#whb anniversary!
jazeswhbhaven · 2 days
If this year's WHB halloween event is gonna a sequel to last year's, do you think Minhyeok gets to meet the other 3 kings? Lulu/Belph/Asmo
I think they'd be less hostile towards him compared to the first 4
Belphegor: "Howdy human" *falls asleep* snore mimimimimi
Lucifer: "How did this human survive an attack from Gabriel? It must be a miracle!" | Satan: "am I a joke to you?"
Asmodeus: "I heard MC drinks your cum everyday... can I have a taste???" *slides his hand down Minhyeok's pants*
I hope it's a sequel because that would be hilarious with Minhyeok meeting the other kings. maybe they'll peep Asmodeus to us crossing fingerssssss
But if anything, he would meet Lucifer, Belphie, and that's pretty much it. I wonder if Lucifer would fully examine Minhyeok and his scar, or if he'd just automatically know it had something to do with the contract MC made because he's just knowledgeable like that.
Belphie's meeting would be quick as you stated. Just "hey." and then immediately falling asleep. It would have to be Beleth that gives him a friendly greeting.
It would also be funny to see him interact with Levi and Beel again who were about to murder him lmao. "Oh so you're back...again."
And maybe this time he'd get to actually have a good time and hang out with MC instead of running into angels and getting into trouble like he did last time. But the fun part is he'd behave as if meeting everyone for the first time again because he forgot.
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livelaughlovesubs · 15 days
Prompt event: Closed
- sub male characters only
- Every character can have a maximum of two of the prompts
- you can request up to three characters if all three have the same prompt (s)
- if they should have different ones, please separate them and send multiple asks
- don’t spam too much, I might end the event earlier if I notice someone spamming
- I ask you to be patient while I answer the requests, since I do have a personal life outside of tumblr
The link to the prompts
The answered asks will be listed here
Beg + involuntary sounds w/ poe
Collaring + showing off as trophy w/ neuvi
Kneel + beg w/ Fyodor & Sukuna
Tying up and tickling fyodor :D
Mocking + ruining a body part w/ Gerhard fra
Collaring + degrading outfits w/ sigma & fyodor
Degrading outfit w/ Childe
Collaring w/ mr. Reca >:3
Doing tricks + begging w/ lyney
Divulge past trauma + nickname w/ Aventurine
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cnl0400 · 6 months
I'm going to become rabbid
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wihellib · 5 months
12 Wants For WHB
Disclaimer: This is completely my opinion and you are free to disagree. I am also not a game dev, so I do not know how easy or difficult these things would be to implement in game. Though, I have played a lot of gacha games, and many of the things I want do feature in other games, so I don’t think anything I say here is too unrealistic.
With that out of the way, here are some things that I want added or changed in WHB in no particular order. This is not an exhaustive list, but still ended up being way longer than I initially thought it would be.
Will edit parts as green if they are added into the game at some point.
Text Messages
I would like the bug that makes chats disappear to be fixed.
Chat replayability. You can already replay L Card chats, so I don’t think it would be too hard to implement that for regular chats.
Change chat time gate so that it works when the app is closed. Currently, you can only get a new text message after you spend 30 minutes in the app. I find this very annoying. I’m fine with waiting 30 minutes but I want to be able to close the app in the meantime. So, my idea is, once you log in for the day, the countdown starts even if you close the app, then once you open the app after 30 min you can read the chat, then the next countdown starts and so on and so forth.
Voice Calls
We don’t have these currently in the game, but I think any gacha game with a phone feature should have them included. This could implemented in a few ways. They could tie them to L Cards. Or it could be we get a new call like once a month or something. Then, maybe, some calls for special occasions like your birthday, his birthday, the launch anniversary, etc.
Home Page
It would be nice if we could change the expression on the demon’s face that we put on the home page. We can unlock expressions as we increase likability for the demons, so I’d like to be able to see those expressions on the home page.
