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whatyadrawin · 10 months ago
The Fruit After The Flesh 18+ -Chapter 14
Minors DNI!
Approximately 4,989 words
Pairing: Thomas Hewitt (Headcanon) x AFAB reader
This chapters Warnings:  Sexual language and depiction of sexual acts, foul language, brief PTSD scene, mention of reproductive choices. This is Slasher smut, be mindful of that and use your discretion.
A/n: See the end of chapter for a special authors note since I dont want to spoil anything here. I feel pretty good about this chapter, the art has some sloppy work because I was passing out while working on them so please be nice, I hope theres no typos or weirdness in the edited writing either because I was also passing out for that. The censored image can be viewed raw on my google doc (By clicking that link you are consenting to seeing graphic adult imagery and you are over 18). Let me know if you want to be in the tag list. I update chapter progress on the masterlist whenever something changes.
Please enjoy this chapter! I worked very hard on it so reblogs, comments, and likes are appreciated very much.
Tag List: @fan-goddess , @artxasa , @baybaybear1 , @amour-tae , @dij-ology , @jillian-mill
Chapter 14
                The day started with you getting a phone call from the contractor, he informed you that your house was fully repaired and ready to move back into; You immediately got changed and walked over, highly excited to see the finished work. You arrived quickly, opening the heavy wooden door where the smell of fresh paint and new wood filled your lungs. The sun’s rays lit up the rooms giving the home a cheery appearance, as if it was happy to see you.
You slowly made your way through the entrance to head straight for your room, when you passed through the doorway you felt a knot form in your stomach, the memory of the fire was making you feel fear as if you were experiencing it all over again. You let the anxiety hit you to really feel the emotions fully, you figured if you could handle the ghost of the past then you could strive to overcome it.
Within a few short moments, the feeling passed but the cortisol surge remained. You left the bedroom and sat on the couch in the living room exhaling deeply as you reclined. You looked out at the large storage container that you had yet to completely empty, it was costing you to keep it on the property and felt like a constant reminder of how new you still were to this country.
The entire day was spent emptying out the storage crate to fill up your home. Extra clothes and furniture found their place in every corner of the house, by nightfall you managed to get your bedroom and bathroom to look mostly normal again. The fire destroyed your bed and stained the wardrobes with soot, some floor lamps were melted and unusable as well as your window curtains.
-Looks like I need to buy a new bed and some furniture- You thought about how nice you could make your room, and what curtains to buy to cover the bedroom window with. -I think it might be good to invest in some security features too while I’m at it- Dover’s attack on you affected the way you felt when you were alone, it was now pertinent to have visibility from many angles and access to view them at any time in case someone tried to hurt you while you were unaware again.
After ruminating on your fears, you locked up and left the house, the moon was now high in the sky and you realized you hadn’t eaten all day. When you left and got to the end of your driveway, you saw headlights shining up the road heading in the direction of the Hewitts house. The driver gave a honk and when you squinted to look, you recognized the truck, it was Charlie.
He pulled up next to you and reached over to unlock the passenger door,
“Get in ‘fore you get ate by a coyote” he said through the open window.
You smile and hop into the passenger’s side of the truck; the seat is rough edged from wear and scrapes the exposed skin on your leg as you slide onto it. You shut the door and thank him for picking you up,
“Are there really coyotes around here?” You asked
He smirks, “Well now, ain’t a whole lot of wildlife really comin’ ‘round here no more.”
You wrinkle your brows, “Must be lucky then eh?”
He chuckles and raises his eyebrows, “Somethin’ like that”
You roll your eyes and give a tight-lipped smirk, you knew it wasn’t luck, if anything it was a whole lot of bad luck that accumulated on this land brought onto poor hapless victims taken from the outside world just to feed the starving Hewitts. This land really was a world of its own, it felt like you were existing in another universe, the remoteness didn’t help much with that either.
“What’s ‘at look for?” he was obviously trying to sleuth out your expression.
Your eyes widen and you quickly face the open window to prevent further incriminating looks,
“Nothing” you hope he would drop it, but he continues,
“You’re bein’ real suspicious ain’t ya? Somethin’ I should know ‘bout?”
You reply with a hint of annoyance in your voice,
“Oh my Goduh, nothiiiiiiiiing” -that should throw him off-.
Charlie laughs and changes the subject,
“You gon’ move back into Tilly’s house now that it’s fixed up?”
You continue to look out the window,
“Yeah, I have been bothering you guys long enough.”
He quickly replies, “You was never no bother girly, I know Luda Mae’s gon’ be real upset seein’ you less. She sure hates an empty nest.”
You didn’t think it would be that much of an impact, you felt like a total leech living there for as long as you did,
“I’m sure she will be relieved having less cooking and housework to do
she never let me help.”
Charlie laughs, “That woman? She’s been feelin’ like a mother again what with doin’ all the women’s work. Was always her happiest when she was carin’ for the boy. Obsessed with motherhood, guess it’s normal for womenfolk to think like that.”
You roll your eyes, you had become used to the way Charlie spoke about women in the time you lived with him, but it was still obnoxious to hear such outdated ideals in modern day.
Charlie puts his arm up on the bench seat, he gives you an inquisitive look, he asks,
“You think like her at all?”
You sigh, “Isn’t that a bit personal?”
He sucks his teeth and looks at the road, he continues,
“Shoot girly, it’s just a question.”
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You remain quiet for a few seconds before responding, “No
 it’s never really been a goal for me.”
You replied, already feeling defensive, “What?”
“Just never encountered a ‘no’ from a woman regardin’ kids is all.”
Instinctively, you began preparing to hear the usual patriarchal bullshit thrown at women who choose a different reproductive path. You prepare the counter arguments in your head, you cross your arms and say,
“Ok, lay it out then, tell me how I’m going to change my mind someday or whatever. Let’s get it over with”
Charlie lets out a confused grunt, he turns to you laughing,
“Sweetheart, I couldn’t give two shits ‘bout you not wantin’ to get knocked up. Only reason I bring it up is ‘cus I heard some foolin’ around in the basement the other day.”
Your eyes widen and you tense up with embarrassment, he laughs again,
“Now don’t get yourself all twisted up ‘bout it, s’about time that boy got some tail.”
Your muscles relax a bit, you couldn’t help but blush at your seemingly private exploration being heard. He continues,
“If you n’ the boy are gettin’ that serious, I feel I need to warn you that he’s got no bullet with the blast”
Your nerves wanted out of this conversation, but your curiosity made you dig for information,
“How would you know something like that?”
“Tommy ain’t our blood, Luda Mae found him in a dumpster behind the meat packin’ shop she worked at back in the day. Was a large thing, that boy, t’was clear the momma didn’t want nothin’ to do with him so she tossed him like trash. He was uglier ‘n hell as a baby, not much different than now.” He laughs. “But he ain’t right, somethin’ in his dang blood made him grow into such a fuckin’ beast, made him stronger than any man I ever knew.”
The road was coming up on the house now, you wanted to know more, so you turned to fully face Charlie and asked,
“Being big and strong doesn’t make someone infertile
Charlie smirked as he parked the truck near the wheat field and shut off the engine, he leaned his head at an angle to look at you without turning his body,
“Girly, you remember we told you ‘bout the infection fuckin’ up his face?” You nod,
He continues, “He was in the hospital a few weeks getting’ medicine. If he was a normal kid he woulda died. The doctor told us he had some, uh
 dang what’d he say now?” Charlie ran his hand through his hair as he thought, “I dunno what it was, somethin’ ‘bout his blood bein’ shitted up n’ to not expect any grandkids, specially with all the drugs they dun gave him. Luda Mae was real upset; I didn’t give no fucks long as he’d help ‘round the farm, and boy did he get useful.”
He got out of the truck and started walking to the house, you sat there mulling over the information you were given. -If he is infertile
 No need for protection I guess- The thought of finally being able to safelyhave raw unprotected sex made you hot with lustful fantasies, sex was hard to fully enjoy when you always had the underlying fear of pregnancy looming over you.
You entered the house and made your way to the kitchen where you saw Luda Mae in a nightgown pouring from a teapot. She turned and saw you, a smile immediately formed on her lips,
“You been away all day dear, did you eat anything?”
You shake your head and walk closer to her, she continues,
“Just as I thought. I saved you some dinner in the fridge there, you can heat it up in the oven which is already preheated for you.”
She sets down the teapot and says,
“Did you get a lot done dear?”
You open the fridge and find a large plate filled with comfort food, you respond,
“Thanks for saving me dinner, you didn’t have to.” She smiles at you, and you continue,
“I got a ton of things done, I’ll be out of your hair once my bed arrives”
Luda Mae’s smile sank, you could tell she didn’t want to hear you were leaving. She saw you looking at her expression and quickly changed it back to a smile, saying,
“Well, that’s good for you dear, but don’t go feelin’ like you have to leave right away now. Take as much time as you need.”
You feel her hand gently placed on your upper back, she gives you some comforting rubs and you tell her,
“Don’t worry, I’m going to be over a lot. It’s just that the orchard needs someone there to care for it, and it’s a big job.”
She nods, understanding the need to get back to normal,
“Alright hun, you eat whatever you like and get some tea from the pot there. I’m headin’ to bed now but if you need anything, just knock on my door.”
You thank her again and she walks up the stairs. You see Charlie come in after her, he went straight for the bread buns in the basket on the counter.
“You headin’ to bed girly?”
You shake your head, he stuffs the bun in his mouth and begins to leave,
“thya ‘omarro” His words were muffled by the food he was chewing, you wished him a good night and listened to him walk up the stairs to his room, his footsteps thudding more quietly with each step.
You put the plate in the oven and let out a big sigh as you sat in the chair, you weren’t tired despite being busy all day. The thoughts of Tommy unloading his orgasms into you were energizing, you sat there feeling the ache between your legs gain intensity. -he must have gone to sleep by now, I better get changed out of these sweaty clothes-
You made your way to the bedroom and threw off your shirt and shorts, you took off your bra and exhaled in relief letting your breasts experience natural gravity again. You picked out a purple oversized T shirt that reached your knees, you felt immediately comfortable and paused before you left the room. -Might be fun to feel a little breeze as I eat dinner, everyone went to bed anyway- you quickly slipped your underwear off and tossed it near your bed, you blushed as you made your way to the kitchen giggling to yourself about the bold idea.
You step back into the kitchen and turn off the oven, you leave the plate in there to soak up the last bits of heat so it doesn’t have any cool pockets to ruin the meal. You turn and open the side door that leads to the porch, your bare feet touching the smooth wood floor. The moon was bright and lit up the land, you looked out at your home up on the hill, it was a barely visible white blob sitting lonely on the hilltop watching over the orchard.
