#what does that tell you about the direction the show is taking morpheus?
orionsangel86 · 1 year
Hi! I've been reading your latest analysis, and Dream being perceived as misogynistic has come up a few times. I've never really caught that(tho it's been a hot minute since I read the sandman comics and I might've forgotten)? He's really respectful towards Bast, Hettie, and Titania, He's mostly kind towards Rose and Nuala, and yeah, he was a dick towards Ishtar, but you explained why's that far better then I ever could. He also comes across as cold-hearted and cruel towards Lyta, but I think that has less to do with her gender and more with Dream not knowing that tact Exists. I also think that Dream being abusive husband is total bullshit. In the song of orpheus, Calliope and Morpheus seem to be close and Calliope doesn't show any signs that she's afraid of him, or is being abused by him, and at the wake she says that Morpheus was the best lover she had ever had. Why would she say something like that about her rapist?
Hey! Yep I agree completely. I think a lot of this interpretation comes from Ishtar and the Sandman Companion (which I haven't read but appears to include some absolutely insane hot takes that make zero sense and clearly just wanna be edgy and dark).
Other than Ishtar, who I have already now spoken about extensively, the only other female character he has actively hurt is Nada. Now the Nada story is horrifying, and I can't in good conscience defend Dream here. I'm with Death on this matter. It was a really shitty thing to do. Now, baring in mind Death hints that Desire had a lot more to do with that whole situation than they have ever let on, Dream's behaviour towards Nada was disgusting. She rejected him and he sent her to Hell for it. However, I don't think this is evidence of Dream's misogyny. What it is evidence of, is that Dream is an extremely prideful and hot tempered creature who does not take kindly to any response that he considers an insult.
Even with Alianora, all we know is that he became cold towards her, to the point that she wanted to leave him. We don't know anything more than that. Overture only shows that Alianora was upset and didn't want to be stuck with him anymore, and so Dream created an entire world for her to live in where she wouldn't have to see him. Remember that if Dream was truly cruel towards her he could have simply kicked her out of the Dreaming, left her to fend for herself in either the Waking World or sent her back to where she came from, even though she told him they would never accept her again. He respected her enough to give her a world of her own, even after she decided to leave him.
Now the comics as you have said give us absolutely ZERO indication that Dream was abusive towards Calliope. There is NOTHING. NADA. NIENTE. I have poured over every single page that includes Calliope as well as every reference. The only thing that comes close to indicating that he might have been cruel towards her was when she comments that "the old you would have left me here to rot" which is also more an indication of Morpheus' pride after being hurt/rejected than it is of abuse and misogyny. Had Calliope's capture and abuse at the hands of mortals happened much sooner, whilst their divorce was still a fresh wound it is probably far more likely that Morpheus would not have helped her, simply because he was still nursing his wounded pride after she left him (because the comic does make it clear that Calliope left Morpheus just like Nada rejected him and Alianora wished to leave him. Morpheus has never initiated any of his break ups. It was always the women who chose to leave him, therefore hurting him to the point that he lashed out like a wounded animal.)
Outside of ex lovers, he doesn't treat any other women badly. He clearly has a mutual respect for Lady Bast, who seems to adore him. He and Titania were lovers and are on very good terms. He is certainly on better terms with his sisters than he is his other siblings and he treats Mad Hettie far more respectfully than she usually gets treated. He was kind to Rose throughout the Dolls House, as you say. He was also extremely respectful of Barbie and even called her Princess Barbara to respect her dream kingdom. He treats Ruby respectfully and is shown to be genuinely upset and haunted by her death to the point that two other characters remark how odd it is that he even cares about the death of a mortal. He wasn't always tactful with Nuala - stripping her of her glamour in front of all the other Gods was a bit cruel, and an indication of how much he dislikes fairie magic even though he remains close to the fae in general, but Nuala also falls head over heels in love with him so he must have been treating her reasonably well for that to happen! He certainly doesn't take advantage of her the way she expects when her brother presents her as a gift. I think it's often forgotten about but Nuala was literally given to Morpheus as a gift to do with as he wished, the implication being that she was to be his whore. He never forces himself on her or treats her the way she is technically there for. If this comic was adapted by writers with a Game of Thrones mentality I shudder to think how Morpheus would treat Nuala. But Morpheus is far too respectful for that. There is nothing in the comics that even remotely indicates that he would take advantage of a woman or anyone. Hell, in the scenes with Ishtar he certainly isn't perving over the women or acting in any way less than utterly respectful and dignified. Even Matthew shows himself up in those scenes as being a bit of a pervert when he was a man. But not Morpheus. If he was a misogynist, wouldn't he be taking Cluracan up on his offer and fucking Nuala the moment he gets the chance even if she didn't want it? Since by fae law she is his property to do with as he sees fit. He is within his rights by the laws of the fae to force himself on Nuala whenever he wants. A horrible thought but a true one according to the comics. But just because he has that power over Nuala, he never uses it. And yet the Sandman Companion implies he's a rapist? Nah. I call bullshit. If he was a rapist he would have raped Nuala the moment he had the chance, and he has had plenty of chances.
Instead Morpheus requests that she be given quarters in the palace and made comfortable. He agrees to let her stay in the Dreaming because refusing her means refusing his gift which would cause Nuala harm if she returned to fairie. He never asks anything of her. She takes it upon herself to act as his maid simply to keep herself busy but Morpheus never orders her to do any of it. Honestly his treatment of Nuala given the situation is the biggest indication imo that he is NOT a misogynist, NOT a rapist, and certainly NOT abusive.
Then we have Lyta Hall. Poor confused Lyta Hall. The problem with Lyta, is that for Morpheus it was always simply bad timing. He never took the time to explain things to her properly because he was always either late for a meeting (with Hob) or about to go to Hell (to save Nada) or dealing with something that was distracting him at the time. Lyta reacts badly towards him because she blames him for Hectors death - which is stupid because she KNOWS Hector died before she ever met Morpheus (in both comic and show she knows this) and Morpheus is frustratingly lacking in tact when dealing with the overly emotional grieving pregnant widow. His treatment of Lyta is NEVER misogynistic though, even when she calls him names, yells at him, threatens him, etc etc. She is far more aggressively confrontational towards him than practically any other character and each time he sees her he is patient and calm with her and just sort of takes the abuse she throws at him - mostly because from his point of view she is just a grieving mortal with no power who is absolutely not a threat to him - which is why her being his ultimate doom is so ironic.
When I take all of this into consideration, I can't possibly come to any conclusion that supports this theory that Morpheus is a misogynist let alone a rapist. There are too many layers of interpretation to every moment in the comics and misogyny is only one of multiple interpretations in the few stories that can possibly be viewed that way. In fact, over the past day or so since these conversations have started again, I have actually moved further away from these interpretations and am more inclined to disagree with them and consider the other interpretations more compelling.
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avelera · 1 year
Sandman Meta: Hob has exactly zero way of figuring out who Dream is (before they reunite)
More than once in a fic I've written from Hob's POV I've had readers note their astonishment that Hob has not yet figured out Dream's identity, even if Dream does not reveal it himself.
Even in fics of mine where Dream reveals his name, like in Giving Sanctuary, I have Hob be slow on the uptake when it comes to the extent of Dream's powers, even things like being able to enter and control dreams, and the reason I do this is carefully considered and based in the fact that Hob would have no way of knowing who Dream is or by extension what he can do.
So I kind of want to take a step back and address in detail just how actually impossible it would be, objectively, for Hob to figure out who Dream is in a world that doesn't have The Sandman comic for him to read to figure it out.
This is, of course, because, from a Doylist angle, Neil's "Dream of the Endless" is not based in any single mythology. Indeed, Dream as we know him is cobbled together from at least three or more different mythological figures, none of which combine to actually form the "Dream of the Endless" we see in the show or read in the comics. The Endless are completely made up for the comic and the Sandman, Morpheus, and Oneiros are all from wildly different mythologies and none of them actually overlap to form the complete picture of who Dream is as an entity in the Sandman show or comic.
So even if someone straight-up told Hob that the person he meets is the Sandman, Morpheus, or Oneiros (btw, there is no singular figure of "Oneiros" in Greek mythology) he would still not be able to put together the full picture of who Dream is. Even if he's given the name "Dream of the Endless" to work with, those words combined don't mean anything on their own if you don't have what an Endless is filled in, because it was made up entirely for the comic. (Of course, a fanfic author absolutely could make up such a book for their fic but it would be a creation for that fic, serving a purpose within that story like to tip Hob off, though I think it's entirely reasonable to make up a book in the Sandman world that goes into detail on who the Endless are. The Magdalene Grimoire, btw, is not that book. It only talks about Death. Death is a figure in many mythologies including the Christian one, but Dream is not. Even Burgess needs the Corinthian to tell him who Dream is in the show, and he's an occultist.)
Couple all of this with Hob's personal experience with Dream, encountering him as part of a wager with Dream's sister Death to see if Hob could bear a life of immortality, you get far more clues that would send him hurtling off into a totally incorrect direction before you'd get anything close to the truth, if we assume only the books available in our world are available to him.
So the reason this is a bit of an irritation for me that there's this idea that Hob has "all the clues" to figure out who Dream is because it smacks of a logical fallacy.
Basically, it's easy to see that the answer to a complicated math problem is "obvious" if someone just hands the answer to you. But challenging people to actually solve it themselves could be quite a bit more complicated. And in this complex formula solving for "Who the fuck is Hob's mysterious stranger?" there's actually so many blank X's of unanswered questions that I genuinely think there's no way for Hob to solve this equation without someone giving him the answer.
Let's go through this systematically, using just what Hob knows as observed on screen in the show.
1389 - a pale man in all black with a ruby at his throat approaches Hob's table and challenges Hob to meet him there in 100 years. He then smiles enigmatically and leaves.
That's it. That's all Hob has to go off of. He never sees Death, he has no idea about the wager. As far as he knows, Dream gave him immortality. It would be the most logical conclusion given that the day before Hob didn't have immortality and the day after, presumably, he does.
1489 - The only confirmation he has is actually seeing Dream there in 1489 and the first thing he asks is, "How did you know that I'd be here?"
Dream does not answer him. Hob takes a few stabs at guessing his identity which reveals his Christian European context: are you a wizard, or a saint -- to be clear, these are two types of human magic users that make sense to Hob for his context. The only other figure he can think of is The Devil. He doesn't ask if Dream is a pagan god or a faerie, he assumes a man with arcane or divine magic, or the Devil.
Dream says that he's not the Devil, much good that would do if he was a Devil who could just presumably lie to Hob, and says he's interested in Hob's experience and implies that he will grant him another 100 years of life. He is sarcastic and unimpressed about Hob's wonder at the world. He doesn't even actually show much interest in Hob being in the printing business. He only shows a spark of interest in Hob's continued desire to live, and then immediately takes off.
1589 - The only new information Hob gets this year is 1) Dream is supremely uninterested in food or the wealth Hob has earned, or his family, and 2) puny little Will Shaxberd, a crap playwright with no shot at becoming anything more, suddenly becomes a famous playwright. He would eventually become a renowned playwright in his day but keep in mind, Shakespeare didn't actually become mega famous centuries after his death. In his day, many people thought other playwrights like Marlowe were better.
My point is, from this Hob doesn't necessarily get even the pieces to determine that Dream likes art. It might seem obvious to us because Dream is Prince of Stories, but that's not the offer Dream gives Shaxberd. He just asks if it is Will's will to create dreams to spur the minds of men. Yes, we know that Dream wants Will to make dreams for him, but in Hob's context, Dream is just asking what Will would sell his soul for, just like he overheard Hob saying he had no intention of dying. From this perspective the only strong conclusion Hob can draw is that Dream grants wishes.
From this, Hob could conclude that Dream is a djinn/genie, or perhaps a faerie, but there is absolutely nothing to indicate he's associated with dreams or literature directly besides a mention of creating dreams nested in the context of asking Shaxberd what he wants, giving him a supernatural gift much like the one Hob believes Dream gave him.
At this point, the domains of Dream's power are very muddled for Hob because he doesn't know Death gave him immortality. So as far as he knows, Dream can give immortality AND make an amateur playwright into the greatest writer who ever lived. Putting these two things together does not bring you naturally to the domain of dreams by any stretch.
(I will note here, that in Giving Sanctuary, I had Hob learn that "Death" is Dream's sister before he learns Dream's name. There, his initial conclusion is that Dream must therefore be Famine, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and the one known for wearing black (and not eating seems like a clue with Dream too) my point being that having another, small piece of the whole puzzle still would probably send him flying off in the wrong direction given his cultural context.)
1789: The next time Hob gets any hint that Dream has powers is with Lady Johanna. He uses his sand to show her her, "old ghosts". Note, she does not fall asleep but rather begins to hallucinate.
The Sandman myth has its origins of Scandinavia and it is first written down in in "Der Sandmann" a context that Hob might have access to, if he's very well read, in the early 1800s. By the way, the description of the Sandman in that book bears a striking resemblance to the Corinthian, because he eats the eyes of naughty children, and very little to Dream beyond the use of sand in his magic.
There is absolutely nothing to link the Sandman to Morpheus the Roman God of Dreams, who was made up entirely by Ovid in the Metamorphoses and never mentioned anywhere before that. That's because Neil Gaiman was the first to link those two mythological figures.
And on that note, there is no Oneiros attested to in Hesiod. The mention of Oneiros is actually to the "Oneiroi" an entire tribe of dreams and nightmares who are the children of Night (Nix). There's Hypnos (Sleep) who is the brother of Thanatos (Death) but that is about as close as we get to the Endless in any other mythological source besides the comics. And again, Dream does not put Johanna to sleep, he makes her hallucinate.
1889- Again, there is precious little to go off of. Dream is tight-lipped as ever. The only thing he gives away is that Lady Johanna later helped him with a task, a fact Hob is visibly annoyed and I daresay jealous about, and when he lashes out he refers to himself as, "One such as I."
But "One such as I," only reveals something Hob already knew: that Dream thinks highly of himself. That doesn't actually reveal that Dream is even magical, he could just be nobility or a powerful immortal magic user and refer to himself that way. Hob already knows that Dream is magical, and immortal, and probably some sort of high born or aristocrat. He's probably known that since 1389 given how Dream was dressed and given that giant fuck-off ruby (which actually might make Hob, in that day, wonder if Dream was a relation to the Black Prince)
That's it. That is the grand total of everything Hob has seen of Dream.
Hob in the comic will eventually admit, in The Wake, that he figured out who Dream was on his own. But this is after Seasons of Mist when Dream toasts him in Hob's dream and Hob wakes up with the impossible bottle of wine on his bedside. He has another encounter too with Dream where Dream eventually accedes to Hob's request to make the men who killed Audrey, his dead girlfriend, know who she was. Presumably, Dream makes them dream of her.
So Hob in the comics by the time we get to The Wake has more to go off of to make the link to the Lord of Dreams. Hob as we see him in the show, has had much less to go off of.
Even if you give Hob one piece of the puzzle, like one of the names like Morpheus, or The Sandman, or Oneiros, that still doesn't help give him the whole picture. The word "Endless" would be meaningless. He would have to have read at least three pretty obscure books that span a period of 2,000 years (between Hesiod and Der Sandmann) to get the three books that Neil primarily drew from to combine these figures into the Dream of the comic.
Look, my point is, unless someone gives the answer to Hob, and explains the full extent of what the Endless are, he's got little to go off of. Arguably, not enough at all to solve for "X" as to who Dream is, even if he's given more pieces. This would be a tough problem to solve.
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gabessquishytum · 9 months
Okay okay so i know i JUST sent that pervy hob creeping on waiter dream ask but i came up w more bc im not well.
Dream doesnt want anyone but his supervisor Lucienne to know hes Morpheus Endless bc hes 19 and everything is a catastrophic level of embarrassment at the age of 19 also hes afraid he might get picked on or hazed or something. Hes shy and most of the summer employees are his age but everyone is either nice or neutral but not mean. He gets invited to a few staff bonfires and kinda sits at the edge and keeps to himself bc hes never done this or been allowed to have friends before but its pleasant and sometimes someone will come over and make small talk to help him feel included. The Corinthian is a poolboy, he makes jokes about it constantly saying how hes trying to have as much gay sex as possible and being poolboy seemed the best bet. Hes charming and isnt weird about dream being sorta gender neutral/fluid and dream Likes him. The Corinthian saw hob slap dreams ass that first time and matthew told dream he had to physically hold the Corinthian back so he didn't go beat a guest up. Dream sits with the Corinthian on the dock and thanks him for his gallantry and the Corinthian is shy being alone w him all like "well,, i didnt do it for anything other than selfish reasons im hoping to get some nepo points when you go back home" and dream is all shook and worried now but the Corinthian laughs like "yeah you should've chose a different nickname if you didnt want to be associated with the god of SLEEP" but he doesn't tell anyone and even catches on to dreams vague rambling explanations of being Into hob which he only teases him a LITLLE for which is very generous in his opinion. Things get hot and heavy in both directions and its a proper YA summer romance love triangle. The Corinthian is kinda worried when dream texts him to come to hobs suite but hes kinda looking to get into it w this asshole anyway but when he shows up its hob who answers and dream is a blushy blissed out mess in the sheets and hob explains how dream was going to go to the Corinthian first and now hob wants to see what the Corinthian would have done to his darling now that his virginity is already taken now:) they have a really hot really psychosexual threesome and dream gets to take both of them in one night and go to bed pressed up between them❤️
AHH yeah here's a link to the last resort au we talked about.
I always love the idea of Hob and Cori competing over Dream, and this is a really nice way for it happen. The love triangle is so tense and sexy.
Hob is still giving all his attention to Dream - flirting, touching, teasing him all day long. But there are moments when Dream actually has to do his job for half a moment instead of just being a toy for Hob to enjoy. When Dream is off folding towels or helping in the dining room, Hob takes the opportunity to pounce on Cori.
And Cori doesn't just accept it like Dream does. He calls Hob a dirty old man, threatens to report him, even holds the knife he was using to slice fruit to Hob’s throat at one point. Mostly its because he doesn't want to steal Dream’s man when he knows there's feelings there. But also, he's really enjoying the thrill of the chase.
So when he's invited to Hob’s suite, it's fair to say that the sexual tension is heavy. Cori pretends to be all focused on Dream (and he is!! Absolutely thrilled to get between Dream’s legs finally) but he's glancing at Hob the whole time, daring him to do something. Hob is only too happy to oblige.
Cori finally gets to fuck Dream (having Hob’s sloppy seconds is more of turn on than he'll ever admit). All while Hob tongue-fucks Cori's hole. Cori has never been rimmed like that before and he has to admit that Hob is talented. He barely lasts any time before coming inside Dream, but he can't even begin to care. This is the gay sex he was hoping for.
Cori is definitely getting those nepo points for making Dream cum. And don't tell anyone, but he totally sucked Hob’s dick. He had to do something to make sure that he's invited back for more!!
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miraclesabound · 2 years
Love in Idleness
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Summary: Johanna’s friend Annie thinks she imagined the way Morpheus looks at her - and then she gets exposed to a plant that shows her the truth.
Also available on AO3. 
Pairing: Morpheus/F!Plus-Size!OC Annie Magdalene (written in second person)
Notes: My first ever sex pollen fic! I’ve been toying with this idea since before the show premiered. Johanna, Matthew, Lucienne, Death and Desire all make appearances. Annie is an original character, but I’ve written her in second person so that she can be read as any race.  Set after Season 1 - Johanna is still dealing with the fallout from losing Rachel.
FAN ART by @miranhas-art​
Content/Warnings: Sex pollen, self-doubt related to weight, Desire actually NOT being a little shit for once, but it still blowing up in their face, worries about mortality, canon-typical language, fingering, PiV sex/dream sex. In the intro, items related to funeral preparation and difficulty with grief.
Tags: @writeforfandoms, @insomniamamma, @edwardmunsen,  @darklingveracruz, @morpheus-helm, @bowieandqueen11, @mylifeisactuallyamess, @whovianayesha, @blueeyesatnight, @yayforawesome​
Normally, a large raven landing on your windowsill would catch your attention. However, you’ve been knee-deep in paperwork for weeks. Johanna had called you to tell you about Rachel dying, and you’ve been handling the administrative side of things while Jo assists Sam, Rachel’s father. You don’t mind doing it – Johanna’s been your best friend since you were six, and she loved Rachel. That’s more than enough reason for you to direct your research efforts towards something useful instead of studying your family’s grimoires all day. As such, it takes the raven clearing his throat for you to look his way. Your eyes widen when he begins to speak.
“I’m looking for Johanna Constantine – am I in the right place? I have a note for her.” He lifts one of his legs, and you see a band of paper secured there.
“Uh…yes…” You stand up from your desk and poke your head into the hallway. “JO!” you call out. “Can you come in here a sec?” You only hope you don’t sound panicked.
Johanna shows up quickly, and she looks you over. “You ok, Annie? What’s – oh!” She sees the raven, and her eyes light up in recognition. “Matthew, is that you?”
“Hi, Johanna,” the raven says. “Yeah, it’s me – the boss wanted to give you this.”
Johanna sees the paper and gently unwraps it from Matthew’s leg. Opening it, she reads over the words with a slight frown. “How soon does he want an answer?” she asks.
“As soon as possible,” Matthew tells her. “Just call out for him, and he’ll come by. You both have a good night.” He flies off, and Jo shows you the note.
Muttering to yourself, you read aloud, “For your service, you are hereby invited to the Palace of the Dreaming as – wait, WHAT???”
“It’s real,” Johanna reassures you. “Keep reading.”
Clearing your throat, you start up again. “You are hereby invited to the Palace of the Dreaming as the guest of Dream of the Endless. An invitation has also been sent to Death and Desire. Please respond promptly with your attendance.”
You jokingly shove Johanna’s arm. “You met Dream of the Endless, from the family that the Magdalene family has studied for four hundred years, and you didn’t tell me??”
You realize your tone was misplaced when Jo looks at you sadly. “He’s the one who eased Rachel’s passing. I thought that made us even for me helping find his sand, but I guess he wanted to offer another boon.”
“I’m sorry,” you tell her. “I shouldn’t have teased.”
She waves away your concern. “No fuss – but I can tell you, I won’t be fit company right now, my head’s still kinda fucked.” She taps her lip. “Ya know, I have an idea. Got any paper you can spare?”
You tear off a piece from the notepad you’ve been using and pass her a pen. She writes the word MORPHEUS with intentional, bold strokes – quite different from her usual scratchy handwriting. When she’s done, she looks to you. “Want to do the honors?”
Realizing what she’s doing, you nod, and clear your throat. With clear intonation, you say, “I call upon Morpheus, Dream of the Endless.” Not even a tenth of a second after you finish speaking, the walls shake, and the lights begin to flicker. Jo squeezes your hand in reassurance.
When the lights and shaking cease, you realize that there’s now a third person in the room. He’s tall, black-haired, and his eyes will steal your breath if you’re not careful. Combine that with his dark attire and gorgeous features, and he’s exactly your type. When he speaks, his voice is like dark honey. “Who is it that called me?”
“That was us, boss,” Johanna says. The man turns to see the both of you. “Matthew brought your note.”
“I’m glad to see you well, Constantine. Then you’ll be joining me for family dinner?” he asks.
Johanna shakes her head. “I’m afraid I’d be bad company – I’m still handling some of Rachel’s affairs, and I don’t much feel like small talk. However…” she gently pushes you towards him. “This is my friend Annie Magdalene – she is from a very prestigious magical bloodline. It might benefit her to visit the Palace.”
“Jo, what are you doing??” you hiss.
“Giving you an in – you think your parents would ever forgive you if you had a chance to dine with an Endless and didn’t take it?”
“Magdalene?” he cuts in. “I know that name.”
Gathering your courage, you say, “We’re a family of practitioners and magical historians, sir – sire…what would you have me call you?” You know full well that if you insult him, you definitely won’t get the invite, and you may suffer something painful to boot.
However, he offers you a small, warm smile that makes your heart flip. “You may call me Dream or Morpheus, Miss Magdalene. And is this what you wish as well?” You’re not sure, but he seems to be looking appreciatively at your curves and rolls.
“Only if it’s no trouble.”
“None at all. If you’re willing, I’d like to spend some time with you before you come to the Palace next week. May I see you later tonight?”
Johanna is smiling in approval of your good fortune, but you must admit you’re still a little confused. “Where would we meet?” you ask.
“Leave that to me,” Morpheus says.
You’ve visited this vineyard many times in your dreams, but this is the first time you’ve had company. As you pluck a grape from one of the vines, a voice close behind you asks, “Are they almost ready?”
You’re startled only for a second, but when you turn around and see Morpheus, you smile. Of course, he would visit you in your dreams. You hold the grape out to him. “See for yourself?”
He opens his hand, and you drop the grape to him. He catches it deftly between two fingers and turns it this way and that to get a proper look at it. “Perfect color and shape – and the right level of firmness. Beautiful work, Miss Magdalene.”
His compliment warms you, but you feel the need to be honest. “I don’t know how much credit I can take,” you tell him. “I’ve been dreaming of this place since I was a kid, and it was already beautiful then.”
“Then at least someone is here to treasure it.” The conversation flows easily from there, and you wake up with a smile on your face.
The next several nights are much the same. Morpheus appears in the vineyard to spend time with you, whether to chat or just to sit together. You find in these times that Morpheus is not just a beautiful face. He has the mind of a poet, and sometimes, you love to just listen to his words. He does his best not to dominate your conversations, but his voice inspires the best nights of sleep you’ve had in a long time.
The one thing you do notice is that he doesn’t give you that same appraising look again that he offered the first time you met. Perhaps it’s just him being a gentleman, but you’re worried. Did you misread him when you met him? You’d thought it was appreciation, but he just doesn’t seem interested in your body like he was before.
It stings, but you’ll live. True friendship with a member of the Endless is still worth more than your weight in gold and wine – you’ll take it for the gift it is.
On the day of the event, you dream of the Palace for the first time. It’s utterly gorgeous – truly the home of a king in his prime. The structure is perfectly engineered, and the gardens stretch on for miles. You’re tempted to go exploring, but then Morpheus calls out to you.
You walk over the great bridge, and he’s waiting there with a woman you haven’t met before. He introduces her – Lucienne, his Chief Librarian – and she shakes your hand warmly. “So glad you could make it, Miss Magdalene,” she says with true sincerity. “We don’t often have guests when it’s not a matter of state.”
“And I truly appreciate that,” you tell her. “From what I’ve studied, I know this isn’t typical.”
Lucienne nods, and then turns to Morpheus as the three of you walk past the hippogriff, wyvern and griffin who guard the palace entrance. “All invitations have been answered as of today, my lord. Death and Desire will be in attendance. However,” she looks at Morpheus over her glasses. “Desire did specify that they will not be able to attend the dinner itself. They will arrive afterwards.”
You almost miss the way Morpheus rolls his eyes, but the annoyance is still present in his tone. “I appreciate them giving notice, I suppose – but it would have been nice to know sooner.”
Lucienne shrugs. “They would have given the kitchen a headache anyway.”
You do your best to contain a snort, and you’re relieved when you hear a laugh echo behind you. “It’s true – I remember how the last dinner went.” The voice comes from a lovely woman with a warm smile, curly black hair, and dark skin. “I don’t think even they knew what they wanted; they simply couldn’t be satisfied.”
“Sister, I greet you,” Morpheus says. “Miss Magdalene, this is my older sister, the Lady Death. Sister, this is Miss Annie Magdalene. She’s a friend of the Constantine family, and she is my guest for this dinner.” You feel a slight shiver pass through you – you realize it’s the first time he’s actually said your first name.
If Death sees your reaction, she’s kind enough to be discreet. Instead, she pulls you into a hug, quite possibly the best one you’ve ever had. “Well, any friend of Dream’s is a friend of mine – would you like to sit next to me for the dinner?”
“That would be wonderful,” you tell her, and you mean it.
The dinner goes beautifully – the food is perfect, of course, but it’s the company that really makes it. Death is especially chatty, and she tells you of the worlds she’s seen and the people she’s met. In turn, you explain to her and Morpheus how your family came to study theirs.
The meal concludes, and while you’re certain there will be further conversation at the table, you find yourself wanting to wander. While Death and Morpheus’s backs are turned, you find a side door and turn the handle. It opens into the courtyard, and as you walk out, you see an archway leading into the Palace gardens.
“It’s not safe to walk in there alone, you know,” a voice purrs behind you. When you turn, you see a devastatingly gorgeous blond person leaning against the garden entryway. From your family’s books, you recognize that this must be Morpheus’ sibling Desire. They’re almost a little too pretty, you think. Their hair is perfectly coiffed, their make-up and smile are razor sharp, and their black blazer is open, showing a slender build that would put even the most renowned model to shame. Good grief, is everyone in this family stunning?