They said at one point they’ll allow us to change the Satan icon on the Secret Club to different demons, which will be nice and I hope they implement that soon.
Better organization. I want to be able to organize by the same artifact, so I can easily see how many I have of each specific artifact.
Increased storage. Let us store more than 200 artifacts. I like to have lots of artifacts for fodder for other artifacts.
Weekly achievement. I think the achievement of raising artifacts by 20 levels each week is excessive. I keep having to raise artifacts that I’ll never use just to complete this achievement and it’s wasteful. Either reduce the number of levels needed or get rid of the achievement and replace it by an achievement for playing panty party or something like that.
They recently changed it so you have a slightly increased rate for the demon that you pick on the gacha screen. This is nice, but I would prefer it if the increased rate was like 5% because the current 1% really is a negligible difference.
I would like banners of general pool L cards that use red keys, not solomon seals. Maybe they last a week twice a month or something like that. For example, Attacker Levi could be featured at the start of the month. That card and his artifact are the only L items that can be pulled from that banner. Using red keys, after 110 total pulls, you are guaranteed his artifact and, after 220 total pulls, you are guaranteed his card. This banner lasts a week. Then there is no banner for a week. Then, for example, Attacker Beel has a banner the third week. Then no banner, etc. I would also like the pity to carry over between these theoretical red key banners.
Currently, we can skip the entire gacha animation and pulled character showcase, if we didn’t pull an S rank or above. I want to be able skip it no matter what, unless I pull an L character.
Currently, the gacha animation flashes gold when you get an L Card or L artifact. I would prefer for the L artifact to flash a different colour, like pink for example. I’ve gotten my hopes up too many times seeing gold, thinking I got an L card, and then being disappointed as I instead got Satan’s hair for the 20th time.
Action Power
I would like to be able to come back at certain times of the day, for example, 12pm and 6pm, and get like 50 AP each time. This is a feature in many other gacha games.
I would also like the ability to watch ads for more AP. I know some people are against this type of thing, but I really don’t mind it as long as it’s not mandatory and is non-intrusive.
The translation is very poor compared to most other gacha games. There’s odd English syntax, a lot of typos, and seemingly missing words. I don’t even know what the characters are trying to convey at times and it really takes me out of the story. So I want them to hire some good English translators. If I could only get one thing on this list implemented into the game, it would be this.
Also I want them to do better about making sure to use the correct pronouns for the MC.
Panty Party
I feel like this feature could be improved a lot. Bring back gold panties in every level. Remove gold from the item list. Gold panties can give you advanced candy choice chest, whole pie choice chest, red keys, or solomon seals. Normal panties can give you beginners / intermediate candy choice chest, slice pie choice chest, pretzels, and gold keys. Also if you fail a level, you can choose to watch an ad to continue from that level if you want.
I’m glad that they added quick plays to events.
The event tab needs to be separated from all other tabs, to always be easily able to select it. It was cumbersome when the Leraye event tab was combined with the limited achievement tab, lucifer gacha tab, and event replay tab. It would constantly switch between each tab, and you’d have to take extra time to switch back to the event tab.
For event replays, currently they cost a small amount to buy to replay. But as more and more events are added, that will be unsustainable. I think if you play an event, then for a certain amount of event currency you can purchase an event replay ticket to be redeemed later. If you didn’t play the event, then there can be other ways to get event replay tickets.
They should allow us to access the event shop for a couple days after the event ends. Just so we can focus on the event and then spend all the currency we earned after it ends.
I do think it is a good idea to use events to flesh out the universe and tell important stories pre-MC to not bog down the main story. However, I would like it if some of the events were MC focused. I would love to know more about how we’re adapting to Hell and interacting with others when we’re not being constantly forced to keep moving forward by the main story.
We need to have a way to farm pie slices and whole pies. I’m surprised the game has been out this long and they still haven’t introduced a way for us to get them more easily.
