#wooyoung x oc
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where sooyoung is finally tired of making excuses for wooyoung.
warnings :: arguing, mentions of cheating
tags :: @yjjnfied

Sooyoung smiled, looking in the mirror she bought for the living room. She was finally about to see her boyfriend, Wooyoung, after being apart for a whole two weeks due to schedule conflicts. Even though the pair were just spending time at Ateez’s dorms, Sooyoung decided to dress up for her boyfriend. Her hair was braided messily and was tied together with a big white bow, because Wooyoung always loved when she had bows in her hair. He said it made her look cute.
“You look pretty, Sooyoungie!” Jaemin exclaimed, walking out from his room. “Where are you and Wooyoung going tonight?” Jaemin asked, pausing his snack mission to talk to his member.
“Oh, we aren’t going anywhere. I think we are just going to play some games with the boys.” Sooyoung said, turning and smiling at Jaemin, trying to ignore the disappointment on Jaemin’s face.
“He hasn’t came to see you in two weeks and all you are doing is staying in the dorms? Since when have you ever enjoyed playing video games?” Jaemin asked, furrowing his eyebrows. Sooyoung only sighed and shook her head, grabbing her phone and her purse from the coffee table.
“He’s been busy, Jaem, that’s why he hasn’t came and seen me. And, I like playing some games…I like playing Mario Cart! And Cooking Mama!” Sooyoung said, trying to convince herself she would have a good time. It was very unlikely that the other members would want to play those games, and Sooyoung knew that there wasn’t going to be enough controllers anyway. But atleast she got to see Wooyoung.
“Yeah…What time is he bringing you back?” Jaemin asked, sitting down on the couch while Sooyoung texted Wooyoung, letting him know she would be leaving soon.
“I’ll be driving. And I don’t know when I’ll be home. Why? Is there something happening later?” Sooyoung asked, groaning when Jaemin just looked annoyed again. “Why are you suddenly so annoyed with Wooyoung? You seemed to like him the last month when he would come over? What’s the matter with you?”
“What’s the matter with me? More like what’s the matter with him? He hasn’t bothered to visit you at all, and now the day you finally hang out he’s making you drive and not even offering to do something you enjoy?” Jaemin said, frowning when Sooyoung only rolled her eyes. Jaemin stood up and walked towards the girl, slightly leaning over so he could whisper in her ear, “Be mad at me all you want…but you know i’m right. Text me if you need me to come get you.” And with that, Jaemin walked away and went into the kitchen.
Sooyoung was slightly annoyed that Jaemin was subtly insulting her boyfriend and shaming him, but she felt uncomfortable with the fact that she had to agree with him. She was disappointed that Wooyoung wasn’t going to atleast cook her dinner or offer to spend one on one time - but she knew he had a stressful couple of weeks, so she swallowed her grievances and walked out the door.
When Sooyoung finally arrived infront of Ateez's apartment door, she was pleasantly suprised when San was the one who answered the door.
“Sooyoungie! I missed you!” San said, opening the door wider to let the girl in. “How are you?” San asked as she leaned in to give the girl a hug, squeezing her before letting go.
“I’m doing okay! I’ve been doing a lot of stuff with comeback preparations so i’ve been busy. How does it feel to finally get some rest?” Sooyoung chuckled, smiling when San sighed and relaxed his shoulders.
“It’s amazing not having to get up before the sun rises, I can tell you that much.”
Before Sooyoung was able to ask where Wooyoung was, she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her from behind and swing her around, comfortably leaning her head back when she recognized it to be no other than her boyfriend.
“Hello, baby.” Wooyoung whispered, kissing Sooyoung on her cheek before setting her down. “I missed you.”
Wooyoung kept leaving kissed down the girl’s neck until Sooyoung giggled and turned around, playfully slapping the boy on the chest. “That tickles!” Sooyoung whispered, shaking her head before leaning against Wooyoung’s chest, closing her eyes and listening to his heartbeat. “I missed you so much.”
“I know, Soo. But now we can hang out! I bought you some of your favorite snacks.” Wooyoung said, dragging her into the kitchen to show her the bag of treats he prepared for her, laughing when she immediately went and grabbed her favorite candy.
“I haven’t had this in so long! How did you even remember me liking this?” Sooyoung asked, rolling her eyes when Wooyoung only shrugged. “You’re a goof.”
Before Sooyoung could lean in to give her boyfriend a kiss, Mingi came into the common area and yelled for everyone to come to the living room. Wooyoung only raised his eyebrows and gave an apologetic look towards Sooyoung before dragging her to his members.
Sooyoung listened as the boys argued over what game they should play first - none of them she had ever heard of before. While the boys argued, she went and plopped herself on the couch, quietly eating her candy while getting her phone out.
[ jaem 🐰] how’s cooking mama going?
Sooyoung rolled her eyes, starting to get agitated by Jaemin’s attitude. Sure, she probably wasn’t going to have the best time, but does he really have to rub it in her face?
[ soosoo 🧸 ] stop being a prick. i’m having a good time.
Sooyoung threw her phone on her lap, trying to get Jaemin’s bitterness out of her head. She squirmed as she thought of the small argument the friends had - she hated that Jaemin was right. As the minutes go by without Wooyoung by her side, the more disappointed Sooyoung gets.
[ jaem 🐰 ] you never use periods…why so sad meowscles? chenle and i are going to get icecream…you can tag along
Sooyoung frowned, of course Jaemin and Chenle would get icecream in hopes that she would want to come home. She knew his trick of using icecream as bribe…but she wasn’t going to let it fool her. She hadn’t seen Wooyoung in forever, so even if it’s not the quality time Sooyoung was hoping for…she’ll take it.
[ soosoo 🧸 ] haha, your tricks are old. thanks anyway
Sooyoung shut her phone and leaned back, smiling when she saw Wooyoung make his way over to her.
“Sorry it took so long, everyone can never agree to what game we play first.” He whispered, sitting down next to her and placing his hand on her thigh, softly rubbing circles with his thumb. “Thanks for coming over, I know games aren’t your favorite thing in the world.”
“It’s fine…I would rather be with you and be bored than not see you.” Sooyoung said, planting a kiss on Wooyoung’s cheek. “Did you all make a decision?”
“Yeah…everyone is just getting snacks. If you really don’t want to do this we can go do something else…we can go to your dorm.” He said, frowning when Sooyoung faked a smile.
“You never miss game night, I’m not going to force to miss out on it. Besides, my rooms a mess.” Sooyoung said, lying about her room. Her room was never a mess, she just didn’t want to bring Wooyoung over and face the wrath of Jaemin.
Wooyoung kissed Sooyoung on the lips and whispered a “Thank you”, getting up to grab all of the controllers. “If you wanna join in, let me know. I’m sure Hongjoong-hyung would be more than willing to give you his controller.” Wooyoung chuckled, teasing his leader.
“Hongjoong oppa would be a lot better at these games than me, I don’t think anyone would want to be on their team.” Sooyoung chuckled, shrugging when Wooyoung sighed.
“I would love to have you on my team,” Yunho said, patting Sooyoung’s head gently. “Just don’t throw the controller out of rage.” Yunho teased, laughing when Sooyoung grumbled.
“That was one time! And I didn’t even throw it at anything, I just dropped it!” Sooyoung defended herself from the boy - painfully remembering the day San and Yunho forced her to play a game with them…and of course Sooyoung kept dying and losing. Anyone who was in her position would have also rage quit.
One by one, the members piled in the living room and cramped in. Yeosang apologized when he sat in front of her, limiting her leg room. Before she knew it, the games had started and Wooyoung was sitting next to her, yelling and focused in on his game, leaving Sooyoung to her own devices.
She scrolled through her phone for awhile, rolling her eyes when she saw the selca Chenle sent in the dreamies group chat…both Chenle and Jaemin really had went out and gotten icecream. Sooyoung wished she would have swallowed her pride and went with them. Hours had passed, and soon enough, Sooyoung was passed out on the couch. She slept for hours, somehow tuning out all of the yelling and sound effects from the games.
It wasn’t until three am when Sooyoung woke up to the sound of her vibrating phone, cursing when she saw it was Jaemin. She popped up out of her seat, almost tripping over Yeosang in the process.
Walking to the kitchen, Sooyoung answered the phone, clearing her throat before her spoke.
“Hello, Jaemin?” Sooyoung asked, wincing when she turned the kitchen light on. “What are you doing awake?”
“I’ve been awake calling you for the last hour, are you still at Wooyoung’s?” Jaemin asked, suprisingly not sounding upset. Sooyoung widen her eyes when she checked her call log and saw a bunch of missed calls from Jaemin. Why didnt Wooyoung wake her up? “I kept getting voicemail, so Wooyoung probably kept hanging up.”
“I’m sorry, Jaeminie, I was asleep. The boys are still gaming..or atleast some.” Sooyoung said, shrugging when she only counted six members. “I don’t know why Wooyoung kept declining it…that’s annoying.”
“Yeah, it is. Do you need me to come get you?” Jaemin asked, getting up when Sooyoung hesitated. “I’m coming to get you, I don’t want to drive when you’re tired. We can go get your car tomorrow.” Jaemin said, hanging up when Sooyoung agreed. She didn’t really want to leave, but she also didn’t want to spend the night crunched up on the couch.
Sooyoung walked back into the living room and gently tapped Sunwoo on the head, waiting until the round of the game finished to start speaking.
“Why didn’t you wake me up when Jaemin was calling me?” Sooyoung asked, rolling her eyes when Wooyoung didn’t turn to look at her. “Don’t you dare start another game, I’m talking to you.” Sooyoung was suprised at her harshness, but she had been ignored for the post six hours…she had the right to be upset.
“I didn’t think it was important, why was Jaemin calling you in the first place?” Wooyoung groaned, unwillingly placing his controller down to look at her.
“He called me because he knew you weren’t going to drive me home, and I don’t like driving when i’m tired. He’s coming to get me, by the way.” Sooyoung snapped, walking over and grabbing her purse, leaving the snacks Wooyoung had bought her on the couch. She could feel herself getting more annoyed by the minute, especially when she saw Wooyoung itching to wrap his hands around the controller again.
“Why are you so pissed? You willingly came over, Sooyoung.” Wooyoung said, and Sooyoung couldn’t ignore the sting when he called her by her full name. He almost never did that, always calling her a nickname or something sweet.
“I wanted to spend time with you! I thought I wouldn’t care to sit here and watch you ignore me…but it’s getting old. You don’t bother to see me for two weeks and then expect me to be fine with sitting here for hours? Doing nothing?” Sooyoung could hear Jaemin in her head, whispering “You know I’m right”, over and over again. She didn’t want to believe him, to admit that he was right. She wanted to believe her boyfriend was better than that.
“I was busy!” Woyoung argued, standing up and following her as she walked to the door. “What did you want me to do, just tell my managers I can’t go to practice and hope they understand?” Wooyoung asked, crossing his arms when Sooyoung threw her arms up and looked at him.
“I’m busy too, Wooyoung! What do you mean “What did you want me to do”? I’ve been making this work ever since we got together. You don’t think I’m busy? I came and saw you after hours of practice, I came to see you during my fifteen minute breaks! I called you every night before bed, and you never, ever returned the favor. Why am I the only one who is actively trying to not to loose what we have?” Sooyoung asked, trying to contain her tears. “Some nights I wondered if you even cared about me. I wondered if you found someone better and were too afraid to tell me.” Sooyoung choked out.
Sunwoo stood there, shocked at the girl’s words. He never would have thought to hurt her like that.
“Baby, I would never leave you. And I would never hurt you like that," Wooyoung whispered, cursing when Sooyoung’s tears escaped her eyes. “Fuck, Sooyoung, I had no idea.” Wooyoung said, backing away and pulling on his hair.
Sooyoung leaned up against the door and let her tears fall, giving up on caring if Wooyoung’s members are watching.
“I think we need a break.” Sooyoung blurted out. Quickly wiping her tears and looking up at Wooyoung, holding her breath when he saw the look on his face.
“A break? For how long?” Wooyoung asked, hope draining out of his face when Sooyoung shrugged.
“I think you need some time alone. You had a stressful time…you need to get yourself together before you put all your energy into something else.” Sooyoung said, clearing her throat when she saw that Jaemin had texted her. “I have to go now.”
And that was it. She turned around, opened the door, and left. Wooyoung didn’t run after her, he didn’t hug her before she left, he didn’t do anything. He just stood at the door, watching the best girl he ever had walk out of his life.
Sooyoung didn’t know she was holding her breath until she got into Jaemin’s car, finally letting everything go when she saw the concerned look on Jaemin’s face. She gasped and cried and screamed all at the same time, hugging her knees to her chest until she could hear Jaemin’s voice again, telling her to breathe, telling her to look at him.
“Sooyoungie, I need to look at me. I want you to pretend my finger is a birthday candle. Blow it out for me, will you? Blow it until the flames are gone.” Jaemin said, holding his finger infront of Sooyoung. Even though she wanted to cry and scream more, she listened, blowing at Jaemin’s finger. She cried in between, but eventually, everything subsided, and she was gently blowing on Jaemin’s finger. “It’s all gone, isn’t it, Sooyoungie?”
Sooyoung only nodded, leaning back in her seat, numbly looking up at the sky through the window. “I told him we needed a break.”
Jaemin didn’t say anything to that, he only frowned and looked ahead, starting the car and pulling away. He wanted to tell Sooyoung she should have broken up with him, but he knew that she needed silence. She need some peace.
Jaemin hated watching Sooyoung go through all this pain. He hated that no one else realized how wonderful Sooyoung truly was, he hated how everyone took her for granted. Sooyoung’s love is beautiful, because when she falls in love, she falls hard. She commits. She will love you until you push her away…and she will keep loving you until the tears run out.
He wanted to be the one to love her, to show her how she deserved to be treated, he wanted to show her that he wouldn’t break her heart, that he would cherish her and spoil her with all of his loving words…but he knew it would never work.
So, instead, he holds Sooyoung while she cries herself to sleep, gently brushing her hair and whispering sweet nothings in her ear. He fills her water bottle everyday and makes her breakfast, pulling her out of bed to stare out the window for a few hours. He sings to her. He tells her about his day. He shows her videos in hopes to make her laugh. He takes care of her and helps her get in the shower, sitting on the toilet and telling jokes so she doesn’t break down in the process. He sits in silence with her, until eventually, she smiles at his jokes, she gets out of bed before him and makes him breakfast, she talks and fills the silence. She sings with him. He holds her until she teases him and tickles him. He helps bring her back to life - and he would do it all over again whenever he needs her to.
Jaemin would keep his love hidden for Sooyoung all of his life, if that meant that he would never lose the girl of his dreams.
#ficnetfairy#nct addition#nct added member#nct extra member#nct female addition#nct female subunit#nct female member#nct female oc#nct female unit#kpop oc#nct 24th member#nct dream added member#nct dream female addition#nct dream addition#nct dream female member#nct dream oc#nct dream 8th member#nct dream fluff#sunwoo angst#jaemin fluff#jaemin angst#fake kpop addition#kpop extra member#kpop addition#kpop added member#wooyoung fluff#wooyoung angst#wooyoung x oc#nct oc
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Jung Wooyoung : Save Me
Pairing : Jung Woo-young (Ateez) and named character (Ruby Bennett)
Synopsis : Wooyoung is a bartender, known for his charming personality and pretty looks. Ruby is the CEO of a tech company, known for being nonchalant and cold. Except she is also a superhero, saving the lives of countless others while remaining to be anonymous. And then wooyoung does something wrong, and ruby's personal life is at risk of mixing up with her superhero one. What is she going to do? Especially when she knows that wooyoung's life is now in danger too?

Mary : ruby, you're 30. don't you think it's high time you…
Ruby : settled down? Yeah, no. I do not want to settle any time soon, so please, just let go of this topic.
Mary : the people talk.
Ruby : the people always talk.
Mary : you're not listening, daughter. The people think the reason you're not marrying is because you have what they thought your father once had, reproductive issues.
Ruby : and why would that matter to me?
Mary : it matters everything. Because if you do not have a child, this company of yours will have no heir. It will be at risk of being taken by anyone, and you know what that sort of a power can do to someone.
Ruby sighed, leaning back against her chair. Her mother made sense, as she mostly always did. But it was sense that ruby hated, she hated having to marry someone just for the sake of it. Plus, she had her own problems that no one knew about, not even her mother.
Ruby : fine, tonight 8pm.
Mary smiled, feeling content at having managed to convince her daughter finally.
Mary : you're going to be glad you made this choice, daughter.
Ruby : one can hope.
Ruby clicked a button as the bookshelf in her office room turned around, revealing a doorway that led to a secret room ruby had built herself a decade ago. Ruby walked down the staircase as the door shut behind her, lighting up the room automatically. And soon enough ruby was walking past her suit prototypes that she had denied herself, needing something better. But they were memories, the suits, memories of the battles she had fought for the city without anyone knowing who the masked woman actually was.
And that gave ruby power, because she lived two lives. Both equally powerful and respectable, both equally rewarding and damaging. It took work, but it was fulfilling work. Plus the insect had chosen to bite her out of everyone else, she didn't have much of a choice here.
Ruby sat in front of the large computer as she went through the data files of future threats that the city could face, her red colored eyes running along the list intently.
The red eyes were a giveaway of the power inside her body, and ruby was not born with it. She was, in fact, born with boring black eyes. But one day, the day ruby turned 20, she had been bitten by an alien insect that had caused her to change. She had turned from CEO of America's best tech company to a superhero that ruby didn't know could exist. It took her time to adapt, 3 years as a matter of fact but it was worth it. Because she now knew what her body was capable of and she knew how to use her powers.
But the powers had effects on her physically. Like how her iris suddenly turned from black to red almost overnight. Ruby had told everyone she just started wearing contact lenses, and now she was known for it. And then there are also more problems, bigger ones. Like how her upper left thigh has a red ring around it now that glows once she harnesses her powers. That was what kept her away from men, because how was she going to explain this ring around her skin? Tattoos didn't glow.
Ruby sighed as she realized that she was probably going to have to fight tonight, considering that this guy who was planning to rob a bank was being so open about it in his laptop word document, and ruby had been able to hack into it.
Well, ruby supposed she was going to have to be Cinderella for her date tonight.
Wooyoung : the lady wishes to what?
San : wooyoung-ah, you keep doing this to them, they're going to keep wanting you.
Wooyoung : to the point they're willing to…pay me on a daily basis to be their boyfriend?
San : you have them under your spell, young-ah.
Wooyoung : san-ah, doesn't she have a husband?
San : she does.
Wooyoung : so, what, she wants me to play Moth to a flame by Weeknd or something?
San chuckled as he said
San : imagine.
Wooyoung let out a breath, leaning back against the bar kitchen counter as he eyed the place. He had been working in this high-end bar for 4 whole years now, and he'd had his share of rich women going crazy for him with the way he's able to seduce them into doing almost anything. But this? A million dollars just for a month of doing nothing but be someone's boyfriend.
Wooyoung's mother would be horrified.
Wooyoung : just…tell the ma'am I'll think about the offer.
San : wait, actually?
Wooyoung : of course not! But I need her to get off of my back for tonight because we have some big person attending today for the first time.
San : who, Ruby Bennett?
Wooyoung : yes, yeah something like that.
San sighed and nodded before saying
San : you should be glad you have a bestfriend like me, wooyoung-ah. What ever would you have done without me?
San had been wooyoung's only friend for a long while before wooyoung joined this bar and became famous for it. San's parents too had migrated from Korea illegally long back ago, and that bonded both wooyoung and san. Wooyoung chuckled, ruffling san's hair as he whispered
Wooyoung : forever grateful for you, my love.
Ruby walked inside the bar with an annoyed face, her bodyguards walking right behind her and all the security of the bar focused only on her. Ruby looked around the expensive looking bar, trying to find the man with blonde hair that her mother had set her up with. And soon ruby had found him, walking towards the table he was sitting on before saying
Ruby : John Thomas, I presume?
John quickly stood up at that, his eyes sparkling at the sight of ruby as he said
John : miss bennett!
Ruby nodded, pulling out a chair as she sat on it before john could do that for her. John soon sat down as well, a wide smile on his face as he said
John : so! We finally meet.
Ruby : hmm.
John : did you have a great day?
Ruby : I did, until you invited me to this bar.
John was about to say something when the waiter came up to them, him looking right at ruby before saying
??? : the ma'am is finally here, then. Poor sir's been waiting for an hour.
Ruby looked up at the waiter, her eyes running along the man. He was pretty, too pretty to her own liking. And that smile on his face, ruby didn't know whether she hated it or loved it.
Ruby : are you the waiter?
??? : why yes I am.
Ruby : then take the damn order and leave.
The waiter raised his eyebrows at ruby, looking somewhat offended. But before he could say anything more john quickly interrupted them, giving both his and ruby's order to the man. Ruby's eyes ran along his arms, his shirt sleeves pulled up till his elbow to have his veins on full display. He's popular here, ruby knew it with the way the ladies in the bar were literally oggling him. And he was different, ruby thought, probably Asian.
??? : do you need something, ma'am?
John : I gave you her order.
??? : you did, she didn't.
John : you-
Ruby : I'll have a salad as well.
The waiter nodded with a smile before giving both of them a small bow, that seemed almost sarcastic in a way. He gets worse, ruby thought.
??? : 15 minutes, sir and ma'am.
Ruby watched as the waiter turned around and left, john sighing as he asked ruby something. But ruby's eyes remained trained on the waiter as he turned around halfway through, giving ruby a small smirk before disappearing behind the doors.
God fucking damn it.
Ruby had been half way through her dinner when she felt the band around her thigh suddenly vibrate, the feeling rushing through ruby's body. That only meant one thing, danger. Someone was here.
Ruby looked up at john who was eating his dinner quietly now, his eyes looking towards the dance floor. She had to leave, or she was going to put this innocent man in danger as well.
Ruby : excuse me while I use the restroom.
John : oh, sure-
Ruby got up as she looked around, her eyes landing on a group of 3 men that were rushing up to her from a bit far away. Ruby quickly turned around, walking towards the kitchen knowing there'd be a back entrance there. Soon ruby had opened the door to the kitchen, finding it empty. And that was when she realized, this wasn't the damned kitchen.
But she was sure she saw the waiter from earlier walking towards here?
Ruby quickly turned around at the sounds of quick footsteps, the sight of the 3 men from earlier entering the empty room falling upon her. Ruby let out a breath, there was no way out of this now. She just had to be as quiet as possible about this.
But before ruby could do anything a figure rushed past her, knocking one of the men down before kicking the other right in his face.
Ruby : what the fuck.
The waiter from before blocked the punch from the other man before kicking him off his feet, punching the last man right in the face as he fell down as well, groaning. The waiter turned around to face ruby, a smirk on his face as he said
??? : you're welcome.
Ruby looked forward as she heard the footsteps of more men heading towards their direction, this man had just fucked it all up for her.
Ruby : you fucking idiot.
??? : excuse me, what-
Ruby cut the waiter off as she held his arm, dragging him outside the room as she rushed towards the actual kitchen where chefs were moving inside and outside continuously.
??? : miss bennett, you have to let go of me-
Ruby : you've made this all worse, so you're going to shut up and follow me.
??? : I've made what worse-
The waiter cut himself off as he turned around, realizing what the problem was. Ruby rushed past the chefs and workers inside the kitchen as she stepped out through the backdoor, clicking on her car key as a distant roar was heard. The waiter frowned as ruby suddenly paused on her tracks.
??? : wait, that's it? Aren't we supposed to escape or something?
Ruby did not answer. Because before she could a car raced up to them, coming to a stop right in front of both ruby and the waiter as she got into the car and said
Ruby : we are.
The waiter looked around at the expensive sports car he would probably have died for as a teenage boy, finding it amusing how one didn't even have to drive it by oneself.
??? : holy fuck.
The waiter quickly jumped into the car, ruby pressing onto the accelerator as the car rushed past the group of men with a roaring sound.
??? : who the hell are they! No, actually, who the fuck are you!
Ruby : you already know who I am.
??? : no, why are you being chased by a bunch of men!
Ruby : what is your name again?
??? : uh, Jung Wooyoung.
Ruby : okay, listen, wooyoung. Remember when you kicked those men's asses back in that room a few minutes ago?
Wooyoung : I just thought you needed help-
Ruby : yeah, I didn't then. But I will now. Help from getting you killed.
Wooyoung : killed!
Ruby : yes, killed.
Before wooyoung could say anything more ruby took a sharp turn towards the left lane, that causing wooyoung to screech as he held onto his seat for dear life. Wooyoung turned around, realizing the men were now chasing after them in their own car.
Wooyoung : oh no no no, they're behind us!
Ruby : of course they are.
Wooyoung looked back at ruby and the way she was driving so skillfully while going at such insane speeds, her face calm and composed still. In normal situations he would have found this hot, but this was far from anything normal.
Wooyoung : miss bennett, have you done this before?
Ruby scoffed, pressing harder on the accelerator as she turned the car to the side in order to block the other car behind them.
Wooyoung : you're only a CEO, you aren't supposed to…to-
Ruby : have a car chase? Yeah, this is how it works out here.
Wooyoung let out a breath as ruby shifted the car to the other side again, in order to block the enemy car from swooping in. and as wooyoung turned to face ruby once again, her red eyes focused forward and her one hand wrapped around the steering wheel, covered in expensive rings, wooyoung figured why so many people swooned over Bennett tech's CEO.
Wooyoung : can't you uh…go sl-slower?
Ruby : we're being chased, jung wooyoung. Slower means being dead.
Wooyoung : but why are they so angry at you!
Ruby : classified.
Wooyoung : what-
Wooyoung let out a yelp as ruby took a sharp turn, the car stopping suddenly into the side of an abandoned lane, the sides covered with forests. Wooyoung felt his breathing pause as ruby turned off the car headlights, rendering the entire lane completely dark.
Wooyoung : what-what the hell are you doing?
Ruby : hiding in plain sight, wooyoung. Those men will be stupid enough to think I'd rather continue the car chase than pull something like this.
Wooyoung : well I'd rather you do that too, actually.
Ruby : what?
Wooyoung : what if uh, what if someone attacks us?
Ruby : someone already has, wooyoung. And now we're waiting for that someone to go by so that we can escape the chase-
Wooyoung : no, not that. Here, like right now.
Ruby : what, are you afraid of the dark?
Ruby had meant that as a joke, leaning back against her seat with a small smile. But as she realized wooyoung wasn't answering, her smile disappeared.
Ruby : wooyoung?
Wooyoung : miss bennett, take me back to the bar, please.
There was the hard part.
Ruby : I cannot do that, you're going to have to remain with me until I figure out who it is exactly that you pissed off today.
Wooyoung : no. no no-
Ruby : trust me, it's not going to be that bad. You're just going to have to remain hidden in my family house.
Wooyoung : and who lives in your family house-
Ruby : no one. And as a matter of fact, it is located right inside these forests.
And that was when wooyoung actually realized, he was fucked.
#ateez angst#ateez fluff#kpop angst#kpop ff#ateez ff#kpop fluff#angst#ateez#ff#fluff#wooyoung#jung wooyoung#ateez wooyoung#wooyoung ff#wooyoung angst#wooyoung fluff#wooyoung imagines#wooyoung au#ateez au#wooyoung x oc#wooyoung imagine#ateez imagines#ateez imagine#wooyoung fanfic#ateez fanfic
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wooyoung - star player
word count : 979
i need it on record that i know absolutely nothing about soccer besides this one player who was on a cover on a magazine okay thanks bye
"don't let them past you! you're breaking formation!" you hear your coach yell as you and your team run through practice. your team had previously made it into the semi-finals for a tournament in your district. all of you have been practicing like crazy for the game that is at the end of next week.
after awhile, your team is given a break. practice would last for at least another two hours, but the boys soccer team also had to get on the field with your team to practice for a match they’re in.
"you look like someone ran over you.”
you look up while drinking from your water bottle to see the captain of the boys's team, jung wooyoung.
"what do you want, jung?" you ask him as he drops his bags down on the grass in front of you.
"just messing with you," he says and crouches down so he can peck your lips, "you're doing great, babe."
you smile at him, "thanks."
"hey, coach has to talk to someone. you guys take a break while we warm up," one of the guys says to your team.
"i'll take it."
"yea, i'm beat."
some of the guys start practicing on the field while your team took a much needed break. wooyoung sits down across from you, digging in his backpack before pulling out a container.
"here, my mom made this," wooyoung says to you and starts feeding you snacks that he has in the small container. “good?” you nod your head.
"captain! you're gonna have to practice eventually!" you hear one of his teammates yell from the field.
wooyoung turns around, "shut up!" he yells and turns back to you. "have the rest," he offers, "i have another box," he adds before kissing your cheek.
wooyoung gets up and hurries to the field, immediately starting to practice with his team.
"your boyfriend is so head over heels for you," one of your teammates says as she undos her hair to redo it.
"he's only being like this because we got into semis this year," you reply, "we still bicker like an old married couple."
"you two are so cute," another teammate says before sighing, "if only i could find a guy like him."
"there's a whole team of lunatics right there."
"didn't you like—?"
your coach comes back after a few minutes, and your team starts practicing again. you run through your usual formations with a few player changes just to try new things out.
it's trial and error as new players are changed. usually, your team is pretty cohesive, but the pressure is way too tense.
"okay, you two switch again, and you two switch," your coach instructs, making more player changes.
you continue practicing and run across the field. someone passes you the ball, and you start running toward the goal.
"come on y/n!" you hear wooyoung cheer for you. you kick the ball and watch it fly into the net. the goalkeeper misses the ball and falls to the ground. "that's my girl!"
"hey, jung. keep it down," you hear your coach say to the captain.
"nice one, y/n," one of your teammates says to you.
"thanks," you reply.
"let's keep this up," another teammate says, "the other teams won't have a chance against us," she says with a grin.
"alright, ladies, let's run this again," your coach says to all of you.
practice ends as the sun starts to set. it’s evident that everyone is beyond tired and hungry at this point.
you sit with your teammates by a set of bleachers. most of them are getting ready to leave while the rest of you take a break before going home. the guys are also hanging out, praising all of you for doing well.
"y/n, want to grab dinner with us?" one of your teammates asks.
"nah, maybe lunch or something else tomorrow," you reply as you take your cleats off.
"suit yourself."
"see you guys!"
people from both teams start trickling off the field. as you get ready to leave, you notice wooyoung talking to some of the players on the bleachers higher up.
you whistle, warning a look from everyone. wooyoung smiles at you before saying his goodbyes and walking over to you, climbing over a few bleachers to get down to you.
"you can stay. i'm going home," you say to him while putting your regular sneakers on.
"no, i'll take you home," he says. "i already called your dad and told him i'd bring you home when coach said practice was gonna be longer," he mentions.
wooyoung picks up his bags before reaching over to grab yours. you try to stop him, but he takes your duffel.
"i got it," he says to you. "hand me your backpack."
"i'll carry it," you say to him, backing away from him when he tries to grab your backpack from you. you stick your tongue out at him and he does the same. "are you staying for dinner?" you ask as you two start walking towards the parking lot.
"i need to go home. my brother went on a field trip and brought me a souvenir," he replies. you continue walking through the parking lot and make it to his car. both of you throw everything into the trunk before getting into the car.
you see wooyoung smiling as he starts his car up.
"what's with that face?" you ask him.
"just admiring how sweaty you look," he replies, earning a glare from you. he laughs for a second. "i'm kidding," he admits. "you're adorable."
"you're not half bad either," you reply.
wooyoung suddenly leans over the center console and kisses you on the lips. "you're doing great out there," he says to you afterwards.
you smile, "thanks, babe."
"anything for my star player."
#sweetiesicheng#kpop#sweetiesicheng ateez#ateez#ateez x y/n#ateez x oc#ateez x you#ateez fanfic#ateez fanfiction#ateez x reader#ateez wooyoung#ateez jung wooyoung#jung wooyoung#wooyoung x reader#wooyoung#wooyoung fanfic#wooyoung fanfiction#wooyoung x y/n#wooyoung x you#wooyoung x oc#wooyoung imagines#wooyoung fluff#ateez x atiny#atiny#ateez atiny
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wooyoung x reader
summary: Wooyoung spams you out of worry only find out you’re out drinking and he gets overprotective
Notes: text messages, mentions of drinking, protective woo

