#what an odd ship name
yakichoufd · 1 month
omg plwasepleaspleaseeee give us your rendition on ftm scott id actually die 🩷🩷 the day i see a trans scot yakichou comic is the day i ascend....
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I don't know if I'd ever write a trans!Scott comic, but life is full of surprises so maybe I might imagine a story for dear trans!Scott! I might draw some illustrations of him tho! Here is a t4t jott sketch <3 Trans are beautiful <3
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I like this disaster throuple a little too much
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I blame twitter
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queenbeedarling · 2 months
Beer, Mick, and Matt are in a throuple, and no one can change my mind.
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moonsweetswirl · 9 months
kinda sapphic of xianyun to look at guizhong out of tsundere behavior while reminiscing that she's superior in the mechanical arts and made final touches to the guizhong ballista to honor her in memory after many lantern rites. even sees guizhong and madame ping hanging out in the mountains like damn, she wanted to be in a polyamory so bad. but it's okay, ping and xianyun are dating bc it's what guizhong wouldve wanted
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pthalomars · 8 days
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Odd and Stormy... you will always be famous to me 🫶🫶🫶
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sincerely-sofie · 3 months
In response to my post mentioning being baffled by my younger brother naming a tynamo after me when he was playing Pokémon for the first time as a little kid, my boyfriend made a chart to compare and contrast + showcase the many similarities I apparently share with this Pokémon.
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charxan · 7 months
no idea if you recognize me (im moth!!) BUT hmm valentines,,,,
seto kaiba/either yami yugi or yugi moto? he is. so Guy to me and idr if you were ever into yugioh but these boys are fun to draw (:
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sorry that it's so messy!! Anywaves, hello moth!! of course I remember you! hope your valentines been lovely, here's your request!
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hikiclawd · 1 year
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sorry for disappearing for a minute i timetraveled back to 2020
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lugartl · 4 months
ive never seen anyone ship scratch & snowman before.. im interested
some art for you, curious soul. get ready for a ramble under cut btw :op
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OKOK, so the ship first started out cause of me and boyfriend joking around with shipping people with scratch, Hussie, self shipping, and then we got around to snowman and we were like "wait.. this is kinda awesome??" and the ship was made for us. in our opinions, we think that snowman is very jokingly yet very lovingly affectionate with him, and doc scratch is constantly like "I HAVE WORK TO DO... STOP!!!!" and is overall very flustered and unamused with her affections. (in secret though we feel that he does enjoy her affections, he just wishes she'd save it for when he wasnt actively working or around people.) but yeah, it started as a crack ship but made its way into my heart. (i dont think mu boyfriend ever ironically shipped it, he was always genuine with it.)
but yeah, me and my bf love polyfelt and polycrew. we are lovers, your honor!! we love love!!
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cherrylight · 26 days
hello everyone. do you want to see my tua self insert whose lore is so confusing and discombobulated because of time (i also have too many ideas for her lore wise so it's okay i guess). i'm being brave, because you are seeing her and i'm indecisive.
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look at my darling. i love you. (i like the one on the left a lot i'm sorry)
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lover-of-skellies · 7 months
One of my personal favorites is dream x fresh, thoughts?
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valentronic · 10 months
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they would find each other in every universe and in every universe horrible things would happen because of this unfortunately, they are SO divorced
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
any fave fox recommendations atm???
loving the hand that feeds🫶
hi thank u!! assuming 'fox' is meant to be 'fic' in which case - yes!! rubbing my evil little hands together oh i am so excited
hackery by orphan_account - hackery!!! hackery hackery hackery. hackery <3 if u read one thing from this list PLEASE let it be hackery. under 2k words and changed me forever. picked me up and threw me against the wall and ripped out my spine and ate it. i re-read this allll the time because it is just so fucking good. dorcas/lily are at a party that gets ambushed during the first war. go fucking. read it right now.
i would kill for some company (temporarily) by lesbianregulusblack (@lesbiansiriusblack hi liv i am talking abt this again) - beautiful + dark + gorey pandalily fic where pandora is a vampire and lily is a human and it's very hard to say which one of them is more fucked up (check tags on this one - when i say dark + gorey i mean it i gasped as i read and i am a horror enthusiast!)
bibliomancy by redsnake05 - listen ok just LISTEN. yes this is irma pince/minerva mcgonagall. yes it is also irma pince/helga hufflepuff. just. LISTEN. this is one of the most unique stories i have ever read in this fandom. the writer created this whole lore where librarians are like. these otherworldly eternal beings and it follows irma pince's immortal life as she tends the hogwarts library and just. i love it. i love it so much.
