#what i hate is that they have like stupid little policies that you have to learn yourself trough fukcing them up and being yelled at
the-modern-typewriter · 9 months
Imagine a villain straight refusing to fight another member of the Hero Team just cuz his hero archnemesis is not present
"Where are they?"
"Oh, not again." The protagonist could feel a headache coming on. "Look-"
"-Are they hurt?" The villain's eyes went dark and dangerous. "Who hurt them?"
"They're fine! Oh my god."
"Then where are they?"
The protagonist definitely had a headache. "It's their day off."
"They didn't tell me they had the day off. What's wrong?"
The really concerning part was that the hero probably would tell the villain which days they were working and which they weren't. The two of them were as bad as each other! The hero was going to be unbearable when they came back and found out that the team had fought the villain without them.
"Can we just get this over with?" the protagonist tried.
The protagonist sighed. They pinched the bridge of their nose and took a few deep breaths. "Okay," they said slowly. "But you realise I'm still going to have confiscate your nightmare robot."
"It's not for you. And don't think I didn't notice you dodging the question!"
The protagonist considered their options; lies, truth, everything in between.
The villain's nightmare robot hunkered down a little more pointedly in the middle of the bridge. Several people honked their horns. It was, honestly, embarrassing for everyone involved at that point.
"Their grandma died."
"Oh no." The villain's whole face softened. "Grandma L or Grandma P?"
Of course he knew the hero's grandparents. Of course he did. "Look, about the robot-"
"-I'll reschedule," the villain said.
"I can't let you keep the robot. My boss would have my head."
"That sounds like a 'you' problem. I have flowers to send."
The protagonist's eye twitched. "If you try and walk away with it-"
"-Do you really want to traumatize this entire bridge of innocent civilians?"
"I'm sure they're traumatized having to listen to you two idiots on a weekly basis."
"I'm taking the robot. When are they back?"
"They haven't said," the protagonist said, through gritted teeth. "As you know-"
"-They'll be doing all the funeral arrangements. Yeah. You know what, give me their number. I'll text them."
"I'm not giving you their number."
"Why not?"
"It's against policy."
"I'd like to express my condolences."
The protagonist looked them dead in the face. "Mm. That sounds like a 'you' problem. I have a robot to confiscate."
The robot slammed a fist into the bridge. It wobbled precariously.
The protagonist raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. They folded their arms across their chest.
"You're a real piece of work, you know that?" the villain snarled.
"I hate you too, don't worry."
"I should kill you."
"They'd have so much paperwork when they got back from the funeral. It would really improve their month, you killing me."
They ended up glaring at each other.
"If I give you the bloody stupid robot, will you give me their number?"
The protagonist smiled sweetly. "That's the only smart thing I've ever heard you say."
Everyone, generally, preferred it when the hero was around.
They all made sure it didn't happen again.
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railingsofsorrow · 5 months
you are in love (taylor's version)
[spencer reid x reader]
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summary: moments in which you realise you love him, but he has no idea.
pairing: s.reid x gn!reader
w.c: 2.4K
warnings/content: friends to lovers trope; angst because spencer is an oblivious idiot; case related discussion; fluff I promise; a whole paragraph in italics means it's a flashback.
A/N: sorry for the delay to post this I've been busy. hope you like it, have a great day <3
[part of the “taylor swift anthology”]
taylor swift anthology
criminal minds masterlist
❝ morning, his place 
burnt toast, sunday
you keep his shirt 
he keeps his word. ❞
“I thought we agreed that you were not allowed in the kitchen.”
Your voice startles Spencer for a second. He flinches while trying to pull the slight burned toast out of the toaster. Your mouth is pulled into a grin as you notice his messy curls on the top of his head, his hands working fast on turning the tap on to diminish the burning sensation on his fingers.
“I am not that terrible.” Spencer hisses, pouting at his red fingertips. “I can make breakfast... I think.”
“Without setting yourself on fire? I seriously doubt that.” You tease him, approaching his hunched frame over the sink. With a soft touch on his shoulder, you take his hand on yours and lead it towards the water. You nudge him playfully. “Thank you for this, it smells great.”
Spencer lets out a huff in protest but the corner of his lips betray him. His heartbeat as fast as a racing car as if he had been running away from someone, all because of your touch on him.
Last night was a rough one for you.
You didn't feel particularly great after a case and you completely shut down anyone who tried to talk to you. That included Spencer, but you weren't able to delay your conversation as he invited you over for a movie night, a request you could tell he needed as much as you did, and you ended up sleeping over at his place as many other times before. However, this time, it was different.
Not because you slept in one of his shirts and his smell lingered near you on the bed during the night but because you sobbed into his chest and he held you into his arms, comforting your shaky frame as his hands traveled across your back and neck with the utmost care in the world.
Although physical touch wasn't his forte, Spencer didn't seem bothered to cling to you the whole night, and his touch was more than welcomed by you. You fell asleep in his bed, in his shirt and in his hold. It was the best night sleep you've had in months.
❝ and for once, you let go
of your fears and your ghosts
one step, not much
but it said enough ❞
“You think it could work out?” You asked him one day in the middle of your chess match on your way back home. Everybody else was dozing off while the two of you remained in your own little bubble. Tired but not enough to refuse a chess game.
Spencer moved one of his pawns forward, eyes traveling up to you questioningly. “What could work out?”
“You know,” you trailed off, biting your lower lip distractedly as you thought about your next move. You were going to lose anyway, might as well make the best of it to not be a total fool in front of Spencer. He'd get pretty smug after he won and though you can admit that you found it endearing, you hated losing. “Two members on the team in a committed relationship.”
“The fraternization policy—”
“Spence, c'mon.” You give him a short laugh. “Forget the stupid fraternization policy. I want to know if you think it could work out.”
He was silent for a moment, pondering over your request and you could tell he was probably gathering as many statistics as he could to provide you an answer. Truthfully, you don't know why you had asked that. Your previous conversation had initiated because you commented that you still had not found a dress to Derek and Savannah's wedding, you had no idea why it ended up on that question. You blamed exhaustion for your poorly choice of topic.
“It depends on who you're talking about.”
You shrugged, crossing your leg over the other. “No one in particular. I was just... thinking.”
“If they manage to be professional while at work then I don't see how it would be a problem.” Spencer concludes, the corners of his lips twitching as he notices your slip. He wins the match not long after. Not that you were surprised.
“Would you do it?” You were responsible for the disturbance of silence once again, but the question has been hanging over your head since your previous conversation. What if it was... us? Would it work out? Has it ever gone through your mind like it has with mine? “Actually, don't answer that. It's none of my business, I'm just sleepy and asking dumb questions.”
“Yes.” He answered after a beat, lifting his attention from the book to you. His gaze piercing into your curious one. “If it was worth it.”
❝ you can hear it in the silence ❞
“You don't have to apologize for rambling.” You said, throwing a pillow at him after he suddenly cut himself off, blushed bright red and apologized. “I like to hear you talk. All the time.”
“All the time?” Spencer raised a questioning brow as if he didn't trust your words. You can see why, given that most of the people you know rudely interrupt him in the middle of his speech about something he's passionate about.
You nodded, your mouth slowly stretching into a soft smile. “Yes. All the time. I mean it.”
His honey brown eyes scanned you for a long minute before he resumes his explanation about why Jung's ideas seemed to make more sense than Freud's. You listened to it, chipping in every now and then with a hum or a simple question. You'd do anything to keep him speaking, Spencer's voice was calming as observing the ocean on an empty beach. It's quiet and grounding. Peaceful.
❝ one night he wakes
strange look on his face
pauses, then says
you're my best friend
and you knew what it was
he is in love ❞
At some point, you drift off with your head leaning on his shoulder. His fingers carefully brushing stray strands away from your lashes. He was always so careful with you.
“You're my best friend.” You are able to hear. You don't move. You don't breathe. The following statement makes you glad you don't, because you wouldn't act with your head but with your heart and you didn't know if that was wise at that moment. “What if I love you a little more than that?”
❝ you can hear it in the silence ❞
There is a coffee cup waiting for you on your usual place at the roundtable one morning. The logo from your favorite coffee shop and you could practically taste the drink before it was even in your mouth.
He always knew your favorite order. And it seemed like he'd rather get you coffee from a place on the other side of town before work than actually exchange words with you.
A week after you slept over at Spencer's place, it all changed too quickly. He stopped answering your texts and proceeded to avoid you as much as he could during cases. You really tried to find the reason of why that could be happening. Did you do something? Did you overwhelm him in some way? But again, how was it fair to be treated so cold by your best friend if you didn't even know what you did?
So you don't apologize. You just treat him the same way. But you don't hold onto that coldness for long, because after the evening came around and you earned a busted lip and a concussion from an Unsub, Spencer finally seems to acknowledge your presence. He doesn't leave your side for the whole time the paramedic is examining you.
“Thanks for the coffee,” you say, clenching your jaw after the paramedic finished their job. “Seems like you care for my wellbeing even if you're avoiding me.”
“Don't walk too fast. You still have a concussion.” He follows you as you walk towards the car. You turn around, too quicky for you liking cause your vision spins for a second until it focuses again. Spencer's about to say something, reprehend you, more likely, when you interrupt him with fury in your tone.
“And why do you care?” You fire at him. “It's not like you've been ignoring my entire presence for a week, is it?”
Spencer's widened eyes tell you he doesn't expect you to lash out like that.
“I- I haven't been ignoring you.” Spencer stumbles with words. Excuses. You let out a scoff, turn around and walk off to the second car Hotch would be driving. Rossi and Emily are talking amongst themselves when you enter the backseat and shut it without a second word.
Emily eyes both your figure inside the car and Spencer helplessly weighing his options of going after you or letting you go.
He decides on the latter, she observes as he retreates back to the other car where JJ, Derek and Blake are already getting ready to leave.
Upon arriving back at Quantico, the first thing you did was say your goodbyes to everyone and immediately head to grab your stuff on your desk, observing the remaining twenty manila folders for a split of second until you harshly decided on going home and finish them tomorrow.
“I am not avoiding you- Not, not on purpose.” Spencer clenches the strap of his satchel, watching you freeze as you are about to open your car door. You hadn't give it much thought when he left at the same time you did since you always parked close and he would probably ignore you again. You're tired of playing games, if he wanted to withdraw from your life without a reasonable explanation, then so be it. Well, at least for tonight. You need at least one good night sleep without Spencer Reid controlling your mind. “I'm sorry.”
You turn around quickly, not realising how close he is until both of you took a step back as if you have been burned. With pink cheeks from either the cold or embarassement, you cross your arms trying to get a grip on yourself, focusing on his shoulder rather than his eyes.
“Why are you apologising?”
Silence envelopes the two of you and you actually think he had walked away and you had been left by yourself in the parking lot without an answer. However, when you lift your gaze, you're met with soft brown eyes studying you with awe.
He doesn't look away when he realise you caught him staring. Spencer is tired of avoiding you. Avoiding this.
“I was a coward.” Spencer let out a shaky breath. “I was scared and-and that made me a coward. I never wanted to cause a rift in our friendship-”
“It's too late for that, Reid.”
Spencer flinches as if he's been slapped. You hold back your wince. You don't mean to be cruel with your words but your lack of sleep and stress from the last case were making you feel sick of interacting with another human being. Even Spencer, who you would never get tired of. Maybe his childish behavior had contributed to that.
Don't call me that. You never call me that.
He takes one step closer and then one more towards you.
“I have feelings for you.” Spencer breathes out as if he's been holding it for a while — well, he had. “I didn't know how to— I didn't want to lose you and I was terrified to do something that—” his stuttering is enough for you to see how nervous he was. You have no idea where it all came from, but there wasn't an ounce of hesitation as he confessed and his eyes glint with a newfound determination. You suck in a deep breath as he says the next words. “I love you as more... as more than a best friend.”
“You're my best friend.”
“What if I love you a little more than that?”
“... so I avoided you because I didn't want to ruin us. I... I'd rather be your friend than lose you for good. Did I ruin that too?”
What if it was... us? Would it work out?
“For an IQ of 187 you sure can be dumb sometimes.” You utter in disbelief, all of the cold of the night giving place to the warmth of a familiar feeling bumping through your chest.
Spencer gives you a puzzled look, hurt flashing through his gaze. “What?”
“Spencer,” you let out in a whisper, seeking for his hand slowly. “do you remember when I asked you if two people in the team could work out in a committed relationship?”
A frown etches into his forehead.
“Yes,” he answers carefully.
You bite back a smile, fingers raising from his arms to his shoulders until you can reach the back of his neck. Spencer is focused on your eyes, completely hypnotized.
“You told me it could work out—
“... If it was worth it.”
“... if it was worth it.” Your lips quirk up as his hands lower to fit perfectly around your waist. Your noses barely touching. Personal space becoming a an unknown language between the two of you. “Well, I happen to think this is very much worth it and it wouldn't ruin anything.”
His eyes lower to your lips for a short moment. “It wouldn't?”
“No. Mostly because I haven't exactly been discreet about it and I have no idea how you didn't realise but... I love you too, Spencer.”
His eyes snap to yours, hands tightening instinctively around your waist which made you slightly weak in your knees. “You— what? How?”
Raising a brow in amusement, you smirk, “you're asking me how I love you?”
“I—no. I don't— I just didn't... expect that.” I can see that. “You feel the same? You have feelings for me?”
Your exhale, caressing his cheek fondly. “Yes, Spencer.”
Spencer. Not Reid.
His gaze once again falls to your parted lips. “Then I was an idiot.”
You chuckle, nodding in agreement. “Pretty much. Yeah.”
A large grin spreads across his mouth, so wide you'd think it might split his pretty face in two. God, you missed that. You missed him. Everything about him.
❝ you are in love. . .
“Can I kiss you?”
You scoff, pulling him closer by the tie, “Finally, I thought you'd never make a move.” Then your lips crash as if you are two people starved for weeks and the only thing keeping you alive is each other.
true love. ❞
taglist: @lilyviolets ; @whore-for-spencer-reid; @yeonalie
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swaps55 · 2 months
Twin Souls of the Same Star
Funny, Kaidan thinks as they lie side by side, Shepard’s bare skin illuminated by the fishtank. They’d changed their lives just a few hours ago, assuming Joker actually filled out and filed the paperwork to the hanar and Alliance’s satisfaction.
And yet…everything feels exactly the same.
Shepard strokes Kaidan’s ring figure, then pinches it at the knuckle and examines it closely. “Guess I need to put a ring on this, lest anyone doubt that you are now bound to me by official legal documents. Er, at least as far as hanar law goes. Do we know how binding that little ceremony actually was?”
“Are you questioning the legitimacy of Joker’s ordination within the Enkindler Souls of Stars?” Kaidan asks, tugging his ankle free of the twisted sheet and draping it over Shepard’s leg. “Or are you asking about the return policy?”
Shepard kisses Kaidan’s knuckle and then tugs him until he straddles Shepard’s hips.
“Just try and renege and see what happens to you.”
Kaidan hides his flush behind a chuckle. Shepard pulls him in and traces the shell of Kaidan’s ear with his lips. Bastard. Not even fair to go straight for the ear.
“You’re stuck with me. I just want the entire galaxy to know.” 
No hiding the flush now. “Well, in that case. Don’t need a ring. I know your transponder code. Your baseline biometrics. Your service number. Your mnemonics.”
“Okay, so you know how to take me in a fight, sure.”
Kaidan trails his fingers lightly across Shepard’s belly, smiling in satisfaction when he yelps and nearly shoots out from underneath him.