“You must be that Magdalene woman I’ve heard about,” they say. “An invite to my brother’s palace is no small matter – what favor did you manage to grant him, sweetling?”
You know from your research that this being is temperamental at best and an active saboteur at worst – but when they offer their arm, you still accept it. Indeed, as you begin to traverse the gardens together, you find yourself spilling your guts about everything – Morpheus’ invitation to Johanna, her arranging for you to visit instead, the many dreams you’ve had where you and Morpheus simply talk…
“Then you and my brother are courting?” Desire asks.
You’d been smiling while discussing your and Morpheus’ conversations, but Desire’s question makes your heart deflate. “It’s not like that,” you tell them. “I thought there was something there, but I don’t think I’m his type. I’m not slim and elegant like Johanna, and I’m just a researcher, not a practitioner – and a fat one at that.”
You appreciate Desire not immediately trying to say that you’re not plump. You’ve always hated when people do that – you know what you are, and it’s better to be a realist, even in a place like this.
You’ve come to a grove full of beautiful purple flowers – pansies, if you’re not mistaken. Your fingers drift towards one, but Desire quickly catches your wrist. “I wouldn’t do that, sweetling – you’re mortal after all. Allow me.” With their free hand, they pluck the bloom and tuck it behind your ear. Unfortunately, neither of you notice the spray of pollen and juice that comes loose from the vine when the flower is plucked. Instead, your attention is drawn to a marble bench, and the two of you sit down together.
“I won’t speak to my brother’s desires,” Desire tells you. “But I don’t know of any woman who shouldn’t walk with flowers in her hair at least once.” They smile as they arrange the strands of your hair and secure the blossom. “There – lovely as a picture.”
Your own smile returns briefly. “Thank you, I – ” you cut off with a hiss. “SHIT, my head…”
“Are you all right?” Desire asks. “Let me bring you back inside.”
“I think that’s a good idea,” you agree. You stand up, take maybe three steps – and then your feet go out from under you as the heat and pain move down into your chest.
Desire catches you before you can hit your head. You could swear you see true panic in their molten gold eyes. “Fuck – fuck fuck fuck!” they mutter. Raising their voice, they call for help – “MORPHEUS! DEATH! SOMEONE HELP!!!”
There must be a summoning power in Desire’s call. The palace is at least fifty yards away, but Morpheus and Death appear in the grove immediately. It’s Death who moves first – she helps you back to the bench, and when you’re seated, she has you face her, looking at your eyes. “Talk to me, Annie,” she says. “When did this start – just now?”
“Uh-huh,” you nod. “I think I need to go home – ” Another flash of heat rolls through you, and this time, you feel it between your legs. “What is happening to me??”
Morpheus turns to Desire, and his eyes go black, only his pupils showing as pricks of starlight. “What did you do, sibling?” You bite your lip to avoid moaning – the dangerous tone he’s using now makes you want to crawl over and worship at his feet.
“Nothing, I swear!” Desire protests. “We were having conversation, and I picked a flower for her to wear – I thought it would look nice!”
They gesture in your direction, and Morpheus finally sees the purple bloom in your hair. He doesn’t curse, but he rips the flower away, stomping it under his foot.  Turning back to Desire, he slaps them hard across the face. “I TOLD you! I told you what would happen if you interfered with me or mine again. And now you use Love-in-Idleness to poison an honored guest??”
To their credit, Desire takes the hit like an absolute champion. Shaking off their pain, they look Morpheus straight in the eyes. “I didn’t know what this was, brother. Besides, I thought Love-in-Idleness made you fall for the first person you saw after exposure. I can tell – it’s not me she wants.”
“There were multiple variants,” Morpheus says. “Will Shakespeare put the version you describe in his play – but he considered different ideas. All of them ended up here in my gardens. Do you not see how suspicious it looks that you just happened to pick the version that amplified sexual desire?”
“Intentional or not, something has to be done,” Death says. Her hand is pleasantly cool where she checks your temperature. “She’s feverish and her pulse is wild. Today isn’t the day she has an appointment with me, but unless someone who cares for her gets this out of her system, that could change.”
“Appointment??” Your eyes go wide. “I don’t want to die!” You double over as another spasm racks your body.
“We won’t let that happen.” Morpheus says. Kneeling before you, he kisses your knuckles like a knight of old, and his eyes return to their usual shade of blue. “We’ll find the one you want – he must be here in the Dreaming somewhere. He’ll fix this.”
Tears fill your eyes, even as the feel of his lips makes you ache. “Then I’m doomed – you don’t want me back.”
It’s unknown if Morpheus of the Endless has a heart in the human sense, but at the very least, he has a soul. Right now, it feels like it’s being ripped away. “You…you truly believe that?” he asks. “Even with the time we’ve spent together?”
“Unfortunately, that’s exactly what she believes,” Desire says. “When we were talking, she was convinced that you weren’t the woman for her.”
It’s Death who gets to business. “Desire, you know these things – can you confirm that Morpheus and Annie have the same feelings for each other?”
“My sister, I swear it on our parents.” Desire’s smirk is completely gone.  “Our brother is unaffected by the pollen but still cares, and Miss Magdalene was practically glowing when she talked about him, even before we came to the grove. The affection is mutual.”
Your gaze flicks to Morpheus, your eyes still brimming with tears. You don’t dare ask if it’s true – if Desire is misinformed, the heartbreak might kill you before the drug does.
However, all doubts are erased when Morpheus walks over to you and lifts you into his arms in a full bridal carry. You cling tightly to him, even knowing that he wouldn’t let you fall. Death and Desire briefly look at each other, and then they disappear. Before you can ponder that too much, Morpheus leans in and kisses your forehead. “I’m going to take care of you, sweetheart – I promise.”
Your surroundings fade – and then they reform into an elegant bedroom suite inside the Palace. The cool sheets where Morpheus lies down with you sooth some of the tension in your body instead of scratching like your sheets back home do. Nevertheless, your system is singing for your Dream Lord’s touch. Reaching behind you, you try to find him, but he grabs your wrist and pins it down in front of you.
“Annie, listen to me,” he says. “I need to make you come at least once so that I know you’re safe from danger. After that, I’m all yours. Can you be good and let me work?” You can barely manage to tell him that yes, you’ll be good, you’ll do whatever he wants – when he promises to get you off, you almost black out imagining what he might have in mind. “That’s my girl.” He releases your wrist, and your fingers tangle in the sheets.
Morpheus kisses the point where your neck meets your shoulder, and you can’t help the shudder that rolls through you. You’re sensitive at the best of times, but with the flower in your system, you feel like you’re going to break into pieces. “Morpheus, please…” you beg, “I need you!”
He knows full well that you’re speaking of your survival, not just your arousal. As such, he hurries to help you get naked from the waist down. Morpheus isn’t immune to your shape or sounds, and he promises himself he’ll lavish you with affection – later. Right now, he needs to make sure you’ll be ok.
Once your hips and legs are bare to him, he turns your face towards him. “I need you to use your words, sweetheart – I may know your dreams, but I’m not a mind-reader. What will work for you?”
“I need at least two fingers inside while my clit gets rubbed,” you tell him. “I usually like to edge myself a while but – FUCK!” Another heavy wave of arousal and heat hits you, and you swear that you can feel your heart falling out of rhythm.
“Understood.” Morpheus gives you a quick kiss and gets to work.
His clever thick fingers find the right spot almost immediately, and you groan in relief. Even just being filled is helping quite a bit. You vaguely remember a legend from the grimoire stating that Morpheus had been married at least once – you can’t say you’re surprised. With how he’s using his hands, this is clearly someone who knows how to please a partner. You don’t think you’ve ever been this wet in your life.
Your orgasm catches you off-guard, hitting you with enough force that you think your heart did in fact explode. But no – as you come down, you realize that the edge with the pollen was so painful that your current adrenaline buzz feels sleepy by comparison.
Morpheus places a hand on your neck, finding your pulse. Your heartrate is still elevated, but not nearly as high as it was before. When you turn to face him, a lazy smile on your face, he feels his own relief as well. He kisses you again – but now, he can be a bit more leisurely. Pulling you on top of him, he keeps your mouths connected and lets his hands wander.
You’re so plush, he realizes – wherever he touches, his fingers sink into your flesh. If he didn’t know better, he’d think you were made of his own sand – a sculpture of soft perfection.
That very flesh is still warm to the touch, even if the worst of the fever is gone. Breaking the kiss, he notes how you chase his mouth with yours, and he asks, “Do you still burn, sweet girl?”
You nod. “You were wonderful, Morpheus – but yes, it’s still pretty intense.”
“Then let’s fix it.” Taking your hand, he places it over his crotch with a smirk. “For both of us?”
You feel his hardness and gulp. “Where do you want me?” you ask.
“You’re perfect where you are, darling – but I want to see more of you.” After you take off your shirt and bra, he sits up so you’re in his lap. “Beautiful,” he says, and you can see from the look in his eyes that he means it. You’re not a virgin, but you can’t remember any time that a partner looked at you with such pure hunger. Even if you didn’t still have the flower in your system, those beautiful eyes would reduce you to a puddle.
Your cunt pulses, and you’re thankful for Morpheus holding you up. “What about you?” you ask breathlessly. He snaps his fingers, and you now feel his naked hardness beneath you.
“Can I have you, Annie?” His voice is low and deep, but not demanding. “I want you to be safe and I want you.”
“I’m yours,” you tell him. If you’re honest with yourself, you were his as soon as you met him, flower or no flower.
Once you say that, he doesn’t waste any time. You’re still incredibly wet after your first orgasm, and there’s barely any resistance when he slides his cock inside of you.
You may be on top, but Morpheus is the one setting the pace. He may look slender, but his arms are strong around your middle, and he lifts you with minimal effort up and down on himself. You suppose you shouldn’t be surprised – the way he carried you earlier, it’s obvious that your weight is no imposition to him.
What is a surprise is the tenderness he’s trying to include, even as he fucks you silly. For every thrust that rocks you to the core, there’s a stroke or caress of your arm, your hip, your face… It’s as if he’s trying to remind you that you’re here and you’re safe.
Your orgasm builds more slowly this time – it’s the glow of an ember more than the roar of a flame. Still, your desperation to come remains high, and you whine into Morpheus’s shoulder as the glow grows. He chuckles slightly, and taps your back to make you look him in the eyes. “Kiss me and I’ll give you what you want. Can you do that for me?” he asks.
You lock your lips onto his, and you groan into his mouth as he starts stroking your clit. You swear you can feel his smile as he strokes faster and faster…
When you come, it cascades out from your core like the feeling of slipping into a bath – you can tell that the fire inside is finally quenched. You still appreciate the jolt you feel as Morpheus disconnects your lips and finishes as well, but your heart isn’t catapulting around your rib cage anymore. However, a new kind of anxiety is settling in.
Morpheus sees the look of concern on your face and wipes a few beads of sweat off your forehead. “Are you all right?” he asks. “I know this was sudden.”
“Should I be worried about getting pregnant?” you wonder. You really like this man, this god, this Morpheus – but you don’t know if you’re ready for a baby, even with someone that you could easily fall in love with.
“No – for our kind, child-bearing is a very intentional process.” You swear you see a shadow of sorrow flit through Morpheus’s eyes. It’s gone before you can analyze it too deeply, and he says, “I wouldn’t surprise you with that, especially in these circumstances.”
He pulls out of you slowly, and you kiss his cheek to let him know you’re ok. “What now?” you ask. “I would ask if I can sleep over, but I guess I’m already doing that.”
Morpheus lets out a brief laugh. “I understand your meaning, darling.” He wraps a blanket around you, and with a wave of his hand, you’re back in the dream version of your own bedroom. “You’ve had an intense experience – I think resting in your own space will be best.”
“For…how long?” you ask. “I’d like to see you again.” You’d like to do a lot more than that, but you don’t want to seem desperate.
“You will soon enough,” he promises, and kisses your cheek. “Rest well, Annie.”
It ends up being about three weeks later, but Morpheus does keep his word to you. You’re dreaming of the vineyard again for the first time since the dinner, and as you turn a corner, he’s there waiting for you. He pulls you into a firm embrace and kisses the side of your forehead. “Have you been well?” he asks.
You nod. “I’m feeling a hundred times better, but I did miss you.”
“I missed you too – but there were arrangements I had to make before I could come check on you.”
“Oh?” You truly don’t know what he might mean by that.
Letting you go, he squeezes your hand. “I had thought,” he says, “that perhaps we could go on a tour of the Dreaming together, and I needed to map a route. You’ve only seen your section and the Palace, after all.”
You smile wide. “Is my Lord Morpheus asking me on a date?”
He returns your grin, even if his smile is more understated. “Yes, I am – I don’t want my intentions to be unclear this time.”
Linking your arm into his, you ask, “Where to?”
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thenightmistress · 2 years
“Love is Irrelevant to people like Us.” ~ Part 1
Paring: Dream of the endless/Morpheus x Vampire/hybrid OC Fem!Reader, Hob Gadling x reader
18+ You have been warned! Proceed with caution!
A/N: I have unfortunately have not read the comics so it will be based off the show and mythology that surrounds the characters.
Warnings: Blood, violence, make-out scene, dead person, alcohol, consumption of blood, mentions of other TV show characters like in Good Omens, TVD, and Tom Ellis’s Lucifer along with the Sandmans Lucifer, Morpheus cause he is his own warning, eventual smut, slow burn, Hob being the best wingman, Matthew cause why not, Not really enemies to lovers but not friends to lovers, idk.
Summary: Life is a strange thing, so fragile, yet gives us the courage to keep going. It’s what makes us human, after all. Ultimately, we all end up in the same place in the loving embrace of death, helping us move on to the next life, but what happens to those who come back? What happens to the undead? The ones who escaped the clutches of death yet are quite alive? Life is a strange thing; so much to learn, so much to love, and so many dreams to explore, but there is always a price to life, even immortal ones. Mother Nature will always claim what is rightfully hers, and no one, not even the Endless, can say no.
Word count: 1,566
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Not my GIF
It was a harsh winter nothing grew; the people were starving, but the brothels were filled to brim with people of all classes. Noble mixing with commoners, lords playing with whores, and men musing about fantasies and dreams far beyond their mortal minds can comprehend. As you sat at the table, men would stare at you not only because you looked to be of Nobel birth but because you were a woman in a brothel in men's clothing. Such a scandal would ruin any woman of any station good thing no one knew your name, only your good friend which you met centuries ago, Hob.
The year was 1589; you had come from France back home to England. The night was unbelievably cold; a regular mortal would catch their death out here, but for you, it was like a windy day in autumn. Spending days on end on a ship with nothing but men and their whores, a breeding ground for disease, it was a long and tiresome trip but being back where it all began brings comfort.
You were walking the cold streets of England when you stumbled upon a brothel, one you had seen many times but could never enter, so you hid in the darkened ally for any poor sod to walk past, and the night would claim its next victim. You could hear the overlapping voice of the men inside, drinking and telling tales from lands far away, but your mind was yelling at you. To hurry, to feed, drink, till your heart desire, so like an animal on the hunt, you would take the next man to exit the brothel.
A few minutes passed when you heard the door open and close. You listed three heartbeats; they spoke of nonsense, the perfect pry. Two of the men walked in the direction of the illuminated street whilst the other headed in your direction.
The hunt has begun. The man was walking in your direction when you stumbled out of your hiding place, pretending to be drunk and bumping into him. “Ooo I–I ssorry how silly of me,” you said, looking so out of it. The man took one look at you and helped you off of him. “It’s quite alright, dear; what is a pretty thing like you doing here all on her lonesome,” he said while caressing your face. You tried to hide the discussed look on your face when he did that. If your veins didn’t feel like sandpaper against you: you would have ripped his arm right off, but beggars can’t be choosers, not in this case.
So you looked up at the man through your lashes with the biggest doe eye you could conquer and said, “Maybe I didn't want to be on my lonesome anymore.” With this, the man looked hungrily at your lips before kissing you. He kissed you passionately; his tongue wanted access to your mouth, so you granted it to him. Unknowingly to him, you were slowly pushing him into the dark ally away from any prying eyes.
As you were kissing him, his hands began to wander. They went up your shirt, and you let the man do this and bit down on his bottom lip as to where it drew blood. Blood filled your mouth, and you pushed back. The man looked at you, so you said, “Oh dear me, I am terribly sorry, I I didn’t mean to.” They responded with, “it’s ok; it’s only blood” “your right. It’s only blood.”
You kissed him once more before landing the killing blow. Your eyes went dark and red where the white is supposed to be, veins popping out from under your eyes, teeth as sharp as daggers ready to eat. You looked into the man's eyes, and before he could scream in horror or do anything, you told him to keep calm, don’t scream, don’t run, just stay still and quiet. With this, you went to the man's neck and sunk your teeth in. You didn’t know if it was the alcohol or the fact that you hadn’t fed in months, but his blood was magnificent, almost euphoric almost, you continued to feed on the man until his heart stopped beating, and you let go.
His lifeless body dropped to the ground, and you took a moment to catch your breath while staring into the sky. You cleaned up your face and turned around to see a man standing there in shock. Shit is all you could think. How much had he seen? Were you so caught up in feeding that you didn’t hear anyone come down this way? You made direct eye contact with the man. His heart was beating out of his chest. Maybe he didn’t see as much as you think. The man backed away slowly and bolted out of there.
SHIT, SHit shit! For a mortal, he can sure run fast, but you're faster, so when he turned the corner thinking he lost you, there you were right behind him.
The man was trying to catch his breath and make a run for it, but you grabbed onto his wrist with such force he had only felt once before. You dragged him into a nearby ally, and he asked, “What are you?” there was much fear in the man's eyes but no surprise. “What I am is none of your concern; better yet, who are you, and why were you watching me?” The man introduced himself as Hob Gadling. “Well, Hob Gadling, why were you watching me?” “Sorry for staring. It’s just I saw your long coat and, um tall menacing figure, so I thought you were my friend I was waiting for.” The look on your face was strained, and he noticed it too. “But I saw you hunched over the man. At first, I thought it was him, then the body fell, and there was blood on your face, and I saw my mistake.” “You think I’m a fool; you think so little of me to tell me such a lie,” you said, backing him into the wall behind him. He wasn’t wrong; you are menacing; nothing is stopping you from killing him, but who did he think you were? Long coat, tall menacing, could it be Elijah, Klaus, Crowley, or maybe Lucifer?
You looked back at the man in the eyes and asked, “Who do you think I am, and be honest; your life may depend upon it.” “I I told you I thought you were my friend; I do not know his name, but we met in that brothel every 100 years for the past 200 years, and he will be there any second, and if I’m not there, he’ll probably kill us both.”
Huh? It couldn’t be any of the originals last I heard; Klaus has three of his siblings daggered in a coffin and Elijah by his side, his voice of reason; not only that, but they're in Bulgaria looking for the Petrova doppelganger. The man was telling the truth; you compelled it out of him. He saw the confusion in your eyes, and he spoke up. “You don’t know who I speak of, do you?”
“Not a chance, I’ll let you go, but first I’ll make you forget this encounter” “What? No” “NO!?” “Want me to say it in Spanish, no!” Who does he think he is? “What makes you think I’ll let you leave with your life?” “I think you and I will be close friends” “Why?” “I’ll tell you in 100 years.” “Huh, 100 years then,” you said with a smug smile, and you walked Hob to the brothel, and before you left, you yelled, “Maybe next time you can buy me a drink or invite me in!” He yelled back. “Very well then.” You smiled and disappeared into the shadows.
You thought this man was mad, or is he telling the truth? I guess will find out in 100 years.
Hob, on the other hand, got there just on time with a few minutes to spare; he sat at the table with a feast when his dreamy friend walked in.
A/N: It's my first time writing anything; sorry if it's not the best, but I'll try to improve my writing with each story. Guessing by the title of the story, there will be a part two for Morpheus has yet to meet our lovely character, and I'll be using the rules from TVD (The vampire diaries) and The Originals to explain the characters' vampirism. Characters from those shows will be mentioned but will not be in the story.
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lananiscorner · 2 years
The Sandman rewatch - episode 10
So I like to do this thing where, if I didn’t consider a show a complete waste of time and if it does have an actual arc spanning the season, I watch the season twice–once as a binge watch and then once more episode by episode, because it helps me notice things I didn’t notice at first, especially in cases like this where I’m almost entirely unfamiliar with the source material.
Anyway, any and all chronological thoughts and ramblings about episode 10 of The Sandman beneath the cut, because spoilers.
Jed: “Who’s Morpheus?” Rose, internally: Dear god, I do NOT have the spoons to explain this right now.
Kudos to Rose, she’s got guts telling the Corinthian “no, I’m taking Jed and going home”.
Also, I love that she wanted to have a conversation in private, but Jed is like… right there… on the bed… four feet from her and the Corinthian.
Ouch… Dream hesitating to call the serial killers “humans” is how you know he’s truly pissed.
Also, ouch that hand wound! You can tell Dream is not used to actually being physically injured.
You know, Dream, everything would be sooo much easier if you had told Rose what EXACTLY a vortex ends up doing a lot sooner.
I love that Dream is really good at taking responsibility for logical/rational mistakes that are his fault (such as acknowledging the Corinthian as a creation Gone Horribly Right), but mostly sucks at taking responsibility for emotional mistakes (such as his teeth-pullingly torturous attempts to acknowledge that he had been unnecessarily harsh with Lucienne). It makes for interesting character drama (and at least two different directions his character could develop in).
Also that is an EPIC punishment for the serial killers attending the convention. Too bad that Fun Land died before he could receive it. It also makes for a nice parallel to John Dee’s actions earlier in the series—both Dream and John took dreams away from people, but whereas John took all their lies/daydreams from them, Dream only took a very specific one—the daydream of the killers being the misunderstood victims. Ultimately, the final result is the same though: self-destruction.
Poor Jed. First he finally escapes his abusive step parents, only to end up at a convention of murderers, then he finally reunites with his sister, only to learn that his mom is dead, and then he learns that he has a great-grandmother, only for her to die less than 24 hours later. Kid can’t catch a break.
And here is my 1 moment of broken suspension of disbelief for this show: Really? Nobody from the house is surprised that Lyta is suddenly nine months pregnant and in labor, even though they literally just met her less than a week ago and she was very visibly NOT pregnant then? Nobody is questioning this beyond “did you know she was pregnant”? Like, do none of these people have eyes in their heads?
Omg, Zelda actually spoke to Jed. <3
Unity: “The one thing I do not need more of in my life is sleep.” LOL
Lyta, could you please fucking stop questioning the decisions of the Endless with billions of years of experience regarding the fate of entire planets? Like, Dream might be a jerk, but I can guarantee you, this dude knows more about how the fabric of the universe works than you EVER will.
I swear, I liked her when she first appeared, but if Lyta got hit by a bus at the end of this episode, I’d consider that a happy end.
Jesus, Chantal’s dream is a true nightmare.
See, Dream’s coming in here and his first thought is not “I am Dream, you are the vortex who destroys my realm, prepare to die”, it’s “you’ve caused a great deal of damage, but I can repair it, and your friends are still safe for now, but they won’t be unless you die, I’m truly sorry”. Of course the final result is the same, but the focus here is clearly not a selfish one.
Awww, he’s offering Rose to stay in the Dreaming, potentially as a raven (which begs the question if he could have done the same for Hector, but then again Hector didn’t ask—he just… kind of took advantage of Dream’s absence to make his literal home there and also his physical death wasn’t Dream’s fault).
Awww, Fiddler’s Green offering his life for Rose’s.
Omg, Fiddler’s Green the place is gorgeous!
“You’re not very bright, are you?” WOW, Unity!  Emotional Damage!
That subtle look Lucienne and Dream exchange when they see the heart… they know what’s up.
“Golden-eyed man” and Dream and Lucienne are both like “aw fuck, we were right, weren’t we?”
Aww, Zelda and Chantal are buying Hal’s house. <3
Oh man, Dream is PISSED OFF at Desire.
I must say, Mason’s performance is perfection.
Oh, so we have a “big, responsible siblings” vs “young, trouble-making siblings” thing going on here? Is that why the Prodigal left? Because they are the middle child who didn’t want to deal with this BS family anymore?
He remade Gault as a dream, just like she wanted! <3 ;_; <3
Awww, Dream admitting that he was wrong and he will try to listen from now on. <3 That’s what we call character growth!
And he’s giving Lucienne her vice CEO of the Dreaming position back! <3
Lucifer: “I could think of nothing I’d enjoy less.” Mazikeen: “In which case, Lord Azazel would like a word.” Lucifer: “Except that.” ROFL, the look on her face is priceless.
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firerose · 3 years
Dark-Seven part three - Jason
I apologize @reading0mens for the longtime it took me but I love Jiper angst sooo it got a bit long XD, feedback would be cool :)
- The day Gea was destroyed marked the end of the giant war
- But for Jason, it was the most horrible day of his life
- He wakes up in the infirmary without Leo and Piper
- They are dead Chiron tells him
- Leo gave his life to kill Gea and the eagles could not catch Piper on time
- Jason refuses to believe it until he runs out and sees her
- Her bloodied corpse, her lifeless eyes they will hunt him until the end of his life
- He wanted to grow old with her
-As he gently rocks her in his arms he tries to understand
- Why would Hera let her die after she screwed so much with her life already?
- Why would she let Leo sacrifice himself in such a violent way?
- He knows the truth deep in his heart
-As he watches Piper‘s body burn among the others he learns what real hate feels like
-It scares him
- He was supposed to be Hera‘s champion, a loyal soldier to the gods
- His pain gets worse when he is alone
- Percy and Annabeth leave Camp for school
- Hazel and Frank go back to Camp Jupiter
- He spends his time alone in his cabin living in the vision he saw when the gods came to help them
- Piper is alive whispering soft words to him that everything is going to be okay
- That he is a person instead of Hera‘s shallow Champion
- They even help him to continue his designs for the minor gods temples
- But soon his love for her turns to desire
- He knows that she is not really with him and who is responsible for it
- He does not want to sit around anymore doing exactly what Hera would want him to do
-“I…..I can‘t do this anymore Pipes.“, He tells her one night his body trembling in despair
-“Yes you can Jason! You are a hero that always stepped up to do what‘s needed.“ She says her words piercing into Jason‘s heart like her dagger
-To him, they feel like an accusation
- All of the sorrow and anger boils up in him
- He does not notice the wind around him growing stronger, or the thunder from outside
- He is tired of Hera, tired of being too perfect
- The papers are thrown across the room and he stands his body shaking with rage
- A yell of defiance leaves him and the storm sends lighting to hit the Cabin
- The Campers find Jason sitting still in smouldering remains
-His eyes are closed tears running down his cheeks but there is a smile on his face
- Invisible chains put on by Hera have just been broken
- Jason never felt more alive
-“I‘m done being their servant Chiron and you should be too.“, that is Jason‘s goodbye, a reminder that the centaur should be a protector not a trainer of child soldiers
- No one follows him when he leaves not even Nico
-They all saw the cold bitterness in Jason once-loyal blue eyes, they all feel his calm aura like wolve ready to strike everyone that comes to close
- Jason is glad for their fear
- He does not want anyone innocent getting hurt in his crazy plan
- Jason fly away but still stays close to the sea
- The papers of the minor gods are destroyed but he can still remember all of their names
- Kymopolaia is the first one he calls on the beach of Montauk
- She emerges from the water in all her glory and Jason can‘t suppress his joy
-He acts like Jason grace always did
- Flattering, his compliments even making the violent storm goddess blush
- Only when she wonders why he is here that he shows her a few of his true emotions
- He talks about how Hera forced his mom to give him to the wolves
- He tells her about all the friends that he lost to Hera‘s obsession with tormenting him, how much Piper and Leo gave him hope for a home, how the queen of the gods let them die
-When he is finished high waves are fluting the beach while Kymopolaia cries in pity for the young hero
- Jason‘s apology enrages her even more
-“The twelve Olympians will never respect or honour anyone who is not useful to them.No matter how many temples I build for them you are just a goddess of lower rank just like I was just their servant. I would just waste my time trying to fix their mistakes and in the end, neither of us would get what they want.“, He says true regret in his voice
-Poseidon's daughter grits her teeth while high waves flute the beach as her body is shaking
- Jason confirmed what she has been dreading since the war ended and her father made up excuses to exclude her from his royal court
-He comforts her and he can tell how he stirs up her hate for Posidon
- Jason can barely hide his satisfaction, his plan is working just like hoped it would
- He advises her to turn the sea against her father, it‘s her birthright after all
- Kymaploaia‘s eyes fill with a mad gleam, a whirlpool around her shows agreement
- She is not afraid to take on the sea, hundreds of tormented river gods will stand behind her angry because they had been forbidden to kill the humans that hurt them every day
-After Jason wished her good luck she leaves and he lets out a laugh of satisfaction
-Words can be more powerful than lightning he learned that from Piper
- A part of him still despises what he has become but he tells himself that Hera turned him into this
- She created a weapon and now she has to deal with the consequences
- He continues to travel all over the country flying over it with his storm horse, never staying at one place for long as he is sure the eyes of Hera are on him
- Every stop brings a talk to another minor god
-Hypnos and Morpheus are easy to convince
-Every mortal needs to sleep and dream so why are they never invited to mount Olympus throne room?