The amount of pie slices we need to increase a characters skills from level 4 to level 5 is 60, which is beyond excessive. I also don’t get why the jump between the amount of pies needed is so large. Going from needing 0 pies at level 4 to 60 pies at level 5 is odd game design. So, I think it should be reduced to 30 pies slices at most. For level 8, it should be 60 whole pies at most, not 160.
Another odd game choice is that the S characters need the exact same amount of materials to level up as the L characters. This doesn’t make sense as the S characters are generally less valuable gameplay-wise than the L ones. So why would I waste my precious resources on them, when for the same amount I could raise a much better L unit. Having S characters cost less than the L ones gives incentive to level them up.
This one is the least likely to ever happen, but I’d like for the A+ characters to have likeability rewards. It’s really nice being able to hear voice lines, change the expressions, and get some info on the S/L characters. I’d like to be able to do that for the A+ characters. Yes, it has been confirmed that A+ characters can get L versions, so then they would have expressions/voice lines available in that case. However, there’s no guarantee every single A+ rank will get an L version, and even if they did that could be years in the future. So I would like A+ characters to have a likeability section, but, to balance it out, the item rewards you get from them could be half of the S/L characters. For example, instead of 50 gold keys for a node, you get 25.
When they conduct maintenance, I’d like for them to give us more than just some AP. As an example, if they did maintenance for 2 hours, they should compensate us with 2 red keys, or 20 solomon seals.
I’d like to be able to quick play battles in the story chapters. If not unlimited, then at least 5 quick plays a day.
There’s a bug that places me at the beginning of a story chapter instead of where I should be at the end (the node to farm the candy chests). Then I have to scroll all the way to the end which actually takes quite a bit of time. I don’t know if this is affecting anyone else but it is affecting me and it’s annoying so I want it fixed.
When promoting a character or levelling up their skills above level 4 or completing a node on the unholy board that requires Solomons tears, pies or candies, I would like a window that pops up that asks if we’re sure that we want to consume those materials. I misclicked a few times, and that is a lot of resources to waste by accident. So I would like a pop up window to help prevent this.
With all that said, I truly like the premise of this game, the character designs, the VA performances, the art by Nori and the fact that this is an 18+ game aimed at men-loving people, which is a very rare thing. So I am glad it exists and hope that it succeeds. The wants I’ve listed here are just things that would increase my enjoyment even more.
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rimeiii · 3 months
I return to WHB Tumblr to see how the game us doing and I see the fandom in shambles, damn. And after scrolling through the tag for a bit, I have...questions.
Yo how big is WHB now even? I stopped playing shortly after they introduced the paywalled Gabriel and that's one of the things I've seen several people complain about...
Like I understand the rest of the complaints - it's mostly the same complaints I've been having about the game prior to me quitting. Multiple decisions that seem to reinforce the idea that this game is heading down the P2W path, very anti-F2P practices in general, outrageous prices for the paid Nightmare Pass, no pity system on launch, the disaster that was the implementation of the Solomon's Seals gacha, the many bugs on launch especially, the small amount of farmable premium currency, and the list goes on...the pancake shop rework not only seems to be in line with the trajectory PB seems to be taking in terms of game decisions, but is also the straw that broke the camel's back for a lot of players.
But, uh, storage? Wasn't it like 2 GB tops on launch? That was reasonable I think, because Arknights was around that size on launch and back then, there was so little additional content. Only JP dubbing, no L2D E2 art or skins (the only L2D we had back then was Closure, the SHOPKEEP), 5 story chapters (which translated to 92 stages, in which around half have a Challenge Mode variant and with a large majority being unique maps), and no additional game modes.
For additional context, currently Arknights is ~6-7 GB on a fresh account with all language dubbing, and it gets bloated if you don't delete unused event data (it's ~9.7 GB for me and I have Arknights on my current phone ever since Near Light first hit Global, so just over 2 years now). Keep in mind Arknights is close to 4.5 years old in Global, and CN just celebrated their 5th anniversary a few months back.