“I know that.”
Shepard gives him a wary look. “Tickling is just a dirtier kind of warfare than bullets, in my book.”
Kaidan wiggles his fingers in tune with his eyebrows, but pins Shepard firmly in place when he attempts to flee.
“Point is,” Kaidans says between sloppy kisses against Shepard’s neck. “I’m pretty sure I can stake a pretty convincing claim to you without a trinket as proof.”
“Don’t know why I’m worrying. Pretty sure you’re the only one who would put up with me, anyway.”
Kaidan trails kisses down the line of Shepard’s shoulder. “Dunno. Have you seen how pretty you are?”
Shepard preens. “Maybe. But Liara says I’m very vexing.”
“Lucky for you, I like vexing.”
“See? Soulmates. The hanar say so. Joker’s head garment thingy looked very official.”
“If you’re really worried about it we could always hire a hanar to follow us around and tell people.”
Shepard sniggers into Kaidan’s shoulder, then adopts a solemn tone. “This one would like you to know that these two are bound soul stars in the eyes of the Enkindlers.” His eyes widen. “Oh god we cannot tell Javik.”
Kaidan barks a laugh, and Shepard grins.
“Well, we don’t have a hanar on board,” Shepard goes on. “Suppose we could just stick some tentacles on Garrus. No one will know.”
“I’ll tell him you said that.”
“He’ll think it’s funny.”
He probably would.
Kaidan rests his head on Shepard’s chest, sighing softly as Shepard runs fingers through his hair.
“Should I have taken your name or something?” Shepard asks eventually.
Kaidan’s heart does a somersault at the thought. Not something he’s ever thought about. Not something he’s ever even cared about. But the fact Shepard has…
He swallows. Shepard continues stroking his hair and just…lets him feel it for a minute.
“You married me,” Kaidan says after a moment.
“Yeah, I remember. I was there.”
“Other people saw it.”
“Pretty sure they remember, too. Joker’s hanar impression was very memorable.”
Shepard chuckles. The sound rattles under his sternum, and Kaidan lets the feel of it wash through him. “So? Should I be Sam Alenko?”
Kaidan huffs. “Well, you hate being called Sam.”
Shepard ponders that for a moment. “Yeah, I guess it would be kind of weird if people started calling me Alenko, huh?”
“Yeah, that would be pretty weird. Thought’s pretty romantic, though.”
“I am so full of romantic gestures. Just you wait.”
“Mmmm,” Kaidan says with what he’s sure is a stupid grin. “I could take yours, I guess.”
Shepard makes a face. “Can you imagine you and me in the same room as my mother? No one will have any idea what the fuck to call us.”
“Okay,” Kaidan says with a laugh. “No name changes.”
“It’s the thought that counts.”
They drift off for a few minutes. Shepard’s hand stills, the weight of it on Kaidan’s head warm and comforting. Maybe Kaidan falls asleep. He’s not sure.
“Did you know we get tax benefits for being married?” Shepard asks, startling him awake.
Kaidan raises an eyebrow. “Did you read a manual or something?”
“Well, I can’t suck at this.”
Kaidan stifles a laugh against Shepard’s chest. “You know, Williams even told me once we should get married for the tax breaks.”
“Did she? Do you think she knew?”
“Of course she did.” Kaidan hoists himself up on an elbow to look him in the eye. “Everyone did. Except you. You thought I was into Williams.”
Shepard flashes him a guilty look. “She made you laugh all the time.”
“She was funny!”
“Yeah, but she was funnier than me and I didn’t like it.”
Kaidan raises an eyebrow. “And that didn’t…raise any flags for you.”
The guilty look gets guiltier. “Does it make it any better if I say that when people mistook us for a married couple I’d think to myself, ‘there are a lot worse things than spending the rest of my life with him?’”
“Really? Really?” Kaidan gooses him again, this time with a lot less mercy. Shepard yells indignantly and twists beneath him. They tussle until Shepard manages to trap Kaidan’s back against his chest.
“In my defense.”
“I’m waiting.”
“Hang on, I’m thinking.”
Kaidan laughs. “You realize that this exact line of thinking is what got us in trouble in Vancouver.”
 “Hey, I remember kissing you in the rain in Vancouver, so I think my line of thinking is pretty great, actually.” 
“Yeah,” Kaidan says softly, gripping his hand. “This is pretty great.”
Shepard rests a chin on Kaidan’s shoulder. “You were pretty pissed at me over the Williams thing. I thought I’d really fucked up.”
Kaidan strokes his arm. The memory of Williams still sits like a bruise, but it’s less tender to the touch than it used to be. “Think I was more angry at myself.”
“For being so in love with you and so unable to do anything with it. About it. I don’t know. You were never going to feel the same way and I just…couldn’t even try to get over the way I felt about you.”
“Seems like I wasn’t the only one who was dense,” Shepard murmurs in his ear. “Turns out I was, in fact, very, very into you the whole time.”
Kaidan smiles into the dim room.
“You know I reached out to Beaudoin after that to get his advice?” Shepard asks.
“Yeah. I thought I’d really fucked up, but I didn’t know why and Beaudoin, you know. Knew how to people a lot better than I do.”
“So you thought you’d fucked up your relationship with me, went to the only person we know with any reasonable insights on dating and romance, for advice, and that still didn’t trigger anything for you?”
“You have saved the galaxy twice.”
“I contain multitudes.”
Kaidan snorts. “What did he say?”
“His message was one line and it was zero help. It said, ‘You’ll figure it out, I’ve got money on it.’ I had no fucking idea what he was talking about.”
Kaidan laughs softly into the pillow. “He and Aslany had a bet about us.”
“Wait….he knew too? Aslany knew?”
“Told you. Everyone.”
Kaidan tugs Shepard’s arm tighter around him, thinking of simpler days and places and times you can’t go back to. “Wish Beaudoin could have been here today.”
Shepard kisses the back of his neck. “Me too. Can you even imagine what he would have said about Joker’s ‘vestment?’”
“He would have loved us getting married by a human ordained through the hanar. And yeah, he would have fucking loved that vestment.”
“He really would have.” 
They lapse back into silence. It feels heavier this time.
Williams. Beaudoin. The Normandy. The ‘Yang. And there’s more to come. Kaidan feels it in his bones.
“We have a lot of history, don’t we?” Kaidan murmurs.
“Yeah, we do,” Shepard agrees. He wraps Kaidan up tight. “I want more. Think we made some today.”
“This one now pronounces you twin souls of the same star,” Kaidan intones.
“I like that part,” Shepard says, nuzzling his neck. “Even better than the vestments.”
Shepard has always shone brighter than any star, but Kaidan has always walked willingly and unflinchingly into that light. There’s never been another path. At least not that he wanted to take.
“Kiss me,” Kaidan says, the sudden need for it overwhelming.
Shepard rolls him over and obliges. It feels no different than it did a few hours ago: beautiful. It always has, with Shepard.
The kiss gets deeper. Shepard’s corona kindles, bright and flickering, a fire without heat that graces Kaidan’s nerves with a soft, sweet hum. Kaidan reaches into the gravity well and lights his own star, their auras blending together into one, solid glow.
We’ve always been this, Kaidan thinks as he falls headlong into Shepard’s embrace.
Now they just have the documents to prove it.
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nohoney · 1 year
Bakugou would listen to you rant all about work. Even though he’s the one out on the streets with more exciting stories to tell, one of his favorite things is to hear you talk about your own work. He follows and nods along with whatever work story you have for him for the day, always attentive but never telling you what you should do to handle it (as he had learned from a prior relationship).
“I can tell he fuckin’ hates me, you know?” You continue on about your current work events as you sit on the countertop and watch Bakugou cut vegetables, “He keeps on bringing up my old manager as if she has anything to do with it now. Like, no motherfucker! You answer to me now and I’m saying pay your stupid invoice!”
The vegetables for dinner are set aside while the oven is still preheating. Two pieces of pork chop are taken from the fridge and is set aside on a clean plate as Bakugou looks for spices to rub into the meat. “So what happened baby? Did he pay? Y’said you were dealing with this for almost two weeks.” He asks you, genuinely curious if your annoying client is actually complying with you. The thought in his head is wondering how you handled it.
“I have to read you this email that I wrote. I gotta say the professional ways of dissing someone in email is something I finally understand now.” You laugh as you pull up your work email on your phone. Word for word you read out your well thought out response to your difficult client, not backing down and upholding work policy as you are expected to. Bakugou had never really bothered with any type of skill of being professional through communication in his job; it’s what his team is for while he gets the really privilege to cuss as he pleases and have his team handle it for the public. “Here is how I signed off, I think it’s probably my most eloquent and business-like ‘fuck you’ I’ve written so far.”
You clear your throat first before reading aloud, “‘I hope that the explanations of how to navigate your account has cleared up any confusion you may have and that you are able to move forward in compliance with our company policy, if you have any further questions then please let me know.’ God I know he’s going to hate me as soon as he reads it!”
He chuckles, happy that you know how to stand your ground in such a manner that Bakugou knows he struggles in. “You tell him, baby.”
“I fucking did Katsuki!” You boast with a proud little smile as you hop off the countertop and go to his side as he heats oil in a pan. “Sorry, I’ve been going on about this annoying client for a while. I wanna hear about your work today Tsuki.”
Bakugou shakes his head though and urges you to talk about what else happened at your work. The meat sizzles as he presses it into the pan, crackling and sizzling in a way that’s reminiscent of his quirk but to a much lower degree. The oven beeps to indicate that preheating is finished and you move to put all the vegetables into the glass pan and stick it in for him, already setting a timer before he can even ask. “What about that other guy? The one who keeps on saying that he’s getting investors so he wants to make you wait a little longer?” He asks you when he recalls another client you complained of a few days ago.
You excitedly pop off about your work again, unknowing how you calm Bakugou down with your own work stories. Your series of responsibilities that he wouldn’t know the first clue how to handle are interesting to him to hear how you handle yourself. It’s simple compared to what he does but in no way is it easy either. To see you struggle sometimes with your own career wasn’t easy for him but you were also strong enough to handle it all the same.
And he liked to think that he made it easy for you to handle because he wanted to hear anything and everything about your job that’s so different from his. “Tell me about the parking permits, did that get solved yet?” He asks as he starts to set food on the plates.
“No! I’m on week three of dealing with it and it’s ridiculous! I sent everything in so early and they deal with it so late!!”
Bakugou listens with a happy heart to hear you talk, never wanting you to apologize over the things that frustrate you. And by the end of your rants, even he feels a little lighter as he readies to get in bed with you.
And the next day as he’s just about to enter a meeting in his agency, Bakugou gets a text from you.
[1:57 pm] omg i need to tell you what this mofo emailed me when we’re home
He looks forward to it, letting a little smile come onto his face. He can see you all cute and puffed up and mad, and he can’t wait to hear about it.
[1:58 pm] can’t wait baby. love you.
You text him back within seconds.
[1:58 pm] love you!!!
Bakugou can’t wait to be home and listen to you.
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schrijverr · 8 months
Jason’s Shitty Day
Jason gets arrested by Superman and Wonder Woman, while undercover as Red Hood in a criminal organization. Problem is that they don’t know he knows Batman and trying to get free only poses more problems. Especially when it’s Dick, not Bruce that comes to break him free.
This work is inspired by Undercover by InvalidStuff on AO3.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: none
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” Jason curses under his breath as he runs for his life through the streets of Metropolis. He can’t believe that this is how he’s going to die for the second time in his life; by the hands of the blue boy scout and his idol.
Okay, maybe he’s being a dramatic, like Bruce they try not to kill their villains, but unlike Bruce they don’t have a strict no killing policy backed up by trauma, so there is a gray area and Jason knows he’s made himself a prime target, being at the top of the Justice League wanted list and all.
Right now it seems ridiculous how he lorded that over the little demon spawn last time they all ate dinner together. The shrimp might not be an assassin anymore, but he still envies Jason’s notoriety all the same.
It’s one of the reasons he told B not to remove him, something he’s regretting now as he rounds a corner, nearly slamming into the building in his haste.
A part of him knows that running is useless, both Superman and Wonder Woman stumbled upon him in an attempt to dismantle the same organization he’s been involving himself in. They assumed him to be the ring leader, because of course they are one of the few members of the Justice League that are actually up to date on their wanted list.
Fucking fuck!
If this were Gotham, he would have had the upper hand, since he knows the terrain and both would be more cautious taking anyone down when Batman forbids metas in his city. However, here in Metropolis he’s more easily confused and the bright city doesn’t allow for him to slip out from under the sight of two of the most powerful people on earth.
So, he isn’t that surprised when Superman’s shadow falls over him, right as he rounds another corner where he comes face to face with Wonder Woman.
He skids to a halt and curses his luck again. His admiration of Wonder Woman never wore off and he’ll likely never live down the mortification of meeting her like this. Right now, he really hates that Bruce is a paranoid fucker, who never let any of his kids near the Justice League. He totally would have made a better impression as the starry-eyed fucker he used to be back as Robin.
However, instead he’s stuck between her and Superman and the only thing he can do is attempt to fight them. Great. B is going to owe him for this.
Jason lets out a roar and charges towards Wonder Woman, whose lasso makes him trip. It forces him to hit the deck and within seconds, Superman is on him, wrestling him to the ground. Of course Jason puts up a fight, never stopping his movements as he kicks and bites, even though that hurts him more.
He knows that Superman is stronger than him, but he also knows that he is stronger than an eel, yet the bastards are hard to catch. So he tries his hardest to impersonate an eel.
A part of him hopes that there are no cameras nearby, because if Barbara or Tim get wind of this, they will get that footage and it will haunt him for the rest of his fucking life. The great Red Hood, wiggling on the ground, being mortified in front of stupid Superman and amazing Wonder Woman and over crimes he didn’t even commit. It’s shameful.
But nothing to be done about that now.
Still, he tries to maintain a little of his reputation, by threateningly growling: “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” when Superman reaches out to take off his helmet.
Superman’s hand stills and he cautiously asks: “Why not?”
“Because the explosives will blow and you can say bye bye to my head,” Jason answers, hoping that now that they’ve apprehended him, they’re not planning on killing him.
“What?” Superman chokes, as Wonder Woman demands: “Why would you do such a thing?”
“Pays to be cautious,” Jason shrugs as well as he can while being bound on the floor. And it is being cautious, nothing more. He’s not paranoid like B is, no matter what Dickhead says. When you’re a dead man walking, it’s better for people not to know.
Superman likely uses his X-ray vision, because he’s quiet for a second, before he gasps, his hands twitching. However, Jason has to give him very, very minor credits for swiftly moving on with his interrogation after learning that – though perhaps that’s because he isn’t likely to get blown up alongside Jason, should the bomb go off.
“Your helmet is led lined,” Superman comments, actually sounding a bit miffed about it.
Jason has to swallow a snort and just shrugs again, this time with a bit more little shit thrown in, as he repeats: “Pays to be cautious.”
Wonder Woman apparently has had enough, because she tightens the lasso around his feet, making it glow as she asks: “What are you doing here?”
“Working,” Jason spits out, having trained with Bruce about being able to answer with truths without giving anything away. He is glad for that training now, but he still can’t believe that he is interacting with Wonder Woman and it’s like this.
“What kind of working?”
“Worming my way to the top.”
“You’re not the leader?” Superman asks, sounding surprised. Jason already guessed that they assumed that, but rolls his eyes anyway. Who goes in without doing any research? Do they not know the importance of intelligence?
“No, does this look like Crime Alley to you?” he shoots back.
