#what to read this summer
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crowiin · 1 year ago
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lizstiel · 3 months ago
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in which scott realizes he is not immune to the logan brainrot
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hitsuyou-fukaketsu · 27 days ago
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Home is people
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oh emma, haven't we all.
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yakichoufd · 8 months ago
omg plwasepleaspleaseeee give us your rendition on ftm scott id actually die 🩷🩷 the day i see a trans scot yakichou comic is the day i ascend....
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I don't know if I'd ever write a trans!Scott comic, but life is full of surprises so maybe I might imagine a story for dear trans!Scott! I might draw some illustrations of him tho! Here is a t4t jott sketch <3 Trans are beautiful <3
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lisa-jnss · 10 months ago
the bond between a girl and the book she read in middle school is sacred
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dreamsuvivor · 18 days ago
Reading books is so much better when you don't have annoying bitches in your ear telling you how horrible the book is and what “good” books you should read instead
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ayaosguqin · 7 months ago
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This illustrations was made for TRSB 2024 ( @tolkienrsb )! The gifted @strung-by-fate has vividly depicted a captivating tale that explores the intricate dynamic between Annatar and Celebrimbor. This endeavor has been an exhilarating adventure, and I’m eager for all of you to dive into this intense narrative!
You can explore the beautiful and captivating story titled " Homophily” by NIQtraust ( @strung-by-fate ) AO3.
Link of the story
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To: Celebrimbor
From: Gil-Galad, High King of the Noldor
My dear cousin,
Might I remind you that much of the beauty of Middle-Earth is fleeting? At times, that fleeting beauty includes friendships, such as the one you have formed with Lord Annatar. I strongly urge you once again to sever ties with him, for as the Lady Galadriel and myself have discussed with you, he is ill news.
Your friend, liege, and well-wisher,
To: Gil-Galad
From: Celebrimbor, Lord of Eregion
Cousin, I think not.
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year ago
Am I slightly obsessed with dragon AUs? Maybe. Maybe I just really like dragons. So have another prompt.
Danny and Tucker have decided to reincarnate together in an entirely new world. Which isn't a new thing with reincarnation for beings such as them, but honestly they're a little tired of being humans or human-adjacent beings.
But they don't want to just be an animal either. They're Ancients after all, and can afford to be a bit prideful in choosing a form they'll hopefully spend at least another eighteen years in.
The forms they've chosen? Why dragons. It fits their power sets so well, and honestly it's something new for them! And well, Sam would join but it's her turn on the whole council thing since the Realms doesn't exactly have a king anymore.
But they have to make it through the whole... egg thing first. Which on one hand, dragon eggs are practically indestructible and it's free nap time! On the other, they can't exactly defend themselves besides whatever natural magical things might surround them.
Which is why it's so annoying that some assholes decide to steal them. They're literally stuck as eggs for at least a few months more, preferably a bit longer so they can be certain their new bodies are strong enough to hold their true power. Or at least the small fraction living bodies can hold.
And they aren't some gemstones! Honestly these people are also idiots and- oh, hey, someone is attacking the whole smuggling operation thing, thank fuuck... .... Oh hey, fellow undead! Yeah, hey, dude that doesn't feel full of greed and is maybe a bit angry but that's normal, yeah you! Hey get them out of this box! Yeah!
Jason on the other hand, is having a very What the Fuck sort of night right now.
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kalinara · 1 month ago
So I saw a post earlier talking about Marvel couples and how relatively few long term relationships there are. There was mention of Reed and Sue as being basically the most consistently together couple, crediting that to the nature of the Fantastic Four being about family.
I don't disagree with that.
But then there was a comment about Scott and Jean being "all over the place" and depending on editorial at the time. Sorry for the paraphrase, but I couldn't find the post again to be sure.
And honestly I couldn't disagree with that more.
The thing about Scott Summers and Jean Grey is that, with two exceptions, if they are both alive, and they both know the other one is alive, they are together FULL STOP.
The first exception to this is the original Lee/Kirby years. Because they hadn't gotten together yet. But anyone who has sat through the god knows how many issues it took for the two to actually get the fuck over it and fuck basically gets stockholmed into shipping these idiots.
Because when you go from seeing this nonsense in issue 10:
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THIS nonsense in issue 24:
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THIS nonsense in issue 3-fucking-4:
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And you realize this is only a sampling and that pretty much every issue in between has more of this idiotic bullshit, you'll be screaming at them to "JUST FUCK ALREADY!!!" too.
NGL, it's what turned me into a shipper. Fucking Stockholm Syndrome.