- Jason orders them to rebel against the Olympians in the cities of the demigod Camps first
-It is the only way to ensure that his friends will stay out of his way
- Aelous is harder
- The mad lord of the winds always hated demigods and he is not pleased when Jason holds the dozens Venti he sends to kill him still in the air with one move of his hand
-Jason uses no charm on him but instead reminders of all the times Zeus forced him to deal with storm spirits all by himself
-The idea that he can banish the storm spirits once and for all after Zeus is gone finally convinces him
-But Jason still wants the god to know that he is the leader of this rebellion who should not be messed with
- So he concentrates and moves his hands to control the storm spirits again
- He can feel their anger through the winds but he still manages to force them to turn into wolves their lightning eyes blazing with hatred
-“You will serve me from now on.“, He orders them through his mind his voice sounding like thunder in their heads and they indeed bow their heads before him
-Aelous only laughs at this sight
-“You have changed Jason Grace! If you are ready to rebel against your father just because of the Aphrodite girl and that son of Hephaistus then you are just as crazy as me.“ The lord of the winds jokes when Jason is about to leave with his new wolves
-“I‘m just ready to do anything for the people I love.“, Jason replies coldly
-From Olympus Hera hears those words too
- They seem a weak excuse for all the chaos Jason has caused
-The sea has been stormy for days swallowing ships and fluting beaches while the cities are fluted by rivers
- Zeus is barely able to control his winds and so the weather jumps from hot to cold in minutes
The gods own children are sleeping alongside hundreds of mortals unable to help their parents
- Hera knows that Jason will make things even worse if he is not stopped now
- But her love for him or rather the love for his loyalty to her is what makes her believe that she can bring him back
- Not herself she is not that naive
- Only one person can and even though she is gone Hera has figured a way to use her against Jason
-If only she could see the cruelty of her tricks
- Jason begins to hear Piper‘s voice again in his dreams
- She is not soft with him anymore
- Instead, she tells him how terrible he has become, that he acts like a pathetic child just because he failed to save her
-He yells that he is doing all this to get justice for and Leo but that only makes her laugh so loud that he has to cover his ears to drown it out
- Sometimes he also hears Leo mocking him, saying that he can‘t believe he ever looked up to him
- Jason wakes from those nightmares in sweat and tears until he decides that sleep is overrated
- He feels more comfortable moving around with his wolves anyway, it reminds him of old times, his childhood
- Unfortunately, his sleep deprivation changes his methods to gain more allies
- The nature spirits (Nymphs and dryads), aren‘t met with his charm but instead little patience and quick anger
- To Jason they are dumb, Zeus hit on them for centuries why are they so unwilling to turn against him?
-He tries to stay calm but their talks about how his plan is insane to remind him of Piper and the things she said in his dreams
- Not only once does he command his venti to burn whatever three or plant annoys him too much, the wolves happily oblige and tore the spirits apart with their electricity sparking teeth
- More and more Jason Grace begins to remind them of Zeus, unforgiving, cruel to anyone that does not obey his wishes
-When a young dryad girl dares to say that to Jason out loud he snaps
-A huge thunderstorm is summoned, lightning blasting the girl loved ones
-The forest burns in bright orange flames and Jason uses the winds to direct them towards the girls three
- She dies screaming in the flames while storm wolves bite at her to electrocute
- Jason grins at her Beggs as he looks directly into her beautiful dark eyes, Hera has those too
- Nature decides to join him out of fear
- The gods will be mad but it is the only way to avoid Jason‘s rage
-Jason feels powerful riding past them on his horse while they bow
-He can feel the wind gods around him ice cold, hot like fire
-On mount Otrys he calls for Hecate as the next step for his plan
- When she ignores his call he does not care
- Electricity runs through his veins power, it does not matter if he has to wait a bit until Olympus falls
- Suddenly a voice calls him making his blood turn cold
-He turns his head to look behind him and as expected no one is there
-He tells his rising panic that it was not real, he just hasn‘t slept for four days
- The temperature drops, darkness crawls over the hilltop, he feels watched
-“I‘m here Jason it‘s okay.“, Her voice is sweet close and yet it makes him shiver in fear 
- It can‘t be her
- Jason draws his sword and gets on his horse, the wolves growl restlessly as they can feel their master distress
-“Who are you? Show yourself!“, He demands despite his shaking voice
- Her laughter is loud wild like the summers breeze, he has heard it a thousand times before
-His eyes fly around frantically there is only the shadows of the rising night
-“I‘m your girlfriend Jason! Did you already forget that?“, the girl that can‘t be her asks amused
- A person stands in front of him out of nowhere
-Jason‘s sword falls to the ground, his eyes fill with tears
-Her clothes are nothing she would wear and yet he would recognize her blind
-Piper McLean, the love of his life stands there in a white long dress, her dark brown hair falls loose around her shoulders, her eyes of lighter brown are reaching into his soul
-“No…...this is a trick! You…….you are dead.“, Saying it hurt but it was the truth
- His venti flicker with lighting in agreement
-“I……..don‘t know why they let out but does that matter?!, I‘m here and….I missed you.“, Piper sobs, her despair finally washes away his doubts with guilt
-He slides off his horse ignoring the suspicious neighing
-Jason goes to her slowly putting his hand on her cheek, she feels real
-“I missed you too Pipes.“, He croaks and then breaks down pulling her against his chest all pain of losing her, the hatred against Hera, the things he did to convince gods and spirits to rise against their rulers, even the nightmares in which she hated him, spilling out of him
-He is scared of her backing away when he is finished, of her making his horrible dreams come true
-Instead, she looks flattered and sad as she puts a hand on his chin
-“Perhaps that is why they allowed me to leave the underworld.“, She says so softly and Jason is caught in confusion and overwhelming relief that she does not hate him
-“What do you mean?“, Jason asks suddenly feeling worried, the gods would never allow someone to cheat death especially someone close to him
-“I think the gods want me to save you from yourself.“, Piper answers with concern,
-Jason looks at her stunned then as he processes her words anger rises in him
.-Yes it does sound like Hera to use Piper that way
-“No Pipes I never felt better ! They are just scared because I make their system fall apart.“, He responds not able to hide his pride,
- He is happy that she worries for him but he wants her to know that he is okay that they are okay
-He wants to squeeze her hand as recurrence but Piper steps back with guilt in her eyes
“ Jason…….you haven‘t slept for days and all those burnt nature spirits? This isn‘t you.“, She says her words soft but they are too much like his dreams
-“Yea I have been a bit crazy lately but only because I want to make them stop Pipes. All those mistakes or wars of the gods that we have to die and fight for. Losing Leo and you was something I don‘t want any other demigod to go through. I want us to live in peace and that is only possible if we aren‘t controlled by an egoistic good and his controlling queen.“, He explains and despite his fear, he means every word
- He just wants Piper to understand so that she will fight at his side again
-The image brings a smile to his face
-The two of them standing in front of a chained up Hera in all their glory
-Piper brings him back with a sigh and the deep pity in her eyes fills him with despair
-Why is she so against opposing the gods, Wasn‘t she the one that cursed Hera and despised how the goddess put herself in charge of his life?
-A dread rises in the back of him, he suppresses it quickly
-“Our lives aren‘t controlled by the gods Jason. The fates are the ones that decide what challenges a hero has to face. You are wasting your time and ruining your own life fighting for something that will never change. Call off the rebellion Jason and tell the gods to be actual parents. Tell them to protect their children from their destines as long as possible and then go home to rest. That would be easier than a war you can‘t win.“, Piper finally says
-Despite all of his anger Jason has to admit that her advice is tempting
- The vision of him growing old with Piper could come true plus he truly is not strong enough to fight fate itself so why not ask the gods for a favour? Maybe he can convince them to change after all he is the favourite of their rulers
-But then a thought washes away that option and he figures a way to tell Piper why the Olympian council needs to be reformed
- When Piper takes his hand again he looks at her with determination
“I can‘t. Hera loves using demigods too much. Look what happened to Leo. She claimed that she wanted to prepare him for his future just to let his mom die and let him sacrifice himself. You once said that heroes have to step up and do what is right and that is what I‘m doing right now.“, He explains
-For a short moment he thinks guilt washes over Pipers face
- Suddenly he realizes how strange her pleading was
-Piper always was someone to take action, she would never tell him to just do nothing and the way she almost took all fault from the gods……..
-“Hera only did that because she knew what Leo‘s role in the war was gonna be. She may not be the best but she is not our enemy Jason. She cared for Leo and she cares about you too.“, Piper says and now Jason is sure
- He rips his hand away from her his eyes burning with rage
-“Piper would never defend Hera ! Who are you?“, He asks coldly anger numbing the shattering of his heart
-The girl looks at him in confusion, he hates that she does it through Pipers eyes
“ Jason -“
-“ Don‘t! Stop using her voice and show yourself! I want to know which god I have the honour to kill!“, Jason spats
- At this moment he forgets all of his good morals, only blind hatred is left
-The Venti come to his aid, they swirl around him like a mini hurricane and he can feel their power pulsing through him, waiting for his command
-“I‘m just trying to help you Jason even if you could kill me that would not solve anything.“She warns but it is still Piper's voice and he will make her pay for it.
-“Oh no I think this will make me feel a lot better and if Hera send you just know that what happens to know is her fault, not mine.“, Jason says with a cruel smile before turning his storms to pure lightning
- with a hand wave the spirits turn into pure lightning crashing into where she stood
-Flames light up the hill but she is not there anymore
-A huge dove is in her place attacking immediately scratching at his face
-Dark clouds gather thunder is booming, rain falls,
-the Windlords themselves lift Jason into the air pushing his attacker away
- He does not need his sword
- The sky is his weapon
-Jason chases the goddess, calls cold wind to let hail fall onto her instead of rain
- Lightning strikes and he catches it in his bare hands, it flickers over his entire body until it gets thrown towards his victim
-Despite all of this the dove keeps trying to get closer, her voice pleading for him to stop his madness
- A hysterical laugh is his answer, he remembers a time where the gods loved him for his kindness, the same one that forced him to keep Heras chains on him for too long
- This goddess is treating him like he is still a pawn but that will end now
- Jason spins himself around his arms outstretched
- Wind blows around him, the dove shrieks in panic
- A tornado is throwing her around in circles like a puppet
- She changes form to other animals, attempts to escape through the cloud storms walls
- That is when they become pure lightning
- it hits her makes her body twist unnaturally
- She falls and Jason is still in the storms eye, He feels like a god bathed in his fathers lightning bolts
- The goddess unmoving body beneath him looks so tiny almost fragile even when she has changed to her Olympian form
- He would have pitied her if he hadn‘t recognized her, now he only feels disgusted
- Another shockwave is sent through her body before Jason dissolves his tornado
- The wind gods hesitate for a moment not liking what Jason might have in mind
- Jason is stronger and so they follow him down towards his victim as only a soft breeze
-“Why?“, He spats down at her as she wakes up
- His short question holds her crime all the pain and false hope she put him through
- She gets on her knees to look up at him her ever-changing hair clothes and eyes even her skin that is healing her burns are no beauty to him anymore
-“Hera and I only wanted to help you Jason.“, Aphrodite apologizes maybe there are real tears in her eyes
-“ I need help? I‘m not the one impersonating my dead daughter to manipulate her boyfriend!“, He spats finding her trick even more disgusting as he puts it into words
- He thinks about how she held him, what would have happened if he did not find out who she was
- He feels dirty
“I always take on the form of loved ones that's why Hera send me. She knew that Piper was the only one to get you out of your grief. Love is the only thing more powerful than hate“, Aphrodite explains and with every word, she looks more and more like Piper again
- Jason realizes that she is just as bad as Hera, another god that messed with his mind
- He sees how heavy she is breathing, it is time to punish her
-“Well then let me tell you something about love.“, Jason says making a pulling motion with his hands reaching for her breath
- He bends the oxygen out of her, the goddess head being forced forward
-The winds grow stronger again, he hears their whispers to not do this, he is deaf to their pleads
-“N – No!“, She protests in horror, her body glows attempting to release her true form but his attack surprised her and is now making her too weak
-Jason continues an air bubble forming around her head
-She digs her nails into her throat until they are bloody, her eyes nearly pop out of her skull and her face is an ill shade of blue
- the chocking noises she makes are music for him
-Jason enjoys every second
-Her looking like Piper does not save her
- It only reminds him more of the future he has lost and that makes him more furious
-When her sounds and body become still and her face is one mask of fear he finally tells her
-“Love never lasts long in this world.“
-No air gets added to the bubble, it dissolves
- An Aphrodite goddess of Love and beauty falls dead to the ground killed by her daughter's lover
- Jason feels empty
- He just killed a goddess he should feel ecstatic
- But instead, he feels as if something broke inside him
-Jason stares at the sky waiting for a reaction
-“ Come on Hera! This is what you wanted me to become right? A murderer your weapon. Just come to me and admit it !“, Jason yells tears streaming down his cheeks
-He falls to the ground as the thing he did crashes down on him
-He killed for revenge just like Zeus, Hera and all other gods did for centuries
-How is he better than them now?
-His allies seem to think the same thing
-Jason can‘t summon his venti in the morning
- The winds are harder to bend under his will
- Nature hides from him it does not matter how much he burns no one shows up
- Sometimes he hears the spirits weeping but he knows it is not meant for him
- Jason gets more and more desperate
- As of last hope he goes to San Fransisco
- The first step he takes into the city shows him that it‘s full of life again
-He plays with the thought of going back to Camp Jupiter
- But he does not want his friends to see what he has become
- On Ocean Beach, he yells for Kym
-Jason tells himself that she can help him turn his fate around
-“I‘m sorry Jason but I don‘t talk to traitors.“, She whispers from under the sea
-Jason feels like a wolve being cornered
-“ I never betrayed you the gods did !“ He shouts his voice sounding childish in his ears
-“You promised to fight in my name and then went on a crazy rampage just to make Hera feel bad. I expected better from you Jason.“, Kym told him in a stern almost motherly tone
- The words are a punch to his gut, a mirror showing him the truth
-His plan was supposed to be a peaceful change of the god's council, yes he knew about the damage the minor gods would cause but that was just to get the higher gods attention
-He sees the dryad girl in the flames, aphrodite chocking as air is pulled out of her
-This rebellion started with a wish for justice for Leo and Piper, for all those treated badly by the gods
- His lust for revenge destroyed all that
-Regretful he walks into the sea the water going up to his knees
-“ I‘m sorry.“, Jason says honestly
-That is when they finally react
- The waves grow bigger a man with a trident emerging out of them, Nature spirits come out of their plants with pinecones and daggers for weapons the blond-haired woman with her crown of corn is their true goddess
- The mist rising around him lets him hear his victim screams once more
-“Jason Grace we are here to punish you for crimes against us and the entire western civilization. Surrender now or seal your fate.“All of the Command in Unison
-He thinks of giving himself up
-He was raised as a Roman, he learned when a soldier has no chance to win
- Yet the thought of kneeling and letting Hera win so easily makes him sick
- And so he refuses
- The fight does not take long
- Jason summons lightning to blast away Nyads that grasped his ankles
-He runs out of the sea directing lightning at the advancing Dryad warriors
-They burn but the flames seem to have gathered they're own concise
-Orange and high they rage towards him growing on sand which was not possible
-They burn Jason‘s arm as he attempts to fly over them
-Screaming in pain he struggles to stay in the air
-Demeter uses her giant staff to let the three roots attack him like huge arms
-Her followers throw weapons at histones that for some reason always hit no matter how much he uses wind to push them away
-Rain comes and turns into a huge rain shower blinding his view
-He is forced to fly backwards and that is when Poseidon's trident impales his gut
-Blood spills pain forbids him to breath
-His vision goes black before he falls in the threes arms
-Jason wakes in ironically on chains in front of Hera and Zeus
-"I hope you know what a disappointment you are to me.", Zeus says but Jason's eyes are fixed on Hera
-She looks at him with a deep sorrow he did not expect so he chooses the last beg
-" Whoever you choose as your next heroes Hera please don't control them. Remember me as a warning of what happens if you do.", He pleads
-He is scared of his punishment but if Hera realizes her mistakes then maybe all of this was worth it
-Hera only replies with a small nod
-Then he is dragged off to the underworld by Hades off to the cliffs that lead into Tartarus
Jason panics as he realizes
He thought that he would end up in the fields of punishment
-But of course, Zeus hates when his children ruin his good name
-He struggles against his bonds begs his uncle to at least let him see his friends one more time
Luckily Hades is one of the kinder gods 
-He summons Piper's ghost, he does not say why Leo is not there
-She smiles at him sadly and maybe with anger which Jason does not blame her for
-Her kiss on his forehead brings tears to his eyes
-"Goodbye Jason. I'm sorry I caused you so much trouble.", She whispers and he shakes his head
-"Don't be. All of this is Heras fault and mine.", He tells her and with that, she is gone again
-He thinks of her and Leo while he falls
-Hera mourns him for days
-She watches the rest of the seven holding his funeral at Camp Jupiter
-They understand his motives and that's why they still love him as the friend he was
-Hera understands him too
-She was not liked in the past few centuries and that was why the idea of her very own hero made her blind for letting him be a child
-Now that was what killed him and Zeus was already off making another hero that he can  be more proud of
-A child he warned her to not even look at
-The other demigods resent her even more
-Frank Zhang would be her other hero but Hazel Levesque would never let her near him
-She thinks about Jasons last words, his beg that she shouldn't mess with children's lives
-It's when Leo Valdez returns and learns of his friend's fate that she promises herself to remember
-The hatred in his eyes is enough to bring even a goddess to her senses 
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wonniexy · 3 years
words: 2k
pairing: JUNGWON x reader x jay (mentioned)
genre: angst.
spirit!jungwon, fantasy!au, boyfriend!jay
cw/tw: language, mention of death, angst, lost love
notes: I wasn't planning on making this into a angst chapter :((( + it is not proofread! Beware of grammatical errors!
prompt: 70. "Stop visiting me! It's getting pretty annoying..." "Shut up, you love it when you get to see my face."
How beautiful is it to lay your head on the pillow, after a day of those that feel way too though, close your eyes and immediately go on a journey into one of the parallel worlds that your mind can create every time Morpheus takes you in his arms?
It's beautiful, for you. Almost magical.
Except for those nights when the dear son of Ipno and Nyx decides not to turn into a dream, but into something you've started to hate since a few months ago. And the fact that, each time, you manage to wake up but the thing doesn't seem to want to go away, is making you, simply put, freak out. Completely.
Or, at least, that is what you tell yourself.
You sigh heavily as you manage to open your eyes and stare at the figure sitting comfortably cross-legged at the end of your twin bed. He's smiling, the bastard, you think.
"Could you please stop, what do you call it? Visiting me? It's getting pretty annoying."
"Oh, shut up." He replies, with his usual giggle that, though you'd never admit it, always manages to make you smile internally. "You love it when you get to see my face."
"I'd have to argue with that." You say, crinkling your tired eyes. You yawn. "What do you want now, Jungwon? What do I get this time? What did I do?"
"Oh," the boy, or he who, long ago, had been a boy, begins, settling in closer to you and shaking his head so that his thick brown hair becomes more shaggy, "I'm not here by anyone's will but my own. I have the night off." He shrugs.
You look at him, gripped by an innate desire to choke him with your own hands, and clench your hands into fists. "If you have the night off, why the fuck are you here?"
"To talk?"
"At three in the morning?"
"It's the only time I can interact with anyone - you, so yes. At three in the morning."
"Fuck you! Go back to wherever you came from and leave me alone!" You yell, grabbing the pillow from behind your back and throwing it in Jungwon's direction.
"You're looking pretty aggressive tonight." Jungwon scoffs, promptly grabbing the pillow before it can even think of having a chance to hit him. "Did something happen?"
You roll your eyes, only to sit up and hit the covers furiously. "Jay." You say. "Jay happened."
"Why am I not surprised at all?" Jungwon laughs a little. "What did he do this time?"
You scoff. "What he does every time: he doesn't listen to me." You close your eyes and sigh, only to bring your hands to your face and scream, or something purportedly similar, all your anger into them.
"He left me, again. Meaning, we broke up. I guess. He says he loves me, then he suddenly doesn't anymore. Then he loves me again. And I... I try to explain everything to him, Jungwon." You look at your friend (the one you tell yourself you can't stand), sitting next to you but still too far away to be touched. You start to cry in frustration and close your eyes again.
"I try. I always try to tell him that whatever happens can be fixed and it can be fixed if we work together."
If only your eyes were open and looking in front of you, you might see Jungwon's face sadden. It's not the first time he's seen you in this condition: desperate, crying, scared. All because of what you call your boyfriend three times a week and four times not.
Jungwon might lie, now. Lie, again. Lie like he has been doing for the past seven month and a half when he visited you every night, without missing one: despite the fact that you were asleep and couldn't feel his presence. Lie like he has done in his previous life, even if this isn't his second one.
This time, though, lying doesn't seem to make sense to him anymore. It's wearing him down. It reminds him of the time when he was alive and telling lies led him to survive one more day, until there were no more days and he couldn't help it anymore.
You don't really cry; you've never really been able to. Not for Jay and your entire relationship (if that'swhat it can be called), at least. You have your hands clenched tightly on the blankets and you open your eyes almost with difficulty, as your slight sobs subside in the warmth of Jungwon's hand on your covered by a faint layer of cloth shoulder.
Never before had you felt his touch.
He told you he couldn't touch you, or he would have had to leave. Forever.
He told you it was one of the rules he had to follow to make himself earn a new life to live to the fullest, this time.
But now his hand is on your shoulder, and you seem to panic, because even though you can't stand his nocturnal visits, you love him. You love him like he was your long lost brother. He listened to you, all this time. You know a lot about him, as well. You hit it off, as he would normally say.
You don't want him to leave.
"Why did you do that?" You ask, your eyes wide and trembling and your gaze leaping from his hand to his face." You had... You said you weren't allowed to...why- are you fucking out of your mind?" Tears threaten to fall down and you try raising one of your hand to grab his arm and move it away from you before it's too late, even if you don't know when too late is.
"Oh, shut up." Jungwon says, almost laughing – his usual, playful laugh, despite the tone of his voice hinting at unspeakable sadness. "I don't have much time, now, so you're going to listen to me, okay?"
You nod, slowly, in rhythm with what you wish were your own beats.
"I have loved in the past. In my only life." Jungwon begins. "Maybe even too much. And I've lost. Not by my own will, but by the will of something that, even if I fought hard against, I could not bring down. I never let go, or threw down the sword of my love, because that person...oh, y/n, that person was my person. The one. The missing piece of my personal puzzle."
His hand burns on your shoulder, and each sounding word pierces your heart. Ij between tears, you begin to wonder if Jay is the missing piece of your puzzle, if you are the one of his own, or if both of you are the missing piece of someone else's puzzle, lost and hidden among a thousand other pieces and a thousand other boxes.
"And it was like that. That person completed the puzzle perfectly. We could have been framed, placed in plain sight on the largest wall of a luxury home, but the whole thing we had got lost. My ultimate puzzle piece was ripped away from me; it was stolen from me, and there was nothing I could do about it. Lying was my job; lying was what I was trained and supposed to do. Lie about who you really love. Marry the one who will help you grow: not growing up, but growing money and success. But I did not want it and, at some point, I messed up. I was no longer able to hide my forbidden love, my real love. I didn't want to. I thought it wasn't fair. And I ended up paying the consequences of my actions. One by one."
Since you've been knowing him, you never saw Jungwon cry: cheerful, carefree, bastard. The spirit, as he called himself (or as you wanted him to call himself), always showed up in your room with mirth etched on his face. You had asked him how his life had ended, he had answered, but it wasn't tragic and it wasn't sadder than any other death.
He just died, peacefully, his children all grown up and his family by his side.
He never talked about his feelings.
This time, however, the story is different and the tears are not only seen: they are felt deep inside. Each of his tears holds sadness, grief, anguish and repentance.
They all flow and flow and flow profusely, without stopping for a single moment and without letting you see Jungwon's languid dark eyes clearly again.
Your tears seem to follow what Jungwon's ones do.
"I come to see you to make sure you don't follow my steps, because we may have a different story, a different way on how we should handle things, but the moral is the same: don't do what can lead you to live unhappily."
Jungwon cries, but he still manages to speak clearly as he always does.
You want to hug him, hold him and apologize for everything, even though you are not to blame. And neither is him.
"You don't have to lie to anyone. You don't have to. Just stop. Stop. Stop." His voice breaks from sobs. "You're only hurting yourself. And I, after tonight, will no longer be here: there will only be a faded memory of me left in your teenage mind, and that memory will fade and fade and fade again, until it becomes a haze. So, do the right thing, okay? For yourself.
I stopped lying, and I lost, because it wasn't what I was meant to do. If you stop lying now, you will win. Because you are free. And you'll be even freer later, and you'll find your missing puzzle piece. You will be able to live with that missing piece, making it into a found one."
Jungwon's presence bothered you, the first few times. Then, it became pleasant, but to him you never admitted it. Now, as you watch his body dressed as a normal 17-year-old in these years (which aren't his, but which he's tried to get used to) slowly fade until it looks like nothing but dust fluttering around your bedroom, you realize you don't want him to leave.
"You're my best friend, Jungwon." You find yourself saying, crying hard and then harder. "You're my best friend, and I hate to tell you this just now. And I want to hug you, tell you that whatever happened in your previous life you didn't deserve it and that I will never forget you. And I'm so fucking sorry, because you're not going to live a second life because you wanted to help me."
He keeps on fading, but his tears don't stop scrolling. Neither do yours.
"I'm going to stop lying, I'm going to listen to you, and I'm not going to forget your eyes, or your deceptive smiles or your laughter and your inappropriate jokes."
You hear him laugh and mutter a few words you could swear by are "I would do this for you again. Give you a chance."
Then, you just know he can't answer you anymore, because he keeps fading, flying, going away, but you hear everything he would like to keep saying to you, and once again, you close your eyes.
This time, to not see him disappear from your life. Forever.
"I will not forget you. I will find my missing piece. I will complete my puzzle. I will always have you as my ally."
"I love you."
What if I told you that Jungwon is smiling, looking at you and hearing your words, wherever he is now?
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thenightling · 3 years
Hey there! I was wondering if you could explain the Locke & Key crossover? Is that spin-off comic of the main Sandman series? Is it good? Do you recommend reading it?
The Locke & Key Crossover is set in 1927 during Morpheus' captivity at the hands of Roderick Burgess.
Mary Locke comes to Roderick and exchanges one of the family keys in exchange for a visit with "The Entity" (Morpheus). If you're not familiar with Locke and Key it's about a New England family that have a set of magical keys made of a substance called "Whispering metal." And evil forces want to get a hold of these keys. One key can take you anywhere in the world. One key can let you enter the mind of others. Another key takes you into a mirror dimension. One key can be inserted into a crown and give you control over shadows and turn them into ghostly minion. Another key can let you astral project out of your own body.
Mary gives Roderick a key that can set anything on fire.  
Mary wants to see Morpheus because a member of her family is apparently trapped in Hell. She begs Morpheus to tell her what can be done and needless to say, during his captivity, he does not speak. Roderick laughs at her frustration but as he's walking away Morpheus talks a fistful of sand or dirt from the ground (which really shouldn't even be there...) and draws on the glass wall of his cage, showing her his helm, which she knows is in the possession of Alexander Burgess.
Rather than take this illustration against his cage to mean "Free me and bring me my helm" she takes it to mean she should wear the ruby and helm and enter The Dreaming... for some reason. Also for some reason Morpheus is not being guarded by his two guards he was supposed to have had for the entirety of his captivity.  I know he wouldn’t have been able to give his message to Mary Locke if he was guarded but there’s no explanation or even mention as to why his guards aren’t there.
She finds young Alex sulking in hi room because his father has broken yet-another promise to him about taking him to America. It's clear Roderick is verbally abusive to Alex and treats him like an inconvenience. For some reason Alex appears to be about twelve-years-old here but he was sixteen when Morpheus was captured in 1916. I think Joe Hill isn't that good at timelines.
Mary gives Alex the "Anywhere Key" so he can visit America and she takes the helm and ruby and enters The Dreaming.
