#when im just talking to myself in my tags about something that has vaguely annoyed me in fandom discussions
nyxi-pixie · 1 month
i feel like when you make a post anticipating a certain response to it and then one person says something that Could Be Interpreted In A Certain Way If You See It In Bad Faith, youre always going to do exactly that. peace and love
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A Canary's Tweets
(Bolded are tweets that weren't already included in the fic)
Spoilers for the fic. Obviously.
OliverQueenOfficial: Why does that one Gotham villain go by Canary? Black Canary already exists.
TheBetterCanary: if youre gonna vague tweet maybe dont put my name in it
TheBetterCanary: but anyways someone else named me that and it stuck before i could think of something to change it to
ScareCrane:… @/RiddleMeThis she’s dissing you
TheBetterCanary: @/ScareCrane why would you do that you knew he was going to do this
ScareCrane: Joker just broke out so Arkham is boring… needed to entertain myself somehow
TheBetterCanary: fuck you im not visiting this weekend
OliverQueenOfficial: Wow do I regret asking. I didn’t need all this family drama in my comments.
TheBetterCanary: @/Yummmmmm enemies to lovers 180k with me
Yummmmmm: I hate you
TheBetterCanary: and so it begins
TheBetterCanary: gonna lace a cross with kryptonite i think that would be so funny
TheBetterCanary: the christians would so cancel superman if he had to shy away from a cross
Yummmmmm: Isn’t he already canceled because he’s Jewish
Supes: Please stop reminding them.
TheBetterCanary: @/Yummmmmm stop hacking into my twitter to unblock nightwing he keeps liking my tweets hating on him *liked by Daylightwing*
TheBetterCanary: you guys think youre so funny *liked by Daylightwing*
Gothamlite: Red Robin and Nightwing really said I will hack Canary’s twitter but not to figure out her location, no we must mildly inconvenience her by unblocking Nightwing.
TheBetterCanary: to be fair the unblocking nightwing thing is far more annoying to me *Liked by Daylightwing*
TheBetterCanary: motherfucker
TheBetterCanary: where are you guys @/ScareCrane @/RiddleMeThis
ScareCrane: Arkham…
TheBetterCanary: leave i want to talk to you
RiddleMeThis: We can’t just leave.
TheBetterCanary: yeah you can all you gotta do is get out
RiddleMeThis: It’s not that easy for us.
TheBetterCanary: oh right
TheBetterCanary: want me to help you guys out
ScareCrane: Yes please
ArkhamStaffHateClub: and, in today’s news, the day canary is spotted walking into arkham is the same day there was a breakout
TheBetterCanary: i have no clue why they even let me in anymore
Gothamlite: @/GCPDNews @/Batman7 @/Oracle @/Yummmmmm
TheBetterCanary: hey youre nineteen right
Gothamlite: Yes?
TheBetterCanary: fair game
TheBetterCanary: tim drake 🤝 red robin throwing coffee cups in random trash cans so their families don't know how much they’re drinking
Yummmmmm: Snitch
ScareCrane: Well, if nothing else, giving Canary therapy has been interesting…
SpoilerAlert: did you learn anything
ScareCrane: I confirmed that she’s a pathological liar…
TheBetterCanary: @/BrucieWayne give me a hundred million dollars and ill stop doing crime
BrucieWayne: Done.
TheBetterCanary: i take it back five hundred million
BrucieWayne: Sure.
TheBetterCanary: a billion
BrucieWayne: Alright.
TheBetterCanary: what the fuck
NightwingsAss9384: does anyone know why nightwing and canary hate each other?
ScareCrane: She stabbed Batman once on accident and somehow got away with blaming it on him
Daylightwing: She refuses to let B adopt her.
RiddleMeThis: They think it’s funny when their stans fight.
SignalOfficial: They said ‘I’m the only flippy bitch allowed in New Jersey’ and have been fighting ever since
Yummmmmm: He has to or else Robin will get jealous because he’s the only stabby sibling allowed
Oracle: They’re fighting over who gets to change their name to ‘The Dodo’ first.
DeadHood: Nightwing is jealous that Canary was the first one of us to think to have a full-on bird mask.
TheBetterCanary: every time i go into the batfam tag to try and avoid them all i see is his fancams
SpoilerAlert: they’re both convinced that they’re the hottest bachelor/bachelorette in gotham
NightwingsAss9384: im beginning to think no ones going to tell me.
BlackBat: :)
RiddleMeThis: I can’t believe Spoiler likes me more than my own daughter.
SpoilerAlert: i just think you’re better than cluemaster was, i don’t like you
ScareCrane: To be fair he didnt say you had to like him… just that you liked him more than Canary
ScareCrane: Anyways, what did you do @/TheBetterCanary
TheBetterCanary: hes just being dramatic because i solved one of his riddles too quickly
TheBetterCanary: beat the shit out of a joker stan today so i think my life is going pretty good
SpoilerAlert: 👨🦯👨🦯
Daylightwing: As You Should.
Oracle: Oh dear, seems like I’ve gone blind now, too.
Batman7: As long as no one died...
DeadHood: Not as good as beating the shit out of the real thing, but still pretty good.
BlackBat: :D
TheOneTrueRobin: Good for her.
TheBetterCanary: we all know that there is a tier list of rogue stans
TheBetterCanary: like poison ivy and mr freeze stans are all just leftists that want a healthy world and for people to not die because theyre poor
TheBetterCanary: harley quinn stans want her to achieve personal growth and thats respectable i guess
TheBetterCanary: then theres my stans and thats just because half of them arent even aware im a villain they just think im some influencer thats very committed to a bit and the other half are just horny which is fair i guess
TheBetterCanary: then theres every other stan right
TheBetterCanary: and of course at the bottom are joker stans because theyre nazis
Joker: WHAT
TheBetterCanary: did you not know
TheBetterCanary: wait no dm me where you are i want to punch a couple of them too
BlackGatePrison: We have made this account to kindly ask Canary to stop helping Yakuza members break out of prison.
TheBetterCanary: no their restaurants make good food
TheBetterCanary: in case you were wondering rogues do in fact reuse a lot of their speeches
TheBetterCanary: especially @/RiddleMeThis he reuses the same like five riddles over and over again
RiddleMeThis: Why would you expose your own father like this?
TheBetterCanary: im sick of those riddles get new ones you unoriginal fuck
TheBetterCanary: you just lost the game
RiddleMeThis: FUCK YOU.
Supes: Why are Rogues… like that?
TheBetterCanary: mental illness
Supes: I see.
GotHam: Does anyone know Canary’s tragic backstory?
TheBetterCanary: i met a parisian once
DeadHood: Know what? I think she should be allowed to commit crimes. I’m so sorry you had to go through that.
TheBetterCanary: thanks for offering support during these trying times
TheBetterCanary: friendly reminder that i can and have benched batman so fucking with me is a bad idea
RiddleMeThis: Bullshit.
TheBetterCanary: meet me at the park ill prove it
TheBetterCanary: @/Batman7 get the stick out of your ass and get over here itll be fun
GothamGazette: Canary can, in fact, bench Batman. See the attached article for how they discovered this fact and how their respective friends and family reacted.
TheBetterCanary: calling him the riddler implies that there are other riddlers that are less important therefore it is stupid and i refuse to say the the part aloud
RiddleMeThis: Someone got onto you about your grammar again, didn’t they?
TheBetterCanary: you dont get to be condescending until you win against the bats even once
RedRobinsCape: red robin gives off so much Bi Wife Energy it’s insane
Yummmmmm: What do you mean bi wife energy, Red Robin IS bi
TheOneTrueRobin: This is not your private account.
Yummmmmm: Fuck
GothamTimes: We are pleased to announce that Robin has officially come out as bisexual!
Yummmmmm: Hate to tell you this @/GothamTimes but you forgot part of my name
TheOneTrueRobin: No. I stole the bisexuality from you when you became Red Robin.
TheBetterCanary: hold up guys maybe they just think that all of the robins are bi
DeadHood: Being bi is actually a little-known prerequisite for being Robin.
SpoilerAlert: roBIn
Daylightwing: @/TheBetterCanary Youre bi right?
TheBetterCanary: all these years avoiding being adopted by batman and its my sexuality that screwed me over
TheBetterCanary: why go to a professional doctor who spent years getting their degree when you can get fixed up by a guy named brett in his mothers garage
Yummmmmm: @/TheBetterCanary If you could do one crime without consequences what would you do
TheBetterCanary: i do that anyways
TheBetterCanary: but also id beat up the guy who came up with trickle down economics
Yummmmmm: Ronald Reagan is already dead
TheBetterCanary: i could be digging up corpses to beat them up in my spare time you dont know me
GothamGazette: And, for the fourth year in a row, Canary has been nominated as the city’s favorite Rogue! See the attached article for the other rankings.
TheBetterCanary: further proof that im the hottest rogue in gotham
DeadHood: Bullshit.
Catwomnyan: Not at all.
PoisonIvy: No❤️
RiddleMeThis: I never should have helped her. I used to win every year and this is the thanks I get.
Penguin: Don’t feel bad, I’m pretty sure she rigs it
TheBetterCanary: please if i rigged it id set it up so i would win by exactly one point
ScareCrane: Someone’s just mad that they got last place
Penguin: I got placed lower than Joker, of course I’m mad
TheBetterCanary: its because youre boring hope that helps
TheBetterCanary: just saw catwoman make out with batman to get out of jail so here is my formal application to be red robins fuck buddy
Yummmmmm: Why me
TheBetterCanary: all the other bats around my age are way out of my league so youre my last resort
SpoilerAlert: ouch™ sucks to suck red
BlackBat: XD
SignalOfficial: I mean… she’s not wrong
Yummmmmm: You’re all dead to me
TheBetterCanary: one day robin will get a cat and name it batcat and it will completely ruin the batfamily ship and pet tags
TheOneTrueRobin: @/Batman7 Father…
TheBetterCanary: everyone thinks i know things because im smart but a lot of the time people just accidentally tell me things
TheBetterCanary: the reason i found out about the league was that one of their members saw i was asian and just assumed i was one of them and no one realized i was just some random person until like three weeks in
BernieDowd: the league?
TheBetterCanary: dont worry about it
TheBetterCanary: wait youre that conspiracy theorist actually do worry about it i would love to know what you think im talking about
SpoilerAlert: canary totally has a knife kink
TheBetterCanary: what the fuck
SpoilerAlert: why else would you use knives almost exclusively
TheBetterCanary: because theyre quiet
TheBetterCanary: and stabby
SpoilerAlert: you’re so right i’m so sorry
GothamGazette: Riddler and Canary’s vendetta against escape rooms! See the attached photo and article!
TheBetterCanary: @/ScareCrane look mom were on tv
ScareCrane: Very proud of you sweetie
MetropolisIsOverrated: Did I just watch canary and riddler use a police car like it was a fucking CAB??
RiddleMeThis: You missed the perfect opportunity for an 'ACAB' joke.
SignalOfficial: Damn it… can’t believe you’re out of custody already
TheBetterCanary: bold of you to assume we were ever in custody
TimDrakeWayne: Sometimes I wonder whether I’ve seen Canary at cosplay shops before and just not recognized her
TheBetterCanary: it isnt cosplay its acting
TimDrakeWayne: And where do you get your costumes
TheBetterCanary: alright everyone socialist uprising time its time to eat the rich especially this guy
TimDrakeWayne: Please don’t, I probably don’t taste good
TheBetterCanary: watching a furry get beat up like damn but its kinda his fault for going out in a fursuit
TheBetterCanary: i cant believe this is what im getting cancelled over and not the millions of times i helped out villains
TheBetterCanary: oh so now everyone cares about the villain thing wow i see how it is
TheBetterCanary: im a gothamite this is literally a joke about all the fursuits that the vigilantes and rogues have i dont care about actual furries damn
TheBetterCanary: twitter unverified me over this im going to commit a murder
TheBetterCanary: going to start calling villains i dont like by the wrong name to annoy them
TheBetterCanary: called penguin a cuckoo and he really acted like i was stigmatizing mental illness like bitch i am mental illness
TheBetterCanary: okay apparently blockbuster really misses disco he just burst into tears in front of me what do i do
TheBetterCanary: called joker jack and he freaked and tried to shoot me
TheBetterCanary: i have given up calling them the wrong names
TheBetterCanary: hey @/RiddleMeThis and @/ScareCrane marry each other and claim me as a dependant
ScareCrane: I mean… sure but why
TheBetterCanary: tax benefits
RiddleMeThis: You’re so right. Meet me in an hour.
Yummmmmm: I hate to be a buzzkill but, if you’re going to commit marriage fraud, maybe don’t announce it on a public platform
TheBetterCanary: maybe dont be a snitch and mind your own business damn
Yummmmmm: Your job is literally being a snitch and not minding your own business
TheBetterCanary: yeah but when i do it its in the cool sexy way
TheBetterCanary: props to the guy that tried to pull an updog on me the other day he definitely had some guts
TheOneTrueRobin: What is “updog”?
TheBetterCanary: oh honey i am so sorry
SpoilerAlert: nothing whats up with you
Daylightwing: Nothing wbu?
Oracle: Are we going to pretend that Canary didn’t definitely harvest organs from that guy?
SignalOfficial: Nothing much whats up with you
TheBetterCanary: @/TheOneTrueRobin hey i need help with a math problem can you come here
TheOneTrueRobin: I suppose so.
TheOneTrueRobin: She was setting up a sniper gun.
TheBetterCanary: to be fair theres angles involved
Batman7: @/TheOneTrueRobin You didn’t help her, correct?
Batman7: @/TheOneTrueRobin?
GothamGazette: Joker gets shot in the hand! 
Batman7: Well, at least she didn’t kill anyone, I guess.
TheBetterCanary: i was aiming for your middle finger if that makes you feel any better
SignalOfficial: Holy shit @/TheBetterCanary do you seriously have a Nokia
TheBetterCanary: fuck off im tired of my phones breaking while i fight
TheBetterCanary: or better yet donate to a gofundme to get me a better phone
TheBetterCanary: the quickest way to my heart is through someone elses
Batman7: Please stop encouraging people to commit murder.
TheBetterCanary: no
Yummmmmm: @/TheBetterCanary Stop pulling the racism card at every minor inconvenience challenge
TheBetterCanary: is this sexism that i am experiencing
TheBetterCanary: do i sense a bit of homophobia here
TheBetterCanary: look at this ableist bitch
SignalOfficial: Honestly @/Yummmmmm you played yourself here
SpoilerAlert: gee bill how come your mom lets you have four minorities
TheBetterCanary: ive got a punchcard and if i collect five minorities i get one get out of jail free card
Oracle: @/TheBetterCanary Wait. Ableism?
TheBetterCanary: what about me screams mentally stable to you
TheBetterCanary: penguin feels homophobic but you didnt hear it from me
RiddleMeThis: He isn’t. Trust me.
TheBetterCanary: hey what does this mean
TheBetterCanary: ed
TheBetterCanary: ed pick up the fucking phone
TheBetterCanary: this is now a riddler hate account
RiddleMeThis: I was 30! And mentally ill!
TheBetterCanary: as if you arent mentally ill now
TheBetterCanary: anyways @/ScareCrane congrats on winning youve got adoption rights
ScareCrane: As happy as I am… what happened
RiddleMeThis: She found out I dated Penguin fifteen years ago.
TheBetterCanary: im never forgiving you for this
TheBetterCanary: @/RiddleMeThis did you just throw a burlap sack full of money at my window
RiddleMeThis: Depends. Is it working?
TheBetterCanary: ooooo nonsequential serial numbers my favorite
TheBetterCanary: yeah youre back in the game
ScareCrane: DAMN IT
TheBetterCanary: ugh why is riddler so annoying
Gothamlite: Right?
TheBetterCanary: the fuck did you just say ill kill you
TheBetterCanary: reading self insert fanfiction about yourself is self care actually
TheBetterCanary: im thirsting over black bat on my first page glad to see they nailed my characterization
TheBetterCanary: how did they manage to find the one trauma i dont actually have like dude you were standing five feet in front of the target and you shot straight up what
TheBetterCanary: kissed a mirror to simulate kissing myself and let me say im not as good a kisser as i was in the fic
TheBetterCanary: if im screwing me is it masturbation or clone fucking
TheBetterCanary: theyre moving in together after three months its always great to see good lesbian representation
TheBetterCanary: im taking myself on a shopping spree and honestly good for me
TheBetterCanary: haha wait a minute why are there death flags
TheBetterCanary: i missed major character death in the tags hlep
Yummmmmm: Rip
SpoilerAlert: happy two year anniversary to the time canary and red robin dressed up as each other for halloween and almost ruined each other’s reputation in opposite ways
TheBetterCanary: im still offended you guys think that im secretly a good person
Yummmmmm: At least they don’t think you’d turn evil at the drop of a hat
DeadHood: To be fair, out of every Rogue and Vigilante, you two are the most likely to switch sides.
TheBetterCanary: fucks that supposed to mean
Yummmmmm: Go back to angsting over Percy Jackson not being as good as it used to be or something fuck you
TheBetterCanary: harry potter and the audacity of this bitch
Yummmmmm: As if you aren’t so in the middle that most people don’t know which side you’re on half the time
TheBetterCanary: you literally died and came back dont you talk about switching sides
SpoilerAlert: @/TheBetterCanary how did you get verified
TheBetterCanary: threats
SpoilerAlert: oh cool thanks for the tip
Batman7: @/TheBetterCanary Did any of my children visit your home last night for medical assistance?
TheBetterCanary: transfer me five thousand and ill tell you
Batman7: Done.
TheBetterCanary: nice
TheBetterCanary: anyways the answer is no they did not
TheBetterCanary: ew nightwing is in town for thanksgiving *liked by Daylightwing*
TheBetterCanary: @/RiddleMeThis do you still have that red wig or no
RiddleMeThis: You are not convincing me to try and seduce Nightwing.
GothamGazette: Nightwing spotted getting decked by what was obviously Riddler in a red wig! See the attached article for pictures!
Daylightwing: I mean. It wasn’t THAT obvious.
Yummmmmm: Gotta love when all of your POC friends gang up on you try and get you to say the word
Daylightwing: What word? I don’t know any words.
TheBetterCanary: cmon red answer the question we wont tell anyone
TheOneTrueRobin: We know you want to say it.