The other time, of course, is X-Factor. Because Scott, in his incredible wisdom and self-perception, happened to marry a woman who looked exactly like Jean Grey, (and asked her if she was Jean Grey on the eve of the wedding).
Scott gets a lot of shit from fans for ditching his wife and son for Jean Grey (which is a vast oversimplification of a very complicated storyline, but fine, for once, let's go with it). So yeah.
A good chunk of X-Factor is basically just these two finding their way back to each other after dealing with a whole mess of other mind-bogglingly traumatizing events and trying to raise a baby while meeting alternate future kids and (in Jean's case) not really handling that well.
But anyway, after that? They're together.
Now, admittedly, the Grant Morrison era of X-Men is a bit complicated. We all know about Emma Frost. I still resent deeply the fact that a man is named cheater for getting taken advantage of by his therapist, but fine. Maybe they'd have broken up over Emma, maybe not. Maybe Jean would finally break down and fuck Logan, maybe not. Sadly she died instead. And then a future version of her decided to push Scott and Emma together for a while. Which was a fucking weird narrative choice, but fine.
When Jean comes back? Immediate romantic scene with her resurrected husband by the way. And yeah, fine, he drops dead again later. And then when HE comes back to life, she's off in another dimension and presumed dead for a bit.
But when they are back, alive, and in the same place? She immediately shoves her tongue down his throat.
On Krakoa, they're the most married they've ever been. They finally get to raise their son together, in a place that isn't a future hellhole. They are explicitly polyamorous, implicitly in a throuple, but when it comes down to the wire, it's Scott Summers and Jean Grey.
And now, in From the Ashes, she's off being a goddess in space. But she's still having psychic phone sex with her patiently waiting husband. It's not clear if they're still doing the polyamory thing, I'd like to think they are because we so rarely get to see portrayals of non-monogamous but still very happy couples. But who knows. What we do know is that even now, even when they're not in the same place: it's Scott Summers and Jean Grey.
I suppose the one exception is young Scott and young Jean when they're brought to the future. But here's the thing. As much as they both try to fight it, as often as they've tried to tease some other kind of ship with Hank or Laura or Jimmy Hudson, or teenaged Vampire Storm, or anyone else. The two still can't ever really escape each other's orbit. (And you know, maybe if they actually got the full story instead of fucked up fragments from incredibly biased people who currently hate at least one of them, they might have felt a little less like escaping. Who knows?)
I guess I can see the argument that the state of their relationship can vary. Sometimes they're very happy, sometimes they're raising a kid. Sometimes they're frayed. Sometimes they fight. Sometimes they fuck other people.
But in the end, as long as they're both alive, it's Scott Summers and Jean Grey.
Reed and Sue still get top billing as the big couple of 616, sure. They're not immune to silly love triangles, but they tend to be dead less often.
But I still think Scott and Jean are up there, as consistent and steady as anything in the Marvel Universe.
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thoughtdoe444 · 2 days ago
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decarbry · 1 year ago
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battle cats 2
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angie-in-a-jail · 10 months ago
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This stupid scene rotates in my head all day because I still can't understand it. Does Yuri think they've been dating since forever? Tamura says no!! Then why is he upset?? Because he always thought that Fujisaki only wanted to fuck and not date?? No because dating shouldn't change his experience at school that much, Fujisaki willingly let's him do other men in the school, and it's not like he can control Yuri anyways. Because he brought it up in the middle of it?? Maybe?? But if he didn't want to he could've just ignored him??Fujisaki single handedly caused this man to do even more weird things because he's the only person who managed to make Yuri upset, the guy that Tamura specifically said only has friends because he's never upset about anything whatsoever. He's also the only person (outside of Tamura ofc) to see his face properly without it being some occasion where he is required to take his glasses off. Yuri willingly speaks FULL SENTENCES with this guy, I don't even know if Fujisaki knows how special he is.
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falmerbrook · 8 months ago
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TES Summer Fest Day 1 - Forbidden
A 7 year old Vanus "Trechtus" Galerion stays up late one night reading with his dad.
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yakichoufd · 7 months ago
Could I ask for sweet scemma comic recommandation? I want to like them but I might not read the best run for them lol (I read Astonishing where she pushed Scott's trauma to him (for his own good) and...sure she did help him but dang...I am unsure if I like that kind of dynamic for them haha)! Same if people have some nice comic recommandation about Scott and Warren. I saw some panels where their dynamic are sweet and interesting! also if anyone could explain the context below, I'd be forever grateful (maybe it is a fanart...i dunno. people repost so many art, it is hard to find the original source)
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regardless of the context, love Scott's hair here.
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rontra · 11 months ago
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on the eve of the war you ask me if i regret any of this i guess even you need reassurance sometimes you're only human after all
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