#when this scene happened it made me giggle quite a bit because it’s
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writing-for-marvel · 2 days ago
I’m back on the hurt train ready to get absolutely railed again
I’m pretty sure I said this in my first read of the chapter but the fact that your amazing mind chose to start and end this chapter, a fic about time loops, in flashbacks is actually genius
There was something almost like bemusement that appeared in the curl of Natasha’s lip, but she didn’t kick you out, which you took as a sign that your little outburst might have been closer to the truth than you’d really expected. You leaned back ever so slightly.
Oh this just feels so Nat, you’re characterisation feels so spot on, even down to the detail of her just needing to stare reader down and reader just keeps rambling like shes justifying herself
Then, without warning, she threw her glass at you.
You obviously can’t see me but I literally flinched out of the way reading this like it was me she had done this to 😂 but I love this scene with Nat so much, it’s such a *her* thing to do, the details are just perfect
“Yeah, I’m not gonna be able to do that,” you said flatly.
Literally took the words out of my mouth
So it appears you’ve gotten yourself stuck in some macabre version of Groundhog Day. Alright. Cool cool cool. You can work with that, probably. Maybe.
I love the inner monologue you have written, it’s honestly so refreshing and actually hilarious
It’s moments like these that make you miss Nat the most.
Stop it we can’t have more death and grief than we do already please
There was something about that woman that made everyone around her open up, whether they wanted to or not.
Literally flash back to what I said before about reader just rambling under her stare without her saying a single word
“Buck?” He huffs, even though he continues to wear his usual exasperated expression. “Did Sam hit you in the head?”
You raise your eyebrows in fake surprise. It’s so easy to fall back into your usual bickering, even with everything that’s going on. “You’re right, I don’t. Your cat probably got into my room again and let out her past week’s aggressions.”
“See, that’s exactly what she wants you to think.”
Eeeee they make me giddy 🥰🥰🥰
“Nope. This is my spot, too.”
“Great,” you sigh, angling yourself away from him. “I’ll be sure to make a reservation next time.”
I’m literally just giggling and kicking my feet every time they interact
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“Try the floor,” Bucky says as you’re almost out of the room. He doesn’t turn when you do, but he seems to feel your questioning gaze. “If you can’t sleep. It helps, sometimes.”
Oh my baby 😭 just the thought of him sleeping on the floor for comfort actually hurts my soul
With a sigh, you get settled on the floor, staring up at the ceiling until your eyes get too tired.
Oh she takes his advice 🥺🥺🥺
When you see your own body still lying in bed next to where you’re standing, you almost trip over your own feet.
See I knew this was coming this time and yet it still felt like a shock to the system!!!
It’s one of your favorite comfort novels. You take good care of your books for the most part, but this one is quite battered; you’ve been bringing it with you on missions for years. A bit of home that fits into your pocket and helps calming you down on countless quinjet rides better than pictures ever could.
If someone comes into my room and insults one of my favourite books you can best believe I am finally learning to throw a punch and clock them in the jaw
“It happened because you activated the time stone,” Strange sneers. “Your powers are a lot stronger than you even care to realize, and it was idiotic to keep them a secret.”
She cares so much about Bucky that she’s activated the time stone??? Nika your mind wtf 🤯🤯🤯
He must have hit his head on the side of the big table, but the shield had protected him from the sharp edge. He’s pressing a hand to his wound and he’s conscious and fine. He’s fine.
I’m just sat here waiting with bated breath for this whole sequence
You fling your knife as fast as you can, but his single moment of hesitation was long enough for the trigger to be pulled a second time. You turn just in time to see the realization on Bucky’s face, the shock and panic in his eyes as they meet yours.
You’re telling me he dies in every rendition of this god damn day Nika it’s too painfulllllllll
Bucky figuring out that somethings wrong 😭😭 they barely spend any time together and yet he’s already worked her out 😭😭 don’t mind me imma just sob over here
Things were finally starting to look up.
Right just the kick to the gut I needed at the end of this torture (affectionate; I love it)
Nika I love it, I am after two chapters already pulling my hair out every time we have to see Bucky die, but the story itself is exceptional!!
Your writing style is absolutely gorgeous, I always feel so present in the moment with all of their conversations, all the characters feel so *real*, I adore them all
And I honestly can’t say enough about the magic system in place and readers powers, like I’m bewildered by how your gorgeous mind came to that. I can’t wait to dive more into it and learn the backstory behind it all
time after time [2]
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series summary: After what starts out as a fairly normal mission, you find yourself stuck in a time loop. Which would already be bad enough in itself if it didn’t also mean having to watch Bucky die over and over again.
pairing: bucky barnes x f!reader
word count: 8.2k
chapter warnings: canon-typical violence, the angst continues, another reminder to read the fic premise; a couple of guest appearances; flashbacks are my establishing shots and i’m going to make it everyone’s problem
please note that my blog is rated 18+. minors dni. ageless/empty blogs will be blocked without warning.
a/n: 2am updates are kind of my brand at this point. big shout-out to @barnesafterglow who read a good chunk of this yesterday and is still talking to me <3 thank you all for your patience and your love for chapter one!!
series masterlist | main masterlist | read on ao3
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two: twice upon a time
The first time you met Natasha Romanoff in person, a few weeks after the Snap, she only had to look at you for a couple of seconds to be able to read you like a book.
They’d compiled a file, of course, filled with all the general academic credits and official family information that was still available to the public and definitely more than a few things you’d tried to bury, too. Even then, the folder was reassuringly slim.
She’d have to take you at your word about what you’d come to offer her, anyway.
“And why would we want to have you?” she asked. As if she were interviewing you for a job. Which, technically speaking, she was.
You were on edge and Natasha knew it, even though you tried to hide your ever twitching fingers in your lap under the table, picking at the skin around your nails until you felt it break. You took a deep breath.
“Look, I know that I’m not exactly a soldier, or a—a superhero type, but I … I don’t know, I would just like to use my … thing to do good, for once. You know, stuff that will help people.”
And do it on your own terms. It stayed unsaid, then. You didn’t admit that part until much later.
Natasha’s face stayed perfectly neutral through your rambling, and you weren’t sure whether that was calming you down or making you more anxious. You reached for your necklace, tugging at the chain.
“But I can’t really do that on my own,” you continued, “and you, well, all of you, you’ve done it for a while and you’re good at it. And I think I could help with that.”
She still didn’t say anything, just kept waiting while you sat awkwardly in that uncomfortable office chair, regretting your decision of ever following through with your crazy impulsive idea of coming here.
But where else would you have gone?
“Also,” you remarked in a sudden burst of boldness, “I think you could use every extra pair of hands you can get at the moment.”
There was something almost like bemusement that appeared in the curl of Natasha’s lip, but she didn’t kick you out, which you took as a sign that your little outburst might have been closer to the truth than you’d really expected. You leaned back ever so slightly.
You couldn’t be sure, then, if she’d pieced together what little information they’d had on you in your file or if she’d just figured you out while you were sitting in this office, but it didn’t make all that much of a difference. She didn’t have to ask why you’d decided to offer up your abilities to the Avengers now, after everything, when they’d been hidden away for most of your life.
“You’re lonely. And you need a purpose, like all of us,” she said, looking you up and down apprehensively.
Then, without warning, she threw her glass at you.
You flinched to the side and it shattered on the wall behind you. The leftover drink slowly sank into the carpet as you turned to stare at her in shock.
Natasha lifted one of her perfectly trimmed eyebrows. “You wanna try that again?”
Really, you should’ve expected the test.
You closed your eyes and raised your hands.
It’s a strange experience, going back in time. No one had really asked you to describe what it was like, and you probably couldn’t have if you tried. It felt a little like retracing your own steps in your head, relocating your conscience to an earlier moment, second by second, in a rapid backwards motion. Like very vivid remembering. Only, it’s not just that.
“You’re lonely,” Natasha said, swirling the dregs of her glass, her green eyes tracing over you. “And you need a purpose, like all of us.”
You were expecting it this time, but the glass still slipped through your fingers and broke into tiny shards on the floor. Not good enough. You didn’t wait for her reaction this time, cursing under your breath and pulling yourself back again. As always, it took considerably more effort.
You tried your best not to stare at the glass while Natasha spoke, but you didn’t really listen anymore. This time, you caught it, even though its contents spilled over your hand.
Natasha smirked. “Not bad. First try?”
“This is when I lie to sound capable, right?” You shook the liquid off your fingers, sure she’d already noticed the sweat on your temples. No use in lying to a spy, anyway, you supposed, so you admitted, “Third.”
“We’ll work on that. But honesty’s a good start.” She held out her hand and you returned the glass. “Have you ever done combat training?”
You could barely stifle a nervous laugh. “Do I look like I’ve ever done combat training?”
“I don’t tend to judge people based on how they appear,” Natasha said, uncrossing her legs. “Come with me.”
You followed her back out of the office into the wide, empty hallway. You hadn’t seen anyone else around on the whole Compound, even though it could probably house hundreds of people on the ground floor alone. The clacking sound of your steps on the tiled floor seemed to echo all around you.
It felt like you were announcing yourself to everyone within a two-mile radius while Natasha moved around on her bare feet without a single sound.
A glass elevator took you down to the subterranean level of the building. Once the doors slid open, Natasha marched straight to a double door with square windows and large metal handlebars.
“Leave your shoes and bag by the door,” she told you. She waited for you to untie your laces and awkwardly wiggle out of your boots before she let you both in.
The Compound gym was even bigger than you’d expected. You weren’t sure if you were more surprised by that revelation or by the presence of a certain super soldier kicking the life out of a punching bag on the other side of the hall.
“Hey Rogers,” Natasha shouted as it got smacked to the ground. “Brought a new recruit!”
“Really?” he called back, unwrapping the bandages around his knuckles.
“Really?” you said. Sure, that was what you came here for, but even so, you were a little shocked it had been that simple.
“Like you said, we’re a little desperate at the moment,” she winked.
“I didn’t say that,” you muttered anxiously as Captain America jogged over to join you, a towel thrown over his shoulder. Despite his workout, he hadn’t even broken a sweat.
“Steve Rogers,” he said, holding out his hand with a smile.
You shook it, slightly bewildered, and introduced yourself. He repeated your name back at you and you had to take a moment to think how strange this whole situation was, even in all the madness that’d been going on. How unreal.
“I’m sure it’ll be good to have ya,” he said, and you almost laughed at the absurdity of it all. Thankfully, you caught yourself in time.
Meanwhile, Natasha had dragged one of the thick foam mats away from the heavy equipment and rolled it out. Cracking her neck, she stepped onto it and pushed her hair out of her face.
“Okay. Show me how you’d throw a punch.”
She held out her hands flat in front of her and nodded her head for you to join her on the mat. You’d never felt so stupid in your life as you tried to rack your brains for whatever little you took from those self-defense lessons however long ago. At least Captain Goddamn America seemed to be politely ignoring you in favor of putting some weights away.
“Just move on instinct, you’re not getting graded,” Natasha said calmly.
Your instincts were telling you you were absolutely getting graded and this was your worst idea to date, but you tried your best. She had you aim at different heights a few times before she stopped you.
“Okay, your posture’s terrible. You have to straighten your back and bend your knees more, see?” She demonstrated the right stance, waiting for you to copy her. “There you go. That’s your standard pose.”
“Alright,” you said, testing it out with a little bounce. “And what do I do with that?”
“Depends on what you’re trying to do. With the right training, you can use your own weight to your advantage in a fight. Steve?”
“Oh, great, am I volunteering?” He joined you on the mat and you moved to give the two of them enough space.
“You love it. Now watch me,” she added, looking at you.
Before Steve could even properly raise up his arms, Natasha launched into a handflip and somehow managed to wrap her legs around his body. The sudden movement made him stumble backwards. He lurched his body forwards to get her off his shoulders, but she used the momentum of her fall to kick him off his feet onto the mat. She gracefully landed on all fours like a cat. It looked effortless.
“You’re right,” Steve groaned, “this is very fun for me.”
“Yeah, I’m not gonna be able to do that,” you said flatly.
“I don’t expect you to,” Natasha said, pulling her hair behind her ears again. “But you do have to be able to survive in a fight, even without your powers, if you want to join the team. We can’t babysit you.”
You pressed your lips together, slowly curling your hands into fists and opening them again.
“Alright,” you said, your voice strangely dry. “When do we start?”
Your initial reaction is relief.
Relief, because it’s Friday again, which means nothing has actually happened, which means Bucky is still alive.
Then, the implications of that fact hit you all at once.
You must’ve blacked out for a second or two, because when you open your eyes again, you’re lying on the floor next to your bed, heart still pounding a mile an hour. Your breath comes out in short gasps, and you force it to slow just in time for the knock on the door.
“Rise and shine, McFly! Time to get your ass kicked!”
“Just gimme a minute!” you shout back and stumble to the bathroom.
Your hands and face are speckled with blood and you wash it off furiously, biting your lip as the tiny cuts on your skin left by the glass shards burn under your touch. Turning off the faucet, you keep leaning onto the basin and stare at your hands.
You’re not sure what you expected. Your rings are still the blackest you’ve ever seen them, and the dimly glowing symbols keep slowly circling around your wrist. It doesn’t take you long to put two and two together, because once is a coincidence, a strange, fateful accident, but twice is a pattern. And of course you’ve heard about this kind of thing happening. Only not like this.
Life everlasting.
No. Definitely not like this.
So it appears you’ve gotten yourself stuck in some macabre version of Groundhog Day. Alright. Cool cool cool. You can work with that, probably. Maybe.
“Did you get lost in there?” Sam remarks with a grin when you finally step out of your room, still looking slightly disheveled.
“I—” You stop yourself, blinking at him until he starts looking slightly concerned.
“You alright? You look …” His eyebrows raise even higher. “Shell-shocked.”
Well, this isn’t exactly an everyday occurence even for me, Samuel, you want to tell him. Instead, you say, “Don’t ever wake me up like that again.” It lacks yesterday’s punch.
“Sweet white teenage angst not your style?”
You hum, but don’t reply otherwise, still lost in thought as you climb the stairs, trying to assess your situation and come up with some sort of plan.
It’s fairly obvious you fucked up your reset the other day. So much for the precious space-time continuum; oh, you hate it when the wizard people are right every now and then.
You glance sideways at Sam while he stretches his back in the ring. He seems fine, completely normal, unaware of what’s going on with you, and of course he would be. Nothing unusual about that part of your powers. Or what’s left of them.
You raise your hands experimentally.
“I’m not high-fiving you until you get one kick in, at least.”
Not even the slightest hitch. It’s like your powers have just up and left you completely. A strange heaviness settles in your stomach. Fucking useless.
You avert your burning eyes from Sam’s gaze.
It’s not like you … talk.
None of you do, not really. Sure, you chat. You’re great at chatting. You’ve had years, countless tries of perfecting smalltalk, of knowing the things you can get away with saying to certain people. It’s made you reckless in the past, knowing you could probably replay entire conversations in the blink of an eye, the pressure of expectation gone completely.
Ever since you started coming out of hiding again, though, the fun has drizzled out of that more and more. It’s one thing to impress strangers and another to be several steps ahead of the people you’ve started to consider your friends.
Because even though sometimes it sure would be easier, having people un-live conversations they’ve had with you, particularly hard or emotional ones, is sort of a shitty move if you continue to spend your time around them afterwards. And you’ve grown determined to not intentionally hurt people with your powers. Not anymore.
So yes, you chat. You know Sam’s favorite color and the video games his nephews want for their birthdays. You know what kind of music Bucky listens to, mostly because he forgets to turn on the soundproofing in his room and Jazz trumpets are surprisingly loud. You know their habits, the foods they like, the movies they hate.
But you don’t … share. Nothing that goes deeper than the general stuff.
It’s moments like these that make you miss Nat the most.
There was something about that woman that made everyone around her open up, whether they wanted to or not. You’re almost resolved to call her as soon as you get back to your room before you remember.
You’re gonna have to do this on your own. Back to square one.
“What is up with you today?”
“I’m fine,” you grunt, but make no effort to get back up again. “Didn’t sleep well. Ow.” You narrow your eyes at Sam. “Did you just kick me?”
“I wanted to see if you’re still alive.”
“Horrible. I’m quitting. You can go spar with Bucky again.”
“At least he puts up a fight.” Sam crouches down next to you. “Anything you wanna tell me?”
Yes. You shake your head. He probably wouldn’t believe you, anyway.
“Alright,” he says, clapping you on the shoulder. You scrunch your nose. “I’m gonna hit the showers. But we’re doing a rain check for tomorrow, and you sort out your pea under the mattress situation.”
You listen to Sam’s receding steps and the sound of the door opening and closing again. Then, there’s nothing but silence and the ticking of the clock on the far wall.
Even though you know you should probably just head out as well, you can’t help but linger again. Just in case.
“You look like shit.”
Your head rolls to the side. Fuck you, Barnes. “Hey, Buck.”
Same spot on the bench next to the ring, same hunched over position, same concentrated look on his face while he cleans up the shimmering golden nooks in his arm.
“Buck?” He huffs, even though he continues to wear his usual exasperated expression. “Did Sam hit you in the head?”
You don’t answer, just keep staring at his profile for a little while longer. Your eyes are drawn to the nape of his neck, to the center of his chest. You bite the inside of your cheek so hard it hurts.
“What’re you lookin’ at?” Bucky says lowly. You turn your gaze back to the ceiling.
“Nothing,” you answer, pulling an arm over your eyes. The sweatband rubs against your eyebrow.
Maybe, you think, just maybe, it could still be a fluke. Only one more time to get things right, and then all will just go back to normal. Maybe you’ll be fine today. He’ll be fine.
There’s a buzzing in your ears, and you’re not sure if it comes from the green symbols gyrating around your arm or if you’re just imagining it altogether.
“What happened to your face?” Bucky asks unexpectedly, casually, as if he were talking about the weather.
“What do you mean?”
“You look like you dove head-first into a rose bush.”
“Hah.” You slowly sit up, your muscles aching for a hot shower. Three days of training and fighting in a row are not agreeing with your body. “Must’ve scratched myself in my sleep.”
If he sees through your lie, he doesn’t call you out on it. “Didn’t know you have talons.”
You raise your eyebrows in fake surprise. It’s so easy to fall back into your usual bickering, even with everything that’s going on. “You’re right, I don’t. Your cat probably got into my room again and let out her past week’s aggressions.”
“My cat slept soundly, thank you very much,” Bucky says dryly.
“See, that’s exactly what she wants you to think.”
“Funny.” He stands up, hanging the piece of cloth over the side of the boxing ring to air out. “Take the towel on the right, I already used the other one.”
“Thanks, Buck,” you say with a smirk. He ignores you.
The shower is what brings your mood back down again. In the silence of the water hitting your back, there’s enough time for you to think about the upcoming day that you’ve already been through twice.
Up until the mission, it’s gone by fine, unremarkably so, which only makes the build-up to the evening even worse, in your opinion. You face the stream of hot water directly, trying to rid yourself of the image of Bucky lying on the floor, bleeding out in front of you.
You need to be rational about this.