SignalOfficial: It’s fun I’ll even say it first if it makes you feel better
Yummmmmm: @/BlackBat Help
BlackBat: @/Daylightwing @/TheBetterCanary @/TheOneTrueRobin @/SignalOfficial
TheBetterCanary: scatter
TheBetterCanary: sometimes i remember that theres probably a huge database where the bats keep track of and analyze every tweet we rogues make and it makes me smile
TheBetterCanary: anyways
TheBetterCanary: contrary to popular opinion there is a difference between being a slut and having a lot of sex
TheBetterCanary: nightwing is a slut that is relatively monogamous *liked by Daylightwing*
TheBetterCanary: batman has ungodly amounts of sex in the worst places imaginable but no one would ever call him a slut
TheBetterCanary: thank you for coming to my ted talk
TheBetterCanary: we rogues and bats need a token straight so the straights dont get mad so who is gonna take the fall for us
Yummmmmm: They can have Joker, we don’t want him
TheBetterCanary: nah i dont want to know who he would fixate on if he liked women so someone else
RiddleMeThis: The straights can have Penguin.
TheBetterCanary: no i dont want him to have straight privilege
SignalOfficial: I’ll take one for the team
TheBetterCanary: this is why youre the best
RiddleMeThis: Has anyone ever wondered why @/ScareCrane hasn’t used a truth serum to figure out Batman’s identity yet? Because there’s a reason.
ScareCrane: I don’t deserve this…
RiddleMeThis: @/TheBetterCanary Do you want to do the honors of telling the public or should I?
TheBetterCanary: hahahaha oh right i remember that let me
TheBetterCanary: while it compels people to tell the truth it doesnt force them to tell them the answer
TheBetterCanary: so batman just ranted about his most recent hyperfixation for five hours until red robin showed up to help
SpoilerAlert: what was he hyperfixated on at the time lmao
ScareCrane: Sprinklers…
Yummmmmm: They were practically begging me to take them to Arkham by the end
Batman7: You three didn’t like the conversation we had?
BlackBat: @/RiddleMeThis @/ScareCrane @/TheBetterCanary
RiddleMeThis: It was very enlightening.
ScareCrane: It was actually very enjoyable
TheBetterCanary: ive always wanted to know about sprinklers
BlackBat: :)
MarryMeCanary: So since Canary knows a lot about shipping… do you guys think she has a tumblr?
TheBetterCanary: everyone should be glad i dont the only thing keeping me from going absolutely feral is the fact that i dont want to get banned on twitter
TheBetterCanary: every year i say this is the last year that im going to help my fellow rogues file their taxes for extra cash and every year im a liar please pay me money
User44555511552: Are we going to talk about how Rogues are literal SERIAL KILLERS but they still file taxes??? Because that shit is weird???
TheBetterCanary: there are two things that rogues fear
TheBetterCanary: the irs and the goon union
TheBetterCanary: yes i know they should have called it the goonion its not my fault they cant name things damn stop spamming me
User44555511552: But WHY are you scared of the IRS???
Yummmmmm: Because they can’t get off with insanity pleas so, hypothetically, they might actually have to face some kind of punishment for their crimes
TheBetterCanary: i should have called the cps on @/Batman7 when i had the chance
Yummmmmm: @/TheBetterCanary What did you do to piss of Ra’s
TheBetterCanary: who
TheBetterCanary: oh wait youre talking about old man number two
Yummmmmm: Nevermind I think I figured it out
TheOneTrueRobin: Old man number two?
TheBetterCanary: he and one other guy are both way over three hundred which makes them old men and i met him second therefore hes number two
TheBetterCanary: tell him that if he wants to be old man number one then he can always kill the guy
TheOneTrueRobin: I highly doubt that it is the numbering that has irritated him.
TheOneTrueRobin: I stand corrected. He wishes for a name.
TheBetterCanary: check your dms it should be between the video of the dog wearing booties for the first time and the picture of the pig in a teapot
TheOneTrueRobin: I have located it. That is a very generic name, and likely an alias, but thank you.
BernieDowd: @/TheBetterCanary what do you think about people that think that the Waynes are the bats?
TheBetterCanary: honestly every argument is super flimsy
BernieDowd: what about the bruises on the Wayne men?
TheBetterCanary: have you seen the kinds of women that theyre into
TheBetterCanary: if they arent into some shit id release my actual name to the public
TheBetterCanary: lmao the wayne legal team is trying to sue me for slander
TheBetterCanary: its not slander if its true babes
TheBetterCanary: @/DeadHood always gets credit for being the most committed to the bit because he wears a second mask under his helmet but @/Janus manages to find every set of twins in gotham for every job without fail so really i think hes the most devoted rogue
RiddleMeThis: I’m starting to believe that the only reason @/TheBetterCanary is still alive is that she has so much sheer audacity that no one knows how to react.
ScareCrane: She looked Batman dead in the eye during a lecture and said “And what’re you going to do if I do it again? Kill me? Didn’t think so”... so, yeah, that’s probably it
Yummmmmm: The first time I tried to fight her she asked if I had taken pole dancing lessons in preparation for using my bo
Catwomnyan: She helped me rob a store at gunpoint and then revealed to me that the gun she was using was just a prop because she had forgotten the real one at home
DeadHood: I stopped genuinely trying to catch her when I watched her give a guy sunglasses, say “You’re going to need this!”, and then light his house on fire. I asked what he did to deserve it. Apparently, he “booped her nose”.
PoisonIvy: She chugged an entire glass of poisoned wine and then asked penguin how he managed to get his hands on it because it tasted really good ❤️
Janus: She got called into court for a civil suit. I offered to be her lawyer. She refused because she had apparently been in Mock Trial in high school. She said she had failed the course, and hardly remembered anything, but was prepared to wing it. She managed to win the case.
Batman7: She once provided me with an itemized list as to why she should be allowed to commit murder. Items 1-57 and 59-101 were all “I’m hot”. Item 58 was simply “Joker”.
Penguin: Canary says she’s not a bitch but if someone paid her ten dollars I bet she would bark like a dog
TheBetterCanary: when have i ever said im not a bitch
TheBetterCanary: i want money so im now taking sponsors
Yummmmmm: That’s not going to work, no one wants to sponsor a rogue
TheBetterCanary: youre right
TheBetterCanary: im now taking antisponsors where i promote your competitors so they look bad
Daylightwing: Preeeeeetty sure thats illegal
TheBetterCanary: i will ponder the legality and morality of what i am doing over a refreshing can of doctor pepper
TheBetterCanary: nightwing is the type of guy to make pancakes with the scrambled egg method and then cry when it doesnt work
Daylightwing: Get out of my safehouse
TheBetterCanary: hey @/ScareCrane can i vent to you
ScareCrane: Of course
ScareCrane: The motherfucker came out of the vents
TheBetterCanary: i literally warned you
TheOneTrueRobin: @/TheBetterCanary and @/SignalOfficial, please refrain from calling my mother a “MILF” from now on.
SignalOfficial: We only speak the truth
TheBetterCanary: tell her to stop being a milf if youre so concerned about it
TheOneTrueRobin: Canary is a lot less threatening when she dramatically whips out a contract, only to give herself a papercut and then cry for five whole minutes.
TheBetterCanary: fuck you youre paying extra
TheBetterCanary: i know im the number one nightwing hater and all *Liked by Daylightwing*
TheBetterCanary: but i can respect someone who regularly butchers the english language
Daylightwing: It is very dumb.
TheBetterCanary: the fact that it exists is a hate crime against me personally
SpoilerAlert: not what a hate crime is
TheBetterCanary: oh yeah white girl tell me all about hate crimes id love to hear your take
SpoilerAlert: on second thought you’re good
TheBetterCanary: thats what i fucking thought
SignalOfficial: @/TheBetterCanary What is this shit are you fucking serious oh my god
TheBetterCanary: youre going to have to be more specific than that but im going to go off on a limb here and say probably not
SignalOfficial: Why is there a bird in Scarecrow’s cell
TheBetterCanary: oh that
SignalOfficial: Don’t “oh that” me what the fuck is this
TheBetterCanary: do i really have to spell it out for you
TheBetterCanary: thats not just any type of bird its a crane and it turns out the local zookeepers have a pretty dark sense of humor
SignalOfficial: Fuck
TheOneTrueRobin: @/Batman7 Father…
Batman7: No.
TheOneTrueRobin: Where is your Christmas spirit?
Batman7: You are Muslim. I am Jewish.
TheBetterCanary: aw @/TheOneTrueRobin if you join my side ill let you keep the bird
TheOneTrueRobin: I will consider the offer and get back to you within five to six business days.
Batman7: @/TheOneTrueRobin Fine. You can keep Jonathan the Crane, but he is not allowed in the cave.
TheOneTrueRobin: @/Batman7 I agree to your terms. @/TheBetterCanary I regret to inform you that I must decline your offer.
TheBetterCanary: @/TheOneTrueRobin happy holidays kid dont say i never do anything for you
Batman7: Damn it.
TheBetterCanary: best idea for a prank is to give your enemies a completely normal shirt for christmas and watch them suffer as they try to figure out what you did to it
Penguin: Maybe don’t post your plans on a public platform
TheBetterCanary: that shirt looks great on you
TheBetterCanary: part two of the prank is to say that its fine in front of them so they put it on to spite you and then get chicken pox
TheBetterCanary: sometimes i forget how starved shippers are for content and then i see someone shipping me with robin because i didnt kill him when i could have and im like oh yeah right
GothamGazette: DNA found on a headless body in Park Row confuses scientists!
SpoilerAlert: no head *breaks skateboard*
Batman7: Someone is dead.
TheBetterCanary: it was a skateboard breaking of mourning
France24: Hawkmoth was just found dead in his cell!
TheRealLadybug: @/ChatonNoir told you ed would follow through you owe me a dollar
ChatonNoir: Wild
ChatonNoir: Wait when did he kill him we just saw him yesterday
TheRealLadybug: how about we chalk it up to the power of love hahaha
TheRealLadybug: nah it turns out that hell has really good wifi
TheBetterCanary: @/Penguin youre not a girlboss youre a boyemployee
SignalOfficial: @/Staff I am begging you guys to just ban her already
Batman: okay my fellow gothamites were going to have a purge kind of situation in a couple of days to see if it actually reduces crime throughout the rest of the year feel free to commit crimes none of us bats will arrest you i promise
Batman7: Canary. Please stop. I said I was sorry.
Batman: shut up youre probably balding
Yummmmmm: What did he do
Batman: got me banned so now i have to use this account
Yummmmmm: I’ll unban you
Batman: okay but im not taking back the tweets
TheBetterCanary: i hate trying on new clothes the stuff i like never fits
TheBetterCanary: im too short to be a slut
BlackBat: :(
User223584125153: Fatherless behavior
TheBetterCanary: yknow i was gonna give a proper response but then i realized i dont have to
TheBetterCanary: @/Scarecrane @/RiddleMeThis get his ass
Daylightwing: @/Batman7
TheBetterCanary: i resent that but also @/Batman7 beat him uppppp
TheBetterCanary: nightwing fightwing for whats rightwing *Liked by Daylightwing*
Daylightwing: Feel the need to clarify that just because I Liked this doesn’t mean I liked it.
TheBetterCanary: go crywing
TheBetterCanary: i live in constant shame that nothing i ever say will ever be as funny as two face when he called bruce wayne a dumb slut on live tv
TheBetterCanary: it looks like some dumbass has decided to kidnap alfred pennyworth so its time to take bets
RiddleMeThis: Oh! $50 says Pennyworth kills them!
TheBetterCanary: cheap and lame but fine
Yummmmmm: Seven hundred says we’ll get there in time
TheBetterCanary: lmao alright
Catwomnyan: Exactly 180 on Bruce Wayne finally snapping and going on a rampage.
TheBetterCanary: nice nice id pay to see that
Penguin: The Wayne luck is going to kick in and he’s going to get out without even trying
TheBetterCanary: fuck you you arent allowed to play
TheBetterCanary: wait how much are you betting
Penguin: 1k
TheBetterCanary: welcome to the game
DeadHood: 15 cents says I’ll get to them first and put a bullet in their head.
TheBetterCanary: and i thought ed was cheap but whatever good luck with that
TheBetterCanary: huh
TheBetterCanary: it seems that there was a secret other option where the dumbass apparently follows me and decided to let alfred go
ScareCrane: So… who wins then
TheBetterCanary: me pay up bitches
TheBetterCanary: if one more person asks what my body count is i swear they will be added to the number
TheBetterCanary: im bored im gonna start gaslighting people about things they already know now
TheBetterCanary: like what are people gonna do if i say im chinese after all these years i can just pull the racism card if they disagree this plan is foolproof
Daylightwing: But you ARE chinese.
TheBetterCanary: of course i am we all know this
Supes: I don’t see why Batman has such a hard time defeating the Rogues. Most of them don’t even have powers.
TheBetterCanary: yes we do
Supes: You do? What are they?
TheBetterCanary: being annoying
RiddleMeThis: Being annoying.
ScareCrane: Being annoying
Janus: Being annoying.
PoisonIvy: Being annoying 💖
Batman7: @/PoisonIvy You literally have powers.
Catwomnyan: Being annoying.
TheBetterCanary: people ask me how im so relaxed around rogues and vigilantes all the time and i just gotta say
TheBetterCanary: first of all bold of you to assume im ever relaxed
TheBetterCanary: second of all all these bitches are like one dropped ice cream away from a mental breakdown i aint scared of them
SpoilerAlert: true 😔
ScareCrane: True…
Yummmmmm: True
Penguin: Hate to agree with Canary, but true
Penguin: What the fuck
Penguin: @/TheBetterCanary did you really just attack me outside an ice cream shop to try and make me drop my ice cream cone
TheBetterCanary: wasnt me but i wish it was that sounds hilarious
Penguin: Bullshit, I saw your face
TheBetterCanary: i dont know what to tell you man maybe youve been thinking about me too much and hallucinated me or something
TheBetterCanary: i already said in the discord server that im stuck inside for the foreseeable future you dumb bitch
DeadHood: Wait a minute… the server is still active? I thought you guys said that you were deleting it because it was compromised…
PoisonIvy: 😬
JuliusDay: there’s a discord server? why am i not on it?
TheBetterCanary: its to make sure we dont get caught up in each others attacks no one is scared of you
JuliusDay: i’d still like to know when your attacks will be…
TheBetterCanary: lol
FiendlyFyre: Why am I not on it?
TheBetterCanary: you were dead until like a week ago let me add you back
MadAsAHatter: And me
TheBetterCanary: no
TheBetterCanary: and for the record @/Tweedlesdeeanddum you arent getting in either no one likes you wonderland bitches
Tweedlesdeeanddum: we didn’t even do anything
TheBetterCanary: fuck you
TheBetterCanary: i fell for the mark oh my god im a cliche fuck
SignalOfficial: TALON????
TheBetterCanary: yeah the bird mask really does something for me
TheBetterCanary: dumbass
TheBetterCanary: my legal team has asked me yet again to tell you guys that nothing i say here is serious and should not be used in a court of law
Yummmmmm: You have a legal team
TheBetterCanary: not really but sometimes ill tweet something incriminating and two face will break into one of my safehouses and yell at the camera
RiddleMeThis: I see we have competition @/Scarecrane.
ScareCrane: … I see… a temporary truce, then
Janus: Please. I don’t want her.
RiddleMeThis: Why not? She’s awesome.
ScareCrane: You’d be lucky to have the right to adopt her
Janus: Somehow I think I’ve made this worse for myself.
Janus: @/TheBetterCanary Help me.
TheBetterCanary: no this is peak entertainment
Yummmmmm: Canary is sick, I will ask her to impart some wisdom upon us
TheBetterCanary: nif e
DeadHood: She has spoken.
Yummmmmm: Sickness update – Canary is currently very loudly complaining about how red hair isn’t really red so I think she’ll live
TheBetterCanary: thought red robin was decent until he told me he thought nightwing and oracle are the best nightwing ship
Yummmmmm: They’re a classic
TheBetterCanary: so was slavery bitch nightwing is way cuter with starfire
Daylightwing: Do I get a say in this?
TheBetterCanary: no fuck off
Yummmmmm: Yeah this ain’t about you
Daylightwing: It literally is?
TheBetterCanary: batman and bruce wayne should date so they can combine their hoards of kids
BernieDowd: bold of you to assume that bruce isn’t already batman’s sugar daddy.
TheBetterCanary: youre so right i am so sorry
TheBetterCanary: that super relatable moment when you have to dismantle a system that has benefited you for years
BlackBat: :(
TheBetterCanary: at least i get to put calendar man to shame on one of his favorite days
BlackBat: :D
Batman7: What are you planning to do and how?
TheBetterCanary: like id tell you youd just stop me
SpoilerAlert: ten bucks says she’s gonna do a murder
SignalOfficial: Man, I just finished my shift, too
TheBetterCanary: Hey guys Im not actually Canary but shes letting me borrow her account to make a fun little announcement anonymously
TheBetterCanary: Ive compiled a list of every Court member in Gotham that @/TheBetterCanary @/107kidsncounting and I knew about along with all of the proof we could gather over a month long period
TheBetterCanary: Here you go shorturl.at/hMW27 enjoy the hitlist everyone
107kidsncounting: im going to kill you i didnt spend hours finding proof for you fuckers just to get fucking rickrolled in fucking 2022
TheBetterCanary: Okay okay sorry mom lmao here’s the actual link shorturl.at/BKOR1
Gothamlite: This feels like a trap. Why would Canary hurt the Court when she benefits from corrupt systems?
TheBetterCanary: well you see the thing is i enjoy this thing called being alive
TheOneTrueRobin: @/TheBetterCanary, @/RiddleMeThis, @/ScareCrane, and their other evil friend are all laughing maniacally. They will not stop. It has been ten minutes.
107kidsncounting: try hitting one of them
TheOneTrueRobin: They’re laughing harder now.
107kidsncounting: yea lol
TheOneTrueRobin: I should have read the username.
107kidsncounting: probably lmao tell the kids i say hi
TheOneTrueRobin: Fine.
TheOneTrueRobin: They told me to tell you “👍”.
TheBetterCanary: hey idiot where are you
TheBetterCanary: I got stabbed lol
TheBetterCanary: oh lol
ScareCrane: This is not a lol matter you two
TheBetterCanary: Lol
TheBetterCanary: lol
TheBetterCanary: also i knew you were still using my account get off you bitch
TheBetterCanary: nothing is more painful when you send your friend a meme and they tell you theyve already seen it
DeadHood: You kicked me in the dick less than five hours ago.