#Ateez#Ateez x oc#Ateez fanfic#Ateez fic#Wooyoung#Wooyoung x oc#Wooyoung fanfic#Wooyoung fic#Wooyoung texts#fake texts#text story
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pda >-<

pairing: wooyoung x kisses
genre: fluff
wc: 67
let's be honest, he love talking but esp to you, telling you stupid things he did as a kid, asking if he can put the fan/AC on when it's like 50c out, acts like he just saved your life after making you a sandwich, "you'd be dead without me fr" (as if hed know what he'd do without you) , always bringing pain meds just incase, and fucking LOVES PDA, like he's like a fucking virus in a computer, esp when he has lipstick or gloss on, you're basically that red ass angry bird when you can finally get him off you, youre always on his mind, you and your cute little cheeks, he loves you paint in kisses
wooyoungie cutie
© yuyubeans, 2024.
#jung wooyoung#wooyoung smut#wooyoung x reader#wooyoung x y/n#wooyoung x you#wooyoung x san#wooyoung x oc#wooyoung#ateez mingi#ateez scenarios#ateez mtl#ateez fanfiction#ateez#i need friends#ateez angst#ateez atiny#ateez fluff#ateez hard hours#ateez pegging#ateez hybrid#ateez hongjoong#ateez reactions#ateez smut#jeong yunho#choi jongho#song mingi#mingi#mingi x reader#hongjoong smut#yuyubeans
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☕ Brewing Love Next Door 🤎 trailer
J.W.Y x Reader named Yujin (it's hard to type out Y/n and I'm lazy af)
Growing up with a mother who loved coffee, Yujin had an unhealthy obsession with caffeine. Feeling down? Coffee. Feeling great? Coffee. Passed a test? Yay coffee. Failed a test? Naur, coffee. Her friends joked about her having more caffeine In her veins than blood.
Now, finally leaving her hometown and coming to Seoul, she was to study in KQ University. But her no.1 concern was how is she gonna get her coffee? Will she be able to befriend the barista? Will she die of shock after finding out that the handsome barista was her neighbor? Will she realize why people actually have crushes on baristas? Will she be able to confess?
Genre: Fluff, Crack
Warnings: Swearing, idiots in love, nothing really.
Taglist: none!
Ask or comment to be put in the taglist.
Love, Annie

#✒------💚 mine#Wooyoung#Wooyoung x reader#Wooyoung x oc#ateez fanfiction#ateez x reader#ateez fluff#ateez crack#Wooyoung fluff#Wooyoung crack#☕ Brewing Love Next Door 🤎
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Please check out our lovely author Rem's Wooyoung smut!
I got you

Pairing: kitsune!Wooyoung × owner!oc
Summary: Y'all this is my first time writing a hybrid fic. Bare with me 😭💀🗿🧍🏻♀️
Warning(s): the return of Ajax, Wooyoung's heat is intense, cumming inside (DO NOT DO THIS UNPROTECTED), tail pulling (Woo's into that shit), pillow humping, messy blowjobs, daddy kink, body worshipping, hair pulling, riding
Genre: Smut with plot
Nets: @blossomnet @mirohs-aurora-society
Wooyoung watched as his friends were getting adopted one by one. He was happy for them, yet he was also sad since no one wanted him. As he curled his knees up to his chest, he heard the bell chime and another man enter the shop. His heart started beating wildly and he swore he fell in love.
He was tall, lean with a bit of broadness, had his black hair all messed up, and had his sleeves rolled up so Wooyoung could see the half sleeve on one of his forearms.
His tails started wagging as he stared at the ink on his arm.
The receptionist guided the man through the various hybrids still available and of course, Wooyoung was glossed over once again. It wasn't new to Wooyoung, but it still hurt. Before the receptionist could speak some more, the man spoke up.
"What about him?"
Wooyoung's heartrate accelerated as the man pointed to him. His ears perked up as he sat up straight.
"Um... I wouldn't recommend him, sir."
"And why is that? Huh?"
Wooyoung flinched when the man spoke harshly. He knew the anger wasn't directed towards him yet he couldn't help but feel scared.
"Because he's dangerous."
"I can be dangerous if you don't give me a valid reason."
"Sir -"
"My patience is wearing thin."
"He's a kitsune!"
A silence fills the air and Wooyoung felt his throat tighten as the man turned slowly to him.
"Hey you. Shift into your animal form."
Wooyoung obeyed immediately and shifted into his animal form. The man's breath hitched upon seeing the kitsune. His nine tails were spread out, his ears twitched, and his alluring red eyes stared at him with curiosity. He shifted back into a human and awaited the verdict.
"I want him. Final answer."
The receptionist bowed her head and walked over to the register to ring him up.
Minutes later, Wooyoung was standing in front of the man with a bag in his hands and big sparkling eyes.
"Are you adopting me, sir?"
The man's face softened and he smiled at the young kitsune as he nodded.
Wooyoung surged forward and hugged him tightly. The man returned the hug and kissed the side of his head.
"I'm Jung Wooyoung! Nice to meet you, sir!"
"Nice to meet you too. I'm Ajax."
That was three months ago.
Within those three months, Wooyoung has never felt more at home. Sure, Ajax was strict sometimes, but he wasn't like this every day. Wooyoung quickly learned that it was called 'tough love', and he was ok with it. Sometimes, the kitsune could be a little too cheeky for his own good so he was glad to have someone like Ajax humble and discipline him whenever he can.
Today was a cold day. The wind was blowing harshly, making some of the trees sway. People were holding onto their scarves and beanies as they all tried to rush home. The clouds were darkening, indicating that rain would come soon.
That didn't matter to Wooyoung though since he was sweating horribly and he was rutting against a pillow on the couch.
Quiet whimpers left his mouth as he moved his hips erratically. Those whimpers soon turn into moans that were getting louder and louder by the second. He was crying due to the unbearable pain and his body was growing warmer. He was so lost in his desperation that he didn't notice his owner coming home.
When Ajax closed the door behind him, he was immediately hit with the smell of dahlias and blood oranges. He dropped his suitcase on the floor, loosened his tie, took off his blazer, and unbuttoned the first two buttons of his dress shirt before walking over to his precious kitsune. He knelt down and brought the distraught hybrid's face closer to his so he could leave a searing kiss on his lips.
Wooyoung moaned out of relief into Ajax's mouth and shoved his tongue down his owner's throat as he tried to pull him closer. His strength caused Ajax to stand up slightly and fall on top of the kitsune. His tails wrapped around the owner's body and he pulled away to get a good look at him.
"Yeah? What do you need, baby?"
Wooyoung never called Ajax daddy unless it was during his heat.
"Need you... please~"
"Shh. I got you."
Wooyoung sighed in relief when Ajax kissed downwards starting from neck all the way down to his fully erected cock, which was poking through his boxers painfully. The kitsune giggled when his owner left light kisses all over his tummy. Those giggles soon turned into moans when Ajax palmed him through his boxers and yanked them down with ease.
"You know the drill, baby."
Wooyoung nodded and discarded his shirt and adjusted himself so he was laying down on his back. Ajax slowly grabbed the hybrid's cock and stroked him slowly as his lips lightly touched the base of it before slowly dragging them all the way to the tip.
"Please, daddy... please!"
Wooyoung yelped when he felt a smack on his inner thigh and a harsh tug on one of his tails. This caused a stream of slick to leak out of his hole and he felt himself blush out of embarrassment. Ajax simply chuckled.
"That ain't nothing to be ashamed of, baby. I told you that I got you."
Wooyoung sighed dreamily at the reassurance and watched with bated breath as Ajax slowly took him into his mouth slowly. He was left breathless as Ajax moved his head up and down slowly, his mouth open wide to elicit an occasional moan or whine whenever his tip hit the back of Ajax's throat.
He was glad Ajax was blessed with no gag reflex.
Wooyoung whimpered yet tried hard not to thrash around when Ajax took him in deeper and inserted a couple of fingers into his leaking hole. He looked up to see Ajax leave a strand of saliva on his cock whenever his owner needed to breathe for a bit before sinking his mouth back down.
Wooyoung grabbed Ajax's thick hair and tugged on it a bit, to which Ajax moaned at since he loved it whenever his kitsune had his hands in his hair. This caused him to go even faster and Wooyoung's moans rose in volume.
"Cumming! I'M CUMMING!"
Wooyoung vocalized his warning and Ajax merely smirked before going faster and faster so the kitsune can shoot his load down the man's throat. Wooyoung's mouth was still wide open when he felt himself release into his owner's mouth. Ajax swallowed everything and release Wooyoung's cock from his mouth before crawling upwards and kissing him straight on the lips again.
Wooyoung kissed him back and frantically tore off Ajax's tie before moving on to the rest of the buttons on his dresse shirt. He drooled at the sight of Ajax's bare upper body as the shirt was shrugged off. He reached for his belt and loosened that up before going over to his slacks and pulling down the zipper so he could whip out his owner's cock. Ajax laughed smoothly before grabbing Wooyoung's hands and pinning them above his head, to which he whined at.
"Have patience, baby."
Ajax adjusted both of their positions so he was sitting up and Wooyoung was straddling him after his slacks were pushed off and discarded.
"Ride me as much as you want. I got you."
Wooyoung nodded obediently and adjusted himself so he could sink down onto Ajax's massive dick. Wooyoung threw his head back and a high pitched moaned escaped his lips as he felt Ajax bottom out. He never felt so full even though they have fucked each other outside of the hybrid's heat.
Wooyoung soon started moving and both of them moaned when he moved up slowly and went back down quickly. The kitsune was moving at a medium pace yet Ajax was having none of it. He tugged on another one of his tails and Wooyoung hissed at the feeling. He got the silent message and willed himself to move faster.
"Fuck. I love you so much, Wooyoung. You're my precious kitsune. Fuck whoever always looked past you. You're mine. You're forever mine."
Wooyoung didn't respond properly to Ajax's heartfelt words as he felt his owner's lips kiss everywhere on his body. Ajax made sure he mapped out every inch of skin on his beautiful body. He wasn't one to leave marks yet he couldn't help but leave so many love bites and hickies all over the expanses of his tanned skin. As a result, Wooyoung brought Ajax closer to him. He wrapped his arms around his owner's neck, tangling his fingers into his hair once more. Ajax wrapped his own arms around the hybrid's waist and helped him bounce on his dick since the hybrid was growing tired. Chants of Ajax's name left Wooyoung's mouth and the man groaned in his ear.
"Fuck I'm cumming!"
"Cum inside! Daddy, please!"
"Fuck ok. I'm cumming. Shit!"
With one final thrust, Ajax emptied himself inside Wooyoung. He didn't stop until he was sure that everything was released. He slowly pulled out and chuckled when Wooyoung went limp and press all of his body weight onto him.
"Come on, Woo. Let's get you into a bath."
"Join me, J."
Wooyoung pouted and Ajax kissed his pouty lips before carrying his baby in his arms and walking into the bathroom so they could bathe together.
#ateez x oc#jung wooyoung x oc#wooyoung x oc#wooyoung smut#ateez smut#ateez imagines#a; rems-writing#gr; ateez#g; smut#m; wooyoung#p; mxoc#au; hybrid
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spring tides [like the moon universe]

pairing: poly!ot8 ateez x fem!oc!reader
warnings: vague mentions of eating disorder, death and torture, scars, ptsd, very fluffy! a lot of comfort! not so dark this time xD I did not proofread this :D
word count: 14.1k
a/n: hello y'all :D I have returned with some LTM for you <;3 This is a oneshot for my like the moon universe! You don't necessarily need to read the series to understand this fic but it definitely helps the immersion and understanding some of the plot points! you can find all chapters of ltm on my masterlist <3