First, you need to figure out what’s going on with your powers. Then, you have to make up your mind about lunch, because while you don’t exactly resent the thought of your third pizza in as many days, your stomach sadly doesn’t agree with that notion. And finally, you’re going to break this damn cycle you’re in. Easy as that.
You turn off the shower with your newfound resolve and grab the clean towel.
Your determination lasts up until you get back to your room and realize you don’t actually know how you are going to fix your powers. They’ve always been somewhat fickle, unpredictable even to you, acting up whenever it’s most inconvenient. Impossible.
No one has ever been able to tell you where they came from, nor how you could properly control them. Everything you know you had to figure out through trial and error, replaying the same scenario over and over again, and, more often than not, lucky coincidences.
Usually, when your rings are black and your powers are weakened, it helps to let your body regain its strength first. In other words, you need to sleep.
This is something you probably should have thought through before getting your morning coffee with an extra shot of espresso, out of habit, but that’s not something you can change right now.
The living room area wouldn’t usually be your first choice for a midday nap, but you’re not ready to face the bloodstains on your bedding quite yet, so you’ll have to make do with one of the suspiciously IKEA-looking throw pillows on the couch. The TV is chattering away in the background, just loud enough to somewhat distract you from your own thoughts.
It’s not enough to fall asleep, though.
You keep tossing and turning, half-listening to three or four episodes of some nineties sitcom, while your anxiety gnaws away at your insides. There’s a constant low pounding in your head that drives you up the wall, and again you swear you can hear the symbols looping around your wrist. You keep scratching at your sweatband, but it’s no use.
You don’t know how much time has passed before the pattering of small paws makes you sigh in disdain.
There’s an obnoxiously loud meowing close to your feet, followed by a sudden weight dropping on your stomach that almost invites your garlic bread back up for a double feature. You peer out at the white shape on top of you, innocently toying with the hem of your shirt.
In general, you like cats just fine, but something about Alpine has always unsettled you. Sure, she’s a cute-looking ball of fluff, but she’s also quick to scratch unsuspecting people bending down to pet her, and she seems to have a particular bone to pick with you.
“Maybe she’s just a good judge of character,” Sam jokes whenever you complain about it.
“She doesn’t like you any better.”
“Yeah, but I’m allergic to her,” Sam shrugs. “The farther she stays away, the more a favor it’s doing me.”
In truth, the only person Alpine likes is Bucky, and she loves to show it every chance she gets.
“You’re in her spot.”
Alpine graciously allows you to push up to your elbows with a groan. Bucky’s tall figure is looming over your head; there’s a bemused expression on his face. He must’ve just walked in through the door, because he’s still wearing his jacket.
“Why does the cat need a spot on the couch, exactly?” You try to shoo her off your lap, but Alpine digs her claws deeper into your shorts and you wince. “You really need to teach her manners.”
“You gotta be gentle with her,” Bucky says, pulling her off you without a hitch. “Move over.”
You swing your legs off the couch with a roll of your eyes. “Can’t you sit somewhere else?”
“Nope. This is my spot, too.”
“Great,” you sigh, angling yourself away from him. “I’ll be sure to make a reservation next time.”
Alpine starts purring as Bucky scratches her under the chin. “You watchin’ that?”
“I was trying to nap,” you mumble, throwing him the remote with a little more force than necessary. “What time is it, anyway?”
“Thirteen twelve hours.”
“Please stop just saying numbers when I ask you that.”
Bucky smirks again and switches channels. “Quarter past one-ish.”
You blink at him tiredly, surprised to find out he’s been back so early. The past two days, you didn’t see him around again until the broadcast was about to start. Then again, you didn’t really pay attention at that point, either.
There’s that tick in his jaw that he always gets when something is bothering him, even as he’s distracted by a playful cat in his lap. You’d better relieve him of the burden of your presence.
“Well,” you say, standing up. Alpine whines indignantly at the sudden movement. “I’ll try to find a cat-free spot in this tower, then.”
“Try the floor,” Bucky says as you’re almost out of the room. He doesn’t turn when you do, but he seems to feel your questioning gaze. “If you can’t sleep. It helps, sometimes.”
You hide your hands in your pants pockets, even though it’s far too late by now. He’s already noticed your black rings.
With a short hum, you briskly walk back to your room, leaning against the door as it closes behind you. This is getting ridiculous, you think, worrying the ring on your pinkie finger with your thumb. As if you didn’t have enough reasons to get a hold of your powers again; you don’t know what you would do if Bucky really got suspicious of you now.
Taking a deep breath, you eye your bed. Compared to yesterday, the blood stains on your sheets are barely more than a few specks, because you weren’t as close to Bucky when it happened. Somehow, that doesn’t make you feel any better.
“Fine,” you mutter in annoyance, grabbing one of your pillows and throwing it on the floor next to your bed. “FRIDAY, can you wake me in time for Sam’s speech?”
“Of course,” FRIDAY tells you. “Do you want me to use the same song as this morning?”
“Please don’t.” A little idea pipes up at the back of your head. “Do you have any record of playing that song before?”
“Last dates played. Friday, July 4th 2025, 07:50 a.m. Playtime: forty-five seconds. Thursday, March 13th 2014, 02:49 a.m. Playtime: one hour, twenty-seven minutes, eighteen seconds. End of record.”
Interesting night for Tony, then, but not exactly telling when it comes to your time loop situation. With a sigh, you get settled on the floor, staring up at the ceiling until your eyes get too tired.
You’ll think of something once you’ve had a bit of sleep. He’ll be fine.
And then, just as you’re finally about to drift off, you feel a sudden jolt go through you. It’s a bizarre sensation, like you’re falling and jumping at the same time, but your body isn’t actually moving with you. Like someone pulling at your very consciousness.
Your eyes fly open and you gasp for air.
You’re still in your room, which should be good news, but everything looks … weird. Not as out of focus as it would be if you were simply dreaming, but somehow crooked, the angles unusually pronounced. The colors are all off, the lights way lower than they should be this time of day, and when you reach out for the edge of your bed, your hands—
You take a sharp breath. Your fingers are bare, no trace of your rings anywhere, and even worse, your hands are partly transparent. Cautiously, you get up on your equally as see-through legs and turn around.
When you see your own body still lying in bed next to where you’re standing, you almost trip over your own feet.
You stare at yourself in disbelief. One of your body’s hands is tucked under the pillow, and it’s breathing regularly. Carefully, you take a step closer and reach out your noncorporeal hand. Your shoulder feels warm and solid underneath your fingertips.
Your body wrinkles its nose in its sleep and you jerk back again, losing your balance and falling to the floor. Your body doesn’t react at all, even though you pull part of the blanket with you as you go down.
“Okay. This is a dream,” you tell yourself, even though you feel your heart pounding. “Just some weird-ass dream, and I have to wake up.” Again, you can’t help but look at the sleeping body lying in your bed.
You press your hands over your eyes, willing yourself to slow your breathing. The edge of your nightstand jabs you painfully between the shoulder blades, too real to be nothing more than an act of your imagination.
“You’re not what I expected.”
The man’s voice makes you flinch slightly. Slowly, you peek through your fingers.
You either didn’t notice him while you were taking in your surroundings or he’s just blended in with them seamlessly, although you’re not sure how that last one could even be a possibility. His back is turned to you, his frame covered by a long, deep red cloak with intricate patterns stitched along the seams. He’s perusing your bookshelf, picking up old copies seemingly at random.
For some reason, your shock at the sight of him is outweighed by immediate irritation. Something about the man instantly irks you.
“Thanks, I think,” you tell him, throwing the edge of the blanket over your sleeping body again as you get up, never letting the man out of your sight.
He turns around, one of his eyebrows raised. Your eyes immediately fall on the amulet around his neck and your heart gives a stutter. You ignore it.
“Not a compliment.” He holds up a book. “This is how you spend your time, then?”
It’s one of your favorite comfort novels. You take good care of your books for the most part, but this one is quite battered; you’ve been bringing it with you on missions for years. A bit of home that fits into your pocket and helps calming you down on countless quinjet rides better than pictures ever could.
“Sue me for trying to relax in between saving the world,” you say, crossing your arms.
“Of course,” the man says wryly. “Because god forbid you use those powers of yours to their full extent, we wouldn’t want that.”
“And what’s it to you?” you snap.
The man calmly puts the book down again; not where he picked it up from, you notice in annoyance.
“My name is Doctor Stephen Strange,” he says, watching your face for your reaction. “Ah, so you have heard of me.”
Of course you have. You know who he is, you must’ve seen his picture hundreds of times during the Blip, and even before that, you’d heard about his reputation. As one of the keepers of the time stone back when it still existed, he’s on your list of people you least want to see, ever.
You narrow your eyes at him. “How did you find me? What—” You take a quick look back at your own sleeping form. “What is this place?”
“The astral plane,” he says, swiping your bookshelf for dust and inspecting his fingertips contemptuously. They’re shaking ever so slightly. “Something you would know if you hadn’t spent the past decade avoiding every single chance to use your powers responsibly.”
“Wow,” you huff. “You don’t know anything about me or about my powers.”
“Don’t I, Y/N Y/L/N?” Strange’s cloak flaps slightly as if it were shrugging.
“I spent the last couple of years trying to save lives.”
“You’re riding on luck and pretend it’s control. You have no idea what this could do to the grand scheme of things.”
“Well, I never asked for these powers, okay?” you say defensively. “I just have them. What I don’t have is any interest in being a pawn in some grand scheme of things when I never wanted any of this.”
“People don’t generally get a choice in that matter.” His gaze drops to your wrist. “And now look where your resistance to accept your responsibilities got you.”
The green band of symbols is still leisurely circling around your arm. You bite your tongue. “I don’t know how that happened,” you say, your voice breaking slightly on the last word.
“It happened because you activated the time stone,” Strange sneers. “Your powers are a lot stronger than you even care to realize, and it was idiotic to keep them a secret.”
“Why, so you could use them for your own gain?”
“So I could prevent this exact kind of thing from happening.”
You throw your hands in the air in frustration. “So end it, then. Or did you drag me here just to berate me?”
Strange chuckles humorlessly. “This is not something others can just fix for you, Miss Y/L/N. You cast a very powerful spell in creating this loop, and you are the only one who can lift it again.”
“Great. I’m screwed, then, is that what you’re saying?” You might not be inside of your body at the moment, but you can still feel your cheeks heating up. “I want you to leave me the fuck alone.”
“You need to calm down,” Stange says sharply.
“Don’t tell me to calm down, get out of my—head, or whatever this is. Get out!”
“Alright then. Continue to play stubborn. See how far it gets you.” He holds out his right hand and there’s a crack in the air behind him; almost like a doorway, or a mirror. “I’ll be here when you’re done acting like a child.”
You come to on your bedroom floor, feeling almost more tired than you did when you laid down earlier. It takes your bleary eyes a moment to adjust to your surroundings again. When you sit up, a thin throw blanket that you don’t remember pulling over your shoulders falls into your lap.
This really is just a whole bunch of disasters stacked on top of each other.
You don’t even have to look at your rings to know there’s still not the slightest green spec in sight. Your fingers find your necklace and you tug slightly to reassure yourself of its presence. How the hell did Strange even find you?
There’s no time to think about it for too long, because once again, there’s a knock at your bedroom door.
“We got a lead on that lab,” Sam shouts on the other side. “Jet’s leaving in half an hour, get ready.”
You blink at the clock on your wall in confusion. Even though you feel like you only spent a couple of minutes in this other dimension you were dragged into, several hours have passed in this one.
Time is seriously out of your hands, and it’s only getting worse.
“Don’t you think that maybe they have an alarm set or something?” you say, contemplating the explosives laid out in front of you.
Sam raises his eyebrows, adjusting the intercom chip in his ear. “Is that a hunch or are you telling me?”
“Both.” You flex your fingers. “It’s just that announcing ourselves probably isn’t in our best interest right now.”
“And you couldn’t have said that earlier? As in, before we landed?” Sam sighs.
Bucky snorts as you shrug your shoulders helplessly. Your body desperately needed the half hour of uneasy sleep the flight has afforded it, even though your powers seem to be unimpressed by it.
“Look, it’s gonna be fine,” Sam continues, squeezing your arm. “We’ve handled worse. Besides, if they do have an alarm set, they’re gonna come to us whether we knock down that wall or not.”
“I guess,” you mumble, grabbing the explosives. “Let’s play knock-knock with terrorists then, that oughtta be fun.”
“Reminds me of ‘44,” Bucky says, more to himself than to either of you.
When you follow Sam down the hallway once again, you can’t help but search for the cameras you know are hidden here somewhere, but it’s impossible to tell in the dingy light. You should bring a stronger flashlight next ti—no.
You blink, stopping that thought before it’s fully formed.
There won’t be a next time. This thing ends tonight, once and for all.
Third time’s the charm, right?
About as charming as a kick to the face, you think as you find yourself delivering just that.
Sam takes off. “We better get moving. If you take care of the drive and these idiots, I’ll clear the tunnels for a way out of here!”
Bucky catches Sam’s shield as you disarm the white jacket with the knife and duck as the shots ring out. You’re sweating in your kevlar vest.
“Two o’clock, Bucky,” you tell him, throwing another punch. You’re so sick of this white-coated asshole in particular; it’s like they think you’re in the rumble from West Side Story. “And whatever you do, don’t throw that shield, alright?”
“You’re bossy today,” Bucky huffs, taking out the one with the blaster.
“I think you mean thorough,” you reply as Riff finally goes out cold.
“You tell yourself that.” He reloads his gun instead, shield firmly locked around his right arm. “How much longer for the transfer?”
You glance at the monitors and try to remember. “About a minute, maybe two.”
“Sam, you copy?” The last white jacket goes down.
“Ready for take-off in five,” Sam confirms cheerfully. “Heads-up, there’s at least another dozen heading your way.”
“Got it.” Bucky bumps your shoulder as he starts back towards the computers, leaving you only a second to process the different turnout of events.
Shouldn’t he insist on leaving?
The only thing that differentiates this mission from the first one is that you haven’t had to jump back to know what to look out for, and therefore don’t suffer the immediate side effects a redo usually has on you. You suppose that’s what they initially expected your powers to be like; flawless, useful, magical.
It’s like a slap in the face, even though Bucky doesn’t realize he’s doing it. The fact that he really does think lesser of you because of your stupid, faulty powers stings more than you care to admit.
You shake yourself back to the present moment. “Take the drive and then get away from there!” you shout, trying to catch up with him. Your lungs are burning. “They’re gonna blow up the—”
The blast of the explosion throws you backwards and you land on one of the unconscious bodies on the ground. Coughing, you roll to your hands and knees.
“Wha—ppening?” Sam’s cut off voice comes through the broken comms.
“Bucky?” You stumble towards the flaming mess that was the lab corner.
He must have hit his head on the side of the big table, but the shield had protected him from the sharp edge. He’s pressing a hand to his wound and he’s conscious and fine. He’s fine.
You can’t stop a relieved laugh as you crouch down next to him. “Wanna get out of here or what?”
The reflection of the flames makes his eyes almost look green as he squints at you, groaning. “Geez, I hate you.”
“Come on, tough guy,” you say and he lets you pull him to his feet, almost toppling over at his unsteadiness. “Let’s get you home.”
You keep turning around as you make your way to the tunnels, keep looking back towards the staircase you came down, worrying about the reinforcements Sam told you about. Maybe that’s your mistake.
Because you haven’t made it this far before, you don’t think to check that the unconscious white jackets are all still unconscious.
You still have Bucky’s shield arm around your shoulder as he jerks, sensing the motion on his left before you do. He catches the first bullet with his metal arm as you twist out of your hold on him, grabbing your knife and whirling back around. He makes a side step, taking a big swing—
Only you told him not to throw the shield.
You fling your knife as fast as you can, but his single moment of hesitation was long enough for the trigger to be pulled a second time. You turn just in time to see the realization on Bucky’s face, the shock and panic in his eyes as they meet yours.
And then you wake up with a start to the sun in your face and–
“Okay, alright, turn it off, FRIDAY!”
By the time you wipe your mouth and flush the toilet with shaky knees, hair and face still caked with blood, you’re finally starting to understand how well and truly screwed you are.
You lean against the fridge, staring at Sam while he’s typing away at the kitchen island. He likes working standing up for some reason, particularly when he has to write some sort of statement.
“If I have to give the speech standing up, I’ve gotta write it standing up,” he’s explained it to you once. You can’t pretend to get it, but you suppose it’s also a perk to be within an arm’s length of snacks at all times while you’re getting stuff done.
“What do you want?” Sam says evenly. His gaze remains fixed on his laptop, his fingers never stopping to move.
You bite your lip. It’s a bad, very bad, terrible idea. You shouldn’t be bothering him with your fuck-up. You don’t even know how to go about it without having him laugh in your face.
“What if I told you that I’m stuck in a time loop?”
The question comes out weirdly flat, as if you’re joking. Fuck, what’s happening to you? You’ve always been fine with being the person who knows more than anyone else in the room. This situation though …
It’s different. It unrattles you in a way your powers never have, because even though it’s your own doing, it also seems so out of your control.
Sam raises an eyebrow, still not looking up. “I’d ask when you started drinking today and why you did it without me.”
Honestly, you should have expected something along these lines as long as you have no way of proving it to him.
“Well,” you say light-heartedly, as if you’re merely chitchatting. “What would you do if you were reliving the same day over and over again?”
“Enjoy my time off, probably,” Sam says, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands.
“I’m serious.”
“And I’m starving. Shouldn’t the food be here by now?”
You check your phone. “About half a minute.”
It gives you an idea for the future.
Lo and behold. You startle the poor delivery guy, opening the front door right before he can knock. “Hi,” you smile, handing him a generous tip. “We don’t know each other, right?”
“Uhm. What?”
“Do you have like, two minutes?”
“Did you have to haggle for them, first?” Sam calls over when you finally make it back to the kitchen, closing his laptop and helping you put down the boxes and containers on the counter.
“Had to convert to Pastafarianism,” you say, getting out the cutlery. “Ready for blasphemy?”
Sam chuckles.
By the time lunch is done and Sam has left for Madison Square Garden, another wave of exhaustion catches up with you. You pull your rings off and leave them on the table before you lie down on the second couch in the living room area, hoping that maybe this time, you’ll get a little bit of rest.
Only once again, it’s no use. Every time you close your eyes, you’re back in the lab, watching Bucky get shot. The background buzz of the TV isn’t loud enough to drown out the sound of your cursed memories.
Or the sound of the cat whining next to your ear.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
Alpine settles on your chest this time, leaving long white hairs all over your shirt and hitting you in the face with her tail. You grimace, trying not to inhale any of her fur.
“You’re in her spot.”
You don’t bother turning your aching head. “I thought her spot was over there!” you say accusingly, gesturing vaguely to the other side of the living room.
“Who told you that?” Bucky says, a bemused tone in his voice as he scoops Alpine up in his gloved hands, careful not to touch you. “Move over.”
You blink at him. You did.
You feel his expectant glare on you and sigh.
“Really, you too? We have plenty of room, you know.” You pull your knees in.