TheBetterCanary: it’s what it’s
Daylightwing: The one time you use proper grammar and its for THIS.
SignalOfficial: You are a menace to society
DeadHood: Sometimes I think about grabbing Canary by the ankles and flipping her upside down to see how many knives fall out of her clothes.
TheBetterCanary: you could just ask
DeadHood: Would you lie?
TheBetterCanary: i mean sure but youd get further away from the knives you want to know about so badly quicker if youre not actively touching me when i get them out
TheBetterCanary: out of gotham for the first time in ages and i hate it it feels weird where is the crime
SpoilerAlert: be the change you want to see in the world
TheBetterCanary: youre so right bestie
TheBetterCanary: alright who snitched to superman
Supes: I thought you were kidding about the cross thing.
TheBetterCanary: i sent a lois lane x superman fic to clark kent as an april fools joke and he was super sweet about it and said i had talent as a writer so mr kent if you see this im sorry
TheBetterCanary: in this thread i will give absolute proof that the bats and the waynes are the same
TheBetterCanary: bruce and batman both have an ungodly amount of kids like bruce even managed to find another kid despite all of the orphanages getting bombed this year thats some devotion
TheBetterCanary: richard and nightwing are both traitors that moved to bludhaven enough said
*Liked by Daylightwing*
TheBetterCanary: barbara gordon is oracle because they both scare me
TheBetterCanary: i will not joke about the death of jason todd his passing was a tragedy that still affects gotham to this day
TheBetterCanary: tason jodd however is totally red hood i mean who else could be that dorito shaped
TheBetterCanary: cassandra and black bat could both beat my ass and i would thank them
TheBetterCanary: timothy and red robin both have a sickly victorian boy vibe to them
TheBetterCanary: stephanie and spoiler both appreciate riddler and i can appreciate that
TheBetterCanary: duke and signal are both the token and the best of all of their families
TheBetterCanary: damian and robin both have way too many fucking pets like they could work together and form a zoo and i dont think anything would even be missing
TheBetterCanary: honorary mention to the butts match of course
TheBetterCanary: fuck i forgot that it was eds turn to cook
TheBetterCanary: @/ScareCrane please bring some mcdonalds home please
RiddleMeThis: When I found you, you regularly went dumpster diving for food.
TheBetterCanary: doesnt mean i dont have standards
RiddleMeThis: @/ScareCrane Remember when @/TheBetterCanary heard someone yell about how “she has a strap!” and complained about how they shouldn’t “have that stuff out in public”, only to turn around and realize it was a gun?
TheBetterCanary: im still not sorry for implying your food is worse than literal trash
Canaryfanclub: please i just want her to date me
TheBetterCanary: sorry i dont know if my boyfriend would like that
Canaryfanclub: YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND??????
TheBetterCanary: unfortunately his swagless charm has captivated me
TheBetterCanary: fuck the stupid fucking bats infected me with their even stupider fucking morals oh my god
DeadHood: Weak. I’ve been resisting for years. It took you, what, a couple of months around them to fall for their morals?
TheBetterCanary: im going to blow up your base
DeadHood: In Minecraft or in real life?
DeadHood: Fuck. It was Minecraft.
DeadHood: I spent hours making that mansion!
TheBetterCanary: trust me i know
TheBetterCanary: @/BrucieWayne i have your kids
BrucieWayne: What do you want for them?
TheBetterCanary: donate half a billion to arkham reforms
BrucieWayne: Oh no. I have no choice but to meet her demands.
TheBetterCanary: vigilantes dont want you to know this but muscles actually dont constantly look like that unless youre constantly flexing and they definitely dont show through layers of kevlar
TheBetterCanary: which means that they choose to have abs on their costumes
TheBetterCanary: i can hear the fangirls crying from here
TheBetterCanary: lol
Yummmmmm: Oh god what did you do
TheBetterCanary: dont worry about it
Batman7: Where is Joker?
TheBetterCanary: he tripped and fell into a pocket dimension and i cant get him out but dont worry i got him one of those gerbil water feeders and some chips so hell live
Batman7: That doesn’t sound like an accident.
TheBetterCanary: never said it was one
(Back to Canary Masterlist)
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all-things-mlqc · 4 years
What do you think Shaw's fairytale could have been, had he been included in the "Wonderland after Dark" event?
First and foremost, now that I’ve written my response, I went way over the top with this idea. Was originally going to just summarize this idea and maybe slap Shaw’s face on Disney’s “Robin Hood” fox as a shit edit for funsies yet here we are with a whole HC. Anywho, I hope you enjoy and feel free to comment what other fairytale stories you guys think Shaw would’ve been good for!
Honestly my first thought was Aladdin or Robin Hood. I’m trying to think what best goes with his personality and how you could twist those stories into something new like they have with the other boys. I honestly feel like Robin Hood fits his personality especially with his latest event where he basically pulls a Robin Hood move, stealing from an antique store that was trying to sell fakes for the price of authentic pieces. He “took care” of the owner and people who were involved with this shameless exchange and by took care I mean beat them to a pulp in the alley, stole the items, and even got the shop closed down. While he didn’t necessarily steal valuable items and distribute the wealth to others like what our known Robin Hood does, what he did still protected many people without them knowing. Shaw has that sly, fun way of living life and really does help others without their knowledge. Even if it’s in his own dumbass way which can be selfish at times, I think he could’ve had a pretty good Robin Hood story in this event.
Robin Hood Shaw
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Here’s your shit edit that took a total of 4.6 minutes to make
I imagine it would’ve gone something like this:
Shaw as Robin Hood would never settle in one place for too long. He enjoys adventuring around and would often be found visiting many different villages.
There were rumors in nearby villages of a vigilante who would supposedly ambush criminals, bandits, and even rich folks in the nearby villages who were involved with some sort of dirty business.
While he is a stubborn moron who does stupid things and can be selfish at times, he’s never once harmed or stolen from innocent people. He finds it thrilling when he’s able to let loose and be on the verge of getting caught, so fighting criminals/bandits/bad people within the village was how he enjoyed living life.
While most of his reasoning behind it may be selfish, the people of the nearby villages still considered him a hero.
He enjoyed taking out the rumored bandits outside of the village, getaway criminals within the village, and most of all, he enjoyed stealing from tactless, arrogant “royals” is what these people call themselves who used dirty tactics to gain the wealth they had.
Shaw loved the thrill of sneaking in and stealing their valuable belongings that were acquired unjustly with the chance of getting caught. And what he loved more was seeing their infuriated expressions after realizing they had been robbed.
To cover up his tracks, he would distribute the wealth among the good people of the village. He insists his good deeds are nothing more than him wanting some good entertainment and only gives the villages the wealth to cover up his tracks but we all know he’s secretly soft. Under all that bitchassness ofc
He would, however, always keep one item for himself. Whatever seemed to have caught his eye in that moment. The items he collected varied. He didn’t always care about their worth and would often take whatever seemed interesting to him.
Most of the money he used to provide food, clothing, and shelter came from the bandits and criminals. He had plenty of money to get around.
So in this date, I imagine MC going around village to village looking for this vigilante so called “Robin Hood” to help her village. Similar to Disney’s “Robin Hood” film, the people of the village are forced to pay an unfair amount of taxes to the people in control who then use those taxes for their own selfish desires, leaving the people of the village to suffer.
MC uses Robin Hood’s latest sightings from different villages as clues to where she may be able to find him, but many villagers tell her it’s hopeless, that he never shows himself as Robin Hood in public.
While asking around in a nearby village, Shaw overhears her conversation and catches her outside the village during her departure back home.
He asks why she’s looking for Robin Hood so she explains her village’s current situation vaguely to him.
Without explaining himself, he joins her on her journey back to her village.
She was uncertain about him tagging along without an explanation but soon had some friendly banter I say friendly but this man is just annoying as hell and we love it with one another. Y’all know how friendly Shaw is. Annoying but good at making conversation. Ya know... like his usual self.
Anywho, they come across some bandits on the way back where *enter Robin Hood Shaw*.
While Shaw fends off the bandits, MC also joins in and surprises him with some fighting skills of her own which ya’ll know damn well he’s gonna like.
MC was able to piece things together after seeing his fighting style and capability in which she asks if he’s Robin Hood.
He chuckles and responds with a simple “let’s go” as he continues towards the direction of her village.
She follows suit with way too many questions like mood mc, I wanna know what life is like as a bitch vigilante too but you also gotta remember he’s an annoying asshat
To be honest, her first impression after realizing he was Robin Hood was something like “wow wasn’t expecting him to be a dumb bitch” after all that friendly banter. But then again what do you expect from a man who purposely gets himself into danger?
Her questions included those as such: Why did you become Robin Hood? Have you ever been caught? Why do you always keep one stolen item from each place you rob?
His response was a question of his own “Why do you need the help of Robin Hood when you are capable of fighting, yourself?”
She pauses and explains she isn’t capable of helping the village all by herself and thought if she could find Robin Hood, the village would have hope.
Shaw pauses and states his own desires, “I’m not the person people make me out to be. I don’t do these things for the people, I do them for myself. Whether or not you want to believe I help people, in the end, I’m only doing this for myself.”
With that being said, MC suddenly felt a wall being built between them. Not that they had a well developed relationship beforehand
Still, MC explains her village’s situation in much more detail in hope of coming up with a plan.
MC throws out a few ideas while Shaw asks questions about her village and the men in control and then offers his own ideas.
After a lifetime of teasing and bickering, they come to a conclusion.
Once again bringing in Disney’s classic “Robin Hood” film, I thought it would be fun to include a fox in this story and even did some research on Chinese mythological creatures.
Huli jings are fox like mythological creatures that have the capability to shapeshift.
So to add a little twist in this story like the rest of the boys, MC’s village just so happened to be guarded by a huli jing spirit, or so the legends within the village say.
Shaw, with his sly, sneaky Robin Hood persona decided to use this to his advantage.
For days after returning to MC’s village, they gathered materials for their plan for the next time taxes would be collected.
With Shaw’s skills, he would dress as the huli jing spirit shapeshifted as a human wearing a fox mask and fight those who come by to collect taxes, threatening them to leave the village and never return while MC was in charge of special effects to make the “performance” seem more realistic.
He thought the idea of these awful villagers being frightened half to death by a “spirit” was rather entertaining and would make this mission much more satisfying in the end after everything going according to plan. Basically his thought process was “imagine pulling something off so ridiculous yet so incredible”
Slowly driving one by one out of the village, Shaw continued to “haunt” and threaten anyone involved.
However, it was only a matter of time when one of them realized it was all staged after finding MC off to the side, helping Shaw with his “performance”.
MC was then taken to the person in charge and held captive.
Once Shaw realized she had gone missing, he suspected the remaining few caught on and had her as a hostage so he finished his job more quickly and efficiently. Mr. iM dOiNg ThiS fOr mYsELf
Being stuck with the man in charge who was responsible for the village’s suffering, MC began asking why he did everything he had done, why he doesn’t help the village like one should. Oh MC, sweet sweet MC, there are some terrible people in the world and you should know this
After talking with the man for some time, there was a loud crash following the man being knocked to the ground by a powerful force.
“I’ve come to steal you away” is all MC hears before being swept up into Shaw’s arms.
With the man on the ground letting out painful cries, Shaw reveals himself as Robin Hood, receiving an appalled gasp from the man lying on the floor as he demands him to leave the village for good and never return.
The man refuses to give up, calling for backup only to be met with silence.
Shaw: Oh? You haven’t heard? They all fled the village. The remaining ones have been dealt with as well. It’s best you do the same if you value your life.
With this being said, the man got up and frantically stumbled out of the building.
As Shaw carries MC outside, the villagers thank him as they distribute the wealth found within the mans home among everyone, now safe from their continued suffering.
Enjoying her embarrassed expression, Shaw quietly teases MC while continuing to carry her away from others.
MC: You can put me down now, Mr. Every man for himself.
Shaw: Oh? I guess I found that time spent with you is utterly amusing and would be a shame to lose such entertainment.
MC: Well if you don’t go back soon, everything will be taken and you won’t be able to get your reward.
Shaw: And what reward would that be?
MC: The one item you choose to keep from every theft you’ve ever done.
Shaw chuckles while leaning close, whispering in her ear, “I’ve already taken my reward”.
Bye, I’ll be suffering while wishing we actually had Shaw in this event because he would’ve been 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
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convxction · 3 years
Aannddd 🔥 of ur choice
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion. | accepting | @abyssal-tide
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[ [ uuhhh....let’s see. it is something i do, personally and some might find it...hmm idk how they perceive it but it is with female muses. I try to be as unbiased????? as much as i can when i interact with female muses? but not like ‘ew female muses’ but out of respect. Im sure all rpers of female muses have it tough, even till now, sadly, with the whole ‘ew you trying to ship with my muse by force’ and that kind of crap. btw if anyone feel that about female muses please unfollow me, kindly. as there are bad female muses there ARE BAD MALE MUSES DONT BE A DICK. THIS WHOLE DOUBLE STANDARDS THING IS DIGUSTING. 
anyway. what i was saying, yeah. ahem. what i mean that this approach is mostly because of HOW my muse is. chrom has been brought up by his sister so automatically he kind of feels close to his female peers on a sibling like relationship. he sees every older female as a big sister figure (of course if she proved it to be like that) or like a mentor just like how Phila is for him. If the female muse is of his age he can feel it more on friendly manner, someone of his equal and can confide to if possible. if the female muse is younger than him she is automatically set to be treated like Lissa, no question about it. 
I guess i should apologize if any female muse i interacted with i kept saying uwu adorable sibs vibe or something and you thought i was subtly pushing you away, please no. it’s just how chrom is. until you really throw a brick on his head he won’t ‘accept’ he has feelings for someone, not just a female muse. he goes into stages like ‘is it just admiration or i like this person?’ / ‘if i like this person is it momentarily because they are around me or is it something to last forever?’ / ‘are my feelings going to be bothersome to them or not?’ / ‘am i ready to confess and show my conviction to my feelings to this person or not?’ etc. and there is always the out burst of confession depend on the situation and how myself and the mun in question plan the scene. 
so yeah it is not about ‘not wanting to interact with female muses’ ...looks at my ships. hmm i love me chrom waifus. but yeah i understand if someone felt scared or intimated if they see me tag things with neesa or like his little sister a lot because again thats how chrom operate. he drinks respect wahman juice every day he can’t disrespect them even if he wanted to because then emmeryn and lissa will ...do what is necessarily to correct his bad behavior. cough.  
the only time, it kind of happened that i tried to push the whole ‘she is like a sister’ when i felt like the other party is being adamant about shipping without talking it through, they just wanted a ship asap. 
oh one time someone kept vague posting about how her oc is the ‘best’ or something of that line to be lucina’s mom and im just....ok? cool. and it was honestly very annoying and disrespectful to me, and to any chrom rper when she wanted to have lucina as a daughter then go on her way to treat chrom like he does not exists. idk if the mun is a fan of chrom or something but that truly didn’t shine in her posts when they are kind of...treating chrom like nothing or not mention him at all. yes as if you can have lucina out of thin air..my god.
i dont like the beat around the bush way of trying to get my attention. if you want to ship just come say hello i think our muses might get along can we think of a plot/thread together and see how they actually interact together? idk i dont find it hard of a feat. instead of badmouthing chrom on the dash..what are you tsundere? sheesh. senpai does not notice uncultured people. 
boy oh boy i mixed stuff in here..welp. but yeah so basically, i love female muses. i love writing with them. i dont like when people assume im trying to push them away. if you do try to make me uncomfortable and ask for a ship when i tell you it wont work but keep asking for it then you get a block. dont try to get my attention by ‘oh my muse is definitely the best mom for lucina. her canon moms suck’. i will block you and add your url to my rules page to make sure my friends know you are not a nice person. i have not done it once in my life but this is just childish and dumb. especially for someone old(20+) and not a teen. 
i love female muses....they cool...stronk...smart.....and kind...and gentle...sugar....spice...and everything nice. ...and chemical x ....love me. love chrom. please give him a lot of neesas and imutos and nakahomies and i dont mind galfriendos. please contact me if you feel something is not right. i might, for sure, not notice it. contact me. contaaaaaaaaaaact me please.
dont block me.
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americas-saboteur · 3 years
I promised Id do this, heres quick first thoughts
this is based on the cbs writeups, not on anything that has been recorded. its also not based on any reveals the tag has made, im not taking that into consideration as this isnt me deciding who to root for. because im not officially picking anyone yet. this will be 90% strategy, 10% "are they annoying"
Azah has a pretty solid strategy. I think if she can get a small loyal group together she could make it far. my big worry is the usual tbqh, that she will be targeted early because shes genuinely considering her own game. also thank you for the no showmances.
Christian annoys the fuck out of me already. i dont mind a sort of floater/rat strategy, but the way he answered makes me feel like hes making excuses already for not doing anything. i just....dont trust anyone who starts a strategy conversation with "I am a joy".
Hannah's answer is long and i dig it? i initially only got the first paragraph and wanted to write her off, but reading the whole thing...i think i could see myself doing something similar, so i like it a lot. I support tactful blood bathing.
Brent has a similar issue to christian. I dont HATE him, but it feels like hes going in with overconfidence. Overdoing it with proving you have charm buddy, and since thats your strategy i dont have much else to say....
Britini seems excited, which is cool. but it doesnt sound like she has a solid strategy other than "win comps, say im making moves" which...fine. im hoping its more of an "assess once we get in there" thing.
Derek F is smart in getting to know people personally. a personal connection makes it harder to vote someone out, so i have a lot more confidence in his confidence than other houseguests.
Frenchie....ok before we get into strategy, who the fuck describes themselves as supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. who describes themselves as a nonsense word. already hate him for that. but beyond that, im glad he acknowledges that setting a strategy wouldnt benefit him right away. what does a farmer have to do with that? idk, but i hope he isnt horrible. glad he doesnt want to get famous, like i genuinely like when people make that point.
Travis kinda goes between Brent and Derek F for me. like his confidence doesnt feel forced, but it does feel overexplained. It sounds like the pranks might be part of strategy if hes putting the blame on other people, so as long as they arent annoying im ok with him.
Alyssa seems to want a well rounded game, but she feels like shes going to do a big group sort of thing. and i dont like that as a viewer. i worry that she would get lost in that group once the house gets more empty, so i guess we will see how that turns out. I dont get wanting first hoh or wanting to be like tyler, but i guess you do you.