“So what are you doing here outside Gotham then?” Wonder Woman asks.
It’s a valid question. And a question Jason can use. He’s obliged to tell the truth, but that doesn’t mean the whole truth, so he answers: “Worrying Batman.”
That makes the two heroes pause as they look at each other then back at him, suddenly a little less certain.
Under the mask, Jason grins. He and B still aren’t on perfect terms, but he doesn’t see green anymore whenever they’re face to face and they’ve actually been working on their relationship, hence Jason being at family dinners and out here doing this infiltration mission for the old man.
However, that answer can also be interpreted as him creating chaos that Batman is worrying about, which would make it an issue they’d call him about.
They already might have anyway, since he’s a Gotham rogue and they know Batman likes to deal with those himself, even if they can fall under another hero’s jurisdiction by not being in Gotham. But they also might not have. So, by doing this, he’s implying that whatever he’s doing is linked back to Gotham, which makes it so they’ll have to call B.
Usually, Jason doesn’t want Bruce’s help. Ever. Not when it comes to professional things. He is his own vigilante now, he’s independent and has his own plans. Batman should ask before interfering and Jason is too old and their relationship too tattered for a father figure to help. So, he’d be spitting and screaming whenever the old man even tries.
This time isn’t the same, though. This time he’s in bigger trouble than he’s ever been before and he can’t get out of it by himself. Well, he might, but only if they drop him off at a local police station, which isn’t likely to happen with how high-profile he is.
He can get out of prisons, of being kidnapped, being thrown into a space war, of being discovered as a mole, of nearly all torture. But the Justice League? He knows B grumbles about them being unprofessional, but they still hold a lot of power. He is screwed without B right now.
Still, Bruce has always stressed the importance of not letting anyone know they’re connected. To the League, Robin was never anything more than a rumor and Batman works alone. It’s to protect all of them and despite their past, Jason doesn’t want to endanger them… doesn’t want to disappoint Bruce either. Which is stupid and he’s ignoring it as hard as he can.
Besides, even if he tells them, they aren’t likely to believe him. And Jason doesn’t want the knowledge that he’s a good guy, playing a bad guy out on the streets. He admires Wonder Woman a lot, but her and Superman aren’t great liars. They’d tip people off and he can’t have that.
So, he has to convince Superman and Wonder Woman that they have to call Batman and maybe B can convince them to let him go.
The silence after his comment has dragged on for a bit. To take advantage of it, he chuckles: “Oh, big bad heroes didn’t see that coming? What? Did you think he scared me and I moved out? Tsk, don’t make me laugh. My haunt is still my haunt, all I do leads back home.”
Then he starts struggling again. They haven’t even bound his arms. It would have been better to try when they were still distracted, but they’ll likely capture him again and he has broken his bones enough times already, thank you very much. Better to play at being a flight risk so they’ll move him to a more comfortable place than the dirty street.
Indeed, Superman is played like a fiddle and hauls him upright, saying: “We’ll take you back to base for interrogation.”
Wonder Woman takes the lasso off his legs and instead binds his arms. Smart move on her part, though Jason can’t believe that neither of them question whether bringing a very dangerous criminal back to their base is a smart idea. Didn’t B train them better than this? Have some sort of secondary location for questioning people if you must, don’t bring them home!
However, he doesn’t mention it and lets them take him to a Zeta-Beam, so they can get to the Watchtower. It’s a step closer to B, thus a step closer to freedom, he isn’t going to argue with that. Let Batman rip into them when he finds out.
In the Watchtower, he’s sure to look around. Bruce has never let anyone in here, not even Barbara or Tim, who have to explain how to install the security updates at the Watchtower. God, they’re all going to be so pissed that he got there first.
To make up for that betrayal, he makes sure to look around as much as he can. They’ve of course all stalked the Watchtower on Babs’s monitors, but none of them have actually been, so he’ll have to be able replicate the vibes later.
The vibes are kind of sad.
A bit rude, maybe, but it’s true! It’s all metal and not even that toasty, nor cool, just that gross in between where a sweater is too hot, but you also feel kind of cold. It’s clear B has had input here, because he loves his professionalism.
Jason can still remember the Batcave in its infancy, how much he, Dick and Barbara had to influence before it became what it is now.
All the others don’t remember – except maybe for Tim, who had to pick Bruce out of his self hate spiral – but the Batcave didn’t used to be a little warm for recovering muscle soreness or the cold from outside, there didn’t used to be comfy couches, a fridge with snacks and drinks, or messy piles of works in progress.
He’s going to have a serious word with B when he gets out of here about why he hasn’t implemented anything like that here, when he knows that B naps on those couches and appreciates all the warmth the kids (ugh) brought into the Batcave.
… Well, maybe if he gets out of here, not when. The holding cell they’re pushing him into seems pretty secure and after a second, Jason recognizes it as a Superman containment unit that’s part of B’s contingencies. That makes it also pretty much anyone else proof too.
The shackles he’s locked into are meta proof, however, also Batman’s design, which means that Jason has made it his business to know how to get out of them, because he lives to spite the man most of the time.
Neither Superman nor Wonder Woman have spoken since they started hauling him off to his new little prison and Jason wonders if that is going to change or if they’re going to leave him again.
He also wonders if he should start spouting some sort of monologue to cement himself as a proper villain, but decides against it. It might interfere with a cover story to get him out of here. Anything you say can and will be used against you and all that shit. So, he stays quiet.
There is a chair in the chamber that he’s pushed on and Wonder Woman, starts to wrap her lasso around him again as she states: “We need to know more about this organization of yours. You fought us well and I commend your bravery, however, you posses information we need and you do not seem willing to part with it. But the lasso will make you speak the truth.”
Alarm bells start ringing in Jason’s head, despite feeling thrilled that Wonder Woman just complimented him, so he immediately says: “Hey, hey, hey, can you even do that? Isn’t that unconstitutional or some shit? I mean, I think you need a permit or something to question me like that, I know good old Bats is always up his own ass about right channels and court permissions, shouldn’t you read me my rights? I’ve been arrested enough times to know that’s part of it.”
Red Hood has absolutely not been arrested ever, Jason Todd has, but that’s irrelevant right now. He knows he can’t keep up half truths forever and the actual truth can’t come spilling out. Right now he needs to ensure that Wonder Woman keeps that lasso away from him and remind them that he’s a rogue of Batman, so that they’ll contact him.
Wonder Woman pauses for a second and looks at Superman, who is more versed than her in the world of men.
“He has a point, if this goes deeper than a surface drug deal, then we’ll need to ensure all of them go away for life,” Superman says.
At that Jason would let out a breath of relief, if he hadn’t been trained better than that. He does, however, let his eyes roll, because Supes over there can’t see it and he is allowed to be annoyed that they think it is just some drug bust when Jason has been working for two months to get this neck deep into very fucking shady shit.
“Batman must have some protocol about it,” Wonder Woman says. “I shall look it up, so that we may proceed.”
“You’re not going to call him?” Jason asks, a little surprised, because surely that would be easier than going through the thousands of pages of protocol that B wrote.
Superman squints. “You seem eager to get Batman up here,” he comments. “That’s unusual, most want nothing to do with him. Why?”
He’s used to Gotham villains, who regularly kidnap Batman and want him to pay attention to them, not this fear that he has outside of Gotham. It’s easy to forget too, because B is one of the least scary people Jason knows. Hell, even Dick ranks above him in scariness.
Still, he doesn’t let that show, instead leaning back in his chair as casual as he can, smirking: “I guess, I just appreciate the devil I know is all. You two seem a little boring, no offense.”
“Well, that’s new,” Superman comments and Jason wants to throttle him, because he’s horrible at not letting any information slip past the cracks – and yes, personal relations and reputations are definitely information – he’ll have to remember to mention that to Bruce too.
In the end, Wonder Woman goes to contact Batman and look over their protocol, while Superman stays to watch Jason. It’s the first sensible thing they’ve done, not leaving him alone that is. A part of Jason wants to be annoyed, because now he can’t switch on the com with Babs, since Superman will hear, but he’s just relieved that they have a sense of knowing what to do.
So, they sit in silence.
Superman tries to chat a few times, but Jason knows better than that. You don’t talk, not even small talk. Anything is prying when you’re being interrogated, even if they just want to know your opinion on the weather. Which is making the atmosphere quite awkward.
Luckily, they’re freed from the silence five minutes later when Wonder Woman returns. She says: “Batman says he’ll be here in ten minutes and to not touch or question Red Hood until he gets here.”
Jason is too relieved by the news to judge her for saying that in front of him. Soon B will be here and then he will talk Jason out of here and he’ll be home before he knows it. After today, he can probably convince Alfred to bake cookies with him too. Score.
For the next ten minutes, the atmosphere doesn’t get much better. Jason feels a little more inclined to talk to Wonder Woman, but she is taking Batman’s instructions seriously and with Jason in the room, none of the conversations between Superman and Wonder Woman really take off.
Then the door opens to reveal Batman. For a second Jason can feel a weight be lifted off of him, but then he looks again. The figure is not Bruce, it’s Dick.
What the fuck.
If he weren’t wearing the helmet, he could make a face to demand an explanation, but for now his shoulders will have to do. However, Dick has always been bad at reading Jason’s shoulders when he’s chained up and Jason has a harder time with Dick’s face when he’s playing Batman. So whatever information flow there might have been gets lost in translation.
Dick is one of the few that know Jason did theater in High School, so he’s probably counting on Jason’s yes-and-bullshitting. Which is the only thing that prepares Jason for whatever nonsense he is about to pull out of his ass.
He can’t believe they’re going to lie to Superman and Wonder Woman. What a day this is shaping up to be.
“Hi Batsy,” he grins, hoping that him recognizing Dick will strengthen the cover.
“Red Hood,” Dick greets back. “I knew I’d run into you at some point with this. I’m disappointed, you were doing so well last time. What happened?”
“You know me, I never keep my nose clean,” Jason shoots back, because he’s a crime lord and he doesn’t plan on changing that. His family knows that.
Dick fakes a sigh and sternly says: “You were at least staying in Gotham.” Then he turns to the others and asks: “Where did you find him?” like he didn’t know already.
“Batman, I am glad you came,” Wonder Woman greets. “We have apprehended Red Hood in a drug bust in Metropolis, but we need more information from him. He claims his organization goes back to Gotham, if this goes deeper, we need to know.”
Tsk, what ‘his organization’? Jason had nothing to do with this. Terrible reporting. She could have used ‘the organization’, way more accurate and- oh god, now he’s judging Wonder Woman!
Dick as Batman grunts in acknowledgment and Wonder Woman continues: “We found him in the middle of the warehouse district. The others got away.”
Jason notes that Superman hasn’t said anything yet and shoots him a covert glance. He is frowning at Dick. Jason curses. Dick can do a good Batman when he wants to, but when he does that, he is usually not in good lighting with people who work with the actual Batman regularly.
So, he keeps an eye on the man as Dick gruffly says: “Thank you. I have been tracking his organization these past weeks, if I had known he would branch out, I would have contacted you. I’ll take him back to Gotham for proper interrogation and loop you back in once I know more.”
At that both Superman and Wonder Woman start to look more suspicious and Jason just knows that Dick is going to rip into B later, because why the hell are they surprised at him saying thanks?
Superman finally speaks up: “Why have you been tracking his organization, when he claimed he wasn’t the ringleader when we caught him?”
Damn those investigative reporter instincts, Jason thinks. He needs to distract them from Dick, so they won’t ask any more question. So, he calls out: “I mean, I practically was. Gotham branch is all mine.”
Eyes are back on him, great. Or, well, not truly great, because he hasn’t thought much further than that, but great as in, there is a distraction.
“Red Hood,” Dick admonishes, though Jason can see the relief in his shoulders.
So, he shrugs: “What? I like getting proper credit.”
“Well, you can tell the GCPD all about the things you deserve credit for,” Dick says, leaning in close as he growls.
Fuck, Jason is so making fun of him for that later. After he busted him out of here. Because right now, he has an act to play if he wants to see freedom again. And if he’s honest, he really likes his freedom.
However, before Dick can haul him out of his seat and break him out of here, they’re stopped by Superman: “We caught him in Metropolis, I’d like to question him here first.”
“And he’s my rogue, messing in my city,” Dick snipes back. “He’s got his fingers in all types of pies and I’d like to get him behind bars for it as quick as possible. My way. Because that way works.”
Jason studies Superman and Wonder Woman closely. Dick used the pie expressions, B never is one for expressions, much less pie related ones. And it seems the League figured that out too, because there is a tenseness in their shoulders that wasn’t there before.
Dick must have noticed too, but he’s awaiting their response so he can play into it. However, both know for sure that they’re screwed when Wonder Woman says: “I know you have your way, but you have rarely denied the use of my lasso, especially if it would help your city.”
“Yeah, and you would never just take him without getting more information from us first,” Superman adds. “Who are you?”
“I’m Batman,” Dick repeats, though that’s clearly not going to cut it with the way the two heroes start to close in on him. Jason is starting to feel he’s gonna be on his own here again real soon.
“You’re not. Your heartbeat is wrong,” Superman says.
“Rude, my heart could just have been having an off day,” Dick retorts, obviously giving up on the facade as he darts out of the way and ducks under their attacks and out of the door.
Wonder Woman sets off after him, Superman closely behind. It’s reminiscent of earlier today but then with Dick in Jason’s position. Jason takes a moment to be smug that Dick is definitely getting caught on camera, before taking off through the door himself.
It’s another mental note to bring up to B later and he is starting to wonder if he even trained these people, because that’s truly an amateur’s mistake. Though, perhaps they can be forgiven with the shock of someone managing to break in to the Watchtower without detection while pretending to be one of their own.
His arms are still in the shackles, but there is no time to pick them. Jason also has Zeta-Beam access, if he can just reach the terminal, he’ll be out of here. He’s sure Dick can either talk himself out or that he can come up with a better rescue plan than that.
Where the hell even is the actual Batman? You know, Bruce Wayne?
No time to think about that now, he tells himself, putting the thought out of his mind. He is quickly following the route they’d taken when he got here, but in the opposite direction. He grins when the terminal comes into view.
Skidding to a halt, he quickly starts to put in coordinates. Any coordinates at this point. He’s not used to it, never really traveling via Zeta-Beam much. He hopes he remembers the coordinates of the Batcave after B’s insistence they all learn them and he won’t end up in the middle of the ocean or some shit.
However, before he can beam away, Dick crashes into him when he comes flying into the entrance hall, obviously having thought the same thing as Jason. Only he has two heroes on his trail.
“Fucking fight, Dick,” Jason screams, not even caring that he used the real name, because with Dick you can get away with that. As he attempts to type even faster to get them both away.
Alas, it’s not meant to be, because while Dick is a worthy opponent, he’s fighting two of the most powerful people on their home turf and he doesn’t have anything to fight them with, except for B’s gear that he is less familiar with than his own.
So, while he gets a few good punches in, soon he and Jason are dragged away from the terminal and wrestled to the ground. Now Dick in shackles too.
“Way to go, asshat,” Jason bitches as he lies on the ground for the second time today.
“Oh, like you could have done better. I make a great Batman,” Dick bitches back.
Right at the moment, Flash comes running in, confusedly asking: “What the hell’s happening? I saw it on the monitors, but I didn’t know who to go after first and- Wait, why is Batman in chains? Is he brainwashed?”
“See,” Dick exclaims delightedly. “Flash thinks I make a good Batman.”
“What?” Flash asks confused.
Superman says: “It’s not Batman.”