Talking about storage, I don't think comparing WHB to older games and non-tower defense is fair either, since:
Older games in general are much easier on your device in terms of storage to content ratio and performance, mostly due to device limitations of the past requiring less sophisticated game mechanics and the devs sticking to these simpler mechanics even as time passes and technology gets more advanced. Gentle reminder that FGO is ~7 years old in NA, ~9 years old in JP, and ALSO doesn't download everything initially - afaik there's an option for that in the settings menu which bumps the total size up significantly (the wiki lists it as around 9-10 GB total).
Different genres and graphics mean different storage requirements. Anything 3D or open world will almost always have higher storage requirements compared to anything else. Path to Nowhere is around the same size as Arknights despite being younger due to the former using 3D models for their battle sprites, compared to the 2D chibis Arknights uses. Love and Deepspace, a ~5 months game, is huge because of how they do the cutscenes AND the stage-based action gameplay, but Wuthering Waves is closing the gap on size quickly despite being only ~1.5 months because it's an open world action RPG.
What I will say, though, is that WHB is not optimized well. Now I may be very unfair by comparing WHB to Punishing: Gray Raven, a game by the optimization gods known as Kurogames (people ran the PC PGR client on 2GB RAM laptops and my 4GB RAM laptop can run WuWa despite it using UE4 - an engine notorious for chugging on low end devices - albeit with lag spikes in the open world map), but when a 2D tower defense game fails to run as smoothly as a 3D action game with stylish and fast-paced combat, then we have a problem. For context, my 4GB RAM phone only has minor lag when I use a skill that has a lot of visual effects like Lee Hyperreal's Hypermatrix, but back when I played WHB I still experienced lag spikes when deploying units.
Again this all boils down to PB just not being used to the game format. Which is all well and good, Arknights was a huge departure from Girls Frontline too - a good portion of Arknights' devs worked on Girls Frontline before splitting off to work on Arknights. But what made Arknights succeed is how accessible and F2P friendly the game was, with smooth and solid gameplay as well as an engaging plot that discusses themes such as racism, discrimination, and the fragility of hope.
Of course you can argue that Arknights is a tower defense first, visual novel second. Unlike WHB, which is an otome game first, tower defense second. And I would agree, but only to a certain extent. Once you step into the realm of having Actual Combat Gameplay Elements then I believe it's your duty to make progression as reasonable as possible. Including a power gate is fine, but nothing too excessive - and certainly do not hold any significantly strong unit behind a paywall.
Because fun fact - in Arknights' entire runtime, there were only a handful of completely paywalled content:
Player icons from promotional packs for large events, particularly the Ambience Synesthesia concerts
Character skins from promotional packs, like the Exusiai and Guard Ch'en skins during the anime release
Purestream, a B4 Therapist Medic who was released as a WWF collab, where all sales from her $1 pack were donated to the WWF. Even then, she eventually became available for everyone, as she was later added to the Recruitment pool (use a resource obtained from Dailies for a chance to get units, some unique to the pool like Purestream). She was a decent healer, and her Module made her a good budget medic. Even then you're more likely using the Medics you've already built by then - for B4 budget options, Perfumer is usually better for multi-target healing and a party HP regen passive, while Sussurro is your go-to for strong single-target healing.
And guess what? None of these had any direct impact on gameplay during their paywalled period. Purestream wasn't even a B5 or B6 unit, yo. There are many better options for healers. I STILL USE THE B3 ANSEL AND HIBISCUS IN INTEGRATED STRATEGIES.
I'm just...PB's choices baffle me, and I do wish they can improve not just on the game performance standpoint, but in how they treat their playerbase in terms of in-game purchases. I hope I made that abundantly clear...
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another-lost-mc · 10 months
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A quick update since I'm going to be busier than usual this weekend!