In the Dreaming Cain briefly mistakes her as Morpheus (Because apparently Morpheus always wears a dress, and has breasts and human flesh tone... but she had the helm on so...???!??!) The House of Mystery transforms itself into the Locke family home, Key House (which I admit was very clever). Cain kills Abel with a key loaded canon and Mary flees toward the castle.
Cain did NOT sound like himself at all. I almost feel as if Joe based him on the version of Cain in Caitlin R. Kiernan's version of The Dreaming instead of the version actually in The Sandman or the old House of Mystery comics. It didn't "Sound" like his voice if you know what I mean, the dialogue didn't fit him.
Brute and Glob are smashing a stain glass window in a ...shrine to Death (For some reason). And one of them is urinating. Yet again she's briefly mistaken as Morpheus because apparently all you need to look like Morpheus is his helm and ruby. Human skin tone, boobies, and light colored dress somehow are overlooked.
On her way to the castle Lucien (with eyes missing) is displayed, impaled, and locked in a cage, his body obviously broken, gagged, and hanging in a narrow cage outside the castle. You'd think Lucien would have brought up this having happened to him to Morpheus when he returned to The Dreaming but obviously not...
After this brief body horror of poor Lucien hanging outside the castle, Mary comes to the castle where she's greeted by The Corinthian.
Joe Hill meant for this to be a direct connection to The Corinthian's comic from Sandman Presents but obviously no one bothered to tell him that's not canon anymore. And now I feel like he never read The Sandman: Overture because The Corinthian went on the run in that before Morpheus was ever captured. In short, he should NOT be in The Dreaming at this point.
Outside of continuity errors like The Corinthian being in The Dreaming, and Alexander Burgess de-aging, and Cain not "sounding" like himself, and the weird fact that Mary took Morpheus' message against the glass to mean "wear my helm and ruby and go into The Dreaming" it IS an interesting story.
I'd still like to know where Morpheus got the dirt to write on his cage's wall. The first sand he gets a hold of in the original comic was from one of his guard's dreams and only after the circle was breached.
Also does Joe Hill not know how smudged glass gets? Morpheus doesn't have Windex in there. Someone will notice.
I am curious enough to keep reading but it's by no means a perfect story and it makes some questionable continuity decisions. Seeing Lucien blinded, impaled, gagged, and caged felt gratuitous, especially since we just saw half-decomposed, and then splattered Abel bits.
The art is very nice. My favorite panel is Morpheus seated in his cage.
So it's a decent read, better than a lot of The Sandman Universe comics but I do feel it could be better. I also hate the constant delays. I know the Pandemic is partly at fault but this was supposed to be out last summer, then last Autumn, then issue 1 came out in April and now there's no sign of issue 2 other than a few unfinished pieces of art on the artist's Twitter feed.
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jinmindeulle · 5 years
valtameri | jwy (1)
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the zeemeermin and the piraat
word count: 2.4k
pairing: jung wooyoung x reader
genre: pirate au, mermaid au, pirate!wooyoung x mermaid!reader ∣ angst, fluff
warnings: none that i had noticed?
a/n: here i am once more! lately i’ve been obsessed with ateez as pirates and mermaids so i came up with his one at 2:52 in the morning hehe! as always thanks for your support, especially to my beautiful @myghibli for creating these amazing banners ♥
a/n 2: if you wish to be part of my tag list for future updates please do not hesitate and let me know! i’ll happily add you! ♥
i highly recommend you to read the introductions first, as the story will make more sense for you with that information! read here:
ATEEZ crew
the mermaid world
link to valtameri’s masterlist here
happy reading!  
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A full moon was adorning the night skies, sprinkled with shining stars and no clouds in sight. The sea was calmer than it had been in months. A warm breeze caressed her wet skin, making her sigh in contentment. Those were the nights when she felt truly happy, slightly forgetting about her life deep down the blue ocean.
Leaning on the same rock as every night but still keeping her body inside the water, she fixated her eyes in the direction of the pirate ship she wished to spend the rest of her life in. Daydreaming for a moment, she imagined herself on board of the Destiny, standing on the edge of its forecastle deck, feeling the wind through her dark blue long locks while smelling the ocean breeze.
The small smile that had appeared on her lips suddenly faded away, because the tough reality hit her in the form of a green-lilac mermaid tail. Warm tears welled her eyes and slowly went down her face. However, she tried hard not to let more out when the soft sound of running water reached her ears.
That wooden little boat was making its way towards her.
She used the back of her hands to erase any sign of fallen tears on her cheeks, and the smile that she had previously plastered on her face made its way back.
“Sorry for the delay, zeemeermin. Captain needed me to set the sails properly before going to sleep.”
“It’s okay, piraat. I was just enjoying the calm water. It’s been days since the sea was this nice.”
“I know, right? Your father must be in a good mood tonight.”
His soft laugh never failed to mesmerize her. The mere sound of his voice sent chills down her spine, but his high-pitched laugh made her feel joyful. Made her feel alive. His bright eyes reflected the moonlight and looked like two big lanterns with the ability of guiding her all the way home through the wide deep ocean. However, she knew she would never need those, because his eyes were her home. His perfect plump lips formed the big bright smile that she was so used to seeing every night. That didn’t make her immune, though. By just looking at his lips, she felt the urge to feel them closer and caress them with her own. She was sure that if she dared to just touch them with her fingertips, her heart wasn’t going to be able to take it.
Even if she felt like her world was falling apart right in front of her eyes, meeting him at the same rock every night was keeping her from falling as well. The way he kept eagerly meeting her there, always bringing a new story to tell her and make her feel better — even if he didn’t know that — made her feel good. Worthy. Loved.
“Did I tell you about that time when Yunho hyung replaced me at weighing the anchor because I had back pain and fell into the ocean?” his high-pitched chuckles made a comeback as he abandoned the safety of the boat just to sit down on the huge rock. The new proximity made her take deep breaths to try and slow down her sudden rapid heartbeat, but they didn’t help as he took her hand in his and started giving it soft caresses. He kept going on and on about the hilarious happening, his eyes so scrunched up and teary while recalling that story that she had to laugh at his expression, slightly forgetting about the skin to skin contact.
“Yunho seems like someone who would do that” she laughs, enjoying the precious moment.
“I still don’t get why he insisted in doing it when all of us know that San hyung is the best at replacing me.”
“But just at your job, piraat.”
His deep brown eyes looked at her own with a glimmer that she had never seen before. They seemed to reflect surprise, happiness and a little bit of relief.
“Right” he muttered, a content grin on his lips that reached his beautiful eyes. She felt how he squeezed her hand with his, and her heart felt like it was being crushed with it.
“Do you know when is it that you’re going back to sailing in the open sea?”
She internally cursed. Why did she have to bring that up? Was it necessary to keep reminding them of their inevitable parting every time?
“Probably in two or three nights, according to Captain.”
His demeanor quickly changed, just as it did each and every time she asked him that exact same question. His eyes were now fixated in their interlocked hands, no longer looking at her with that longing expression on his breathtakingly gorgeous face.
“I wish I could go with you.” She let out a sorrowed sigh, feeling the tears welling up in her eyes once again.
“I wish you could too.” At his confession, sadness overcame her soft pretty features, making both of their hearts ache. That’s when the pirate decided that that topic of conversation had to end there. “Are you coming tomorrow with your father?”
She used her free hand to wash away the tears that clung to her eyelashes and took a glance at the pirate ship that slowly swayed far away by their side. “I think so. He told me he needed to meet up with your Captain before you leave for some exchange of gold, or something like that.”
“Yeah, Captain informed Mingi hyung about that over dinner. Is that Arnav coming too?”
That last question was thrown at her face with such distaste, that she had to look up, smiling at his disgusted expression.
“He’s father’s second hand so yeah, he is.” She grinned, pinching his cheek at his cute pouting face.
“I don’t like him. Neither does Captain or any of my crewmembers.”
“I know. I hate him too, Wooyoungie.”
His pouting lips instantly turned into a wide smile, white teeth showing from side to side. The truth is that her calling him Wooyoungie rarely happened. They were so used to referring to each other as those mysterious Dutch terms that he sometimes forgot about the joyful feeling of hearing his nickname leave her lips.
The following hour was filled with stories, laughter and slight skin to skin contact. Neither of them had dared to go further than that, even though they both were fully aware of what was going on between them. The reason behind their nightly escapades was what kept them functioning during the day, wishing deep inside that sleep time arrived soon so that they could go out of their pole opposite worlds and meet up for a couple of hours.
Sadly, the parting hour quickly arrived, and with downhearted expressions on their faces, they said their goodbyes.
“At least we get to see each other two times tomorrow” he breathed out, leaving a soft sloppy kiss on her hand. She thanked the night skies for the darkness that covered her reddened cheeks, and with a content sigh, she nodded.
“Not the same as at night but at least it’s something. Have a good night, piraat.” She muttered, watching him go back to the wooden boat. Once he was positioned, hands over the rowing sticks, he sent her one of those beautiful, heartwarming smiles and whispered “You too, y/n”, only to start rowing his way back to the pirate ship.
She stayed there, leaning in that meaningful rock until all she could see was a little dark dot climbing back to deck. As he disappeared, she decided that it was about time to go back as well.
Looking at the bright stars one last time and wishing to see them again the following night in the presence of her favorite human being, she dove all the way down the wide deep ocean to what her fellow mermaids and mermen called home. At that moment, and just like every time she thought of the term home, she came to the conclusion that her definition of that word was nothing like theirs.
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The sun was up once again, reflecting over the ocean and giving it a turquoise glimmer. Far away and deep down, y/n was quietly murmuring her favorite song, sadness visible over her features. Her mother had sung it for her each and every night to lull her to sleep, especially when she was having trouble to find her way towards Morpheus’ arms. She had never felt such grief and misfortune in her entire life — even when she thought of her desire to become a pirate — than when she lost the most important being for her. Her mother got her in a way that no one had; she had held her when she felt like her mermaid body had her real self trapped inside, and had given her advice when her father declared her the next in line for ruler of the seas.
After meeting Wooyoung, y/n felt like a part of her that had long ago died with her mother was reviving, was blossoming in a new way. That pirate was giving her hope through his loving glances, warm caresses, fond smiles and reassuring words. She was sure that she was never going to be happy if she had to live like that for the rest of her life, hiding her encounters with the pirate from everyone and merely being with him for a couple of hours at night. But at least it was something. Something to which she could cling to until the string was cut off.
“Father wants us in the meeting room now.”
Her younger sister, Gali, was fluttering in front of her, a tough look in her features. Her mid-long mahogany hair floated around her head, making her look even more intimidating. When they went to the surface together, she actually seemed like a cute little mermaid, but down the sea, she could pass like a siren merely by her harsh features — which only softened when being around her crush, Arnav. Y/n had always wondered what she had done to her sister for her to hate her so much. Even after their mother’s passing, Gali had never given her a fond look or a hug. If she had doubted her mother’s fidelity to her father, she would surely believe that there was no way they could be sisters.
Gali didn’t wait for y/n’s response and just swam her way out to the meeting room. The older sister fluttered still for a couple of minutes, until she snapped out of her bubble and began swimming to the point of meeting. While she passed by all of the different buildings, she wondered if that was what humans experienced everyday on land. She had a vague idea of how life was there thanks to Wooyoung, who had showed her plenty of books with pictures and illustrations of some of the nearby islands. He had also mentioned that some people believed that deep down the ocean, a lost city called Atlantis existed. The illustrations that she had seen were actually pretty accurate, although her “city” was nowhere near that utopian society that held enough wisdom to bring world peace.
Without realizing, she reached the meeting room. Bowing to the merman guards that fluttered by the main door, she made her way inside.
Her sister was already in front of their father, using her hands to comb through her hair. Right, Arnav was there as well. The big muscular merman was discussing something with the King of the Seas, paying no attention at all to the younger mermaid who had fully blushed by just being near him. Y/n didn’t get why Gali was so deeply in love with that arrogant being. Only his worked-out torso could have made her fall for him, because his face was nothing like Wooyoung’s, and his long tail was an ugly mixture of black and green scales. Disgusting.
“Oh, good. Y/n is here”
Her father looked at her with serious blue eyes that surely took after the ocean he was born into. While staring at them, she realized that her father had never looked at her like her mother used to. Was he only able to love just his wife? Not even his daughters?
“This is going to be quick as we must go up for our meeting and exchange with the ATEEZ crew.” He stated, deep low voice resonating in every wall of the room. “You both know it by now, but you may be realizing that I am getting old and I will not be able to continue my ruling properly. As I told you years ago, y/n is to follow the linage and will be replacing me soon.” He prompted his wrinkled, large hand to Arnav’s direction and kept on talking. “However, I do not wish for her to rule alone.”
Oh, no.
Y/n’s world was already falling apart, but it just never seemed to stop.
“You may marry Arnav in the next few weeks and take my place right after the union is consummated.”
She felt like throwing up. A gasp went out of her mouth, pure disbelief, grief and desperation taking over her. She felt her tail go numb, barely holding up. The mermaid was not able to hear anything around her. Her sight was blurred, a huge lump forming in her throat.
“Ar… are you…?” y/n muttered, trying to recompose. “Are you forcing me to marry him?”
As she recovered her hearing, and although the voices still resonated far away from her, she could hear Gali crying like a baby by her side, making a fuss like she was the one condemned to a life full of lies and misfortune.
“I am not forcing you, y/n. I am looking out for you.”
Y/n felt like her whole existence was a joke, life and destiny laughing at her with joyful tears in their eyes. Tears that she would never feel if she ever married that stupid creature and stayed the rest of her life under the sea.
“Right” she let out a sarcastic laugh and waiting no response, swam away and out of her disgrace.
With full speed, one that surely was propelled by her anger, y/n made her way towards the only place she knew somebody was going to actually listen to her and help her out. That dark cave was her only way out.
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next  ↬ chapter ii — union
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tag list ♥ @peterparkerismybae​ 
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toutallyahoe · 5 years
Essay Trouble ~ Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)
requested by: --
a/n: need more (top) male reader inserts and i bring you a straight one lol
been a while writing female x male reader as i tend to write more male x male reader but nevertheless, i will give my queens some loving <3
like, please... look at her, shes a queen <3
also, before anyone tries to point out some shit. no, i do not support J.K. Rowling. yes, i still like her HP and FBAWTFT series but God will be damned if i support her and the other TERFs. if you're a TERF, please block me and also fuck off
also, Hermoine is trans. Hermoine headcanon being trans is canon now. you CAN'T change my mind
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Eyebrows furrowed in annoyance as Hermoine looked at her book. She had been reading the same sentence over and over but oddly enough, she didn't seem to understand. Hermione's head been clouding over other things than doing her homework which was already almost done with neatly written eighth inch of worded essay of how the infection of being warewolves had started.
She had already worked on it for the past two days but it seemed to tumbled her out. Not understanding the same sentence she had tried to be reading for around five minutes or so now made Hermoine let out an annoyed huff as she finally put it down.
The female looked around where she was. Book shelves lined up with many books about the history of magic to muggle studies books, neatly piled up which honestly made Hermoine quite happy to see. Some long tables where no one seemed to occupy except for the young Gryffindor, Hermoine and a-- Hermione's eyebrows furrowed. Squinting her eyes, she let out another annoyed huff.
'Is he sleeping here in the library?!?' Hermoine had thought as she was absolutely angered.
One student, male from his body stucture, and according to the blue on his robes, was a Ravenclaw, was asleep. It honestly baffled Hermoine to see a Ravenclaw-- a Ravenclaw of all things be sleeping in a library. A place of learning.
Pushing her seat back quietly, not to disturb anyone despite no one other than her, the sleeping Ravenclaw, and madam Pince who was at her little side of the library stamping books that have been returned and minding her own were in the library. Not like a certain Gryffindor girl who stood up from her seat and was approaching the sleeping Ravenclaw boy who was two tables away from her.
As she had approached the sleeping student, Hermoine noticed the scatter of quills and opened ink bottles. Some parchment that some have written works or crumpled pieces, and also some books stacked together on the right side of the asleep student's head. Three opened book in front of him and if Hermoine had to guess those books correctly, those were all Muggle studies text book of the sixth year. Making the young man either a year older than her or he was just reading advance books. Hermoine thought the former was more possible though as she had sneaked a peak on what the sleeping male was writing.
Hermoine was standing beside the student's sleeping form. From what Hermoine can see was only the ruffled and untidy [Hair color] locks of the sleeping student along with some patch of [Skin color] skin that weren't hidden from his robes. His face hidden from his arms that he prompted on the surface of the table. Covering some parts of the essay he was writing about World War one.
Hermoine, curious on what the sleeping male had written about her muggle looked at it. It was a very immoral thing to do, looking at others work and without their permission (in Hermione's beliefs that is) but her curiosity took over her. Hesitantly, Hermoine had took the parchment that was underneath the sleeping Ravenclaw.
A soft sigh left Hermione's lips when she had succesfully taken out the parchment with out disturbing the sleeping male. Her eyes looked at the asleep student then to the parchment in her hand. Hermoine started to read.
To say the least, Hermoine was quite pleased to have seen the Ravenclaw's essay was very accurate to what she had also read and what her parents had told her about. If Hermoine had to estimate, the essay was already around thirteenth inch long and she could tell the sleeping student was still not done with how the end of the sentence seemed to make way for more information.
Hermoine looked at the table and saw another parchment that was full of written words and she assumed that ut was probably the first page of the essay as the one she was holding started halfway of the war already. Describing each country's strategize and weapons used and all those what knot that made Hermoine approve on how much information the sleeping student had researched on.
Hermoine looked at the asleep male then at the parchment on the table as her hand then slowly approached to the table surface to take the writtened parchment away. As she had touched the parchment, a sudden scream left her lips but immediately shut it up when she remembered she was in the library and didn't want madam Pince to kick her out for disrupting the peace.
The cause of her reaction was the hand holding her wrist. Hermoine's eyes widened in fear when she saw and felt her wrist were grabbed.
"What... are you doing," a voice spoke to her. Hermoine turned to look only to be quite relieved that the hand belongs to the Ravenclaw who was now awake. Not fully awake as he lifted his head up from his arms, his eyes were half-lidded. Showing how he was still not one with the real world as he was dozing off to Morpheus' embrace.
Hermoine had to admit, the male had a lovely shade of [Eye color] eyes to compliment his hair and skin.
"What does... a Gryffindor want with my papers?" [Name] had asked. Yawning in between his sentence as his half-lidded eyes filled with drowsiness turned into a sharp glare that made Hermoine gulp. The hold on her wrist tighten as she saw the Ravenclaw held his head up. And seeing the frown on his lips and that small taint of anger on his [Eye color] eyes made Hermoine rethink on her decisions to be nosy.
"I am terribly sorry!" Hermoine squeaked out. "I was just curious on what you were writing!" She softly cried as the male looked at her in the eye.
A second passed in silence and the stare down made Hermoine's nerves tighen in a knot. It felt like hours when un real time was only around twenty-two seconds before [Name] had let go of her wrist.
"You could've woken me up instead of reading with out my permission," [Name] grunted as he swiped off the parchment on Hermione's hand and placed it on the table. Turning away from Hermoine who stood mouth agape as he then ignored her and picked up a quill and started writing on the parchment where was still left unfinished. Dipping his quill on an opened ink bottle before he did so to write.
Hermoine stood there with mind boggled. In hand, she was absolutely furious on how the male was just plain rude to her. But on the other hand, she guess it was justified when how she just took his parchment without his permission.
'Well, he didn't have to be rude about it!' Hermoine had angrily thought but had let out a squeak when she saw the Ravenclaw student turned his head to look at her. Raising a brow as to silently question on what she was doing, standing there. Unmoving.
"Are you going stand there like a petrified victim of a Basilisk?" [Name] had asked which made Hermoine enrage at his words. It made her remember of her sceond year in Hogwarts. The time where the Chamber of Secrets were opened and she was a victim of patrification. Luckily, Harry Potter had conquered the horrid beast and put a close to the chamber. Glaring at the male, she turned around to go.
"You have don't have to be a rude prat on telling me to go," Hermoine muttered underneath her breathe.
"And who said I wanted you to go?" [Name] asked.
Hermoine froze.
'What...?' Hermoine had thought as she turned her head to look at the Ravenclaw only to see him back on looking at his parchment and scribbling his quill onto it.
"I'm sorry?" Hermoine softly said. Confusion in her tone.
[Name] didn't even bat an eye to her as he continued to write on his essay. He merely blunt out his amswer, uncaringly. "I have seen you prompted up on that table, two tables away from here, for days now and you always had that look of suffering," he had said.
Hermoine was baffled. Mouth agape as she looked at the nonchalant male scribbling away.
"Excuse me?" Hermoine had asked. Rather both angered and confused.
"What I mean is, I could help whatever is ailing you," [Name] had said as he rolled his eyes. Siding a quick look at the Gryffindor female standing aghast.
"You are having trouble, are you not?" He asked. Tilting his head to the side as he sent Hermoine a look of confusion.
"I... um..." Muttered Hermoine as her feeling of angered slowly diminished when she realized the male was actually offering her help. She was quiet shy though as she always was the "smart" one in her little group of friend (which consisted of the boy who lived and a bloodtraitor). So, a person willing to give her help rather taunting her of her heritage (Malfoy and his goons) or just be brushed off (most of her year level classmates), it made her feel happy.
"A... a bit..." Hermoine had said. A warmth feeling was rushing on the Gryffindor female as the Ravenclaw nodded at her.
"Alright," he had stated as he went back to writing.
Hermoine stood awkwardly in place as she thought that maybe the Ravenclaw student either forgotten about her existence despite him resonding seconds ago or maybe he was just joking about the offer of help. She was about to ask about it when the Ravenclaw male had looked at her. Sending an annoyed look at her direction.
"Well?" He asked annoyed. "Are you going to get your things over so I could help or should I cast Accio to get it?"
Hermoine looked at him baffled. He was rude but he was also willing to help her ot with her essay. So, she nodded her head and immediately went to go and fetch her things. As Hermoine turned her back away from him, a soft smile made it's way onto [Name]'s lips.
"Hermoine Granger... nice to officially meet you..." [Name] softly muttered as he went back to looking at his essay and began to write again. Smile lingering for a second until it was gone. Like it wasn't there in the first place.
Hermoine came back to where the rude Ravenclaw student with a huff. Puffing her cheeks for a seconds until she shakes her head and sighed. 'Common Hermoine, he can't be that bad if he offered you help!' She had thought. Trying to think positively to not be angered or annoyed with the male student who had sent her a quick gaze then look backed to her parchment which she noticed was almost done. [Name] gestured to the seat next to him with his other hand and Hermoine hesitantly went to it.
Gently putting her things down onto the table, Hermoine took the chair underneath the tabke then sat at it. Scooching a bit away to keep distance to the male student who she realized had not asked his name yet.
And as if he was reading her mind, he had just said out of a blue.
"[Name]," he had said. The Gryffindor blinked.
"What?" Hermoine had asked, confused. [Name] in return rolled his eyes.
"That's my name," [Name] said in a bored tone.
"Oh! Um... my names--" Hermoine started but was rudely cut off by the male. "Give me your essay."
Enrage, Hermoine took her parchment where it had contained her essay and shoved it onto [Name]'s outstretched hand hard. Hermoine saw that [Name] didn't seemed to be bothered by what she had done which made her honestly angry a bit.
[Name] scanned at her essay as he then put it in front her on the table.
"Your essay is going well," he said which made Hermoine feel proud of herself. Angery slowly diminishing away. "But its sloppy," [Name] bluntly said.
Anger was back as Hermoine glared at him when she had snapped out of her momentary shock. "P... pardon?" She asked.
"You didn't start off on the history of warewolves. You did not specify why there are those kinds of beings and why they itch to bite," [Name] had said as he looked at Hermoine in the eye. Each word made Hermione's blood boil. It was the first time someone had said those to her. Calling her work sloppy as she was used to have people praise her academics brilliantly.
"And you certainly did not have any conclusion on why they shapeshift back to human when they can stay as horrid beast."
The last comment made Hermoine burst. It was not the comment on her work. Yes, it was a factor but what made her fully burst in rage was that [Name] had called werewolves as 'horrid beast'. Hermoine remembered Remus Lupin, or rather, professor Lupin, her DADA professor on her third year in Hogwarts that was a werewolf.
Hermoine remembered how kind and sweet professor Lupin was despite being a warewolf and she did not condone anyone talking badly at warewolves because of her experience of a very kind one of their kind.
"Escuse me? 'Horrid beast'?!?" Hermoine had said. Her tone was close to shouting but she tried to calm herself down. That did not stop the angered glare she sent to the Ravenclaw who looked at her. There was surprised plastered in his face for a second before it was wiped out with boredom replacing it.
"Yes," [Name] said. Not paying mind the glare that Hermoine was sending him. "Horrid beast... anyone can be a horrid beast... with or without being a warwolf," he had said. Hermoine was about to counter when she realized what he had said.
"What? An... anyone?" Hermoine had dumbly asked. [Name] didn't say anything as he looked at the parchment he had placed in front Hermoine then looked at his.
"Correct you chronological order of the warewolves history then go to the bite and its cause," [Name] had said. Dropping the subject as he went back to writing at his essay. [Name] would occasionally look at the text book opened in front of him then going back to writing.
Hermoine sat dumbly there for a second or so. When she realized that the Ravenclaw would not answer her, she decided to rewrite her essay like what [Name] had said to her.
On other times, Hermoine would poke and poke until she knew what he was meaning to say but the Gryffindor female saw that the subject was a very fragile one. There was something forbidden about it like the that Philosopher Stone business in her first year. But this time, she did not try her luck and ask for more content on it.
Hermoine did as told. She started writing the history if warewolves. Who was the first one to be a werewolf, how and why. The cause of being bitten and evrything that [Name] had said to her awhile ago.
The two sat in a comfortable silence where the onky spund were the scratching of quills, papers shuffled and some occasional mutter from either Hermoine or [Name].
About an hour or two, Hermoine finished her essay on the history of warewolves and the infection is caused when bitten. On that time being in the middle fo writing, she would occasionally be assisted by [Name]. Him pointing out some small mistakes that she had corrected and would also give her basic background. Hermoine grew less tense and annoyed at the Ravenclaw on those few hours of writing.
[Name] was blunt and rude. Hermoine had to say that. But [Name] also seemed to be dedicated to his studies, the proof was the four pages essay of the world war one which had fifteenth inch of well written words delicately scribbled on the parchment. And he was still writing another page to back up the strategies he had concluded the old generals has used.
He was also a perfectionist but it seemed to be a great asset to him and her as when Hermoine looked at her essay that she was having trouble hours ago was writing well. Well organised with well written facts and background and it made Hermoine very happy and thankful.
As Hermoine admired her well written and finished essay, [Name] had sent her a quick glance. Having to stop his scribbling on another fifteenth inch essay as he looked at the window a few tables away from where he and Hermoine was sitting at. Seeing the orange and pink hue of the sky made him conclude that it was already late.
[Name] had sneaked his hand onto underneath his robes to go to his uniform's pants' pocket. Grabbing an old and yet still well looking, silver pocket watch. Looking at the time, a grimmed look appeared on his face for a quick moment before it was replaced with utter disappointment. A tired left his lips as he put his quill down.
"It's late," [Name] had said as he pocketed his silver pocket watch back to his pants' pocket and pushed himself back. He then stood up from his seat and began to put away his things.
"Huh?" Hermoine had squeaked out. Finally out from admiring her essay and had turned to look at [Name] who was putting away his quills and unused parchments.
"It's late," [Name] didn't even turned to look at Hermoine when he said that.
"Oh," Hermoine had softly said as she furrowed her eyebrows. Still looking at the Ravenclaw packing up his stuff. Hermoine was rather saddened. Despite this Ravenclaw male was rather rude to her, she had to admit that he had interest her. And not to mention that he was very nice to offer help despite being a bit of a prat when saying he is willing to give assistance.
"Well... um..." Hermoine mumbles incoherently as she looked at her essay then back to the Ravenclaw male who had finally finished packing his stuff and was neatly piled on the table.
"I... um..." [Name] turned and raised a brow at the mumbling female beside him.
"Are you going to act like a newly obliviated muggle," [Name] had bluntly stated as he turned and began to take his stuff on his hand. Not before he had took out his wand, wave over it and muttered a soft, "locomotor!" which made the books he wasn't carrying on his hand float a bit.
"Or are you going to spit whatever you want to say out?" He had said as he turned to look at Hermoine in the eye.
Enraged a bit. Hermoine said what had first came to her mind.
"I... honestly you're quite rude," snapped Hermoine. She suddenly cupped her hands onto her mouth as her eyes widen. She realized what she had just said.
"I-- oh my! I did not-- I mean! I was--" Hermoine fumbled with her words as she stood up. Her chair screeching but she did not care for she was in too much shock and horror for her to form an apology or some sense.
