed on his chest. You looked at his face for any sign of discomfort, but he was sporting a grin on his lips.
The girl wraps her arm around his torso as the other girl behind the cellphone snaps the picture. As they were separating, she took the opportunity to take his hand in hers, and you saw a look on her face that only another girl would recognize.
It was a look of hunger and she was blatantly flirting with him. His grin never faltered and you were left wondering why in the hell were his hand still holding hers.
You didn't stay to see the rest of their interation, a wave of nausea hitting you and you were sure if you didn't run back to the elevator you would throw up all over the place.
As soon as you entered your hotel room, you barely had the time to close the door behind you and ran to the bathroom, spilling all of the contents in your stomach into the toilet. You threw up until there was nothing left to come out, and you wondered if it was the pregnancy making you feel sick or if it was what you just witnessed.
Either way, you sat on the bathroom floor, all the energy and excitement leaving your body, as well as the confidence you build up about having this baby.
Noah was young, he toured the entire world and met so many new faces. What if one day he decided you weren't enough for him anymore and he needed someone new, someone more exciting. You didn't want to ruin the rest of his life by tying him to you because of your baby. You knew relationships like that always became bitter and hateful.
Your phone buzzed next to you on the bathroom counter and you saw it was a text from Matt.
Matty: We're by the pool. Noah went up to his room, do you want to surprise him there?
You sighed. That was your plan, but it all completely fell apart just minutes ago.
You: I don't feel so good. I think it was the flight.
Matty: I have some medicine in my room, do you want me to drop it off at yours?
You debated on what to tell him. It all felt so painful having to deal with all of this on your own. Maybe talking to someone would do you some good. Matt was always good at giving advice, and he knew Noah as well as you did, maybe he could shine some light in your situation.
You: ok, I need to talk to you, though, it's kind of serious.
Matty: oh shit, I'll be there in 5.
You only had time to brush your teeth before there was a knock on your door. You left the bathroom to answer it and sure enough, Matt was standing on the other side,
"I realized I didn't ask what you were feeling, so I grabbed the whole medicine bag", he held up a bag with a red cross on the front. You could always trust Matt with medicine, he always carried all sorts of things with him.
"It's ok, come on in", you stepped inside and he followed after you. You weren't actually gonna take anything, since you didn't know what you could and couldn't take due to your pregnancy.
"Hmmm", you heard Matt hesitate, before saying "Y/N, am I meant to see this?", you looked over at him and saw him poiting to the surprise on the bed. You have completely forgotten you placed it there before leaving to go to the pool.
"I was about to tell you about that, actually", you sat down on the bed and put your face in your hands.
"This is good, right? We're happy about this?", he questioned as he dragged one of the chairs in the room to sit in front of you.
"We were happy about this, until maybe fifteen minutes ago"
"What happened fifteen minutes ago?", he asked you, noticing the crestfallen look on your face.
"I went down to the pool area to surprise Noah, and I saw him taking pictures with those girls, and I don't know, I felt this monster grow inside of me and I just couldn't take it", you gave him the short version.
"Those girls were very pushy. What did you see?"
"I saw him very happy to be touching the body of a woman who is almost half naked beside him. His face wasn't exactly sad", you rolled your eyes, the images flashing back in your mind.
"Y/N, you only saw half of it, I swear that is not what happened", he told you and you gave him a look for him to keep going. "Ok, so we were sitting on the chairs by the pool, when these two girls approached us and asked for pictures. We said ok, because this happens all the time. They took pictures with everyone and Noah was the last one. He was standing next to her, both of his arms were placed in front of him, and he wasn't touching her at all", he really looked at you when saying this, and you nodded to show him you understood.
"But I guess she wasn't good with that, she grabbed his hand out of nowhere, and forcefully placed it on her waist. He was so shocked, he didn't know what to do. Her friend snapped the first picture and I guess she wasn't happy with that either, because she told him he needed to smile. So she told her friend to take another one. He didn't even share a word with her, because he honestly didn't know what to say or how to act in that situation"
You thought of every other fan interation you've seen him have. He was an introvert and sometimes didn't know how to react to things, specially when fans are involved. You suddently felt angry, not at him, but at the girl coming at him like that.
Was she even a fan? Or did she only want a picture to boast about meeting Noah? And the nerve she had, telling him to smile?
"He went up to his room after the interation, he was very overwhelmed", Matt finished his explanation.
"He must be feeling so bad", you thought out loud.
"He was just uncomfortable, you know how he is about his privacy and personal space", he observed.
"I know. I feel so bad for jumping to conclusions", you sighed out loud.
"Hey, don't feel sorry. You have a whole other thing going on here", he pointed to the pregnancy test.
"About that, I might need your help once again", you told him, a little nervous tilt on your voice.
"Sure, just tell me what to do"
So you told him to text Noah, telling him to come to room 305 - your room - and meet him there.
Matt left with a hug and a good luck, and you paced around the room, thinking about how these next minutes would play out.
A knock on the door came not too long after, you looked in the mirror, realizing you haven't changed out of Noah's shirt from earlier. But you hurried to answer the door anyways.
"Did you change your...", his voice trailed as soon as he saw you standing on the other side of the door. Jaw going slack and eyes widening in surprise.
"Surprise?", you said, opening your arms for him.
"Are you real?" he said in disbelief.
"Hug me and find out", it took him a few seconds for him to snap into action, crashing into your arms and hugging you tight.
"I can't believe you're here, oh my god", he said, hands roaming everywhere and touching every piece of you he could. You parted for a second and looked him in the eye.
"Yeah, I am", you giggled at little at his shocked expression.
"How did you do this?" he asked, taking your face in his hands. Neither one of you caring you were still standing on your door.
"I had a little help from Matt"
"Remind me to thank him later", he gave you a peck on the lips, both of you smiling into the kiss. "Get in that room, I have nothing to do for the rest of the day"
You stopped him from trying to walk you backward into the room.
"I actually have a surprise for you. I need you to close your eyes", you told him, a sheepish look taking over your face.
"Hmm, a surprise? I love that", he wiggled his eyebrows. You laughed and slapped him lightly in the chest.
"It's nothing like that, silly. Now close your eyes", he did as he was told, a smile still lingering on his face. You closed the door behind you and led him to stand in front of the bed.
You stood to his side, wanting to see his every reaction to this information, as you told him to open his eyes.
A million thoughts raced on his head, the first thing he saw was the onesie, "rad like dad" written on it, next was the pregnancy test and he has to lean a little closer to read "pregnant" written on the little display.
"You're pregnant?", he asked, looking at you. His mouth was agape and his eyes were even wider than before.
"We're having a baby?"
His hand flew to his mouth, attempting to cover his shocked expression, muttering "oh my god" to himself over and over again. You wouldn't lie, you were starting to freak out a little bit. A few seconds passed before something snapped in him. He gathered you up in his arms, your feet almost lifting from the floor.
"I'm going to be a dad? You're gonna make me a dad?" he asked, face buried in your hair.
"Yeah, you're gonna be a dad", you said, stroking his hair. His body shook a little and you could tell he was crying. You let him have his moment, so you just hugged him and stroked his hair softly. After a few minutes, he parted from you, with eyes glossy and cheeks wet with tears, but his smile was so big, it could light up a whole room.
"You make me the happiest man on this planet, I can't even believe this is real", he still held you close to his body. You suddently felt crazy for ever overthinking this.
"I'm not gonna lie, I was pretty nervous when I found out", you admitted, his smile fell a little at this.
"I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you. I can imagine finding out you're pregnant by yourself was pretty scary", his hand stroked your cheeks.
"It's ok, you're here now, that's all that matters"
"Take your shirt off", he told you, taking hold of the bottom of your - his - shirt.
"Noah, I don't know about this. I haven't been to a doctor's appointment yet" you said, unsure if you should be doing this.
"I don't mean it like that. Just take your shirt off, please?", you did like he wanted, as he kneeled in front of you.
He splayed both of his hands on your belly and started talking to your baby.
"Hi, sweet girl, this is your dada", he started, and you could die happily in this moment. "I'm so excited to meet you, but it's gonna take a while until we get to do that. Until then, you'll stay warm and healthy in your mommy's belly", he tapped your belly twice to get his point across. Tears welled in your eyes at the sight before you. You have everything you could have possibly wanted in the world.
"Daddy loves you so much already, you're going to be a spoiled little girl when you come to the other side. And you're gonna have the most amazing and beautiful mommy in the world", he looked up at you, to see tears streaming down your face. He got up to kiss them away. "How do you feel about getting married with a baby bump?", he asked you, and you sobbed even harder.
"It sounds really nice", you crashed on his arms, and he moved the both of you to lay on the bed, carefully placing the onesie and pregnancy test on the bed side table.
He cuddled you closer, hand stroking your belly nonstop, a habit he would develop during your pregancy, along with talking and singing to your bump. When you calmed down a little, he got up to turn off the lights and grab the remote, turning the TV on and getting back on the bed, pulling the cover over the both of you.
"Thank you for being the most amazing man on the planet. I honestly wouldn't know what to do without you", you told him, he thanked you with a kiss on the lips.
"The band is taking a break after this tour, and there is no questioning about it. I wanna be there for you through everything. I wanna help decorate her nursery and go to every doctor's appointment", he told with determination.
"You keeping calling the baby a girl", you giggled as you pointed it out.
"I just know it's a girl", he started to draw swirls with his finger over your belly.
"Well, she's gonna be the biggest daddy's girl", you laid your head down on his chest, his soothing movements making you sleepy.
"Damn right she is"
You were about to fall asleep when you felt his body tighten underneath you.
"Oh my god, baby, I had the weirdest fan interation today, I need to tell you about it", you could hear the frustration and annoyance in his voice. You laughed at it.
"Tell me all about it"
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ilwonuu · 8 months
hi! can u req a joshua fluff (with smut haha) in which shua will surprise wife!y/n on her bday but y/n has bigger news (🤰).. thank u 🩷🩵
omg yes!! i love this idea sm!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR REQUEST💖💖
▸ ִֶָ ⊹all for you. h. jisoo
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summary- your husband wants to make your birthday the most memorable birthday you have ever had. he surprises you with a beautiful date night. but you have a bigger surprise;)
warnings- fluff with plot, smut with plot, lots of love (ew), pregnancy sex, unprotected sex, pet names(honey, my love, reader calls joshua shua a lot), dirty talk, oral fem receiving, breeding kink kinda???, creampie, lots and lots of affection, hoshi is mentioned a few times, happy marriage, lmk if i missed anything 😘
authors note- i made this way longer than i intended it to be bc i kinda got carried away. i hope there isn’t too many typos since i haven’t proof read it yet and stuff anyways thank you for reading<3
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joshua always would go all out for your birthday. he would do anything he can do make sure you had the best day ever. you never had any worries about your birthday but this one was a little different. you had something important to talk to him about. it was that you guys are going to be parents. you know he will be happy with the news but there is a voice in the back of your head saying that this might ruin your birthday. you love your husband and he loves you but we’re you guys ready to have a baby?
you roll out of bed around 10 am seeing your husband is nowhere to be found in the bedroom. making your way to your bathroom to wash up. “shua?? where are you?” you yell loud enough for him to hear from the bathroom. “honey im in the kitchen! im making you breakfast in bed so go lay back down.” he says shouting back. you smile at his words complying with what he asked you to do. getting back into your shared comfy bed.
joshua comes into not to late after you do with a plate of pancakes, bacon,fruit, and your favorite coffee he makes for you. “happy birthday my beautiful wife. you deserve the world.” he says setting your food down on the table next to you bending down to pull you into a sweet kiss. “thank you shua. i really appreciate you.” you smile at him and grab your food. “and i love you so much. i have so many things planned for you today. you feeling up to it?” he asks sitting next to you on your bed. you nod eating your food. “i love you too.”
he kisses your cheek and steals a piece of your bacon. “can i have this?” he asks taking a bite. “shua you’re already eating it.” you laugh at him taking another bite of your pancakes. “i did good on this bacon. it tastes so good.” he smiles at you and kisses your face all over. “okay my love i was thinking we could go shopping a little bit and then we can come back and watch a movie then i can make you dinner. or we can go out to eat. whatever you would like honey.” he says giving sweet kisses against your neck. “mm that sounds so nice shua. you are too sweet to me.” you finish your food turning to pull him into a hug. “you deserve it beautiful. wanna go back to sleep for a little longer or should we start getting ready?” you get under the covers. “definitely more sleep.” you say pulling him to cuddle you. “of course honey. rest all you want we can get up when you want.” he say kissing you before closing his eyes nuzzling his face into your neck. you two both falling asleep tangled in eachothers arms.
you wake up a few hours later shifting slightly seeing a still asleep joshua. kissing his forehead slightly before heading to the bathroom. quickly peeing before coming back into your bed room. “mm honey are you ready to get up?” he says still with his eyes closed. “yes i am if you are shua.” he finally opens his eyes stretching slightly smiling at you. “okay honey we can shower real quick then we can leave to do your shopping.” you nod making your way to the bathroom with him slowly following behind you. shutting the door after you both. “come here my love.” he says pulling you into a hug kissing you softly. “you look so beautiful today honey. i can never get bored of looking at you.” he kisses down your jaw making his way down your neck. “mm shua that was cheesy.” you laugh moving your head a little so he can have a better angle. “you love it tho.” he lifts you to sit on the sink smiling at you while he pulls off his shirt. “you smell so good. i bet you’ll taste even better.” he smiles pecking your lips again. “can i?” he asks rubbing your thigh slightly. “hm can you what shua?” he laughs. “can i eat you out? i really want to make you feel good. then we can take a shower hm??” you nod slowly.
he smiles at you before kneeling in front on you slowly pulling your shorts and panties down in one quick movement. “my love you’re soaking. what have you been thinking about?” he looks up at you kissing your inner thighs. “y-you. i want you shua pl-“ he cuts you off by licking a long stripe up your slit humming against you. causing you hands to immediately go to his hair. “o-oh shua feels so good.” he smirks against you slowly inserting his tongue inside of you fucking it into you slightly. you tug on his hair slightly rougher this time throwing your head back in pleasure. “holy shit shua. p-please don’t stop.” and he doesn’t he continues his movements looking up at you through his eyelashes. slowly bringing his finger up to rub your clit. he is moaning into your pussy sending tingles down your spine. he is lost in eating you out. his face now having your arousal all over it.
his dick is now rock hard in his shorts as he watches your face change more and more with the pleasure he is giving you. “shua im gonna c-cum!” he continues watching you rubbing your clit faster feeling you clench around his tongue. you immediately release on his tongue moaning his name. he licks up all you cum before standing up and smiling at you. “i can never get enough of that my love. you taste amazing.” you still trying to catch your breath before moving to stand up. he pulls you into a sweet kiss. “see? you are so sweet.” he kisses your cheek. “lets shower hm?” he smiles before pulling both of your clothes off starting the water for the shower.
“shua i’m all ready to go!” you say making your way to your living room where he is waiting. he smiles at you. “you look beautiful honey. lets go.” he grabs your hand leading you guys out of the house and to his car.
the car ride to the mall was filled with you two singing the music that you wanted to play. “okay we have arrived!! lets go in.” he smiles getting out of your car making his way to your side to let you out. “my love.” he smiles grabbing your hand. “my shua.” you say laughing. “what store do you want to go in first?” he says as you two are hand and hand making your way into the mall.
what you didn’t know is that joshua had a surprise for you. he has asked the guys to help set up your house for the perfect movie and dinner night. and thats why he had you guys leave a little early to go shopping. joshua is somewhat nervous something will go wrong. causing him to be paranoid sending soonyoung a text.
joshua- are you guys almost done? y/n is getting tired of shopping she wants to come home soon.
soonyoung- yes! we have a few more things to do for your room like you asked and then we’ll be leaving.
joshua- oh thank god. thank you thank you. i appreciate you guys helping i owe you.
soonyoung- no problem. we love y/n she deserves a good day!!
joshua- love u😘
soonyoung- love u too 😨
soonyoung- tell me how she likes it!!!