Seonghwa remembers something in the spring of your third year with Ateez. As he watches you at Jongho’s side, silently offering the guard slices of fruit as he cleans his claymore, Seonghwa recalls that he doesn’t know when your birthday is.
Jongho is murmuring something about the design of his blade and the engraving along the handle when Seonghwa stands abruptly. The eldest shifts on his feet, brows furrowed and teeth worrying his bottom lip. His lips purse when Jongho questions him.
The red-haired guard looks up at his partner with a lilt of concern in his voice, hands halting their motion on his blade. Jongho’s dark eyes glint as the fading sun catches the hickory color of his irises.
“Is there something wrong?” Jongho continues, already shifting to stand to his feet. “Are you alright?”
You rock on your feet, legs stretching as you prepare to stand with Jongho. Your eyes flicker across camp, scanning for whatever has caught Seonghwa’s attention. There’s two swords still strapped to your back and you can nearly feel the cool metal pressing into your skin – a haunting reminder of the terrible things you’ve done with them. The buzz beneath your skin itches with the beginnings of adrenaline, already prepared to stand and defend the two Ateez members at your sides.
Seonghwa lifts his hands and shakes his head to soothe you and Jongho before you can stand. He softly waves his hands to encourage you to sit back onto the carved log beneath you, a wary smile on his lips.
“No, it’s nothing,” he murmurs, still gnawing at his lip as he finishes. He offers a barely concealed sigh and shakes his head again. “‘M alright, just remembered something.”
Jongho doesn’t seem satisfied with the answer, but he settles back onto the floor regardless. His hands return to wiping down his claymore but he doesn’t look away from his partner.
You share the sentiment, continuing to watch Seonghwa and making note of each creak and scratch that echoes through the camp. You don’t know what startled him, but you’ll be prepared for the next time. The fruit in your hands has made your fingers sticky in the brief moments you spent looking up at Seonghwa rather than cutting the supple treat.
You don’t mind though. You like slicing fruit for Jongho. He doesn’t eat enough, you’ve noticed. You’re not quite sure why, but you suppose you don’t quite know how to ask. No matter the reason, it brings you comfort when he continues to take slices of succulent fruit from you as he cleans. He doesn’t look up, simply trusting you to place the pieces into his hands so he can eat without trouble. When you sat beside him that morning with the fruit in your hands, Jongho raised an eyebrow but didn’t mention it. You ate the first few slices before offering them to the wine-haired guard, who accepted them with a small smile. Every so often, he turns slightly, ensuring that you’re continuing to eat as much as he does.
At one point he tilts his head back, looking up at you with those pretty, boba pearl eyes and opens his mouth slightly. Both his hands are occupied, busy with the intricate care his blade necessitates. With your heart thumping quickly in your chest, you place a slice of fruit on Jongho’s waiting lips and try desperately not to linger on the thought of how full and supple they are.
“Thanks, love,” he murmurs without looking at you, the words sweet and saccharine in the low timber of his voice.
Seonghwa laughed when Jongho’s cheeks pinkened after that, but you weren’t really sure why.
Turning his attention to you, Seonghwa looks down at your figure. Sitting with a slight slump in your shoulders, the spymaster smiles faintly. Slouched posture is a good sign, he muses. You’re comfortable.
When you tilt your head to the side, silently questioning Seonghwa’s thoughts, you reach up to gingerly grasp his fingers. There’s no hesitation. There hasn’t been in a long while. Seonghwa extends his hand in offering when he notices your appendages twitch. His warmth sinks into your palm and you nearly hum at the soothing feeling.
You squeeze his hand twice before lingering for a longer third.
‘Are you okay?’ you silently question.
Seonghwa’s lips quirk into another gentle smile, but his eyes are distant. It makes your heart tug painfully. The hickory of his near-black irises is muted. You miss the glimmer of those sweet, dark eyes that show when he smiles.
“Yeah, m’alright, lovebug.”
Your heart slams into your ribs – a delighted feeling. Lovebug. You like that.
Seonghwa leans closer to repeat the gesture, squeezing twice and then lingering for an ‘okay.’ His other hand lifts to run over the back of your head with a delicate movement. Fingers carefully scratch against your scalp and you resist the temptation to lean into his hands and exhale softly.
“I have to go see Joong and Yunho, though. I really did just remember something I wanted to speak to ‘em about,” he whispers. Dragging his nails gently over the nape of your neck once more, Seonghwa smiles when you finally lean into his touch with a quiet rumble. He thinks you look positively cat-like. When one set of lashes flutters against your cheek in a tired, pleased expression, Seonghwa could coo at the endearing look. He withholds only to save you the embarrassment of his mother-hen tendencies.
Your one eye flickers over his expression once more before you relent and nod your head just once. Seonghwa’s hand begins to pull away from your head, and this time you do make a tiny sound of sadness. The eldest feels his heart squeeze at your reluctance to be parted from him, leaning close to drag his thumb over the stiff material of your mask with a sweet touch before he stands upright once more.
“I’ll be back in a minute, okay? You and Jongho finish up and join us for dinner soon.”
You let out a short exhale through your nose, a sound they’ve taken to signify your agreement. Jongho’s lips twitch at the noise, trying to hold back the laugh he wants to let out.
“Okay,” you whisper softly beneath your breath as you lean back against the back of the log. Seonghwa smiles and finally shifts his stance to leave, only pressing a gentle kiss to Jongho’s brow before walking off. Your head tilts one last time as Seonghwa leaves, wondering if perhaps one day he’ll kiss your head too when he takes his leave.
The archer finds Yunho before Hongjoong. The tallest of Ateez is easy to collect when Seonghwa gives him a meaningful look. The tension in the eldest’s brow must convince Yunho that there is something important he is needed for because he immediately follows after Seonghwa. The two find themselves in the Captain’s cavern, his and Seonghwa’s really, standing before the long-haired leader with a small frown on the archer’s lips.
Hongjoong mimics the frown, coming to a stand behind the desk currently holding a plethora of worn maps.
“What’s wrong?”
Seonghwa sighs, squeezing his fists together before he turns to face Yunho with a solemn expression.
“When’s her birthday?”
Yunho’s brow quirks at the same time the tension in his shoulders finally loosens a notch. Sighing softly, he licks his lips and answers.
Seonghwa nods, the expression on his face unchanging: serious and solemn, as if the situation was as grave as a wake. Hongjoong glances between the two men, his brow now lifted in surprise, but he says nothing.
“It’s been three years since she’s been with us,” Seonghwa murmurs tersely. “But we haven’t celebrated her birthday. The first year I could understand missing it – I mean, she was still adjusting to Ateez, and even after that she’s still a little apprehensive. Not that I blame her, of course – I just… It’s been three full years and I can’t believe we’ve missed her birthday at least three times.”
Yunho’s bottom teeth sink into his lip and his eyes suddenly dart towards the floor. He swallows once, shifting on his feet and sighs as he ponders how to answer Seonghwa’s question. The eldest watches his partner with that same, tense look and his eyes glisten with something sad – something understanding, as if he knows Yunho’s answer before he speaks it aloud.
“I don’t know,” Yunho finally answers quietly. He looks down at his feet, unable to meet his elder’s eyes. His eyes squeeze shut with another sigh that shakes through his shoulders. He repeats himself louder, still just barely above a whisper. “I don’t know.”
Hongjoong steps forward from behind his desk. “What do you mean ‘you don’t know’?”
“I mean I don’t know,” Yunho whispers sadly. “And she doesn’t either.”
Seonghwa licks his lips, grasping at strings as he scrambles to find the right words to say.
“I don’t understand. How can she not know her own birthday?”
Yunho won’t look up from his feet. His fingers curl into fists and the tips of his nails dig into his palms from the tightness of his grip. He can’t bring himself to loosen his hold.
“Tiny, uh… After everything that happened with her – with that village, they don’t particularly regard her… fondly, you know?”
Yunho speaks slowly and methodically, as if trying carefully to pick the right words to say. His tone is terse and cold, the disdain for the village of his past more than evident in his voice. Hongjoong looks up at his partner with a frown still on his lips, his heart pulsing sadly in his chest.
“But she doesn’t know her own birthday? No one in her village told either of you?”
Yunho sighs again, finally looking up at his Captain with grief plastered across his features in an expression neither man can ignore. Seonghwa is already stepping forward, settling an arm over Yunho’s shoulders and rubbing his thumb across the taller man’s jaw.
Yunho leans closer to Seonghwa and continues, voice deep and throaty with the weight of his words. “We celebrated it once. Back when we were young – back when… Daia was still around.”
Hongjoong looks away.
“But even then,” Yunho continues softly, trying not to think of the bony cage casting shadows of your quivering form. You were so young. Little fingers grasped the cold bars that separated him from you, desperately whispering a plea for him to leave. He should have known your father wouldn’t let you celebrate your birthday like he and the other children did. But the smile on your face was so pure, so genuinely happy that he could never utter the words that may wipe it away.
“We didn’t know the exact date – just that she was born in the spring. Her father… well he killed the attendants that assisted her mother through labor. Not that we could prove it, of course. Anyone around for Bug’s birth… isn’t around anymore. And Bug was raised kind of secluded the first few years of her life. No one knows exactly when she was born and her father certainly wouldn’t say.”
Seonghwa’s eyes continue to glisten with that broken look, and he licks his drying lips before he speaks. His heart throbs painfully, echoing the sadness in his face.. “And… after Daia wasn’t around anymore?”
Seonghwa hates that he asks.
Yunho shifts on his feet and looks away again.
“I, uh… I don’t know much of what happened after Daia…” he trails off for a long moment. “By that time, the village and her father turned their backs on Bug, and I… I was exiled a few years later.”
Seonghwa thumbs over Yunho’s jaw again, trying to soothe his lover’s agony. Hongjoong steps closer and lays his hand across Seonghwa’s back, their combined sadness near tangible in the cavern hall.
“Bug’s birthday…” Yunho finally continues. “She’s never seen it as a good thing, you know? Her father and the village certainly didn’t see it that way.”
Seonghwa’s eyes sadden, the shine of his irises dulling at Yunho’s confession. He turns over his shoulder to look at Hongjoong and presses his lips together, as if regretting bringing up the topic altogether.
“A good thing?” Hongjoong whispers.
Yunho shakes his head, his frown dragging down his lips as he breathes softly. “Not something worth celebrating. The day she was born was… the start of everything bad, I guess.”
Seonghwa’s eyes squeeze shut, the burn of tears forcing pressure to build in the corners.
“Sometimes I think,” Yunho whispers tiredly, his eyes cloudy and unfocused as he stares into the distance. “I think she might hate it; that she might despise the day of her birth because of all the pain that came after.”
Hongjoong takes a deep breath in through his nose, trying to soothe the anguish that swells inside his ribs. There’s grief there, rage too, settling in the pit of his stomach and pushing upwards into his chest and throat. It’s not directed at you – it could never be. It’s towards your father, towards your village, towards anyone that has looked at you with disdain and uttered that foul moniker he knows makes you flinch.
“I’m sorry, Yun.”
Yunho shakes his head, leaning into Seonghwa’s hand and looking down at Hongjoong with his eyes glistening with welling tears. He swallows, clearly resisting the urge to cry, and kisses Seonghwa’s thumb when it brushes his mouth. “‘S okay, Seonghwa. I know your intentions were honorable.”
Seonghwa nods, finally leaning forward until his head rests against Yunho’s collarbone. An arm wraps around the eldest’s shoulders and Hongjoong presses himself against Seonghwa’s back, encasing both him and Yunho.
“So don’t bring up her birthday, then?” Hongjoong whispers, frown still drawing his lips downward. He speaks the question into Seonghwa’s shoulder blade, his lips grazing the tunic covering his skin.
Yunho is silent for a long moment. No one speaks and the sounds of their hushed breaths are all that echo through the hollowed cavern. Yunho ponders his Captain’s question in the silence and thinks of your growth in the years you’ve spent in their camp. Would you rather they never mention your birthday again? Or would you appreciate a different kind of memory to replace the shaded pains of the ones long past?
Soon after, Yunho leans forward to bury his face into Seonghwa’s hair before he breathes deeply and pulls back, a small quirk lifting the corner of his lips. He thinks of you and that youthful grin that used to grace your lips more often as a child. Yunho recalls the mischief in your smile and the wonder that would flash across your eyes, and he begins to twist an idea around his thoughts. It’s that look he wants to see again. He always wants to see it; the mischief, the awe, the teasing grin you used to throw over your shoulder to get him to chase you through the training grounds. He wants that so badly.
“Actually, Captain…”
Hongjoong peels his head away from Seonghwa’s shoulder, looking up to meet Yunho’s eyes with a raised brow and a question in his eyes. “Hmm?”
Yunho finally manages a fraction of a smile, stroking his hand over Seonghwa’s shoulders as he speaks.
“I think there might be a way we can show her that her birth is something worth celebrating. I’ll need your help though.”
“Anything for her,” Seonghwa finishes at the same time Hongjoong speaks.
Yunho’s heart swells. The soft grin on his features begins to stretch, mirrored by his two elders. Pride begins to surge beneath his skin and it makes him feel fuzzy.
“What do you need?” Hongjoong whispers into the fraction of space separating their lips. Yunho huffs a smile, leaning closer until his mouth brushes against his leader’s.
“How do you feel about a little trip, Captain?”

Time passes easily. About a week goes by after the conversation between you, Jongho and Seonghwa before Hongjoong announces that Ateez will be spending a few nights traveling away from camp. He won’t say where they’re traveling to nor why they’re going, but there’s a mischievous grin on his lips when you tilt your head in suspicion. No one will tell you anything about the adventure other than handing you a cloth pack to gather some things for the trip.
Mingi helps you clean your blades and slides them into the scabbards on your back for you. Seonghwa packs food away carefully and slides extra servings of dried and cured meats into your pack followed by the fruit he knows you and Jongho love. San and Yeosang sit by your side as you help sort the first aid supplies the camp may need. The inky vines wrapping around Yeosang’s forearms flashes from beneath his sleeves, and you find yourself following the sight of the tattoo each time you peek a glimpse of golden skin covered in leafy shapes.
San laughs and raises an eyebrow at his lover when he flicks his shirt above his waistband playfully, showcasing the span of scales descending over his hip and up his waist. He giggles when you reach forward to pull his shirt higher over his side, eager to follow the lines of ink up his torso. San pushes your hands away and promises to show you one day. Wooyoung enters the cavern a moment later and exchanges a knowing look with San, as if the same pattern of obsidian scales crawls up the opposite side of his own torso.
On the morning Hongjoong announced their leave, you pack the last of your things diligently in the cloth pack given to you. There’s something fond rippling through your chest as you slide a hand over the large tunic laid across your bed.
The sensation seeps all the way down to your toes, a bittersweet happiness that arose from the realization that you’ve never… owned things before.
In that village, nothing was ever yours. It was always stolen or taken, never owned.
But now…
Now there’s all kinds of things in your corner of the medical cavern. There’s the little rope of twine with eight little beads Yeosang gave you to fiddle with so you wouldn’t pick and pull at your nails. There’s the bear-hide blanket Jongho handmade when you started to grow cold in the winter nights. A pile of spare clothes tailored to fit your size sits beneath your bed. A hollowed shell of smooth, rich cream sits beside you, specially made for you by Wooyoung and San when they noticed your scars were particularly aching in the cold weather. There’s a whetstone and cleaning tools beside your swords, left there by Mingi when he noticed your blades were dulling. Seonghwa always leaves a myriad of flowers beside your bed each week, and the dried stems of all his past bouquets hang above your on a piece of twine Joong brought you. There’s armor and chainmail beneath your bed, presented by Hongjoong with a shy smile. He cleans them for you when he thinks you’re not looking, ensuring the armor stays in good shape and protects you well. One of Yunho’s thicker tunics lies at the foot of your bed, a staple of your growing closet of clothes. He knows you like having his scent nearby. There’s books too, ones from the medical cavern and ones from Wooyoung, who you’ve discovered is quite the avid reader.
There’s just… all sorts of things.
And you’ve never really owned things before. It’s strange. And quite enjoyable, you decide.
You like owning things. You like being part of Ateez – being part of a family.
With your lips twitching upwards into a fond smile, you stand with the last of your belongings and slide the straps of your cloth pack over your shoulders. It sits a little strangely on your back but you huff and step out of the cavern anyway.
The rest of Ateez is already outside, shuffling the last of their belongings into storage and closing up the cave system behind you. A wooden sort of door slides shut behind you and the viny, earthen cover falls over it. It’s perfectly concealed from the wild, appearing just like any other cropping of rocks and stone. You marvel at their ingenuity and turn to find Wooyoung approaching you with a smile on his lips.
“Good morning, Bug. Are you ready?”
Your head tilts with a question as Wooyoung’s hands shift upwards to the straps of your pack. He raises a brow once, always asking for permission before he touches, and you shift closer and slide your hands onto his hips with a nod of your head. Wooyoung’s smile seems to widen, if at all possible, and he carefully begins to adjust the straps of your pack so it sits better across your back. Your gaze follows his hands, tracing over the fading scar on his one wrist – the space where a rusty shackle used to sit. Your lips quirk happily at the sight of the missing metal cuff, now long buried in the earth. He hums happily at the feeling of your hands on his waist, and chuckles beneath his breath when he feels your hands attempting to weasel under his shirt – likely another attempt to get a look at the tattoo you know sits there.
Wooyoung huffs a breath as you skate a gentle hand over his bare hip, focusing on the wavy shape of an oscillating line your draw over his skin. He translates the word as ‘what’ and understands your inquisition to mean ‘Ready for what?’
“Can’t tell you,” he laughs, his chest shaking with the motion as you squeeze his hip in retaliation. “Sorry, baby. Captain’s orders; take it up with Hongjoong if you want to know so badly.”
Your one eye rolls and Wooyoung laughs again, that bright, cackling sound echoing through the trees in a burst of noise that makes your heart flutter. You like Wooyoung’s laugh.
“C’mon you two!” Hongjoong calls from a distance, already beginning to pace towards the southwest. “We’re burning daylight. Let’s get moving.”
You respond with a choked hum despite knowing your Captain can’t hear it. Wooyoung grins, finally satisfied with the adjustments he’s made on your pack, and turns over his shoulder to call back, “We’re coming, Captain. Relax a little. It’s barely dawn, we’re on schedule.”
You don’t need to see Hongjoong to know what expression the Captain has on his face. A tiny smile appears on your lips and when Wooyoung turns back to face you with a hand held out in offering, his grin beams once more.
“C’mon, baby. You wanna walk with me and Sannie today?”
Your answering nod is a little too eager, but Wooyoung doesn’t mention it.
To you, anyway. The smug grin he shoots over his shoulder at Mingi and Yunho is met with a sigh and an eye roll. The vulgar gesture Mingi throws back goes unseen by you too.
Seonghwa sees it though, and the sound of Mingi’s squawk when he’s slapped across the shoulder by the archer makes Wooyoung laugh again.
It’s springtime. The forest is filled with bright shades of emerald green and flowers have begun to sprout along patches of sunlight. Lupin tickle at your ankles when you pass and you watch their lilac and lavender petals sway in the wind with a fond expression. Your last bouquet from Seonghwa was fresh Lupin flowers, a growing favorite of yours he has noticed.
Wooyoung holds your hand as you walk, sometimes shifting to allow San to take his place. They talk happily as you stride through the forest, following Yeosang and Jongho as they lead your band of warriors through the trees. You still don’t know where you’re going nor why you’re going there, but you trust your Captain and you trust your family.
Eventually, you unlink your hands from San to step ahead and walk besides Mingi and Yunho. San’s resounding pout and soft sigh are lost on you, but Wooyoung slides his hand into his partner’s empty fingers with a grin and a teasing poke to San’s side. Mingi intertwines his fingers with yours with a beaming grin and a happy chuckle, swinging your hands between you as you walk. He points out the flora and fauna he recognizes along the hike, explaining their uses as he recalls Yeosang’s teachings. He mentions the honey-haired healer’s tattoo sleeve of medicinal herbs and shows you some of the plants he recognizes to be inked into Yeosang’s skin. You eagerly categorize the leaves and petals of each plant, hoping that you’ll one day be able to find each one decorating Yeosang’s skin.
The first night away from camp is spent sleeping beneath the stars.
Your group of nine lays huddled together in a clearing in the pines, with a small fire burning quietly in the center for warmth. Shifts for watch are assigned and you find yourself curling between Yunho and San that night with a promise to take the final watch with Seonghwa. With cicadas clicking in the distance and a cool breeze rustling the branches above you, you find sleep easy that night. Strangely enough, despite resting out in the open with no cover around, you find you can sleep calmly. Nestled between your Yunho and your San, their body heat keeping you warm even underneath the fur blankets swaddled around you, you feel safe enough to sink into a well-earned sleep. You know the others will wake you if there’s trouble lurking about. They would never let anything happen to their family.
The next day is spent between Hongjoong and Seonghwa, happily listening to their stories and eagerly nudging the both of them to show you some of the ink decorating their skin. Once you found out about Yeosang’s tattoos, there was nothing holding you back from asking the others about their own. Seonghwa relents with a teasing grin towards Hongjoong, showing you the pattern of large scales that crawl up his forearms. You trace the delicate scales with a happy sound, not noticing the shiver that crawls down Seonghwa’s spine. Hongjoong rolls his eyes at his partner, but he almost wishes to show you the ink decorating his back and spine too. He only waves you away with a laugh when you turn to him with a tilt of your head and a happy question on your lips.
That night you sleep between Yeosang and Jongho, one of your legs wedged between the youngest’s and your hand clumsily intertwined between the healer’s fingers. This time, the nine of you settle in a cliff alcove, sheltered from the fog and the light drizzle of rain that spatters through the forest around midnight.
There’s no telling how far you’ve traveled from Ateez’s hollow. It’s been two days of mostly hiking and stopping for breaks and meals, but you’ve long grown used to strenuous labor so the walk is not nearly as difficult as you once thought it to be. You still have little to no knowledge on your destination as your Captain is tight-lipped about the matter. He only gives you soft smiles and quiet laughter when you nag him about where or why you’ve left camp.
On the third and last day of your long journey, you walk between Yeosang and Jongho at the front of your pack. The two have been leading you for three days, seeming to know the way without needing a map or compass. Every once and a while, Yeosang looks up at the night sky and lifts a hand to palm at the stars. You understand he must be checking your position, ensuring that they’re still on the right path, but you don’t ask. You find Polaris winking down at you each night with a fondness in your chest, and you give her a gentle, barely-there smile each time you see her.
The healer and his partner pace through the trees with newfound urgency that morning. The two members eagerly shuffle through the trees with beaming grins and an energy that you cannot help but mimic. They’re excited about something – unfathomably so.
“We’re almost there, honey,” Yeosang encourages you, holding out a hand to help you scale the final boulder before you begin your descent back down the mountainside. “Just another mile or so, I promise.”
You trust him.
The others have begun to feed on the buzzing atmosphere building in the group. There’s tension simmering, but a good kind, as if there’s something awaiting your family at your destination. You don’t know what it is, but it must be something good if they’re eagerly beginning to quicken the pace.
Soon after you begin your descent down the small mountain, the dense foliage of pine trees and packed soil gives way to something softer – something you’ve never quite seen or felt before. It’s pliable and squishy beneath your feet, allowing your weight to sink into the material with each step. It leaves footprints in your wake, the ground shifting and moving beneath your feet.
It’s sand.
You know it’s sand because Yeosang has some collected in a small jar in the medical cavern. You’ve never seen it before: sand or the sea. You found the tiny bottle of eroded stone once and carefully examined it with a puzzled expression until Yeosang found you. The miniscule grains of rock and shell shifted in the bottle as Yeosang explained where it was from.
You listened to him for hours that day.
He talked about the sea and his life as a captain of his own ship from the hour of the sun’s peak until it descended beneath the horizon. You were fascinated. Eagerly hanging onto every single one of his words, you listened to Yeosang with a rapture you couldn’t describe. He spoke of the ocean and the smell of salt in the fresh air, mentioning that there was a particular hint of something so ocean-like in the scent that he couldn't begin to describe. Yeosang described the sand and the shore, detailing how the plush sand like the stuff in his bottle gave way to harder packed ground the closer you grew to the sea. He talked of how it felt to play in the waves and to feel the cool touch of the ocean on his skin.
You marveled at him for hours, longing desperately to one day know the smell he spoke of, to feel the ocean breeze tickle your skin and to feel its waves brush against your feet.
It sounded wonderful.
So when the sand beneath your feet begins to thicken, giving way to clumsier footsteps and the sound of something roaring in the distance, you perk upwards.
Your entire body slams to a halt, startling San who walks behind you. Jerking upwards, your one eye darts over to Yeosang, who stands with Jongho at his side, already looking at you. There’s this look in their eyes; something fond and gentle – an expression you’ve begun to recognize. They watch you as you begin to piece together the information you’ve gathered of this little trip, smiles on their faces as you realize where they’ve taken you.
At your side, San begins to bend forward, his hands reaching out to pull at the laces of your boots and chuckling beneath his breath. You reach out to stabilize yourself on his shoulder as you make a sound of confusion.
‘What’s going on?’ you try to question without speaking.
At your back, Yunho runs a hand down your spine and soothes the tension in your shoulders. You reach back, grasping his hand with a strength that surprises you and draw that oscillating squiggle across the back of his hand with a bewildered expression.
‘What’s happening?’
There’s another word you want to say. One you don’t have a translation for. A word you’ve never spoken or seen.
Ocean. The sea.
You don’t have a word for it.
But you can smell it now. That salty, fresh sort of scent with a hint of something you cannot place. Just like Yeosang described.
The sea.
San taps your leg, garnering your attention and helping you lift your foot so you can place it on his knee. He’s kneeling at your feet, one leg propped up to lift your foot and the other in the sand beneath him. The healer pulls at your laces, beginning to untie your shoes and pull them from your feet with a grin.
“C’mon, sweetheart,” he murmurs with that low timber that makes you shiver. “Let’s get these off.”
Your held tilts in confusion. Seonghwa chuckles behind you, leaning into Mingi’s side and shooting a look over at Wooyoung. “Gotta take your shoes off unless you want sand in the soles, Bug. It’ll be a pain to walk back with all that in ‘em. I promise you’ll never be able to get it all out.”
Hongjoong laughs from beside Jongho, the Captain throwing his head back with a knowing grin. “Speaking from experience, huh, darling?”
Seonghwa rolls his eyes and ignores his lover, dropping a hand to intertwine with Wooyoung’s. The younger eagerly locks their fingers together, smiling happily and leaning his head onto Seonghwa’s shoulder as you process everything.
The others begin to pull off their own shoes, tying them to their packs or holding the laces in their fingers. Mingi laughs and pushes Wooyoung when he bends over to undo his laces, and when Wooyoung stumbles, he shouts indignantly and lurches upwards for revenge. Seonghwa laughs and tries to settle them, only to end up yanked out of the way by a grinning Yeosang. Wooyoung and Mingi screech at each other, beginning to race down the sand towards the roaring sound that continues to swell in the distance.
You worriedly look down at San, his dark irises already looking up at you with adoration swirling behind them. The healer pulls off your sock and carefully sets your foot back onto the sand, watching as you marvel at the plush, cool material beneath the soles of your feet.
“C’mon, tiny,” Yunho laughs behind you, chest rumbling as he speaks. The vibration echoes through your back from how close the warrior is pressed against you. He grins when you shiver pleasantly. “We’ve gotta catch up.”
San lifts your other foot delicately and places it on his waiting knee, repeating the process of taking off your shoe and sock before he ties the laces together and stores them away in his pack. Before he sets your foot back onto the sand, San’s eyes twinkle with something mischievous.
He leans forward and drags his fingers across the skin of your calf, eyes crinkling as he smiles. You look back down at him with your stomach fluttering pleasantly, watching as San leans forward and presses his lips to the side of your calf.
His lips skate over the muscle and his hand rests where your thigh connects with the knee. You feel your breathing still. Air catches in your lungs, and some burst of emotion lurches into your throat as you stop and stare down at the healer with one widened eye. You can feel the smile on San’s soft lips as he drags his mouth from your calf to your knee, kissing your skin sweetly as he goes. He drifts over scars both fresh and faded, but does not stop moving as he ascends up your calf. San leaves a trail of goosebumps in his wake, your skin practically shivering under his touch and lighting ablaze when he pulls away.
You stare open-mouthed at the healer when San finally slides a hand down your leg and deposits it onto the sand. You lick your lips once, trying desperately to come up with words to say, but there’s nothing. Just the trail of blazing heat San left behind and a roaring fire beginning to spread inside your chest. You can practically feel the heat in your face, and you lift a hand to palm at your cheek as San watches with a teasing grin. Your figure practically vibrates as you shiver through the emotion bursting through you.
Said healer mimics your shiver as you whisper his name, fingers dancing along your calf before he stops. He presses one final kiss to your knee, at the crease of the joint, and this time your eye slides shut with a shiver. The plush feeling of his lips against your skin is ambrosia for your soul and the barest touch of moisture is left behind when he finally pulls away.
He looks up at you with honey in his irises, hand skating down your calf once more and smiles.
“C’mon, Bug. We’ve got places to be,” he teases, saccharine timber never failing to make you melt.
As if he wasn’t the one distracting you.
Finally, you’re able to squeeze his shoulder thankfully and San beams up at you in the way that makes those sweet little dimples poke out of his cheeks. You nearly lean forward to caress a finger of the indents that make your heart mushy, but still as the cool sand sinks between your toes.
It’s… soft.
The sand melts beneath your soles like butter, cradling your heels and caressing your skin like silk. You wiggle your toes and awe at the feeling, watching the sand shift and move with your lips just barely parted in wonder. San watches from your feet, his gentle eyes roaming over your partly-concealed face and grinning at the expression plastered across your features. Your lips are parted, but just barely, taking deep breaths to inhale the fresh air of the sea breeze and one eye dilated with awe. San's heart thumps vibrantly beneath his ribs, a song of your name. It calls out to you sweetly, and San swears that when he runs his hand across the bare skin of your leg, brushing over scars and broken skin, he can hear your heart call his name in return.
Your one eye darts upwards to meet your Captain’s gaze.
Hongjoong stares at you with some ineffable softness in his expression. He reaches a hand out to grasp your fingers, helping you step forward away from San. The healer stands from his kneeling position, his own footwear now missing, and joins you at your side.
“You like it?” Hongjoong whispers as you near.
The vigorous nod of your head is almost comical, and Hongjoong chuckles beneath his breath. Yes. Yes you like it.
San beams at your side, unable to stop the mirthful sound of his laughter. It erupts from his chest in that giggling way that you adore. You tilt your head to look at him, your chest swelling and heart thumping with the tumultuous feelings surging within you. San reaches out to run a hand down your arm and you lean close offering a single line of ‘thanks’ across his palm.
Yunho leans forward and pecks a kiss across your forehead, directly over the mask concealing the right half of your face and then turns to walk after Wooyoung and Mingi, San at his heels. He doesn’t acknowledge the kiss, but your heart jumps into your throat regardless. Your fingers itch to follow him, twitching in an attempt to reach for him, but you turn back to your Captain instead.
Hongjoong is still looking at you, that ineffable softness still radiating from him. “C’mon, angel. Let’s go see the ocean.”
You’ve never been more excited.
Hongjoong begins pulling you in the direction the others have disappeared in, following them over the dunes of sand. At first, he pulls your awestruck figure behind him as you make your way through the deeping sand, turning back to watch you marvel at the grains of white and cream colored grains. Your feet drag, slowing the two of you down as you continue to look down at the sand beneath you. At one point, you can’t resist the temptation and you stop, carefully pulling your hand from Hongjoong’s to bend at the knees and drop into the sand.
“Woah, angel!” Hongjoong gasps as you let go of his hand and urgently drop into the earth below. “Careful!”
Dragging your fingers through the silky material, you watch the tiny pieces of sediment cascade back into the hills beneath you as they trail between your fingers. The sand is cool to the touch and gentle as it scratches against your skin. You thought it would be rough, but it’s not. Not this sand anyway.
Seonghwa chuckles behind you, stopping to drop his hands beneath your shoulders and gently lift you back up to your feet. The others are little specks in the distance, just a few hundred yards away. The eldest carefully sets you on your feet and slides a hand down to intertwine with your own.
“C'mon, lovebug. We haven’t even reached the good part yet.”
The good part? You wonder. How could it possibly get any better than this?
But as the crashing sound gets louder with each step you take and the smell of salt continues to grow stronger, you begin to realize what the good part is.
Soon after, it becomes you dragging Hongjoong and Seonghwa through the sand dunes. Eagerly tugging them behind you as you race towards the others, you sink into the sand and stumble a few times, only catching yourself when either member scrambles to grab your waist. You push quicker through the deepening sand each time you right yourself, racing through the dunes until you finally see it.
The sea.
And you stop moving.
Hongjoong and Seonghwa nearly crash into your back as you freeze, body halting at the top of the sand dune. Your one eye is transfixed on the view before you, mouth parted and body slack with awe.
Waves are crashing along the shore, breaking into foamy surf as they collide with the cream-colored sand. There are little birds with thin, long legs dancing in the shoreline, pecking at things in the packed sand. You watch with fascination as they rush away in a flock from an oncoming wave. When the foam finally settles, they return to their feeding grounds, continuing to peck away at something beneath the darker sand. The smell of salt fills your senses and there’s a brush of water against your skin as a breeze carries a mist of salt onto the shoreline.
You’ve never seen so much… color before.
The ocean is blue. Green too, and teal and dark and bright, and every color in the range you can possibly think of. It’s aquamarine in the peaks of crashing waves and a darker cyan in the deepness of the salty water. There’s pale blue, creamy skies and even paler cream-colored clouds. You nearly wish you could reach out and touch one.
It’s wonderful. And it’s so much more than you think you deserve.
With awe on your features and mouth slightly parted, you stare mystified at the sea before you. Hongjoong steps up beside you, the others starting to circle back to stand nearby. They just stand there… watching you for a minute.
They watch your one pupil dilate and your expression softens into wonderous glee. Their hands intertwine with each other, fingers squeezing one another and hearts thumping happily in their chests. There’s pride there, and affection too, roaring madly beneath their skin and calling out to the sea with a throaty, triumphant call.
You like it. You like the sea.
And they like you.
Hongjoong slides a hand down your arm until he can gently link your scarred fingers with his own. Your attention briefly shifts away from the sea to look over at your captain.
His soft brown hair rustles as the sea breeze flutters through the strands, and Hongjoong smiles. Eyes scrunching into a beaming grin, the one that you like so much, he offers a squeeze of your palm. The scar crossing his one eye moves with his expression and you adore the way it looks when he smiles. Chocolate brown irises flicker in the brightness of the sunlight and for a moment, you think you much prefer the color of his eyes than the enchanting blue-green of the sea.
But it’s tough competition, of course.
Hongjoong squeezes your hand once more, fully drawing your attention back to him, and he leans close to carefully grasp the side of your face. His palm gently cups your mask, stroking his thumb over the tough material with a delicateness you cannot fathom deserving. But he touches you regardless, even if it's the mask instead of your skin. Hongjoong doesn’t care that you continue to wear it. None of them do. It’s a part of you, and they’ll continue to care for you all the same.
“Are you happy?” The Captain inquires, licking his lips as he watches you.
The vigor in your nod nearly makes him laugh. His beaming grin only seems to widen and you find yourself stunned at how beautiful he looks happy.
“Yeah? That’s good. I’m glad you’re happy, angel.”
You want to ask something else. Something about why your little clan has ventured this far or perhaps something else, but you can’t begin to find the words for it.
You don’t need to though.
Hongjoong leans closer, his warm, umber eyes scanning your features as he whispers something only for you to hear.
“Happy birthday, Bug.”
You barely register the sentiment before your captain leans forward and gently presses his lips to the crown of your head.
You don’t breathe. Too frightened that any movement will force him to pull away, you stay remarkably still and stare numbly into Hongjoong’s chest.
His lips linger for a long moment against your hairline, and you feel the warmth of his exhale against your scalp. The feeling makes your stomach flutter pleasantly and suddenly your body feels like you’re going to vibrate out of sheer enjoyment. Another shiver tickles its way up your spine and you finally exhale shakily. Reaching a hand upwards, you clutch onto the hand Hongjoong has still cupping your cheek.
Her heart finally throbs with a dull ache.
Your birthday?
You didn’t even think…
Hongjoong exhales softly and bends to drop a second kiss onto your mask, just above where your right eye would be. It throbs suddenly, but not so painfully this time.
Your birthday.
They came all this way for you?
All of this… leaving the camp, walking all this way, spending nights on the road, showing you the sea for the first time… they did this to celebrate your birthday?
Your heart hurts.
No one has ever done that for you before.
You suppose Yunho and Daia tried once… but that didn’t end so well. Salt wells behind your one eye and your lip twitches just once, but it's enough for Hongjoong to catch. Your chest aches with the memory of your mother. It’s a hurt you could never quite soothe.
The Captain’s smile is still bright when he pulls away but there’s a sadness beneath the joy. No, not sadness, you suppose. Something empathetic – something… bittersweet.
Hongjoong knows. They all do.
“My birthday?” Your mouth parts to let out the croaked sound. Your voice has gotten better. The deeper, rough tone of your voice has begun to fade after finally learning to use it again. It’s beginning to return to what it used to be – slow and steadily.
From behind you, Yeosang hums deeply. You recognize the sound without turning to look at him. His voice always carries that undertone of sweet and smooth honey, and you can’t find any other way to describe it.
“Yeah, honey. You told me you’ve never seen the sea, right? We thought it would make a good birthday present.”
The healer is standing behind Hongjoong, San and Wooyoung at his sides and the rest of Ateez just beyond. They’re all here. For you.
You shift on your feet, barely able to restrain the wetness of your one eye as you attempt to face them. Your heart still throbs, but it’s more of a pleasant ache – a good one. A sea breeze rustles your hair. Three silver rings click against your mask; a comforting sound that reminds you of home – of Yunho. The scent of salt in the air fills you with warmth and the silky sand beneath your feet cradles you in the earth’s gentle hands. The world itself seems to wrap around you in its kindness, delicately embracing you as if asking for forgiveness.
It feels like your mother – like the hugs you can barely remember.
The burn of tears returns tenfold.
You’ve never celebrated your birthday before. It was never a day others regarded with joy, so you supposed it was only fair to see it the same way. You don’t even really know what day you were born. Father never told you – he never told anyone.
But… perhaps this day – the day Ateez has chosen for you – can be your birthday. Maybe this time it doesn’t have to be a bad thing anymore.
“We wanted to show you something new. Something good. Do you like it?” Wooyoung whispers as you process your feelings. His voice is apprehensive, as if he isn’t quite sure how you’ll respond to celebrating your birthday. You can barely hear him over the roaring sound of waves colliding with the shoreline and birds peeping in the surf.
You’re already throwing yourself into Wooyoung’s arms before a moment of silence can pass. You crash into his chest with a crooned sound, a desperate cry of joy.
“Yes!” You finally croak, the word sounding more like a sob than an agreement. “Yes, I like it!”
Wooyoung laughs happily as he wraps his arms around your waist, burying his face into the crook of your neck with a joyful sound. His chest vibrates with his laughter and you love the way it feels against your body. One of your hands slides out from between you and you urgently grasp ahold of Yeosang’s shirt and tug him into your pile with a quick movement. San follows soon after, lured in by Wooyoung’s touch and suddenly you’re buried beneath a mountain of Ateez’s warmth.
Another wet sob leaves your lips, but it’s much closer to a laugh this time.
“I love it…”
And we love you.
He doesn’t say it aloud, but Wooyoung hopes you hear it anyway.
Seonghwa lets out a hearty laugh despite it sounding wet with his own tears, and he wraps an arm around Hongjoong’s shoulders as he tugs his captain close. The leader’s eyes are watery as he and the archer pile into your embrace. Mingi and Yunho follow quickly after, with the tallest of the two reaching out to snag Jongho’s tunic. The youngest is already moving, sliding beneath Yeosang’s arm to nuzzle into the healer’s side. One of his hands nestles between his lover’s ribs, resting atop your bicep. You push closer into their hands, warm and happy and still softly crying.
You love it.
It cannot possibly get any better than this. Not even the comforting breeze of the ocean air brushing over your skin nor the warmth of any roaring campfire could rival this feeling. There’s no warmth in the world that can surmount the heat of Ateez embracing you. Their hands carefully sweeping over skin leaves trails of pleasant heat in their wake, and the throb of your aching heart is only soothed by a soft coo leaving San’s lips. Wooyoung slides a hand over your head, pulling you closer into his neck, and you feel a bigger hand – Yunho’s, you know – scratch gently over your scalp. Another settles onto your hip, rubbing gentle circles into the bone. They’re Seonghwa’s, you recognize the calluses on his two fingers when they brush over the skin of your bare hip. Mingi’s hand settles across your back, resting between your shoulder blades. His firm touch and big hands are easy to decipher. Jongho’s wrap around your arm, strong and steadfast, just like you know him to be. Your captain’s smaller hand finds your fingers, sliding between them as you grip onto San with a fierce grip.
Hongjoong’s hands tremble when he twists his grip to drag a line down your left ring finger. His gaze finds yours, a watery smile on his lips when your mouth parts in shock and your one eye dilated beyond comprehension. The Captain finishes drawing the line at the tip of your nail, where each of his fingers meets the end of each of yours. Then Hongjoong slides his hand into yours and squeezes three times.
Yunho must have taught him that one.
Because no one else has ever uttered those words to you – least of all meant them.
Your grip tightens fervently, pulling until you can press Hongjoong’s hand into your chest and let him feel the racing pulse of your heart. It slams into your ribs with a thunderous pace, beating in a pattern you hope he can discern. You pull your head from Wooyoung’s neck just slightly. Just enough to lean down and press your lips to Hongjoong’s fingers.
You hope he knows what it means.
He does.
“Happy birthday, tiny,” Yunho murmurs into the shared space between the nine of you. “We’re so happy you’re here.”
You weep.