completed fics
Notes on a resurrection by newleaves - ok this one is a drarry fix-it fic where unspeakable draco malfoy accidentally raises harry's dad from the dead. and harry's mum. and harry's favorite dada teacher. and--well, u get the picture. i am not kidding when i say this is one of my favorite fics EVER like ever ever ever the lovely @simmy75 recommended it to me and i am now eternally grateful to her bc it altered my brain chemicals permanently. Like. i will try not to go on and on but this is one of the most beautifully and uniquely written stories i have ever read!! it is complex and confusing and feels like trying to put a puzzle together because draco is SUCH an unreliable narrator and just!!! please go read it. even if u are not a drarry fan this fic is AMAZING
Of Memories and Milk Thievery by moonymoment (@blurryayse hi jude i already yelled at u abt how much i love this) - this is the most recent like. longer completed marauders fic that i've read and it!!! is!!!! so!!! good!!! perfect balance of angst and sweetness and jude's writing makes me run around in circles like a dog chasing its own tail. remus + sirius are exes co-parenting teddy + they are both so petty that it leads to shenanigans + confrontations + tears + a poorly-thought-out parent-trap style plot by teddy + harry.
i feel a bit silly even putting this one down because if u follow me on tumblr then surely u are aware of it but! the only fanfic that i'm currently reading that i am like. actually regularly keeping up with is crimson rivers by zeppazariel (@zeppazariel hi zar my sister still needs to read the new ch but once she does she is going to agree w me about the bagel bc i am RIGHT) bc i am reading it along with my sister! hunger games jegulus au, if u aren't already reading this then u are missing out i promise u it is soooooo fun (for angst-enjoyers. for everyone else...well.)
however! i also have...18 ongoing wips that i have like. started reading but have not had time to keep up with simply because. that is so many. and life is so busy. and also ao3 doesn't send me emails even tho i'm subscribed for some reason (if anyone knows how to fix this please help meeeee)
but anyway here are some of my favorites of those that i've started for anyone looking for some wips to get into!!
Invisible String by a1phab3ts0up - dorlene pirate au!!! dorlene pirate au <3 enemies to lovers <3 dorcas and marlene are rival pirate captains who reluctantly agree to work together !!! background wolfstar and jegulus and marylily! i absolutely cannot WAIT to catch up on this
honey honey by aeoneskova (@aeoneskova) - au where marlene survives the first war and raises harry. i've only read the first chapter but this is like. at the top of my list for once i have more time to read longer fics bc the first chapter was so fucking good!!!
A Darling, A Demon, A Lamb by brightened - this one is a very dark alice/lily first war fic told from lily's pov. very very heavy so please check warnings + everything if u decide to read - i love angst and i love dark fics and this is beautifully written so i'm kind of obsessed <3 currently on hiatus but the day it comes back i will be devouring it posthaste
when it's warm again by moonymoment (@blurryayse hello again jude. i have only made it through the first two ch of this i think but rest assured that i will once again become a cat dragging dead birds to ur doorstep once i have time to sit down and finish it <3 ) - another moonymoment fic!! because nobody is doing it like jude!! mermaid remus and human sirius <3 kicking and screaming and jumping up and down and chewing on my fingers. (also this one is almost done!!! one ch to go??? wowowowowow)
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💕💚🌟 for childe, xiao, and albedo <3
💕: Who’s the clingier one in the relationship?
For Childe and me, I think it might actually be Childe, although I always gladly welcome his affection. Unless he just came from a sparring session, then stay away from me!! (“Aw babe, but I really missed you!”- “Shower, now!”) Otherwise, I’m just kind of used to 191cm of muscles draping over me or pulling me onto the couch; I normally don’t get much done afterwards.
Most of the time, I’m the one initiating physical intimacy with Xiao but he reciprocates it pretty fast after getting over his initial hesitation. It has gotten a lot better in terms of letting himself indulge in affection but sometimes he still needs some time to let himself give it, too (“Well, you mortals are incredibly fragile compared to us adepti, I wouldn’t want to hurt you”- “I appreciate the sentiment but I’m really not that delicate. Also, I trust you, you would never hurt me, I know it.”)
Albedo and me… It’s hard to say, really. But it’s probably still me haha. Not because Bedo is against initiating it, it’s just… if both of us focus on a project we zone out for hours and kind of… forget. Once we’re done though, we’re pretty well matched though when it comes to clinginess. (“You guys really need to remember eating and drinking too!!” - “Sorry for making you burst down the door every so often ^^;” - “…when was the last time I ate?”)
💚: Who gets jealous?
Not gonna lie… it’s probably me. I mean can you blame me, I managed to bag three extremely attractive and attentive guys, of course I want to keep them all to myself.
“No need to get jealous, babe. You know I only have eyes for you. Although, you do look really hot when you’re glaring~ Yeah, just like that actually!!”
“Tch, loyalty is an important virtue for adepti, would never sink so low as to break it. Besides, you calm me down like nothing else, I could never part from you.”
