#what's that you're cooking thea?
e-adlirez · 9 months
Just looked on the older books for refs of Thea and
Boi Curse of the Cheese Pyramid is insane
It literally starts with G heading to work on time at 9, but William comes in like "BOI YOU'RE SPENDING TOO MUCH MONEY ON THE GAZETTE YOU HAVE TO CUT DOWN THE BUDGET" (Imagine this screamed directly into Geronimo's ear)
Obviously William's definition of "cut down the budget" is this
TW: Spoilers for Curse of the Cheese Pyramid, William behavior, do not click on if you don't want a spike in blood pressure
If you choose to turn away now, the following fume was just an intermission for finding this picture lmao
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He pawned over everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) in Geronimo's office, from his desk to his armchair to his carpet to his book collection to his art collection, and replaced it all with a single plastic chair and desk ("All you need in an office is a desk and chair!")
He fired ALL THE STAFF and decided that only family members will be working for the paper (because family members don't need to be paid as much probably (if at all) when working for a family business-- they all share their finances with each other, anyway maybe (it's not clear what their salaries are gonna be (wanna bet G is paid minimum wage while Thea is paid 50% of the Gazette's monthly expenses after this clean sweep))). The only person spared from the firing spree was Shif T. Paws, the Gazette's sales manager, who apparently offered to work there for free.
He delegates all the work of the Gazette to four people-- G does all the office work (taking calls, building maintenance, writing, editing, printing, clientele stuff), Thea does all the interviews and field work stuff, Trap does all the cooking, and Benjamin is "William's personal assistant". Lord knows what that last position means for little Benji. (Okay reading ahead Benjamin seems fine, but he does say that William is "a bit pushy".)
He sends G out on a work holiday thing and he overworks the crap out of everyone, to the point where even Thea is sick of William's senile old-fashioned ass, and it seems that the Gazette was also going downhill because of this mouse furry ripoff Daniel Dancer. (To give a preview of what he did in the working perspective, he basically had Trap work seven days a week)
He was planning to have staff give use old newspaper instead of toilet paper (T&B expenses), make a 30-second time mechanism for the restrooms (to maximize manpower efficiency and possible humiliation for anyone going number 2), and was considering cutting all electricity to the building and just have staff work on typewriters "just like the old days".
This man's senile ass--
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boyjoan · 7 months
hiii hi my lovely henry!!! how are you doing? i hope you have had a lovely start to the month (sending lots of new spring flowers + sunny days your way xx) i've been going through your partridge family breakfast tag + its just SO lovely oh my gosh i love food so much...<3 have been feeling very uninspired with my dinners + was wondering if you'd tried any fun new recipes lately? (also !! going out to buy myself a pack of english muffins + butter + salt + apples for this week's breakfast!!! very excited hehe<3)
THEA!!!! How beautiful to see you!!!! come in sit down let me get you a lovely beverage <33 your well wishes are MUCH appreciated and returned tenfold i hope march is so kind to you and brings you peace unlike any you've ever experienced....
(I must mention i think of you every day when i watch gilmore girls bc your art makes me so overjoyed...)
Ahhhhhhh that makes me so HAPPY im so glad you're enjoying my little Food Posts <3 food to me.....the most powerful expression of love and the oldest....
What a LOVELY question and a very kind open door for me to talk abt food, you're a sweetheart!! Recently I've been very into thai food which im always hesitant to reccomend bc it has a lot of new ingrediants if you dont normally cook from that part of the world!! However if you Are up for an adventure and want to keep it simple: massaman curry. You can add beef or just potatoes to keep it vegan, and it is so bloody good. Make a batch on a sunday and eat it cold for like three days, i use the bbc goodfood recipe!! For smth even simpler, combine red thai paste with coconut milk, heat until reduced, and enjoy........i make this when im not very well and shove in cooked chicken or veggies!!
SOUP! I've been making chicken and leek soup.....but you can make just veggie soup if you prefer...combined vegetables of your choice (i like garlic, onion, carrot and leek, with a sprig of thyme) into a small portion of melted butter in a pan. Add stock (chicken or veggie) and allow to reduce. Stir through cooked shredded chicken or quick cook veggies like sugar snap peas or baby corn!! So warming bc it's been raining ALL the time omg....
Those are my big hitters at the moment!!! I hope you find sooo much recipe inspo my darling i CANT BELIEVE you're trying my favourite breakfast oh my god i eat it every day i hope you enjoy Please give me a full review if you so desire <3333
Thank you for stopping by my love!!!!
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avrablake · 8 months
15 Questions Tag: Thea
Thanks for the tag @thetruearchmagos
Can you believe I've never done this one for Thea? Oops. If you're interested in the other characters I've done this for you can find them here.
I'll leave an open tag for this and also tag @withlovelunette @odysseywritings @reneesbooks
No pressure, of course. You can answer for yourself or one of your characters.
This is set around the beginning of Beyond the Darkness. Let's just pretend she would talk to anyone and answer questions about herself. Or maybe we can pretend Lucan is asking her these questions for some reason.
1. Are you named after anyone?
I think our mom got our names from stories she liked.
2. When was the last time you cried?
*she blushes and hunches her shoulders slightly before giving an embarrassed little laugh*
I cry pretty easily actually, even when I don't want to. I was feeling frustrated yesterday and that always makes me tear up.
3. Do you have kids?
No! I've never really been in a relationship. I think I would like to have kids someday. I think I would enjoy it. I don't know. My mom was a really great mom, but I'm worried I won't be. And I wouldn't want to get sick like she did. I doubt I'll ever have the chance anyway.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Maybe more than I should. I don't think I use it that often though.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Um, I guess I'm usually more worried about what people notice about me. Do I stand out too much? Do they recognize me? I guess that would be the first thing I notice. If they notice me or if they seem like someone I should avoid.
6. What’s your eye color?
I guess it's obvious that they are brown, but maybe people don't always notice that they are kind of amber colored. In the right light you can sometimes see little bits of green.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. I don't like scary movies at all.
8. Any special talents?
I think I'm a pretty good cook! My dad taught me. He's a really good cook.
I'm a manipulator, so I can use my abilities to move things without touching them, though it's easier if I can touch them first. That's not really that special but my mom taught me a trick most people can't do. Things that are really small or lightweight are hard to control, but my mom figured out that you don't have to control them, you can sort of push them back and forth and balance them in the air.
I don't know anyone else who can do it.
9. Where were you born?
My family is from Karmin, a small town near Cross Pointe. I was born there.
10. What are your hobbies?
Hobbies aren't really something I think about these days. I like cooking though.
11. Have you any pets?
No. I like animals but with my mom being sick, it would have been hard to have a pet to take care of. And now, our life isn't really stable enough for one.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
I've never really been into sports. I get tired to easily.
13. How tall are you?
5 feet 3 inches
14. Favorite subject in school?
I liked Literature classes. I guess I love stories just like my mom.
15. Dream job?
I wish I could work at the inn with my dad, helping him cook. That was always his dream, that our family could run the inn together. I think it would be nice.
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thesongweave · 1 year
The Street Urchin (Or, Thea tells Gale about her earliest memories)
In which Thea spills her guts about her past to Gale after telling the companions something a little more fairy-tale ish. She's a bit sad about it (eh?) but has feels about her earliest childhood memories.
I'd been working on this one a bit - I was gonna try to get Kidnapped part 2 / 'Renewal' (the followup to The End / The Beginning) done first, but. I've been sick, am getting over it, but have no energy to fuel the creative brain juice right now.
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Also, Thea, Gale, and blooming feels. Gale adopts Thea's nickname, too. Takes place in the Underdark.
Oh right, uh. Tragic backstory incoming.
The Street Urchin
They'd finally stopped for a rest - it was hard to tell if it was day or night, here in the Underdark. But, they'd had quite a day, so stop they did, to rest and nurse their various wounds. They’d travelled far, to say the least, finding first the myconid colony, then an abandoned wizards tower. Unfortunately, that tower still had some working defenses.
It had been…interesting, to say the least. Alathea was glad she had thought to pluck the sussur flowers earlier on, even if it had meant not having Gale to terribly close, lest they damnpened his magic.
Nevertheless, the flowers had come in handy, and were now far away from where the group made camp, just outside of the tower’s perimeter. The bard and friends would finish exploring the tower after resting, and then press on.
Alathea’s musings were interrupted when scents of dinner wafted past her nose. With a small smile, she dropped down from her perch atop the crumbling stone wall and headed to the fire pit.
Gale was on dinner duty that evening. The whole company always generally looked forward to the wizards cooking the most.
Hah, Alathea had thought when he first declared his knowledge of cooking, a wizard that cooks. There's a sight I had not thought to ever see.
But, cook he did, and rather well, too.
It was all ready in fairly short order - a stew, made from a mix of whatever rations they had, plus whatever they had managed to scrounge up. Mostly odd vegetables.
Karlachs boisterous laughter next to her snapped the elf out of her thoughts, dragging her gaze to whatever had her friends attention. Karlach was talking the others with a story of her youth, a rather obnoxious tavern brawl.
Alathea managed a smile - she was bone tired, but tried not to show it much around the others. They all seemed to lean on her for guidance, support, and leadership, and she was not so keen on looking like she could not handle it.