Tiffany's strategy is short, sweet, and to the point. i dont have much to go on, but ngl her willingness to try slop could weirdly help her? theres almost nothing in the small sample of her bio, unlike the others i actually read the full one and i didnt get much more. im gonna pretend i didnt see her fave duo.
Xavier seems enthusiastic. smart to not want to win comps unless necessary, smart to not play personal. beyond that i dont have any strong thoughts
Claire is a fan and i love that. sounds like she knows what to say to excite other fans, the important strategy points to make the game better. i just hope she can actually deliver on these, that it doesnt backfire on anyone. also please cause disruptions, thats entertainment and can be strategic.
Sarah, if i remember, is the weeb people were talking about. which....love that, love seeing people who have similar interests to me in the game. but also im glad shes upfront and says the word "float". we know its not accidental, so i can respect it a lot more.
Whitney is pretty alright. i like that she wants to start strong, and that she doesnt have extreme details for a strategy, but i dont know what i think. Derek X could go either way. He looks like he could be fun, i genuinely hope he doesnt get lost in the crowd and eliminated early. His strategy is primarily social, but like in a more influential way and i hope he manages that tbqh.
Kyland seems prepared and enthusiastic, which is good. the specific references to different players strategies makes me more confident in him than others, like some people vaguely referenced another player, dropped a name, or mentioned them as a favorite, but hes pulling out specifics. my main worry is that he will play too hard too fast. or that he wont be able to deliver this (same worry as claire)
Overall im tired of seeing derrick and cody referenced in peoples bio but at the same time thats what cbs wants, so its what we get. and it makes sense, since they are part of the more modern game. as much as i love old school BB it makes sense to consider strategy from more recent stuff since you are more likely to experience those sorts of situations. being prepared is more important than getting old school points if you want to win. but gods i hate derrick and cody.
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whumpsideblog · 5 years
Part One//Part Two//Part Three//Part Four//Part Five
@im-not-rare-im-rarr @constellationwhump @justwhumpitwhumpitgood @maybeawhumpblog @lumpofwhump @whumpity--whump--whump @inky-whump 
 Here’s part six! Thank you so much to everyone whose actually read this far haha, and thank you for all the nice comments and tags on the previous parts!
*** “Hold still, pet.” Silas winced as the brush was dragged through his hair, getting caught on knots and tangles. “I have guests coming tonight and you need to look presentable.” For the most part he was already presentable, Alastair had brought him much nicer clothes to wear, sat on him in order to shave his face without much struggle, and now he was trying to wrestle with his hair. 
 “Oh boy, let me guess, I’m the main dish?” He said sarcastically. Him and Elise agreed he was more likely to survive if he gave in to the vampire at least a little bit, but he held his snarky remarks dear to his heart and refused to let that go.
 “No dear, you’re more like dessert.” The vampire laughed. Silas didn’t feel any better. “You need to behave tonight, understand? I would hate to have to punish you in front of my friends.”
 “You have friends?” He snickered, earning him a whack on the back of the head with the hairbrush. He decided it was worth it. He watched Alastair’s movements in the mirror he sat in front of, before finally asking, “I thought vampires don’t have reflections?”
 “Do you humans believe everything you hear about vampires? What, do you believe we sleep in coffins too?”
 “I’m not going to answer that.” 
 “You really are adorable.” Alastair laughed. “Do you think I could look the way I do without a mirror?”
 “I thought you looked that way because you don’t have a reflection.” Another whack on the back of the head. 
 “If you be good for me tonight then I plan on giving you a reward. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” He asked.
 “What’s my reward?” He asked, eyebrows raised.
 “It’s a surprise. As long as you don’t cause me any problems you'll receive it.”
 “Why take me then? If it’s such a risk that I could fuck something up for you, Why not leave me here like usual?”
 “I thought about that.” Alastair said, finally setting the brush aside and beginning to braid his hair. “I could leave you behind and keep you to myself, or, I could show you off, my captured little hunter.” He sounded amused. “Not Many vampires can say they’re keeping a hunter as a pet. You’re something special.”
 “I feel ridiculous.” He couldn’t help but scowl, he never dressed this nice, never did his hair this way, he couldn’t remember the last time there wasn’t some amount of stubble on his chin. He was all dressed up to the vampire’s liking, meant to be paraded around like a prized pet. He felt sick all of a sudden. 
 “He’s adorable!”
 “He looks so angry.”
 “He smells delicious.” The first one added.
 Silas wanted nothing more than to grab the knife laying on the table and stab his own throat. Four vampires. Four vampires on top of the usual annoying fuck he had to deal with. Three men and a woman, the latter of which was hanging on to Silas. She was tall and rail thin, dark wavy hair cut short. She smelled like roses, he hated that she was close enough for him to smell her.
 The other guests included a younger vampire- he looked younger anyway, these freaks were all well over a hundred years old, a man who appeared to be in his late twenties or early thirties who Alastair was talking to, and a young man who looked close to his age. He’d been quiet this whole time, while the younger one and the woman fawned over him. He kept an eye on Silas though, watching his every move. 
 Silas sat at Alastair’s side, probably so he could reach over and smack him at any given moment. When food was served, he was surprised to see that he’d been given a plate as well, and Alastair seemed to notice this. 
 “Eat up love, you won’t want to end the night with an empty stomach.” He told him. He knew he meant that he better eat, all the better for when they eventually devoured him. He wondered how he’d even survive that.
  “So kind of you to let your pet sit at the table.” The woman said at some point in the meal. “Mine is still trying to fight me on that.” She sighed. 
 “It’s easier to keep an eye on him. Besides, he knows that if he misbehaves he’ll be back on the floor.” Silas shoved a forkful of food into his mouth to avoid saying anything. 
 “Is he always this quiet?” The older man asked.
 “No, he actually has quite a mouth on him.” Alastair laughed. “I promised him a reward if he behaved tonight, that may have improved his mood.” That had nothing to do with his silence but he decided to keep it to himself. He didn’t need to be completely submissive to the vampire, but he could be quiet, keep to himself, not give any reason for the vampire to hurt him. He just needed to survive.
 “He looks so angry though.” The younger one said, leaning forward on the table. 
 “I’m sure he’s absolutely seething.” Alastair grinned. “He’s incredibly stubborn, I still haven’t completely broken him in. Yet, he’s being very good for me tonight.” He reached over, brushing a stray hair from his face. Instinctively, Silas flinched away, causing Alastair to roughly grab his face. “Don’t pull away from me, you should know better.” He said sternly. Silas glared silently at him, but his face burned red with embarrassment, the other vampires watching him in amusement. “What do you say, love?” 
 “Yes sir.” He said through gritted teeth. Alastair smiled, gently patting his cheek. Silas felt sick, he couldn’t think of eating another bite. He quickly downed his glass of wine, and was relieved when a maid came to refill it. He glanced up, seeing Elise looking at him worriedly. She looked even more uncomfortable than usual, and though they locked eyes they couldn’t speak, not with all these vampires around. 
 “You can’t just sit there and drink, you need to eat.” Alastair said sternly. “You don’t want a repeat of last time, do you?” Silas gave him a look, a weak glare really, but reluctantly he tried to eat as much as he could, tuning out the vampires as Alastair explained how stubborn he’d been the first time he made him eat. 
 He expected this to be a horribly traumatic event but it was actually rather boring, he was expected to sit there and look pretty. The only thing that kept him on edge was knowing that sooner or later the vampire’s would decide it was time for “dessert”.
 Eventually they had mostly finished eating, the vampire’s were continuing to drink while Alastair had told Silas he was cut off from the wine. The woman had come to hang on to him again, behaving as if this were a completely normal thing to do while she spoke to Alastair. He wondered what it was about vampires that made them unable to keep their hands to themselves. 
 “Can we try him already?” She finally asked, sounding impatient. “Please Alastair?”
 “You have to be careful, there are four of you and only one of him.” Alastair warned her, but she took this as a yes, already undoing the top buttons on his shirt and pulling his collar aside. Alastair had grabbed his hand, he was entirely distracted by the woman who had tilted his head to the side that he didn’t realize what he was doing until something sharp sliced across his wrist. He gritted his teeth, trying to jerk his hand away but Alastair held tight, pressing the edge of a half full wine glass against the cut. He wasn’t able to question him though as the woman sank her fangs into his neck, causing him to cry out. 
 He tried to pull away but that just made it hurt worse, and she easily held him down. Her nails dug into his shoulders, almost warning him that if he kept struggling it would just get worse. 
 “Wait, I wanna try!” The young one sounded excited, snatching Silas’ other wrist, wasting no time in biting down on it. When Alastair bit him it never hurt this much, sure it was excruciating, but something about having two vampires feeding off him was making the pain that much worse, Silas couldn’t think straight, he couldn’t even feel sick or scared because all he felt was that horrible stabbing pain. 
 It felt like an eternity before Alastair finally told them to back off, that Silas couldn’t take much more. He’d gone completely pale, he was breathing heavily and as the vampire’s finally pulled back the rest of the effects hit him. He was still bleeding from the wrist that was cut, he couldn’t be bothered to care though. The room wouldn’t stay still, he couldn’t see straight. His heart hammered in his chest as he took deep heavy breaths. He couldn’t remember feeling this anxious in his life, the worst had passed, yet he still felt like something horrible was going to happen to him.  He looked to Alastair, suddenly grabbing his arm.
 “I-I need to leave, sir, please, I'm going to throw up.” He gasped, feeling sick to his stomach, sick enough to say anything to get out of that room. He couldn’t tell for sure, but Alastair almost looked concerned.
 “Elise, go with him, he won’t be able to walk on his own.” He ordered her, and she said a quick yes sir, coming and helping Silas to his feet. He almost collapsed right away, Elise had to struggle to hold him up. He was aware of the vampire’s watching him, teasing him, but he didn’t care, he just needed out.
 Elise had a hard time supporting him, he had to lean against the wall for support, but they only made it down the hall and around the corner before he finally collapsed, falling to his knees and leaning against the wall to stay up.
 “S-stay here, okay? I’m going to get you something.” She told him. He couldn’t have gone anywhere anyway but he didn’t say anything as she hurried off. He at least felt somewhat better now that he was out of the room, slowly taking deep breaths and trying to calm down. He was cold yet vaguely aware that he was covered in sweat, and he suddenly felt incredibly exhausted. He hoped Elise would come back soon, he wanted to feel better already. He sighed heavily, closing his eyes.
 “Stand up.” He jumped at the sudden voice, eyes snapping open. The vampire who had been watching him all night was standing there, looking down on him. 
 “H-huh…?” He tiredly looked up at him.
 “Stand up.” He slapped him hard across the face, Silas nearly fell over he was too weak to hold himself up. His lip was bleeding, he was aware of that, and the stinging pain in his face. “Are you really this fucking pathetic? The high and mighty Silas, can’t even stand up and face me?!” 
 “What is your problem?!” He snapped, and the vampire grabbed him by the hair, slamming his head hard against the wall. It would’ve hurt if anybody had done it but the unbridled strength of a vampire was something else entirely, he swore his head left a hole in the wall. 
 “You and every other fucking hunter! That’s my problem!” Silas couldn’t respond, his head was slammed into the wall again, and again, and again. He couldn’t think straight, he was back in that awful and anxious and confused space again, nothing was real yet everything was too much. He didn’t even realize the vampire had pulled him to his feet until he felt that familiar aching pain that standing always brought. “You pathetic son of a bitch, you won’t even fight back?!” 
 He couldn’t even muster a response, staring blankly at the vampire as he tried to think of anything to say. This vampire couldn’t be reasoned with, he knew that much, even if he did, he didn’t have the mental capacity to make much of an effort. His silence just seemed to piss him off more, he tried to pull away as his shirt was ripped open, murmuring a desperate “No no no no no-“ 
 “Shut up!” The vampire hissed. “If you won’t bother fighting me then I don’t want to hear your begging.” A cold hand in the center of his chest, he was so tired of being touched. That familiar fog clouded his mind again, yet this was different. Alastair’s hold on him was gentle and comfortable, calming even, pulling him into a false sense of security. This wasn't like that, this was a horrible feeling of dread, a darkness that made it hard to breathe, hard to think. What he could feel though was a sudden sharp pain, the vampire digging his nails into his chest. “I’m going to make you suffer, Hunter, you deserve to suffer.” He snarled. 
 He couldn’t think, couldn’t move, that dreadful feeling holding him in place against his will. His chest hurt where the vampire hooked his nails into his flesh, but then he suddenly started dragging his hand down, leave deep cuts down his chest, to his stomach. He tried to scream but his voice just wouldn’t work, and he could forget about holding back his tears. At this point he didn’t even really care about that, what did it matter? He figured this was how he was going to die, he closed his eyes and just hoped it would be over soon.
 “That’s enough.” A stern voice cut through the fog, he could finally focus on the vampire in front of him, and more importantly, on the vampire behind that one. He’d never thought he’d be relieved to see Alastair.
 “Why are you protecting him Alastair?! You have him right here, you could kill him, why haven’t you?!” He snapped, though he finally let go of Silas, who immediately fell to his knees.
 “I said, that’s enough.” Alastair repeated. Reluctantly the other vampire stepped aside, still glaring at Silas though. Alastair knelt down, gently grabbing his chin, examining his face. He couldn’t look him in the eye, he knew he looked terrible and for once he didn’t have it in him to be as stubborn as normal. His head hurt, his ears were ringing, he still felt nauseous. He almost wished he could just lay down and die.
 “Y-you here to beat m-me up too…?” He murmured, unable to even focus on his face.
 “No, love, you’re already hurt.” He stood up, carefully lifting him up. He whined, every movement causing him to hurt more. “Go back to the others, now.” He ordered the other vampire, who gave Silas a look before going on his way. Silas finally felt himself relax, though he figured that could also be that he was dying. He never wanted to go out held in a vampire’s arms, but he found himself leaning his head against his chest, closing his eyes. 
 “This is a pretty fucking awful way to die...” He murmured, and Alastair laughed softly.
 “You’re not dying my love, I’ll take care of you.” Silas strongly disagreed but he didn’t argue. “It’s a good  thing Elise came and got me when she did though.” He didn’t even remember Elise coming back, he almost felt bad that she probably had to see that. He didn’t open his eyes again until he was laid down on a soft, comfortable surface. He quickly realized he had no clue where he was, opening his eyes and looking around. 
 The room was rather big, as was the bed he laid on. Large floor to ceiling windows with curtains drawn to let in the moonlight, illuminating the  lavishly decorated room. Alastair had left him for now, Silas didn’t see how he could possibly survive if something wasn’t done about his multiple injuries. Still, it was nice to be able to lay somewhere comfortable for once, completely unrestrained too. He wanted nothing more than to just go to sleep, he almost didn’t care if he never woke up for it.
 “I need you to stay awake for me dear.” He jumped at his voice, he hadn’t even heard him come in.
 “Why…? I’m so tired, just lemme sleep…” he mumbled.
 “You humans don’t take injuries well, I need you to stay awake.” He said softly, sitting on the edge of the bed. He carefully helped him sit up, Silas could barely focus on him though. He didn’t fight or struggle, he let Alastair remove his shirt, he openly wined when a cold rag was pressed against his chest, medicine stinging his fresh wounds.
 “What’s his problem anyway…?” He murmured, and Alastair sighed.
 “Many vampires have lost loved ones to hunters. Dmitri is still… grieving. I didn’t think he would ever do something like this though…” he frowned, carefully wrapping bandages around his torso before tending to the cut on his wrist. 
 “He’s worse than you…” he murmured. “You… you do that thing… and it feels so good, I hate it but I’ve never felt so relaxed in my life… but it hurt, I thought I… I thought I was dying…”
 “I know love.” He said softly. “You’re Okay now, I promise.” He finished up, taking a moment to untie his hair for him before laying him back down. “You can rest now, Okay? I’ll be back soon…” he pulled the blanket over him before going and pulling the curtains closed. Silas sighed and closed his eyes, listening to his retreating footsteps. It was the most relaxed he’d felt in a long time, he couldn’t help but embrace it, finally falling asleep. 
He was awoken hours later, disturbed by the presence of cold arms embracing him. Tiredly he sat up, momentarily confused by his surroundings. The curtains were still drawn shut but he could see faint rays of sun shining in beneath them. He wondered what time it must’ve been, glancing to the tired vampire watching him.
 “You haven’t been asleep for long, love.” He told him, taking his arm and gently pulling him down. “Just relax, Okay?”
 “Why are you in bed with me?” He asked bluntly, and Alastair laughed.
 “Actually, you’re in bed with me. This is my room after all.” He pulled him close, chest pressed against his back. He couldn’t help but shiver, he was so cold. 
 “I think I’d rather go back to my cage, please.” He tried to pull away but Alastair held him tight. 
 “That’s awfully rude you know. I mean, I did save your life. I think that you owe me for that.” 
 “What could I possibly give you in return? You seem to have everything you need.” 
 “Almost everything.” He sat up, looking down at him and he gently pulled his hair away from his face. “Everything except an obedient little hunter to stop causing me problems.” 
 “Well, I can’t give you that.” He turned on to his side, closing his eyes, only for Alastair to pull him on to his back again.
 “Why do you keep fighting, love?” He asked, voice soft and gentle. “You have everything you need here, and if you could just behave, you’d have even more. I love you little hunter, and if you have in you would be so, so well taken care of.” 
 “Freedom is more important than comfort.” He said seriously. “And you don’t love me, you love the idea of keeping me as a pet.”
 “Mm, same thing.” He shrugged. He laid back down with him, draping an arm over him. “You value your freedom a lot, hm…?” His hand gently traced down his chest, careful of the bandaged wounds. He kept his mouth shut, trying to move away from him. “What happened to you pet? This longing for freedom, your aversion to touch and love, who hurt you before me?”
 “Stop.” He had quickly scrambled out of the bed, catching Alastair off guard as he more or less fell on to the floor. “Please, just- just stop.” He was feeling sick again, suddenly this large room didn’t seem so large anymore. Alastair seemed amused, getting out of bed and kneeling down in front of him.
 “Seems I struck a chord… what are you hiding little hunter? I’ve never seen you so upset by something I said.”
 “Just stop.” He repeated. “Please, Alastair, I’ll do anything, just stop pushing this.” 
 “Please what? You’re forgetting your manners.” He teased. Silas backed away somewhat, watching Alastair nervously as he just kept advancing on him.
 “Please, m-master…” his cheeks burned bright red, he hardly cared though, focusing on the taunting vampire.