“joshua? who are you texting?” you say smiling at him and his focused expression. “just soonyoung. him and the guys say happy birthday.” you make a sweet expression. “aw thats sweet. tell them i say thank you and that i love them.” “will do my love.” he smiles putting his phone away. “okay i’m thinking one more store then we can leave okay honey?” he says smiling before walking into another store with you.
soonyoung- we just finished! good luck bro tell me how it goes
“okay my love you ready to go?” you nod quickly. “please my feet hurt.” you say laughing as he puts you on his back running to the car. “joshua im heavy you better not drop me!” he laughs at you. “first of all you are nowhere near heavy and i would never drop my beautiful wife okay?” you roll your eyes at him. “you’re being so cheesy today.” he puts you down as you make it to the car. “once again i know you love it.” you scoff looking away from him. “okay maybe a little bit. but only a little!!” you say as he opens your car door for you. “come on my love lets get you home.” he says quickly starting the car to head back to your house.
you two arrive back noticing his mood changing slightly to a more nervous one. “you okay shua?” he smiles at you. “of course i just want you to have a good day.” “shua i am having the best day ever. you are treating me so well do not worry.” you rub his back. “i always worry because you deserve the best y/n.” “you are the best shua. you are the sweetest person i could ask for. you never have to worry you always make me feel so special.” you pull him into a kiss. “come on love lets go inside.” you say getting out the car following him into your house.
you walk into your home seeing all the rose pedals and candles lit. “joshua you didn’t have to do all this.” you look at him lovingly feeling him pull you in to hug him. “i know honey but like i said you deserve the best. i asked the guys to help with the decorations. do you like it?” he asks rubbing your back softly. “i love it joshie thank you.” he smiles. “okay my love have you decided if you wanna go out to dinner or have me cook?” “mm i don’t really feel like leaving again i would rather stay and have you cook for me if thats okay.” he kisses you sweetly. “of course my love. you hungry now or do you want to wait?” you think for a second. “i’m a little bit hungry now.” he nods kissing your forehead before making his way into the kitchen. “okay well you get comfortable i will start on dinner okay?” you nod smiling at him making your way to the couch.
you loved joshua. he is the best husband you could ever ask for. he was always this sweet. when you guys first started dating he was embarrassed about how much he would do for you. he would go out of his way to see you even when he barely had the time. joshua loved you and he had no doubt that he was gonna spend the rest of his life with you. when he asked you to marry him you were shocked but relieved that he felt the same way about how strong your love is. you had nothing to worry about with him. now you’re feeling a little uneasy. what if he isn’t ready to have kids with you? he knows that you guys have unprotected sex all the time. but sometimes he just doesn’t want to pull out. it was bound to happen right? how do you go about tell him? before dinner? after dinner? tomorrow? you’re all over the place. you took the pregnancy test just a couple of days ago. but last night you took another just to be sure and as they all said you were pregnant.
you turn on your tv pulling you away from your thoughts for a moment putting on a rom com for you and joshua to watch when he is done cooking. you get lost in the movie as you wait for the food to be done. “my love dinner is served.” he says bringing over a steak dinner he prepared. “shua it smells so good. thank you so much.” you smile at him as he sits down with his food next to you. “of course honey you know i’d do anything for you.” he kisses your forehead again before both of you begin to eat. you finish your food rather fast causing joshua to laugh. “you really were hungry hm my love.” he smiles finishing up his food shortly after. you nod moving closer to him.
“what do you want to do now my love? want to watch another movie? want a massage? i can make love to you. the choice is yours.” you shake your head. “actually um..i need to tell you something.” he shifts to look at you. “oh really? whats up my love you look nervous.”
you don’t look back at him. trying to figure out how to tell him. “um well uh i went the store the other night right and i grabbed a few things.” he nods showing you that he is listening to you closely. “u-uh so well i got a few pregnancy tests just to have them. and i took the tests just because i wanted to see what it would say. um joshua i’m pregnant.” he doesn’t take his eyes off you. not know what to say right away. “are you serious? we’re gonna have a baby?” he says immediately holding your stomach looking at you so happily. you nod tearing up slightly. “we’re gonna be parents.” you smile now crying a little bit. “oh my god??? we’re gonna be parents. you’re gonna be a mom! im gonna be a dad??” he pulls you into a kiss. “i love you so much. i cannot believe this. im so happy y/n. i wouldn’t want to experience this with anyone else.” he rubs your stomach softly. “you are gonna be the most gorgeous mommy.” he kisses you and pulls you onto his lap. “i was so nervous to tell you all day. i was scared you were gonna leave me or something when i told you.”
he shakes his head “my love you know i would never leave you in a million years. you’re stuck with me forever.” he kisses you deeply rubbing your side slightly. you start to grind your hips down onto him moaning slightly. “is making love to me still on the table?” you ask smirking slightly. “of course honey whatever you want i will give to you.” he pulls you into another kiss. this one seeming more desperate and rough causing you to moan slightly into the kiss. “mm lets go up to the bedroom so i can do this properly.” he lifts you up and takes you to the room. he lays you down on the bed gently climbing over you. “i can’t wait to see you with your baby bump. you’re gorgeous now but i know im gonna fall even deeper in love with you.” he says causing you to tear up again. “j-jesus joshua you’re gonna make me cry.” he wipes the tear that escapes your eye and kisses you cheek. “don’t cry my love. i mean what i said. you are everything to me. let me show you how much you mean to me.”
he slowly takes off both of your clothing. he trails kisses down your body making you whimper quietly. “mm honey i want to hear you okay? don’t hide from me. you sound so beautiful.” he says before kissing around your neck and chest.
“let me finger you so i don’t hurt you m’kay?” slowly gliding his finger over your slit.
joshua wasn’t huge but he was not anything close to small. you will never get used to how big his dick in no matter how many times you guys have had sex.
he slowly inserts a finger into you moaning as he feels how wet you are. “my pretty pretty girl. you look so gorgeous like this. i wanna look at you forever.”
you moan as he slides another finger into you gently as he kisses your nose. “mm shua please more. it feels so g-good.” your eyes rolling to the back of your head. he complies sliding a third finger into you kissing up your body again. “yea my love? you gonna make a mess on my fingers? do it honey i want you to make a mess for me. can you do that pretty?” he smiles moving some of your hair out of your face. you nod as he curls his fingers deeper inside you. hitting the spot you need him at most over and over. “s-shua i’m gonna cum.” he nods “yea honey? cum for me. i want to taste all of it my love.” he pulls you into a kiss slowly slipping his tongue into your mouth. that brought you over the edge. you clench around his fingers pulling away from the kiss releasing a loud moan. “mm thats it pretty. fuck you’re doing so well.” you immediately cum after hearing those words. he continues to fuck his fingers into you having you ride out your high.
pulling his fingers out shortly after to pull them up to his mouth and suck on them licking them clean. “you taste so fucking good every time. i could eat your cum for every meal if you’d let me.” you laugh at him slightly. “mm i could do the same for you.” he smiles slighting rubbing his dick along your folds. “you ready my pretty girl?”
you nod quickly looking down at where he is rubbing you. seeing he immediately starts pushing in slowly. his head is thrown back and his head is already sweaty causing hair to stick to his forehead. “fuck you are so tight still my love.” he watches you face as your fucked out expression turns into a more fucked out expression. he pushes in all the way bottoming out not beginning to move yet so you can adjust. “you okay honey? you’re taking me so well. “ he doesn’t take his eyes off of you and where you two are connected. “i-i’m okay shua. you can move.” he smiles before pulling out and slowly pushing back in causing him to release a few grunts. “s-shit you’re always so tight. i’m sorry baby im gonna cum so quick.” you just moan as you feel him thrust deeper inside of you.
“you’re so wet my love im sliding right in.” he says with his mouth falling open as he watches how he fucks you. sex has filled the room. the sound of your wetness, skin slapping, your high pitched moans, and joshuas deep grunts. “s-shua harder please.” he doesn’t say another word grabbing your hands and pinning them above your head fucking you deeper and harder. “like this?” he says cursing under his breath again. “y-yes fuck! oh my god you’re so deep shua i cant.” he groans again leaving more kisses on your body.
“you’re taking me so well my love. pretty pussy, pretty girl, everything about you is so. fucking. pretty.” he punctuates the words with a harder thrust each time.
“i’m c-close shua!” he moves his other hand down to open your legs wider. “shit honey me too im gonna fill you up. you want that? want me to fuck another baby into you?” you nod dumbly not being able to respond at this point. “you gonna cum pretty? i feel you clenching around me. feels so fucking good.” he throws his head back again feeling you release your juices onto his dick. “fuck yes my love. cum on my dick. make a mess all for me.” his dick twitches at his own words as he cums deep inside you.
fucking into you slowly as he calms down from his high. he pulls out a little after watching as his cum mixed with yours flows onto the bed. “look at you my pretty mess. fuck honey. you did so well for me.” you nod at him and sit up slightly feeling more cum drip out of you. “let me get something to clean you up my love.” he gets up pulling on his shorts heading into the bathroom to grab a rag. he wets it with warm water before making his way back into your room cleaning you up gently.
“you okay honey?” you hum. “never been better.” he finishes cleaning you up and grabs you a new pair of clothes handing it to you. “here you go honey let me change the sheets then we can lay down.
you didn’t realize that you fell asleep after you guys got back into bed after cleaning up. you wake up to see your lovely husband laying next to you. talking on the phone to who you assume is to be soonyoung or seokmin. “yea shes sleeping right now when she wakes- oh shes awake one second.” h shifts to you. “im so sorry honey did i wake you up? you were sleeping so peacefully.” you shake your head and smile. “its okay shua don’t worry.” he nods before pulling his phone from his ear putting it on speaker.
“soonyoung she can hear you say hello.” he says looking at you. “hi y/n!! happy birthday i hope you liked the decorations.” you smiled “yes i loved it so much. thank you guys for helping shua do that for me it means a lot.”
“no problem at all y/n we love you more than we love joshua!” you laugh slightly as you see your husband roll your eyes. “oh soonyoung i can tell you our news now that shes awake i didn’t want to tell you without her.” he is all smiley now excited to tell him what is gonna be in the next chapter of your life. “okay tell me!! are you guys moving into a new house?? what hurry up!!!” soonyoung says causing you both to laugh. “you want to tell him honey?” he says grabbing a hold of your hand. “yea. well you’re about to be uncle soonyoungie!” the line is silent for a second and then there is a loud scream. “Y/N YOURE PREGNANT OH MY GOD.”
“yes we are having a baby.” you smile at joshua to see that he is already looking at you with so much love in his eyes. “that is amazing you guys. im so happy for you. we need to throw a baby shower! got to go i need to start planning this!” he hangs up making you and joshua laugh at him again. he pulls you into his arms. “i love you so much. can’t wait to see you be the best mom ever.” he kisses you deeply not letting go of you for the rest of the night.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 9 months
christmas stocking
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words: 1.3k
warnings: established relationship, reader has really good relationship with parents, implied bad family situation for rafe, christmas celebrations
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @thelomlisrafecameron @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @winterrrnight @drudyslut @drewsbaby @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog
“hey momma.” you say with a smile as you answer the phone, clicking it to speaker so you continue to work. 
“hi baby girl!” your moms voice rings out through the speaker. “did you figure out what time you're leaving?”
“looks like tomorrow at 10 am, then we should be to yours by dinner.” you hum, glancing at the clock while continuing to pack up. “oh, change of plans by the way. rafe is coming with me.” 
“oh yay!” your mom squeals. she only met rafe once when she came to visit you in the outer banks at your new house, but it was so early on in your relationship that she didn't really get to know him well, and things are a lot more serious now. “i can't wait to have my babies home for christmas.”
“does that mean andrew will be able to make it?” you ask, inquiring about your brother.
“they'll be here, but leaving the day after christmas for his wife's family.” 
“okay, that sounds good. itll be nice to have the four of us back together, plus rafe and diana.” you hum. ever since your brother went away for college when he turned 18, and you left two short years after to move to the outer banks, it was hard to get the whole family together, even for the holidays. you spent the last two christmases in the outer banks, one spent alone in your new house, the other with the camerons.
you were shocked by how different their christmas was than what you were used to. it was cold and devoid of any traditions besides what was seemingly forced on the kids of the family. you ultimately had a good time with rafe, but you missed the familiarity and fun that you had with your family. 
rafe was originally going to stay in the outer banks, not wanting to intrude on your family, but you finally convinced him last night that everyone would be happy to have him.
“okay so tell me about what i can get for rafe.” your mom says, and you just know she's bent over the counter with a notepad and pen in hand, not wanting rafe to be left out of opening presents.
“ready to go rafey?” you ask, looking at the back of the car, trunk filled with your suitcases, while the back seat has already wrapped presents, both for your family and ones for rafe, as well as his for you.
“i am. last chance to say if you forgot something.”
“nope.” you shake your head, “ive gone over my checklist three different times.”
“alright, off to your parents then.” rafe says, leaning over and pressing a kiss to your lips before taking off down the road.
“can we stop? i gotta pee.” you say, looking at the sign for an upcoming rest stop.
“again?” rafe sighs, but there's a small smile gracing his features as he turns the indicator on, pulling off to the road stop.
you hop out of the car, but rafe follows right behind you, not letting you go in by yourself, always extra cautious when you're out in public, especially away from the outer banks. 
“gonna get us snacks.” rafe says, keeping his eye on you as you head into the bathroom, only turning to the vending machines when you disappear behind the tile wall. 
“hey baby.” rafe says softly, stroking over your thigh to wake you up. “we're almost there.”
you stretch with a yawn, rubbing at your tired eyes. you blink them open, realizing the roads are now familiar, about to pull off the highway at your home town exit.
“thanks for driving, rafey.” you say, leaning over the center console to give him a kiss on the cheek. you clean up the car a bit while he finishes the drive, gathering up the wrappers of the chips and snacks and shoving them into a bag to throw away later.
“im so excited.” you say as rafe turns down your road, and your parents house comes into view.
“i can’t wait to get to know them.” rafe says, pulling into the driveway. you can’t help the squeal you let out in excitement as you rush out as soon as the car is in park, briefly turning your head to make sure rafe is following you as you step onto the porch, not bothering to know before flinging open the door, knowing that your parents are no doubt waiting right inside for you.
“mom! dad!” you shout, jumping into their arms as they swallow you into a comforting hug. you press a kiss to both of their cheeks before turning to rafe.
“i brought these for you.” rafe sticks forward his hand, in it a bouquet of flowers, presenting them to your mother.
“oh, rafe, darling you shouldn’t have.” your mom coos, pulling rafe into a hug before rushing into the kitchen to place the flowers into a vase. rafe gives your dad a firm handshake before offering to help carry in your bags.
you smile and look out the door as they chat casually, happy that rafe seems to be fitting in instantly.
“its just so different.” rafe says softly, stroking his hand absentmindedly over your back as you’re curled up next to him on the couch.
“what do you mean?” you hum, pressing your lips against his shoulder, even though you can guess what he’s talking about.
“your family is just so… easy going. and you all get along so well.” rafe says, looking around the living room at your parents sharing a couch, and your brother and his wife sitting in matching armchairs, all chatting happily amongst themselves.
“im lucky to have such an amazing family.” you say, looking to rafe. “and that you’re a part of it.” “i dont want to intrude though, baby. so if you have any traditions you want to be just amongst your-” “shh.” you cut rafe off, a smile on your face. “we all want you here. my mom was so excited when i told her you were coming. you love me right?” you ask, which rafe of course nods. “and we are planning to be together forever right? so of course my family is going to want you around, to include you in our traditions.” “sorry, dears, i couldn't help but overhear.” your mom says with a slightly blush to her cheeks. “forgive me for eavesdropping, but i actually have a gift for you rafe.”
rafe begins to say that he doesn’t need any gifts, but your mom cuts him off with a quick stern look, one he’s seen in you many times.
your mom returns to the room with a small wrapped box in her hands.
“thank you.” rafe says sincerely, setting the box on his lap. you smile, already knowing what is inside, seeing it before when andrew first brought diana to christmas celebrations.
rafe opens the box carefully, attempting not to rip the paper and make a mess, aware of the eyes on him.
“a christmas stocking.” rafe says with a smile as he pulls it out. you wait for him to notice, and you can tell from his body language the second his eyes read over his own name, hand stitched by your mother, signifying rafes place in the family. he tenses for a second before melting completely, body slumping against yours.
you wrap your arms around rafe, knowing this is an emotional moment for him, his moment where he realizes how loved and accepted he is.
“we are so happy you’re a part of our family, rafe.” your mom says, accepting his hug when he stands to embrace her and thank her for the gift, looking to the mantelpiece with all of the family stockings hanging, where his will soon join.
your dad strikes up a conversation with andrew, and you know its to take some of the pressure and attention off rafe as he ducks his head into your neck, pressing soft kisses to the skin there.
“i told you you wouldn’t be intruding.” you whisper, running your fingers through his hair.
“yeah, yeah.” rafe says sarcastically. “you’re right.” you give him a look, before he concedes with a nod. “as always.”
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leclsrc · 1 year
3k celeb toimeee ~_~ darting eyes with pregnant reader and best friends lily and alex please? love u mother
guessing game – ...?
Your two closest friends scramble to guess who got you knocked up.
auds here... hi love u didnt specify who u want the baby daddy to be... so i spun it into something of the sort bahaha
Alex finds the plastic positive test first, on the floor of his bathroom. On instinct, he literally screams for Lily, who rushes over to him and tells him it’s not hers, and for a minute Alex thinks oh Christ, is it mine? It’s only after Lily slaps his shoulder that they begin thinking of who might own it, thinking it’d really only belong to the only other person they love enough to let pee in their flat.
In a flurry of panic, they ransack the place trying to find you (it’s a three bedroom, so not too much ransacking is done, really) and eventually find peace when they peek into the rooftop deck and find you watching the overcast, dreary city with a blank expression on your face. You turn when you hear their footsteps on the cement, features softening instantly.
“You freaked us out,” Lily says, but she’s hugging you tight. “Alex saw it.”
“I thought it was mine for a second,” he says, earning himself another light shove. You laugh, but it doesn’t really hold with your anxiety, your anticipation, your nerves. You know, you can feel their burning questions creeping up on you, but they hold back for your sake.
“Are you okay?” Alex adds, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. You sigh, shrugging.
“Sure. I’m keeping it, I guess. I’m just nervous. I haven’t even told the d—” Your voice hitches into silence, and you purse your lips. “Yeah.”
You can tell they’re absolutely dying to ask you who it is, but you don’t want to speak it aloud.