“There’s no imaginable fear you should have about this, my starlight. Why is it that you still feel this way? Maybe I should research this…”
But, even so, everyone gets jealous eventually, some more and some less, so let’s see…
Childe doesn’t really get jealous because he only really considers those he recognises as strong as threats. Normally there’s not a lot of though people strolling through the city. Basically, a guy has to impress Childe first before he considers them worth the second thought. But once someone does and gets a little too close, oh boy, where’s the murderous intent coming from? Certainly not from the ginger with the friendly smile who’s squeezing the guy’s hand a little too tightly…
Xiao isn’t really familiar with the feeling because he never had much reason to feel jealous before. He’s also too perceptive to be fooled by blatant misunderstandings. At the end of the day, I’m my own person and can choose to do what I want, he doesn’t want to tell me what I can and can’t do. But what’s that sinking feeling in his gut at the image of me with someone else? No, he’s not a fan of that. (“C’mere, you silly adeptus!! How could I ever leave you?”)
Albedo just trusts me too much to feel concerned about me interacting with other men. Human emotions are already complicated, so why make it worse by speculating on someone else’s? Surely if I didn’t feel happy with him anymore, I’d just talk to him about it, right? Plus, if jealousy does ever creep up on him, he just directly talks to me about his troubles. (“You know, I could see you itching to leave the conversation.” - “Yeah, that guy was boring me to death. I just wanted to go home.”)
🌟: Who’s the tease in the relationship?
“Excuse you?! I’m not even doing anything.”
“Sorry but it’s true, sweetheart, you’re just so sexy, you being here is teasing enough.”
“I despise the language employed but I cannot disagree with the statement.”
“The argument does hold up and is factual based on my experiences.”
“If you’re all ganging up on me, then I have something to say, too!”
As you can tell, Childe can’t stop running his mouth and his favourite pastime is apparently using that silver tongue of his to flirt with me me. (“Don’t you have anything better to do?” - “Nope, you’re the best thing for me to do~” - *gestures in ‘See, I told you so’). He also, conveniently, finds ways to flex his muscles or show of his abs whenever I’m around. (“You’re not sly, you know.” - “Well, is it working?” - “… yes”) I’m not sure if he got the memo that we’re married, he’s still hellbent on seducing me.
“Oh, trust me I know. Our marital duties aren’t lost on me~”
“You’re the worst.”
“But you like that, don’t lie.”
“Can’t argue with that…”
Xiao is also mainly a tease through physicality alone. I mean have you seen his arms or his back? Hunting down demons really does give a guy a nice body ㅠㅠ Although, I’m not sure he knows of the effect it has on me, nobody can be that faux innocent. I said before that Xiao doesn’t really initiate physical touch, but he does do it subconsciously to guide me somewhere or to make sure I’m fine. And let me tell you, every time I feel his calloused palm on me… phew, my knees are turning to pudding
“Too honest?”
“Is that why you were turning red as jueyun chili when I squeezed past you in kitchen yesterday?! I thought it was because of the weather!”
“Well you did put your hand on the small of my back… Stop hiding your face behind your hands!”
Ahem, anyway… Albedo’s teasing always comes out of nowhere, I swear, you can never see it coming! One second he’s telling me about his newest experiment results, the next he’s dropping the most creative flirt on me. But his intelligence is attractive as hell, so it’s 100% effective.
“I’m glad you enjoy them.”
“I do. But please give me a warning, my heart can’t take it.”
“Ah I’m afraid I cannot do that. If I did, I would not be able to observe your adorable blushing face and it just happens to be my favourite thing to study.”
“You’re doing it again!!”
“Apologies, my love”
“I can tell you’re not sorry at all.”
“After all of this, you guys still think I’m the tease?”
[self-ship ask game]
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gh-0-stcup · 2 years
Y'all did all this and seriously expect me to believe Darla and Angelus never "really" loved each other?!
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eccentric-objects · 2 years
I have an idea for season 5 of stranger things:
okay, so right off the bat, like first 5 minutes, Joyce is killed, we get no closure on this it just happens, Nancy and Jonathan break up bc of his grief and Nancy immediately gets together with Steve except they both revert back to their season 1 personalities and steve sacrifices dustin to a monster, Robin gets about 10 minutes of screen time the entire season and then fucks off with extra #37 never to be seen or talked about again, throughout this whole time it seems like mileven are going strong and they are ignoring every single problem ever, then, season finale, will dies and its Mike's fault, scene of jonathan and el sobbing over his body while hopper is hugging both of them and trying not to cry, then in a rage, el kills Mike, Steve and Nancy are nowhere to be seen and Lucas has done nothing the entire season other than sit with max who is still in a coma with no signs of recovery, end of show, no resolution for fucking anything.
the important thing about this is that absolutely no one is happy with this season, every single saving grace this show had is destroyed causing backlash so severe that the duffer brothers scrap any further universe development they had planned beyond this series. then a parody series is released called odd stuff, the actors are all the same and it fixes the ending (and everything else). we have successfully killed the authors and the gays win
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