Hermoine was absolutely scared out of her wits until she heard laughter. Looking at [Name], her eyes widen a bit more if possible as she saw the stuck up, rude Ravenclaw laughing at her. A soft smile on his lips as he finished his laughter looked at her form.
"Tell me something I don't know, alright?" [Name] had said. Amusement twinkling on his [Eye color eyes that Hermoine immediately noticed. It was, after all, the same eyes that had glared her the first time and the same eyes who always held some form of drowsiness despite the male had been awake as he wrote his essay. Those eyes that Hermoine had to admit was quite beautiful.
"I... erm..." Hermoine mumbled as [Name] sent her one last glance as he turned and began to walk away. The stuff he wasn't carrying but placed a spell was following close behind him. Leaving Hermoine fumbling and tumbling on her own thoughts as he left.
"Wait!" Cried Hermoine.
[Name] stopped as he turned his head to look at Hermoine. Raising a brow.
"My name's Hermoine!" She said as she saw [Name] nodded.
"I... um... would... I would like to... to do this another time... if you don't mind," Hermoine softly said.
[Name] looked at her for a second as he then turned back as he walked away. Hermione's figure sulked as she frowned. She actually wanted to meet this Ravenclaw boy again. He was rude yet nice in his own way. Hermoine thought that maybe she had made a other friend.
"I'm always here at tuesdays and fridays. I tend to go to the lake outside to read aswell on weekends," Hermoine heard [Name] same. Perking her head up as she looked at the retreating form of the Ravenclaw.
"I... uh... okay!" Hermoine had said as she smiled. Excitement in her cire as she realized that tomorrow was a saturday. Meaning, she could meet [Name] on the lake.
Hermoine turned herself around and began packing her things. There was a giddy in each step she took as she walked around the halls to go back to Gryffindor's room. In her mind, she took note to bring her favorite muggle book she had brought here in Hogwarts and hopefully get to talk about it to the rude Ravenclaw she had acquainted on on the library who seemed to enjoy muggle studies.
Hermoine was rather glad to having trouble with her essay. Because maybe, just maybe, she could finally have another friend.
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popwasabi · 4 years
“The Matrix Reloaded” deserves a re-watch in 2020
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Here’s a burning hot take for, y’all; “The Matrix Reloaded” is not bad actually!
In fact, it’s more than not bad, it’s actually pretty good and perhaps a bit misunderstood by the fans.
Now, I’m not here to tell you it’s the best Matrix film. That honor will remain always and forever with the first movie, as it remains not just one of the best action films of all-time but one of the best science fiction films ever, period. It’s a classic and simply one of my all-time favorite films.
(Not to mention turned me into a Rage Against The Machine fan.)
But somehow, over the course of my lifetime, you know what movie I have watched exponentially more than “The Matrix?” The fucking “Matrix Reloaded!”
I used to think maybe it was an ironic infatuation. To a certain extent, I think it still is, as its overly indulgent action, bad lines at times, cringey new characters, and over the top moments can make it about as comical as many so bad it’s good movies. But growing up time can change perceptions, sometimes for the better, and can help you see things in new ways that you didn’t before and “The Matrix Reloaded,” especially this year, was one of them for me.
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(My plans vs 2020)
I could defend the much controversial sequel by going in on its ambitious action film-making (the car chase is still my all-time favorite in any movie), pulse-pounding score, or its eye-popping cinematography that, honestly, holds up even to today’s standards but I think these are all things that even the film’s detractors generally agree on. 
No, I’m going to defend this film by talking about its most controversial scene: The Architect room.
I can hear the groans already and I don’t blame you. I found this scene preposterous and mightily confusing when I first saw it.
“The One is actually a part of the Machines’ system?? WTF!?”
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(I remember having a similar feeling after playing Mass Effect 3...)
To be fair, its set up is a bit muddled, given the clunky script and pacing issues of the movie but when you start thinking about the message more deeply, given current events, and its relation to the real world it hits about as hard and fits as neatly as the first film’s more positive message.
The first Matrix film has a pretty dark setup, obviously. Neo finds out that he’s a part of gigantic computer program meant to create the illusion of free will for humanity while they are quite literally eaten for power by the Machines like cattle. Of course, Neo discovers he’s more than just another human connected to The Matrix but a prophesized messiah who has the ability to combat the system beyond its considerable control. By the end of the film he fulfills his destiny by becoming The One and beginning a new revolution against the Machines that control the human race.
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(And looking fucking cool and totally 90s while doing it!)
It’s a pretty positive and uplifting story when you really break it down. It shows the viewer the lengths at which power tries to maintain its control and the Machines are a worthy avatar for this metaphor, but it also shows that power can be fought against when someone begins to empower themselves. When Neo says he will “show you a world where anything is possible” at the end its an earned moment of catharsis for not just him but the audience as well. We begin to start to believe in hope and beating the system too.
“The Matrix Reloaded” however goes several steps further showing that power can maintain its control in far more nefarious ways. Throughout the film Neo is told about the illusion of control and choice by characters like The Oracle and the, admittedly cringey, Merovingian. It feels strange at first because Neo is supposedly someone who is above the system but you can tell there is sense of jadedness, with some optimism of course, when The Oracle explains his role in saving Zion, like someone who has seen someone try to do this before, and The Merovingian simply mocks him for being another in a long line of “predecessors” who is completely “out of control.”
But then Neo finally does get to the Architect after being led there by The Key Maker and it’s here he learns his true nature; that he is the sixth in a long line of previous “Ones” in the Matrix and a part of The Machine’s control. He is less a prophet and more just another cog in the machine meant to lead humanity in one direction over and over again in order to create an illusion of free will for the resistance, the same way The Matrix does its human cattle.
Neo was a part of their plan and had been from the start.
(In case y’all need a refresher...)
There were tons of fans, including myself at one point, who couldn’t square with this strange narrative turn. Like Morpheus at the end of the film, there was refusal to believe it. It seemingly rewrote how one could view the first film and Neo’s role in it.
It changed the way a lot of people could see the positivity of the first film and understandably that could, and did, make a lot of people upset. Neo wasn’t sent to save humanity; he was there to keep them in line. It was like saying “actually Emperor Palpatine always wanted Luke Skywalker to blow up the Death Star.”
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(I mean he does say this a lot though...)
But “The Matrix” was always about the lengths at which power works to maintain its control over the masses and “Reloaded” asks how can a corrupt and evil system be a part of the solution? How can it be reformed?
It can’t.
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Way back in 2008, I cast my first vote as an eligible American for Barack Obama for president. Like many millennials at the time I found his mantra of “hope and change” sincere and uplifting and I truly felt the country was going to take a turn for the better the night he was inaugurated. For a moment it really did feel like things would be different after eight years of Bush.
Fast forward to 2011 however, and things changed dramatically for myself when I found out about the drones.
I’m aware of the fact that in leadership positions hard choices are made but after spending the previous decade vociferously calling out the Bush Administration for what they did in the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars this was a truly rude awakening for me. Combine this with finding out about him continuing Bush era tax cuts, re-upping the Patriot Act, the mass deportations, the major corporate donors, his mishandling of Flint, and The Standing Rock Crisis it became clear Obama was just as much a part of the machine as Bush was.
(Also, no matter how much you hate Trump, DO NOT participate in the the gas-lighting of this man’s record...) 
Now, I can already hear the pitchforks picking up and I’m not here to tell you that the Obama presidency didn’t have its moments or that it was worse than what we have now BUT this does not excuse what would be considered awful behavior by liberals under any conservative president.
Each Democratic presidency or nomination I’ve seen in my lifetime, from Clinton to Obama, has always touted themselves as a chance to “fix America” and bring “hope and change” to a largely corrupt system. But neither of these presidencies really changed much of what the previous conservative administrations did, in fact in some ways they got worse. Minimum wage hasn’t risen in over a decade, we still have the world’s largest prison population by far, the wealth gap has only INCREASED regardless of who held the White House, and need I remind some of you Black Lives Matter started under the Obama administration.
At some point the problem goes beyond just conservative stonewalling and political impasse. You can’t blame everything on Mitch McConnell (though a lot of it can too, admittedly). The system is behaving exactly as its supposed to because corrupt people hold power.
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(They’re not laughing with you, they are laughing AT you...)
The extremely cynical Biden-Harris ticket we got going right now is being pitched, more or less, the same way as a "fight to fix everything terrible” that Trump has done. Look, I’m not going to tell you Trump hasn’t been terrible because that should be obvious to EVERYONE at this point, but when you have Wall Street goons actively cheering the announcement of the Democratic party nomination, a DNC that is running more conservative speakers in its first day than Latinx across the entire event, you have to wonder to yourself if they are really “The One.”
(A reminder that “Never Trump” Republicans are not your friends either...)
Again, I’m not saying things can’t be “better” right now under a Democratic White House or that some communities would benefit greatly from a change in leadership BUT the bar is FUCKING LOW and the truth of the matter is people WILL be hurt under the next administration regardless of who it is and framing it as “privileged” to think otherwise is actually quite privileged itself.
There are people who can’t wait for medicare for all. There are people who can’t wait for sentencing and prison reform. There are people who cannot survive another wave of US imperialism overseas.
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We are being guided to the same predetermined destination that The Architect gives Neo and its what makes all this so aggravating for many.
“The Matrix Reloaded” shows Neo that he is simply another system of control for the afflicted masses but what makes the final moments of the film important is that he chooses to stop playing its game. When The Architect gives him the choice of the door that guarantees the “salvation” of the human race but in bonded servitude to the Machines and the door to make the supposed “selfish” decision to save Trinity from death but doom humanity to extinction, he does this fully expecting Neo to make the same choice every other One did before him did.
But Neo doesn’t, he goes through the door to save Trinity and for a chance to destroy the system in another way. Neo decides to break the cycle even if it might have catastrophic consequences. He challenges The Architect on whether he would be willing to allow Neo any chance at any other outcome and calls his bluff. It’s what makes him a hero and in a strange way gives “Reloaded” a positive ending as well.
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(And again, just looking cool as hell while doing it.)
Now, with the way the next movie ends you could make the argument that the cycle continues and this theme gets contradicted but I would argue it’s a bit more ambiguous than that and with the fourth film supposedly on its way in the coming years there is a chance for a more conclusive and satisfying ending. This write-up is strictly arguing the message of the second film anyways.
What a viewer should get on further review of “The Matrix Reloaded” is that corrupt systems have more insidious ways of maintaining control than we may be able to accept. Wall Street goons wouldn’t allow a consistent formidable opposition party to run against them every year, it’s why they are deep in both red AND blue pockets. It’s why campaign financing is out of control. It’s why ultimately both wings of our government are pro-surveillance, pro-big money donors, pro-US exceptionalism/imperialism and the only real difference comes down to mostly minor minutia between the two to maintain their illusion of choice.
In the end to a certain extent, I still believe in the system, given that I donate money and support various leftist causes, progressive primary challenges, and reelections around the country in hopes they run a real left wing someday. However, each year, and frankly each month at the rate we’re going, I’ve grown more cynical about it. At best it is incremental change and at worst its ultimately empty power against the larger juggernaut of corrupt politics throughout our government.
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(Me desperately trying to avoid the relentless bullshit of this year.)
“Reloaded” deposits that in order to break the cycle you have to make a choice not accounted for by the system. That in order to truly change anything, as silly and as obvious as it sounds, you have to do something different. Voting for people who better represent your beliefs much more fully and refusing to vote for ones who don’t is one way but as I stated in my “Black Sails” write-up the more active third option should never be off the table.
Changing the world shouldn’t come down to a false binary choice like the ones the Machines gave Neo at the end of “Reloaded.” And while, for the record, I’m not necessarily against people making the lesser of two evils choice again, people need to stop ignoring the ways in which corruption keeps its power and start having honest looks at those who call themselves “The One” who will make things right.
If this entire year hasn’t convinced you of that yet, I don’t know what will and the sooner we understand this the sooner we can start a real “revolution” in this country’s cynical politics.
Until then The Machines will continue to win...
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*Me getting away from the liberal bullshit that will likely be tossed at me over this*
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breakingbadfics · 4 years
Death of the author
CW: Light discussion of politics, mentions of the Alt-Right, and White Supremacists. 
Consider this a “Change of Pace” entry. I’m trying to figure out what the next essay is to be about as well as the eventual long term for this blog. 
I wrote this essay back in mid 2019, long before the idea of this blog would come to mind, it’s been lightly edited prior to posting and added to. and I think this essay shows some of my influences much more heavily than my other writings.
What does My Little Pony and The Matrix have in common?  Death of the Author. 
Death of the Author is not to be confused with “Separating the Artist from the Art,” a self explanatory concept to distance a work from a creator who’s beliefs are more than a little unpleasant, easiest example is acknowledging that, yes,  H.P. Lovecraft was a Mega-racist, however, his contributions to the horror genre have created a base that is nearly ubiquitous with the genre to this day, like wise with Orson Scott Card. this concept in itself is an especially controversial subject, but is not the focus of this piece.
Death of the Author is what allowed The Matrix, a movie with a collection of metaphors about being an lgbt person, and an activist for the rights of yourself and your allies to be grossly misinterpreted as a way to justify being a bigot, the most egregious misinterpretation being that of “The Red Pill Scene.”
In the context of the film, The Red Pill Scene is the part of the traditional heroes story where the hero “accepts the call”, Neo is quite literally making the choice to leave the safe world he’s been living in behind and embark on his adventure that will result in a death and rebirth into being The One who will save humanity. In the now very much understood to be the direct metaphor, it’s a scene in which Neo, the stand-in for a lgbt person, specifically a trans person, is being told by a much older lgbt person “You are trans, you have the choice to embrace it, but regardless of what choice you make from here on out the road ahead is going to be bumpy and rough on you, because the system around you is designed to make sure people like us aren’t able to prosper, and if you join us, you won’t be able to opt out.” 
That is the very understood metaphor that most people accept with the modern understanding after The Wachowski’s came out as Lily and Lana in the “post-matrix trilogy” reality of the real world.
However due to the Moral Neutrality of Death of the Author in other circles the Red Pill(and all the other metaphors in the film) takes on an alternative meaning. And I can be “polite” in my explaing the bad take on how this scene plays out, but just to hammer the point home we’ll get dirty so you can know where the take is coming from, The Red Pill Scene for White supremeacists, and The alt-right (but I repeat myself) is such.  Neo, a disgruntled white person is being told that the world is controlled by soulless machines. Jews, people of color, etx. Everyone around him is mind controlled and can and will attempt to stop him from saving the people smart enough to also realise they’re being held captive by non-whites and save them all. This of course, all being told to him by Morpheus, a black man. So have fun working your head around that. 
This of course the most extreme example being the most ubiquitous, poke around on chan sites and sooner or later you’ll see the phrase “red pill” having been memetically adjusted to mean “hey tell me about this thing” or even more specifically “I already had an opinion about this but either way I want you to confirm my choice.” But I digress. 
These two interpretations are so wildly on the opposite ends of the spectrum that the only commonalities between them is “You will likely need to be violent at some point” 
I’m naturally only covering the two interpretations, the matrix itself has been picked apart by an untold number of people and people interpret it in as many ways as possible in terms of philosophical meaning. That is the nature of Death of The Author. 
Death of the Author also covers in a round-a-bout fashion, selective canon, a subjective acknowledgement of canon elements throughout a long lived franchise- see; Star Wars, Star Trek, the belief that there was never any sequels to The Matrix. This variant of the philosophy allows one to be able to continue interactions with a text, specifically a text that consists of multiple volumes (or contributions, each one made by an individual author) but also deny interactions with parts that they personally dislike. 
More often than not, you can attribute the death of the author to a bad take in a case of fiction, another primary example being Fight Club, often missed for the scathing critique of unhealthy male behaviour and propped up as some sort of moral guideline for how to live your life. Which is again, not to say this is the fault of Death of The Author as a philosophy, it is morally neutral, these bad takes can more often be attribued to the simple fact that unless directly stating it most attempts at satire or parody will have a contingent of people who agree with what is said, not what is meant, and death of the author unfortunately does make that..very easy, for good, or ill. 
Where does My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fit in with all this?  Well there are certainly alt-right members of the brony fandom who are painfully missing the point, but we’ve already dwelled on the negative enough, so let’s get happy. 
In Episode 1 of Season 1, the first part of a two part pilot, in the background of a shot during a party scene; a pony with a grey coat and blonde mane and tail is seen in the background. This particular pony stood out the most amongst other background characters due to a mistake caused by the animation staff. According to the supervising director at the time, this particular error was spotted after hasbro greenlit the episode for air, and because it amused him he chose not to order a correction so it was left in as a nice little easter egg. 
The nameless background pony would eventually be caught by 4chan among other places and very rapidly developed a following of fans and given a nickname, Derpy Hooves. This particular following and new nickname would echo back to shows staff becoming the name internally referred to by the show’s staff. 
Friendship is magic creator Lauren Faust, who also enjoyed the popularity of the character when asked in an interview would state that a character named Ditzy Doo existed in an unaired episode, that would be implied to be this particular background pony, So naturally now depending on the fan this particular character would be reffered to as either Derpy Hooves, or Ditzy Doo.  
Ditzy Doo would go on to become a recurring easter egg with in the show, something similar to that of “where’s waldo” but with horses. This practice would continue until episode 14 of season 2  where the character would have a set of spoken lines and would be addressed by name. This however resulted in a degree of controversy in which some people expressed concern that the presentation of the character was an offensive attempt at portraying people with mental or physical disabilities. This event resulted in the episode being altered in future airings and the character disappearing from the show for the vast majority of Season 3. Beyond Season 3 the character would continue to appear until season 5 where they would finally have a voiced role in the 100th episode of the show, and then eventually having another speaking role in the christmas special “The best gift ever.”  It is also worth noting that Hasbro never gave her an “official name” with almost all of Ditzy’s merchandise either having no name present, or more often than not a singular image of a muffin in place of a name, even going so far as to have “Muffins” be the credited name she was given in all voiced instances of the show. 
Muffins, Ditzy Doo, or Derpy Hooves isn’t the only case of background characters growing a large following of fans with in the show; a variety of characters have been swept up by the fans, given names and personalities built entirely out of bit gags. Lyra, Bon Bon, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia Melody, and who knows how many more have all been seen in background moments which would be built on by fans and then echo back into the staff to be integrated into the show further. One would say this is fanon but at the end of the day, the writers and show staff had very little more intent with the characters beyond “does this background character look good?” and “Does this bit part character stand out enough to automatically be recognizable for the bit they need to be doing” it is still what I believe to be an example of Death of The Author, an act of choosing to ignore the intended meaning,and giving what amounts to window dressings a full life as fleshed out characters in fan content and in small instances of the show; an interpretation separate from the writers original intent. 
Now the question is does someone need to actively defy the author to participate in The Death There-of? No. I don’t believe so.  In much the same fashion no one need actually be a clan member to inadvertently say or do something that's passive aggressively racist(yes a bit of an extreme, I know) one need not actively defy the author, merely ascribe to an alternate interpretation of a work of fiction. Refer to Fight Club, the film does everything it can with out directly stating “most of the people in Fight Club and later Project Mayhem are bad people, because they were already doing the things Tyler Durden was ascribing to” and almost unilaterally all the bad takes are built around this idea that they’ve achieved the perfect ideal masculine because they’re the “living in the moment, violent psychopath” nihilist the movie is actively condemning. 
The simple fact is that death of the author ultimately, in a grand scale amounts to this; did a writers intent show through hard enough for their intent to be heard? And Subjectively, how much does a person believe in the meaning that they, or the writer themself have imparted into the story? 
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jflashandclash · 4 years
Tales From Mount Othrys
Ajax: Fidget Spinners VI
           The Lord of the Underworld was almost exactly what Pax expected he would be: moody, dark, and evil-looking with a strong affinity for the color black. Or maybe it was the color “trapped soul.” Whatever it was, Hades liked it outlined in gold, probably to look more intimidating. He wore black robes and had a helm under one arm.
         There was one major problem. He didn’t have blue fire for hair. Disney taught Pax that Hades was supposed to have blue fire hair and a great sense of humor. Disney had lied to him. This just looked like a rich, pasty white guy. 
         His black and gold chariot was spooky, but Pax had seen cooler ones. The one they were designing for Kronos was way better.
         Axel was crazy enough to have his sword still drawn. In the presence of the Lord of the Underworld, with Hades’ squadron of geriatric dominatrixes, and some Halloween standees behind them, Pax’s brother set his jaw and kept hislips in a firm line. When asked later, Pax would say Axel didn’t shake once (and they would get a chance to be asked later; they were both surviving this, damn it.) Truth was, Pax’s presence seemed to weaken Axel’s resolve. Pax guessed it was real easy to get yourself killed when it was just you that would be doing the dying part.
         Pax’s mind raced. One thing was certain: they weren’t fighting their way out of this.
         Axel grunted when Pax pushed his sword hand down.  
         “Get out of here,” Axel hissed in Mayan.
         Pax didn’t know how to explain to Axel that the invisibility spell over Pax was sparking and would attract a lot of attention if he tried to pick up Axel and flee. Pax didn’t get a chance.
         Hades’ voice boomed and reverberated around the cavern more than Jack’s had. “You will not escape me this time, Perc—”
         As his chariot ground to a halt, his dark eyes narrowed at Axel’s tiny form, then flicked back up to the furies. “This isn’t Percy Jackson.”
         The furies had been fluttering in an intimidating circle above, like the most obnoxious of gnats. One landed beside Hades’ chariot, looking nervous. “We thought it was Luke Castellan, My Lord. Your rage and obsession over Jackson must have—”
         Hades roared. He lashed out towards the Fury.
         She took to the sky again, shrieking.
         “Does this look like the host of Kronos?!” Hades bellowed, Pax thought, rather offensively. Axel could totally host Kronos if he wanted. “I’m not sure if I would rather strike Jackson or Castellan dead first.” His dark gaze returned back to Axel. “You’ll have to suffice.”
         Pax wished the invisibility spell came with a sink-into-the-ground function. He trembled at the power radiating off this god, and knew, in that horrifying moment, that Axel was about to challenge Hades to a duel.
         Pax’s mouth opened. He wasn’t sure what words would come out, but they would definitely be better than Axel’s, You wanna throw down?
         “We’re lost,” Pax said.
         Hades looked confused, clearly noting that Axel hadn’t opened his mouth.
         Axel tensed.
         No option for running now. Pax continued, feeling a few sparks above his head flutter down to singe he shoulder. He hoped that wasn’t burning holes in the invisibility spell. He might need it in a moment. “Yes, we’re lost,” Pax repeated. “We’re looking…” He grasped for anything that might baffle the Lord of the Dead. At those words, it popped into his head. “We’re looking… for Xibalba?” The comment came out a question.
         Axel cleared his throat. “Yes,” he confirmed, glancing in Pax’s general direction without landing exactly on Pax. “We’re looking for Xibalba.” Robotically, Axel sheathed his sword.
         Hades looked incredibly annoyed. “You are Mayan,” he said, examining Axel’s tufted ears with begrudging realization. “You’re not Greek at all.”
         “Nope,” Axel confirmed. “My faith is in the Mayan gods and the Catholic Trinity.”
         None of that was false. They had always practiced within the Mayan and Catholic faith. They knew Greek and Roman gods and hung out with them. Pax hardly called that faith or worship, no matter how often Morpheus liked to tease them as his little devotees when they slept-in with a rare, sweet dream. Axel scorned when anyone suggested he refer to the Titans as all powerful.
         Hades pinched the ridge of his nose. “Who let you down here?”
         “Um…” Axel said. He, Luke, and Jack must have slipped into the Underworld through a back entrance and didn’t know who to pin the blame on.
         Pax had an immediate answer. “Charon,” he said.
         “CHARON!” Hades bellowed.
         Even Axel flinched as the cavern trembled with a minor earth quake. A stalactite fell and crashed into lines of the dead in the distance. They passed through, unharmed.
         “First he has the audacity to ask for a pay raise, and now he’s letting heathens into my domain!” Hades yelled, “His impertinence knows no end! First his suits! And now his life coach that’s telling him how hard it is to find someone with his skill set!”
         Although Axel probably couldn’t see Pax, the brothers knew to looks towards each other as though to exchange a glance.
         “Is his skill set hard to find?” Axel asked.
         “Yes!” Hades bellowed, “It’s nearly impossible to find a well-suited grim reaper.” Pax wanted to raise a hand to ask if Hades’ “well-suited” meant Charon’s outfit or skill set, but Hades cut him off. “But, you can’t let him know that. It goes straight to his head and now he thinks he’s irreplaceable. He forgets that one-in-a-billion is different than irreplaceable. How many people do you think die in a day!?”
         Pax coughed into the back of his hand to keep himself from laughing. Was this guy for real? Most of his prior fear was evaporating. “Us heathens?” he reminded Hades.
         “Yes, it has been an awfully long time since Charon flubbed and let savage barbarians into my domain—”
         “Let’s stick with heathens,” Axel growled.
         Pax had to agree. He remembered Alabaster once telling him something about how barbarian meant someone who wasn’t Hellenistic to the Greeks, but avoiding the adjective “savage,” was that too much to ask for?
         “And now we have a leak in our ICEE unit. They should have caught you at the entrance,” Hades continued like Axel hadn’t spoken.
         Had Pax heard that right? “ICEE? For real? As in—”
         “Inhumation Correction to Exact Exequies,” Hades growled. “This is what you get when you let liberal arts majors name things. Regardless, they’re for the dead who were improperly processed after death. They’ll be able to sort a ghost and a…. are you some kind of spirit guide?”
         The question didn’t sound sarcastic, just irritated. Pax’s mind raced, trying to think—
         Pax decided to go with lying, a rarity with his normal half-truths. He forgot no one could see him while he shrugged. “He’s the weird one. All Mayan dead look like me.”
         “Uh-hu…” a Fury somewhere above said doubtfully.
         Pax stuck a tongue out at her and had the delightful realization that he could moon the Lord of the Dead right here, right now, in his own domain, and no one would know to stop him and there would assuredly be no repercussions.
         That would also mean mooning the creepy dominatrixes in the sky. He decided he would pass up the opportunity to avoid that.
         “We’re sorry to cause you such strife, Lord Death,” Axel said, holding up his hands in a mock-honoring gesture. “We can show ourselves out, really.”
         “Likely,” Hades said. “Last time we had an ICEE mix up, there was SUCH ruckus and chaos. That einherji was terrible for our image!”
         Axel frowned, his hands clenching into fists. “You know, not all misplaced souls are like that.”
         “Yes, you try telling that the to Elysian Field occupants that had their houses torched and raided. All it takes is one and it devalues all the properties for miles!” Hades said.
         Pax got the bad feeling that Axel was about to attack Hades regardless of their ruse. While warranted, Axel might really be a misplaced Mayan soul stuck in the Underworld’s immigration unit if he did.
         Before Pax could say something to ease the mood, Hades leaned forward in his chariot. His hand curled around his black helm. His dark eyes bore down onto Axel.
         Had Axel been a lesser man, he’d have probably crumbled to his knees with all that godliness trying to make him feel mortal. Pax definitely felt himself trembling. Instead, Axel stared back.
         Hades pointed to Axel’s arm. “You tried to swim in the River Styx.” This time, when the Lord of the Underworld spoke, his oily voice was also filled with ice.
         Axel lowered his arms completely. His burn marks had been on full display from where he’d withdrawn Luke from the dark waters and held his acidic friend.
          Considering that probably wasn’t a popular tourist destination for a leisure dip, Pax could see where marks from it would be suspicious.
         “Is that what your river is called?” Pax asked, trying to edge his voice with some mockery. “Our black river is the scorpion river. Dipping in it is part of our death ritual. You should check the pH balance of your scorpions. I think they’re off.” That most certainly was not part of their death ritual. Pax planned to stay as far away from the Black River as he could when we went to….
         An existential panic threatened to break Pax’s concentration on the present. Would he end up in the Mayan afterlife or the Greek one? Or even the Catholic one? Others in Camp Othrys said it was based off belief, but what if you believed in all three? And what if Axel didn’t end up in the same one? Would paradise even be worth it if you couldn’t hang out with your bro?
         The expression on Hades’ face brought Pax’s attention back. Those harsh lines hadn’t softened at Pax’s flubbed explanation. Hades was in the process of deciding he didn’t believe them and, probably, wondering which part of his robes he’d put the Pax brother’s souls into. Guy had some weird fetishes if he kept people’s souls in his robes and ladies with whips as his escorts. No wonder Persephone only stayed down here a few months out of the year.
         They needed a distraction and they need one fast, something that would shock or offend Hades so much that he’d forget to toss them into his evil sock drawer and something that would startle Axel away from where his hand was creeping towards his sword hilt.
         “Your helmet looks stupid,” Pax blurted.