It’s just because when you do, it’ll feel so much more real. So real, so damning, once there’s a name to the mysterious figure, once they know who he is. But they’re your best friends, and just based on their eyebrows furrowing and eyes darting millimeter to millimeter, you can pick up on their inner monologues, their musings, and the theories they will no doubt share to one another over dinner or beer when you’re gone.
“Paul.” Lily says, tossing the stuffed bear to her boyfriend. He takes it and holds it, humming contemplatively. “Alex, it’s him. That’s the last guy she slept with, like, four weeks ago. And they did it twice I think.”
“Yeaaaaah, but. Yeesh. Paul?” He grimaces, face souring as if he’d just eaten a lemon wedge. “He was ugly.”
She laughs. “Then it means our best friend is going to have an ugly baby. Throw me the bear.”
“Oh—aha! Ahhh-ha! It can’t be Paul, she was in California last month, remember?! She had that whole work thing. And he was in Europe. Can’t make a baby over Skype, now can you.” He pumps his eyebrows and throws the bear, satisfied with his rebuttal as he watches his girlfriend stutter for her own. 
“Maybe she had a one night stand with someone in California?” Lily hums. “Did you know anyone who was there last month?”
She pouts to herself, deep in thought. She’s worried for you, above all, but she can’t knock the curiosity out of herself. It seems weird that neither she or her boyfriend are even remotely able to pinpoint the guy’s identity at once, mostly because they both know you so well. Lily especially, because you’re not in the business of spilling hookup secrets to Alex (he gets wind of it via Lily instead), and she had herself convinced she’d heard almost all of it.
“No, I didn’t see anything. Lots of drivers were on off-time last month, so it was all personal trips. But if she got knocked up a bit before L.A., she did go to that gala where a few drivers were hanging out, too.” He makes grabby hands for the bear, but Lily holds it out of reach, still confused and lost in thought.
She was so sure it was Paul—he was the only guy you told her about over the last few months. Sure, there were flings, but they were terribly short-lived, and that was only because you’re not one to date for a while. “The timeline doesn’t add up, but. Okay, who was there?”
“Um. Charles, and Carlos.”
“So it might be them.”
“Yeah, but slim chance.”
Grumbling, she tosses the bear back. “You win,” she sighs. “We’ll see. I’m totally blanking.”
“So am I,” Alex responds, evidently bummed.
Yuki hosts birthday dinner with the people on the grid he can “tolerate,” he said, which of course started with Pierre and Nyck, seated on either side of the celebrant. Plus ones are allowed, so Alex brought Lily, too, and Yuki loves you too much to discount you from the guest list, so the three of you are sitting next to each other. Charles, and Lando occupy the last two seats.
“Remember that gala you went to last month?” Lily asks in faux-nonchalance.
“Oh, yeah. Carlos and I had way too much vodka that time, like jeeez.” You make a face of disgust.
Alex squeezes Lily’s hand so hard she has to contain a squeal. They’ve got you pinned.
An hour into the dinner, your eyes begin to dart back and forth, breaths leaving you in quiet little huffs, which is your easiest tell—you’re nervous. Anticipatory. Bumbling. Sometime after the collective effort of teaching Pierre how to use chopsticks and watching the wooden utensil fly away and into the restaurant’s open aquarium, you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom.
Immediately, your departure sends Alex and Lily into sleuth mode again. 
She extracts a pen from her purse and clicks it a few times, reviewing the facts. One, you haven’t told the dad yet, you said, which means there’s no awkward air between the two of you. Two, it’s someone on the paddock, or someone friends with someone on the paddock (the only clue you told them, and a really useless one considering how big social circles run in racing).
Its Carlos? she writes on a napkin, passing it to Alex.
DUNNO…. Maybe is the response. How bout Yuki? “What’s your birthday wish, Yukino?” Lando asks as she writes; Lily makes an attempt to look engaged but half-fails, eyes trained on her written words.
Are u crazy she scribbles. Lando?
“To travel outside of work,” Yuki says. “Be by myself, or with a friend. Taste food everywhere.” She wouldnt sleep with him if he paid her, Alex writes furiously quickly after paying the driver a long, scrutinizing glance.
“I heard of a cool place somewhere in Vietnam,” Lily chimes in to seem involved, but she doesn’t look up from her writing. Ok… so it’s not a driver?
She passes it to Alex and looks up. “They sell the best pho.”
“If you like Asian food, mate, Nobu is good, too,” Charles offers, smiling.
Alex passes the tissue, now worn thin with the writing, back. Idk. I bet it is tho. Doobius. She reads over it a few times in a cross between amusement and what she can only describe as being totally weirded out.
ITS DUBIOUS, she corrects, and for good measure she underlines the U several times. They’re losing the plot, distracted.
“I only hear the best about that place,” Nyck quips. “What Nobu did you go to?”
“California, in L.A.”
I dont think theres a single word spelled like that Alex
Pierre makes a curious noise. “Los Angeles? I didn’t know you went there, mate. When?”
Ok miss expert comes the funny reply.
“Last month,” Charles says.
Youre such a di
She pauses as she writes, waiting for herself to piece together why his sentence means so much. Nobu. California. L.A.
Last month.
The words register, click in her mind. In unison, Alex and Lily’s wide eyes immediately snap up to Charles’ relaxed figure, and he notices, laughing a bit nervously. No way, they’re thinking. The answer’s dropped right into their laps.
Now visibly stuffy, Charles smiles politely. “What is going on?”
“You—!” Alex raises a finger, ready to make his epiphany verbal in his fit of excitement, but at the last moment spots you walking back in, dabbing your lip gloss in place. He deflates. “Y—you, you—are a fan of sushi?!”
Charles blinks. “Um… sure.”
Lily makes a show of happiness. “That’s great!” she chirps, laughing phonily. “So great!”
Alex nods along. “So great, so great!”
You slide into your seat, smiling. “Hi. What’s so great?”
“Oh,” Lily says, laughing smugly and meeting your eyes. “Oh, you have no idea.”
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lilbitdepressed27 · 1 year
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Tara Carpenter/Fem!Reader
Summary: You’re accused of being ghostface
Warnings: angst lots and lots of angst
WC: 6.8k
Authors note: to the anon who requested I got a little carried away but I hope you like it :)
*This will be connected to another fic*
You're accused of being ghostface
You were in your dorm room with your girlfriend resting on your chest. The semester had been somewhat tough on the both of you. It was only October, and you still had a month and half till Christmas break. Which you really looking forward to. It was your favorite time of year. And you had already started your Christmas shopping. Tara's gift had been the first one you bought. It was already hidden on the top of your closet where she couldn't reach.
You looked down at the girl in your arms. Her face had been relieved of any stress. You smiled and brought her closer to you. She subconsciously buried her faces in between your neck and shoulder. One of her arms coming up and resting on your shoulder.
Deciding not to wake her up, you reached over to your night stand. Grabbing your ps5 controller and turning it on hoping you wouldn't wake her. Smiling victoriously you played some Call of Duty. Playing with your on line friends until it was time for your to wake up Tara. But since it was Friday a day you not Tara had classes you decided to let her sleep in.
You didn't have to wait long till Tara woke up. Her face buried further into your neck. The volume of the tv was all the way down, to not disturb her. Her hold on you getting just a tad bit tighter. You set the control down and wrapped your arms around her tighter.
"Good morning beautiful." You whispered, you felt her smile and lightly kissing your neck. Your fingers traced circles on her bare back, you felt her smile. It was nice and peaceful until you heard the monster of her stomach growl. You couldn't help the laugh that escaped your lips.
"Come on lets got tame that monster." You barely dodged the swing of her hand as you stood up. Chuckling at the blush on her checks.
"Shut up."
That morning was filled with laughter. Sam had even joined and ate the pancakes you made. Now you and Tara laid on the couch watching tv until she shot up.
"Oh I almost forgot we got invited to a party tonight!"
"Uh Tara Sam said to stay in."
"Come on babe please."
Knowing she had you wrapped around her finger. You agreed. That's how you found yourself in a party. You did not want to be in. You had lost sight of Tara. A little while ago. You had wanted to stay at home and watch movies like you had planned. Sam had agreed with that plan. Since Woodsboro she had become so paranoid and cautious. Which you did not blame her for. But Tara had begged you to come here. She had used that pleading face on you and you were a sucker for her so you agreed. When you saw her with getting drinks. You walked towards her.
“Hey there you are.” She beamed up at you pecking you on the chin.
“So when can we leave?” Mumbled into her ear. You had moved behind her wrapping your arms around her waist. She leaned back into your chest and looked up at you.
“In a little while. Have some fun. Dance with me.”
“I actually have to pee.”
You whispered to in her ear. She giggled and pushed away.
“Go then. I’ll be with Mindy and Anika.”
You had gone to the bathroom but when you saw how long the line was for the bathroom downstairs you headed up the stairs. You were only gone for a little while. When you had gone back down stairs a guy you've seen only a number of times was on the floor holding his junk. You saw Mindy and Anika hustling out the front door.
You looked around and hurriedly followed after them when you didn't see your little pirate around.
"Where the hell were you?" Mindy whispered to you as Sam and Tara argued.
"I was in the bathroom. The line downstairs was way too long so I went upstairs. What the hell happened?"
"Some guy tried to take a drunk Tara up stairs. Sam came in time and tazed his ass in the balls." Mindy laughed her eyes shinning with aw. Mindy had always looked up to Sam but now. She was her fucking idol.
"What?!" You stood up straighter looking back at the frat house. Anika grabbed your hand before you could go back to the house.
"Have you've even gone to go see the counselor once?"
You finally tuned in on what the sisters were arguing about. You had also gone to go see a counselor. Not the same one but one your parents had forced you to see.
"No and I'm not going to."
"Why not?"
"Because I'm uninterested in living in the past like you are."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Babe come on." You moved toward her to take her hand but she continued.
"It means I'm not going to let what happened to us for three days defend the rest of my life."
"So you're just going to pretend it never happened?"
You wanted Tara to stop, cause you knew she was intoxicated. She was saying things that you knew she'd regret. You saw the way Sam shoulders fell the more Tara spoke. Th way Sam's eyes started to fill with unshed tears.
"I'm just trying to look out for you."
You took another step toward at hearing the softness and hurt in Sam's voice. Lightly taking Tara's hand in yours. You watched as tara took a deep breath and tried to relax.
"I know. I know you are but you can't do it for the rest of my life though. You have to let me go." You gently squeezed her hand. You felt her return the squeeze. The moment was ruined by another by stander.
Your eyes narrowed in anger as you watched a random girl throw her drink at Sam.
You moved quickly. Tara tried to hold you back but you were faster. Sam had pushed the girl who threw her the drink. The girl accused Sam of murder and called her names. You weren't one to let it slide. You had thrown a mean right hook sending the girl to the floor.
"Say that again bitch. I dare you. Say it again." You moved forward but was stopped by Chad and Sam. Tara moved in front of you trying to calm you down. You had always been protective of your family. Especially after woodsboro.
You sat on the couch rubbing the soreness of your knuckle. Everyone had made it safely to the apartment. Tara came back into the living room and took her spot on your lap. Taking your right hand and putting the ice pack on it.
"Thanks babe." You smiled up at her and she returned the smile leaning down giving you a small peck on the lips. The arm not being in Tara's hold, snacked it's way around her waist and held her close to your chest.
The smile on your face washed away as you looked at the tv. Everyone freezing at what they were seeing and hearing. Sam and Danny had just walked into the room.
You watched a the reporter spoke of the murders. One of victims being the same guy that had greeted you and Tara as you made your way to the party. You didn't really know the guys or the professor but no one deserves to go that way. Your eyes widen a bit when the reporter announced that there were ghost face costumes.
You knew you weren't the only one who felt the panic. Sam went into a panic as well as she moved with a purpose. To get away from New York as fast as she can. You could only watch as Tara jumped off your lap and tried to stop her sister from panicking. Trying not to let her sister jump to conclusions.
"You knew him Tara. This isn't a coincidence."
"Y/n, Chad Mindy back me up."
"I mean it's a little..."
"Close to home."
"I mean it's a little weird he had all that Stab stuff." You mumbled shrinking a bit back into your seat when Tara turned her glare to you. You personally never been a fan of the stab movies. No matter what Mindy said.
Tara then turned to Quinn. Asking for Quinn's dad to be called, she was angry. You could tell. She didn't like that no one was taking her side. But Mindy was right. It was a little too close to home.
When you made the decision to stand up, everyone stopped what they were doing at the sound of Sam's phone ringing. Everyone stared at the phone, fear crossing in mostly everyone's veins. When Sam reached for her phone and ignored up the call. You felt your shoulders drop. Hoping to release the stress you were starting to feel.
"Sam? My dad wants to talk to you."
You picked up the ice pack returning it to the kitchen and also to grab a glass of water. When you came back to living room you saw Sam going out the door. And Tara grabbing her jacket.
"Wow Tar where are you going?" You hurried after her.
"With Sam. Please stay here. Okay I'll be back before you know it." She leaned up and pecked your lips.
"I'll come with." You didn't want her or Sam to be alone in streets at night. Especially if Ghostface was back.
"Babe please. I'll be with Sam. Stay here. Okay. I'll be right back." You didn't want to but you knew Tara wouldn't let you come. Just like you were protective her, she was of you as well.
"Fine just be careful. Call me if you need me oaky?" You leaned down for quick kiss again and she nodded and hurried to catch up with Sam. With a sigh you watched her leave and catch up with Sam. You shut the door seeing Ethan and Chad planning to leave Quinn going to her room. Mindy and Anika gathering their stuff as well.
"Wouldn't it be better to stay together?" You asked, you really didn't want to be left alone. Mindy and Anika were too into each other to notice.
"Sorry Y/n but uh we have to uh finish some homework." They hurried out the apartment. For someone who was a geek for rules Mindy was quick to change her rules for Anika. You couldn't blame her, Anika is beautiful. You chuckled and shook your head.
"Wear protection." You laughed when Mindy flipped you off with smile on her face.
Chad and Ethan left soon after. Quinn left with her boy toy as well. Leaving you alone in the apartment. You stood in the living room for a bit not knowing what to do. You wished you went with the Tara. Quinn had told you that her dad wanted to talk to Sam and Tara had gone with her. You headed to yours and Tara's room. Sitting on the bed with a deep sigh. Looking at your phone, hoping that Tara would call you.
With nothing else to do you decided to play on your ps5. Not knowing of the dangers yours friends were in
What brought you out of your game was a bang on the front door. Making you jump from your chair. You quickly exited out of the game and lightly jogging to the front door. Not expecting two police officers to be standing there.
"Y/n Y/ln?"
"Yea that's me." You looked between the officers confused.
"We're going to have to take you down to the station."
Feeling your heart in your throat you looked between the two officers. "Can I put on my shoes and get my phone?" When they both nodded you hurried in your room the cops right behind you as you put on your shoes and grabbed your jacket. Your phone had laid on your desks. With no missed calls. What was happening. Why were these cops asking for you.
Was Tara and Sam okay?
You walked into the station with both officers behind you. You had asked them if Tara and Sam Carpenter were okay but you got no response. You followed them to what seemed to be an interrogation room. But on the way there you saw Tara and Sam.
"Tara! Sam!" You didn't even get to take step into their direction when you were pushed to the wall by one of the officers. You saw the way your own girlfriend didn't even look at you. The way Sam looked at you with betrayal in her eyes.
"What's going on?" You groaned in pain from the cuffs they had put them around your wrist. You were pushed into the room and the door closing shut behind you. They handcuffed you to the the table and you were left in room alone and confused.
"Hello Y/n. I'm detective Bailey."
In the past six months you've known Quinn. You never really actually met her dad. He sat in front of you sitting down a tan thick folder. He looked behind him towards the mirror that you knew was a two way mirror.
"Y/n where were you tonight?"
You looked at him confused, "I was at home but I was at party a little earlier."
"Really? You got any alibi?"
"I was with Tara. We we were at the party but left early after a fight."
"Oh yea that frat party where you assaulted a girl outside. Correct?" He took out a picture of a girl who had a black and a bruised cheek.
You leaned forward in your seat looking down at the picture. "Yup. She disrespected my friend. You can't just throw your drink at someone and call them names and think there wasn't going to be a clap back, detective." You really fucked that bitch up and you almost smiled at that. "But that doesn't really explain why I'm here? Why am I in here."
Why did Sam look at you like that? Why couldn't Tara look at you?
"After the party. Where were you?"
"At home."
"Really? Cause Tara and Sam were attacked tonight by ghostface."
Your head snapped up towards the detective. "What?! Are they okay? I have to see them." The thought of Tara being in danger had your hands shaking. That she had been in danger when you weren't there with her.
"Stop with the act Y/n. Your DNA was found in the bodega. Your license was also found in the apartment of the two student victims. We traced the phone number and it lead us back to you."
"...what? I would never hu-All the signs point to you Y/n."
You couldn't believe it. You couldn't believe why he was saying. He was accusing you of being Ghostface. He was accusing you of hurting your friends. And they believed him. The way Sam looked at you. The way Tara couldn't even look at you.
"I am not ghostface." You wanted to cry. You wanted to curl into a ball and cry. Your friends. Your family believed him.
"Then-" The detective was cut off by the door swinging open. You looked at the direction of the door to see someone you haven't seen in quite a while. Kirby Reed. She was your babysitter when you were younger.
"I got this from here Detective. Step out. Her lawyer will be here soon."