 “You don’t want me to force it out of you, hm? You know that I could, you know you’ll say anything if I play with your mind enough.”
 “Please.” He begged. “Let me keep this, I- I can’t tell you, I just can’t…” Alastair was over him now, nearly pinning him down.
 “You could tell me, if I decide to make you.” He seemed to take joy in the fear in Silas’ eyes, in his genuinely terrified expression. “But,” he leaned down, gently placing a kiss on his forehead, “I won’t.” Silas nearly collapsed with relief, sighing heavily. “What do you say, love?”
 “Th-thank you…” He murmured, and Alastair grinned.
 “There’s a good boy. Come back to bed now, will you?” 
 “Yes-yes sir…”
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Has the person you like ever seen you in your pajamas? I don’t like anyone in that way.
Did the last person you kissed celebrate your last birthday with you? No. The last one they celebrated with me was six years ago.
What’s the first word of the last text message you received? “Will”
Do you think you’ve changed at all over the past year? Not in a good way.
Is there a song that reminds you of your ex? Do you still listen to that song? Lithium by Nirvana. Especially a cover of it done by ThePeteBox.
Did you tag anyone in your last Facebook status? No.
How do you behave when you’re drunk? I was chatty and annoying I feel like.
What is your least favorite type of chocolate? Dark chocolate, blech.
When was the last time you felt disappointed? What was the reason? I’ve felt disappointed in myself these past few years.
Is there someone that can make you smile, even when you feel like crying? My doggo.
Is there a certain person on your mind right now? Tell me about him/her. No.
You’re getting ready to go to bed, and the last person you kissed shows up, what do you do? That would be completely random and out of the blue. I haven’t seen or talked to him in almost 6 years. I would certainly be surprised and confused and caught off guard. I wouldn’t go out and talk to him, though. I wouldn’t want him to see me right now. I honestly don’t know if I’d text him at least or not.
What was your last thought before you went to bed last night? I don’t remember. My mind is a jumbled mess.
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? Nope.
Are you okay right now? I’m tired.
What time did you get up today? Sigh, like 930 after hardly sleeping at all.
When was the last time you saw your mom? Last night before she went to bed. She had the opening shift at work today so I haven’t seen her yet today.
What is the last thing you drank today? Water.
Do you dislike/hate anyone? No.
Where is your best friend right now? She’s at work.
When will your next kiss be? I have no idea.
Will you be up before 7 am tomorrow? 7AM is usually when I go to bed. :X
Does anyone completely understand you? I was just asked this in the previous survey I did, but no.
Who was the last girl you hugged outside of family? A friend. That was like 4 years ago.
Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days? My doggo.
What will you be doing in 3 hours? *shrug*
How often do you straighten your hair? I haven’t straightened my hair in years.
What are you currently looking forward to? To when my mom gets off work because I’m gonna ask if she can get me a Starbucks on her way home. I’m also hungry and wanting a breakfast sandwich, so I’ll probably have one later. She’s not off for 5 more hours. D:
Is tomorrow gonna be a good day? What are you going to do? I don’t have anything out of the ordinary going on.
Who did you last hang out with? My mom.
Did anyone see your last kiss? Probably.
Could things possibly get any better? Uh, I sure wish they would.
Do you know who you’ll even kiss next? Nope.
Do you ever sleep in jeans? I haven’t in years, but I have before in the past. I don’t know how I did that. I’ve been living in leggings for the past few years and I can’t imagine doing that now.
Name something you dislike about the day you’re having? I only got like 2-3 hours of sleep.
Did you get a full 8 hours of sleep last night? Yesterday I got like 10 hours, which is insane. My brother came in and woke me up because it was after 6PM. I never get that much sleep anymore, so I have no idea what that was about. But now today I only slept like 2-3 hours. I tried going back to sleep, but couldn’t and now here I am. Sigh.
Are you in love lately? That’s a weird way of saying it, but no. It’s been a few years since I’ve had those kind of feelings.
How often do you see your ex? I haven’t seen him in almost 6 years.
Who was the last person to text you? My pharmacy.
Did you like anyone last summer? No.
Do you replay things that have happened in your head? All the time.
Who was the last person you stayed up with till 2am? My brother and I stay up late all the time, though we’re in our own rooms.
Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend? Not at this time.
Are you currently in a relationship? No.
Do you use a full length mirror daily? No.
Would you be shocked if the person you have feelings for texted you? I don’t have feelings like that for anyone.
Is there anyone you wish you could fix things with? Yes. I have to fix myself first, though.
What are you planning on doing after this? I’m waiting for my church’s livestream service to start in like 30 minutes.
Is there a girl you would do anything for? I’d do a lot for my mom.
Who IMed you on facebook last? I had been messaging a family friend a couple weeks ago about something.
How old are you? 31.
Do you love dogs? Yesssss. I don’t know how anyone couldn’t.
Were you finished childhood and teens when Harry Potter movies came out? The first one came out when I was 12 and the last one came out when I was 22.
Did you keep all your VHS tapes? No, just the Disney ones.
Do you think Jack Nicholson is a good actor? Sure.
Have you ever watched an episode of "The Honeymooners"? Nope.
Have you ever owned a pair of high-top Converse? No, just flat tops.
Do you have rain boots with a cute pattern on them? I don’t own any rain boots.
Would you rather eat an apple or an orange right now? Neither, but if I had to I’d choose the apple cause I don’t like oranges.
Would you rather do a cartwheel on land or a backflip in water? I can’t do either one.
Have you ever performed on stage in front of people? Yeah, for choir and band concerts. Never by myself. 
Were you kinda scared of the goths in high school? No.
What size is your mattress?(single,twin,double,queen,king) Full size.
Do you eat foods from all 4 food groups everyday? Not even close.
Do you sleep in PJs? I always wear leggings and graphic tees and sleep in that as well.
Do you prefer watching TV or listening to music? Depends on my mood, but I haven’t been listening to music lately.
Would you rather watch a movie in theatre or at home? There are some movies I love experiencing in theaters for the first time. 
Do you prefer brown or white rice? Neither.
Do you like spaghetti? Yes.
What about lasagna? Not so much. It’s the type of noodle I have an issue with. I’m weird and particular about my food and when it comes to pasta, I like thin noodles.
Do you celebrate Christmas? Yesss.
Is your Thanksgiving celebrated in October too? No, it’s in November.
Do you like chocolate bars? Sure. 
what about ice cream? Sure. I haven’t had either one in awhile, though. 
Have you ever been stung by anything? What was it? No, thankfully.
Do you get tired easily? I’m just always tired.
Or do you always have plenty of energy to spare? Hahahah, no.
Have you ever done volunteer work? Where? Yeah, I’ve done a lot of volunteer work. What about court-ordered community service? No.
Have you ever worn contacts?(even just to try them out) No. I’ve always been too scared.
Would you wear contacts on a daily basis? No. 
Are your ears pierced? How many times? Just my earlobes.
Do you have GOD-GIVEN(not dyed) natural brown hair too? Yes.
Or were you born blonde? Nope.
Have you found a gray hair on your head or body before? Ugh, once I turned 30 they started popping up.
Have you ever had any suspicious moles removed? Nope.
Have you ever been screened for STDs? No.
Are all your wisdom teeth pulled? Yes.
Did you have your tonsils taken out? Nope.
Did you have your appendix taken out? No.
How many kidneys do you have?(have you donated one?) I have both of them.
Would you(to save someone)?^^^ I don’t know if I could, like health wise.
Have you ever found a bug or slug in your salad? skjflsfjklds nooooooo.
Do you like Harry Potter? I enjoyed the movies.
What about Twilight? I was really into Twilight back when the books and movies were coming out, but I outgrew it and find it kinda cringe now lol. How do you feel about Lord of the rings? I never got into that.
Are you going to see 'The Hobbit' when it comes out? ---
Do you have a glass that says 'Molson Canadian' on it? No.
Do you have any collector's glasses or cups or mugs? I do.
Would you rather have a white fridge or a black fridge or a stainless steel fridge? Black.
What size shoe do you wear? 6 in women’s (US). Each of my Adidas are actually a 3 or 4 in kid’s sizes, though.
Do you have a wide foot or a narrow foot or just average? Average, I guess.
Do you bite your nails when you're stressed? I pick and clip my nails constantly.
Do you have to take an allergy pill daily in order to live normally? No.
Are you on the birth control pill? Nope.
Or are you trying to get pregnant? Absolutely not. I’m just not sexually active, so.
You'd rather wear black sneakers or sneakers in a bright color or pattern? Black.
Has anyone ever told you they were attracted to you? Shockingly, yes.
Can you swim well in water way above your head? I can’t swim.
Are you afraid of thunder & lightening? No.
Have you ever experienced an earthquake? No.
What about a tornado? Nope. 
Are you closer to your dad?(more so than your mom) I’m closer to my mom.
Were you your parents' first born? I’m their first together, but not my mom’s. She had my older brother before meeting my dad.
Do you have a child? Is the father still with you? No.
Did you trade stickers at recess when you were a kid? No.
How old were you when you had your first crush? Do you remember their name? I was 9 and his name was Philip. 
Can you even remember what the hell they looked like? Vaguely. 
Have you ever operated any type of motorized vehicle before? No.
Are you going to drink alcohol tonight? Nope. I haven’t drank in 8 years and have no desire to.
Have you ever heard of the Canadian kids show called "Mr. Dressup"? Nope.
What about the kids show "Fred Penner's Place"? Nope.
Did you hate Sesame Street when you were little too? No.
Were you born perfectly healthy or with some(or a lot) of health issues? I was born healthy.
What are those 'said' health issues? –
Do you collect DVDs? No. I don’t have that many.
Do you download music? Nope. I’ve just used Spotify the past several years now.
Or do you still go to stores and buy CDs? No, I have’t done that in yearssss.
Did you skip(jumo-rope) a lot as a kid? No.
Did you ever catch any bugs or insects with your friends as a kid? EW, noooooo.
Didn't you just LOVE art class in elementary school?! Yeah.
Have you ever played dodgeball? Ugh, yes. I hated dodgeball. I don’t find having a ball thrown at me to be fun at all. I was always scared of getting hit in the face.
What about Red Rover? Yes.
Have you ever played "What time is it mr. wolf?"? It doesn’t sound familiar.
Do you hate your weight? Yes.
Have you ever struggled with a mental illness? I do.
Serious question, peanut butter or nutella? Peanut butter, hands down. I don’t get the hype of Nutella.
Have you ever stepped on a snail? Gahhhh, I’ve run over one before.
Do you prefer baked potatoes or mashed potatoes? I like both.
Do you prefer ankle socks over regular socks? I only wear ankle socks.
Last movie you've seen in theaters? The Invisible Man. That was almost. a year ago now. I miss going to the theater.
What is your oldest sibling's middle name? I’m not sharing that.
Have you ever been to Disneyland or Disney World? I have been to Disneyland several times, I love it. I’d love to go to Disney World someday.
Would you ever go backpacking across any country? No.
Would you prefer to travel around the world by yourself or with a friend? I definitely wouldn’t go alone.
Do you like breadsticks? I do.
Do you usually wear shorts around your house all year long? I never wear shorts, I’m a leggings gal.
What state were you born in? California. 
Have you ever had a nose bleed? Nooo, thankfully. I would freak out.
How far away do you live from your birthplace? Still live there.
Do you have a weak stomach? Yes.
Do you know anybody who has been diagnosed with cancer? Yes.
Have you ever had to take care of an intoxicated person? No.
Have you ever considered becoming a lawyer? No. Definitely not cut out for that.
Do you *really* like donuts? Yesss.
Do you think Disney World could ever get old? Not to me.
If you could, would you hookup with the last person you texted? Uh, NO, absolutely not. The only people I text and text me are my parents, brother, and my Nana....
What are your favorite things to spend money on? Food, coffee, clothes.
Will you talk to the person you like on the phone tonight? I don’t like anyone in that way.
What do you usually order on a pizza? *finishing this hours later from when I started* White sauce, feta and ricotta cheese, garlic, spinach, crumbled meatballs, and pesto. Do you and your boyfriend/girlfriend fight a lot? I’m single.
Who's the first person with the letter "m" in your contacts? My mom.
Which would you rather have a new puppy or kitten? Puppy. 
How old will you be on your next birthday? 32.
What color are your underwear? Blue.
Do you ever feel self-conscious when you eat around other people? Yes.
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clintbartonswife · 5 years
You and Me
Pairings: Rhodey x Reader, Tony Stark Summary: After Civil War, you and Tony help Rhodey adjust @whumptober2019 #29 : Numb Warning: mentions of paralysation, struggling mental health masterlist  || whumptober masterpost
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“T, talk to me” 
You were frantic. Having been on the other side of the airport when he went down, you only turned around to see the end result, Rhodey’s body slamming unforgivably into the hard ground below.
“He’s alive”
The tension immediately left your body, and you found yourself tugging Tony fiercely in to a hug. You felt him shaking slightly, his injury weighing heavily on both of you.
“I’m so sorry y/n - I couldn’t get to him on time-”
“Tony, shush. This is not your fault, okay? Now shut up and hold my hand so I don't back out of seeing him”
Tony gave you a weak laugh, hand gripping yours tightly as you walked into the hospital room, squeezing gently as you let out a quiet gasp. 
“Hey baby”
His weak voice was enough to send you into tears, letting go of Tony’s hand as you (carefully) launched yourself at him, tucking your face into it’s usual place in the crook of his neck. Rhodey’s arms came up to hold you, rubbing soothing circles on your back as you cried, the two men having a quick conversation above your head. You were vaguely aware of Tony leaving the room as you tried to regain control of your crying.
“Im sorry” you sobbed, “I promised myself I wouldn’t cry”
“It shows you care” Rhodey smiled, hands reaching up to cup your cheeks, dislodging you from your current position and moving you so that the two of you were face to face, “I can’t say I wasn’t expecting at least a few”
He just hummed at the affectionate insult, fingers gently swiping away the tears that marked your cheeks. You giggled wryly at his caring gestures, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“I think you missed” he said cheekily, pouting his lips.
Rolling your eyes, you leant in to press a kiss to his lips. It was soft and tearful, careful in all the ways it never had been before, yet with all the tender love that had always existed since you were just kids back in college.
“I’m glad you’re not dead” you mumbled against his lips, hand slipping into his.
“And leave you to deal with Tony by yourself? Babygirl I would never”
You chuckled, shaking your head slightly in disbelief. Through all of the shit he was still Rhodey through and through.
After a few more gentle kisses, you backed away slightly, moving one of the chairs to be pressed right up next to his bedside, his hand still firmly grasped in yours.
“Do we know what’s wrong yet?”
“No. They did a few scans but they said they’re gonna need to transfer me to another hospital” he explained, holding up his hand when he saw you go to interrupt, “Tony’s already jumping in with that, getting me as close to the compound as possible”
You nodded silently, eyes dropping to where your fingers were intertwined. You allowed the touch to calm you, ground you in the moment before you continued speaking.
“You’re gonna be okay James” you said, convincing yourself at the same time as him, “you’re gonna be okay”
He squeezed your hand, his other moving to lift your chin up to face him, a knowing smile on his lips.
“This? This is nothing. As long as I’ve got you and Tony by my side, I can do anything”
You nodded at the pure determination in his voice, keeping the fresh wave of tears at bay by pure will power alone.
“You and me”
His smile widened.
“You and me”
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You held his hand the day his results came back, Tony on his other side, hand resting on his shoulder.
Paralysation from the waist down. Most likely permenant.
He had kept it together until Tony had left to discuss treatment with the doctor, letting the tears fall once the room dissolved into silence.
“I guess I can’t be Iron Patriot anymore” he chuckled mirthlessly through the falling of his tears, “all of those missions and I get injured in a fucking spat between the group”
It was all you could do to murmur comforting bullshit that neither of you believed was true, your hand running up and down his arm in soothing motions that made you feel dizzy the longer you focused on it.
“This isn’t the end Rhodey” you had said, voice gritty with stubborn determination, “I’m not gonna let it be the end for you”
The double meaning didn’t escape the both of you. 
“I’m just sick of the numbness” he had said through gritted teeth, staring up at the ceiling defiantly, tears still falling down his cheeks. Not knowing what else to do, you had climbed onto the bed, curling up next to him and resting you head on his chest, listening to his heart beat.
“It’s you and me, like it has been forever”
“You and me” he had replied hoarsely.
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Physical therapy is a bitch, plain and simple.
As soon as Rhodey’s diagnosis came back, Tony had locked himself into his lab to create a machine that could help Rhodey, to provide his spine enough support to allow his legs to work again.
At first the idea had seemed bordering on impossible, but of course Tony had made a functional model in under a week, and had made several options by the time Rhodey was discharged from the hospital.
With help from a (very expensive) physical therapist, Rhodey began working on his core strength every day, his determination never swaying.
All the while he would be cracking jokes at the expense of Tony, and the three of you worked like nothing had changed - that was until he went to go and get something and remembered that he was essentially bedbound.
That first month was the worst. Once they were sure that using a wheelchair wouldn't further damage his spine, the nurses brought him one which Tony immediately replaced with one of his own creation. (Rhodey had said to you one night that he would’ve complained if the seat on Tony’s one wasn't so comfortable)
With his regained mobility, Rhodey had also found his smile again.
Of course, it still came with challenges.
Getting out of bed and into the chair was painful, and the choked groans he emitted as he moved were enough to make you tear up. That was nothing compared to the actual physical therapy, the initial exercises making him achy and resigned, the helplessness of his situation finally hitting him.
All the while you were there, reassuring (Tony called it bribing) him with words and kisses, your faith in him never wavering. You held his hand through every meeting, went with him to every appointment, listened to every piece of advice, all in the hope of making it easier for him.
His smile brightened when he was released from the hospital to the compound, Tony arranging a group of the top medical professionals to be in charge of his case.
“You two are sickening” Tony had said, walking in to a PT session where Rhodey was working on his core muscles, receiving a kiss from you every time he completed a rep, “I’m actually going to puke”
“Shut it Tones” Rhodey grinned, stealing another kiss, “I’m healing”
“I know you are boo bear, but could you two try to not fuck in my compound?”
You had snorted at this, turning around to fix Tony with a look.
“Really? You think that after all of our years of dating we never fucked under your roof?” You had sniggered, “Tony, we had sex in your apartment at college”
Tony had blanched, ears going red as Rhodey burst into laughter, running out of the room as he mumbled excuses about working on improvements in the lab.