“I do,” he says, sitting down next to you and reaching underneath the cushions. “But you’re always hoggin’ the remote.”
You put your cold feet on his thigh in retaliation. Bucky tenses.
“How are you so cold, it’s like ninety degrees outside.”
“Emphasis on outside,” you shrug. “I just run cold.”
“That you do.” He switches channels, then pulls his gloves off and puts them on the table next to your rings.
You bite the inside of your cheek and roll to the floor inelegantly. Alpine meows in disdain, like a knife scratching the whole diameter of a dinner plate.
“Please tell your cat to chill, geez,” you mumble, slumping down on the other couch and stretching your legs out again with a contented sigh.
Bucky doesn’t reply.
“My dear girl,” a thickly accented voice on the TV says, “you cannot keep bumping your head against reality and saying it is not there. The evidence was definite. We can’t remove it by wishing or crying.”
“He trusted me,” a female voice answers. “I led him into a trap, I convicted him. Is that real enough for you?”
“There is no one to blame,” the first voice continues. “The case was a little deeper than you figured. This often happens. You must realize now one thing, it is over for both of you.”
“What are you watching?” you ask.
There’s a short pause before Bucky answers. “Hitchcock. Spellbound.”
You can’t help your reaction.
“Why’d you just do that?” Bucky says.
You stare at the ceiling. “Do what?”
“You flinched.”
“Did not.” You can taste blood in your mouth.
“Why won’t you look at me?”
You turn to the side and demonstratively stare at him, even though it makes your insides twist. Bucky’s face doesn’t change at all as he gazes back at you, frown deepening between his eyebrows. It’s like he’s trying to drown you with the endless blue of his eyes.
You drop your gaze and shake your head.
“What’s your point, Bucky? Not everyone likes staring at people like you do.”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s weird. And invasive.”
“It’s invasive to look at you?”
“Yes,” you say, “if you do it like that.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know!” You sit back up again in exasperation. “What do you want from me, Bucky?”
You look at his face this time, not his eyes. It still makes your cheeks burn, because his jaw sets that way again and he doesn’t immediately respond.
“Something’s wrong,” he says, finally, and you hide your face between your hands in what you can only hope looks like frustration. Then you realize that that’s only making your missing rings more obvious.
“Nothing’s wrong,” you snap, balling your hands into fists.
“Tell me.”
“I don’t have anything to tell you!”
“You promised,” Bucky says coolly. “Remember?”
Your stomach plummets.
“Yes,” you say, forcing your voice to stay calm. “But I’ll take care of it. You don’t have to worry. I’ve got this.”
You feel his eyes on your back all the way to your room, and you’re not sure if you’re lying to him or to yourself, even as you slam the door behind you and look anywhere but your bed.
Your book is lying in the wrong place.
“Honestly, Nat, you could’ve killed her.”
“Don’t be dramatic. She’s made of stronger stuff than that.”
There were yellow dots dancing across your vision when you opened your eyes, groaning at the bright neon lights hitting you in the face.
You were lying on the mat in the gym of the Compound and your nose had been ripped clean off; at least that was what it felt like. Judging by your red-soaked shirt, your guess wasn’t that far off, though.
“Hey,” Natasha said, kneeling down next to you. “Sorry, that must hurt like a bitch.”
“Your head is bery solid,” you replied, touching the blood still dribbling down your face. “Ow.”
“Thank you,” she said and handed you a wet towel. “Put that in your neck and lean your head back.”
“Di’ I faind?”
“You knocked yourself out, honey,” she said with a sly grin.
“It isn’t funny, Nat,” Steve shouted. You snorted, then winced in pain.
“Don’t worry,” Natasha winked. “You’re gonna be as pretty as before once you clean up. Already reset your nose while you were out.”
Surprisingly, this was the first serious injury you’d sustained in the past couple of weeks you’ve been living as a rookie Avenger; though in truth, that was mostly due to the fact that Natasha had only had you build up your stamina and agility up until today. Your first proper day in the ring was nothing short of humiliating.
“You could always go back to the moment before you decided to headbutt me,” Natasha said once the bleeding had finally stopped.
You wiped your nose carefully, taking a few breaths to clear your airways. “Sadly, that’s not how it works,” you said, letting her help you slowly come upright again. “I’m the one moving through time, so I stay exactly the same. I can help you guys avoid the punches, but I’ll still be the one receiving them.”
Cursed to stay the same, just like you’d always said.
Natasha tilted her head. “That seems like something you could work on with proper help.”
You grimaced. “I’ve tried that before. There’s no one who can help me, no one who can … fix me, or my powers.”
There was worry in her eyes, then, and you were taken aback by how genuine it seemed. It left a crack in your shell.
“I don’t think that’s true,” she said quietly.
But it was. “I mean it,” you said, your lip twitching. “You can’t tell them that I’m here. For all they know, I got dusted just like everyone else.”
She knew; it had been the one condition you’d set in exchange for your help. That didn’t mean she had to like it.
There was a prolonged pause until Natasha nodded. “All the more reason to get you proper training,” she said, getting back to her feet and helping you up. “Let’s get you some ice cream. Good for the healing.”
You smiled when both she and Steve kept worrying about you the entire way to the kitchen, even though both of them tried hard not to make it obvious. It still filled you with a strange sense of warmth that almost had you forget about the pain.
You were safe here.
Things were finally starting to look up.
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chapter three
thank you for reading!! you can follow my library blog @intrepidacious-fics for update notifications 💚
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mitskiluvr · 5 months ago
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this dialogue with akechi is set up the same way as the dialogue you get with all ur lady confidants right before you date them Do you know how funny that is. “I need to give him a serious answer…” as if he’s just proposed to you on the streets of kichijoji
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linddzz · 1 month ago
Sat here and combed through all your jayvik analysis posts giggling and kicking my feet but PLEASE tell me more about the whole dom/sub thing, especially the whole “they have absolutely not discussed that this is the dynamic, it just happens and neither of them acknowledge it” because that is genuinely so interesting. Like I could already tell Viktor had hella ‘quiet calm collected dom’ vibes especially compared to jayce’s ‘excited protective puppy who would FOLD at being called a good boy’ energy…
But the whole bit on the bridge where Viktor smacks his hand away without even looking? And Jayce EARNS BACK TOUCHING PRIVELEGES? Fucking scrumptious please tell me more.
god i need to get to writing my fic bc I feel like "talk more about it" would be solved just by me dropping the link This ended up being TOO LONG so I split it between me going feral about that bridge scene and then me going feral at other moments of nonverbal communication that I use to feed my Dom/sub "oh you two are just LIKE THAT" interpretation. So. here's part one
That bridge scene tho...im so normal about it
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hhhggg god that bridge scene is one that I rotate in my brain so much because it is such a small moment that makes so much of their dynamic click. For me, specifically, it clicks the "submissive like a guard dog is submissive" dynamic, where Jayce is, on a surface level, the stronger and more forceful of the two while Viktor is the one actually holding the leash (until he's too tired to because he's dying, and I only half joke when I say that their issues at the end of season 1 are because Jayce is suddenly the equivalent of a dog holding it's own leash and getting stressed out about it.
Jayce's touching before the bridge come across as pretty overbearing honestly. He's holding his hand out to keep Viktor from speaking out...
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Heck, while the still screenshot doesn't show it too well, Jayce slings an arm around Viktor with enough force that it knocks Viktor off balance for a second and shoves him forward a little.
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Viktor got dragged to the hexgate when Jayce is looking into shipping discrepancies happening there, even though it obviously doesn't involve him and he does NOT want to be there.
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(In hindsight this is a hilarious bit of showing that it did not occur to either of them that there's no goddamn reason for Viktor to be here. This is council business, Jayce outright says "I'm a councilor now Viktor" which does not answer why tf Viktor needs to be there. these twits just handle all problems as a unit lmao. The tragic flip is that this is could then be a breaking moment when Viktor goes back to the lab, realizing that him and Jayce are not, in actuality, a single unit anymore. because Jayce got a second job that is not Lab With Viktor oh my god you codependent dweebs)
Up until that point it would be really easy to see Jayce as being presumptive and unintentionally overpowering Viktor in personality. Heck, it's what I thought the dynamic was as I was watching Season 1, though even as I thought that it seemed somehow...not quite correct.
And then the bridge scene.
Even before the hand-smack, there's a flip on the reading up to this point that Jayce has been accidentally bowling over Viktor by force of personality/physicality. Jayce comes in hot, upset, angrily standing over Viktor and chewing him out, and Viktor is just like "....and??"
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Viktor is calm if baffled and annoyed at Jayce's frustration (also; Viktor just rolling his eyes and shaking his head at the actual riot happening a few yards away? hilarious. i love him.) His almost nonchalantly confused tone when he asks "what difference does that make?" always gets me. the entire back and forth says, to me anyway, that Jayce may be more brash and socially competent, but he's not overpowering Viktor at all, actually.
Viktor is going to do whatever the fuck Viktor wants.
This is immediately made clear by the much beloved hand smack. Viktor doesn't even look up, and his smack shows that he is perfectly capable of setting a hard boundary on Jayce's touching, and that Jayce will IMMEDIATELY fold and apologize when that boundary is set. That smack makes it suddenly clear that when Jayce goes for the shoulder touch right after apologizing, Viktor consciously allows it.
idk WHY but I also love this little tiniest moment when Jayce is going for the second touch. Viktor glances back as Jayce approaches him (looking like a cat with its ears pinned back lmao), then looks away as he accepts the second touch and they move on. It's such a tiny detail of showing Viktor, who is still pretty pissed at Jayce, seeing the touch as it comes in and then deciding to let it happen. im rotating them in my mind. please send help
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In my framing of them being a guard dog/handler dynamic, the bridge scene is us seeing a moment of the leash getting a sudden sharp tug to bring the guard dog to heel. It resets all the earlier instances as being ones that Viktor allows to happen, because he doesn't see a need to correct it.
fuck man this doesn't even get into the bridge scene as a major crack between them as the moment Viktor loses his trust that Jayce will understand his decision. i am unwell
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softfem-dom · 1 month ago
heyy, would you mind doing some ponyboy x reader hcs? ty pretty💗
someone in the crowd ponyboy curtis headcanons
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synopsis :
what would happen if Ponyboy Curtis got puppy love for a bloke from his course and made it the whole gang's problem?
or headcanons for Ponyboy Curtis falling for you.
wordcount : 2.6k — masterlist 𝜗𝜚 navigation post
tags/warnings third person pov, cuss words, the gang bullying ponyboy for being a simp, reader is a recurring actress in the school's plays.
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"ugh, this is just shit, man, I'm leaving" was what Dallas groaned before sstanding up from his seat, ignoring the people telling him to sit down, and walking out from the school hall. Nobody of the gang said anything, it was already a miracle he had stayed so long through the play. "remember me why we're here again?" Two-Bit leaned towards Ponyboy, pruposely getting into his face, as to what the youngest Crutis shoved him away with a 'shut your traps'. "Pony wanted to see the school play" answered Darrel, sat to his brother's other side with his arms crossed. Everyone could tell he was glad that the plans the gang had made didn't include anything that would get them into trouble for once. Then, the spotlight changed position from the scene going on —some people talking— to the right corner of the stage, and then you entered the scene. All the eyes of the gang drifted to Pony's face, the way his eyes widened slightly as if he wanted to take it all in when the spotlight shone on you. And, suddenly, everyone knew why Ponyboy wanted to watch the school play. "oh! You've got it bad, man!" Steve laughed behind his hand, straining his arm to roughly pat Pony's shoulder. "he's got puppy love" Sodapop added on with a smirk while Johnny fought back a soft chuckle. They knew it was true by the way the youngest Curtis was too busy staring at you with sparkling eyes to bother denying the current accusations.
⮞ you met because you got put as desk partners at the start of 10th year.
⮞ you hit it off quite well in the first day of school because you had brought a book with you and he caught glimpse of it peeking from your schoolbag. ^turns out he was reading it aswell and more-or-less in the same page as you so started talking about it.
⮞ Pony and you were considered the least troublesome kids in the class, the calmest, so you got placed really far behind.
⮞ which came really in handy when it came to whispery-chatting in the middle of class.
⮞ the teacher never notices your stiffled giggles behind your palm when he pases you a note with a funny drawing of the teacher scribbled on it.
⮞ you spend half of the school day passing notes from table to table and pretending to be paying extreme attention whenever the rare occasion of the teacher's eyes drifting to the back desks happens.
⮞ you two always pair up as partners when the P.E teacher says to get in pairs.
⮞ he always mocks you for running slower than him.
⮞ one time the class was in the patio of the school and the teacher told you all to do the wheelbarrow with your partner (y'know you using your hands to walk while Pony held your legs to his waist).
⮞ he tripped over a rock and you both fell face first to the ground with him on your back.
⮞ Dallas had just walked by the school to spy on Pony and saw the whole thing from the fence. He laughed so loud you were sure it was heard up to the second floor before yelling "use protection, Pony!" and running off when the teacher started walking over to the fence to kick him out.
⮞ after a two months of this friendship, the school plays started to get planned and you decided you wanted to join the drama club to take part.
⮞ you tried to convince Pony but he refused with burning determination. "the guys will make fun of me until the day I die, man!" was his answer when you suggested it.
⮞ you told him you still thought he'd make a great actor, and he felt a strange warmth in his chest and cheeks.
⮞ ever since that moment, he found himself noticing that strange warmth more often. Especially whenever your laugh came out louder than normal, wheezier too, when his joke was particularly funny.
⮞ he constantly caught himself smiling just because you were smiling, as if it was contagious.
⮞ he introduced you to Johnny then, and you two got along pretty well.
⮞ after the first meeting with Johnny, you three started to hang out at least once a week.
⮞ he and Johnny sometimes helped you out with your rehearsals, they always made sure to make it extra damatric and get into their roles a lot.
⮞ that was then, during one of those 'rehearsals' days, you three ended up at the lot to keep Johnny company. Cuddled up into one another, and when Pony felt your hand on his arm his heart actually lurched in his chest. his cheeks were burning hot and not from the warmth of the fire.
⮞ he realized then that he had fallen.
⮞ really hard.
⮞ between your hours sharing desk at school, the hang-outs with Johnny and the rehearsals, your play eventually came around and he actually begged Darry to let him go see it.
⮞ Darry refused at first when Pony suggested it, he thought that Pony going alone to a school hall full of socs for a play was the perfect recipe for disaster.
⮞ but then Pony actually started stringing 'please's togheter and he actually got down on his knees and clasped his hands.
⮞ so dramatic.
⮞ Darry was flabbergasted at that.
⮞ fully blinking and staring down at Pony without knowing what to say, his hands frozen at his sides in confusion.
⮞ after his little brother pulled that stunt he agreed to let him go, but only if they all went.
⮞ Dallas agreed reluctantly just because Johnny was actually excited about it.
⮞ the gang actually behaved themselves for the most part during the play, except Dallas who left 23 minutes in to go have a 'smoke break'.
⮞ he didn't come back from that break lol.
⮞ when they all saw the way Pony leaned over, eyes wide and sparkling with wonder, when the spotlight shone on you and you entered scene, they knew he was whipped.
⮞ after that Two-Bit and Steve spent the rest of the play making kissy faces anytime you came on scene.
⮞ Darry was actually not so surprised about this, since he was already smelling something coming if Pony had begged him to go for a school play for the first time in his whole life. ^he was actually happy for his little brother though, you seemed like a sweet bloke.
⮞ Johnny was just chuckling quietly, covering them up with his hand, and Soda was constantly sending him playful looks knowing that the tan boy had known this for far longer than all of them.
⮞ needless to say Ponyboy ran backstage as soon as the final bow ended and all the actors and actress disappeared from the stage.
⮞ he pretty much ran into your arms as soon as he caught glimpse of you, full on squeezing you with eyes full of wonder as he rambled about how good you had been out there while you giggled all flushed from the shower of compliments.
⮞ that was when..
"ahem" Steve faked a cough with a smirk, getting elbowed and 'shh!'ed by Soda right after, eyeing you two with an eyebrow raised and a knowing smirk. Ponyboy got red pretty fast, awkwardly patting your arms before finally loosening his grip. Formal introductions had finally came around. "oh, yeah, um.." he started with a nervous chuckle, his hand going to scratch at the back of his neck as he turned to face his gang —all displaying knowing smirks. "guys, so this is-" You interrupted him by saying your name all sweetly, with a wave and cheeks still rosy, that made Pony's smile turn even goofier than before. He was a dork. "yeah" he hummed, eyes staring at you as if starstruck, which made Two-Bit say. "snap out of it man" Pony rolled his eyes before starting to point at each greaser now standing infront of you two. "those are my brothers, Darry and Soda" he pointed at them, Darry smiled with a polite nod and Soda winked. "that's Two-Bit" the mentioned made an over-exaggerated bow that made Pony groan. "Steve" he added, pointing at the teenager standing with his arm resting on Soda's shoulder. "and you already know Johnny-" However, before he could finish that statement, a certain someone came bursting in with a half-burned cigarrette hanging from his lips. He let out a low whistle at seeing you Pony and you togheter. "ain't that the bloke you fell over in P.E, man?" Dallas spoke with his eyebrows high, making the whole gang —plus you—burst into chuckles. "shut your traps, Dallas!"
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softfem-dom© do not repost!!
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arminsumi · 1 year ago
would you happen to have any nanami hc? soft, fluffy, domestic, anything at all
Make him smile.
hubby!Nanami Kento ⋅ fem (?) reader
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NOTE: yes i do!! i swear i have ideas for nanami content but then satosugu distracts me. they're evil, damn them 🤬 anyways, here's this little hc i have been storing in my cheeks like a chipmunk 👍 it's about nanami not smiling frequently or at all, but his wifey y/n makes him smile by kissing his dimples
WARNINGS — very slight angst, kissing n makeouts
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Nanami Kento doesn't smile.
You've done everything in your power to get him to, but he's like a stone.
One night, the two of you are curled up against each other in a tender embrace on the couch. The TV's running low-quality soapies but you and Nanami only half-listen; it's really just serving the purpose of being background noise to the soft scene of your kissing.
He always, always needs a make out session with you after a long day at work. That paired with your sweet voice calms his nerves.
He may be tired, but he still doesn't miss a detail of anything you say as you intermittently speak between kisses.
You tilt your head at your husband, noting the downturn of his lips. That ever-present frown that adorned his mature face, you wish you could erase the memories that caused it.
Then you say something that causes Nanami's ears to perk up.
" 'Nami, I promise one day to make you so happy that you smile."
He looks down at you tenderly, fingers ceasing their trails through your hair.
"Angel," he begins softly, "just because I'm not smiling doesn't mean I'm unhappy." he assures.
"So... you're saying I do make you happy?" you look at him.
"Of course you do. Very much so. In fact, you've always made me happier than anyone else. To be quite frank, everyone else pisses me off but you don't."
You let out a little laugh. The two of you bask in a moment of sudden kisses, your lips had a mind of their own on nights like these; kiss kiss kiss.
"Mmm... but you never smile much." you continue on the topic lingering in the air.