“He’s not?” Flash says, sounding surprised as he leans over to take a better look.
“Ha!” Dick crows as Jason hisses: “Shut your mouth, dumbass.”
“Who are you and what have you done to Batman?” Wonder Woman exclaims, digging her knee into Dick’s back and making him grunt. Jason has no pity after that stupid stunt.
“I’m Nightwing,” Dick answers and Jason tries to send him a ‘wtf’-look, but is ignored. “I’m a vigilante. I work in Blüdhaven. It’s Gotham’s sister city. Batman’s tied up at the moment, asked me to go in his stead. He didn’t think you’d notice.”
“Lies,” Wonder Woman says.
“Batman would contact us ourselves, not trick us. He’s our ally and we know him,” Superman states confidently.
“No, you misunderstand. He’s quite literally tied up,” Dick says and it dawns on Jason that Bruce Wayne must have been kidnapped when the call came through. In enough of a bind that a miraculous escape would put their identities at stake. Just great. Fucking great.
“He’s taken? We must save him,” Wonder Woman says.
“That’s not necessary,” Dick backtracks, realizing his mistake. “We already have someone on it, don’t worry.”
“Who?” Jason asks.
“The day shift,” Dick answers and Jason mentally translates that to Duke. Good for him. It’s very useful to have someone out there during the day for situations like this.
“Wait, is he claiming to know Batman?” Flash asks. “I mean, I know he’s dressed like Batman, but being captured and all, I thought he was kind of impersonating him and hatching some nefarious scheme, not, like, covering his shift.”
“He is impersonating Batman,” Superman says. “And we can’t trust his claims. He’s here to rescue Red Hood and he is one of Batman’s villains.”
“Oh, so they know him from fighting him,” Flash says, getting what Superman is implying.
“Where have you taken Batman!” Wonder Woman demands.
“I haven’t taken him! Batman isn’t taken,” Dick yelps. “His civvie ID is and he is getting rescued.”
“You know his secret identity? We don’t even know his identity,” Flash exclaims, actually pouting.
“Yes, I know his ID,” Dick says, almost desperate, Jason would feel bad, but he’s kind of given up and is just laying there. “You can check the Zeta-Beam logs, I’m Nightwing, I have access. I work in Gotham’s sister city, we team up sometimes. I know Batman, I promise. I’m just helping him out.”
“Helping him out by getting Red Hood out?” Superman asks, obviously not believing it.
Dick knows how it sounds and lets out a frustrated scream. “Yes!” he insists again. “How did you contact him to come here? How could I have known to come?”
That makes them pause for a second, before Superman shakes his head: “You could have intercepted the message.”
“I didn’t, you know how paranoid B is, his shit is unhackable,” Dick says.
“B?” Flash repeats to himself and Jason mentally face palms. It’s sweet that Dick tried to rescue him, but he feels like he only made it worse.
“We don’t know, maybe you could,” Superman says.
“Oh, he could be a shape-shifter, who took on Batman’s identity and hid the real Batman somewhere else to masquerade as him and help his fellow villains in some sort of plot,” Flash spins a theory.
Now Jason groans out loud and thunks his head on the floor, the impact dampened by his helmet, which is luckily still on. “Why the fuck would he then not take the exact form of Batman?” he asks, exasperated.
“Exactly, just check the logs, I’m Nightwing,” Dick backs him up, almost begging at this point.
“You could have faked that, if you intercepted the message,” Wonder Woman says, not letting Dick up for a second.
“It would make sense,” Flash nods.
“It would?” Superman asks and Jason curses. They should have pushed, the boy scout might have believed them, but the moment’s gone now.
“Yeah, if we bought it, then he could pretend to be Batman for forever and we wouldn’t be suspicious if he acted out of character, because he was a different person, but in our perception still a good guy. It’s smart,” Flash shrugs.
Jason really hates his life, because the Flash is making kind of sense and it appears that there not going anywhere anytime soon.
“I’ll contact Oracle again, Batman’s AI won’t be compromised where his phone might,” Wonder Woman says and Jason has to do a double take. They think Barbara is an AI?
He and Dick share a confused look, however when they hear Barbara pick up, Dick takes the moment to scream: “Tell B to get his ass over here.”
Jason immediately joins in: “O, I’ll owe you if you get me out of here in the next 30 minutes.”
Now all of the heroes present are giving the two of them a confused look as Wonder Woman relays: “We have Red Hood here and an impostor claiming to be Batman. Where is Batman, Oracle? Is he safe?”
While he can’t make out what she’s saying from here, Jason can still hear the amusement in Barbara’s voice as she answers Wonder Woman.
However, whatever she said, must be enough, because when Wonder Woman hangs up, she says: “If our friend does not show up within the next twenty minutes, we are free to go search for him.”
That’s quite fast, Jason thinks. If he could have gotten here so fast, why send Dick first? Jason could have waited for actual Batman. Dick must think the same, because he makes a confused noise, which turns into a little yelp, when Wonder Woman drags him to his feet. Jason starts laughing at him, but gets cut off when he gets hauled to his feet too.
They don’t leave for the cells again though, apparently they’ve decided to hang around here while they wait for B to show up. Flash does leave however, having been on monitor duty before the whole drama went down.
While they wait, Wonder Woman reaches out to Dick, saying: “Let’s reveal your true identity, impostor.”
“No, wait!” Dick yells. “The code states that as a hero, I cannot be discowled or unmasked without my explicit approval. I state that I am Nightwing, a hero, unless you can prove that I am not who I claim I am, you are not allowed to do that.”
Wonder Woman stills again, then asks: “How do you know that?”
“Uhm, I work with B, you really think he doesn’t make me memorize those codes?” Dick shoots back. “And if you knew it wasn’t allowed, why would you do that?” Another thing for on the list.
“You’re clearly a villain, that code does not apply,” Wonder Woman states.
“No, you think I’m a villain. Innocent until proven guilty,” Dick corrects.
“You broke into the Watchtower, that’s not screaming innocent,” Superman points out, which is kind of valid, but Jason has sat in enough on court trails against his own men. He knows that shit wouldn’t necessarily hold up.
“I had a good reason,” Dick huffs and Jason ignores how touched he is that Dick thinks that freeing him is a good enough reason to risk getting destroyed by the Justice League over.
After that, they’re all silent. Wonder Woman and Superman do try to talk with them again, but Dick knows, just as Jason does, that it’s smarter to keep your mouth shut. So they wait quietly as the minutes tick by.
It takes a long time.
By the time they hit seventeen minutes, Jason is starting to get worried B won’t get here in time and then they’ll have to deal with Superman and Wonder Woman tearing into Gotham to try and find their Batman.
Whenever they civvie IDs get taken hostage, it’s usually a media circus after and that’s when rescue doesn’t take overtime. He doesn’t know how Bruce is going to duck out of it. Maybe he has already failed.
Fucking fuck, how badly can one day go? How badly can Jason screw up that he hasn’t just compromised himself and his relation to Batman, but also Dick’s connection to both of them and risked Gotham’s entire vigilante population being found out by two metas, who will go into the city without permission.
It’s clear that Wonder Woman and Superman are getting antsy too, continuously checking the time and looking at the Zeta-Beam, waiting for it to come to life.
Just as they hit the nineteen minute mark, the Zeta-Beam whirs and the crisp voice announces Batman’s arrival. The man himself appearing like some water in the desert, dressed in his previous suit, though his arm is in a cast.
“Batman!” Wonder Woman exclaims in relief, as Superman worries: “What happened to you?”
“A minor mishap,” B replies. And Jason curses, it’s going to be a bitch to keep him out of the field like that and it doesn’t help prove their innocence in the slightest.
“I thought you were going to be busy for way longer,” Dick accuses, probably having been as surprised as Jason was that he could get here this fast.
“Signal is getting better and the broken arm helped me avoid the whole media circus,” Bruce explains apologetically.
“You actually know these two, Batman?” Superman asks, sounding a little hurt, betrayed and confused all at the same time.
“Yes, I honestly thought you wouldn’t notice Nightwing running this errand for me while I was preoccupied,” Batman informs them. “If I had known how today would run, I would have waited and retrieved Red Hood myself.”
There is absolutely no apology in his voice and it’s now doubly confirmed that Dick’s thank you had been a dead give away. Why is he being a dick to his friends? They all would have gotten a sorry if B pulled this shit on them. Dick is so going to lecture him.
“I demand an explanation,” Wonder Woman frowns. “That one is a criminal and we have not heard of Nightwing before. Why does he have access here? Why are you helping Red Hood?”
Batman sighs as if he’d seen this coming, but was hoping it wouldn’t happen. Then he says: “I’m here because Red Hood was undercover for me, you blew his mission. I send Nightwing to get him, because I trust him.”
“And not us?” Superman asks, even more hurt than before. “Batman, you thought we wouldn’t notice you being an entirely different person. You tried to trick us and never even informed us Red Hood worked for you.”
“Hey! I don’t work for that asshole,” Jason snaps, already annoyed since B blew the cover he worked so hard to keep, even if he wasn’t likely to get out of this without giving something away. He knows it’s stupid too, especially in these circumstances, but it’s always been a sensitive topic for him.
Superman and Wonder Woman now look between him and B and B explains: “He’s an independent vigilante, but we team up. I asked his help, he did it as a favor. I never told you, because telling you would compromise him. If we can spin this, it might solidify his standing in the organization, if you had known, you might have let him go and they might not have believed you. It was better this way.”
“I’m really starting to feel like you trust them more than us and that you’ve been lying,” Superman frowns. “We have always respected your privacy and not pried. But you’re keeping things from us. Important things. Things related to our work. And that’s not okay.”
Batman is now between a rock and a hard place and Jason would be more sympathetic if it weren’t B.
“There’s a reason I’m keeping this particular thing,” Batman says without offering any further explanation.
“This is no way to treat your fellow warriors,” Wonder Woman exclaims.
“I’m with her,” Dick pipes up.
“Me too,” Jason adds, because like hell is he siding with Bruce over Wonder Woman.
“You and me both know that we right here, are old enough that you don’t have to do this,” Dick says, almost imploring and Jason holds his breath. He can’t believe Dick is asking Bruce to break their non-association vow here.
“What is he talking about?” Superman demands. “How do you know them?”
B is quiet, assessing the situation, then he utters words Jason never thought he’d hear in front of anyone associated with the League. “They are my sons. I raised them. That’s why I trust them and why I’m here to get them.”
It’s deathly silent for a second, then both Wonder Woman and Superman burst with outrage of never having been told, of being kept in the dark with information like this. How did Batman keep this from them? Why?
Letting them rage for a moment, B speaks up again once they’ve quieted down: “They weren’t always adults and I didn’t know you well enough. I wasn’t going to endanger them. What if you were mind controlled or turned against me? They couldn’t become a target.”
“So what about I work alone?” Superman huffs. “We put effort into pulling you into our group.”
“And that is appreciated and it does take effort to learn how to work together, even if you’re already familiar with teamwork,” B counters. “But yes, I did lie. Having a certain persona here helped keep my children safe. I don’t regret it.”
Despite wanting to be better than this, Jason’s still touched that B would go this far for them. It has always been an insecurity of his, so no matter how shitty it is to the League, he can’t help but feel happy that Bruce chose him over them. That he doesn’t regret it.
Dick, however, doesn’t have that as much and has a different reaction. He pulls free from Wonder Woman’s grip, slackened by circumstance, and says: “And your persona is asshole? Jesus Christ, B, the least you can do is apologize. They got suspicious of me saying thank you, Agent A raised you better than that.”
B at least has the decency to look a little sheepish at that, shocking the two heroes and then shocking them even more when he says: “I am sorry for the trouble.”
“Great,” Jason breaks the tension, stepping away from Superman, because he’s had a roller coaster of a day and he is done. “Glad we got that all settled then. Nice to meet you two, let’s not do it again. If your see me, you don’t know me. Now, let’s to get out of here.”
“Wait, we want more answers,” Wonder Woman stops them.
“Wonder Woman,” B says, finally sounding like himself, tired and a little gruff, but not unkind. “I broke my arm less than an hour ago, I’ve been patrolling all week with three separate Arkham escapes and my kids just got chased and locked up. I need a moment. Promise that I’ll explain better tomorrow. Make it a meeting if you must.”
She still looks reluctant, but Superman is already won over. His kindness is easy to exploit Jason notes out of habit.
“Alright, Batman, but I expect you not to duck out,” he says.
With Superman allowing them to leave, Wonder Woman agrees too: “Yes, answers can come tomorrow. But know that I will come into Gotham to find you, should you not arrive.”
Jason sees Dick suppressing a snort. He has to agree that. With the forewarning and all of them there, they could stop her should B not want to go tomorrow. They’re not going to, B can face his own consequences and Jason doesn’t actually want to fight Wonder Woman, but it speaks to both of their naivety about their city.
“Thank you,” B says, probably feeling he’ll worsen Dick’s lecture otherwise.
Then he punches in his code on the Zeta-Beam and they’re in the Batcave before they know it, Barbara and Alfred waiting for them.
Barbara smirks: “You have no intention of letting them know about the others, do you?” Jason guesses she had already been here with Dick as often happens whenever one of them is kidnapped as a civilian.
“No,” B grunts.
Jason rolls his eyes and finally removes his helmet, holding out his shackles for Bruce to undo without a word. He’s going to crash in his room upstairs, eat some of Alfred’s delicious cooking and then come up with some way to make this whole thing work for him. He’s already invested two months in this stupid op, he’s not letting one shitty day ruin it.
While B undoes his shackles, Dick bounces over to Babs to let her undo his, saying: “Do you know the Justice League thinks you’re an AI?”
“Of course, people tell secrets to computers, not people they’ve never met before,” Babs shrugs easily.
“Oh you’re evil,” Dick grins and Jason agrees with a nod.
Now free, he also makes his way over to her and says: “What do I have to do to get the footage of Dickiebird here getting wrecked by Superman and Wonder Woman?”
“Hey, you got destroyed too,” Dick pouts.
“Not in the Watchtower while dressed as B. I looked cool,” Jason counters, half of that a lie. Fuck, he really hopes Babs hasn’t already found footage of his own take down.
“Get me those snacks I like next time you’re abroad and I’ll throw them in the group chat,” she says.
“Deal,” he shakes her hand, before Dick can interfere.
“You two are so mean,” he pouts even more. “You got taken down too, bet you looked stupid.”
“I did not,” Jason protests immediately, his cheeks feeling hot.
“Camera footage says otherwise,” Babs grins evilly, because she’s an evil evil-doer, who is out to get Jason with her evil ways.
“DO not show him that!” he shrieks, jumping to get her hands away from the keyboards, before she can pull it up, while Dick tries to fight him off so she can.
A part of him still can’t believe that today he nearly died for the second time at the hands of the blue boy scout and his idol, nor that Dick broke in to the Watchtower dressed as Batman to come get him.
Later he’ll have to deal with B’s paranoia over the Justice League knowing about him and Dick, write a report about the weak points of the Justice League, then worry about his own mission and all of that will be a hassle. But right now he’s worrying about making sure his eel footage never sees the light of day and wrestling with his brother and Babs.
All in all, today could have been worse.
I don’t think the Justice League is incompetent btw, I think Jason (and the other bats) are just kind of intense with their own security and a little judgmental.