You wondered what this town was like when it was busy, there weren’t many buildings around that you saw when you reached the gas station, but you also never drove up the road past the Hewitt house; as far as you knew, there was just tall grass and an evil man’s hiding hole.
The night air was refreshingly cool, it brushed under your shirt and tickled your naked body which felt invigorating. Back home it was rare if the nights were warm enough to stand outside half dressed, but you also didn’t have a large private porch to lounge in either.
Suddenly, a glow of warm yellow string lights lit up from the roof of the porch illuminating a large man standing in the doorway. It was Tommy, he bent down to avoid hitting his head on the doorframe and closed the door behind him. You were shocked to see him, and were now very aware of the fact that you were completely nude under this shirt, you almost missed the fact that he was shirtless.
You pull down your shirt to ensure it isn’t somehow lifting up and making your lower region visible,
“I thought you were asleep?” you ask
“Heard y’come in, wanted t’check up on ya” he spoke softly.
He moved next to you, putting his massive arms on the railing and leaning forward to look at the land. You felt nervous being so close to him with your secret hiding under the thin fabric of your shirt. -Why am I nervous? I was in a pond with him naked for gods sake!- Despite your previous escapades you still felt giddy at the thought of him discovering your hidden nudity.
You try to divert your nerves with conversation,
“Thanks for teaching me how to defend myself, it feels better knowing I might stand a chance now.”
He nods at you and smiles with his eyes, his dark mask hiding his damaged skin, you noticed his pushed back hair was wet and when he moved closer you could smell the fresh scent of a masculine scented soap, it was intoxicating. You shake your head a little to snap yourself out of it,
“S-so were you going to stay up here a while? I need to get my dinner out of the oven if you want to hang out as I eat.”
You quickly make your way to the kitchen hoping to escape his alluring scent, it was flooding your mind with wicked thoughts about his arms squeezing around you like a python while he fucked you. -god damn, why does he have to smell so good, and look so good, and be so fucking massive and hot!- You argued with your thoughts, you wouldn’t be able to try playing with him while Luda-Mae and Charlie were just one floor away, too risky, but you didn’t want to be obvious by pulling him downstairs.
You were wise to his antics, and you remember when he said “I’m gon’ start messin’ with y’now”he made sure you understood he was going to torture you with desire. He followed you into the kitchen barely being able to pass through the doorframe, you try to ignore him, you were onto him and wanted to see what he would attempt.
“I’ll get that for ya” he reached down into the oven without oven mitts and grabbed the plate without flinching, he sets it down on the table in front of you then reaches to get you a fork.
You touch the plate and it stings with heat,
“How didn’t that burn you?”
He shrugs, “Thick skin I guess”
He takes a seat next to you and hands over the fork, you thank him and begin to eat. He leans back in the chair and relaxes as he watches you, he then asks,
“That house o’ yers is done huh”
You nod, eating hastily not realizing how hungry you were. He continues,
“Y’gon’ move on out then?” His voice was vibrating the plate on the table from the low timbre.
You swallow the large ball of food in your mouth and reply,
“The orchard hasn’t been properly tended to in a while, I have to keep those trees alive and
 Tilly made it a clause in her will.”
He crosses his arms and nods, leaning back and looking away,
“Won’t see much of ya ‘round then I s’pose”
You put the fork down and sit back, a serious look on your face, he looks over at you and notices the shift,
“What’s amatter?” he asks.
You look him in the eyes, “I wanted to run something by you actually”
He shifts in his seat and places one arm on his thigh and the other on the table while his torso was turned to face you,
“Y’can ask me whatever y’want”
A tiny smile hits your lips from his words,
“Well, Dover didn’t really teach me about caring for the trees. I figure I can read up on it and do my best to learn everything I can but
” You paused, you clenched the edge of your t-shirt bottom before finding the courage to push out the question, “I want to know if you knew anything about caring for orchards, and maybe, if you did
 you could teach me the basics until I can do it myself”
Tommy was quiet, he put his hand to his chin and was deep in thought, you got nervous and added,
“Y-you can say no its ok, I know it’s a big ask since you already do so much around here, I just thought it would be nice to
 spend more time together is all.”
He leaned back in the chair, it creaked under his weight,
“I’ll help ya. I dunno a whole lot ‘bout orchards but, I helped Tilly when she needed it, she taught me a thing or two”
You smile, “I’m really glad”
You got up to put the leftovers away, Tommy followed and stood up to open the fridge door from behind you as you placed the food back inside.
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When he shut the fridge door, he kept is arms around you fencing you in. You spun around to look at him, he was towering over you, his steely blue eyes gazed at you through heavy lids. He moved his hand to gently caress your neck and trailed it under your jaw, lifting your face to look in his eyes.
“Y’don’t need no excuse to get me alone” his voice was smooth and enshrouded your mind making you feel a wave of arousal flood your body.
“Oh Yeah?” you speak in a breathy whisper.
He nods slowly, you touch the thick leather of his mask and say,
“What do I need to do to see your handsome face then?”
He hangs his head down and laughs, he lifts his head and brings it close to your face,
“Go ‘head then”
You excitedly remove the mask revealing his gnarled old wound that exposed his teeth through his cheek, the more you got to see his real face the harder you fell for him.
“Still likin’ what y’see?” he asks.
You smile and lift yourself up to his face, you look into his eyes and slowly move in to kiss his lips. He lets out a muffled hum as he kisses you back, you press in harder and lift your hands to cup his face, his stubbles was shaved off to a clean finish. You forgot how wonderful his lips felt, the kiss quickly became heated with passion, both of you began to breathe more hastily.
Tommy put his hands on the sides on your body, slowly moving them downwards until he reached where he wanted to. He wrapped his hands around your thighs and lifted you up onto his chest so your face was the same level as his, you stifled an excited squeal when your body lifted into the air so effortlessly.
He smiled and kept you in his arms while kissing you, you threw your arms around his neck to keep your body leaned forward past his bulky pecs to reach his face. You felt his hands move inwards towards your weepy slit. He was trying to get a more stable grip so you could sit comfortably, but when his fingers discovered no underwear, he stopped kissing you and gave you a devilish grin,
“What we got here?” he spoke through a chuckle
You blushed and bit your lip remaining quiet, unsure of what to say,
He kept tickling your labia with gentle flicks of his fingers, your breathing hastened and you suppressed a moan with your hand over your mouth,
“Bad girl, y’need to go to yer room huh”
You nod, “Put me there”
 He moves his mouth close to yours, but when you lean in for a kiss, he slowly pulls away grinning. He carries you through the porch door, entering sideways and leaning down to avoid hitting his head. He stops when he reaches the double door leading to your room, he turns around and places you on the railing of the porch which is wide enough for you to sit comfortably.
“Why did you set me here?” you ask.
“I aint givin’ in so easily” he grumbles through a smirk
do you want me to beg or something?” you laugh.
He gives you a smug look, “Maybe”
“Oh please, I can keep myself under control. No amount of flirting would make me want to be-“
He cuts you off by gripping your hips and pulling your body close to the edge of the railing top so you were flush against his warm torso. You huff defiantly until he presses his erection onto your cunt, your abundant juices coated the fabric of his sweat pants. You let out an unexpected moan and quickly cover your mouth to quiet it.
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Tommy slowly rubs his stiff cock up and down the length of your lips, pressing in when his head met your hole just to tease you. He was grinning watching you hold your hand to your mouth as you hushed your whines. You so badly wanted to feel the skin of his dick move inside you, the cloth barrier was unbearable. He was enjoying the antagonization, his grip on your hips was firm you wouldn’t be able to escape even if you wanted to, he just kept pulling you closer to him until you gave in and said,
“Please, I want it” your words were like a song to him.
“Well, since y’asked nicely” he growled.
He threw you over his shoulder, making you giggle, and entered your room through the porch entrance closing the doors behind him as swiftly as he entered. He gently laid you on the bed gazing down at you while you writhed with arousal, you hesitantly spread your legs and lifted your shirt to reveal your lower half. Tommy got on the bed, it made a creaking groan under his massive weight. He leaned over you and placed one of his hands down between your folds caressing your entrance, you breathed in sharply and spread your legs further to let him have more access.
Tommy ran his fingers over your tender skin, his digits getting slick with wet the more he rubbed. You put your arms around his neck and pulled his face onto yours and kissed him, he moaned into your mouth and slipped his middle finger into your hole,
“Oh fuck” you whispered
His finger was almost as thick as an average man’s penis, and just as long. He slowly moved in and out of you, the calloused skin scratched your walls and bumped your g-spot sending your nerves into overdrive with pleasure, he feels your walls clench down on his finger,
“Y’got such a tiny lil hole” he says gruffly.
“Yeah? Why don’t you fuck it then” you command.
He pulls his finger out and runs his hand up your shirt skimming along your sensitive skin as he moves, he finds your breast and starts massaging the nipple making you moan with the electrical impulses that tickle your nerves.
“Y’want me bad huh” his tone was mocking.
You reply in a breathy tone “Please, fuck me”
Tommy pinches your nipple before he leans back and pulls his massive cock out from under his sweatpants, his erection was so full that he whined as he held it. Seeing his massive length was sending you over the edge with desperation. Tommy lowered himself down so his shaft lay on your clit, his dick was heavy and warm, the feeling of it on your swollen nub was making you feel drunk with desire.
He rubbed his length up and down your wet folds at an agonizingly slow pace, your wetness coating all along his cock making it glisten in the light of the moon. You tried to wrap your legs around his hips to pull him in but he quickly grabbed them with ease and pushed them all the way back so your knees were touching the sides of your chest.
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You were so sexually frustrated with having him tease your greedy hole, you tried to raise your hips to entice him to slip inside but he remained steady.
Tommy saw how badly you wanted him to fuck you, he loved watching how your body beckoned him to enter it. He decided to have mercy on you and pressed his thick head on your hole, allowing you to slowly adjust to the width. He let out heavy sighs as your pussy began to slowly swallow his tip, the soft velvety feel of your lips made him moan deeply. The stretch of his girth sent waves of pleasure through your core and the vibration of his deep voice made it seem like you were mating with a beast.
You managed to slip halfway down his head before he couldn’t take much more and he began to slowly move his tip in and out. He was groaning, trying to control himself but your slicked entrance was beginning to bring out something feral from deep within him, he kept trying to slide more of himself inside but you weren’t opening up fast enough to allow him full entry.
You grab onto his wrists and dig your nails in, he was so wide that your poor little cunt couldn’t adjust fast enough to meet his lulling thrusts. You could feel a sting of pain with each movement as his width increased, the pleasure was overpowering the sting and you didn’t want him to stop. It felt like an impossible task to get even just the rest of his head inside, but you wanted so desperately to be penetrated by him, so you focused on relaxing your muscles to grant him deeper access.