You say this with a little frown. Nanami finds your subtlest expressions so endearing, they're one of the first things he noticed about you when you first started working alongside him at Jujutsu High.
"I don't like my smile." he admits coolly.
You pull a bit away from his embracing arms to look at him incredulously, mouth agape.
"What! But you have one of the best smiles! You even have dimples. And you know I have a weakness for dimples! If you'd smile more, I'd go so weak in the knees that I wouldn't be able to stand up."
Nanami chuckles softly, closing his eyes momentarily. "Is that so? I thought I had the power to make you weak in the knees anyways." he jokes.
"Oh hush." you reply. "But, y'know, I really want to see you smile more. I want to see your dimples appear. I want to see your eyes crease."
His heart lurches at your words and then he — he smiles just a little bit. As soon as his lip corners begin to curl up, he suppresses it, and those dimples appear like two dents in a soft ball of dough.
"Whatever my angel wishes for, I'll give her." he states, "I'll try smile more for you."
"Mmm, thank you." you smile. You admire his features, and the way he always closes his eyes when he feels a small embarrassment. "What a cute husband I've got." you murmur, and kiss at his dimples.
You unknowingly sent a shiver down his spine.
"Don't call me cute." he says dead seriously while properly smiling now. "You know how much I hate that word."
"Cute cute cute. You're cute." you tease.
"C'mere you..."
You hum your giggles against his face as he lunges in for kisses, aiming to shut you up with his lips.
But kissing is impossible when he can't stop smiling. Your teeth gently clash together, everything so sweetly chaotic.
"You can't even kiss me 'cuz you're smiliiing. That's so cute — haha I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'll stopppmmfffff — "
Now since that night, whenever you want to get a smile out of your husband, you kiss at the place where his dimples appear. And surely, soon enough, there's those little dents and his curling lips and creasing eyes.
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deja-yu · 2 years ago
Night time routine - Jeong Yunho
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Genre: Fluff
Warning: more than a little suggestive but no smut scenes~!
Note: I write x gn reader unless specifically stated otherwise.
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Something Yunho absolutely loves to do is watch you get ready for bed.
He worked on this routine for quite some time, to start he’d always shower with you at night. If you mentioned wanting to shower he’d shoot up and beat you there. At first you thought he would eventually stop, blaming his eagerness to shower together on the newness of it. But he did not let up, at first it usually happened with giggles and laughter and at the end of your shared shower you’d both be too tired for any kind of skincare and just fall into bed. Over time it became routine, you’d talk about your day or whatever came to mind. Giggles and kisses did not disappear but you’d keep the other stuff for the bed on most nights. It even became something you started looking forward to, just to be close to Yunho and have each others undivided attention. He also loved this time together, as much as he started it as a means to his goal. He’d patted himself on the back for the added bonus. And neither of you minded when the other wanted a solo shower. It was also on those nights Yunho left you to get ready at whatever pace you wanted. 
Another way he made sure he was in bed first to watch  you finish your routine was by hogging the sink while brushing his teeth to the point where you have given up trying to squeeze past his frame to get your own toothbrush. But you would have gotten changed into your pyjamas instead of waiting. So he got you a robe after mentioning your shirt often got wet while you washed your face. Succeeding in having you wait for him to finish while wearing the robe after the shower. 
In his own personal opinion, the robe Yunho bought you, is the best piece of fabric that existed. The fabric comfortable on your skin as you went through the last of your routine. Maybe he liked it because no matter how you tied the satin ribbon around your waist it would always loosen within a couple of minutes. Either from you moving too much to put on lotion on your legs or just because Yunho’s stare burned too hot. And eventually you just accepted the amount of skin showing, you were in your own house anyway.
And now after weeks of working on this, Yunho could comfortably lie back in bed while watching you put on your skincare at your shared makeshift vanity. On some nights you’d walk over with an extra headband and sheet mask and he would give you a grin demanding a little kiss before you got to brush his hair back and carefully place a sheet mask on his face. He’d ask for another kiss when you finish putting it on and laugh at your sour expression while complaining about the taste of the mask if you did. “Okay, okay, you owe me one then”. 
And as much as Yunho thinks he looks like a sweet boyfriend waiting for his partner to get to bed, which in his defence he did look like a puppy waiting for his cuddles on most nights. You however often have to bite back reactions when you catch his lustful eyes in the mirror. On those nights you enjoyed acting all innocent, going about your routine all the same. Those nights the ribbon holding the robe together just kept getting loose! You would complain around two times while tying the robe back, with the same flimsy knot you’d used the first time. The third time you’d huff and just let it be. 
Your collarbones and chest will slowly come into view as the fabric falls away. Whenever it would start showing a bit too much you’d quickly finish up and walk over to the bed, moving the robe back to cover you just a bit, to keep up the act of course. Once at the bed you are greeted with a glassy eyed Yunho who would quickly throw himself over to your side of the bed. Hand reaching for the ribbon, and then he’d look up at you, wait for you to hum or nod in agreement before pulling. letting him watch as you shrugged the robe off before getting under the covers. You didn’t need pyjamas those nights, Yunho would make sure you're nice and warm. Without realising the two of you had created different routines for similar reasons.
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daycourtofficial · 1 year ago
Falling in Love on the Fourth Floor - Part 6
Summary: Out of an act of desperation, you move in with a guy you kind of know who happens to have a really hot brother who lives next door.
Author’s note: getting some tension here 👀 and yes the opening scene is inspired by How I Met Your Mother. This ends on a sad note for Azzy Baby so a bit angsty
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Masterlist)
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Azriel isn’t surprised as his front door opens to find you bursting through it, as you had texted him about fifteen minutes ago if you could come over and tell him something. You quickly lock the door behind yourself, turning to face himself and Rhysand.
“So you guys know how Cassian and I got drunk last night after dinner,” you start before Rhys cuts you off with his hand. “Please don’t tell me Cass made it three weeks with a female roommate before having sex with her.”
You grimace at him, “ew, no.”
A look passes between Azriel and Rhys, one you can’t quite make out, but Azriel stands a bit straighter after your words.
“As I was saying - we got drunk, and after you guys left, we were walking down to go get donuts from the place on the corner when we passed a tattoo parlor and we went in.”
After the dinner with Mor last night, Feyre dropped the four of you off and you all had congregated into yours and Cassian’s apartment. You were tipsy for most of the night, Rhys and Az had the slightest hint of a buzz, and Cassian was bordering on blackout because he “wanted to take advantage of not doing anything the next day”.
Your mention of a tattoo parlor got their attention very quickly. You start giggling then, jumping up and down at what you have to tell them. You can’t contain your excitement as you blurt out, “Cassian got a tramp stamp and I don’t think he remembers it.”
They both look at you in shocked silence then start laughing. They start asking a million questions - “what is it? What color is it?” After a minute you tell them, “he’s awake and I know he’ll be over any minute - we have to remain calm. You need to see it.”
You turn back, unlocking the door for Cassian. The three of you wait in pained silence until you hear the knob turning, prompting you and Rhys to begin two completely different conversations to fill the silence.
“So like I said she was hot-“
“My professor is a jackass who wouldn’t -“
Cassian walks in, too hungover to notice the conflicting dialogues. He walks in shirtless and you start practically buzzing in excitement. You send warning glares to his brothers, trying to communicate, “please please please you need to see it before you say anything”.
Cassian groans a greeting to you three, walking past the three of you to open the fridge door. As he searches for whatever it is he wants, the three of you crowd behind him to look at the little blue candy heart that says “babygirl” in pink script tattooed just above his ass.
Rhys shoves his fingers in his mouth to keep from laughing and Azriel’s about to break when you slap a hand over his mouth. You all try so hard to keep from laughing, which makes it that much harder to restrain yourselves.
Rhys cracks first, unable to stop himself as he asks, “are you lost, babygirl,” referencing that godsawful 365 Days movie Cassian made you all watch a few days ago.
The three of you lose it, and Azriel collapses to the floor in giggles, taking you with him. From the ground you watch Cassian’s confused brain try to make sense of why you all were laughing so hard when Rhys slaps right where the fresh tattoo lied and Cassian yelps in pain.
“Oh gods, why does that hurt so much?” He stills, running straight for Azriel’s bathroom. The three of you follow, standing outside the door listening for Cassian’s moment of realization. He screams in shock, running back out, pointing a finger at you.
“You did this!”
“Me?” You ask, between giggles, “I think it was you, babygirl.”
That sends Azriel over the edge again, and he starts giggling into your hair.
“I’m getting it removed asap,” Cassian grounds out, storming out the apartment, leaving the three of you to giggle and mock him a bit more.
The week goes by in a blur of classes and project work. You don’t see much of Azriel, but the two of you text frequently after sending him that first message about Cassian’s tattoo.
The two of you would send photos of valentine’s hearts to each other, clearly mocking Cassian, asking, “would this look good on my chest?”
You had spent most of the week glued to your phone, waiting for his responses. Feyre even got mad at you when you had dinner at her place on Wednesday because you kept glancing at your phone while she was telling you something.
You began apologizing, telling her about you and Az texting, when her own phone buzzed taking away her attention. You had sat back as her gaze moved to her phone, hands itching to respond to Rhysand.
“Go on,” you told her, “pot calling the kettle back, I see.”
Today was Friday, so you didn’t have any classes, however you did spend the day TAing for several Organic Chemistry labs, the first of which had Rhysand in it. He had offered to drive you to campus, and after dinner with Feyre, you’re wondering if it’s just so he can talk to you about your friend.
You walked into their apartment, ready to meet Rhysand when you were met with a beautiful girl on their couch. She had long blonde hair in a nest braid on her head, and her silver eyes pierced you as you entered the apartment.
You look around, checking that you’re in the right apartment, and offer her a small smile, trying not to look as shocked as you feel as you shut the door behind yourself.
Was Rhys seeing someone?
She tells you, “I’m Nesta,” and you nod, offering her your own name back. She quirks a small smile at that, leaning back in the seat. “Interesting,” she says, “you’re just like Azriel described.” Her eyes roam up and down your body, and her face remains neutral, not giving you any hint of what she sees.
You want to know more about how Azriel had described you, when the man in question comes out of his room and stops at the sight of you talking to Nesta.
“Hey,” he tells you, and you’re too focused on watching him to notice Nesta roll her eyes at how much he had deepened his voice. She starts to say something, and he realizes it, strolling over to give her his notebook to keep her quiet.
The teasing words die on her tongue, replaced by words of gratitude. Azriel breaks eye contact with her to see you’ve started to stand, saying, “I’m gonna go wait outside - uh clearly you have company.”
Azriel looks at you, your face riddled with confusion and something else he can’t quite place.
“No, don’t worry. I was just leaving. I’ll see you tonight?” She asks, turning back to Azriel, “7?”
You wince at the date they’ve made, and Azriel definitely notices. He nods, “yeah, I’ll see you.”
He walks her to the door, before turning back to you, an interesting look on your face.
“She’s uh nice,” you stammer out, heart beating wildly once he shuts the door behind her.
Of course someone as pretty as Azriel needs someone as striking as Nesta. Were you a fool this whole time? To consider he might harbor affections for you? Was all the texting just niceties between neighbors?
“Not to new people she isn’t,” he replies, hands in his pockets, rocking back and forth on his feet.
“She was nice to me,” which makes it ten times harder for you to hate her. Your face flushed with embarrassment at having read this whole situation wrong. You are internally pleading with any force in the universe to make Rhys hurry up so you can bury yourself in shame and embarrassment away from Azriel.
“Well that’s because-“ but the words die on his tongue, as Rhys strolls out of his room, clearly hearing your prayers.
“Oh there you are, come on let’s go,” he tells you, grabbing his bookbag, snapping at you like you’re the problem, “we’re going to be late.”
Azriel’s brows furrow, “where are you two headed off to?”
Rhys smiles, “didn’t you know? She’s my lovely TA for O Chem lab.”
Azriel pulled up to the building later that night, hopping off his bike after spending hours with Nesta at the library. She was doing a minor in computer science, so she was taking the same electives as Azriel and they met weekly to do their homework together.
Tonight’s topic for review was all about you and how Nesta is certain that you were jealous of her sitting in his apartment and she was equally certain that any man in a city block would be lining up to ask you out.
“Don’t wait too long, Az,” she had told him as they walked towards the parking lot, mostly empty due to how early it was in the semester and the late hour. “She’s awfully pretty and smart. I’d date her.”
She smirked at Azriel’s disapproving look, thanking him for the notes from yesterday’s lecture.
Nesta’s words ring in his head as he spots you at the door of your building, a little black dress adorning your body. He walks closer, opting to leave his helmet on, eyes glued to how the dress covers your curves, and it takes a moment to realize that you’re with someone.
And not just anyone.
A guy. Some guy. Some guy that wasn’t himself.
Fuck, he thinks.
Did he have it all wrong? Were you seeing someone - responding to his texts because of pity? You had been so nice - were you just this nice to everyone? The subtle touches, the quick glances, did he make them all up?
He hadn’t thought much of your lack of communication today - you had told him previously that Fridays are a busy day for you, but now he knows you likely spent the afternoon getting ready for this date.
He keeps the helmet on as he walks past, not even hearing your conversation with the guy. He tries to keep himself from being noticed as he walks right past you, the scent of vanilla and flowers hitting him. He walks through the lobby, straight into the waiting elevator.
His fingers stay pressed on the button that leads to your floor, moving to stay pressed on the “close doors” button. He can’t stomach the sight of you two, and he certainly can’t stomach sharing an elevator with you two, forced into making small talk with your date.
His thoughts whirl and swirl with the texts you had been exchanging all week since you all had dinner together as he leans his helmeted head against the closed elevator doors. Jokes shared between you two into the odd hours of the night.
He couldn’t remember the last time he had stayed up texting someone, not wanting to go to sleep for fear of ending the conversation. He thought he had even heard you laughing through the wall at his dumb jokes. He had even fallen asleep while waiting for your response last night, his phone unlocked next to his face to your chain of texts the first thing he saw that morning.
The doors to the elevator open and he walks to his apartment, unlocking the door, and trudging into his room. He pulls off his helmet, chucking it somewhere in his room. He replaces it with his headphones, cranking the volume up as loud as it will go, to drown out any noise that could filter in from the apartment next door.
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randomyuu · 1 year ago
the way it follows you home, the stories i never told
My guy Vox once again graced us with lovely Goyuu fanfics, and the way it follows you home, the stories i never told, made me go FERAL.
Time travel? Two Gojou Satorus? Double affection for our sunshine Yuuji? Yuuji sandwich? What feels like possible continuation of (you'll whisper, serpent tongue) what you fear you have become???
I need to stop indulging my imagination too much. I should’ve been content with writing long-ass comments but noooooo, my brain goes “you gotta draw it”. DAMMIT VOX, YOU AND YOUR DELICIOUS WRITINGS HHHHHH
So… usually I should’ve picked a favourite scene that is within my drawing capability, but I just… love all three chapters??? So I made a questionable time investment? I can’t stop??? Help???
This is probably the most ambitious fanart project I’ve ever done so far. Fair enough, considering I might combust if I keep these welled-up emotions inside from reading Vox’s Goyuu fics. Fuck.
Fic info:
Title: the way it follows you home, the stories i never told
Author: @voxofthevoid
Pairing: YuuGoGo. Future!Yuuji, Future!Gojou, Teen!Gojou
(idk why I laugh writing YuuGoGo. I’m beyond help)
Currently, it is 3 chapters out of 8. And it’s gonna be NSFW chapter 4 onwards, so don’t forget to read the tags first, folks!
The drawings are under Read More, because I have lots of thoughts surrounding each chapter and drawings. It’ll be hella long if I didn’t hide it here. It was a mess down there. A combination of hours before, during, and after I read said fic. I’d say good luck finding the art among the sea of jumbled words but… you’ll find them easily. Don’t worry about it haha
SPOILERS FOR ALL 3 CHAPTERS! I highly recommend reading those first before diving into these drawings!
Also for the comics, read from right to left please!
From here on, I will be referring to the Future!Gojou as Gojou and the teenage one as Satoru.
Overall, drawing all these is fun! Really fun! This project pushed me quite hard, forcing me to test my limit (because I rarely draw this much back to back). Since this is a combination of drawings and comics, the coloring style will not be consistent. In a way, I want to try some brushes I never get to use, as well as try out my new graphic tablet. Drawing these got me giggling because I was finally able to let loose during line art. It's much easier to do so, and sometimes I just get to reread the fic and giggle to myself for the nth time.
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Whooo. Whooooooooo—
Ok, ok, the premise is just that good. It intrigued me, fascinated me, and I just… oomph. I cannot refuse a Time Travel Yuuji Sandwich. Sign me up.
Honestly, there are two scenes that are just… a bit too clear in my mind when reading this chapter. That would be the one I drew above, and the other is when Yaga called Gojou to come outside of the class. I love, loooove how Vox wrote Satoru’s POV. And when Yuuji fucking giggles?
I lost it.
Can you imagine, drawing Yuuji grins, with shiny stuff, maybe some sunlight, just purely happy and indulging Gojou?
Help me, for I am drowning in my love and adoration for Yuuji.
Page 2 is an experiment on using harsh black as shading (kind of?). I really enjoyed colouring Yuuji, and drawing those buffalo skulls! I wish I can grasp the concept of contrast a bit better tho :v
This is probably the only chapter where I picture still images instead of comic panels. A bit like those cool chapter covers in mangas. The one I really, really want to draw is the scene with Satoru on the table. Can’t pass the opportunity to highlight Satoru being a brat, albeit a really cool brat.
Cool idea drawing always proves to be a challenge, because of course my artistic skill just so happens to be below the requirement. Thank you, Sketchfab, for the chair and desk’s perspective otherwise I’m screwed lmao
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The second scene that I want to draw the most is this:
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Gojou is one step away from climbing Yuuji. Also, I have a bit of a problem picturing a man pouting that makes him look crazy instead, so please have Gojou pouting adorably instead. Because, as Yuuji said (with love), Gojou is (also) a brat.
This is possibly my favorite art in this project, after Yuuji's in Chapter 1 page 2. It's clean because I don't have to draw background, and I was having a fun time drawing Yuuji. And Gojou's squishy cheek as well.
Oh, actually, there is a “manga” scene in this chapter. It’s when Yuuji said, “I love Satoru.”
I just—
AAAAAHHHHH YUUJIIIIIII YOU AND VOX ARE GONNA BE THE DEATH OF ME. That secure relationship between Yuuji and Gojou? Satoru’s description of how Yuuji’s smile could blot out the sun??? Not me screaming 💀 I also see bits of hints of possible co-dependency, though I could be reading those wrong, but either way I’m good. Secure and possessive relationships are fun to consume hhhhhh
But yeah. There are too many wholesome Yuuji smiles in this fic, and I… I am not confident enough to draw genuine happiness. It’s too much for me ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
For this chapter, another reason why I chose these two scenes is just because I want to try and draw cover-worthy pictures of Yuuji and Satoru, and Yuuji and Gojou (cough)
We start the chapter with Nanamin. Ah, Nanamin. I forgot what his teen self looked like and was surprised to see his design again lmao
I want to draw Yuuji and Nanami scene because… I just want to, I guess. I have never drawn him before (Yaga as well) so that's an interesting challenge. I got two ideas on how I want to draw it. One is a bit painting-esque, and the other one is like another chapter cover. In the end, I chose the cover one because I want to emphasise the difference between teen!Nanami and the Nanami from Yuuji’s original timeline, and how the watch feels like a connection between the same (yet not) person. It’s a bittersweet feeling? In a way?