Ateez spends three nights and four days at the beach.
On the first, you don’t have the courage to venture too far into the shore. The roaring of waves crashing onto the sand is intimidating when you don’t know how to swim. You settle for watching the others splash and wrestle in the shallow sea. Their shouts of glee are enough joy to warm your heart.
You watch Mingi grapple with Hongjoong on the shoreline, huffing softly with a grin when Mingi inevitably gets the upper hand. The guard lifts Hongjoong over his shoulder and laughs deeply as he storms his way towards the sea.
“Put me down!” Hongjoong roars, smacking his hand against Mingi’s back. “Mingi!”
The guard only laughs and spins the two of them in the shallows as he wades deeper into the waves.
“Don’t you dare!”
You watch as Mingi laughs brightly once more, calling out a “too late!” as he unceremoniously dumps his captain into the sea.
Hongjoong dunks beneath the water with a roar, and for a moment you worry he won’t emerge again. He does, however, and lurches from the waves with an undignified shout and lunges towards Mingi as he laughs.
“Get back here!”
You grin and watch the two continue to wrestle in the waves.
Jongho takes you onto the nearby rocks and shows you the wonders of tide pools. He and Yeosang spent years living by the sea, and he murmurs hundreds of little facts about each of the animals he can find. Crouching down by a shallow pool, Jongho reaches into the cool water and ever so carefully lifts a sea star from the water. He cradles it delicately, leaving it half submerged as he pulls you closer with his other hand.
“This is a sea star,” he whispers, looking up at you and gesturing for you to crouch beside him. “You want to feel? You won’t hurt it.”
When you crouch at his side, Jongho pulls your hand towards him with a smile. Bent at the knees, you lean into his side and watch with a bated breath and marvel at the texture of the sea star still carefully held in Jongho’s hands. It’s soft and squishy beneath your delicate touch and you huff a smile as you watch with a mystified expression.
You watch some of the tiny feet of the sea star wiggle in Jongho’s hand and whip your head over to face him with a question on your lips.
Jongho is already looking at you, watching you instead of the sea star in his hands. He’s smiling, softly and sweetly, his eyes fixed on your one eye. They drift from your left one to where your right would be if not hidden behind the mask, then he drops them to your lips. Your breath stutters and you swallow shyly before Jongho lifts his eyes back to your own.
He smiles, as if nothing happened and continues, “See the poky creatures down here? The ones that look like they have needles? Those are urchins. The sea stars will eat those.”
It takes more effort than you’d like to admit to pull your gaze away from Jongho’s face.
At another tidal pool, Jongho points out a creature he calls an anemone. The vibrant teal and green color of its shape mystifies you and you lean closer to investigate it. Listening carefully to Jongho’s explanation of the anemone, you look back up at him with a question in your eyes.
“Yeah, you can touch that one too. Be careful though.”
You don’t understand his warning but carefully drop your hand into the pool to delicately caress the anemone anyway. The chill waters surround your skin and you lean closer to touch the creature, you let out a startled squeal when its sticky tentacles wrap themselves around your finger. Surprised, you lurch away from the pool, confusion in your face and hands braced on the rock beside you.
Jongho laughs so hard you think he might choke.
You turn to look at him with furrowed brows and an upset pout on your lips, a little disgruntled Jongho didn’t tell you that would happen.
The youngest continues to laugh at the utter confusion in your expression, finally bracing himself against you and apologizing.
“Sorry, I’m sorry, Bug. I couldn’t help myself!”
You frown and push gently at his chest, posing a little miffed at Jongho’s teasing. The youngest snorts and pulls you closer to his chest, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
“I won’t do it again, I promise,” he laughs. “We should wash your hands though, the stingers on those anemones can leave toxins on your skin. I don’t want you to touch your face without cleaning your hands first.”
You huff and nod, letting him lead you away from the rocks and towards the others. When you find San, you race away from Jongho and bury yourself into his chest with a pretend pout. The healer wraps you up in his embrace without question, turning to look at Jongho with a raised brow. Jongho rolls his eyes and laughs.
Seonghwa and Wooyoung take you to collect shells in the afternoon.
Your footprints linger in the sand behind you as you hold the archer’s hand and walk along the shoreline. The sand is packed beneath your feet closer to the shore and you find that there are all sorts of different shells just above the water line.
You recognize some of the larger, smoother shells Yeosang and San use to store medicine sometimes. They’re scallop-shaped and hollow in the middle, and the healers like to use them for creams or other ointments. Seonghwa helps you carry some back to the healers who gratefully pile your collection into one of their packs. They can always use more shells in the medical cavern.
Further down the beach, you find a plethora of smaller shells and drop down into the sand to rummage through them. There’s hundreds of them, some twisting into points and others round at the edges. Some are still split into pieces and others are still whole. Some are closed like a locket. Seonghwa tells you to leave those ones alone – there’s still creatures living in those ones. You gasp and carefully set the shell back down into the sand ever so delicately. The archer smiles fondly at your care for the earth and her creatures.
One of the bigger shells that washes up on the shore catches your attention, and you rush over to the pristine, cream colored object. Yeosang called these conches. When you excitedly turn over the shell, you’re startled to find a spiny looking creature inside. A large claw grazes your hand and your heart lurches.
You shout in surprise, jerking away from the shell with a gasp.
Seonghwa is at your side in an instant, hands on your back and pulling you away from the shell. “What happened?”
He doesn’t know why you shouted at first, too worried something has hurt you. His hands slide across your shoulders, turning you to face him and urgently scanning you for injuries. But when he looks down at the crab claw emerging from the shell, Seonghwa feels his chest shake with quiet laughter. Your head jerks back to look at the archer.
“It’s alright, darling. You just startled the crab living inside this one. He won’t hurt you, honey.”
Each shell you turn over for the rest of the day is done carefully and gently, and Seonghea feels his heart tug affectionately at how cute you look doing so. You nudge one with a stick to see if any claws come out and Seonghwa has to bury his smile in Wooyoung’s shoulder.
“She’s so precious,” the warrior murmurs under his breath.
Seonghwa hums in agreement, his head lifting from his partner’s shoulder to find you waving them over excitedly.
“We’re coming, sweetheart!”
Wooyoung settles at your side with a grin and looks down at the smooth stones in your hands. There’s a few rocks mixed in with the more ornate looking shells you’ve gathered, and Wooyoung tilts his head in an attempt to decipher why you’ve called them over.
“What’s goin’ on?”
Seonghwa’s heart stutters at the beaming smile on your lips. You smile more and this is not the first he’s ever seen, but each time you look up at him with that grin on your face, Seonghwa feels his stomach flutter and pride swell from his gut. He almost bites down on his bottom lip to resist sending you back a grin of his own, but Seonghwa doesn’t. And he’s grateful he does, because the way your one eye crinkles with joy when he smiles down at you makes his cheeks burn and his skin tingle.
“Look!” You urgently whisper, swallowing around the word to repress how sore your throat is.
Directing his attention to the dark stones in your hands, Seonghwa’s brows furrow in confusion.
“I don’t understand.”
You lift the stone beside his face, pulling Wooyoung into your side as you do. The two of you face Seonghwa as the archer grows more confused. The dark brown, near ebony-colored stone is lifted just beside his temple and you watch with a marveled expression as you shift your gaze from the rock to his eyes.
“What is it?” Seonghwa urges.
Wooyoung grins, his teeth flashing as he laughs sweetly. His two-toned hair ruffles in the breeze and Wooyoung turns to face you, squeezing your hip as he slides an arm around you.
“That’s a good find, Bug,” he murmurs, looking back up at Seonghwa with honey in his gaze. “The same shade as his eyes. It matches him perfectly.”
You nearly vibrate with happiness, wiggling a little in Wooyoung’s arms as Seonghwa’s eyes crinkle. “Really?”
You nod fervently, reaching for his hand and dropping the smooth stone into his hand and curling his fingers around it. Seonghwa holds the rock carefully, not looking away from your one eye as he lifts it to press into his heart.
“Thank you, darling.”
You smile again, just a little twitch of your lips and nod. Then you turn to Wooyoung and weasel your way out of his grip to hold another up for him. This stone is a similar shade as Seonghwa’s, but just different enough that Seonghwa can see where you’ve matched this one to the exact hue of Wooyoung’s umber irises.
You hold it out to Wooyoung with a tilt of your head and Wooyoung has to resist the urge to lean forward and squish your cheeks. He’s rarely seen you so excited – so… at ease. It makes every muscle in his body eager with the urge to hold you close and squeeze you tight.
“For me?”
You nod excitedly and Wooyoung accepts the stone with a skip of his pulse. “Thank you, baby.”
He and Seonghwa exchange looks and Wooyoung slips the stone into his pocket, where he knows he’ll keep it safe.
“Help me?” You whisper softly, gesturing to the plethora of stones and shells beneath you. “For the others.”
“Of course.”
The two help you find six more stones, one of each of the other members of Ateez. Each one is the exact shade of their eyes – colors you know by heart.
Wooyoung cannot tell you that after the trip, the rest of the boys gather to look at the stones and shells you collected for them. He doesn’t tell you that Mingi finds some twine and they braid bands for each other, carefully depositing their gifts onto string and binding them to each other’s wrists.
On the first night, the nine of you sleep around a bonfire.
The crackling flames keep you warm from the evening’s cool breeze, but you don’t think you sleep at all. The excitement and pure glee from the day keeps you awake. Adrenaline still roars through your veins and you settle for watching the stars for a moment longer. You find the twinkling shape of Polaris easily, and whisper your thanks up at her, just like you do every night since Jongho pointed her out.
She winks back.
The fire continues to crackle and the smell of wood burning soothes your nerves. Eventually, you pull yourself from your bed roll, carefully maneuvering away from Yunho’s warm chest and wrap your blanket around your shoulders. Quietly, you make your way over to the massive piece of driftwood facing the shore.
Then, you drop silently beside Mingi, who sits and watches the sea. It’s technically his watch, but the guard faces the ocean as if he cannot bring himself to look away.
Mingi does not startle when you find your place at his side, only shifting slightly to allow you to get comfortable. As you settle, you scooch as close as you can towards Mingi’s broad chest. Your side presses into his as you rest your weight against him and Mingi smiles, still looking at the sea. He easily accommodates your weight and wraps an arm around your shoulder, covering both your forms with his blanket. You snuggle close, burying your face into his neck and continue to watch the waves crash against the shore as the moon illuminates their peaks.
You sit there for hours. Though you cannot sleep, excitement still pumping through your body, you find staying awake with Mingi is just as nice. Far more comforting, you’d even say. Mingi’s body heat keeps you pleasantly warm and his big arm stays wrapped around your waist. Soon after you settle, the guard drops his cheek onto your head and he breathes slow and deep.
Even when Yeosang relieves him of his shift, taking over his place for watch, Mingi remains still. The two of you stay there until neither of you can keep your slowly fluttering lids open any longer.
Yunho finds the two of you in the morning, and he kisses Mingi awake with a sweet grin and soft eyes. He brushes a hand through your hair and drops a kiss onto your head, eventually dropping onto your other side where he wraps an arm around both you and Mingi as the three of you watch the sunrise.
The second day, you finally find the courage to venture into the waves with San and Yunho at your sides. Yeosang stands in the waves, waiting for you.
San leads the way, walking backwards into the surf and holding both your hands. Yunho stands beside you, one of his arms reaching out to steady you and reassure you that he’s still there. You make eye contact with Yeosang and he winks at you. The honey-haired healer grew up in the sea. You know that if anything goes wrong, Yeosang will know what to do.
“Let’s go, tiny. You’ve got this,” Yunho encourages, softly nudging you forward as you apprehensively toe the water line.
You can’t swim. And you’ve never ventured into the sea before.
It’s a little daunting, but the dimples on San’s cheeks and the smile on his lips encourages you to keep walking. You clutch his hands with a vice grip and gasp as the cold, salty waves cascade over your toes.
“Sorry, lovebug. It’s a little cold.”
San laughs as you throw him a withering look. That information would have been helpful before you stepped into the sea. Yeosang laughs at your side, rubbing a hand along your waist and watching you shiver at the warmth of his touch.
No matter how many times they touch you, you cannot help the way it makes you feel.
“A little further and we can stop,” San murmurs, squeezing your hand when you stumble in the sand and pulling you closer. “C’mon, baby.”
A few steps further and you stand at Yeosang’s side, digging your toes into the plush sand beneath your feet and marveling at how the waves lap at your knees. It’s cold, but you don’t mind since it’s a reprieve from the midday sun. When you turn your back to the sea, a strong wave pushes you closer to San and he laughs when you stumble into his chest. Water splashes upwards, and you get your first taste of seawater.
“Woah!” San laughs, steadying you by the waist and watching as you stick your tongue out with an indignant sound. He can’t help the way laughter bubbles from his chest. You look positively betrayed by the ocean, as if the taste of salt on your tongue personally offends you.
Yunho and Yeosang dissolve into giggles behind San, leaning onto each other to support themselves. Your one eye narrows and you shoot them an angry look, but San thinks you look more like an angry, wet cat than anything scary. Of course, he would never tell you that.
“I’m sorry, Bug!” Yunho laughs. “You just look so funny!”
San listens to you grumble something under your breath, something that sounds like ‘showing him something funny,’ and then you bend at the waist and splash a mountain of water in his direction.
Yunho guffaws at the betrayal and San dissolves into his own laughter, bending at the waist and bracing a hand on his chest as he cackles. Your grin is positively menacing, Yeosang decides. He wonders if you’ll become as much of a brat as Wooyoung if this continues.
Yunho, now drenched in salt water and wet hair dripping into his eyes, enacts revenge and lunges towards you. San, ever the sweetheart, throws himself in between you and Yunho and the two sink into the waves with smiles.
Eventually, when your skin begins to wrinkle from the time you spend in the waves and the sun begins to set, Yeosang and you step away from the shore to settle against the same piece of driftwood that marks your temporary camp. Yeosang sits atop the log and you lay just below him on the sand. You lean against his leg, just watching the rest of the boys continue to dance and swim in the surf. The sound of their laughter makes your heart happy and their gleaming smiles leave a grin of your own on your lips.
It’s nice – smiling again, you mean. It’s a gift from Ateez they have not realized they’ve given, but you take care to treasure it regardless.
You wrap an arm around Yeosang’s tattooed calf, your fingers occasionally dragging along the pattern of thorns that descend from his thigh. They wind around his leg, ending at the bone of his ankle and you’ve seldom been able to keep your hands away from the obsidian ink since he showed you. This, of course, is much to Yeosang’s delight, and the honey-haired healer can barely resist the way he beams so brightly when your delicate hands skim across his tattoos again. He loves it when you touch him.
Mingi and Seonghwa leave the shoreline after a few minutes. They step away from the water to stoke the bonfire at the center of your makeshift camp. The flickering amber hues dance along burning bark and release a pleasant aroma onto the beach. You inhale deeply and lean further into Yeosang, humming happily when one of his hands reaches out to scratch along your scalp.
Head scratches have become one of your weaknesses, you suppose. All it takes is for one of them to run their nails along your head and you’ll sink into their embrace with a happy sigh and mushy bones.
When Mingi is satisfied with the roar of the campfire, he and Seonghwa press kisses to Yeosang’s hair and brush fingers over your hairline as they pace back towards the shore.
A harmonious shout of glee leaves San’s lips as Jongho tackles him into the shallow surf, and there’s an uproar of laughter from amongst the boys. San shouts something along the lines of being cold and twists in the waves in an attempt to pin Jongho beneath him. Jongho, easily the strongest of the nine of you, maintains his place above San but spits salt water out of his mouth in surprise when his partner douses him with a splash. In revenge, Jongho prepares to dunk San’s head beneath the water, only to be tackled into the sea by Yunho. The youngest lets out a squawk of surprise as he sinks into the water and the laughter begins again.
You turn your head towards Yeosang, resting your cheek against his knee and looking up at him with your one eye. You nudge him gently with your knuckles, drawing his attention to you.
“Are you going to join them?”
The honey-haired healer barely catches your question over the cacophony in the surf, but he smiles at the sound of your voice. He slides a hand deeper into your hair and scratches against the nape of your neck, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth when your eye flutters shut briefly.
His eyes, chocolate brown and gleaming with the flicker of flames before you, are warm and strong. They look down at you like you’re the only thing he sees – the only thing he wants to see.
It’s familiar. This moment is too.
Shivering gently from the weight of his gaze and bones feeling mushy and warm, you look up at Yeosang and wait patiently for his answer.
“No, not yet,” he whispers in return, expression soft and eyes tender. “I’m very happy where I am right now.”
You inhale deeply through your nose, recalling when he spoke the same words so long ago. The exhale that shudders through your lungs is accompanied by the sound of Yeosang’s deep, honey-sweet voice.
“I‘m happy here with you.”
He finally has the courage to say it.
You look away from Yeosang so he doesn’t see the water welling in your lone eye. The stroke of thanks you brush across his skin is enough to let him know what you mean. The swell of electricity zinging beneath your skin leaves you breathless and you lean into Yeosang’s legs to combat the shift in emotion.
The healer hums sweetly in response, unable to look away from you. He examines you as you watch his partners, lifting his head when another uproar of laughter erupts when Hongjoong overpowers Wooyoung in whatever game they’re playing in the waves.
But when you glance back at Yeosang shyly, you see it.
You see the way he looks at you now.
With stars in his gaze and affection glimmering in the shine of his irises, you see the way Yeosang’s features melt so sweetly as he watches you. He looks at you the way he looks at them; like he’s staring at his very heart and soul – like there’s nothing else in the world he’d rather gaze upon than your face warmed by the flicker of roaring flames and your one eye finally staring back into his. No apprehension, this time. No fear or confusion or worry or an amalgamation of all of them together. You just… look back at him.
Just like how he looks at you.
When Seonghwa and Mingi rejoin the parade, kicking up salt water and spinning through the shallows, the boys cheer gleefully and begin to dance. It’s chaotic and a mess of stumbling and laughter, but it’s dancing nonetheless. The sound of their joy is infectious and spreads along the beach until it reaches you and Yeosang.
But he’s not listening to them. He’s listening to you. His ears are trained on the sound that erupts from his feet, bubbling from your lips in a noise he’s been praying to hear.
You’re laughing.
There’s this bright, heart-stopping smile spread across your lips as you look up at Yeosang and listen to your family dance on the beach. Your shoulders shake softly with the movement of your laughter, and Yeosang can feel the vibrations of your chest pressed against his leg. It starts as a muffled giggle, barely concealed by your smile, but it deepens into a hearty laugh from deep in your belly.
He cannot tear his eyes from you.
You laugh.
You laugh and you look up at him with stars in your eyes and his heart in your hands, and it takes every fiber of his strength not to lean forward and drown himself in the taste of your lips. It’s all he wants – all he needs, he swears it. One taste of your lips would sate him for life, even though he knows he’d never be able to tear himself away again.
When you lean upwards, grabbing ahold of his fingers and pulling them towards you, Yeosang’s mouth parts to suck in a breath.
You kiss his fingers.
By the Gods, maybe that was a lie. One kiss would never be enough to sate him – there would never be enough of your touch or your kisses that could ever appease his soul. Even if he were immortal and your paths intertwined until the last of the stars burned from the sky, not even then would he have enough of you.
You laugh again, grinning up at Yeosang with a toothy smile and the corner of your mouth digging into your mask. If he wasn’t already sitting, he swears he would drop to his knees at your side.
He loves it – the sounds of your laughter. No matter how raw or croaked the sound is, he adores it. The sound of your voice once made his heart race with glee, but this… This is different.
It’s so much more.
This is joy. Unbridled and unashamed and so clearly you. It’s your laughter, your glee, your happiness that sinks beneath his sin and lights his nerves on fire. It’s your smile and your giggles that make his heart swell. Yeosang adores it. He adores you.
He cannot help the way he slides off the driftwood log and into the sand at your side. Yeosang is pulling you into his chest before you can question his actions. He wraps an arm around your shoulders and pulls your head into his neck, pressing you as tight to his chest as he possibly can.
“You’re laughing…” he whispers as he huffs in disbelief. “Bug! You’re laughing!”
The second time Yeosang utters the phrase, it’s shouted cheerfully as he squeezes you tight into his chest. His heart thumps brazenly beneath his ribs, and he can feel the pulse of yours against his own. You giggle again, wiggling to readjust yourself as you sink into the honey of his embrace. Yeosang’s heart trills excitedly again.
Yunho’s head darts upwards from the beach, startled by Yeosang’s call.
San hears Yunho’s whispered disbelief and stands from the surf, attention drawn over towards you and Yeosang. “What did he just say?”
“It’s Bug,” Hongjoong answers, standing behind Yunho with his eyes blown wide. His heart stutters once in his chest as he takes in the sight of your shoulders shaking gently with your giggles. He can’t hear the sound of them, but Gods does he wish he could. “Bug’s laughing.”
“Holy shit…”
Yunho takes off from the beach without another word. He doesn’t even hear who curses.
Sand kicks up from his feet as he sprints towards you and Yeosang with his heart in his throat and a watery grin on his lips. He doesn’t even need to turn around to know that San is the one on his heels. Yunho knows the sound of San’s muffled sobs just as well as he knows the beat of his heart. Wooyoung is not far behind, a bubble of laughter leaving his lips and a chain missing from his wrist. Nothing binds him to that place anymore. You set him free.
Hongjoong and Mingi chase after the others, and the Captain manages to get some revenge for the day before as he shoves his guard into the surf on the way. Hongjoong’s mirthful chuckles as Mingi shouts are heard when Jongho pulls Seonghwa behind him, urging the archer to move faster.
Your head pulls from Yeosang’s neck, that toothy grin still on your face just as Yunho collides with you and the honey-haired healer. The two of you sway as Yunho’s weight sinks into your figures, but Yeosang sets an arm down into the sand to support you. The black and white strands of San and Wooyoung’s hair drip with salt water as they throw themselves onto Yunho’s lap with a shout. Mingi follows just after, likely having passed Hongjoong on the beach with the length of his strides. He shakes his wet hair as he clings onto Yunho’s back and Wooyoung complains despite the fact that he’s already soaking wet. The giggly sound of Mingi’s laughter makes you chuckle again.
You laugh, as if it’s as easy as breathing.
Yeosang watches, his eyes welling with happy tears as he continues to cling onto you with one hand. He watches you giggle and the others pile into your space and listens to his new favorite sound.
Gods, he adores you. He adores them – this family.
Yunho is crying, his lip wobbling as he buries his head into your hair. He’s at your back, chest shaking with the sound of his watery sobs.
“Tiny…” he cries, but it’s a happy weep. You reach around to cling onto one of his hands. Yunho squeezes you tight, stealing the air right from your lungs, but you don’t need it. You would happily breathe in the pure euphoria of this moment instead. “Tiny, you’re laughing.”
San buries his wet hair into your lap with a joyful sound and the giggles commence again. The healer’s heart throbs so strongly but so pleasantly he thinks it will burst. You have a laugh that makes others laugh with you. Just like Wooyoung, he realizes.
Your other hand drops from Yeosang’s back to brush through San’s hair once and the healer looks up at you with glimmering half-moon eyes and a dimple poking out of his cheek. You allow your finger to poke the sweet little spot this time. His cheek muscles ache from how big his smile is. San nuzzles closer to your stomach and you let yourself shiver pleasantly, far too happy to deny yourself the joy of this moment.
You’re pretty, San thinks to himself. So pretty. Especially when you laugh.
Wooyoung melts into Hongjoong’s side and the Captain wraps an arm around his shoulder. They stand just behind Yunho, burying their happy tears into each other as Seonghwa pulls them close. Mingi and Jongho sink into the sand behind Yunho and pull each other tight. The taller guard squeezes his eyes shut and presses his lips into Jongho’s forehead, desperately hoping all his adoration is conveyed through the kiss. Jongho reaches out to squeeze Yunho’s shoulder and rests his weight against his elder’s back.
“I know,” you finally whisper into the space that separates you and Yunho. “I’m happy.”
One hand lifts to pull the mask away from your face. Without a moment’s hesitation, your nimble fingers detangle the knot from behind you, and you drop the obsidian mask into the sand. A hand wraps around your fingers when you finally let it go. Someone draws a line along the length of your left ring finger and twines their fingers with your own. They squeeze three times.
You repeat the gesture, tracing a finger down the fourth finger on their left hand, right over the thin, dark band you know is tattooed there. You squeeze their hand three times. This sign needs no translation.
You open both eyes.
“I’m so happy.”