"What about you, Alathea? Surely you have a few wild stories to share." Wyll grinned, still chuckling over the ending of Karlachs tale.
The platinum blonde quirked an eyebrow. Sure, she had stories, but…
"What kind of story are you wanting? I've more stories than one may count, of course." She retorted with a smirk. It was hard to turn off the 'bardic charm', as Astarion called it, even here.
"Oooh, tell us – tell us about your childhood!' Karlach exclaimed. Her molten eyes turned to " 'Thea" with a grin. 
If Alathea was honest with herself, she was closest to, of all people, Karlach. 
And Gale. But that was so much more complicated. Or, it was getting that way.
"Indeed. Regale is with a escapade of your youth." Gale chimed in with his own laugh. 
Curse the wizard, the elf thought, that those big doe eyes and that charm could convince her to do anything…
Alathea cleared her throat. She'd shared very little of her past, despite the fact they had all been traveling together for – gods, how long now? A month, maybe two?
She was as good as dodging questions as she was at asking them, most days.
"Tch," came Lae'zels disapproving commentary. "Tell us how a performer comes to fight as you do."
Now, that was an easier question to answer. Thea could have kissed the githyanki just then.
"Well! When I was just a tiny thing–"
"You're not very big now, 'Thea." Karlach snickered. The tiefling barbarian was right – Alathea was not very tall, for an elf. Or all of her friends were just exceptionally tall. Either way, she came up right around Gale’s chin, and Karlach stood a good head or so taller than the wizard.
Alathea had to admit, Karlachs love of life and overall happy, passionate disposition, even when exhausted, could always cheer the bard up.
In a very dignified response, Alathea stuck her tongue out at the tiefling - her self proclaimed bodyguard. After all, she had said once, it would not do for the leader of our band to go and not have someone watching her back.
"As I was saying!" The others laughed. "When I was a girl, and had begun my training as a bard. My mentor had me running a message that day for her to a client. On my way back to our lodgings, I found myself surrounded by a group of other children. Urchins, the whole bunch, but all older than me and twice my size…."
Gale sat back casually, sipping at a glass of wine as Alathea told a rather dressed up story about a childhood scuffle when she was but an apprentice bard. The wizard lifted a brow at the antics.
For all that he enjoyed her stories, he had learned some of her quirks over the time they had all travelled together.
He could tell when the pretty bard was…embellishing a story.
Which was curious that she would bother, but such are the way of old habits, he supposed.
As she finished up her story, a question from Wyll caught his attention.
"Well, now that we have had a few fighting stories…I'm still curious, Alathea. You've never told us much - about your family, history,anything." The warlock turned devil had a rather intense express to his face. "You've mentioned you are from Baldurs Gate, but little else."
Gale frowned, mostly to himself. It was a good question, but not one he felt Wyll should be pushing if the elf did not want to share. The human wizard glanced at Alathea, but her expression was…off. Smiling, sweet, but…unreadable. A perfectly good performer’s expression, he thought, when she did not want to give anything away.
Alathea sighed rather dramatically. "Really,Wyll, it's nothing terribly -interesting-. But if i must…" the others in camp shifted, a bit eagerly to hear this story.
"Once upon a time, a young elven maid dreamed of adventure. She had a passion for music, and poetry, and yearned for freedom.  Baldurs Gate had become to confining - the parts she could get to, anyway. So, one night, she packed a few treasures and things, and snuck out of her home."
There was a dramatic pause as she took a sip of her drink. The companions eagerly awaited her to continue, enraptured in the tale.
Gale pondered that she wasn't using a charm spell of some variation - he certainly hadn't detected any use of magic, but the way that the group ( himself included, to an extent…) hung on her every word, it made him wonder. 
Alathea had a very practiced silver tongue. He had watched the bard charm anyone and everyone they had come across, whether it was promising aide, soothing a child's fear of harpies, or seeking information. 
Even so, he could not help but feel the there was something…hollow to the story she now told. 
"As she travelled, she fell in with another elf - a bard by trade, who had been seeking just the right apprentice. And 'lo, she took the young maid on, and taught her everything she knew. They traveled the Sword Coast, performing to the delight of all who heard them."
With a dramatic gesture, Alathea signaled the end of her story. The others clapped and chuckled, covering yawns that signaled the end of the evening. Slowly, they all dispersed to their bedrolls.
As Gale went to his tent, a movement caught his eye. And who would it be but Thea slipping away into the darkness. Curiosity got the better of him -so he followed, as quietly as he could. He was not so practiced at sneaking as Alathea or Astarion, so Gale winced at every sound caused by his boots.
She did not go far, just to a nearby cove of giant mushrooms. Briefly, he thought maybe he should leave her be, but… something gnawed at him. So he followed that instinct instead.
Within the small cove, he found Alathea at the edge, which opened up to a cliff side with a rather spectacular view of the Underdark below. The elf in question either didn't know he was there, or simply did not yet acknowledge his presence. 
Minutes passed, and soon an idle.plucking of strings reached his ears; Thea had brought her lute. Often enough he had found her,off by herself, plucking the strings of the well worn instrument.
"If you're going to stand there, wizard, you might as well come sit with me." She called at last, startling Gale out of his musings. "Unlike Astarion, I will not bite."
"Are you sure of that, Alathea?"
"Only if a wizard asks nicely." There was some amusement to her voice, even while she seemed miles away. Regardless, it did make him smile and chuckle, just a bit.
Gale picked his way over, taking a seat near the bard - but not to close, much as he wanted. Any closer and heay be tempted to.. well, those are thoughts for some other, far off day.
Instead, he watched her idly plucking at the strings a moment before speaking again. "That was a rather fantastical, charmed set of stories you told at dinner."
"Mm." Alathea did not stop plucking at the damn strings, stopping every now and then to turn a knob at the top of the lute.
Gale bit back a huff, shifting a bit to get more comfortable. When she did not immediately respond, he turned to look out at the valley below.
"It was all bullshit, of course. But they enjoyed it, so. Mission accomplished, I suppose." She finally said, interrupting the silence in a low, hushed tone.
Gale turned to her again, making a study of her facial expressions then. Well, what he could see, anyway. Softly, he muttered the words for casting Darkvision. 
There, that was better. Now he could make out the bards features. Rather than what he'd come to associate as her more.'public' self - the silver tongued charmer - she was…much more sedate. Thoughtful, even.
"Over the month - months, now?- of travel, it seems that you know a great deal more about us than we do you, Thea. They are simply curious, is all." Gale supplies.
"And you are not?"
"Oh, terribly so. But pressing you to share.. well. I think we've had that conversation."
They had, indeed,had such a conversation back in the Grove.
The memory made Thea smile. "Yes, I suppose we did. Respecting privacy, and all that." She went quiet again.
Gale took a long, deep breath. He was desperately curious, but he was trying not to pry into what was obviously a sensitive topic. "I do believe the phrase you used - and like to remind me of - was…what was it? Ah, "only taking what you were willing to give".
The bard was harder to crack than any spell he had ever tried to master. "Mm. Close enough. But that was more me speaking to you, you know."
"It works both ways."
Thea looked up at him, studied the wizard a long, uncomfortable moment. Finally, she dropped her gaze, releasing a deep sigh.
"It is easier, sometimes, to give others the soft, pretty lie they want to hear, rather than a harsh truth." She muttered, almost like a quote. "One of my first lessons as a bard, by the way. Mynthia was adamant on that one. A bard is a performer, our life a performance. We shroud ourselves in at least as much mystery as rogues, you know. Keeps the crowd guessing and wanting for more."
"Your friends are not a crowd to appease with a performance." Gale frowned.
"I know."
Alathea set the lute away, settling it on the ground next to her.
"You have been honest with me, Gale. And I suppose I owe you that in turn." He picked up the hesitance in her voice. The nervousness. "But are you sure you want to know?"
Gales frown softened. He understood the want for privacy, secrecy, even. He stood, then, resituating himself to sit beside the bard, almost shoulder to shoulder.
"Yes, quite sure. But only if you want to share, of course." His voice was soft, soothing, even.
Thea had her lute in her lap again, almost like a shield, Gale noted. He had noted before she almost hid behind her instrument at times, usually when she was nervous or unsure of something.
There was a prolonged silence, and he began to think she had changed her mind when she finally spoke again.
"My earliest memories are of a woman - my mother, I suppose - she was a two-bit whore for a hole in the wall tavern called the Hovel, in Gutter Row." It was almost a whisper when she spoke. Gale had almost missed it, and would have save that her voice was the only thing that broke the silence. “The very dregs of Baldurian society.”
He looked at her, then, rather surprised at this revelation, but she only stared at her lute, fingers silently touching but not plucking at the strings.
"When she wasn't whoring, she was drinking. And when she wasn't doing either of those, she was angry. Saddled with a bastard brat she didn't want, well." Alathea shrugged - through the tadpole connection, Gale could feel the ache, like an old wound that never fully healed, but one had learned to live with. "She liked to work that anger out. And often. Especially on the days she didn't, ah. Have enough work."
It made his heart ache for her. Hesitantly, he held up an arm in an unspoken offer. 