I’m not really good at explaining my intention ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
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I love Yuuji’s answer to Nanami's question.
A Yuuji SandwichTM scene.
And oh B O I do I love it. Have I told you I like every chapter? I probably have. But this one? Satoru’s curiosity, Yuuji’s on-brand self-deprecation, and Gojou come strolling down to show more of Yuuji to his mini-self. I want to draw this whole scene, from Gojou finding them, feeding Yuuji snacks, bitch-slapping Satoru into the backroom, to Yuuji growling. Them trying to hide a boner from Yuuji’s growl got me cackling so hard I LOVE IT 😭
I love it all. Please love Yuuji in my stead, Satoru and Satonyan :3
Oh! Also! 40-finger Yuuji sounds really, really cool! I’ll be happy with whatever Vox will give us in future chapters, but 40-finger Yuuji… possible scene with this timeline’s Sukuna… my god. The action! The drama! The bloodshed! One can only hope.
However, as much as I love that whole scene, it’s still too much for me :”) I’m still not yet confident in delivering the humour and action. Also my already-long drawing plan had my brain groaning in protest so I can’t push my luck :'D
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When Gojou said "He looks sweet, but he's a bit of a beast", I kept picturing Yuuji staring innocently, but there was an edge to his look. As if the moment Satoru looks away, he will pounce. But in the end I just stick with innocent-looking Yuuji because I accidentally drew his eyes that way and I want to keep it in lol
Since Satoru points out how soft and cuddly Yuuji is, I also want to draw soft Yuuji :v
And the last one… is the last scene. For some reason, I read that both Gojou and Satoru share Yuuji’s lap and was having a frustrating yet fun time figuring out how it’s… physically possible, without having their butts on the ground because they both are not small at all. As I lined the art, I reread it again and… perhaps I read it wrong? Satoru is beside Yuuji, and not on his lap? So yeah, this one might be the least accurate, but hey, at least you can view it as a crack drawing or something :v
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Have I told you I love this fic?
…I probably have.
Have an amazing week (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*
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kerubimcrepin · 5 months ago
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I want to preemptively say that I wasn't the biggest fan of The Great Wave, while reading it originally. It had less to do with the contents of the comic, and more with the pacing — it's written in a very... webtoon-unfriendly way. Every week I'd wait, and then not much would happen.
I am hoping it will be less exhausting to read this comic this time, but there just isn't a lot that happens in it. It's quite sad, really.
Now that I am done with the "hey, I am not the biggest fan of the way this was executed, at least in this tome" warning, I want to say that I actually really like the idea of a tragic story. Like fuck yesss. With all the amount of foreshadowing we got, we deserve to see how Yugo's good intentions are going to bring disaster.
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I will be honest, the day this dropped I went to discord and everyone was screaming "THEY ADDED PORN TO WAKFU" and then when I was finally able to read the comic after someone finally pirated and sent it to me, I saw the world's shortest scene of intimacy between a married couple.
Normal world.
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Hey chat! This reminds me of a very poggers thing I had said a while before this manga realeased:
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You have no fucking idea how bigly I won. And this isn't even the last win of mine in this manga. No, I just keep winning and winning. Please, Tot Ankama, I beg you through whatever psychic link we have: do this thing you did to Yugo to Joris too. He deserves it.
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In the future, I will be liveblogging myself reading the entire tomes too; instead of making small posts, as the comic releases chapter by chapter.
One of the reasons why? I love writing this post, while knowing full-well that these are Grougalorasalar's words.
MAN, I predicted Grougalorasalar using emotionally manipulative language that's pretty much "you're a fraud, you're amoral, DIE" in nightmarish visions sent to people ages before this manga happened, in my fanfic. And I was so giddy — because I love the idea of 'Salar torturing people like that, and because it means I got something right without having too much data to back it up!
First Joris war criminal arc, then Salar emotional abuse via nightmare visions arc... How is my taste so similar to Tot's??
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I think it's very funny for Salar to be moralizing now. My brother in crepinjurgening, you were trying to resurrect your lizard son by shattering his soul forever and bringing him unimaginable suffering so that you can go commit more war crimes together?
Then again, his war crimes had virtually no chance of ending the world. I suppose it's natural for a Black Fire dragon to understand the sort of danger Yugo presents — the fact that they may all end up the same way the Necro world is...
I guess his morals are as weird as Joris's (world ending = bad, war crimes = sometimes good if they do those themselves?). Similarities are only to be expected, since they influenced and changed one-another irrevocably.
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this shuoild happen to joris too. pleask.
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Somehow I really doubt that Grougalorasalar's involvement in this situation is going to improve it in any way.
"I am the black dragon Grougalorasalar and I am going to save the world" ok and flowers can sing, and the world is made of pudding. Get a grip.
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[twirling my hair around my fingers, giggling cutely] A shadow you say? This reminds me of Dofus MMO lore :3
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I've seen people be upset at there being bigotry towards Eliatropes, but really — this has been coming since season 2. You've seen what a shitshow the idea of another class appearing caused back then.
Maybe it's my "knowing too much about hupperage oppression lore" and "knowing just a little bit about ouginak oppression lore" bias kicking in, but I'm not surprised? Eh?
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Guys I don't think they're happy.
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Originally this made me giggle: "ohh, is Joris going to have to choose between Bonta and his friendship with Yugo, in the future tomes of this manga? I wonder what he will choose, tee-hee."
But ngl, considering the fact that Joris has already demonstrated choosing Yugo over Bonta in season 4, and has been implied to be at odds with the government of Bonta during some ages, and downright opposed in others — I think we know the answer.
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Literally not how it would work in real life. Even if Aurora has the right to inherit the throne in some way, her father is completely unrelated to that. He shouldn't even be here — if Aurora has the right to inherit the throne, it means she was made a member of the Sheran-Sharm family, and is no longer a part of her original family, because— [STARTS FOAMING AT THE MOUTH FROM ANGER]
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tan1shere · 1 year ago
Film Wife
Young Miko x Female Reader !
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A/n: hey all ! Some of you have been asking for this so I'm here to provide for yall ;) this is in English because I am not Spanish what so ever so i'm very sorry to disappoint but for all the fans who would like to read this in English this is for you girlies, enjoy ! (I'm so fucking down bad for this woman this was so yummy to write.) Also if you want any others with Miko please lmk ! Gimmie as many requests as you can think of :)
Summary: You know how theres a thing called 'work wife'? Your Mikos film wife ;)
Warnings: smut ! Mdni. Car sex 😏 don't ask me why but I just know this woman either has an army green strap or a rainbow one. I'm convinced!! Just filthiness like usual-
Pt 2 , pt 3
"Cut!" The director screams. You were currently on set of a singers music video. Everyone loved having you in them you were quite popular. You walk over to your manager, walking past the artist giving them a smile. "You have another music video later on." Your manager Stacy tells you. "Do we know of this person." She shrugs. "You might." She states, showing you her phone. You have a look at the photo she shows you. "Young Miko, or Baby Miko. She's filming a video for her latest song Lisa." You look over the photo, looking at it all very clearly. You were stunned, she was incredibly attractive. She was wearing a beanie, big short sleeved t-shirt, tattoos that immediately catch your attention. "Go home, get changed and I'll send you the dress code." She flashes a toothy smile at you.
Later rolls round fast, you were currently just sitting on your couch in your apartment scrolling on Instagram. Your curiosity got the better of you. Heading to the search bar and looking this mysterious woman up. You scroll a bit, looking at every picture carefully, you would be lying if you said you weren't already obsessed with her. She looks like so much fun. The thought made you smirk to yourself, letting out a slight giggle. This was going to be good.
You had arrived at the studio, seeing your manager and going over to her. "So, what's my part in this." You set your bags down. She points to a bed. "You will be filming a rather, heated scene on this with the artist herself." You couldn't help the blush that spread across your face. You enjoyed these types of scenes, especially when the artist is extremely attractive. "Sounds good." You head over to the bed, just getting into the clothes Stacy had said to. You weren't paying much attention when you felt the bed dip just a little. Bringing you to gaze up. You're met with those beautiful blue eyes. "Y/n? Correct?" You nod. "I've been told you don't speak any Spanish?" You shake your head. "No, I mean I might know the basics, but not well." She nods, herself. "That's quite alright. Good thing I'm good with my English huh?" She smiles at you.
But there was something in the smile, something flirty. "Action!" The music starts playing, Miko gets closer to you, slowly but surely. It makes your heart slightly race, she was so much more hotter in person. She was tall, cheeky. Just over-all attractive. She looks at your lips for a quick second then looks into your eyes, seeing her slyly smirk and lean into you. The kiss was soft, but slowly turning more heated. You put your hands so that they're resting on her neck, as she put hers on your hips, slowly pushing you down on the bed and getting ontop of you. Everyone always asks how you do these and not immediately fall inlove. You were the best liar because honestly it wasn't easy. Miko continued the kiss, deepening it. You felt her tongue swipe across your bottom lip, and how could you deny this oh so yummy makeout.
That went on for a tiny bit more before the director called cut. Signaling that it was the end of the shot. You furrow your brows, not expecting it to be so short. You dreadfully wanted more, but how on earth would that happen. "That's it for today." Stacy says coming over to you, your water in hand. "I didn't expect it to be over so soon." You state. "They got what they needed." She smiles at you. You watch as she walks off, knowing it's it for the day. You feel a tap on your shoulder, turning around to see who it could be. "Do you do kissing scenes very often?" Miko asks, looking right at you. She towered over you just slightly as you were quite short, making your breath go uneasy for a second. "I do actually, that's one of the jobs I get frequently." She smirks to herself. "I can see why. You're a hell of a good kisser." You swallow at the compliment. Not knowing where all your bold attitude had gone to, but you were so hoping for it back. She comes a bit closer to you, leaning down to your ear.
"Why don't I take you home." Your eyes grew wide. Definitely taking up that offer right away, not only because you want to see where this goes with her, but because you had come here in an Uber. "I'd love that." She nods, putting her hand on your lower back. Watching as you walk to get your belongings. Was this really going to lead to something? Yes. It infact was. As you head out with her to her car you can help the butterflies at everything you're thinking right now. As you get in the passenger's seat, she wastes no time into kissing you, grabbing your face to bring you closer to her. Melting into it almost immediately, gaining that slight confidence and boldness back by situating yourself on her lap. Her hands roam your body, touching your waist, hips, sides. Even a cheeky little touch on your breasts every now and then. She guides her beautifully tattooed arms up your body yet again.
Sliding them under your shirt letting them rest over your bra. She pulls away from the kiss. "Can I take these off?" You bite your lip, nodding nonetheless. She swiftly does so, letting your tits spill out. She keeps eye contact with you, going to wrap her hands around them, lightly squeezing. Miko wraps her lips around one, sucking hard. Her hands held onto your back as she did so. You let your head fall back as she gently bites your nipple. Letting out breaths, even hearing a small noise emerge from her lips letting it vibrate slightly around you, as you put your hands in her soft hair. "Mmmm, please-" You purr out, wanting more and more of this. Of her. It was intoxicating by the minute making you more needy for her. She pulls away just admiring the slight purple tinge to your breast. She had sucked so hard it literally started to form a hickey. Her cockiness increasing at the sight.
You move your hands to her slightly toned arms, feeling the slight dents of muscle that formed in them. Admiring every tattoo on her. She gently moves your hips on her lap, feeling the friction of her thighs against you. You whine desperately wanting to feel so much more. "Patience Mami." She looks directly at you as she says that. You could feel yourself getting wetter at the name. "You wanna know something." You hum as she says that, her voice husky and lustful. "The oh so amazing thing that you're currently desperate for. Matches my microphone." She whispers in your ear. Sending cold shivers down your spine, her warm breath didn't change that it just made you colder, shakier, with need. She gets you to take off your jeans, but keeping on your black lace underwear. Guess she liked that.. Alot. You move your hands so that they're rested above her jeans. Letting them hook around her belt slightly. "Why don't you take them off for me." She looks at you, leaning back into the seat, and putting her arms behind her head.
You bite your lip a little harder this time, feeling your panties pool at this point. You do as told, unlooping the belt and sliding it out from its space in her jeans. You let it go into the backseat, discarding it for now. She doesn't budge, nor say anything. Keeping her eyes on you. You knew what was going on in her brain, she was filthy. She wanted to watch you do this all on your own, didn't she? You go to unzip them, sliding them down enough to get what you were after out, giving a quick glance and the band on her boxers, but immediately paying attention to the gold. And she wasn't lying. There it was, the rainbow strap. You could've sworn there was drool gathering at the corner of your lips, the thought of her sitting there, watching as you basically fuck yourself on it got you even more aroused.
Grabbing it slowly, positioning it at your entrance. Moving the fabric out of the way. "Rip them off." She suddenly says, eyes growing dark as she watches you. Your eyes go wide. "I'll buy you new ones." She subtly winks at you. You smirk at her, ripping the thin material in half, discarding that to the backseat also. "Good girl." That made you desperately claw for the strap, wanting nothing more then to be full of her. You begin to sink down on it, letting your mouth hang open at the delicious feeling. She continues to watch. Watching your facial features every time you'd move. Every little noise you made. She was stunned by you, how beautiful you were, how drawn she was to you. Keeping her arms behind her head just relaxing. She never takes her eyes off of you, only on occasion to watch as the strap dissappears inside of you. You couldn't help but let out a moan, feeling your breaths pick up.
She doesn't necessarily agree with the pace you're going at, so she begins to fuck up into you, making you latch onto the shoulders of the seat. Having your mouth slightly drop at the feeling. "Miko.." You whine out enjoying this so much. "Hm? Enjoying this. I bet you do, don't you?" You nod vigorously. "You're a slut huh.. letting me watch you fuck yourself on me. How very filthy." You bite your lip again, so much that it draws a little blood. The taste was irony, and bitter. You couldn't care less though. Miko leans forward, bringing her lips to your neck as you keep moving yourself on her. She sucks hard, loving how your tits had looked before. Wanting to mark a more visible area next. She moves the kisses from your neck, to your plump, slightly red lips.
She tasted the tiny bit of blood, making herself go crazy at everything that was happening. She grunts quietly into your mouth, moving her hands so they rested on your hips. "Gonna cum for me?" You lazily nod, feeling fucked out and tired. "Go on, I know you can. Make every director that's still in that building know, how good you're being fucked right now." That alone sent you overboard, feeling the knot tighten at her beautiful voice. You were inlove with it, scratchy but yet so pretty. She goes to your neck again, leaving kisses and a few hums, leading up to your ear again. She could tell you loved her voice, it's as if she could truly feel you clenching around her. "Mmm that's it Mamacita." She nibbles. "Cum all over me." And just like that, you did. Feeling yourself gush over her strap, letting your body fall into her touch and resting your head in her neck. You felt completely fucked out, letting out breaths as she gently rubbed your back.
"Im telling my team that you're gunna be in all of my upcoming music videos." You let a smile spread across your face. "How's that sound, film wife?" You close your eyes. "Just perfect."
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bonny-kookoo · 2 years ago
The ilysib couple are so cute and secure in their relationship🤧🤧 I want, no I NEED him😭
Has the oc ever felt jealous/protective of jk when another woman tries to flirt with him?
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"Here, let me help.." Jungkook tells you, reaching out to take the glass bottle of strawberry flavored ramune from your struggling hands, palms already an angry red from trying to push the glass marble in by yourself. He, on the other hand, doesn't even use his palm at all- a push from his thumb all that's needed for him as he quickly drinks the foam bubbling up from the bottle, before he gives it to you.
But before you can even say thank you, someone next to him giggles, her friend behind her equally as charmed by his actions it seems like as she leans on her hand, cleavage pushed forwards so much that you're wondering when her tits will finally spill out. "It's so cute seeing a guy take care of girls like that." The older girl says, looking at Jungkook, and you freeze up for a second. "My brother has to take care of his besties' sister sometimes too, I get it." She laughs, and you put down your drink at that.
It's something that you've noticed happening quite a lot with Jungkook at your side. Maybe it's your girly outfits sometimes looking more cute than sexy just because you feel like wearing something more comfortable. Maybe it's the height difference between you and Jungkook. Maybe it's your rather round face that makes people think you're younger than you are, especially when you don't dress revealing and confident.
It's, after all, one of the reasons you do dress like that, most of the time. Because you're just not being taken seriously otherwise- and right now, you're just being proven right on that.
You don't want to cause a scene and put Jungkook on the spot however, knowing how uncomfortable things like that make him- so you just stand up, shrug off your partially see-through beach cover over your chair next to him, before you lean over to kiss his cheek. "I'll be going for a swim, alright?" You say, and he nods, a bit caught off guard- before he watches you walk off, towards the sea where you slowly walk further into the deeper water.
He's suspected that you have a distaste for things like that- being belittled by others especially.
He's noticed that you're a little sensitive about jokes made concerning your height or soft facial features, and it had taken you quite a long time to ask him for help for.. anything, really. And even now, you much rather break your neck and twist your limbs in order to reach a higher shelf in the grocery store than ask him who's more often than not right next to you.
He doesn't know what to do to help. Because while he knows that you hate being called that, you are simply.. cute to him.
"Would you join us for the beach party tonight?" The girl next to him asks, pulling him out of his thoughts- and he shrugs, before he takes your beach cover, folding the see-through fabric before he puts it in your bag that he zips up. "Aw, come on-"
"Gotta ask my girlfriend if she's up for it." He simply says, before he waves at you to come back- something you do, though your face still shows some discomfort.
"Oh- well, it was worth a try." The girl says, shrugging. "But considering she's not here right now, you can always call me up when you get tired of her-" She leans closer, when Jungkook stands up, not even looking at her. Instead, he wraps the pink beach towel over your shoulders so you can dry off, and picks up your bag for you.
"I wanna go somewhere less crowded.." He mumbles towards you, and you not quietly. "Hey." He says, catching your attention to look up at him, giving him a good angle to kiss you- something that definitely catches you off guard- before you can feel his hands adjusting your bathing suit to cover your chest a bit better. "Okay?" He asks you, and you're not sure what he's asking-
But you nod.
And so he holds your hand the entire way from the beach to his car, to drive to a more secluded spot like he said. And he also holds your hands in the back of his car, where he shows you just how much he loves your body just the way that it is, no matter how much you dislike it.
And while it doesn't cure your insecurities, his love and care does help you, little by little.
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sweetcarrotsandroses97 · 1 year ago
~ Pride and Protection | JJK
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Pairing: CEO!husband!Jungkook x writer!fem!wife!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, arranged marriage, secrets, feelings of yearning and uncertainty, food consumption, idiots in love, the in-laws make an appearance once more, talks about contract marriage, secrecy, lies, minor injury, a bit of blood, talks about having children, the have a moment! (let me know if I missed anything!)