stranger: so who would you choose; ateez or–
reader: ateez.
stranger: you didn't even let me finish, ateez or–
reader, not missing a beat: ateez. I choose ateez.
a/n: This currently takes place sometime after the main storyline (probably xD) so it accounts for the boys knowing parts of Bug’s past (not revealed but it’s mentioned they know). For now, I won't consider these oneshots canon simply because I won’t know where it fits in the timeline HAHA xD this is essentially just a little bit of fluffy comfort for those who have been missing Bug and the boys! I’m catching up on their story but I hope you enjoy this filler for now <33 ALSO disclaimer, don’t pick stuff out of tide pools! my marine biologist family is screaming at me for including that xD just leave the creatures alone in their habitats!
sorry if bug seems a little ooc here! Loren and I have decided that bug goes from black cat energy to golden retriever after enough time with atz :’))) This is supposed to take place sometime in the future where she’s healed a little more and is a little more curious and open. There are a lot of references to things that have yet to happen in ltm so this is kind of a teaser for those xD
also shoutout to the loml @eightmakesonebraincell for the majority of the ideas in this :D she's a real one xD
taglist: *If you don't see your name on this taglist, you may have been removed if your tag doesn't work :( let me know if you don't see your name and I'll try to see what we can do to fix it :D
@verseoks @smallfrye @istgcyj @rensunjun @flowrsforfun @justchaoticwhispers @gayliljoong @http-lovelyknow @kpopnightingale @rielleluvs @queentiti72 @paralumanniluna @chittaphonstar @dear-dreamie @bangtanxberm @havetaeminforbreakfast @knucklesdeepmingi @pingyu-in-wonderland @5sos-wdw @atzcoke @ddeonghwva @sophxom @khjcoo @sunukissed @becauseiloveyunho @atinymonbebestay @goldenstarmermaid @simplyaghostsworld @multifandomizer @yeosangs-left-ass-cheek @revehosh @mysticfire0435 @side-angel @taestrwbrry @billboard-singer @jenseok17 @parkthothwa8 @jcngh0-hq @dream-in-progress @dees-writing-corner @frankenstein852 @darkdayelixer @ateezkeepmysoul @maruskz @ahhhhhhhhhghh @honeyhotteoks @simeonswhore @jxxngieteez
#ateez x reader#like the moon#poly!ateez x reader#poly ateez#ot8 x reader#ateez au#ateez x oc#poly ateez x reader#ateez angst#ateez fluff#ateez x female reader#kim hongjoong x reader#park seonghwa x reader#yunho x reader#kang yeosang x reader#mingi x reader#choi san x reader#wooyoung x reader#jongho x reader#ot8 ateez x reader#ateez scenarios#ateez imagine#ateez fanfic#woosan x reader
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Hi! ~ What do you think how ateez reacts watching EXILE HER kissing/bed scene in her first ever acting project 🤭😂
pairing : idol!ateez x idol!f!reader
genre : bullet-point style, reaction, exile her au, idol au, comedy, fluff, kind of spicy (but nothing really happens, just implied)
word count : 2k
warnings : some language, mentions of making-out / intimate scenes / fake blood (these are all alluded to in the drama)
note : tried to keep the members all at the same length lol. also, i made this her second acting project which i will make a post about at a later date, so just a heads up lol
honorary tag : @sanjoongie
context on drama: it trended on different platforms for being a number of reasons but one of them is because of the intimate scenes that are in it between you and your co-star, park jihoon. this is ateez's reactions when they watch it and see all those different scenes.

hongjoong was caught off-guard immediately with the first scene in the FIRST episode
man was SHOOK with how you and your co-star were making out, camera zooming in on you both as you kiss and then panning as jihoon's hands trailed down your body
he was getting flashbacks to when you make-out and he does the exact same things
so of course he ended up imagining himself in the scene with you
what it would be like to shoot something like this with you
by the end of the scene he was completely jealous of your co-star because he wanted to do something like this with you
like the image of you kissing would be burned into his eyelids and he HATED IT
def didn't help how excited you were to watch your drama with him and others
mainly because you knew these scenes were here and when he turned to look at you at some point during the episode
he found you already staring at him, like you were watching his reactions
and he immediately regrets agreeing to watch it with you because he knows you were enjoying watching him suffer like this
so he tried to hide his jealousy at times but he couldn't help but get absorbed into the story of your character
so then by the end of it, he found himself more intrigued than jealous
but we all know he was still jealous at least on the inside

when you told seonghwa that this drama would be more mature he thought it meant something in the sense of gore and action
which it had that but he was completely caught off guard with some of more intense scenes
and not to mention the ones where you and your co-star were a little too intimate for him not to feel at least a little jealous
but seonghwa had to remind himself that it was all fake and that you were cuddled up next to him in his bed
he had promised to watch it with you when him and the others finished their tour and as hard as it was to avoid the drama
he managed to do it, completely avoiding any and everything about it
even when the other members watched it, he would ignore them when they talked about
and honestly, the really intimate scenes didn't get to him as much as the softer moments did
when you would caress and hold jihoon close to you or when you would kiss him
and especially during the "high school flashbacks" would get him the most he would feel both jealous AND emotional because of how heartbreaking they were
at one point you would look over to seonghwa tearing up at some of the softer moments
"its just so heartbreaking" he would say when you ask him what was wrong before fulling crying and having you instantly comfort him

he was immediately interested when he seen your drama trending on different social media
what also caught his eye was clips about one scene floating around on tiktok and twitter
a lot of people calling it "the bathroom scene" which only got him more curious
so when he was doing nothing but laying in bed one night after a concert, he remembered how everyone had been going crazy over the scene
and curiosity got the better of him and he watched just that scene
which... probably wasn't greatest idea but it was whatever he told himself
he would watch this 'infamous' scene now and then the rest of it later with one of the others or even with you
so he watched the scene and immediately felt a swing of different emotions
from how turned on he was because of how you looked extremely hot covered in blood and angry
to feeling uneasy when he watched you caress your co-star like how you would him or one of the others
to jealous when it then lead to you and your co-star making out and jihoon basically grinding against you and how you made those sounds that were only reserved for him and your other lovers
and then finally he came to regret the whole thing having let his curiosity get the better of him
and so when he finally sat down and watched it with mingi, he felt all those emotions come at him once more

if yeosang felt jealous then he was really good at hiding it
he remembers you telling him and others about how this drama was on the more... mature side
which he didn't mind, he knew that it was something you were excited about and it was an opportunity for you career
so why wouldn't he be supportive of it?
annnnnnnnnnnnd then the drama came out and it was the internet exploded
he was seeing how fans were reacting to it and it only made him curious about it
even atiny were asking him about it and what he thought when he would go live
"have i watched y/nnie's drama? not yet but i've seen people talk about it. is it good?" he would ask and watch the comments flood with mix things
the usual yes and no comments: "watch it! its really good!!" "some scenes are hard to watch ngl..."
and then there were the ones that caught his eye: "you'll get jealous if you watch it."
"why would i be jealous?"
and then they would say: "y/n and jihoon are too sexy in some of it."
which obviously made him more curious about it and so he decided to watch it
and as he watched he couldn't help but feel something as he watched you and co-star kiss repeatedly, each one getting more and more heated than the last one
and then he finished it.
so... if kang yeosang was jealous then he was really really good at hiding it

san was excited for you when you told him and others about your new drama
so he was prepared to watch it when it came out because he wanted to be a supportive boyfriend
he remembers asking atiny about the drama during a live right after it was released
and like yeosang the comments came in and were mixed with all sorts of things
a lot of atiny telling him it was good but some scenes were very mature and some just outright telling him not to watch because of those mature things
and then he ended up watching it anyways with wooyoung one night while on tour
and he was definitely jealous about jihoon, your co-star
was shocked at how intimate the two of you would be in some scenes
he remembers actually gasping at one scene because your whole back was on display to the camera and while he knew you were actually fully naked – it still took him by surprise
also like seonghwa some of the softer scenes would hit hard and reminded him and you two when he would hold you or when you would hold him
after he finished it, he went on live the next day and brought it up
"i finished y/n's drama last night," he began remembering all the scenes that stood out to him the most
he tried his best to contain his jealousy, not wanting to show it camera
"i liked it a lot, definitely not something i would have imagined y/n in," he adds trying to remain calm as the image of your naked back flashed into his mind "but i think she did a really good job in it"

this man was SCANDALIZED
he was so shocked throughout the entire thing as him and yunho watched
yunho even threatened to turn it off at one point if he kept gasping at every scene
"i can't help it! its just so interesting!" he would say, defending himself
and then the bathroom scene happened and he was FLOORED like he was so shocked by the whole thing
mingi was so invested into the story that he didn't even have time to think about being jealous
however when him and yunho were taking a break between episodes that's when he noticed yunho was getting jealous
and of course mingi used that to tease yunho because the rapper knew how much the dancer was whipped for you
and then after they finished the drama mingi was so heartbroken because it was over
he ended up watching it again by himself at a few months later
and it was during the re-watch that he was noticing things happening in the story and how like a lot of the others, your intimate moments reminded him of you two
but again, mingi wouldn't be jealous because he knew that you loved him and the others
and even with fans shipping you and your co-star, mingi knew that he didn't have to worry about your feelings
anyways, mingi best boy

despite how he acts most of the time
wooyoung doesn’t get easily jealous
at least in a serious way
he’s confident in his relationship and knows that he has nothing to ever worry about
especially when it comes to you or the others acting in a drama that involves romance
so when he heard about the intimate scenes in your newest drama, wooyoung was immediately interested in it
and so when him and some of the others watched it together one night... to say he wasn't surprised would be a lie
but to say he wasn't turned on by some of the scenes would also be a lie
he thought you looked hot, plain and simple
and watching you show a bunch of different emotions on camera, well... it kind of turned him on
some of the scenes were definitely more intense than what he was expecting
but then when it got intimate or slightly romantic between you and jihoon then that's when it made his stomach do all sort of flips
like hongjoong he found himself imagining him in your co-star's place and thinking back to all the times you two would be intimate
it honestly kind of made him miss you more than he already did and he would end up calling you so he could see you outside of your drama
after he finished, he would go and brag about how his "best friend was a famous actress" and talking about how he loved the drama
he also kind of just... rubbing it in that he was close to you while others weren't
you know, just wooyoung things
even telling atiny to watch it (if they were old enough)

jongho had heard all about the drama like yunho had
so he was aware of some of the scenes the drama had to offer
but unlike yunho, he didn't watch those specific clips before the whole and instead experienced them all together
and jongho wasn't jealous per say, but he was shocked at some of the scenes
he was honestly glad he decided to watch the drama by himself because he found himself flustered at most if not all the intimate scenes that were shown
just like hongjoong and wooyoung, jongho would also imagine himself in those scenes with you
but not because he was jealous of your co-star
BUT because watching those scenes made him miss you while him and the others were on tour
seeing how popularly it was and how loved you and jihoon were becoming to the internet
it wasn't the scenes in the drama that would necessarily make him jealous but the interview you and your co-star would do
seeing fans go crazy over the two of you like you were an actual couple... it made him feel weird inside
so you best believe that when he sees you again, you're gonna have the giant teddy bear cuddling up with you
and of course you wouldn't question his sudden need for cuddles and affection, only giving it to him

tag list : @frankenstein852 @watamotee33 @kawennote09 @mixling-blog @marahleiwhen @kpopnightingale @harry-the-pottypus @pyeonghongrie @sanniesbum @marvelahsobx @khjcoo @mysticfire0435 @exfolitae @dementedaly @simeonswhore @moonm1st @nvmbheart @spooo00oky @frgogh @sookacc @seongwin @burnsmepls @ad0rechuu @tunaasan @northerngalxy @silverpixiedust23 @cheesekimchi @confusedmoonchild777 @mjyungi @innieontop @iweirdthingsblog @s0obinluvr @worcesheshestershiresauce @moonlightgrleric @wineyoungie @jeongwangjessmina @lemineso
network : @cultofdionysusnet @cromernet
#exile her.#cultofdionysusnet#cromernet#kdiarynet#ateez x reader#poly ateez x reader#ateez blurbs#ateez reactions#ateez imagines#idol!reader#idol oc#ateez ninth member#ateez addition#ateez hongjoong x reader#ateez seonghwa x reader#ateez yunho x reader#ateez yeosang x reader#ateez san x reader#ateez mingi x reader#ateez wooyoung x reader#ateez jongho x reader
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nice for what -> 'smarteez'

the playlist ⭒❃.✮:▹ masterlist ⭒❃.✮:▹ NU Home Page
That one fucked you over last year, this one is fucking you over this year, you had no idea she was involved with him, someone over here has been lying to you, you didn't mean to end up in that ones bed, he told you he loved you... Does anyone even trust anyone anymore?
[one] - 'i can do it with a broken heart' ~ taylor swift
[two] - 'we can't be friends (wait for your love)' ~ ariana grande
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ [san] - 'rush' ~ troye sivan
[three] - 'tell ur girlfriend' ~ lay bankz
[four] - 'nonsense' ~ sabrina carpenter
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ [yunho] - 'under the influence' ~ chris brown
[five] - ‘teenage dirtbag’ ~ wheatus
[six] - 'because i liked a boy' ~ sabrina carpenter
[seven] - ‘no church in the wild’ ~ jay-z/ye
[eight] - 'call it what you want' ~ taylor swift
[nine] - 'move along' ~ all american rejects
[ten] ~ 'hot to go!' ~ chappell roan
...up next: home;run ➳ isla & vernons story
read it on ao3 ✧ talk to me ✧ my masterlist ✧ plumverse
#ateez#ateez smut#ateez angst#ateez college#teezer college#college ateez#college au ateez#frat!ateez#frat ateez#college au#frat au#ateez x you#ot8 is here#there are numerous oc's in here#itzy is here#p1harmony will be here#vernon is here too believe it or not#yunho fic#wooyoung fic#ateez fic#ateez imagine#ateez x reader#ateez x oc#shes named sors i know that makes a lot of ppl upset but its my story sooo
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their relationship is very much built on comfort. over the years, seonghwa has become a safe space for juyeon and that’s specifically based on how he treats her when she’s experiencing an episode. he doesn’t try to force her to talk about what’s wrong or ask her if she’s okay. he just sits with her and lets her exist. sometimes, he’ll talk while juyeon listens and sometimes they’ll just sit in silence. he knows how to navigate her and she appreciates that.
on a more lighthearted note, she stresses him out. anytime something happens that he should be even slightly worried about, he’s looking at juyeon first because nine times out of ten, it’s her doing. juyeon doesn’t listen to hongjoong so when it comes to scolding or trying to calm her down, it’s seonghwa on the job usually bribing her with something so she’ll relax.