The detective stood up, his chair screeching as he pushed it back and walked out. Kirby came in and sat in seat the detective was in.
"Hey kiddo."
"I swear Kirby it wasn't me. I'd never hurt Tara. Sam. Their my friends. My family. I'd never-" You cried into to your hands. The hurt in your heart was growing. Tara. The woman you loved believed the detective.
"Hey I believe you. That bodega is one you visit a lot. Right? Of course there would be traces of your dna there. Don't worry okay. The evidence they have is botched, right now he's just trying to blame someone. And that someone unfortunately right now is you. Now tell me where exactly were you tonight. After the party. After everyone was gone."
"I-I in my room. I was playing on my PlayStation with some friends online. I can even show you that I was online. I'm sure I'm still online. I didn't have a chance to turn off my game."
After your lawyer came and demanded your release for not having enough evidence to hold you. And with threats of suing for falsely accusing you. They let you go. Who knew being online would help you on being released. When you had stepped out of the station. There were loads of reporters there. Flashing their cameras at you, asking questions. Demanding answers. It got so overwhelming it almost sent you into a panic. But a hand grabbed your wrist pulling you away from the crowd. You realized it was Chad. Once he had you in a cab he told the driver to drive. The ride was quiet. Until you broke the silence.
"Do you-Do you believe him." You whispered. Afraid of what he was going to say. Afraid that you would lose one of your best friends.
"I don't know Y/n. I mean. It's weird that your dna and license were found at the scene of both crimes. I don't want to believe it but. We're meeting at our spot."
You nodded and looked out the window. Quickly wiping away the tear that escaped your eye.
You walked behind Chad seeing the group coming into view. They all looked your way. You had hoped that your eyes weren't as red as they were before. Your eyes drifted to Tara once you made it to them. She only spared you a glance. But you could tell she had been crying. Chad taking the empty seat to her side. Ethan had sat on the other side.
"What am I doing here if you don't trust me." You finally found your voice. You knew how you sounded like. Hurt, broken. Your voice coming out a lot more shaky than you thought.
She could hear the hurt in your voice. But she couldn't she couldn't look at you. The way the Detective had explained and showed to her and Sam. It had been convincing. The way you disappeared in the party, showing up for a second only for you leave again. She knew you were in the bathroom but detective Bailey had shown them some convincing evidence Then the bodega. She had called you. Plenty of times. But you never answered.
You always answered.
It was the main reason why she suspected something. So did Sam. You were left alone in apartment and wouldn’t answer your phone when she needed you.
"We called you Y/n. When we were attacked. You didn't answer." Sam kept her gaze on you. Every ghostface had their reasons. Fame. Revenge. What would be your reason. You were a close friend. Tara's girlfriend. It was one of the reasons why you were attacked. Amber had been jealous. You loved Tara. That much Sam knew. You would never hurt Tara.
So why had you become a suspect.
"What? No. My phone never rang." You went to dig for you phone but Mindy shot from her seat.
"Well you can't necessarily prove that, can you? It's very easy to delete some calls Y/n. Now we all want to believe you would never do this. But. You know how this goes. Now sit down."
You sat in your in the seat. Further from the rest. You didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable. You didn't know what to do. Where you even able to go home. You shared the apartment with people that now didn't trust you. You would sell your to devil if you were lying. But your phone never rang. You swear it.
Kirby had told you to take it easy on them. That they were just scared. But what about you. They were your family. From the looks you got from all of them. You knew they didn't trust you. How were you supposed to feel?
Mindy turned back to you. "I mean Y/n. What would be your motive. You've been with us for way too long for it to be for something like revenge. Maybe you liked the fame-Mindy stop." You were surprised that it was Tara who stopped Mindy.
Mindy she did what she was told and continued her rant. You looked back at Mindy and she just named all her suspects. Quinn, Ethan, you and even Anika. Ethan tried to fight it but he was shut down.
"No he's right though, I mean face facts. If we're all suspects, you're all suspects." Anika argued.
After a moment of silence you stood up. Everyone looked your way.
"What? I'm hungry and I need to take my meds." You didn't wait for a response and left. Feeling their eyes on the back of your head.
Tara watched you leave. Her eyes filling with tears. She wanted to follow you. She wanted to chase after you. Make sure you were okay. Everyone had basically turned their backs on you all due to fear. Including herself.
After taking your anxiety medicine you laid on the bed facing away from the door and cried. Cried. Being hungry had just been an excuse to get away from everyone. You wanted to cry for what you lost.
Cause that what it felt like.
It wasn't long till you heard them enter the apartment. You closed your eyes pretending to be asleep when you heard the bed room door open. You had almost made the choice to rent out a motel room. But that would just make them more suspicious of you. And you didn't want that. You didn't hear anything after the door shut. For a moment you thought it was ghostface.
But then you heard light footsteps. Then a shift on the bed. You kept your eyes closed, your body leaning forward a bit from someone sitting in front of you. Then you felt a hand on your cheek.
"I love you. So much Y/n. I'm just scared. I'm so scared. The evidence just keeps pointing at you and I don't understand why. In my heart I know, I know you would never do this. But..." Tara's gentle voice faded out, you didn't know what she was thinking. Even though a part of you understood her hesitation, it still hurt. With a small kiss to your cheek. She stood up and left the room. The moment she left your eyes opened.
You stood up from your spot. Hearing the different voices coming from the living room and kitchen. You weren't sure if you could go to the living room. Feeling like you'd feel unwanted and uncomfortable if you did. A few minutes passed and you were still debating with yourself when the door of the room opened.
"Oh you're awake. Food is ready. Come on." Anika's voice rang through the room. "For what it's worth. I don't believe the detective."
You stood up from the bed facing the shorter girl. Offering a small smile. "Thanks Anika. It means a lot." You followed her towards the kitchen.
"Take a seat Y/n. We have to talk." Sam spoke to you for the first time. Your spot was always next to Tara. It had always been your spot. You decided to sit at the end of the table opposite of where Sam sat.
"We believe you Y/n." Sam spoke sincerely. You couldn't help the scoff that escaped your lips.
"Really? Cause it doesn't feel like it. I mean. You've been staring at me like I'm going to pull out a knife out of my ass at any second. Mindy suspects her own girlfriend, but then again she's not the only one. Tara can't even look at me in the eye. And from what I heard my license wasn't the only one found at Jason's apartment." Sam looked down at her phone that had been ringing but ignored it when she saw it was Danny. Figured she call him later. Sam looked back at you. She felt guilty for making you feel like this. The way you looked at her and everyone else was of so much hurt. The way your eyes filled with unshed tears.
"Who tol-Kirby did. I don't see you getting the third degree. I didn't automatically think that you were the killer. You wanna know why cause I trust you. You guys were so quick to-" The sound of your phones ringing everyone stoped. You pulled out your phone. Your eyes widening at seeing Quinn being attacked by Ghostface. The had been used tuning out Quinn and her flings. You listened how her moans had turned into groans and yelps of pain. You moved to go to her door when a hand shot out and gripped your shirt from behind.
The struggle from the other door became silent. You no longer could hear Quinn.
"Quinn?" You called out. Everyone stood looking at the door, jumping when a loud bang coming from the side of the door.
The door swung open and Quinn was thrown towards Anika. Causing her to fall and scream. Chad had taken Tara by the hand and rushed out the front door. She had tried to grab your hand as she looked back you desperately.
"Guys come on."
You tried to follow her but ghostface had moved in front of you closing the door behind them. He had moved freakishly fast knocking over a drawer in front of the door. And then he moved towards you pushing you into the wall as he swung his knife at Mindy. Cutting her arm. Your head had banged on the wall as you fell hard towards the floors. Feeling the warm liquid running down the side of your face.
You got back to your feet seeing him chocking Anika as he cut up her stomach. Trying to shake off the blury vision you ran fast towards him and tackled him to the floor. Throwing punches as hard you could while Sam and Mindy held Anika up and to Quinn's room.
"Y/n come on!" Sam yelled. You hurried to your feet and ran towards the room. Throwing your body wait on the door as you shook from the force of how hard ghostface was trying to open the door. Then it stopped. You used that time to lock the door and push the heavy drawer in front of the door.
"Mindy the door." Sam whispered, she was helping you move the heavy drawer. Mindy was too slow, you wanted to yell at her to move faster. She was moving too slow, her cut on the arm was a paper cut compared to Anika's wound. Sam moved after her helping her close the door as ghostface showed up. You hurried to help hold the door, with the three of you holding the door, Sam moved to move another drawer in front of the door.
With Sam and Mindy holding the drawer you rushed to Anika's side. Covering her wound with the cover of the bed. She cried in pain as she held your hands over her wound. "I'm sorry."
"Y/n the window."
You looked towards the window to see Danny trying to get your attention. You rushed to the window and opened it. He was quick to pull out a ladder.
"You got to be shitting me."
"You got a better idea?"
You took the ladder moving to pick up Anika. "Come on, you first."
"No I c-Anika right now is not the time for this shit. Come on you're going first." You helped her up, moved her towards the window. With every step she took she cried out. But you were not going to let her go last. She had to be first. With shaky hands she griped the ladder and crawled slowly toward Danny. You held the ladder to make sure she got to the other side safely. She cried in agony every second of the way.
"Come Anika. You got this." Once she made it safely to the other side you turned to Sam.
You hurried towards them and put down your weight on the drawer. "Okay one of you go."
Sam shook her head. But you pushed her forward. "Fucking go Sam. Then Mindy."
You were slowly losing your strength. When saw Sam had made it safely to other side you pushed Mindy towards the window.
"Hurry the fuck up Mindy." Your body started being pushed forward more. His kicks have become stronger. When Mindy made it to the other side. You heard them call out to you.
"Y/n come on!"
"Let's go!"
You hurried towards the window but you felt ghostface hot on your tail. You jumped on to the ladder. You quickly crawled over the ladder. Making it on the other side, Sam helping you up. You turned around and there stood ghostface looking straight at you and then he was gone.
You turned back around hearing Anika groan in pain.
"We-we need to control the bleeding. Bring me another towel." You hurried over to her your hands shaking as Danny gave you a clean towel.
"The ambulance and cops are on their way."
"You'll be okay Anika."
The paramedics took Anika and you were hot on their tail. Ignoring Sam and the rest. Anika had been the only one to believe you. You had to make sure that she was okay. Only stopping when detective Bailey had came out of the apartment and stormed straight towards you. Grabbing you by the collar of your shirt.
"You did this." He slammed you into the ambulance.
"Hey! Let her go!" Tara pushed her way in between the two of you. The moment the door had been slammed. Chad and herself had tried their best to open the door. But they couldn't. They could only hear the screams of their friends and siblings. Making them both cry.
The moment she had seen your bloody face she hurried towards you. But Bailey had beat her to you. The fear in your eyes was enough for her to know that wouldn’t do this.
"She was there Detective, it wasn't her. Let her go." She got in between you and Bailey standing right in front of you.
"Mindy said that the killer had a chance to get her but didn't. Why do think that is Tara?"
You're eyes narrowed at the older man. "You're seriously going to keep accusing me."
"Yes. Which is why you will not leave my side." He stepped back, his eyes red from crying so much. He had just lost his daughter.
Tara stayed in front of you. Her back still pressed to your back. Once the detective stepped back enough she turned around looking up at you. She didn't care anymore. She pulled you into a tight hug. She had been so afraid. You were a suspect, she knew that but the part of her that had denied your involvement had been growing.
She knew you.
She knew who you were.
You wouldn't do this.
Gale had lead everyone to ghostfaces a lair. When you stepped into the theater you didn't expect see items from past victims. Your feet stopping at the pictures and clothing of Tara. There had been blood everywhere. You were supposed to be with her but you weren't. You had been away at soccer game. It had been an away game. It had been running late. By the time you returned to woodsboro. Tara had already been in the hospital.
"It wasn't your fault."
"Well at least you didn't think it was me. Right?"
You let out a deep sigh hearing the hurt in her voice and looked toward the woman you love. You would trust her with your life. With your soul if you could. But you were starting to doubt that she felt the same.
"Hey we have a plane. Come on."
Kirby called out to two. Not giving Tara time to talk to you. She didn't like that you were shutting her out. She couldn't say she understood how you felt. She watched as you walked away with Kirby. She wanted to be in your arms. She wanted nothing more than for you look her in the eyes and be yourself.
But you wouldn't. Not when she reacted so poorly.
Gale had been attacked. You had stayed behind with Bailey. As Tara and Sam took his car. You were sat at a bench pretty far from them. But had stayed in Bailey had wanted you in his eye sight. By the time you registered what had happened Sam and Tara had already left.
"You can't fool me Y/n. You'll slip they all do."
"What's your deal Bailey? I am not ghostface." You looked at the older man. He had this look in his eye and it honestly scared you. He narrowed his eyes at you and tilting his head. He scoffed at you and walked away as he pulled out his phone.
His words rang in his head. As you and the friend group made their way into the train station. You were with Ethan and Mindy. You had been separated from the rest of the group.
"Of course I'd get stuck with the two main suspects."
"You know what fuck you Mindy. Last I remember you barely even tried to save Anika. I saved her. Me. Not you. She’s alive because of me. Last I checked ghostface doesn’t save people.” You purposely bumped into her shoulder as you went to take a seat. You were getting sick and tired of being accused. You were scared to.
You sat by yourself. The lights on the train going off and on. Making you feel even more paranoid. Maybe you shouldn’t have snapped at Mindy like that. When the lights came back on you stood up and looked toward Mindy’s direction. Only to see her on the floor. You sprang up and rushed to her. Ethan right behind you.
“Someone call 911!”
Putting pressure on her wound as you and Ethan helped her out of the train.
“I’m sorry Y/n. I can’t believe I got it wrong again.”
“Just relax. We’ll get you some help.”
You knew you should have gone with Mindy. But Ethan had insisted that we go to the theater. You didn’t understand why. He had been so against the plan. He didn’t want to be apart of it but he also didn’t want to be alone. If he really didn’t want to be in danger like he claimed. The safest place to be would be with Mindy.
You did want to go to the theater. To make sure Tara and your friends(if they even were at this point) were safe. Cause they might not believe you or trust you. But you still cared for them. But you also knew that Mindy shouldn’t be left alone.
But Ethan had insisted.
When he had hit you upside the head. As soon as you turned your back to him, stepping into the theater. Your vision had turned dark so fast.
You groaned in pain. You got up slowly. The back of your head was killing you. Laying not far in front of you of was one of ghostfaces knifes. You picked it up, to have something to defend your self with. Looking around seeing an empty room. You were in an empty storage room. Walking quietly towards the door opening it. From a distance you could hear people arguing.
You moved towards the sound.
“What are you doing?”
“Did you kill Quinn? Did you kill my daughter?”
“Jesus Christ, what ever he’s been saying to you, don’t listen to him. He’s probably the killer. It would explain so much. Why he tried so hard to fra-”
The sound of gun shots rang out making you jump. Your eyes widen when you saw Kirby on the floor. In the middle stood Sam and Tara. Bailey stood at the entry way with one other ghost face.
“You can come on out Y/n. We got them.”
You were pushed by someone behind you. Tara and Sam looking your way with eyes wide and unshed tears. A ghostface stood behind you. This one seemed a little taller than the one standing behind Bailey.
“What no he’s lying.”
“Oh stop Y/n with act. It’s okay now. We got them.”
“No he’s lying!” You cried pointing the knife at him. You looked at Sam and Tara taking a step towards them. Only for them to take a step back.
“Please. Believe me.” You went as far dropping the knife and kicking it towards them. Your eyes locking with Tara. “Please, Tara you have to believe-” The words getting caught in your throat from the force of arm that had been wrapped around your neck.
“Oh y/n they didn’t believe you then. They sure won’t believe you now. I mean, you always called them your family but that wasn’t the case with you was it? They all turned your backs on you. You should of seen them when you became a suspect. When the detective said your dna was found at bodega. How easy it was to hack your phone. Make them believe that you didn’t answer their calls.”
The ghostface holding you laughed as you cried. He wasn’t wrong. In a way they had turned their backs on you.
“Let’s ask Tara. Do you believe that Y/n here wasn’t part of this. Yes or no.”
You looked back at Tara and Sam. They looked you, their eyes now filled with guilt.
“No. No she wasn’t.”
“Oh Tara, it’s a little too late for you to believe her now.”
You didn’t have time to react before you felt the blade repeatedly come down on your chest and stomach. The muffle screams rang out through out the theater. You felt your blood soaking you shirt. The blood that came up your throat as you choked on it. The hard wood floor as you were thrown to it. You could feel your life slipping away.
“Baby. Baby hey stay with me. Okay. Stay with me. Please.”
You could no longer feel your toes. You weren’t sure how much time had past. But the theater was now quiet. You Vision had become blurry. You tried to blink it away but… You were cold. You felt so cold.
“I’m sorry. I’m I’m so sorry. I should have believed you. I should have believed you.” Tara cried. The moment you cried when ghostface held you. The realization had dawned on her. She tried to get you you when Ethan stabbed you the first time but he had been too fast. When you were thrown to the floor, she moved to you. The way you had choked on your blood, it was hardest thing she ever had to see.
“Baby. Come on. Look at me. I’m sorry.” She held you close to her your chest. The way you looked up at her made cry even more. Your eyes still held so much love. Even after everything she did.
“I’m—I’m so c—cold.”