Summary: Your relationship with Jungkook was complicated while at the same time was the easiest thing in the world. However, after having taken three steps forward, you take five backwards as you learn that someone knows your secret and in order to protect Jungkook, you must make a choice. But would he let himself be protected with the only thing that would pain him greater than death itself?
Word Count: 5.5k
A/N: Hello everyone! I know I have taken ages to update this series but yesterday while in the shower I was able to solve a major plot hole so here we are! I really hope you will enjoy this part as we dive further into the complicated relationship that is marriage, buckle up darlings because this will take quite a different turn that what I have originally planned!
☕Caffeinate me so I can keep on writing! ☕
You awoke upon hearing a sudden noise. A gasp left your lips as you sat up on the bed, eyes roaming around the bedroom only to notice that you were alone in the large bed, your husband was nowhere to be found.
You quickly stood up and went to the bathroom to brush your teeth and style your hair a bit. Without giving it much thought, you left the bathroom and walked to the kitchen.
What you saw made you chuckle a bit. You saw Jungkook crouching down on the floor while Bam walked around him excitedly.
"Bam, stop it. This is all your fault."
You giggled at your husband's scolding to the Dobermann and that seemed to catch his attention as he turned to look at you over his shoulder. His eyes were bigger than usual as you seemed to have caught him doing something he shouldn't. Like a scolded kid.
"(y/n), you're up. I... um."
Jungkook stood up and turned to face you, your eyes immediately went to the mess on the floor he was apparently trying to fix.
Over the white floor laid the vase you had placed your sunflowers from last night shattered with the nice flowers adorning the place in an almost artistic way.
"Bam broke it."
He said urgently. You lifted an eyebrow at your husband. A smile tugging at your lips. Your gaze shifted from the large dog sitting next to your husband and the man's adorably wide eyes.
"Of course, that's totally what happened."
You said with a bit of sarcasm in your words but Jungkook knew you weren't mad, your gaze had a softness in their (e/c) pools and a teasing smile was painted over your lips.
He sighed, looking down at his dog before returning to look at you.
"I wanted to move the vase from the dining table so that we could enjoy breakfast together but Bam rushed past me and I accidentally dropped it, I'm sorry."
You walked towards him, careful to not step in any of the shattered glass on the floor.
"It's okay, Kook. There's no need to apologise, it was just a vase, I can put the flowers somewhere else."
Jungkook stepped aside as you crouched down to pick up the sunflowers from the floor, careful so as to not cut yourself with the broken glass. His eyes followed you as you moved swiftly around the kitchen.
"Let me do it."
He said, grabbing the broom and dustpan from your hands when you returned. He didn't allow any room for you to deny it as he began sweeping the floor, carefully getting rid of all the glass. Bam scurried off to his house in the corner while you searched the cupboards for another vase to put your flowers.
The scene was peaceful, domestic even. And Jungkook found himself loving the small moment between you both, like a real married couple.
He put the broken glass in the bin and handed you back the broom and dustpan, you accepted the items with a smile but your eyes drifted to his hands circling them.
"Jungkook, you're bleeding."
He hadn't even registered the subtle pain up until now, you were fast enough to grab the cleaning objects and put them aside before your hands grabbed his larger left hand.
"I probably cut myself a moment ago, don't worry about it."
But the frown between your brows didn't disappear. You inspected the cut with prying eyes before you walked toward the sink, pulling him with you.
"We cannot leave it like that, Kook. It'll get infected if you don't clean it."
You didn't look at him while you said those words as you were focused on the running water of the sink falling over his cut. Jungkook watched you attentively, his eyes ran over your worried expression, noticing the concern in your eyes, how you bit your lower lip and how your brows were slightly furrowed. He couldn't help but find it cute.
With a soft towel you dried his hand with careful movements, mindful of his small wound. You didn't say another thing as you let go of his hand briefly while opening one of the kitchen cupboards. He watched as you stood on your tip toes and reached for a white box. You put it on the counter and opened it before grabbing Jungkook's hand once more.
"Why do you keep that in there?"
He asked softly, referring to the first aid kit hidden in the kitchen.
"I always have one in hand, in case I burn myself while cooking or sometimes a small cut happens too. It comes in handy."
He hummed in response, not quite processing the fact of your words as he was more distracted by the feeling of your delicate touch over his skin.
You applied some ointment over his cut on his index finger before wrapping a band-aid on it.
A soft smile graced your features as you let go of his hand, his skin feeling cold the next instant as you put the things back in the box and put it back where it was.
You didn't have time to turn around when you suddenly froze on the spot. A hand rested on your right shoulder and your breath hitched in your throat when you felt Jungkook's body pressed into your back, his other hand went to rest against the counter and you swallowed as he trapped you between him and the marble counter.
"You be careful. I don't want you to get hurt while you cook."
His words were rasped out, voice deep that made your insides quiver. Jungkook was even surprised of himself with such a bold move but he didn't dare move from where he stood. The warmth of your body made things to him, to his mind, to his heart. Things he hadn't felt before. Or at least, not all of them.
He lifted his left hand from the counter, moving his now bandaged finger in front of your face.
"It can hurt pretty bad."
You swallowed, mind going blank with all the possible things you could've said at that moment.
His name left your lips without you noticing it. As if it were on instinct that you wished to pronounce his name.
He hummed, resting his left hand over your own on the counter while his thumb began drawing circles on your shoulder. Your skin tingles where he touched you and your heart was hammering so hard inside your chest you thought he'd hear its frantic beating.
He began leaning into your ear, as if wanting to whisper the secrets of the universe to you and only you. You turned your head, looking at him so close. So intimate. A tension grew between you two. Something intangible, something that could only be felt with the heart.
Your lips almost touched his; gaze fixing between his eyes and his pink lips. Your breaths mingled together, the feeling of his body pressed to your own grounded you while at the same time let your mind loose.
Jungkook cursed under his breath when his phone began ringing. Popping the sweet bubble of innocence between you two. The warmth of his body disappeared the next second, making a shiver run down your spine at the sudden coolness of the apartment.
Jungkook answered the call in a sour mood, cursing the person in the other line for calling him when he nearly kissed you! Literally there couldn't have been a worse timing for that call. Then again, it wasn't as if he could stay mad at Hoseok for longer than 10 seconds. That man was a walking ray of sunshine.
You, on the other hand, stood rooted in your place. After having turned around, your back facing the cupboards, your eyes remained glued to Jungkook who paced back and forth in the large kitchen.
You didn't know what he was saying through the phone, you weren't paying attention. Your mind kept playing over and over again what had just happened between you and your husband.
Jungkook's voice enthralled you. Not because of the meaning of his words, you didn't know the latest updates from the company but it was the mere sound of his voice that mesmerised you.
It could be soft and sweet. Loving. Or it could be deep and harsh. Commanding. And you absolutely loved it. You watched as he grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl before hanging up.
"I have to go, (y/n). Something happened, we'll have breakfast together later, call me if you need anything."
He sent you a flashing smile before putting his shoes on in a hurry, grabbing his coat and leaving the flat. You blinked once then twice, feeling the silence of the apartment consume you. A sigh left your lips, you were still processing what had just happened between you and Jungkook only for your husband to storm out of the door the next second.
"Bye, Jungkook."
You whispered to the air, as if needing to say it so that you could continue with your day. You ran a hand over your forehead, his husky voice repeating itself in your mind, you were still intoxicated with his cologne and the memory of his body against your own made you tingle with ecstasy.
You smile, chewing at your bottom lip as you sit down on the stool.
Did -did we just have a moment?
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"Where's Jimin?"
Jungkook asked his friend and coworker, Namjoon. The shorter man hadn't been seen around and it was already half past three in the evening. The older man cleared his throat, putting some files on Jungkook's desk before he spoke.
"I think he took the day off, said something about having to visit someone. I'm not aware of the details."
Jungkook hummed, eyes roaming over the papers his friend just brought him.
"Namjoon, do you think you can handle today's meeting with the shareholders? I'll pick up my wife from her appointment with her editor."
The other man nodded, taking out his phone to put it in his calendar.
"How are things going on? Between you and (y/n)."
Jungkook sighed at the question, was his married life the only gossip going around in the office?
"Jimin-ah asked me the exact same question the other day, hyung. But to satiate your curiosity, I think we are progressing."
Namjoon smiled, picturing in his head how Jimin probably pestered Jungkook to spill the beans about his love life.
"Well, I'm glad to hear that, Kook. You deserve it."
The younger man smiled softly at the thought of you. Your presence, even in his mind, was enough to soothe his soul and calm his heart while butterflies flew wildly in his stomach.
"Thanks, hyung."
Namjoon bowed slightly at Jungkook, not because of his age but because of him being his boss. Your husband was left alone in his office the next moment. Leaving him with his thoughts, his racing heart, his yearning soul.
He wanted to get back to you, already addicted to your presence, your voice. Your mere existence was enough to captivate him. He needed it. Almost to the point of needing a drug to keep his sanity. As if he was sick and you were his cure.
Your entire being, your heart was a sanctuary for his love. A love so pure only you were to receive. Only you were to claim it as your own. Jungkook wished to get back to the apartment, imagining you sitting on the couch with a soft blanket over your legs and your laptop resting on the blanket. The image in his mind made him smile.
He remembered what had happened last night. How your body had felt against his own. The way you both cuddled together on the couch, how his hand found yours underneath the covers, he broke a barrier at that moment with his touch. He crossed another line between you both, another step towards having your heart in his hands.
And then there was his silent confession. His whispered words that hung in the silence of the flat as darkness drowned the place. Jungkook couldn't keep those words in him any longer, he had to say them. Say them but you weren't meant to hear them. Not now at least.
He sighed. So many thoughts lived in his mind, so many wishes rested in his heart and it made his soul heavy. Heavy with need and love. With yearning for something that he could touch but maybe he couldn't keep.
Love was complicated, Jungkook understood that now. But that didn't mean he would let the small spark that existed between you and him die. No. He'd make it a burning flame of love and passion. A fire that warmed but didn't burn. A beautiful spectre of perfection.
He didn't know that in that exact moment, he was living in your mind as well. You sat in a small cafe, eyes lost in the distance. Not even watching the cars pass by on the street as your mind replayed last night's events.
You remembered how Jungkook had given you your flowers. Those beautiful sunflowers that made you smile widely. Even now, as you reminisce on the bouquet, you subconsciously smile. The smell was engraved in your memories and how your heart skipped a beat when he had presented the gift to you in an almost shy way made butterflies erupt in your stomach.
And then, there was what had happened this morning. How he pinned you to the kitchen's counter, the way he towered over you and he trapped you between him. Your senses were invaded by Jungkook and you blushed at the thought.
Your train of thought got interrupted when Mrs. Ming arrived. You shook your head softly to get rid of the thoughts about your husband before you stood up and greeted her with a smile.
"Hello, Mrs. Ming. How have you been?"
She was your editor, a middle aged woman with a kind heart and great knowledge. She sat down in front of you, putting her purse next to her as her warm eyes locked with your own.
"I've been fine, (y/n), thanks for asking. And you?"
You nodded at her before signalling for a waiter to take your order. She ordered a slice of apple pie and a cup of coffee while you only asked for a coffee. Once the kind waiter left, she spoke once more.
"So... I read your first draft. (y/n), I really loved the story."
You chuckled softly, allowing her to continue.
"Even when that kind of plot is widely used, I do believe you described it completely differently from other stories that are about arranged marriages."
Subconsciously, your right hand searched for your wedding band on your ring finger. You traced the band softly, mind going back to Jungkook.
"I'm glad you liked it, of course I know it needs a lot of polishing before going live but that means a lot, Mrs. Ming."
She smiled at you, that warm smile tha soothed your nerves when it came to your work and reputation as a well-known writer.
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"Send me your next draft when you are done, (y/n). We'll go from there and try not to rush it. You know how these things work."
You nodded at Mrs. Ming's wise words before bowing softly at her. Jungkook hadn't texted you so you assumed he was in a meeting. He had been quite busy this past few weeks and your heart clenched at his stress and frustration over the company that would eventually be his.
"Would you like me to give you a lift?"
You smiled kindly at her sweet offer but shook your head.
"No, thank you, Mrs. Ming. I want to stop in a nearby shop and buy something for my husband."
"Very well, text me if you need me to check anything from your draft and believe it when I tell you it has very solid pillars already."
You couldn't fight the smile that grew on your face upon her compliment over your work. Writing was your passion, what you lived for. If you couldn't write, there was no point in experiencing life the way you did it.
"Thank you so much, take care."
"You too, (y/n)."
And with that, you parted ways with the older woman who you have grown fond of. You sighed to yourself, walking in the other direction to make your idea of a surprise a reality for your handsome husband who lavished you in luxury and a soft affection. You wanted to reciprocate those gifts, even a little. At least try. At least welcome him with something you hope he'd liked.
Your features were soft as you paraded over the pavement, your mind went back to Jungkook, your sweet and loving husband. The memories of him were cascading over you like a soft drizzle on an autumn day. It made you sigh in content, quickening your pace as you got closer to the store you had ordered your gift from.
The bell over the door rang above you as you entered the old jewellery shop. The sudden smell of dried roses reached your senses as you looked around the small yet cosy shop you were in.
An elderly looking man came from behind the counter with a gentle expression over his aged features.
"Hello, miss. What can I do for you today?"
You stepped forward and answered him. You clutched your purse in your hold, nervous as it was the first time you were to buy something for Jungkook. you had gifted him other things, but this was different. It meant something different.
"Good evening. I actually ordered a designed watch and I was told I could come today to pick it up."
The man's eyes sparkled as he remembered your order you had placed over the phone. It didn't matter how much it would cost you but you had wanted to give your husband not only an item he could wear but something to remind him of you, of your relationship.
"Ah, yes. I remember now. Mrs. Jeon, isn't it?"
You nodded, biting your lip in an unconscious way as the man bent down behind the counter and rose once more holding a box in his hands. You took a step closer and suppressed a gasp as your eyes landed on the beautiful watch with black leather straps. The watch on itself had a golden outline and the numbers were marked by simple lines also made of golden material. The little clock hands were also in that same beautiful golden colour while they were thin and delicate. Elegant.
You picked it up with gentle movements and turned it around, reading the engraving on its back and smiling at just how beautiful it had come out. You were sure Jungkook would love it.
"It's beautiful. Thank you so much."
The man smiled at your happiness and received with both hands your card to pay for the beautiful gift. He was also kind enough to pack the watch in a lovely box with a silver bow on top of it. You put the black box in your purse and thanked the owner with a soft bow before you left the cute store.
You began walking back to the coffee shop where you met with Mrs. Ming because Jungkook had told you he'd come pick you up after he was done with some meeting.
However, just as you were rounding the corner of the block where the coffee shop was, a black car parked next to you. You didn't have time to panic as the window rolled in and you saw your mother-in-law sitting in the back seat.
"Get in, (y/n). We have things to discuss."
Her demanding tone made a shiver run down your spine as you clutched your purse tighter against your body. You were going to protest, saying you had things to do but her glare was enough for you to swallow your words. You didn't say anything but obeyed her commanded request with rigid movement. When you were seated in the car and the door closed behind you, the chauffeur at the front started the engine and began driving away.
"Is something wrong, Mrs. Jeon?"
You asked out of politeness. However, the memory of her demand at dinner was still fresh in your mind. The feelings were still there, the bitterness of her request and the frustration in your heart were still open for the world to see.
She didn't say anything as she grabbed a file next to her before handing it to you.
"You are aware of why me and my husband chose you to become Jungkook's wife, are you not?"
You nodded, still confused about all that was happening. She sounded serious about whatever topic she had to discuss with you. Even more, she looked angry too.
"(y/n), we promised to make you a successful writer, which I must say, we have accomplished in a transparent way."
You looked at her, not opening the file in your hands as your heart raced in your chest. With nerves, with fear, with anxiety. Does she- does she know?
"In exchange for your success in your career you were to become my son's wife and give him an heir."
You swallowed, feeling a lump grow in your throat. As if she were suffocating you with her cold gaze.
"Mrs. Jeon, I-"
She cut you off as she raised her hand in the air.
"I know everything, girl. Everything."
Tears clouded your vision, your hands shook despite you trying to stop them from trembling.
"I'm sorry."
You whispered, fearing with your entire being what she'd say to you next. Your heartstrings were pulled by fate's dark grip. You kept your tears to yourself, not allowing them to flow and leave the cage that was your body.
You were ashamed of yourself, you felt dirty upon being caught in your lie, in your secret. But you needed the money, you needed to progress in your career and your in-laws had offered you that opportunity in a silver tray for you to take. Even when you were risking more than your life while accepting that deal.
Mrs. Jeon scoffed humorlessly at you, her eyes trained on the file that was gripped in your trembling hands.
""Sorry" is not going to fix this. Did you really think we wouldn't find out?
You sniffled, the lump in your throat preventing you from speaking. From defending yourself, words failed you when you needed them the most.
"I want you to divorce my son."
Her words stunned you to the point that you turned to look at her with wide eyes, your heart was in your throat as a single tear left your eye and rolled down your cheek slowly.
"I can't."
You whispered, your body preventing you from speaking any louder. From sadness, frustration, anger. You couldn't get the words out.
"You must. If you will not give Jungkook what he deserves, let him have the opportunity of building his life and not wasting his youth with a woman that would always hold him back."
You closed your eyes. trying to calm yourself a bit. You nearly gasped when you felt the woman's hand over your left one and you looked down at what would have been a sympathetic touch if it weren't for her greedy wishes. Your eyes were trained on your wedding ring, almost as if it mocked you.
"It's for the best, (y/n). Think about Jungkook. Think about all that he'd lose if he continues to be tied to you. He deserves a chance with someone who would make him really happy."
The car came to a sudden stop and you looked outside only to notice you were in front of your apartment complex. You sighed, your hands clutched the file in your hands, already knowing what was inside it for Mrs. Jeon to confront you this way. It made you shudder internally.
"Think about Jungkook, (y/n). It is him who would end up hurt in the end."
You looked at her with dead eyes, refusing to spill your tears in front of such a cruel woman. You didn't say anything, yet your heart was heavy as you exited the car, leaving the file behind. Wishing it was that easy to leave your past behind as well.
With heavy steps you made your way into the luxurious building where your shared home with your husband rested. You wiped your tears while you were alone in the lift, feeling the ride up longer than usual.
You took out your phone while wiping the tears cascading down your cheeks that you could no longer hold in. You turned it on, putting in your wedding anniversary date to unlock the device before you found Jungkook's contact and sent him a quick text, letting him know you were home and that he didn't have to worry about picking you up.
You pressed send and the elevator doors opened and you walked along the empty corridor until you reached your door. In an almost mechanical way you typed the password, the sound of the door unlocking fell on deaf ears as it opened, you stepped inside and closed it with a light push.
With a heavy sigh, you dropped your purse and phone on the couch before you walked towards the bedroom. Your heart was heavy with the words your mother-in-law had spoken to you a mere moment ago. It felt selfish to stay with your husband yet it was cruel to leave just like that.