hongjoong has always had confidence in juyeon. it’s the reason why she’s even in the group. but when she officially joined and began to practice with them, things went slightly south. their different perspectives made them clash a lot. juyeon would call hongjoong too bossy and hongjoong would tell her that her work ethic was poor. this was before anyone really knew about juyeon’s poor mental state so there was a huge lack of understanding between the both of them. it wasn’t completely bad blood but there were a lot of frustrating moments. after talking and learning more about juyeon on a personal level, hongjoong laid off a bit. he took the time to understand her and now their disagreements aren’t as serious as they used to be.
hongjoong is juyeon’s favorite target when it comes to pranks because to her, he has the best reactions. he gets scared shitless and then scolds her like a dad. she thinks it’s hilarious. sometimes, he’ll let her childish energy slide simply just to see her happy.

yunho reminds juyeon of her older brother if they had a good relationship. out of all of the members, yunho and juyeon definitely have that brother/sister energy the most. they’ll play fight and play video games together, screaming at each other through voice chat while being in the same house (poor yeosang 😭).
he’s actually very protective of juyeon, despite her being older. he tries to encourage her to take care of herself by engaging with her. if he goes to the gym, he’ll ask if she wants to tag along. if he’s eating something that’s even a little healthy, he’ll give her some with even asking. he’s like her bodyguard in public (even though she swears she doesn’t need one). he insist on making sure she’s okay.

it took a while for juyeon and yeosang to become close. at first, juyeon thought he was kind of boring. he didn’t talk to her much and kept quiet whenever she was around. honestly she thought he didn’t like her. really, yeosang was just intimidated by her. juyeon is loud and boisterous and comes off as rude or aggressive sometimes. she made him nervous in a way that he didn’t want to accidentally set her off. after learning this, she tried to tone it down a bit around yeosang until he was comfortable enough with her.
in a way, juyeon is protective of yeosang. he’s known to be on the quieter side and juyeon takes the initiative to try to get him out of his shell. you know those moments where yeosang’ll want to get someone’s attention but just doesn’t say anything and stands there until someone notices? juyeon’s the one yelling to that person from the across the room. she always makes sure he has an opportunity to speak during interviews and tells him “don’t suffer in silence.” she just might be the leader of the yeosang protection squad.

san was someone who caught juyeon off guard when they first met. he was so polite and spoke so formerly, it almost freaked her out. even after she told the members to speak comfortably it took san a bit longer to adjust. she wasn’t used to the kindness san showed her and for a minute, she thought he had ulterior motives. it took a long awaited conversation to clear up any misunderstandings between the two before they became close but they got there.
juyeon considers san one of her biggest supporters, always cheering her on and going with her to solo schedules when he can. many people argue that san brings out the kindness in juyeon. she’s a lot nicer to him and when he’s around. san is known for being very kind and gentleman-like and that definitely rubs off on her. she doesn’t want to do anything that'll seriously hurt him so she stays far away from him when she’s upset. the only thing he isn’t safe from is juyeon stealing his food, because she will take his cake like seonghwa did.

if someone were to ask juyeon who is she closest to in ateez, she would say mingi. to juyeon, mingi is like a giant puppy. she doesn’t like to admit it, but she has a soft spot for him. sometimes she’ll do small gestures for him like buying him snacks or getting him a cup of coffee while she’s at a nearby cafe. she tries to act like it’s nothing whenever he tries to thank her for it. mingi tends to follow juyeon, either hanging out in her room or going with her whenever she has to run errands. he likes being in her presence.
they bond over their similar styles and music taste. they send each other music the other might like and go on shopping trips. they also spend a lot of studio time together and it could either go one of two ways: they make the dumbest, most chaotic song you could think of, or the greatest thing you’ve ever heard.
there’s a mutual understanding for each other when it comes to their mental health struggles. juyeon doesn’t talk about it much but she’ll sit and listen to mingi whenever he needs. in regular conversation, nothing goes without a funny comment or remark from juyeon. but in these situations, she shuts up and listens, allowing he to say whatever is on his mind without any judgement.

wooju ; partners in crime
loud ass mfs, keep these two AWAY from each other. the smallest things will set these two into a fit of laughter for ten minutes which leaves everyone else confused. nobody is safe when these two are together; you get nothing but chaos and bickering. they’re either partners in crime or each other’s worst enemy in games and challenges. juyeon and wooyoung are definitely the type to have random ass conversations in the middle of the night.
“what if fish had legs?”
“are you sure you’re not on drugs?”

juho ; menace number 1 & menace number 2
juyeon and jongho have a very casual friendship. some would call them strictly coworkers or “not close” but that’s a bit of an exaggeration. they aren’t strictly coworkers but they aren’t super close either. they actually know very little about each other on a personal level. obviously, they know basic facts but in a who knows who better? contest, they’d both lose.
they definitely have chaotic potential though. they’re usually the ones who find funny tiktok videos to recreate or come up with inside jokes. she really treats him like the younger brother she never had. they tease and set each other up for embarrassing moments but it’s all in good fun.
#ㄨ✘✗メ✗•.ᐟ TAKE YOU TO THE BASICS!#fictional idol community#ateez x reader#ateez 9th member#ateez oc#ateez scenarios#fictional idol addition#fictional idol oc#kpop added member#kpop addition#kpop oc#kpop#ateez fic#ateez fanfic#ateez imagines#ateez#wooyoung x reader#hongjoong x reader#mingi x reader#san x reader#seonghwa x reader#yunho x reader#yeosang x reader#jongho x reader
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tags :: @yjjnfied
summary :: sooyoung finally gets something off her chest
sooyoung couldn’t keep her eyes off of wooyoung.
she couldn’t stop staring at him, she couldn’t stop admiring all of his features, his beautiful eyes, how his hair was so fluffy yet looked so perfect, how his dimples show when he laughs, how his lips were so pink and so soft — which was her main problem. she couldn’t stop staring at the boy’s lips. she kept having the desire to kiss him, to feel his lips pressed up against her own, but she couldn’t help but feel guilty about her thoughts.
was it wrong, to imagine kissing wooyoung? they had gone out quite a few times, and wooyoung has always given sooyoung the impression that he was interested in her, but what if she read him wrong? what if he only sees her as a friend? she would be devastated and forever embarrassed if she went to kiss him, and he only rejected her.
wooyoung must have sensed her overthinking, because he had turned his head from the tv to look at her, placing a gentle hand on her thigh. “is everything alright, sookki?” wooyoung asked, smiling softly when sooyoung blushed at the nickname. sookki was the nickname wooyoung had made up for her, and no one else had ever called her that (he took part of her name, and the ending of bunny in korean). “you can talk to me, you know.”
sooyoung only laughed and looked down, biting her lip when wooyoung had started to slowly rub his hand up and down her thigh. he was not helping her inner debate whatsoever,
“i don’t know…im just thinking.” sooyoung managed to get out, bringing her hands to play with the ends of her hair, a nervous habit she had since a kid.
“what thoughts are going on in your pretty head?” wooyoung asked, turning so his body was completely facing sooyoung - his hand still on her thigh. wooyoung was smiling at her, but she could see that he was genuinely concerned for her. sooyoung wanted to voice her feelings aloud, but she couldn’t find the words for them.
she could hear monique in the back of her head, telling her to “stop overthinking, whats the worse that could happen?” …. the two girls had just had a conversation the night before, monique was the only one who knew her true feelings for wooyoung. if monique was there, she would be telling her to let all of her anxieties go, and just do it.
so that’s what sooyoung did - she leaned forward, wrapped her hand behind wooyoung’s neck, softly playing with the ends of his hair, and she kissed him. she could feel her body heating up from wooyoung’s plump lips, kissing him in reality was so much better than what sooyoung could have ever imagined. before sooyoung could kiss him longer, she quickly regained her thoughts and immediately backed away, gasping when she saw wooyoung’s shocked face.
“fuck, wooyoung - im so —” sooyoung mumbled out, but wooyoung didn’t even let the girl finish apologizing before he crashed his lips back to sooyoung’s, grabbing wooyoung’s waist and swinging her into his lap, pulling her even closer. sooyoung really could feel the warmth all through out her body, and she swore nothing had ever been better than this. she loved every second of it, she loved the tight grasp wooyoung had on her waist, how she could feel his heartbeat against her chest, and most importantly, his lips. she loved how he kissed her with such passion, such desire, with love.
when wooyoung had pulled away to get air, it took awhile for sooyoung to regain her thoughts again. his kiss and touch had sent her in a cloudy daze - she was still in shock that it had even happened.
“that was my first kiss,” sooyoung sheepishly mumbled, hiding her face in her hands when wooyoung’s face lit up in suprise.
“i was your first kiss, are you serious?” wooyoung asked, wrapping the girl in a tight hug when she nodded. “that makes it even more special, doesn’t it?” wooyoung said, gently patting her head when he saw that she was still embarrassed.
“don’t be embarrassed, my love. i’m not judging you! i’m happy that you chose me to be your first kiss.” wooyoung said, almost instantly making sooyoung feel better. “what, do you like it when i call you ‘my love’?”
“it has a nice ring to it,” sooyoung whispers, nuzzling her face into wooyoung’s neck when he cooed at her shyness. the two of them sat in silence for a few minutes, regaining their ability to breath, and soaking in a few minutes of peace, relaxing against one another.
eventually, sooyoung sat up, awkwardly scooting off of wooyoung’s lap and bringing her legs to her chest. she wanted to end her overthinking - but she knew she had to take some brave steps to be able to do that. so with a deep, shaky breath, she finally expressed her feelings to wooyoung.
“if you haven’t noticed already, i like you…i have for awhile. do you like me, too?” sooyoung asked, smiling when wooyoung nodded.
“i do in fact, like you. i like you not just a little bit, i like you a lot! i like you this much!” wooyoung chuckled, extending his arms to show his arm span. sooyoung smiled and tackled the man into a bear hug, squeezing his waist. she felt so safe in the arms of wooyoung, she realized, when he hugged her back and gave her a soft kiss on the forehead.
“do you think we could…i don’t know,” sooyoung trailed off, looking up at the boy, resting her chin on his chest. she wanted to ask him out - but finding the wording was so hard. she didn’t want to sound eager, or cringy, but she also didn’t want to give wooyoung the wrong impression. sooyoung could sense his hesitancy, quickly adding, “if you want to go slow - that’s fine…” sooyoung mumbled, frowning when wooyoung still looked full of worry.
“i want you to be my girlfriend, soo, but what about your stalkers? what about Bora?” wooyoung asked, pursing his lips, “i know we can’t let them dictate our life’s forever, but are you okay with facing the backlash if they find out?”
sooyoung thought about it - she knew it was more likely that they were going to find out about the romance between wooyoung and sooyoung, and she knew that when the news broke out, it wouldn’t be pretty. she was so sick and tired of letting people dictate her life, just because they want to control her. even if bora hated her even more than she already does, she knows her members would have her back, no matter what the conditions were.
“yes…i think i would be ready to deal with the backlash. even if it’s bad, i know i have you and my members to support me.” sooyoung said, placing another kiss on wooyoung’s lips, hoping to reassure him more.
“so, park sooyoung, does this mean you’ll be my girlfriend?” wooyoung asked, and the both of them couldn’t help but giggle at the cheesiness of it all.
“yes, wooyoungie, i’ll be your girlfriend.”
with that, wooyoung scooped the girl back into his arms, smiling when the girl practically melted on top of him, and placed one more kiss on her lips, allowing himself to linger for a bit more, feeling the softness of her lips before pulling away.
sooyoung decided that if falling in love felt like this - then maybe it wasn’t so scary after all.
#bad writing i’m so sorry#nct addition#nct added member#nct extra member#nct female addition#nct female subunit#nct female unit#nct female oc#nct female member#kpop oc#nct 24th member#nct dream added member#nct dream female addition#nct dream addition#nct dream female member#nct dream oc#nct dream 8th member#nct dream fluff#ateez fluff#wooyoung fluff#wooyoung x oc
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Jung Wooyoung : As Good As You Were (Part 1/4)
Pairing : Jung Woo-young (Ateez) and named character (Shin Naeun)
Synopsis : Naeun saved wooyoung's family years ago by agreeing to hold up their failing company, in return for wooyoung's hand in marriage. She wanted a stable life, a loving husband, kids, and her work at the company as CEO. While wooyoung wanted to travel the world, fall in love with an artist somewhere and continue his career in photography. The corporate life was not for him. Until Naeun married him, shackling him into a life he had always hated, and so began wooyoung's hatred for his own wife. And three years later, it still continues.
But will it stay this way forever? Or will Naeun's love for wooyoung make him change?

Naeun entered her house after having had a terrible day at work, feeling like she could fall on the floor right this second and go to sleep. She lazily took off her shoes, walking towards the living room as she almost flinched at the sight of wooyoung sitting on the couch with a blank face. Naeun frowned, turning on the lights as she asked
Naeun : why aren't you asleep yet, young-ah?
Wooyoung didn't even bother looking at his wife as he said in a low tone
Wooyoung : couldn't.
Naeun sat next to wooyoung on the couch, wooyoung immediately feeling annoyed and uncomfortable, which naeun noticed. It hurt her, as it always had for the past 3 years, but she could never blame wooyoung, not when she loved him with all her heart. This marriage of theirs was forged, forged for the sake of lifting wooyoung's family's company from it's ruins. And naeun had enough and more money and connections to make that possible. Hence why wooyoung's father offered naeun his son's hand in marriage, and she accepted it despite knowing how much wooyoung hated her. She didn't know why he hated her, but he always had.
Naeun : do you need help?
Wooyoung : no, just let me be.
Naeun looked away, wishing wooyoung would ask her to sleep with him someday in hopes to get rid of his insomnia. Knowing wooyoung's hate towards her, naeun had always kept her distance from wooyoung in order to not make him uncomfortable, and hence they had different rooms. Except wooyoung didn't know naeun would sneak into his room at night just to stare at him sleeping.
Naeun : I…I heard magnolia tea helps with insomnia-
Wooyoung : I don’t want your tea.
Naeun : well you don't have to have…mine. I can order it from some place outside or ask someone else to make it for you.
Wooyoung : at 2am?
Naeun : it doesn't matter to me if it's for you, wooyoung.
Wooyoung rolled his eyes, looking away as he said
Wooyoung : stop with all the façade, naeun-shi. I do not really care.
Naeun : it's not…never mind.
Wooyoung leaned against the sofa, closing his eyes as he inhaled deeply. Naeun looked at the man she could basically die for, wishing she could have what every other woman seemed to get from their partners, love, reassurance, or even just smiles.
Naeun : can you give me a hug?
Wooyoung opened his eyes at the absurd request, looking at naeun with a sharp gaze.
Naeun : n-no?
Wooyoung : what the hell are you-
Naeun : no I uh-it's fine, doesn't matter.
Naeun stood up from her place, picking her bag up as she whispered
Naeun : call me if you need anything, good night.
Naeun turned around and left, climbing up the stairs knowing wooyoung wouldn't say anything back to her. Every night for 3 years she had wished him goodnight and he would only look at her with an annoyed gaze, looking as if he wished she would disappear. And so she was used to it now, as she was to everything else.
Naeun plopped down on her bed with a shaky breath, not even bothering to change her clothes as she stared up at the ceiling. She ran her hands through the sheet around her, feeling it empty as it always had been for her. There was no one who had ever held her close, showered her with love or even told her some words of appreciation. She had been alone her entire life.
Naeun closed her eyes as she felt a tear escape from the corner of her eyes, scrunching the sheet with her hand as she tried going to sleep.
Naeun walked down the stairs next morning, fixing her suit properly. She walked into the kitchen and noticed wooyoung cooking, knowing he was only cooking for himself as he always was. And so naeun opened the fridge, pulling out a cold salad as she picked up the spoon and started eating it quickly.
Wooyoung turned around, eyeing the cold salad with disappointed eyes as he asked
Wooyoung : what the fuck is that?
Naeun looked up at wooyoung, feeling a smile spread on her lips at his question. Wooyoung rarely ever asked her questions, she felt happy when he would so much as talk to her without her somehow forcing him to.
Naeun : cold salad!
Wooyoung didn't understand why naeun was feeling so cheerful about it.
Wooyoung : how the hell do you have that and be happy with it?
Naeun : I don't have food to enjoy it, I have food just so I can have energy and not die. It has no other value to me than that.
Wooyoung stared at naeun, not finding it normal for someone to not eat anything they actually liked despite being this rich.
Naeun : that's why I don't have a favorite food, it's all just bland to me.
Wooyoung stared at naeun as she smiled, going back to eating her food. Wooyoung sighed, turning around to his pancakes as he flipped them over. Shin naeun was more different than he thought she was.
Naeun sighed as she leaned against the chair in her office, picking up her phone as she called up wooyoung. She always would, every single day, to make sure he was fine. Sometimes he picked up, sometimes he didn't. She wished he would today, her work was even more tiring this afternoon.
Wooyoung : what is it?
Naeun felt a smile spread on her lips at his voice as she asked her usual question
Naeun : did you have your lunch, woo?
Wooyoung : no.
Naeun : wooyoung-ah, it's 2pm, go have something to eat. It's unhealthy-
Wooyoung : I'll have it when I want to. Are you done?
Naeun : don't you…wanna know if I ate?
Wooyoung : what difference does that make to me?
Naeun sighed, tapping her heels under the table as she said
Naeun : okay then. Have a good day at work! I'll see you back at home.
Wooyoung cut the call without saying anything more, making naeun let out a breath as she kept the phone away. She wished someone cared. Just as she was about to go back to work, the door opened, revealing her mother-in-law. Naeun's eyes widened as she stood up, bowing.
Naeun : eomma, hello. I didn't realize you'd be visiting today.
Wooyoung's mother chuckled and entered the room, closing the door behind her as she said
Mrs jung : aigoo, you're my daughter, you don't have to be so formal. Sit back down, I've brought you your favorite.
Naeun : kimchi rice?
Mrs jung : indeed.
She placed the packet on the desk before sitting opposite naeun, opening the packet for her with a smile.
Mrs jung : was that wooyoung on the phone?
Naeun : it was.
Mrs jung : let me guess, you called him first again.
Naeun smiled, mumbling a thank you as she started eating the rice. She didn't have a favorite food and found all food mostly bland, but since she noticed eating her food made wooyoung's mother happy, naeun ate it obediently.
Mrs jung : when are you going to tell him what you feel, naeun-ah.
Naeun : he probably already knows, eomma.
Mrs jung : then why isn't he saying anything?
Naeun : because he has nothing to say. Your son doesn't really love me, eomma, it's already known. He's just doing all this because he has to.
Mrs jung : you deserve so much better.
Naeun : I don't want anything better, I love your son. Whether he loves me or not, it doesn't matter to me.
Wooyoung's mother smiled and was about to say something when she paused, coughing hard. Naeun looked up from her food, eyeing her mother-in-law worriedly.
Naeun : eomma? Are you-
Naeun cut herself off as she saw mrs jung's eyes slowly closing, making naeun stand up as she rushed to her mother-in-law's side.
Naeun : oh no no, no don't close your eyes.
But it was too late, she had already gone unconscious.
Wooyoung rushed into the hospital, panting as he stopped right in front of the emergency room. Wooyoung was about to push the door open when he felt someone hold his arm, pulling him back.
Wooyoung : let me go!
Naeun : no, you can't enter right now, wooyoung. Please, wait for a while.
Wooyoung breathed heavily, glaring at naeun before asking in a harsh tone
Wooyoung : did you do something to her?
Naeun looked at wooyoung with hurt eyes, taking her hand away from wooyoung's as she said
Naeun : wooyoung. How could I ever.
Wooyoung : how would I know, hmm? You married me when I didn't want to, you forced us together. How would I know the other things you must be capable of?
Naeun : stop.
Wooyoung : she was with you last, wasn't she?
Naeun : wooyoung! I've only ever cared for you and loved you even when I was at my worst. For you to think that I would ever do something to harm your own mother!
Wooyoung : I do not trust you, shin naeun.
Naeun : then don't!
Wooyoung stared at naeun as she looked away, clenching her hands as she said
Naeun : it's not like you've ever trusted me in the first place. You've never loved me, never cared for me, never so much as talked to me. Every single time I try to, you look at me with those eyes of yours, the one that makes me feel like shit. I'm trying, wooyoung, I'm fucking trying even when I can't anymore.
Wooyoung : and that's my fault? You wouldn't have had to try so hard if you didn't fucking marry me!
Naeun : I didn't have a choice, wooyoung! Your company-
Wooyoung : I do not fucking care about that company, let it burn to hell for all I care!
Naeun : I-
Wooyoung : god just stop talking for fuck's sake. I'm tired of your bullshit, naeun, fucking done and tired. At this point I wish I would've just gone bankrupt years ago.
Naeun flinched at that, wondering whether she was that bad. So bad to the point it was better going bankrupt than being with her.
She looked up as she heard the door opening, a few doctors stepping out as wooyoung rushed to them, asking questions. As soon as naeun heard the fact that her mother-in-law was okay, she turned around, walking out of the hospital without saying anything more.
She shut the car door behind her, putting her hands on the steering wheel as she banged her head against it with a small sob.
Why was it so hard for someone to love her? Why was she the only one who kept trying?
Wooyoung looked up as he heard his mother groan, quickly holding her hand in his as he whispered
Wooyoung : eomma?
Mrs jung : son.
Wooyoung : are you alright? Should I call the doctor-
Mrs jung : no, no I'm fine. Where's naeun?
Wooyoung : I don't know.
Mrs jung : wooyoung, she's your wife.
Wooyoung : she left, eomma. I didn't have time to find her out while you were lying here.
Mrs jung : did you tell her something?
Wooyoung : no.
Mrs jung : don't lie to me.
Wooyoung sighed as he said
Wooyoung : fine, I did. I asked her whether she did something to you, whether that was the reason you were here. Among…many other things.
Wooyoung's mother let out a disappointed scoff, taking her hand away from wooyoung's as she said
Mrs jung : do you ever not feel ashamed, wooyoung? Not once? For how you're treating that poor woman?
Wooyoung : poor woman? Eomma, she forced me to marry her, do you not remember? I wanted to travel the world, continue my career as a photographer. Instead she married me, shackled me to that stupid company that I wanted to escape from and ruined my dreams. You want me to treat her as a princess for all that she has done?
Mrs jung : she married you to save our family name-
Wooyoung : I didn't want that, eomma. I told her I didn't need it, and yet she went along with it anyway.
Mrs jung : that was your father's choice, wooyoung, not hers. He asked her to marry you in return for her resources.
Wooyoung : she could've declined that offer, she had a choice too. Instead she was selfish and took the wrong one.
Mrs jung : I will never win with you, my son. Only you can tell yourself what's right and what's not. I've tried, for years I've tried to tell you to value your wife and love her while you can. One day, you'll lose her and you'll regret everything. And then you'll come to me, crying and begging for the forgiveness that is not mine to give. And when that day comes, I'll know I've lost not only my daughter, but also my son.
Wooyoung walked into the living room hours later after having made sure his mother was taken care of at the hospital, realizing that naeun was lying fast asleep on one of the sofas, her figure looking uncomfortable and her work clothes still not changed. Her face was red, she had cried. And after all that, she was still waiting for him?
"One day, you'll lose her and you'll regret everything. And then you'll come to me, crying and begging for the forgiveness that is not mine to give"
Wooyoung walked closer to her, kneeling on the floor as he stared at her. He could still never wrap his head around as to why naeun had agreed to help someone like him, her family had no ties of connection to his, and he didn't even know naeun until the day she offered to help them. Why then…why did she help them then?
Naeun : wooyoung?
Wooyoung flinched as he realized naeun was now awake, her slowly sitting up on the sofa with sleepy red eyes. Wooyoung opened his mouth and was about to say something when she quickly said
Naeun : I'm sorry.
Wooyoung : what?
Naeun : for what I said today afternoon, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said things like that to you when your mom was lying in the hospital. Your eyes they're…they're beautiful. And when you look at me, no matter how your eyes are or-or whatever I still love it. I didn't mean what I said, so please don't stop looking at me. I'm so sorry.
Wooyoung felt his heart drop at how naeun sounded, a wife was begging her husband to so much as look at her? All naeun said today afternoon was true, all of this was wooyoung's fault. It was him who hadn't loved her, trusted her or cared for her even when she'd given her entire life to him. It was him who should be apologizing, instead she was doing it.
Wooyoung : naeun, you don't have to be sorry.
Naeun looked visibly taken aback.
Wooyoung : none of this is your fault, I shouldn't have talked to you like that.
Naeun : um, what?
Wooyoung : what you said was true, I haven't been a husband to you at all, let alone a good one. While you've done your duties the best as you can in return for nothing. You should never have to apologize to me, naeun.
Naeun : I didn't do those things out of the duty for you, wooyoung, I did it because of love. Because I love you.
Wooyoung felt the breath leave his body, his eyes wide. He could utter nothing, she had never told him she loved him like this, although he almost always knew.
Naeun : I have always loved you, since the second I married you. I offered that…that help out of the love for you. And I agreed to marry you for the same reason. And I thought maybe after we married and spent some time together you'd love me too but I suppose I wasn't good enough for that-
Wooyoung : how could you love someone like me? When I've given you nothing-
Naeun : if you love someone because of what they give you then that isn't really love, wooyoung. What I have for you is immaterial, you don't have to give me anything for me to love you. Ever, this isn't a business deal.
Wooyoung pressed his lips together, his eyes lowering not knowing what to say. Naeun sighed, patting wooyoung's back as she said
Naeun : it's okay, you don't really have to say anything to me, young-ah. I know that you feel nothing of that towards me, and I am fine with that. As long as I can love you, I'm okay with you not loving me the same.
Naeun stood up as wooyoung watched his wife walk away to her room, her figure slouched from how tired she was and the bad position she had been sleeping in. wooyoung let out a shaky breath, falling back against the sofa as he shut his eyes.
She deserved much better, maybe he should just become better? Maybe he should just give her a chance?
#ateez angst#ateez fluff#ateez ff#kpop angst#kpop fluff#kpop ff#fluff#angst#ateez#ff#wooyoung angst#wooyoung fluff#wooyoung ff#wooyoung fanfic#wooyoung au#wooyoung imagines#wooyoung x oc#jung wooyoung#ateez wooyoung#ateez fafic#ateez fanfic#ateez imagine#ateez imagines#ateez au#ateez fic#wooyoung fic
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* - personal favorite ; ! - popular (over 50+ notes) ; ☆ - (over 100+ notes)
last updated : 11/26/24
> star player *!
- your team has made it into the semifinals of the district tournament, which means more vigorous days of practice. however, the captain of the boys’ team is always there is support his star player.
> one morning *!☆
- you have the day off and need to run errands but the day starts off rough with you being incredibly tired while your boyfriend cooks breakfast for you.
> daycare !
- you work at a local daycare with your best friend. the two of you love your job and try your best to take of the kids.
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Numb, Emptiness IV