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suguru-getos · 2 months
patience | gojo satoru x f!reader | part 1 |
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a/n: here i go with another chapterwise fic :3 but this is mostly self-indulgent because i just need to vent it out ya'll. summary: you've just resigned from your job, life seems hectic and you're on the verge of drowning from all the mental stress. a certain stranger you meet after office at an ice-cream shop, has distracted you from wallowing in your own mess however.
a parted sigh escaped your lips, after thinking long and hard. you decide this was worth it. yes, this must be. this has to be… you have no other choice. would you rather let the stress claw you up inside out? eat you and make you hollow? speaking of hollow, frankly, you don't remember when was the last time you had felt fulfilled. or had felt an ounce of happiness coursing through your veins. there is nothing remotely similar to that in your cut-throat world. someone would say, y/n that's just being a tad too dramatic, you earn a lot of money. you have such a lavish lifestyle, you can afford what you want… then why does your chest tighten every time you wake up? why do you have to remind yourself to breathe… why is that your showers have been extravagantly longer? why is that you end up in your head for days.
you swallow a lump in your throat while you think about all this, the red bottomed heels that you wear are aching, they feel like you'd pass out from the restriction of being so prim and proper all the time. you want to wear soft, fluffy slides, you want to perish, you want to live.
you had been disassociating in your desk for what feels like ages, before sending your manager that pre-prepared email.
hi manager_name,
"as of today (date) I am formally resigning. let me know how I can help with the smooth handover process"
yes, this helps, this really does help. your stomach lunges down when you hit send though. a pit of bubbling what if's searing through your abdomen.
your watch vibrates just in time, stupid fucking apple watch - "log in about how you feel today", you laugh in disbelief. shit… you feel like absolute shit. what else is one supposed to feel? or maybe, when you think back, you don't know what it is that makes you feel numb. why can't you just be fucking happy. the world surely isn't ending. definitely isn't.
the rest of the day passes by in a haze, you are pulled in back to back meetings where you have to constantly remind yourself to put a smile on your face, to have the tone with which you speak polite, to tell about your reason being you need a break from it all. over and over and over. some of them believe you, some of them don't really. not your problem, not your circus, not your monkeys.
"I'd just like to remind that you can't take any leaves during the notice period. especially for the smooth transition of your roles and responsibilities." your manager hums, eyes carrying foul judgement. "of course, have read the policy." you retort, the thing is, you don't want to sound so judgemental and so snappy… but somehow your brain doesn't function well with all the cumulative stress you've been carrying.
once the hellish meetings get over, you get up from the cabin, plastering the 'I don't give a fuck' face on and walking back to your place. your throat feels dry with all the talking you have done, hands reflexively reaching for your tumbler. you find out it's empty. of course. when the little-est things are capable of pissing you off, then, and only then does this happen.
you get up, walking towards the common water purifier cooler to fill it up, one of your colleagues walking over to you and smiling. "hi y/n" you hate her, she is a condescending bitch if nothing else, amongst one of those people who are highly insecure themselves, and would paint the same insecurity all over others to normalize their feelings. there have been several instances, she's looped you into things she does, which you hate and don't want to be associated with. for example: last week, she says, "oh y/n, we both are so similar and don't tolerate bullshit, I think you can still be fake around the others but jeez, I can't pretend." then don't pretend? and how can she decide what you feel? and what you think? sometimes it's nasty comments about where did you get your clothes from, where is the glittery eye-shadow that you’re wearing from, and then she goes ahead and tells you where it's from… man, you're realizing you're starting to dislike everything and everyone. does overstimulation make someone so snappy you wonder? if that's the case, how can you really get over it? do you need a trip to the mountains? a trip to the beach? what the fuck is it that you fucking need! "oye- y/n" the snap of her finger brings you back to reality. you plaster another smile, "hello, sorry, I was just thinking about something." "have you lost some weight? I don't understand how you get time to do all that with us working full time." there she goes again, you look at your body, if anything, you've gained a few pounds within the last few weeks. "no, I don't think so." "come on, you don't have to lie about your workout routine, be a girl's girl." you want to be a violence's girl and hit her in the fucking head with a chair. "I think maybe the outfit is giving you the illusion that I've lost a few pounds." you hummed, happy to walk away or you'll lose your grip.
after you resigned, the behaviours change. suddenly everyone thinks you're a traitor, someone who can't stay with the group and has to walk away. it's evident with the way they look at you. your eyes glance at the clock, and a wave of relief washes over you. just 30 more minutes, and you'll be off from work. another minute of relief. maybe you should go outside and take a smoke… you sigh and lean back against your chair, gnawing at your lip.
what does it mean to be truly happy? you wonder really… were you truly happy when all your friends/colleagues who have resigned now, were there with you? nope. you'd hate to admit to yourself, and the idea stings your eyes with tears… but you don't remember how it feels to be truly happy. it's pathetic to be in a state of equilibrium or sadness always. 2-3 years ago, you had reached a state of despair and had taken anti-depressants and therapy. they just make you robotic, what even could help… nothing does… nothing NOTHING NOTHING!
after spiralling, while looking completely put together, you get up and leave the work premises. stress-eating, you've been doing that a lot these days. maybe a sugar rush would help, yes, it should help. your feet walk towards the ice-cream shop close to your work, and you mumble, "madagascar chocolate ice cream please." the vendor knows you already, you visit frequently. which is why you know the exact price of the cone and transfer the money to him. "I'll have what she's having" you hear an unfamiliar voice from beside you, you've been stuck in your head so much, you totally ignored that there is a looming, tall man standing next to you. your head tilts up, and up, and up. jesus christ he's tall. his hair are white, and he's wearing glasses. it's evening… why is he wearing those glasses. you'd admit your thoughts evaporated the second you laid your eyes on him. ethereal, handsome, angelic, godly. he looked like an angel. wearing a loose fitted black tee shirt that accentuated his prodding collar bone. he looked rich, you knew he was. the cologne was unmistakable. you are not sure whether you'd like to talk any further, because it didn't feel like he's very much interested, his eyes are still dead set on the menu.
the vendor gives your ice-cream to you first, and then gives him the same scoop. you turn to walk away, when the man mumbles, "I trusted you, and this is bitter." you blink, you…? is he talking to you? you turned around and looked at him. "well, are you talking to me?" satoru's smile turns bigger, you looked so small compared to him, just holding your silly little ice-cream. the work bag and the outfit is a stark contrast to your face though. the little eye bags in your eyes as well. you seem, tired, overwhelmed and exhausted. still, you look beautiful. frankly, satoru is approached by so many ladies, he was intrigued what got you living in your head so much that you don't even notice him standing next to you. women slither around him to get his number, he's had a few… distractions to keep himself sane with his line of work. peculiar. you seemed quite peculiar.
"yes, I am talking to you." he walks closer to you, watching how your face tilts up again to make eye contact. "what’s your name?" he hums, taking another lick of the ice-cream. "well, since you talked to me first, I suppose you should be the one to introduce yourself first?" oh she bites… satoru's grin only turns wider. "satoru gojo. jesus." he laughs, "you know one of my colleagues remind me of you, always snappy and yelling and just… a little weak. it's cute. not her, I mean- she is just a plain nuisance." was this dude being condescending to you? your eye twitches, jaw flexing. "well, I didn't know you were so eager to make opinions about others just from a single sentence." his smile fades a little, "not really, maybe you're just too competitive, miss still hasn't told me her name." you hummed, "my name is y/n" your eyes circle back to him what a handsome fucking twink! "and not my problem you decided to trust a complete stranger and ordered the same ice-cream as mine, only to not like it. I'm not paying for it." satoru chuckles, "of course, I'm not asking you to pay for it, I have more than enough to buy this entire ice-cream chain and seize control of it all over the world, and then, ban your silly little flavour for good." joking… he's joking, but his smile drops when he sees the joke only offended you further. you don't look happy, you only look pissed at him. and perhaps disappointed. "not like I'd do that, over you not telling me your name directly." he waves his hand, dismissing that proposal. "I hope you enjoy having more than enough to buy entire ice-cream companies." you retort, "I have to go home, good bye." of course you have to go home, you are dancing between your two feet in those cramping heels. "those heels are expensive too." satoru comments, looking down at your feet. you look at him, what was even this dude's deal? "okay? yes? I don't know what you mean?" "I mean, the flavour of the ice-cream was expensive, the one you ate, and I hated it. the heels you're wearing, expensive, and you hate it… except you're not saying that you hate it?" those heels were new, and true, they scathed your heel. "hmm, whatever, I like them, which is why I bought them. I didn't trust some random stranger to buy red-bottoms. and I'm happy with them, they're just new. new things take time to adapt. they have to adapt to my feet, I have to adapt to them. if you had been careful enough to adapt to the ice-cream and not giving up on it, you'd have liked madagascar chocolate flavour too." you cross your arms and look at him with a pout. serene, you look serene for once. it’s a different emotion than what satoru saw when he came inside the ice-cream parlour. maybe, you're right. he shrugs, "if I don't like anything first time, first glance, it's not my thing." he responded, and you nodded. "makes sense, I liked these heels, and I will bear the consequences." you squinted. what were you even conversing about with a bloody stranger?
"ah, you don't have to you know?" WHAT IS IT WITH HIM… "I WANT TO!" you're already overstimulated, jesus fucking christ! heels heels heels, ice cream ice cream ice cream YOU WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE! a second or two later, you realize you had lost it on a complete stranger, tears brimming in your eyes, you have been keeping it in for so long even the slightest of nudge would have caused you to collapse. that was the sole reason you came here to have ice-cream in the first place. and now, you've lost it.
satoru's eyes widen a little when he sees your eyes glossy, a stray tear falling from them. "sorry, little girl. uh- I like your ice-cream flavour, it's strong- and it's- chocolatey- and it's- creamy- I like the heels- they really-" oh he's unsure what to say. he did have an inkling that you were someone who didn't seem at her best, he is perceptive enough for that, but he just didn't know that you were so easy to break right now. part of him feels a little guilty, another part of him feels numb, he's seen people killed, he's killed people. what would a stranger's tears be worth?
"that's fine. sorry I've just been having a shitty day." you mumbled, evading eye contact and looking at your feet. "I understand" satoru is quick to comment, smiling again. "y/n, you're too pretty to cry." the next sentence betrays all logic whatsoever in satoru's mind. you blink, attention diverted from the way you had made things awkward to the bubbling compliment. "thanks?" you snort, wiping your tears. satoru smiles, he doesn't know why he said that, but hey, that's the truth. "I usually don't tear up over petty things, it's just these past few weeks have been a mess and I've just resigned from my job so… don't worry I'm fine." your explanation makes satoru grin wider, so protective of yourself. "good, now you don't have to wear those shitty heels anymore, you can wear those comfy and nice side ons? you know? the ones with fur? and wear jammies maybe." you look at him and your eyes soften. YES, YES THAT'S EXACTLY IT!
you nodded, "yeah, and then eventually, I'll be a happy girl." you say this with such doubt it's pathetic.
satoru's heart does something to him when you say it like that, like what do you mean? "you don't sound sure y/n" he pouts, both your ice-creams melting by now. "well, I am half sure, I am fine otherwise anyways.." you look up at him again, god he's pretty, and why were you talking to a stranger! "well, maybe if I can have your number and check for myself?" bold, satoru can be bold when he wants something. "what would you do about it even if I am not happy?" "something different than you…" "why?" "see this is why you're not happy, just relax y/n chan!" he chuckles, because he doesn’t know either. he just, said it in a whim… and he means it, he likes you… the realization of all these feelings is happening so fast for him, he doesn't want you to take him like a fluke. "fine." you mumble, exchanging contacts with him. "I have to go home, I am tired." you mumble, finally walking away. he just nods, waving bye and observing you walk away from him, standing still, just watching like you're the main character in a movie. silly girl, now he's replaying this conversation in his head over and over and over with a silly lovesick grin.
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fictionismyreality3 · 9 months
I loved your writing btw
Omgomgomg hi babes!!!! You’re my first ask ever!!! You’ll forever have place in my heart 🥲 but really that is so sweet of you, and toTALLY STALKER JASON IS SO HOT HERE YOU GO
A Little bit of Sunshine
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Jason Todd x Reader
Tags: stalker!jason todd, innocent!reader
Warnings: stalking, mention of drugs
Notes: I’m actually dying at picturing getting stalked by Jay 😩 like that should not be hot but it is??? If people like this I might make it into a mini series or something 👀
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He was going to stop the first night.
At least, that's what he told himself.
Since Jason had come back from the Pit, being alive was something of a nuisance. Whatever weird ass magic they used to bring him back to life had made it harder to control himself in every way. He went on a year-long violent rampage, much to Bruce’s disdain, that left Gotham in shambles.
Only now was he actually putting a good face behind the name of the Red Hood. It’s not like he wanted to hurt people, but when everything was so vivid, it was hard to listen to Bruce’s non-lethal policy. But as much as he hated to admit it, he wanted Bruce to trust him again.
So, when Dick was called out of Bludhaven for some other crisis, Jason volunteered to help with patrol.
It was the third day of what was supposed to be a week-long shift in Bludhaven, and nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Sure he had broken the legs of a few robbers when they tried to run from him, but it was all in good fun.
In fact, Jason was dying for some fun. Bludhaven was somehow even darker and dingier than the rest of Gotham, and it was getting tiring only having drug dealers to play with. The rain was coming down, casting a foggy overcast to the darkening sky, and most of the sane residents had retreated to their homes. Everyone who had ever been to Bludhaven knew that nighttime was when the dangerous criminals liked to do their work.
Which is why Jason was a little astonished that a seemingly random girl was stupid enough to walk home in the dark.
Living in Bludhaven wasn't ideal, but the rent was cheap and that's all that mattered. You had been working at a donation center for the homeless for the last few months, wanting to help out the city in any way you could. It wasn't that you were trying to be a hero or something, you just didn't like seeing other people suffering. It also helped that volunteer work looked killer on a resume. The staff loved you, and quickly entrusted you with the keys, giving you the last shift of the night.
You usually walked home with one of your co-workers, a woman in her 60s named Rose. It wasn't the typical company for someone your age, but her never-ending stories were nice to zone out to after a long day of work. Rose was sick today, which meant you had to walk home alone. Looking out the window, you saw that it was already dark. Definitely not ideal. But, you had made the trip hundreds of times and knew all the shortcuts to get you home quicker.
Jason watched as the girl walked down the dimly-lit streets. He was going to just leave it, and let you learn your lesson the hard way, but then he took a second glance at you.
He thought the Pit bringing him back to life was the closest thing he'd ever get to seeing heaven. But now?
Now he knew he was dead wrong.
A soft face with pretty lips and pretty hair and pretty everything. Jason felt his heart beat inside his chest with a vigour that betrayed the dead man he thought he was. All of the lonely, unclear and dangerous thoughts in his head suddenly vanished. His breaths were heavy and he couldn't tear his eyes away from the pretty little thing walking all alone. He felt like there was blood flowing in his veins again. He felt alive.
If you were walking alone at this time of night you were either innocent or stupid, and the innocence was practically rolling off you in waves. You were far too sweet for this place. His eyes scanned the logo of the bag you were carrying and his heart exploded and regrew in his chest all at once. The kind face you had made sense if you were generous enough to work at one of Bludhaven's seedy donation buildings. His mouth went dry at the idea of anything remotely distressing happening to you.
Fuck it.
He was just gonna make sure you got home safe. That's all it was.
Jumping from rooftop to rooftop, Jason silently followed you as you walked home, watching from above like a twisted guardian angel. He was always on high alert, he was raised to be vigilant, but he found himself paying extra close attention to every single movement he saw out of the corner of his eye. Logic was telling him that if he was going through all this trouble to make sure a random girl was safe, he should just jump down from the roof and walk you home instead of watching like some-
Oh, that was cute.