The greatest fear in your soul was for Jungkook to know the truth as well. Perhaps if you left in silence, his mother would keep your secret to herself.
A shudder racked through your body at the single thought of leaving your husband behind. Your man, your love. The door to your shared bedroom closed behind you as you allowed yourself to drown in your thoughts and tears, the product of your own decisions.
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Jungkook was in the middle of a meeting when his phone buzzed as it rested on the table. He was quick enough to read your name on the notifications before the screen went dark again. His fingers itched to grab the device and read your message. His heart pounded at the thought of you texting him, wanting to talk to him.
With a discreet movement he grabbed his phone and pulled it under the large table, the voices of the directors dying down in his mind as he read your text.
Something stirred within him at the coldness of your words, at the lack of emojis and sweet greetings. It was just a short message, delivering its purpose yet he knew there was something wrong in order for you to send such a message buried in a pile of ice that felt like a dagger between what had been growing in your relationship with Jungkook.
He stood up, catching the attention of the men and women seated around the glass table.
"Excuse me."
No-one spoke a word as he left the room, not minding the curious gazes over his form nor the questioning looks on his people's faces.
Once outside, he read your text again, his lips pressed together as the words repeated themselves over and over again in his loud mind.
'Jungkook, I'm already home. Mrs. Ming gave me a ride. Don't bother about picking me up later.'
That was what you had written to him. Your coldness and dismissal of his attentions to you pulled at his heartstrings. He called you, pressing his phone to his ear as it rang and rang until it led to voicemail.
He sent you a text, asking if you were alright, if something had happened. They got sent, but you didn't read them. Worry began etching on his chest as many thoughts raced through his head. Maybe your phone had died and you sent him that text so as not to worry him?
Yet his heart screamed at him to go home, find you, see you with his very eyes and confirm you were alright.
"Pick up, pick up, pick up...."
Jungkook mumbled to himself as he dialled your number for the last time; it went to voicemail and he cursed under his breath before his feet were carrying him through the corridor and down the stairs. He didn't have time to take the lift as his heart raced with each step he took.
Time was slower than usual yet at the same time it raced against him and his strongest desire that was to get to you.
His car was speeding through the streets, he feared something bad had happened to you, that you were hurt in some way. The thought scared him to death. His knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel tightly in order of keeping his hands from shaking with nerves, with fear, with desperation, with frustration. With love. With urge. His emotions and thoughts were a muddy concoction that blurred his senses and made his heart ache.
Jungkook ran up the apartment complex, the lift ride taking centuries to go up to his floor. He practically ran through the hallway before his fingers quickly typed the password; the door was yanked with force fueled by his thumping heart only to be met with a numbing silence drowning the place.
He looked around, not even Bam was in his house, running to receive him like any other day. Spotting your purse on the couch, he went there with urgent steps only to find your phone next to it as well with all his missing calls and unread texts in your notifications. He lifted your purse, searching for some clue about what had happened, about your coldness, about your strange text.
A black box tied with a silver bow fell from your purse upon its movement. Jungkook frowned, picking it up in his hands as he eyed it with curiosity. His fingers were about to untie the ribbon but he halted in his action when he heard a whine coming from the bedroom. It was Bam's cry. And then came a soft sniffle that hadn't he been alert, he'd have missed it.
Jungkook put the box on the coffee table before he walked over the hallway and towards where your shared bedroom was. His palm pushed the door open and he nearly gasped at what he saw.
You froze in your movement when you heard your name being called by the unmistakable voice of your dear husband. You turned around, your eyes meeting his as you stood frozen in the middle of the large bedroom.
His heart clenched when he saw tears in your eyes, your cheeks were wet and your lips were pouty. Your hands were shaking as you held your jewellery box.
"What are you doing?"
He asked, his voice so soft, so patient. Yet you were able to read the underlines of curiosity and hurt over his words as his eyes travelled across the bedroom.
You were packing your stuff.
His name escaped your lips like a prayer, a verse of a poem your soul found no rhyme with. Your missing treasure that you had to let go before ever having him in your arms. You husband. Your love.
Your jewellery box slipped from your hands, landing dryly over the grey carpet as its contents escaped the little box and scattered around. You swallowed, never breaking eye contact with Jungkook as his long legs carried him towards you.
He panicked as he watched you be in such an estate of distress. Bam laid in your shared bed, watching you with sad eyes as whine filled the room.
A shuddering breath escaped through your lips when Jungkook's hands rested on your shoulders. His eyes were filled with worry and want, of sadness and confusion and a million other things you weren't able to grasp.
"What happened?"
You bit your bottom lip, trying to stop its quivering. Tears leaked from your eyes and he wanted to wipe them so desperately he felt his fingers would turn to ash if he didn't dry your tears. You hated yourself for what you were about to say to him, for how you were going to break his heart; hurt his precious and sweet soul.
The wedding band on your finger was suddenly too heavy for you to carry. Tainted with guilt, with shame. Lightened by love and a dream that was now disipaiting like fog on an early spring day.
You looked into your husband's eyes with thousands of emotions before you spoke words that made his heart crumble to pieces. You watch the hurt flash over his doe eyes and his hands tightened around your shoulders.
"I want to divorce you, Jungkook."
A/N: Please let me know your thoughts in the comments! I'd love to hear out your ideas and theories about the outcome of this story!
Drabbles are open for this au! My inbox is open, darlings!
☕Caffeinate me so I can keep on writing! ☕
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in-hav3n · 2 years ago
okay HEAR ME OUT. you're the third blog i send this to because the others didn't repost it and i desperately need people to hear this because i can't stop thinking about it.
i just know that the reason james has always had such hot muscular arms is because he fucks in the air or against the wall.
i'm sure.
(i want him to fuck me like this)
okay, that's it, have a nice day. bye.
PS: in case someone is confused (i doubt it but you never know) my point is that if he fucks someone against the wall or in the air he has to lift her and hold her there for quite some time which means: 💪🏻
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WARNINGS : NSFW - rough sex - sex scene - age gap
It's an ordinary day in Colorado. You are lazy on your couch, busy reading a random magazine.You are completely bored by the lack of interesting articles until you heard James coming from the backyard door after working on his cars in his garage all the afternoon. He greets you with a smile and a little hand wave on his way to the kitchen. He needs to clean his greasy hands and finally joins you with a glass of water in his hand. Sat at your feet, you would both chatted for a while about your day and stuffs you've done.
"You're pretty sweat", you comment after a while, noticing how shiny his arms are. James had leaned a bit, resting his back against the couch as he was scratching his head pensively. He turned to see your hand on his skin and chuckled.
"It's pretty hot outside and I worked a lot. Had a lot of heavy things to carry in the garage to fix that old car I bought", he explained as flexing a bit his arm.
"Whatever it was...made you do a bit of work out", you giggle, your hands looking very small compares to his arm's size.
He was wearing a black tank top which was a good outfit that shows perfectly how tough James was. You bite your lower lip and start to squeeze his arms, palpating his muscle with your fingers. James giggles too at your remark and flexes his muscles more to show you how impressively muscular they were.
"But that's not going to the gym or carrying heavy stuffs that gave me those arms you know", he declares with a grin, turning his head in your direction, not leaving your gaze. You raise an eyebrow in a curious way.
"Oh really? What is it then?", you tease him as going on your knees to be closer.
"You wanna know, hum?". James' hand on you naked knee to rub your skin slowly is enough to make you shiver hard. You hum and nod frantically, even more curious.
And this is how you end up on his laps, arms around his neck while his hands were on your thighs, lifting up he edge of your dress over your hips. You were sharing a passionate, hungry and feverish kiss as taking each other's clothes off. His tank top first, in a hurry, before you take care his short with shaking hands. He helps you by removing it completely, kicking off his flip flops to get rid of his clothes.
Meanwhile his hands slips the straps of your dress. James moans of satisfaction when he discovers you're not wearing a bra today and expose your breasts to feast on them. You whine of pleasure and roll your hips on his hard member, showing him what you want. He is already hard beneath you and your cunt is already pulsing at the idea of being fucked so unexpectedly on this lazy afternoon in your living room. Even tough it wasn't the first time that such things happened...
"Take off your panties baby", he commands between two kisses, your tongues moving perfectly together for a sensual dance.
You moan in agreement and roll next to him to quickly take if off, throwing it somewhere else on the couch. You also took off your dress in a hurry. Once done, you straddle him again with a giggle of pleasure, rolling your hips again on his hard member. The physical touch between your soft pussy lips and his hard dick soft skin is enough to drive you both crazy.
"So needy...", James whispers with a grin on his face as caressing your butt, even adding a spank. "You want me to fuck you now?"
"Oh yes baby, do it", you reply as biting his earlobe. He groans low like a beast. You are driving him crazy as well with your touch and gestures.
James hurries himself to glide his hands between your two bodies to grab his member, puts him in a straight position to help you sit on it. You slowly sink on, stretching you out until you arrive at the base with a gasp of pleasure.
"Oh yes...", you moan low, almost in a whisper, eyes closed, leaning against his shoulders for support. You are used to this position and James knows you need to take your own pace first to adjust yourself at his size. So he just leans against the couch, hands on your butt to join your ass movements, helping you to get ready.
"That's it baby", he says low as watching you bouncing slowly on his dick, feeling the enjoyable feeling of it inside your warm and wet pussy's walls. "Get yourself ready...move on my cock...so I can show you my trick".
You frown, keeping the rythm, curious to know what he's talking about. His trick? You simply nod and move until you feel it's time.
"I'm ready James", you tell him in a gasp as you move easier on him, your inner walls being now completely stretched out and you pussy being wetter.
And this is how suddenly James grips you tight, holding your body against his as he carefully gets up from the couch. You quickly wrap your arms around his neck for support, tightening your legs against his chest and crossing your ankles behind his back. He holds you tight with his hands under your butt and you feel his dick popping out of you.
"Oh!", you moan of surprise with a giggle. James chuckles with a smile at your reaction and walks slowly. You have no idea where he's going.
"So...what's this trick, big man ?", you tease him with a grin, your fingers lovingly rub his neck and the short hair there.
James smiles bigger and he only answers you when your back hits the wall of your living room. You let out an other low gasp of surprise when your skin hit the cold material.
"I hope you're ready cause I'm gonna pound into you so hard..."
"So hard uh?", you tease again as biting his lower lip in a sexy way, not leaving his gaze.
"So hard you won't be able to walk tomorrow".
You giggle loud at his comment. "Really ?".
James doesn't give you time to tease him more. He manages to free one of his hands to line up again with your entrance, even adding some saliva to help and in one push, he thrusts in you. You gasp of surprise, closing your eyes to enjoy this new sensation. You feel a hint of pain tough, the angle is really different and quite new,
James knows you well and is able to read your expression. He feels your pussy contracting around him and understands you need some time again to adjust. He stops his moves until he sees you nodding to move again. He moves slowly first, holding you tight against him with his two forearms underneath your knees, your back still on the wall to have a balance. He opened a bit his legs to have some kind of balance too and for more strength to push inside you.
"Oh my god James...", you moaned with a low voice, your head resting against the wall behind you for some seconds before resting on his shoulder.
"Does it hurt baby?", James rested his cheek against yours, whispering into your ear.
"Not anymore...feels good", you pant, still not believing how good this is.
He starts to move a bit faster, his hands enveloping you butt to slowly make you bounce on him.
"Oh yes...feels even better...like this". This was like doing some work out, like lifting some weights. And a smile appears on your lips at this thought. This is how James got his big and tough arms then and you absolutely love this.
"Don't stop baby please...", you beg with moans, your nails digging into his shoulder's flesh now. James groans and moans low, his head swinging back as he enjoyed the feeling of your warm walls tightening around his dick.
"You're gonna make me cum if you keep moving like this", just saying this is enough to stretch you even more and his dick finds his way deeper inside you. You gasp again with a loud whine, gripping his neck stronger to not fall. James feels it too and this helps him to pound deeper, pouding your spot with no mercy. It was good, it was hard, it was obscene the way your body were moving but you didn't care.
"OH YES!", you moan louder again, your head leaving his shoulder to hit the wall behind, as you start to pant harder. Luckily no one could hear your desperate and loud whines of pleasure.
"Gonna...cum...baby?", James asks, also panting as he keeps the pace, making you bounce on his cock as well as moving his pelvis to thrust deeper. He was doing a real work out exercice, using all his body to give you such pleasure.
You simply nod, head still against the wall as your teeth bite strongly your lower lip. You are on the edge of cumming hard, harder than you felt before with other positions. This one is just perfect to make you feel new sensations and James perfect moves are just the cherry on the cake.
"Yes...like this...don't stop, oh my god! I'm gonna cum James...I'm gonna!", you pant harder and harder until you let go this good and powerful sensation that was growing inside your inner belly. You are not able to talk anymore, you're only able to mumble some words and high whines or moans while your eyes roll behind.
James grips your knees tighter to keep his strength until the end. He wants you to ride your orgasm and feels your walls contracting and pulsing around his dick. "Cum on my cock baby, that's it! Enjoy it...feel it", he pants, feeding his own excitement with this sight of you reaching your orgasm.
He stops moving only when he feels you relaxing, when the pleasure invade your senses and spread in all your body. You have a satisfied smile on your lips, some sweat drops between your breasts. Some hair are even stick on your forehead. He smiles and pushes your body against his chest to kiss you tenderly. Then he slowly pushes out his swollen dick before helping you to go back on the floor. His lips never leave yours.
"I understand know why you have big arms baby", you tease him after the kiss, biting his lip in a loving gesture. Your hands touch his arms, still impressed by what just happened.
"I told you, I never did work out...but I practice this a lot", he grins and leans again to kiss your tenderly. You giggle during the kiss before your hand wrap around his swollen and hard cock.
"Now let me show you how I work my mouth's muscles", you tease him with a sexy glance as kneeling in front of him, ready to give him the best blowjob of his life...
A/N : Here's a little reminder of how big and sexy James arms are 🤭 I picture your idea really well in my mind sweet anon. I used HTSD era cause this is one of my fav and I love his tough daddy style but it can be with any era you want ! This is how I imagine this...
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tribalauthor · 2 months ago
THE WISEWOMAN (roman reigns ff) <chapter 5>
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Word count: 2.3k
After the show was over, a big part of the roster came to congratulate me. My friends Samantha, Tiffany and Bianca. Also the boss, Triple H seemed very impressed.
As of now Austin Theory is standing in front of me pouring his heart out.
"You were amazing, Soph." he praised me. "How could have Paul dared to hide such a gem from us?" the man shook his head and I just chuckled.
"Better late than never." I shrugged. "And hey, hope you win the next time." I pointed my finger at him.
"If you become my Wise Woman, it will be possible." he winked at me.
Roman's POV:
Everyone was hugging and congratulating Sophia. She really made quite the impression. My colleagues looked very thrilled from what they saw. Myself included, of course.
Everything went so smoothly for her first performance. That's a huge deal. She may not be my wise woman for long but I can say that I definitely see a future for her here.
I also see a future of her being with me. It has to happen and I have to act fast because I don't like the way my male colleagues are looking at her. Especially the ones who are close to her age like Theory, Carmello and Waller.
They looked like hyenas staring at the prey. But one thing about hyenas, they get the stuff that's left from the lion.
And I'm gonna make sure there is no stuff left for them.
I approached Sophia with the intention of taking her away from here.
"Soph, private jet is ready to take off." I didn't lie, though. After a show I take off immediately.
A 5-hour flight is upon us.
Sophia looked at me and nodded her head.
"Okay. I just have to grab my things." she said bye to everyone and headed to the locker room.
The three men were giving me strange looks and I just crossed my arms, stared a hole through them and headed to the room.
I think I just made my statement in front of the colleagues.
I knocked on the door and I heard a "Come in" from Sophia.
The second I got in the room, she looked puzzled.
"Since when do you knock? This is your room." she said.
"I thought you might be dressing up." I scratched my neck and she chuckled.
"Weren't you offering me help with the dress up before the show? Why you act so nervous now?"
"You said it alone. I offered you some help, so you could dress up faster." I gave the most dumb explanation ever and she squinted her eyes.
"Do you think that it would be faster?" Sophia looked at me with a note of scepticism.
"No." I just gave up and looked down. "Not at all."
After a few seconds I glanced at her and she looked very proud, trying to surpress a laugh of victory.
"Is this funny to you?" I managed to ask in a chill tone.
I put my hair into a bun and then went to the couch to grab my backpack.
"Kinda, not gonna lie." she said as she put on her beige fur coat on and reached to grab her little suitcase but I stopped her and did it for her.
"Thanks" she said softly.
As we went to the plane and all four of us took our places, I saw Sophia loosing her bun and her beautiful long, blonde hair fell on her back like dominoes.
It looks so soft. Must be nice running your fingers through it.
She started fixing it a bit.
This view looks like those slow-mo movie scenes where there is a pretty woman doing the most normal thing and a guy who drools over her.
I am the guy.
I caught her suddenly looking at my side since she is at my left on the other part of the plane. This caused me to react quickly and turning my head at my front.
"What are you looking at?" she giggled.
"I think there is a spot on your window." I immediately lied and I know she knows I am.
Sophia took a look at the window next to her.
"I don't see anything." she said and then pulled a book from her little suitcase. "You should probably see a doctor."
"What are you implying, miss?" I furrowed my eyebrows from offence.
"That you might need glasses." she replied innocently. "They would look good on you, actually."
It's the way I was ready to drop a little scold session on her but the last sentence really got under my skin and I tried to surpress the down bad giggle that was about to come out.
"You think so?"
"Yeah." she replied certainly. "You are probably gonna look like a professor. Professor during the day and wrestler during the night." she said in a dramatic narrative tone and started laughing and I followed her too.
However, I started thinking.
Would she like me if I was her professor?
Has she liked any of her professors?
Or older men in general.
"I don't think a professor with my looks exists." I spoke confidently.
"I don't know but there was this one Media Law professor." she shook her head, closed her eyes and pressed her lips.
"What about him?" I asked in a super cool tone meanwhile I could feel burning inside.
So she has crushed on older men before.
"Nothing." she just replied and then it hit her what impression she might have left and suddenly became uneasy. "Nothing happened cause I am all about business since day 1."
"But if you had the opportunity?" I raised my eyebrows and she stared at me in distress, her teeth on her lower lips wishing it was mine teeth instead.
"I don't know. Forget it." she turned around and opened the book.
No, Sophia. I am not gonna forget it.
I need to know.
Sophia's POV:
I hope this will leave him wondering.
But yes, clearly I have crushed on some elder men before but never been in a relationship with one.
"What are you reading?" Roman continued asking me questions.
"'Goddesses in every woman'. It's from 1984." I stated.
"A year before I was born." my jaw dropped pretending to be surprised.
"So you are 1985?"
"Yup." he confirmed.
"I thought you were younger." I still acted shocked.
I saw how Roman fumbled from my comment. He can't really hide it.
"Stop." he waved his hand.
"It's true. Your skin is amazing and with a little beard dye you might look like my peer." I continued testing him and he looked as if he is gonna melt any second.