“It’s okay. We’ll get you blanket soon okay. I-I we need to wait for the ambulance and the cops. Okay.”
“I—I would n—never h—hurt y-y—you.” Tara felt you go limp, light in your eyes going out. The she felt your grip on her hand loosening. The way your chest failed to rise again. Her bloody hand moved to your cheek, she looked up at Sam eyes streaming with tears.
Sam looked back down at her sister, the guilt ten folding at the sight of you. The memories flashing right before her. She should have seen this coming.
“Y/n?” Tara cried looking back down at you. “Baby wake up please. Please. Wake up! I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Come on hey, hey I I got your Christmas present already. You have to open it. Come on. Sam help me. Sam please help me.”
But there was nothing anyone could do.
You were gone.
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nohoney · 7 months
thinking abt being out at a bar or party and texting us!touya that someone is hitting on you and he pulls up 😵‍💫
omg omgヽ(>∀<☆)ノ
warnings: drug use (cocaine), reader is slightly drunk, rough sex that’s a little dubcon, lil bit of choking, kinda exhibitionism
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It’s loud inside the bathroom with so many girls crowding and waiting in line to use the next available stall. There’s three tasks at hand you need to do while you occupy a stall; pee first, do a bump of coke, and text Touya.
A third of those tasks are completed, flushing the toilet and pulling your panties back up before smoothing your little dress back in its place. Hand sanitizer is spritzed onto your hands but you know it’s not a substitute for actually washing up. You just need your hands to be as clean as they can be as you unzip the little pocket inside your purse for the little baggy. You dig your keys out as well, using the tip of Touya’s house key to dip into the bag. For just a second, you hesitate over the amount you’ve pulled up from the bag.
There’s already plenty in your system that you’ve been taking over the last few hours.
Maybe that’s too much…
You lean down anyway and inhale the bump quickly into your nostril, repeating the process on the other side.
There’s only one last thing to do.
“You done in there?! I heard you flush!” the person on the other side bangs on the stall door.
“Gimme a minute! I’m changing a tampon!” you yell back even though it’s a lie. It’s not like they’d be able to hear you actually pull one out to verify; it’s way too loud. You do intend to be quick though as you pull out your phone to quickly text Touya.
Aw fuck, your hands are a little sweaty. Maybe you are little bit more anxious than you had led yourself to believe.
[23:07] pls come get me, i dont feel like being here anymore
You shove your phone into your purse and undo the latch for the stall. You step out and two girls step in together, slamming the door shut. Either they both really need to pee or they’re also sniffing a little something together in there. It doesn’t quite matter anymore since you had your turn.
Only cold water dispenses from the faucet as you lather soap into your hands. Glancing up at the mirror, you peek up at your reflection and sigh quietly when you see the pupils of your eyes slightly bigger than they’re supposed to be. It doesn’t look discreet as you inspect your own nose and make sure that there’s no evidence of what you just sniffed. The bathrooms seems to get louder as more girls enter but thankfully your business is done and you make your exit.
You manage to find your friends in the same spot, thankful that you don’t have to go searching all around for them. Touching the shoulder of one of them, you manage to get their attention but you lean in close to tell them that you’re gonna be leaving. “You leaving? You’re sure? When?”
Pulling your phone out of your purse, Touya had already texted back that he’d be in the area in about fifteen minutes. You wish it would be sooner but it’s not a terribly long time to wait. It is a long enough time for you to be convinced to have two more shots—for the road, you know?
You blink a few times, alcohol resting in your stomach and warming your bloodstream and needing to take an audible breath before you speak, “‘Kay, I’m leaving now. He’ll be here in like… soon.” you’re disorganized as you speak, aware that you didn’t say a proper sentence, “You have fun, okay?”
One friend is willing to part to walk you out to the lot. Your arms are looped together with them and it feels like a whole different world as you step out of the loud bar into the quiet parking lot. “You can go back inside, it’ll only be a minute until he comes.”
It’s a small back and forth, but your friend bids you goodbye to walk back into the bar after you promise that you’ll text them when you’re back home. Really you just wanted the space to dig and do another bump of coke on your own and didn’t feel like offering to share.
“Mm… good.” you mutter to yourself as you carefully zip up the small baggy and shove everything back into your purse.
“Yeah, it’s good? You feel any better?”
You jump as you look behind you to see a single guy having approached you. Admittedly, he’s quite cute and he’s dressed stylishly but you keep a guard up around him. You make some noncommittal noise and nod your head, crossing your arms over your chest and dig the heel of your shoe into the gravel.
The guy circled around and makes you wary, sitting on the hood of a car and making himself comfortable. You can’t help but make a face, thinking it’s obnoxious of him to sit on someone’s car as if he owns it. He seems to read your mind, fishing out keys from his pocket and pressed the button from his keys. The car briefly lights up and clicks audibly.
“It’s a little cold out here to wait for an Uber. You wanna get in? I can turn on the heater.”
No, of course not.
For some reason you have a hard time finding your voice, only making a disagreeing hum and shaking your head. Your arms cross a little tighter over your chest and you take a small step back.
“No? I’m being a gentleman, I swear. I think it’s kinda fucked that your friend left you out here to go back inside. But then again, if they hadn’t left you then I wouldn’t have been able to come up to you.”
You only sent them away so that you could have some privacy to snort some coke. Now you wish you hadn’t done that, or maybe you wish that you hadn’t been convinced to have those two exiting shots before leaving the bar so that you would be more aware.
“You look like you could use a little more of your stuff. Tell you what, I’ll do one with you. Facilitate a little connection, yeah?”
Is that why that guy is here? Just to bum a line off of you?
“The prettiest girls I know always have the best coke.”
You jump in your spot, looking left and right quickly before turning around to see Touya walking briskly in your direction. Relief has you relaxing your body as he walks forward to you, although his expression also tells you that he’s kind of pissed. “I thought you were waiting at the front, I was holding up traffic looking for you at the entrance.”
“Sorry, sorry…” you finally manage to speak and face towards him, “I just didn’t want to be with all those people anymore.”
Touya glances up to the guy sitting on his car, making a face at him. He’s already bristling over the presence of another man nearby you. “And you are?”
“Just keeping her company, that’s all.”
“Well your company isn’t needed anymore, fuck off.”
Your head snaps up at your boyfriend for speaking rudely, but there is a part of you that’s relieved that Touya is sending them off with no kindness either. All you want is to curl up now under a blanket and just wait for sleep to come to you.
“Sure, no problem. Good to see that my friend is gonna get home safe.” The guy stands up on his feet, sure to lock his car first before walking off. The asshole has the nerve to wink at you as he walks away. And of course Touya noticed because the way he grips his hand around your arm is none too nice.
When the two of you are sure that he’s gone, Touya drags you off in the direction of where he had parked. You trip over your feet twice but manage to keep up with him, more than relieved when you see his car and actually managing to pick up your feet to get to the passenger seat.
“Backseat, now.”
Your eyes widen a little as you glance up at him but nod your head. You bend down a little and pull the lever to push the passenger seat forward, giving you ample room to climb into the backseat. Managing to shut the car door, you sit back against the cushion as Touya enters from his side of the car but startled with how much force he used to shut his door.
Touya joins you in the back seat, grabbing your hips and dragging you to lay horizontally on the backseat cushions. It’s a little bothersome to be handled so roughly, especially since you’re still drunk and your head is swimming a little from the motions. The moan you let out isn’t one of pleasure, your hands coming up to press your palms against your forehead to try to soothe you. But Touya’s hand goes under your dress, his fingers roughly tugging your panties down and grunting over how your legs just fall limp instead of keeping them open.
“I’m trying to take these off,” Touya growls before reaching to cup your jaw along his hand, “fucking help me over here.”
“Can’t it wait until we get home?” You whine but you know that there isn’t really a choice in the matter here. Your eye lids droop down, your eyes feeling tired and wanting to just shut even though your brain isn’t ready for rest any time soon. So you gather what little energy you have, your hands helping in bunching up the skirt of your dress and pull it up.
Touya slides your panties off and shoves your purse to the floor of the car, the contents rattling inside and the baggy sliding out. Just from seeing it alone, you’re perked up and you point to it. “Do one with me.”
“Fuck, yeah hand it to me.”
Managing to grab the bag off the floor, you’re careful to open it and hold it out to Touya as you sit up. “Got your key? ‘M too lazy to grab mine out of my bag.”
He lifts his shirt and grabs the pocketknife that’s clipped inside his pocket. Wordlessly he flicks the blade out and dips the tip of it into the baggy. You honestly hate it when he just whips out the knife without telling you first, it scares you every single time. There’s no complaint from you as he offers the first bump by holding out the knife towards you before doing himself. The knife is put away but he dips the tip of his finger along the inside of the bag.
He rubs the pad of his thumb along your lip slowly, intimately. The little exhale that leaves his chest has you sitting up a little straighter. When your tongue peaks out a little to lick at his finger, the bitterness of the coke also has you sighing. It’s not pleasant, but the numbing is a welcome sensation on your lips.
His hand grasps at your neck and his fingers pressing into the sides. “I don’t like seeing you around other guys, you fucking know that.”
“Careful,” you gasp out, “the bag.”
It’s still held in your hands but Touya just tosses it back to where your purse lays. You hope that it was closed properly and that none of it spilled onto the car floor.
“Something happen between you two? Hm? Being all buddy while you were out?”
You manage to shake your head with what little movement you could manage, cocaine once again flooding your bloodstream and awakening you. Your eyes are a touch wider and your heart races a little faster, you bite your bottom lip and savor the numbness from the coke your boyfriend had rubbed into your plush lips.
Touya hand slides to the back of your neck, his fingers massaging for just a few seconds before grabbing a handful of hair and pulling your head back. You gasp out in surprise, your eyes fluttering when he leans in bites at your neck hard. It doesn’t sting in a good way but you know it’s because he’s mad over how he found you. He’s insanely jealous and only tolerates one other man to be near you.
He lays you back down onto the cushions of the backseat, this time using the grip has on the back of your head to turn you to kiss him. The air between you two is getting warm and if things progress further, it’ll fog up the car. You pant anxiously, slightly frightened for people to pass by or worse— a cop.
There’s no care from the other party, not from Touya as he suffocates you in a kiss and desperately tries to undo his belt and zipper with one hand. Your own hands slide up along his back and you try to comfortably widen your legs as much as you can in the small space. It’s a little awkward but the need for one another right now trumps the choice of just waiting until you get back home.
“Fucking spit, spit onto my hand.”
It’s not exactly elegant the way he cups his palm just underneath your lips, and it’s certainly not sexy the way you spit and some of it slicks against your chin. It’s a frantic and needy moment that needs to be dealt with on the spot. He tells you to spit again, needs just a bit more to smear on his cock so that he doesn’t hurt you too bad. Your tongue lolls out and licks off your bottom lip of the spit that didn’t quite catch onto his palm.
You can still taste the coke on your bottom lip.
The head of his cock bumps against your cunt, slightly slick but not quite as wet as the two of you would like. It has to do for now, and you grit your teeth a little as Touya pushes the tip in. It stings but it’s nothing that you haven’t done before. Before Keigo, he’d hissed over how tight you always were when he’d first get in and then fuck you open. After Keigo, he’s gotten a little spoiled by not having to do as much work anymore because he enjoyed sliding in you after your other boyfriend had already made you slick and ready for him.
The small little hiss you let out is gone after a few seconds, your eyes rolling back a little as your legs are pushed to your chest. Your cunt is fluttering around him, the delicate skin stretched to allow him inside and you’re choking out his name.
“T-Touya, Touya!” You’re whimpering for him, your eyes briefly glancing to the window above you and seeing the moisture trapped inside the car. It’s going to reek of sex in his car.
“Oh fuck, you’re turned on huh? Your little cunt squeezed around me.” Touya laughs a little and tries to adjust himself, hating the small space of his car but just needing to make it work. He had to make do because he needs you now.
He fucks quick, the jingling of his belt moving along with his momentum. The air is warm and starts to feel sticky, your sounds are stifled and he’s gritting his teeth as he tries to fuck fast and be out of the area. Between breathless moans, he hears you bed, “Choke me, choke me please!”
Touya can’t fuck you properly, not like this in this annoyingly small space, but he just needs this quick fuck to help him feel better. He needs to hear your struggling gasps as he chokes you, a little rough as a small punishment for not waiting at the front of the bar with other people. He needs you to cum first so that he can fill you up.
Your mind buzzes, completely awake now not just from the drugs but from desperate and frantic fucking you’re being given. A small part of your mind thinks is the coke bag spilled or not, wondering if you could ask Touya to smear more of it along your inner lip this time. You want to be high on three things; the coke, the fucking, and from Touya.
You’ll have to settle for two at the moment, which is also fine with you.
“Your cock…” you brokenly whisper, grasping at his hand and slightly tugging it off, “your cock Touya, love your cock!”
He laughs a little and flashes you a lovesick smile. A drop of sweat drips along his brow, sliding along his skin to his cheek. It’s disgustingly sweaty and hot inside the car, but now the two of you are so intoxicated from one another that it’s not a bother anymore. Who cares, who cares!
“I know you fucking do, cockslut.” Touya chuckles, “Always fucking drooling to get dick inside of you. Bet ya when we’re done here, you’ll be bouncing on Keigo as soon as we’re home!”
The thought of Keigo pressing your head to the mattress while he fucks you from behind has you giggling, exhilarated at the thought of your other boyfriend also shaming you for being so hungry to get fucked all the time. It makes you cum on the cock that’s fucking you but you’re not exhausted from your own orgasm. You’re eagerly nodding your head and reach your hand forward to grab at Touya’s shirt and pull him towards you. It’s damp with sweat which would normally disgust you, but you hardly notice as you beg, “Fuck me, fuck me! Want you to cum in me and then watch Kei fuck me afterwards!”
Touya fucks franticly now, sloppy and urgent now that he’s excited at what’s waiting at home for him.
“Fill me, fill me with your cum please!”
How could he deny his sweet princess?
Without a warning, he slaps your cheek and chokes you to reach that finish line. His muscles are straining and his neck is uncomfortable being conscious to not get too rowdy so that he doesn’t bump his head along the car’s ceiling. The tensions snaps in him, cum flooding into your pussy and he notices that he’s shaking a little.
Yeah… that was a good fuck.
The two of you lazily kiss in the backseat for a little to calm each other down, but it’s getting late and Keigo is expecting them at home soon. No doubt he’s probably texted where you’re at.
You’re sitting in the passenger seat and shifting a little as cum leaks into your panties. It’s not pleasant but you don’t want to mess up the car seat. It’s a relief to have the windows rolled down, airing out the car that reeked of sex not too long ago. Touya navigates his way through the parking lot to find the exit but stops in front of the car of that guy who seemed to want to bum coke off of you.
“Touya?” you call to him when he exits the car and approaches the side of it. He briefly surveys the lot and deems it clear, flicking out the knife again but this time using the knife to slash the tire of the vehicle.
“Touya! What the fuck?!”
He slashes open two tires before getting back into the car and driving off.
“Was that really necessary? What if that guy finds out that it was you? There could be cameras to identify you!”
Touya waves his hand dismissively at you before setting his hand on your knee. “If I thought that there’s anyway I could be caught, I wouldn’t have fucked you in that lot and fucked that asshole’s tires up. He can suspect it’s me all he wants but it’s not like he’ll be able to find me so easily.”
“And what if he does? What if he presses charges?”
It’s another one of those times when he looks at you and you just shut up. He’s clearly gotten away scot free before and you don’t know how, but he decides how he wants to handle it and it’s not your business.
“There she is! Did you have fun, baby bird?” Keigo greets you immediately when you walk through the door. His embrace has you relaxing, his hand petting your back and also dropping a kiss has you smiling. “You guys fucked, huh? And you forgot to pick up takeout for me.”
“Ah shit,” Touya tuts as he drops his wallet onto the kitchen countertop and hangs his keys on the wall hooks, “fucking forgot. I’ll make it up to you after she gets cleaned up.”
Keigo playfully smacks your ass and starts to push you towards the bathroom, “You better. We’ll be taking a bath while you make my food.”
“But… but I thought…” you pout over at Touya, “I wanna… y’know.”
“She wants me to watch while you fuck her.”
He says it so easily and even though it’s a regular occurrence between the three of you, you squeal his name in embarrassment. But he promises you that he’ll be there shortly, turning away to rest his hand along his hard on and hiding the giddy smile on his face.
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jtl-fics · 6 months
In honor of April Fools day I will talk a bit about an AU with my favorite fool - (Redacted) Smith that I will probably never write fully but have thought about a bunch of scenes for.
I call it 2 Fluent Freshmen.
Due to a clerical error at both the school and during the local government's push to digitize their documents Smith is noted down as being 2 years older than he actually is and (perhaps a clerical error or maybe no teacher can say if they've had him in class or not) Smith also has enough credits to graduate. Gran has passed away early and there's nothing for him in Washington other than more anxiety.
Wymack & Dan come to Smith when he is 16 and Smith takes the chance to escape from his family IMMEDIATELY. Sure the Foxes are the worst team and sure there's some drama going on with Kevin Day having joined them after his injury but a full ride scholarship is a full ride scholarship!