He was quickly losing control over his movements and felt your vaginal walls loosening up, he fought the urge to just aggressively push in deep to get past the last hurdle. He was high on the feeling of your insides, his mind felt light and dreamy, as if his brain was swimming. He kept pressing in further with each forward motion until all of his head was finally inside you, he pulled out further before each hungry thrust to coat himself in more of your dripping sweetness.
“I want the whole thing, give it to me Tommy, I need it” you pleaded.
Tommy needed to get hold of his mind that was beginning to slip away, he had a strong carnal desire to just plow into you but he instead forced himself to remain still. You look up at him wondering why he stopped moving, your vaginal walls still pulsating around his tip from the incredible sensations it brought. He gives you a crooked grin and gently pulls out of you, then stands up off the bed and hastily puts his pants over his erection.
“What! Why?” you asked furiously
He laughs, “That’s payback, my angel”
Tommy walks out of your room and leaves you there a dripping, horny mess; You chuckled to yourself and flopped onto your stomach and yelled into your pillow. You now wanted to get past this cheeky stage and just start fucking like rabbits but you knew he was going to continue this provocatory teasing. It was time to pull out all your tricks and make it so unbearable for him to resist that he will give up messing around and give into his temptations.
Tommy got back into his room in the basement, his mask back on his face where it belonged. He was still fully engorged and now feeling pain from the intense pressure, he needed a release badly, but he also wanted to start practicing control over his desires. He was worried, he felt so close to just letting go and fucking you silly, he wanted to be fully present and aware if your needs when you two finally, properly, lay together.
He flopped on his bed and sighed; he wasn’t sure how much longer he could keep this up for. The next time, he may not be able to pull away so easily.
Special authors note: I wanted to stray from the norm of Thomas constantly being portrayed as having a breeding kink (it can be hot don't get me wrong) because I know there are a lot of women who don't want to read breeding/pregnancy kink for various valid reasons and its fairly hard to find AFAB x Tommy smut where he isn't depicted in such a way. If you were expecting that, I apologize for disappointing you but I try to cater to the people who don't often get catered to because inclusivity is important to me when making adult content. So from here on out, the rest of the chapters in this series will be for the gals who don't want to think of that stuff when reading smut. Thank you for taking the time to read my fic, likes, reblogs, and comments are extremely appreciated.
-Next chapter
93 notes · View notes
dusty-pistol · 6 months ago
Guuuhhhhh brain imaginin a whole animation of Hell and You Norm chasin Tobias through the woods after he escapes to MONSTER by asteria. It looks so insanely good in my head, but I physically cannot bring myself to animate all that. I'm good at writin and descriptions, though...
CW for descriptions of violence, "death" and body horror in the tags, etc
Starts with Tobias throwing the shack door open and sprinting out. It takes only a moment before Norm is seen chasing after him into the dark forest. The only light illuminating from the sky is a deep red. Painting the trees and forest floor with crimson shadows as we see two dark figures run. A good distance between the two, but one is gaining on the other quickly.
"Another time. Another place. I can't seem to catch a break."
"So long. I've been searching so long."
Cuts to Tobias running towards the screen, glancing behind himself to check on how close Norm was to catching him. But then he trips and falls to the ground. His foot caught on a root sticking out of the ground as we get a shot of Tobias pushing himself up and looking down at the new scrapes on his hands before he hears rapid, heavy footsteps barreling towards him.
"I've been looking for you. Feeling like a stalker."
Norm appears from the shadows of the trees and stops in his tracks when his eyes set on Tobias. The other frantically stumbling to stand upright as he catches sight of the large man standing there. But we see Norm's eye narrowing through the visor of his mask. He's not letting him get away this time.
"I've been tryna hold on. Baby, I've been so gone."
Tobias barely manages to stand before a shot rings out, and he freezes in place. His only movement being his hands shakily reaching up to his neck. The pads of his fingertips grazing the exit wound and coating his fingers with his own blood. The two stay still for a moment before Norm dashes up to the frozen Tobias and knocks him down to the ground.
"I'm losing composure. Feeling like a monster."
Norm is holding him down while he bashes the hilt of his gun against Tobias' head. Again and again and again and again. Splaying his internals across the dirt and leaves below. He only stops when he's thoroughly disembowled Tobias' head and its contents. Broken plastic, metal, wires, and glass intertwined and laced with a slick scarlet and brain matter. But he knows Moore will be fine after an hour or so. He always gets back up after these little incidents after Norm drags him back to the cabin. Just to do it all over again later.
Probably not very good now that I've got it all written out but yall get the idea
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o-i-w-u · 1 year ago
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she is the best change my mind.
9 notes · View notes
shotmrmiller · 1 year ago
pornstar au
f!reader x simon 'ghost' riley
3.7k words (sorry)
tw: teacher-student relationship but it's just a scene for porn. explicit. horrifyingly so.
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You burst into the classroom and stride purposefully towards your professor, who is seated in his leather chair, engrossed in his work. Impatiently tapping your foot, you waited for him to finish marking essays. However, after 5 minutes, your patience with this unbearable man ran out.
He hums, a deep sound coming from the back of his throat yet doesn't look up from what he's doing. A real piece of work, he is. How fucking aggravating.
"Professor Riley," your voice takes an irreverent tone.
The hand that had been writing non-stop comes to a sudden pause, and he finally directs his attention to you. Meeting your gaze, his dark eyes are hooded, his lips set in a firm line. His job is to literally deal with students, yet he dares to look annoyed.
"Are you gonna tell me what's wrong 'r am I gonna have to learn how to read minds?" he states.
Taking in a calming breath, you clench the crumpled essay in your hand. "Can you explain to me why you failed me on this? I did exactly as you asked!"
He must know precisely what you're talking about because he simply turns back to the papers on his desk.
"Tha's your problem. You did exactly as I asked, with no thought behind it. Just wrote the bare minimum, if you can even call it writin'. It's copy-paste," Professor Riley sets the pen down and leans back in the chair.
"I need ya to use tha' head o' yours when in this class. Otherwise, you'll fail the rest o' your classes too."
Fucking hell.
Professor Riley shifts in his seat, seemingly done with the conversation, and finishes, "If tha's all."
Shit. Your pause is too long, and the director calls it. Fuck.
"I'm really sorry, Ghost, I didn't mean-" Your words of apology dissolve into thin air as his strong hand finds its place on your hip— giving it a gentle, but firm squeeze.
"S'all righ', love. Mistakes happen. Matter fact," his eyes drift from you to behind you to beckon someone with two fingers. "C'mere, you."
It's the set assistant, and he's brought the script with him. Ghost swiftly stops him from handing it to you, instead pushing it onto the assistant's chest. "Won't be needin' tha', thanks. Tell the director tha' we'll be ad-libin'. Now sod off."
The assistant follows his command in haste, scurrying off to follow Ghost's instructions.
"Hey," he murmurs. Your eyes meet his, feeling the intensity of it quickens your heartbeat. "Say whatever you like, just remember to follow the storyline, alright?"
Follow the storyline. In porn. The irony isn't lost on you, but you bite the side of your gummy cheek to keep from laughing. "Yes, sir."
He drops his hand from where he held you slowly, seemingly almost reluctant to let go. "Ready?" Ghost's thin lips curl into a smirk when you nod at his question. "Good girl."
Your fingers tightly grip the flimsy material of your uniform skirt at his praise, and warmth pools in your lower belly.
His good girl.
A high-pitched voice cuts through your thoughts, signaling the restart of the shooting. You exhale a long breath, unclenching your hands in the process.
"If tha' all." Ghost reaches for his pen when you frantically grab onto his Oxford sleeve.
"Wait, Professor, please! I can't," you stammer, "I cannot fail this class! My parents would kill me if I studied abroad only to flunk. The tuition—"
His tone is authoritative as he abruptly cuts off your lengthy excuse. "Enough. Nothing can change the mark I've given you."
Your ears pricked up at his wording, and the corners of your lips pulled up into a roguish smile. "No?" Ghost stills before turning to face you, countenance blank. "Nothing at all, Professor?" With a coy tilt of your head, your wide, doe-like eyes meet his as your fingertips trace an alluring path from his forearm down to his knuckles.
"I really can't convince you in any way to change that grade for me?" You lean on the edge of his wooden desk— skirt so short it doesn't even graze the surface of it— and lightly curl your hand around his pointer finger. "It can be our little secret, Professor Riley," you purr.
Ghost lifts a single brow, and settles back into his seat, arms crossed over his barrel chest as his eyes travel from your feet to your exposed cleavage, fixating on the soft skin peeking out from your uniform top.
"Please?" his hushed voice reverberates inside your skull. "I promise to be a good girl."
That catches his attention, eyes flashing to yours, the fire behind them hot— you hope it burns you.
"'Sat, right? Tha' changes things now, doesn't it?" Ghost rolls his chair back, away from his desk, and spreads his thick legs apart in invitation, arms resting on the rests— the dictionary definition of casual. "Convince me then, pet."
"Yes, sir." Sauntering to stand in between his legs, you swallow thickly— the bulge in his groin was quite frankly, intimidating. You've had large, but this was in a league of its own.
"You gonna do it from up there? I know I'm bigger than average but not tha' big." A huff escapes from your lips. A whole comedian.
Knees pressed into the cold, tile floor, you expertly undo the button of his trousers and with his help, pulled them down along with his pants— just enough for his cock to spring free.
Bloody fucking hell.
His cock is monstrous. It rested against his belly, heavy and thick. The pink tip slightly peeking from under his foreskin. There was a groomed thatch of coarse hair at the base, and his balls were also heavy— one hanging lower than the other.
Ghost leans forward and cradles the underside of your jaw with one large hand, fingers gently caressing the delicate skin of your cheek, while the other pumps his rigid cock in anticipation. "Not scared, are ya?" His grin was wicked. "I promise it don't bite."
Grabbing his wrist, you maneuver his hand so that his thumb now rests on your soft lips. "Might not, but I do, Professor." And catch the tip of his finger between your blunt teeth, the subtle sting of it making him hiss.
"Perfect, pretty girl," he says, almost inaudible. His words of praise are for you alone— not for the scene, nor the camera. You peer up at him through your lashes, mewling softly at the expression on his face.
His brow was set, hooded eyes sultry, a rosy hue across his cheeks and nose, and lips parted as he panted quietly.
Ghost then pushes his thumb further into your slick mouth and hooks it behind your bottom teeth, delicately pulling you closer to him as he tips his head down— taking his thumb out with a pop. His warm breath fans across your face as he moves closer until his lips connect with yours. He slid his tongue into your mouth, tasting of frosty mint and his own unique taste.