Ateez OT8 x OC
Summary: after witnessing the death of her family, her uncle sends her back to South Korea to live with the eight guys he had saved over the years. They seem to be almost, if not just, as mentally messed up as she is, and the goal is for her to help them and them to help her. Time heals, but it’s already been 11 years of suffering for her, can they really help?
overall notes: MDNI mental health: depression, anxiety, ocd, antisocial, agoraphobia, personality disorders, mental breakdowns. mentions and descriptions of gruesome deaths, gore. polygamy, shared female, suggestive, fluff, smut?, building relationships. THIS IS NOT MEANT FOR THE WEAK HEARTED OR UNDERAGE!! this not meant to depict real Ateez but an au, not about their real selves or real struggles, I took ideas from their real selves but again not meant to be negative towards them or anything against their image… THIS IS JUST MY MORBID MIND RUNNING WILD!
Word count: 1576 (I’m sorry it’s short)
The feeling of someone reaching for my headphones drags me out of my mind space causing me to instantly grab their wrist in a tight grasp leaving my knuckles white. I look up and meet the stern eyes of my uncle telling me to let him go and allow him to speak to me. Hesitantly I let go of his wrist and allowed him to stop my music and pull my attention onto him, still doing my best to ignore anyone else who might be in the room. “Next time, and I hope there won’t be, don’t lock your door like that.” He leaves no time for me to respond, making sure I know it’s not a request but an order while putting the headphones back in my ear. I keep my eyes down as I hop down from the island countertop and make my way back to my room ready to clean up my mess.
The second I walk into my room I’m hit with the smell of cleaning products still lingering in the air and no reminder of what happened not too long ago. I don’t have to relive my breakdown by picking up the broken pieces of my mind in the form of a mirror. I don’t know who did it, but what I do know is when I find out I will do everything I can to thank them. They saved my mind from another breakdown, one that would be much smaller but still there. I take a moment to walk into my bathroom and make sure all of the mess is gone, a mirror no longer hangs on the wall. In its place a note sticks with some clear tape.
You deserve all the good things in life. You deserve to feel. You deserve to express yourself. You deserve to be cared for. You deserve to be loved.
No name is written to let me know who left me the affirmations, and I’m grateful for the lack of one. It allows me to say the words myself without hearing someone else’s voice. I can remind myself that I am deserving. I speak the words under my breath a few times until a small smile pulls at my lips. The smile reminds me that I do have control again, my life is mine, and my emotions are mine. I turn back to my room and finally look around, multiple times. It’s then I notice something on my made bed, a little stuffed animal with a note sitting on its head.
Next time you feel alone with your thoughts, hug him tight. His name is Shiber. -San
This handwriting is different from the other note telling me that the person who wrote the affirmations isn’t San. I stare at the little dog while trying to process the information. Someone I hadn’t spoken to once has gone out of their way to give me a piece of comfort through their stuffed animal. Another smile tugs at my lips as I pull Shiber up from my bed and into my arms to hug him tight just like San said. I had to admit the comfort I gained from the interaction was something I never felt before. I felt cared for, seen, and understood just by one small gesture.
“Thank you.” I whisper into the stuffed animal as I hug him tighter while falling back into my bed to enjoy the moment of peace and clarity. Music still floods through my mind but the extra comfort helps to make the moment feel less like a distraction and more like an outstretched hand for me to hold on to.
I don’t know how long I laid there hugging Shiber, but I do know it was long enough for someone to come knocking on my door loud enough to break through my music. I stand up holding the stuffed animal in my arms to open the door while removing my headphones from my ears. “Yes?” I ask when I open the door to see who knocked. I can’t tell if my face has returned to its bored expression or if it has changed but when I meet the eyes of Mingi he pulls me into a bone crushing hug. “What’s wrong bub?”
He hugs me tighter to his body making sure I don’t slip away from him. “I was so scared, when I heard your screams. I couldn’t get in to check on you. God I was so scared.” He confesses into my shoulder letting tears slip from his eyes onto the thin fabric of my long sleeve shirt.
I pull away from the hug to tug him into my room and close the door to give our conversation some privacy. He looks at me in confusion while tears roll down his face. I just try to make a small smile form on my face while I pull him to my bed so we can sit together in a comfortable place. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“You’re smiling.” He notes letting me know that my emotions are showing.
I smile a little bit more at the fact I can show some emotion. “I broke free.” I look around my room remembering a cute little plushie that is no longer in my arms. I see Shiber on the ground and quickly pick him up to return him into my hold for comfort once again.
“Is that what happened?” He asks, smiling through the tears.
“Uh yea. At first, all the negative thoughts were winning until I had enough. I had nothing to hide from anymore. No one was actively hurting me anymore.” I admit hugging Shiber tighter while burying my face into the soft pillow.
Mingi moves to wrap his long arms around me letting me still hold on to Shiber while he also comforts me in the vulnerable moment. “I’m proud of you. You went through a lot and you managed to come out stronger than anyone I’ve ever known. I hope you know I’ll always be here even when you’re annoyingly happy all the time. Which is the goal.”
“What goal?” I ask pulling out of the hug again to meet his eyes.
“My life goal is to make you happy, I never cared if you showed it but I just wanted you to be happy truly. And that’s why I was so scared when I heard you breaking down. Your screams sent my body into fight mode, I wanted to break down your door so badly. I was ready to tackle anyone who got in my way.” The way his eyes shine with sincerity makes tears form in my eyes. I have never felt so loved and cared for before by anyone other than my uncle. Mingi unknowingly became one of the most important people in my life just by being here.
I pull Mingi into a hug without Shiber between us, my arms wrap tightly around his shoulders as his go around my waist. We keep close for a while just enjoying the moment together to know we are both okay and we are both happy.
“Kai di- oh sorry.” Wooyoung quickly pulls away from peeking in the door and slightly closes it leaving a slight crack.
“Yes Wooyoung?” I simply ask not feeling any negativity due to his presence.
He pops his head back in through the door with a sorry smile on his face, “I was just wondering if you still wanted to eat some pizza?”
I let out a small chuckle and I watch as Wooyoungs face goes from embarrassed to surprised quickly and before I know it he is tackling me onto my bed in a bear hug. He laughs in the hug ignoring Mingi scolding him for invading my personal space. “You just laughed!” He leans up on his arms hovering above me with a stupid big smile on his face. He is in disbelief at what he just heard and what he sees. Me smiling and laughing at his face and I can’t help but life my hand up and poke his prominent cheeks.
“I did.” We chuckle together and he slaps my hand away in a joking way before pulling me back into a strong hug. “You’re crushing me Woo.”
“Woo!? You just called me Woo!” He freaks out again now completely sitting up above me looking at me as if I just committed arson on his favorite clothing item. I nod and smile as much as I can, which is only a little bit. “WAIT! You… you’re smiling and laughing!!!” He yells absolutely losing his mind.
“Quiet down!” Mingi hisses at his younger friend, he knows everyone has now heard. And telling by the loud footsteps coming up the stairs they are all coming to see what all the fuss is.
Wooyoung looks apologetic and starts to say his apologies until he is interrupted by the rest of my housemates running.
“What’s wrong?”
“What happened?”
“Is Kai okay?”
“Why are you yelling?”
“What’s going on?”
So many questions asked, causing me to laugh at the chaos ensuing in my small room. This shuts everyone up as they all look at me in confusion. No one says anything just listens to me laughing uncontrollably, they all looked to worried when they walked in and now they hold nothing but confusion on their faces.
“Is she laughing?” I hear Jongho whisper to Yunho standing beside him.
#Ateez#Ateez x oc#Ateez fanfic#Ateez fic#Hongjoong#Hongjoong x oc#Hongjoong fanfic#Hongjoong fic#Seonghwa#Seonghwa x oc#Seonghwa fanfic#Seonghwa fic#Yunho#Yunho x oc#Yunho fanfic#Yunho fic#Yeosang#Yeosang x oc#Yeosang fanfic#Yeosang fic#San#San x oc#San fanfic#San fic#Mingi#Mingi x oc#Mingi fanfic#Mingi fic#Wooyoung#Wooyoung x oc
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TWENTY-THREE: secrets and kisses

Warnings: under clothes touching, talk of mental health, anxiety and a mention of scars (no exact details!), oral sex (m & f receiving), fingering
Word Count: 8.2k
Summary: Jongho sees something he shouldn't, the guys have a secret meeting to talk about Lunas anxiety and Luna spends her final night in LA.
((Banners: @cafekitsune))
Jongho begins to stir as he hears his alarm start to go off. He can feel a warm feeling on his side and opens his eyes to see Luna is curled fully into him. Still sleeping soundly, snores coming from her mouth. It isn’t too loud but they aren’t as soft as they were when she fell asleep the night before. Jongho can’t help but smile as he looks at her.
Never having experienced waking up with someone beside him that is not one of his members, this is new to him but he likes it. He closes his eyes for a moment, relishing the feeling of Luna's warmth against him. Her soft breath tickles his neck and cheek, and her arm across his waist feels like a gentle weight.
He doesn't want to disturb her peaceful slumber, but he knows he cannot stay in bed any longer. The band has a photoshoot scheduled for today, and he is the first on the list for hair and makeup after losing a game of rock, paper, scissors with his bandmates the other night. With great care, he disentangles himself from her embrace, trying not to wake her. Her body stirs slightly as he carefully slips out of bed and makes his way to the bathroom on bare feet. He shuts the door quietly behind him, not wanting to disturb her rest.
The cold, tiled floor startles him awake. He turns on the shower and steps in, feeling the hot water splash over his body before adjusting it to a more comfortable temperature. As steam fills the small bathroom, he leans against the smooth tiles and closes his eyes, taking a brief moment to relax. Two days ago, he couldn't have imagined himself in this situation - sharing a bed with Luna. It's a new experience, but it feels surprisingly comforting and familiar.
After he has washed his hair and body, he turns off the water and steps out, feeling rejuvenated. The mirror is fogged up, but he clears a small spot with his hand to catch a glimpse of himself. There's something different about him today—a lightness in his expression he hadn’t noticed before.
He continues with his morning routine of brushing his teeth, doing his skincare and gets changed before going back into the room. He sees Luna is sitting upright, she hasn’t seen him come in yet as she puts something into her mouth and drinks from a bottle of water. As she sees him walk in she quickly grabs a bottle of pills sitting beside her, stuffing it into the little bag she brought with her. Jongho notices but can see slight panic in her eyes as she moves the bag behind her back.
“Did I wake you up?” he asks as she replaces the cap on the bottle of water
“Not at all! My alarm went off like 5 minutes ago.” she says, shifting her body slightly to hide the bag
“Sorry I wasn’t there when you woke up. I had to get a shower as I am first on the list for hair and make up today.” he says rubbing a towel over his wet hair. “I lost the game of rock, paper, scissors the other day.” he adds with a small chuckle
“Oh you should have told me!” she says standing up, “I would have got up earlier and left to give you space to get sorted.”
“Absolutely not!” he says moving towards her, his arms instantly wrapping around her waist.
Luna looks up at him, her hands holding onto his upper arms. “I just know today will be busy for you all. I don’t want to get in the way of you getting ready for it.”
“You could never be in the way.” he smiles
“Sorry for falling asleep last night.” she says quietly as he gazes into her eyes
“Don’t apologise, you were clearly tired.” he replies leaning down to kiss her.
Luna melts into the kiss, her hands moving up to his shoulders. She can taste the mint from his toothpaste on his lips and the smell of his shampoo as she inhales deeply. Their moment is interrupted by the sound of Jongho's phone ringing from the nightstand. He gives Luna an apologetic look before answering it as she nods understandingly. After a brief conversation, he ends the call and turns back to Luna.
“Sorry, that was Hajoon.” Jongho explains, “Hair and make up is nearly set up.” he adds
“Okay, I’ll get my stuff to go back to my room then.” she says
“You don’t need to leave right now. Just take your time getting ready. Once I’ve gone you can stay here as long as you want to.” he says. “Plus I have 10 more minutes until I need to go.” he adds with a small smirk
His arms wrap around her waist once more and he steers her towards the bed. She giggles as they fall onto it with Jongho above her. “And what do you propose we do to fill those 10 minutes?” Her arms move around his shoulders, one of her hands playing with the back of his damp hair
He grins, that charming, mischievous grin that never fails to make her heart race. “I have a few ideas,” he teases, his breath warm against her cheek. He leans closer, the weight of him both comforting and exhilarating, as if the world outside has faded away.
Jongho captures Lunas lips in a tender yet passionate kiss. Time seems to stand still as they lose themselves in one another. In the heat of the moment, Luna inhales sharply as Jongho's hand slides under her tshirt. Sensing his hesitation, she takes charge and slips her own hand underneath the collar of his shirt, while wrapping her legs around his waist as a signal for him to keep going. His hand moves further up, holding onto her side until he reaches her bra.
“You can touch me if you want Jjong.” she mumbles against his lips feeling his hesitation once again
Jongho's hand freezes as he processes Luna's words. He pulls back slightly, a mix of desire and uncertainty in his eyes. "Are you sure? I mean, I want to, but..."
Luna can't help but giggle at his adorable nervousness. "Jjong, if I wasn't sure, I wouldn't have my legs wrapped around you like a panda on a bamboo tree."
His laughter is muffled as he snorts and buries his face in her neck. "You're comparing yourself to a panda now?"
"Hey, they're adorable and cuddly," she defends herself, running her fingers through his hair. "I love pandas!"
Jongho lifts his head, a playful glint in his eye. "So does that make me a tree?"
"Mm, a very handsome tree," Luna teases, pulling him closer for another kiss
They both moan softly into the kiss, their bodies responding to each other's touches. Jongho's hand gently cups Luna's breast over her bra, his thumb brushing against the sensitive nipple through the fabric as his lips move down to her neck. She arches into his touch, wanting more. Her other hand slips further under his shirt, tracing patterns on his upper back as she feels his warm skin. The sound of their breathing grows heavier, mirroring the quickening pace of their hearts. The feeling of him grinding his core against her causes her to dip her nails into his skin lightly.
“Fuck, I really wish I hadn’t lost that game the other day.” Jongho mumbles, “I want to stay here longer with you.”
Luna trails her hands down his back, feeling the muscles tense under her touch. "You know, I could get used to this side of you."
He grins against her skin, his lips leaving a trail of heat as he moves back up to capture her mouth in another searing kiss. "I could get used to it too," he murmurs between kisses, his hands exploring the curves of her body with eager fingers.
As things are heating up between them, a loud banging on the door startles them both.
"Yah! Jongho!" Mingi's voice booms through the door.
Jongho groans, dropping his forehead to Luna's shoulder. "Fuck sake, Mingi," he mutters.
Luna can't help but giggle. "Looks like our ten minutes are up, Romeo."
"Hajoon sent me! I will break down this door, if I have to!" Mingi threatens.
"Alright, alright! I'm coming!" Jongho yells back, running a hand through his damp hair.
Luna sits up, adjusting her t-shirt with an amused smirk. "Better not keep him waiting. He sounds serious about that door."
"He couldn't break down a paper bag." Jongho rolls his eyes playfully. “I wish I could stay with you longer, sweetheart.” He leans in for another kiss.
“I guess we got a bit carried away there.” she blushes
“A little but we have somewhere to pick up from next time.” he grins kissing her once more kiss as she pulls him closer. Their tongues tangled in a heated dance, exploring each other's mouths while their bodies pressed against one another.
“Come on Jongho! I am second in line and if you are late it means I will be too!” Mingi shouts knocking the door louder causing him to pull back from her sighing loudly
“Mingi, chill out!” Jongho says going to the door
As he opens it, Mingi's fist is raised, ready to knock again. "Finally! What were you doing in there, writing a novel?"
“None of your business.” Jongho grumbles turning back into the room to pick up his keycard and phone as Mingi follows him in
Mingi's eyes widen as he enters the room and sees Luna sitting on the bed, brushing her hair. He quickly apologises for not knowing she was inside.
“It’s cool.” she smiles at him as Jongho goes back over to her
“You can stay as long as you need to, order yourself room service.” he says quietly, “I’ll see you at the photoshoot right?”
"Absolutely," Luna nods and smiles at him widely
“See you later.” he returns the smile and leans down to kiss her
Mingi watches on, his eyebrows raised at witnessing his youngest member being so affectionate for the first time ever. As Jongho and Luna share a lingering kiss, he clears his throat awkwardly. "Uh, guys? I'm still here, you know."
Jongho breaks away from Luna, shooting Mingi an annoyed look. "Yeah, unfortunately."
Mingi raises his hands in defense. "I'm just the messenger," he says, trying to avoid any blame. "Hajoon will be on your case if you're late."
“Be nice to Mingi,” Luna giggles, her fingers hold onto Jonghos shirt, "He didn't do anything wrong and he has a point. We don't want to annoy Hajoon." She reaches up to cup his cheek, “I’ll see you later though so get your butt down to hair and make up.” she adds as she can see he is having difficulty in leaving.
Jongho rolls his eyes playfully and leans down for one last quick kiss. "I'll see you later, panda girl." he whispers as she giggles lightly
“Is that my new nickname?” she laughs
Jongho nods before finally turning to leave. Mingi puts his hands on Jonghos shoulder playfully steering him towards the door. “Bye princess.” he says towards Luna blowing her a kiss.
“See ya Mingi.” she smiles back at him pretending to catch his kiss and placing it on her cheek causing him to laugh
As the door closes behind them Luna looks around the room as she is left alone in Jonghos hotel room. She runs a hand through her semi-tangled hair.
Suddenly, her phone buzzes on the coffee table, breaking her reverie. She reaches for it, half-expecting to see a message from Jongho, but instead it’s a text from Jieun.