Thea glanced up, finally, at the rustle of cloth. Seeing the offered arm, she leaned in, resting her head on the wizards shoulder as he settled his arm around her.
"I learned how to be real quiet, and hide very well, given her temper. Then, one day…she was sick. A plague was spreading through the Row. I didn't know that then - I was…nine, maybe ten years old?" She made some non committal noise.
"She coughed for days - hacking, wheezing, before the blood and bile started coming up. I think it took three or four days before she was still and dead."
Thea's gaze was far away, staring out at nothing. It used to hurt, thinking back to those earliest of memories. She didn't really ever speak of them to anyone.
Gale wanted to say something, anything, to ease that ache. He opened his mouth, meaning to tell her she did not have to continue if she did not want, but Alathea pressed on before he could.
"The Fist had quarantined the Row, so to compound people, you know, dieing…we had nowhere to remove or put the dead. So bodies were piling in the street. Just made it all worse. Harper's were sneaking priests of Illmater in from the nearby temple, and they brought what food and aid that they could…"
"Hush, now." She tried to sound light hearted about it, but really, the effort was weak at best. Gale gave her shoulder a squeeze he hoped was reassuring, and fell silent again.
"So, we had dead piled in the streets, the sickness was getting worse; people were starving, and angry. The place was a matchbox, really, kindle ready to light up. And light up it did. Not sure what happened, but one night the whole Row caught fire. By some luck, some Harper's were there - they'd been smuggling out anyone they could that wasn't sick that they could find. And here I was, stuck in a ramshackle lean-to with a week old corpse I couldn't move, and fire tearing down the little bit of world I knew. One of those Harper's found me, just as that little lean-to about to collapse."
Alathea paused, then, taking a deep, shuttering breath. It was easy, talking to Gale. They'd shared many discussions over the time they had been travelling together, many laughs and many secrets.
This, though, was a new level of trust, at least for the bard. But, she felt, he had given her that level of trust a while ago, trusting her with the information about his condition, even if he had feared she would turn him away, and he had alternatively offered to leave. 
Of course, she didn't - couldn't- turn him away. She wasn't sure now what had kept her from sharing her story with Gale sooner, save that she feared what his opinion of her might be once he knew.
Alathea scooted in, just a bit more into Gales one armed embrace. He smelled of old books, magic - rosewater and lavender. It was nice, comforting, to be held.
It was so hard to feel safe these days.
"So, there you go. A little gutter-rat nobody is all I am, really." She murmured.
Gale shifted,turning so he was almost facing Alathea, which made her straighten up. He kept his hand on her shoulder.
Again, she refused to look up, to meet his gaze.
The wizard tucked the fingers of his free hand under her chin, gently tilting her face up. "You are hardly a nobody, Thea. Especially not to me."
Surprised, she met his gaze then, curious and confused at what she saw there. Where she expected pity and maybe disgust, she saw understanding, sympathy, and something else she wasn't sure of.
It was the first time he had called her Thea. The bard swallowed, feeling a lump in her throat even as something fluttered in her chest.
"I, well — uhm." Gale had her at a rare loss for words. "Thank you."
Gods, she could melt in that smile and those brown eyes.
Gale had wanted to encourage her, inspire and reassure her, as she had been doing for him, but the words died on his lips. Instead he leaned forward, eyes half lidded, reaching out through the tadpole connection, using it to let her 'feel'.
A shiver passed through Thea's spine at the connections, both mental and physical. Green eyes fluttered shut completely, absorbing and reveling in the closeness.
"We should.. probably head back. It is late." Gale murmured softly at last. He was loathe to break the connection, but weariness from the day had finally caught up with him.
The wizards breath tickled at Thea's lips, they were still sitting that close. It would be so easy to lean in, and…
She jerked back as the thought occurred, red staining her cheeks to the tips of her ears. Had he seen that, like before in the Weave?
Gale just smiled that mysterious smirk as if he knew a secret he shouldn't. Even so, he stood, brushed himself off, and offered a hand to help Thea up.
"Shall we?"
She nodded, gathered her lute, and slipped her hand into his. His touch was warm and welcome, and held on to her as they walked back to camp. Only when they reached the edges of the camp did their hands part.
"Goodnight, Thea."
"Sweet dreams, Gale. And… thank you."
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omg hi thea !! if you're making playlists could you pleeease do a henry one ill be your best friend forever
HENRY my love my darlingg of course i can make u a playlist omg <3333 okay hope u like it hehehe MWAH xx picked some songs that would be the MOST fun to dance to whilst cooking :)) ALSO gilmore girls vibes.... for my gg mutual henry of c!!!
Here's Where The Story Ends -- The Sundays
Every Day Is A Winding Road -- Sheryl Crow
No Matter What -- Badfinger
Reelin' In The Years -- Steely Dan
You're so vain -- Carly Simon (like the MOST fun cooking song ever. in the world. !!!!!)
mini playlist name ask game!!
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yourkimjaejin · 2 years
Bailed On Me
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You guys asked for more MoxyxJohnny! I return with ANGST....and a little fluff. Seriously thought I've been working on a Closer Look post about Johnny and Moxy's relationship that I hope you'll like but until then here's something I cooked up after reading about Boyoung and Johnny angst over at @multifandom-02 Enjoy!! ~Author Izzy
Also Trigger Warning for mean/intrusive thoughts
It had been a particularly bad practice for Moxy. Learning choreography was wayy harder as an actual idol rather than a trainee. In training, they expected you to struggle. Struggling proved how serious you were. As a trainee weeks away from debut, struggling ain’t an option.
127’s teachers had started on fine tuning the group’s Limitless choreography for the group's comeback with their new members. But none of that mattered today. Her first teaser as a member of NCT had dropped. To celebrate. Johnny and Doyoung promised to take her out tonight. 
With the divide between Moxy and the rest of the group, Johnny and Doyoung were kind of forced to split their time between both sides. While the rest of 127 were able to spread out throughout the two floors of their dorm, the two usually took Moxy out so she could breathe. 
As per usual Moxy stuck around after practice to give her some time alone from the stares she’d get at every practice. She only stayed about an hour before hurrying home ready for a night out with her two favorite members who were basically her brothers now. 
The wide smile on her face was wiped away at the silence in the dorms. Silence was unusual for the 127. Something was always going on. Moxy went to see where her oppa’s were but after checking their rooms both were missing. 
Moxy figured they went out early to snag a table. She checked her phone to see a text from Doyoung. 
The members and I went to get food. We’ll be back late so you should order something. Get some rest Momo-ah!!
Her heart stopped. Did they forget? Moxy though as she plopped on the couch in the living room. The only time she sat there was when she was alone or the rest of the boys were asleep. One terrible thought past by her mind
You know they’ll always choose them over you
Tears bubbled to the surface but Moxy swallowed them back. She refused to cry over this. Johnny and Doyoung had a right to spend time with the members they’ve known since the beginning. 
That’s right! You’re just the extra baggage they have to carry around
Moxy shook the unwanted thoughts away. She got up, stomping through the dorm to her separate room. That’s ok, I’ll go celebrate by myself She walked over to her closet to get ready. 
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Sitting at her favorite paejeon restaurant she couldn’t help but think of Johnny and Doyoung. This would be way more fun if oppa was here. She took another bite of her pancake when the chair across from hers was pulled out. 
“You're one of Johnny’s members right? Thea?” The guy sat down. For a moment Moxy didn’t recognize him until he smiled at her. 
That was Kai.
Moxy tripped getting up to bow, “안녕하세요, 선배님.” Kai waved off her 90 degree bow inviting her to sit back down. 
“Relax, we’re not at a schedule. What are you doing here alone? You’re far from the dorms.” Moxy offers some of her food but Kai waved her off once again, a smile on his face.
“My teaser photos came out today. I…was celebrating.” Sadness filled her eyes once again. 
“By yourself?” 
“Johnny oppa and Doyoung oppa were supposed to come with me. I guess they forgot.” She continued to look downcast. 
“Regardless, I wouldn’t be a good label mate or sunbae if I left you like this. 저기요! Could I get another order of everything my pipsqueak over here ordered. To go please.” Kai said with a smile befitting someone like him. 
“Coming right up.”  “I’m not a pipsqueak!”
“Yes you are.” Kai laughed at Moxy pouting. “Now when the nice ajumma finishes your food, Come outside and I’ll get a cab for you.” Before Moxy could tell him no, Kai was up and walking to the front of the restaurant.
When Moxy walked out with a bag of food, Kai was already waiting with a van to take her home. After she was settled in the second row, Kai handed her a slip of paper
“What’s this?” She asked.
“It's my number. Put it in your phone and if this happens again, call me. I’ll send a car to your location.” At her wide smile, a stern older brother look came on, “For emergencies only, okay?” Sarcastically she agreed. In retaliation, Kai ruffled her hair making her squirm. 
“Get her home safe!” Kai addressed the driver then turned back to Moxy winking. “Make sure to put that name as Jongin oppa.” Kai watched her roll her eyes as the cab pulled off. Another guy stepped out of the tiny shop meeting Kai at the curb. 