Smith is rooming with 2 upperclassmen and his only other fellow freshman - Neil Josten. He is not hiding the fact that he can speak Russian, he is hiding the fact that he is 16. Smith ends up pretty close to Seth and Allison due to sharing a dorm / position respectively and just doing his best not to get to close to crazy Andrew Minyard. He does get a bit close with Neil but it's not something he's trying to do.
He's trying to keep his head down and get through the year.
It's a little hard when he is sat on the couch with the Kathy Ferdinand show. It's a lot harder when Riko Moriyama shows up and doesn't realize he's there and just...sits in Smith's lap?? Smith remains as blank faced as ever and what the fuck is Riko supposed to do? ADMIT HE FUCKED UP?
Do you know how hard it is to intimidate someone when you're sitting in the lap of some dude? The answer is VERY. Kevin can't take him seriously at all, especially after Smith made a comment that Riko's ass was bony.
Riko goes after them the same but Smith doesn't really get that his anger is at Kevin. "Hey, I'm sorry I called your butt bony on national television. That was rude of me. You should try some squats though." and like what the fuck is Riko supposed to say in the face of some dude genuinely apologizing to him.
It buys enough time that no one is grabbed or slammed.
Seth and Allison drag him out to the bar that night and after a few minutes sitting with Allison Smith realizes that he actually does have to pee and oh god someone's trying to assault Seth! Smith calls upon the powers of Gracie Hart and Seth has a black eye and a concussion but he graduates.
Neil wants Smith to come with him to the Thanksgiving because Neil has latched on a bit. Smith ends up going and also ends up going upstairs to go to the bathroom because oh god he cannot handle Nicky's parents hearing him take an anxiety shit. He's making his way to the end of the hall and sees a penny on the ground so he bends over to grab it.
And Drake Spears is unbalanced from missing his swing and falls right out the open window to the ground below where he breaks his neck. Naturally, Andrew is watching this scene unfold from the stairs and just starts to laugh his ass off. Smith turns around after flipping the penny over (it was tails side up and therefore not lucky) unaware of what has happened.
Smith asks if Andrew wants to use the bathroom. Andrew insists that Smith goes on ahead. The Hemmicks keep asking if they saw anyone upstairs and Smith has no idea what they're talking about, Andrew does but plays dumb out of spite. A day later it's wild that Nicky's parents got arrested. Like they seemed so normal, how did they kill someone and dump him in the side garden??
The Winter Banquet happens and well...it's dark. It's dark and Neil has brown hair and brown eyes and Smith has brown hair and brown eyes. Riko is not the best at judging heights so he calls Smith to threaten him and tell him that he's joining the Ravens for a Winter Break training camp. Jean is doing the most anyone has ever done not to laugh right now.
Riko only realizes his mistake when he's finished threatening Smith with his father and Smith ruins it. Smith is elated to have somewhere to stay over winter break. He can't mention he has nowhere to go so he'd thought he'd spend the break homeless. Now here comes Riko Moriyama inviting him to a camp where room and board will be provided?
What a nice guy. To thank him Smith compliments the gains he's noticed on Riko's ass. "The squats are really helping you, or are you doing something else?" he asks.
What the fuck is Riko supposed to do? ADMIT THAT HE FUCKED UP? Tell Smith that he's been doing squats and leg lifts before asking that he hand the tickets back and go get Neil???
Fuck that.
He'll just turn Smith against the Foxes and-
Well Riko kept talking about Smith's dead dad and so Smith may have a slight misunderstanding about the full scope of this training camp. He may think that there is some sort of seance element to it at this point and he's kind of excited at the idea of talking to his dad. "I've never spoken to a dead man before, this will be fun." and it's delivered flatly with no expression.
Riko starts to wonder if maybe Smith is the Butcher's son? Did the Butcher have two sons? He's sweating all the sudden.
It does not help that Smith brings a Ouija board to camp or that his dad was a legit Butcher before he died so Riko's tentative questioning only sends him further into an anxious mess about if Nathan had twins and Riko, due to being kept away from the family business, might just not be aware of it?
Smith has a nice Christmas break.
The last scene I've got dinging around in the noggin is in Binghamton. Smith has been left behind at many a stadium at this point. There's a solid and fast rule.
Neil cannot get on the bus without Smith. They are buddies. This is the buddy system. So when the riot starts and Neil seems to be getting pulled away in the crowd?
Well Smith grabs his hand and pulls him towards the bus, "Buddy system."
The bus starts and they're on their way shortly after. Neil's an anxious wreck but that next morning he wakes up to the news that the Butcher of Baltimore died in an FBI raid the night before as well as his men.
Smith watches the news with Neil, "Wow, that's scary." as he sips some orange juice.
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Ok so random thought, but what if Steve was trans (ftm) and no one realizes it. Not even Robin. Just hear me out on this.
The first question out of this I know I’ll get is “Why wouldn’t Steve come out to Robin as well? Why doesn’t Robin know?” Well in my head cannon I believe Steve is aware that he’s trans but just simply forgets. He’s just a guy being a dude in a very judgemental world. That and he’s under stealth mode, he doesn’t want to be treated differently. He’s proud to be trans but in his mind he’s like any other guy, he doesn’t stand out. He’s transitioned socially that he doesn’t even think to much about it unless he’s in the men’s bathroom.
(Also for this au that is being built from scratch this is going to be modern, because I don’t want to accidentally put my experiences as a trans man on a transguy in the 80’s. I’m fully aware that they are different which is why I’m turning this into a modern au.)
There’s loopholes in this idea but I don’t care. Just Steve Harrington who is still getting used to being treated like a man socially. He doesn’t understand the hand shake thing with Lucas or the other jocks and he’s still a bit nervous about all of it. Like he’s finally fitting what he feels and he loves it but hates it at the same time. Because now he has to learn how to be a proper “gentleman” in public, which is a lot easier then hoe he was taught to be a lady. Now both of his parents are not conservative. Shockingly. So they are more open to things then most. Though secretly his father has always wanted a son to pass the business down to and this is the perfect opportunity. His mother isn’t to happy but she finally gets on board. Once he’s sixteen he starts hormones and switches schools, where he becomes king steve. Where he falls into a toxic masculine group of Tommy’s so he can “fit” in.
But then things start to go down hill with the upside down. And everything goes by normal. He meets Robin and they are two pees in the pod. Just missing one, that they are not really searching for but are?
The whole trans thing comes up when they are all in the boat and Steve’s a bit panicked because this means he has to take his shirt off in front of them. This can go to so different ways.
A) He hasn’t had top surgery yet and is currently wearing his binder. Which is skin toned but doesn’t match. He’s beat red as he catches the curious eyes of all of them on the boat. None of them knowing what a binder is. Robin of course asks what that is, and avoiding the question he jumps in and goes under. (You aren’t supposed to swim with your binder on) and he regrets all of his life decisions before coming back up and then being pulled back down. Everyone of course follows along, and after all of it Steve is in a lot of pain. Between the bite and his ribs he has no choice but to pull his binder off. Everything is explained and he’s really embarrassed as he finally gets the damn thing off while holding his chest. Trying to hide his boobs, in which Eddie ends up coming over with the vest. Wrapping it around Steve carefully with the most awkward back pat ever. Like it’s not brought up, but Steve does end up wearing one of Eddie’s old baggy shirts from what’s “83” but really a different year because it’s modern. And his vest as well to help cover his chest and it’s the most gender euphoria ever. (Also he still has a hairy chest, so before he gets the shirt and the vest is covering most of his moobs Eddie nearly dies seeing his chest hair)
Or it goes B) where he’s had top surgery but it’s been a bit more recent. He’s still recovering and he has to awkwardly check his wrap his on properly before diving in. Like he shouldn’t be swimming either and he has to awkwardly explain what top surgery is to them. And robin who can’t help the jokes
“I thought you liked boobs!”
But just Steve being fully accepted. And after everything Eddie just sneaks some more baggy masculine clothes that Steve has been wanting to wear but weren’t preppy enough for his parents.
Like there is so much with this idea
(This all started because I pictured Steve with top surgery scars with Eddie’s vest, but also pre op steve with his vest is also equally as gender. Though do not feminize his chest or else I’ll bite you.)
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Okay trying out posting some headcannons about the Curtis gang (including Betty for my fic readers cause I’ve written 100k words and I do what I want)
So without further ado I give you: How airport traveling goes for the gang (modern AU)
Darry is peak stressed eldest child™️ at the airport. Soda and Ponyboy make fun of him for this relentlessly
However, the gang overall is absolute chaos, so his stress isn’t necessarily unwarranted
Soda is still packing 5 minutes before they’re supposed to leave for the airport and it drives Darry insane
Dally only brings a backpack. No suitcase. He brings like some random clothes and whatever he just tosses in the bag. Pretty sure he doesn’t even know what he’s packed
Darry parking the car is so much of a production for no reason, man is cursing every time he thinks he finds an open spot but it’s just a car that’s hidden
He parks in the far lot because they aren’t paying the $30 a day garage parking fee because wtf (honestly same) and they have to take the shuttle
When they actually are walking into the airport for their first plane trip with Betty coming along Two Bit takes pity and pulls her aside to warn her about Darry being a bit… high strung at the airport
They forget that she is an eldest daughter™️
They always try to fly an airline where you get a free checked bag with your ticket because these boys refuse to travel without their pocket knives and so they gotta have them in checked luggage.
The second they’re at the luggage counter and getting boarding passes Darry immediately takes all of them. He doesn’t trust a single one of them to be in charge of their own boarding pass. Betty snatches hers before he gets the chance to hold on to hers though.
The second their bags are checked behind the counter Betty turns into some insane drill Sargent and starts just marching towards security with or without them with her pink tote bag over her shoulder.
The duo that is Darry and Betty in the security line. They both are like barely holding on every time some random person holds up the line or slows things down.
Soda and Steve get in a full on wrestling match in line. They almost take Ponyboy down on accident cause he wasn’t paying attention
Speaking of Ponyboy not paying attention, his bag gets pulled by security and Darry just lets out the most long suffering sigh.
Ponyboy forgot he had a full water bottle in his bag. Everyone but Darry and Betty think it’s hilarious
Dally has to go through the metal detector like three times cause he keeps forgetting things on his person that will set it off. despite being told he’d need to take his belt off like eight times, he still didn’t the first time he tried to walk through.
Johnny somehow silently got through security five minutes before everyone else and like already has his shoes back on and everything and it just watching it all unfold
The boys all want to get food immediately after getting through security. Darry and Betty refuse to allow anyone to do so until they’ve visually confirmed that their gate does indeed exist
Two Bit disappears for like an hour and just comes back to the with a new pair of Bose headphones, an armful of snacks, and like four magazines
Steve and Soda bring a Switch and occupy themselves and most of the gang by playing games while they wait
Darry and Betty get in a full on fight because mans wants to just stand in line before they’ve even started boarding and she won’t let him. Sir you are in boarding group 4.
Eventually she says fuck it and lets him go stand there cause he gets so mad, so she simply leaves to go to Hudson news and get herself some candy.
Once boarding actually starts Darry makes them all line up early, he about pops a blood vessel because half of the guys immediately have to pee and leave for the bathroom
Betty very pointedly does not get up to come stand and wait in line with them until the group before theirs is almost done. Darry is convinced she’s gonna miss the flight despite the fact he can SEE her
Darry handing out boarding passes in this line and being like don’t you dare lose this. They have to walk approx 5 feet to the check in counter lmfao
Seats are duos as follows: Dally and Two Bit, Johnny and Pony, Soda and Steve, Darry and Betty.
Soda legit asks if they need to swap seats as they’re like in the aisle of the plane cause literally no one has seen the two of them fight this bad ever. They snap at everyone including each other over everything. Betty gets mad at how Darry puts his backpack into the overhead bin and he just softly bangs his forehead against it in exasperation
They second the they’re all sitting everyone’s convinced they’re gonna kill each other because the seats are tiny and there is no leg room or personal space
Betty simply takes the people magazine two bit bought (stole?) and opens her skittles as if she and Darry weren’t about to throttle each other thirty seconds prior
Darry passes out everyone’s snacks and then says no one speak to me for the next two hours.
Soda realized the two of them were meant to be when he looked over and saw that they both were currently glaring daggers at someone for arguing about seats and holding up the flight, they were sharing candy and just somehow sharing their mutual type A meltdown together
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queerpumpkinnn · 11 months
Kinktober 22nd: Staying Hydrated
aka piss play with Steve Harrington
1k words
Summary: In which Steve has taken a strange new interest in keeping you hydrated.
Pairing: Boyfriend!Steve Harrington x reader
Warnings: Piss play if you couldn't tell (it's probably on the more mild end since it's my first time writing for it, but piss play nonetheless), vaginal fingering, shower sex, reader pisses their pants but only a little bit, edging, dacryphilia, let me know if I missed anything!
~ Steve was always a caring boyfriend, that was never a doubt in your mind.
He always brought you flowers, kept you company when you needed it, and spent more on food and gifts for you than you could return.
Even today, he'd made sure to remind you every hour or so to drink lots of water, refilling your cup for you and tipping the end of the bottle upwards as you drank. You'd assumed it was due to a comment you'd made some day or other about how you wished you'd drink more water, so you thought nothing of it.
So that evening, after the two of you had retired to the living room to watch a movie, you were accompanied by a full water bottle, mindlessly sipping as you lay in Steve's lap.
Until a familiar feeling in your bladder drew your attention from the movie. You looked into the bottom of your cup- it was nearly empty.
You took in a breath, shifting a little in your seat. Steve's hand was splayed over your thigh, thumb stroking soothingly over the skin. You were suddenly hyper-aware of the weight of his arm over your stomach.
You tried standing up, but he held you down. "Steve, gotta get up."
"No you don't." He said simply. His eyes didn't waver from the TV.
"Baby, I gotta pee." You wiggled, trying with little success to pry his arm off of you.
"Then hold it." Maybe your mind was playing tricks on you, but you swore his hand on your thigh moved higher.
"I can't- Steve, if you don't let me up I'm going to piss on you."
"No you aren't," he muttered, fingers dancing dangerously close to the seam of your pants. "You're gonna hold it."
The pressure in your abdomen is building steadily, and Steve's legs keeping your legs pried open didn't help one bit. His finger is tracing the junction where your thigh ends and your pussy starts. You've completely forgotten the plot of the movie.
"Steve..." you whined, hips trembling. "Please."
"Since you asked so nicely." He purred. To your surprise, he didn't let you up, but his hand went to cup your cunt, rubbing firm circles with his palm over your clit.
"Steve!" You gasped, taking a harsh grip on his wrist. You weren't sure if you wanted him to stop or keep going, but you needed grounding. Your hips couldn't move up to meet his hand without soiling yourself, but your back arched against him. Your poor bladder was struggling, and you could feel your underwear wetting a little. Whether it was arousal or pee, you couldn't tell. Probably both.
"Steve, I can't hold it," you whimpered, tears pricking at your waterline.
"No? I think you can, you always do." His hair tickles your cheek as he presses sweet pecks to it. "But since you've done so well, go on, go to the bathroom."
As quickly and as carefully as you can, you sit up from his lap. You're mortified when you see a wet stripe on the thigh of his sweatpants. You waddle to the bathroom, cheeks hot with embarrassment.
Steve is hot on your trail, despite his nonchalant walk with his hands in his pockets. You tear your pants and underwear from your body, only just aware of the sound of Steve turning the shower on.
A hand on your arm stops you when you lift the toilet lid. "Ah, none of that."
You whine, tapping your foot like a petulant child. "But Steve-"
"Come on, the water's good now." Steve pushes the sliding glass aside all the way, stepping in. You watch as he drops to his knees in the shower, the water over his tanned torso causing the butterflies in your stomach to flutter. His eyes are hungry and dark, but there was a teasing gleam in his eyes as he cocked his head, gesturing you in.
Tentatively, you step into the shower. The warm water feels good on your skin, but your thighs are still trembling and your bladder is still painfully full.
Steve looks up at you sweetly, as though he wasn't the sole reason for the concoction of discomfort and anxiety and arousal and desperation swimming in your gut. He places soft kisses to your thighs, pulling one of your hands to his hair, damp from the steam. Steve's fingers trace through your folds, tantalizingly slowly.
"Please," you whispered. You weren't sure what you were asking for anymore. The pressure in your bladder and the fire licking through your loins had you so strung out you couldn't think.
Steve presses a slow, deliberate kiss to your clit, and your hand tightens around his hair. His fingers traced around your hole, weeping and fluttering around the touch.
You could feel Steve smirking at the feeling, chuckling at your gasps and whimpers as he pushes a finger in. His tongue laves over your clit, sucking and tracing and pushing you closer and closer towards your high.
"God, Steve, I can't hold it..." you moaned, head falling forward. You're so close to your orgasm and so close to pissing, and you needed both so badly that tears came.
"Just a little longer, baby, doing so well." Steve mumbled, pushing in another finger.
"Steve, I can't!" You cried.
"Hold it."
"Let go."
You probably would have even if he didn't let you. Your body shakes violently with the relief washing over you. Your eyes screwed shut and your mouth fell open in a long, panting moan. Steve looked elated under you as he suckled on your clit, fingers moving harshly, hitting that spot inside of you that had you seeing stars.
Your pussy was spasming by the time he'd finally pulled away. There was a dreamy look in his eyes as he passed his tongue over his lips.
"You," you huffed, "are crazy."
Steve grinned. "worked though, didn't it?"
You rolled your eyes. "Yeah, see how nice I am next time you chug a coffee right before a four hour car ride."