Jason's gaze followed your hands as you pulled your keys from your bag. The fabric keychain they were attached to was dotted with tiny drawings of the sun. He hadn't even realized that you'd gotten home. Perching on a rooftop, he kept you in his vision while he quickly scanned the area where you lived. It wasn't the best, nothing in Bludhaven was, but at least it wasn't at the south tip of the city.
You had finally gotten home after a long day. Oddly, the walk didn't feel as scary as you expected. Sighing, you took out your keys and unlocked your front door, slipping inside your apartment. After making sure your door was locked, you kicked off your shoes and hung up your jacket, a yawn falling from your lips. You were definitely gonna call it an early night.
The soft clicking of your front door shutting brought Jason's attention back to the present. You obviously got home safe. He should get going. He should get going.
But he stayed rooted on the spot.
The rain fell around him, hitting the concrete rooftop he was frozen on. His helmet suddenly felt claustrophobic and he took it off gasping, the rain soaking his hair. The cold rush of despairing thoughts that he had grown used to flooded back into his brain. His heart grew still in his chest and he felt his smile disappear.
He had smiled?
He hadn't smiled since the pit. He hadn't smiled since he died. You retreated into your apartment and took all the sunshine with you. The sunshine that hadn't been able to reach his skin for years. With a sickening thought, Jason realized that he was about to make a very, very, very bad decision.
Who was he to deny himself happiness? Didn't he deserve to be happy after everything he had been through? He argued with himself as his gaze remained on your front door, trying to will himself to push away the wickedly possessive desire that he felt for you. Jason ran through all the possible outcomes that could come from.. whatever this was, but nothing held a match at the prospect of having you. He had to have you.
Fuck it.
Locking away the part of his mind which screamed at him to stop, he leapt from the rooftop, landing softly on the balls of his feet. Carefully, his head on a swivel for anyone walking by, he took out his phone. His finger hovered over the photo button, his mind telling him that if he did this, there was no going back. He snapped a photo of your apartment.
As he made his way back to the safehouse he was staying in, he could feel you being cemented in his mind. Every raindrop that hit his skin felt like it was washing away everything that he thought was important until only you remained. The image of your precious face became ingrained in his mind. By the time he got back to his safehouse, the only goal he had was to know as much about you as he possibly could.
He was already at his computer, his helmet tossed to the other side of the room. His clothes were still soaked from the rain, but he didn't care. This was more important. You were more important.
Using Bruce's tech, being careful not to leave a trace, he uploaded the photo he had taken of your apartment and began to run a search. Within less than 5 minutes he had everything he would need to keep you for himself. Your school records, social media posts, and more were at his fingertips. He took the liberty of adding himself to your bank account, hacking in so he could be aware of every transaction you made. Soon he would be the one making them for you.
Jason spent the night scrolling through your information. For once he was glad for Bruce's training, as his disciplined mind allowed him to commit everything about you to memory. His eyes burned from lack of sleep, and he was vaguely aware that it was well past 3AM, but he was enraptured reading your search history.
How to change a lightbulb?
As soon as he could get a copy of your key made you would never need to change a lightbulb again. Every so often he would come across a photo of you dressed up for some event; a christmas party, a graduation, whatever. When he saw those photos, every doubt that was trying to creep back into his mind was pushed away by his increasingly twisted desire for you.
Jason knew he had gone off the deep end, but if this is what drowning felt like he would gladly let you kill him all over again. When he went to bed that night, he fell asleep knowing you now belonged to him.
And you didn't even know it yet.
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itneverendshere · 6 months
guilty conscience - rafe cameron series (+18)
pairing: rafe cameron x female!reader
summary: when ward cameron, a renowned business man and millionaire specifically requested your services through an escort agency, you assumed it would be just another job—brief and straightforward. however, your entire world shifted when ward disclosed his true intentions and rafe cameron stumbled into your life. there were rules, and rules were meant to be followed. was money worth breaking someone’s heart?
sneak peak👀
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“If you don’t mind, Ward, I’d like to discuss our arrangement.”
His eyebrows rose in curiosity as he set down his wine glass, turning his attention fully to you. "Of course, my dear. Straight down to business, I like that.”
You leaned back in your chair, “I’m sure you’ve been informed about the agency’s policy. I’d just like to know what events you want me to attend.”
Ward's only stared at you for a moment before he leaned foward, a thoughtful expression crossing his features. "Ah, yes, the agency's policy. Quite straightforward, isn't it?" He mused, swirling the wine in his glass absently.
You nodded, keeping your expression neutral, though inside, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of apprehension. What have you gotten yourself into?
“Indeed.” you replied evenly, your voice betraying none of your inner turmoil.
“I’m afraid this job is going to be a little different from what you’re used to, honey.”
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, a knot forming in the pit of your stomach. What the hell was that supposed to mean? You had encountered your fair share of weird clients in the past, but something about Ward's demeanor sent a shiver down your spine. 
Suppressing the urge to bolt from your seat, you forced a polite smile and nodded, trying to maintain an air of professionalism, “I see. Different in what way?" 
He sighed, running a hand through his greyish hair, “Truth is, I didn’t hire you for myself.”
You blinked, trying to process Ward's words as your mind tried not to jump into the worst possible case scenario. What did he mean he didn't hire you for himself? 
“I don’t understand?”
Ward studied you with a calculating gaze. "I apologize for any confusion," he began, his tone measured. "You see, I didn't hire you to be my companion for the summer."
A cold knot of dread formed in the pit of your stomach. You hated people who can’t just jump straight to the point, circling the subject like a stupid party trick. 
"Then who did you hire me for?" you asked. 
Ward's lips curled into a knowing smile, and for a moment, you felt a surge of panic coursing through you.
"I hired you for my son."
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eowyntheavenger · 7 months
Hi! I saw your post on telling Americans to vote, and I was wondering what you think of posts from people from other parts of the world who are calling Americans evil for voting for Biden because of his support for Israel. I've seen a few already. They seem to be completely convinced that Americans deliberately voted for Biden specifically to side against Palestine and no other reason, and spread the general (pretty ignorant and hateful) message of "Americans are evil because of the actions of their government and because they collectively refuse to vote for a president who is good and not simply 'the lesser of two evils'". It frustrates me because they seem to think they're experts on US politics, culture, and society and have all the answers, but it also makes me concerned because it reminds me of the whole Russian bot thing from last time. Like, I'm 99% sure the people reblogging these posts aren't Russian bots (don't know about the OPs though), and they unquestioningly believe this. What do you think of this and how would you go about addressing this issue? Do you think it's possible to get them to understand how little they actually know about the US and how they're actually promoting a message that makes things worse for everyone? I've also seen less scathing posts that are just disheartened and don't seem to believe the democrats are truly better to vote for than the republicans and so it's just two sides of the same coin. To be fair, I think that sort of feeling is only further encouraged because there didn't really seem to be much if any progress made with Biden, not even back to square one after Trump moved the country so far backwards. I think most Americans really wish the elections actually had good candidates and they could pick the best of two goods, but are frustrated and stuck with the current system and don't know how to actually get to the point where there are good candidates. (Though personally I think voting for the one who isn't actively trying to make themselves a king with unlimited terms is a decent start. I can understand the frustration though.)
Hi! Thanks for the ask. This stuff worries me too. I've gotten comments on my posts like that too, telling me/other Americans that we're evil for voting for Biden.
But I've seen a much larger number of comments and posts from people outside the United States BEGGING us to vote for Biden. I literally get tags like that on my posts EVERY DAY urging Americans to vote blue. So I think that's valuable context, even if it doesn't solve the problem of the "I hate everybody who votes for Biden" crowd.
And yes, it's definitely a shitty argument on their part to claim that people voting for Biden are specifically siding against Palestine. Literally every single person I know in real life and online who plans to vote for Biden has been criticizing and protesting his policies on Palestine.
In terms of convincing the anti-voters that they're wrong, honestly, I don't know. They don't listen to reason and they seem intent on spreading despair. Some of Biden's policies have been terrible (Willow oil-drilling project), some of them have been downright evil (military aid to Israel), but I'm a rational person and I know that Trump is worse in every respect.
I've tried debating them. It's been pointless every time. They genuinely don't know how the government works, which scares me. Common takes include: 1) a genuine lack of awareness of how pro-Israel Trump and the right wing are, combined with magical thinking that a virtually unknown third party candidate can win the presidential election, 2) truly impressive mental gymnastics blaming Biden for the overturn of Roe v. Wade, and 3) continuing the mental gymnastics to blame Biden and the Democrats for anti-trans policies...
I guess my advice is to either ignore them and move on, or debunk things when you have time/energy? It's easier said than done, I know. There's nothing more annoying than someone being stupid on the internet, especially when they accuse you of stuff that just isn't true, and especially when they're spreading dangerous misinformation or voter-suppression rhetoric.
Like you, I'm highly suspicious of anyone who advocates AGAINST voting, or against voting blue. And I agree, many of these people are not bots, like you said, but I call them useful idiots, because they're doing the bots' work for them.
The one thing you said that I'm going to push back on is "there didn't really seem to be much if any progress made with Biden." Biden's actually made lots of progress on a variety of issues, and reversed some of Trump’s damage, it just doesn't get a lot of fanfare and it’s unfortunately happening at the same time as Republican gains in state legislatures and while they control the Supreme Court. But Biden and his administration have:
• invested billions in green architecture and clean energy, including making sure federal investments benefit low-income communities
• introduced new fines for companies' methane emissions
• introduced a plan to cut the federal government's greenhouse gas emissions by 65% by 2030 (that includes the military, which is a huge emitter)
• passed a huge bill for improving the country's infrastructure, including bridges, roads, broadband and more
• introduced first-ever national strategy on gender equality and equity and pushed Congress to pass the Equal Rights Amendment
• fought for women's reproductive rights after the overturn of Roe v. Wade
• put more women, people of color, and women of color on the federal bench than any of his predecessors combined
• nominated Kentaji Brown Jackson as the first Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court
• boosted funding to historically Black colleges
• ordered the DOJ to end the use of private prisons by the federal government
• pardoned thousands of people convicted on federal marijuana charges
• created a White House office of gun violence prevention
• passed the Respect for Marriage Act, guaranteeing federal rights and benefits for same-sex couples
• rolled out a series of actions to protect the rights and safety of the LGBTQ+ community, including protecting queer and trans foster youth, improving access to mental health services, and addressing the rise in hate crimes
• challenged discriminatory state bans against gender-affirming care and trans athletes
• called to support trans youth in State of the Union address and restored the White House tradition of recognizing Pride Month
• changed passport rules so that people can obtain a passport with no gender marker
• examined efforts by each federal agency to advance LGBTQ+ rights around the world
• reversed Trump's transgender military ban
• protected the rights of incarcerated trans people
• forgave billions in student debt, repeatedly, and introduced penalties for college programs that trap students in debt
• slashed bank overdraft fees
• expanded guaranteed overtime pay for millions of people
• made union-busting harder
• prevented discriminatory mortgage lending
• made efforts to expand the child tax credit, which could lift hundreds of thousands of children out of poverty
• cracked down on agriculture monopolies to support farmers and small businesses
• made it so the government is going to start taking drug companies' patents away if they don't make affordable drugs
• made over-the-counter birth control pills available for the first time
• lowered the cost of hearing aids and expanded access to them
• spent millions of dollars on students' mental health
• reversed discriminatory healthcare rules
• reinvigorated cancer research
• announced plans to replace all leaded pipes in the next ten years as well as combatting lead exposure abroad
• changed rules for how people can get aid after disasters so they can get more protection and immediate payments more easily
• introduced new data privacy rules protecting people from tech companies
• pushed the federal government to monitor AI risks
• maintained steadfast support for Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression
• maintained steadfast support for Taiwan in the face of Chinese intimidation
• strengthened ties with allies in Asia and the Pacific Islands
• pledged climate change assistance to low-lying Pacific Island countries
• literally IMMEDIATELY after being elected, Biden fortified DACA, rejoined the Paris Agreement, and ended Trump's discriminatory "Muslim ban", ended the Keystone XL Pipeline and fossil duel development in wildlife monuments, (same as last link) rejoined the WHO, strengthened COVID-19 response measures on a variety of fronts, re-included non-citizens in the U.S. census, and passed executives orders on racial equity in the federal government
And I'm sure there's more I left out.
There are also things Biden does that literally don’t make the news, but matter a lot, like funding the Postal Service, and continuing to have a State Department so we can conduct overseas diplomacy (Trump tried to defund the USPS and wants to purge the State Department and fill it with loyalists).
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digitaldiarystuff · 5 months
False Hope Pt.3
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so… i’m kinda back, well i at least hope so after ditching the blog completely lol
i’ll try to be a little more active starting with some requests after this, please don’t hate me 🥺
pairing: Pedri Gonzalez x Y/N
summary: you’re close friends with Pedri and pretty much in love with him, pretending you’re not you went to comfort him but he seeks the comfort in a different way than you would’ve expected
genre: suggestive but not quite, angst
“I’m outside, come out”
Your eyes scanned the text a million times just to make sure it was real and you weren’t actually dreaming. It was only when James reached over and touched your cheek that you came back to your senses.
“Is everything alright?” he asked concerned and you looked up at him with terror in your eyes.
Your mind was so full that you couldn’t even comprehend the situation, why was Pedri here? Did he check your location to find out where you were? Was the black Porsche his? And most importantly, what are you going to do now?
“Yeah, yeah. It’s just my friend, she reminded me of a quiz we have tomorrow.” that was the first lie you could come up with.
“Do you have to get back home?” James asked with slight disappointment.
You looked at your phone once more and up at him, Pedri has occupied your mind for years at this point and gave you false hope that there may be something more between you two but that had to end. You knew if you decide to walk out now, you’d be stuck in the same cycle you always have and wait for him to finally pick you, but you deserve more. You were moving on and choosing your own happiness over his.
“No no, I’m not going anywhere.” you smiled hoping he’d buy your lie and didn’t question it too much and judging by his mood change he ate it up.
You placed your phone back into your purse also shutting it off hoping Pedri would realize you weren’t going to respond and leave quickly because you knew if he’d send you any more texts it’d be over.
Out of sight, out of mind you thought and reached for James’ collar pulling him in. He got the message and quickly started kissing you, you closed your eyes trying your best to enjoy the moment and it was nice. It was good, actually but you couldn’t help but wish it was someone else’s hands finding your hips pulling you into him and pressing sloppy kisses across your neck and cleavage. That’s when you opened your eyes and saw Pedri’s dark eyes instead of James’ and freaked out pulling back immediately.
James looked worried asking you if everything’s okay or if he did something wrong.
“No, no it’s not you. I’m sorry I just need to handle this quiz tomorrow. I have to get home and deal with it.” you apologized knowing you couldn’t go any further with him. Your mind and heart wouldn’t let you knowing Pedri may be out there waiting for you and you hated yourself for it. You even felt like you were cheating on Pedri even though you were not in any sort of relationship, this was stupid but you couldn’t help your feelings.
You apologized to James a couple more times, grabbed your things and left the room in a hurry. You felt bad to leave him high and dry and couldn’t face him anymore. On the way to the lobby you turned your phone on trying to see if Pedri sent any more texts but found none and that made you feel sorry for yourself. You had a great guy trying to give you exactly what you wanted and deserved but still left him hanging just because Pedri sent a single text.