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After months of physical training Rhodey finally received the green light to try the walking aid that Tony had made, the idea both exciting and terrifying to him.
The night before, as the two of you were lying in bed, he admitted his thoughts to you.
“What if this doesn’t work?” He whispered, hand brushing through your hair, “Tony’s so sure, but what if I’m stuck in the chair for the rest of my life”
You sighed heavily, cuddling closer to him.
“If it doesn’t work then nothing changes” you said eventually, “we still love each other, Tony is still an annoying little shit, you still get out of this bed every day. The only difference is that I’ll finally be taller than you”
He chuckled slightly, humming absentmindedly at your answer. You listened to his heartbeat as you waited for a response, the constant noise becoming incredibly comforting ever since his accident.
When he didn’t say anything else, you tilted your head up to look at him in the eyes, a small smile on your face.
“We’re gonna be okay James. You and me”
“You and me”
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Which is why as you stood at the end of the room, Rhodey standing up with his legs in robotic braces, you were crying.
Tony was walking by his side, ready to grab him in case he fell, laughing in spite of his wet eyes.
“You’re looking like bambi there” he teased, gesturing to Rhodey’s shaky legs.
“Yeah, well you try to walk with legs that don’t fucking move and tell me that you wouldn’t be shaking too” he bit back, a teasing tone in his voice, hands on the rails either side of him.
He looked up for a second, taking his eyes off of his feet to look at you, his composure almost breaking when he saw the tears cascading down your cheeks.
“Aw, shit y/n you can’t do that or I’m going to cry -“ he broke off as his voice gave out, as he forced the tears back down, “come here”
You broke off into a sob, rushing over to him and gently easing yourself into his arms, having the first upstanding hug with him in months.
The moment was seemingly too much for the both of you, as you each started to cry.
“Is this a couples moment or can I wiggle in on this one?” Tony asked, his voice betraying his tears.
“Get in here” you giggled, moving to the side slightly so that he could fit in.
The three of you stood there for what seemed like forever, silently crying with the knowledge that Rhodey was going to be okay.
In the back of your mind, you realised that this was all you needed. Your boys. Healthy and happy.
Tags:  @xxloki81xx  @geeksareunique  @bangtan-serendipity
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pacifv · 4 years
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all have witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat.
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Mun Name: Mik      Age: 26      Contact: IM, discord
Character(s) I rp: Eden ( in bleach ) -- I have other ocs but that’s another story Which muse(s) inspires you the most atm?(for MM): Eden... ? Current Fandom(s): Bleach , so far Fandom(s) you have an AU for:  more fantasy esque ones?  My language(s): spanish , english  Themes I’m interested in for rp:   Fantasy / Science fiction / Horror / Western / Romance / Thriller / Mystery / Dystopia / Adventure / Modern / Erotic / Crime / Mythology / Classic / History / Renaissance / Medieval / Ancient / War / Family / Politics / Religion / School / Adulthood / Childhood / Apocalyptic / Gods / Sport / Music / Science / Fights / Angst / Smut / Drama / etc. Themes/Genres you have an AU for: fantasy , religious
Preferred Thread length: one-liner / 1 para / 2 para / 3+ / novella. Asks can be send by: Mutuals / Non-Mutuals / Personals / Anons. Can Asks be continued?:   YES / NO   only by Mutuals?:  YES / NO. Preferred thread type: crack / casual nothing too deep / serious / deep as heck. Is realism / research important for you in certain themes?:   YES / NO. Are you atm open for new plots?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Do you handle your draft / ask - count well?:  YES / NO / SOMEWHAT. How long do you usually take to reply?:  24h / 1 week / 2 weeks / 3+ / months / years. I’m okay with interacting: original characters / a relative of my character (an oc) / duplicates / my fandom / crossovers / multi-muses / self-inserts / people with no AU verse for my fandom / canon-divergent portrayals / au-versions (as main or only verse). Do you post more ic or occ?:  IC / OOC. Are you selective with following others?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS.  
Best ways to approach you for rp/plotting:  IM since this is pretty much new . just slap me with that and if you have some ideas , better --- if not let just brainstorm with what we have in hand . 
What expectations do you hold towards your plotting partner:  some minimal idea of the context and eden’s character . some ideas if possible . more than often I have gotten people straight up jump with no clue of what even is going on in my side character wise . 
When you notice the plotting is rather one-sided, what do you do?:  depends , most likely really stop trying or let it sink . I’m not much of a person who would pressure for ideas when they don’t even come naturally for me in these kind of situations . 
How do you usually plot with others, do you give input or leave most work towards your partner?:  First of all , ask what they particularly want and if they read the bio . and of course , have their bio as well ( if oc or any relevant hc on vague canons ) . I am honestly a bit shy on the input but if I found a ground to start letting my imagination loose ( like , something in common between characters or something that clicks well with my muse ) I can suggest several things . but in any case , I’m pretty passive and it’s a lot of gives and takes . 
When a partner drops the thread, do you wish to know?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - And why?: depends on the thread , the time and the interest . things that go downtown in the excitement scale are :/  and I can’t blame anyone for dropping a thread . not all the time you will have muse for them , tho , if it was a relevant thread I would ask at least . - What should your partner do when dropping a thread?:  pretty much free to tell me or not . I’m no one to judge.
What could possibly lead you to drop a thread?:  losing muse , interest , time ... pretty much the same . feeling like my muse is going too OOC for the sake of the other muse or smth .  - Will you tell your partner?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS.
Is communication in the rpc important to you?   YES / NO. - And why?:  I am very old school and having some OOC interaction to at least know how things are going , it’s as much as I can ask here .  - Are you okay with absolute honesty, even if it may means hearing something negative about you and/or portrayal?:  I mean , I should . it can turn me off a bit but it’s just natural ? there’s no way something can be perfect or be of someone’s taste . plus I am not that smart to be fully aware of all the things around the motif and IRL information I use on my muse . I’m no book , buddy. - Do you think you can handle such situation in a mature way?  YES / NO.
Why do you rp again, is there a goal?:  development , exploring the muse , seeing what works and doesn’t work . often new blogs for me are basically prototypes , they are and will  most likely have minor or major modifications as my imagination starts working and getting excited . besides , in the basics , you can hardly manage to cover all ( if anything ) of how one’s muse would react to X situation .
Wishlist, be it plots or scenarios:  a lot of quincy lore , come up with more personal connections with other quincies , fully develop a backstory and a post war scenario . cultural exploration  --- relationships of all kinds . 
Themes I won’t ever rp / explore:  pretty much I am fine with anything as long as we don’t cross the gross line . but I’m not afraid of the dark .
What Type of Starters do you prefer / dislike, can’t work with?: absurdly basic and with no context given . not even have an idea of what is the deal between muses . I can squeeze my brain but there is as much as i can do with little information .
What type of characters catch your interest the most?:  quirky ones , conflictive ones , most likely muses with specific motifs that spark my interest -- deepness . Aesthetically interesting ones . but overall , those who have out of the normal personalities . 
What type of characters catch your interest the least?:  personalities that doesn’t work or do not harmonize with the context of their characters . that’s all I can say .
What are your strong aspects as rp partner?:  I am.... creative ? gdi I did this meme already but it’s hard to reply these two ones. I am easily excitable . if we end up in a ship , expect me to be pampering af . I really enjoy the exploration of relations between people , emotions and psychological stuff tied around it . I do like casual and also very deep things . I’m not afraid of dealing with heavy topics . I like horror ???? also I am very into the secondary character role , as in : my muse is here to help your muse to grow or insight . that stuff . not much of a protagonist role in RPs. 
What are your weak aspects as rp partner?: I’m .... very.... sporadic . My mood is annoying esp when I’m “new” blog around kind of thing . I’m shy , even if I don’t seem so --- I get pretty anxious over details . I am impatient --- with myself . I want to do so many things at the same time I end up overwhelmed . 
Do you rp smut?:  YES / NO. Do you prefer to go into detail?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Are you okay with black curtain?:  YES / NO. - When do you rp smut? More out of fun or character development?:  mmmmmmmmm , both. Depends on mood and context tbh . - Anything you would not want to rp there?:  nothing I can think from the top of my head.
Are ships important to you?:   YES / NO. Would you say your blog is ship-focused?:   YES / NO. Do you use read more?:  YES / NO / SOMETIMES. Are you: Multi-Ship / Single-Ship / Dual-Ship  —  Multiverse / Singleverse. - What do you love to explore the most in your ships?:  again , I’m big mood for interpersonal relationships ( romantic or not ) , the pros and cos of certain traits , ideology clash , personality clash , anything that comes in a relation that could make it come and go .  - What is your smut tag?: unholy.
Are you okay with pre-established relationships?: YES / NO. - And what kind of ones?: all are hella okay for me . pre- est is my jam bc jesus christ the awkward first encounters make me go blue screen .
- What could possibly make your Muse interesting towards others, why should they rp with this particular character of yours now, what possible plots do they offer?:  the fact she is basically a “religious fanatic” , with a quirky personality and a questionable morality , considering she has an inner conflict between the wellness of her race and her loyalty towards yhwach . At least pre war . post war , she has a flipped personality were she is mostly bitter and more angsty but will go from fanatic to straight up hater . 
- With what type of Muses do you usually struggle to rp with?:   bland personalities ? not sure myself , Eden is pretty much ready for anything since her personality is pretty laid back . I guess I would say shinigamis in general --- since she basically is stuck inside Silbern . - With what type of Muses do they usually work well with?:  Quincies , ofc . and people who are willing to put up with her crap .
- What interests your Muse(s) in general:  the prosperity of the quincy , doing a proper duty , order , tea , annoying the fuck out of people . being eerie ....  - What do they desire, is their goal?:  the ideal world as thought by Yhwach --- later on simply for her kind to survive after losing the war and being left to their luck . - What catches their interest first when meeting someone new?:  mmm , appearance  and reactions to her witty or narcisistic comments .  - What do they value in a person?:    loyalty , uniqueness . - What themes do they like talking about?:  most likely about the order of the army , tea stuff , herself (?) , but she is also a lot for debates and insight . - Which themes bore them?:  rebellious , silly thoughts . justice related topics . anything that critics her loyalty/life style . 
- Did they ever went through something traumatic?:  the first war was enough ? most likely losing comrades --- yhwach sacrificing the quincy for power later on .  - What could possibly trigger them?:  the simple sight of anyone laying a finger of the quincy for being against their views .   - What could set them off, enrage them?:  nothing. she cannot literally , physically get angry or enraged . but if we are talking bitter , that would be completely post war and it’s just the mention of yhwach’s name or those who went to god’s palace with him .  - What could lead to an instant kill?:  invasion of silbern , chaos . 
- Is there someone /-thing they hate?:  chaos , rebels , shinigami , anyone against the quincy . - Is there someone /-thing they love?:   her race , her pride , herself .
Is your Muse easy to approach?: YES / NO. - Best ways to approach them?:  just .... come to her and say hi . she is literally wandering around silbern all the time ( quincy speaking tho ) . for others , eh ... good luck . and wait post war (?) - Where are they usually to find?:  Silbern ... then Siberia . 
Something you may still want to point out about your muse?:  She is no saint , clearly . She has a questionable sense of things like loyalty and preservation of her race . she is honestly all over the place
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
Tagged by:  honestly stole from @skyvar​  Tagging:  no one in particular.
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nomadicbeard · 5 years
Hi! I saw on one of your posts you said that you used to be a stucky shipper. I actually started off as a stony shipper but then absolutely fell in love with stucky but I like both . I was just wondering what made you "jump ship" on stucky lol. Sorry if this comes across as annoying or anything im just curious!
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Hey! As you can see a couple of people have asked me this over the last couple of weeks and I’m really lazy and haven’t got around to responding yet, but the people deserve an answer so here we go. Before we start a quick disclaimer: I’ll only be talking about the ships themselves, not the communities or any of the discourse surrounding them. This is not a ship-bashing of any kind and please do not take it as such, it��s just my own personal experience surrounding these characters and these relationships. 
 Buckle your seatbelts kids, this is a long one.
I first got into Marvel c. 2015. I’m European so I’d never really watched any marvel movies before that, I watched Age of Ultron on a plane and remember being vaguely aware the Steve/Tony was a thing (what is pretty interesting is that to this day I have no clue where that knowledge came from) but was mostly just excited by the superhero stuff. I then got home and watched The Winter Soldier and fell in love. I love the Winter Soldier, it’s probably still one of my favourite marvel movies (it got kicked out of its top spot by Black Panther last year unfortunately) and to me no other marvel movie could hold a torch to it at the time. So I came onto tumblr, searched up The Winter Soldier and was just inundated with Stucky stuff, as expected. I rolled with it, got invested just from constant exposure (it was also around the height of the Stucky ship) and as far as I was concerned, that was that. I was super into Stucky for almost six months and was pretty much your average shipper, I didn’t understand stevetony, loved Steve Rogers, was close to creating a Stucky sideblog wit some ridiculous pun as my username, I was gone over this ship.
Then one day, I sat down and read the man on the bridge by boopboop on ao3. You’ve almost definitely heard of it, but it was the most popular fic in the Steve/Bucky tag on ao3 at the time (for some reason I had just never got around to reading it until then, it was long and I didn’t have the stamina I have now). It was your pretty standard Stucky fic, Steve gets Bucky back, they have to deal with his trauma which results in Steve and Bucky declaring their long lost love for each other etc. etc. What was different about this fic, was that it was all told from Tony’s point of view, and since Steve and Tony were on the same team at that point, their dynamic was a huge part of the fic. And I found myself falling completely in love with Steve and Tony’s dynamic. I went back to the fic for this post (and god it is a good fic) and pulled up the first couple of chapters and instantly just found so many instances of that dynamic
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(grade A stevetony arguing over each other’s safety with a side of flirting from Tony)
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(Idk why but the image of Steve and Tony not going to sleep, but rather staying up and brewing coffee together was such a vivid one when I first read this fic, I still remember it to this day. )
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(Tony picking Steve flowers while trying to desperately play off that he didn’t aka. Tony caring while trying desperately not to care)
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(Everyone knowing that Steve would definitely come to Tony, apart from Tony himself.)
Now obviously, this is a stucky fic and I went into it knowing this, but I found when Steve and Bucky finally got together I felt honestly a bit bored, a bit cheated. I had no idea why at the time. I remember very clearly x-ing out of the fic at the end and feeling really uneasy, I came onto tumblr, went straight back into the Stucky tag and all was well.
When I next went back onto ao3, I started out with a couple of oneshots in the Stucky tag, but for some reason it wasn’t working for me anymore. I remember sitting there, a little bored, not at all invested in this relationship and just missing something. I figured I was probably missing Tony’s presence in the fic and so filtered in Tony Stark’s character tag. I read a few of those and all was well but I realised the same thing was happening as had happened in man on the bridge, the moment that Steve and Bucky got together, the fic lost something for me. Desperate at this point, and a little annoyed at myself I conducted an experiment and went into the Steve/Tony tag on Ao3 and as they say, the rest is history. If you go onto older posts on my main blog there’s a pretty drastic, almost overnight shift c. January 2016. I have to admit, I expected Civil War to be a conversion so I enjoyed stevetony without consequence for five months, while still labelling myself as a Stucky shipper because I expected to be pulled back to Stucky after civil war, the reality was that somehow I came out of civil war shipping stevetony harder than ever before. From there, I spent two years reading my way through the stevetony tag on ao3 and finally set up this blog in 2018, with a really obscure reference as my username and it’s been stevetony til I die ever since.
I just couldn’t read Stucky anymore. That’s what I mean when I say on this blog that stevetony has ruined me for every other ship, because it has. Steve and Tony’s firecracker dynamic pulled me away from what was fast on its way to becoming my favourite ship in 2015, all because they had a bit of banter on the side in a fic. It’s kind of depressing really, the sort of hold that Steve and Tony’s dynamic has over me, 
It’s strange you say you fell in love with Stucky, I fell absolutely out of love with it. I have thought a lot about how I ended up falling into stevetony and why I was so drawn to them instead of Stucky in the first place and I think it all comes down the the story itself. To me, Steve and Bucky’s relationship carries much more weight as a friendship, I still have no doubt that Bucky is one of if not the most important person in Steve’s life, but having that be a lifelong friendship is way more powerful and impactful to me, (especially since what I know I misconstrued to be Steve’s obsession with Bucky is actually Steve’s obsession over the past. I’m not saying Bucky isn’t dear to Steve and he does want to obviously rescue him, but looking back on it there’s more to Steve’s obsession with Bucky than just love, it’s a fear of change and it’s him desperately trying to hold onto a past that’s gone.)
Conversely, I feel like adding a romantic element to Steve and Tony’s relationship enriches the story being told, if you look at something like civil war (either MCU or 616 tbh) in the context of Tony being desperately in love with Steve, it makes a lot more sense, especially with things like The Confession in 616 or the stuff brought up in that strange conversation in the conference room in the MCU. There’s lines from Steve like “I’m home/you gave me a home” or even straight up “he loved you” and his tormented behaviour throughout infinity war and endgame that just really makes you wonder, not to mention lines from others like “you two still gazing into each other’s eyes/sounds like both of you got into bed with the wrong people” and they did have to share a bed at Clint’s farm after all lol. The tragedy of their story is heightened if you look at it through the context of them being absolutely in love with each other, just never having actually got around to telling it to each other’s faces. This tragedy is heavily implied in The Oath/The Confession in 616 when they confess their deepest darkest secrets to the other’s comatose/dead bodies, and apparently it’s always been that they love the other person. Actually you could easily introduce a romantic element by making relatively few changes to the MCU, but that’s a post for another time (I have a long and comprehensive list in my notes app on how little you actually need to change to make that happen, it’s literally the matter of a few lines of dialogue and one major story change at the end of IM3, an interesting thought exercise to say the least).
Finally, there’s a quote that came up on my dash the day I made that fateful venture into the ao3 stevetony tag, “your soulmate isn’t someone who comes peacefully into your life. It is someone who makes you question things, changed your reality, somebody that marks a before and after in your life. It is not the human being everyone idealized, but an ordinary person, who managed to revolutionize your world in a second” to this day, it resonates so strongly with me about stevetony. It’s everything I love about this ship just compressed into a quote. 