Your hands come up, fingers digging into the meat of his thighs when he grasps your wrist and moves it to the focal point of his desire— his breath hitching when you give his cock a firm squeeze. Ghost bites your bottom lip before breaking away, a guttural noise escaping him when you begin to stroke him. "Tighten your hand around—" he breaks off, moaning against your kiss-swollen lips when you comply.
He threads his fingers through your hair that sits at the base of your skull, curling them into a fist and tugging back— craning your neck, hair pulled taut.
"So obedient. Jus' f'me, love?" you hum cheekily, a mischievous grin spreading across your face.
"Would you hold it against me if I said no?" he chuckles under his breath, the grip on your hair tightening marginally.
"I'd say tha' you're lyin'." He sucks in a breath when you press down lightly onto his slit with your thumb. "Cheeky."
He loosens the hold he has on you, feeling your scalp prickle with tender relief, and relaxes back into the chair. "All yours, sweetheart."
That light wasn't getting any greener, so with a grunt, you shifted your weight, ignoring your aching knees, and wrapped your lips around his cock.
The salty bite of his arousal and musk spread on your tongue as you took him in deep, stilling once he hit the back of your throat.
"Fuck, look at me."
Slightly tipping your head back, you do as he says, your throat closing around him as he slips in even further.
"Fuckfuckfuck," a hiss, "such a hot little mouth, just swallowin' me righ' up." Your lungs burn with the lack of oxygen, forcing you to pull back to gasp for air. Ghost squeezes himself at the base and taps your cheek with his saliva-coated length.
"A dirty slag like you, jus' takin' me like a professional. Tha' what you are? A professional cock sucker, love?" he taunts. Your pussy clenches when he calls you a slag, pressing your thighs together in the hope of some friction; Something to alleviate the throbbing ache in between your legs.
Ghost with eyes as keen as ever, notices. Damn.
"Oh? Little harlot likes to get degraded, does she? Reminded of her place? How I'd love to teach you exactly where you belong, but tha' wouldn't be you convincin' me to change your bad grade, now would it?"
His cock taps on your swollen lips. "Another time, hm? Now open. Make me see reason."
Ghost's wish is your command. With enthusiasm, you take him in your mouth, slowly bobbing your head, place a hand right under your lips, and twist with every push and pull.
It's sloppy, spit covering your hand, dripping down to his balls. Your jaw aches, a burning pressure a little under your ear, but what gives you the strength to continue is the loud moans coming from Ghost. He holds nothing back, his hand engulfing the crown of your head while he gently pushes you down. A performer down to his very bones.
You were about to pause the recording, the pain in your mandible and knees almost becoming too much when he suddenly pulled you off of him.
"Wha—?" Ghost seizes you by the upper arms, forcibly bringing you to your feet, disregarding your pained whimper, and places you on the sturdy desk.
He's curling his fingers into the waistband of your frilly knickers, slipping them down your legs and pocketing them. There's a quiet popping sound when he bends his knees, going eye level with your bare cunt.
In a hushed tone, you say, "This isn't part of the scene." Ghost drags his eyes from your glistening slit to your face, gaze suffocating, smothering the very air in your lungs.
"Just a taste, love." He curls one hand under your thigh, lifting it to perch it on the edge of the desk, the other he throws over his strong shoulder. The only sound in the room is your soft moans as he expertly slides his warm tongue through your slick folds, sending waves of pleasure through your body.
By god does he eat pussy like it's his job. Peering down at him, you can't stop the sounds that spill from your mouth when his tongue visibly splits your pussy lips open, flicking at your clit, lapping up your arousal like it is honey. You take hold of his short hair, tugging at the strands as each swirl of his talented tongue pushes you closer to your peak.
His eyes cut to yours when he presses a thick finger into you, drinking in your desperate expression as you keen, begging for more, blabbering about it being so good, yet not enough, please god more.
Ghost curls his finger, only taking a second to find your sweet spot, and pushes— bursts of light flashing in your peripheral vision. You begin to rock your hips unconsciously, chasing your ecstasy, and Ghost simply flattens his tongue, letting you grind against it.
You teeter on the edge of bliss, a tightening in your stomach, right under where his finger is. Shaky exhales leave you, the leg that's on the desk visibly trembling from the tension that threatens to snap you in half.
He presses a kiss to your sodden pussy, and croons, "Gonna come f'me?" You jerkily nod.
"Yes fuck yes, I'm gonna come for you, just for you, Professor Riley pleaseee—" your blathering turns into a high-pitched squeal as he lightly sucks on your pearl, hips lifting off the desk as a blinding orgasm crashes into you, pleasure bursting through your very core, cunt pulsating with every wave of ecstasy around Ghost's finger.
He wastes no time in rising to his feet and slotting his mouth over yours, the taste of your slick strong, potent on his tongue. Ghost breaks away, his breath smelling of your desire. "Exquisite, like ambrosia. Addicting."
Ghost's hand cups your sensitive quim and whispers, "Think you can take me? Tha' orgasm took a lot outta ya."
Silly question. "I'm a big girl, Ghost. I can take it."
He licks the front of his teeth and glances down to where his hand rests. "Course you can, love. Turn around f'me."
Your movements are sluggish as you turn over onto your stomach, rising to the tip of your toes as you present yourself to him.
Ghost grabs the sides of your waist, and flips your skirt up, tucking the edge into the waistband of it. His hands palm your cheeks, thumbs digging into the meat of your ass to spread you open, completely exposed to him.
"Fuck me if tha' isn't the prettiest sight I've ever had the pleasure of seein'." He doesn't acknowledge your scoff as he spreads your hands out, placing them flat on the table— enveloping your hand with his own, intertwining his fingers with yours.
His leans over your semi-prone body, cock gently prodding at your entrance, gliding easily through your folds. "Ready?"
Arching your back, his tip slips inside, just barely. That's your answer.
You can hear the smarmy grin that spreads on his face, and wanted to snark back but you're rendered mute when he pushes in. Your eyes cross at the stretch of his cock, a feeling so sublime you know that no one will ever be able to duplicate. Your fingers tighten around his as you mewl when he bottoms out, hips flush against your arse.
Ghost sucks in a breath through his teeth when you shift your weight, and whatever you did has him sliding in deeper— turning his hiss into a guttural groan. "Fuck, you have no fuckin' idea how good you feel."
Probably not, but you have every idea how good he feels.
"You okay, love? Took me so well like you were made jus' f'me. So warm and soft, tight like a vice around my cock. Pretty pussy split wide open, stuffed full of me." He speaks unfettered filth to you, dripping over your ears like molasses, thick and syrupy. Your head feels heavy on your shoulders— dizzy, drunk on his scent, his cock that's got you tearing at the seams.
Then he begins to move, pulling out until an inch remains inside, and pushing in until he's nudging the plug of your womb, feeling a deep pinch under your navel.
This is what it's like to get fucked by Ghost. The one everyone covets after, hoping he drags down the very heavens with his bare hands and lays it at their feet. And here he is, fucking you. A newbie, a fresh face no one knows yet, a name that'll probably never grace the front page.
You doubt his motives are altruistic, but goddamn does it not matter; Not with the way he's carving a space inside of you that only he will ever fit in, or the way he's curling his free hand around your neck, thumb pressed right over your racing pulse.
He lowers himself until his strong chest is to your back, his teeth nipping the tip of your ear. "The moment I saw you gettin' fucked by Johnny, I knew I had t'have ya." Your walls clamp down on him involuntarily, wrenching a pained noise from him. "Fuckin' hell, I knew this pussy would be magical."
Ghost's lips skim over the shell of your ear before pressing a chaste kiss on it. "Lemme hear how good I make ya feel, pet. Don't hold back on me now." He grinds into your arse, going in so deep that it feels like he's trying to push past the entrance of your womb. "S'alrigh'. I'll jus' have t'pull 'em outta ya."
He releases you, placing both hands flat on the desk, on either side of your shoulders. "Take em for myself, make 'em mine." Straightening all the way, he digs his fingers into the soft flesh of your waist.
"What a view. Perfection." He rolls his hips, rhythm languid, loud squelching noises coming from where he fills you. "Drippin' cream all over my cock, pet. Can't tell me this isn't 'cause of me."
How the fuck can he still talk? How is he coherent? Why isn't his brain turned into mush like yours is?
"Fuckin' ya speechless, am I? Oh, sweetheart, but I'm barely gettin' started." Ghost slowly pulls out, and curls his hand around your shoulder, nudging you to turn over. "On your back, now."
You lazily flip over, hair sticking to your sweat-slick skin, and he hooks his arms underneath your legs and drags you to the edge until your arse hangs from it. "I wanna see that pretty face when you come." He wastes no time in sheathing himself back inside your swollen channel, walls fluttering at the invasion.
Ghost hooks one leg over his shoulder to lean forward, pinning you to the desk with his upper body, and maneuvers your other to wrap around his wide waist. "That cock drunk look on your face makes my balls tighten, what a fuckin' expression you've got, christ," he growls. "Knowin' I put it there makes it all the better."
He gives you a chaste kiss on the lips and gives you a smile that is all teeth. "Now let's make you sing."
Grunting, he straightens. plants his feet firmly, stance wide, and begins to fuck you. The videos of the famed Ghost you saw are nothing, nothing, in comparison to real life. His full weight is behind every spine-jarring thrust, it makes your teeth clack, it rattles your brain inside your skull. He does it so perfectly because at no point do you feel any discomfort, not even a twinge. It's all a pleasure that blazes, an all-encompassing heat that threatens to swallow you whole, burn you from the inside out.
His cock punches the breath out of your lungs, wails clawing out of your throat, and it's so good, so fucking good— god, maybe he is god, you don't know, everything is so blurry, hazy—
All senses focus on the sudden touch between your legs, an expert thumb drawing tight circles on your slippery clit and there's no way you're going to survive this—
"There she is, the girl I saw in the video. Tha's an expression I see in myfuckin' sleep. Give me what's mine, pet. Let me feel you, cream all over my cock."
He's relentless in his pursuit of your climax, a wave of pleasure so intense, it just might drag you out to sea, drowning you.
Ghost, the fucking god of sex, stops his ministrations to spit on your pussy. Spit. From his full height, a glob of warm saliva drops to your mons, and he smears it with his fingers over your pussy lips before rubbing your clit. His thrusts slow in pace, turning into a firm snap of his hips, making sure you feel every ridge of his cock, and in less than a minute, your spine arches off the desk.
Your mouth opens into a silent scream, lids snapping shut as you break underneath him, warmth gushing from where he's continuously sinking into you, a steady, slow rhythm that never ends.