         That… that was not what they needed. But, Pax would make it work.
         Before Hades eyes could bulge out of his head, his “WHAT” could shake apart the Underworld, or Axel could choke on his laughter, Pax continued, “I’m looking out for your best interests. It looks like your helm would look stupid on, and I wouldn’t want you looking stupid to other invisible spirits like myself. You see, us invisibles look visible to other invisibles. Haven’t you noticed that when you have your helm on?”
         It was a huge gamble. Alabaster would have been able to tell Pax if that was stupid or not, according to mythology. At the moment, all Pax could remember was that it was a helm of invisibility. He couldn’t remember what other figures possessed this power.
         Hades’ brow had furrowed in rage, his mouth agape like a rabid animal. In the briefest moment, Pax saw a glimmer of insecurity in those pits of eternal pain that Hades had for eyes.
         Either Pax had already sentenced him and his brother to death or Hades needed the tiniest bit more coaxing before he cracked.
         “I mean, I’m a Mayan. I’ll talk to you straight. How many Greeks would dare give you an honest opinion on this?” Pax said, so fast that he hoped others could keep the syllables separated. “Try asking one of your humble servants.”
         The ghoul army behind him shuffled in nervous motion. The Furies seemed to fly higher.
“I trust my servants to be honest with me,” Hades snarled. He scowled up towards the Fury that had spotted their party; she hadn’t flown up fast enough. “Alekto.”
She seemed alarmed. “Yes, Master?” she said uncertainly.
         “Does my helm look stupid when I’m wearing it?” Hades asked.
         Her wing flapping grew so tentative, Pax thought that she might lose altitude. “Um…. Master, I cannot see it on you when you wear it. You’re invisible.”
         Hades nostrils flared. “Of course you can’t,” he said, his voice bitter with suspicion.
         Pax shrugged in a, what are you going to do?, gesture. Remembering that Hades couldn’t see him, he shoved Axel and hoped his older brother got the message.
         “Underlings, am I right?” Axel asked. The words sounded unnatural from him. On the laundry list of things that made Axel passionately angry, the misuse of underpaid workers was one of them.
         That didn’t matter to Hades. He examined his helmet so thoroughly, he probably hadn’t even heard Axel. Pax had cracked Hades’ confident demeanor with the tiniest hint of insecurity. Alekto’s hesitation was all Pax needed to convince the Lord of the Dead that there was a problem.
“Charon did give the design to the Elder Cyclopes during the First Titan War. It has always been a little too tight.” Hades lifted his helm and stared into the dark eye sockets. Pax was a little disappointed that the helmet didn’t turn Hades’ arm invisible when he stuck his hand inside to lift it up. Hades snorted. “Of course I would be the only god that needed measurements for my great weapon. Zeus and Poseidon get a bolt and a trident. Doesn’t matter if their henchmen are unreliable. You’d think with all those tailored suits, that Charon could take a proper measurement—”
Pax wanted to point out that Hades should be able to just change the size of his head. He was a GOD. That was the opposite of what Pax wanted Hades to think. Pax feigned a gasp, kicking his brother’s boot.
Instead of sharing Pax’s gasp, as he had hoped, Axel glared at him. His message was clear: get on with what you’re doing before you get us killed.
         “Oh, you’ve never SEEN your helmet on yourself?” Pax said, sounding as aghast and offended as he could manage. “I mean, if you’re comfortable with not knowing whether or not you look like an idiot—”
         Hades made a threatening growl.
         Pax knew he couldn’t back down. “—and maybe telling Persephone that her husband lost his fashion sense after the SS uniform went out of style—”
         “Those uniforms influenced dark fashion for years,” Hades said with pride.
         “All villains admire that look. Clearly you know what you’re doing,” Pax agreed. “Maybe we just need someone to model your helmet for you, that way you can make adjustments to fit what you think is best, not Charon’s sloppy notes.”
         “It would be nice to fix the sizing. And I could add some more skulls to it, if I were to have it fixed,” Hades mumbled, tilting the helm on its side.
         “You’ll need someone who—I mean, no one could do your grand, imperial stance justice, but someone who would come close. You need a chiseled, manly-jawed model. Someone with an authoritarian stance...” Pax hummed like he was thinking. “Oh, the Furies won’t do. They’re ladies. And you don’t want someone who’s decomposed. They won’t be able to tell you if it would be comfortable with adjustments. What’s your head circumference?”
         “37 in this form; 25 when I look more like the lesser race,” Hades said absently. He gestured towards Axel and Pax, clearly meaning, when I look mortal.
         “Twenty-five!” Pax cried. He shoved Axel’s shoulder, so Axel stumbled a step forward. “A chiseled-jaw, authoritarian stance and a 25 inch head circumference—”
         “No—” Axel hissed at Pax, but Pax knew it was already too late for him to properly protest.
         “—that just so happens to fit my brother! What luck!” Pax had no idea if that would fit his brother’s head. He didn’t know many people who knew their own head circumference, let alone the head circumference of a relative. After they lived through this, he’d have to ask it of Axel. Then he could make him a, I Went to Hades and Only Got This Defective Helm of Darkness cap.
         Hades’ eyes narrowed. They slid past the helm to the two of them. Pax had managed to usher them closer to Hades’ chariot. “Are you suggesting I put my most prized weapon atop your brother’s head?”
         “I mean, if you have someone else to model it for you quickly, we don’t need to bother you.” Axel shot Pax a look.
         Pax nodded sagely. “I’m sure you have lots of dashing heroes that aren’t decomposed and gross or incorporeal to help. I mean. We’re just right here. Passing through. And I happen to be someone who can see invisible things. I guess we could call up Hecate—augh. I forgot she betrayed you for the Titans.” Pax snapped his fingers like he was disappointed. “And Queen Persephone might not mind too much if you get some zombie brain junk on those beautiful, raven locks.”
         Hades eyes widened enough that Pax thought the King of the Underworld might shoot lasers at him. Maybe Pax was pushing the line a bit too much.
         “How would a Mayan know about Hecate and her betrayal?” Hades demanded.
         “The Lords of the Dead gossip a lot,” Axel blurted. “You know how Lord Hun-Came gets when he’s been drinking and playing ball with Lord Vucub-Came.”
         “This is why you only have one Lord of the Dead. Bureaucracy just means red tape and more time for courtly banter.[1] You can run a government so much easier when you’re a tyrant,” Hades said and sighed, like he’d been petitioned many times for a democratic underworld.
         Axel rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath, “Apparently, only when you have competent henchmen.”
         Pax pinched his brother’s arm. They were close; he could feel it, especially since he almost felt bad for Hades. If Hades really thought it was easier to rule down here by himself, Pax wondered how lonely this guy got.
         Pax wasn’t here to check on the underworld’s mental health though. “Why not surround us with a circle of guards. It’s not like we’re trained acrobats that can jump over people’s heads.” Axel snorted. Pax pinched his shoulder again. “And, we might as well help you. It’s the least we can do before you escort us to your ICEE unit.”
         Hades considered this for a moment. His entourage shuffled in discomfort. The Furies might hit a stalactite if they flew any higher to avoid his wraith.
         “Very well,” he said. “Guards!”
         The shuffling grew louder as the warriors made a loose circle around him and his brother. Some of the spear tips got a little too close for comfort. They’d have to be careful avoiding those while escaping.
         Hades motioned Axel forward.
         The taller boy clenched his jaw. Pax was pretty sure the tension therein could shatter an entire frozen lake. While this was the perfect opportunity for Axel to get the sword equivalent of a sucker punch on Hades, Pax wanted to remind Axel that they probably couldn’t stab the Lord of the Dead, bid a “good day” to his army, and skip out of here down a black brick road. Pax swallowed, reminding himself that sucker punches were things that he did. His brother had some weird concept about something called honor? Pax normally ignored Axel when he talked about it.
         Here came the hard part: getting Axel to kneel to accept the helm.
         Axel leveled with Hades’ black chariot. Pax could feel the overwhelming power radiating off it and its master. Authority bled off this guy like creepiness from a spider, and Hades wanted Axel to bend to his will without having to be asked.
         Axel, an idiot who bowed to no man nor god, cleared his throat. “Lord Hades, I believe you won’t be able to reach me from your chariot if I kneel.”
         The comment was presumptuous and Pax thought Axel had blown all their improvisation quicker than a Star Trek Vulcan would ruin the atmosphere of the Renaissance festival. He waited for Hades’ fist to turn into a cartoon hammer and smash Axel into the black sand.
         Instead, Hades growled, “Mayans are the first people to even think about that. Would my soldiers have said anything? No. They would have forced me to reach further down to get them.” Especially with how tall the god was, an extra four feet would be a lot to stoop.
         The Lord of the Underworld lifted his hideous black helm above Axel’s tufted ears.
         As the helm came down, it compressed Axel’s long, twisted hair. Or, Pax thought it did. When it made contact, the helm melted Axel.
         Within a microsecond, the essence that was Axel had liquefied into shadow and flooded into the sands. There wasn’t even an indent where he’d been standing.
         There was one major flaw in Pax’s plan. He actually couldn’t see his brother. And, in that moment, with Axel-fertilizer in the underworld’s black sand, Pax realized Axel and Pax might have been the ones who were just tricked.
 Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! :D Stay tuned next week to see what—well…. you can’t really see what Pax and Axel are doing. >>’‘
Anyway, stay safe and indoors!
[1] Ha ha. Courtly. Like a ball court…. I’ll show myself out.
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chatzy // weed closet pj party
DATE: Friday, March 27, 2020 CHARACTERS: Chase, Jesse, Malia, Alec, Casey, Blue, L, Parker, Jack ABOUT: The Morpheus cabin hosts a PJ Party. Mammals smoke marijuana and Twister ends with a twist.
Chase made sure that all the lights were placed well and all the blanket walls were secure. He picked up a cat from the twister mat and flipped it onto its back so he could hold it like a baby. He unlocked the door and stood to the side, wondering if he should wait there and be a fake psychic that was standing there the whole time or step back so he wouldn’t be weird. He swayed a bit and then walked over to take his cookies from the oven.(edited)
Malia held her mug of hot chocolate in both her hands as she shooed Killer # 1 from pulling at the blanket fort. She followed Chase into the kitchen and smiled. "Any pronoun preference tonight? I don't want you to like, explain yourself if you don't want to."
Jesse was finishing washing the few dishes that had piled up over the day and didn't hear Malia's question to Chase between the sound of the water running and some vague daydreams. As he put the last plate on the drying rack, he turned around and absently pet Killer # 2 on the head, still in his own world.
Chase set the cat down on the counter, pulled the cookies from the oven, and then picked the cat up again as he turned the oven off. He grinned widely at Malia, heart full. “No, no preference. Thanks for asking. Say whatever feels right.” He leaned against the counter. “Did either of you want a cookie? They’re vegan and don’t have nuts, but they do have weed.” 
Malia considered it, then glanced at Jesse. "Want to split one?" 
Jesse tuned in to catch the last part of Chase's offer, once he realized he was being addressed. He smiled at Malia, shrugging one shoulder. "Sure, okay." 
“I’m actually gonna put a note on them to only take half, so y’all might wanna take a quarter.” 
"Oh shit, okay." Malia pulled off half a cookie and then held that half out for Jesse. 
Jesse took it from her. "Thanks. Who're you expecting to come?" he asked Chase. 
Alec let themself into the Morpheus cabin and wandered over to where the three were standing in the kitchen, looking around as they go. "Hey gang! Are there new sheets up in here? It looks swanky. Do those have weed in them?" 
Jack doubted his decision up until the moment he knocked on the door, but he was determined to push himself. "Let yourself blow, Jack," he whispered. After waiting half a minute and hearing voices from the inside, Jack decided to let himself in. "Is this..." The room was much emptier than he expected. "Oh my actual gods," he muttered. "Why am I always so fucking early."
Malia brightened at the sight of Alec and waved her quarter of the weed cookie at them. "Hey! Yes they do." She walked over to Alec to give them a quick cheek kiss and noticed Jack in her peripheral vision. "Hey! You came!" She walked over to him. "I gotta say I wasn't sure if you'd come." 
"Uh, yeah," Jack smiled. "Me neither, TBFH," he chuckled. "It smells like the inside of Martha Stewart's purse in here."
"Oh yeah, Chase made weed cookies." She held out her quarter for him. "Take this, I'll go get another piece for me." 
Chase shrugged. “Um, it was more of a general invite? Alec said they were co–“ As if summoned, they were there. “Hey!” Chase turned his attention to them. “Sure do! But don’t have any eggs, dairy, or nuts.” He turned to Jesse again. “Uh, I dunno who else. Blue, maybe?” 
"Uh," Jack took the quarter cookie in his hand, eyes wide. He hadn't been high before and had no idea this is how the night was going to go. But at the same time, the cooke did smell great... 
Malia noticed his hesitation. "You okay?" she asked. "Oh my gods, did I just peer pressure you? I totally did, didn't I? I'm sorry, you don't have to eat this." 
Jack laughed. "No, I mean, that's fine. I've just never... Done this before? I've always been curious but, like... Just have not." 
Alec beamed at Malia, then bounded over to Chase and Jesse. They scooped up a cookie and broke it in half. "Oh holy mackerel, awesome! You're the fucking best." As they happily chewed away at it, they started petting the cat in Chase's arms. "Can I hold him?" 
"Oh, okay." Jesse closed his eyes for a half second and exhaled when Alec came over, and then put on what he hoped was a polite smile.
"Ah." Malia tapped her lips. "Okay, eat like, half of that and check in with me in like, 20 minutes. We'll just pace you." 
"Okay," Jack brought the cookie up to take a bite. His first was cautious and amounted to nothing more than a nibble. Swallowing the crumb down, Jack thought to himself, It's already quartered, it's probably not that much, and ate the rest of the piece in one bite. "Ugh. Butter makes everything taste so good." 
Chase opened his mouth when Alec took the cookie and then closed it when they only took half. He smiled and held the cat out to drop into Alec’s arms. “I’m gonna go make a sign for the cookies. Can y’all stay here and make sure people don’t take more than half?” 
Casey pushed the Morpheus cabin door ajar and poked his head inside. "Knock, knock! It's your friendly neighborhood drug peddler—I mean girl scout!" Casey held his arm through the door, showing off two boxes of Girl Scout cookies in a little plastic bag.
Alec gave Chase two thumbs up and hopped up to sit on the counter beside the tray of cookies. "You got it! I'll guard them with my life." They hugged Killer # 2 close to their chest. "If anyone tries to take more I'll sic Killer here on them." Jesse looked between Chase and Alec, then rubbed his temple and nodded. 
Malia blinked as he watched the whole quarter go into Jack's mouth. "Or, you can do that, too." She laughed and sipped her hot chocolate, finding it finally warm enough to drink. "It'll be fun! Here, uh, I dunno if you know everyone here?" She walked back into the kitchen. "That's Chase," she said, kissing their cheek as she walked past. "And that's Alec, and that's Jesse." 
Alec waves at Casey from the kitchen with the arm they aren't using to hold Killer. 
Jack rubbed his hands together to get off the crumbs. "I don't know anyone," Jack half-laughed. He waved along as Malia pointed people out, being careful not to make contact. "Uh, hey. I'm Jack. Thanks for inviting me." 
"Oh my gods, kitty!" Casey launched into the room, setting the girl scout cookies on some surface along the way. "Hi kitty," he sang. "You're such a beautiful little mammal!" Casey smiled up at Alec. "And you're a beautiful mammal too, of course." 
Chase smiled at Malia and waved at Jack, then waved at Casey. “Hey Case!” He smiled at Jack. “Ah, Chase.” He shoved a thumb into his chest. “Make yourself at home. It’s real cosy here.” 
Jesse has only ever had one interaction with Jack before, and he isn't too keen to remember it. Still, he smiles at him– this is a better place to meet than on a frozen lake. "Uh, hi. I'm Jesse." He rubbed the back of his neck. "But Mal just said that, sorry." 
Alec held Killer out to Casey so he can pet him, and then they reach out a hand to pat the top of Casey's head too. "Aw! We should make a club. Founding three members right here. There's vegan weed cookies!" They wave at Jack as well. "Hi Jack!" 
Malia moved back into the kitchen to pick up another quarter of a cookie. She popped it into her mouth and kissed Jesse's cheek, too. She wanted to tell Jack that she also invited her brother, but wasn't sure how either person would take the news at the moment, so she refrained. "Should we put on some music?" 
Jack waved and smiled at all the greetings, not sure if he was supposed to respond or if everybody else had just convened before Jack arrived and agreed to be nice to the weird guy. "Uh, yeah. Let's put some music on please." 
Chase sprinted upstairs to grab a pen and paper and wrote “STRONG: TAKE HALF” on it so that people would get the message. He took a moment to rummage around his room and then ran back downstairs so that he could put the sign next to the cookies and hold allergy medication out to Alec. “Thought you might need this.” He leaned against the counter and looked around. He raised his eyebrows and pulled out his phone. “Does anyone have any requests?” He put on Toxic by Brittany Spears. 
"Oh my god," Casey crooned as he stroked the cat. "Cute mammals and vegan weed cookies," he repeated under his breath. His active listening turned off at first contact with the cat and the verbal response was just his way of saving the memory in case it came up again later. 
Jack narrowed his eyes at Chase when Toxic came on. He whispered to Malia, "Is Chase... Gay?" 
"Ooh, yes, put on—" But the music started playing before she could finish her sentence. Malia laughed, slapping a hand over her mouth. "What would make you think that?" she replied quietly, giggling again. 
"Two of the best parts of life," Alec replied cheerfully, breaking off a small piece of one of the cookies and popping it into their mouth. They almost spit it out in their excitement when Toxic comes on and they immediately hop off the counter. "Chase, I would die for you!" 
"Um, do you not hear and see what is happening in front of you?" Jack gestured vaguely in Chase's direction. "I mean, like, it's great. But..." Jack laughed. 
Jesse exhaled a laugh at Chase and leaned back against the counter, crossing his arms over the pastel pyjama shirt he's borrowing from his brother.
Malia laughed again. "Oh don't worry, I see it. Jack, I think me and Jesse are the only straight people at this party right now." 
Chase laughed at Alec and blew them a kiss before looking at Malia. “I can queue up a song that you want!” 
Jack looked around the room, brows furrowed. "Um... Since when?" If what Mal was saying was true, then Jack had to fight the urge not to kick himself for coming out to these events sooner. 
Alec picked up one of Killer's paws in each hands and made him dance along to the song with them.
Casey pulled a pen from his pocket and took a deep hit, watching Alec dance with Killer. "So debonair!"
Alec cracked up and let Killer jump down once he started to struggle. They sneezed three times in quick succession and picked up the allergy medication Chase had given to them a minute earlier. "That's what they call me!" @spexile
Malia laughed. "I mean... since always? But since we've all been aware? A few years." @spexile
"Oh my gods, are you allergic to the kitty?" Casey sat down to let the cat brush by him as he walked away. 
Jack widened his eyes and laughed. "Ugh. Of course. So are there, like, no straight boys at this camp at all because..." Jack's sentence trailed off as he remembered who he was talking to. 
"Nope!" Alec replied as they took one of the  pills. "I'm allergic to all kitties! And everything else with fur. Do horses have fur, or is it hair? Maybe I'm not allergic to horses. I haven't really tested it out, I think they're some creepy." 
Malia raised an eyebrow questioningly. "What do you mean?"
Chase took half of a cookie and nudged Jesse. “What’s up? You look like you’re leaving your body.”
"Huh?" Jesse blinked a few times and turned to Chase, breaking into a smile. "Sorry, zoning out. Everyone looks really nice, yeah? Especially for a pajama party." He ran a hand through his hair, watching Malia as he said this. @caitlin
"Oh my gods," Casey gasped, pushing Killer away. "That's so tragic, I'm so sorry for your loss. I mean, I don't have any cats or pets or anything, but I love being a pet uncle." 
Chase smiled and leaned against the counter. “Yeah, not everyone just wears sweatpants to bed.” He looked at Malia as well. “I really like her robe.” 
"Nothing!" Jack quickly covered up. His eyes scanned the room, looking for something to change topics to, but he came up short. "So, pajamas..." 
"It's horrible," Alec sighed dramatically, their expression giving away how much they were exaggerating their distress. By the time Killer was out of sight, a grin had spread back across their face and they waved their hand. "I used to work in a pet store, I can handle a couple cats." 
Malia gave him a knowing smirk. "Were you going to say something about my brother?" 
"What? Why!" Casey laughed. "That's so masochistic of you but also feels so correct for your vibe and I love that for you." 
"Um, what?" Jack turned red, unable to help the smile forming on his face. "I have no idea what you're talking about, shut up." 
Chase sings along to Womanizer under his breath.
Chase also looked around. “Uh, if we don’t all want to stand, we can move to the couches?” 
"Working around animals all the time's a dream come true, eh? But they fired me after four days." Alec laughed. "'Cause I was allergic to everything in the store except the fish." They turned to Chase. "I love couches, let's go!" 
"Okay, I'm pretty sure you'd be super obvious to anyone, but I literally have a superpower about this stuff so don't play dumb."
"Oh my gods, you're incredible," Casey laughed, getting up to join everyone on the couches. "I want the side seat!" 
"Ugh." Jack flushed. "Wait, what do you mean you have a superpower?" 
Chase grabbed the tray of cookies to take with him so that the cats wouldn’t be able to get at them while he wasn’t looking. “Case, I put up the shamrock stained glass.” He smiled and pointed it out to him as they sat down. 
Malia shrugged and finished her hot chocolate. "I have a superpower. I like, know who everyone likes, who everyone is fucking. All that good stuff. I used to think I was just really observant? But I'm pretty sure it's because of my mom. Oh my gods, but my brothers don't have it, before you like explode with embarrassment. Parker is so clueless and if Kieran did have the same thing I'm pretty sure he wouldn't care enough to do anything about it." 
Casey gasped. "Oh my gods!" He went up to the glass to admire the details. "Oh my gods, wait, Chase, now that I'm not drunk, this is actually so good!" 
Jesse waited for Chase to leave the kitchen before he followed. He paused to smile and shake his head at the twister mat in the middle of the room before taking a seat on one of the couches.  
Alec veered away from the couches to go over to the glass as well. "Aw, shit, it is really good!" They looked over their shoulder to smile at Chase. "You have a new calling!" 
"Wait, so, like... Can you tell if someone, like..." Jack didn't know how to phrase the question without sounding pathetic. "What do you think you sense with me and your brother, then?" 
Chase set down the cookies and then turned to lean over the back of the couch to look at where his art was hanging near the window. “Aw, guys, you’ll make me blush!” He nodded sagely. “Drunk art is a talent of mine.” 
L knocked at the door and smiled at Blue and Parker. “This was a good idea for a party!” Parker shrugged. 
Malia hummed and turned toward the sink to start washing her mug. She had a huge grin on her face. "Well, I don't think you need a superpower to tell?" She glanced at Jack. "Let's just say there's a reason I left you two alone on St. Patrick's day."
Jesse got back up from the couch to get the door when the knock came. He opened the door and looked at Parker, then Blue, then L. "Oh, hey. Come in." 
Blue nodded, taking L's hand in hers. She slapped Parker lightly on the back. "It is! I don't know why Parker is being so grumpy about it." When Jesse opened the door, she grinned at him. "Sup." She pushed Parker in ahead of her and followed after him. 
L stepped in and gave Jesse a hug in greeting. “Hi! I hope we’re not too late!” She pulled away and took Blue’s hand again. Parker sighed and stepped in. “I’m not grumpy, I just don’t see the point in buying clothes specifically to sleep in.” He smiled awkwardly and looked at Jesse. “Um, hi.” 
Jesse nodded at Blue and gave L a one-armed hug back before stepping away to give them room to enter. "No, no, not at all." He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled back at Parker. "Hey," he repeated. "What's up?" 
Jack's sheepish grin fell off very quickly as Parker, L, and Blue all walked into the cabin. Breathing deeply, Jack pressed his lips together. After the jacuzzis he had mentally prepared himself for a moment like this, but now in person, his heart and brain still felt like they were operating miles apart. 
Blue wandered into the living room and, of course, Jack was there. She immediately Did Not look at him and instead put her focus on Casey. She rushed over to him. "Fuck yes, we look so good!" 
"Oh my god, trash babies!" Casey squealed and ran over to celebrate with Blue. "What is this recurring mammal theme tonight?" He turned to Alec and called out, "Watch out, we've got some allergens coming through!" 
L followed after Blue and waved goodbye to Jesse. “Oh, Alec, do you need any antihistamines? I don’t have any on me but it’s probably not a far run to my cabin.” She teased. 
His reaction was not quite what she expected, but looking at what he was staring at told her why. She took a deep breath and dried off her hands quickly. "Want me to go get Parker?"
Alec moved to sit on the back of the couch and pretended they were trying to lean even further away from Casey and Blue. "No! Keep them away! Also you guys are cute as all hell, aw." They shook their head at L. "I'm good, I'm good! Chase got me some already." 
Parker shoved his hands into his pockets and shrugged. “Um, nothing. Cool idea for a party.” He hoped Jesse hadn’t heard him bitching about it to Blue a moment ago. 
"Oh, yeah, it was Chase's." Jesse cleared his throat and glanced back at the couches. "Yeah."
"Um, no, I mean, he can live his life. it's cool." Jack tried to sound casual but wasn't convinced that he did. 
Blue gasped, clutching Casey as if in need of support to stand. "You're allergic, to mammals?" 
“Oh.” Parker frowned but didn’t know how to retract his statement without sounding like a hypocrite. “Um, Mal said she was here?” 
Jesse relaxed. "Yeah, yeah, just over there. Talking to Jack." 
"I know, right?" Casey confirmed. "It pains my heart and I'm not even involved." Casey shook his head piteously toward Alec.
"I am," Alec responded mournfully. "Like, all of them. Wait." They scrunched their eyebrows together. "Not humans. Humans are mammals? Yes." 
Parker felt the blood drain from his face. He looked over at Jack and made sure that was far away from where Blue was. “Um, did your brother choose the guest list?” 
"I guess?" Jesse shrugged– he's not sure what Parker's really asking, and he has no desire to find out. "I think it was open invite, kind of." 
Malia watched Jack carefully, then checked the time on her phone. "Well, okay, that edible is probably going to hit you in a hot sec. We can just chill in here for now?"
L nodded. “Humans are mammals because we make milk! I’m pretty sure you’re just allergic to, like, fur an dander though. But, actually, going back to the milk thing...” she squinted. “I guess you are... allergic to all mammals.” 
"That was a gross sentence!" Alec said to L, brightly.Casey fiddled with the ears of his onesie. "Dude... That's so rough," he laughed. 
Blue laughed and kissed her girlfriend's head. "You're so fucking cute." She turned back to Casey. "So, I was told there was weed? Where's that?" Jack nodded. "Uh yeah. I mean," Jack looked for a place to sit on the floor. "How do I know when it happens?"
“Ugh, okay.” He frowned again and looked at the two groups of people, and then made his way over to Jack and Malia when he made his decision. “Hey. Hi.” He smiled at them a bit. 
"Oh, you'll know." She looked to Parker when he walked over and smiled. "You came! Hi." 
L laughed. “I know! I regretted it as it was coming out of my mouth!” She smiled at Blue and tugged at one of her raccoon ears. “Says you in this.” 
Jack smiled at Parker as he walked over. "Hey!" Jack noticed that the question he had just posed Malia was echoing now in his brain. How do I know when it happens? 
Parker took a seat near Jack. “Hey,” he repeated and shrugged at Malia. “Yeah, Blue invited me.” 
"That's cool," Jack mentioned a little too quickly. "Mal invited me." Jack felt a tingle slowly rise up his spine and a smile started forming on his face. "Yeah," he chuckled. 
"And so did I! Jerk." She crouched down so she could look at the both of them more easily, smiling despite the weirdness between her and her brother right now. She watched Jack's smile slowly travel across his face and then looked back to Parker. "I was just telling Jack that he might start to feel this edible soon. He took a quarter of one so it should be fine, though." 
"Ah, c'est la vie," Alec responded to Casey (on time) and stroked an imaginary beard to give the impression of wisdom. "You can quote me on that." 
Blue giggled and pressed her mouth to L's neck briefly. She came back upright and slung her arm across her girlfriend's shoulders. "Very wise," she said to Alec. "I don't think I've ever heard anyone say that before." 
Casey scampered away from Blue and L to give them space, taking a seat beside Alec on the couch instead. "Is this distance okay? You'll let me know if you get allergic to me?" 
“Oh. Yeah.” Parker flushed. He’d mentioned Blue inviting him to get at Malia and hadn’t even thought of Jack in the moment. He frowned at her. “You gave him an edible?” He tried not to sound too judgemental. 