I'm probably going to start Solomon's birthday reblog queue tomorrow. I write about that old man a lot and I don't want to spam too much on his actual birthday. lol
I've also got a few things in the works that I'm really excited about:
Something for the Pokemon AU (it's mostly written, I just have to do the graphic portions)
Zekhan's OC bio including his character sheets and probably his nsfw alphabet
A new fic for Solomon
While I would like to finish Solomon's fic in time for his birthday, I might not be able to because my birthday is this weekend too. 😅
Later this month is this blog's one-year anniversary. Yay! Maybe we can do some fun match-ups or something with the Obey Me/Arcana Twilight/WHB crew.
Cheers! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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kazifatagar · 2 months
Worldwide Holdings’ Jeram WTE wins the Asset Triple A Sustainable Infrastructure Awards 2024
Shah Alam, 9th July 2024 – Selangor’s prominent conglomerate, Worldwide Holdings Berhad (WHB), has once again been honoured by The Asset, receiving The Asset Triple A Sustainable Infrastructure Awards 2024 for Renewable Energy Deal of the Year under the Waste-to-Energy (WTE) category for Malaysia. The award was presented at The Asset’s 25th Anniversary Celebratory Gala Dinner at Four Seasons…
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saraphia · 5 years
💘💐💍🍰🎀💎🌿🌸🎊👰🏼🤵🏻🥂It’s that time of the year again, folks ....cheers to 4! @asimmonsnyc #bestdayofmylife #love #wedding #anniversary #4years #weddingdecor #shabbychic #shabbychicwedding #timeofourlives #sofun #perfectday #whb #thehamptons #westhamptonbeach #duneroad #sarahandallan #sarahgotsimmonsed (at Hamptons, N.Y.) https://www.instagram.com/p/By8ZP0IAcEl/?igshid=btn8agn55dt9
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poop4u · 5 years
Dug Up at Dogster: August 2019 Dog Events
The post Dug Up at Dogster: August 2019 Dog Events by Melissa Kauffman appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
The heat is on with these sizzling 2019 August dog events for you and your furry pal. Don’t see a dog event you know of on here? Just email us at [email protected]. We’ll be sure to add it to our 2019 dog event listings.
All Month: Itchy Pet Awareness Month
Zoetis is launching Itchy Pet Awareness Month this August to encourage pet owners and veterinarians to engage in conversation about “itch behavior” and to raise awareness about pet skin health needs. Skin-related issues are the top four reasons pet owners bring their dogs in for veterinary visits, including skin allergies, ear infections, skin lumps/bumps and skin infections. Symptoms can be difficult to discern from “normal” dog behavior; therefore, Zoetis is encouraging dog owners to visit www.ItchingForHelp.com to take the itch quiz and identify when an itch is more than just an itch.
August 3, 2019: World Dog Surfing Championships
Catch the wave at the annual Surf Dog Championships at Linda Mar Beach in Pacifica, CA.
Does your dog love to surf? Sign her up for the annual Surf Dog Championships at Linda Mar Beach in Pacifica, CA. If she doesn’t surf, sign up for the Dog Disc or Ball-Fetch-In-Water Competition or perhaps the costume contest. Of course, you can just attend as a spectator checking out these awesome dogs and the Surf Dog Village for dog services and products. A portion of the proceeds go to dog, surfing and environmental nonprofits. Catch the wave at surfdogchampionships.com.
August 10, 2019: 10th Annual Dog Days of Summer
Have a howling good time at the 10th Annual Dog Days of Summer annual concert benefiting the Stray Hearts Animal Shelter in Taos, NM.
You’ll find your paws a-tapping and your tail a-wagging at this beloved annual concert benefiting the Stray Hearts Animal Shelter in Taos, New Mexico, featuring top-notch musical talent. A perfect event for those who share a passion for animals and music. Also take part in the Dog Days almost-famous silent auction, enjoy plenty of food, beer and wine, plus get in on the raffle. This year’s concert features beloved soul band Jack Mack & the Heart Attack. Held at Taos Mesa Brewing. Details at taos.org.
August 11, 2019 — August 17, 2019: Feeding Pets of the Homeless Week
August 17, 2019: Clear the Shelters
Time again for NBC - and Telemundo-owned stations to team up with shelters across America to host this annual nationwide adoption drive.