"Can't wait."
Steve Harrington Masterlist
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
Stranger Things Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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desperate-gay · 11 months
Can you write a kyra cc sickfic about Kyra catching a stomach bug and reader + auswnt look after her, she’s at first stubborn to admit she’s ill but when she maybe throws up after eating or smth she admits defeat?
Just a request, don’t HAVE to do it. Xx
Stomach Bug
Kyra Cooney-Cross x fem!reader
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You should have made her stay home. You knew she wasn’t feeling good from the middle of the night when she was kicking and pulling up the blankets constantly from her temperature rising and falling. Then, when you woke up, you noticed how pale her usual tan skin was. She insisted that she was just fine even if you didn’t believe her, but she was stubborn as always and wanted to head to practice.
After a few minutes of bickering back and forth, you eventually gave up and got ready to head to training together. When you arrived, many of your teammates picked up on how sick Kyra looked and asked if she should head back home. Once again she continued to assure that she was okay and began to warm up.
So here you are now, practicing with several mini-games while keeping a close eye across the field at your girlfriend. You notice her stumbling a little bit and pausing to take deep breaths. Tony blows the whistle and shouts it's time for sprints, worrying you that Kyra will feel even worse if she keeps up her I’m fine front.
After 3 or 4 sprints, you see the girl run off the pitch and to the nearest garbage. You jog your way over to her and rub her back as she continues to empty her stomach into the bin.
“Hey, coach-“ You begin but Tony nods his head, knowing that both of you need to leave.
“Feel better, Kyra,” Tony says as he waves you both off.
“Yeah feel better, Cooney!”
“We love you!”
“Take care!”
Kyra smiles while nodding at the team as you guide her back into the locker room with your hand on her back. Before leaving, she rinses out her mouth at the best of her ability to get the horrid taste out while you gather up each other’s stuff.
“I can carry my stuff, y’know.” Your girlfriend says, noticing you carrying both your and hers bag on your shoulders.
“I am aware, but you’re sick and I can take care of you.”
She smiles when you peck her cheek and continues to walk to the car. Her smile soon drops at the sight of you holding the keys and heading to the driver's side.
“What are you doing?”
You turn around and look at her with a confused expression, seeing her standing still in the middle of the lot. “What do you mean what am I doing? I’m driving us home.” The small frown on her face shows you exactly what is wrong. “Kyra, you’re sick! You can live with me driving you once in your lifetime.” You laugh at her nonsense and nod your head at the car, waving for her to get in.
With a huff, she finally sits in the passenger seat with a frown still plastered on her face. “Don’t get used to this.”
“I won’t, baby. Do you need a bag or anything, or do you think you’ll be fine the rest of the way?”
“I’m okay, I think it was just a one-time thing. I just need to rest in bed for some time.”
You nod your head in understanding and start to drive home. The whole time Kyra stares at the buildings passing, pressing her head against the cold glass of the window to soothe her burning skin.
Once you pull up to your destination, you keep your kit bags in the car and quickly take the brunette into the house.
“Go lay down, pick a movie, and I’ll make some soup for you, okay?” Kyra doesn’t put up much of a fight, exhausted and slightly queasy, she heads into your shared bedroom and rips off her top so she remains in her sports bra and shorts.
Luckily for the both of you, she doesn’t get sick again, but she becomes such a baby when even slightly sick.
“Baby! Where are you? I’m supposed to have my cuddles!” She shouts into the air, not even bothering to look for you.
You shake your head with a small laugh and finish up what you’re doing. She hears a door open and sees you step out of the bathroom. “I had to pee, I told you that before I got up, dummy.”
You move the blankets and get comfortable on the bed before Kyra latches onto you, nuzzling her face into your neck.
“You’re supposed to love me, not call me a dummy.” She grumbles against your skin.
“You’re such a baby when sick, but I love you anyway, even when you’re insufferable.” She lightly smacks your leg, making you giggle and kiss her warm cheek.
“I love you too.”
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What a Suprise~ Bill Weasley
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Waddling was all I could call the way I was walking.
But I couldn’t see my life being any other way.
An amazing man that loves me just the way I am.
An adopted son.
A loving family that’s there for me no matter what.
And a baby on the way.
But waddling was the least of my worries
There were worse symptoms of being almost nine months pregnant. Like constantly having to pee, having swollen ankles, barely getting any sleep at night, my mood changing at any and all moments, only eating things I crave, and my least favorite becoming nauseous at anything my nose deems disgusting.
But I had to remind myself that it would all be worth it.
To have that little bundle of joy in my arms will make it all worth it.
I had to make the days shorter by keeping me busy to make the final weeks of this pregnancy fly by. And that starts with me getting out of bed.
That was no easy task.
The amount of rolling around and grunting got the man lying next to me to stir awake. “Good morning love. Do you need any help?” Bill asked me.
I grumbled as I asked,” What does it look like hun?”
“It looks like my beautiful wife is trying to get out of bed when we both know your abs are no longer in working order,” he chuckles at me.
“Yeah yeah just help me get up so I can get ready before Teddy wakes up,” I grumble to him.
(Teddy a.k.a Edward Remus Lupin, the son of my late sister Tonks. He was put into my care after the second wizarding war when it was found that Nymph and Remus were gone. I’ve taken care of him ever since then. It's been three years.)
“Okay okay I’m coming,” he said back to me.
Bill pulls me out of our cozy bed and my feet hit the cold floor making me shiver. I stand in front of my husband giving him a kiss before I begin to walk towards the bathroom. I’m stopped before I take my second step by Bill’s hand gently holding my arm.
He carefully spins me around so as not to make me dizzy.
He then gets on his knees so he is level with your sizable bump. He then starts to talk to your bump,” Good morning little one. I just have a few rules for the day for you. One, don’t kick your mother in the ribs, Two, don’t come out early, and last but not least I love you so much, and can’t wait to see you any day now.” He ends the chat with a couple of kisses to my stomach tickling me in the process causing me to laugh. Which in return causes our baby to kick where the kisses were settled.
“Well if your done sweet talking the babe I am going to go and take a shower,” I say as I’m looking down at him.
All he does is look up at me with adoration something I’ve seen from him quite a lot these past weeks.
“What are you staring at?” I ask him.
“I am looking at the most beautiful woman in the world. Just trying to understand how I got so lucky to have someone like you,” he says in amazement.
“I’m still trying to understand what in Merlin’s name I had to do in order to have the most handsome, most loving, and definitely most daring husband to ever step foot on the world,” I respond with the same love and adoration.
He stands up again with a wide smile spread across his face.
He pulls me into a kiss.
He had to lean in order to reach my lips as there was an obstacle in his way.
“Now I’m going to shower,” I say back to him as I walk away.
“I will most likely be downstairs making breakfast when you are done,” he says back to me.
I walk into the bathroom turn on the shower and turn to look in the mirror just looking at myself hoping one day to see some of the same features in my little girl.
Yes, girl.
Bill hasn’t wanted to know so I haven’t told him, but I found out a long time ago.
Keeping the news a secret all to myself.
I walk into the shower as the hot water runs down my body washing away yesterday. I run my hands over my stomach to make sure I don’t miss a single inch of my body.
I go through my routine but still don’t want to get out of the hot water as it has raised my body temperature significantly since I’ve gotten in. The chill of the morning trying to sneak into the hot shower. Only getting out when the tips of my fingers start to wrinkle.
I dry off and put on the plush robe waiting on the back of the bathroom door. Hoping to keep the cool air at bay. Continuing to dry my hair as I wipe the condensation off the mirror in front of me.
While looking at myself I take a moment to take it all in before the day finally begins.
I brush out my hair and move to the closet to get dressed. Picking one of Bill’s sweaters and my trusted leggings. The only thing that still fits.
Just as I finished the exercise of putting my socks on I heard the little groans coming from the room down the hall.
I smile to myself as I make my way to the babbling toddler.
“Good morning Mr. Teddy,” I say to him. I’m only greeted with a barely toothy grin.
The boy in front of me has the face of his father but the eyes and hair of his mother. Finding out that he is a metamorphmagus like his mother was a shock and a relief. I was washing dishes when I heard Teddy sneeze and then heard continuous quacking. I walked into the living room to see him with a duck beak on the front of his face. Quickly calling my mother was the only thing I thought to do. She was over in a heartbeat to teach me how to change him back to his perfect self.
I chuckle at the memory as I make my way over to the blue-haired boy. He smiles at me jumping with excitement at seeing me coming to get him.
“Do you want to get dressed or have breakfast?” I ask picking him up.
He points to the small closet behind us as his answer.
“Alright let’s get you dressed,” I say.
Changing him has always been an easy task for me.
As long as he’s holding my wand. It hasn’t caused any accidents yet, but I know one day it probably will.
I put him down on the floor and told him to get breakfast. He then takes off down the hall the sound of his little feet hitting the floor echoes through the quiet house.
I smile as I follow him down the hall.
When he gets to the stairs he waits for me to catch up with him.
I tell him,” It’s okay you know how to do it.”
He then turns around and begins to slowly descend the stairs. He looks up at me every so often to make sure I’m still following. When he makes it to the bottom of the stairs he slowly stands and turns around taking off toward the kitchen. The smell of breakfast floats to my nose.
I waddle my way to the kitchen doorway in time to hear their conversation.
“Good morning my son. How did you sleep my little tyke?” he says to him.
Teddy babbles for a bit before he says,” Good dada.”
Hearing Teddy say that to him feels wrong but earned. We will tell him of his parents and just how heroic they were. When he can understand why we kept it a secret, but for now we will play the part.
“Oh really and you look so handsome and cozy in your sweater. Did you pick it out or did Mommy?” he says to the boy.
“Me,” he says proudly.
Which is true although I picked out two for him to choose from.
“Well, you definitely made a good choice. Nana Weasley will be overjoyed when she learns you’ve taken a liking to her sweaters,” Will says to Teddy as he tickles his little stomach making Teddy let out a loud giggle.
“See Nana,” Teddy says excitedly.
“We’ll see Nana next weekend okay,” Bill responds.
“Okay,” Teddy says back with a smile on his little face.
I stand in the doorway to the kitchen watching the scene playing out in front of me.
Bill is trying to make pancakes while still holding Teddy in his arms. I take this as my cue to step in and help him with making breakfast. I pour myself a cup of coffee to make my presence known to the man on the other side of the kitchen. I hear music begin to play throughout the cozy room. I turn to see the two of them begin to dance to the music around them.
I giggle at the two of them and move to take over making breakfast for my husband.
I finished making everything and brought it to the little table perfect for my little family. As I finish bringing the last of the food to the table Bill and Teddy dance their way over to me squishing me in between the two of them in slobbery kisses on each cheek.
“Oh thank you my loves,” I laugh to them as they sit down.
Teddy gets out,“ Welcome mama.” I start to put food onto a plate for Teddy so I can cut it up for him. The music still softly going in the background of our meal.
The rest of breakfast is spent talking to Bill about the current case he’s working on, and Teddy occasionally chiming in to tell us his opinions.
After breakfast, I’m at the sink washing the dishes from the morning while humming to the music in the house. Teddy is in the living room playing with his toys. And as I’m cleaning one of the last dishes I feel two arms snake around my waist or what was left of it from behind.
“You look so beautiful today,” he whispers in my ear swaying us slowly.
“Well, you take some of the credit. This is your sweater after all,” I say back to him as I sway with him.
“I can’t take any credit you’re beautiful wearing anything. Especially when wearing nothing,” he responds while biting my ear lobe ever so lightly.
“Thank you my love, but not gonna happen,” I sass at him.
“Okay if not that then could I have this dance with you, my lady?” he asks holding out his hand to me.
I nod my head yes, and take his hand. He pulls me in close to him and we begin to dance. I listen closely and begin to hear the song that’s playing. Our song. As I begin listening the song gets louder as we begin dancing our way through the main level of our home. It makes me remember our wedding. The songs, the dancing, the food, and him, my husband. One of the best days of my life as I’m sure there are more to come especially with our little one on the way.
We finally make it to the living room where Teddy begins to stand to his feet holding his arms out and asking to be held.
I instantly pick him up and we squish him in between us as we continue our dance around the toys in the living room. We begin to sing to the little boy in our arms. Causing him to giggle as he listens to us sing funnily at him.
The song begins to wind down and Bill spins and dips me one last time as the last note holds.
When I come back up I feel it.
The rush of water gushing down my leg.
I look up at Bill with shock all over my face. He’s still laughing with Teddy until he looks at me. His smile was replaced with worry as he instantly started to look me over. His eyes finally looked to the ground to see the puddle around us.
I can see the shock finally register on his face.
All I can do is smile with excitement. We knew it could happen any day and apparently, today was the day.
I took Teddy from Bill’s arms as he raced up the stairs to get our hospital bags.
I looked at Teddy with a smile on my face trying not to worry or freak out the young boy. Bill appears a couple of seconds later with two trunks in his arms.
It’s my turn to look at my husband with love and admiration. My smile is reciprocated by the ginger in front of me. I don’t know what the rest of the day has in store but I’m ready to do it with this man at my side.
I waddle over to Bill and he meets me halfway linking my arm with his we aparate to the burrow to drop off Teddy with Molly and Arthur.
When Molly sees us on the front steps she instantly knows why we're here. She’s already fussing over me before she opens the door.
She takes the excited toddler from my arms and tells us to go the instant Teddy is resting on her hip. As we turn to walk away to aparate to St.Mungos Molly grabs my arm and whispers,” Oh, and good luck my dear. Bring home my second grandbaby.”
I give her a nervous smile as I walk to Bill and we are off.
We arrive at the hospital and my first contraction hits my body.
The second one is not far behind it.
I am put in a wheelchair and bring me to a private room.
I look around at the room and take in the fact that this is where my little girl is going to be brought into the world. A day that feels weird now that it is here.
I'm put in bed and nurses start to fuss over me and my baby making sure that everything is going smoothly. As one of the nurses goes to check me a surge of pain goes through my body as another contraction hits me.
The nurse apologies as she’s done checking me telling me that I’m progressing fast and that I’m at 5 centimeters already.
5 more to go I tell myself.
5 more and I get to see my beautiful girl.
Time passed and it felt like an eternity.
But finally, I was ready to push.
I pushed for three hours.
I was exhausted, sad, happy, a whole bunch of emotions. I was about to give up when I heard it. Her cry.
A cry I’ve waited eight and a half months for.
I look over at my husband who’s been letting me squeeze his hand for the last three hours. I see him looking at the baby that is being laid on my chest with that same love and admiration he shows me every day.
She’s already stolen his heart and she’s barely a minute old.
“It’s a girl, my love,” I whisper to him as he puts his face next to mine to get a closer look at the babe.
“A great surprise indeed,” he says with tears all over his face.
After she was cleaned and bundled up snugly she was placed into my arms by the nurse who said,” I’ll give you guys some time to yourself.”
“Thank you,” I smiled towards the nurse.
Now we were alone with our baby.
Our second baby.
“You are the most beautiful girl in the world,” Bill says.
“Are you talking to me or her?” I quip.
“I’m talking to both of you. She looks so much like you already,” he ogles.
“Except for the full head of red hair and that nose. She definitely got those from you. We will have to wait and see what her eye color is, but my money is on blue,” I say to him.
“What are we going to name her my love?” He asks me.
“I think we’ll name her Agnes Nymphdora Weasley. What do you think about that little one?” I ask her.
All I get in return is a smile. Her first smile.
“You, Agnes, will do great and wonderful things and I know that because you will have me and your dad, and your brother at your side at all times. And you don’t even know it yet but you have six uncles and four aunts who love you. And your Nana and Papa Weasley, and your Granny Tonks. And so many more, and guess what they all love you so much. But I will say that your Dad definitely loves you the most I can see it in his eyes. You already have him wrapped around your tiny finger,” she smiles as I say that,” And of course, you know it too you little cheeky thing. You get that from your uncles Fred and George,” I continue to go on and on about your beautifully broken family until I’m fast asleep.
I woke up the next morning to hear Bill talking to someone.
I open my eyes and see Molly and Arthur.
“Where are the kids?” my groggy voice mixed with sleep and worry asks.
“We were waiting until you woke up for them to meet,” Molly says to me,” don’t worry he’s at the house with the rest of the family who are excited and ready to congratulate you.”
“I think I’ll need a day or two before that happens,” I say with a sigh.
“That is just fine my dear. We will be celebrating at the burrow whenever you’re ready to come by,” she says as she kisses me on the cheek,” in the meantime, I’ll go get the little man of the hour.” She then walks out the door with Arthur following close behind.
I then realize that Bill is holding our baby wrapped in multiple blankets. No doubt the work of Molly while I was asleep. I smile as I see him rocking her back and forth while humming our song to her.
I could feel my heart beaming with pride.
Then there is a knock on the door.
“Just a minute,” I say.
Bill and I both know exactly who is behind that door.
He walks over to me and carefully hands me baby Agnes. I get her situated in my arms, and Bill caresses my face in admiration as I do so. He takes the chair he’s been using next to the bed.
“Come in,” I say to the door not too loudly in case I might wake the sleeping baby.
The door slowly opens to reveal Teddy in the arms of Molly as she walks into the room. Arthur follows slowly behind them with Teddy’s security blanket.
“Hi buddy,” I say to him in a soft but excited voice.