“Who was that?” Taemin asked his long-time friend. “Her? That’s Johnny’s little sister. I was making sure she got home safe. He was freaking out because she wasn’t at their dorm.” 
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Moxy was toeing her shoes off when Taeyong’s voice called out, “Moxy! Is that you?” 
Moxy rolled her eyes before she got to the living room where Taeyong, Johnny and Doyoung were sitting. “Yeah.”
“Where have you been?” Doyoung asked, concern dripping in his voice. Johnny didn’t say anything but his eyes followed her as she walked to her room at the end of the hall. 
“Out.” was all she said before the door closed. 
To Be Continued
Just kidding 😘😘
A week later, at the dorms, Moxy opened her door to a silent apartment. All the boys were asleep, which was the perfect time to get a late night snack without any comments about diets from Taeyong. Just as she closed the door, Her foot knocked a shopping bag over. Inside was a yellow and red flannel shirt with the words Listen to Your Heart written on the back. Moxy shook her head. Only two people knew how much she wanted this shirt and her eyes meet their guilty ones in the living room with a spread of all her favorite snacks across the coffee table. 
Moxy pursed her lips, trying to hold back a smile, “You know this doesn’t make up for you two ditching me.” 
“We know but we hope a night of ignoring our diets would heal the sting.” Johnny opened up a bag of cool ranch doritos. 
“We got golden oreos. Just for our favorite girl.” Doyoung smiled while holding up one of the two containers. Moxy tried to make em squirm…..but the call of oreos was too much for her
“Move over.” as quietly as they could, Johnny and Doyoung celebrated. Moxy snatched the package of oreos from Doyoung’s hand and make herself comfortable between her two oppa’s 
“I hope you know that other pack is for you cause I’m not sharing.” Moxy said as she snatched the bag of doritos from Johnny's hands. The three newest members of NCT spent the rest of the night binging on movies and completely breaking their diet. 
Any scolding from their leader in the morning was worth it.
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daisynik7 · 10 months
daisy i can’t 😭😭😭i love us too!!! yes you may have mentioned that, and it is very true, it’s not shocking to me that you’re as kind and encouraging to your co-workers as you are here and everywhere else, a sweet daisy amongst the weeds 🥹 but i’ve been meaning to ask you about your work potluck, how’d it go? reactions to the lumpia? homemade or purchased? (no shame!) give me details please, i must know 😌
you express your gratitude well enough, and never feel the need to do more than you already have<3 you’ve done plenty.
i usually love the smell of fresh laundry too, but our apartment unit is right next to the laundry room that all tenants use and the smell of dryer sheets drives me nuts now and we can’t keep the windows open for long🥲
☕️ *clink* i’ve got a london fog:) enjoy the rest of your week off, i’m off too. i don’t won’t to assume that you do celebrate thanksgiving, if you do i hope it’s a time well spent with good company, good food, and rest, and if not my wishes still remain for your time off and well into the weekend! i love you daisy, my angel darling, my precious snookums! 🤍
a sweet daisy amongst weeds?!?! you are out to get me tonight! 😭 potluck was surprisingly good! I set my expectations very low considering most of the people were tbd until the day of LOL. I bought the lumpia from a local filipino shop! too much work for coworkers who wouldn't even appreciate it anyways haha. someone brought broccoli salad (which I didn't have high hopes for) but it was one of my fave dishes there! she so kindly gave me the recipe because I kept raving about it to her :) overall, a very fun day! thank you for asking!
I totally understand why you wouldn't enjoy that smell anymore! what a bummer! 😩
and ahhhh a london fog sounds so good right now! so cozy and soothing! I'm glad you're off too (I know you mentioned before you don't celebrate, but I wasn't sure if you had it off in the first place). we do celebrate, but it's usually very low-key. my mom unfortunately is sick with a cold right now, so it's going to be even MORE low-key lol. my sister and her hubby were supposed to come over, but we may just cook what we planned and give them a to-go platter instead, so that they don't get sick 🥹
any plans during your time off? whatever you do, I hope you enjoy it to the fullest! I love you thea! stay safe and take care of yourself! ♥️
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hey thea bby, it’s me👹 i’m curious to hear who you’d match me with in asoiaf, marauders, and hp!
my pronouns are she/they, i’m bi, and i would describe myself as an introverted and creative person with many hobbies (writing, crocheting, sewing, drawing, reading, dancing). my two loves are cooking and doing makeup looks because i get to let loose and just have fun with it. i’m not super confident in my abilities in general but the one thing i’m certain of is that i’m one hell of a cook lol.
i love listening so sad songs and singing along to them. i’m also very much a musical theatre and pop girlie. i love horror films, but not necessarily jump scares. i am obsessed with death game films (like the werewolf game).
for personality traits..i’d say that i’m quiet once you get to know me because then i’m talkative with a stupid sense of humour. loyal. passionate about things. can be stubborn at times.
i don’t really know what else to add but hopefully this will suffice😅
love uuuuu🖤
mwah hey bby i love youuuuuu, i hope you like 😩 <3
i match you with...*drumroll please* (also help the werewolf game is literally my favourite film ily)
HOTD – Aemond Targaryen
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– I DIDN'T KNOW I WAS GONNA GO WITH THE OBVIOUS BUT IT JUST MAKES SENSE – honestly i was thinking about this and aemond just would not leave this lil noggin – it's just so easy to imagine the validation you would give each other – i personally think his love language is quality time so he jumps at the opportunity read your writing (horni or otherwise 👀) and i could pitcure him asking Helaena how to crochet and sewing so he could impress you, though he's not keen on cooking at first, you'll have to persuade him – he actually comes to love it and that only makes him love you more because he knows that you are the only reason he learnt how to do this anyway – if we're talking modern au, he starts knitting you a blanket for christmas and this man is rageful about the process, absolutely going crazy over how annoyed he is when he can't do the loop properly or something goes wrong but this boy is determined to make the best blanket for you, you have ever seen – genuinely thought crocheting and knitting were the same thing for most of his life but he'll never admit that – it'll take awhile before he starts actively pursuing you because he is also quiet but once you have a proper conversation he's hooked – always has a small smile shoot across his lips when he hears you humming or singing a song – he rolls his eye when you tell a stupid joke but grows to love that about you – over time he will finish the punchline to annoy you but then one day there's a very obvious joke hanging out there that you don't point out and he's very concerned if you're alright – A frown pinches his brows together as you look ahead obliviously. "Are you alright?" He asks. You glance at him briefly. "I'm fine. What do you mean?" He lifts a hand to your forehead which you dodge but he succeeds anyway. "What are you–?" "I think you have a temperature." He stands up and waltzes toward an empty bag in the corner before approaching you again and lifting you into both arms. "We're seeing a maester. What do you want to bring?" – he automatically seeks you out in a crowd because he knows you'll both be more comfortable with someone you know and will not leave your side until the night is over – he loves that you're passionate and will sometimes prod you into ranting because he thinks it's just so cute, like if a kitten was trying to scrap with a gorilla (i'm not elaborating) – he's nowhere near as bad as Aegon though when you're introduced – the boy just laughs hysterically while arguing with you and Aemond's in the corner holding onto you by the waist and slowly trying to stop you both – he also grows to love how stubborn you are, it's how he would realise he's falling in love with you, you'll be in the middle of an argument and he mentally goes 'oh shit' – he only dances if you beg him because it makes him uncomfortable in front of people but if you're alone together then he pulls out all these suave motions you didn't even know existed – he sometimes likes to get competitive about it and very serious out of nowhere
BOOKS – Cregan Stark
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– also you are so right for this fancast – now this man is a very serious stern little baby who at the end of the day just wants to have a bath with you and listen to you talk about everything and everything – i could see him becoming particularly clingy to a quiet yet passionate s/o so rest assured that this boy is not leaving your side all night – doesn't think you have to share interests but if you partake hunting or other activities with him he will return the favour but he much prefers watching you – he'll stoke a fire while you crochet and he'll swear he's never been happier – i could picture this starting as a slow-burn arranged marriage but the entire time he does genuinely care for you and will court you properly – alike Aemond, it's when he sees your stubborn side that his attraction grows but it's your confidence and humour that cement your place in his heart – he loves his silly goofy spouse and especially when you're alone together – he is also very attracted to loyalty and variety so the fact that you have so many interests is very appealing to him – he also likes to know that you won't be bored when he rarely has to leave you – he would enjoy dancing with you and love if you taught him anything – His brow deepens as his large hand wraps itself awkwardly on your hip. "Like this?" You shake your head, smile growing impish as you move it up to your waist. "Like this." You correct and he huffs childishly. "I'd like to see you try and wield a sword." He grumbles. "What was that?" "Nothing." – at night he enjoys you reading to him with you safely tucked between his arms, and his cock between your– – most of the time he falls asleep like that that every time you pry his arms away so you can return your book, he huffs and they encircle you again – he doesn't care if you're not tired, it's night time and your big puppy man is in need of snuggles
GOT – Theon Greyjoy