NBC - and Telemundo-owned stations have teamed up with shelters across America since 2015 to host this annual nationwide adoption drive. Looking for a pet? Find adoption fees either reduced or waived at participating shelters. To celebrate the campaign’s 5th year anniversary, pet lovers also raised more than $1.5 million for the Fund the Shelters Challenge with the Michelson Found Animals Foundation earlier this year. See cleartheshelters.com or desocuparlosalbergues.com.
August 26, 2019: National Dog Day
Ears up — it’s National Dog Day! Photography by: ©mrPliskin | Getty Images
Founded in 2004, National Dog Day celebrates mixed breeds and purebred dogs, plus brings attention “to the plight of animals” and encourages adoption.
August 29, 2019: 2nd Annual Hamptons Barking Beauty Pageant
The Barking Beauty Pageant canine contestants compete in Photogenic, Activewear, Glamourwear and Talent, for the chance to win a Crown, Medals, Banners, and beautiful gifts from the event Sponsors, all while contributing to worthwhile causes.
On Thursday, August 29th, 2019, from 6-10pm at the Westhampton Beach Performing Arts Center (76 Main Street, Westhampton Beach, NY), a pet fashion, talent and rescue extravaganza will feature the cutest dogs in the Hamptons! Area businesses, and Kennedy Art Productions have joined forces to present the 2019 Hamptons Barking Beauty Pageant to help raise the money needed by RSVP Animal Welfare and Rescue Group to save and rehabilitate abused and neglected area pets, and to help fund the WHB PAC Nancy & Frederick DeMatteis Arts Academy and its young performers. Founded in 2006, The Barking Beauty Pageant has helped support community projects and animal rescue groups with exciting pageant events in New York City, Philadelphia, and New Jersey. The 2nd Annual, 2019 Hamptons Barking Beauty Pageant will mark its 14th pageant event overall.
The Barking Beauty Pageant is the original beauty pageant event for dogs. Patterned after human beauty pageants, the canine contestants will compete in Photogenic, Activewear, Glamourwear and Talent, for the chance to win a Crown, Medals, Banners, and beautiful gifts from the event Sponsors, all while contributing to worthwhile causes. Spectators will also win with Door Prizes, a Silent Auction, and a 50/50 Raffle. For more information, contact Leslie Kennedy of Kennedy Art Productions and The Barking Beauty Pageant at 631-654-9180 or email Leslie at [email protected]. Event website is www.BarkingBeautyPageant.org. Connect socially on Facebook @TheBarkingBeauty, on Instagram at #BarkingBeautyPageant and on Twitter @BarkingBeauty.
Feature Image: Check out these August 2019 Dog Events! Photography by: ©mrPliskin | Getty Images
Read more dog news on Dogster.com:
• Common Rescue Dog Behavior Issues
• What Fruits and Vegetables Are Safe for Dogs?
• What to Know About a 6-Year-Old Dog
    The post Dug Up at Dogster: August 2019 Dog Events by Melissa Kauffman appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
Poop4U Blog via www.Poop4U.com Melissa Kauffman, Khareem Sudlow
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jazeswhbhaven · 17 days
At Summer's End, September Begins <3
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(lmao at my fucking crappy quality thing I made)
Welcome to Fall, ya'll!
I know there's some new folks here so as per each monthly update here at some housekeeping rules:
It's chill here, but I don't tolerate any kind of foolishness including but not limited to: racism/homophobia/zoos/p3dos/harassment. If I catch you doin' something weird like that on the low, expect a block from me.
Requests are slow, so feel free to send 'em but it could take me a while to get to it. Please don't rush me <3
Don't bring your beef with another specific user in my inbox to indirectly call them out. I'm not a mediator.
Opinions about the game negative and positive are welcome here. I believe in folks venting. Also understand though that I may not answer it depending on my mood. I also have opinions of my own so very fair warning if you do want my honest input.