You exited the elevator hurriedly hoping he didn’t leave just yet when you heard his voice. At first you thought you were dreaming and scolded yourself for being this obsessed but soon you realized he was standing at the reception talking to the receptionist.
“And I understand your policy but I need the room number and yes I don’t know the last name but…”
You heard him talking, asking about James’ room number. You didn’t even know he knew the name but Sara probably told them at the club.
“Pedri” you walked over to him and he immediately turned your way his eyes softening as he released a sigh of relief.
“Y/N” he walked over without even glancing back at the receptionist and pulled you in a hug.
“What are you doing here?” you asked apprehensively.
“I came looking for you when you didn’t answer me and she wouldn’t let me look at the guest list. She said it was against hotel policy and I was just telling her the name but she still didn’t tell me anything.” he started rambling but didn’t give you a clear answer.
“That’s not what I’m asking, why are you here Pedri?”
He pulled back possibly realizing you didn’t hug him back and gave him cold shoulder. His eyes were so soft this time.
“I… I just came to check on you.” he shyly said as he looked down at his shoes.
“Why?” you pressed. “I already told Ferran I was good.”
“I know, I just…”
“You just what Pedri?” you raised your voice a little and he warily looked around hoping no one could hear you.
“Can we go out to the car please? Let’s not do this here.” he tried ushering you out but you didn’t budge.
“You can’t stay here.” he said as if he was stating the obvious.
“Why do you care if I stay here or not?”
“Look Y/N, there are people here. Let’s go back to mine and talk there, calmly.” he tried again this time reaching for your arm to pull you but you pulled back from his grip immediately.
“I’m not going anywhere with you.”
“Well you’re not staying here.” he firmly stood. You considered your options, you could either go with him and set everything on the table possibly ruining your friendship but no matter what happens you could say you tried or leave on your own getting in a taxi and try to forget this night, fight or flight.
You made up your mind and started walking past Pedri, he took a couple seconds but followed suit. Once you reached the front door of the hotel he caught up with you and opened the car door for you to get in. Even though you were upset with him, you felt a slight sense of warmth with his gesture.
“Do you want to talk now, or we could just wait until we get home.” he offered once you both were settled.
“Let’s talk here.” you coldly replied.
“Okay” he whispered.
“I don’t know what to say”
“You don’t know what to say.” you turned round him and laughed but it didn’t reach your eyes.
“You ignore me and leave the club, then follow me to a hotel where I’m with a guy, text me to come out, try to find my room number to come get me yourself when I don’t and when I’m right in front of you you don’t know what to say. Be so for fucking real Pedri” you started yelling and he put his face in his hands huffing.
“What do you want me to say Y/N?” he asked also raising his voice.
“I want you to be honest for god’s sake!”
“I was worried.” he finally said.
“You just met this guy and you go to a hotel with him, this isn’t you.”
“Oh so it’s okay when you do it but when I do it’s not me.”
“Yes, I know this sounds hypocritical but yes it’s not you.”
“You’re so right. It’s hypocritical.” you sighed and leaned back in your seat.
“I needed to forget, that’s why I came here.” you admitted because you realized he was never going to give you what you’re looking for. You finally accepted the fact that after tonight, Pedri wasn’t going to be a part of your life and you needed to get everything out of your chest.
“Forget what?”
“You” you simply said and closed your eyes afraid of his answer but nothing came out of his mouth.
“Why did you kiss me that day?”
He sighed loudly.
“Because I wanted to.”
You laughed a little.
“I’m serious.”
“No you’re not. You’re never serious Pedro.”
“Pedri” he corrected.
“I don’t think we’re on that basis anymore.” you admitted and his eyes turned to you in shock.
“What does that mean?”
“It means, tonight we say everything we need to and tomorrow we live our lives like we did before we met.”
“No” he started protesting but you held your hand up stopping him.
“I can’t go on like this, Pedri. This has to stop before it’s too late. I can’t wait for you any longer.”
“Y/N it doesn’t have to be like this, we can just go back to our normal ways.”
“You can, I can’t.”
“But I don’t want to let you go.” he whined and you felt your heart breaking, you really didn’t want to cause him any pain but you also couldn’t carry on any longer.
“Do you love me?”
You could easily cut the tension in the car with a knife now, it was dead silent.
“That’s the reason we can’t go back to how it was. Because I love you.” you said without opening your eyes but still felt tears start running. Pedri shuffled in his seat and placed his hand on your cheek wiping the tear away. You couldn��t fight it any longer and leaned into his touch and placed your hand over his.
“I love you too.” he whispered and you opened your eyes to see him staring.
“I know, it’s just not the same kind of love.” you sadly smiled. “It’s okay, I’ll be okay.” you reassured him because as much as you were hurting you never wanted him to.
“But I’m not.”
“It’ll pass.”
He pulled you closer and you leaned over the console to lie on his chest. He kissed your head and you placed your hand on his heart feeling its rhythm. You stayed like that for what felt like hours just holding each other knowing it’s the last time you’ll do it.
As sad as it sounds, you felt more at peace than any other moment.
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1eos · 10 months
While I completely agree that Ao3 sucks it's a little funny to post like this on Tumblr. Who also has a zionist CEO. Who also allows antiblack/otherwise racist content and actively blazes it. Who suppresses the Palestine tag. Who banned NSFW content because they hosted so much CP the authorities got involved. I'd say the only difference between these two websites is the amount of people who vocally support the bad policies. I promise you someone could upload their slavery raceplay fanfic from Ao3 to Tumblr right now and not a thing would be done about it because it isn't against their TOS.
i can't believe you did this unironically and expect me to take you seriously
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here's a question ik you can't answer. what website WOULDN'T it be funny to post? twitter? elon musk is an apartheid child encouraging hate speech. hell he was JUST in Israel. youtube? they've had years of taking down/suppressing videos that mention anything abt lgbt rights. youtube JUST took down a massive archive of israel human rights violations in palestine. racist white supremacist can have massive platforms on there and be PROTECTED if they're big enough. twitter alternatives? any of the ones that brag abt freedom of speech literally are overrun with racists/neo nazis. livejournal? half of us on tumblr were traumatized by fucked up fanfiction on there when we were 16. so, pray tell, what website would be good enough for you? hmmmmm it's almost like zionism is VERY pervasive and every platform is rife with fucked up shit 😳 which is why normal ppl tell you to STOP buying checkmarks and premium. ohhhhh but that's not good enough for you :( so tell me what website should we be posting complaints on? oh but even if there is a perfect website we're still in a fucked up society so i guess it would still be funny to you huh? like do you see how stupid you sound 😭😭😭😭
anyways now if i had 30 checkmarks you'd have a point but i don't so now we're all abt to make fun of you for being a fucking idiot. did you get the embarrassment? did you get the mockery? did you get the little rush of adrenaline when you hit send anon and when you refresh my blog every 20 minutes waiting for a response? is your heart pumping fast? do you feel special? do you feel smart?
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eddieslov3 · 1 year
Steddie Smut
Steddie Version of my Cute Little Uniform steve x reader short fic
Eddie makes fun of him in the scoops uniform, steve makes them put it on and fucks him senseless in it.
Sub steve top Eddie filthy smut trans masc Eddie cw: eddies genitals described as Pussy, Dick and cunt probably I can't decide yet lol also oral and p in v, Eddie and Steve are switches I guess
Eddie had just finished his shift in the cinema and craved ice cream, so that's where he went. Since he had it down really bad for one of the employees it was more than a win win.
Walking out the cinema he subconsciously fixed hair and shirt. More than glad that the cinema let you guys wear whatever as long as it was black and the guys put on the vest that is actually the whole uniform. No problem for the metalhead, his while wardrobe consisted of black shirts.
On the way Eddie encounters loads of know faces, they make a sport out of whispering. "You know, you guys suck at whispering" he says and laughes when he gets called satanist and demon. He flips them the finger and continues to go his way, unbothered.
Some people just fucking suck and Eddie could sing songs about it. He actually does, one of their songs is specifically about stupid idiots. Its also called stupid idiots.
He passes a few gossiping cheerleaders, hearing who apparently was the towns bicycle, he scoffed and rubbed his nose. Soon the scent of freshly made waffles and ice cream comes made his mouth water. Along with something else. Munson, get your head in the game. He shook himself before entering the ice cream parlor.
Scoop's Ahoy was a lovely and well lit place. Looking around you notice the bananas hanging on the doorframe that probably allows the employees to access the break or storage room. From what Eddie had heard and seen it must have been the break room.
The bell in the front rings, making Eddie turn his head to look that way.
Steve's face was stuck in an unamused grin, trying to upkeep the friendliness. But he could tell that Steve needed some help. The group of young girls semmed to be abusing the companion policy of tasting the ice cream before buying. When he saw the Sinclair girl he laughed, he'd played dnd with her a few times. "Hey Nerd" she greeted Eddie.
Quietly he waved at her and she widened her eyes. "Erica I think you we're about to go to claires, they just put up a four for two sign~" Eddie basically sang and smiled widely. Of course she nodded and left the shop with all of her friends.
"Thank you" someone sighedbehind the counter, ruffling his hair smiling at Eddie, clearly relieved. Of course Eddie knew who it was, gazes finally meeting. "She is smart, very smart..and you're too kind sometimes." He fixed his hat and smiled a little forced. That's when Eddie decided to make his day.. well worse or better. And shoot his shot finally.
"You know Harrington that little outfit really brings out your eyes" he cooed, grinning like the brat he loved to be. Especially if that meant getting laid by Steve Harrington. he might even be flirting a little bit, but ofc he'd never admit to that to be honest. He growled lowly. "Don't say that. You know how much I hate the hat." he said trying to fix his hat. "It ruins my best feature." He argued. Just making you smile widely.
"Anyway Harrington, I'd like to order one scoop of chocolate chip" you said, scanning the layout of the different ice cream flavours. "Ah, I'm sorry that was all eaten by those little monsters, you better go for… salted caramel" he suggested, knowing Eddie liked that flavor, as he'd ordered it the last time.
"Okay then that.. I actually love that one a lot." Eddie hated to admit that Harrington was right but.. steve was so handsome that he'd almost forgotten his plan.
His eyes were soft whereas his expression was a little mad. "You're still gonna pay for this.." he murmured while scooping your ball of ice cream flawlessly. Steve handed Eddie the cone and their fingers inevitably touched, sending chills down Eddies spine.
Eddie Munson was no idiot, so he acted like he hadn't heard him, sticking his tongue out at him. "You're gonna regret that" Eddie cooedsweetly winking at Steve.
Since he did work in the mall too, he had no shame in walking behind the counter. He had no shame in general but thats something different. Steve blinked a few times not sure what to say or do, since Eddie walked into the back, exchanging high fives with Robin, who pushed Steve after Eddie, winking.
"You've been in on this?" Steve asked confused and she just shrugged. "I'm a good wimgman" she just said.
"I was always curious where this room led to, not gonna lie" Eddie murmured while looking around.
He looked at the whiteboard with clearly russian words and an alphabet. "That's not important" the taller male said, looking at Eddie smiling a rather wonky smile.
"Sure.." the metalhead said sat down on the couch.
"Woah woah what do you think you're doing here?" Steve interrupted closing the door behind him.
"What does it look like? I'm Just looking around.. I've to said I've been curious what this room was." Eddie seductively licked his ice cream . "Kinda mad you didn't show me before" was what Eddie said before Steve came closer. "I didn't show you, because I didn't want you to see me in this silly uniform" he said. Eddie and Steve we're not dating.. but there definitely was chemistry between the two. It was almost disgusting, at least that's how Robin had described to Eddie a few days before.
His hot breath met Eddies face, making him bite his lip looking slightly up at him, still licking the ice cream seductively slow.
That made him growl again. "What's going on Harrington? Cute little outfit made you swallow your tounge?" he teased again. That's when he had enough. Grinning he pinned Munson to the wall licking his lips. "Well, how bout we put you in it and you decide if its so cute?" He whispered while slowly putting a hand on the others chest before dipping his head down to slowly start kissing him. Finally, Eddie thought. From little pecks to open mouthed kisses the ice cream gets forgotten and falls on the ground, Eddie grabs the others face greedily deepening the kiss with tounge which he gladly allows.
Steve let his hands both swiftly slip under Eddie's shirt, undressing him, leaving his binder on. He knew Eddie would give him access to his chest if he wanted wanted, but also take to his uniform shirt off putting it on Eddie instead.
And obviously Eddie didn't mind, he enjoyed every touch and kiss. It was better than he had ever imagined. Every touch made him whine. Harringtons calloused hands rubbing Eddies nipples, even through the binder, made himmoan. "Nhg~ Steve~ Puppy" Eddie finally moaned, causing him to twitch in his pants. "Say that again.. please" he demanded while going down on his knees unbuttoning Eddies pants slowly, lust in his eyes basically drooling at the sight of the metalhead in his uniform.
"Puppy~" he cooed laying a hand on his cheek softly squishing his face. "Mh- Fuck" he whined while dragging the pants fdown his legs. Eddie was more than ready for him to do anything, and since he seemed to be so greedy for his pussy he grinned. "Mhm yes good Puppy, so greedy for me huh?" T
Eddie asked, seeing him twitch again. By now that boy had a full on boner. Slowly he nodded, looking up at him with his big ouppy eyes. "Want to eat out this dripping pussy ?" He nodded. "Use your words."
"Yes please Sir. I wanna eat that… delicious Pussy of yours and suck on that beautiful dick" he begged while playing with the hem of your underwear. "Beg for it" Eddie fell into a haze, just like he was. Subspace Steve was something so beautiful it made Eddies mouth water, and not only his mouth. He was dripping wet for that handsome man. And in a matter of seconds his underwear pooled at his feet and the brown haired, doe eyed Steve Harrington was looking up at Eddie Munson for approval. He put a Hand in his hair and tug it lightly, making him moan. Fuck was that a beautiful noise.
"Yes?" He asked jumping onto one of the counters spreading his legs, easy access for the other, more comfortable for Eddie aswell. Slowly he stood up, discarding his underwear while licking his beautiful full lips. "Lets move this to the couch" he murmured and manhandled Eddie down from the counter, making Eddie hold onto his shoulders one hand tangled in his mullet.
The way he held Eddie made his tip tease his entrance which made the metalhead whimper. He desperately wanted him buried deep inside, but first wanted to tease him some more. Dipping down intentionally made him moan, Eddie loved that sound. "If you keep doing that I'm gonna cum" he whimpered, setting the smaller man down on the couch before kneeling in front of him. "Please let me suck your cock.. please.. Sir" he begged, eyes still huge.
Looking down at him,Eddie grinned. "Well if you ask nicely I'll think about it" he said while running his hand through his hair, spreading your legs in the process. His gaze fell on your middle, basically drooling. "Please, Sir.. Daddy I wanna taste that pretty pussy.. so pretty and dripping.. just for me" he beggeg putting his hands on your thighs holding your legs open. And that was it. You couldn't wrap your head around it but he was so fucking hot. "Go ahead pretty boy." And with that he dived in, tongue meeting your folds, your juices mixing with saliva and you moaning in pleasure.
Steve Harrington was a natural. He knew his way around bodies, especially Eddies body. "Mh you taste so good Sir" he mumbled into Eddies cunt, looking up at him with his big doe eyes. Lips glistening with Eddies juices and his own saliva. "You're such a good boy for me.. wanna make me cum?" he was eagerly nodding in response. "You want me to suck your dick.. Sir?" he asked while running a hand through his hair.