"Came all over me, didn't ya? Bet you didn't know you could even do tha'."
You didn't.
"Jus' for tha', I'm gonna give you somethin' in return, yeah? A little reward for bein' so good," he praises.
Your tongue is heavy in your mouth, swollen and thick, and unconsciousness creeps at the very edges of your mind.
All you can do is lie there and take it, his sloppy thrusts, his harsh panting until he moans, "'m close, so fuckin' close," and with whatever remnants of strength you have left, you use to squeeze him tightly— unwilling to let go because his come is yours now, you've earned it.
"Come in me, Ghost," you whimper.
That does it. He slams his hands on either side of your head and borderline roars out his release, cock twitching inside of your used cunt, filling you with his spend.
Ghost's breathing is labored, a harsh pant that fans over your overheated skin, damp with sweat.
His brows are furrowed, his eyes squeezed shut, gulping in air and shivering in the aftershock of his climax.
To be fucked by Ghost is to see the Garden of Eden behind your eyelids.
Now you understand. You understand why he has no equal. He is unparalleled.
Jesus Christ, you're fucked. So, so fucked.
He slowly opens his eyes and peers down at you with a wolfish grin.
A week later, your video with Ghost is the most viewed on the entire website. Not one other video even scratches the bottom of where your video sits.
Ghost truly is the king.
Curiously enough, your friend is the one who lets you know that Mr. life-altering cock himself never kisses during work. Not once in any video of his has he ever kissed, apart from a short pressing of lips to skin.
Your heart traitorously flutters at the thought of it meaning something more. Catching feelings when you get fucked for a living is not the move. But there's no stopping it from misbehaving, especially when you receive another script, to make another video with Ghost.
Another. one.
Fuck. Fuck!!
You cannot wait.
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years ago
Ah I actually forgot to mention but I also write too! I just haven't really published anything- I'm planning to slowly add more AkiTani fics on ao3 because there is a clear gap in the market and I am taking full advantage of the fact I'm also SEA, but I don't know how to publish there đŸ‘©â€đŸŠŻ
(also I love your take of mine and daigo's dynamic rhjebsk I love your writing style in general)
oh brother nice :0 !! akiyama/tanimura do be an underappreciated dynamic tho i feel like i can say that about a lot of dynamics in rgg so it'd be cool to see more fics for it if you ever come round to postin em
publishin to Ao3 aint too complicated once you know your way around: just gotta make an account and after it's verified, you hobble on over to 'new work' and start fillin everything out :]
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queenpiranhadon · 6 months ago
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"Oh god, what did ya do now?"
"Your sarcasm is the last thing I need right now, Ryo."
Though he wasn't being sarcastic in the slightest, Sukuna can tell you're in a bad mood.
And if your snappiness wasn't proof of that, it would definitely be the swollen lip and bloody knuckles.
"The fuck did you do, woman?" he stares, shocked. You weren't one for fights, or violence of any sort for that matter, so to see you like this was so... jarring.
Though you don't seem hurt angry just pissed off angry.
So when you plop down on your bed, Sukuna sits next to you, his hulking form basically dwarfing yours as you both sit on the bed in silence.
After a while, he breaks it.
"....Did ya least win?"
You roll your eyes and scoff. "Having a star football player for a boyfriend and losing a fight would be pathetic of me. Of course I did."
Sukuna grins, ruffling your hair proudly. "Attagirl."
Then he frowns, watching as you wince while gingerly flexing your hands.
"Wait here." he says gruffly, and you blink up at him in surprise, watching him retreat into the bathroom and come out with a first aid kit.
"Just keep still and lemme help ya. Once I finish bandaging ya up, I'll getcha some ice for yer lip and we can email your professors that you can't do as much writin' or typin' for a while."
You stare at him dumbfounded, watching as he gently starts cleaning your bruised and bloodied hands, hissing at the alcohol stings, but Sukuna just kisses you all over your face as a distraction.
"Shh...almost done baby...see? Wasn't so bad." he murmurs, reaching over to grab the bandages and starts to wrap your hands gently, kissing your knuckles softly before moving over to the other one.
Once he finishes up, he brings you some ice for your lip as promised and emails all your professors for you.
With all of that out of the way, you cuddle up on your bed, watching some random movie you found on Netflix.
"Hey. Baby."
You hum, letting him know he has your attention.
"The fuck happened that gotcha so messed up in the first place?"
You let out a low breath at that and chuckle awkwardly, recounting the event in your head. "About that..."
"Fuckin' talk, woman." he groans, exasperated.
"Some random girls were slipping love letters in your locker." You sigh, looking away, embarrassed. "I just got a little annoyed is all."
Sukuna raises an eyebrow. "Seemed a little more than annoyed, babe."
You groan, hiding your face in his chest. "Okay, so I got a little mad. It's not like I immediately started punching her though!"
Sukuna grins teasingly, laughing as he wraps arm around you and flicks your forehead. "Looks like my girl's a little possessive, yeah?"
You glare at him and punch his chest with the side of your fist lightly, as to not injure your hand further.. "You're an asshole."
"Aw, don't be like that baby. It's cute."
"Fuck off!"
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A/N: heheh we all need a little soft Sukuna in our lives.
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thebigbadbatswife · 4 months ago
OCT 17th - Wall Sex
Pairing - Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Reader
Title - Welcome Home
Summary - There’s nothing quite like the sex that takes place after Simon comes home from a long deployment
Warnings - Wall Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Unprotected Sex, Creampie, Multiple Orgasms, Simultaneous Orgasm, Large Cock.
Word Count - 1.8k
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You’re on the sofa, reruns of your favourite tv show are playing in the background while your eyes are glued to the screen of your laptop. Your fingers fly across your keyboard as you work on your most recent project. Inspiration hit you out of the blue, right as you were about to call it a night and go for bed and, not wanting to lose it, you decided to fire up your laptop and start typing.
You’re so engrossed in your work, you almost miss the sound of keys in the front door. 
Your head snaps upwards as a smile makes its way across your face. You know exactly what the sound means. 
Simon’s home. 
You close the lid of your laptop and set it down onto the seat next to you, your work and inspiration now completely forgotten. Because your boyfriend is finally home, safe and sound from his most recent deployment, and you have missed him so much. Jumping to your feet, you make your way out of the living room and into the hallway. 
As soon as you lay eyes on him, you’re sprinting toward him and jumping up into his arms. Your legs wrap around his hips as he just about manages to catch you, with how little warning you gave him. His laughter is deep and you can feel the way it rumbles in his chest. 
“My girl missed me, yeah?” he asks.
You nod as you pull the balaclava off of him, revealing his scarred, but handsome face. You cup his face your thumbs smoothing over his cheeks as you look him over. Deep brown eyes watch you closely, like he’s committing your face to his memory, while you check him. Other than the fact that his dark hair is a little longer than when it was when he left several months ago, there’s nothing new of note. At least, on his face.
“You know I always miss you,” you reply. 
He hums softly as he readjusts his grip on you so one of his hands can come up to cup your face. His eyes glance down to your lips before returning to your eyes. You answer his silent question by moving forward and pressing your lips against his. Simon responds in kind. His chapped lips moving slowly against your softer and more moisturised ones. 
Like every time he comes back home, you want to savour the first kiss. Kissing each other for a long moment until you’re forced to break away as your lungs scream for oxygen. And even then you’re not pulling away fully. Your lips a blade of grass width from each other as you both pant. 
As soon as you’re no longer feeling lightheaded, your lips meet his again. The kisses quickly grow heated as he pushes his tongue into your mouth. Both of you moan into the kiss and his grip on you tightens. There’s already heat blooming in your lower stomach and between your legs. 
Before you know it, your back is against the wall and the hand that had been previously cupping your face is pushing your shorts to the side. Simon smirks against your mouth as he discovers that, not only are you not wearing any underwear, but you’re already wet.
“No panties and you’re already wet?”
You shrug. “I have no idea when you’re going to be home, so I always need to be ready, don’t I?”
He chuckles. “I think you were writin’ something dirty again, weren’t ya?” he teases.
You feel no shame about the things that you write. In fact, Simon only knows what you write because you’ve asked for his “help” when you have got stuck on a scene, in the past.
“And so what if I was? What are you going to do about it?” you playfully challenge.
He quirks an eyebrow at you. “Nothin’. Just going to give you better material to write with.” 
There’s no opportunity for you to reply as he’s pushing two of his thick fingers into you. You inhale sharply, your nails digging into the thick material of his coat. His fingers stretch and work you open. The rough, calloused pads of them pushing up against that soft, sweet spot deep within you. Soft sighs leave you each time he sinks his digits inside of you. 
Simon’s always been great with his fingers. It’s one of the first things you quickly learned when you got past first base. He always knows exactly how and when to move them in order to get you to see stars. Two fingers soon becomes three and your soft sighs start to turn into soft moans.
Dark brown eyes watch you closely as you lose yourself to the feeling of his fingers. Months of only having your own fingers or one of your toys to try and satisfy yourself with don’t come close to the way that he makes you feel. Already you feel amazing and he hasn’t even come close to making you cum yet.
He loves watching you lose yourself to the pleasure that he’s bringing you. A sense of pride filling his chest knowing that he’s the reason that you feel so good and that only he gets to see you like this. And you’re well aware of all of it. In the moments where he thinks you’re too far gone to be paying attention, you notice the way that he looks at you. It’s like no one else. 
And as much as you love his fingers, you desperately want his cock inside of you. 
“Si, please,” you gasp softly. 
“Please what? Come on, gotta use your words for me, lovie. I can’t read minds.”
You whine. Trying to get your tongue to cooperate with your brain is starting to get harder and you’re sure he knows that. Even when he’s aching to be buried inside of you, he still likes to watch you squirm. 
“Simon, please, I want your cock.” 
You expect him to tease you further. More often than not, that’s what he loves to do. Really work you up and get you to beg for him. This is one of the rare occasions where he’s as impatient as you are. Simon pulls his fingers out of you, making you whine again as he leaves you feeling completely empty. 
He doesn’t leave you to feel empty for long. There’s rustling as he unbutton and unzips his trousers, freeing his cock from them. Before you know it, the head of his cock is pressing up against your needy hole and he’s starting to push inside of you. 
You moan in unison with each other. Your walls squeezing his cock as he buries himself to the hilt. His head comes to rest against your shoulder as he stills, giving you a moment to adjust to the size of him. His grip on you harsh as he holds himself back from starting to ram into you. Simon’s always so much for you to take and even with the prep from his fingers, you still always need a moment.
Glancing downwards, you take in the sight of where your greedy, drooling cunt is swallowing his cock. No matter how many times you take him, you still can’t quite believe how perfectly he fits inside of you. Like he was made for you and only you. 