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– Theon likes that you hold to your own and secretly thinks that it's very cute that you're quiet at first and especially as he is so boisterous – he becomes besotted because you're so much of what he wants to be; he wants to be loyal and passionate and talented – it takes him a while to properly flirt with and court you – he 100% thinks that if he pulls your hair enough you'll fall madly in love with him – it takes Robb talking sense in him to get him to understand and change his approach – he is still persistent and annoying but now he likes to interrupt your reading and trap you beneath him until you promise to show him your needlepoint – when he finds out how much you like music, he employs the help of as many people as possible to serenade you (bestie im so sorry, i love you i swear) – he eventually calms down and will apologise if you are embarrassed and take you for a long chat about yourselves, he actually really admires you, you are gorgeous, loyal and positively the most interesting person he's ever met and he just really wants you to think about him in anyway possible, he's desperate to put himself on your mind as much as you're on his – if you accept him then he grins, sighs in relief and will promise to learn about you deeper than surface level – he'll clean up and request for strolls around the courtyard with you – when Theon comes to realise who you are beyond your image he grows to genuinely care for you and especially your humour, he doesn't like the sophisticated jokes Robb tries to make – but overall he comes to love you because he learns more about himself when he's with you and he likes that side of himself
MARAUDERS – Dorcas Meadowes
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– it's your passion that catches her initial attention but she gets excited when you mention that you like writing – she is an avid reader and will absorb all your writing you let her read and will excitedly tell you her thoughts about it – she likes to swap books with you and ask your thoughts – she is also a fan of sad songs, finding something very beautiful in tragedy and will be very happy to talk to you about it – she's a big fan of learning and will drag you through Hogsmeade with her to find a specific find, promising to buy some new records for you and begrudgingly agree to watch the latest horror with you despite not liking them – I get the vibe that she really loves makeup but hates doing it herself so she'd love if you'd straddle her lap and do it for her – no ulterior motives to seeing you on top of her of course – carries little notebooks in her bag everywhere she goes just in case you get inspire – she likes to wrap her arms and legs around you, resting her chin on your shoulder as she peers over trying to sneak a peak at it – she's quite competitive so gets very intense while watching death game films but she doesn't like the gore and will pull a face everytime – she's an ambitious woman and likes to learn new things so long as you're willing to show her – she also very much loves that you can cook, she makes a note of every recipe you show her
HP – Ginny Weasley
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– this girl falls head over heels – she just thinks you're so cool, composed and awesome basically – she grew up with rowdy brothers each as insufferable as each other so the calm of befriending someone on the quieter side appeals to her but she soon grows to learn that she feels deeper for you than she feels for Luna – she will beg and plead for you to crochet her stuff and wear in proudly and a beaming grin – she's not the biggest fan of makeup but enjoys playing with colours and making bold statement-like designs on herself – if you cooked for her she would smother you in affection but she respects boundaries and will keep complimenting you with a big cheesy smile on her face – her favourite thing about you would be that you draw however – even if it's just a stickman she's begging you to let her keep it – loves the idea of you drawing her – she likes staying up chatting absolute nonsense with you all night
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wint3r-h3art · 2 years
Omg, I had no idea you also eat balut! I looked it up and the banana leaves, the vinegar, the spices. I looked up some other Cambodian food and it reminds me of this Instagram video I saw the other day with this Cambodian girl visiting her mother. Her mother made shrimp fried rice and a couple other dishes and it almost made me tear up a little because of how familiar it looks. It looks like the fried rice my mom taught me how to make, especially if it's cooked in a big wok that's scratched and slightly burned at the bottom from years of use. Plus the little vinegar on the side with minced garlic and chili peppers. If I ever find it again I'll send it to you. I'm looking at desserts now and you're right too about the coconut and palm sugar! We also use banana plantains and mangoes, and let's not forget the banana leaves (what is NOT wrapped in banana leaves or rice paper, lol). You're right that there's similarities between our cultures even if we speak different languages, and I just love that about us. And what I find especially endearing is our abbreviation as Southeast Asians, it's SEA. It's just so 🤍
*hugs you tightly* I remember learning a little bit about that in school, it's sad it's briefly talked about in class and I only learned more about it from reading YA books at the library. There was a book I read from the school library when I was 12 years old that I cannot remember what it was called, but I vividly remember the cover and the story because it stuck with me more than 10 years later. It was about a Cambodian girl where she and her older sister were put in a camp and she loved her sister dearly, but her older sister died before they could make it to the United States. Her memory of her was them dancing together and she carries her memory with her whenever she dances. I feel the 70s was a hard time for SE Asia because my dad was in college, my mom in high school at the time too when the Philippines was put under martial law during the Marcos dictatorship. Particularly in the province my family is from, there were a lot of massacres and brutality from the dictatorship. My dad told me he even remembers there was a time a lot of Vietnamese people came to the Philippines to escape the war. Not pitting us against other Asian nations, but you are right and I feel that SE Asian nations have a specific kind of generational and cultural trauma from colonialism that is different compared to other nations, even if some of us are separated by a sea. It's a pain we all feel and a wound we all suffer from in some way. But we are stronger when we stand together 🤍🤍
I know that got kinda dark so back to the lighter stuff! I can totally imagine Namor and Namora casually eating Cambodian food, not minding the spice but don't tell Attuma it's spicy until he starts coughing and sweating. That's what he gets for oversleeping and missing their morning meeting 🤣🤣🤣
For balut, we call it something else lol (pong thea koun). But yes, many dishes we do share, and i think it’s the infuences from trade route and such. We eat rice with spoon and fork too, and if we do it traditional way, definitely by hand, on the straw mat 🤣 Also we use banana leaves, lotus leaves, and palm leaves as well ! the thing that I miss the most while living here is drinking palm juice out of bamboo tubes. The taste just so distinct, and there’s nothing like it. I remember when I was young and visited my grandfather’s hometown, and the island was fully of mangoes! I remembered eating the green ones because I love sour mangoes more than the ripe one tbh, dipping them in spicy shrimp paste or spicy chili salt. 
The 70′s was truly a really tragic time for most SEA people. My in-laws were actually among the Vietnamese refugees a then camp at the Philippine. I think they were there for about two years before they managed to come to the US. My relatives were refugees in Malaysia/Indonasia. Everyone was trying to escape war and find a better life. They have to leave everything behind, and honestly, that sort of trauma does stick with you to these days, even generation later. 
But yes, moving from the dark stuff, I need Attuma to introduce me to fresh water dolphin! There’s a legend about it, and I need to know if it’s true 🤣🤣🤣 I imagine him just hanging out by the river dock, and calls me over to meet his friend, the fresh water dolphin that everyone thought went extinct. 
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soda-gremlin · 1 year
Geronimo stilton AU My Lover
Lilli bourgeoisie is an oc so she come from rich family, she's hyperfeminine. She and geronimo in relationship for 3 years, she like when geronimo talk about he's adventure and she really like he's personality. She doesn't like geronimo family and friend except for benjamin & kornelius(oh she and kornelius in polymarous relationship with geronimo)
Beside fashion she also like musical theater, cooking, shopping and adventure too. She's kind but when she dealing with mean or insufferable people she become mean and rude toward them. Example when she first met thea she being nice infront of her after thea is gone
Lilli : That's the most ugliest clothes i ever seen. She's obviously a very very beautiful woman but when she open her mouth you know is like dirt
She's always being passive agressive toward geronimo family and friend. Because she knew they had it coming . There's even one time when she really violent toward them that almost make william get killed, she throwing thing toward trap and thea.
Lilli : Get that bitch out of here get that bitch the fuck out of here now. You disrespectful motherfuck
She even one time make false rumor about how bruce is terrible in bed even though she didn't have sex with him
Lilli : Bruce is terrible in bed. I swear he just lay there staring at the wall i had to do everything by myself what a pathetic fucking man
She making cupcake
Lilli : I like you have a cupcake(to geronimo)I like you have a cupcake(to benjamin)I like you have a cupcake(to kornelius) UGHHHHHHH(to william, thea, trap and he's shitty friend she intentionally skip them)
She and trap have conversation he will never forget
Lilli : You're not very pretty and you're not very bright i'm so glad we had that talk
She love calling geronimo shitty family and friend bitches and cunt.
Before she and geronimo in relationship. She went on a date with him she think they gonna boring date but actually the date went well. Geronimo talk about he's adventure that make her really interested at him. Went geronimo is homeless the one who's helping is her and kornelius, after him got into hospital she taking care of him, there's even a few time she had to cancel few important thing she attend to help geronimo. She try calling he's family and friend but there's only one person helping her kornelius
Gaslight gatekeep girlboss!!
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shadowqueen402 · 1 year
Kaylo's Special Birthday: Chapter 22
(Meanwhile at the Bruno mansion)
A knock was heard on the door to the Bruno mansion, grabbing Kaylo's attention. "I wonder who that could be," Kaylo said as she made her way to the door. She looked through the peephole and saw Aria and Lance in his human disguise. With a smile, she opened the door.
"Hi, guys!" Kaylo greeted. "What's up?"
Aria showed her three boxes; each one with a cake slice. "I hope you're in the mood for some cake," She said. "Because Lance and I have three cake samples for us to try."
"Ooh! Cake!" Kaylo was now really excited. "Come on in!"
Aria and Lance entered inside the Bruno mansion. "You have a nice place, Kaylo." Aria looked around Kaylo's home.
"Thanks," Kaylo said. "So is there a reason why we're cake-testing today?"