Luna smiles as she puts her phone back on the table. It had been a while since she saw her friends and it would be nice to hang out when she is back in Seoul.
She chuckles to herself, shaking her head fondly as she remembers the nickname "Lobster Lulu." It was given to her in college after she fell asleep on a sunbed and got a bit burnt. The name stuck throughout college and anytime someone mentioned sunburn or sunscreen, "Lobster Lulu" was sure to come up in conversation but it had been a while since anyone called her it.
��── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Yunho walks down the corridor towards Hongjoong's room, his footsteps deliberate and purposeful. He was taken aback when Hongjoong requested everyone to gather in his room after a long and tiring day on the photoshoot. When San inquired about the meeting's purpose, the tension in Hongjoong's face did not escape Yunho's notice, especially when he insisted on keeping Luna in the dark.
As he reaches Hongjoong's door, he taps on it lightly, and within moments, Hongjoong swings it open, ushering him inside. The room is already filled with the rest of the group, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern, eager for the reason behind this impromptu gathering.
"Thank you all for coming, I know you must be busy preparing for tomorrows flight," Hongjoong begins, his voice tinged with uncertainty.
"What's this about?" Mingi cuts in with a direct question.
“And why couldn’t we tell Luna?” San asks. He feels guilty for keeping this from her especially as she asked him if he wanted to watch another episode of The Sound of Magic. After Hongjoong asking them not to mention the meeting to Luna, he had to lie to her. Telling her that Hongjoong usually calls a band meeting on the final night when they are away. When she asked if it was anything important, the guilt of lying further ate away at him, telling her it was nothing, just a leader talk.
"It involves Luna, and I was unsure how to bring it up to her," Hongjoong confesses, pacing nervously with his hands fidgeting with his shirt. The others notice it and it increases their worry. "We need to address how we'll handle... if Luna experiences another panic attack during tomorrow's flight."
A wave of unease washes over the group as they digest his words.
"I never want to witness that again," Yeosang whispers softly. "The last time was.. awful."
"I felt utterly helpless," Wooyoung chimes in, nodding in solidarity.
Yunho interjects gently, breaking the hush that settled over them. "Luna's wellbeing is crucial - so we must be prepared."
Mingi furrows his brow with a hint of concern in his tone. "Do we know what triggers her panic attacks precisely?"
"She told me that takeoff and landing are particularly triggering for her, she just doesn’t like that part at all." Seonghwa responds. “During the actual flight, she is fine.”
“So she doesn’t have an actual fear of flying then? Just taking off and landing?” Jongho asks, his gaze focused on Seonghwa who nods in reply.
“She has medication right? I saw her taking something during it.” San says
“Yeah, anxiety medication.” Yeosang confirms recalling how she couldn’t open the bottle
“Does Luna take anxiety medication regularly?” Wooyoung asks
“She told me her… erm,” Yeosang hesitates, unsure about disclosing more until the expectant gazes urge him on. “Her therapist prescribed them for whenever things get too much.”
“So it seems like it isn’t something she takes on a daily basis then,” San concludes logically.
Jongho swallows hard, memories of the morning replaying in his mind when he stumbled upon Luna discreetly taking medication. How she hastily concealed the bottle.
“I think she may be struggling with anxiety more than we realise,” he admits quietly.
“What makes you think that?” Yunho asks
Jongho hesitates before confessing, “She slept in my room last night.” He shifts uncomfortably, feeling the weight of their stares. “This morning, I saw her taking some medication, she quickly hid a pill bottle when I walked in from the bathroom. I pretended not to notice as she clearly didn’t want me to see and I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.”
Hongjoong, Seonghwa, and Yunho share knowing looks, understanding the gravity of Jongho’s implication that the medication Luna was taking was likely for her bipolar disorder, not anxiety. They had been aware of her discreet morning routine of taking her medication when she believed no one was watching.
“So she was taking anxiety meds this morning,” San reflects with a furrowed brow, “Did something happen during the photo shoot?”
“I didn’t notice anything unusual,” Wooyoung interjects with a practical tone. “She was quiet like she always is at work but she was busier than usual with a lot of translating between us, the staff and photographer. Could the prospect of all the translating was weighing on her mind?”
“She never gets anxious about translating! We all know how much she loves it and shes been in her element the last few days here in LA.” Mingi adds thoughtfully and they all nod in agreement, “It must be something else. How was she the night before?” he turns to Jongho for insights.
Jongho can feel his cheeks and ears begin to flush. Although nothing happened between the two of them except a lot of kissing. He knew most of them were assuming they’d been intimate last night. “She was fine. We watched a movie, had dinner then she suddenly fell asleep as I was putting the dishes outside the room.”
“She tends to get sleepy after eating so much; that's normal for her,” Yunho reasons
“How did she sleep? Was she tossing or turning a lot? Or restless?” Hongjoong asks
“Actually she barely moved, woke up very briefly when I got into bed after my shower, moved a bit but she fell straight back to sleep again and when I woke up… she was in the same position she went to sleep in.” he answers
“Curled into you?” Seonghwa asks with a slight smile on his face, very familiar with Lunas sleeping habits now as Jongho simply nods, feeling all eyes on him
“What about this morning?” Wooyoung probes further.
“She was still sleeping when I woke up so I had a shower, but she was awake by the time I finished. That’s when I saw her taking her medication, but she seemed okay. In fact, she seemed quite content,” he replies, omitting the details of their passionate encounter before he left for hair and makeup.
“Yeah she did seem to be in good spirits when I came to get you.” Mingi nods, “And when she arrived on the set too.”
At the last minute, Luna and the guys had to take separate cars to the location. Initially, Hongjoong was displeased with the change in plans, but when he saw how stressed Myeonjin was with other issues going wrong, he didn’t push it any further. So Luna went ahead with Hyunsik and some other staff members to do some translating work, leaving no time for anyone to speak to her before the shoot began. When the guys car finally arrived at the location, she was in a good mood, chatting and joking with Hyunsik as the stylists quickly got to work perfecting the guys' outfits. No one spoke to her before or during the shoot, except for in a professional manner.
“There is something else.” Jongho says, capturing the attention of the group once more. “I don’t know if it is something to be concerned with or maybe, was just a passing thing in the moment but at the start of our date.. she seemed uneasy over who knew about us.”
Yunho’s heart quickens as he asks, “What happened?”
"Well," Jongho pauses, gathering his thoughts. "She asked me who knew about us and when I reassured her that it was okay and no one would judge us, she muttered under her breath 'maybe not you guys'." He hesitates again before continuing, "I didn't push for more information, but I think...she might be afraid of being judged by others for being with us."
Yunho exchanges a glance with Yeosang, they were the only two who knew of her feelings. “I thought I had reassured her about that,” he sighs, rubbing the back of his head.
Wooyoung's tone is sharp, cutting through the tension in the room. "You knew she was feeling that way?"
Wooyoung's piercing gaze drills into Yunho, causing him to stumble over his words. He takes a moment to carefully think of his response. "She was afraid that being intimate with more than one of us in the same day would alter our perception of her," Yunho admits
Hongjoong's brow furrows, his expression filled with concern. "She thinks we're judging her?" A pang of guilt hits him, knowing that their actions may have caused Luna to worry.
"No, not at all!" Yunho shakes his head in response. "She was just worried that we might judge her in the future, but she trusts us and promised to come talk to me if those feelings ever resurface."
“I'm starting to get concerned about her. It's worrying if she's keeping her medication a secret,” Mingi chimes in, his voice tinged with concern. Hongjoong, Seonghwa, and Yunho exchange glances once again. “You three keep sharing looks - is there something you know that we don't?” he adds, noticing their shared expressions.
Yunho gazes at Mingi, conflicted about keeping secrets from his closest friend. However, he knows that Luna is not prepared for the others to know just yet; this is something she needs to handle in her own time. "It's nothing really," Yunho reassures him. "We're just worried. As the three eldest, we feel a strong sense of responsibility towards her."
Mingi studies Yunho, his gaze perceptive and understanding. He chooses to trust his friend's words, nodding in acceptance, though a flicker of doubt lingers in his mind.
“We must tread carefully,” Yeosang remarks, “we don’t want her to feel ganged up on. Yet, her secrecy with medication worries me.”
San gets straight to the point. "I think we should talk to her about this. It's important for us to address our concerns, but we also need to maintain her trust," he states firmly. “If she knew we were talking about her like this, it might push her away.”
Seonghwa softly agrees, “And that is the last thing we want!”
“Let's focus on getting her ready for tomorrow's flight first,” Hongjoong suggests. “We can address other concerns once we are back in the safety of our home.”
“Yunho helped her last time, maybe we should make sure he sits beside her on the plane?” Wooyoung suggests
“I just helped her breathe, reminding her she was safe. I honestly didn’t do anything any one of us couldn’t do for her.” Yunho replies. “In-flight, she relaxed with Yeosang next to her and with him for landing too.”
“She took her medication an hour before we landed, she was a lot more calmer.” Yeosang says, “Why not ask her who she'd prefer beside her? It lets her choose without feeling controlled.”
“That is a good idea!” Seonghwa agrees as everyone nods. “She already told me that this time she’ll take her medication before the flight too.”
Lunas exact words to Seonghwa were ‘I won't repeat the same mistake and have another embarrassing fucking breakdown in the middle of a flight, so I'll take it no matter how I feel beforehand!’
“Okay, so lets just keep her as relaxed as possible before boarding, ask her who she wants to sit beside beforehand too. Like last time, she’ll board before us and when we arrive, we just make sure she is happy but above all chilled out!” Hongjoong says
"Got it, so Operation: Keep Luna Chill is a go?" Wooyoung jokes, trying to lighten the mood.
San rolls his eyes playfully. "Really? We're giving it a name now?"
"What? It's catchy!" Wooyoung defends, grinning.
Mingi snorts. "Yeah, about as catchy as that time you tried to nickname our dance practice 'Operation: Don't Fuck Up on Stage'."
"At least my names are memorable," Wooyoung huffs, crossing his arms.
"Yeah, memorably bad," Jongho quips, earning a collective snicker from the group.
Hongjoong pinches the bridge of his nose, fighting back a grin. "Can we please focus?"
"Sorry," Wooyoung mumbles, not looking sorry at all. "But admit it, you love my creative genius."
San leans over, patting Wooyoung's shoulder. "We love you despite it, not because of it."
The entire room erupts into laughter as Wooyoung just looks shocked.
"Ouch," Wooyoung clutches his chest dramatically. "Et tu, San?"
Hongjoong claps his hands, drawing everyone's attention. "Alright, enough teasing. Let's wrap this up so we can all get on with our packing."
“So, to sum up, our main goals are to keep Luna calm, let her choose who she sits next to, and ensure she takes her medication beforehand,” Yunho explains.
Hongjoong nods with satisfaction. “It sounds like we have a solid plan now. I'll leave you guys to go back to what you were doing. Speaking of Luna, does anyone know what she's doing tonight?”
"She's packing now," San replies, "I'm going to help her and then we are watching an episode of The Sound of Magic."
"That's good," Yunho smiles, "She won't be alone tonight."
“If she needs any help with packing again, give me a text.” Seonghwa says as the others begin to make their way to the door and they all exchange good nights.
The door clicks shut behind them, leaving Seonghwa, Yunho, and Hongjoong alone in tense silence as they share a weary look before Yunho breaks it with a frustrated sigh.
“What should we do now?” He exclaims, running a hand through his hair in frustration. “They suspect it's anxiety medication she was taking this morning, when it was probably her bipolar medication!”
Hongjoong leans against the wall with his arms crossed. “We promised to help her,” he says gently, reminding them of their commitment.
“I know and I will, but now they're worried about her,” Yunho says, “You both know that they won’t let this lie, especially Wooyoung and San.”
“We have to tell her what Jongho saw and what the others are thinking now.” Seonghwa sighs softly, “But I don’t want to put any pressure on her to do something she isn’t ready for.”
Yunho hesitates, struggling to find the right words. "I think she should disclose her bipolar disorder to them now."
"Yun, she's not ready for that," Seonghwa disagrees, shaking his head.
"But if we assure her that there's nothing to be afraid of..." Yunho suggests.
“She’s fucking terrified!” Seonghwa interjects. His tone and choice of words make both Yunho and Hongjoong turn to look at him. “She’s afraid we’ll think she’s not good enough, worried we’ll tell her to leave! The night I found out she..” his voice falters slightly “she said our relationship couldn’t work with the secrets.”
Hongjoong winces at the thought. “She really believes we’d push her away?”
“You didn’t witness how distraught she was at her parents when her mom let it slip - crying on the bathroom floor, her entire body shaking. Neither of you saw the fear in her face as she told me about her scars, the way she couldn’t even look me in the eyes as she spoke about what happened to her.” Seonghwa answers “She feels like she is living a lie around us, and it's eating her alive. But it's her decision when she decides to open up about this part of herself.”
“I completely understand that but what about the others?” Yunho says, concern etched into his brow. “They’ll feel betrayed if they find out we kept this from them.”
“They'll have to come to terms with it,” Seonghwa responds calmly. “Luna's story belongs to her and she gets to choose when and how she shares it.”
A contemplative silence follows before Hongjoong adds, “When Luna told you, Yunho, it was because she trusts you completely. That's why it was easier for her. She's not ready for everyone else to know yet, and we have to respect that.”
Yunho's shoulders sag slightly as he processes the two elders words. “I know you're right,” he admits. “I am just worried the others will be annoyed at us. We are a team and have always shared everything.”
Seonghwa places a reassuring hand on Yunho's shoulder. "We are still a team, Yunho. What matters most right now is Luna's trust in us. The others will come to understand that in due time, I have no doubt about that."
“You are right.” Yunho nods, “Looking after her is important.”
Hongjoong uncrosses his arms and steps closer to Yunho and Seonghwa. "We’ll be there for her, Yunho. We just need to respect her boundaries and allow her take the lead on when and how she shares her bipolar disorder."
"Let's focus on getting through tomorrow's flight first; then we can discuss with her what Jongho saw and our conversation tonight when we are home and settled." Seonghwa says calmly, despite the tension in the room.
Yunho inhales deeply, bracing himself for the difficult conversation ahead. "I hope she understands how much we care for her and only want what's best for her."
As they stand together in quiet determination, a sense of unity washes over them. They know the road ahead won't be easy, but they are resolved to walk it together, supporting Luna through whatever challenges may come their way.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
With a book in her hand, Luna sits alone in her hotel room, eagerly awaiting San's arrival. It's the first night she has spent in her own room since they arrived in LA; the previous nights were spent in Yunhos, Hongjoongs for 2 nights in a row, and Jonghos' rooms respectively.
It had been a very long day on the photoshoot, lots of translations needed but overall Luna was impressed with how the members were communicating with the photographer and his team. She had been so nervous about this trip and now it was nearly over she didn’t know what she was even nervous for. She loved every second of it.
However she missed the guys a lot. Despite being with them every day, it was in a work environment and everything was kept professional. There hadn’t been much time to see them all together after work either as they either had solo schedules or it was late. She couldn't wait to return to the comfort and safety of their apartment
When Luna hears a knock at her hotel door she throws her book to one side, not even bookmarking the page to run to the door. She opens it to see San on the other side causing her to smile widely and let him in. As the door softly shuts, he draws her into a tender kiss, their lips melding together in sweet synchrony. Luna's arms envelop his sturdy frame, drawing him nearer as they lose themselves in each other's embrace, both smile blissfully into the kiss.
“I missed you,” he whispers as their lips part, “and your sweet kisses.” he adds, his hand running through her hair before cupping the back of her head and pecking her lips gently.
It had been days since they were last alone and able to show affection for one another like this. Back at home, San and Luna are very tactile with one another. Whenever they are near one another, they are usually touching each other in some way from a simple arm around a waist, a hand resting on a leg or back. They both longed for these simple yet meaningful connections that they shared.
“Me too!” she says with a contented sigh “How was the group meeting?”
“It was… dull.” San responds as they enter the room, “Hows the packing?” he asks, trying to change the subject.
“All finished!” Luna exclaims proudly, pointing to the neatly packed suitcase in the corner. “It's always easier to pack when you're going home than when you're leaving,” she adds with a small laugh.
"That's true!" San exclaims with a smile. "So, are you ready for the next episode of The Sound of Magic?"
Luna takes a step closer, lightly tracing her fingers along the edge of his waistband. "Actually, I had something else in mind,"
Curious, San asks, "And what might that be?" Luna's hands move to unbuckle his belt.
“I was thinking you deserve a special treat after all your hard work,” she whispers seductively in his ear before playfully nibbling on it.
“Luna!” he says softly wide-eyed as he catches on to what she wants
Luna swiftly guides San to the armchair, gently but firmly pushing him into its soft cushions. She then sinks down to her knees on the floor before him, surprising him with her unexpected move. San's bewildered look quickly turns to curiosity as he watches her intently. Luna grins at his stunned reaction and playfully asks, "Why so speechless?"
San swallows hard, his voice cracking slightly. "I, uh... wasn't expecting this kind of treat."
Luna chuckles softly at his reaction, locking eyes with him as she continues to unzip Sans jeans. "Well, expect the unexpected when you're with me," she quips playfully.
Luna's hand slips into San's underwear, her fingers wrapping around his throbbing shaft. Her touch is a perfect balance of softness and pressure, sending waves of pleasure through San's body. He can't contain a quiet moan as she releases him from the constraints of his boxers.
San's breath catches in his throat as Luna's touch sends tingles down his spine. "I... I'm not complaining though," he says, his voice thick with longing. "Just caught off guard."
He shifts his hips to remove his jeans, seeking more comfort. Luna helps by tossing his clothes aside before moving back in front of him. She keeps her eyes locked on his while she lowers her head. San can't help but gasp as she traces kisses along his shaft up to the tip. A smirk graces Luna's lips as she takes him into her mouth, expertly using her tongue to swirl around his head while her hands move in perfect rhythm, squeezing and stroking him the way she know he likes.
San's head falls back against the chair, a string of profanities escaping his lips as he groans deeply. His hips reflexively buck as she takes him deeper into her mouth, the warmth of her breath and the vibrations of her moans sending shivers down his spine.
Luna pulls away, releasing San with a soft pop. She looks up at him with a playful twinkle in her eye. "How are you liking your little treat?"
"Sunshine, you're going to make me lose my mind," he chuckles deeply.
With her hand still working its magic on San as she moves closer to his face, a mischievous grin spreading across her lips. "That's exactly what I want," She whispers in his ear, her warm breath tickling his skin. "I want you to forget about everything else and just focus on me and this moment."
San's throat constricts as he locks eyes with Luna, who takes him back into her mouth. He can feel himself nearing the edge. "Luna, I'm not going to hold on much longer," he cautions
She bobs her head, her nose brushing against his pubic bone as she takes him fully into her mouth. The warmth of her breath sends shivers down his spine and sets off a chain reaction of panting and moaning. As she focuses on regulating her breathing and relaxing her throat, his fingers become entangled in her long hair as his hips buck involuntarily.
“Fuck,” he groans, “You are taking me deeper than before.”
Luna can sense that San is nearing his peak, with each thrust of his hips and the firm grip on her hair. She meets his gaze, and the intensity of their eye contact pushes him over the edge to his climax.
He cries out her name as he reaches his peak, and she takes it all in as she swallows every drop. She maintains her grip on him, continuing to pleasure him until it's all over. With a gentle pop, she releases him and gazes up at him with a smile. "Was that good?"
Breathless and exhausted, San sinks into his chair with a satisfied grin on his face. "That was...unbelievable," he manages to say, his voice raspy with pleasure.
Luna pulls away from him, resting on her feet as she admires him in front of her. She delicately caresses his thighs with her hands, enjoying the view. As he starts to calm down, she stands up to relieve her now aching knees. San leans forward and brings Luna onto his lap, placing his hand on the side of her neck.
San's smile radiates warmth as he gazes at Luna. She feels a soft blush rise to her cheeks at his words. "You are truly amazing, my little sunshine," he says sincerely.
"Well, I do try my best." Luna responds playfully
San laughs softly and replies, "And you succeed beyond measure." He leans in and their lips meet in a passionate kiss.
His hands slide down her body and firmly grasp her ass. He abruptly stands, causing her to let out a surprised moan that is muffled by their ongoing kiss. She instinctively wraps her legs around his waist as he carries her over to the spacious bed. They continue to kiss intensely as he places her neatly in the centre of the plush mattress, her head sinking into the fluffy pillows.
San kisses her deeply, his hands roaming over her body. His fingers trace her spine, lingering at the small of her back before sliding around to cup her ass cheeks. As they break apart to catch their breath, he swiftly removes her t-shirt and his own, while she helps by sitting up and unhooking her bra before leaning back against the bed. He trails his lips down her neck, planting kisses and playful bites along the way until he reaches her supple breasts. Taking a moment to appreciate the sight before him, he takes one nipple into his mouth and gently sucks on it, causing her to arch her back with pleasure.
“Do you feel good?” he murmurs.
Luna nods, releasing a soft moan as San's mouth travels from one nipple to the other, teasing and tasting them with his tongue. He grasps the waistband of her sweatpants and slowly pulls them down, along with her underwear, revealing her hips before tossing their discarded clothing aside without a care.
The springs of the bed squeak as he settles between her legs. He gently spreads her thighs, asking for permission with a lustful tone. She nods eagerly, her breath catching in her throat. He takes his time, kissing every inch of her inner thigh before finally reaching his desired destination.
San's thumb brushes over her wet folds, his fingers finding her most sensitive spot. Luna moans softly, arching her back as he teases and pleases her. His fingers move skilfully, in a come hither motion that sends shivers down her spine as his mouth connects with her clit.
As San expertly continues to arouse Luna, she tightly grips onto the bed sheets with one hand while the other grasps at his hair. Luna's eyes gently close as San's skilled fingers drive her towards the brink of pleasure. She lets out soft moans, powerless against the intense sensations flooding her body.
She manages to gasp a "yes, yes," as he applies more pressure with his fingers, causing Luna to cry out in pleasure as she finally reaches the edge. "Oh my god, San!" she exclaims as waves of ecstasy wash over her.
San slows his fingers as Luna's body relaxes from its intense pleasure, gently caressing her sensitive folds.
"That was amazing," she says, looking up at him with a content and sleepy smile.
He smiles down at her tenderly."And so are you," he says softly before leaning down to kiss her. “Are you tired?”
She nods slowly, letting out a small yawn. "I'm sorry!" Her expression turns apologetic.
"Don't apologise," he reassures her with a smile. "I only asked because I could see how exhausted you are, and if you wanted to save the next episode of The Sound of Magic for another time."
“Oh, I thought you wanted to carry on.” she replies, her cheeks turning pink
"I wouldn't mind continuing," he grins and kisses her forehead, "but we both had a long day. You're tired and honestly, so am I. We’ve had a good night but now I just want to cuddle and fall asleep with you."
Her smile is gentle, and her eyes hold a glint of warmth as she speaks. "Cuddling sounds like just the thing," she murmurs, almost in a whisper. "I could really use some cuddles after today."
Sans' mind immediately goes to their earlier group conversation about Luna's anxiety, Jongho catching her taking medication, and her reluctance to share about it.
“Did.. did something happen today?” he asks softly
“No.” She snuggles closer to him and confesses, "I've just been feeling distant from everyone lately."
“In what way, sunshine?” he asks, his fingers gently stroking her sweat soaked hair
“Since we arrived in LA, our time together has been solely focused on work,” she explains. “Back in Seoul, we may all have busy schedules during the day and can’t openly show affection, but at least at the end of the day and we are all at home… I can hug each of you without fear of being caught or seen.” He pulls her closer and she continues, “But here, our time together is limited to hotel rooms and there are some of you that I haven’t even seen or spoken to outside of our scheduled events. It makes me feel guilty.”
Sans gently kisses the top of Luna's head, understanding her emotions. "I had no idea it was affecting you this deeply, Luna. I am so sorry."
"Don't apologise, it's not your fault," she replies, gazing into his eyes. "It's just been a bit challenging being away from the comfort and privacy of our home in Seoul. I miss all our little rituals."
San wraps his arms around Luna, holding her tightly as he murmurs sympathetically. He wonders if this is why Jongho saw her taking medication earlier in the day. "I miss our routines too," he says, "I miss finding you in the kitchen every morning with your tea in your Tangled mug, enjoying a bowl of cereal and a plate of strawberries. And coming home to you after a long day, finding that you've cooked dinner for us all, snuggling on the couch together, seeing you make the others just as happy as you make me." He kisses her head and she giggles softly. "Your presence brings so much joy into our lives." He leans down to kiss her tenderly, savouring the feeling of their lips pressed together. Her hand moves from his chest to gently hold the side of his neck as they share this moment, sending little shivers up his spine that only she can cause.
Luna's voice is barely audible as she whispers, her fingers tracing gentle patterns on San's cheek. "Those moments are my favourite too," she says softly. "I didn't fully appreciate them at the time; I didn't realise how much they meant to me."
San's warm smile shows he understands. "Luna, trust me. We'll adjust and find our flow while we're away. It might take a bit of time, but we'll figure out what works for everyone."
"Thank you, San, for being patient and understanding with me. I know I'm asking a lot from everyone." Luna responds gratefully.
“You’re not asking for too much. We’ve all struggled the past few days not seeing you in the safety of our home. So we were always going to have a discussion to come up with a better plan for the next trip away.” he kisses her again, “But for tonight, lets get a shower and go to sleep. We have a long flight ahead of us tomorrow so you need to have a good and peaceful sleep.”
Luna's mischievous smile widens as she chuckles softly. "A shower, huh? Are you implying I smell?"
San's eyes widen. "What? No! You always smell wonderful to me. I just thought... maybe to freshen up and... oh, you're teasing me, aren't you?"
"Maybe," Luna grins, poking his chest playfully. "But seriously, a shower sounds great. My hair probably looks like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards."
San runs his fingers through her untidy hair. "Nah, more like you've been ravished by a stunningly handsome man."
Luna laughs, her melodious voice filling the room. "Handsome, huh? Normally I wouldn't let an ego like that go unchecked, but even I have to admit you are!" She teases, leaning in to give him another kiss.
San chuckles, his hands sliding down to Luna's waist. "Oh, so you're admitting I'm stunningly handsome now? I'll have to mark this day on the calendar."
Luna playfully rolls her eyes, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Don't let it go to your head, Choi San. I've seen you with bedhead and morning breath."
"And yet, you still can't resist me," San teases, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively as he leans in closer to hover over Luna's now flushed face with his upper body
“Stop it!” she says with a giggle, giving him a playful hit on his shoulder. “So, are we still taking that shower or what? Because I am starting to feel gross and sweaty.”
“In a good way?” he grins back at her
"Wouldn't you like to know," Luna teases, sliding off the bed and stretching languidly as his eyes stay focused on her naked form. She catches San staring and smirks. "Like what you see?"
“When it is you, always!” he responds, getting off the bed and approaching Luna. He wraps his arms around her from behind, placing his chin on her shoulder. Taking in her familiar and soothing scent, he inhales deeply. "I could stand here forever," he whispers, gently kissing her neck.
Luna leans back into his embrace, relishing the feeling of his warm body against hers. "Believe me, I would love that too. But remember, we have a long flight ahead of us tomorrow," she reminds him with a sweet smile.
San chuckles softly, his breath tickling Luna's skin. "You're right about that!" He gives her a gentle kiss on the cheek before letting go of her. "Shall we get cleaned up now?"
They enter the bathroom, and San turns on the warm water, carefully adjusting the temperature to just the right level as Luna looks out towels for them. He then gestures for Luna to go in first, flashing her a charming smile. "After you, my lady."
Luna steps into the shower, savouring the sensation of warm water flowing over her skin. She glances back at San with a mischievous smile. "Don't keep me waiting," she teases.
San wastes no time and joins Luna in the shower. The steamy water envelops them, creating an intimate sanctuary where they can be together in private. Something they’ve both been craving for days.
As they stand under the spray of water, Luna reaches up to run her fingers through San's hair, causing droplets of water to cascade down his chiselled chest. She gazes up at him with a soft expression. "Thank you for always being there for me," she whispers.
San's expression softens as he gently cups her face in his hands. "I will always be here for you, Luna. Through all the ups and downs, and if you need anything, we're all here for you too. No matter what," he promises, sealing his words with a tender kiss.
A twinge of guilt bubbles up in Luna's stomach, the unpleasant kind. She can't help but feel guilty for keeping secrets from Jongho, especially after he saw her taking her bipolar medication this morning. He didn't mention it, trying to be polite and respectful, but it only made her feel even more guilty.
As they finish their shower and dry off with soft, fluffy towels, San pulls Luna into his arms again. "I want you to know that I meant what I said before. No matter what comes our way, I will always be by your side."
Luna senses a growing vulnerability within her as she looks up at San, her eyes with a hint of uncertainty. "I... I know I'm not the easiest person to deal with at times." she confesses, “I can be difficult and over dramatic.”
San's face softens even more. "You aren’t! We all have our battles and difficulties. You don't have to face them alone, Luna. You have us by your side now," he assures her.
"Thank you, San," Luna whispers, her voice barely above a whisper
Luna realised it was time to disclose her bipolar disorder to them, and she made a mental note to discuss it with Hongjoong, Seonghwa, and Yunho once they were all back home. But for now, all she wanted was to change into pjs and cuddle up in Sans' arms for some much-needed rest.
Taglist: @kiwibaekie @fudgeflyssworld @kodzukein @khjcoo @pepperony-7 @ateez-babygirl @starillusion13 @truthbehindthereflection @livingdeadlisa @stayteezdreams @atinyapple1117
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