"I mean what can I say?" he bit his lip and shrugged. "A beard dye?" his expression changed suddenly as if he is still digesting what I said.
"That's just a suggestion." I shrugged and he started touching his beard.
"It's kinda long, too. I have to book an appointment for the barber." he concluded and I started giggling.
The girls are right. Maybe he likes me for real.
"How often do you go?" I asked.
"Every two weeks cause I also have to fix the hair and stuff." he pointed at his side hair that is kinda starting to grow already.
"Your hair is amazing." I complimented him yet again and I swear I saw a little blush on his cheeks.
"Not as yours though." he laughed and looked down. "Is this how you ask your uncle for money?"
"Never needed to ask him. He just gives it to me." I flipped my hair.
"Valid." he slightly tilted his head and started thinking something.
"Do you have nephews?" I crossed my legs.
"I have 4 siblings. Each of them have two kids. Do the math yourself." what I notice about him is he moves his hand a lot while talking and explaining things.
That hand looks big as hell, though. It would cover my face twice.
"That's so cute." I slightly pouted. "I would never be an aunt since I am an only child." this is like one of my weak subjects.
"Well, you can be if you marry a man with a lot of siblings...like me." he added the last part quickly and chuckled slightly.
I followed him and did the same.
"Guess I have to put that in my future husband requirements list." I shook my head.
"Have you ever met a man that completes all of these requirements?" I knew he would ask this. I iust knew.
What I'm hoping for is I don't get the 'What's your type' question cause we've all been there.
I showed him my hands.
"Do you see a ring on these fingers?" I asked rhetorically and he laughed softly.
For a man of his size, his laugh is very soft, comforting even.
"You are still so young, you have time." he reassured me. "As an elder, I would advise you to really choose wisely. I know you probably got this a lot, I know it's clichè but it's true."
I nodded my head.
"It's just I'm 26, soon to be 27. Most of my friends and acquaintances are married or engaged, some of them are expecting kids and here I am fresh after ended relationship." I said my life story in a nutshell.
It's really not funny. I still hang out with my friends from college and high school but it turns out I am the only one that's focused on her career at the moment.
I thought Robert was the one for me but the second we started living together, it just didn't work at all.
"I am freshly after ended marriage and look at me." Roman just shrugged as if it's nothing. "See my cousins, my siblings they all have kids except for me."
"You are divorced?" I acted shocked once again.
"Yup." he did one of these deep breathing outs men usually do and leaned back on his seat.
"And how you deal with it?" I managed to ask the question now that we are in the topic.
"Better than most people, honestly. The whole process was just scarily smooth. Maybe because it was a mutual feeling." Roman pressed his lips and slightly nodded his head.
"That's very important, yes." I stated. "But you probably wouldn't wanna marry again."
"Wrong. Why wouldn't I? The fact that I didn't make a right decision once doesn't mean I won't try again. I want to have kids, Sophia." he seemed pretty determined.
I like the way he thinks actually. Most people like him just give up but he seems certain he won't. I mean let's be real. There are millions of women dying to marry him, so he will really be okay.
"I wanna have kids, too one day." I sighed. "But I have to find the right father."
There was a loud snore coming from behind. It startled me and Roman causing us to turn back.
It was from Jimmy. Him and Solo have been in a deep sleep ever since we got on that plane.
"Quiet, big Jim." Roman playfully scolded him and then looked at me. "He won't hear me."
"They have earbuds." I mumbled as I looked at them.
"Usually after a show if we have a long flight with the jet or ride with the bus, we fall asleep immediately." he explained to me.
"Then why are you not sleeping now?" I called him out.
"Cause I wanna talk to you. Get to know you. You are my Wise Woman." he pulled out the defending tone. "We are a team now."
I smiled at him and looked away.
"Valid." I managed to say while trying to calm myself down and took my book but he suddenly got up to the little bar amd opened the fridge that was underneath it.
"You want some glass of wine?" he pulled out a bottle of wine. Cabernet Sauvignon to be exact.
Of course he would buy the expensive stuff.
"You and your obsession with giving me drinks." I squinted my eyes at him.
He just laughed out loud and opened the bottle with the corkscrew pretty smoothly then pulled two wine glasses from the cupboard next to the fridge.
"It was your big night. I think we deserve a lil' celebration." he turned his back in order to sip the drinks.
"Okay, but just one glass." I said with my index finger up, pointing one.
"Alright. Whatever works for you." he took the glasses and came to me to give me one. Roman was towering over me and I was staring at him with doe eyes.
The way he makes me feel so small and soft and feminine. I know this is how you are supposed to feel around men but nowadays, it's rare to get this effect.
I was about to thank him but he beat me to it.
"As I see you don't trust yourself when you are drunk." he commented and my jaw almost went to the floor.
"Maybe I don't trust the people I am drinking with. Thank you so much." I said with aggressive tone while grabbing the glass.
Now Roman seemed like he was offended.
"Are you saying that I'm not a trustworthy man?" he is kinda cute when he gets offended because his whole face wrinkles and you can barely see his eyes.
He is so funny.
"I am not saying anything. Just that as a woman, I have to be careful always. Thinking two steps ahead of everybody. A lot of men have been trying to get me drunk and sleep with me but..." I shook my head.
"I understand but you should also understand that I am not like your peers. I know how to impress a woman without using alcohol." he spoke confidently and licked his lips while looking at me straight in the eyes.
Okay, Roman. Okay.
He knows how to talk too. I mean are we surprised? It's what Geminis do best.
I raised my eyebrows and pressed my lips, plotting my next repsonse.
"I'm sure you do." I said and he flashed his pearl smile at me.
"Cheers." he lowered his glass near mine so they could cling.
We made an intense eye contact as we drank from our beverages.
He is a charming man, indeed.
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ineffably-smote · 1 year ago
Macbeth, David Tennant - A very subjective, spoiler and emotion filled review
Just walking out of seing Macbeth at the Donmar and I have Feelings. Unsurprisingly, I primarily went to see it because David Tennant was in it. I love the play, big fan of Shakespeare but the trip to London was most certainly motivated by a very specific actor. Hence the highly subjective review. Fortunately, I also happen to quite like Macbeth. We studied it at school, and it holds a special place in my heart (back then, Hamlet was my favourite Shakespeare play but honestly, after tonight, I’m not so sure anymore. Anyway, I digress). It was my first time actually seeing an actor I’m a fan of in real life, so obviously the entire time my brain was just going oh my god that’s David Tennant oh my god that’s David Tennant like I actually could not comprehend it. The man I’ve spent hours staring at on a little screen is suddenly real, and right there. So yeah, that took me a hot second.
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(Excuse the piss poor image quality, I took this with shaky hands without looking or bothering to focus the cam)
The Staging
Still starstruck and a bit dazed, one thing really really stood out to me: the staging. It was so, so good. I knew it was going to be minimal from the pictures I had seen, and it was, but it was also so insanely real. There were barely any decorations, and half the cast and the musicians were hidden behind a glass screen doing background noises and gestures. From where I was sitting I could not see them much, but could definitely hear them which added to the overall atmosphere. The stage was also really tiny, and the play benefitted incredibly from it. All the action was happening in one tight space that had been put to use incredibly well, particularly the banquet scene but I’ll come back to that because it deserves its own paragraph.
The way they chose to do the soliloquies was so fitting - all the actors start to move in slow motion - everyone else slowing down and just the characters speaking moving was so good, it made sense.
The Headphones
I’m a bit mixed about the headphones. They were amazing for the vibes, we could hear whispers and they really heightened some of the emotional speeches in the play - because when someone is struggling with guilt and trauma it makes sense for them to be mumbling rather than yelling. So that was really great. However, especially in the scenes where the actors where yelling/ loud I preferred to take them off a bit cause it felt more real that way. I’m so used to hearing actors voice on recordings, it does hit different when you can hear them for real. But, as I said, personal preference and that’s what’s nice, you can take them on and off as much as you want.
Famous Speeches
There were three speeches I was quite interested to see how they were going to be adapted - scorpions and dagger for Macbeth, and out damned spot for Lady Macbeth. These are classic, everyone knows the words, the plot but they managed to make it feel real in a new and touching way. I think here the headphones were quite helpful because they allowed the actors to actually whisper parts of those lines. They were so subtle, so embedded in the text they felt so natural which imbued them with all their power. I saw in a review Cush Jumbo’s out damned spot speech be described as “haunting”, and I wholeheartedly agree.
The Macbeths
I didn’t like Macbeth, the character, very much when I first learnt about him. His actions didn’t make sense to me, I couldn’t quite comprehend in my 21st century little brain how he went from I’m super loyal to the King to I will freely murder children for shits and giggles. But now, now I understand. It makes sense, it’s believable. And that’s a mix of the acting choices and teh overall setting. Like the opening scene, instead of presenting Macbeth as a glorious hero, he is presented to us as a traumatised hero. He spends the first few minutes washing the blood of his clothes, haunted by noises from the battlefield. And that sets the themes quite nicely, not ambition, as Tennant specified in an interview, but guilt and trauma. There are so many ways to interpret Shakespeare, that’s the beauty of it, and I think this version of Macbeth just resonated more with me (maybe because ambition I don’t quite understand but guilt I am intimately familiar with? Or maybe because it was David Tennant? I don’t know, probably a bit of both). Tennant delivers a convincing Macbeth. Yes, you can see his ambitions play out, but also his fears, his guilt, and that makes him into a complex three dimensional character that you want to understand.
And I absolutely loved this version of Lady Macbeth. Not just a powerful woman who bullies her husband into become an evil murderer (because again, here we can see traces of that in Macbeth from the start), but an ambition woman in love, with her husband, with power, and not quite healed from the trauma of loosing her child. Again another review said she is more of an enabler than a manipulator and I quite liked that description.
My Favourite Scenes
God the banquet scene. The one with the ghost of Banquo. An absolute masterpiece. I did not expect that scene to hit that hard. It was raw, it was powerful and even if Tennant was facing away from where I was sitting, even without seeing his face I could feel the emotion, the whole audience could. In a video essay on Tennant, @davidtennantgenderenvy highlighted how in almost every role he played, there is it is the classic Tennant breakdown moment, and breakdown moment it was. Not with tears, not as expressive as he sometime is but just enough for a King trying to hold it together but fear and guilt breaking through. I was absolutely overwhelmed and it was beautiful. The set up for the scene was amazing too - there were ceilidh, celebrations, I adored the contrast between these fast pasted scenes and guilt ridden whispers of the couple. And the way everyone sat down around the stage and suddenly it looked like a banquet table ? Just perfect.
Another really cool moment, less on the emotional side but more on the visuals was when Macbeth goes to get the second prophecy from the witches. Almost the whole cast is there, running around, moving, almost dancing and it gives the whole thing a mystical atmosphere. There’s smoke, Macbeth falls, is carried up high Jesus style, cowers, rises, it’s so busy and insane all the while there are whispers and whispers in the headphones - it manages perfectly to feel like a mystical moment.
Descent Into Madness & other cool things
For Macbeth, having the kid running around scene after scene, haunting him, and then scene where he kills him - GOD it’s powerful. Lady Macbeth’s descent into madness was so well characterised, I also loved the glass on the background that locked away some of the cast. Just wild. The actor that played Malcom actor was also really cool, and Macduff and Ross, big fan of all of them.
Overall I am overwhelmed with emotions. Tennant is truly one of my favourite actors - from Good Omens to Staged, Jessica Jones, even Harry Potter but also Mad to be Normal, Nativty, There She Goes, Around the World in 80 days, Doctor Who (god I’ve started a list, never start lists cause you’ll forget people) and so, so many more, I was truly beside myself with excitement and expectations for tonight. And it did not disappoint. I do not want to leave the theatre and I pray they release a recording of this because I want it imprinted on my soul.
(Side note: I don’t know how to use tumblr very well, for some reason whenever I try to reply to ppl it posts from my other blog? Anyway @raquel-and-sergio is in fact me)
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athousandbyeol · 2 months ago
keep up the thamepo [episode 2]
this episode, to me, is hopeful. i like the contrast of tone and mood from episode one. episode was indeed very sombre, melancholic and sad. but episode two, at least from how I perceive it, is hopeful.
there are some scenes that scratched my brain and made me giggle because we're seeing po experiencing this 'feeling' he couldn't describe yet. but I'm so happy that it's here, and we're seeing it happening now. i think they set the pace quite well, allowing us to experience po and thame's emotional growth and acceptance this early.
1. Mr. A and Mr. B
it's so cute that po has a best friend he could rely on. I'm so glad he has baifern to listen to his random rants and thoughts. i always feel like po doesn't have someone he could be transparent with.
baifern is really a great listener, and I'm glad she's somewhat realistic while po is idealistic—she gives po the reality check he needs—since in my opinion, po is such a dreamer (he seems like an F to me).
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although po denied his crush on Mr. B (thame), I think, without realising, he's actually taking an interest in thame? one of the reasons might be because 1) thame left but he was hurt (po wanted to know why and how he could feel hurt even though he wanted to leave thame) and 2) thame is mysterious but isn't entirely cold either. he assures po a lot in this episode even though there's still this respectable distance between them. it's not yet a romantic crush, but more of wonderment and curiosity.
so... when po shared this Mr. A and Mr. B analogy, I think everyone knew he was talking about himself and thame ;) it's honestly so cute! i know he's just curious—he thinks about people's feelings and ideas a lot—some call him a people pleaser. he definitely felt a bit icky after saying this to thame:
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i think it's quite interesting how thame's understanding of po's words was he would drop the sasaeng allegation on po, while po thought that thame misunderstood his words by thinking it was 'romantic'.
i assume thame actually knew what po meant, (and I might be preaching) but I guess their feeling is already mutual? both of them are interested in each other. honestly, I'm unsure who fell first because it could be both in different situations. thame might think po was interesting and 'different' when he first saw him during the event. po might fall during this—
2. po wears his heart on his sleeves (yet again)
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everything about this moment is so tender... and romantic. i can't really explain but the air shifts between them at this time and forward. but it's somewhat bittersweet.
although it's cute, i feel like po kind of resents himself? when he looked at his hands, he was shaking his head, hoping to discard those feelings bubbling inside him. it's so sad because the fear of placing himself in this situation again—to bear his heart and soul for someone—to love again—still haunts him. i like how we still see him subtly drowning in his past. it shows that emotional trauma can't be discarded or healed overnight. it's a process.
but i also like how thame was watching po all the time... his eyes are always on po (although some shots of thame are blurred), it's obvious he's attentive to po, yet po didn't realise it yet.
3. the gifts and scripts — po becomes an opener to thame's deepest feelings
the whole set-up of the gifts and everything is so... eerie. although I'm sure there's still sincerity left in this world, it's the truth (to an extent). the entertainment industry is a stage play—everything is constructed to look perfect. it's kind of heartbreaking to witness this bitter truth; not everything we perceived on screen is true.
but i'm glad thame actually brought his own gifts—gifts that really mattered to his friends. he's attentive and sensitive. some might say because of his role as the leader, but I feel like thame is inherently kind and big-hearted. no one loves MARS—the members—more than thame.
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and when po found it, i felt relieved. ah. po. of course, he would notice. of course, he would know.
i had a conversation with lia (@treasurebook) about this, and she said that thamepo becomes each other's map. when they meet, their life's trajectory shifts from what the company and po's past relationship wanted them to do to this—fixing and healing each other's wounds.
po and thame share the same grief but for different reasons. both of them seek answers and solutions. po wants closure, and thame want a starting point. both of them are giving that to each other, a mutual exchange.
clearly, thame and his friends didn't get to sit down and talk about this. it was a decision made by thame solely from the pressure and responsibility. i guess this could be considered as thame's 'mistake' because he thought he could handle this by himself. his decision would definitely help the group.
it's thame's selflessness and strong sense of responsibility that urged him to carry the group's burden alone. he didn't want his members to go through anything painful or unpleasant. he promised he would grant everyone's wish.
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but this is the price he has to pay in the end; the conflict. the broken friendship. the mistrust.
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i believe this is a message that is clear to us: communication is key, especially if we're leading a group or in any form of relationship. i think it's appropriate for thame to discuss the offer of releasing a solo song with mars, 1) as a sign of respect, 2) to avoid future conflict, and 3) to receive input from the members. yet, it is what it is. thame didn't. and I don't want to say that he's entirely at fault. it's something that could be done but didn't.
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additionally, the idea of thame abiding by the script to the t is haunting. becoming mars, becoming a leader, becoming the company's money maker, he lost his voice. he lost his stance. he lost everything. he became the company's puppet. his feelings don't matter.
his initial intention was so pure, to the extent of naivety. he did everything for the sake of mars. he thought he was helping mars to reach stardom, to be in a better position. but absent-mindedly, all these solo projects and opportunities led him astray from the group. and when he wanted to do a song with mars again, khun pemika said it was no longer necessary.
clearly, the company (especially khun pemika) manipulated and gas-lighted thame into believing he was the reason behind mars's downfall and their friendship.
it hurts because thame truly believed he was the cause, and he couldn't fix it. he should just run with this narrative since his friends hated him too, right? and the media often painted him negatively too.
but not until po. not until po assured him that he should try and work things out. he should at least be sincere with his feelings for once before he left everything behind—before his solo debut in Korea.
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when thame admitted he couldn't say anything but I'm sorry, I think, for this moment, it's more than enough. it takes a lot to accept and acknowledge our mistakes, and even more so to apologise. it's so brave of thame to finally come to terms with the truth that has been haunting him all this time.
4. "i fixed this suit" — a foreshadowing of a budding friendship/companionship
this whole sequence drives me insane because so many things are happening!
i honestly didn't expect po to admit that he had an ex to thame this early. i wonder if it was a slip of his tongue because the silence afterwards was heavy with tension. it's like thame was analysing everything about what po said and how he behaved around him, was it because of his ex?
and po... he was surprised with his response, too! sometimes I think po didn't want to show that vulnerable side of his, but it came out unexpectedly... maybe he was getting comfortable with thame?
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po looked like he wanted to run away (he did) and um... if I were thame... i think I might fall for him right there and then (sorry for this).
it's so cute! po is just... adorable. and he's so loveable. he's so honest with his feelings and I think thame really loves that about po. po's directness pushes thame to be frank with his feelings too.
(shoutout to est and william for turning every scene romantic and intimate when it was intended. i can't imagine how I'll react once they start feeling more than just friends... I'll pass out for sure.)
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this! thame was looking at the suit po fixed—and he would ask for po's help to reunite the group! genius! this is an amazing shot and direction, really. I'm obsessed (p'mui, I adore you T_T).
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and this freaking sandwich! i can't believe po no longer has to feel uneasy or guilty about taking two sandwiches because he finally has someone to share it with! cheers to po and his new-found (future) love! it's also a sign of mutuality and acceptance to help each other out. what a sweet ending to the episode!
i can't wait for the next episode. jun is going to be in it and I love how they're setting up a possible conflict; thame trusting jun but jun going against him. it's either jun is really plotting something devious, or it was just his plan to 'distract' khun pemika/the company from discovering their true agenda. i hope it's the latter because I can't handle one mars member being the antagonist :'( it'll hurt so bad...
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