"Yes, actually." Aria smiled. "See, I want to give my parents a cake to let them know that I'm still thinking about them. But I want to find the right cake to choose. Since I've heard you're a sweet lover, I'd figured you could help me with that."
"Aww, how nice!" Kaylo returned the smile. "So, shall we begin? I'll grab the forks."
"Cake testing as officially begun," Lance said. "Let's start off with cake slice number one." Aria sat the small boxes onto the counter and opened the first one.
(Meanwhile with Iben, Bruce, and Trisha Jane)
"How do you two feel about lasagna?" Iben asked, holding a recipe card for the meal. "That can be a great dish for the party.
"Sounds good to me," Bruce said. "It has been a while since I've had lasagna. I'm sure that everyone will love having that."
"Lasagna does sound good," Trisha Jane. "What other dishes shall we cook?"
"Hmm, how about some stew?" Bruce suggested. "It's a hearty meal, just like lasagna. Could that work?"
"We can give that a try," Iben said with a nod. "I'll have to find a stew recipe, though. One that shouldn't take too long to cook. Remember, Thea wants everything to be done in time for Kaylo's party."
"That is true," Trisha Jane said. "Oh, we should definitely get drinks for the party tomorrow. Everyone will need a refreshing beverage to drink during the party."
"That's right!" Bruce said. "I shall ask Thea later on how many drinks we should get."
"That's another thing that's taken care," Iben said.
Kaylo and Thea belong to @kayssweetdreams
Trisha Jane belongs to @lovelyteng
Aria belongs to me.
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This one was posted September 3, 2023. The lists are almost completely up to date.
𝑺𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝟏 𝑬𝒑𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒅𝒆 𝟒: 𝑨𝒏 𝑰𝒏𝒏𝒐𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑴𝒂𝒏 (𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝟐)
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The Elevator at Queen Consolidated dings as Felicity walks out of it and into Walter's office.
As she barges through the doors she starts speaking, "I have one question. Why am I being fired?"
"Ms. Smoak, is it?" Walter asked
She spoke up again. "I am the single most valuable member of the technical division. Even above the so called " supervisor." Firing me would be a huge mistake."
"I agree. Which is why you're not."
"Oh- I assumed when you called me up here-"
"I need you to look into something for me."
He handed her a file.
"The variance of 2.6 million on a failed investment. It was authorized by my wife.."
"I'd.. Like you to figure out some of the details of the transaction."
"Find out.."
"Well.. I'm your Girl." She said as she began walking off with the file.
She turned back around "I'm not your girl, I wasn't making a pass at you."
As she walked out the door, she said "thank you for not firing me."
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Matt Istook unlocked his car and was about to get in, as a Tranq dart hit his neck.
He took it out as he faded into unconsciousness.. And woke up, handcuffed to the train tracks.
As he woke up, he saw the Hood as he said his name.
"Matt Istook."
"You-you're that Hood guy! Who's been terrorizing everyone in this city."
"You're lies put Peter Declan on Death row."
"Now you're either gonna tell the truth, or you're gonna meet the 10:15 to Blüdhaven."
He starts stammering "o-okay, I- Brodeur paid me to say Camille never spoke to me. But I had nothing to do with her death!"
"Oh god please! I'll do anything.."
"Y-you can have the file!"
"What file." The Hood said
"Camille gave me a file with evidence on Jason Brodeur."
"Where is it?! He yelled
"Let me go and I'll tell you."
The Hood walked behind him, out of sight.
The train horn sounded
"Wait wait! It's in my desk! At the office-you can have it. please don't go!"
The Hood shoots an arrow, breaking the chain on the handcuffs, freeing Istook in just enough time for him to get to safety.
Oliver looked over at Yao Fei, who was cooking. He hasn't eaten since the raft and was weak and beyond hungry.
"What is that?"
"It smells really good.. I'm so hungry."
Oliver tried touching the bird Yao Fei was cooking on a stick. But his hand was slapped away.
"Fine... Don't share."
Yao Fei points at the other bird in the cage and says "Shengcún."
"𝐈'𝐦 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐝."
Laurel was typing on her computer when the lights went out.
As a file was dropped on her desk, the Hood said "Compliments of Matt Istook."
"What is it?"
"Leverage on Jason Brodeur, enough to save Peter Declan's life"
"As an attorney.. I never would've gotten this."
"I was always told going outside of the law wasn't the right way.."
"And now Laurel?"
"I think there's too many people in this city willing to only fight for themselves."
"I think they do need someone like you.."
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Oliver walked into the middle Hallway of the mansion where Thea saw him practically glowing.
"Oh my god. What's wrong with your face?"
"It's something on your mouth.. It almost in the shape of a smile."
"Cute." Oliver said sarcastically
"So why are you so smiley?"
"I-I took your advice with Laurel... And I think it's starting to work."
"I've got mad relationship skills bro." Said Thea with a little smirk
"Let me know if you need any trendy places to propose."
"I think you're getting ahead of yourself."
"A little bit." He said as Thea walked off
Rob walked through the door and Oliver just smiled.
"Rob. You gotta keep up."
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The next day, Quentin walks into CNRI, where Laurel is busy at work.
"Is that the Declan case?" He asks
"You know.. There was a funny development with that."
"Matt Istook filed a police report. He said he was attacked by the hood."
"And, you know I was thinking.. I gave my daughter Istook's name."
"What, you think I have a personal line to a vigilante now?" Laurel responded, annoyed.
"I don't know how you did it- point is.. He's a damned criminal! And now you're an accessory."
She sighed.
"Okay, fine. You caught me. But I am only doing what I have to in order to save an Innocent man's life."
"And I'll bet that's the same justification this... Vigilante uses."
"You are breaking the law!" He said exasperated
"Maybe it wouldn't have to come to this if the police would've done their job in the first place." She said stubbornly
"I asked you how you got this case, and you lied straight to my face."
"I thought we didn't do that."
"Guess I was wrong." He said walking away.
She sighed, knowing it was too late in her life to ever be 100% honest with him again.
In the Judges office Laurel meets with the Judge and Brodeur, and his lawyers.
"The existence of the file proves Istook lied on Brodeur's behalf."
"That's slander. Jared Swanstrom. I represent Jason Brodeur and Brodeur chemical."
"The newly discovered evidence requires a stay of execution in the interest of justice."
"Ours isn't a court of justice. It's one of law. I don't think this enough to warrant a stay of execution." The judge said sternly
"Your motion for habeas corpus is denied."
As Jason's Lawyer shakes the judge's hand, Laurel turns to speak to him
"This isn't over. I found the loose end. And I'm gonna pull on it no matter what happens, until your whole world unravels."
Brodeur is worried as he speaks
"Declan's Lawyer is gonna get me sent to prison! If not for murder, than this Toxic dumping!"
"There are steps we can take to prevent that." Said one of his men
"You see her."
"She's going after me!" He yelled
"She'll want to meet with her client after what happened here today.. And we have friends at Iron Heights."
"And well... Prison can be a dangerous place."
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Back on the rooftop, the Hood speaks with Laurel again.
"We're not done yet."
"Within the bounds of the law, this is all that can be done."
"What would you need to free Peter Declan?" He asks
"..Well at this point, I'd say they'd accept nothing less than a signed confession from Brodeur." She sighed.
He walks towards the end of the roof.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm getting that confession."
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Back in Walter's office, Felicity returns with information.
"The company Mrs. Queen- or Steele?"
"Mrs. Queen-Steele? Does she hyphenate? She seems like she would."
Walter clears his throat.
"The company she invested in, doesn't exist."
"I'm sorry, I don't understand." He said
"It wasn't an investment. The money was used for an offshore LLC called Tempest."
"I don't recall that name being under the Queen Consolidated banner." He says in confusion.
"That's because it isn't. Even legally it doesn't exist. No governmental records such as taxes, it isn't registered with the secretary of state.."
"But... In 2009. Tempest purchased a warehouse in Starling City."
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Back at Big Belly Burger, Carly walks up to John as he sits at a Table by himself.
"Okay, enough moping. You quit. It's over."
"I think you should move on."
"If only it were that easy.."
"It is. This job is dangerous, your nephew already lost his father.. He can't lose you too."
"Does it ever bothe you.. Andy's killer wasn't caught?" He asks
She looks off guard
"In Afghanistan, when I had a job, I did it."
"And I'd help where I could, and believe it was a better place when I'd left."
"But now all I do is protect punks and spoiled one percenters."
"I miss the feeling that I'm making a difference in the world."
"Then stop. Do something you believe in." She said
"But what if it's wrong."
"If you believe in it.. How could it be wrong?" She asks with a genuine smile
In Brodeur's office the hood was aiming an arrow at the man.
"Jason Brodeur." He said in a harsh and deep tone of voice
"What do you want?"
"You're going to admit to having Peter Declan's wife killed."
"Why? So I can take his place?"
"So you can avoid the death penalty." He said
"Except you need me to exonerate him. Maybe you'll try and force me to sign a confession-"
He was cut off by his own scream of pain as an arrow flew through his hand, pinning it to the wall.
"Might be difficult."
From his pocket, his cellphone rung.
"My hand!"