“You can move,” you tell him. 
“You sure?” he asks. Normally you would find his concern sweet. Right now you find it annoying. You just want him to lose control and fuck you dumb.
Simon wastes no time starting to drill into you. Each thrust is hard and fast, the head of his cock now hitting that sweet spot continuously. Your moans are loud and you’re certain that you’ll receive a noise complaint from the neighbours that live next door of the semi detached house you live in, but you’re already too far gone to give a damn. Your boyfriend’s home and he’s finally starting to fuck your brains out. 
As he fucks you against the wall, his fingers grip the front of your tank top and he roughly pulls it down, letting your breasts pop out. Immediately his lips close around one of your nipples and he starts to suck. At the same time, his pinches your other nipple, rolling it between his thumb and index finger.
“Fuck,” you gasp, your back arching into his touch. Your fingers run through his brown hair, tugging each time pleasure surges through you. Which has him groaning each time. 
You can feel the way his cock grows harder and thicker inside of you with each thrust. He’s getting close and so are you. Your neglected clit pulses with need and you untangle your fingers from his hair to try and slip it between your two bodies, but he bats your hand away. His calloused thumb presses against your clit and you can’t help, but gasp his name as he starts rubbing it in time with his thrusts. 
“Fuck, fuck, Simon!” you cry as white hot pleasure slams into you, almost causing you to see white as your body clamps down onto his cock and you cream all over his shaft. 
He follows shortly afterwards. His mouth releasing your nipple as he groans your name, grinding his cock into you as it throbs and releases deep inside of you. You expect him to stop, but he doesn’t. He continues rutting into you, his cock still rock hard. 
Your orgasms leave you both sensitive. The feeling of pleasure and pain mixing together as you can feel him hurtling you toward another one. You’re muttering his name now. Over and over again like a mantra, begging him to make you cum again. 
And he does. 
You and Simon hit your orgasms together. It’s even more intense than your first one. Your toes curling as your eyes roll into the back of your head as cunt squeezes him, milking every last drop from him as he fills your cunt once more.
You collapse against him, your head coming to rest against his shoulder. Both of you are panting heavily as you both come down from your highs. 
Simon adjusts the grip he has on you and he moves you away from the wall. The sound of his heavy boots is loud as he manoeuvres both of you back into the living room. He keeps you seated on his cock as he settles down on the sofa, his head lolling back to rest on the cushion. 
“Gimme a sec and we’ll go again, yeah?” 
You chuckle as you work on unzipping and removing his coat from his body. “Someone’s insatiable,” you tease.
He huffs a laugh and lightly slaps your ass, making you gasp. “Months in the middle of nowhere, no idea when I’m ever gonna see my girl again? I’m not stopping until one of us passes out from exhaustion.”
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impish-baby · 10 days ago
Aaahshsn hii.,. Kinda nervous sendin in an ask for the first time, but do ya think you could write somethin with yandere younger sibling(s) & a shy/nervous older sibling reader? (Agere) I dunno if you've done anythin like this before so I'm sorry if ya have.,, I love your writin a lot though and I would be real grateful if ya even just read this đŸ«¶
I read this as older sib being shy/embarrassed about regressing.. apologies if you wanted something else!
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The last thing you wanted to see after coming home from school was that your little brother had gone through your room, least of all what he got his grubby little mitts on.
Neatly laid out on your bed is all the gear you had hidden away in the bottom of your dresser, including your pacifier.
Mortified doesn't even begin to describe how you feel.
"How was class?" Carter swivels nonchalantly in your desk chair, a smug look on his face. "That professor an ass like usual?"
You can't even scold the younger boy for his language, too focused on thinking about how you're going to explain yourself in a way that's believable.
"Are you done gaping like a fish?" He gets up, waving a hand in front of your face with a pout. "You know, I should really tell mom you've been lying, I'm willing to hear you out first though."
"You haven't been honest with any of us," Carter crosses his arms over his chest, sulking. "A lie by ommission is still a lie, that's bad, you know? But I'm such a kind little brother that I haven't tattled yet, you have a chance to tell the truth."
The explanation you try to give is clumsy, babbling on that the items actually belong to a friend, that you're just holding onto them-
"Yeah, right." The boy scoffs, rolling his eyes. "I'm not stupid, you don't even have that many friends to begin with." Always a brat, huh? "Come on, why won't you just admit it? I'm not making fun of you, I just want to know what's going on with my big sibling."
It's embarrassing, humiliating. You wouldn't have come home if you knew that you'd be confronted like this, a nice ditch would look pretty comfortable right now.
You eventually get the words out, your cheeks sweltering as you tell him that it's just a dumb thing you do sometimes to help with stress.
"Oh, I know what it is." He hums, a smirk settling on his lips. "I just wanted to hear you say it." Carter grasps your hand, pulling you over to sit with him on the bed. "Why are your things so boring though? Our baby stuff was always cute.."
Strangling him isn't out of the question yet, or you could smother him in his sleep with a pillow.
"Dad will buy you whatever you want, I don't get why you're so cagey-" Carter grunts when you snatch the paci he had picked up out of his hands, looking highly offended. "Rude, I'm just saying you're making this into a bigger deal than it is. Nothing should be worth lying to us over."
You sigh, leaning back against the pillows, which is apparently an invitation to cuddle. He curls up against your side, arms wrapping around you like a vice. "I'm serious.. no one is gonna judge, we just want to make sure you're taken care of."
There's something weird in his voice when he says that, but like everything else apparently you must be overthinking it.
"Please, bubs? I love you, I want to spend time together even if you're little. I can be a good big bro, I'll prove it!"
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solxamber · 5 months ago
Maybe a request where reader had a potion class accident with grim and idia as partners for it, and turned into a cat for a temporary amount of time due to a mishap?
I just think it sounds like idia would 100% milk this for all its worth cuz an event has occurred involving cats...
and i think grim being around with reader and idia would infact add to the cat meter, sounds amusing to me at least
Stay safe have a good day your writin is great :]
Mishaps and Kitty Cats - Idia x reader
love this request, combined 2 of my favorite things- cats and idia
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Potionology wasn’t exactly a class you thrived in, but how hard could it be? You just mix some ingredients together, follow the instructions (mostly), and hope Grim doesn’t knock something over. Easy enough, right?
That was your first mistake.
The second? Teaming up with Idia and Grim.
Idia, hunched over his tablet, was busy calculating potion probabilities or something nerdy, while Grim was... being Grim. Pawing at random ingredients, making snide comments, and generally being more of a hindrance than any helpful mascot should ever be.
“I’m telling ya, we don’t need all these fancy-schmancy ingredients!” Grim huffed, flicking his tail dismissively. “Just throw in some catnip and call it a day!”
Idia, not even bothering to look up, mumbled, “Uh, no. That’ll throw off the potion’s balance and potentially, like, destroy the entire lab. But, yeah, sure, go ahead. I’ll just be over here doing the actual calculations.”
"Catnip," you muttered, shooting Grim a sideways glance. "Right. Because that's the missing key to magical success."
Grim puffed out his chest, as if the sheer confidence would make up for his utter lack of sense. "You mock, but I know what's what."
You sighed. Maybe pairing with the guy obsessed with cats and the guy obsessed with numbers wasn’t the best move. “Idia, are you sure you’ve got this under control?”
“I’ve got this down to a 96.8% success rate,” Idia said, tapping away on his tablet with the fervor of someone far too invested in digital alchemy. “The probability of anything going wrong is, like, practically nonexistent.”
You peered into the cauldron. It was bubbling ominously, more like it was contemplating murder than mixing into a helpful potion. “And the other 3.2%?”
“Well... worst-case scenario, you might end up as a squirrel. Temporarily. Maybe.”
Before you could even process what he just said, Grim—bless his chaotic little heart—decided to tip over a vial of glowing green liquid into the cauldron. “Oops.”
There was a brief, deadly silence. Then a whoosh of bright smoke exploded from the cauldron, enveloping you, Grim, and Idia in a thick, magical fog.
Coughing, you blinked through the haze. Everything seemed bigger, or maybe you were smaller. And then you noticed Grim staring at you with wide eyes, mouth hanging open.
“What?” you asked—or, at least, you tried to ask. What came out instead was a small, pitiful meow.
Grim blinked. Twice. “Nya?!”
Idia finally looked up from his tablet, and when he saw you, a grin spread across his face so wide it looked like he had just won the rarest item drop of his life. "Oh. My. Gods."
You stared at him, then down at your—oh no. Oh no no no. You had fur. You had paws. Your tail lashed back and forth as panic began to settle in. "I’m a cat?!"
"This. Is. Amazing!" Idia was practically vibrating with excitement, not at all concerned about your current feline predicament. "This is like, peak event status. You turned into a cat! This is exactly like that one episode of 'Magical Meow-taku no Monogatari' where the protagonist gets cursed and—"
Grim cut in, his tone somewhere between horror and indignation. “Nyaaa, wait a minute! I’m supposed to be the only talking cat here! This is outrageous!” His fur bristled as he looked between you and Idia, clearly not enjoying this turn of events.
You tried to hiss at Grim, but all that came out was a squeaky mewl. Great. Even your protests were adorable.
Idia, meanwhile, was thoroughly enjoying himself. “Oh man, this is like, prime meme content. We need to document this! Hold on, I’m sending a message to the dorm chat.”
You swatted at his leg with a paw, trying to stop him, but your efforts were in vain. He was already furiously typing into his tablet.
“‘So, uh, our partner just turned into a cat lol. 10/10, would pet again.’ There, sent,” Idia said, looking way too pleased with himself. He looked down at you, his expression downright giddy. “You don’t even understand how happy this makes me. A real-life cat transformation! This is like, a rare gacha pull, but better. Because it’s you. As a cat.”
Grim groaned dramatically, throwing his paws up. “Unbelievable! I can’t believe this is happening! Now there’s two of you! This was supposed to be my thing!” He shot a glare your way. “You better fix this fast, or I’ll never live it down.”
You tried to roll your eyes—well, as much as a cat could roll their eyes—and sat down, tail flicking impatiently. You’d really like to be human again, thanks.
But Idia wasn’t done. Not by a long shot.
“You know,” he said, voice taking on a thoughtful tone, “I could, theoretically, keep you like this for a while. I mean, think of the content. We could have a whole cat-themed channel. Imagine it: ‘Cat Adventures with the Prefect and Grim!’ You could be a streaming sensation!”
Your wide-eyed, horrified stare was lost on him as he started muttering to himself about potential subscriber counts and fan art. Grim, meanwhile, was rapidly spiraling into a jealousy-fueled rage.
“No way! This can’t happen! I’m the mascot! Me! Not you!” Grim wailed, tugging at his own fur as if his dignity depended on it.