So yeah it was basically a bunch of happy coincidences, but thank god it happened. As a writer, stevetony has taught me so much about character and dynamic, stuff that is honestly invaluable. When you have long fics that basically detail the day by day life of Steve and Tony post-civil war in rural Italy and consists of them sleeping, crying and working through their repressed feelings (looking at you @silkspectred ), it is the characters and their unique dynamic that drive the entirety of the story. Steve and Tony, in the hands of a compelling writer, can keep me hooked over a frankly embarrassing number of words. I still have a bit of a special place for Stucky in my heart really, it did start me out in marvel after all and it was one of my first ever ships, but your first love is only so good until you meet your true love, not to get all sappy but stevetony has completely destroyed my ability to ship anything else. I might get a bit flirtatious with some other ships, like sambucky (I still love Bucky, and I love Sam!), or the riverdale ships (beronica and jarchie or bust), or even the game of thrones crack ships (daensa til the day we die), but I’ll always come back to stevetony.
So yeah this escalated into a far longer post than I intended to make but I’ve never really spelled out on this blog how or why I ended up jumping Stucky to Stony when I know it’s usually the other way around. I guess it just comes down to stevetony catching me out when I least expected it, and never having let go of me since. 
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kcllmongers · 5 years
We putting in our 2 cents? Hold my beer. 
I come in peace. I want to have a genuine conversation with anyone who wants to agree or disagree because of well...growth lmao. I’m not going to rant or shade. There’s two things I want to talk about. 
1) Why do y’all care so much about this bitch who plays multiple characters (when you niggas do the same. don’t front) 
2) Why not take advantage of this thing called a delete button? 
First thing’s first. We can’t talk about niggas being sensitive when y’all sensitive y’allselves. It’s just a different type of sensitive. Not the delete and post unfollow but the “I’ma rant in my mentions all day” sensitive. Hate to break it to you but that’s being sensitive. You are responding passionately to someone’s comment on you, your development or you’re expressing how you feel about something. Shit I'm being sensitive rn because I really could've kept my mouth shut but I have feelings about stuff. 
Tumblr media
Dipping after causing a mess is being sensitive because well, like many pointed out, you caused it and knew what you were doing so don’t post your unfollow after causing a disturbance. Fuck it and move on, tf? You thought exposing IMs, calling someone ugly, saying you’re slap them all of that WOULDN’T cause a problem? People pick out these FCs and go into this with failing muse already after the first week and it doesn’t help when someone wants to randomly slap you or if you’re called ugly. Personally? I’d laugh and move on but some people are different and you can't be mad at that. Just like we learned and grew from our experiences, we need to let the new comers do that. If you got some dope plots, good development, and having fun then fuck the sensitive bitches you’re talking about and keep it pushing. 
Let me skip to number 2. This is all fake, which we can all agree. This community started as an escape for alot of people and still is. We’re grown now. You’d think with bills, rent, jobs and now new relationships we know how to handle things like adults. The only person controlling your good time is YOU. I’ve stopped giving a fuck what people say about my characters, to my characters on anon because this is all fake. I’m not really the person I’m playing and I have a slim understanding of the whole I  “I'm working hard to play this so the anons are annoying” shit but none of that will matter come the next rp. And if you get that discouraging anon. DELETE IT. You literally have the power to delete the hate and to make them feel small. Turn off your anons, ignore it. I’ve enjoyed my time in rps way more when I don’t respond to anons even if it’s with a funny comeback, meme, gif or whatever. But you know the minute you answer 1 of them hoes, 5 more come up so why continue to do pay pussy bitches any mind? Why make the admins mad when they tell you to stop posting them? I wish I could delete racism, homophobia, colorists, slut shaming, rapists, murderers, shit I want to delete the president of this here country but the beauty of this community is that you can literally come here and delete the toxicity away. Be somebody different and not you. But you niggas choose not to and say people are ‘ruining’ things. No. No one is forcing you to answer or do anything you don’t want to. We have full control of these keyboards and if you get a hate anon? Fuck em and keep doing you sis. Period. Now, going into number 1. This is long so strap in.
I said the only person controlling your good time is YOU. This is an anonymous platform all around. Its not just that anon button. On Tumblr you can have real blogs with your face but in an rp realm its your fave as your avi correct? In WC its your fave correct? Fake aliases and all sis. I’ve been on the phone with some people a few times and there’s only ONE person who’s ever seen my face in the 8 years I've been doing this and ive seen theirs. Now, many of you are closer and know names, locations and all of that. That’s cool and fine but some people don’t want to do that. But even then, how do you really know who is who with all these FCs and platforms? Because your friend said so? That don’t mean shit. It’s scary and it’s even scarier when maybe you’re surrounded by the same bitch in different FCs but stressing out over this person who does this is just a waste of your time and has to be the biggest downfall in this community since that shitty ass blackout that nobody took seriously. Good times but it wasn't hard to figure out photoshop. Anyways. Everyone has their assumptions and honestly who knows the truth? What are we looking at. Typing patterns? plot similarities? FC usages? I mean come on. This is the most vague evidence ever and I know niggas were full of shit when they were saying who this bitch was turns out it wasn’t even them. I knew niggas were full of shit when at point I heard my character was apparently this bitch and it’s just like...naw lmao. My limit might be TWO and honestly I only get the second if it’s a FC I really wanted and eventually the other one dies off but talking to myself? Smutting with myself? 3 WCs? It makes me chuckle at the thought of people thinking I even had the time. I don’t even want to talk to other people sometimes and you think I’m going back and forth between a computer/phone or whatever to do that? Nobody knows me but if y’all did it would be laughable too. I’m so god damn lazy it’s not even funny but listen if there’s a bitch that does that in this community...let them. What does that have to do with you? They’re ruining your development? Your good time? WRONG. 
 Worry about you. Your character and your shit is all that should matter so you can take pride in it when you’re done. Not the hours spent figuring out who is who. You could be thinking its the bitch and it’s actually one of your friends and Ive seen it happen. So what it’s the same plots? People develop differently. We still got CBs with anger problems, Dave Easts who move bricks, Rihannas who don’t drop music or act boujee as hell, Saweeties who act ghetto and so on. Y’all FCs act exactly how they usually do ooc and no one bats an eyelash until it’s someone they don’t know doing it. We all based our characters on real like shit they doing. It’s why we choose the characters because of their resources and development. Same with playing multiple characters. I’ve watched y’all sit and pick out MULTIPLE FCs for new rps but nooooooooooooooooooo let’s blow the sirens for this one girl who’s single handedly bringing down he community right? You’re blaming the downfall on ONE person at this point and it’s laughable because who’s at fault for this shit right now? And don’t say sensitive people because we just spoke about this lmao.
And honestly, if this bitch is that irritating. And you feel it in your core that it’s her. Just tell them straight up. I've done it. I get word that it’s most likely them, they do some funny shit and I dead it. Open our plot, cut off connections. Nope. It’s just not me and with the stories I can’t be bothered with he mess. It’s that easy. you literally have the power at your finger tips to better this community by deleting anons, blocking the bitches you can’t trust and just simply telling someone no. But you guys choose to entertain anons or the people in your IMs asking for smut then go to WC and complain. Your next IM shouldn't be sliding into the pussy or on the dick but should be “I'm good luv, enjoy” they’ll get the message. If not, use your words and say you don’t want to. I’ve done it and it was smooth sailing. But you keep replying and actually fuck???????? But still complain?????? 
In conclusion, I feel like we all play a part in how this community is right now. It’s not just one bitch, it’s not just a group of people. It’s not the sensitivity. It’s everyone. It was me at one point trail blazing through the tags. I owned up to it. But I really just chill and rock with something until it dies. There’s a person that hates this blog, I know they hate this blog because we butted heads and turns out they’re my favorite person I’ve ever got the chance to plot and connect with. And I wanted to tell them I was the blog but it just goes to show shit can run smoothly even when people have different opinions. I don’t agree with alot of shit but ranting, anons and all of that won’t do anything. It’ll just leave a bad taste in the tag. 
SO. With that being said, I open the floor to any disagreements. Agreements? Wanna discuss something you didn’t like? Let’s have a conversation rather than yell at eachother. It just makes everyone mad. 
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musgo · 5 years
5 6 19
thank you so much for sending sdcjnskjdn i uhhhh recorded all of these basically immediately after you sent them but then i listened back and felt like i suonded so annoying and went on too long and my pronunciation wasnt very clear so i postponed posting them sdjnvdjs i decided to transcribe what i said (under read more) cause that makes me feel better abt it. 
5. I’ll talk about what I did today
6. I’ll talk about something I’m obsessed with/currently interested in
https://vocaroo.com/i/s0iLq52dlB1y  (the very good video i talk about: https://youtu.be/-6lMD9h_ix4)
19. I’ll talk about something I’m proud of
https://vocaroo.com/i/s0lPPvmwbvbI this ones the most ebarassing cause i decided to have fun and try switching to my alternative, vaguely british-inspired “accent”,,,, also the cohesion ... she just wasnt there.
5. today i went to college. i was really late and i missed the first class. i only attended one class today, cause i only have two classes per day rn - thats definitely gonna change next semester but anyway - the class was really good, the subject is Introduction to Literary Studies (i took a while cause i had to translate it from portuguese) but um yeah the class was about why humans create fiction. why humans.. you know.. how humans...... Human Nature is such that we are unsatisfied with reality and we create other lives and other experiences through fiction. and it’s not necessarily that we don’t like our reality, it could just be that it’s not enough; like, you could rly like your reality but you still have an innate, like.. NEED for experiencing Other Things that you couldnt in your own life. thats basically what the argument was, it was really interesting. and i rly like the teacher, she’s rly cool. so after that class i just had some lunch DELICIOUS the food in my college is so good ugh i love it so much and it’s just 2 reais for         for lunch when you’re a student there and it’s so good i’m.. ugh it’s the best part of college        cause its rly rly rly cheap for us students and it’s really good like It didnt even have to be that good cause it’s so cheap but it’s REALLY GOOD hh     um... yeah i love it  AND THEN after having lunch i went to the library which is a luh--another thing i rly like about my college cause  it’s the biggest library in my university.   so.. i study in the universtiy of são paulo which is one of the biggest universities in brasil .... so.. the campus is like rly huge and .. [i realized i was just explaining what a university is fsr?????? ]  uhhhh yeah i went to my library. [????? MY LIBRARY??? i dont own a library.] and i love my library theres like. i love to just walk around and see.    The Books cause theres like.. so such interesting books. and like books in so many languages... ugh it’s amazing so i went there to actually find some english learning books and i did , cause im trying to teach my sister english andt..    yeah i found this session-- Section. where theres all these    language learning books so theres like             a couple shelves that are like just english learning books and then theres a shelf thats just like japanese learning and then a couple shelves for russian   thens ome korean  some frickin SANSKRIT  latin ancient greek just everything . theeres also like indigenous south american languages which i was really happy to see and im definitely gonna check that out eventually but for today i just took the english ones cause ..  yeah i cant really  i dont really that much time and everyone for all that right now with college ..     AND THEN the rest of my day was that i left my phone!! cause i went to take the bus and  i left my pjhone on the bus stop.      i feel like my entonation is really annoying right now but yeah.. so yeah i left my phone on the bus stop and i was so scared.  i went back to the bus stop    got off the bus [wrong order] and it wasnt there , i went in the building - my college has 3 buildings for the different courses - i went in one of them cause i assumed it would be there because it was the closest to the bus stop so if somebody found my phone on the bus stop they wouldve taken it there and  left it there with the recepcionist or whatever so i went there and it wasnt there so iwas like “oh no its not here . maybe i left it in the bus instead of the bus stop and i just didnt notcie that it like fell from my pocket or sth.” so i took the bus again and went to the terminal which is where it would be if somebody found it in the bus and gave it to someone responsible for that stuff. but it obviously wasnt there. so i went home, very sad, This whole thing lasted like 2 hours and then its like over an hour for me to come home from college cause yk i live in a neighbouring city which is pretty close but its still an hour to an hour and a half everyday to go and ..... to go to and fro. is that how you say that expression idk . ...    and then when i got home!!!! i wnt in the facebook group of my college [course] to see if somebofy had posted something about a lost phone and Yes They Had they posted a photo of my phone and i was like oh thank god so im gonna get it back tomorrow. now im home im looking at my cat. occasionally looking after my nephews and my niece. and thats my day
6. i was sitting here thinking.. trying to think of something   and i remembered that--..............   Cause its rly hard for me to answer these questions where itsj ust one thing and i just..................          i just draw a blank whenever i get these questions but im just gonna say something that happened recently cause it was like : yesterday i found this video on youtube of a    an .. anemone? Swimming     like this starfish touches it and it like Changes Form it Elongates and just starts shaking to like get away. and its amazing it reminded me of how much i like Cnidarians(????)  the phylum .  the group of animals that includes jellyfish and corals, basically.   its just so cool like they alternate like one of the.... oh my gosh my house is so loud uhh...       yeah they like its really crazy i dont actually know a lot about it but i just think its so cool like the corals .. they.. reproduce.. and like.. their offspring sometimes is A Jellyfish . and then the Jellyfish sometimes produce Corals.   cause you look at the two things and they dont rly look that similar but they Are basically one and the same, and theyre Animals both of them just the same.  theyre just like inverted when you think about. its really cool and i didnt know that corals could MOVE like that just Get Out like... DeTach . from their thing and just start Swimming!! i had no idea that was a thing but yeah basically something that im obsessed with is um animals like that. the animals that arent chordates. so like sponges, cnidarians,  frickin ummmm echinoderms. You Can look at My Tags Page i have that stuff listed. i love it cause its so fun when you think about how theyre animals so theyre like closer to us structurally and cellularly than to other things.
19. you know. when people are mad at me for doing something not as fast as one possibly could or somethin like not understanding what they said or doing something a little bit wrong like following instructions a little wrong and you know when its not rly that important and people get mad and me for that and stuff.. i just.. i feel really happy that i'm not like that. cause i feel like most people around me.. they ARE like that like they just get so mad.. they allow themselves to get so mad about small things.. and i dont know i like that im pretty patient and i dont mind having to wait or to instruct someone a few times and correct them until they get it right and teach them and... all that. i dont know like i feel like.. idk im proud of myself for not like picking fights and getting mad at people for things that dont rly matter cause.. idk people around me do that a lot it makes me rly sad like... idk thats something i like abt myself i think i can like I'll feel angry sometimes and dont get me wrong anger is very necessary and its a very good thing when it is like... whats that word? its like... freakin.. deserved [i think the word i was looking for is "warranted"] like be angry at freakin capitalism or sth freakin racism you know set people on fire for that kinda stuff. but for small things on daily life i think people let it get to them too easily. and just create.. idk. it makes me sad so im happy that i dont have a lot of these impulses in these situations and when i do feel peeved from something petty im able to hold back cause im like.. its not worth it its just... this is so small. i'm.... you know? its not worht it.
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sonq-minqi · 5 years
50 questions tag
tagged by: @whoayoung thanks dude!
1. What takes up too much of your time? drawing
2. What makes your day better?
3. What’s the best thing that happened you today?
4. What fictional place would you like to go? Hmmmm idk
5. Are you good at giving advice? I like giving it but its probably pretty bad
6. Do you have any mental illness? Not that i know of
7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? nope
8. What musician inspired you the most? Mingi because 1: i just wanna draw him all day and 2: honestly falling in love with him so completely during kq fellaz era and seeing him barefaced really made me realize that if i  can think hes a beautiful angel with his acne scars that i can think the same thing about myself and yeah. Self confidence i guess lmao
9. Have you ever fallen in love? Hm maybe lowkey
10. What’s your dream date? If it was first date maybe something like going to a movie or lunch kind of thing. If it was after ive been in the relationship for a while just chilling together and cuddling would be nice lol
11. What do others notice about you? Maybe that i read a lot? That i have no filter? idk
12. What is the annoying habit you have? Picking at the skin on my fingers
13. Do you still talk to your first love? Yeah theyre still one of my best friends
14. How many ex’s do you have? 0
15. How many songs are on your playlist? 375
16. What instruments can you play? I used to do piano
17. Who do you have the most pictures of? Ravi. i used to have 3000+ photos of him save don my phone but now i only have around 1500
18. Where would you like to go before you die? antartica
19. What is your zodiac? aries
20. Do you relate to it? Generally yes
21. What is happiness to you? Not really sure what this question is asking exactly, but for me, what makes me happy is art and when ur chilling with ur friend and they make some innocuous comment and you say something vaguely funny back and they just absolutely piss themselves laughing
22. Are you going through anything right now? Not really
23. What’s the worst decision you’ve ever made? Idk ive made many bad decisions in my life but none so hideous that they immediately stand out
24. What’s your favorite store? The produce store near my house because oreos are 3 dollars and instant noodles are seventy cents
25. What’s your opinion on abortion? Do what you want folks
26. Do you keep a bucket list? nope
27. Do you have a favorite album at the moment? Hmm maybe The Dream Chapter : Star?
28. What do you want for your birthday? My birthday just passed so i know what im getting but a carbon fibre dragon boat paddle!
29. What are most peoples first impressions of you? A lot of my friends say they thought i was kind of intimidating and mean?? Im pretty blunt most of the time so i can kind of see it
30. What age do you seem according to most people? Idk people dont generally comment on my age
31. Where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping? Under my pillow because i want brain cancer if my tenth grade science teacher has accurate information
32. What word do you say the most? Probably like
33. What’s the oldest age you would date? I dont think i would date someone who’s not the same age at this point tbh
34. What’s the youngest age you would date? ^^
35. What job/career do most people say would suit you? artist
36. What’s your favorite music genre? Ill be honest i still dont know what kinds of music go into which genres
37. If you could live in any country in the world where would it be? If i knew japanese, japan. As it is though, probably amsterdam or the usa
38. What is your current favorite song? Whenever by SBFive
39. How long have you had this blog for? 1 year
40. What are you excited for? To hang out with my friend tmrw
41. Are you a better talker or listener? Talker maybe? Neither is the correct answer probably though
42. What is the last productive thing you did? Working on an art project for school as i type this
43. What do you want for Christmas? Some pants cause i only have one pair that i wear outside the house at this point
44. What class do you get the best grades in? animation
45. On a scale from 1-10, how are you feeling right now? 8 not bad but not awesome
46. What can you see yourself doing in 10 years? No fucking clue
47. When did you get your first heart broken? never
48. At what age do you want to get married? I cant really imagine myself being married tbh
49. What career did you want to have as a child? veterinarian
50. What do you crave now? Some milk but the milk at my house right now is a month old so i m scared to drink it
tagging: @ateezartblog @emotiadouche @softmingis @gothicmingi @hongjooong @sug-er
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megatraven · 6 years
honestly all this stupid fandom shipping war bullshit has forced me to unfollow you. some people arent going to like or agree with your ships and thats not them “disrespecting” it. its a fucking kids show. chlonette is a stretch and honestly its really annoying when all you talk about is other people “hating” your ships. stop making vague callout posts for no one in particular just because you want to rant about some dumb ship about KIDS. grow up
now that im on my laptop i can respond accordingly, under the cut tho so ppl don’t have to read if they don’t want to:
good riddance
i don’t want somebody like you who can’t just unfollow quietly following me
because you did it on anon, you’re now a nameless face out of 3890 people, and i really can’t bring myself to care about you or your absence
did i ever say chlonette wasn’t a stretch???? have i even fucking talked about it today???? yesterday??????
no, i fucking didn’t, so get your head out of your ass, pal, it’s not a fucking hat
i talk about people hating my ships because they do hate them. they go in the tags with shit like
“never let chloe kiss chat noir again, it’s gross”
“chloe is a bully and will never get better and shipping her with marinette is pairing an abuser and their victim”
“alya and marinette are only friends, girls are allowed to be just friends, why does everything have to be gay?”