The hood took the phone out of his pocket and held it near his face.
"Answer the phone!"
As the hood clicked the answer button a voice said.
"It's going down in an hour."
He hung up.
"What's going down in an hour.?"
He didn't respond so he yelled "what?!"
"Let's just say the execution is getting moved up."
The hood growls and punches him in the face, knocking him out.
Laurel is sitting across Peter Declan in It on Heights.
"Please don't give up on yourself. I told you my friend is working on something, he just needs some more time."
The Hood jumps down and knocks out a guard on the outer perimeter, stealing his uniform.
"I don't have more time Miss Lance."
A guard on the inside opens the door, letting one of Brodeur's men in.
"Unlock the cages." He says as he hands the guard a check.
"I'm gonna die tomorrow. Don't you think I've been here before? All these lawyers holding out false hope?"
Then the alarms begin blaring. And Prisoners begin running rampant.
The guard's walkie talkie beeps as the warden talks.
"The Warden is setting up a secure perimeter in cell block C. Stay here Miss Lance."
He ran off out the door.
"Wait!" She said following after him
As her and Declan raced out the door, guards were getting beaten on by multiple prisoners. She had to think if now was the time to fight, or wait on the hood to show up and save them.
Sure, she could easily handle these barbarians.. But there were so many people, was she really willing to risk revealing her secrets right now.
They enter the caged in area where prisoners are continuing to attack guards.
A prisoner aims a gun at Laurel, but the second he does an arrow flies into the man.
"Let's go."
They follow the hood, who is disguised as a prison guard.
They get chased by more escaping prisoners, and as they make it to a hallway, The Hood gets grabbed.
He flips the man over, grabs Laurel's hand and they continue to run, now the police on their tails.
As they make it into another room. A prisoner punches the hood, and the force sends his bow flying and him to the floor.
Declan moved backwards slowly, and the man grabbed Laurel, throwing her into a chain link fence. He threw her to the floor and began choking her.
She looked over to see the Hood still on the ground, and she grabbed a sharp object by her side, presumably a makeshift prisoner weapon...
She was beginning to struggle breathing when the hood got back up and saw what was happening. Laurel stabbed the man in the shoulder blade as The Hood lunged at him knocking him off of her, the man screamed in pain from the object.
The Hood didn't take anytime to process it as he was filled with Violent rage and began punching and beating on the man.
As Laurel regained her composure she began to get up.
"Stop." She said
At first, he was on edge and growled as he was about to attack, but as he realized it was her he calmed down.
As the guards came in and began making orders he looked guilty and said "Laurel."
But it was time for all of them to go.
Laurel was outside in front of a cop car when Quentin came running to her as he said her name, and they hugged.
"I'm okay." She said
"Are you sure?" He asked as he let go from the hug.
"I'm sorry.. I was unkind earlier." She sighed.
She had a lot of that going around lately. To her father, To Oliver.. And to Tommy. She just needed to figure her life out again.
"You were right.. Ankov confessed to Camillie's murder. So we got the wrong guy."
She looked down as he said the next part.
"But I'm right too. He's dangerous."
"He's outside the law."
"You know, I was hesitant about making these sacrifices, without formally inviting you to the association. Hell, I wasn't even sure you'd have much to offer me, Ms. Lance."
"But something about you, draws you to me. And I'm more than happy to teach you still. After all... You are a fast learner."
"But I'm still not doing it for free."
"But of course not." Laurel's snide tone poked through, she was a little over 20
"It's simple really. At some point, I feel if we go to far we may end up with trouble in Starling City... And for me and my select few.. Friends. I want you to make sure nothing happens to us by the law."
"So you want me to forge the law, if this much less than legal organization is exposed?"
"In a sense yes. Your loyalty to the law.. It will come second to me."
"I promise."
"I know." She responded to her father.
"He's a killer."
"Can I trust you, Laurel?"
"Sometimes, the law alone isn't enough to fix things. Sometimes it comes down to your own ability.." Laurel admitted, at this point in her life she had a hope decay.
"I'm surprised you stayed this long. Even your mother didn't. When given the chance, many would jump at it."
"We'd be honored to have you. You are even much better then some of the girls I have trained since childhood."
"If I can trust you with my name, our destiny's will forever be through this league."
"I agree."
"You can call me Sandra on your day off." The woman's voice had the hint of a smile hidden in it.
"We begin."
"He would've killed that man."
Scenes flash of the Dark haired woman and Laurel sparring elegantly, uniquely..
"I looked into his eyes and it was like he had no remorse."
"Are you certain you won't reconsider joining us officially?"
"You could make such a good difference here with us."
"It's not out of the cards for me yet, Sandra."
The screen panned up to the hood who took off the ski mask, and he looked down.
The bird still in the woven cage was chirping.
"Please, I'm starving." Oliver begged
"I've never killed anything before."
As the hunger got the best of him, Oliver grabbed the bird from the cage.
He looked up, saying "I'm sorry." As he snapped it's neck.
The sirens were still going off as lance said "Let's get you home."
"I wonder how he got into that prison anyway.. A grown man in a green hood kind sticks out, doesn't it?"
"Actually.. He was dressed as one of the guards, with a ski mask."
She noticed a visibly shocked expression form on his face.
"What did I say?"
"Nothing, just had an idea." He says
She side-eyed him suspiciously as she stepped into the car.
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Walter made his way to the Warehouse, where there was a keypad on the door.
He typed Tempest, but it was wrong.
Then Oliver. Wrong again.
Then Thea, still wrong.
As he typed Robert, it unlocked. And when he went inside and turned on the lights, his face was one of pure shock as he saw the Queen's Gambit, now torn in half.
Now at the Police Station, Quentin and the Tech support are looking through the footage from the shooting at the exchange building.
"Yeah this is from the exchange building, but I already scrubbed through all of it." Said the IT guy.
"Yeah.. Well we're doing it again."
"When you went through it last time, you were just looking for a man in a green hood, right?"
"What was I supposed to look for? A man in a tutu wearing a wig?"
Lance rolls his eyes and gives attitude when he speaks up.
"Just look for anything out of the ordinary, okay?"
They look through the tape, and Quentin looks suspiciously at Oliver.
"Go back 10 seconds."
He sees him with a dufflebag and says "I'll be damned."
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Laurel and Peter Declan were walking through the park to meet up with Izzy.
"Thank you for everything Laurel."
"Don't thank me. This was all the doing of our... Mutual friend." She said with a smile.
"Someone has been waiting a long time to see you."
He saw his daughter, older now and they ran to each other, and began hugging.
Back in the Hideout, Oliver watches the news as he crosses out Jason Brodeur's name on the list.
"Multiple state and federal agencies are seeking compensation and clean up costs from Brodeur chemical."
"New facts have come to light, where Camille Declan presented evidence of dumping prior to her murder in 2007."
"Peter Declan has been released and this case has been reopened."
Back in the cave with Yao Fei, Oliver is eating the bird he cooked.
"Yeah. Bird."
"Shengcún no mean bird." The man said.
"Shengcún mean survive."
"You speak english?" Oliver asked, baffled.
"If you want survive this place, bird not last thing you kill."
Yao Fei picked up Oliver's picture.
"And forget her. You look all day. You won't survive."
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Moira was walking towards a limo in a parking lot, belonging to Malcolm Merlyn.
"You wanted to see me?" She says
"You seem nervous Moira."
"Do I have a reason to be?"
"We all do. The modern Robin Hood.."
"What? You're worried your net worth makes you a target." Moira asks
"Jason Brodeur. Adam Hunt. Warren Patel."
"He's not targeting the rich... He's going after the list."
Oliver walked into his living room and saw Diggle staring out the window.
"If you're here about the bodyguard position... The new guy did just quit."
"I'm here for the other position." Dig said
Oliver looked surprised as he spoke.
"And I'm not signing on as a sidekick."
"But you were right. Someone needs to fight for this city.. And you'll do it with or without me."
"Except with my help... You'll have less casualties, yourself included."
"Diggle, I'm not looking for anyone to save me."
"But you still need it, a person to remind you of your humanity when the warzone takes over. When it scrapes off little pieces of your soul. "
Just then the doors burst open and the cops rush in.
From the other part of the house Walter says "You can't just barge in here!"
"I have a badge and gun that say different." Lance says as he continues
Oliver and Dig rush in.
"What the hell is going on?!" Oliver says
"Oliver what's happening?" Thea calls from the top of the stairs upon hearing the commotion.
Oliver is handcuffed.
"Oliver Queen you are under arrest for suspicion of obstruction of justice, aggravated assault-"
"Walter! Stop them!" Thea pleads
"-acting as a vigilante."
"Are you out of you mind?!"
"And murder."
As they read him his rights and take him away, the family behind looks beyond, shocked and Walter starts making calls.
I am so excited to do more Canary, and Laurel training flashbacks. But I'm also worried about giving away too much too early. But this is gonna be so fun.
Author's Note:
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becca4leafclover · 5 months
Ok I just watched all the episodes of Starlighter (not exposed or my heartstopper yet) and I’ve gotta say it’s really really good! My favourite character has gotta be Wren! I love her seriousness. Boba is cool too, nice to have some autism rep.