No minors interacting with any posts of mine on this blog. WHB is not only an adult game, but I cuss a lot and make a lot of inappropriate thirsts posts so this space ain't for ya'll sorry.
What's Happening This Month for My Blog??
Well, lmao. I kind of forgot my goals for last month because my blog was interrupted by being shadowbanned for a few days so it really threw me off. But here's what to loosely expect this month!
More Inbox Requests being posted
Reacts for: Michael's Christmas Story | 5 Kings Card | Recap React of Mammon's origin story
More sketches of Cain, for the love of fucking hell if I can sketch out a full body of Astra for ya'll I will
That's pretty much it??? I know I have to work on my Masterlist and organize it but for now it's very WIP. I also expect that there's a Gehenna Event coming up because we got the new boi Amy showin' up like he did. I mean that should be good since a lot of Satan stans have been missin' their man (Astra too, she's been in Niflheim and Tartaros a lot in my fic blurbs)
Am I really gonna go for Zagan's future L-card?
Yes. Unless it doesn't look like it would be worth it. I would hate it if my money were wasted on a subpar story and experience. I'm callin' it but I bet they'll do that evolve thing for him (maybe) unless they only do those for revivals?
A Little Shoutout for ya'll! <3
I just want to say I'm very appreciative for all the interactions, follows, my moots, oomfs, and enjoying me enjoying this rollarcoaster of a damn horni demon game. We're nearly close to the anniversary of it's release and there's been a lot that's happened so far. I pretty much shit on fandoms a bunch because I haven't really uh...had a good experience majority of the time, but it's been alright here. I may be speaking too soon because there's always something ain't it? Lol But at any rate, ya'll are lovely, creative, and I'm glad to be included.
Thank you for dealing with me and my crazy, your lovely admin~ ♡( •ॢ◡-ॢ)✧˖° ♡ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ
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jazeswhbhaven · 3 days
I don't have the means, but I would pay someone or a group good money to just rewrite ALL of WHB's dialogue to where it doesn't sound like PB stuffed it into an AI translator and called it a day.
Bug fixes? What about the fricking dialogue ffs in this game. We're encroaching on its 1 year anniversary and it's been getting worse. I never complained about English localizations, but I won't ever thanks to this game. The stories are the only things that keeping me here, but reading it is just ick.
Speaking of 1 year anniv: watch, they're going to do something big and paywall it, cause the community the blow up AGAIN. I really hope someone has saved everything they could so they can just archive it and share it in case this game blows up.
Honestly anon, if I could apply to work for PB as their writer for their H-scenes I'd do so just to help them out. I know 0 Korean and well I'm American so there's that dream out of the window lol
As for the official story, there are sentences were I scratch my head like you could have literally described that differently and I keep blaming it on the translation. I'm always certain that it sounds better or at least more coherent in other languages.
Now....I will admit when reading through the recent event I'm just like, huh pronoun issues again, some phrases and sentences seeming like they're out of place or repeated...I think they don't have a editor/proofreader on their team to help catch these mistakes since there's been so many.
I'm already expecting not too much for the anniversary because it will make me feel better if something cool does come from it. I'm working on doing my own thing for it anyway so if all else fails...
I think there's been quite a few accounts documenting everything so far, I for one have done as much as I can grabbing sprites, stories, screenshots whatever I can in case the inevitable happens. But I think PB will give us another good year before they start focusing on other things.
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kazifatagar · 2 months
Worldwide Holdings’ Jeram WTE wins the Asset Triple A Sustainable Infrastructure Awards 2024
Photo Caption; WHB GCEO Datin Paduka Norazlina Zakaria with the WHB team and a representative from one of the financial institutions (far left) at The Asset’s 25th Anniversary Celebratory Gala Dinner. Shah Alam, 9th July 2024 – Selangor’s prominent conglomerate, Worldwide Holdings Berhad (WHB), has once again been honoured by The Asset, receiving The Asset Triple A Sustainable Infrastructure…
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