In the background, Idia was already searching for the best cat toys to order online.
This was going to be a long day.
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blackpanda48 · 1 year ago
Hazbin Hotel Adam x fem!Reader
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A/n: I made this bc why not. Enjoy💕
Warning: Dirty talk (?)
*It wasn’t everyday that you saw the Commander of Exterminators, but it also wasn’t everyday when you became his Assistant. Yes, out of Gods orders, you are now The assistant of Adam. Yay!*
*You sat in the plush chair with your clipboard— Adam right next to you with an arm around your shoulder, his chin on it too— watching you write. Maybe he was drunk? Nah, that wasn’t him.*
“Hey, babes— what’re you writin’?”
"I'm writing things down for the extermination Sir"
*You said looking at your paper not leaving your eyes off of it*
“You ain’t gotta be so tense hun,”
*He said, nuzzling his chin into your neck and shoulders a little further. He let out a slight chuckle.*
“You’re always being so serious. Chill out.”
"I'm sorry Sir"
*You said looking down at him in your shoulder.*
“You don’t gotta apologize love! I was just messin with ya! God knows how important your job is! But you can’t do your job right if you’re all stressed out right? Relax a little! Let yourself just
*He put a finger under your chin, and lifted your head so you were forced to look into his eyes. You felt as if you were melting under his piercing gaze, his eyes seeming to command you.*
*You said while under his spell that he put you in.*
*He giggled when you trailed off.*
“Just be a little more relaxed sweetie! You’re doin a great job, and I’ll make sure everyone knows that.”
*He said, still not letting you break your gaze from him. You noticed though, that one of his hands was now sliding down your shoulder, down down further
*You were just looking at him still under his beautiful spell*
*The hand was now halfway down your back, and he leaned in even closer. His nose was brushing up against yours, his breath hot and stuffy as he whispered into your ear.*
“Do you know what else I’m gonna do besides let everyone know how much you rock at your job, my dear?”
"What else?"
*You asked drunken with his scent. Going closer to him almost brushing his lips against yours.*
*Adam chuckled. He was just waiting for you to break and kiss him.*
 are gonna relax with me for the remainder of this long and tedious afternoon.
*He brushed his lips up against yours softly, his eyes still firmly locked onto yours. But he didn’t kiss you. He was just teasing and waiting for you to lean into him first.*
"Alright Sir"
*You said while you licked his lips.*
*Adams eyes widened and his breath hitched at the tease. He pulled you into his lap, keeping his hand on the small of your back.*
“That’s better, my sweet, sweet angel
"What are you going to do to me Sir?"
“That all depends on how cooperative you are, my dear.”
*He leaned his forehead to yours, and you could feel his body heat on your body.*
“All you gotta do is follow my lead, and all I ask from you is that you
 is that you obey me
"Of course. Anything for you Sir"
*He smirked and finally pressed his lips to yours, you deeply as his other hand moved to your hip, squeezing it lightly. It was like the world around you disappeared, all there was, was just you. You were his.*
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Words: 564
Characters: 3016
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whatyadrawin · 1 year ago
The Fruit After The Flesh -MASTERLIST!-
Thomas Hewitt x AFAB reader
18+ Only, Minors DNI
See reference images for layout here
Summary: You are a 33 year old seamstress living in Rivers, Manitoba struggling to make ends meet and in threat of losing everything until you get a call from a lawyer who informs you of a distant relatives will. Now you own an orchard and have money in the bank on one condition, keep the orchard feeding the people in Fuller, Texas. You meet the Hewitt's and finally feel a sense of belonging in this cruel world, the family is special but one person in particular is stealing your heart... Thomas. Follow the story as you experience everything the farm life has to offer, the romance, the hardships, and the sins.
Chapter 18 -writing in progress IM HAVING WRITERS BLOCK OMFG- art not started-
Thank you all for reading my silly little self indulgent fic, many of you are likely big fans of Thomas and his family, I hope you all get that same feeling of family and loyalty when reading this. I appreciate the patience you all have in waiting for chapters to come out, they may take me a while due to the art but I am happy to have a very fulfilling hobby as I continue through my journey of education in pursuit of my career. Don't be scared to drop a message and let me know what you think!
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ivysprophecy · 2 months ago
Am I Okay? Chapter One
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warnings: i dont think there is any? drinking and cursing? i planned on writing a few drabbles here and there for this series so i figured the sooner i get comfortable with it the better.
word count: 1318
summary: reader heads to the beach after settling into her new home where she runs into a blonde who invites her to her party tonight. why not? cant be too bad... maybe shell meet someone new ;)
[ masterlist ]
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from my understanding, being invited to a party by sarah cameron is like being invited by miss amelia mignonette thermopolis renaldi.
who am i to deny the "honor"?
in her defense she seemed so super sweet and down to earth so im sure its just people being dramatic.
honestly i wasnt even sure if i should have come but new home, new me. right?
she'd sent me a message earlier with an address and said to wait by the "hippie van" at eight so thats where i am now.
i hope im not at the wrong address and just loitering by someones van, i really dont wanna be arrested on my second night here. dad would not be pleased.
"Y/N?" i hear a voice call out from behind me, turning around i see a familiar girls blonde locks flowing from the ocean breeze.
thank the lord, i was starting to get worried.
"hey! sorry i wasnt sure if i should text ya that i was here," which wasnt a lie. i dont have to mention my raging anxiety.
"youre totally fine! you look super cute. cmon lets walk down to the beach and ill give you a little debrief so youre not totally unprepared."
"oh youre an angel sent from above," i smile following her down some path.
she starts leading me through the grass and down a small little hill where i can already see the beach in the distance.
"so," she starts "ill introduce you to my group of people that i hang out with but youre obviously allowed to venture out. so the boys are john b, hes my husband-"
"husband?? honey arent you like- 18? 19?"
"19 and happily married," she smiles genuinely, good for her i guess. could never be me though. "then you have jj, hes with my friend jess. pope is with kimmy, kiara and lex are together too. and then theres my brother rafe."
im guessing she can see my eyes blown wide because she lets out a chuckle. theres so much information to obtain i wanna go home.
"should i be writin this down?"
she laughs again but im being so genuinely serious, is it not obvious?
"i think youll get the hang of it once you actually see everyone since theyre all kinda grouped together. youll see once you get there," sarah and i finally reach what shes now clarified as 'the boneyard'? im not really sure why its called that but oh well.
after passing through a few partygoers we reach a small huddle of people who i assume are her friends by their excitement.
an absolutely stunning girl with the cutest braids comes over gushin at sarah telling her how cute she looks, and she isnt wrong.
"oh my goodness where are my manners, hi! im kimmy-" she turns to me rolling her eyes at herself, i assume at least. i hope it wasnt at me, in my defense i havent done anything.
"no youre fine sugar, im y/n- its real nice to meet yall," i smile hoping my voice isnt shaking.
have i mentioned im nervous?
"youve got the accent too! i could listen to you talk all day long- its nice to meet you too, pope cmere!" she turns around waving who i assume is her boyfriend who follows her motion heading over to us. "babe this is that girl sarah mentioned eariler, y/n, this is pope my boyfriend."
"i gathered that much," i chuckle, "its nice meetin you too. is there a place i can grab a drink quick? im a little too sober for all of this."
thankfully they all laugh, maybe i dont have too much to worry about. they all seem so nice im probably overthinking all of this.
"yea! sorry-," sarah looks over popes shoulder shouting, "jj! get your ass off the cooler and toss me a drink! what do you like weve got high noons, twisted teas, those blue smirnoff drinks, coors light... i think thats it," she turns back to me asking sweetly.
"beers fine. easy start," i laugh at her change in demeanor when she addresses me.
"beer please!" she yells back at jj who tosses it over.
he shouting back urging our group back over that way. "whos your friend?" a blonde next to jj whips her head around before smiling and waving at me.
"jj thats y/n- i already told you. she just moved here from texas? sarah met her earlier? do you listen to nothing i say ever??"
"mama i do listen but you say a lot of things. its hard to keep up with you."
"youre such a dick."
i head bobs back and forth between the twos bickering. "sorry do i know you?"
"no- sorry this is a bit awkward. im jess, im sorry im a bit of an internet stalker. wanted to see who you were when sarah mentioned you."
"no its okay," i chuckle, all these people are so sweet. "my best friends like that. im used to it."
"oh my god your accent is everything- i love it. also have you seen the hunger games triology?"
jj sighs and rolls his eyes at his girlfriends inquiry, "babe you cant just ask that out of no where."
"absolutely, hasnt everyone?" i respond naturally. of course ive seen one of the most successful series ever?
"ah ha! shut the fuck up jj-"
"yes maam," he chuckles handing her her drink back with a smile.
"so i see youve met kim and their boyfriend- this is jj as im sure youve heard. sarahs for sure filled you in on john b whos getting more ice... all thats left is kie and lex! i think theyre dancing right now though-"
jess goes on covering her bases thinking of who i have left to meet.
"they?" i turn to kimmy with an apologetic look on my face, "oh sugar im sorry i didnt know you were non binary you shoulda said something. i didnt mean to be rude."
"no you werent rude at all i didnt mention it."
"well im glad i know for future reference," i smile at them still feeling a little bad, thinking back to see if i accidentally misgendered them but honestly so much has gone on in the last ten minutes i cant recall.
"oh she hasnt met rafe," jj mentions nudging jess' shoulder. "hes talking to some old buddies over there though."
sarah rolls her eyes at her brother yelling over to him, "rafe! cmere!"
he turns at the sound of his sisters voice before brushing her off, clearly busy talking to someone.
"its really fine im sure ill meet him eventually."
"no hes just an ass sometimes- rafe!" she yells again and he finally turns around shrugging at her a little annoyed.
and holy shit is he a gorgeous specimen of a man.
thats probably not a good thing for me to think first time im meeting him but i cant help it. that man is hot as hell.
sarah points at me, trying to voice that she wants him to meet me as i stand there awkwardly, trying not to smile like an idiot. he gives me one of those frat guy nods with a cute lil smile and i have to admit it brings a blush to my cheeks.
bar is on the floor so in all fairness i cant help it.
"seems like hes too busy to even come over here. im sure hell make his way over eventually.
"its fine sarah," i open my beer finally taking a refreshing sip. "im just happy to be here. lets get this party started!"
to that the group hoots and hollers. im starting to feel more comfortable by the minute with them.
but all night it feels like there are eyes on me constantly.
i just didnt know they were rafes.
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atleastpleasetelephone · 2 months ago
HummđŸ€”, 18 or 31? With mid 70s Elvis.