All he does is wave to me as he pushes against Molly to be let down. She lets him down so he can come over on his own terms. Before he walks towards us he reaches and grabs his blanket from Arthur.
He then begins to walk around the bed to stand next to the chair Bill is sitting in.
“You want to come up,” Bill says as he reaches out his arms to Teddy.
Teddy nods his little head.
Bill puts him in his lap.
“Hi baby,” I say to him.
“Hi, Mommy,” he says back to me.
“Do you know who this is?” Bill asks him.
“Mommy,” Teddy says.
“That’s right, but who is Mommy holding,” he asks again.
He looks at me taking in everything before him. The bed with the white sheets, me with my hospital gown on, and finally I see his little eyes land on the bundle of blankets in my arms. He then stands up in Bill’s lap trying to get a better look at her.
“Baby!” he says with a lot of excitement. The smile on his face is genuine and infectious.
I became so happy that I felt tears of happiness build behind my eyes.
“Yes that’s right, baby, this is your baby sister,” I say to him.
“Hold, please,” Teddy says to me as he begins to climb out of Bill’s lap and onto the hospital bed. I instantly began moving to make room in my lap for the boy by holding the baby in one arm while he slid his way into my lap.
“Okay, hunny curl your arm to support her head, and then wrap your arm around her… there you go buddy good job,” I instruct my son.
Agnes doesn’t stir one bit as Teddy holds her.
It’s like she knows who he is already.
“What do you think Teddy?” Bill asks.
“Pretty,” he says as he begins to slowly touch her head. I take off her hat so that he can see her full head of red hair, and he begins to stroke it back and forth.
“You’re doing such a good job baby. Being so gentle with her,” I say with a smile across my face.
I look up after hearing the silent sobbing from across the room.
Molly is in tears while Arthur tries to console her.
“Would you like to know what her name is?” I ask the grandparents in front of me.
Molly nods her head slowly while wiping her nose with a handkerchief. Arthur waiting to catch his wife if need be at what’s about to happen.
“Well, we decided to name her Agnes Nymphadora Weasley,” I say proudly to them.
I see the quiet sob leave Molly’s mouth at the name of our first baby girl.
Arthur says to us,” That’s a mighty fine name for your little girl. I’m so proud of both of you. More you than him Y/n.”
“Thank you Arthur that means the world,” I say in thanks.
~ The next day is spent relearning all the steps of having a newborn. The diapers. The feedings. The sleep cycle.
We leave for home after three days in the hospital.
We open our front door to see Molly busying herself with cleaning. While Arthur is in the living room reading out loud to Teddy.
“What’s all this?” I ask as I enter the house.
“Well, we’re here to help you of course,” Molly says matter of factly.
“Thank you,” I say to her.
As I continue to enter the house I begin to hear little feet padding towards us. I then see him come around the corner running straight towards us. I drop to my knees to greet him with the biggest hug possible.
“Hi, buddy. Did you have fun with Nana and Papa?” I ask him.
He nods his head as a response wanting to be held by me. So I picked him up.
“What do you… “ I don’t even get to finish my sentence as a big yawn comes from the small boy. “You wanna take a nap buddy,” I ask him.
“With you please,” he answers.
“Of course buddy. We’ll go upstairs and take a nap together you and me,” I respond.
“And Daddy, and baby,” he pleas.
“Okay, buddy we will go and take a family nap how about that,” I say to him.
He nods his head with sleepy excitement.
“Well, you heard the man. Up you get,” I say to my husband with a tired smile.
He begins to climb the stairs with the sleeping baby girl in his arms. I turn to look at Molly but she’s already shooing me up the stairs to follow my husband. “Okay, Okay I’m going,” I say to her,” thank you again Molly for all you’ve done.”
“No need to thank me, love. I had the help when I had mine thank Merlin. So I’m repaying the favor one grandbaby at a time,” she says back to me.
I smile one last time at her before I walk up the stairs to the bedroom I shared with my husband and for a while our baby Agnes.
I walk into the room to see that Bill is almost asleep, and Agnes is down for the count. I keep Teddy at my side as I slide into the plush bed. As I go to move him I see he’s fast asleep on my shoulder. I lean back onto the headboard and slide down onto my back with Teddy on top of me. I turn my head so I can cuddle into the side of my beautiful husband.
“Thank you,” he says to me out of nowhere.
“What are you thanking me for?” I ask with confusion.
“For giving me this. The life I’ve always wanted. My beautiful children taking a nap with me and my beautiful wife. All I can say to you is Thank you for bringing this life into the world,” he says while pointing at Agnes,” And for bringing him into my life,” he says while pointing at Teddy,” And thank you for choosing me to be the one you spend the rest of the life with,” he finishes with tears in his eyes.
I lean to him and give him the most deeply loving kiss I can.
“I will always choose you, William Weasley,” I say while looking into his eyes,” I will choose you in this life and every lifetime after that. I mean it.”
“And I will choose you in every lifetime as well my love,” he says back to me.
“Now I’m taking a nap and relishing in the quiet before the storm,” I say to him as I close my eyes.
He pecks my cheek and nose one last time before he pulls me into his side to hold me while we all sleep together in the true mark before the rest of our lives.
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AITA for “yes and”ing sexual harassment?
I (19 ?) am very visibly queer. I’ve been perceived as pretty much every gender under the sun, and I like to be as confusing as physically possible. even if I’m dressed down I don’t ever “pass” as anything. I really like this for the most part but it also means I get a lot of weird looks no matter what bathroom I use. usually I just use the women’s because it’s what I’ve used my entire life and also it’s cleaner. no matter which one I’m in people usually only react to me with weird looks. occasionally they’ll go “sorry!” and turn to walk out of the bathroom directly to the other one (this has happened in both the men’s and women’s) and I’ll have to frantically apologize before they can, but that’s the worst it gets normally
anyway, a couple months ago I was in this mostly empty women’s room (me, these two ladies, and the woman who’s about to sexually harass me). I was dressed up for an event so I probably looked pretty strange to most people. this woman (30s?40s? F) approaches me and tells me I’ve got the wrong bathroom. I take it as an honest mistake and say something like “thanks, but it’s ok, I meant to use this one.” I notice this sort of simmering rage on her face after I say this and that’s when it clicks that she: 1. thinks I’m a trans woman (she’s not totally wrong but it’s complicated), and 2. thinks that means I’m posing a Direct Threat To The Sanctity Of The Women’s Restroom. she compels me to leave Again. I give a firmer no, and turn to get in a stall
at this point she goes off the deep end and starts calling me a creep, accusing me of being a man, etc (ftr I’m intersex, was assigned female at birth. but obviously this wouldn’t matter to her and even if it did it wouldn’t excuse the shit she’s saying about trans women). I stay quiet. then she starts loudly speculating about the penis that I apparently have now (keep in mind we are NOT the only two in this restroom either, there’s at least two other women who look very uncomfortable with this whole situation). I kind of snap and say something along the lines of “if you’re really so worried about what parts I have, you can come watch me pee.” she looks totally horrified at this idea and shuts up. I pee alone, thank god
the way I see it, this didn’t cross any line she hadn’t already crossed — she was openly harassing me about my genitals in a public space, I answered in the best way I could think of in the moment that would call her bluff instead of insulting her and making it into a shouting match, which would just be even shitter for everyone involved. “ask stupid questions get stupid answers” and all that (it did occur to me the moment I left that bathroom that she could’ve attacked me. I got really lucky she didn’t call the cops or something)
I still don’t feel bad at all for how I responded, and I wouldn’t even be asking this if we were the only two there, but I’m on AITA because there were two other women in the bathroom I feel like ass for even tangentially involving. they both seemed really uncomfortable with what this lady was saying about trans people, and I know she probably still would’ve harassed me no matter what I did, but I wonder if I could’ve somehow prevented the situation altogether by not responding to her at all or even just straight up leaving the bathroom like she asked. it’s kind of useless to speculate about now, I guess, but since this is apparently a thing that happens to me now I should think about how I might respond better to harassment like that in the future
so. AITA for maliciously complying with a transphobe in a public space
What are these acronyms?
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wookiez · 2 years
On my knees begging for eunhyuk x male reader oneshot🙏 Just fluff, the reader is golden retriever like and follows him around a lot? And then they yk kiss kiss 😘 Sorry that it’s not very descriptive. Of course you can always discard this and if you don’t, please take your time<3
𓆩❤︎𓆪 little follower !!
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pairing : lee eunhyuk x male reader
genre : fluff
synopsis : golden retriever reader follows eunhyuk around like a puppy the whole day and they end up confessing to each other.
author's note : love the fact that it's male reader, we need more male readers in fics!!but anyway, I hope this fluff fits up to your expectations.
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lee eunhyuk is a calm-headed and rational guy. you've met him when you've first moved into the green home apartment, way before the tragedy happened. you still remember the first time you met. you had bumped into him while writing a uni essay that was due in two days, he was holding a cup of coffee and it spilled both on your shirt, and your essay paper. you panicked since you worked so hard writing that particular essay for days and it's exactly due in two days and you desperately tried to wipe the coffee stain off, but it was inevitably ineffective. the essay was wet and long gone. eunhyuk took notice of that and decided to lend a hand by rewriting your essay for you. that's when you started to take interest in him. slowly that interest built into love.
since then, you've always tried to interact with him in any way you can. though currently, the whole residence of the green home apartment is struggling especially with what's going on outside currently. It's been a few days since it happened, when strange monsters started appearing and spreading.
you've noticed how eunhyuk has taken the role of a leader and has led the remaining residents. due to that, he has a lot of responsibilities and burden on his shoulders.
so now currently in the present, you're following him around as he orders some of the residents. then, you followed him to the bathroom. as he was about to unzip his pants to pee,
“why do you always follow me around everywhere?” eunhyuk questions.
“is it wrong for me to follow you everywhere, hyuki?” you reply, with a bright smile.
he stares at you, expressionless as he always does, “it's somewhat a violation of privacy, but I guess not. do whatever you must as long as it doesn't affect anything bad.” he says
“okie dokie!”
“now, please could you leave and let me pee in peace.”
“lets pee together, hyuki. I've already seen your dick before!”
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you've been following him around the whole day, like you always do. right now, all of the remaining residents are here as eunhyuk was strategizing a plan. they were all looking at him, eyes full of hope that he'll come up with a good plan to ease them of the disaster-like happenings.
“your cuteness is making everyone stare, hyuk!” you say in a teasing tone.
he looks at you, deadpan. he's used to your random comments by now. that doesn't stop you from noticing how red his ears are though.
the other residents also, are used to your random comments. you've always stuck to eunhyuk like a piece of gum, you're literally inseparable.
after explaining the plan and strategy, all of the residents separated to do whatever they wanted to do. you're left with eunhyuk.
“hyuki, I know you like me! I saw your ears turn red earlier!” you say gleefully.
“maybe I possibly do.”
“huh?" you let out, as you were caught off guard.
“maybe I do like you. no, I do like you. ”
you were taken aback, processing the situation.
“i'm aware that this situation isn't really the best time to confess considering that things that have been happening outside lately but, I just had to let it out.” he continues.
you suddenly regained your consciousness back and a big smile engulfed your face.
“you darn loverboy! I knew I was irresistible!” you joked, while giggling.
“i'm really glad you do though. because I love you so much that it makes me feel as if any time without you is far too long.” you continue.
“is that why you follow me around so constantly?” he asks.
“yep!” you reply.
“anyhow...” you say as you take his glasses off,
“you're so pretty, eunhyuk.”
he stares into your eyes, you lean in closer giving him a peck on the lips.
“hehe, I've always wanted to know how your lips felt—”
you feel hands grabbing your neck and pulling you closer into a deep kiss. his lips touched yours. deeply kissing you into a high state. then you both pull away, faces both red.
“...that was really something, hyuki.”
“yeah...never expected I could do that type of sort.”
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extra !!
you were currently playing with eunhyuk's hair as he read a book, sat between your legs. you call out to him.
“hm?” he looks away from his book, now his gaze is on you. you gave him a soft peck on the lips. you have a thing for giving him pecks on the lips nowadays.
then you said,
“my mega schlong is bigger than yours.”
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honestly, I didn't have much ideas for this unfortunately because sweet home is quite the sad dark action horror story it's quite hard to make it fully fluff but I sure do hope you liked it.
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canirove · 7 months
My neighbour Rúben | Chapter 14
Author's note: You don't want to miss Friday's chapter 👀
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When I woke up the next day, my head hurt like hell. Everything hurt like hell, to be honest, and I wasn't sure about where I was. That wasn't my room at my grandma's house, that wasn't my bed and... And someone's arm was around my waist.
"Shit" I whispered. What had I done?
I tried to move and turn to see who was hugging me, but his grip was too firm, and I couldn't move without waking him up. Because this definitely was a man's arm. 
I needed to remember. What had happened last night? I went to a party with Aaron Ramsdale. To Ben White’s house. So that's where we probably were. And we drank something pink, and then... Rúben. I remembered talking with Rúben. And dancing. But what did I do after that? 
"Fuck!" the man behind me said, both of us jumping when someone closed a door with too much force. "That was too loud" he said, his arm leaving my body as he changed his position. "Are you awake?"
I recognized that voice. Aaron. The man next to me was Aaron. Why was I sharing a bed with him?
"I am" I said, my voice sounding all cranky. I needed a glass of water so badly... 
"I need some water" he said as if reading my mind. "Do you want some?"
I felt him leave the bed and walk somewhere, turning a light that was too bright, both of us complain about it. While he cursed, I hid my head under the duvet. And that's when I noticed I was just in my underwear. Dear God, what had I done?
"Why are you hiding?" Aaron said next to me. 
"The light. Too bright" I said, still under the duvet.
"Happy hangover" he chuckled, leaving the glass on the bedside table before getting back in bed next to me. 
This was bad. This was so so bad. And my head hurt. And I needed to pee. Badly. So finding some courage God knows where, I moved from under the duvet, looking around.
"Morning" Aaron said. 
"Hi" I replied, not looking at him. "Bathroom?"
"The door in front of us."
"Thank you" I said, getting up from the bed. But the moment I was on my feet, everything started moving.
"Woah, careful there" Aaron said, holding me by the arms. "Slow movements."
"Slow movements" I repeated, getting up again. 
Once inside the bathroom, I made sure to lock the door. 
"Ok" I said, taking a deep breath. I moved to look at myself in the mirror, see if there was anything different about me. But beyond looking horrible, my hair being a mess and my eyes red and swollen, I looked like always.
"You took your time there" Aaron said when I finally came out. "Everything ok?"
"Yeah, yeah. Just too much liquid in my body."
"We drank a bit, didn't we?"
"I could drink a lot more. But just water" I said, getting back in bed and drinking the glass he had brought me in just one go.
"Same. Do you want me to get us something to eat? That will also help."
"Talking from experience?"
"I'm afraid so" he said with that big smile of his.
"Ok. But Aaron," I said once he got up, just wearing his boxers. "Can you see if my phone is over there? My grandma may be going nuts wondering where I am."
"She knows you are with me. When you were in the bathroom I checked my phone and I had a text from my dad saying not to worry, that they knew" he said, handing me my phone.
"Oh, great. Thank you." 
"You're welcome."
"This is the best meal of my entire life."
"It's just a breakfast burrito" Aaron chuckled before giving his a big bite.
"Best meal ever" I repeated. Ben had thought of everything, getting breakfast for those guests who had decided to stay. "Do you think he'll get mad if we get his sheets dirty?" 
"He'll probably burn all the sheets that have been used tonight" Aaron laughed.
"Do... Do you..." I mumbled, putting down my burrito. 
"Do I...?" he asked with a smile.
"Do you remember what happened last night?" 
"You don't?"
"I remember us dancing and calling..."
"I think he's gonna be a bit pissed."
"What?" I said, my voice coming out louder than I expected.
"We made out while we were dancing. Then we came here, we kept making out, ended up in our underwear, and then…”
“And then?” 
“Then I… I… God, this is so embarrassing.”
“What happened, Aaron? Tell me.”
“Well, I started touching you down there, and you basically moaned Rúben's name instead of mine.”
“Oh my God” I gasped. 
"You have gone so red" he laughed. "But it's ok, don't worry.”
“It is. It had never happened before, but there is a first time for everything” he shrugged. 
"I don't know what to say, I…” 
“You don't have to say anything. At least not to me.”
“What do you… Oh.”
Rúben. The call. He was going to ask me about what had happened after. And since I can't lie because my face gives it all away…
“Urgh, I'm such an idiot!”
"Hey, don't" Aaron said, holding my hand. "Not crying under my watch."
"But I... I just ruined everything before it even started!"
"You don't know that."
"Oh, c'mon Aaron. If the girl you liked got drunk and did what we did with a guy she just met, wouldn’t you be mad at her? Wouldn’t you feel hurt and betrayed?"
"He may understand" he said after a few seconds of silence. "You said you were single, it isn't cheating."
"We had something going on, Aaron. And now it is gone."
"Oh, fuck!" he cursed, hitting the bed and making the food go everywhere. We could add Ben to the list of people angry with us. "This is all my fault. I shouldn't have brought you here, or told you to have a drink when you said you didn't drink, or..."
"It is my fault, Aaron. Not yours. I said yes to all of that, you didn't push me to do anything" I said between sobs.
"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry" he said, moving closer and hugging me, my body shaking while I cried.
I had fucked up. And big time.
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