"Oh puppy, can you do that for me?", again he nodded, dazed eyes. Eddie pulled Steves hair to get him closer to his dick again. "Then make me cum." Yes Sir" he moaned into the others cunt and started sucking Eddies dick. He licked around the base, using his fingers to rub Eddies folds, dipping his fingers in every time. Then he switched. Placing his fingers on his dick, but slowly inserting the tongue in the metalheads hole, making him hold back a scream of pleasure. The curly haired muffled his moans with his own hand, careful not to cause suspicion.
"Fuck Baby.." Eddie then cooed, looking down at him, grabbing the shirt." Fuck . you're so wet.. just for me, Daddy" he moaned dipping his head into Eddies dripping heat again before he also slides his fingers into hus cunt making him squirm. "Just like that Puppy" Eddie said letting go of the shirt lacing both of his hands in his hair. Pulling on it, hard. It's making him wince but moan in unision.
"Fuck Daddy you feel and taste so good" he says, muffled by Eddies throbbing cunt. That sends Eddie over the edge making him release without warning, on his tounge, face and fingers. Eddie, quietly as possible moan his name as he cum.
That just made him lick Eddie faster, helping you riding out your high, before he finally looked up at you. Face covered in Eddies cum, eyes big and expression definitely dazed, Eddies pussy got him so drunk on his lust. "You're so handsome" these words made him stand up and sit down next to him to give you a heated kiss that quickly turned into a makeout.
Neither of them were complaining, they loved it. Besides the sexual tension had build up in the last weeks, Eddie and Steve both could swear their friends even had placed bets on how long it would take.
After a few minutes they broke the kiss for air. "Mhhh" he made, looking at eachother. "I wanna fuck you and take charge." he said grinning. Eddie wasn't complaining about this either, how long had he wanted to be fucking owned and dominated by Steve Harrington himself? Probably for some time now. Nodding he bit his lip, slowly slipping into subspace.
"Okay, Sir" he then said, which made him get into his domspace. "Fuckin good boy" he cooed, running his hand over his still sensitive core, dipping his fingers in. He pumped his fingers a few times before taking them out and putting them into his mouth. "You still taste so fucking good.." he lowly moaned in eddies ear before pulling him up on his lap.
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igotanidea · 9 months
Gifts: Dick Grayson x reader
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christmas bingo day 12: gifts
„I thought we said no presents this year?” Y/N frowned looking at the pile of packages under the tree in her apartment.
„Oh those?” Dick laughed getting up from the floor „all empty, it’s just a decoration. You know, I was raised as an only child in Wayne Manor. I’m used to something more -”
„Dick Grayson, don;t you dare finishing that sentence!” the frown on her face and arms crossed over her chest should have been enough of a warning, but he didn’t really care.
As on command, they both looked at Y/N’s old artificial Christmas tree that most definitely saw better times. The branches were shabby and thinned and the balls did really poor job at hiding it. Most of the times she didn’t care about how it looked, focusing rather on creating warm holiday atmosphere and uplifting the spirits, but now, with such comment coming from him and the weight of the world on her shoulders it hit hard. Possibly harder than he ever intended, and stupid unwanted tears brimmed in her eyes.
„Y/N! Oh my god, Y/N, sunshine I didn’t mean-” he stuttered, shocked and terrified by her reaction. „I was just-”
„Well I’m sorry your girlfriend is poor as a church mouse.” she sobbed „i;m sorry your girlfriend cannot afford a lot of things you got used to while living in a billionaire house! I’m sorry I’m a shame and disgrace and -”
„Oh my god.” Dick almost rolled his eyes at her theatricals, reading right through her little performance. ‘You’re a drama queen, you know that?” his hands found a way to her shoulders and pulled her into his chest, his body shaking a little from the laugher she joined soon enough. „Unbelievable.”
„In the best way I hope?” tiniest smirk appeared on her face as she slightly moved away from him and looked up, squinting and tilting her head rakishly.
„You know you are -”
„I swear if you’re going to say I’m your present I might have to kiss you.”
„Oh no! Don’t threaten me with a good time, princess.” he lift her chin with index finger forcing her to look even higher. „I might actually give in and then what?” his eyes flickered „besides, are you sure, you’re not wearing something pretty underneath all those layers just for me? I think I’d like to unwrap my present now....” Dick muttered, purposefully turning his voice deeper, hoarse and sensual adding a little bit of teasing touch here and there trying to make her relent.
„Have you been listening to the Jimmy Fallon’s new Christmas song?” she wriggled out, not without effort and giving him a knowing look before bursting out laughing at the view of his unshameful grin.
„Obviously. Those are masterpieces!”
„There were like two of them Dick...”
„Two masterpieces! Did you listen to them?”
„Please don;t start singing-” her begging was cut short as Dick put on the Spotify playlist and started doing exactly that, making her dance wildly around the apartment.
It's Christmas time, my dear,
And we said no gifts this yearI got one question if you'd let meWhat did you get me?
As Dick got through the last line of the first verse his expectant gaze landed on her.
„I hate Christmas shopping” she chuckled reaching to the cupboard and retrieving a little package. „You know me too well.”
„Cupboard? Really?” he grabbed it in an instant with a grace worthy of a Nightwing, spinning it around and inspecting carefully. „It’s way beyond your level, Y/N. I’m disappointed.”
„Really?” she raised an eyebrow „where did you hide mine?”
„What makes you think -?” she shot him a ice cold gaze and got hands raised in surrender in return „ok, fine! Fine!” he turned towards the storage room grabbing the neatly packed bundle and handing it to her with a bow „milady.”
„Well thank you, fair knight.” she chuckled bowing „hey Dick?”
„Yeah, sunshine?”
„Maybe we should drop the no gifts policy what do think? I can;t remember a single year when we actually stuck to it...”
„Are we both liars then?”
„No. Not at all. I think - but it’s very bold assumption - that we might be in love! Can you believe it!?”
„No way! What makes you say that?!”
„Nothing. Absolutely nothing....” she mumbled a second before his lips met hers in a gentle kiss, replacing all the unnecessary words.   
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ghostboymichael · 3 months
"it's about the policies" well that's the problem. after watching the debate i still have no idea what the fuck any of biden's policies are because he utterly failed to communicate them.
that's understandable, it was a bad performance on his part. nobody is denying that. however, it is one night, and reading up on his policies, the things he has done for americans, and even listening again to the debate while trying to ignore the tapered off sentences and stuttering, can help to realise he actually has made quite a bit of positive impact. i personally did not have any trouble understanding him, for the most part. however, i am used to speaking with people who have speech impediments, and am also quite good at listening to and comprehending auditory information in general.
anyway, the very next day he was speaking at rallies and was much more forceful, much more vigorous, and much more clear. sometimes it's just a crapshoot --- people have bad days. i do public speaking and performing, and sometimes i am able to speak clearly and concisely, other days i feel like i can't even get a word in without stumbling. the thing to remember is that he is a human being, not a robot, and when dealing with so much pressure and scrutiny, it can be difficult to put on your best face.
it's important to remember that debates are not what being a president is all about. it's also the stuff that goes on in the background. but that's less entertaining than watching a public shitshow, and it doesn't get nearly as much media time. however, it happens to be the more important stuff.
and, for the record: i spend many hours every week in a retirement home, most of it on the second floor, which is reserved for clients with severe dementia. none of them would be even slightly capable of speaking the way biden did. many people are so out of touch with what dementia actually is that they sincerely believe biden exhibits it. no. what he is exhibiting are normal human reactions to pressure --- stupid mistakes, fumbling, and stuttering are all normal. and, remember, stutters are often worsened with stress. it was a shitty performance, yeah. but it was shitty for normal reasons.
people who jump on biden for misremembering the year of his son's death, for example, clearly don't understand loss. my father lost his brother many years ago, and i asked him what year he died, and he couldn't remember. just like biden, he remembered the day instantly. but the year disappeared. nobody would call this a sign of dementia in my father, but when biden does it, he's on death's door.
this is because people are constantly looking for another reason to accuse biden of being incompetent. there is little to no basis for this belief --- much of it is thanks to the pervasive campaign against him. yeah, he's old. we get it. the dude's ancient. but you need to remember that he's still the only thing standing against another trump presidency. and if you think that would be better, please remember:
there is a culture of listening not to the words people say, but how they say them. it's natural, it's instinctive --- often it's a defense mechanism. but you need to work against it. you need to force yourself to listen to the meaning, not how the tone is making you feel.
biden may not be a great guy. he may not even be a good guy. but right now he's the only chance to get america back on track, not even through his presidency, but through the people around him and the avoidance of trump. trump is the biggest threat against america right now. you cannot let him into office.
and here's your daily reminder: voting based on ONE issue (palestinian genocide) rather than looking at the bigger picture is a sign of extreme privilege. it proves that you don't care about palestinians at all. why? because letting trump into office is throwing women, queer people, trans people, AND palestinians under the bus. because trump hates all of those people. and he has enacted policies against all of them during his presidency, and he's confirmed that he will again if re-elected.
you gotta remember that the fight for bodily autonomy in america, for example, is a fight for bodily autonomy everywhere. whether we like it or not, the rest of the world does look to america, and last time i checked, palestinians are humans, and they have bodies, and those bodies are affected by the american struggle for bodily autonomy.
and as a final note, here's my favourite post on this issue. it explains it clearly, concisely, and probably better than i have.
i hope this helps. if you're an american voter, please vote for biden. it sucks, but there really is no better option right now. but hopefully, in the next four years, there will be.
and because i know people in the comments are gonna hit me with the "american dems" bullshit as usual: i'm literally not american. try again
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whumpsday · 1 year
my unhinged rant about the whumptober discourse, below the readmore for the benefit of ppl who dont wanna see that crap. im just gonna go insane if i don't say this somewhere bc i feel like i'm losing my mind
this drama is genuinely so mind-blowingly stupid it's unreal, and it's been bothering me so much that i just HAVE to talk about it or i'm gonna go insane, if for no other reason than to get it out of my system. i honestly never expected the whump community to go on the kind of bad-faith tirade that's taking place.
disclaimer right here that i do not support AI scraping creative works without permission (like chatgpt and a whole host of AI art programs do) or these AI-generated works being passed off as legitimate creative works. obviously that stuff is bad, and literally everyone on all sides of this agrees it's bad. i used chatgpt exactly once one week after it came out, before i knew how shit it was, and haven't touched AI stuff since. because it steals from creators and it sucks.
saying "whumptober supports/allows AI" when their official policy says plain as day:
"we are not changing our stance from last year’s decision"
"we will not amplify or include AI works in our reblogs of the event."
"we discourage the use of AI within Whumptober, it feels like cheating, and we feel like it isn’t in the spirit of the event."
is bonkers! whumptober is a prompt list, there is nothing TO the event other than being included in the reblogs. they literally cannot stop people from doing whatever they want with the prompts.
someone could go out and enact every single prompt in real life on a creativity-fueled serial killing spree and the whumptober mods couldn't do shit about it. it's not like it's a contest you submit to. it's a prompt list! someone could take every single prompt from the AI-less whumptober prompt list, feed it into chatgpt right now, and post them as entries. and the mods of THAT wouldn't be able to stop them either. because it's a prompt list.
the AI-less event have also made just... blatantly false claims, like that grammarly isn't AI. grammarly IS AI and they openly advertise this. hell, this is grammarly's front page right now:
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and this is a statement from grammarly about how its products work:
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its spellchecker / grammarchecker is AI-based! claiming it's not AI is just... lying. saying "this is an AI-less event" and then just saying any AI that you want to include doesn't count as AI is ludicrous.
and you know what? whumptober actually pointed this out. they said they don't want to ban AI-based assistive tools (like grammarly) for accessibility reasons. this post has several great points:
"AI is used for the predictive text and spellchecker that's running while I type this reply."
"Accessibility tools rely on AI." this is true and here's an article about it, though the article is a little too pro-AI in general for my tastes, there's nuances to this stuff. it's used for captioning, translation, image identification, and more. not usually the same kind of AI that's used for stuff like chatgpt. THERE ARE DIFFERENT KINDS!
"But we can't stop that, nor can we undo damage already done, and banning AI use (especially since we can't enforce it) is an empty stand on a hill that's already burning, at least in our view of things."
and people were UP IN ARMS over this post! their notes were full of hate, even though it's all true! just straight lying and saying that predictive text isn't AI (it is), that AI isn't used for accessibility tools (it is), that whumptober can somehow enforce an anti-AI policy (they can't because it's a prompt list).
in effect, both whumptobers have the EXACT SAME AI POLICY. neither allows AI-generated works, but both allow AI-based assistive tools like grammarly. everyone involved here is ON THE SAME SIDE, they all have the exact same opinion on how AI should be applied to events like this, and somehow they're arguing???
not to mention that no other whump event has ever had an AI policy. febuwhump, WIJ, bad things happen bingo, hell even nanowrimo doesn't have one.
and you wanna know the most ridiculous part of this entire thing? which is also the reason why none of the above events have an AI policy.
no one is doing this. no one is out there feeding whumptober prompts to chatgpt and posting them as fills for whumptober cred. it's literally a hypothetical, made-up issue. all of this infighting over a problem that DOESN'T EXIST.
to the point that people are brigading the whumptober server with shit like this:
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saying "everyone who participates in whumptober is a traitor, you should go participate in this other event with the exact same AI policy but more moral grandstanding about it" is silly. every single bit of this drama is silly.
in the end, please just be nice to people. we're ALL against the kind of AI that steals from creators. the whumptober mods are against AI, the AILWT mods are against AI, whumptober participants are against AI, AILWT participants are against AI. there is no mythical person out here trying to pass chatgpt work off as whumpfic. let's all just be civil with each other over this, yeah?
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panimoonchild · 6 months
Russian culture is a desecration of the heritage of the peoples it conquers
Yesterday before going to bed, I had the pleasure of checking out Alla Horska's works in my hometown, Donetsk. Amazingly, they are preserved. For now.
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I saw this one with my own eyes.
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The Russian authorities decided at any time what was worthy and what was not. This is communism and imperialism. Big, clumsy, even a little homoerotic. Exactly what communist LGBT people love on the internet.
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Unfortunately, I did not attend this school. Or fortunately, looking at this...
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This picture will probably haunt me in my dreams and waking life. It's good that I don't remember dreams. This is what the current Russian occupation authorities have done to this school.
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It was also a Ukrainian language school before the occupation. You may be surprised to see such a division. But it has been like this all along because these territories were under Russian rule for the longest time. And accordingly, the Russification policy here was more rigid. From the very beginning, Russia put its tentacles on these lands and grabbed them tightly.
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I went to a Ukrainian-speaking school and class, too. Fortunately. There were a minimum of such schools, especially when Yanukovych came to power. Frankly speaking, the population of Donbas did not elect him in the number that was announced.It was a typical ballot box stuffing. Democracy in the Russian way. Slow colonisation. I hate it. I will not forget and I will not forgive. People, and there are Ukrainians and patriots left there, even though Russians were brought in (settlement colonization sends its greetings). Of course, those who are not yet in the basement or killed. Russia has been taking away our people's lives for 10 years now. Forcing our people to live in their stupid Russian dampness and fear.
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My city used to be sunny and noisy. The period of Euro 2012 is the one that sticks in my memory the most. Only then did it heal.
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Now the city has become soulless, depressed, timid, and quiet. A shadow of the most crowded Russian cities. It's terrible to imagine. It's even worse to live there.We will bring you back. True Donetsk patriots will breathe new life into you. You will get rid of artificial Russification. I know it. I see it. I dream about it. I will not stop reminding you of you. About the real you. About the Ukrainian you.
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