I just always picture him with funny girl, thats just showers him with love but also is a funny person and wild to be around! Keeping Elvis always on his toes. But teaching to be a little selfish for himself too.😊
Cutie pie
A/N: Cute! I chose cheek pinching.
Pairing: BDE x reader
Word count: 1K
TWs: Angst. That's about it. Otherwise it's pretty fluffy.
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“Honey, stop that.”
You’re pinching Elvis’ cheek between your thumb and forefinger and giggling as you do it. He isn’t pleased. 
“Why? You look so cute.”
“I ain’t cute,” he replies, grabbing your wrist and squeezing it hard, making you let go of him with a little “ow!”
“Are too,” you reply, waiting until he’s let go of your wrist and then immediately pinching both cheeks at once. “Such a cutie pie
You squeal as he grabs both of your wrists and pushes your arms behind your back, wrapping one big hand around both of your tiny wrists as he stands up, towering over you and frowning. 
“I’ve had about enough, lil girl.”
His other hand wraps around your jaw, fingers pinching just a little. 
“Sorry,” you pout, trying to look apologetic. 
He looks down into your pretty blue eyes. He’s not sure you really are sorry. He wishes you wouldn’t pinch him like this. He feels fat enough as it is without you going on about his cute face all the time. 
“I promise I’ll stop bothering you,” you tell him. He’s been reading through paperwork at his desk all morning and you’ve been bored, and his cheeks have looked
 pinchable. But you can find another way of occupying yourself. Probably. 
Elvis hums again, then lets go of your face and moves his hand to the top of your arm rather than your wrists, manoeuvring you to the other side of the room. 
“There,” he says, putting his hands on your shoulders and pushing until you sit down on the armchair. “Sit. Be quiet. Daddy has to work.”
You nod and smile and cross one leg over the other, folding your hands neatly in your lap. He looks at you for a minute, and then walks back to his desk. You try to stay still and be quiet but it doesn’t last long. 
“What’re you doing?”
He huffs. “Writin’ cheques. I told ya that earlier.”
You nod silently and try to spend a while thinking about writing cheques and serious things like that. But it’s very boring. You’re more of an action sort of girl, you like to be outside doing things, whether that’s riding horses or painting fences. You’re not a big fan of being trapped indoors like this. This year it seems like when Elvis isn’t touring he’s locked up in Graceland, and it’s driving you a little nuts. 
“You got many more to do?”
Another silence, where you try really hard to do what he wants, but inevitably you fail. Getting up from the chair, you very quietly creep towards him, completely forgetting there’s a big old mirror in front of the desk until it’s too late. He looks up at your reflection tiredly. 
“Why don’tcha go out and have a ride on Milly or something?”
Milly is your roan mare, and you’d like to ride her but not on your own. You want company. There’s not that much of that around here lately either. 
“Will you come with me?”
Elvis closes his eyes wearily and shakes his head. “I have these cheques, honey.”
“You’ve been doing them all morning,” you tell him, your hands falling onto his shoulders. He tries to shrug you off but your fingers grip him tightly, and then you start to push your thumbs into the base of his neck, massaging there. He lets out a little involuntary sigh. “Why don’t you give yourself a break?” You ask, not just talking about the cheques. 
“Honey, I
” he begins, but then his eyes close in pleasure as you squeeze and knead his shoulders and then press your thumbs all the way up his neck. Grasping at the very base of his skull, you push your thumb and forefinger into the flesh underneath the bone, pulling back and pushing forward until you hear him moan. 
“Feel good?” You ask.
“Mmmm. So good, honey. Don’t stop.”
You grin, pleased, massaging behind his ears, his temples, his forehead. You can feel him relaxing under your touch. 
“How’s that?”
“Amazin’. You’ve magic fingers, honey.”
You kiss the top of his head. “Thanks. You wanna come out for a ride with me now?”
Your hands are still massaging, back to his shoulders now and much more gently than before. You look at his reflection hopefully. 
“Ah, maybe in a bit.”
Sensing the opportunity for negotiation, you keep talking. “How many more cheques have you got to do?”
He tilts his head to one side, curious as to what you’re up to. “This pile here.”
“Okay. Five more then come for a ride with me. Then the rest after.”
He smiles, realising when he’s beaten. “Alright then. C’mere, you.” Pushing his chair back from the desk, he turns and pulls you into his lap. You grin as he gently brushes your hair from your face and then presses a kiss to your cheek. “I guess I can take some time out. We’ll go now.”
You throw your arms around his neck joyfully, kissing first one cheek then the other. 
Your enthusiasm warms him inside, he loves seeing you so happy and full of life. Sometimes he thinks it’s the only reason he gets up in the morning. 
“Still think you’re cute,” you tell him, as he smiles at you, his cheekbones prominent. You know you’re pushing your luck but you can’t help it. He is cute. 
He hums and shakes his head, but he can’t keep the little smile off his face. “Fine. Ya can think that. Jus’ don’t go tellin’ anyone.”
You kiss him firmly. “I won’t. Cutie pie.”
He growls, grabbing you and tickling your sides a little. You giggle and squirm. “An’ definitely no tellin’ them yer callin’ me that.”
He stops the tickling and your foreheads press together. “Promise I won’t,” you whisper, conspiratorially. “It’ll be my secret name for you,” you tell him, pressing your lips together and hoping he’ll say yes. 
“Okay,” he whispers back, feeling himself colour a little. 
You kiss the corner of his mouth and then across his cheek, finishing at the sensitive patch of skin under his ear. You feel him wriggle underneath you. 
“Cutie pie,” you whisper. 
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed:
@vintagepresley @arg-xoxo @from-memphis-with-love @msamarican @blursedblegh @returntopresley @eapep @everythingelvispresley @i-r-i-n-a-a @sissylittlefeather @arrolyn1114 @jhoneybees @cattcb @polksaladava @lookingforrainbows @jkdaddy01 @ccab @epthedream69 @lustnhim @elvisslut @pomtherine @that-hotdog @ladelinee @angschrof @fairybloodsucker @deltafalax @makethemorning @elviswhore69 @ilovequeen978 @wildhorseinkansas @pocketfulofpresley @dkayfixates @iloveelvisss @kxnnxy
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asliv0silver · 3 months ago
(Writin in my word docs. Im trying to practice fluff and I kinda like this part. Prolly influenced by past fics ive liked? Maybe? I just feel the need to put that)
“It’s only an hour before your early bird ass gets up, what’cha so tired for now?” Mickey asked.
“You tired me out.” Ian mumbled, flushing and grinning loopily.
“Yeah? Hows that?”
“Ridin me all last night
“Didn’t hear you complainin. Actually, if I remember correctly your words were ‘god baby, don’t fucking stop please, fucking love this ass around my co-“
Ian kicked at him lightly.
“I did not say that.” Ian mumbled into his chest, blushing hard. Unfortunately, hiding his face was kind of pointless with his pale ass skin telling on him.
“You wanna bet?” Mickey ruffled his hair.
“I can’t hear you, m’sleeping.” Ian replied, voice muffled.
 if anything im the one who should be tired. I did all the work. You just sat there, ya pillow princess
” Mickey teased fondly, but his own voice was getting heavy with sleepiness as well.
“You’re the pillow princess
” Ian argued. “Always wantin’ to lay there n’ be plowed into the mattress.”
“Your right, im soo sorry I put ya through that. Must be so hard having to do that, you poor thing.” Mickey put on a fake sympathetic voice, making Ian smile wider.
“What can I say, Im charitable.”
“My poor baby
” Mickey continued, and Ian blushed again, letting out a sleepy muffled giggle.
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moechies · 1 year ago
so I saw your post about lover boys and I was wondering if you could write about a character actually tracing the reader’s clit and make them tell what they’re spelling out..
“cmon, jus take a guess, yea?”
“that’s not right baby.”
satoru pulls his face away from your cunt yet again, leaving you to mewl and paw at his chest, begging him for another chance.
“toru, ‘s n-not fair! you’re not writin’ it clearly! bein’ so mean.. not letting me c-cum..”
“i am sweetheart, jus’ seems like you’re really bad at this.“
his chuckle leaves a flush on your cheeks, as he bends back down to your cunt to give your clit a deep kiss.
“kay, i’ll give ya another chance. if ya get it wrong, you’re not cummin’ tonight. ya gotta promise not to whine about it.”
you mumble out a ‘mhm!’ quickly, already loosing yourself in the way he rubs your sticky slit. he leans his mouth down to take the place of his fingers,
“d.. a
 d.. y.. s daddy!! toru, it’s daddy!”
your sweet and naive excitement makes him groan, you really don’t know what you have ahead of you.
“that’s right, good fuckin’ girl. gunna get your reward now.”
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biblical-chronicles · 11 days ago
200 !!
there's 200 of ya lot here already what the actual fuck !!!!!!
this blog has become me literal second home, and I just wanna thank you all, as I never expected these silly scribbles to garner any serious interest.
And for that, I owe you. Every message, every comment, every request, like, repost—it all matters more than you probably realise. None of this would be the same without you. So, thank you so fucking much from the bottom of me heart !!
There’s just something rare about creating summat and watching it ripple out beyond yourself, seeing it come back in ways you never expected.
Also, since I get a load of requests and all that, figured I’d point you in the direction of some other top tier blogs that are keepin’ the Oasis fic scene alive. Proper class writers, that are active right now (and hopefully for a long bloody time). Go show ‘em some love !!
absolute bangin' writer, Fly Me To The Moon has rewired me brain chemistry so many times over, it's mental. If you're lookin' for some dead solid smut and interestin' story lines in general, go over there sharpish!!!
the girl writes not only for oasis but all sorts of artists / people, the talent knows no boundaries. You want fluff? it's there. You want angst? it's there. You want a series? also there. Amazin' immersive writin' never disappoints (as everyone on this list).
fucking hell I wish I could write this well, has it all as well. You want Noel? you've got it. You want Inhaler fics? you've got it. Series? guess what, you've also got it! Again, highly recommend and be careful, you will read 'em all at once when you sit down to it ya lot !
always in awe of the writin' here as well, mental talent, amazin' story writin', the plot development always done just right. The smut is just chef's kiss, can never get enough, always feel sad to see the end of a story.
not too many fics posted thus far but lookin' pretty promising you lot, keep an eye on there x
also not too many fics, but is the one on there posted in feb so fucking good, keep it in your orbit too !!
writes for oasis, blur, the smiths, so keep your eye on the blog too if that sounds like summat for ya!!
again, standing ovation to all of ya lot, so much talent in this little space we have. This of course is in no particular order, as every single one of these blogs is unique and fucking brilliant !!
and remember no effort exists in isolation, so keep on writin'!
if I somehow forgot someone, or you want to be added then just shoot me a message and I'll gladly add you all xx
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