“please let chat and chloe’s kiss have been a joke”
so yeah, maybe I get a little worked up over seeing the ships i love constantly shit upon by people who don’t know how to keep their shit out of the tags (or even want to put them in there so people can see how special they think they are)
and bitch i’ll make all the vague callout posts I want to, im allowed to, this is my fucking blog
if people don’t like it, i’m not telling them they have to stay. i even often remind people that it’s ok to unfollow me if they want to. because i know some people get anxious over it, or think i’ll notice, when in truth, i care about people’s comfort more than anything
i tag everything appropriately
discourse? salt? negativity? ships? characters?
i tag it all
nobody has to see anything they don’t want to see on my blog. if you can’t take  control of the situation and unfollow, block me, or block the tags i use, then that’s your problem, not mine
and if i happen to forget to tag, or don’t tag something someone does need tagged, i literally mention in my blog desc to tell me so i can do that
you say i’m the one that needs to grow up?
well at least im more of a fucking adult than you’ll ever be
have a good life, asshole
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
hello!! i am back and on desktop this time. the blog is just as pretty. alex + yellow = v v attractive jfc. this is a long one so buckle in.
to begin: i hope you have the most fun on your day road trip and sing your heart out to atl and taylor swift. i love driving long distances and idk just driving in general is fun. have the absolute best time MWAH
my birthday is in november!! november 23 to be specific. i share it with miley cyrus which is something i always found to be very cool when i was growing up and watching hannah montana. it also means i am a sagittarius and funny little fact i realized is that my best friend is a gemini. alex and jack are also a sagittarius and a gemini. from being 13 i know that tyler and josh from twenty one pilots are also a sagittarius and a gemini. something about sagittarius and gemini besties idk.
also yeah!! ao3 year in review!! it's a bit complicated to figure out at first and if you read a lot the finding pages thing can be pretty tedious, but it's def worth it once you figure it out. it gives you a lot of different stats about everything you read and it's pretty cool. now i am going to go look at your fics to remember my favs. you deserve the praise so i am willing to offer it. jeez you write a lot i respect the motivation sm. you write quite a bit of angst and i won't lie i try to stay away from angst so i haven't read your fics that seem super angst-y based on the tags. BUT there are still so many i recall reading and loving nonetheless. on a quick scroll-through: i usually don't read high school AUs but "paint me in trust (i'll be your best friend)" was super adorable and lovely. "thank god i'm yours" is one of my favs iirc. also i love love love "it's not always easy (but i'm here forever)" like yes please romanticize alex gaskarth i love it sm. "i won't be silent (and i won't let go)" and "i fell asleep in a city that doesn't" are both super fluffy and romantic and are favs of mine. in case you haven't picked up on it i adore very fluffy and romantic fics lmao. alright i am continuing to scroll and there are so many more i could list that i love but this section is getting quite long. just know if it's about a kitchen or hotel rooms being for lovers i probably read it and adored it and that pov is so valid.
waterparks!! will not lie i only really started listening to them about 6 months ago having been distantly aware of their existence for several years by being a fan of bands in the same genre. listen as long as you let yourself be vaguely annoyed by awsten is prevents you from being in love with him. follow him on any social media platform for like a day and you'll be sick of him typing in nothing but all caps within hours. simply do not romanticize him and you can keep yourself from falling!! so this is coming from a slightly fake parx fan, but some of my favs by them have been peach (lobotomy), crave, numb, fuzzy, violet!, you'd be paranoid too, and lowkey as hell. that is a very songs-from-their-most-recent-album-heavy rec, but whatever. i did give the disclaimer about being a fake parx fan.
yeah hayley does have 2 solo albums now!! petals for armor and flowers for vases / descansos. pfa is the one i didn't really like upon first listen but has grown on me. i haven't even listened to the second one in its entirety oops but we won't mention it. dead horse is good but simmer (pretty sure that was the other single??) just ain't it for me. the album has some lovely songs but it's just a hit or miss album all the way through. some favs of mine on it include pure love, taken, crystal clear, watch me while i bloom, and why we ever. it's sorta a storyline album about healing if that adds anything to it?? but anyways. i started listening to paramore around the time after laughter dropped and it grew to be one of my fav albums in existence. idle worship is probably one of my fav songs like ever. i def understand being slightly put off by bands with songs that make religious references (me with twenty one pilots' earlier music that makes a lot more religious references considering i'm not religious whatsoever) but i think i am blinded by being in love with hayley williams and just ignore it. idk that she's like super religious?? she's addressed believing in god and stuff a few times but she's def not the "rub it in your face" type and if she's making refs in music more recently then they're subtle enough i'm not noticing them. ik albums like brand new eyes had a lot more because it was shortly after that the band split and the songwriting process was essentially her and ex-bandmate co-songwriter arguing about their religious beliefs (turns out he ended up being super homophobic and transphobic all based on his religion so do with that what u will and thank the clown for leaving). i feel u on the "i meant to start listening to them" because that's essentially how i started listening to them. i told myself i was going to and then finally forced myself to do it. fuck falling for awsten knight what's more risky is falling in love with hayley </3
also yeah!! you've articulated my feelings towards tde. every song is so vastly different that it's hard to like it all. #1 fan is pretty decent though, and that's not just my bias about finding both ross and his gf hot and a cute couple and getting to see them together and ross half naked in a mirror in the video nope not at all. he's my fav himbo!! he has no personality!! no thoughts head empty!! i still love him and his strawberry-growing saga on twitter tho <3 the hazard of being in love with ross lynch since i was 12. girlfriend better be a fucking banger and there's quite a few already released singles in the tracklist so i have hope. i believe my show is in chicago on november 19 which is a thursday. kinda sucks since i intentionally bought the chicago tix nearly two years ago (the show was originally supposed to be april 25 2020. lol.) because the show was on a saturday and i have to drive 3 hours to get there. obviously i can't speak for them as tde but r5 shows always fucking slapped and i can vouch for them (realized i haven't seem them live since 2016?? 5 YEARS?? wtf) so if u genuinely like them. would recommend going to see them.
anyways. i have not listened to luke's solo album yet. i plan on it. this has gotten so long but i tried to respond in all areas and even organized it in different paragraphs this time (thanks being on desktop!!). hope you are well. hope you have a lovely day. hmm what's a little "going on in my life" fact. i got new glasses a few days ago and my eyes essentially said fuck off because adjusting to the new prescription has left me with eyes that hurt and occasionally slightly nauseous. here is to hoping my eyes get their shit together. mwah LOVE YOU TOO - the other bella/cubs anon/idk
okay hi hello. i have put this off because holy hell it's long but let's do it. i am putting a cut because this whole thing is long even without my answer
first: the road trip was super fun thank you!!! i am intrigued by this information regarding sags and geminis, we should do some scientific inquiry. enquiry. i don't know if there's a difference between those words.
aha! well i tried the ao3 year in review thing and i would say it had about 55% accuracy but still i agree it's fun to look back at that kind of stuff. and i feel you on the angst thing i go through phases of writing angst-heavy stuff and then writing very fluffy stuff and it is entirely based on my mental state buuuut i have lots of fluff and i'm glad you found it all and that you liked it yay <333 KITCHENS ARE FOR LOVERS i will die on that fuckin hill. hotel rooms as well but primarily kitchens.
dfgjhgdlfkhgdfmj honestly i dont use twitter enough that i would see his tweets enough that that would bother me also the fact that he tweets in all caps means that i just picture him yelling everything he tweets which i find absolutely hysterical so i don't think that would help. i have added these parx songs to my listen asap playlist and will get to them when i get a chance thank you i am excited also i already know lowkey as hell and it slaps super hard so im very much lookin forward to the rest of these. merci merci
YEAH simmer was the one i didnt vibe with. and honestly i feel zero compulsion to get into hayley williams as a solo artist. i just don't vibe enough to want to do that so i doubt i'll be listening to her anytime soon but maybe if i hear the songs in passing or get super bored one night, idk who can really say. but yeah christianity typically puts me off of music (speaking as a very jewish bitch) although there are notable exceptions in the cases of thomas rhett and the driver era. i'm just not attached to hayley enough to be like ehhh this doesnt matter. does that make sense
FAVORITE HIMBO PLEASE HGSDFGDFGKLFGJ i dont follow him on twitter but i have seen some interviews of ross and rocky and tbh they're great i love the way ross speaks like i like his speech mannerisms and i like his FACE and HAIR and. yeah. i think hes pretty. and i think he and 5sos SHOULD collab i think that would be sexy as hell. can you imagine that. oh my god can you imagine a ross lynch/luke hemmings collab. i'm not even really talking to you anymore bella because i know you haven't listened to luke yet and don't have a stake in it but if anyone else is reading this long ass answer. ross & luke collab. okay im going to move on and not think about that now. but i probably won't see tde unless i get a job this semester because i'm trying to stop spending so much money on big indulgent things like concerts likeee i was in a really good habit of not spending that much and then suddenly i got paid for one summer and i was just goin Crazy and i need to dial it back. plus i wanna see ajr and noah kahan equally bad so like. i have to make some calls about priorities here. it's Much to think about
good luck to your eyes i'm sure your new glasses are hella cute tho!!! LOVE YOUUUUUUU
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allcatsaregreyt · 6 years
Sollux Captor - Today at 4:47 AM
[TA began trolling CA!] @Eri Ampora TA: hey, i know you really don't want to talk to me right now, and reflecting on everything, i can't say i blame you in the fucking slightest. TA: you don't have to respond to me TA: but TA: uh TA: please dont block me yet TA: because there's a lot a want to tell you and itll take a few messages to do it TA: afterwards ill leave you alone
Eri Ampora - Today at 4:49 AM
[There's no response. But there's no idle message.]
Sollux Captor - Today at 5:59 AM
TA: when i met you, you were just this fun guy who memed the appropriate amount to be unserious and likeable, and you were fun to mess with too. just. a really fun person to be around. i really wanted someone like that around in my life, you know? TA: the pitch crush i gained on you should have really stayed just a crush, because outside of playful banter and memes, our relationship didn't really have much foundation. you weren't ready yet, and i wanted more out of you than you were ever willing to give me. TA: you started getting flush for me while i started getting pale for you because the more i learned about you, the more i started to pity you. the more i wanted to help you. TA: i wanted to fix you. TA: what an arrogant thought, right? TA: but i never thought of you as a project or a puzzle, i always thought of you as a person, my partner, someone hurting that i wanted to see heal. i wanted to be the one who could help you get there. TA: but, well. i'm shit with people. TA: and we both agree that you have a lot of shitty qualities too. TA: i couldn't figure out how to help, the only thing i knew that worked to get you to open up was to push you until you cracked. no one ever offered any other solutions, and it was the only thing i had to get you to talk to me. TA: that was wrong to you, and i don't think i can ever apologize enough for doing that to you. it'll never be enough. TA: i feel like i was wrong for making you be in a relationship with me to begin with. TA: i'm proud of how far you've come, of how much you've healed. TA: but trying to evaluate that pride, maybe that's wrong too. maybe i'm only proud because you did what i wanted you to do. TA: and that's disgusting too. TA: i hate people doing what i want because they don't want to bother telling me otherwise. Sollux Captor - Today at 6:00 AM TA: all this time i thought i was doing the right thing. doing right by you. i genuinely believed it. i've poured so much into trying to get you to thrive and be happy that i lost that ability for myself, and i'm realizing that it not only wasn't ever asked for, but didn't even help. TA: i wasted both of our times, all these last few months. TA: i'm still guilty about hurting you, when i was trickster. TA: i remember the whole thing. i remember that i was made to hate you. but i was so bitter even without that. TA: bitter that you kept running away because you needed to be left alone, and i wouldn't give you that. TA: i should have given up, back then. TA: when of all the things you could have chosen to forget to make your life easier, you chose me instead. TA: that i was the thing making your life so terrible, that you needed to erase me from it to find peace. TA: what did i do instead? TA: i kept pushing. TA: maybe mindfang was right about me and i do have some kind of hero complex. TA: need to be a savior. need to create the disaster. TA: and it did this to you. TA: you deserve so much more. TA: you deserve someone who can love you the right way, not poison you with "good intentions". TA: i really hope karkat can do that for you. TA: i hope that nothing happens between the two of you because of me. TA: please dont be mad at him. TA: we never really even had a real talk about breaking up. TA: just some vague ventposts. TA: i've never been more blind in my life than i have when being in a relationship with you, eri. TA: i didn't know where to go, had no one who would tell me, and you wouldn't talk. TA: i had to do trial and error and even that was hard because you wouldn't tell me if i was doing something wrong. TA: i didn't WANT to give up on you. TA: but trying to help you has eaten me to the point of crying constantly, and i just couldn't fucking do it anymore. TA: my heart can't handle it. i couldn't do it anymore. TA: but i didn't have an intention to stop being your friend, or to stop supporting you. TA: karkat said he'd keep doing what i tried to do, and hell, god knows he's doing it better than i ever did or could. TA: he said that maybe, once you'd healed, we could be together again. TA: but i knew then that it wouldn't happen, even if i could be hopeful. TA: i knew karkat and i wouldn't be enough, that's why i used my contacts to set you up with a therapist who could. TA: i hope she helps you. > There's a pause. TA: i dont know what pushed you to want to kill people in my town, i don't know how saness found you to stop you. TA: karkat and i were really, really sick when that happened. TA: i could barely walk and still i told her i'd come there if i needed to. TA: i wanted to make sure you were okay. TA: but i TA: i felt like you didnt want me there TA: that me being there would have made it all worse TA: so i didn't TA: after i found out where you were i was trying to figure out how to make things better TA: i'm fucking terrified of star but i contacted him because you two were close TA: i thought maybe you two could stay together TA: so that saness wouldnt have to keep you prisoner TA: but then star told me that you two fell out TA: and i didnt know any other options TA: i wanted to talk to you so badly TA: i wanted to understand what was happening TA: i was at school when shit hit the fan and i asked saness again if i could go there TA: because there wasnt another way to you TA: and i was so fucking scared eri TA: i couldnt lose you TA: i couldnt lose another moirail TA: i didnt want anyone doing anything they would regret TA: and i didnt have any fucking answers to suggest anything TA: i heard you were going to that prince guy TA: nadire? TA: and he was kind to karkat TA: so i thought youd be safe there TA: and im glad you went TA: and fuck i've already said so much but there's still so much i want you to know TA: i'm sorry about everything that's happened with saness TA: i'm sorry i pushed you so hard TA: i'm sorry i couldn't be a good kismesis TA: or moirail TA: or matesprit TA: fuck i haven't even been a good friend to you. TA: i'm never going to regret meeting you, or loving you. TA: i'm never going to regret kissing you, or forget anything that the stuffed wolf stood for. TA: did you know i got the scarf its wearing from star TA: star told me not to tell you that but i dont think im going to talk to you again TA: star was the one who hired me to check up on you while you were still living with me too TA: i wasnt supposed to say that either but it doesnt matter anymore TA: you deserve to know all the things i didnt tell you or couldnt tell you or wouldnt tell you TA: ive appreciated all the time weve spent together TA: theres been so much trouble but theres been so much good too TA: i miss you TA: i miss holding your hand TA: im not going to live all that long compared to you but TA: youre someone im always going to think about TA: no ones ever going to replace you eri TA: so what if theres people with your name TA: so what if im dating one TA: hes not you TA: and hell never be you TA: hes got your voice but ive never heard you in his words TA: youre sweet and kind and troubled and so so gentle and TA: not replaced TA: im sorry i just realized you wouldnt care for any of this TA: im sorry ive guilted you so much TA: im sorry ive pushed you TA: im sorry i broke promises TA: im sorry ive hurt you TA: im sorry ive forced you TA: im sorry ive cornered you TA: im sorry for all the things i cant name TA: i blocked you because i thought youd be better off without me still trying to engage this awful friendship TA: and im going to want to every time i see you TA: because just seeing your username on the dash makes me smile TA: just like it did months ago TA: even after everything thats happened TA: thinking about you makes me smile eri TA: and it still will TA: im not going to go to your lighthouse anymore TA: im having a transportalizer put into the hole so i dont have to cross your property to get into it TA: and its far enough away that it shouldnt be a bother for you TA: ill stay out of sight so you dont have to see me at all TA: and if its still not good enough ill abandon it and dig out elsewhere TA: but i can't leave it because the bees need cared for TA: and im sorry for getting mad TA: at this point i dont have a right to be angry TA: i took your tag as an invitation and broke in TA: and hell thats probably what you were baiting me for TA: because youre fucking smart and im just a shitty lowblood that happens to know how to hack TA: i'm not going to say im sorry for being in your life TA: you would have died TA: and i dont know maybe you would have preferred that TA: but ive been grateful for the extended time ive gotten with you TA: but i dont think ive helped you at all since the start TA: just gave you a few laughs but ultimately ive only hurt you TA: and i dont even think youre still reading at this point ive sent a lot TA: youll probably block me before you finish because its annoying TA: so its probably safe to say this by now TA: before we cut this off forever TA: i want to see you one more time TA: i want to give you a hug TA: and i want to say goodbye TA: because youre a real person TA: and you deserve a proper seperation instead of everything happening over text [TA ceased trolling CA!]
Eri Ampora - Today at 6:05 AM
CA: i don't think i could look you in the eye wwithout feelin' sick. don't come to see me.[CA ceased trolling TA!][CA has blocked TA!]
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