"Thanks! I should put it on a t-shirt." Alec grinned at Blue. They slung an arm around Casey's shoulder and leaned against him. "I'll let you know by sneezing on you, does that work?" 
Jack shrugged. "I took it, she didn't peer pressure me." With each wave of static rising up his back, Jack felt his smile grow wider and wider. "This is... Great." He laughed. 
Malia sighed. "I gave him a quarter of an edible, and told him to eat half of that to take it slow. Jack," she smiled at him, more teasing this time, "decided to eat the whole thing. But I promise, it's fine. You look very chill, Jack." 
"Yes, that's wonderful, right into my hand." Casey cupped a hand under Alec's chin, pinching their nose twice in the process. 
"Ugh, shut up, I literally look the same." Jack grinned goofily. 
L blushed and nodded at Alec, though she hadn’t really been paying attention to what they were saying. She took a seat on the couch. “Were you asking about something, babe?” 
Parker squinted and then hummed in acknowledgement at Malia and then looked back at Jack, and then at the floor. “You do. I’m actually surprised you’re not wearing a power ranger’s suit, since it’s a pajama party.” 
Alec scrunched their nose up after Casey pinched it and shook their head like a wet dog. "Gross!" they laughed. "Is there enough like, DNA in that to clone me if I do? I feel like I talk about cloning a lot. Maybe I just talk about everything a lot." 
"Um, you told me that we were never gonna talk about that again." Jack pointed at the ground in front of Parker. 
Malia tucked her hair behind her ear and stood. "I'm gonna go say hi to everyone else. I like, barely spoke to Alec since they got here." She winked at Jack and then lightly squeezed Parker's shoulder, even though he wasn't looking at her. She walked away from them and wandered over to Jesse, grabbing his hand as she moved to his side. "Hey."
"Yes you do, but so do I." Casey leaned into Alec's embrace and kicked his feet up onto the couch. He pulled his pen out of his pocket and took another hit before holding it out to Alec. "Do you want some of this? It's CBD." 
Jesse had been caught between heading back to the kitchen or sitting by Chase on the couch, so he relaxed when Malia approached and gave him something to do besides examining the shamrock stained glass. "Hey," he replied, squeezing her hand with a smile and turning to face her fully. 
Parker laughed and ducked his head. He looked back at Malia, smiling a bit as she walked over to Jesse, then shook his head at Jack. “No, no. I promise, my lips are sealed. It was just too perfect to not bring up right now.” 
Blue dropped onto the couch and pulled L a little closer to her. "Oh, I was gonna ask about the edibles, but I think they're in the kitchen and uh, someone is in there." She looked around, frowning when she didn't see Parker. "I don't want to make it weird so I'll just— Oh! Casey," she rolled her head over so she was looking at him, now. "Can I have some too? Pleaaaaase?" 
"Okay, but actually," Jack leaned it. "If I got like, not a morphsuit, but a headless one? Like a turtleneck with gloves? Would that be weird? Because I feel like it could be like, a thing?" Jack cackled. "Oh my gods. Wow. No sorry, I heard it as I was saying it." 
Alec was beginning to feel the edible kick in. "Yell heah," they sighed happily and took the pen, settling against Casey more. "You are an angel and also so comfortable I never want to move again. But hat could also be the, uh," they waved a hand around. "–decor? Yeah, the decor speaking. It's so cozy in here!" Alec passed the pen to Blue. 
Chase blinked out of his momentary suspended animation and looked at the people around him on the couch. “Oh, uh, Blue, the edibles are here.” He smiled and pointed at the coffee table. “Didn’t want the cats to be able to get at them.” He blinked again. “Also, hi!”
Malia could feel the edible hitting her slowly, and she smiled up at Jesse easily. "I," she said a little smugly, "stopped a potential disaster. Jack is safe and stoned in the kitchen." 
L nodded approvingly at Chase not wanting the cats to consume drugs. She backtracked when she thought of who she might have seen in the kitchen. “Ah, good idea.” 
"Yeah, Blue, just take it," Casey waved a hand nonchalantly. "Um, don't take my comfiness away and credit it to inanimate objects! I'd like full recognition for everything you're feeling right now, thank you." Casey pulled his feet onto Alec's lap and nuzzled his raccoon hooded head into Alec's neck. "If they're gonna be cute on that side of the couch, then so are we!" 
Parker tilted his head to the side, a smile spreading across his face. “No, no, please let me hear about this thing.” 
"Oh shit, I'm blind," she said, laughing. "Okay wait, I don't want your pen." She grabbed a half of a cookie and started to eat, then snuggled back into L's side. "It is a good idea. I have a lot of them, surprisingly."
Jesse didn't bother glancing at the kitchen to check, too busy smiling at Malia. He rested his free hand on the side of her arm. "I guess that makes you the resident peacekeeper." 
Chase picked up the nearest cat since everyone seemed to be pairing off. He looked at Casey and then at Blue. “Are you guys matching on purpose, or was this a coincidence?” 
"Ugh!" Jack cackled again. He wasn't sure if he could feel his face turning red or if that was just the high. "I was thinking like it'll be like a turtleneck but with the morphsuit hands. And I could just wear it under what I normally wear and it would just look like gloves, but then I could like, poke your face or hold your hand or something stupid like that, blah, blah. Ugh," Jack pulled his face down with his hands, half laughing, half whining. "What am I right now?" 
Alec wrapped both of their arms around Casey fully now. "I take it back! You can have 110% of the credit." They rubbed their cheek against the top of his head. "You're saying we're not always cute? I'm betrayed!" 
L moved so she could put her arm around Blue. “That’s not surprising! You had the idea about the solar panels!” 
"Literally just a coincidence, I don't even know this woman," Casey called out to Chase, scowling at Blue. "And nooo, we are! Sh, shh." Casey gave Alec a reassuring stroke on the back of their head. 
"Oh shit, you're right!" Blue laughed as she swallowed the rest of the edible. At Chase's question, she leaned over and flicked Casey's head. "Don't lie because I look better than you!" 
Malia flicked her hair over her shoulder. "Oh, me? What an honor! Glad to be of service." She leaned a little closer to him as she laughed, lifting her hand to pull at his shirt. She thought better of it at the last second and lowered it again. "Everyone is on the couch, should we like, actually use the blanket fort?" 
Parker felt his chest swell and pressed his face into the cupboard next to him to try to cool his cheeks down at least slightly. He pressed his palm into his mouth to keep from smiling too much and to keep down a small, strangled sound at how cute Jack was. He covered it up as a cough and nodded at Jack, face still against the cupboard. “Wanna hear something lame?” 
Alec flopped backwards when Blue leaned over so they were half twisted and lying over the arm of the couch now, still somewhat entangled with Casey. "I hate it when you fight!" they said with a laugh to the two of them. "Not in front of the children!"
Jack sighed, smiling at Parker. "Please. Let me be the not lame one for like, two seconds," he laughed.
Chase laughed and put his hands up. “Woah, woah, calm down everyone, didn’t mean to start anything. This is actually a zero violence household, so I’m gonna have to ask y’all to cool it, you both look great in your fursuits.” 
"Aye!" Casey flinched in exaggerated offense when Blue flicked him. "Don't you flick me!" Casey swatted Blue away, his other hand grabbing Alec's shoulder to keep himself steady. "I'm the good parent!" Casey protested to Alec and Chase. "She literally started it." 
L pressed her hands to her cheeks and fake-sobbed. 
Parker spoke quickly so he couldn’t stop himself. “I brought plastic gloves with me from work so that maybe we could hold hands on Saint Patrick’s day, but I didn’t know how to bring it up.” He leaned back on his hands. 
"Sure." Before letting go of Malia's hand so they could move, Jesse ducked his head to lean closer to her so he could still be heard. "You really look amazing tonight." 
Jack closed his eyes. His body was frozen still, but a huge smile grew on his face. "Wait... Are you... Being serious?" 
Alec pretended to wipe tears away. "This is the way the world ends, this is the way the world ends. Not with a bang, but with raccoon fisticuffs on a chesterfield." 
“Ugh.” The cabinet wasn’t even cool anymore. Parker sighed. “Yeah.” 
“Yeah, and I’m finishing it.” Chase did his best to sound serious and not to laugh, but utterly failed when Alec spoke. “Not with a bang, but with the most Canadian sentence I’ve ever heard in my life.” 
"Yo, I have no fuckin clue what you just said, but yes." Blue turned a exaggeratedly mean face to Casey. "You're going down, Casey." 
Casey threw his head back laughing at Alec's lament and wrapped his arms around Alec's shoulders again. "Raccoons are very vicious, I can't help it. We fight to the death, we eat trash, and we loan out money for desert island real estate." Casey stuck a tongue out at Blue. "Try me, Nook." 
"Do not insult me like that! Nook? The evil capitalist scum? You're really dead for that." She disentangled from L just to get close enough to flick Casey between the eyes, then moved back to her spot. "Try me again." 
Jack felt like simultaneously melting and fizzing up like a bottle rocket. "You don't like..." He drew a circle on the floor between them with his finger. "Have them right now... Do you?" 
Malia's face uncharacteristically flushed, and she turned her head a bit into his so the rest of the room wouldn't see. "So do you, and I mean it. You look sexy in stripes." 
Casey gasped and sat frozen, mouth agape. "You just—Chase!" Casey turned his head toward Chase and yelled out. "Blue is bullying me again!" 
"You brought that on yourself!" Blue shouted back, trying to hold in a laugh and keep up the bit. 
Parker had never regretted not taking plastic gloves with him to a party more. In all honesty, he considered it, coming to the Morpheus cabin. He pulled his face from the cupboard and buried it in his hands. “No. I didn’t know you’d be here.”
Alec lifted their head more to look at L past the ruckus on the couch. "Did you know koalas have smooth brains?" 
Chase tutted and wagged a finger at Blue. “Hey, hey. What did I just say? Raccoon or not, you gotta keep your paws off each other.” 
L tilted her head at Alec. “What does that mean?” 
Jesse touched her cheek , then remembered where they were and dropped his hand. His ears were warm, and the flush was quickly spreading to his cheeks. "Should we sit down?" 
"Their brains are smooth," Alec repeated to clarify. 
“What does that mean!” L laughed.
Jack pressed his hands into his face then laughed and shook them away. "That's okay! I'm like—I feel so good right now and I'm just really happy that you're here." Jack scooted closer and touched his index finger to Parker's knee. 
Casey stuck out his tongue at Blue again, but he was smiling. He gave Alec's shoulder a squeeze before standing up and walking over to Chase. "Hey! Are we gonna play Twister?" 
Malia glanced around the room. "I think I actually left something upstairs," she said quietly, brushing her hand lightly over his chest. "I should go get it now before a game starts or something."
Parker smiled so hard that his cheeks hurt. He touched Jack’s knee, careful not to make contact with his skin. “Me too.”
Alec held their hands out until Casey was fully out of reach, at which point they wrapped their arms around themself instead and turned their attention back to L. "You know how our brains are wrinkly, like coral? Koalas don't have wrinkles, their brains are right smooth! That's why they're bad at crosswords."
Chase tilted his head and then perked up a bit. “We should!” He stood and looked around. “Does everyone wanna play Twister?” He addressed the party. 
Jesse didn't get the chance to agree before Chase spoke. He closed his eyes for a moment, then laughed and rubbed the back of his neck again. "Spoke too soon, I guess."
Jack savored the moment for only a second before hearing Chase's announcement. He dropped his head and laughed. "Ugh. Of course it's Twister." He smirked up at Parker. "That's like, a total disaster if I play, right?" 
Malia's eyes closed in frustration. "Okay, well, maybe we can go get it later?" she asked him quietly. 
L tilted her head, blinked, and then laughed. “Are you serious? About the smoothness, not about the crosswords.” 
"Twister!" Casey yelled in repetition, throwing his arms up in the air. 
"Fuck yes, Twister!" Blue clapped. 
Jesse tucked a piece of hair behind Malia's ear and gave her a half-smile. "Of course." 
Parker exhaled a laugh and shrugged. “I bet you could do really well, actually.” He shook his head. “Ugh, nevermind, I didn’t say that.” 
Chase picked up the spinner and put it on the floor. “Okay, so, either if someone doesn’t want to play or if someone’s closest, they can spin the wheel for everyone else?” 
"Deadly serious!" Alec exclaimed. Without sitting up they slowly slid off the couch, head first, so they could lie on the ground by the twister mat. "Sounds good, Chase!" 
Jack laughed and rose to his feet. He pulled the sleeves of his sweaters down past his fingers and held his covered hands out to help Parker up. 
It was physically painful to rejoin the party and sit at the Twister mat, but Malia managed, somehow. She pulled Jesse along with her so they were sitting beside each other. 
Casey bounded across the floor to sit beside the mat. "Has anyone ever played this in underwear covered in oil?" He asked nobody in particular. 
"Only you, weirdo," Blue said as she moved, pulling L along with her. "But that does sound fun." 
"I've played it in a swimsuit covered in oil, does that count?" Alec asked, sitting up so there was more room. 
“That’s very Greek.” L nodded as she followed after Blue. 
"Um, I've never done it," Casey clarified. "I just think it sounds fun! Did you have a good time?" he asked Alec. 
Jesse followed Malia easily and nodded his head towards the blanket fort before he sat. "Want a pillow?"
Parker took Jack’s hands through his sleeves despite not needing any help up. He stood there for a moment, the  dropped his hands, heart pounding in his chest. “Um, were you gonna be spinner?” 
"It was crazy hard, but fun!" Alec moved to sit up on their knees. "We did it on the beach with way too much spray on sunscreen. Slip-sliding everywhere." 
"Uh, I guess." Jack's heart sank a little bit. A naive part of him was hoping he'd be able to play, but he wasn't sure how. "Do you think—" Jack turned to Parker. "If they have gloves, maybe I could play? I could just, like... Wear a scarf and gloves?" 
"Oh," Malia didn't want to be not at his side for ever a few seconds. But, her ass would start to hurt, sitting here, so she nodded. "Sure, yes, thank you." 
Parker blinked and then nodded quickly. “Uh, yeah, I don’t see why not!” He looked around. “Do you want me to ask?” 
"Oh my gods, sunscreen, that's genius!" Casey clapped his hands in recognition. "I bet tanning oil would work too. Except for the radiation but whatever, beauty is pain, right?" 
"Yeah, please. I like, just officially met half the people here and I'm afraid I won't remember their names," Jack laughed. 
Chase crouched to pick a cat off the mat again. “Should I change?” He asked Malia and Jesse, since they seemed least likely to make fun of him and most likely to tell him the truth. 
"Well," Malia looked over to Chase. "I love the shorts, but if you're in a compromising position it might be... a bit of a show, for us?" She giggled. "Up to you." 
Jesse disappeared into the blanket fort and came back out with a pillow in time to hear Chase's question. He glanced between Chase's shorts and the twister mat. "Maybe, yeah, you might want to." He held out the pillow for Malia, then sat down next to her.  
Parker smiled and reached out to touch Jack’s sleeve again. “Cool, I know...” He looked between Chase and Jesse and frowned. “I can ask Jesse.” He dropped his hand and walked over to Jesse and Malia as Chase left, figuring Jack would follow. 
Chase bobbed his head and scampered up the stairs.
Alec laughed and leaned against Casey again. "But the tanning oil would rub off some places and stay on the other! Your skin would look right fucked up." 
Jack followed Parker. The sensation of walking was very interesting to say the least. Jack found his mind drifting to several different places in the short span of distance between where they were sitting and where Jesse stood. Casey put an arm around Alec. "Okay, good point, good point. So then maybe the beauty is in the fun and laughter you share with your friends and then you just wear long sleeves the next day!" 
Blue was leaning on her hands, her eyes mostly closed and lazily leaning in and out, lightly pecking L's lips every time she was close to their face. She wasn't paying attention to the rest of the room. "What did you learn about koalas?" she asked.
Jesse blinked when Parker came over and looked to Malia, remembering now something about a fight between them. He assumed Parker had come to speak to his sister, so he waited for one of them to speak with hopes that it wouldn't turn into an argument.
Malia accepted the pillow from Jesse and moved so they were practically touching while sitting next to each other. She looked up at her brother from her place on the floor and gave him a little smile. "What's up?" 
“Um.” Parker cleared his throat and looked at Jesse mainly. “Do you have, like, gloves and scarves and stuff?” 
Alec smushed their face into Casey's shoulder. "You're a genius. We could do that in my loft! Except I don't have tanning oil or money to buy it. I have vegetable oil?" 
L was in and out of conversations. She smiled. “They have smooth brains! No wrinkles, and can’t solves puzzles because of it.” She nodded a bit, then looked at Casey and Alec. “If vegetable oil comes from vegetables and olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from?” 
Jesse rested one hand on the ground behind Malia so that even though his arm wasn't around her, there was still a semblance of it. He drew his eyebrows together. "Winter clothes? Uh, yeah, some. Why?"
"Vegetable oil is probably so bad for your pores but maybe, like, olive oil? Is that expensive?" Casey laughed. "Or bubble bath! Oh my gods, this Twister idea is getting steamier and steamier."
Blue laughed at L's joke, resting her head on her shoulder. She glanced around the room finally, not sure how much time had passed since she sat down. She saw Jack standing in the middle of the living room and stared maybe a little too long, then turned her head in the opposite direction, staring at the floor.
Parker shrugged and shoved his hands in his pockets. “Because Jack wants to play Twister?” 
Jack smiled and waved awkwardly at Jesse from past Parker. "I'm a freak, I'm sorry." 
"Oooooooh," Malia turned to look at Jesse. "Do you have rubber gloves? They might have more traction than fabric." 
Alec laughed at L. "Olive oil is so expensive," they lamented to Casey. "But I have bubble bath! Oh! Oh! I have bath oil. Or, Ime did, but they left it behind so it's fair game!"
Jesse fully noticed Jack behind Parker now. "Oh. Right." He realized how that sounded and flushed again. "Yeah, yes, we have rubber gloves in the kitchen. And you said a scarf, too? I can grab that."
L tucked a piece of hair behind Blue’s ear when Jack walked into the room and cuddled up next to her more. “Are we waiting for Chase to get back?” 
"Wow, this is like, the most intimate game of Twister I've ever heard of and I am so in." Casey squeezed Alec's shoulder. "I'll bring the scented candles and red wine."
"Cool," Jack nodded at Jesse. "Good thinking with the rubber," Jack mentioned to Malia. 
Parker nodded and resisted the urge to take Jack’s sleeve again. “Thanks.” He felt weird being the only people in the room standing and took a seat next to Malia. “Hey, what’s up?” 
"I'll get the gloves?" Malia offered to Jesse, then turned to Parker with a smile. She wasn't sure if Chase would want to sit there, but her brother was talking to her so she didn't say anything about it. "I'm great, how are you? Actually, hang on, let me go get the gloves." 
"That'd be great," Jesse replied to Malia. He smiled at Jack but was careful to keep a decent bit of distance between them as he got up and moved past to go get a scarf from the closet behind the door. 
Alec heaved a sigh and pressed the back of their hand to their forehead. "You can't say things like that and not expect me to fall head over heels in love with you!"
Jack glanced around the room while waiting for the scarf and gloves. For a moment, his eyes found Blue and he pressed his lips together in a terse smile before quickly looking elsewhere. 
Malia stood and walked over the mat and into the kitchen. She found the gloves in the cabinet underneath the sink and brought them back to Jack with a smile. "How are you feeling?" 
Parker opened his mouth to speak to Malia and then closed it again. He folded his hands in his lap and pretended not to notice Blue. 
Jack's attention fell back to Malia and he smiled, taking the gloves. "Honestly, so good. Like... Great." He pulled the rubber gloves on with a loud snap. 
Blue didn't know what to make of that facial expression, but she was more focused on Parker sitting next to him, clearly with him. She turned her head back to L. "He just gave me the weirdest smile ever? What the hell?" 
L frowned and tilted her head “Maybe that’s how he smiles?” 
Jesse returned with two scarves, one large and one small. "Uh. I didn't know if you wanted a big one or not." He held them out, carefully. 
Malia nodded, briefly squeezing his hand once the gloves were on. "Great." She returned to her spot at Parker's other side and bumped shoulders with him. "Okay, hi, I'm good. How are you?" 
"Uh," Jack opted for the smaller one. "This is probably good. So it doesn't, like, drag or anything. Thanks." He wrapped the scarf around his neck, tucking the excess into his sweater. He sat down beside Parker, his face wrapped in a hand-knit neck brace. "This is great." 
Parker moved his hand to the space between himself and Jack and looked at the Twister mat. He shrugged at Malia. “Um, I’m fine.” 
Casey let his head rest on Alec's and brought up the hand that was wrapped around Alec's shoulder to cradle their face. "Fall in love with me, baby. That's all I've ever wanted." 
Jesse nodded at Jack and wrapped the end of the other scarf around his wrist absentmindedly. "Should I check if Chase remembers the game?" he asked Malia. 
Malia was debating trying to press for more conversation from her brother when Jesse spoke to her. "Oh, yeah," she frowned. "He's been gone for a while?" 
Jack's gaze fell to Parker's hand. He shifted his weight to sit more comfortably before letting his hand settle beside Parker's, so their pinky fingers stacked. 
"Hmph," Blue sighed, looking ahead and not at Parker again. "Maybe." 
Alec could feel a blush spread across their face despite themself and they grinned at Casey. "I see now! You orchestrated this whole thing to seduce me! Keep going, it's working– flattery is accepted 24/7 in this town. By 'this town' I mean my brain." 
Jesse shrugged one shoulder, but he glanced at the staircase. "He might've fallen asleep. I'll go check." 
Malia's frown deepened. "Fallen asleep?" 
Casey laughed. "Yes, good, then my plan is working beautifully." He let his hand move up to the side of Alec's head, gently scratching his hair. Casey suddenly remembered that he had brought cookies, but couldn't recall where had placed them. He pouted slightly as he wracked his brain for the memory. 
Jesse glanced at Parker and Jack before deciding how much to say. “Yeah. He hasn’t been sleeping well. I’ll be right back.” 
Malia nodded as Jesse walked away. She knew Chase hadn't been sleeping well but it was concerning to realize that he was this tired. She eyed the mat, brow furrowed in thought.
Parker stifled a smile at touching Jack’s hand and moved so the tips of his other fingers touched Jack’s. He tried to make it so that the line of sight between Blue and his hand was blocked and acted Fully Natural. He looked at Malia and tilted his head at her. “Are you okay?” 
L frowned a bit at the mat and extended her legs in front of her. “Have you guys played Twister with paint? It’s awful.” She smiled. 
“I’m high as all hell right now,” Alec sighed happily, feeling as though Casey was slowly pulling their soul from their body through their hair. “L! That sounds like a dream come true.” 
Jesse headed upstairs and knocked on the wall beside Chase’s door, even though the door was ajar. “You okay in there?” 
Jack relished in the sensation of having Parker's hand on his, as strange as the method was. Both physically and mentally, he was buzzing. 
Chase was curled up on his carpet, pajama pants cuddled to his chest when Jesse knocked on the door. He sat up with a start and looked down at himself, shook his head, and sighed. He pulled the pants on and ran over to the door. “Ha, yeah, sorry.” He smiled and started back towards the stairs. 
Casey laughed at Alec's declaration. He didn't have as much of a head high as he figured everyone else did, but the sensation of playing with Alec's hair was really satisfying multiplied with the CBD tingle. "Oh my god, wait, paint twister actually sounds so fun. Or like pigment powder twister, like they do in Holi?" 
Malia looked over and Parker and smiled. "All good." 
Jesse put an arm out to stop Chase before he reached the staircase. He was going to say something about how Chase didn’t have to go back down, or how he could stay with him upstairs if he wanted, but neither seemed quite right. He sighed and patted Chase’s shoulder instead. “Want me to make some coffee to get you through the party?” 
Parker wanted to take Jack’s hand fully, but was somewhere between not brave enough and not stupid enough to do so in front of Blue. He frowned slightly at Malia. “Okay.” 
Blue was trying very hard to ignore Parker sitting next to Jack but was only halfway succeeding. She turned to L and raised an eyebrow. "With paint? That sounds terrible, I kinda love it." 
L bobbed her head at her friends. “It’s super messy, but I think it’d be fun. I’ve never done it, by the way.” She tilted her head at Casey. “Is that a thing? Do people end up inhaling it?” 
“Pigment powder. I love the alliteration. And that sounds amazing! But less slippery than paint? So lower stakes.” Alec looked around at everyone. “All of the hosts have fled the circle. Oh, hey Parker!” They waved at him considering he was the only one they had yet to greet. 
Chase stopped and frowned slightly, then shook his head. “Nah, man, I can make it though a party.” He exhaled a laugh as though this was obvious and started down the stairs. “Were y’all waitin’ for me?” He asked once he was down. “Y’should’ve started!” 
"Oh good points," Casey conceded. "Okay, yeah, paint is probably better. And if the colors are all good, probably more aesthetic too?" Casey followed Alec's focus and waved at Parker and Jack. 
Parker looked somewhat less than pleased to have Alec bringing attention to him and flushed, glad Jack wouldn’t feel how sweaty his hand was. He coughed. “Um, hey.” 
L nodded. “I think I wouldn’t do all the colours on the board! Because then you’d just get brown, right? I’d pick nice pastels or something.” She looked over at Parker when Alec and Casey waved, but thought she probably shouldn’t wave. 
“How’s it going?” Alec asked Parker since it was clear Parker didn’t want a conversation. They laughed at Chase when he returned. “Howdy,” they replied in a poor imitation of his accent. “Yeah, w’all were waitin’!” 
Jesse returned to his seat beside Malia, watching Chase carefully. 
"Yeah, that's a good point. Wow, look at you, Apollo kid over here with the color consciousness," Casey snapped for L with his free hand. 
Malia bumped Jesse's shoulder with her own and waved at Chase. "We were! Ready to start?" 
Blue is pointedly not looking at Parker. "Who's spinning?" she asked the group. 
"Well, we probably can't all play at the same time right? Maybe we could do teams and spin for our teammates," Casey suggested. 
“Um, I’m fine.” Parker’s fingertips started to tingle, but he brushed it off as anxiety. “I hear you’re well? High as a kite, was it?” 
"Ooooh, good idea." Blue nods. "Okay...." she scans the room. "Teams of three?"
"Close enough," Alec replied cheerfully. "I'm glad you pay attention!" They counted the number of people in room, then nodded. "So like, teams of three where one person spins and the other two duel to the death?" 
Chase shook his head and mussed up Alec’s hair as he passed them to take a seat next to Jesse. “Sorry! Killer was bein’ real cute.” He looked around and bobbed his head. “That sounds like a good idea.” 
"Don't even joke about death matches, Alec, because I will make it happen," Casey replied seriously. 
L looked around. “Should the teams be random?” She suddenly felt like that could turn out terribly. “No!” She replied to herself. “I wanna be on Blue’s team!” 
Also she was totally like “omg Casey I AM a color conscious Apollo kid!!!” on time
Blue laughed and pulled L closer. "Okay! And..... Chase, come join us!" 
"In.... in Twister? How would that even work?" Alec glanced around the circle again. Their eyes settled on Jack and Parker's hands for a second and they smiled to themself, but it quickly faded and they drew their eyebrows together and pulled their phone out to text Parker.
arent u allergic to latex???
Chase scooted closer to Blue and waved goodbye to Jesse and Malia. “Godspeed without me, guys.” 
Malia glanced between the two clearly forming couples on either side of her and Jesse. She put her chin on his shoulder. "We might have to split up," she pouted. 
Jesse smiled at her and rested a hand on her back. "Did you want to play? Because I really just want to spin." 
Malia laughed. "I also really just want to spin."
Parker checked his phone and made a weird face at Alec when he saw it was them that texted him. He checked the message and the color drained from his face as he realized his fingertips were not pounding in time with his heart but because they were starting to swell. He pulled his hand away and shoved it in his pocket. “Um, where’s the bathroom?” 
"Seems it's for the best, then." Jesse blinked and looked over at Parker. "Uh, just over there." He pointed to a door under the staircase. 
Feeling Parker's hand pull away, Jack looked down at his own. At took a second longer than it normally would to register the question being posed. "Uh..." Jack turned to Jesse for an answer. 
Parker nodded and rushed to the bathroom so he could run his fingers under cold water. 
Casey, ever eavesdropping, cupped a hand beside his mouth and called across the room to Malia and Jesse. "Give us your boyfriend!" 
Malia sighed. At Casey's suggestion, she closed her eyes and smiled. "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that!" she said to Casey. She ran a hand down Jesse's back. "Good luck," she said to him before scooting closer to Jack. "Where'd Parker go?" 