I’m REALLY intrigued with where the story is going and I have so many questions about Thea and Jaida and just the world as a whole.
If I’d have to have one complaint, the romance between Gray and Xero feels a bit forced, and actively takes away from what I like about their characters, but it’s still a good series and I’ve enjoyed watching it!
I'm sooo happy you're enjoying the show!!! (And thanks for coming back to share with me your asks have been the highlight of my days LOL)
You didn't hear this from me but I think the Brainfreeze ship is also kind of overrated LOL We originally had a darker personality and story planned for Xero that I personally liked a bit more, but Jakey fell in love with these two's potential dynamic as he was writing and if was right around the time that the Netflix show "Heartstopper" was airing- soooo he got inspired and the entirety of My Heartstopper is just Grey and Xero gay romance LOL
While most of our early ideas have been scrapped, they've been switched out for other stories that work more for what we've got going and I feel that the general arcs we want these characters to go on, will still be fulfilled. Grey and Wren are still two sides of the same coin in reaction to the systematic oppression they face, and Xero despite his relationship, still has some unaddressed issues and the risks he takes still exist. Let us cook we'll get there eventually 🍜
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maddstermind · 7 months
Dead Darlings Tag
Thank you for the tag @veneritia!!!
Rules: Share a part of your writing you love that got cut for the greater good. It doesn't matter if it's a line or a paragraph. It doesn't matter if you might work it back in. If it's not currently in a wip and you want to share, please do.
I actually have the perfect thing for this! This little interaction was cut from a 15k chapter in book one because it was already epically long and ultimately didn't matter to the story :< but I still love it. I call it the old man soup scene.
     Part of him wanted to go up to the third floor, to find Thea and thank her for her hospitality and ask if there was a place he could change, but the warmth of the dining area was intoxicating, and he found himself continuing to follow Ignacio towards the stove.      The captain came up behind his taller husband and set a firm hand on his back, to which the chef did not flinch, and did not pull his focus away from his work.      "Have you met Addison yet, love?" he asked. "He's an academic."      "Once," Addison answered for him. "He directed me to your boat tours for my questions. But I've had the pleasure of eating at Seaver's. Your cooking is wonderful."      Archie grunted, not looking up from the pot. "S'pose that means a lot, comin' from a city man."      He tried not to shrink at the man's gruff tone. "There's certainly nothing like it back at the Capital."      He didn't respond, instead asking, "You're the one who got the sea junk out of the attic, then?"      Ignacio grumbled over-dramatically about how it was not sea junk, but Addison nodded. "It's been very useful for my research, I'm grateful you let me have it. I'm still willing to pay for it, if you've changed your mind."      Ignacio waved him off. "It's no trouble. Glad you're gettin' some use out of it! I know I certainly didn't."      Archie rolled his eyes, very subtly. Addison could spot a hint of a smile on his face. "Better in your attic than ours." He tasted what he was cooking; some kind of thick stew. He thought for a moment, and then looked through the spice rack. "It'll be ready soon. You should dry off. You'll catch a cold."      "Yes, I meant to ask about a place to change," Addison adjusted his bag. "I wouldn't want to intrude anywhere."      "Thea's upstairs. So's a bathroom."      "Thank you. Should I spread word about dinner?"      Archie shook his head, finding whatever spice he was looking for and sprinkling some into the pot. "I'll ring the bell."      Sure enough, there was a large bell with a rope to ring it near the window. Addison nodded and stepped away. "Well, I look forward to it. Good seeing you again, sir."      Archie gave little more than a nod as Addison headed back towards the stairs, but he could hear Ignacio snicker, "Hear that? He called you sir. You've never been a sir in your life!" To which Archie responded with a playful threat to pour hot soup on his head. 
I love them. Sorry it's a little long. I'll tag @halleyuhm, @akiwitch, @saintedseraph, @scribe-scott, and @planets-and-prose! (And anyone else who wants in!)
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Curry Night at Thea’s
Fancy a curry? Here are two recipes to kick off a curry night: PANEER JALFREZI, and SAAG ALOO. 
These two Northern Indian dishes take about the same time to cook, and both sauces benefit from being made well in advance. A day before you plan to eat is ideal, but if 24 hours of flavour melding is not an option for you, they work just fine made on the night. 
When throwing a curry night, I recommend aiming to have a range of textures and flavours: some drier curries, and some saucier, and choosing one or two different spices in each dish. We ate them with my EGG CURRY recipe (minus the prawns) featured here and with a lemony dahl.
Serves 4-6
This recipe is very quick once you’ve made the sauce. The key thing is to use a non stick pan when frying your paneer and to not skimp on the fenugreek - a revelation!
Ingredients For the sauce 80g ghee or sunflower oil 4 garlic cloves, crushed  2 tbsp coriander seeds, coarsely pounded 6 red chillies, coarsely pounded in a mortar 2 onions, finely chopped 5cm piece fresh root ginger, finely chopped or crushed 3 green chillies, finely chopped 5 fresh ripe tomatoes, finely chopped 2 tsp salt 1 tsp ground garam masala 2 tbsp dried fenugreek leaves, crumbled
For the stir-fry 1 tbs ghee or corn oil ½ tsp crushed dried chillies 2 red or yellow peppers, deseeded and cut into strips  1 red onion, sliced 1cm thick 600g paneer, cut into 3cm batons A handful of fresh coriander leaves, chopped ½ tsp dried fenugreek leaves, crumbled Juice of 1 lemon
Method First make your sauce. Heat the oil or ghee in a pan, add the garlic and let it cook until it begins to just turn brown on the outside edges. Now add the coriander seeds and red chillies. When they release their aromas, add the onions and the teaspoons of salt, and cook until they start changing to light golden. Stir in the ginger, green chillies and tomatoes. Leave on a low heat and cook until the sauce thickens. When it is ready you should see the fat from the oil start to separate out. Add the garam masala and stir. You can set it aside at this stage for 1-2 days if needed.
When the rest of your curry night dishes are ready, you can start the paneer. Heat the ghee or oil in a wok or smiliar. Add the onion, pepper strips and crushed chillis. Stir and sauté on a high heat for one minute, then add the paneer and stir for another two minutes, until some sides are nicely goldened. Add the sauce and mix well. Once everything is heated through, check the seasoning. Finish with the fresh coriander, crumbled fenugreek leaves and lemon juice.
                                  SAAG ALOO
You can make the sauce smooth by blending it before you add the potatoes, or leave as is. You can take or leave the potatoes, as you like. 
Ingredients 4 potatoes 1 tbsp oil 2 onions, chopped 1 tsp cumin seed 1 tsp salt 2 garlic cloves, crushed 2 bags fresh spinach or 300g frozen spinach 2 medium fresh tomatoes, pureéd in blender 1 tsp chopped ginger ½ tsp turmeric powder ½ tsp red chilli powder 1 tsp salt or to your taste ½ cup yoghurt 2 tbsp of gram or corn flour ½ tomato thinly sliced ¼ cup water 1 tsp amchoor mango powder A handful of fresh coriander, chopped
Method First boil your potatoes in their skins (cut them into smaller chunks if some are larger, so that they are all an even size). Boiling them in their skins means they don’t go fluffy and break apart in the curry. When they are cooked, peel and cut into your preferred size.
Next, heat the oil up in a large pot. Add the cumin seeds and the onions and salt. Fry for a couple of minutes until the onions turn translucent, then add the garlic and ginger followed by the powdered spices. Cook until the raw aroma disappears and all starts to turn golden, and then add the puréed tomatoes. Roughly chop the spinach, and add to the pot, stirring well. Turn the heat down and allow to simmer for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, stir the flour into the yoghurt, so that it is fully incorporated - this stops the yoghurt from curdling in the sauce when it comes into contact with the heat and acidity of the tomatoes. Add the yoghurt mix to the sauce, stirring gently. To finish, add water if the sauce has become dry, followed by the amchoor and garnish with the fresh coriander.
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forgottennamesgame · 3 years
How would the ros for both react to an mc who unconsciously bakes a lot when stressed? Like they don't even realize it until someone mentions it to them xD
Theo/Thea - *enters the kitchen, raising their eyebrow at all the plates full of baked foods* - "Is this the start of a banquet or the end of a hard day?"
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Selim/Aylin - "Let's bake then go beat up whoever stressed you!"
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Ilzrus - Silently enjoys the baked goods while keeping the MC company in the kitchen. From time to time they will ask the MC how was their day, with a knowingly look.
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August - They'll discreetly place a list of foods they want to try in the proximity of the MC whenever they anticipate a stressful day for them. You've got to work with what you've got, right?
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Darius/Daria - Enters the house, feels the smell from the kitchen, immediately takes out the wine. They'll take this opportunity for a nice meal together (and talk about why the MC is stressed).
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Abel - *standing with his arms crossed, looking at the MC furiously cooking*
*looks at one if his men* - "Since when?"
"It started five hours ago, sir"
"That bad, huh..." He sighs, with a small smile. "Find out what happened. And...tell everyone we're having dinner together tonight. You're bringing the drinks."
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Constance - Comes near the MC and stares at them, obviously curious. She really wants to find out what happened and why is the MC so pissed off/stressed.
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