Alec laughed at Casey and hopped to their feet. "I'll BRB!" They grabbed the allergy medicine Chase had given them earlier and put it on the ground outside the bathroom. "There's Reactine right outside," they said to Parker through the door ."Don't die!" With that, they hopped back over to Casey. 
Chase looked at Blue and L and kept his voice low. “Who’s spinning? Also, should I use my powers to cheat?” L shook her head. 
"Same to you," Jesse replied, also choosing to pretend not to have heard Casey. He moved over to sit by Casey and Alec. "Are you guys okay if I spin?" 
Blue shook her head. "It's too obvious if you cheat in such a small room." 
Jack nodded his head toward the bathroom. "To the bathroom." He folded his hands in his lap and smiled idly at the Twister mat. "This is great." 
Malia giggled. "Still feeling good? I think you should be plateauing by now. I'm gonna spin, okay?" 
"Yeah! Spin away," Casey chirped, scooting a bit to give Jesse room. As Alec came hopping back, Casey looked up at them. "Everything cool?" 
Parker groaned quietly when he heard Alec outside the door and grabbed the allergy medication on the way out. He took a few and downed them with tap water before returning, hand still in his pocket. He sat between Jack and Malia. “We’re a team? Can I spin?” 
Alec gave two thumbs up, one for Jesse and one for Casey. "Yep!" they replied to both. "We should get the Killers in on this." 
"I just feel so calm. This is what Linda always talks about in my podcast. I just... Ugh." Jack sighed. His hands came up to the scarf to play with the knitting. "Your sister is spinning too," Jack mentioned to Parker as he came back.
Chase sighed and shrugged. “Pretend people are just really high.” L shook her head again. “No way!” 
"Yes we are and absolutely not, I can't play twister in this outfit," Malia said to her brother. She grinned at him. "Sorry, deal with it." 
Blue cackled. "Nah, we'll play fair." She wrapped her arms around L. "Okay but, who is spinning?"
Parker sighed. “Fine.” He smiled as Jack brought up his podcast. “The uterus one?” He pulled out his phone to text Alec quickly.
Pls dont mention it to anyone?
"The Power of U," Jack smiled. "Hosted by Linda Ballerini, expert in hollistic healing and women's health, thank you for joining us today." 
L rubbed her cheek against Blue and smiled. “I can spin if you guys really want to play!” Chase hummed. “I am tall but not bendy. I have trouble touching my toes.” 
Malia's mouth opened a little and she smiled. "Why do you listen to a women's health podcast?" 
Alec winked at Parker, then realized that could be misinterpreted so they texted him back as well.
u got it!! u should also get new gloves for him tho if u guys are playing tweester together??
They laughed at how 'tweester' sounds for a couple seconds then put their phone away. "Are we against each other Casey? 'Teams' is misleading, eh?" 
Parker smiled at Jack more and shook his head at Malia. “It sounds calming!” He checked his messages again and shrugged before putting his phone away. 
"She's just so affirming and understanding and empowering. And her voice is like honey." Jack shrugged. "Helps me relax." 
Jesse was getting more confused by each addition to the rules. "Wait, I thought we were playing as a team? Is it against each other?”
"Oh my gods, are we?" Casey thought about the logistics for a second. "I mean I guess if it's like every person for themself on the board then that makes sense," Casey shrugged. 
"I was thinking like, the two non-spinners face off and whoever wins goes against the winner from another team! But we can also try and cram six people on the mat. That sounds hectic, in a great way." Alec nodded. 
"Six people on the mat could be chaotic but also I love chaos," Casey suggested. "Or we could try to tie teammates back to back and have them play as a conjoined unit!" 
Alec snapped their fingers. “I love that! Let’s do that.” 
Jesse frowned slightly. “Or one from each team at a time?” 
Malia still looked a little confused but nodded. "Okay, okay, fair enough." She overheard Alec and Casey's scheming and leaned over the mat. "Um, friends," she sing-songed. "How about, one from each team, when the first person falls the second person swaps in. Last person standing wins for the team?" 
L smiled. “Hey, that way nobody has to just spin!” She nodded at Blue like this was the perfect solution. 
Casey rolled his eyes. "I mean, Alec and my idea sounds way more fun but sure we can go with the rational thing." Casey leaned towards Alec to whisper, "Okay, so our game is gonna have bath oils, scented candles, and hand cuffs." 
Malia shook her head. "Nope, no, I'm just spinning. Two people per team so it doesn't take too long?" She smiled sheepishly between Chase and Jesse. "Please?" 
Alec grinned at Casey. “I have two of the three! Do you have scented candles?” 
Casey shook his head quickly and put his hands up. "How is scented candles the thing that you don't have?" 
Chase gave Malia a thumbs up. “I love not bending and stretching!”
“That’s a good idea,” Jesse answered quickly to Malia, then nodded and laughed at Chase. 
Alec cocked their head to one side. “Huh, is that surprising? My cabin used to be full of explosives so I steered clear from candles.”
Satisfied, Malia moved back to her side of the mat. "Okay, Parker and or Jack, one of you get out there." 
Casey blinked. "Wow. Amazing. Okay, no, yeah, I have scented candles." 
Blue realized too late that Jack was not the spinner for his team and frowned. "Um," she scooted closer to Chase and spoke very quietly to him. "Hey, do you think this is a good idea?" 
Parker looked from Malia to Jack and tilted his head. “Should I start? Not to brag, but I’m pretty flexible.” 
"I," Jack slapped the floor in front of him, "would love to see that." 
"Ew, Parker," Malia shook her head. "Go for it." She addressed the rest of the room. "Who has the spinner?"
“So now I’m thinking about it and being covered in oil with reduced mobility in a loft that has no railing and surrounded by fire is kinda fucking bananas?” Alec laughed. “Sounds thrilling! I’m glad I’m lucky!” 
Chase chewed on the inside of his cheek, only now noticing Jack’s Lewk™️. “Um...” He looked at Jesse. “Probably not? Should... uh.” He tried to message Jesse through telepathy and looking at him. 
L frisbee’d the spinner over to Malia. 
Jesse glanced over at Chase and raised his eyebrows in question when he noticed his look. “Huh?” 
Parker laughed and stood. Then, when he noticed nobody else was standing, he squatted so he seemed more ~casual~.
"You... Are incredible." Casey was at a total loss for words. "And also your cabin needs a visit from the fire marshall." 
Chase looked at Jack, then at the mat, and then raised his eyebrows at Jesse in question. 
Blue saw that Parker was up first and pressed her lips together. "Whatever," she muttered, and moved to stand on the mat. "Casey," she said to her friend. "Come on. Parker versus the raccoons."
Casey clapped, hearing Blue's challenge. "Yes! Let's go!" He stood up and moved to the edge of the mat. "Three competitors! Two species! One victor!" 
Alec just laughed at Casey and waved a hand. “Go Casey! You got this!”
Jesse frowned slightly and shrugged one shoulder. “I think it’s okay,” he answered Chase. 
Chase bobbed his head. “Alrighty. Spin, Malia. Raccoons should team up and get the human out for now! Then deal with each other.” He smiled. “No alliances!” L protested.
Malia laughed and spun the arrow. "Okay, left hand green."
Parker takes his hand out of his pocket and puts it on the mat, apparently Extremely skillfully.
Chase leaned over and spun the arrow. "Right foot red!"
Blue yawned as she put her hand down, a little off balance.
Casey feeling cocky, turned to face away from the mat, stretched his arms up overhead and leaned back, falling into a backbend with his left hand on green.
Alec whistles at Casey. "Holy shit!" 
Parker put his foot on red.
Blue also whistles at Casey and stretches her foot out to hit a red circle. "Don't get too cocky, Case." she teased.
Casey, grinning cockily, slid his right foot over to land on a red circle. "I will be as cocky as I deserve, thank you."
Jesse spun the wheel now. "Uh, right hand green now."
Parker slid his hand over fairly easily to the green circle.
"Already there, baby!" Casey nudged his right hand over an inch to reach another green circle.
Parker put his hand exactly where Blue was reaching and it knocked her off balance. "Uuuugh," she groaned as she slipped out of place. "You screwed me over, Valentine!" 
Parker blew Blue a kiss and smiled, hoping that this was a joking anger rather than a threatening one.
Casey tried to angle his head up so all the blood wouldn't rush into his brain.
L jumped up and took Blue's place. "I'll knock 'em dead, baby!" She was secretly glad that Blue was out before Parker.
Malia took the spinner back and twirled it around. "Okay... Left foot yellow."
Parker skillfully moves his foot to yellow.
L moves a leg next to Parker's.
Casey steps his left foot yellow, crossing his legs so that he's holding himself up sideways.
Chase took the wheel from Malia and flicked the spinner. "Left hand red!"
Parker moved his hand and leaned on his blisters. He inhaled sharply but managed to save it.
Casey calculated his next move in his head. With a quick switch, Casey managed to flip himself into an upright position on all fours, with his limbs in the appropriate places.
L moved one arm around but simply wasn't tall enough to reach the other colour. "Oof." She fell and sighed. "Sorry guys." She stuck out her lip as she crawled back to Chase and Blue.
"All good!" Chase patted L on the back. "You did better than I could've." He smiled. "It's all about having fun, anyway. Now we can watch them and mix up all the colors on the mat."
Blue booed. "This is rigged!" she protested, then pulled L close to her to kiss her cheek. "You were the cutest one out there." 
Parker is also going After everyone to see which row he's supposed to do because I forgot that he was colorblind ok
L wrapped her arms around Blue and smiled. "Only because you weren't there!" 
Jesse spun the wheel next. "Left foot red, now."
Casey deftly brings his left foot over to a red circle. "We're killing this, baby!"
Parker laughed at Casey. "Are you saying that to yourself?" He slipped as he twisted and hit his back. "Ugh." He rolled. "Jack, get in there." He smiled up at him.
"I'm saying it to my beautiful teammate and supporter over there," Casey nodded his head toward Alec.
Malia smirked at her brother. "Now that you're out you can spin," she teased him. 
Alec cheered as Parker fell. "Whoo! Twister master Casey!"
It took Jack a solid moment to bring himself up to a standing position. "Oh my gods, okay. Ready to watch me fail?" He went over to the side of the mat and tried to visualize how he was going to take Parker's place.
Parker held up his hand to Malia. "I can't. Out on disability." 
"Ugh," Malia swatted his hand away. "Fine, whatever. You ready, Jack?" 
Chase whistled at Casey as well. "I believe in you, Nook!"
"Yep!" Jack called out from the mat. He crouched slowly and carefully placed each limb on a circle. "Oh my gods. Oh my gods. Ohhh my gods." Somehow, he managed to get into the correct position. "Oh my fucking gods, wait, am I doing it?" Casey laughed beside him. "Yeah man, that's it."
Blue took great interest in playing with L's hair now that Jack was on the mat.
Parker pulled his hand away, in fear of it actually hurting, and then grinned at Jack. "Oh, you're a natural!"
"Can you braid my hair?" L asked. 
Malia spun. "Left hand yellow!"
Both Jack and Casey reached for the same yellow circle and for a moment, their bodies wobbled together on the mat. With clutch reflexes, both of them caught their balance, planting their hands on adjacent yellow circles. "Fuck," Jack hissed, chuckling all the while.
Chase bungled the colours up to throw them off, but did it too late
Blue couldn't help but watch as Jack got way too close to her friend's hand. She eyed the shared circle with suspicion then, finally, turned back to L. "Oh yeah, no problem." She ran her fingers through L's hair and started putting it into sections. 
Chase leaned over to flick the spinner, then tossed it in Jesse's direction. "Uh, left foot green, I think it was?"
Casey saw that the easiest green circle was the one caught between them. Trying to move quickly, he launched his foot toward the circle. However, in his haste, he overshot the distance and accidentally kicked Jack's leg out from under him, sending them both toppling to the floor. 
"Ow, fuck," laughed Jack. 
"Sorry! My bad. Here—" As Casey brought himself up to sitting position, he offered a helping hand out to Jack. Jack reached out in response and before his high mind could perceive what was happening, Casey had grabbed onto his exposed wrists and pulled them both up to a standing position. Casey gave Jack a congratulatory pat on the back and turned to Alec, cheering, "Ay! Who's your man!" Behind him, Jack stood open mouthed, frozen.
Alec pointed at Casey and jumped to their feet. "You are! Wow, that was amazing! Did we win?" 
Parker watched the interaction, opened his mouth to say something, and closed his mouth before anything could come out. He tilted his head at Jack and opened his mouth again, but didn't know what exactly he was supposed to say. He pushed himself up and raised his eyebrows at Malia. "Did you see that?" 
"Hell yeah we did!" Casey ran over to Alec with his hands up for a celebratory high five. "Mammal power, baby!" 
Chase smiled at Jesse, seeing nothing wrong with the interaction. "Good job! You won." 
Blue watched them both wipe out with trepidation, and almost stood to interfere when Casey grabbed Jack's arm. But, nothing happened. Blue blinked and sat back.
Malia looked up from readjusting her robe. "What?" 
Jack wasn't sure if he was having trouble processing what just happened or just having trouble processing. He looked back at Parker and Malia and stepped off the mat, his brain struggling to form a continuous thought. "Uh, sorry guys. I guess we lost."
Jesse smiled back. "I guess so. I got lucky with my team." He looked up at Casey. "That was really impressive."
Before Parker could say anything to Malia, Jack was back, so he just shook his head at her. "Nevermind." His heart pounded in his ears. "Oh, well. That doesn't matter, the teams were stacked. Alec, like, never loses games."
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shadowedoracle · 5 years
Rumbelle Season 6 Summary
So @rumplefloofywoobiestiltskin​ wanted to know what happened to Rumbelle 6A and I may have gotten a little carried away. I’ve tried to keep commentary to a minimum so it’s really just a recount of the events of the arc but some commentary may have slipped in. Below the cut you will find both short (-ish) summaries of each 6A episode as well as some additional longer summaries for the episodes with larger amounts of Rumbelle.
Season 5 Finale
So I’m not sure exactly what you know of the Season 5 finale episodes apart from Belle is in the sleeping curse in Pandora’s Box. The other important thing you really need to know is there’s this serum that can split a person’s evil half away from them invented by Dr. Jekyll. Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll therefore are running around Storybrooke as two separate people and Regina used it to try to rid herself of her evil half. So the Evil Queen is running around as a separate entity causing mayhem. At the start of the season they don’t know how to kill an evil half.
6x01: The Savior
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Rumbelle’s dancing brings light to Belle’s dark dream Dark Castle.
The short version:
Rumple enters Belle’s dream to wake her from the sleeping curse. She’s dreaming they are back in the dark castle before it became a home to her. They dance, their kiss transforms Rumple from his imp form and her memories are re-awoken but she doesn’t wake from the sleeping curse. She says that them being together always causes heartbreak. Rumple’s dream guide Morpheus reveals himself to be their unborn child and tells Belle this was a test to see if she’d fall from Rumple’s lies again and asks her to not let Rumple fail them like he did his first family. Gideon’s kiss awakens Belle from the sleeping curse. She tells Rumple she won’t be making a home with him again so they return to Storybrooke separately.
Long version:
In his attempts to wake Belle from the sleeping cure, as his kiss in Season 5 failed to wake her, Rumple travels to the Temple of Morpheus. He pours sand over the two of them to enter her dream world.
He is greeted by Morpheus who tells him he is Rumple’s dream guide and he has an hour to wake Belle before she is lost to the red room (room full of fire) forever. Belle is dreaming she’s still a maid in Rumple’s castle before she felt at home there and was still afraid of Rumple -- the castle is dark and unfriendly and and she once more sees Rumple in his imp form. Rumple tries to recreate scenes from their past to prompt her memories. As they dance (for some reason the Dark Castle has a gramophone) and the room lightens to look like we usually see it. They kiss and although this doesn’t wake her, it causes her memories return. Belle tells Rumple that being them being together causes too much heartbreak. She claims it would be better for their child to remain unborn with her under the sleeping curse than be “in debt” to Rumple. Morpheus returns to tell congratulate Belle on not falling for Rumple’s lies again as a test. He confuses them both when he says that he will be the one to wake Belle with true love’s kiss. Belle points out she doesn’t even know him let alone love him and  Morpheus reveals himself to in fact be their child. He explains that some of the sands Rumple poured over Belle went over him as well so this is also his dream world. He warns Belle not to trust Rumple and let him do to them what he did to his first family. Gideon kisses Belle and she wakes from the sleeping curse.
Rumple is upset because his unborn child already hates him. He opens a portal from them to return to Storybrooke together but Belle makes it clear that she will be heeding her embryo’s dream-self’s warning and that she doesn’t want to be with him any more. She goes through first, Rumple presumably follows but we don’t see it.
6x02: A Bitter Draught
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Belle is incredulous about the idea of living on the Jolly Roger.
So Rumbelle aren’t in this episode a whole lot and have no scenes together. All you really need to know is that Hook offers to let Belle live on the Jolly Roger (the people from the Land of Untold Stories have made all the rooms at Granny’s full) and apologizes to Belle for his past attacks on her and Belle accepts both his apology and offer of accommodation. In Rumple’s Storybrooke plot, he makes a deal with the Evil Queen for an item from David’s past and in return she agrees not to harm Belle or his unborn child.
6x03: The Other Shoe
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Belle listens to the poem.
Rumbelle are also barely in this one. David makes a deal with Rumple and Rumple’s price is for David to deliver a cassette tape to Belle (because Rumple is super old-fashioned, I guess). Luckily Hook is also super old-fashioned and has a cassette player on The Jolly Roger. Belle plays the tape and the fandom melted. It’s recording of Rumple reading a poem for their child. It’s incredibly Scottish and beautiful. Rumple’s outside the boat while she’s listening and from his expression he knows she’s listening to it. After this you might be lulled into thinking that maybe things can go in a constructive direction, that even if they’re not together, they might work out some reasonable way to co-parent. But alas no.
6x04: The Strange Case
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Rumbelle fight on the dock.
Short Version: Angst! Lots of angst! Rumple cuts his hair. To keep Belle safe from Hyde he casts a protection spell around the Jolly Roger which prevents Hyde from boarding but also Belle from leaving. Jekyll thinks he’s created a serum that can stop an evil half, Rumple pours it on the Dark One dagger and stabs Hyde but it doesn’t work and Hyde gets the dagger. He makes Rumple take them to the ship where they stand on the docks where they watch final twist of the story unfold. Inside Jekyll is disturbing Belle and she uses a seashell Hook gave her to call for help. Jekyll breaks it but Belle stabs him with the shell. She tries to escape the ship but can’t because of Rumple’s protection spell. Hook arrives in time to save Belle and kill Jekyll which also kills Hyde. Rumbelle fight on the docks and it’s super angsty.
Long Version:
In the flashbacks we learn that (Dark One!) Rumple visited the realm Dr. Jekyll was from and used magic to help create the first serum that separates the higher (good) and base (bad) parts of one’s personality. Note it didn’t separate the two bodies (that comes in Season 5 finale, after the flashback events), this serum just means Jekyll can physically transform into Hyde. The woman Jekyll loved fell for Hyde instead and when Jekyll wakes up in bed with her, he realizes she prefers Hyde over of him he pushes her out a window, killing her. Rumple believes Hyde’s love for Mary (he does love her) makes the serum a failure.
In the present day, Rumple cuts his hair. Yes, that is a legitimate plot point and I the show for that. Hyde and the Evil Queen have teamed up and Hyde makes it clear he has every intention of going after Belle. So Rumple goes to Hook’s ship and puts a protection spell on it which protects Belle on the ship and stops Hyde being able to board but also Belle from leaving. Hook gives Belle a conch shell which she can use to call him if she needs help. Because I guess phone signal is bad on The Jolly Roger? To be fair I’d prefer a conch shell with a direct connection to only one person to a phone but then again I’m a weirdo without a mobile phone.
Jekyll thinks he’s created a new serum that will allow them to defeat the Evil Halves. Rumple pours this on the Dark One dagger and stabs Hyde in the chest with it. But because he is apparently an idiot, he thrusts the dagger in and lets go of it. The serum doesn’t work and Hyde just pulls the dagger out of his chest and then makes Rumple take them to the ship and tells him there is a final twist in the tale.
Jekyll is inside with Belle. He wants to make Rumple suffer and lose his love because he blames Rumple for the loss of his own love. Belle becomes alarmed by his behaviour and tries to call for help with the shell but Jekyll breaks it. Belle stabs Jekyll with the shell bits and tries to escape but is prevented by Rumple’s spell. She begs Rumple to help but he can only look on helplessly (because of Hyde having the dagger). Hook arrives in the nick of time (don’t ask how he got there so fast, I don’t know) and kills Jekyll which kills Hyde and Rumple regains the dagger.
Then Rumbelle fight at the docks and this is where all those angsty gifs of this episode come from. He reveals he’d sought out the serum when he first started having feelings for Belle because he wanted to be rid of that weakness. But is ultimately glad his attempt failed because now he wouldn’t want to not have the love he has for Belle and their unborn child. Rumple tells Belle he was only trying to protect her. She responds that she doesn’t need his protection and also claims he didn’t cut his hair for her (which he never claimed) but instead cut it for himself as he didn’t like his own reflection in the mirror. He reminds her that as she’s carrying the Dark One’s child she’ll need his protection in the end. She’s still upset with him and tells him that threats won’t make her love him again and he agrees but says, “necessity will”.
6x05: Street Rats
Neither Belle nor Rumple are in this episode. All you need to know is that the Shears of Destiny which are a magical object that can be used to cut the strands of one’s fate. They’re important in later episodes.
6x06: Dark Waters
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Belle is nervous about leaving the sonogram.
Belle goes to have her first ultrasound appointment alone. Snow runs into her at the waiting room and she says she isn’t sure what to do about Rumple and whether she can trust him and give him another chance with their child after everything. After the appointment she’s been given two copies of the sonogram. She decides that having seen the hatred in Morpheus!Gideon’s eyes that she wants to try to prevent that from happening.
In the Pawn Shop the Evil Queen says she is going to go after want she wants and kisses Rumple -- he does not stop it. She gives him the Shears of Destiny and admits what she really wants his Snow White’s heart. Belle is outside while this is happening but thankfully doesn’t see any of it (we could have done without seeing it) and slips a copy of the sonogram under the shop door.
6x07: Heartless
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Collected Reactions to Regina’s Golden Queen Revelation.
The only good thing in the whole Golden Queen saga happens: The expressions on the Charming Family’s and Hook’s faces when Regina says there might be more than business between the Evil Queen and Rumple’s alliance as there’d always been chemistry there.
To cause a distraction, Regina sets Zelena up to walk in on Rumple and the Evil Queen in the middle of a make out session. Zelena later passes on this information as well as Rumple’s plans to use the shears on their unborn child to Belle.
Rumple is staring lovingly at his copy of the sonogram when Belle comes to the shop to confront him with the information from Zelena. She tells him she doesn’t care what he’s doing with the Evil Queen but does care about his plans to use the shears on their unborn child. She tells Rumple he should trying to earn of their child’s love not using the shears to make him love him. Rumple does his sad woobie thing and asks what if his efforts aren’t enough and he fails. Belle’s response is to tell him that he’s just being too weak to do good which is worse than being evil. Once Belle is gone Rumple immediately focuses is anger on Zelena’s meddling.
6x08: I’ll Be Your Mirror
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Rumbelle are fighting again.
Rumple locks himself in his shop to spin straw into gold. Belle decides to enlist Zelena’s help to help her escape Storybrooke to the Enchanted Forest. They need the Sorcerer's Wand so they persuade Aladdin to break into the shop to steal it from Rumple (because apparently Belle didn’t bring her keys to the Underworld with her so she can’t let herself in any more?). Before Belle and Zelena escape, Rumple arrives at Zelena’s farmhouse and regains the wand. He places a magical tracking bracelet made from the gold he was spinning on Belle’s wrist so he’ll be able to track her wherever she goes. Belle tells him that she almost got away this time and next time she’ll succeed and get so far away he’ll never set eyes on his son. He reminds her that Rumplestiltskin steals babies not the other away around. This line is perfectly sinister and menacing and I love it but it never should have been directed at Belle. The Black Fairy, the Evil Queen, Zelena… There are loads of possibilities but that venom should never have been towards Belle. Zelena taunts him by telling him to tell that to his first son, so Rumple tries to choke Zelena. But he has a heart attack because he can’t hurt her due to their deal in “Heart of Gold” (4x17). Rumple returns to the show and persuades the Evil Queen to kill Zelena for him.
6x09: Changelings
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Rumple watches as the Blue Fairy flies away with Gideon while Belle glares.
Short version:
Belle is trying to find a way to save her child from Rumple and has dreams about Gideon where he tells her she already knows the answer. Rumple tries to use Ageing Dust to speed up Belle’s pregnancy. He chases her into the elevator in the Library and Belle pleads with him not to use it and tells him if he does he’ll lose her forever. Her words are enough to stop Rumple. But later at Granny’s Belle’s pregnancy quickly advances through to the third trimester she goes into labour. Emma and Hook take her to the Nunnery to have her baby and the place is shielded to stop Rumple entering. Belle gives birth to Gideon and gives him to the Blue Fairy so he can be taken somewhere far away from Rumple. Rumple breaks through the barrier and is horrified Belle abandoned their child. Belle glares daggers at him and says she was giving him his best shot in life. She refuses to even tell him their son’s name. Back at the shop it is revealed that the Evil Queen was the one to speed up Belle’s pregnancy and Rumple swears revenge on her.
Long Version:
In the flashbacks Rumple has acquired a baby and gives him to Belle to care for. She wants to try to save the baby and she finds a copy of a spell to summon the Black Fairy in faerie and translates this (which is apparently Rumple’s plan along and he locks her in the room to stop her interfering). Rumple uses the child as bait to summon the Black Fairy and question why she stole other children but gave up her own child: him. Belle has been set free by the Blue Fairy (apparently Rumple has no wards to stop her entering his Castle?) and Belle spies on this meeting between mother and son. She steals back the baby and returns it to its parents Jack and Jill because although she is now sympathetic to Rumple after hearing of his abandonment she doesn’t approve of his baby stealing ways.
In the present day, Rumple has used ageing dust on a nun and Belle realizes this is a veiled threat to her that he will use it to speed up her pregnancy. Cue research session in the Library! She falls asleep but doesn’t realize it at first. She dreams of adult Gideon and he asks her to ensure that Rumple doesn’t use the shears on him and that she know the way to stop Rumple. Emma and Hook try to paralyze Rumple in his shop with squid ink from a book Belle found but it’s too weak to hold Rumple. He leaves Emma and Hook in the shop and heads to the Library. He has a bottle of Ageing Dust with him and chases Belle into the Library elevator. She begs him not to use the dust on her and tells him that if he does he’ll lose her forever. This is enough to make him stand down.
Later on Belle is at Granny’s dinner talking to Emma and Hook. She drinks some tea and suddenly her pregnancy has advanced through to the end of the third trimester and she goes into labour. They take her to the nunnery which they shielded against Rumple. Belle gives birth to Gideon with Emma there to support her. She again has dream visions of Adult!Gideon and he tells her she already knows the way to protect him. After the birth, she asks the Blue Fairy to take Gideon far away from Storybrooke and Rumple. She gives Gideon a copy of Her Handsome Hero (which luckily Hook has to hand and she’s already inscribed to Gideon). Rumple eventually gets through the shield and sinisterly walks through the Nunnery (which is awesome but also sad given the circumstances). He is distraught that Belle would abandon their child. She insists this is giving their son his best chance in life and refuses to even give Rumple his name for fear he’ll use it to track their son down. Rumple tells her he’d never hurt her but he will find his son.
At the end it is revealed in the end that it was the Evil Queen not Rumple who spiked Belle’s tea with ageing dust. Rumple makes it clear he’ll have revenge against her for what she did to his family but that he’s going to play the long game.
6x10: Wish You Were Here
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Rumbelle watching Gideon's dramatic Entrance
Rumple tries to track where the Blue Fairy took Gideon with one of his hairs and one from Belle’s hairbrush but there is no sign of Gideon anywhere he can trace. He visits Belle and tells her of his concern that their child is in danger. He has realized actions mean more than words now, so he removes the magical tracking bracelet and tells her to call the nuns herself to ask after Mother Superior. We don’t see the call but next we see they’ve both rushed to the nunnery where the Blue Fairy is recuperating in bed having lost Gideon to the Black Fairy. In the shop Gold tells Belle it was the Evil Queen who sped up her pregnancy and they agree they need to work together for their Gideon’s sake. He tells Belle that in the Black Fairy’s realm time works differently and there is darkness there beyond his darkness. The mysterious cloaked figure Emma has been having visions of since the start of the season strides into the shop and reveals himself as their (28 year old) son.
And that’s it. That’s complete horror that is the Rumbelle experience of 6A. This is their worst arc and their 6B arc actually genuinely good (although still imperfect).
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